Conducting shooting exercises for pre-conscription training. Pre-conscription training for young men (from work experience)

safety requirements

during pre-conscription training classes

(field fees)

1. General requirements

1.1. Students who have passed the full course theoretical training, who received positive assessments, passed a medical examination and have no restrictions on physical training.

1.2. Before the start of classes, the teacher is obliged to train students on safety measures when performing specific types of exercises with registration in the training log.

1.3. Safety during shooting and throwing hand grenades is ensured by their clear organization, knowledge and strict adherence to the order and rules established at the shooting range or shooting range, and high discipline of all shooting participants.

1.4. When choosing the direction of fire, throwing grenades, it is necessary to take into account that a shot from a rifle is dangerous at a distance of up to 200 m, when throwing grenades up to 50 m.

1.5. In order to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of both shooters and others at the shooting range and shooting range prohibited:

Fire from a faulty weapon even on the “Fire” command;

Pick up and load a weapon without the command of the shooting director;

Aim and point even unloaded weapons to the sides and rear, at targets if there are people or animals in their direction, as well as at people or animals;

Remove the loaded weapon from the firing line;

Leave a loaded weapon anywhere or transfer it to others without the command of the shooting director;

Be on the firing line for outsiders from the “Fire” command to the “Hangover” command.

1.6. When traveling independently to the training area, cross the roadway at pedestrian crossings, and if there are none, at intersections along the sidewalks and roadsides. If there is no crossing or intersection in sight, cross the road at right angles to its longitudinal axis in a section where the road is clearly visible in both directions, making sure that the crossing is safe.

2. Safety requirements before starting classes.

2.1. Check the serviceability of weapons, grenade models and other visual aids and devices.

2.2. Determine and mark the boundaries of the firing line.

2.3. If shooting is taking place at a shooting range, set up a cordon and assign observers to the target field.

3. Safety requirements during shooting from a small-caliber rifle and throwing dummy grenades.

3.1. When shooting, the shooter must:

Keep the weapon in the line of fire with the muzzle of the barrel only in the direction of fire at an angle of 45°-60°, regardless of whether it is loaded or not;

Leave a weapon or transfer it to another person only with permission at the command of the shooting director, having previously unloaded the weapon;

Load weapons only upon the supervisor’s command “Load weapons”;

Report to the manager on the execution of the command;

On the command “Fire”, independently load the weapon and fire until the end of the exercise;

Report to the supervisor about the end of the shooting, check that there is no bullet in the barrel, put the weapon on safety;

Put down the weapon, at the command “Inspect targets”, approach the target, determine the number of holes (hits) and the amount of points.

3.3. Constantly monitor the fire zone, if a person or animal appears in it, immediately stop shooting (throwing grenades) and give the command “Stop shooting (throwing grenades), person (animal) in the fire zone."

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Methods of artificial respiration

Artificial respiration is carried out only in cases where the victim is not breathing or is breathing rarely, spasmodically, with sobbing. There are several methods of artificial respiration:

1) mouth to mouth - the person providing assistance exhales into the lungs through a tube or directly into the mouth or nose of the victim;

2) the victim is placed on his back and a cushion of clothing is placed under the lower edges of the shoulder blades. The person providing assistance kneels behind the victim’s head and, taking his hands closer to the elbows, lifts them up and pulls them behind his head until it stops, and after 2-3 seconds. returns them to their previous position. Rhythm 16-48 movements per minute.

4.2. Maintaining blood circulation with external cardiac massage

If there is no pulse and the pupils are dilated, the victim is given an indirect heart massage simultaneously with artificial respiration.

If two persons are involved in providing assistance, then one performs artificial respiration, the second, standing on the left side of the victim, places the palm of one hand on the lower third of the chest, and places the second hand on the first. Rhythmic pressing movements are performed with the base of the palm on the chest (frequency 60-70 r/min).

If one person provides assistance, then he massages the heart and performs artificial respiration alternately with 2-3 exhalations and 15-20 rhythmic pressures on the chest.

4.3. Procedure for providing first aid for wounds and bleeding:

Weak capillary bleeding is stopped by applying bandages;

For severe bleeding, for venous and arterial bleeding, a tourniquet or twist is used;

Blood from the neck is stopped by pressing the jaw artery, from the thigh - by the femoral artery.

A tourniquet or twist is applied for no more than 2 hours. In case of internal bleeding, ice is applied to the injury site.

4.4. First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains

For a fracture, dislocation, etc. apply a transport splint (board, stick, etc.) to the damaged part of the body. In this case, it is necessary to exclude at least 2 joints from movement (above and below the fracture site). The fracture site must be covered with soft cotton wool or a bandage.

In case of deep fainting or respiratory arrest, the victim must be given artificial respiration.

After providing first aid, be sure to consult a doctor.

4.5. Sun and heatstroke

With sunstroke and heatstroke, the victim feels thirsty, feels tired, the face turns red and then turns pale, the temperature rises, convulsions and loss of consciousness may occur.

To provide first aid for sunstroke or heatstroke, it is necessary to move the victim to a cool place, remove his clothes, pour water on him, put cold on his head and chest, wipe his body cold water. If there is no breathing, artificial respiration should be started.

pedagogical sciences

  • Larionov Valentin Viktorovich, teacher
  • middle School of General education
  • Professional standard of a teacher and quality of training: determinants of modern education
  • Formation of valeological culture of future social work specialists at the university
  • Dichotomy of social responsibility of the intelligentsia: sociocultural analysis
  • The role of parents in shaping a healthy lifestyle for a child
  • Problems of forming patriotic consciousness among the younger generation


In accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” dated March 28, 1998, December 31, 1999 No. 1441 “On approval of the regulations on the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service» in general educational institutions Field training sessions must be conducted.

Students who do not have an exemption due to health reasons are invited to participate in training camps.

The program of training camps provides for familiarizing students with the accommodation and life of military personnel, the organization of guard duty and internal service, study of the elements of combat, fire, tactical, medical and physical training.

The organization of field training camps in the Olkhon district is carried out and carried out on the basis of a resolution of the mayor of the district, and an order from the head of the district military registration and enlistment office on the conduct of field training camps and the appointment of officials for the period of training.

The head of the regional educational organization also issued orders “On conducting final classes in shooting from a machine gun with live ammunition with 10th grade boys.”

Armed forces The Russian Federation is a state military organization that forms the basis of the country's defense. They are intended to repel aggression against the state, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory Russian Federation, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation on implementation peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

Today, one of the priority tasks in the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation remains the preservation of potential strategic forces containment.

The main goal of the Russian Federation’s policy in this area is to prevent any type of forceful pressure and aggression against Russia or its allies, and in the event of its unleashing, guaranteed protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and other vital national interests of the state. This policy of the Russian Federation in the field of strategic deterrence is the core of the country’s entire national security system and is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current Russian legislation.

In accordance with military doctrine. The armed forces can also be used to provide assistance to the population of the country in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

One of the important tasks in preparing young men for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is military-patriotic education. In our joint work to develop military-patriotic qualities in students, we can use various ways and methods. In this case, we conduct military field training with 10th grade students, aimed at education and training, as well as obtaining certain knowledge and skills in the field of military art. During training camps, young men learn their constitutional rights, understand the goals and nature of our defensive doctrine, the purpose of the Armed Forces, and acquire physical toughening and psychological stability. Conducting military field training helps solve one of the important tasks, military-professional guidance and military-patriotic education of students, forming in the student the conviction of the need to become a defender of his Motherland. Military professional guidance is part of the entire educational process; it is inextricably linked with the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. Our main goal is to create young man moral, combat, organizational and other qualities necessary for the defender of the Fatherland, to instill in young people respect and love for the Armed Forces, a correct understanding of the nature of military service. Our young men, having received certain knowledge in the field of defense, fulfill their military duty in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with honor and dignity. They took part in hostilities in hot spots, this is Afghanistan - Chechnya, they have state and government awards.

The main goals and objectives of field training camps are:

  1. formation of moral and volitional qualities, awareness of the active role of the individual in the development of character, the ability to show determination and perseverance in overcoming difficulties;
  2. to develop in young men smartness, accuracy, and the ability to quickly carry out commands; teach skillful use of weapons;
  3. to cultivate loyalty to the fighting and labor traditions of the older generation, devotion to the Fatherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence;
  4. to instill in our pre-conscripts a sense of patriotism and love for the RF Armed Forces.

Field training sessions for 10th grade boys from district schools are held at the base secondary schools district.

On the first day of arrival, platoons are formed. They are formed according to a mixed type, that is, students from different schools are included in the platoon list.

With such a recruitment system, students from the same school end up in completely different platoons, in fact, in new teams. This enables commanders to prepare a combat-ready team in a short period of time and eliminates possible negative phenomena. In short, the recruitment of platoons for the duration of the training camp is as close as possible to army conditions.

Classes at the training camp are held according to the daily schedule, starting from getting up at 7:00 a.m. until lights out at 10:00 p.m. All classes are held as scheduled, and teachers have class notes with them.

During leisure hours, which is the afternoon, there are cross-country races, volleyball, weight lifting, pull-up, and football competitions.

With such an organization of the daily routine, students have practically no free time and less opportunity to commit illegal actions.

As chief of staff, I carry out a lot of organizational training work. I am involved in the preparation of documentation, daily routines, class schedules, lists of platoon personnel, plans - class notes.

Opening of field training camps

Before the opening of field training camps, all training camp personnel are actively preparing for the grand opening. At the same time, platoon commanders check uniforms, clothes, hairstyles, shoes, appearance participants. The command to form is given. The head of the training camp reports to the district military commissar on the readiness of pre-conscripts to conduct field training training.

The flag of the Russian Federation is raised by deputy platoon commanders in honor of the opening of field training camps.

Representatives of the district administration and the military commissar are present at the opening ceremony; participants of the Second World War and combat operations in Chechnya and Afghanistan speak to the participants of the training camp.

After the ceremonial part, the participants of the platoon training march in a solemn march in front of those present.

First day of training

On the first day, drill classes are held. Where they practice drill techniques and movement without weapons, breaking ranks, approaching the boss, reporting.

Drill techniques are practiced both individually with each student and as part of a squad and platoon. Classes are conducted by platoon commanders, who ensure that students are smart, outwardly neat, able to clearly carry out commands, and are in constant readiness to action.

The platoon commander also monitors the actions of students and corrects mistakes, addressing Special attention on the correct execution of drill techniques.

The purpose of this lesson is to instill discipline and responsibility for the execution of commands and orders, to achieve clarity and coherence of actions.

First, individual drill techniques are practiced, then as part of a squad, as part of a platoon.

Of great importance for maintaining internal order and discipline includes studying the theoretical part and practicing the practical skills of the Charter of the Internal and Garrison Guard Services.

For this purpose, a duty officer is appointed, and 9 orderlies are assigned to him, who perform the duties of maintaining order and discipline. At the divorce, a guard chief is appointed, guards and guards according to the number of posts. This guard unit is designed to guard and defend objects located in the camp.

To ensure proper performance of service at posts, guards pass special training, study their responsibilities. Visual propaganda and posters are also posted: the duties of the duty officer, orderly, and sentry at the post.

Second day of training. Tactical training

Tactics is component military art, which covers the theory and practice of combat.

On the tactical field, platoons practice attack, deployment in a chain, defense, trenches are opened for shooting from a prone position, and camouflage.

At the same time, the movement of students on the battlefield is also practiced:

  • running;
  • at an accelerated pace;
  • dashing;
  • crawling on your bellies, on your side, on all fours.

Material and technical support is important for achieving the high quality of the classes - machine gun models, sapper blades, gas masks and simulating agents, explosive packages, smoke bombs.

When moving to the tactical field, students practice flash actions nuclear explosion: “Flash Right”, “Flash Left”. The main thing that the student must learn is to lie face down, head to the side opposite to the explosion, hands under you and tightly covering your face.

Having worked this topic, students should know:

  • methods of movement on the ground;
  • use the protective features of the terrain;
  • move around in different ways;
  • deploy into battle formation;
  • conduct a defensive battle;
  • dig in to shoot from a prone position;
  • throw grenades;
  • provide self-help and mutual assistance;
  • use personal protective equipment.

The purpose of this lesson is to develop in students the moral and combat qualities necessary for young men to serve in the army, since getting as close as possible to a real combat situation requires psychological and physical stress.

Third day of training. Fire training

Classes are conducted directly in the camp by platoon commanders.

The purpose of this lesson is to explain to students the purpose and combat properties of the machine gun, to become familiar with the structure and position of parts and mechanisms when loading and firing, and the functions of parts and mechanisms when firing.

Each student independently disassembles and reassembles the machine gun and equips the magazine, while studying each mechanism separately, i.e. purpose, device, principle of operation.

Thus, the children achieve high results on this topic, since the activity is varied, lively and exciting. In the process of learning, young people develop a sense of pride, courage, and other qualities necessary for the upcoming military service: courage, perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Fourth day of training camp. Classes on military topography and physical training

Relatively little time is allocated for studying military topography; classes are conducted by platoon. Students must learn to navigate the terrain without a map, determine the direction and sides of the horizon and report their location relative to landmarks and local objects, determine the distance to an object and movement over rough terrain at a certain azimuth. During the learning process, the teacher cultivates in students initiative and resourcefulness, readiness to make independent decisions and perseverance.

In applied classes physical culture students learn:

  • self-defense techniques against a pistol;
  • self-defense techniques against knife strikes from above, below, from the side;
  • techniques for releasing the enemy from the front, behind,
  • Training fights are carried out using the learned techniques.

The purpose of this lesson: to develop in students strength, agility, speed, courage, to cultivate efficiency and discipline, to instill a love for the army and sports.

Fifth day of training. Fire training from AK-74 on the chest figure. Performing the initial exercise

The purpose of this lesson is practical training in the initial exercise of firing from a machine gun with live ammunition, instilling a desire for exemplary mastery of military weapons and marksmanship.

After the formation and the platoon commanders report on readiness, we send the platoon to the shooting range, where they are met by the military registration and enlistment office workers.

The shooting is carried out under the direction of the district military commissar. The targets are chest figures with circles No. 4 on a 75*75 cm shield. After formation and the platoon commanders report on readiness, the platoon training participants go to the shooting range. The position for shooting at the chest figure is practiced - lying down, from a rest, with three single shots. Unlimited shooting time.

The initial exercise of firing a machine gun with students is carried out in full accordance with the methodology adopted in military schools. Before students begin the initial exercise, a cordon is set up. Platoon commanders conduct repeated safety briefings and training in performing techniques and rules of shooting from a machine gun (preparing for shooting, setting up a sight, aiming, firing a shot and unloading a weapon).

First, one of the officers personally demonstrates firing from a machine gun. After which, on command, the first shift is called to the starting line, already prepared for shooting. At the ammunition supply point, according to the student’s report, one of the officers issues live ammunition. After this, a command is given for the first shift to enter the firing line. Then a command is given to load the machine, and the correctness of the student’s actions is monitored. If necessary, comments are made to correct errors. After the students report that they are ready to fire, the military commissar gives the command to open fire. After the end of the shooting of the first shift, the military commissar, on command, sends the first shift to the rear, and the next shift is called to the starting position. The firing order with subsequent shifts is repeated.

After the shooting is completed, special attention is paid to keeping track of live ammunition and instilling responsibility for its safety. Before leaving the shooting range, platoon commanders check the training camp participants, and an organized departure to the camp is carried out.

Closing of field training camps

The last day of the training camp is a solemn and at the same time exciting moment. The chief of staff names the most distinguished students, the head of the education department presents certificates and valuable gifts to the children, congratulates them on the successful completion of training camps.

To the “Slavyanka” march, the platoons march solemnly in front of the podium. Participants of the training camp go to their schools.

Naturally, such activities require considerable effort, endurance and patience from the children. The load is somewhat unusual, but real men can handle it, and even fatigue cannot hide the feelings of satisfaction and pride on the guys’ faces.

In a year or two, these guys will put on a soldier's uniform and join the army, already knowing the basics of military service.


  1. Journal of life safety, edited by O. Lysensky.
  2. Life safety textbooks edited by A.T. Smirnova.
  3. Educational and methodological manual on NVP.
  4. Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.
  5. Resolution of the head of the district administration.
  6. Orders of the head of the ROO.

a set of activities carried out as part of the implementation by citizens of the Russian Federation of their constitutional duty and responsibility to protect the Fatherland. D.P. is carried out in the form of compulsory and voluntary preparation of citizens for military service. Mandatory preparation of a citizen for military service includes: obtaining basic knowledge in the field of defense; training in the basics of military service in an educational institution of secondary (complete) general education, an educational institution of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and in training centers of organizations; military-patriotic education; training in military specialties for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen as directed by the military commissariat; medical examination. Voluntary training includes: military applied sports; training in additional educational programs aimed at military training of minor citizens in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, as well as in military bands of the RF Armed Forces and other troops, military formations and organs; training under the training program for reserve officers at military departments at a state, municipal or non-state educational institution of higher professional education that has state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties).

drill training

Pre-conscription training is organized and conducted with young men on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Military Duty and Military Service” in institutions that provide general secondary, vocational and secondary specialized education.

Goals pre-conscription training:

formation of moral and psychological readiness among young men for military service;

instilling knowledge, skills and the foundations of the culture of military service necessary for mastering the duties of a defender of the Fatherland.

Tasks of pre-conscription training :

expansion and deepening of knowledge about the heroism and courage of our ancestors in the defense of the Fatherland;

education of citizenship and patriotism, a sense of personal responsibility for fulfilling the constitutional duty to protect the Republic of Belarus;

training in shooting from air and small-caliber rifles; throwing hand grenades; actions in extreme conditions and on the training battlefield; drill techniques and movements without weapons; fulfillment of standards and exercises on the basics of military affairs, general physical and military-applied physical training.

Students should know:

the purpose and procedure for performing basic drill techniques without weapons;

safety requirements when performing drill techniques.

Students should be able to:

tidy up your clothing and appearance;

perform drill techniques on the spot and on the move.

quickly and accurately perform techniques and navigate the situation when building and rebuilding.


Drill training is one of the important disciplines of pre-conscription training. It develops in young men military bearing, a neat appearance, the ability to quickly and accurately perform techniques and navigate the environment.

Drill training contributes to the general tactical training of pre-conscripts, organization, team building, maintaining order and strengthening discipline.

In order to ensure the organized conduct of drill training classes and instill in students practical skills in performing drill techniques, classes are called platoons, each class is divided into two to three sections.

From among the young men (hereinafter referred to as trainees) who have high moral, psychological and leadership qualities, platoon and squad commanders (hereinafter referred to as commanders) are appointed by order of the head of the educational institution.

Each drill lesson begins with the formation of platoon personnel, checking the availability of students and the platoon commander’s report to the leader about readiness for the lesson.

During the lesson, the requirements of the drill regulations must be observed in actions, responses, as well as when students contact the leader of the lesson (according to military rank), instill discipline and smartness, develop military politeness and drill bearing.

When conducting drill training classes, the leader must be located where it is most convenient to teach the trainees, monitor their actions and promptly respond to their mistakes. The most appropriate removal of trainees from the formation should be considered: for squad commanders 3-4 steps, platoon commander

5-6 steps. With such a distance, the leader has the opportunity to observe the actions of all students. Trainees, being under the supervision of a leader, are more attentive to explanations and demonstrations of techniques, are less distracted and are always ready to carry out commands.

Crucial in drill training is the commander’s ability to give commands loudly and clearly. An incorrect or untimely command given confuses military personnel and leads to failure to complete the technique, the need to start it over again and loss of training time. When giving commands, the commander must take a position

"At attention." This instills discipline and respect for the system among subordinates. Also, a significant role in the quality of training and the diligence of students is played by the rational organization of classes and strict adherence to training regulations. Disruptions of classes, postponements of training and shortening of breaks lead to indifference among trainees and a decrease in overall training results.

In training personnel in drill techniques, the following methods are mainly used:

familiarization with the technique and an exemplary demonstration of its implementation;

studying the technique and learning the order of its implementation;

training in performing the technique.

When shown, the student gets a visual idea of drill, so the display must be flawless. Techniques and actions, shown clearly, correctly and beautifully, always make the proper impression on the students and make them want to perform them as shown. The demonstration must always be accompanied by a brief explanation. To create a complete and correct idea of ​​the technique or action being studied, it is not enough to have a visual representation; it is necessary to comprehend and repeat the technique being studied.

To improve the results in his practical activities in training military personnel in drill training, the leader needs to study the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of each military personnel being trained according to personal data and in everyday activities. Conclusions from such a study will help the leader establish a good psychological climate in the unit, set up trainees for maximum efficiency when mastering combat techniques, and correctly select the main directions of educational influence on each trainee.

Buildings and their elements.

To successfully master the basic principles Drill regulations and skillful actions in various formations, it is necessary, first of all, to know all the elements of the formation, the order of execution of commands, and the responsibilities of soldiers before the formation and in the formation.

The formation was and remains the basis for training personnel for joint actions. Like no other type of training, it fosters quick, accurate and unanimous execution of the commander’s will. Actions in the ranks require a deep understanding by trainees of the need for clear, fast and dexterous movements when performing techniques as part of a squad and platoon.

Drill training should begin with studying the responsibilities before formation and in the formation, which must always be performed accurately and clearly.

System - the placement of military personnel, units and military units for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles. The elements of the formation are the rank, flanks, front and rear.

Line - a formation in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line. A line of vehicles is a formation in which vehicles are placed one next to the other on the same line.

Flank - the right (left) end of the formation. When the formation rotates, the names of the flanks do not change. Front - the side of the formation in which the military personnel face (vehicles - with the frontal part). Backside formation - the side opposite to the front.

To determine the distance between military personnel (vehicles) in formation, an interval and distance are assigned.

Interval - the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

Distance - the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

The dimensions of the formation are determined by the width and depth.

The width of the formation is the distance between the flanks.

The depth of the formation is the distance from the first line (the soldier in front) to the last line (the soldier behind), and when operating on vehicles, the distance from the first line of vehicles (the vehicle in front) to the last line of vehicles (the vehicle behind).

The formations come in single and double ranks.

A two-rank formation is a formation in which servicemen of one rank are positioned behind the heads of servicemen of another rank at a distance of one step (an outstretched arm, palm placed on the shoulder of the soldier in front). The ranks are called first and second. When the formation is rotated, the names of the ranks do not change. Four people or less are always lined up in one line.


Rice. 1 Two-rank system and its elements
Row - two military personnel standing in a two-rank formation behind each other's heads. If the soldier in the first rank is not standing behind the head of the soldier in the second rank, such a row is called incomplete; the last row should always be complete.

When turning a two-rank formation in a circle, a soldier in an incomplete row moves into the line in front.

Single-rank and double-rank systems can be closed or open.

In a closed formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

In open formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals of one step or at intervals specified by the commander.

Column - a formation in which military personnel are located behind each other's heads, and units (vehicles) are located one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

Fig 2 Build – column of two

Four people or less line up in a column one at a time.

Columns are used to build subunits and military units in marching or deployed formation.

Deployed formation - a formation in which units are built on the same line along the front in a single-rank or double-rank formation (in a line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander.

The deployed formation is used for verification, calculations, inspections, parades, as well as in other necessary cases.

Marching formation used for joint actions on the march, during preparation and after completing tasks.

Marching formation - a formation in which a unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

To indicate the direction, distance and speed of movement, and to give signals in the formation, a leader and a trailing person are assigned.

The guide is a soldier (unit, vehicle) who moves as the head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (units, vehicles) coordinate their movement according to the guide.

The trailing one is the soldier (unit, vehicle) who moves last in the column.

The deployed formation of the squad can be single-ranked (line) or double-ranked.

The formation of a squad in a single-rank (double-rank) formation is carried out by the command “Squad, in one rank (in two ranks) - STAND.”

Having given the command, the squad leader stands at attention, facing the front of the formation; the squad is lined up to the left of the commander, as shown in Fig. 3 and 4, at set intervals and distances; At the same time, everyone’s shoe toes should be on the same straight line.

As the formation begins, the squad leader steps out of formation and monitors the formation of the squad.

A squad (crew, crew) of four people or less is always formed in one line.

If it is necessary to level the compartment in place, the command “ALIGN” or “Left - ALIGN” is given.

On the command “Align”, everyone, except the right-flank, turns their head to the right (the right ear is higher than the left, the chin is raised), aligned so that everyone sees the chest of the fourth person, considering themselves to be first. When aligned, service members may move forward, backward, or laterally somewhat.

At the end of the alignment, the command “Attention” is given, according to which everyone quickly puts their head straight. When leveling a compartment after turning it around, the command indicates the side to be aligned. For example: “To the right (to the left) - ALIGN.”

Rice. 3. Deployed single-rank squad formation

Rice. 4. Deployed two-rank squad system


K – squad leader

BUT – gunner-operator

SS - senior gunner

S – shooter

P - machine gunner

G – grenade launcher

PG - assistant grenade launcher

MV – driver mechanic

The marching formation of the squad can be in a column of one or in a column of two. The formation of a squad in a column, one (two at a time) on the spot, is carried out by the command “Squad, in a column, one (two at a time) - STAND.” Having given the command, the squad leader stands at attention, facing the direction of movement, and the squad lines up, as shown in Figures 5 and 6.

Rice. 5. Squad marching formation - column one at a time

Rice. 6. Squad marching formation - column of two

A squad (crew, crew) of four people or less is always formed in a column one at a time.

The formation of a squad from a deployed formation into a column is carried out by turning the squad to the right using the command “Squad, to the right - IN”. When turning a two-rank formation, the squad leader takes half a step to the right.

The formation of a squad from a column into a deployed formation is carried out by turning the squad to the left using the command “Squad, on the left-VO”. When a squad turns from a column of two, the squad leader takes half a step forward.

Rearrangement of a squad from a column one at a time into a column of two is carried out using the command “Squad, into a column of two, step - MARCH” (while moving - “MARCH”).

At the executive command, the squad leader (director) walks in half a step, the second numbers, going out to the right, take their places in the column in time with the step, as shown in Fig. 24; the squad moves half a step until the command “STRAIGHT” or “Squad - STOP”.

Rearranging a squad from a column of two to a column of one is carried out using the command “Squad, in a column one at a time, in step - MARCH” (while moving - “MARCH”).

By executive command, squad leader (director) is full step, and the rest - half-step; as space becomes available, the second number, in time with the step, enters the back of the head first and continues to move in full step (Fig. 23).

To change the direction of movement of the column, the following commands are given:

“Separation, right (left) shoulder forward - MARCH”; the guide goes left (right) until the command “STRAIGHT”, the rest follow him;

“Squad, follow me - MARCH (run - MARCH)”; the squad follows the commander;

“Squad, all around - MARCH.”

The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice and signals, and also transmitted using technical and mobile means. Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through unit commanders (senior vehicles) and designated observers.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the senior commander.

Formation, movement, change of direction of movement and other actions of units on foot are carried out according to commands, orders and instructions. Therefore, the leader should begin studying drill training by explaining to students the essence and procedure for controlling formations using commands.

Preliminary and executive commands.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; There can only be executive teams.

The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

At any preliminary command, servicemen who are in and out of formation on the spot take the position “at attention”, and when moving, they place their feet more firmly.

The executive command is given after a pause loudly, abruptly and clearly. When an executive command is given, it is carried out immediately and accurately.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is called out in the preliminary command, if necessary. For example, “Platoon (3rd Platoon), STOP”; "Private Ivanov, cru-GOM."

Commands (signals) relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders.

When transmitting a command by signal, the “ATTENTION” signal is first given, and if the command relates to only one of the divisions, then a signal indicating the number of this division is given. Signals to indicate unit numbers are set by the commander of the military unit (unit).

Readiness to accept a command is also indicated by the “ATTENTION” signal.

Receipt of the signal is confirmed by repeating it or giving the appropriate signal to your unit.

To cancel or stop the reception, the "RESERVE" command is issued. This command returns to the position that was before the technique was performed.

Responsibilities of military personnel before formation and in the ranks.

The serviceman is obliged:

check the serviceability of your weapon, the combat and other equipment assigned to it, ammunition, individual funds protection, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

have neat hair and a neat appearance;

tuck in uniforms, put on and fit equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate any noticed deficiencies;

know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly take it without fuss; while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance; do not disable (the machine) without permission;

in the ranks, do not talk without permission, be attentive to the orders (instructions) and commands (signals) of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out, without interfering with others;

transmit orders, commands (signals) without distortion, loudly and clearly.


To learn the drill stance, the squad leader forms the squad in one line and, coming out in front of the middle of the formation, shows how to take the drill stance (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Front stand

When starting the lesson, the commander introduces his subordinates to the elements of the drill by demonstrating it in an exemplary manner. In this case, subordinates must see the commander when shown from the front and side.

The combat stance is taken upon the command “STAND”.

At this command, quickly get into formation and stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, and turn your toes along the front line to the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

Having finished the demonstration, the commander opens the line and allows his subordinates to take the position of a combat stance, while he himself checks each trainee, ensuring that the mistakes he made are eliminated. Then the commander begins to learn the drill position by element (Fig. 8). If the majority of subordinates in the rank make mistakes, the commander begins to practically study the technique with the help of preparatory exercises.

To do this, the trained squads in an open single-rank formation stand on the line of the construction site. The squad leader demonstrates the first preparatory exercise - “Deployment of socks along the front line to the width of the foot.” Gives the trainees the opportunity to complete this preparatory exercise for two minutes, while he himself monitors the position of the socks. After this, the commander begins training.

Doing this preparatory exercise carried out by the command “Put your socks together, do ONCE, spread your socks, do TWO.” When giving commands, the squad leader monitors the width of the socks and points out mistakes made by the trainees. First, the exercise is performed several times under the general command, then the squad leader checks the execution of the exercise by each trainee. After this, he commands to begin independent training. You should perform the exercise several times and only after that check whether the toes have deviated from the line.

Rice. 8. Study of the combat stance in the elements:

A- checking the correct position of the body; b- position of the body at a combat stand; V - the difference between the drill position and the “at ease” position.
After solo training, you can move on to pair training.

Then the squad leader shows the second preparatory exercise - raising the chest with the body moving slightly forward, tucking the stomach, unfolding the shoulders and lowering the arms in the middle of the thighs. This exercise is practiced in the same sequence as the previous one. The commander explains to the soldiers that when starting this exercise, it is necessary to take a deep breath and hold the chest in this position, exhale and continue breathing with the chest raised. Having raised the chest, the body should be slightly forward, tuck the stomach, and turn the shoulders. At the same time, the arms are lowered so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are bent and touch the thighs. To check that the body is moving forward correctly, you need to rise on your toes, and then, without changing the tilt of the body, lower yourself onto your entire foot.

Learning this preparatory exercise is carried out by the command “Raise your chest, pick up your stomach, turn your shoulders, move your body forward, do it ONCE, take the starting position, do TWO.” The exercise is done until each trainee in the department feels the difference in the position of the body with the correct combat stance from the position in a free state.

When practicing the second preparatory exercise, the squad leader shows how trainees should hold their heads in a combat stance. To check the correct position of the head, you need to take a combat stance and, without lowering your head, look down in front of you. With the correct position of the head, the student should see the closest point on the site, two or three steps away from himself; any other position of the student’s head will be incorrect.

Having taught how to take a combat stance in divisions, the commander trains his subordinates in performing the technique as a whole, for which he gives commands, for example: “Squad, in one line - STAND” or “Squad - AT attention”. The trainees carry out commands, take a drill stance, and the commander monitors their actions and seeks to eliminate the mistakes made.

To check whether the trainees are taking the combat stance correctly, it is necessary to give the command “ATTENTION”, and after that the command “Raise your toes”. If someone’s stance was taken incorrectly, the body was not leaned forward a little, then they will perform this action easily. Those who took the drill stance correctly will not be able to lift their toes. For the same purpose, you can order the trainees to rise on their toes. If they easily, without bending forward, carry out the command, then the drill position is performed correctly.

3. An integrated approach to the system of pre-conscription training for school students

Reducing the length of conscription service in terms of army equipment modern systems weapons and military equipment set us the task of transferring the system of pre-conscription youth training to a qualitatively new level. In September of this year, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev clearly indicated to us five main factors that need to be developed to effectively solve combat missions. The first of them is the transfer of all combat formations and military units to the category of constant readiness. Solving this problem requires that the conscript soldier joining our army be not only physically and mentally prepared, but also have primary military skills.
Under the new conditions, about 250 thousand people will be conscripted annually into the Armed Forces, whose pre-conscription training in the new conditions should replace the training of personnel, which was previously carried out in the first six months of service educational departments Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
In the context of the emergence of new challenges and threats to the security of the Russian Federation, improving the quality of professional training of military personnel is one of the most important tasks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. A soldier, especially in the conditions of one year of service, must be constantly ready to solve combat missions, and this, in turn, requires a qualitative change in the entire system of pre-conscription training. Now we often see the opposite picture. The current level of training for recruits is very weak. One of the most serious problems for soldiers in the first months of service is their psychological and often physical unpreparedness for a sudden change in their usual way of life. Largest quantity cases of injuries and deaths of personnel occur in the first months of service, which is largely due to the poor training of conscripts in military specialties.
In the current conditions, it is necessary in educational institutions to develop a set of measures aimed at qualitatively increasing the level of pre-conscription training of young people for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.
mental, moral, emotional and physical development every schoolchild.

At school I developed a set of measures aimed at qualitatively increasing the level of pre-conscription training of young people for service in the Russian armed forces Federation and divided them into areas (Figure 1).

The main documents for pre-conscription training at school are:

1. Plan of educational work at school

2. Plan for military-patriotic education

3. Comprehensive plan for pre-conscription training

Picture 1.Main directions in the system of pre-conscription training for school students

The pre-conscription training plan complies with federal and regional requirements. It is designed on the principle of increasing the volume of studied material.

Comprehensive action plan for pre-conscription training





Lists of young men of pre-conscription age for delivery to the city military commissariat and clinic

Life safety teacher-organizer

Class teachers

8-11 grades

The state of mass sports, military-patriotic work with youth at a meeting with the director. Approval of the plan for the main activities of pre-conscription training and military-patriotic education of youth.

“On the common requirements of family and school. Familiarization of parents with the package of school regulations. Elections of parents to the “School Council”


Deputy Directors

School cross-country (grades 1-11)

Physical education teachers:

School tourist rally (grades 5-11)

Physical education teachers:

Planting trees (grades 9-11)

School curators

Diagnostics of students in grades 10-11 in the block Social Relations (“I” and the team, “I” in the team”



Testing for professional psychological selection


Festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Elderly (“Children-Front”)

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Patriotic Song Festival (grades 2-11)

music teacher

Lists of pre-conscription age youths to the city military commissariat

Life safety teacher-organizer

Discussion of strengthening the material and technical base for teaching the section “Fundamentals of Preparation for Military Service” of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” at a meeting with the director

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work Teacher-organizer of life safety

Diagnostics of students in grades 10-11 using the block “Moral Relations”

Class teachers


School traditions and their role in raising children;

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work


Pass physical training standards for grades 10-11

Physical education teachers

International Stop Smoking Week

School curators

Decade of legal knowledge: Round table"Our rights and responsibilities"

(grades 10-11) with the participation of war and labor veterans

History teachers

All-round competitions

Physical education teacher

Shooting competitions (girls and boys)

Life safety teacher-organizer

Collection of documents of pre-conscription age youths at the GVK

Life safety teacher-organizer

Class teachers

Monitoring the state of teaching life safety and the level of mastery of the program by students

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Diagnostics of students in grades 10-11 using the block “Aesthetic Relationships”

Class teachers

City Olympiad in Life Safety

Teacher-organizer of life safety


All-round competitions

Physical education teachers

Monitoring the state of physical education teaching and the level of students’ mastery of the program

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Participation in city events dedicated to conscript day

Life safety teacher-organizer

Spartakiad “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!”

Physical education teachers

Diagnostics of students in grades 10-11 according to the block Level of development of citizenship among pre-conscripts"


Lectures for 10th grade parents

“Adaptation of students to new learning conditions”

Lectures for parents of grades 7-11

“Joint work of family and school to prevent neglect and crime”

Meeting of the school-wide parent committee:

On working with children in socially dangerous situations;

About working with underachieving children;

About the results of the school’s work in the first half of the year

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work


Passing physical training standards for pre-conscription age youths

Physical education teachers

Design of the museum exhibition

Head of the museum

Excursions to the school museum “Labor and Military Glory”. Invitation to veterans

A history teacher

Tourism all-around competitions (larvae)

Physical education teachers

Meeting of the school activists: drawing up a plan for holding a decade of military-patriotic education

School asset

Life safety teacher-organizer

Festival "Friendship of Peoples"

Music teacher

Review competition among educational institutions for the best preparation of citizens for military service

Life safety teacher-organizer

Month of defense-mass and sports work dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

January February

According to school orders

Diagnostic results for students in grades 10-11 Features of psychophysical development


General school Parent meeting 1-11 grades:

“Health-saving technologies in a general education institution”

“Initial registration of young men for military registration”

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Teacher - organizer of life safety


Fathers' Conference

Meeting of the school-wide parent committee:

About the dangers of smoking and working with schoolchildren who smoke;

On the participation of children in the month of military-mass sports work


Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Registration of pre-conscription age youths for initial military registration

Within a month

Life safety teacher-organizer

School event “Help a Veteran”

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

School events according to the display of the month of military-mass and sports work:

Lessons in courage (grades 2-4_

Sports game "Eaglet" (grades 1-4)

Formation review and songs (grades 5-7)

Competitions in military applied sports (grades 9-11)

Excursions to the school museum

Invitation of veterans

According to the order

City competitions in military applied sports grades 9-11

Life safety teacher-organizer

Youth shooting competition

Life safety teacher-organizer

Participation in a city meeting dedicated to the Day defender of the fatherland

Teacher-organizer on life safety

Conscript Day

Life safety teacher-organizer


Events dedicated to Nizhnevartovsk

Invitation of veterans

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

City competition "Eaglet"

Life safety teacher-organizer

Excursions to the school museum. Meetings with labor veterans

Head of the Museum

Presentation of certificates of initial military registration

Life safety teacher-organizer

Shooting competition (girls)

Life safety teacher-organizer

Participation in the city action “March of Parks”

School curators

Class teachers

View of corners and museums

A history teacher

Lectures for parents of grades 9-11:

“On the joint work of family and school on psychological preparation for the final certification”


Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work


Fire Safety Month

Within a month

Teacher-organizer for

City competitions in fire-applied sports for grades 9-11

Life safety teacher-organizer

Carrying out a school event “Parcel to a Soldier”

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Passing standards for physical training of pre-conscription youth

Physical education teacher

Parent meeting for grades 9-11:

“On the work of families and schools to prepare students for vocational education”

T.V. Bachinina

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Diagnostics of students in grades 9-10, level of professional self-determination


From the “Safety School” competition

1-3 week

Life safety teacher-organizer

Memory watch, festive concert for veterans

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Campaign “Help a Veteran” (grades 7-8-11)

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Children Protection Day

Civil Defense Commissioner

Concert for veterans

Meeting of the school-wide parent committee:

Military field training for 10th grade students;

Preparing graduates to take the Unified State Exam;

Results of the school's work

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Life safety teacher-organizer

Conducting five-day military field training

Life safety teacher-organizer

Biofeedback program classes

Responsible for the biofeedback program

Monitoring the status of five-day military field training

Deputy Director for Military-Patriotic Work

Report on the implementation of the pre-conscription training plan

Life safety teacher-organizer
