Profiler verifier training. Profession of the future

Who is a profiler

Profilers are also called verifiers. These are specialists who identify human lies based on certain characteristics. That is, such a person can predict the behavior of an individual at a certain point in time, while analyzing his gestures, facial expressions, and speech. This concept applies mainly to business. But even in this area it is considered relatively new and not particularly developed.

Initially, the concept of profiling came from criminology, when the appearance of an alleged criminal was described. Therefore, this method is sometimes called the personality profiling method. Further, profilers found application in the air transportation industry. Their main task was to identify terrorists who tried to get on board. Whatever one may say, by behavior and some characteristics, you can determine whether a person is lying or whether he is nervous. Here, identifying some kind of pretense in human behavior is of particular importance. He tries to appear calm and balanced, but by some of his gestures, facial expressions and other features, it is still possible to determine the “fake” behavior.

Then the profiler method went beyond the security services. Now it is successfully used in some areas of business. Using this method, it is supposed to understand the intricate intrigues, alleged deceptions and other features of doing business.

Types of profiling

Since students can classify themselves in different areas of knowledge, profiling can be applicable to them in almost any area. It is possible that after receiving an education, a student will want to start his own business, which for him will become the meaning of life. But if by that time he already has certain knowledge about how to expose a liar, then this will become the main road to success. Profiling courses can help you avoid certain mistakes.

Profiling for business. Profilers accompany business negotiations in order to track the peculiarities of their behavior through communication with prospective partners. This helps ensure the truthfulness of the intentions.

Bank profiling. Here the profiler tracks the behavior of the bank's future borrower. This allows you to reduce and completely avoid losses from unreturned funds.

Profiling in the field of auditing. Used by private audit firms to verify the integrity of a company and its accounting in particular. This method complements traditional testing methods very well.

Insurance profiling, transport profiling, hotel and personnel profiling are also known. It is the last option that is most common. This method allows you to detect deception on the part of a new employee.

What can we say about all kinds of structures? Profilers are successful people not only in the field professional career. They also apply their knowledge in life when communicating with family and strangers.

Where is this taught?

Since we have already described above that profilers initially worked in the field of criminology and psychiatry, even now the same specialists organize all kinds of courses within training centers. Such courses can be taught by university teachers specializing in criminology and psychology, as well as simply specialists in this field.

We won’t tell you how to learn this skill, since only professionals can teach this. if you say in general outline, then in such courses you can learn not only to recognize certain changes in a person’s behavior, through which a lie will be identified, but also to independently influence the person’s further actions. That is, this is a kind of manipulation of people.

if you learn to notice minimal details in human behavior, then this will become an indispensable experience and practice for your future life. Often, profilers record a video conversation with a person in order to later view it and identify certain features. We are not talking about finding a job in this particular specialty. Basically, this skill is used only to complement the main job, but it is possible that profilers are used only to detect lies in a specific field of activity.

So, dear students, if you are interested in such an area as profiling, then courses from training centers that you can find in any city can help you. If you don’t have such courses, then you can read books relevant to the topic, which describe in detail all the nuances of identifying lies in human behavior. Believe me, self-development of this level has never bothered or harmed anyone. Psychology is a delicate niche that requires constant development and improvement, and profiling refers specifically to it.

A profiler-verifier is a specialist in non-contact detection of lies. It can evaluate and predict a person’s behavior by analyzing his actions, facial expressions, gestures and the way he speaks.

The main focus of the course is reading and predicting human behavior.

Added the "Lie detection" block.

Purpose of the course

Professional retraining for students with the right to conduct research using non-instrumental lie detection models.

The International Academy for the Study of Lies was created in 2008 and has established itself as the only one in Russia educational institution full cycle in the field of non-instrumental lie detection and profiling. The activities of the Academy are carried out on the basis of a license for the right to conduct educational activities No. 035818 dated January 13, 2015 of the Charter and Regulations (you can view the license on the right, in the photo section).

Main course blocks

Module 1. Short-term forecasting.

  • What is "profiling"?
  • Components of profiling.
  • Areas of application of profiling.
  • Basic principles of profiling.
  • The structure of the personality psychodiagnostic model.
  • What are metaprograms?
  • Meta-program of motivation.
  • Meta-program of reference.
  • Meta-program "Response style".
  • Meta-program "Search and use of information."
  • Meta-program "Level of Generalization".
  • Meta-program "Locus of attention".
  • Meta-program "Locus of comparison".
  • Meta-program "Style of perception".

Module 2. Long-term behavior prediction.

  • Psychogeometry of the body - profiling by body type.
  • Psychotypology of characters.
  • Factors described by the psychotype.
  • Basic psychotypes of personality.
  • Main trends in thinking and behavior of each personality type.
  • Hysterical psychotype and its features.
  • Epileptoid psychotype and its features.
  • Paranoid psychotype and its features.
  • Emotive psychotype and its features.
  • Schizoid psychotype and its features.
  • Hyperthymic psychotype and its features.
  • Anxious and suspicious psychotype and its features.
  • Depressive-sadness and its characteristics.
  • Lie strategies of various types.
  • Adjustment and maladaptation of various types.

Module 3. Additional profiling tools.

  • Thinking strategies (intention, redefinition, application to oneself, consequences, division, generalization, counterexample, changing frame sizes, metaframe, different result, analogy, hierarchy of criteria, reality strategy, model of the world).
  • What are archetypes?
  • Archetypal model.
  • Characteristics of archetypal models.
  • Emotional intellect.
  • Deep emotions of J. Panksepp.
  • Psychoevolutionary theory of emotions by R. Plutchik.
  • Basic prototypes of adaptive behavior and their corresponding emotions.
  • The emotion of sadness, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • The emotion of anger, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • The emotion of joy, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • The emotion of surprise, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • The emotion of disgust, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • The emotion of contempt, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • The emotion of fear, its characteristics and features of manifestation on the face.
  • Emotional reactions of the interviewee to the behavioral stimuli of the verifier.
  • Alternative profiling methods (classification of accentuations by K. Leonhard, Psychological types by K. G. Jung, DISC model by W. Marston, Psychotypes according to Aristotle, Typology by E. Spranger).

Module 4. The main signs of lying.

  • What is the “phenomenon of deliberately hidden information?”
  • Basic presuppositions (principles) of the verifier’s work.
  • Rules for successful verification.
  • Basic verifier errors and ways to eliminate them.
  • The basic formula for a verifier's work.
  • The role of salience in lie detection. Assessing the significance of a stimulus.
  • Classification of stimuli.
  • Control stimuli.
  • Test stimuli.
  • Neutral incentives.

Module 5. VNS.

  • Human psychophysiology.
  • What is stress and what is its significance in lie detection.
  • Types of stress.
  • Three stages of general adaptation syndrome.
  • Stop, fight and flight are the liar's universal responses to stress.
  • Orienting reflex.
  • The point of indicative freezing and its manifestations in the behavior of a liar.
  • Structure nervous system.
  • Structure of the autonomic nervous system. Functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
  • The main signs of lying in the ANS.
  • Physiological changes under stress observed by the verifier.

Module 6. Speech.

  • Speech as a reflection of the deep structure of consciousness.
  • Psycholinguistic analysis of speech.
  • Reflection of silence in human speech.
  • Patterns of generalized speech and ways of working with them.
  • Patterns of "dodges" and ways to work with them.
  • Distortion patterns and ways to work with them.
  • The structure of the speech of an uninvolved person.
  • The structure of the speech of the person involved.
  • Differences in psycholinguistic stereotypes of non-involved and involved persons.
  • Classification of direct and evasive answers.

Module 7. Additional signs of lying.

  • Nonverbal communication in lie detection.
  • What's happened " non-verbal communication"and its role in interaction between people.
  • Encoding and decoding of nonverbal signals.
  • How verbal and nonverbal behavior interact.
  • Incongruity (contradiction) in nonverbal behavior.
  • Behavior, action, signals, signs.

Module 8. Gestures.

  • Three-dimensional psychological space of a person: vertical, horizontal, saggital, egonal.
  • Classification of gestures.
  • Gestures-emblems and emblematic clauses.
  • Gesture illustrators.
  • Gesture controls.
  • Adapter gestures.
  • Manipulative gestures.
  • Gestures of self-purification.
  • Patterns of nonverbal behavior of non-involved and involved persons.

Module 9. Face.

  • Signals transmitted by the face.
  • Types of facial expressions and their features.
  • Basic emotions of P. Ekman and their criteria.
  • Rules for displaying emotions on the face.
  • What are "facial emblems"?
  • What are "microexpressions".
  • Rules for observing a face.
  • Facial Action Coding System (FACS).
  • Action Units as units of measurement when encoding a face.
  • Basic muscles of the face.
  • Motor unit codes, their features and nuances.
  • Assessment of activity intensity.
  • FACS Study Guide.
  • Interpretation of codes using EmFACS.

Module 10. Algorithms for detecting lies and collecting information.

  • Types of survey conversations.
  • System of organized control of a liar.
  • Neurolinguistic interview (survey conversation to identify a person’s involvement/non-involvement in an offense).
  • Research stage. Forming a psychological attitude, establishing rapport, identifying the baseline of behavior and deviations from it.
  • Warhead for the purpose of identifying the involvement/non-involvement of the person being interviewed in the event under study.
  • Assessment of the physiological state of the respondent.
  • General assessment of the survey conversation and decision making.
  • Formulation of conclusions, execution and use of the verifier’s conclusion.
  • Methodology for assessing the validity of a statement (VV).

Upon completion, all course participants are issued a certificate of advanced training - 176 hours, and an international certificate of completion of the course.

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The concepts included in the term “” are often diametrically opposed, so the uninitiated person often does not understand what it means. In today’s article we will try to dot all the i’s in this matter: we will understand the definition, talk a little about its history, types and areas of application, and also talk about how to learn it.

Profiling: definition and background

To begin with, let’s say that the concept of “profiling” comes from the English word “profile” and can be translated as “profiling”. In fact, this means that a person identifies signs of behavior, emotional response, speech and appearance in those around him. These signs are initially specified by the profiling model, and their identification makes it possible with a high degree of probability to establish the type of person, and then clarify it and supplement it with some psychological characteristics.

As a result, a profiler (a person who uses profiling methods) can calculate the likely behavior of a particular person in situations of interest, and also understand how to most effectively influence him. Note that determining a person’s type is called basic profiling, and its clarification is called in-depth profiling.

As a result, the profiler, having carried out a quick but detailed analysis of a person’s behavior, his emotional manifestations, speech, thinking style, facial expressions and pantomimes, as well as appearance, obtains his detailed psychological profile. And from this profile you can already get an idea of ​​personal characteristics, such as interaction with others, role models, motivation, values ​​and beliefs, etc. In general, all this makes it possible to predict the actions of other people, establish their preferences and inclinations in a variety of areas of life, and obtain a lot of other useful information.

As for the emergence of profiling, its components have been traced to one degree or another for decades. They can be seen, for example, in many existing classifications of people and based on different signs and criteria. And some elements of profiling, particularly those that are more practical in nature, exist in the security and medical fields.

If we talk about the formation of scientific profiling, here we can safely mention world-famous scientists, including:

  • (he developed his concept of archetypes);
  • (conducted a lot of research in the field of psychological protection of the individual);
  • Alfred Adler (made a serious contribution to the study of a person’s life style and its impact on areas of interaction with others);
  • Karen Horney (studied behavioral strategies and their dependence on the characteristics of upbringing and relationships with loved ones in early years life).

By the way, interesting fact: profiling was originally used in forensic science - when a search engine was compiled psychological picture criminal following traces at the crime scene. And today it is in service with many of the world's intelligence agencies involved in the investigation of terrorist attacks, fraudulent schemes and other criminal activities. However, this is not the only area where profiling can be used. For example, it is now relevant in the field of business and management.

However, this topic is worth talking about separately, but first, so that you have a clearer idea of ​​what profiling is, watch this short video.

Profiling: directions and areas of application

Initially, several main directions of profiling historically developed:

  • Forensic direction. The main task is to compile psychological portraits of people who have committed serial crimes. Mainly, we are talking about serial killers and maniacs. The direction itself includes the use of forensic, psychiatric and psychological knowledge. This type of profiling is used by such operational services as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB (Russia), the FBI and the CIA (USA), etc.
  • Special direction. In this case, we are talking about the activities of state intelligence services. For example, the KGB of the USSR was developing models of individuals potentially involved in intelligence and subversive activities on the territory of the Union. Experts have drawn up criteria for identifying such people and defined tools for predicting enemy actions. Today, due to the increased threat of terrorist attacks, the tasks of profiling people who may be prone to committing crimes (terrorism, extremism) are also relevant.
  • Aviation direction. We are talking specifically about security in civil aviation. First, specialists developed a technology for interviewing passengers undergoing pre-flight inspection. The purpose of the survey is to prevent persons planning to commit suicide from boarding the aircraft. terrorist attack. One of the first airlines to use this technique was the Israeli airline EL AL. And today, modified aviation profiling techniques are used by the security services of almost all airlines in the world.
  • Research direction. This direction is closely intertwined with the research of the famous American psychologist Paul Ekman, who studies microexpressions and determines emotions. Thanks to the symbiosis of theory and survey script, profiling reached a new level of development and began to penetrate into the economic sphere, in particular into banking structures. Ekman has developed a special training program for security specialists of legal, legal, banking and government organizations.
  • Medical and psychological direction. The direction is based on the work of the Soviet and Russian psychiatrist Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin in the field of typology of psychopathy, as well as the work of the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard, who studied and described accentuated personalities. The methods developed on the basis of these studies are used today in the field of psychology and psychiatry.
  • Psychotechnological direction. This area includes the work of specialists from the field that specifically relates to the description of a person’s metaprogram profile, the system of his values ​​and beliefs, as well as the determination of the specifics of receiving, processing, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating information and positions of perception. Information about a person obtained through psychotechnological profiling improves a person’s understanding of others and increases the effectiveness of his communication.

Over time, everything that has accumulated in practice in applying the above areas has become the basis of modern profiling. The following types belong to it:

  • Transport profiling. The task of the direction is to prevent and prevent illegal actions at transport infrastructure facilities, in particular at railway and bus stations, platforms and bus stops, as well as on trains and buses.
  • Hotel profiling. The goal of this area is the prevention and prevention of terrorist acts and illegal actions on the territory of hotel complexes and hotels.
  • Business profiling. In this case, we mean support by trained specialists business negotiations, establishing the reliability of information provided by counterparties, analyzing it with subsequent adoption of the most effective and profitable decisions.
  • Audit profiling. This type of profiling is typical for audit companies. Profilers examine documentation and people providing important documents. Audit profiling also belongs to the field of accounting - it is used to prevent theft Money and other material assets.
  • Personnel profiling. Serves to assist managers and specialists of human resources departments of organizations in selecting employees for vacant positions and screening out unsuitable candidates, as well as in solving other personnel problems. Candidates are screened for criminal history and negative addictions, such as drugs, gambling etc.
  • Bank profiling. Designed to minimize losses when banks issue loans. Two types of profiling are simultaneously involved here - audit profiling and business profiling, which prevents financial losses at the stage of consideration of the application or when communicating with the client.
  • Insurance profiling. By analogy with other types of profiling, insurance profiling allows you to determine fraudulent intentions and identify relevant schemes in insurance cases and insurance payments.
  • Family profiling. Used in family psychotherapy to determine the level of trust in a partner. Relevant in cases where people need to make sure that their partners’ feelings are reciprocal.

In addition to this, we note that prospects for the use of profiling methods are also opening up in the field of preventive medicine, making it possible to prevent the development of illnesses through psychocorrectional methods.

In any area of ​​profiling, the leading role is played by specialists who are able to decipher information received in the form of verbal and non-verbal signals in the process of communicating with a person. By participating in work meetings, interviews, etc., profilers with a high degree of probability can obtain reliable and objective data about “objects”, their relationship to the subject of the conversation, the topic of negotiations, etc.

Taking into account such prospects and opportunities, people who learn about profiling for the first time, in most cases, immediately want to know how to learn it, how to become a profiler, what skills, abilities and knowledge you need to have for this.

Profiling: how to learn

What we will say is certainly very important, but it should not be taken as the ultimate truth. In other words, everything listed below, although very important, is still of a recommendatory nature rather than mandatory. Why this is so, we will say at the end of the article.

Speaking about how to learn profiling, first of all it is worth saying that the necessary qualities of any profiler include:

  • honesty;
  • skill;
  • competent and delivered speech;
  • clear diction;
  • intelligent manners;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to establish, maintain and develop contacts with different people;
  • the ability to obtain information of interest;

However, this so-called minimum is not limited to the presented qualities. In addition, it is recommended to have the following knowledge:

  • knowledge that allows you to quickly and effectively distinguish between lies and truth;
  • knowledge in the field of interpersonal communication, allowing you to quickly “turn” the interlocutor towards you;
  • knowledge in the field;
  • knowledge in the field (including emotional);
  • knowledge in the field of physiology (including emotional);
  • knowledge in the field of personality typology;
  • knowledge in the field of typology and manifestations of deception.

But the list of “requirements” does not end there. The use of profiling also requires the presence of certain skills and abilities:

  • mastery of techniques and methods for determining deception;
  • ability to organize and conduct observation;
  • the ability to determine a person’s psychotype by external signs and behavioral characteristics;
  • the ability to analyze the statements and speech of the interlocutor to identify true and false;
  • the ability to determine the emotions of an interlocutor by microexpressions;
  • the ability to distinguish between illustrative gestures and emblem gestures;
  • ability to find leaks of reliable information.

Profiling experts also say that those who want to become a professional profiler must understand a wide range of professional fields, especially those related to psychology and law. Knowledge of modern technologies will also be a significant bonus.

A profiler is a very specific form of activity that combines many branches of humanities disciplines, such as history, art and others. By the way, profiling also has related professions - professions in which, in one form or another, a person performs functions similar to profiling. Among these professions:

  • polygraph examiner;
  • psychologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • educator;
  • investigator;
  • detective;
  • HR specialist;
  • security officer;
  • law enforcement officer;
  • traffic police officer.

So if, by coincidence, your activity (including getting an education) is related to one of the above-mentioned professions, it will be easier for you to master profiling than for anyone else.

But on the other hand, no matter how surprising it may sound, you can learn profiling from scratch. Firstly, the basics of this profession (and currently profiler is considered a profession) are taught today in specialized trainings and courses, in lie detection centers and various academies (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other large cities of Russia). The profiling learning process includes theory, tests, training, business games and practical exercises.

Secondly, in today's world of the ubiquitous Internet, online learning is common. Anyone, being in almost any country and without leaving home, can learn all the necessary theoretical and practical information, receive tasks to complete independently, and even take an online test. Online training is very important today, and many companies that provide it, after the student completes the course and passes the exam, issue a certificate or profiler certificate. Possession of such a document can serve its owner well in the professional field.

And here it makes sense to return to what to have higher education, knowledge and skills suitable for profiling are not necessary. By mastering this profession, a person will in any case receive the information he needs and new skills. If his desire to become a profiler is so strong that he constantly practices and gains experience, he will be able to become a highly qualified specialist without any qualifications from institutes and universities. So if you are interested in profiling, but you don’t fit the above “criteria,” you can safely put your doubts aside and start doing it.

The third option for learning profiling is learning through books. Today, a lot has been written on the topic of profiling (and related topics). interesting books. One, of course, will not be enough, but if you collect a small profiler library and - most importantly - master it (i.e. read and process all the books), you can achieve the same results as by taking online training or attending special courses. And just for those who like to read, we have compiled a small selection of books on profiling.

Profiling: books

Almost all works presented in the “Profiling: Books” block can be found in free access online and download. But we still recommend that you look for them in bookstores, because working with “real” books is much more convenient.

With these books, your profiling training will be rich and interesting, and its application in practice will be successful and impressive.

If you want to master a skill faster and work with selected information, immediately honing your skills in practice, we recommend taking the online program “”. It contains detailed information on how to “read” a person, identify emotions, identify lies and resist attempts at manipulation, and also contains tasks and simulators for practicing the skill. Join us!

Profiler- an expert in detecting lies based on a person’s facial expressions, gestures and manner of speaking.

Features of the profession

Profiler, verifier, profiling specialist, specialist in non-contact lie detection (as opposed to contact, using a polygraph) - these are numerous names for the same specialist.

This diversity is explained by the fact that profiling in business is a relatively new phenomenon. The name of the profession has not yet been established.

At first, the term “profiling” meant the compilation of a psychological portrait (profile) of a criminal based on traces at the crime scene. This is otherwise called portraiture or personality profiling. First of all, the method is used when searching for serial killers. It combines knowledge of criminology, psychiatry and psychology. (See the series “Profiler”. In Russian translation - “Profile of a Killer”.)

Later, profiling began to be called the identification of potentially dangerous individuals.

At first, the technology was used in civil aviation during pre-flight inspection of passengers. The main task of such profiling is to prevent terrorists from boarding. And he, of course, strives to pass without giving himself away. He lies and pretends to be calm, but an observant profiler can bring him to light.

Over time, the art of detecting lies has expanded beyond the security services. Profilers successfully use it in various areas of business.

"Fool me! If you can,” is the motto of Cal Lightman, the famous lie expert from the popular TV series (“Lie to Me”). Dr. Lightman works in various areas, helping to identify a criminal, understand office intrigues, and complicated relationships between business partners.

So what are the trends in profiling today? Let's name a few.

Business profiling- this is how they call profiler support for business negotiations. The specialist looks at his client’s interlocutors, monitors their behavior and demeanor. A businessman resorts to this service when he wants to make sure of the truthfulness and seriousness of the intentions of his negotiating partners.

Bank profiling means observation during an interview with a future bank borrower. Such research allows us to reduce losses from non-repaid loans. True, profiling is sometimes called checking the background data of a future borrower. But this is already a job for another specialist.

Audit profiling used by audit companies when checking the integrity of accountants. This is an effective addition to traditional auditing of accounting documents.

Insurance profiling helps insurance companies identify fraudulent schemes when taking out insurance.

Profiling in transport identifies passengers who are capable of causing trouble, hiding weapons under their clothes, etc.

Hotel profiling, as in transport, is aimed at preventing crimes, but in hotels.

Personnel profiling helps the recruiter to recognize deception on the part of a candidate for a position, to get to the bottom of the ugly truths in his biography (large debts, criminal history, gambling addiction, etc.). Ideally, the recruiter himself should master the art of profiling.

The insincerity of the future spouse, the secret life of the teenage son, etc. - reveals these secrets family profiling.

Life suggests more and more new options for using profiling.

Art and technology

So how does a profiler manage to detect deception if the liar he is observing is trying his best to appear truthful?

To do this, there is a technology to “read” body language, facial expressions and decipher what is hidden between the words.

Let's say a person is suspected of a terrorist attack. When talking with an FSB officer, he watches what he says, his facial expressions and gestures. But when he is asked about the luggage left on the platform, a slight shadow of anxiety flashes through his eyes, he barely noticeably tenses his hand - this does not escape the attention of an experienced employee.

The ability to notice the smallest details in behavior requires knowledge and experience. You need to know what exactly you should pay attention to and what there is no point in being distracted by. Sometimes, to confirm their findings, the profiler will videotape the conversation and then review the recording. She records everything, including details that could slip away during personal contact.

The main task of the profiler is to see and recognize lies. But this is one side of the problem. You also need to see when a person is telling the truth. If a person is verbose, expresses things in a confusing way, constantly thinks about the answer and is generally nervous, an inexperienced “lie hunter” may decide that he is being deceived. An example of a fatal profiling mistake is the story of Othello and Desdemona. Anyone who has seen the play knows that sometimes even the most truthful speeches can be mistaken for deception. Especially if you are pre-disposed against your interlocutor.

So yes or no? Truth or lie? When making his verdict, a true professional takes into account many signs and remains impartial.

The profession of a profiler gives a pleasant feeling of the thrill of the hunt.

The disadvantages of such work include the loss of spontaneity. The profiler gets used to looking for the “deep bottom” in every person, and this burden is sometimes very burdensome.

Profiler courses

You can become a profiler by taking profiler training courses.


A profiler can work in a company specializing in profiling, in intelligence agencies, banks, human resources departments, airport security departments, hotels, etc.

Important qualities

The profession of a profiler requires a good memory, analytical thinking, attention to detail, observation, honesty and the ability to maintain impartiality, interest in human psychology, and self-confidence.

An easily suggestible person absolutely cannot be a profiler.


Salary as of September 10, 2019

Russia 30000—150000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

The profiler must understand the various, smallest manifestations of lies and insincerity, and be able to analyze them. Master the art of conversation, revealing the interlocutor to the maximum not only through words, but also through “body language.”

According to Natalya Mignenko, a PR specialist at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, verifiers are real virtuosos who detect deception on the part of their opponents and do not use auxiliary means like.

“Unfortunately, in our world there is still a lot of crime, deception, fraud and manipulation in all spheres of life. All these sins are united by one concept - “lie”. Perhaps, thanks to verifiers, it will become less,” the expert notes.

As Natalya Mignenko emphasizes, verifiers (profilers) are combined in one form professional activity several at once. They are both scientists who conduct research and analyze human behavior. And also scouts and actors.

“The verifier is based on the experience of psychology, physiology, linguistics, as well as anthropology (the science that studies humans and predicts their behavior). Hundreds, or rather thousands, of different variations, which, when analyzed, add up to either one or another picture: “true” or “false”. No miracles. Only an exact calculation,” explains Natalya Mignenko.

On the one hand, verifiers know how to establish contact with any person, and on the other hand, they are able to be neutral observers, because only in the absence of empathy does the profiler’s brain produce the correct objective result.

"Only full immersion into the process allows you to be a true professional. We can say that the researcher's biocomputer reads information from the biocomputer of its subject. You can fool a polygraph, but you cannot fool a verifier. He is an outside observer, but at the same time he controls the system,” says Natalya Mignenko.

Where do lie detectors work?

The profession is certainly necessary and important. But in Russia it is not yet in great demand. Besides specialized institution like the International Academy for the Study of Lies, security services, HR departments, business and politics need verifiers.

There are several areas of activity of verifiers:

  • Business profiling

In this case, lie detectors accompany clients to business meetings to determine whether a future partnership is a scam.

  • Insurance profiling

Insurance companies also turn to the services of verifiers. The essence of the work comes down to identifying fraud in the registration of insurance cases.

  • Bank profiling

The verifier’s task is to help bank clerks identify unscrupulous borrowers, thereby reducing losses from possible non-payment of loans.

Auditing companies, hotel business owners and law enforcement agencies also resort to the help of verifiers.

According to the head of the International Academy for the Study of Lies, Evgeniy Spiritsa, the company has established long-term cooperation with enterprises from completely different fields: the mining industry, the forestry industry, jewelry, and the banking spectrum. Experienced profilers are needed everywhere!

Some of our most frequent clients are businessmen who find it difficult to independently understand violations of the labor code, leakage of confidential information, theft or damage to property.

“To get answers to their questions or doubts, to prevent or avoid incidents, they turn to us, experienced verifiers and polygraph examiners, with a request to conduct an official investigation,” says Evgeniy Spiritsa. - For example, one partner “dumped” the other. What to do? How to prove this in court? Today, the number of entrepreneurs from any field of business who find themselves in similar troubles is growing. For many of them, especially those who are legally unprepared, we are the only saving straw. We take full responsibility for what we do, and we know what arguments we need to present to the court, the police or the prosecutor’s office. We work with Investigative Committee on serious and especially serious crimes, we act as experts in courts in the most ambiguous and complicated cases, when there is not enough evidence.”

How does the verifier work?

First of all, he observes the object of study, analyzing his manner of behavior and speech. Of great importance is the language of facial expressions and gestures, which most often reveals the true thoughts of the opponent.

“We have our own methods, our analytical agency works with information from open databases, we compile a profile of the person we are interested in, a profile of the business. The Bureau and other sources officially provide their information. Next, using special methods, we draw up a psychological portrait of the individual, for this we study his environment and social circle. We do not carry out search activities because we are not security forces. We believe that all information can be obtained without leaving the room. The profiler has the skill of thinking with consequences. For us, it is quite easy to understand the motivation, characteristics of a person, predict the style of behavior, and the style of management strategies. Further, if there is a question about an active event, then we legally build interaction with law enforcement agencies", explains Evgeniy Spiritsa.

From the KGB to Paul Ekman

By the way, " International Academy Lie Research" is an organization with solid experience. For more than 20 years, verifiers have been working, fighting for the truth.

"We have learned from experience the best specialists in the field of lie detection, both domestic and American. We studied from Paul Ekman, Aldert Virge, Richard Bandler, took the research of Nathan Gordon, and gained knowledge from our mentors, such as V.V. Korovin, A.P. Soshnikov, V.N. Fedorenko and L.G. Alekseev are legends of the 30th laboratory of the KGB of the USSR, which has been engaged in lie detection for more than 40 years. We have adapted this colossal experience for Russian business, adding a large number of our own investigations and audits. Every day we analyze and develop based on inspections, examinations and research. The Academy has thousands on its account solved crimes, and we have also collected a huge research base based on cooperation with major Russian and foreign partners,” sums up Evgeniy Spiritsa.

So, if you are a true fighter for justice and can smell a lie a mile away, think about the profession of a verifier. You can become a verifier after studying at the Faculty of Psychology or specialized courses. This is a wonderful opportunity to feel like Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot or Dr. Lightman from the TV series “Lie to Me.” Observe, analyze, and let the truth prevail!

Do you think verifiers are really capable of reading minds and detecting lies? Is this an innate gift or can you learn to “read” a person? We are waiting for your opinions in the comments!

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