New predictions of the Lyon faith for August. Clairvoyant predictions that came true

In the modern age innovative technologies and unrealistic opportunities, the average person increasingly wants to resort to difficult last word technology, but to understand your future, with the further possibility of correcting it. Unfortunately, the bright minds of humanity have not yet invented time machines, so sometimes, in order to quench the thirst for knowledge, you have to turn to various prophets, sorcerers and clairvoyants for help.

Needless to say, after programs about the capabilities of psychics appeared on big screens, everything more people from all corners of our world wants to contact them for advice. To satisfy the wishes of the majority, soothsayers annually tell about what is going to happen to a particular state or whole world in the next year. One of the strong personalities who has the gift of seeing otherworldly things is Vera Lyon. She, like many of her “colleagues,” tell their visions about events in the near future. Vera’s forecasts affect not only the situation in Russia, but also go far beyond its borders. Such information gives hope that the long-awaited stability that is so lacking in the country will soon come. last years.

Biographical digression

The real name of the seer is Visich Vera Vitalievna. Born in 1962 - on New Year By eastern calendar. In her infancy, Vera could see otherworldly entities, talk with spirits, and even tell fortunes quite well. At 14, the third eye was opened, but since at that time the poor child did not know the basic ways to control this gift, it began to develop into illness. The doctors' examination yielded nothing, and little by little the visions disappeared. Nevertheless, prophecies continued to visit the girl from time to time, thanks to which she literally knew when and who she would marry or the exact appearance of her children.

At the age of 30, the situation repeated itself and then Vera decided to turn to a psychic for help. He, having scanned her aura, saw strength and energy that was not in him. Vera was advised to start working with her gift, otherwise it would simply kill her. At the same time, all training was reduced to intuitive work with what the woman wanted. That’s when Vera realized that she could heal people, charm diseases, remove damage and tell fortunes. On this moment the woman has 20 years of extrasensory perception behind her.

Predictions of Vera Lyon 2018

1. Cataclysms and man-made disasters. At this time
At the moment, humanity has everything it can only desire. But because of this abundance, people stopped rationally using the benefits provided to them. As a result, sooner or later such a thoughtless life will result in very dangerous consequences, the beginning of which is scheduled for 2018.

2. Natural destruction. The time has come for nature to tell us how bad its life has been in recent years. Due to the endless stream of cataclysms that befell people literally from the first months of the Earth Dog year, the usual geographic map. According to Vera, there will not be a single continent that would not be affected by the described fate. But most of all you won't be lucky North America, since this is where the largest percentage of negativity against all humanity comes from. Karma, as you know, never forgives such behavior in life. It won't be long until the Yellowstone volcano, which the Americans have long forgotten about, will wake up. It was its eruption that would be the beginning of a chain of cataclysms that would engulf the entire earth.

The nervousness of nature will not reach Russia, although there is no point in rejoicing ahead of time because of this. Floods are possible, bringing with them a lot of grief to the people living here.

For Japan, 2018 may be the last year in the history of its existence - the country will disappear under water, leaving behind only a small island of land.

3. Economic condition and dollar exchange rate. To the great regret of most of the world's population, the hegemony of the dollar is coming to a very expected end. Very soon the value of the dollar will fall to the minimum when the currency will have to be equated with regional money. In the future, the once powerful North American currency will be completely forgotten, since America will be almost completely destroyed due to a series of natural disasters.

4. Middle East. According to the soothsayer, even now the security forces of ISIS more than once show the world exactly what they want to achieve. In the future, a huge number will fall into the hands of terrorists. lethal weapons. For example, the same atomic bomb. Russia and Syria have become the main enemies of ISIS. But the most insidious plans of terrorists will be declassified on the eve of their implementation and the whole world will start talking about who exactly is to blame for the misfortunes of the last decade.

Russia is definitely not in danger of anything bad in the coming years, while Syria will begin to rise from the ruins. In just 10–15 years the state will regain its former greatness, and restore a rich culture.

5. World War.
It’s worth immediately reassuring everyone that until 2020 No battle is definitely foreseen for a year. According to Vera Lyon's predictions, it is clear that people will begin to pay attention to their inner world and change in better side. Most will choose to attend churches and do charity work. It turns out that in just a few years, spirituality and human values ​​will become more important for everyone than material thirst.

As has already become clear from the information described above, most of Vera Lyon’s visions of the future are very favorable and even calm. The main thing is for humanity to understand one thing - the time has come to build a completely new model a life based not on the eternal thirst for consumption, but on spiritual development. After all, the reason for most global problems is the man himself. Why not, in this case, strive to make your future more harmonious and happy. It’s not for nothing that we are all born into this world.

Many esotericists have heard about Vera Lyon, a Kazakh clairvoyant who skillfully interprets signs sent from above into predictions of the future. In addition to prophecies, Vera helps terminally ill patients lose their illness and communicates with the world of the dead, where she learns the whole truth about the modern world.

The Kazakh fortune teller has already made many predictions about Russia and its neighboring countries, which have come true with incredible accuracy. Every year she shares her thoughts with the public so that people understand what to expect ahead. Vera Lyon’s predictions for 2018 were not long in coming, and today anyone can read them.

They turned out to be very sad for the whole world. According to visions, active melting of glaciers on Earth will continue, which will lead to serious consequences. Already in 2018, storms, hurricanes, heavy torrential rains, floods and other disasters may hit our planet.

Lyon notes that in addition to the destructive natural phenomena the whole world will be covered by diseases and viruses unknown to science. Most countries will stop supporting NATO and the European Union, hence the possible massacres, Act of terrorism and rampant crime.

The seer indicated the invasion of large cities by killer animals that would hunt civilians. It is still difficult to determine whether these creatures belong to any specific species. The climate on the planet will change dramatically and where there was heat, snow and severe frosts will come.

Because of these changes, many Europeans will be forced to leave their hometowns and move to other countries. Those who remain will begin to carry out riots and robberies in the hope of survival. The above-mentioned natural disasters will lead to the fact that the UK will be partially flooded, and its climatic conditions will become more severe.

Vera Lyon saw an unenviable future for Germany - snowstorms, earthquakes and other “surprises” from nature, which the government, unfortunately, cannot cope with. As for Italy, something out of the ordinary will happen here: volcanoes will wake up and completely destroy the Vatican.

This will lead to the fact that the Catholic faith will begin to lose followers and, over time, will cease to exist. The fortuneteller also said that the Japanese and Philippine islands will disappear from the face of the earth in the future - they will be completely hidden by water.

The clairvoyant does not rule out meeting an alien race. She claims that after the natural “indignation” ends, people will begin to look for alternative ways of producing energy and it will be the aliens who will direct their search in the right direction.

The economy in 2018 will suffer significantly in those countries that until now were considered the most developed. The crisis will be merciless and insidious: it will creep up unexpectedly and hit where it hurts the most.

This situation will cause large-scale unemployment, and that in turn, robbery, looting and general chaos. Self-destruction mode will start in our heads modern people and those material assets, which were so dear to everyone, will simply be forgotten.

The future of Russia through the eyes of Vera Lyon

The overall picture of the future of the Russian Federation from the clairvoyant’s predictions looks very positive. Economic situation the country will begin to recover, residents will begin to receive all the social benefits they are entitled to, the level of general well-being will soar to unprecedented heights.

Vera Lyon also saw excellent relations with Israel, capable of making Russia more developed and advanced in all areas. The cultural upsurge of citizens, which other predictors talk about, was also noted by the Kazakh clairvoyant. She is confident that Russians will rethink a lot and will be able to start a new path in life.

About Russia's relations with Ukraine

In, no matter how sad it may sound, the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine will not be over. The seer does not promise serious clashes, but the issue regarding the truce will not be resolved.

On the contrary, some world leaders will constantly provoke both sides and incite even greater hostility between the inhabitants of states. There is hope that the change of power in the Russian Federation will lead to the annulment of the war and then in neighboring country peace will finally come.

I would like to make a special point about the coming of the Antichrist, which Vera Lyon speaks about in her predictions. She claims that it will appear in Russia, and what consequences this coming will lead to is still unknown.

A few words about Vera Lyon herself

Vera Lyon's real name is Vera Visic. She was born in 1962 in the city of Karaganda. While still a minor, Vera began to see the future, which was communicated to her by the spirits of dead people or prophetic dreams.

In the process of development, the girl significantly improved her extrasensory abilities: she only had to close her eyes for the signs of the future to appear in full view.

But in those years, Vera Lyon did not realize the significance of her unusual gift, and after some time it weakened. Only at the age of thirty did the woman understand what nature had endowed her with and, at the insistence of a psychic, she gave release to this power into the world

At first, the clairvoyant used Tarot cards to predict the future, but after a while the gift of foresight returned to her. Thanks to immersion in a trance under beautiful Tibetan chants, the woman receives pictures from the future - a kind of film about events that have not yet happened.

Can Vera Lyon's words be trusted?

As the fortuneteller herself stated, almost all her statements regarding future incidents come true. In 2012, she said that her predictions about the collapse of the USSR, military operations in the Middle East, and the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite were absolutely accurate.

However, there were also “misses” in the forecasts. So, in 2014, she said that Ukraine faces a sad future, the presidential elections on May 25 will be disrupted, and the military forces of Novorossiya will win national army countries. But several years have passed since her statements, and the supposed scenario has not come to fruition.

The judgments of soothsayers, clairvoyants, astrologers and magicians, despite their vagueness and ambiguity, still guide people and give them the opportunity to understand the main trends of the future. IN Lately The prophecies of the clairvoyant Vera Lyon, who has more than once managed to predict many events in world politics and global changes in the financial system, are attracting increasing attention. Vera Lyon's latest predictions are available on her personal website.

Basic information about the seer

Vera Lyon was born in 1962 in the Urals, in the city of Yekaterinburg. She currently lives in Kazakhstan. Vera Lyon became famous not only as a strong psychic, but also as a writer, poet and photographer. Visich Vera (this is her real name) also has extensive knowledge in the field of psychology. She discovered her gift of clairvoyance as a child, however full development extrasensory abilities occurred already in adulthood.

Currently, the clairvoyant is blogging and reporting on events that, in her opinion, will happen in the near future. According to Vera, about 95 percent of her predictions come true. Blog readers are impressed by the fact that under each entry Vera honestly marks whether the prophecy came true. If she makes a mistake in a prediction, she admits it honestly.

The clairvoyant is believed to have predicted events such as the collapse of the USSR, the results of the presidential elections in Ukraine and latest events in this troubled state, as well as the financial crises of the 2000s.

It is interesting to get acquainted with her views, worldviews and prophecies concerning both events in the world and incidents in individual states.

Forecasts for the whole world

Vera Lyon has broad views, her opinions relate to many areas of life. Let's look at the most important of them.


Facilities mass media Currently, the topic of the global economic crisis is not often discussed, but many residents of Russia and other countries are experiencing its influence and consequences. According to the clairvoyant’s forecasts, much needs to be done in order to get rid of negative trends in financial and economic systems oh countries all over the world.

Vera Lyon argues that this problem will not be solved within a year, but from the end of 2017 there will be some improvement in the situation, and the people most affected by the losses will finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. From now on, the impasse in the global economy will be slowly but gradually resolved, and in 2020 there will be a complete recovery of the economic systems of most countries.


The second most important problem in the world continues to be the solution of global environmental issues. The complexity of this task lies in the fact that the problem must be solved together, that is, all countries of the world must find unity in opinions and goals, forget about proprietary interests and benefits, and throw all their efforts into avoiding the impending environmental disaster.

Vera Lyon sees the main problem in the fact that the water level in the World Ocean is gradually approaching a critical level, and this negative trend is causing the rapid melting of glaciers. The clairvoyant reports that the leadership of most large states in the near future will no longer be able to remain on the sidelines, but will seriously begin to solve this problem. Most likely, their actions will lead to an invention alternative sources energy and more rational use natural resources.

Reliability and correct use of information

Vera Lyon encourages you to be critical of the forecasts of various astrologers, mediums and other soothsayers. The worst thing that can happen is panic among the population. Fear and negative moods should not be allowed to arise in people. Any information about the sinking of continents under water, the onset of global cataclysms and the end of the world is not reliable. People do not need to be afraid of emergency incidents; they need to be able to withstand any difficulties and learn to act correctly and skillfully in any difficult situation.


The Catholic Church will experience difficult times in the coming years. simpler times. Vera Lyon warns of the possibility of uprisings, unrest and pogroms. As a result, confidence in the Catholic institution will be seriously undermined in the world of religion.

Forecasts for Russia

Vera Lyon expresses confidence that Russia will play the biggest role in the fate of the whole world in the future. Her mission will be to liberate humanity from the forces of darkness.

The clairvoyant’s attitude towards the current president is the most positive. She expresses concern about his fate and tries to show him ways to solve the problems that have arisen.

According to the seer, Vladimir Putin has a strong energy protection and is under the protection of higher powers. But still, Vera Lyon advises him to beware of ill-wishers, carefully choose his partners, advisers and friends, and also save energy and strength.

According to predictions, a conspiracy against the head of the country is possible in the coming years, but the attackers will not be able to seize power into their own hands. Yet such troubles regularly pull the rug from under his feet, and the president sometimes finds it difficult to regain his balance in difficult situations. The fortuneteller believes that this is due to the machinations of dark forces who are trying to implement their evil plan and turn Russia onto the path of destruction and destruction.

Despite all sorts of difficulties, Lyon sees Putin as president elected for a third term. Whether re-election of Vladimir Vladimirovich is possible in 2018, time will tell.

Several years ago, a psychic predicted that in 2017 Transnistria would become part of Russian Federation. In the near future it will be possible to check the accuracy of the fortune teller’s words.

In addition, noteworthy is her forecast that the BRICS organization will include more than 15 countries in three years. The process will be extended over years, but positive events will take place in any case.

Judgments about Ukraine

Most Russians are very concerned about political and economic relations between Russia and Ukraine. The psychic reports that the tense situation between states will continue. The conflict has a very long history, and it will take a lot of effort and time to extinguish it.

Unfortunately, Ukraine will not be able to resolve all its problems next year, and therefore things will not come to friendly agreements between neighboring countries. According to Vera Lyon, the likelihood of open clashes between Russia and Ukraine is minimal, and this is encouraging.

The soothsayer made many good predictions about Novorossiya. She believes that sooner or later peace will be restored in this area and the economic situation will improve.

So, Vera Lion’s latest predictions sound quite truthful, positive and optimistic. The psychic has high hopes for the coming years and expects to see many positive events and trends in the world. Without a doubt, she wishes well to all humanity and hopes that her predictions will have a positive impact

If you believe the latest predictions of Vera Lyon for 2018, alarm over the dire economic state of the modern world community leads to constant tension among people who want to avoid collapse and ruin. And not all analysts can fully predict the situation on the market or in climatic region knowledge of humanity.

  • Planetary forecast
  • What should Russians expect?

Planetary forecast

According to the seer, global warming will lead to even more intense melting of glaciers at the Earth's poles. This will lead to significant changes climatic conditions in different parts of the planet. So in Germany we can expect a sharp cold snap and heavy snowfalls, which will bring great trouble to the Germans - each precipitation will create problems with movement and collapses associated with power outages.

England, after leaving the EU, will gradually descend into anarchy due to natural phenomena that will half-flood the island. According to Vera Lyon's latest predictions for 2018, the monarchy in Britain will not be able to cope with numerous terrorist attacks and riots, which will significantly reduce its influence on the world stage.

The territory of Greece will become an arena for military operations - the clairvoyant claims that the country will face conflicts with the use of weapons. This will lead to the death of a huge part of the population - most families will one way or another be drawn into confrontation.

The greatest destruction and changes await the Apennine Peninsula - as a result of natural changes, volcanoes become active, and huge areas throughout Italy will be strewn with volcanic ash. During one of these eruptions, the Vatican will simply disappear from the face of the Earth, which will lead to a decrease in influence catholic church worldwide.

Due to the melting of glaciers, they will completely disappear Japanese islands and the Philippines, which will increase the number of refugees from these South-Eastern countries. Such a number of migrants will lead to political cataclysms, which will weaken the influence of NATO and the EU on the world stage.
An interesting fact: if you believe the most recent predictions of Vera Lyon, in 2018 we should expect the creation of a new bloc of states capable of coping with such problems.

Surge expected environmental projects aimed at reducing the thermal effect and searching for alternative energy sources. As you know, tectonic plates move most in areas of industrial coal and oil production, so humanity will deliberately develop startups in this area.

What should Russians expect?

In 2018, social payments will increase, and the state’s macroeconomics will begin to effectively cope with its task. The clairvoyant claims that the rise in production will be noticeable in everything - from the development of new enterprises to increasing capacity at giants with huge areas. At the same time, Lyon’s statement about the emergence of an island on a large water area may relate to both geological changes in the seabed and the emergence of a new industry on the market with corresponding enterprises that provide employment to millions of residents of the state.

The fortuneteller advises the President of the Russian Federation to pay attention to health. According to the Kazakh clairvoyant, it is problems with well-being that can prevent V.V. Putin from winning the upcoming elections.

Also, the Russian head of state will have to imminent wedding– the woman claims that in her visions she sees a fair-haired young woman next to the president.

How will 2018 go for Ukraine?

The clairvoyant guarantees difficult times for the Russian neighbor. The war in Donbass will not stop, but residents of territories not controlled by Kyiv will be able to survive, developing industry and receiving excellent harvests.

And here West Side Ukraine may become the property of another state. According to Vera Lyon’s forecasts, Poland will claim part of the territories, which will weaken the capabilities of the Kyiv government and lead to the loss of several regions in this part of the country.

The veracity of healing predictions

The woman herself claims that all her predictions come true by 95%. However, to believe it or not is everyone’s personal choice. Moreover, much of what she promised was not confirmed in the future.
Here are some of them:

Military personnel from the unrecognized Ukrainian republics should have defeated government troops a year ago;
the President of Ukraine, along with all his supporters, should certainly have died back in 2016, and so on.

Vera Lyon is quite an interesting person. The clairvoyant's latest predictions are intriguing, thought-provoking, and in some cases, frightening.

Who is Vera Lyon?

Vera Lyon, whose latest predictions are of genuine interest, is the pseudonym of Vera Vitalievna Visich. She was born on February 14, 1962. In addition to extrasensory perception and clairvoyance, she also practices psychology, photography, and writing poetry and stories. The clairvoyant claims that she does not recognize any spiritual practices or leaders, but follows exclusively her own path.

The seer claims that paranormal abilities She had them since childhood. As a child, she heard the voices of spirits and saw prophetic dreams. This is not surprising, because her mother also had a penchant for divination and was good at telling fortunes. According to Vera Lyon, at the age of 14 her third eye opened, which provided new opportunities for clairvoyance and divination.

Predictions about Russia

You can believe in clairvoyants or not, but what they say has always aroused genuine interest. So, Vera Lyon’s latest predictions about Russia are as follows:

  • An island with forests and houses should rise out of the water. This is a symbol of some favorable significant event, the emergence of something new or revival after decline.
  • The government will decide on a significant increase in pensions. Significant aid will also be provided to low-income families, which will reduce social tension.
  • Significant GDP growth in 2017.
  • A hand rises from a steep ravine and shows two fingers. This can be interpreted as significant victories in the Western political arena, despite the fact that Russia will be “putting a spoke in its wheels.”
  • The head of state will get married. This will be a young woman with blond hair.
  • There will be a lot of snow in winter, which will lead to a large number serious accidents.
  • Despite all attempts by Europe to take away the right to host FIFA 2018 from Russia, the country will successfully host this championship.
  • A black cloud floats over the Kremlin. Perhaps some infighting will begin in government circles.
  • In 2017 there will be a lot of water that will cause destruction. But the elements will not be fatal to humans.
  • Severe wildfires should be expected.
  • There will be arrests throughout the country of people who are trying to carry out subversive activities.
  • An explosion in a place where there are many children, teenagers and young people.
  • The bear was stabbed in the withers. The vision may mean that Russia will be betrayed by some close ally.

Predictions about Novorossiya

In connection with the current geopolitical situation, Vera Lyon’s latest predictions about Novorossiya are of great interest:

  • The man pulled back the black curtain halfway. This indicates a future improvement in the situation.
  • Smoke comes from the chimneys, which foretells the development of industry.
  • The guns are pointed at each other, but no shots are heard. Thus, the military situation is likely to remain frozen.
  • The light begins to gradually flood the territory of Donbass and spreads further.
  • In 2017, Novorossiya will sever almost all economic ties with Ukraine.
  • A repeat referendum will be held in Novorossiya. It will be organized at the initiative of Trump.

Predictions about Ukraine

The clairvoyant Vera Lyon says a lot of interesting things about the situation in Ukraine. The latest predictions are as follows:

  • A situation will occur on the border with Poland that everyone will compare with the tragic Volyn massacre.
  • Ukraine looks like a pie from which pieces are gradually being broken off.
  • Fires will sweep through the area. Both fields and buildings will burn.
  • Trump will likely completely sever any ties with the Ukrainian government. Despite the promised loans, he will not give money to Poroshenko.
  • Armed men sneak and crawl along the ground, shrouded in fog. This can be interpreted as a secretly preparing coup.
  • In 2017, former allies will begin to turn away from Ukraine. Moreover, they will begin to demand debts from her.
  • Trump is initiating the creation of a commission that will investigate crimes in Donbass.

Predictions about Belarus

Vera Lion pays close attention to Balarus. The latest predictions are:

  • In 2017, there will be a lot of snow in the country after a hot summer.
  • An excavator digs the ground, people study the drawings. Most likely, this indicates the construction of new large enterprises in the country.
  • At the moment there is a threat of a coup in the country. But ill-wishers will not succeed.

Predictions about Syria

The situation in Syria worries people all over the world, and therefore Vera Lyon did not stand aside. The latest predictions about the situation in the country are as follows:

  • Continuation of the war. Planes are flying and tanks are shooting.
  • Bashar al-Assad is sitting in a chair. A man is digging the ground underneath him.
  • There are a lot of cockroaches on the map of Syria. But they quickly spread to the sides. This means that the terrorists will soon leave the country.
  • The flow of refugees is directed in the opposite direction.
  • The cranes are working, and people are dismantling the ruins next to them. This indicates active restoration work.
  • From the Turkish border, guns are pointed towards Syria. But no shots are heard, and therefore everything will remain at the level of threats.

Predictions about Europe

Vera Lyon provides quite interesting information about the future of Europe. Predictions for last days are:

  • Terrorist acts will not only not stop, but will occur even more often.
  • In 2017, Europe will be hit by epidemics. Moreover, the strain of the virus will be unknown to doctors for a long time, and therefore many people will die.
  • Formation of new sects.
  • New sects are being organized. In many, rituals of human sacrifice will be performed.
  • Some migrants will leave Europe and return to the Middle East. But the aggressive layer will remain.
  • There will be several earthquakes that will force the population to leave their homes.
  • Each of the European countries will begin to “pull the blanket over itself.” This is fraught with the collapse of the Union.
  • People with dark skin are running, threatening with fists and clubs, and tanks are driving towards them. This could be a harbinger of a war on migrants.
  • There is a lot of water that covers populated areas in waves.

Predictions for the USA

Vera Lyon says a lot about the future of the United States. The latest predictions for this country are as follows:

  • Hand with raised middle finger. This means that most of the US government's plans will not come to fruition.
  • The US map is divided into squares and gradually broken. This is a harbinger of some tectonic disasters.
  • Barack Obama will be deprived Nobel Prize Mira.
  • Trump sits behind dining table, but food disgusts him. Most likely there will be an attempt at poisoning.
  • As a result of the reform, criminal liability will be introduced for false reports in the media.

Predictions for the whole world

The latest predictions of Kazakh Vanga Vera Lyon for the whole world are as follows:

  • Will ride all over the world Forest fires, which will encircle the city.
  • Archaeologists will discover a cave with valuable artifacts that will change the idea of ​​history.
  • In 2017, an indigo child will be born who will have superpowers. In particular, he will have the ability to prophecy.
  • Explosions will occur at a number of industrial enterprises. Most likely, these will be terrorist attacks or sabotage.
  • There will be unsuccessful satellite launches with their subsequent fall.
  • People stand in the temple and pray in front of the icon. But it doesn’t depict a saint, but Hitler. This is a harbinger of the revival of Nazism in the world.
  • The threat of global war looms over the world. But some politician will stop this process. Most likely it will be Donald Trump.
  • War will be declared on the DPRK in the hope that it is an undeveloped country. But in case of the slightest aggression korean army will give a powerful rebuff.
  • The military are in the laboratory. Most likely, a new biological weapon is currently being developed.
  • People in gas masks and protective suits making their way through the smoke. Most likely, there will be a major man-made disaster.
  • A huge piece of the iceberg broke off. Many sea vessels will be affected by this phenomenon.