The meaning of the name Valentina and her fate. Name in history: famous and successful people

The secret of the name

Valentine- strong, healthy (Latin).
The female form of the name Valentine is more common because it is brighter and more definite. The name is quite often used, in the countryside it is more popular than in the city.
name zodiac: Fish.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: sea wave.
Talisman Stone: pearl.
auspicious plant: willow, forget-me-not.
name patron: sterlet.
Happy day: Thursday.
happy season: winter.
Diminutive forms: Valentine, Valya, Valena, Valyunya, Valyusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Tina.
Main features: kindness, frankness.


Valentine (Alevtina) Caesarean (Palestinian), martyr, July 29 (16).
Valentine of Caesarea (Palestinian), virgin, martyr, February 23 (10). She suffered for Christ in Palestine in 308.



Valya is a mobile, but obedient girl, she can instantly finish the game if she needs to help her mother or sit down for lessons. In business, she is always serious, which makes her stand out among her peers. Valya is very kind, imbued with the problems of her friends, always ready to help, even discarding her own necessary this moment care. Valya is gullible, can be influenced, she can be turned against someone. Parents need to carefully listen to their daughter, direct her "righteous anger" in the right direction, or even completely extinguish it. Valya is also critical of herself, here you should also save her from unnecessary experiences, dilute serious conversation good humor.

Valentina is hardworking, worldly smart, notices everything behind everyone, is not averse to gossip, but harmlessly. She achieves her goal, sometimes, with the help of small tricks. She works most often as a salesperson, a waitress in a cafe, a dispatcher, a controller, maybe a nurse, a nurse. In any profession, Valentina gives all her best, she becomes a good doctor, a beloved teacher, a wonderful actress.

Valentina's life is not always successful. She gets married, if early, then quickly divorces, if late, then a difficult relationship develops with her husband. Valentine dreams of eternal love, she is devoted to her husband, joyfully devotes herself to her family, life. Valentina is a very "domestic" person, her main vocation is home, family, children. The husband, who loves and appreciates Valentina, understands that she is the basis on which his family relies, the names are Valentin, Vladimir, Gleb, Ivan, Sergey, Semyon, Alexander.


Valentina Vasilievna Serova is the most popular theater and film actress. She played in various Moscow theaters, the audience often went to see her, beautiful, talented, so well known for her favorite films: "A Girl with Character", "Hearts of Four", "Glinka". Particularly touching is the image of Lisa from the movie "Wait for me" - the embodiment of female love and fidelity, which has stood the test of separation, supporting dear person on the roads of the war that saved him from death itself. This film at first went unnoticed, but soon became a symbol of the era. Valentina Serova was identified with her heroine, she herself was the embodiment of love, tenderness, fidelity, grace and beauty. For this, many generations of viewers worshiped her, watching the film "Wait for me" with bated breath. Valentina Serova herself experienced many happy and many difficult days: her first husband, the pilot Serov, died tragically, with whom she did not live even a year, a son grew up who brought her much grief. Rise, fame, love again. A wonderful couple - he, Konstantin Simonov, a famous poet, and she - wonderful actress beautiful, young...

Valentina Serova was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor, laureate of the USSR State Prize. In 1948, she was awarded the Stalin Prize for the film Glinka. But since the fiftieth year, Serova has starred in only four films: "Conspiracy of the Doomed", "Arena", "Kremlin Chimes", "Children of Vanyushin". Didn't do anything in the theatre. She was forgotten. What courage an actress needed to have in order to live 25 years without filming or acting ... Valentina Vasilievna Serova died on December 11, 1975 alone, in an empty apartment. At the funeral, instead of Chopin, her voice from the movie "Wait for me" and Scriabin's music sounded ...

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Valentine.

What does the name Valentine mean?

The name Valentina means - strong, healthy (lat.)

The meaning of the name Valentine is character and destiny

At first glance, a woman named Valentina is a generous altruist. In return, she does not expect awards, but she is very practical. Will not miss the opportunity to earn money, very hardworking. Everyone likes her, everyone is ready to help, but she does not allow others to abuse this. Easily makes acquaintances, has many friends and acquaintances, is pleasant in communication. Most often she does not possess great intelligence, but you cannot call her stupid either. She skillfully manages the household, she always has money, all households are well fed and well-groomed. She is very attentive to her parents and her spouse, remembers all family dates, loves to make gifts. Valentina is reckless, painfully endures losses. A woman named Valentina does not always understand jokes, she may be offended if they try to play her. She herself enjoys playing tricks on others, however, not always skillfully. Not too well versed in people, which makes her cautious, prudent. Her range of interests is not particularly wide. He plunges into family life with his head, almost everyone free time dedicated to her husband and children. Valentina's personal life is not always successful, but not through her fault. Valentina is a thrifty hostess, the house has everything you need and nothing more. It cooks deliciously and doesn't make a problem out of it. He enjoys tinkering in the kitchen, loves to preserve, has his own recipes. A woman named Valentina never hopes for her husband's help, she takes on all the worries about the house and family. Never gets into debt. A wonderful mother, she is engaged in the upbringing of children. She usually has children of different sexes, with whom she is kind, trying not to punish them over trifles. Confidential conversation is a common way to resolve problems. Children pay her love and respect. If Valentina's marriage fails, the children themselves stay with their mother and protect her in every possible way.

The meaning of the name Valentine for sex

In sex, Valentina is moderate, but she will never refuse her husband intimacy if their relationship is warm and sincere. A woman named Valentina experiences sexual attraction, can have sex for a long time, loves long love foreplay. But only a gentle and soft approach can dispose her to sex. Valentina does not tolerate rudeness from a man. Sudden movements can completely discourage Valentina from having sex.

The nature and fate of the name Valentine, taking into account the patronymic

Name Valentina and patronymic ....

Valentina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Nikitichna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna considers the goal of his life to create a strong friendly family. But she is intrusive, picky, grouchy, and it is difficult for her partner to come to terms with this, the presence of such a wife begins to weigh him down over time. Her husband's remarks irritate Valentina, she becomes embittered and harsh. After all, she, like no one else, needs stability in personal affairs, a strong rear. She is jealous, conflicted, often unrestrained. Children often get the most. Unfortunately, the daughter and mother are incompatible, and the son feels sorry for Valentina, and only because he cannot see her offended and unhappy.

Name Valentina and patronymic ....

Valentina Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna seems serious and calm. She knows how to control herself, although she is emotional. Not demanding, does not expect anything special from life, appreciates material wealth, well-being, is content with little. Does not seek to build a career, does not want to be a leader. To the best of cunning, prudent. Valentina with patronymics Grigorievna, Arkadyevna, Aleksandrovna is mercenary, knows how to use the disposition of men towards her. However, she is not far off, has little interest in anything and is very offended when her true essence turns out to be open, knows how to take revenge on those who point to her not too big mind. Valentina is ready to help everyone, but those who need it must accept her rules of the game: consider her smart, businesslike, recognize her authority, professionalism. Otherwise, she will become the offender's worst enemy. In the family, Valentina is economic, clean, prudent. Not a very tender wife, but attentive to her husband and children. She most often has a daughter who is more drawn to her father. The husband is not always faithful to Valentina, often her first marriage ends in divorce.

Name Valentina and patronymic ....

Valentina Bogdanovna, Vladlenovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna very sociable, loves nature, enjoys tinkering on suburban area, sensitive, depends on their emotions, momentary mood. This is a strong personality. It can become a reliable support for a spouse, but only if he recognizes her authority and superiority. As a rule, men who are weaker in character are drawn to such a Valentina and, under her pressure, they completely lose their face and begin to drink. But her family and everything connected with it is in the foreground. She does not get along well with her mother-in-law, she cannot live with her family in her parents' house. Domineering and capricious, which, combined with insufficient upbringing and education, takes the form of despotism, tyranny. Most of all goes to her children, who try to leave home early and start independent life.

Name Valentina and patronymic ....

Valentina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna optimist by nature, full of energy and vitality. In love feelings, she is too trusting and naive. Often men take advantage of this, but disappointments do not teach her anything. She is amorous, does not tolerate any prohibitions and restrictions in love, is able to get carried away and suffer for a long time due to a break. Often, in her advanced years, such a Valentina remains alone, although deep down she always feels lonely, misunderstood, not appreciated. But on the other hand, she has a complete alliance with her own sons.

Name Valentina and patronymic ....

Valentina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Vasilievna, Veniaminovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna extrovert by nature. She does not tolerate the slow, she is annoyed by the slow-witted. Smart enough to take advantage of everything, self-serving. Schemer, in love relationships cunning and cunning. She knows how to successfully marry, most often not experiencing much love, but accurately calculating what this marriage can give her. Skillfully manages the household, makes profitable acquaintances, with the right people kind and helpful. When the possibilities of such a person are exhausted, diplomatically terminates relations with him. She has almost no friends, it is impossible to be friends with her - it all comes down to material gain. He urgently needs the company of men, is ready for anything to be in the spotlight, goes to any tricks for this, in his own interests he can slander even his best friend. However, it is difficult to convict her of this, she skillfully dodges. Valentina's first marriage is unsuccessful, the second is not so financially profitable, but more stable. Has a son.

Numerology Of The Name Valentine

The meaning of the name Valentine is "strong" (lat.).

There are several days of commemoration of Valentine, including February 14, February 23, January 29, January 18.

Personality. Moving mountains.

Characteristics of the name Valentine spelled:

B - lust for power, strength, protection of higher powers;

A - industriousness;

L - love for creativity, affection, tenderness;

E - patronage of Zeus;

H - selectivity of sympathies;

T - sacrifice;

And - love for the beautiful aspects of life;

H - repeat;

A is a repeat.

What does the name Valentine mean in numerology:

VALENTINE = 314662161 = 3 (Maos).

The purpose of a person's life with the name Valentina is determined by Mars: it is will, strength, onslaught, impulse, overcoming.

What does the name Valentine mean in astrology:

3-1 (Mars - Sun) - conscious activity;

1-4 (Sun - Mercury) - developed intellect, creativity;

4-6 (Mercury - Venus) - diplomacy, poise, fidelity;

6 (Venus) - the point is deepened: the manifestation of the law of harmony in a person;

6-2 (Venus - Moon) - intuitive vision, ability to insight;

2-1 (Moon - Sun) - successful marriage, mental health;

1-6 (Sun - Venus) - optimism, strong harmonizing energy.

Karmic lessons named after Valentine:

Contour lines are shown - beginnings and goals. There are no connections with ancestors, but karma is not weighted.

Characteristics of the name Valentine, taking into account the analysis

Differences: intelligence, fidelity, activity.

Valentina is active, enterprising, creatively gifted, always in search of what she wants, optimistic, struggling either with falls or with excessive ups and downs. The family is wonderful, as well as health, including mental health. The problem is only with self-esteem. She needs to learn compassion. Shown scientific activity and professions associated with risk. He is sensitive to money.

Sexuality - within reasonable limits. Marriages are harmonious, she is a wonderful mother and wife. Domovita, economic, not impulsive. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Valentin, Sergey, Anatoly, Leonid, Vadim, Vladimir, Mikhail. Less desirable are Victor, Efim, Andrey, Alexander.

Meaning of the name

Valentina is a reasonable, hardworking, sincere, kind, but at the same time secretive (and even gloomy) woman, who tends to withdraw into herself. She rarely shows her true feelings, which is why many consider her tough and unsociable. In fact, this is a very tender and vulnerable nature, which, hiding from everyone, is trying in this way to protect itself from disappointments. I must say that this woman is characterized by mystery and mystery, which she herself creates around herself.

Characteristics of the name Valentine

Winter Valentine silent, responsible and reasonable. She is in perfect control of herself, so you are unlikely to know what is really going on in her soul if she herself does not want to. Only this pragmatic woman is in no hurry to open up to people, considering this a waste of time and energy. Winter Valentine approaches everything seriously and without emotions, calculating her every action, so there is no place for surprises and surprises in her life.

Spring Valentine - this is an open, good-natured, simple and very vulnerable nature, which is poorly versed in people, as a result of which it opens its heart to those who absolutely do not deserve it. There is not a drop of self-interest in her, so she sincerely does not understand people who expect even more good from good. Spring Valentine has an interesting, but at the same time difficult fate, in which there will be a place for joy, and sadness, and glory, and oblivion, and kindness, and envy.

Summer Valentine modest, responsive and affable. She is full of energy and strength, so she strives to live every day in a new way. In life, she is looking for new colors, she longs for interesting acquaintances and amazing adventures in which she could apply all her skills and abilities. In general, summer Valentine is a creative person, therefore her lifestyle and priorities are far from being understood by everyone and are not always clear. But this does not bother her at all, because she lives in harmony with herself, which she considers the most important thing in life.

Autumn Valentine strict, balanced, smart and practical. She was not used to obeying and playing "second fiddle" in a concert. It is difficult to resist her commanding tone, and no one is trying to do this, because others are afraid of this strong and strong-willed woman who can cope with all the trials that have fallen to her lot. Only alone with a loved one, this "iron lady" turns into a tender woman, ready to obey her lover.

Stone - talisman

Carnelian and pearls are Valentina's mascot stones.


This stone brings love, health, family happiness, gives courage and courage. In addition, carnelian protects against black magic, damage and the evil eye, envy, lies and malevolence.

But! There was a belief that the carnelian in a necklace, beads, rosary and earrings increases anger, while this stone set in a ring can contribute to a positive response to any request of its owner.

Carnelian also enhances intuition and calms the nervous system, thereby bringing thoughts in order.


In the East, pearls (especially black ones) have been considered a symbol of wisdom from time immemorial.

In many cultural traditions, pearls symbolize fidelity and pure love, which brings joy, harmony and happiness to life. In addition, pearls improve mood, eliminating anger, envy, pride and vanity.

It should be noted that pearls very quickly get used to their owner, so they will be extremely reluctant to serve a new owner.

Pearls protect from anger, hatred, lies and betrayal, while an unworthy person will not last long - it will darken or simply crumble.

Pearl jewelry is designed to protect those who travel through the sea.

Important! Products with pearls should not be worn by people without a pair, because in lonely people it can cause melancholy and depression.


Blue, cyan, red and orange are the colors that bring good luck to Valentine (more information about these colors can be found in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life").


A favorable number for Valentina is three (you can read about its influence in the article).



Animal - symbol

The sterlet and the dove are the totem animals of Valentina.


This fish, without which not a single noble feast could do, was considered in Russia a symbol of royalty, prosperity and luxury. In addition, the sterlet is found exclusively in clean water, therefore, was rightfully considered the personification of purity.


This bird symbolizes purity, meek disposition, tenderness and love. In some traditions, the dove is identified with the heavenly messenger and at the same time the symbol of the soul of the deceased (for example, according to one of the Slavic beliefs, the soul of the deceased reincarnates into a dove).

In the East, the dove represents longevity and reverence by the sons of their father. It's a symbol of love happy marriage and fertility.

The ancient Jews revered this bird as a symbol of redemption and renewal of the world.

Among the Greeks, a dove meant a good omen and was considered a good sign.

For Christians, the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.



Willow, forget-me-not and lily are the plants-symbols of Valentine.

This tree is a symbol of grief, death and unhappy love.

In the East, willow is the personification of meekness, patience, perseverance, spring, femininity, grace, charm, and at the same time separation.

In Christianity, willow branches are a symbol Palm Sunday. In addition, it is a symbol of the Gospel, and all thanks to the fact that, like a willow that continues to bloom, no matter how many branches are cut from this tree, this book remains unchanged, although it has spread throughout the world.

For Jews, this tree symbolizes grief and loss.


It is a flower that symbolizes memory, hope and fidelity. The Slavs, who left their father's house for a long time, took dried forget-me-not with them in order to return to their native land.


This flower has a dual meaning, symbolizing life and death, purity and fertility, feminine and masculine.

Lily is a symbol of male power and courage, rebirth, beauty and eternal happiness, royalty and greatness.

The white lily represents the innocent pure soul, selectivity and elegance.

In Christianity, this snow-white flower represents purity, righteousness, immortality and resurrection, the mercy and favor of God. But! Lily is also a symbol of sin, repentance and cleansing from sins.


Lead is a metal named after Valentine, symbolizing power, but at the same time loneliness. This metal will not bring anything good to sociable people, because it does not like a noisy and crowded society.

auspicious day


origin of the name Valentina

Name translation

From the Latin language, the name Valentine is translated as "strong" and "healthy."

Name history

The name Valentina came to us from Rome, where it was the generic name Valentinus, derived from the word valens, which translates as "strong" or "healthy."

Forms (analogues) of the name

Today, the following forms of the name Valentine are common: Valya, Valyushka, Valyukha, Valyusha, Valentinka, Tina, Valentinochka, Valechka, Valenka, Valunya.

The secret of the name Valentine

name patrons

  • Martyr Valentine of Palestine.
  • Virgin Martyr Valentina of Caesarea.

Angel Day (name day)

The legend of the name Valentine

There is not much information about Valentine (or Alevtina) of Caesarea. It is known that, together with her sister Chionia and the holy martyr Paul, she was condemned by Emperor Maximian to hard work in the quarries. Maximian was a zealous persecutor of the Christian faith, therefore, when these three believers from Egypt did not renounce Christ, he sent them to Caesarea of ​​Palestine along with other confessors who also did not renounce the Christian faith.

Valentine of Caesarea, her sister Chionia and Paul were subjected to cruel tortures, after which the sisters were burned, and Paul was beheaded.

Three saints suffered in 308.

Famous people

Famous singers named Valentina:

  • Valentina Tolkunova;
  • Valentina Legkostupova.

Famous actresses named Valentina:

  • Valentina Talyzina;
  • Valentina Serova;
  • Valentina Titova;
  • Valentina Telichkina;
  • Valentina Ananyina;
  • Valentina Berezutskaya;
  • Valentina Sperantova;
  • Valentina Rubtsova;
  • Valentina Kurdyukova.

Valentina Gagarina - the widow of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Valentina Leontieva - the famous Soviet TV presenter.

Valentina Tereshkova - The first female astronaut.

Valentina Grizodubova - Soviet pilot who commanded an aviation bomber regiment during the Second World War.

Valentina Stenina (nee Miloslavova) - Soviet speed skater, world and USSR champion.

The meaning of the name Valentine

For a child

Valentina is a mobile, active, but at the same time very obedient girl, who differs from her peers in a serious attitude both to herself and to life. This is such a "little professor in a skirt." She will not go for a walk until she does her homework and helps her mother with the housework. But as soon as she goes for a walk, she turns from a collected and serious girl into an ordinary child, ready to accept Active participation in all children's amusements.

Friends and acquaintances love little Valya for her openness and sincerity, kindness and responsiveness. In addition, this girl is a wonderful friend who will never betray or deceive. She will always come to the rescue, even if it brings her difficulties or troubles. At the same time, she never expects gratitude for the good deeds that she does, since her motives are always pure and disinterested.

But! Valentina is very vulnerable, trusting and touchy. Being imbued with the affairs of others, she expects the same from others, and when her expectations are not met, she is very worried about this. Moreover, she tries to find the reason for such an attitude in herself. Such an overly critical attitude towards oneself can later lead to serious depression.

For a girl

It is simply impossible not to love young Valentina, because she is so open, attentive, good-natured and sympathetic that she easily wins universal sympathy and respect. But this girl, due to her excessive gullibility, is easily influenced by others, so it is quite easy to set her up against someone, attributing negative character traits or impartial actions to him.

She is still serious and thorough, although she would do well to take life easier, simpler and with a certain bit of humor. She takes everything too close to her heart, and this negatively affects the state of her nervous system. In addition, unnecessary worries will help Valentina avoid many mistakes.

IN early years Valya is quick-tempered, but quick-witted, vulnerable, but not vindictive. She is subject to frequent and abrupt mood swings, so do not be surprised that a solid Valentina can turn into an impulsive girl acting under the influence of emotions.

This girl attracts others with her friendliness and spontaneity, honesty and optimism. There is no falsehood, hypocrisy and selfishness in it.

For woman

Adult Valentina does not lose the ability to trust people with age. She still treats people sincerely and tries to help them. But sometimes (in an effort to be needed), she crosses the line, becoming too intrusive, which can annoy others. But close people know how to look at it, "closing their eyes."

In general, Valentina has a rather contradictory character, and all because of her disharmony inner peace with external. She wants to be mysterious and mysterious, temperamental and even femme fatale, but this goes against her kindness, gentleness and openness. She does not know how to pretend, so all attempts to seem different look ridiculous and end in a complete fiasco.

Growing up, Valentina does not find the strength to resist other people's opinions, which is why she gets angry with herself, realizing that she often lives in a "strange mind". She tries to get away from her problems into the world of dreams and illusions, into the world beautiful novels and amazing adventures in which good always triumphs over evil.

Description of the name Valentine


Valentina adheres to very strict moral rules. Sometimes it seems that her sense of decency is innate.


Valentina does not complain about her health either in childhood or during adulthood. True, with age, she may experience problems with nervous system. The work of the intestines also deserves closer attention.


Valentine is waiting perfect man, which will be both serious and cheerful, responsible and reckless, strong and gentle. Finding such a man is not easy, so for a long time the only satellite this woman is a volume with her favorite novel, where love helps to overcome any obstacles.

Without meeting that one and only, Valya can withdraw into himself for a long time. She will engage in self-digging and try to find out the reason why she cannot establish her personal life.

But, as they say, patience and work will grind everything, so sooner or later she will meet her handsome prince, to whom she will open her soul and give her heart.


Due to excessive selectivity and exactingness to candidates for a "hand and heart", Valentina marries in enough adulthood(early marriages are generally not characteristic of the owners of this name).

The thriftiness, devotion and wisdom of this woman can only be appreciated by a courageous, responsible and serious man, for whom the family is the basis of life, its indestructible foundation on which the future will be built.

It should be noted that Valentina marries exclusively for love, while her feeling is far from the passions that are written about in books. On the contrary, her love is deep, pure, tender and devoted. This woman rarely remarries, more often she marries once and for all.

Family relationships

Valentina belongs to the category of women who devote themselves entirely to their family, husband and children. Maybe because of this, her family life does not always work out as well as she deserves. And all for the reason that in caring for her family, she completely forgets about herself.

This woman loves beautiful courtship and romantic deeds, so in family life she lacks those lyrics that support the feeling of love. But, unfortunately, romantic men are rarely good husbands.

Valya is a hospitable hostess who welcomes guests with pleasure, gives her warmth and attention.


Valentina is a sensual and tender sexual partner, because she sees her mission even in the intimate sphere in giving all of herself to a man and giving pleasure to him first of all. The main thing is that her chosen one appreciates this ability to give and knows how to give warmth, affection, love in return.

Mind (intelligence)

Thanks to his analytical warehouse Valentina's mind knows how to notice those little things that subsequently help to avoid many serious mistakes. She never flaunts her ability to think rationally and correctly, and therefore most often plays the role of a "grey eminence", providing an opportunity to shine with "mind and ingenuity" to others.


Valentina is attracted to professions that require complete dedication and even sacrifice. Therefore, she will make an excellent nurse, doctor, volunteer. She will also like such professions as a teacher or educator.

If necessary, she will quickly master the traditionally male professions, for example, she will become a military man, engineer, pilot, technologist.

This hardworking and purposeful woman is responsible for any work. She is used to setting exceptionally high goals and achieving them.

Valentina will make an incomparable administrator or organizer, because she always loves order in everything.


Valentina better not get her own own business, because because of her altruism, she will not earn anything. Sacrifice and charity are good in moderation, but for Valentina, the line of acceptability is blurred and indefinite.


Valentina's main hobby is her family, but she also likes to spend her free time in the company of a good book. Traveling is another passion of this woman.

Character type

Valentine by type of character is choleric (you can read about this type in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in a person's life").


Valentina is a straightforward woman, and therefore she often perceives jokes addressed to her critically, which must be taken into account when communicating with her. She is extremely receptive and vulnerable, so if you don’t want to lose a faithful comrade in her face, then you should be softer with her.

Her life is ruled by the mind, while although she shows her feelings, she does this extremely rarely and with great reluctance. Many take her isolation for gloom and anger, which is absolutely not true.

Valentina is characterized by pragmatism and prudence, so she sincerely does not understand people who live on the intuition of emotional impulses. Any defeats and failures greatly upset Valentina, but at the same time she does not tend to panic and longing.


Valentina has good intuition, but she does not know how to use this gift, preferring beaten paths to various surprises and surprises.

Valentine's horoscope

Valentine - Aries

This is an active woman with a pretentious outlook on life. Valentine-Aries is full of energy, which she draws from communicating with friends and traveling, making new acquaintances and knowing herself. For this woman, the main thing is to fulfill herself, and she always sets herself the most difficult tasks, the solution of which must be overcome. Valentina-Aries is smart, charming and pleasant in communication, therefore it is quite natural that men do not deprive her of attention. But the sympathies of Valentina herself, alas, are extremely fickle.

Valentine - Taurus

This sociable, sincere and straightforward woman does not like change, and she is afraid of any changes - even those that promise success and prosperity. Valentina-Taurus is extremely constant and thorough: for example, she chooses a profession (and often a place of work) once and for all, she also falls in love once and for all her life. This woman takes life seriously and carefully, therefore she chooses a companion carefully and carefully, not guided by impulsive impulses and only by feelings.

Valentine - Gemini

Charm and frivolity are inherent in Gemini Valentina, who never loses heart and knows how to find positive moments even in the most difficult situations. She is capricious, overly touchy and loves to argue. The most surprising thing is that she needs a dispute not to establish the truth, but for emotional release. People who are not familiar with the peculiarities of the nature of Valentina Gemini prefer to stay away from her so as not to provoke quarrels and scandals. This lady loves male attention, so she will do everything possible to get it.

Valentine - Cancer

Melancholy, tender, vulnerable and suspicious Valentine-Cancer is often in a state of thoughtfulness and sadness, and most often there are no reasons for such moods.

It's just that she takes everything that happens too close to her heart, she worries about everyone and everything, only few people care about her, which makes her very upset. Valentina-Cancer dreams of love, of a beloved man, a large and friendly family, to whom she will give all of herself. Men like this woman, but her pessimism is frightening and alarming.

Valentine - Leo

Interesting, direct, proud and capricious Valentina Leo plays the role of a straightforward and naive nymphet, but in fact she is not as simple and open as she wants to seem. There is always a cold calculation in her actions, she weighs her every word. Valentina-Leo skillfully uses people for their own purposes, and this applies not only public life but also personal. She chooses a man, guided solely by reason, but not by feelings. She is not interested in short-term novels and casual meetings.

Valentine - Virgo

Pragmatic, practical, demanding and somewhat cynical, Valentina-Virgo trusts only herself and the results of her own work. She never hopes for anyone, believing that no one can do her job better than her. It is not surprising that with such an approach to life, she achieves high goals, but this does not stop her, but, on the contrary, stimulates her. Valentina-Virgo is thorough in choosing a partner who must be wealthy, self-sufficient, smart, attractive and always kind. Such selectivity can lead to the fact that she will be left alone.

Valentine - Libra

Responsive, attentive, witty and friendly Valentina-Libra is a real altruist. She loves life, she knows how to put up with other people's shortcomings and find a common language with different people. Her lively and inquisitive nature craves discovery and change, so this woman never sits in one place. Valentina-Libra is a success with men, but such increased attention plunges her into embarrassment. She will give her heart to one and only partner who will be, first of all, courageous and reliable.

Valentine - Scorpio

This is a very contradictory and touchy nature, which often does not know what it wants from life and others. It is not easy to predict or understand the course of her thoughts, because her mood changes hourly. But don't expect this woman to admit her mistakes. No. She will defend her opinion to the end, even if it is erroneous. Men avoid relationships with Valentina-Scorpio because they do not know what to expect from her. As a result, she can be left alone with her pride and critical attitude towards life.

Valentine - Sagittarius

Sensual, passionate, spontaneous and impatient, Valentina-Sagittarius has a masculine character. Any business is argued in her skillful hands, she is a born boss who is rapidly building a career, but at the same time forgets about her personal life. But still, the man of this woman is very lucky, because everything she does, she does perfectly. If Valentina-Sagittarius falls in love, then she will surrender to this feeling to the fullest. However, the chosen one should not limit her freedom, otherwise a sense of contradiction will wake up in her.

Valentine - Capricorn

This woman is closed and lonely, she does not want to let anyone into her life, being afraid to bring chaos and confusion into her. Valentina-Capricorn is responsible, stubborn and purposeful. She tries to avoid everyone's attention, as she is afraid that, having opened her soul, she will greatly regret it, because people tend to deceive. The mask of her alienation is truly impenetrable, which repels others who see Valentine-Capricorn as an arrogant person. She will give her man all her unspent tenderness and love.

Valentine - Aquarius

Freedom-loving, independent and practical Valentina-Aquarius is self-confident, pragmatic and prudent. She stands firmly on her feet, so it is not so easy to get her out of balance, and if this happens, she quickly adapts to circumstances and finds a way out of the most difficult situation. For Valentina-Aquarius, friends whom she cherishes play an important role in life. The chosen one of this woman should, first of all, become her faithful and reliable friend, and only then her beloved.

Valentine - Pisces

Non-conflict, sweet, sensual and gentle Valentina-Pisces tries not to quarrel with people. She accumulates all her grievances, and when patience comes to an end, she simply stops communicating with the offender, and all connections are cut off silently, without explanation, and even more so without clarifying the relationship. Valentina-Pisces is a refined nature, with a fine mental organization, therefore the world she perceives through the prism of pink glasses that distort reality.

Valentine name compatibility with male names

Valentina and Dmitry

Wise, strong, but at the same time soft in character, Valentina knows how to adapt to her chosen one, which Dmitry really appreciates, for whom it is important to feel in the house as an indisputable authority and master of the situation. For both, a long and serious relationship is a priority.

Valentina and Alexander

It is quite possible that real feelings will flare up between Valentina and Alexander, which will last a lifetime. Cheerful and resilient Alexander knows how to bring fresh colors to the life of his serious chosen one. Only Sasha's excessive love of love can separate this couple.

Valentina and Eugene

The union of the owners of these names is not rare and very successful. Valentina and Eugene are perfect for each other in every way. They live with the same problems, act together, and, most importantly, sincerely love, which helps them in overcoming the difficulties that family life cannot do without.

Valentina and Sergey

The frivolous and fickle Sergei is not the best match for the balanced, strong-willed and purposeful Valentina, who is used to achieving all her goals.

It is generally difficult for freedom-loving Seryozha to come to terms with the fact that now his life is subject to certain rules.

Valentina and Andrey

This couple can be happy and prosperous if their relationship is built on love. If the foundation of their family is a cold calculation, then the tandem of Andrei and Valentina will quickly fall apart, leaving a void behind.

Valentina and Alexey

Valentina and Ivan

Active, sociable and sincere Valentina attracts Ivan with her attitude to life and the ability to enjoy any little things. He is ready to give his beloved the star and the sun, if only she would continue to please him with her love.

Valentina and Yuri

The complex, ambiguous, but at the same time unique and interesting union of Valentina and Yuri can have the right to life if both learn to help each other and not divide their lives into two separate components. They need to learn not just to live together, but to be one.

Valentina and Maxim

Valentina is attracted to a life filled with new emotions, events and impressions. But at the same time, she is afraid of changes in life, while Maxim, on the contrary, can drastically change his plans in an instant. Such an alliance may well take place.

Valentina and Victor

For both, the family is the highest value, so they sacredly honor family traditions and instill them with early childhood to my children. Valentina and Victor are completely passionate about each other, their relationship is stable, strong and promising.

Valentina and Oleg

It is difficult for Valentina to understand, and even more so to come to terms with the frivolity of Oleg, who does not have any clear life goals. She cannot rely on her chosen one, so she tries to solve all problems on her own. After a while, Oleg becomes only a burden for Valentina.

Valentina and Roman

This couple is called to create. Yes, Valentina and Roman strive to make the world around them brighter, more comfortable and kinder. They manage to devote their free time to family, friends, and public affairs. This is a couple of altruists who firmly believe that beauty and kindness will save the world.

Valentina and Vladimir

Valentina and Vadim

The joint life of Valentina and Vadim is in full swing, and all thanks to the activity of a woman and the ingenuity of a man. In this pair, trust reigns, which is gained over the years. No one infringes on the rights and freedoms, which leads to complete mutual understanding and well-being.

Valentina and Pavel

There are rarely serious problems and disagreements in this union, since Valentina and Pavel prefer to talk about the difficulties that arise in their family life. In their pair, truth is born not in a dispute, but in a productive and calm dialogue.

Valentina and Ruslan

Sincere and open, Valentina trusts Ruslan with all her secrets, because this man knows how to listen. He is always attentive and sympathetic to the problems of his soulmate, for which she is very grateful to him. For her, Ruslan is a stone wall, behind which she is always calm and comfortable.

Forms of the name Valentine

Common name options: Valyusha, Valentine, Valya, Valechka, Valyusya, Valunya, Valena.

Valentine's name in different languages

Valentina's name in English - Valentina

Valentine's name in Chinese - 瓦伦蒂娜

Valentine's name in Japanese is ヴァレンティーナ

Valentina's name in Latin is Valentina

Valentine's name in Arabic - فالنتينا

Valentina's name in French is Valentina

Origin of the name Valentina:

The name Valentine is a derivative of the Latin word "valens". In Rus', it appeared at the time of the adoption of Christianity. Translated from Latin, "valens" means "strong, healthy, powerful."

Valentine's character

Sex plays a huge role in her sensual life. She gladly gives herself to her beloved. She is not very lucky in life, but it seems that where others have to fight, she herself goes into her hands. In society, he feels easy and at ease, although he does not need communication. As a child, she does not cause much trouble to anyone, since she herself will be able to solve her problems without involving strangers.

Possesses enviable health and endurance. Must lead a measured life. Weak sides: intestines, lungs and skin.

Characteristics of the name Valentine by season

"Winter" Valentine is silent, zealous, balanced. Knows how to control himself. Can become an engineer, a programmer.

"Autumn" - strict, focused on one goal, smart and practical. She will make a good seller, director of a cafe or store. The name is suitable for patronymics: Petrovna, Tikhonovna, Sergeevna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Borisovna.

"Summer" Valentine is friendly, responsive, modest. This is a dispatcher, a controller.

"Spring" - sincere, simple, vulnerable.

Boy Valentine grows up obedient, lively and cheerful - to the delight of his parents. He treats himself and his duties at home, which his parents impose on him at a very early age, with responsibility, which is what makes him stand out among his peers. Valyusha is unlikely to go for a walk without doing his homework first. But this is still a child, and, once on the street among other children, Valya will immediately turn into an ordinary restless boy who takes part in all the yard fun. The boy Valya is not the initiator in childish pranks, but he will not fail to take part in them.

Valentin is a good friend and true friend. He is always ready to help his comrades with lessons, protect the weak. Young Valentin takes his studies very responsibly, he always does his homework, he tries to work actively in the lesson and is often offended if he is not called.

Valentin is trusting, vulnerable and touchy, but he tries not to show others that he is offended by an unfair attitude towards himself. Valya is a strong, outstanding personality already in primary school. He begins to get involved in creativity, the parents enroll the boy in an art or music school, in a dance club.

Adolescence is the most difficult time in the life of Valentine, like any other boys and girls. At this time, his attitude to life and the world around him, society is formed, the habits of proper communication are laid. Valya is well aware of how important it is for later, adult life to study well and get a decent education, and therefore devotes a lot of effort, energy and time to study.

IN school curriculum Valentin sometimes does not find anything interesting - he intuitively feels its imperfection, the redundancy of outdated, unnecessary information, the inefficiency of teaching methods for many subjects and does a lot of extra work on his own. To do this, Valya actively visits the library, searches for information on the Internet, tries to find the most suitable alternative methods for studying various subjects. Very often succeeds in this and makes significant progress, surprising teachers, parents and classmates.

In order to turn from a thin teenager into a well-built young man, Valentin goes in for sports. Usually individual work with "iron" under the guidance of an experienced coach.

As an adult, Valentine still continues to trust others, although there are fewer and fewer authorities recognized a priori for him. He still loves people and is always ready to help others. But sometimes his desire becomes obsessive, which is not particularly liked by colleagues at work.

Adult Valentine is an unusually active and active nature. Sometimes the standard performance of daily, routine duties at work becomes insufficient for him, and therefore he becomes a volunteer, a member of various animal welfare societies, picks up stray dogs and cats, puts them in, helping to find a new home.

In his yard or quarter, Valentin is the initiator of arranging a playground, creating amateur clubs of interest. And the most interesting thing is that he does not demand anything in return, being completely satisfied with the results of his efforts.
