Bewitch a guy at home using a photograph. Bewitching by photo

Let's take a closer look at how to bewitch a guy forever from a distance - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

You have a life situation where you need to bewitch a certain person, but you don’t have the attributes necessary to carry out such a ritual (photos of your loved one, his personal belongings), what should you do in this case? There is no need to be upset and give up, because there are many magical love spells for a man who is at a distance from you. If you do not have the opportunity to meet, then naturally it is not possible to get the personal belongings of your loved one. In such cases, rituals help that do not require personal contact with your loved one, just your desire and a little magic. Such rituals are no different in their results from those carried out in direct contact with objects associated with your chosen one.

A strong love spell on a man from a distance.

To carry out this love spell, you need to visit a church and attend a service, and buy two church candles of the same size there. On the waxing moon, when midnight comes, take candles and write your name on one of them, and on the other the person you are bewitching. Twist them together with a tourniquet and light them. On a piece of blank paper, write the words of the love spell. Looking at the flame, read these words:

Read the love spell words three times, then burn the sheet with the love spell words over a candle flame and scatter the ashes to the wind. Extinguish the candles and put them away until the next ritual.

Perform the next ritual exactly seven days later. Again, exactly at midnight, light the remaining stubs from two candles and read the words of the same love spell over them until the candles burn out completely, collect the remaining wax and store it in a secluded place. After these two rituals, your loved one will definitely turn his attention to you.

Love spell on a married man from a distance.

You like a married man, and he also has certain feelings for you, but circumstances do not allow him to see you, don’t be lazy, go to the market and buy a piece of fresh meat. When you come home, say the following words to this piece:

After reading the love spell, feed the enchanted meat to any male dog. Soon the man will find time to meet with you.

Love spell on a man from a distance.

For this love spell you will need a small mirror and church candle. At midnight from Friday to Saturday, place a mirror on the table next to it and place a candle. The ceremony is performed only in solitude. Light a candle and, looking at yourself in the mirror, begin to say the following words:

After reading, turn the mirror to the other side towards you and start reading these words

To secure the love spell you have made, turn the mirror back and read the words:

After the ritual, place the enchanted mirror on the windowsill, with the mirror side facing the direction where your chosen one lives.

A love spell cast on a man from a distance.

If for some reason you broke up with your loved one, but really want him to return, try to make such a love spell. This love spell is cast at dawn, when the sun is just beginning to rise. It must be read for seven days in a row near an open window. Read these words:

After some time, your loved one will definitely return to you.

Love spell on a guy from a distance.

You really like a certain guy. But he doesn’t show you any signs of attention and doesn’t seem to notice you. There is an easy and effective love spell on a guy from a distance. This love spell is cast on a ball of woolen thread. Take a ball of woolen thread (preferably red) in right hand and start rewinding it to the left with these words:

After the threads are rewound, remove the enchanted ball away so that no one finds it. You don’t need to tell anyone about the ritual, not even your closest friend.

How to bewitch your beloved guy forever

Love affairs don't always work out the way we would like. Cheating, separation, unrequited love, unhappy marriage and much more. There are people who find the strength to survive and overcome this, but there are few of them. More often, people begin to look for a way to improve the situation, and use a variety of means for this, for example, a love spell.

If you decide to take such a step, then approach it with all responsibility and seriousness. A love spell can be quite strong and have a variety of consequences. First, make sure that you really love the person you want to bewitch and agree to be with him under any circumstances.

It is very important to decide who will perform the love spell. Are you able to carry out this action yourself without errors, or will you turn to magicians. It is better not to trust a love spell for a loved one in whom you are unsure. After all, an incompetent magician can even worsen the situation, and you will have to look for a long time for a specialist who can fix everything.

Before you decide to cast a love spell on a guy, think carefully about whether you need it. Do you really cannot live without him, or is it just a whim. After all, making a lapel is much more difficult, and you can ruin a person’s life forever.

1. On the mirrors

You will need: three small wax candles from the church and two small table mirrors. This is done three times in about 3-4 days, on any moon except the new moon day. Time: after 24.00, allowed after sunset.

In the room, close the door and open the window. Take two small mirrors (not necessarily identical, but approximately the same size, suitable for cosmetics). Place them on the table opposite each other at a distance of 30-50 cm so that they are clearly reflected in one another (this is important!). Place a small wax candle from the church between them. Light the candle with matches. Turn off all electrical appliances and telephones in this room, turn off the lights. Cover all other mirrors in this room, if there are any. Sit in front of the mirrors (one on the left, one on the right) and, while the candle burns, repeat: (his/her name) Cher Cher Mogori Procher.

Speak slowly, in a singsong voice. Don't be distracted by anything (knock on the door, toilet, coffee, cigarettes... nothing at all!) The candle burns out on its own (do not put it out). Look at the fire, think about the purpose of this action. During this time there may be extraneous sounds, and even pictures - do not be afraid of anything, this is how it should be. Also, the wick of the candle will most likely rotate, which is also very good. There is no need to speak loudly, a whisper is enough, but not silently.

One of the mirrors is he (she), the other is you (define for yourself which). A candle is any rival/rival, any people who interfere with your relationship on this moment. The candle burns out - you connect.

When the candle burns out completely, remove the mirrors so that the reflective surface is covered (put face down).

Duration of action is 2 - 3 weeks, then repeat if necessary.

2. For a guy's love

The girl should slightly bite her tongue and say: “I bite myself, I attach slave (name) to myself. So that the slave (name) would be bored, from melancholy he would not know rest either during a bright day or at a dark night. Anything to make him think about me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

3. On a towel

When your sweetie first comes to your home, give him a new towel after he washes his hands. After making sure that he has wiped himself with it, hide it so that no one else will touch it, and cast a love spell. When you are alone, tie the towel in a knot and recite the following spell:

“Dear one washed his hands and left some on the towel. As soon as I tie it, I will pinch my dear heart forever. A damp towel means my beloved’s soul aches for me. How can he dry up - so my beloved sighs for me. Just as I will keep a towel, I will tie my beloved to me forever. No one will untie the towel - he will prove his love.”

After this, hide the towel where no one will find it, and do not untie it under any circumstances.

4. On a scarf

Before sunrise on Friday, you need to pick a ripe apple in the garden, then write in blood on a piece of paper the name of the guy you want to cast a love spell on, and tie this piece of paper with a bundle of three of his hairs and three of yours.

This package needs to be placed in an apple cut in half, and so that the white love spell on love is stronger - in the very middle, taking out the seeds. The love spell on the apple is almost ready. The apple needs to be chopped with two pointed sticks. Now you need to hide the apple so that no one will find it, and let it dry.

Then you need to wrap the dried apple in leaves and hide it under the mattress in your boyfriend’s bedroom, but so that he doesn’t suspect anything, otherwise this very strong love spell may not work. Now you need to wait for the result. If his attitude does not change within a month, then the procedure must be repeated.

5. White love spell

Take three pink candles and two white ones. Place a green cloth on the table, with a photo of the person being bewitched on top. Place the candles at the corners of an imaginary star with a photo in the center like this: the top of the star is looking at you, two white candles are behind, three pink ones are in front. Light the candles, starting with the left white one - clockwise. Sit in front of the photo and say:

“Power of love, I call upon you. I do this in the name of good. pour into the heart of (name) a large stream, may I become loved by him (her) from now on. Let, if it is the will of the Gods, the destinies will be united by love. I send my request to the sky to the Gods, let everything happen for the benefit of us all.”

You do this white love spell on Friday at dawn. You leave the candles to burn out, then put the cinders and photos in a pink silk bag and tie them with gold thread. Keep the bag at home, maybe under your pillow. After you perform this white love spell, be sure to make an offering to the gods. Select open place, preferably a hillock in a deserted place, preferably in nature. Place a white dish with grapes, apples, and a bottle of wine. Place all this with thoughts of gratitude for your help in making the white love spell work out successfully. Go home silently, without looking back.

6.On twigs

Take an ordinary broom and break out two twigs. Take them in your hands. Focus on the object of your love. Now quietly say a prayer (any prayer you know, but sincerely), say the name of the object of love.

At midnight, go to his house and place the charmed rods in front of the door under the doormat crosswise. If you don’t have a rug, just lay it crosswise. In the morning, the object of love will step over them and the love spell will begin.

7. Love infusion

For this love spell to be effective, you need to communicate with your loved one for 5 days. To prepare the infusion, take dry orange peels and fill them with alcohol, after a day, clear the alcohol from the contents and apply drops of this infusion to any part of the body before meeting your loved one.

In the evening of this day, add anise seeds to the resulting infusion, the next day do everything as on the first day, on the third day add thyme and do everything as in the previous days (do not forget to remove the previous contents before the new component);

The fourth day - orchid root, the fifth day - ginger or chicory, on the fifth day, apply drops of five drops of self-made perfume from five components to several areas of your body.

If you have the opportunity, do the same with your loved one every day, applying one drop of the love potion to any of his things.

8. Black ligament

To cast a love spell you will need two bouquets of artificial flowers, two red candles, and a very long black ribbon.

In the morning you need to go to church and put three candles on the cross. When lighting a candle, say:

“The church cross, the mournful cross, as people came to you with tears, so (name) would weep for me, shed tears for me. His heart would have been twisted by love, his body would have been scorched by lust. As this candle burns out, let (name) lose his mind for me. Let it be so!"

When leaving the church, give alms with the words:

“Just as the poor are hungry for this money, so (name) will be hungry for me. Let it be so!"

After church, you need to immediately go to the cemetery, where the main part of the ceremony will take place. This version of the conspiracy is not a white love spell based on a photograph, everything is much more complicated and the consequences of the love spell can be severe, but it is more effective. Find a marital grave in the cemetery, but there should be more than one common grave in which both spouses lie at once. You need to find two graves that are nearby. Place flowers and light candles on the graves. Two crosses are tied with a black ribbon, the ribbon is tied with three knots. Now take both lit candles, drip the flowing wax onto the knot and read the plot three times:

9. The strongest love spell

On Friday, during the waxing of the Moon, buy a piece of parchment, a piece of (very thin) copper the size of a coin, a green pencil, a penknife, scissors, incense beans, a skein of green silk, a wax candle and a piece of green silk cloth. When you get home, place all these items on a table covered with a clean tablecloth. Clean the pencil, use scissors to cut out two coin-sized circles from parchment, light a wax candle and, grabbing the incense with the tip of a knife, grain by grain, fumigate all purchased items with smoke, while saying the following words each time:

“I want you to be united with me by the magical power of this object and the name of Anael.”

Then place a circle of copper between the circles of parchment and connect it all, making a hole on both sides, with green silk. On one side of the talisman write: “Anael - Rachel - Sachiel”, and on the other - the words spoken when fumigating objects, and wrap it in silk.

10. Love spell on blood “Rose”

You will need an iron bowl, dry alcohol, rose petals, birch bark, essential oil roses, red fabric, threads, cotton wool. Golden ring, wax The ceremony is carried out during the waxing moon. To make a volt from wax, you need to first melt the wax, wait until it cools down and becomes soft like plasticine. From soft wax we sculpt a figurine of a person, if it is a love spell on a guy from a photo, then we sculpt a male figurine, if the love spell is on a girl, then a female figurine.

We add biomaterial to the wax, if there is one. If not, then burn the photo and add ashes.

When the volt is ready, make a hole in the chest area of ​​the volt. Poke your finger with a needle and drip two drops of your blood into the hole on your chest. Then cover the hole with wax so that the blood remains in the volt. While you're at it, read:

“My blood to your flesh, your flesh from my blood. Giver of blood, taker of will.”

Then we carry out the baptism of the volt. Take the figurine to left hand and say:

“Just as our Father endowed everyone with a name, so I, with God’s permission, endow you with the servant of God (name). From now on and forever and ever you will be (name). Amen!"

So to speak, three times, then dip the volt in Holy water. The volt is ready, set it aside for now. From a piece of fabric, make two heart patterns (size 1 cm x 1 cm), fill them with cotton wool and sew the heart. Put a ring on your heart. Put your heart aside for now.

Place birch bark, dry alcohol in an iron bowl, and add rose oil. Holding three rose petals in your hands, read the plot:

“A sacred rose grows in the Gardens of Eden, the ground under it is sprinkled with the tears of an angel, the beloved who is opposite her is in hell. This rose grew on these tears. Once a year a rose blooms, and three petals descend into the world of people. I hold three petals in my hands.”

Light the alcohol, when everything lights up, throw the first petal into the bowl with the words:

“I hold the first petal in my hands. A symbol of faith, a symbol of trust and devotion. I throw the first petal into the holy fire. I will wash the eyes of God’s servant (name) with the first petal.”

Throw the second petal:

“With the second petal I wash the heart of God’s servant (name) with love. The second petal is filled with love, desire, lust. I will breathe the second petal into the heart of God’s servant (name).”

Throw the third petal:

“With the third petal I will place in the servant of God (name) grief and sadness for me, the servant of God (name). Just as an angel shed tears, missing his beloved, so will the tears of the servant of God (name) be shed for me, the servant of God (name).”

Wait for everything to burn and immediately turn the bowl over. Place the wax figurine on a hot bowl so that it begins to melt. While the volt melts, read:

“As wax melts from my love, as passion melts his body, so the servant of God (name) will melt from love and passion for me, the servant of God (name). Just as iron is drawn to a magnet, so the servant of God (name) will be drawn to me by the servant of God (name). My word is strong. Amen!"

Collect the warm wax and roll it into a ball. Place the prepared heart on the ball:

“I invest my heart, I make it beat, the slave (name) languishes without me, the slave (name) beats in fits.”

Roll everything up so that the heart is inside the wax ball. Wrap the ball in the rest of the red cloth and hide it from prying eyes.

Attention! Any even harmless love spell can harm both you and your boyfriend. Remember this!

Love spell on a guy from a distance without a photo. Effective love spell on a guy at a distance without a photo


An effective love spell at a distance without a photo of a guy with which you can independently bewitch your beloved boy, you only need to read a strong love spell at home that works quickly at any distance from the person being bewitched. The effect of this love spell can bewitch the guy you love from the first day if you correctly perform a safe love spell ritual of white magic. Next the love spells will be told to everyone how to make a love spell on your own Bewitch a guy if you don't have his photo.

The power of thought is strong enough to influence the course of events; it is only important to use it skillfully. If you love a person, but he shows no interest in you, make this simple and safe white love spell for a guy without his photo and even being at a distance from him, the power of your thought will bewitch the guy and he will change his attitude towards you, showing love, care and attention. How to bewitch a guy and make him love you? It is not difficult.

Kneeling in front of the icon of the Mother of God, say a quick love spell for a guy who doesn’t need his photo:

My beloved is far away, it’s not easy for me without him.

A white dove flies in the sky,

The blue-winged dove attracts him.

Mother of God, help,

Push God's servant (name) towards me.

So that he loves me, coos with me,

Didn't pay attention to anyone else.

So be it, whoever I like loves me.

Very soon, maybe even on this day, the guy who was independently bewitched by this spell for eternal love will himself show his feelings or signs of attention, and every day the consequences of this love spell on the love of a guy without his photo will become stronger and stronger and the guy will not be able to resist the natural call of the heart and, sooner or later, succumbing to love spells, will greatly fall in love with the one who cast a love spell on him without a photo.

How to greatly bewitch a loved one knowing his name and having his photo - of course, independently read a love spell in the name of a loved one using his photo and church candles in a love spell, doing the ritual right at home. Love spells for everyone made from a photograph in which the name of the person being bewitched sounds begin to act very quickly precisely as a result of such love

Everyone who has done a love spell on three chakras claims that the signs of a love spell cast on a person using 3 chakras are practically invisible, but the consequences of a love spell on the chakras occur instantly. As a result of a love spell, a person bewitched by love instantly falls in love and becomes very attached to the one who bewitched him to himself using an energy love spell on the chakras. On

A New Year's love spell for a guy's love is considered the strongest and fastest because a love spell made on New Year cannot be removed and it will act forever without causing any harm. Today love spells for everyone will teach you how to make a quick love spell on a guy on New Year's Eve with just his photo. Love spell on a guy from a photo works if you are from

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Most The best way how to bewitch your husband for the New Year is to read a love spell on your husband yourself New Year's Eve. This is one of the oldest New Year's customs - a husband's love spell for the New Year, which must be read on New Year's Eve from December 31 to the morning of January 1 - the time at which you need to read a love spell for the New Year begins from 8 pm to 6 am, only on this

All love spells for the New Year, they allow you to independently bewitch a person to yourself during New Year’s Eve, and even before the onset of the New Year, your loved one will fall deeply in love with the one who was independently able to read a love spell from a photo on New Year’s Day. You need to read love spells only on New Year's Eve from 20-00 on December 31 to 6 am on January 1, it is at this time that the love spell

If you read this article, you will learn trouble-free ways to quickly make a girl or woman fall in love with you and strongly tie her to you. In order for a girl to fall in love deeply, you don’t need 10 methods - just one that works flawlessly, which we will tell you about. Understanding how girls in love behave is not so difficult, even if a friend or woman

Love spells that need to be read at Christmas time are the most powerful love spells that are done once and for all. If you bewitch a loved one, a man or woman, a boy or a girl, during the holiday week (from the appearance of the first star on Christmas Eve (on Kolyada) until Epiphany (the baptismal blessing of water)), the bewitched person will live with you in love and harmony for the entire

A white love spell on a guy without a photo that you need to read at home on your own will definitely work. Look for a working way to bewitch a guy from a distance, this quick-acting love spell will be able to bewitch a boy to you forever from a distance, affecting him immediately after you finish reading the words of the love spell for the strong love of a young man

There is no need to search on Avito for how to get your husband back, use this surefire method. This quick plot to return your husband will help you quickly return your husband from your rival to your family with the help of magic. This is perhaps the fastest and surest method that works flawlessly and can definitely return an errant husband to his wife and children even after a divorce. The return plot against the husband should be read in

This is a 100% working and trouble-free way to make a married man living at a distance fall in love with you. With the help of magic, you can ignite a strong love connection between you and a man married to someone else will leave her and love only you all his life. If a man who is married has left you, this love spell will also help you make him fall in love with you again. To fall in love with

How to cast a love spell on your loved one yourself at home?

It is impossible to overestimate the role of love in the life of every person. But in response to their feelings, not everyone and not always find understanding and reciprocity. Sometimes a loved one simply does not pay any attention to you, or a situation arises that a husband or wife begins to look for entertainment outside the home - situations are quite real and common to the point of banality. People each try in their own way to find a solution to these problems, but if no solution is found, they independently use a love spell for their loved one at home.

Such actions can be approached in different ways. Some believe that with the help of a love spell you can really find a way out of a difficult situation, others are absolutely convinced that magical actions can bring nothing but misfortune, and still others do not believe in anything at all. But, despite all the doubts, denials and even prohibitions, people have been using various kinds of love spells for many centuries, having accumulated vast experience in this matter. Without any doubt, people will continue to resort to the services of magic in the future. However, everyone must decide for themselves whether to use a love spell on a loved one or not. The main thing is that any of your actions are aimed at love and are performed with love and do not carry even a hint of evil and hatred.

How does one perform a love spell on your own?

Many people who decide to resort to love magic strive to do everything on their own, without the help of sorcerers and psychics. Sometimes this approach justifies itself, because in our time, unfortunately, there is a very high probability that instead of a truly experienced and knowledgeable specialist you can turn for help to another charlatan and rogue, of whom there are a huge number around us.

Nowadays it has become very accessible a large number of relatively simple love spell rituals, so almost anyone can bewitch a loved one at home. In addition, you perform these rituals absolutely free. But before taking action, it is necessary to study and evaluate not only the procedure for performing a love spell, but also the consequences that these actions can have, so that instead of joy and happiness you do not end up with disappointment and trouble in your life.

Love spells at a distance

In our turbulent times, casting a love spell on a loved one from a distance has become one of the most popular magical actions. This is explained primarily by the revolutionary development of communications and communications. There are no distances for magic now, state borders and language barrier. Another important point is the choice of ritual and how to bewitch a loved one from a distance. A very balanced and individual approach is required here. It should be understood that the power of a love spell on a loved one does not depend on the distance, but on the correctness of the ritual and the motivation of the customer. There are two main, most common and popular types of love spells at a distance:

Love spell from a photo

Performing such love spells is available to both men and women. In order to cast a love spell on your loved one yourself, you need as recent a photo as possible. A photo taken no more than one year ago is best. Shouldn't be in the photo strangers or animals. It is very important that the person's face (especially his eyes) is clearly visible. Best time for performing love spells when the moon is in the first or second quarter (the moon is growing).

The effectiveness of a love spell directly depends on the gender of the person and the day it is performed. In magic, the week is usually divided into men's and women's days:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are considered men's days.
  • Women's days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Rituals in which you want to influence a man are recommended to be carried out on men's day. Magic aimed at women works best on women's days. The same applies to rituals such as weight loss spells. As an example of a love spell based on a photograph, the following option can be considered:

  • After sunset, you need to sit down at the table and put on it your photo and the photo of the person on whom the love spell will be cast. Photos should be placed face up;
  • For a few minutes you need to sit calmly and relaxed in complete silence, mentally imagining yourself next to your loved one;
  • Then you need to turn your photo over and write on it back side the name of the person for whom the love spell is being cast, as well as his date of birth. You should do the same with its image, but write your data on the back;
  • After this, the photographs are stacked with images facing each other. Now take a thick red thread, thread it through a needle and very carefully, so as not to touch the images of people, pierce the corner of the folded photographs, pull the thread through and tie a strong knot. At the same time it is pronounced: “I knit the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) with unbreakable bonds, amen”;
  • After reading the plot, the thread breaks. Similar actions must be carried out for the three remaining corners of the photographs, after which the enchanted photographs are placed in a white envelope without inscriptions. The envelope is sealed. A wax candle (new!) is lit and the envelope is sealed with its wax. At the same time it is said: “I seal the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) from the evil eye, from unkind intent, from the cold lapel.” The enchanted envelope must be safely hidden at home.

Love spell on personal items

A love spell on a loved one's thing is one of the most common and oldest species love spell A love spell on a loved one using his personal objects is the reading of a special text (spell) that charges the object with a certain energy. To carry out the ritual, an item can be chosen arbitrarily, it could be:

Ways to cast a love spell on a thing

There are three ways to cast a love spell on things:

  • In the first, a new item is bought, a ritual is performed with it, and then the charmed item is thrown or given to the person being bewitched. At the same time, it is important that this item is not thrown away and is constantly used.
  • In the second case, the necessary thing is selected from those that the right person already using it. It is advisable that he use this item as often as possible. After the love spell is cast, this item is secretly or openly returned to the owner.
  • In the third option, the thing belonging to the object of the love spell is not returned to him after the ceremony, but is destroyed or stored in a specially selected place.

Features of performing a love spell on a thing

A love spell on a thing can be classified as a ritual that has a relatively short duration. This disadvantage of the ritual can be circumvented by performing it repeatedly, periodically. The duration of the love spell primarily depends on the energy potential of the person who performs it, but, as a rule, does not exceed two to three months.

It is important to remember that the more necessary and familiar the object on which the love spell ritual is performed, the higher the likelihood of success of the entire magical action. It is also important that the very fact of the ritual remains a secret for the person being bewitched. Before bewitching a loved one, you need to realize that the ritual must be performed with utmost precision, because any mistake in its implementation can turn the love spell into damage, which will fall on both the person being bewitched and the one who performed the ritual.

A simple and effective love spell on your beloved girl with a spell on her thing

The ritual must be performed on the night from Thursday to Friday. To carry out a love spell, you just need to know the girl’s name and have something that belongs to her (or at least part of the thing). How to bewitch your beloved girl using this ritual:

  • You need to put the name of the person being bewitched on the new candle with a sharp object. The candle must be placed opposite the mirror. The performer faces the mirror and lights a candle. After this, he reads the text of the spell three times: “Fire of fate, hear me. Let ... (the name of the bewitched) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.”

Turn your back to the candle and repeat three times:

“If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (name of the one being bewitched) to me.”

Turn your face to the candle again and say three times:

“Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I’m leaving.”

The love spell ends with the girl's personal belongings being burned in the fire.

Effective love spells and conspiracies to bewitch your beloved guy yourself

This ritual is an excellent way to bewitch an unmarried man. It acts quickly and very effectively. You need to perform a love spell in absolute silence, during the day and only before sunset. The ritual consists of biting your tongue and pronouncing the text of the conspiracy:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen". The text of the love spell must be said 7 times within one day.

Casting a love spell on your loved one with water is done as follows:

You need to take half a glass of water in your left hand. With your right hand you need to move along the edge of the glass, pronouncing the name of your loved one. Love spell is performed at night. Then a glass of water is placed on the windowsill so that the water is charged with energy.

The next evening, invite your loved one to your place and treat him to tea, to which you discreetly add 2-3 drops of water from a glass. When a man drinks tea, you need to look at the bridge of his nose several times.

Love spell to make your loved one remember and call

The conspiracy is pronounced through an open window after 12 o'clock at night. It is also possible to carry it out on the balcony, but in any case you need to position yourself in such a way that the wind blows in your face. The ritual must be done for three days in a row.

Love spell with a lock

To perform the ritual you need to buy a small padlock. The lock needs to be unlocked and hidden under the doormat at your door. This must be done before your chosen one comes to visit you. After he enters the house, thus stepping through the lock, the lock must be locked with a key, while saying the following words:

After this, the key must be thrown into a river or lake, and the lock must be kept secret and inviolable.

Flower love spell

This love spell is performed as follows: on the full moon before noon, you need to go out into the field and collect a bouquet of flowers and herbs. Moreover, you need to collect only those flowers that your hand reaches for. Mint, sage, tansy are good for a bouquet.. While collecting flowers and herbs, you should continuously recite the following spell:

After collecting the bouquet, go home and brew the plants in a large saucepan. Continuously stirring the brew with a spoon, mentally imagine that your husband has already returned home. While stirring the broth, read the same spell over a boiling pan as when collecting a bouquet. All this must be done until you feel a slight tingling sensation in your fingers.

As soon as this happens, you should stop stirring and let the broth brew a little. Then you need to draw a bath warm water, pour the prepared broth there and bathe in it. Before taking a bath, you must wash yourself thoroughly! Take a bath for 15-30 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to collect some water from the bath in a glass container and place the container in a dark place. At the first opportunity you need to give your husband this water to drink. The result will not be long in coming.

Drinking on a man is a magical set of actions that influences the will and subconscious of the subject, making him yearn for a certain person. The ritual will be more effective if the feeling that a woman experiences for her lover is real and truthful.


What is a man's love addiction?

Prisushka on a man is a powerful love spell, a ritual with reading spells for melancholy at home. After the ritual, a person physically cannot do without the woman who dried him up; he literally “dries up” without her.

The action of magic creates affection and then love. However, unlike a love spell, the spell has a limited duration of action.

When is the use of dryness justified?

The use of dryness is justified if:

  • husband found a mistress;
  • the groom refuses the wedding;
  • the guy you like doesn’t experience reciprocal feelings;
  • your loved one is married and does not want to divorce his rival;
  • the old feelings faded away in the family.

What time to perform drying rituals

To do the rituals yourself to bind your loved one you need:

  • to the growing moon (it symbolizes the growth of love and affection);
  • at night time;
  • on “men's days” - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Suckers don't read in church holidays and during Lent.

What are the consequences of drying on a guy?

For a man, the consequences are:

  • without your beloved, longing overcomes;
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed;
  • strong sexual attraction arises, etc.

For the one who dried, if the ritual was performed ineptly:

  • mental disorders that cannot be treated arise;
  • depression and suicidal thoughts appear;
  • heart and genitourinary diseases develop.

The Center Energy channel talks about how to dry out a guy.

Rituals and spells for drying at a distance

Spells and spells at a distance are made on objects and natural phenomena.

They are read at:

  • a rope;
  • dawn and sun;
  • plants;
  • water;
  • photograph, etc.

Spell on a string

To carry out this dryness you will need:

  • medium thickness rope;
  • Holy water;
  • candle from the church.

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. By its light, tie three strong knots.
  3. Wet them so they don't come undone.
  4. Cast the spell:

Just like a rope is not hung, there will be a final knot. No matter how much you (boyfriend’s name) runs from me, my slander will destroy you. Love the soul of the servant of God (boyfriend's name) to the servant of God (girl's name).

A string spell can bewitch a man until the knots are untied.

Conspiracy to the east at dawn

An effective spell to the east and the morning dawn is read as follows:

  1. They get up early in the morning.
  2. Drink three sips of holy water on an empty stomach.
  3. Reading "Our Father".
  4. Looking at rising Sun, read the spell 12 times.
  5. Wash your face four times with blessed water.

Spell text:

I conjure that (man’s name) becomes one with (woman’s name) just as Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that (man’s name)’s thoughts are only about (woman’s name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues . And let the high spirit (woman’s name) circle above the spirit (man’s name), like water above the earth. Make sure that (man’s name) cannot eat, drink, or enjoy life without (woman’s name).

The ritual at dawn is carried out 12 days in a row.

Honey spell on a married man

In order for a man’s soul to become forever attached to a woman’s, dry honey is done as follows:

  1. They take two hairs - the one they love and their own.
  2. Place honey in a jar with a tight lid (preferably from wild bees).
  3. Hairs are added there and the hex is read:

The words are:

Just as the sweetness of honey is intertwined with hair, so the servant of God (his name) and the servant of God (his name) will be intertwined forever and ever in a sweet life. Amen.

Drying at a distance using photography

A powerful love spell is made on the image of a person.

For the ritual you will need:

  • mirror;
  • church candle;
  • Holy water;
  • photograph of a man.

The strongest drying is done like this:

  1. At midnight, sit in front of the mirror.
  2. Take three sips of consecrated water and read the “Our Father.”
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Place the photo so that it is reflected in the mirror at the level of the magician’s face.
  5. Read the plot:

Just as in the mirror we are next to you, so in life everything will be fine with us. You will not leave me, you will always follow me, into water and fire, no one touches my darling, he is only mine. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Drying at a distance onto the flower

Rules for the ceremony:

  1. Take a red flower (preferably several).
  2. Trim the heads and place them on the windowsill.
  3. Cast the spell.
  4. When the flowers dry, put them in a secluded place.

Spell text:

Flowers burn, dry out in the sun and suffer, die without water. So you without me are like without moisture and food, without sleep and peace. We will be happy only next to you. You walk and wander on the earth, you find no peace. Just as this and that flower dries up, so let my dear one dry up to me. And it will be so forever and ever!

Dryness on food and drink

Drying for food products is carried out as follows:

  1. Food and drinks are prepared in advance.
  2. They put them on the table.
  3. The left hand is held over the food.
  4. They cross themselves with their right hand and immediately read the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say, servant of God (name), distant words, distant sins, distant prayers. Just as water from the earth flows and breaks through stones, so my words spill and break through this food, laying on them like a ring, a cross, with violent force, from now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen! At sea - on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan there is a table-throne, an old man sits at the table, angry and naked, his white bones are visible, his pain is visible. That old man wants to drink and eat. There is nothing dearer to him than bread and salt, there is nothing in his stomach except pain. He cries, bends over, grabs food with his hands, asks for food and drink, begs, and even offers his soul for that. So God’s servant (name) would love me, suffer, and never sleep or rest. Just as people cannot live without food, just as they cannot live without water, so you, servant of God (name), could not live and be without me. I am your food, I am your water. Come, slave, to me, to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Drying spell for the morning dawn

The spell at dawn works quickly:

  1. We must get up before dawn.
  2. At the first rays of the sun, read the spell three times:

Dawn Marya, fell apart, rolled across God's sky, take hold of the heart of the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name), worried, bored, would look for meetings everywhere, like a martyr suffered. Yearn for his heart and for me, the servant of God (name), strive, according to my word, submit to me age after age. My words cannot be washed down with holy water, and healers cannot wash away my words from it. And the word of the other healer fell off. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Drying spell in the sun

To dry in the sun, you will need a portrait photograph of a man.

Sequence of the ritual:

  1. Stand facing the setting sun.
  2. Raise the photo so that it is at the level of the face and sunset rays.
  3. Read the plot:

The sun, the sun, was shining brightly, the sun was shining warmly, the sun, giving life, warming the world with warmth. Give me the love of your servant (man's name), unite me with him forever, with iron chains, strong shackles, dry him to me with your rays, deliver him from other thoughts, let only your servant (man's name) breathe with me. For this, sun, I will honor you forever.

Magic ritual with blood

The menstrual blood spell is considered the most powerful in love magic. Only an experienced sorcerer can get rid of it.

For the hex you will need:

  • blood from menstruation on days 3–4 of the cycle;
  • food or drink for a man (preferably wine like Cahors).

The ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Discreetly add a few drops of blood to food or drink.
  2. Offer this to the guy.
  3. Mentally read the plot:

My blood has gone, it has reached my dear one. He tastes my food and drink, he doesn’t know life without me, he doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat, he dreams about me.

You can do without casting a spell, because menstrual blood itself is very powerful for a love spell.

Drying for husband on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Algorithm for drying on “men’s” days:

  1. Take a thick candle.
  2. Write your husband's name on it.
  3. Light it and read the spell three times:

Destiny's fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You are my friend. Strengthen my union with my beloved! If there is a wall between us, destroy it! I sacrifice myself to you. About him eternal love I beg you!

How to make drying on an apple is described in the video. Filmed by the channel of the sorceress Tatyana Moskovskaya.

Cleansing from magical binding

The conspiracy of Archangel Michael, who will cut the conspiracy chains with his sword, helps to cleanse himself of magical binding.

Archangel Michael, I appeal to you! Cut the unbearable connection with your sword. Send me energy and strength. Amen!

How to remove attachments using forgiveness meditation

Meditation breaks the magical attachment and makes a person energetically balanced.

Order of meditation:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Imagine a calm, quiet place (forest, sea, etc.).
  3. Place your right hand below your navel.
  4. Sincerely forgive the person who made the connection.
  5. Ask for forgiveness from the Higher Powers yourself.
  6. Thank the person who linked it for all the good things.
  7. Say goodbye to him.

Forgiveness meditation is repeated until it takes effect.

In order to bewitch a loved one, you don’t have to turn to fortune tellers - you can make a love spell using a photo at home. Everyone who made it left good reviews, and you can do it too. We will share proven methods and tell you how to read love spells correctly.

It is important to follow some rules for the love spell to work. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. A love spell based on a photo should be cast on the waxing Moon. When the celestial body grows, the lunar energy is concentrated and aimed at creation, attracting love and success into a person’s life. As a last resort, do the ritual on the new moon.
  2. The photograph of the chosen one or chosen one must be of high quality and clear. Only the person you are going to bewitch is present in the picture; there should be no other people in it. It is advisable that the lover's eyes are turned to the camera lens
  3. You cannot cast a love spell on a married person - you will attract negativity into your life by trying to take away happiness from another woman
  4. Pronounce the words of the text clearly and without hesitation. You can memorize them in advance so that you don’t forget anything at a crucial moment.
  5. You cannot cast a love spell if you are experiencing strong negative emotions- resentment, anger, envy. Such feelings have a very bad effect on the result of the love spell, and can bring
  6. You must truly believe that love magic works. If you have doubts or are full of skepticism, it is better to refrain from performing the ritual
  7. Don't tell anyone that you are planning to make a love spell. Only you should know about this

These are the most basic rules. Follow them, and the love spell will bring the desired result. Next, we will consider specific methods of love spells.

A simple love spell based on a photo

In order to bewitch your loved one in this way, do the following:

  • Take Blank sheet Take some paper and write your wish on it as if it has already come true. For example: “Alexander loves me with all his heart,” “Mikhail misses me,” “Vasily thinks about me constantly.” Think about what exactly you want to achieve
  • Roll the piece of paper with your wish into a tube, light a red candle and set the paper on fire from its flame. All manipulations must be carried out strictly on the photo of the chosen one.
  • While the paper is burning, read the text of the love spell.

At this point the ritual is considered completed. Bury all used items in the ground and wait - in a few days the love spell will take effect.

A powerful way to use photos at home

To bewitch your loved one in this way, prepare the following items:

  • Photograph of the chosen one
  • Wax church candle. You need to buy it on Friday, in the morning at the church store

In the evening, sit by the window and concentrate all your thoughts on your chosen one. Remember the traits that attract you to him. Mentally thank the man for all the good things he has done or will do for you. Draw happy pictures of a common future in your imagination.

Then turn the picture over and begin to move it over the candle flame, continuing to visualize the image of your lover in your mind. Burn the photo over a candle, collect the ashes and hide them in a secluded place.

It is very important that no one discovers the love spell ashes. Within a few days the love spell will take effect.

Third way

This version of the love spell is best done in the evening, after sunset. It is imperative that the Moon be in its waxing phase during this period of time. Prepare two photographs - yours and the man's. You will also need a strong red thread and a needle.

Sit down at the table, put the photo in front of you. Mentally imagine that you and the man are already together. You feel good, you are happy and you love each other. At this time, complete silence should reign in the room.

Write your own on the back of the man's photo. full name, indicate your date of birth. On the back of your photo, write the same details of your chosen one.

Place the photos together and sew the corners together with thread. Once finished, tie a knot, read the words and tear off the thread:

After the ritual, put the photo in a white envelope. Tape it up and put it in a secluded place, where no one will definitely find it. Within a week the love spell will begin to work.

On the full moon

This ritual, unlike the others, must be done strictly in order to get the most powerful effect.


  • photo of you and your loved one
  • jewelry that you wear constantly - silver items are best suited for the ceremony
  • glass container with clean water- it is better to use water from a natural source

Place the photos in the water so that the images are facing each other. Wait a couple of minutes until the photo paper gets wet. Light a candle and place it nearby. Then begin to mentally imagine how you meet your lover.

For 10-15 minutes, visualize happy images of your future together. Then take out the pictures and put them in a thick book. As long as the photographs remain in it, the love spell will work.

Watch another way in the video:

Possible consequences

It is important to know that love spell magic always has Negative consequences. They may be as follows:

  • The character of the bewitched person changes for the worse. He becomes irritable and aggressive, turns into a jealous and tyrant
  • Very often there is a deterioration in health
  • The bewitched person may have problems with his career and a bad streak in life may begin.

Remember: you should use a love spell only as a last resort, if no other ways to make your chosen one fall in love with you work.

Bewitching a guy from a photo: reality or fiction?

The relationship has just begun to emerge, but it’s like a black cat has run between you? Has your beloved husband abandoned you, leaving only bitter memories of betrayal? Does your chosen one not even give you a chance to show sympathy? There is one answer to seven troubles - magic and its rituals, acting on the deep consciousness and will of a man. However, in trying to achieve the feelings of her betrothed, a woman often faces a situation where the ritual requires things, or even the presence of an object of the opposite sex in the house.

Love spell on a man from a photo – real way influence a person who:

– Avoids all communication;
– Located far away;
“I don’t know him very well, but he left indelible feelings in my soul.”

Many people are skeptical about such ceremonies, thinking that higher powers are not subject to distance. This is a deep misconception! The image of a person reflects his soul, carries a certain energy, and, consequently, the potential for magical rituals.

I, Astart Ward, will bring back my beloved, tell you how to bewitch a man from a photo, what you should be wary of and how to achieve the desired result in spite of evil fate.

Selecting a photo: basic rules

A love spell ritual based on photography is one of the most powerful rituals to attract reciprocity. You can do it yourself or by contacting a professional sorcerer. The second option is the most effective and guarantees protection from the wrath of otherworldly energies, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. In any case, the actions will have a result only if you choose the right photo.

1. We live in the digital age, but magic is ancient science and does not tolerate violations of customs. Use images on mobile phone or computer screen is not allowed. The point is not only that during the ritual the paper medium sometimes has to be folded or burned. It is the printed photograph that is charged with the proper energy and carries a piece of the soul of the ritual victim.
2. The photograph must be recent, taken no more than 12 months ago. The reason is that appearance and character change over the years.
3. The image must be clear and not blurry. Pay special attention to your eyes; looking into them is your main task during the ritual. Through gaze, contact is established with the person being bewitched. Some ceremonies require photographs in full height, for others, a face is enough.
4. The chosen one should be completely alone in the photo. The presence of other spiritual objects - people or animals - can have negative results. The magical influence will dissipate or choose another victim.
5. Under no circumstances cut out the silhouette of a man from the general photo. Scissors will break the spell.

It’s worth saying a few words about the words of the spells that are used to bewitch a guy from a photo. The ideal option is to learn the text of the spell. If you don’t trust your memory, then rewrite it on a sheet of blank paper. Reading from printouts is not permitted.

How to bewitch a guy from a photo - the easiest way

To bring this love spell ritual to life, you only need a sincere desire to achieve reciprocity, a photo of your chosen one and a church candle. The action is recommended to be carried out on days when the moon is in its waxing stage. Please note that you must be completely alone in the room.

Pick up the photograph and light the fuse. Turn the image “face down” and move it clockwise over the flame. At the same time say:

“As I, the servant of God (name), yearn for my dear friend (name), so let him yearn for me. Let honeyed bliss flow within him every day at the mere thought of the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen".

After this, the photograph must be completely burned and the ashes scattered to the wind at the nearest intersection. You will notice the effect within a few days.

Love spell on a man from a photo - results guaranteed

This method is also easy to implement. The ceremony takes place exactly at midnight. Sit at the table, place the image of your betrothed in front of you. Take a church candle in your hand and light its wick. While the wax is melting, you must have time to read the spell 12 times:

“I will stand up, praying, afraid of the white light. I won’t fall asleep until dawn, I won’t be able to relieve my melancholy. My pain, turn to (name), attack him with a heavy burden, so that without me he can neither eat nor drink, only remembering my name.”

Now scorch all four corners of the photo card and leave it at the head of your bed. Go to bed and don't forget to dream a little. Your imagination - best helper. Imagine happiness with your loved one, feel the warmth of his hug and the taste of a kiss - the flows of your energy will be transferred to your chosen one with the help of a charmed photo.

Appeal to ancestors: a quick method to bewitch a guy from a photo

We all know the love story of the first people whom God settled in paradise. If you want to feel the same incredibly strong emotions, this love spell ritual will help you.

Take two church wax candles and place them opposite each other. Between them, take a photo of your chosen one. It's time to get creative. Imagine spiritual and physical intimacy with a guy, feel the feelings and convey this message to the man. After the happy picture is firmly entrenched in your imagination, start reading the words:

“Because Adam and Eve loved each other, that’s why they sinned and gave birth to children. So you will love me too. Amen".

Perform the ritual for at least three days in a row.

How to bewitch a man using a photo on a red candle and paper

Take a blank piece of white paper and clearly write your wishes on it. Express your thoughts very clearly, otherwise higher powers may misinterpret your dreams. For example, if you are only interested in the intimate side of the issue, you should not ask for eternal love - it will not bring happiness to both sides of the process. Take your time, think over each point, magic does not welcome haste.

When the “letter” is ready, light the red wax candle. Fold the sheet into a tube and set it on fire. Hold a burning bundle over the photo of your chosen one and say:

“Let what passes over your head be sure to come into your head. Just as your back lights up, so let (name’s) heart burn.”

The result will not take long to arrive. Within a few days, the young man will begin to show you signs of attention.

An old way to bewitch a guy using a photo

The ritual is performed strictly on the new moon after sunset. You will need the following attributes: photo young man, a piece of new red fabric, a rope and two candles. It is advisable to make wax products yourself, then the ritual will have greater power. Please note that a love spell will only work if you personally know the chosen one.

So, be completely alone and turn off the lights. Sit in the center of the room and place candles on either side of you. Spread out a piece of fabric and take the photo in your hands. Mentally imagine the presence of your betrothed, you should hear his voice in your head, feel his warmth.

Now begin to carefully and tenderly wrap the photo in a rag, whispering:

“Without me there is sadness, with me there is joy. Without me there is salt, with me there is sweetness. You and I are together forever! You and I are one family! You and I are your love!

Tie the bundle with a rope and pour the wax from one and the second candle over the knot. Then hide the envelope securely near the place where you sleep.

Remember, you can never unfold and take out the image, otherwise the witchcraft will be destroyed. For 2-6 weeks, try to catch the young man’s eye more often, this way you will enhance the effect of the ritual.

Love spell ritual on a medicinal plant

To implement this ritual, you will have to try. First of all, you need to completely clear the room of furniture and other objects. You and the magical attributes should remain in the room:

- Photo of a guy;
– A simple pencil;
– White envelope without stamps;
– 2 candle stubs;
– Chilibukha consecrated in the church;
– The table is opposite the window.

The body should also be prepared: take a bath, dress in clean and light clothes, loosen your hair and remove jewelry. The ritual is performed in the evening on the day when the month is in its growth phase. Open the window and let in fresh air, sit at the table and place the photo of your chosen one face down. Revive the image of your betrothed in your memory. When the vision becomes clear, turn the photo over. Next, you should light the remaining candles and offer back sides palms to the image. Now read the plot:

“As the servant of God (name) longs for the servant of God (name), so you, the servant of God (name), long for me and yearn. Dry, dry, don’t dry up, just like the rivers are full of water, so your heart will be full of love and passion for me. My word is a castle, hard as stone, strong as the wind.”

Then turn the photo back to face the table and write a message to your chosen one with a pencil. This must be a clearly expressed desire. For example, “love me” or “come to me tomorrow.” Sprinkle the inscription with chilibukha, put it in an envelope and hide it forever.

Black ritual to bewitch a guy from a photo

Dark forces do not tolerate weakness, so when attracting them to help, you need to be sure that the decision to connect your life with this person is correct. Sometimes even an experienced sorcerer cannot remove a black spell. So, think everything over carefully and proceed to execution. To perform the ceremony, you will have to go to the cemetery on a full moon.

In the churchyard, find the grave of your betrothed's namesake. The ritual should begin with an offering - a ransom. Without it, the soul of the deceased may refuse to assist you. Stand at the feet of the deceased and burn a photograph of the young man. Then carefully collect the ashes and bury them in the same place, saying sentences.

But it’s good when the love is mutual, otherwise everything goes to pieces. When a loved one leaves, anger, negativity and depression settle in the soul. According to experts, most suicides decide to commit suicide precisely because of unrequited feelings.

Most girls seek solace from magicians, fortune tellers, and sorcerers. At home, you can use the strongest drying of a guy from a distance.

What is it and how does it work?

Before you engage in drying, you need to understand that this is one of the types magical influence. And don't be confused this type love magic with another, slightly similar - love spell. Unlike a love spell, a love spell is more powerful and precise. Also, it is worth considering that drying is a type of black magic and can lead to trouble for the person who orders or does the drying himself.

The meaning of the drying comes down to the fact that to whom it was done, begins to constantly think about the girl who performed the magic act. He begins to get “dry,” bored, and he can’t get this person out of his head.

Drying can usually be done at home; it is done on any object or food that acts as a “transmitter” of magical properties.

Types and execution times

It is worth immediately warning that drying rituals are carried out only at night and preferably in a cemetery. You cannot do the ritual during the daytime, as it may not work.

As mentioned above, a certain object is necessary for the ritual, and the types of drying differ based on such objects. Let's look at the two most popular and effective ways.

For a gift

In order to make a gift dryer, you need to buy something that your loved one will always carry with him. Among the things available for a gift, you can choose a business card holder, pen, keychain, wallet - everything that you can carry with you all the time. Before giving such a gift, it is necessary that it is saturated with your energy; for this, the item must be carried with you for three days.

Before the fourth night, it is necessary cover the table with a white tablecloth and place two red candles in the center, and place a person between them, which needs to be dried. Now, we read the spell:

“My beauty outshines your light (say 9 times).”

After which, the candles are blown out.

For food

Drying for food is best done during the waxing moon. In order for drying to bring results, at night you need to keep your left hand on the subject of the spell, and cross yourself with your right reading the prayer:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I say, servant of God (your name), distant words,

Far away sins, far away prayers.

How water flows from the ground through stones,

So are my words through this food

They spill and break through,

They fall on them with a ring, a cross, violent force

From now on, until eternity, forever and ever. Amen.

On the sea, on the ocean,

On the island of Buyan, there is a table-throne,

An old man sits at the table, angry and naked.

His white bones are visible, his pain is visible,

That old man wants to drink and eat.

There is no bread and salt dearer to him,

There is nothing but pain in his stomach.

He cries, bends over,

Hands grab food,

He asks for food and drink, begs,

For that he even offers his soul.

So would I be a servant of God (name of the one being dried)

He loved, he suffered, he couldn’t sleep or rest.

How can people live without food?

How can they not live without water?

So would you, servant of God (name of the one being dried),

He couldn’t live and be without me.

I am your food, I am your water.

Come slave, to me, to God’s servant (your name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After this hex, in the morning the food must be given to your loved one.

How to dry out a guy instantly?

If you don’t want to wait a long time, you should consider the option of instant drying, but for this you need to get some things:

  • Birch stake
  • Aspen branch.
  • Large potato (the bigger the better).

It’s best not to buy potatoes, but to take them from someone else’s garden. The peg must be made with your own hands, and the aspen tree must have leaves.

Now, directly, the ceremony itself. On Thursday night, open all the windows in the house, thereby letting in the dark forces necessary for help. Now, imagine your beloved guy and pierce a potato, after which you need to put it on the threshold of the open (entrance) door, hit it with the words:

Dry for me (name of your beloved), my dear,

Dry just as potatoes will dry from birch stakes,

May you not have a peaceful life without me,

Only with me will you find peace and happiness,

Find your way to my house and come as soon as possible

I've been waiting for you, my clear falcon,

I have no peace from unrequited love,

May the evil forces help me,

Let them fulfill my wish,

May they bring me feminine happiness,

My word is strong and let it be as I wish!

Now I need to go to bed with a potato. If everything is done according to the rules, the young man will soon make his presence known.


Please note that the ritual of drying refers to those whose consequences affect a person’s free will. Before taking any action, you need to become familiar with what can await you and the object of your desire.

  • The first and perhaps most important point: dryings are made for life, which is why it is worth knowing that making a lapel will not be so easy - it is many times more difficult than making the drying itself. Choose your partner carefully.
  • Black magic can change the direction of life both yours and your man’s, which is why the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • Often, a person doesn’t get exactly what he wants, for example, a young man will not be inflamed with feelings for you at all, even if he did not have them for you before, he will simply miss you and will be irresistibly drawn to you.
  • Of course, health. From drying your health may deteriorate, both mental and physical. Your boyfriend may start having problems with.

Taking into account everything said above, we can conclude that being with your loved one is not difficult if you have your will, desire and self-sacrifice for this. But we shouldn’t forget about the consequences, because maybe it’s best to achieve it yourself? In any case, it's up to you to decide.
