Damage and methods of causing damage from A to Z. Determination of magical effects using an animal

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you why damage is dangerous for a person, how to detect it and independently destroy its effects. It is even difficult for a beginner to imagine how many ways in the rituals of black magic to harm someone who deserves it. Black witchcraft damage better than a blade, is better than poison, because it hits the enemy accurately and leaves no traces. But, like blade and poison, this method of retribution must be masterfully wielded. What types of damage are there? Diverse. For revenge on the offender, beggarly damage, for illness, loneliness, for the quick death of the enemy.

What types of damage exist in real magic?

Black damage can be sent to a person in different ways. Magic ritual is chosen based on the final result and the capabilities of the magician. What a certain person should feel, what he should worry about, how a certain person should pay, the magician knows about this, and takes it into his work so that everything happens according to his desire and will. In addition to those listed above, what types of damage are there, what are they causing? knowledgeable people per person? Love spells, for example. These are truly terrible rituals, sophisticated revenge through the torment of love, which is like hellish fire directed at the victim.

People die due to such damage, so other mortal damage in the cemetery is inferior in power to love spells. Love spell damage is not quite the same as a love spell. In love spells, energy is directed toward positivity, toward creating feelings, affection, sexual desire with a touch of tenderness, and so on. But a love spell cast on a person is a completely different matter. There is not a drop of positivity here.

So, the question does not arise: is there damage through a love spell on the victim?

It not only exists, this type of love spell is often used as part of witchcraft to punish for betrayal, revenge for an insult, or the complete destruction of a person.

If you are unlucky enough to become a victim of such an influence, you were at a reception with a magician, and you were told that there is damage, do not hesitate, but immediately get rid of the negativity. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will immediately make a reservation: at a reception with a real magician, believe me, real damage is not done very often. Energy negativity on a person, the evil eye - yes, many can have it, targeted damage is not common.

Any damage and curses can be removed if they are diagnosed in time.

Even strong impacts with the introduction of harmful entities can be removed if you act quickly and correctly. Listen to yourself, your inner voice, intuition and your body. During a magical attack, the body will definitely give you a signal, and more than one.

Don't ignore these signals, pay attention to yourself. If there are such signs, a feeling that damage has been caused, go to a magician and get a diagnosis.

A sensations when spoiled associated with the aspect that was most affected through a directed magical blow. If powerful damage is done with money, there will be disruptions in work, monetary losses, and then serious problems related to the financial sphere.

If a black spell is cast on illness or death, it will manifest itself in sudden, undiagnosed illnesses; in addition, a person cursed to death becomes the object of accidents, one of which, for example, a car accident, can become fatal. The first signs of love damage are nagging pain or itching in the groin area, constant thoughts take a specific lustful direction, etc. I, magician Sergei Artgrom, I will repeat, you do not need to consider only the presence of one sign of damage caused to a person, you need to look at the totality of symptoms, and if they are present, seek a detailed diagnosis from a real sorcerer.

Do they spoil the family and how does this manifest itself?

There is a special category of negative energy - ancestral damage and curses. Why is damage to one’s family, the so-called birthright, dangerous for a person? The broken fate of all family members, numerous illnesses that suddenly appeared in people, closed life paths, the early and absurd death of relatives - this is what is dangerous about the ancestral damage brought on the life of the entire family, this is what lies behind this term.

No, not everyone believes in the existence of rituals of inflicting severe damage on a person.

Many people, only having personally encountered the problem of black witchcraft, begin to think that the world is not at all as simple as they would like or feel comfortable thinking. And finally, the question arises: are there damages that can be sent to a certain person, the power of which can change a person’s life, reshape his destiny? There are. That's how it happens. If you have or are observed signs of damage done(I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already spoken more than once in my articles about the signs and symptoms that suggest the presence of negativity. And diagnostics on the Tarot or Runes confirms the suspicions, which means damage has been caused and it needs to be removed before it is completely absorbed into you, you need to take action for its liquidation.

Does damage go away on its own?

A natural and frequently asked question. No, it doesn't work. Well, perhaps, made independently by a person who does not know much about practical magic and, in fact, does not have witchcraft powers. Real damage done to the death of a person will not go away on its own, but will only get stronger. The magical negativity must be removed either on your own or by turning to a real magician, but the main thing is to remove the damage completely, without leaving a drop of its toxic effect, or over time it will make itself known again.
To clearly talk about how damage is done, you need to choose a ritual and break it down into its components. So, let’s look at a magical ritual that is not very popular, but impressive in its effectiveness, as a spell to cure diseases through swamp water.

What is the danger of damaging the health of a certain person?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, explained what evil eyes and damage exist (the evil eye is a type of energy damage). Now let's move on directly to the independent ritual of casting a spell on your enemy. If it is done for human health, then the lamp is internal, and independent damage is done through swamp water.

Only a strong magician can destroy the old damage made for serious illnesses.

If you have little experience yourself, you can only spoil things and make things even worse. So, there is only one way out - having discovered damage, look for a strong magician who can save the victim and tear off the witchcraft curtain. So this is how a sorcerer can do damage through swamp water. Here's the way.

You need to start casting magic on the fourth day, from the beginning of the waning of the moon. On the fourth day, take water from the swamp, and on the fifth day, take it from the grave. A vessel with swamp water spends the night in the cemetery for 1 night.

To independently cause severe damage to human health, you need to:

  • ladle with lid
  • bottle with tight cork
  • a nickel for the dead
  • boiler
  • river water
  • shirt (T-shirt, clothes) of the one who needs to be cursed
  • Aspen stake

When scooping water from a swamp with a ladle, you need to read the words of a magical spell for illness:

“Black water, a swamp, cursed three times, cursed by the demon himself, but not with the baptism, but consecrated to the death of the dead, you were sent by the owner to the ruin of the people, and you were born by the mother earth like a black tear, fermentation of the depths, you know, and you blaspheme the body ( name) create. The distance is marshy, the land is swampy. This is commanded. Amen".

Then pour the water into a bottle and leave it on the grave. You need to dig some water at the feet of the dead man and read strong conspiracy, such that sensations of damage to the victim will be very unpleasant, creepy:

“Not on the head, but in the legs, and then the dead, and then the living (name) from these legs, but right into the mind, the mind, the little head. WITH dead water take everything, pour gloom on the living (name) through water. Amen".

Throw a nickel on top as a ransom to honor the dead. Let the water sit there overnight. Swamp water in itself is nasty, has bad energy, and during the night it is also disastrous, death will be typed. The power of powerful damage to a living person will go quickly. If the sorcerer is literate, then he will put protection on his work, so that it is more difficult to detect damage to a person. In the evening, when the sun goes down, you need to go to the cemetery, and pick up that bottle from the grave. Having dug it up, you need to say:

“I take (name) for the health of illnesses. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

If you don't know very well, how to detect the evil eye, although the methods there are simple, you will hardly be able to cope with this damage on your own. And in witchcraft, time matters. If powerful damage to health is done through cemetery water, you can’t hesitate, you need to get rid of it. So, having taken the swamp water from the cemetery, you need to go to a secluded place where you will not be disturbed. Build a fire from pre-prepared wood. Put a cauldron on fire, pour river water into it, when it boils, throw the shirt of a strong enemy into it.

If there is no shirt, any thing he wears will do. Biological material is good for this, hair, for example, or blood. Wait a little, let the water boil properly, and then pour swamp water on your enemy's thing.

As it is signs of spoilage, so there are signs that a person is corrupted. But, these signs will appear as the damage falls on the victim and begins to unwind. Before that, you need to do everything without mistakes. To damage the health of the offender, pour swamp water into the cauldron and read a strong spell 7 times (the water should boil):

“I conjure, I promise seven witnesses, seven black fields, seven fast rivers, seven lost pools, seven bald mountains. Yes, I call upon the seven swampmen, the black minions. You add the power of death to the swamp water, the power of grief. Yes, your swamp water is skillful, the power is hidden in that water, the power is bitter. Whoever that power touches will be driven from the living to the dead, his mind will be clouded, his mind will be worn out. He won’t help, he won’t strive, he won’t cope, so I send him from the swamp to the dead. I shift it, and put the black force directly into (name), let the black force deprive (name) of his health, day and night the swamp does not let him go, from day to night, from night to day, it throws him, it itches in a whisper, caresses him with cold, that water plagues him the swamp (name) will roll down his cheek like a black tear, he will drive the living from the house to the grave, but he will confuse the roads, confuse everyone with the living and the dead. He will forget (the name) of his relatives, he will get lost in his sister and mother, he will curse his father and brother, he will throw away all his friends with words, he will put clothes on his head, a shoe with a mitten, a mitten with a knife, he will eat food, I will mix it with shit, I will add earth to him, he will eat the grass with a bitter taste. To toll (name) with a black face, to wander ford through the white-light world, to accept the holy fool of fate (name), and the swamp water thrice cursed by nine ancient words, cursed by seven deep pools, a dead man’s grave, a black prayer. I swear by everything that has been said, I deprive (name) of good health. (name) to drink from the swamp water, so it was said, but not by me, but by the dead in the grave. It’s impossible to sort out all the words, it’s impossible to count them out with your thoughts. And if someone begs for it without looking at it, the thunder strikes will drag him into the grave. Amen".

After detection of damage, after magical cleansing, diagnostics are also carried out, with the help of which the magician finds out whether all the negativity has been removed, or whether some remains and repeated cleansing is required. Will there be symptoms indicating that damage comes out of a person? Of course. All signs of removing the induced damage will come down to one thing - an improvement in the patient’s condition.

How does damage come out after it is removed from a person?

Negativity can resist, especially if there are strong castles, or the damage done to a person is very old and has taken deep roots. So, with resistance from negativity, a person feels it as a deterioration in well-being, loss of energy, a desire to lie down and not move, and drowsiness. It is precisely by these signs, if they appear especially clearly, that one can understand that old damage is coming out, this is a classic. Soon everything changes, it comes new period. A person feels his shoulders being freed from a heavy burden. This weakens and the magical negativity disappears, the person goes free.

But how long can this last (fatigue, loss of strength, etc.) After the damage is removed, how long does it take for it to come out?? No, this period is short-lived. In contrast to the time it will take to get rid of the consequences of damage, to treat a person affected by black magic, to establish his life and social connections. A magician can help here too. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will notice, and the man himself will have to work hard.

This part of the book is practically a continuation of the conversation about how the forces of evil can invade people's lives. Almost everyone believes in the evil eye, and the concept of it is often associated in our minds with such human vices as pride, envy, jealousy or hatred. We are all afraid of something, and often we feel uneasy when someone starts praising us in every possible way, we are afraid to tell someone that we are good, that we are lucky, that everything is going perfectly for us better. However, if you follow logic and remember how the law of similars works, then our conversations about good things should attract good things. At the same time, in this case, the satanic principle in people can take over, and very often our successes begin to blind someone’s eyes, and give someone no rest. And this needs to be sorted out. The point is that this situation should be assessed in two ways. On the one hand, by talking about how well we live, we evoke positive emotions in ourselves, which improve our mood. Sometimes our boasting about our achievements gives us a secret pleasure, which makes our soul rejoice because someone begins to be terribly jealous of us. But let’s be honest, sometimes we boast about our successes and achievements just to wind up someone. Thus, the law of similars really works exactly the way it should work, and we really attract positive emotions and positive energy to ourselves. However, people who listen to us and begin to envy or hate us attract negative energy and try to direct it towards us. At some point we may find ourselves too weakened or relaxed to resist its effects. This is called the evil eye.

They may say that sometimes parents praise their child so much that it seems as if they themselves have jinxed their child. But in fact there is no contradiction here, because in this case the law of similarity again works as it should. Parents, touching their child, really enjoy this, just as the child himself enjoys it. A joyful child can immediately ask a kind mother to buy him an expensive toy, and she, being in a state of tenderness, will immediately do this and find a thousand excuses for this. With age, the child begins to take advantage of parental kindness, mixed with mad love for his child, and then again the dark side human nature - satanic forces awaken in the child and manifest loving parents their ugly face when their child, stamping his feet or rolling on the floor, demands manna from heaven from his parents. Constantly praising a child by parents leads to the child realizing his power over them and begins to use it. And here again the law of similarity comes into play, which in this case contributes to the emergence of a conflict of interests between the child and parents or the child and society, which does not perceive it and which in this case the child begins to hate. This is why experienced healers say that very often parents, without realizing it, can jinx their own child if they praise him all the time. Every person knows examples of such an evil eye.

However, those who remove damage and the evil eye often face the fact that people can sometimes put the evil eye on themselves. A negative attitude towards everything and everyone can ultimately plunge a person into a state of deep stress, attracting evil to oneself (again in full accordance with the law of similarity), and then the forces of evil begin to destroy the human psyche and his body. There are cases when people turned to specialists for help, believing that they had been damaged or jinxed, but the next day after being reprimanded, their condition returned. This could be repeated up to ten times. When the master began to deal with such patients, it turned out that these people themselves attracted negative energy to themselves, because their attitude towards everything around them was extremely negative. They were dissatisfied with everything and looked only for the bad in everything. Many of us do not think about the fact that we ourselves can sometimes attract evil to ourselves, not only because it returns to us when we wish it on someone, but also because we ourselves see only the bad sides of our being, thus destroying image of your consciousness and everything around you. Standard methods of fighting the evil eye are unlikely to be suitable for such people, because for them main source evil is themselves. Take a closer look at yourself and think whether what was said applies to you personally. Try to be honest with yourself. If you realize that you yourself attract evil to yourself, then you should look at yourself in the mirror, just like Perseus did, and kill the monster in yourself, like Perseus killed Medusa or St. George the Victorious - the snake. In this book you will find many tips on how to regain your peace of mind and learn to have a positive perception of the world around you. If there are people around you who suffer because they themselves attract evil, then it is your duty to help them. Think about how you could do this. It is unlikely that magic spells will be useful to you in this case. Here you will need more patience, love and desire to save the lost soul at all costs, which is also one of the tasks of magic.

There are several traditional recipes for the evil eye.

When you are afraid of the evil eye, you can hold the tips of the big and index finger so that they form a closed circle. Symbolically, this circle protects you from the penetration of bad negative energy that can destroy your well-being or hinder the development of your talents. Let us explain this technique. In Eastern traditional teachings this technique is called a lock. In addition, the tip thumb– this is the point where the energy channel of the lungs begins. The lungs are your breath, and your breath is life. Tip index finger– this is the point where the energy channel responsible for intestinal function begins. Masters in the field of traditional eastern teachings say that a negative impact on this channel can cause sore throat, dry mouth, runny nose, diarrhea, and accumulation of gases. A negative impact on the energy channel of the lungs can cause lung disease, pain in the shoulders and back, shortness of breath, and cardiac arrhythmia.

If you wear rings, then in a moment of danger you can turn the ring on your finger counterclockwise half a turn. This way you will open a circle of protection. After that, you must move the ring on your finger up and down three times to release negative energy. The third step is to bury the circle of protection. To do this, you turn the ring on your finger again, but clockwise. Sometimes it is advised to say: “Where it came from, that’s where it went.” By the way, this technique works very effectively even in cases where something irritates, scares, and also when you have a bad dream.

Some evil eye experts advise biting the tip of your tongue when you are afraid of being jinxed.

By the way, it is absolutely not necessary that a person who can cast the evil eye have black eyes. In the mystical symbolism of antiquity, the epithet “black” always meant “bad”, “bad”. This is where all the myths associated with the black eye come from. So if you suddenly think that someone is envious or that someone has an evil eye, then you can follow the advice experienced craftsmen and from time to time, talking with this person or just thinking about him, repeat to yourself: “ Black eye, don't look at us (at me)" But if all precautions were in vain and you still think that someone has jinxed you, then you can follow the traditional method of removing the evil eye. To do this, you should pour some water into a jar and drink from it. Then you must read the spell “Stone Alatyr...” over this water or turn to higher powers for help, calling on God the Creator and the Mother of God as your assistants and thus tuning into the flow of the Creator’s energy. Then read the plot itself:

Pure blood from heaven!

Save and preserve Your servant (Your) (name)

From every eye

From a bad hour,

From a bad moment

From sudden death

From any ailment

From the fear of the night,

From the horror of the day,

From slander and negotiation,

From everything that pricks and cuts with,

They torment and torture.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

As you say the last two lines, you throw some salt into the water, light a match, break off the burnt part and throw it into the water. When three parts of the match float in the water, you cross the charmed water three times. You can drink or wipe the water with it, add it to any drinks or food. As usual, the plot is read three times.

Eastern practices for equalizing the energy balance of the body in case of the evil eye also work quite effectively because they help cleanse energy channels, get rid of negative energy accumulated in the body, and fill it with fresh, clean energy. Such practices include all qigong techniques and all breathing techniques of pranayama (breathing yoga).

In addition, if we forget for a while about the existence of magical techniques, conspiracies and spell formulas, then we must admit that the best remedy from any depression, fear, insomnia, fright, evil eye or damage is work. The usual work that we go to every day can distract us from problems, but it will not help us get rid of negative energy or reset it. In addition, in this case you maintain a connection with a group of people, and the collective energy gives you strength. This is due to the principles of the ancient laws of the universe and information matrix of the Universe. Communication, healthy image life and activity secure a strong place for you in the information matrix. Gardening, handicrafts and any work with your hands also helps to get rid of the negative energy of the evil eye or damage, because in this case you are constantly passing energy through yourself, and metal objects and the earth absorb the energy coming from you. If this negative energy, then in the process of such work it is replaced by new energy.

We have already said that damage or the evil eye are a psychological attack, and this means that we must remember that in any situation we must not give in to panic. However, it is easy to talk, but to achieve results is very difficult. This is a difficult job that requires a person to have enormous willpower and the ability to concentrate. Qigong and Reiki techniques can be considered ideal means for recovery physical strength, body energy and mental balance. If you don’t know where to find such groups, then visit the White Clouds store on Pokrovka, which is open seven days a week. There they can simply tell you where to find what you are looking for. You will also find information about Reiki and Qigong groups online. Qigong is a gentle breathing and meditative practice that is ideally calming and helps you learn to focus not on your problems, but on the flow of energy from the Universe flowing through all the chakras of your body. Restoring balanced and rhythmic breathing is a goal that is ideally achieved with the help of qigong complexes. Breathing is the most important and main function of the human body, the violation of which immediately leads to stress and various negative phenomena in the human body. You can do qigong exercises at night or even at night during insomnia for, say, even five minutes. This is quite enough to restore sleep. And a good sleep, as you know, is the best cure for all diseases. Reiki is another ancient technique Buddhist monks, it was part of a magical system that also included prayers and spells. The essence of Reiki is to learn to concentrate on the Divine energy, which in Eastern traditions is called qi and direct this flow to your body in order to balance its bioenergetics, and thus force internal organs work like clockwork. Reiki is considered a part of the Qigong technique. The whole system of working with Reiki energy is based on the fact that a person can use the power of this energy in a directed way and transfer it to another person, not excluding sending energy over long distances. Here are a few examples from the lives of those people who have experienced how Reiki energy and Chi energy work.

“I came to classes in the high-pressure qigong group. It was so high that I was afraid of falling along the road. Our master came up to me and in just a few seconds, with just a few movements, she forced my body to tune in to the Reiki energy. The pain went away instantly, and the pressure remained normal for a long time with quite heavy loads on the body and hard work.”

“I was always afraid to go on a long journey by car alone, especially in the dark, given our terrible roads and the dangers that can await a lone motorist on night roads. That’s why I always try to envelop my car in rack energy before setting off on the road, and this saves me from troubles on the road.”

“Once upon a time, misfortunes befell our family. One after another. My wife has fallen into a state severe stress, and then I decided to use reiki energy to help her. During each session and after it she felt a rush warm energy, the trembling in her body subsided, and she calmly fell asleep. This energy, according to her descriptions, was luminous white, and it enveloped her like a soft blanket, warming her arms and legs that were cold from exertion. Her breathing became measured and calm. Moreover, from that time on our relations became warmer. My wife said that she also wants to master the first stage of reiki. We both felt that we could help ourselves in a critical situation.”

If none of the advice given here, not a single spell from this book, nor prayers, nor the church helped you, then use the advice of the famous Brazilian magician Jose Ribeiro from the article “Love + Magic” from the next chapter of the book.

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous induced negative programs. The most surprising thing is that it is this ritual that is most popular among people. And these are not just words, because extreme envy and hatred of the enemy are just as strong feelings as love. But if lovers use black magic to bind their loved one, then anger pushes people to perform dangerous rituals. Moreover, their effect can affect not only the victim, but also the performer or customer. So, how to recognize damage to death? How does the ritual work and how can you remove a given program?

How does the ritual for death work?

Damage suggesting death, is done with one single goal - to destroy a person, to take away the most precious thing from him - his life. The performer can choose different ways to cause damage to death. However, all these rituals can only work according to two principles.

  1. Impact on the fate of the victim. In this case, the future of the person against whom black magic was used changes dramatically. He may become the victim of a catastrophe, accident or other “unexpected” event that will lead to death. Thus, damage to death manifests itself through misfortune and acts quickly and sharply. Moreover, this will not necessarily be a car accident or an attack by criminals. Damage to death can be manifested by an icicle or a brick falling from the roof on the victim’s head. Misfortunes will always haunt a person, but the witch simply changes the event field and allows everything to be completed in the way she needs. No one knows exactly how death will occur. Protection against damage of this kind must be very strong; only a professional magician can do it. Amateurs can only make the situation worse.
  2. The next option is easier and more popular. In this case, damage to the death of the enemy is done through the removal of health. In this case, the victim will die from the disease, no matter how severe the illness. This kind of damage to death is done if they dream of delivering a person as much suffering and pain as possible, if they want him to feel fear of the inevitable end life path. The peculiarity of the ritual is that it does not necessarily have to interfere directly with the fate of the victim. The ritual can be performed through a phantom, when the performer influences the human biofield. Moreover, there may be several such “breakdowns”, and then the victim suffers not from one disease, but from several at once and ultimately dies.

In some cases, performers combine both methods. First, they send illnesses to a person and, only having enjoyed the agony, despair of the victim, they allow her to die quickly, influencing her fate.

Retribution for the damage caused

Everyone who is going to perform the ceremony on their own or turns to magicians about this should know that any witchcraft has a rollback, including damage to death. The consequences can be the most unexpected. As a rule, the punishment follows at the moment when the reverse rite is performed on the victim, that is, the removal of the negative. It is impossible to avoid a rollback, since the given program, which is damage to the death of a person, has not been worked out, which means that it will go to the one who ordered it. And this is fair from the point of view of witchcraft. Of course, if the damage to death was custom-made and it was done by a professional magician, then he will be able to mitigate the consequences. However, if the ritual was performed by an ignorant person, then expect trouble. The performer in this case will most likely expect the same fate that he wished the victim. However, the worst thing is that the consequences of a rollback can affect completely innocent people - close to the customer. Moreover, sometimes the consequences are so strong that they fall on the whole clan of the customer, transforming into a terrible curse. As a result, the customer's descendants will suffer. The cursed family is marked by early deaths, frequent suicides, the presence of epilepsy and oncological diseases. Women of this kind often give birth to sick babies or are completely infertile. However, the most striking sign of the existence of a curse is the presence of mentally ill people in the family.

Symptoms of damage

In books on black magic you can find a lot of recipes telling how to bring damage to death or bewitch a loved one. However, the complete rituals that guide professional sorcerers are unlikely to be described in publications accessible to the common people. There is nothing there about what the victim will feel. That is why many people cannot determine that the sword of Damocles is already hanging over them. However, it is difficult to name any special signs of damage to death, since they are often intertwined with symptoms after other rituals: for a bad life, for health, etc. As a rule, damage to death is manifested by the appearance of suicidal tendencies in the victim for no apparent reason, constant loss of strength, nightmares, sudden addiction to alcohol and drugs, and the presence of diseases that traditional medicine cannot diagnose. If there are pets in the house, you should take a closer look at their behavior. As a rule, their attitude towards the person who has been damaged changes greatly. This is especially noticeable in the reaction of cats. Animals are afraid of humans and hide from him.

How to recognize damage to death?

We’ll talk about how to remove damage to death later; first you need to make sure that the ritual was actually performed. After all, sometimes what we take as signs of witchcraft is just a coincidence.

You can find out about a running program using an ordinary chicken egg. Pour into a faceted glass cold water, not reaching the edge a couple of centimeters. Next, take a raw egg and carefully break it, you want the yolk to remain intact. After this, they sit down on a chair, press their chin to their chest and place the glass with the contents on the crown of their head, lightly holding it with their hand. You should sit like this for about 3 minutes. You are not allowed to move. The maximum that can be done is to change the hand holding the glass. When the time is up, look at the result. If the water remains clean and the yolk is in the white, then everything is fine with the person, there was no interference in his fate. If columns of protein are seen in the glass, it means there is spoilage. In this case, you should carefully examine the broken egg mass. If the protein has broken up into thin columns resembling hairs or cobwebs, it means that the ritual was performed by an amateur, and the damage will go away by itself after a while. Moreover, she will return precisely to the performer and become three times stronger. If there are bubbles on the protein columns, it means that the damage was caused by an experienced magician. But this ritual was done for a bad life. Signs of a ritual being carried out, the result of which should be death, are immediately noticeable. In this case, in addition to bubbles, black dots will be observed on the protein columns. They will also appear on the yolk. This means that a very strong cemetery damage to death has been brought upon the person. If, in addition to black spots and bubbles, the edges of the protein mass look like scalded, and green and gray spots appear in the middle of the yolk, it means that the person is suffering from the most severe and terrible type of damage - painful death.

Who should I contact to remove damage?

When the first signs of interference in the biofield appear, you should immediately think about how to remove damage to death. Of course, it is best to contact a powerful magician or parapsychologist with this problem. In addition, a qualified psychotherapist who knows hypnosis can cope with damage. During sessions, he will be able to penetrate the subconscious of a person doomed to death and set him up for recovery, thus freeing him from previous negative settings. Such protection against damage is very strong, since the body can independently cope with external interference.

How to remove damage to death yourself?

If you can’t turn to specialists, you can try to remove the negative program yourself. To do this, you need to go to church, where they will tell you which prayers against damage to death help best.

Sometimes damage is caused through an object. Therefore, if you find some strange or unfamiliar thing in or near the house, you should say the following words:

  • “Water descends to the Earth as rain, then returns to the clouds. So let the deeds of my enemies return to them. So be it! Amen!”

In ancient times, people also tried to get rid of damage on their own. To carry out the ritual, 3 women were found: an unmarried woman, an old maid and a widow. The main thing is that these women themselves express a desire to participate in the ceremony. All together they went out into an unsown field and dug a hole. Next, sand was poured into the dug holes, which they brought with them and kept in a cloth bag in their bosom. After the sand was poured out, the following words were required:

  • “When the buried sand rises, then life (name of the victim) will leave. Amen!”

Having pronounced the spell three times, the women turned around and left without looking back.

Ritual to remove damage

There is another way to remove the induced program. However, it will take much more time than the previous ones. However, health, and even more so life, is more important. In addition, this ritual not only eliminates damage, but also provides protection and patronage of the Higher Spiritual Powers. The ritual must begin on the last day of the week, that is, Sunday. The duration of the main part is 7 days. During this time, you should visit a church or house of worship every day, and read the “Our Father” in the evenings. Best time for the ceremony - Holy Week, which falls on the eve of Easter. In addition, the person who has been damaged must wear a cross on his body during the period of its removal, and during the ritual, place in front of him an icon with the face of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” and a lit church candle. The spell against corruption, which will need to be read, will be given in the church. It should be said in a whisper 3 times. Full course is 3 full weeks. For the first 7 days they adhere to strict fasting, then during Holy Week they read prayers, and in the last week they drink charmed water. Unfortunately, a professionally done death spell has incredible power, so it is almost impossible to remove it in one go. As a rule, three such courses will be required.

Damage Protection

In order to avoid becoming a victim of death damage, knowledgeable people recommend installing protection. You can do it different ways. The simplest and most popular is sealing. To do this, take an empty bottle of any volume and fill it halfway with small nails, crushed glass, metal shavings, and needles. The rest of the volume is filled with hydrochloric acid. While filling the bottle, certain words should be pronounced:

  • “Going out into an open field, I met 7 demons with half-spirits, black, evil, unsociable. You demons go to unkind people, be with them. So that I, who suffered at their hands, remain safe and sound in the forest, in the house, in my family and foreign lands. Amen!"

After this, the bottle is closed with a tight stopper, sealed with wax and buried shallowly in a deserted place. In the future, this bottle will be able to protect its owner if they suddenly begin to damage him to the point of death. It will operate for 5 years. After this, the ritual should be repeated.

Runic damage to death

Runic corruption is one of the most complex and powerful types of magical curses. As the name implies, runes will be used to conduct the ceremony. Damage to death is done, as a rule, through a small ritual with an invocation to Hel. Without special knowledge, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, since it can turn against the performer himself. Only the person who has the correct “protection” can perform runic damage. Combinations of runes (so-called formulas) used by sorcerers act on each individual individually. Therefore, when using a formula, it must first be diagnosed. This will help you not to make a mistake with the choice and select the right one. If you have to use several formulas, they are first checked for compatibility, since some runes conflict with each other. After this, the performer must say prayers to God for several days in a row and bring a ransom. Some people think that this is not possible. In principle, this is true, but then the ritual performed will have much less power. To cause damage to the death of an enemy, “Mannaz” is first drawn, and then “Hagalaz” runes are placed on both sides. Only a highly qualified specialist can remove such damage; beginners cannot do this. This is explained by the fact that runic damage is the use of special symbols, which are keys that can open the entrance to the secrets of ancient magic. The full information about these signs has not reached us; now specialists spend a lot of time and effort on this; we can say that information is being obtained bit by bit. A limited number of magicians have access to information.

Damage to quick death from a photograph

A photograph contains a lot of information about a person, so it is most easy to damage it. Of course, it is better to use a paper photograph rather than a digital one or one taken from social networks. The latter are not “live”, so they are not always suitable.

The easiest way to cause damage is to put a photograph in the coffin of the deceased, that is, to link the living with the dead. In this case, you will need to imagine how the dead man drags the victim along with him. Thus, in this ritual, the main task of destroying a person falls on the spirit of the deceased. This ritual belongs to necromancy, which is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous sections of black magic, since any wrong move can cost the life of the performer himself.

Sometimes it happens that the biological field of the victim is well protected, and it retains its vitality until the photograph in the coffin decays, that is, the victim’s face will not be visible. In this case, the conspiracy will subside on its own, and the person will slowly begin to return to normal life. To avoid such a situation, black magicians laminate the victim’s photo, and then it can be stored almost forever. If it is not possible to place a photo in the coffin of the deceased, then other rituals are performed. Of course, they will not be as strong, but they also work. For example, they do it as follows: a photograph of the victim is thrown into a pan of boiling water and boiled, saying:

  • “Let the body of the slave (name) burn, the blood boil, and find no peace. But if she finds peace, she will remain there. Amen!”

The photograph is boiled for about 5 minutes. After this, the photograph is dried and the water is poured out. A person affected by such damage will begin to get very sick and soon die.

What do you associate with the phrase “black evil eye”? Sounds like a black mark, doesn't it?

For those who missed it most interesting stories Let's remember about pirates. The black mark was sent to the person who was going to be killed.

After this sign, there was no point in running and saving ourselves. They will find it anyway. That is, death came inevitably.

This does not mean that the killer was necessarily walking around. The black mark was more of an element of psychological influence.

The black evil eye has the same internal meaning. He is a sign of one thing: something is wrong with the person. He himself was confused in his goal setting.

Perhaps he uses prohibited means, thinks poorly of others. There are many options, everyone must determine for themselves what went wrong.

And the impetus for such a thought process is the black evil eye. Let's look at how it differs from the usual one.

It happens when everything literally falls out of hand. The person feels as if the world, carefully and lovingly created, is falling apart.

Now it's not joyful and happy world, but a mud-stained, stinking garbage dump. At the same time, nothing particularly terrible happens.

Work and home, friends and loved ones are in place. And their attitude towards the smoothed has not changed.

Only at home a quarrel breaks out, as a result of which it seems that you are living with the wrong people, that no one values ​​\u200b\u200band so on.

One failure after another happens at work. There is no one to complain to, everyone blames the smoothed out. And it didn’t matter that he was standing next to him. Still, he should have, he couldn’t, and so on.

It seems: a person has neither abilities nor talents. The only thing he can do is sit on the couch and wait for death.

But such a person will go to his friends to complain about his fate, and will get nothing. They will start making fun of him, make fun of him, or even send him away.

Everything is collapsing under the onslaught of an unknown black hurricane! And then your temperature will rise, your throat will hurt, or something else unpleasant with your health will arise.

Agree, you can jump into the deep end from such events.

But everything described is not entirely reality. This is a figment of the imagination generated by the black evil eye.

After removing it, a person understands that, as, in fact, it was. He is loved and highly valued at home.

Friends just wanted to cheer you up, not make fun of you. And his throat hurt from the ice cream, which he overate because of his worries.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. Not for children once again You can’t buy toys, new things, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

The black evil eye most affects one's worldview. It is aimed at painting the mental images generated by the victim in dirty colors.

And they already influence the situation around, attracting all sorts of troubles and bummers. Breaking out of this vicious circle is not easy.

The first step to well-being, as in the case of damage, is to understand: you have an evil eye. Perhaps it's black. It is important.

It is necessary to break the stream of gloomy thoughts, to go beyond it. Then it becomes clear that you create troubles yourself, initiate scandals personally, create illnesses, and so on.

Nothing around has changed. The blackness is within you. It turns out that your loved one has been telling you about this for a long time. Or your mom asks what happened to you.

But understanding does not come immediately, gradually.

In principle, it’s not a bad idea for any person to think about the direction of their thoughts. The black evil eye is not common, but similar situations do occur.

And any critic can inflict a black evil eye on himself. This is a warning from the Higher Powers: stop, think!

Only after realizing that the cause is inside can you begin to remove the black evil eye. And it is necessary to perform the rituals!

Such an energy breakdown will not last on its own. The program must be removed, the energy must be cleaned, and the resulting hole must be filled with light and heat.

You need to go to the cemetery on a dark, moonless night, approach the grave next to which a thick-trunked tree grows and say:

“By the light of God, the prayers of Angels, the intercession of the Mother of God, the Holy Trinity, I swear by the Lord! I take my strength into my hands, direct it into the light, and shower it with goodness! Brother lying in the ground, rise up! Pray next to me! Take your soul to pieces! Let's split the pieces! You are black, you take them to Hell. I am glad to get rid of evil! Brother, help me, I conjure you! I’ll leave the payment for you!”

The tree must be tied with a black scarf stored in advance. Let it stay there. And put some treats on the grave: candy or fruit.

They should be fresh and juicy. Those who have experienced the ritual themselves say that the deceased demands a cake.

This arises in thoughts; a dead man, naturally, does not rise from the grave. So, you can take a cake or pastries with you and treat your “helper”.

An example of a prayer against the black evil eye

In order to straighten your energy, you should pray several times a day. Before going to bed and upon waking up - a must.

Do this until despondency gives way to a normal perception of reality.

“Lord, Almighty! Save, save, protect Your Servant (name) from damage! From a black eye, from a bad hour, from a terrible moment, from cruel death, from an enemy and an unfaithful friend, from fear and horror, from slander, slander, slander, torture and a bandit, illness and the eye. Let the infection disappear! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

If a person was once hit by the black evil eye, then he. It is suggested to choose a stone amulet.

The fact is that natural minerals have certain properties, some of which help get rid of induced thoughts.

Among such stones one can highlight Agate. He, like a sponge, absorbs evil thought patterns. At the same time, he reacts to everything. And those that are directed against you, and those that you yourself give birth to.

Everything goes to stone. It can become a kind of “vacuum cleaner” that will pull the negativity out of you.

They also work well: cat eye, malachite (for men), Tiger's Eye. Stones should be given with love.

There is no point in buying them for yourself. But begging for such a gift is allowed if there are no quick-witted friends nearby.

Black damage is the strongest type of damage, the consequences of which can be very diverse. It is popularly believed that black damage is damage to death. But that's not true. Black damage is any damage that is applied to a person to bring him grief and misfortune.

Black damage requires special awareness and attention. An incorrectly performed ritual can affect the perpetrator of the damage.

Pin method

Inflicting black damage using a pin is the oldest and most famous method. He doesn't require any special skills and knowledge, but you still have to be careful.

The method consists of throwing a pin into the house of the person at whom the damage is directed, or inserting a pin into things belonging to this person. Therefore, if you suddenly notice a pin in your home or on your things, then break it into two parts and throw it into the fire. This way you will remove black damage from yourself. The sooner you discover the pin, the better.

Damage through photos

Application is another most common method of this type, such as black damage.

Our photographs are able to retain the energy that is associated with us, therefore, by having a photograph of a person, you can influence his destiny. If you decide to inflict black damage, then you will need a photo showing the offender.

On the night when full moon, roll up the photo of the enemy, tie it with black thread three times and tie it in a knot. Next, set the photograph on fire and make sure that the fire does not go out and the entire photograph burns.

To avoid this with your photos, do not give your personal photos to strangers, even if they ask you for them for a while, promising that they will look and return them. Also, when you have guests at home who are not your close friends, make sure that your archive with photographs does not fall into their hands.

If you have a problem difficult situation that requires any damage, you can contact me. it will be completely safe for you, only the victim who will be affected will suffer.
