Calculate the period of Saturn by date of birth online. Vedic horoscope online with decoding (interpretation)

Sade sati is the astrological period of 7.5 years when transiting Saturn passes the twelfth, first and second house from the Moon in the Rashi chart. Saturn, which is in transit during a given period of time, is called transit. The transit is “overlaid” on each person’s individual fixed map.

Saturn has the strongest influence on the horoscope, as He is the heaviest planet. Saturn travels through one sign the longest - in 2.5 years. In 30 years, Saturn goes around one circle through the entire zodiac, i.e. 12 characters. The period of Sade Sati happens to every person 3-4 times in his life.

During the period of Sade Sati, a person may experience suffering, depression, strife, disputes, anxiety, various kinds of losses and problems. But one cannot be dogmatic about Vedic astrology and fear this period. In some cases, favorable events may occur, such as marriage, birth of children, career advancement, and more.

Bad events will not happen if Saturn in the birth chart is a yoga karaka, if Saturn is exalted or in his own sign, or owns the moon sign. If the Moon in the native’s horoscope is strong. In general, the transit of Saturn is favorable only through the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses.

For a comprehensive analysis of the influence of the transit South, you need to answer the following questions:

1. Is Saturn well placed in the natal chart?

2. What aspects does Saturn receive? What nakshatra is Saturn in?

3. What period is the person currently in (dasha, antaradasha)? Does Saturn rule one of these periods?

Three periods of Sade Sati:

1. First period– transit through the 12th house (2.5 years). The third aspect of Saturn falls on the 2nd house, which can cause problems with vision, speech and relatives. The seventh aspect of Saturn falls on the 6th house, which is generally associated with enemies and debts. The tenth aspect of Saturn is on the 9th house, which can affect the father of the native.

2. Second period– transit through the 1st house (2.5 years). The impact will be on the personality itself and the likelihood of illness. The third aspect falls on the 3rd house, which indicates difficulties in general. The seventh aspect can influence family life, and the 10th aspect can influence career.

3. Third period– transit through the 2nd house (2.5 years). Accordingly, aspects of Saturn will fall on the 4th, 8th and 11th houses, which gives difficulties with the mother, relatives, hidden problems, loss of wealth.

The above are the unfavorable results of this period. Let us not forget that all these results may occur partially, or may not occur, if the placement of Saturn and the Moon is favorable.

Correction methods (upaya):

Saturn develops noble qualities in a person, such as diligence, patience, hard work and determination. In this regard, the best method correction will be diligence and humility. Saturn helps a person develop spiritually. But Vedic astrology offers other methods of correcting adverse effects:

1. Recitation of the Maha Mrityujaya mantra and the Saturn mantra.

2. Wearing a ring with a blue sapphire on the middle finger (check its effect for 3 days first).

3. Fasting on Saturdays.

4. Making donations.

A Vedic astrologer will reveal this topic individually for you. He will draw up your natal chart and calculate the period of Sade Sati.

Anyone who has ever been interested in the influence of planets on their lives knows Saturn as slow and cold planet with a "destructive gaze". Indeed, all astrological schools consider this planet the most harmful. Its action is almost always associated with difficulties, suffering, obstacles and delays.

Homeless old man

One day on the street I met a homeless man holding in his hands, as often happens, a piece of cardboard with the inscription: “Old age means poverty and illness.” At that moment I thought that these words were the best association with Saturn. People are most afraid of these hardest lessons, which is why they are in awe of the gloomy Shani. , people are most often concerned about the position of Saturn, since it indicates in which area of ​​life the main problems will be, what health problems may arise and what is the overall life expectancy.

Under his heavy gaze, we experience not only external and material deprivation, but also deep internal experiences: a feeling of loneliness, detachment, doom. We may feel hostage to circumstances, deprived of choice and outside help.

Before and after Sade Sati

One of the most life-changing and before-and-after transits is the special transit of Saturn - Sade Sati - which lasts seven and a half years and repeats at the end of every thirty years of our life. We experience, as a rule, three such periods, and only a few enter the fourth. During this period, Saturn passes through the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from natal moon. It is said that Shani “looks” at our Moon and brings a lot of suffering to our Manas. When people who have experienced Sade Sati share their experiences with me, they seem to conspire to repeat the same phrase: “My life has turned upside down.”

Of course, Saturn transits through all the houses of the horoscope, and it is believed that in 9 out of 12 houses its effect will be negative in one way or another, depending on the overall picture of the horoscope and planetary periods. Why does “looking at the moon” cause the greatest fear? The moon represents our mind, feelings and emotions, so during this period we experience internal, subjective suffering most of all.

An experience that changes us radically

Knowing that Saturn is one of the “most difficult” planets, Sade Sati always seems to be a period of inevitable sorrow, and it seems that a “life upheaval” can only be negative. But is this really so? After all, many politicians famous personalities, artists became famous and recognized during this period. Among our acquaintances there will certainly be those who have found a long-awaited family or children, radically changed their occupation, realizing their cherished dream, finally moved or received an inheritance... All this is also an experience that changes us radically. It should be noted that in this case, some negative effects will take place. And if at the external level this is minimal, then a difficult state of mind is unlikely to be avoided. What does this depend on?

Dharma Raja

One of Saturn's names is Dharma Raja, which means lord of law. And, if his brother Yama judges us after death, then Shani is a judge during life and rewards us with the fruits of our previous actions. Sometimes they call it the right hand of God, giving blessings and the fruits of good karma, and Saturn is called the left hand, giving suffering and the fruits of negative karma. In fact, Saturn is not intentionally evil and does not simply try to harm us. His duties include fulfilling the Higher will. All his actions are absolutely fair and impartial, and responsibility for them lies solely with us.

The fruits of Sade Sati depend on:

  • strengths of the natal chart as a whole: emphasis on trikones and kendras, strength of the lagna and its owner
  • whether Saturn is functionally benefic or malefic in a chart
  • Is there a benefic or malefic aspect to Saturn?
  • Which houses does Saturn pass through from the lagna, and which houses does it rule?
  • what on this moment planetary dasa and antaradasha and what role does Saturn play in them
  • nature of the nakshatra to which Saturn is located
  • the nature of Saturn's relationship with the lagna and its lord
  • position and condition of the moon

First Sade Sati

In the very first Sati Garden, we first think about death, since at this time, as a rule, our grandparents or other older relatives pass away. Ours is ending carefree childhood. Our social life is associated with many restrictions and pressure, our opinions and desires are little taken into account. Not being children anymore, but not becoming adults either, we are forced to obey parents, teachers, etc. For the first time, we have duties and responsibilities, and with them new experiences, such as loneliness, helplessness, and loss.

Second Sade Sati

The second Sade Sati occurs around the age of thirty. We are in the prime of our lives and are already mature individuals with an established vector of life, so global changes during this period are felt very acutely. Certain effects can be noted in different cycles of 2.5 years.

In the first cycle, negative effects mainly concern not the person himself, but close people, parents. Aspect on the 2nd and 6th houses can bring financial difficulties, waste and debt. An aspect to the 9th house can worsen the health of the father, and also turns luck away from the person. A person’s efforts no longer bring the expected results; Saturn introduces slowdowns and obstacles in all areas of life. Relocations or even immigration are possible.

In the second cycle, the most pressing issues are related to. The condition and health of the mother worsens. The death of mother and father is a very common event during this period. The suffering of Manas is most pronounced: depression, isolation, uncertainty. By affecting the 1st house, Saturn also affects the health of the person himself. Various diseases appear or worsen, and the overall tone decreases. An aspect on the 7th house negatively affects family life, and in modern times this very often leads to divorce. Aspect on the 10th house speaks of problems and obstacles in career and professional activity, a change in activity or dismissal is possible.

In the third cycle, financial losses and difficulties continue (2nd house from the Moon, aspect on the 8th), difficulties in relationships with relatives, children, family (2nd house from the Moon, aspect on the 4th), health problems (aspect on the 8th), are also possible some unexpected shocks, force majeure situations, accidents or just a lot of different stresses.

Third Sade Sati

The third Sade Sati, in rare cases the fourth, takes our life. This is the time to stop, step away from things, accept the inevitability of completion life cycle and dedicate yourself to preparing for it.

What does Shani teach?

Shani's task is to lead us to the Highest Goal. While we have good luck, support from friends and relatives, help from our parents, we think little about the purpose of our life and simply enjoy the fruits of our good karma, as if it will last forever. We imagine ourselves to be the creators of our own destiny and are filled with our own importance. Saturn creates a situation where we are left alone with ourselves, we are deprived of support and are forced to take full responsibility upon ourselves. Life's shocks and material deprivations force us to stop and think: “Why do I need this? What am I doing wrong? Where should we move next?

In the famous myth "The Majesty of Saturn", dharma raja is symbolically represented as an oil press. Thus we are told that to obtain the oil that represents the pure essence, essence or true nature, the destruction of the outer shell of the seed or grain is required. It is not surprising that many people, experiencing Sade Sati, turn to religion and the spiritual path. After all, our soul is immortal, unlike perishable matter. This is exactly what Saturn is trying to tell us, forcing us to look for the inner core, to look inside ourselves, and showing that we cannot rely on an impermanent, ever-changing material life.

Unfortunately, we cannot cancel the difficult circumstances that karma imposes on us, but we can achieve a wonderful spiritual transformation by taking the lessons of Shani. During this period, you need to become humble, diligent, disciplined, have high self-control, accept the Higher Will, follow the dharma, stop blaming others and take responsibility for what is happening on yourself. We need to accept with gratitude what we are destined to experience. You should develop such qualities as modesty, devotion, empathy, get rid of judgment, irritation, stop thinking of yourself as the most important and most important and devote yourself to selfless service to others and God. The more you turn to the Higher powers, the more you follow the spiritual path, the easier it will be for you to endure this period. By correctly understanding the lessons of Saturn, we will become stronger and happier, and our soul will be filled with healing light.


date: January 13, 2018

How can you find out your Sade Sati period?

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date: June 09, 2018

Program for android Ekadashi considers Sade Sati

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Transit Saturn in the 1st house. Sade Sati period. The passage of planets through the cusps of houses is always clearly visible from events in life. I tried to avoid this influence and spent intense time in other countries. As it turned out, in vain. These events are not always negative. But they are an accurate projection of your consciousness at the moment. What goes around comes around, as they say. Having graduated from the Academy of Astrology, where we closely examined the formulas of happiness and unhappiness described by Hermes Trismegistus almost 5000 years ago, I decided to try my luck and moved to Cambodia, where the Sun rose in the 1st house. In Moscow, I had Mars in the 4th house and Saturn in the 10th house, which gave me a good career in architecture, but absolutely drained my emotions; there was a catastrophic lack of endorphins. You need to be prepared for a lack of endorphins. Or be born in such a place, already with Saturn or Mars in the angular houses, which will only be a karmic consequence and will not affect your destiny so much. And I was born with Venus in the 4th house, it was a beautiful house, full of prosperity and beauty in everything. At the age of 19, having moved to Moscow and feeling a lack of happiness, I started drinking alcohol and using marijuana to lift my mood. I was a very young girl, I wanted to breathe deeply and live life to the fullest. But these formulas exhausted my motivation to have fun and I plunged into sadness. To distract myself, I constantly studied, and at that time I tried myself in different specialties. Architectural, psychological, film and TV announcer, astrology. I finished almost none of them. Architecture and astrology remain my favorites; I have been studying these subjects professionally all my life. The contingent at the Academy of Astrology was 2 times older than me, I was the youngest in the group. A young old woman without endorphins and motives to have fun, like all normal young people, came to learn the secrets of the universe. And I recognized them. Something led me along this path, and I don’t regret a second that I lived for 12 years, almost withered, having forgotten how to have fun, in Moscow, where I have a double formula of misfortune. This depressed state sometimes pushed me to thoughts of suicide, but astrologers never end up like that, because the knowledge that the Moon moves quickly and changes aspects several times a day stopped me. The moon is responsible for the subconscious and psyche, and after a couple of hours, as a rule, as soon as it changed position, thoughts changed to others. Instead of suffering, I decided to move to Cambodia, where there was cheap marijuana and the opportunity to run a hotel and tourism business. I went there, and a month later I opened a non-alcoholic hotel. A couple of weeks later I won money, just by luck, in the “O Lucky Man” lottery, a local operator mobile communications. The hotel was immediately filled with my friends, which helped pay off the rent. I started a cafe, ran it alone, and delivered cakes to the Night Market on Saturdays. In general, my life has changed dramatically. I was very happy. Sea, fruits and sun and, of course, the formula of happiness of Hermes Trismegistus - the Sun in the 1st house. I spent almost 5 years there, consulting on astrology and occasionally doing environmental and print design. I returned to Moscow just 2 months ago, where transit Saturn was moving through the second house and suddenly, having become retrograde, it began to approach the 1st house. It played out like this: I urgently needed to look for a job, my money had run out and I wanted to start working as an architect again so as not to lose my qualifications. I started looking for a job. I was offered a job as an architect, the office was in the local Moscow Babylon - Federation Tower. Having settled there, I worked for 3 days, on the 3rd day Saturn moved from the 2nd to the 1st house. I dreamed of houses falling. Just buildings that fell on their sides entirely. Without falling apart. And I quit. There was a woman working with us in the office whose presence poisoned the entire atmosphere at work; it was impossible to work. She looked very unhappy and tried to compensate for this with terrible arrogance, which was completely inadequate in her case. By this I want to say that she emanated harshness and coldness, unhappiness, and stupidity. Most likely, she had a formula for misfortune in her horoscope, but karmically it was not possible for her to find out about it. In general, I quit, or rather, got up from the computer and went home. A week later I got a job at a new place where there was a male team, it’s easier for me to work, that’s where I work. These men, like knights, take care of their beautiful lady, and have not yet commented on my being 2 hours late. There I gradually restore my skills, which have not gone away in 5 years, recovery is going very quickly. I don’t know how long I’ll stay in this company; I’m lured to other places where my career will be clearly brighter. Thanks to Saturn in the 1st house, career growth will be a must in my life. Also, personal responsibility has increased, asceticism, no more space laziness and I became almost a complete vegetarian. On this Olympus, I was left almost alone. My friends have all disappeared somewhere, except for the closest ones, I don’t communicate with my relatives at all, and my personal relationships have collapsed, the man could not stand the growth of my career and raised his hand against me on the day when I was supposed to go to the architects’ award ceremony - designers for participating in the competition and hoped to win. I ran away from him covered in blood, so Saturn cannot withstand misalliance, if your partner is less educated and less talented or responsible, you cannot be together. Over the past 6 months, having experienced the loss of a business in Cambodia, the loss of a man, friends, relatives, I have acquired only complete realism and responsibility for my life. I'm glad everything happened this way. And I’m glad that Saturn is still in the 1st house, he will be retrograde there for now. During this time, I will have time to build the foundation of my existence and get to know the real me. And then he will be in the second house and this will teach me how to manage finances wisely, without waste, and I will improve my talents, for which the 2nd house is also responsible. I wish you all success, Astrologer Nellya Safarova

is a period of approximately seven and a half years during which (Shani) passes through the three zodiac signs closest to yours natal horoscope, or rather through the constellation in which yours is located, and two constellations located on the sides.

These are our desires. controls the mind, emotions and, accordingly, thin body karma. , passing through three constellations, indicates karma, the fruits of which have ripened. There is a saying, “What goes around comes around.” and makes sure that a person receives all the fruits of his karma, accumulated, including from the previous incarnation. All samskaras are revealed, our desires are realized. Therefore, during this period, someone becomes famous, materially and spiritually prosperous, someone can meet their love, buy real estate, or their life will be illuminated by the birth of children. And some will be less lucky: there may be problems with finances, in the family, close relatives may leave the body, etc.
We get everything we deserve, and it’s not anyone’s fault.

However, you should carefully look at the provisions in before drawing any conclusions! It is very beneficial for any person to know when it starts, because this period always brings some big changes in a person’s life!

What do we have to do?

  1. It is necessary to cultivate such qualities as humility, honesty and modesty. Work hard, selflessly, don’t be lazy in life, help build a house for relatives, or work on the land to help elders, plant trees. Working on the land is very favorable!
  2. Help others (especially older people and, preferably, on Saturdays), do charity work, donate to the elderly, because... they are controlled by .
  3. Engage in spiritual practices (hatha yoga, meditation, mantra - meditation, etc.)
  4. Feed the crows on Saturdays (very effective upaya). Feed black dogs.
  5. Favorable: fasting on Saturdays, arrange a fasting day for yourself. It is also possible to eat only milk or paneer (cheese), or freshly squeezed juices. You can also eat black sesame and radiant beans. Observance of Ekadashi is auspicious.
  6. Make gifts and offerings to old people, hermits, monks. Donate in church (Temples), go to church on Saturdays (if Orthodox tradition). Order 40 lips for your health; it’s even better to order 40 lips for your health (or for your peace if they died).
  7. Do not engage in active activities on Saturdays, but spend the day in asceticism, meditation, prayer, yoga, meditation, prayer, fasting, etc.
  8. Offer food to the homeless. It is better to donate food than money; it is especially favorable to cook something yourself.
  9. Visit prisons and places of detention, hospitals, monasteries - for the purpose of distributing food and donations. It is very favorable to visit nursing homes or visit your grandparents. If they have died, you can tend their grave on Saturdays.
  10. Give iron tools or other iron products to workers. It is also beneficial to bury an iron product under a tree or throw it into a pond, river.
  11. Care for violets, plant violets, dark irises, black tulips. Take care of unsightly unwanted trees. It's better to start on Saturday.
  12. Wear blue and black clothes on Saturdays.
  13. I also recommend reading the book “The Majesty of Saturn” (author Robert Svoboda).
  14. One can appease Lord Shiva by worshiping him. Mantra - Om Namah Shivaya. Saturn is a planet which is very strongly associated with Lord Shiva.
  15. Wear blue sapphire or blue zircon, blue spinel, amethyst, lapis lazuli, blue tourmaline, iron frame (only after consultation with an astrologer!)
  16. Keep your promises. Moreover, try to take responsibility more often, be punctual, and keep your word.
  17. Stick to your daily routine and diet, get up early and go to bed not late. You need to make friends over time :)
  18. Get rid of old and unnecessary things periodically.
  19. Saturn is associated with nature, earth and mountains, so don't miss the opportunity to tinker with your dacha or go to the mountains on Saturday!

What is not advisable to do on Saturday?

  1. Don't overload yourself, don't take life important decisions, do not get married, do not quarrel, do not get angry, do not cut your nails, hair, do laundry unfavorably.
  2. The following activities are undesirable on Saturday: choosing an education/specialty, litigation and other proceedings, traveling to the east, laying the foundation of a house or starting a serious long-term project, moving to new house, conceiving children, it is very unfavorable to get married.
  3. If you offended someone or had a quarrel with someone, then it is better to apologize on Saturday and ask for forgiveness.

There is a legend according to which the valiant king Vikramaditya decided to find out which of the nine planets was the most important. The sages told him about all the planets, and the time came for King Vikrama to make his decision. Again and again the king turned over in his mind all the virtues and abilities of the planets, but the thought of the cruelty of Saturn did not give him rest. And suddenly he said: “It’s better not to have a son at all than to have someone like Saturn.”. The king's words reached the ears of Saturn, and he descended to earth and appeared before the king and his retinue. Everyone was speechless from amazement and horror. Saturn spoke to the king: "O Vikramaditya! You insulted me in front of the entire assembly, without even knowing how far my capabilities extend.".

Saturn punished the king and for seven and a half years Vikramaditya experienced a lot of suffering - he lost his kingdom, wandered around the world, his hands and feet were cut off... But the most amazing thing in this story is at the end, when Saturn appeared before the crippled king and, admiring him patience, offered to ask him for whatever he wanted. King Vikramaditya, choking with excitement, said: “Oh, great lord! You have sent me great suffering. So promise me that you will never again bring upon anyone the kind of troubles that I have experienced.”. Saturn admired the king’s nobility and restored him to health, beauty and kingdom. And he said that he would relieve those who perform from torment during this period certain rules, which will be discussed below.

When transiting Saturn passes through the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the Moon in the birth chart, it is called - Sade Sati. It takes Saturn 2.5 years to pass through each of these signs (30 years it will take Saturn to make one circle through the entire zodiac), Its passage through 3 signs takes 7.5 years. Sade means "half" and Sati translates as "seven". Therefore, Sade Sati literally means seven and a half. For some reason, it is believed that the period of Sade Sati is a “great evil”, one of the most dangerous stages in a person’s life. It must bring into a person’s life a lot of pain, dissatisfaction, intellectual disappointment, collapse of hopes and plans, depression, discord, disputes, disharmony, resentment and other unpleasant results. But, fortunately, this is not always the case. Yes, Saturn forces everyone to carry their cross. It acts deeply and comprehensively. Affects both the weakest and the most strengths souls. Moreover, he is not limited in time - he is Time itself. On the internal plane, Saturn demands a change in attitude towards what is happening in life. A person often perceives obstacles on the path to pleasure and material wealth as the collapse of all his hopes. Saturn destroys illusions and burns everything temporary. He receives a deep understanding of the physical nature of existence. The wisdom of Saturn is acquired in the process of everyday confrontation with difficulties. He allows everyone to look into the face of eternity in order to cultivate courage and endurance in him. If a person manages to perceive the meaning of the experience sent by Saturn, a period of peace begins, allowing the person to discern his further direction. spiritual path. You can free yourself from the torment that Saturn brings with it by realizing the limitations with which we came into this world, as well as the need for these restrictions for our development.

Yes, during the period of Sade Sati a person will face difficulties, overstrain, feeling unhappy, constrained and deprived of luck, at this time there may be problems in the family, in relationships with parents, as well as problems with resolving housing or real estate issues, there may be problems with childbirth, or problems in love and the lack, as it seems, of happiness. But, even bringing some problems and tensions into human daily life Sade Sati, however, does not deny the possibility of success in his period. In fact, many people thrive and rise to new heights during this time. Sade Sati inclines a person to properly and strictly fulfill his duties, his duty, neglecting his personal likes and dislikes. The one who acts in this way least of all experiences the heavy impact of Sade Sati and for such a person this period is very productive. However, if a person is arrogant, selfish, unfriendly, avoids hard work, then this period of Sade Sati will force this person to go through a lot of difficulties, hardships, and trials.

Saturn is a conductor of special energies, and therefore how we use these energies - for the benefit or destruction of ourselves and others - depends only on us. Saturn shows us the limitations of the kingdom of matter, the body. And in order to learn the lessons of Saturn, we must, without fear, part with what leaves us and interferes with our development. Saturn brings suffering, yes, but it contributes to the growth of our soul. His lessons are the most difficult, but the most useful, the essence of which we understand after many, many years.

Our destiny is the sum of our past deeds, and all nine planets make sure that we reap in full everything that we have sown, for they are the executors of the Law of Karma. Saturn is recognized as the most important of the nine planets. Saturn is the arbiter of destinies. "Saturn measures the length of life and its well-being. He can make a king a beggar, and a beggar a king. If he is pleased, then good luck will accompany you all your life, but in anger he destroys everything. He controls the destinies of all living things. Wherever a person is , no matter what position he occupies, he cannot escape from Saturn."

We must understand that pride is the first sign of beginning problems. We sometimes notice in our lives that as soon as we become proud, all sorts of problems begin. This is the energy of Saturn. And whoever in everyday life does not understand that pride, lust, envy, selfishness are all mortal sins, troubles of such people will constantly overcome and this will especially manifest itself during the period of Sade Sati.

Of course, Saturn does not always behave in such a harsh manner, but it really depends on the person's chart. For example, for ascendant Taurus and Libra, Saturn is a yoga karaka, in this case it cannot cause all of the above problems in a person’s life unless he himself makes an effort to do so. Most people go through two or three periods of Sade Sati throughout their lives, 4 periods are very rare, this is only possible for centenarians who have lived to be 100 years or more

PC. Bhardwaja provides the following data in his article. The duration of the Sade Sati period is 2700 days. Saturn exerts its influence on various parts of the body during these 2700 days:

  1. The first 100 days it affects the face; the result is losses.
  2. For the next 400 days it affects right hand; the result is gains in the profession.
  3. For the next 600 days it affects the legs; the result is travel.
  4. For the next 500 days it affects the stomach; the result is luck.
  5. For the next 400 days it affects left hand; the result is illness, pain, loss, death of loved ones.
  6. For the next 300 days it affects the forehead; the result is profits, success in dealings with government agencies.
  7. It affects the eyes for the next 200 days; the result is development, advancement, happiness.
  8. For the next 200 days it affects the lower body; the result is poor performance in all areas.

It can be seen that the period is not so terrible when examined in detail. It is believed that the first cycle of Sade-Sati, when Saturn passes the 12th house from the Moon for 2.5 years, generally affects close relatives more than the person himself. During the second cycle, when transiting Saturn passes through the sign in which the Moon is located in the birth chart (for 2.5 years), it has an influence on the internal plane, as well as on the business sphere. During the third cycle, when transiting Saturn passes the 2nd house from the Moon, greatest influence on children, family, health and physical suffering, or may even indicate the death of relatives.

Before drawing any conclusions, the following should be considered:

  1. Does Saturn act as a benefic or a malefic planet in this chart?
  2. Is Saturn aspected by any naturally benefic or malefic planet?
  3. Does transiting Saturn aspect Jupiter?
  4. What is the nature of the Nakshatra occupied by Saturn in the natal chart?
  5. How strong Natal chart. For example, how many benefic planets are in trikonas and kendras, how strong is Lagna and Lagnesha, are there raja yogas, are there planets in exaltation?
  6. Is Saturn located in the Lagna, or in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna?

The stronger the card, the greater the likelihood of passing the Sade Sati period with the least suffering and loss. Of course, the period of Sade Sati is quite ambiguous for each person, because each astrological chart is individual and for each person this transit of Saturn will be individual. A lot of subtleties and technical aspects must be observed in order to correctly analyze and give the correct forecast for the period of Sade Sati.

Often people give up when they experience Sade Sati. Humility is good, but it has nothing to do with submissiveness. A person is not bothered by the fact that he does not know how to pray, does not keep his word, devotes little time to his family, constantly criticizes everyone, is jealous of many and cannot cope with excess weight. He "experiences" Sade Sati. With this attitude, you will definitely get what you are afraid of. Meanwhile, many people became successful, famous and famous precisely during the period of Sade Sati. Many Indian prime ministers became prime ministers during the period of Sade Sati. You can find many such examples on the Internet. For Vladimir Putin, this period began in 1998, and in 2000 he became president of Russia.

It is necessary to understand that Sade-Sati provides a unique opportunity to develop self-discipline, develop a correct and respectful attitude towards time, learn to enjoy austerities, and understand that humility is not cowardice and compromise, but the highest virtue leading to Divine Love. Once we learn all the obstacles on our own life path regard as new opportunities, so our life will become better and better every day in all respects.

Saturn helps a person become stronger, guides him along the right path, and if a person follows it, then he will undoubtedly be rewarded in the form of prosperity, harmony and happiness:

  • It is necessary to cultivate such qualities as humility and modesty.
  • Work hard, don't be lazy.
  • Help others, do charity work.
  • Think twice before saying or doing anything.
  • Engage in spiritual practices.
  • Fasting on Saturdays.

Repeating mantras. Saturn Mantra "Om namo Bhagavate kurmadevaya."

Wearing stones and metal - in this case blue sapphire and iron - there is conflicting information here. Some people recommend wearing it, some don't. It seems to me that strengthening Saturn during this period is not entirely advisable. Although, again, a lot depends on the map.

I would like to finish with words from R. Svoboda’s book “The Greatness of Saturn”: "And again Vikramaditya fell at the feet of Saturn and, having received his blessing for a long and rich life, said: "O great lord Saturn! Just as you showered me with your favors, so, I pray you, bestow your favor on all the living!So be it!” said Saturn and became invisible, leaving Vikramaditya far more wise and prudent than he was at the first meeting with this formidable ruler.”

Transits of planets are one of the main factors that are taken into account by a Jyotish expert. A period of seven and a half years during which Saturn transits the twelfth, first and second houses from Rashi ( moon sign) is called Sade Sati.
The period of Sade Sati consists of three parts (dhyaya), approximately two and a half years each, since the transit of Saturn through one rashi (zodiac sign) lasts two and a half years.

During a lifetime a person can experience 3 periods Sade Sati .

Results of the first part (dhaya) of Sade Sati
  • During this period, Saturn transits the twelfth house from the Moon sign and aspects the second, sixth and ninth houses of the horoscope. During this Dhyaya, Saturn is in the head which will give mental and bodily discomfort.
  • There is a possibility of eye diseases or weakened vision and the use of glasses.
  • There may be sudden financial losses and problems, as well as unwanted and excessive expenses.
  • Expenses will exceed income.
  • Distance from family and domestic unrest are likely.
  • The father may be ill, as well as strained relationships with him.
  • There may be a lack of luck and fruitless efforts. There may be delays and problems at work.
  • Lack of help from people and problems from government officials.
  • Interest in spirituality will increase.
  • There will be fear of accidents and useless wanderings.
  • Long journeys and troubles in them are possible.
  • This position of Saturn is the eighth from the fifth house, which is inauspicious for children.
Results of the second part (dhaya) of Sade Sati

In this part of Sade Sati, Saturn passes through the lunar rashi and gives its full aspect to the third, seventh and tenth houses.

  • During this Dhyaya, Saturn is in the abdominal region, but still, diseases are possible in the entire middle part of the body.
  • The physical energy of the body is disturbed.
  • The mind does not function properly, which leads to wrong decisions.
  • Quarrels with brothers and business partners are possible.
  • The marriage partner may suffer from body pain or there will be quarrels between the spouses.
  • Constant financial difficulties.
  • The mind is unstable and rebellious.
  • Unfounded fears lead to exhaustion.
  • No desired job. Unfinished business makes a person unhappy.
  • Long obstacles.
  • No stability in family life and business.
  • The death of one of the relatives is possible.
  • Long trips, harm from enemies and distance from loved ones are possible.
  • Illness, loss of wealth, decline social status, lack of friends and difficulties at work

These are the results of this period.

Results of the third part (dhaya) of Sade Sati

During this period, Saturn transits the second house from Rashi and fully sees the fourth, eighth and eleventh houses.

  • At the end of Sade Sati, Saturn is in the legs and, therefore, leg diseases are possible.
  • From a physical point of view, this may be a weakness. The person will be physically inactive and lazy.
  • There are many obstacles to happiness, pointless arguments, unnecessary conflicts with relatives.
  • Relatives may suffer from serious illness or mortal pain.
  • Happiness and social status are destroyed.
  • Costs are rising.
  • Money comes in, but is spent as it comes in.
  • Trouble from people occupying a low position in society.
  • Due to the aspect to the eighth house, life expectancy is reduced.
  • Due to aspect to the fourth house: lack of domestic happiness, and mother's happiness, problems with means of transportation, lack of physical comfort.

You can find out whether the Sade-Sati period is going on in your life
