Summary of lessons on familiarization with wild animals. Summary of educational activities "Domestic and wild animals" to familiarize children with the outside world

Lesson-journey to get acquainted with the outside world 2nd junior group

Topic: "Wild and Domestic Animals"

Lesson on acquaintance with the surrounding world in the 2nd junior group on the topic "Wild and domestic animals"

Theme: Wild and domestic animals.

Section: Development of ideas about the surrounding world and about oneself.

Group: Second junior.

Form of carrying out: Travel.

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of younger children preschool age about wild and domestic animals.

  • 1. Cognitive. To consolidate the knowledge of children about wild and domestic animals. To form the ability to distinguish between animals and their cubs, to correctly correlate their names. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to new animals.
  • 2. Developing. To develop the mental processes of children: attention, memory, thinking. To promote the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowels by onomatopoeia.
  • 3. Nurturing. Cultivate a sense of love for the world around, respect for the inhabitants of wildlife.

Previous work:

Didactic game "Who is screaming?"

Drawing animals on stencils.

Games-reincarnations in animals.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Modeling animals from plasticine.

Reading fairy tales: "Gingerbread Man", "Three Bears", "Wolf and Seven Kids", "Fox, Hare and Rooster".

Memorizing poems about animals.

Russians folk rhymes and riddles about animals.

Lesson plan:

  • 1. Introductory part (conversation) - 3 min.
  • 2. Main part (journey) - 12 min.
  • 3. Final part (conversation, game) - 5 min.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction (conversation)

The children enter the room.

  • - Guys, do you like to walk?
  • - Where can I go for a walk?
  • (Children's answers.)
  • - When people go for a walk to distant places - this is called travel.
  • - How do you think, on what you can go on a trip? (Children's answers.)
  • - You can travel not only on foot, but also by plane, ship, train. And today we will go on a trip in a hot air balloon.

II. Main part (journey)

Bring into the hall balloon filled with helium.

Take hold of the rope and let's begin our journey.

Children, holding the rope of the balloon, sing:

We're flying in a balloon

In a balloon we fly like birds.

Here is the house seen there in the distance,

Let's get down to earth as soon as possible.

The song ends, the children stop near the house.

  • - This is our first stop. I wonder who lives in the house? How to find out? (Children's answers.)
  • - That's right, we'll knock and ask who lives in the house. Children knock on the door and ask:
  • Hello, who lives here?

It purrs, it plays

It's escaping somewhere

Runs away.

And when he comes back

That meows from the saucer

Drinks raw milk.

  • - Did you solve the riddle? Who is this?
  • - Cat.
  • - Tell me, guys, is the cat a domestic or wild animal?
  • - Homemade.
  • - Why do you think that a cat is a pet? (Children's answers.)
  • - What other pets do you know? (Children's answers.)
  • - Pick up a picture with an animal that you like and find a cub for it.
  • (Pictures are placed on strings with clothespins. Children take pictures and match pictures of adult animals with their cubs.)
  • - Now name the animal and its cub.

Children's answers:

  • - The dog has a puppy.
  • - The cat has a kitten.
  • - A hen has a chick.
  • - A cow has a calf, etc.
  • - Well done. Pets came to visit us. Did you recognize them? And if you find out, tell me how they scream.

We show pictures of domestic animals and their cubs. Children pronounce how these animals scream.

Well, let's continue our journey. Hold the balloon by the string.

The journey continues with the song.

Here it is again at a height, the sun is shining in the distance.

We are pulling the handles to the clouds all the higher.

We hurry to the green forest,

We will go down to the clearing more quietly.

Near the forest, the song ends.

  • - This is our second stop. Where did we get to? (In the forest.)
  • What animals live in the forest? (Children's answers.)
  • What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild.)
  • - Look at the screen. Wild animals include: hare, fox, wolf, hedgehog, squirrel, bear.

Children look at the animals that appear on the screen.

  • - And now let's play a game that you already know: select a picture with an animal and find its cub.
  • (Pictures with animals are placed on tree branches. Children take pictures and match pictures of adult animals with their cubs.)
  • - Name the animal and its cub.

Children's answers:

  • - The hare has a hare.
  • - The wolf has a cub.
  • - A squirrel has a squirrel, etc.
  • - Our walk through the forest is over, it's time to return to kindergarten.

Children take the balloon by the rope and move around the room.

Our journey ends

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We do not say goodbye to our animals,

Everyone will be glad to see them.

III. Final part (conversation, game)

  • This is where our journey ends. We returned to kindergarten. Look, these animals are lost and can't remember who lives where. They ask you to help them figure it out. All animals need to be settled in two clearings. On one "clearing" there is a symbol of the house, on the other - forests. Children lay out pictures depicting wild and domestic animals on two "clearings".
  • - Well done, helped the animals to understand.
  • - Did you like our walk? (Yes.)
  • - Where were we? (In the forest and at the house.)
  • What animals are we talking about? (About wild and domestic.)
  • - You did very well today, so at the end of the lesson I want to play with you.

A game is being played: children put on hats with animals and turn into them. They play to the music, run around the clearing. On a signal, they hide in houses: wild animals - to the symbol of the forest, domestic animals - to the symbol of the house.

Technical teaching aids: tape recorder with music recording.

Didactic materials:

  • 1. Sets of pictures depicting wild and domestic animals and their cubs.
  • 2. Cards with symbol forests and houses.
  • 3. Layout of the house.
  • 4. Models of trees.
  • 5. Hats with animals.

Educational areas:

1. Socio-communicative.
2. cognitive development.
3. Speech development.
4. Physical development.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals.


1. Educational: Teach children to compare domestic and wild animals. Find similarities and differences. Give an idea of appearance.Teach children to look at the picture, answer questions.
2. Developing: To develop the ability of children to distinguish between animals by size (large-small). Develop connected speech, thinking, attention, observation.
3. Educational: Raise children to care for animals.

vocabulary work: memorization of verses.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of domestic and wild animals.

Equipment: Animal models, farm, wild and domestic animal pictures, animal cards.

move educational activities:

Educator:"Children, let's remember and name what animals we know."
Children:“A fox, a hare, a cow, a horse, a wolf ......” (list).
Play:"Children, name the pets first."
Children:“cow, horse…….”
Play:"Where do they live?"
Children:"At home".
Play:"Now name the wild animals."
Children: Fox, hare, wolf…..
Play:"Where do they live?"
Children:"In the forest".
Play:“That's right guys. Now tell me, who takes care of the pets?”
Children:“They are looked after and cared for by a person.”
Play:“Tell me guys, what do wild animals eat?”
Children:“Hares eat cabbage, grass. The fox and the wolf feed on small animals.
Play:“Guys, let’s close our eyes with you and say: “One, two, three, get into the Land of Animals.””

Children close their eyes and repeat the words.

Play:“Well, here we are in the Land of Animals. Look how many different animals are here.

The children look around. They see different animals (soft toys, models of wild and domestic animals, a farm).

Play:"Children, let's help the animals: we'll send the wild ones to the forest, and the domestic ones to the farm."

Children divide animals into wild and domestic.

Play:“Well done kids. And now let's play a game: "Who screams like that?"

Play:“Now let’s play a game: “Who lives where?”

Pictures with animals are shown, children guess.

Physical education minute "Fun in the forest."

The hares got up early in the morning,
They had fun playing in the forest. (jumping in place)
On the tracks jump-jump-jump
Who is not used to charging? (walking in place)
Here is a fox walking through the forest,
Who jumps there interesting? (jumping in place)
To answer the question
The fox is pulling its nose. (sipping on toes)
But hares jump fast
How could it be otherwise. (walking in place)
Workouts help!
And the hares run away. (Running in place)
Here is a hungry fox
Looks sadly at the sky, (pull hands up)
Take a deep breath (inhale and exhale)
Sits down, rests. (Children sit down)

Play:“Well done guys, sit on the chairs. What poems about animals do you know?
Children:"Bears", "Lion", "Monkey", "Brown Bear".
Play:"Guys listen to a new poem"

Who does the tiger cub look like?
Tiger dad, mom tigress
And their kids are tiger cubs.
Resting in the meadow
And they play like kittens.
Just a little tiger
Twice the size of an adult cat
He doesn't mess around with balls
And he doesn't eat from a bowl.
The tiger growls already from the cradle,
He has big paws...
Wants a little tiger cub
Become a hunter like dad

T. Almazova (poems about animals)

Play:"Now guys, let's do the following task:
You have pictures on the tables.
You must find a cub for every adult animal
(independent work)
Play:“Well done guys, you have completed all the tasks. Now tell me: where can animals live?
Children:“In the forest and at home with a person. Animals that live in the forest are called wild, and those that are cared for by a person are domestic.
Play:"Children, let's close our eyes and Say: One, two, three, bring us back to kindergarten."

Children close their eyes and say the words.

Methodical literature:

1. Ushakova O.S. "Theory and practice of the development of speech of preschoolers."
2. Sfera 2008. V.V. Gerbov "Classes on the development of speech in the 2nd junior group kindergarten».
Synopsis of a lesson on the development of speech in the younger group of V.V. Gerbov.
3. E.A. Savelyeva " finger games in poetry for preschoolers.
4. E.V. Muradova "Introduction to the world around preschoolers."

Municipal Autonomous Institution

additional education

House of creativity "October" of the city of Lipetsk

Open lesson getting to know the environment

"Wild animals"

Prepared by:

teacher of additional education,

Ladynskaya N.A.

Lipetsk- 2016

Target: teach to highlight features wild animals, compose descriptive stories about animals, express your thoughts correctly.



1. Consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals (appearance, dwellings, food).

2.Activate and expand the dictionary on the topic "wild animals".

3. Improve the ability to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.


1. Develop visual perception, speech hearing, memory, attention.

educators :

1. To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades and respect for animals.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories about animals, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations.


Technical equipment:


    multimedia projector, screen.

Demo material:

Illustrations depicting wild animals.

subject pictures.

Envelope with a letter.

White toy.

1. Organizational moment.


Guys, I'm going to give you a riddle.

When you guess it, you will find out who will come to your lesson.

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And climbs oaks?

Who hides the nuts in the hollow?

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

That's right, it's a squirrel. And here she is. What is that in her hand? Some kind of letter.

The teacher reads it:

"Come quickly

Help urgently.

The wizard scared us.

He bewitched us all.

We have forgotten who I am.

What should we drink and what should we eat.

Rescue, help.

And reconcile us urgently. "Inhabitants of the Forest"

2. Teacher:

Guys, tell me, who are these inhabitants of the forest? Name.

Children list animals.

Teacher: What is the name of the animals that live in the forest?

Children's answers: Wild, forest.

Teacher: And why?

Children's answers: They live in the forest, get their own food, build dwellings, take care of their cubs.

Teacher: Guys, can we help them?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Then let's say the magic words to be in the forest.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we go to the forest to save the animals.The music is the singing of birds.

Here we are in the forest.

3. Didactic game. "Guess the description."


Guys, we came to the forest. Look, not mushrooms grow in the forest clearing, but white cards lie. I wonder what the squirrel will say?

Teacher on behalf of Belochka:

These are magical cards. An evil wizard has bewitched our forest dwellers… Now the forest is quiet and sad. If you complete the tasks and guess the riddles of the wizard, then witchcraft will gradually disappear.

As soon as you guess who it is, the card can be turned over.

Angry, hungry, gray (wolf);

Small, long-eared, gray or white (hare);

Red, dexterous, cunning, fluffy (fox);

Big, clumsy, clumsy (bear);

Small, prickly, gray (hedgehog).

As you name, subject pictures open and animals appear.

teacher : Here, squirrel, the children named forest animals.

Teacher on behalf of Belochka:

Thank you guys, you solved all the riddles. Soon the fun will come to our forest again!

teacher : And now, guys, we will sit on the forest stumps and name the baby animals.

4. Finger gymnastics.

This is a bunny

This is a squirrel

This is a fox

This is a wolf

And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake

Brown, furry, funny teddy bear.

And which of the forest animals did we not name? (hedgehog).

5. Poem. "Everyone has their own home."


Squirrel, and Polina wants to tell you a poem.

At the fox in the deaf forest,

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog,

Heaps up the leaves.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm and cozy in it.

6. Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Teacher: Guys, Squirrel wants to know, but do you know where wild animals live, what are their homes called?

Children's answers.

The fox lives in a hole, the bear sleeps in a den, the wolf lives in a den.

Does the rabbit have a home?

Children's answers: no, he hides under the bushes.

Teacher on behalf of Belka:

Where do I live, do you know?

Children's answers: in the hollow.

7. Didactic game "Who loves what."

Guys, the wizard has bewitched the animals so that they forget what they eat and what they drink. Let's help them. You know what wild animals eat.

On the tables you have subject pictures. Look at them carefully and say which animal likes to eat it.

Subject pictures: raspberries, honey, cones, mushrooms, apple, cabbage, carrots, nuts, grass.


The hare loves carrots, cabbage.

Squirrel - nuts, mushrooms.

Hedgehog loves mushrooms, apples.

Bear - honey, berries.

Teacher on behalf of Belochka: Thank you guys, you saved the animals, did not let them die of hunger.

I want to show you how animals move.

Fizkultminutka "Who moves how".

On a hot day through a forest path,

The animals went to the watering place.

A fox was stalking behind the mother fox.

A hedgehog rolled behind mom like a hedgehog.

A bear cub followed the mother bear.

The squirrels galloped after the mother squirrel.

Behind the mother hare are oblique hares.

The she-wolf led the cubs.

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

8. Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

Teacher on behalf of Belochka: Guys, I want to play with you, I name the beginning of the sentence, you need to finish it by naming the word opposite in meaning.

The hare is white in winter, and in summer ...

The hare has a short tail and ears ...

The hedgehog is small, and the bear ...

The squirrel is gray in winter, and in summer ...

The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare ...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the fox in ...

The fox is cunning, and the hare ...

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog ...

Teacher on behalf of Belochka :

Well done guys, you did a great job.

9. Didactic game. "The Fourth Extra".

Teacher on behalf of Belochka: The evil wizard confused all the animals. Help me find out who's out there.

Fox, bear, hare, woodpecker.

Wolf, hedgehog, horse, fox.

Hare, elephant, bear, squirrel.

Hedgehog, bear, hare, fox.

Chicken, squirrel, hedgehog, fox.

10. Teacher on behalf of Belochka:

Guys, now tell us about wild animals so that the evil wizard can no longer bewitch them. Remember what they eat, where they live, what parts of the body they have, what their cubs are called.

1-2 children choose an animal and describe it.

Squirrel - wild animal. She has a fluffy tail. She lives in a hollow. Stores mushrooms and nuts for the winter. She has squirrels.

Wolf - wild animal. He has a head, 4 paws. Its body is covered with gray fur. It has large, sharp teeth and a long gray tail. The wolf has cubs. They live in a lair.

Other animals are described similarly.

The squirrel thanks the children for their help and offers them a treat - mushrooms. Children thank the squirrel for the treat.


And it's time for us to return to our Center. Let's say the magic words.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we came to the Center again.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Lesson progress

The children are sitting at their desks.

Guys, today we have not an easy lesson. We will go on an excursion to an unusual museum. What is a museum? What are the museums for what people go to them?

I will be your tour guide. Who is a tour guide?

Before going to the museum, let's remember how to behave there.

That's right, you need to listen carefully to the guide and answer only when he asks questions and ask questions yourself.

Before going on an excursion, let's mark our level of preparedness on the mountain of knowledge. Where do you think we are and why here?

Yes, we are not at the very beginning of the path of knowledge, you have already learned a lot of interesting things and have moved a step forward, but we still have to learn and discover a lot of new knowledge. And at the end of the lesson, we will see if we have made new discoveries and have moved forward. Do you want to go even higher?

Materials for 3 rooms are decorated on the wall:

1 hall: North Pole- painting;

Hall 2: Tundra - crossword;

Hall 3: Taiga - mixed forest (inverted pictures depicting animals - guesses).

Now they got up and followed me to our unusual museum.

Look what an unusual room. There is only one picture hanging here. Take a close look at it and tell me where we got to? (To the Arctic, to the North Pole).

But, if we got to the North Pole, then what discrepancy is there in the picture? (The artist confused the habitats brown bear and deer).

Why can't these animals live here? (It is cold all year round in winter and summer. There is an icy desert here: there are no plants and these animals are not adapted to live here: fur, color, food).

What animals live in the Arctic?

So, what do animals at the North Pole need to have in order to survive?

Fix the inscription “North Pole” and pictures with these animals at the North Pole (does the teacher).

Guys, let's remember where we live?

That's right, in the Far North, in the tundra zone.

Do you know what kind of animals we live in, this is what we will check now.

See what we have hanging here? (crossword: wolf, deer, fox, hare)

Name these animals.

What two groups can these animals be divided into and why. How do they differ from each other? (herbivores and predators).

Tell me, what is the difference between the tundra zone and the Arctic?

Even though we have permafrost and the top layer of the earth is very small, but, nevertheless, we still have vegetation and therefore there are more animals: there are not only predators, but also herbivores.

And what other animals do you know that live in our Far North?

Some of them are listed in the Red Book. Which? What is this book, can anyone explain?

Listen to the poem here:

There are very few left

It's hard for them to survive now

They look from the pages and ask

Protect us people.

Let's put these animals in their climate zone. (the teacher attaches the name of the zone, the children - pictures).

And now, in order to find out which room we came to, we need to solve riddles:

Winding through the snow -
She covered her tracks.
And the cheat hid in the thicket of the forest,
The hunter could not keep up with ...

Ooh, furry, ooh, big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Chewing berries in summer
Takes wild honey from bees
Terrible can roar
The clumsy beast…

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here he is on the fly
Tore off the bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks across the field
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide. (elk).

Well done! And now there will be riddles-tricks, be careful.

Curled up in a ball, come on!
Prickly on all sides...

In more often, head up,
Howling with hunger...

After each riddle, the answers are reversed.

Look how many animals we have. Where do you think they live and why are there so many of them? (In the taiga and mixed forests: where it is warmer, there are a lot of plants, food).

Let's put them on the map: where they live. (teacher - the name of the zone, children - pictures).

And now I want to offer you a game called: “Guess it”. You need to think, remember the habits of animals and portray some kind of animal. One will show, but before that he will tell me in my ear who he wants to portray, and the rest will guess. 5-6 people.

Well done, how well you showed these animals. And now everyone draw a bunny. And now all the bunnies will be engaged in exercises.


White bunnies sit and move their ears,
Like this, like this, they move their ears.
It's cold for bunnies to sit
They need to warm their paws.
Like this, like this, you need to warm their paws.
It's cold for bunnies to stand
Bunnies need to run.
Like this, like this,
Bunnies need to run.

Our tour is over, but the lesson is still going on. Did you enjoy the museum? What new did you learn and what did you repeat?

On the board is a schematic representation of animals: predators, herbivores, omnivores.

They went and sat down at their desks.

Look, you have pictures of different animals on your desks. What do you think you will need to do?

Your task:

1 row - you need to find predators

2 row - find herbivores

3rd row - omnivores

(squirrel, hedgehog, bear)

Let's check.

What animals are our predators?

What animals are herbivores?

What animals are omnivores?

And explain why.

What did you discover new for yourself. What surprised you? What would you like to tell mom and dad?

Do you think we have moved forward on the mountain of knowledge?

But look how far we still have to go forward, how much we have to learn. What needs to be done for this?

To do this, it will be necessary to study a lot not only at school, but also at home, you need to read books, go to museums, libraries. And with each discovery, new knowledge, we will move further and further along the road to the top of the “mountain of knowledge”.

Abstract of classes

V senior group to familiarize children with the world around them -

"Wild animals"

Garifullina Aigul Altafovna

The purpose of the lesson: to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about wild animals.

Educational tasks: consolidation of ideas about wild animals, their appearance. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic: "Wild animals" (animals, beast, bear, wolf, fox, squirrel, hare, hedgehog, gatehouse). Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of syllabic word analysis skills.

Developmental tasks: development of speech hearing, speech breathing, visual attention, spatial orientation, thinking, fine and general motor skills, coherent speech, sense of rhyme, development of creative imagination and imitation.

Educational: the formation of skills of mutual understanding, goodwill, cooperation, responsibility, initiative.

Equipment: Pictures depicting wild animals. laptop, cd didactic games, multimedia screen, tape recorder, disc with music for relaxation. Stuffed squirrel.

Course progress.

1 organizational moment. Exercise "Guess and name."

Educator: - Guys, now I will guess riddles for you, and you guess them. Find the answer among the pictures.

Where does he live? Most often.

In the very, very real

Loves raspberries, loves honey,

Has a sweet tooth (Bear).

The first child guesses the riddle and takes out a picture of a bear.

Educator: - Whom did you find?

Child: - Bear.

Then riddles are made about a fox, a hare and a hedgehog, a squirrel.

Look, what, everything burns like gold,

The tail is fluffy and large.

She is a craftswoman for evasions, but her name is ... (Fox).

What is this forest animal?

Hidden under a pine tree

And stands among the grass

Ears above the head. (Hare).

Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.

They look at me, they want milk. (Hedgehog).

The red-haired mistress has a lot of work:

It is necessary to fill the hollow with mushrooms,

Change your coat for another one.

Winter is coming soon! We must hurry! (Squirrel).

2. Examining the squirrel. Tactile examination.

Educator: - Look who came running to us. What does a squirrel have?

Children: - Muzzle: eyes, ears, nose, mouth with sharp teeth, body covered with fur, 4 legs with sharp claws, fluffy tail.

Educator: - She needs a fluffy tail in order to jump through the trees, and when it's cold, then cover herself with it like a blanket. And what are the legs with sharp claws for?

Children: - To climb trees.

Educator: - Why do we need sharp teeth?

Children: - Gnaw nuts.

Educator: - What else does the squirrel love?

Children: - Mushrooms, berries, seeds.

Educator: - Bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel - what are these animals?

Children: - Wild.

Educator: - Why are these animals called wild? (The teacher listens to the answers of the children.). Guys, what do you think, which of you answered correctly?

Children: - Correctly answered Artem. People don't take care of wild animals. Wild animals get their own food and live away from people.

Educator: - Where do they live?

Children: - In the forest.

3. Logic task:

Educator: - Guys, look at the picture and tell me who is extra? (Slide 1. Image of a bear, wolf, hare, fox, hedgehog, dog).

Children: - Dog.

4. forest animals and their cubs.

Educator: - Guys, in front of you are not adult children, but their cubs. Do you know what they are called and who their mother is? (Slide 2 - 9. Hedgehogs, bear cubs, wolf cubs, hares, cubs, tiger cubs, squirrels, lion cubs.).

Children: - A hedgehog has a hedgehog,

The she-bear has cubs,

The she-wolf has wolf cubs,

The bunny has bunnies,

The fox has cubs,

A tigress has cubs,

The squirrels have squirrels,

The lioness has cubs.

5. Gymnastics for the eyes.

I jump back and forth (eye movement up - straight ahead)

Deftly through the trees. (eye movement down - straight ahead)

Never empty (eye movement to the right - straight ahead)

I have a closet. (eye movement down - straight ahead)

6. The game "To the watering hole."

Educator: - Our animals wanted to drink and went to a watering hole. Spin around yourself and turn into animals. (children walk in a circle)

On a hot day, along a forest path, the animals went to a watering hole

A moose calf stomped behind the moose, (they walk, stomping loudly)

A fox was sneaking behind the fox, (sneaking on toes)

Bunnies jumped after a hare (they jump like bunnies)

A hedgehog rolled behind a hedgehog, (squat, run in short steps)

For the squirrel, the squirrels rode, (they squat)

A bear cub followed the bear, (they are waddling)

The she-wolf led her cubs, (depict the cubs)

All mothers and children want to get drunk (turn in a circle, “lap” with their tongue)

Educator: - Turn around yourself and turn into guys.

7. The game "Who is gone?" using a laptop.

Educator: - Look at the pictures and say who will not.

The teacher shows a slide with the image of four animals (bear, fox, hare, hedgehog). On each next slide, one animal is “hiding”.

Children: guess and call: “The bear (fox, hare, hedgehog) is gone.

8. Finger gymnastics "Hedgehog". Children stand in a circle. Depict a hedgehog, having collected fingers in the castle.

Little hedgehog frozen

And curled up in a ball

(Press your fingers - the hedgehog removed the needles)

The sun warmed the hedgehog -

The hedgehog turned around.

(Straighten your fingers - the hedgehog showed thorns.)

9. Title.

Educator: - Today we talked a lot about forest dwellers. And I brought you the story of Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov "How to find a path" on the theme of the forest, wild animals.

And the title immediately says that someone got lost and is looking for a path to the house. Listen.

The guys went to the forest to visit their grandfather, the forester. Went and got lost. They're watching. Squirrel jumps over them. From tree to tree. From tree to tree. Guys - to her.

Squirrel, squirrel, tell me

Squirrel, squirrel, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Very simple! Belka answers. - Jump from this tree to that one, from that one to a crooked birch. A large, large oak tree is visible from the crooked birch. The roof is visible from the top of the oak tree. This is the guardhouse. Well, what are you, jump!

Thank you, Belka, the guys say. “But we don’t know how to jump up trees. We'd better ask someone else.

Jumping Hare. The children sang their song to him:

Bunny, Bunny, tell me

Bunny, Bunny, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

To the gatehouse? - asked the Hare. - There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then it will smell like a fox hole. So? Jump this scent right or left. So? When he is behind, sniff like this and you will smell the smoke. Jump straight to it without turning anywhere. This grandfather-forester puts a samovar.

Thank you, Bunny, the guys say. "It's a pity that our noses aren't as sensitive as yours." Will have to ask someone else.

They see a snail crawling.

Hey snail, tell me

Hey snail, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Tell a long, long time, sighed the Snail. “I’d rather take you there.” Follow me. - Thank you, Snail! the guys say. We don't have time to crawl. We'd better ask someone else.

A bee sits on a flower. Guys to her.

Bee, Bee, tell me

Bee, bee, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Well, well, - says the Bee. - I'll show you ... Look where I'm flying ... Follow me. See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to our grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I'm in a terribly hurry. Well...

And flew away. The kids didn't even have time to thank her. They went where the bees were flying and quickly found a lodge.

That was joy! And then grandfather treated them to tea.

Reading the story, the teacher gives an explanation of the word gatehouse - a room for a watchman, a forester.

Did you like this story? Did you guys like it? Why did all the forest dwellers gladly help them?

The tale is called "How to find the path." What title would you come up with? (Help of forest animals. Good forest.).

10 . Muscle relaxation exercises with music.

The teacher asks the children to lie on their backs and close their eyes.

Educator: - Imagine that you are lying in a forest clearing, the sun is shining. The sun warms your face, shoulders, arms, chest, legs, you are warm, calm. Take a slow breath in and out. And suddenly the birds chirped. Open your eyes, smile at each other, hold hands. Smile to everyone!

11. The result of the lesson.

Educator: - Guys, what animals did we talk about today? Where do these animals live? What story did I read to you? Who wrote this story?
