Strong 11th house in the natal chart. Houses of the horoscope eleventh house of the horoscope

Eleventh house of the natal chart

Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

Eleventh house

Symbolic rulers Aquarius, Uranus, Saturn, culminating Mercury, imprisoned Sun, debilitated Pluto.

The eleventh house represents a person's life and roles in teams and groups, his participation in group work and his attitude towards it. In this chapter, a group is understood as a team that has gathered to perform an activity that has a fairly abstract goal and is devoid of a hierarchical structure. Thus, we can distinguish two distinctive feature 11th house: unfocused group activities and lack of strict obedience.

A task that is too clear and specific usually sets a clear hierarchical structure in the team performing it: boss, deputies, subordinates, etc., which corresponds. The 11th house also suggests group activity, but its goal, at least as far as it concerns the individual, should be somewhat vague or unattainable, for example, restoration of health and relaxation (say, during a hiking trip), knowledge of the world ( scientific teams without a strong emphasis on practical applications), defense environment, humanistic goals, etc.

The second sign of the 11th house is the feeling of a person’s inclusion in the group as a necessary part of it, and ideally, the perception of the group as a living organism, and oneself as one of its organs or parts, a necessary condition for the existence and successful functioning of the group. Unlike the 10th house, where a person is connected only with the immediately superior and inferior members of the hierarchy and is responsible only to them, in cases of the 11th house the person is connected to many, if not all, members of the group, and is responsible not only to them personally, but also to the group as a whole, or, in other words, its egregor.

As always, the background for the house is the opposite, in particular, the background of the 11th house will be the feeling of the 5th; in contrast to the situation of the 10th house, where the primary goal, task, instructions from the boss (or practical spiritual teacher), when the 11th house is included, a person feels his personal importance and indispensability for the group: the function assigned to him can only be performed by himself, with the help only he has a unique set external images and roles.

Also associated with groups is ; its difference from the 11th is that under the 11th house there is routine group work, when a person has already found his place in the team, and the team functions normally, in contrast to the marginal situations of the 8th house, when a person is just joining the team or comes out of it, or extreme events occur in the life of the team itself, sharply increasing the impact of its egregor on all participants.

Under the 11th house there are all kinds of holidays, starting from birthdays (which, from an astrological point of view, are much more correct to celebrate on the day solar transit according to the natal ascendant, when a person emerges from the confinement of the 12th house, wiser, more serious and ready to develop new features of his personality) and ending with national ones, when presidents and ministers smile at television cameras, trying to give the impression that they are the same people as everyone else . The idea of ​​the holiday is to ease the tension associated with the need to achieve difficult specific goals and temporarily replace the rigid control of the 10th house with a free feeling of a living group organism that welcomes the self-expression of any of its members (balance of the 11th and). Along the 11th house there is mass culture, choral singing, amateur clubs, public education and mass art, which produces and consumes the national egregor, with minor oppression of the personalities of both its creators and consumers. In general, all mass, “popular” movements occur mainly under the 11th house (excluding extreme situations, for example, war, which is ruled by the 8th house). They are characterized by a leveling of the role of individuals and an emphasis on collectivism, or, as they used to say, conciliarity. In general, the imbalance between the 11th and 5th houses towards the 11th, in particular, the fetishization of group mind, ethics and aesthetics, is characteristic of many social movements; opposing views - an emphasis on the 5th house as opposed to the 11th, are reflected in the concept of “art for art’s sake” and the assertion of absolute independence creative personality from the surrounding world and society.

This person has no friends as such; There may be brief alliances with other people, meaning spending time together, but the community that unfocused groups provide is unclear to the person and causes irritation. Accordingly, communication in clubs, circles, sections and any groups without a clear and achievable goal does not work for him, or he goes there with personal goals that are sharply different from the group ones, which causes hostility and rejection of the group. He fails to express himself within the group, and he tries not to draw attention to himself or tries to switch the group’s attention entirely to his personality, not caring at all whether the group is interested in his performances.

At the second level of working on the 11th house elements of group consciousness appear in a person; he is aware of his dependence on the group and feels to some extent his direct influence on it. He still closely monitors the process of distribution of group benefits, but at the same time he also feels the desire to do something for others, supporting its existence in the environment. This person feels a certain responsibility to the group for his actions, and also (usually to a lesser extent) responsibility for the actions of the group in the outside world. In particular, he becomes not indifferent to the external actions of the group, which he begins to perceive as a moment of personal self-realization (at the first level of elaboration this effect is absent). Now the moment of interdependence of team members is perceived by a person to a certain extent positively: he enjoys working next to others, feeling unity - this is often one of his best meditations (at the first level of elaboration, dependence on group members is perceived exclusively negatively). At this level, a person understands the need to adapt to the group, but is not always able to do this.

This person takes friendships seriously, sometimes puts friendship above love, considering the former purer and more sublime, and finds it reprehensible to assert oneself at the expense of friends; values ​​true friendship and tries, as far as possible, not to betray friends. Friendship seems to him to be a self-sufficient value, regardless of the type joint activities and the nature of personal relationships; in particular, a person does not feel responsibility for the actions of a friend and his evolutionary level in general or represses it.

Communication in clubs, hobby groups, sports sections, etc. may take up his inner life great place, equal to or even more than professional activity; in any case, a person sees these and similar other people’s collective activities as very significant in life and potentially providing great opportunities for self-realization. Here, self-expression in a team already presupposes a certain level of elaboration of the 5th house; those. personal expressive means, for which a person is loved and appreciated. Nevertheless, he can feel like a true member of only a small team, with all the members of which he is quite familiar.

At the third level of working on the 11th house a person usually plays a significant role in a group and has a good sense of the group egregor, not only the general mood of the group, but also its most pressing problems and ways to solve them. He feels great responsibility to the group not only for his behavior within its framework, but also for his vision of the group situation and the transfer of necessary information to the group or discussion and development of further tactics of behavior; a person feels no less responsible regarding the impact of the group on external world and its reverse influence on the group, it touches him vividly external behavior any member of the group, even if they do not directly interact in the group. At this level, a person quite accurately sees his place in the group and tries to take it; and although the corresponding adaptation may require considerable effort from him, external and internal, he feels that it is necessary and ultimately useful. He is concerned about the external activities of the group, but at the same time he understands that a significant part of the group's difficulties is associated with the process of teaching its members to group work as such and spares no effort in this direction, colloquially referred to as team cohesion, trying to ensure that it occurs as much as possible. possible evolutionary level.

This person treats his friends and friendship very responsibly; Moreover, internally (for himself) he is responsible not only for personal relationships with friends, but also for their entire life as a whole, feeling it as part of his own. Accordingly, he makes certain (perhaps each of them his own) moral demands, some of which are immutable, so that violation can lead to a complete break in relations. On the other hand, as friends communicate with this person, they grow and develop spiritually, which he sees as his direct responsibility and self-realization. In general, for him, self-expression is within the framework the group is coming all the time, both in the internal and external work of the group, it does not matter whether he accepts this personal participation or not.

At the fourth level of working out the 11th house a person clearly sees the egregors of the groups in which he participates (and some others too), and perceives group work as part of the evolution of the subtle and, of course, dense worlds. His responsibility extends not only to the groups in which he directly participates, but also to all egregors visible to him, within the limits, of course, of his implementation power and available karmic programs. However, he views his obligations not from the point of view of the direct meaning of the activities of his group, but mainly from the point of view of the meaning of its actions in subtle body, which is given to the average member of the group only in an intuitive and vague vision. Usually the main thing in any group activity is not external result, and quality, i.e. the evolutionary level of the collective, the growth of which helps the spiritual growth and solution of karmic problems of its individual members. When a team solves the internal problems of its development, its external problems are solved easily, almost by themselves, and at this moment a person can leave it to go to another training space program; however, the egregor (and the collective) will feel for a long time, which, in fact, will be his personal self-expression in this collective.

This person’s relationship with friends will not be easy; it will not be easy to withstand his demands and energy; the style of friendship will show a sign at the top of the 11th house, but in any case it will require great internal efforts and constant expansion of consciousness, not to mention evolutionary work, no matter what forms it takes.

Situation 11 at home the lower octave is national or religious feuds and wars, when the community of a group of people (ethnicity or religious direction) is established on the basis of hatred towards everyone else. The lower octave of the 11th house also includes the friendly and predatory destruction of nature: fauna, flora, soil, minerals, etc. Uncertain or unattainable goals characteristic of the 11th house team include survival, in particular, helping the needy and distressed, therefore, under the 11th house there are groups engaged in various charities, fundraising and donations for the poor and seriously ill, promoting healthy image life, all kinds of health groups, physical education, etc. (It is necessary, however, to distinguish between groups of the 11th house, engaged in charity work far from their wards, from people who, under the 12th house, participate directly in it.)

Expressed situations of the 11th house are characterized by a strong sense of participation in the work of the group; the person feels how much she needs him, and that all the other members of the group feel the same and would not exchange him for anyone else, and he himself experiences similar feelings about the other members of the group. Under the 11th house there is a specific friendly conversation, when a person can be expressed on behalf of the team such assessments and claims that he will never accept from any individual person, and the transition of psychologists from working as a couple (doctor-patient) to group work is of fundamental importance, since working under the 11th house is in many respects much more effective than under the 7th: in the second case, one person treats, and in the first, an entire group egregor.

With the correct inclusion of the 11th house, a person has a feeling of personal self-expression in the group, no matter what it does: so, at a good fair or at a festive amateur concert, a person has the feeling that he is everywhere, and everyone is him; and the seller, and the buyer, and the buffoon, and the puppeteer, and the musician, and the poet. The first school of the 11th house is a family in which the work of the 11th house consists of the correct distribution of duties and responsibilities, as a result of which not only the holes in the family egregor (and, consequently, the budget) are plugged, but also much better educated and evolutionarily developed children grow up.

Weak 11th house gives a person without a strong sense of community; he will not be embarrassed by the lack of friends in the business he is involved in, although if he has like-minded people, he will not object. He doesn’t like the idea of ​​a person’s strong dependence on the collective, at least for himself personally, and the idea of ​​the support that a collective can provide a person is mental (i.e., he mentally understands that this happens) or material. He also understands the responsibility for the team before him: purely practically and limitedly, exactly as much as they said; however, the team most likely will not place much responsibility on him. On the other hand, in those rare cases when a person essentially needs the help of the collective, he will usually help to obtain it through some effort, but he will not feel any special emotions towards the collective, just like the group towards him. The work ethic and enthusiasm of the group will affect him weakly, excluding marginal situations (the group and him), when the 8th house is included (and, therefore, its aspects need to be looked at).

Here, self-expression within the framework of group work and friendship is difficult, and to work through the 11th house it is necessary to cultivate a sense of personal responsibility for internal and external circumstances and the affairs of the groups of which a person is a member, otherwise in the second half of life he may begin to have constant conflicts with groups, and he will completely not understand what their reason is. With a strong 5th house, internal disrespect for any group is possible, the position: “The only thing they are good for is to look with admiration at how wonderful and versatile I am, and to admire my roles and images,” i.e. a person thinks of himself on stage, and the rest of the band in the stalls, which risks falling into the orchestra pit.

Affected 11th house gives great difficulty in group work and in relationships with friends. In group work, whether a person wants it or not, he constantly turns out to be the weakest or most conflicting link, creating for the team maximum amount inconveniences and poorly solved problems (which ones exactly will be shown by the tense aspects of the 11th house; for example, the opposition to the 5th house actualizes the problem of “personality - collective” and the corresponding relationships, and this is not necessarily his personality). Thus, this person is objectively the center of gravity of group problems that materialize on him, therefore his correct presentation and elaboration of his group situations (as well as corresponding internal problems) alleviates many group difficulties. On the contrary, the reluctance to react constructively to one’s difficulties in a team leads to a sharp aggravation of both the individual’s situation and some general group problems, and often, if the parties are unwilling to find a solution acceptable to both, the situation reaches a dead end and cannot be resolved for years, or a person voluntarily (or forcibly) leaves the team, and both soon receive an actualization of the same unresolved problem, but on a different material, often even more harsh: a person in a new team, a team with its next member. Subjectively, this person is always drawn to tense groups and group situations, otherwise (i.e. alone or in a quiet place in the group) he is bored. However, working through the affected 11th house is not easy, since it requires a high level of dedication and the ability not to covet the fat piece of a lazy but harmonious comrade, having received a callous crust for much more difficult, unpleasant and responsible work, the failure of which would entail extremely dire consequences for the person, and for the group. Here, in the 11th house, the Sun is in symbolic captivity, which, when worked through, requires the abandonment of an egocentric position; but elaboration gives access directly to the group egregor and the possibility of direct work with it, so that a person becomes, in outdated language, the good genius of the group, as opposed to the role of its black teacher, which he naturally has in the absence of elaboration. Relationships with friends are tense, often there is poor mutual understanding, resentment, long periods of alienation, which, however, gives both parties the impulse to work on themselves, and over time, friendship, if it survives, becomes real, tested and reliable.

A. Underwater

Eleventh house. Rulers Uranus and Saturn, Sun in exile. Cold, transparent. There is no contact with people as such, but there is contact with like-minded people. Spiritual level of the card.

Spiritual communication, life prospects, reference group, friends and enemies in spirit, their devotion and betrayal.

Uranus rules the house of deviations from the generally accepted, mutants and mutations, the house of restructuring of life orientation.

The conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in a person’s spiritual contacts speaks of his attitude towards authorities.

The 11th house (when the Sun is expelled) contains the idea of ​​equality of all people, shows the level of democracy of a person, the presence or absence revolutionary activities, level of reformism.

The exaltation of Neptune and the expulsion of the Sun allow, with weak vitality, to make a quick passage up the vertical, to project the future, replaying events in the imagination. Insight.

Projection of oneself into an ideal world, in opposition to the 5th house, with its socially determined roles.

Saturn determines the internal level of aspirations, formalizes and legitimizes organizations and interest clubs. The position of the house will show how often a person destroys and builds them. In the world of ideals and ideal goals, the house will show how a person identifies with a particular group. His mirror is a group of friends.

N. Markina

11th house - Amici.

Friendly, social, professional relationships - Support, protection.

The last quadrant of the cycle talks about the impact of what can be described as “not-I” on our destiny and on ourselves.

Astrologically, the subsequent 11th house occupies an intermediate position between the eastern horizon and the meridian: it denotes a part of the ecliptic, significantly removed from its culmination.

It indicates the ability to refrain from satisfying one’s immediate desires in the name of more important and noble goals, and on the social plane - the ability to limit one’s selfishness and private interests. It helps to strengthen friendly, deeper than just comradely, feelings and the desire to satisfy, first of all, the needs of the team, and not personal interests. He develops a clear vision of the future and the possibilities for its development.

This house suggests limiting our needs for pleasure and material well-being: Possession gives way to Debt.

It gives faith in the future, optimism and trust, eliminates negative thoughts and possible failures that are their consequences.

Friendship, which is governed by the 11th house, is a deep, selfless connection based on the similarities between people, the spiritual kinship of souls.

A person with a strong eleventh house puts himself at the disposal of other people in order to implement a common idea or project. His personality has such influence that he is more easily trusted than others to protect collective interests. Thus, he becomes the bearer of the group's projects and hopes.

The 11th house is the house of politics. But a person under his influence rarely becomes an absolute leader, a boss, a monarch, alone bearing the burden of power and forced to constantly fight with fate. He will rather become a pillar of power. In relation to human consciousness, the 11th house rules pioneers, carriers of ideas, seekers.

Dangers of this house: utopianism, unrealism, gullibility, naivety, which can make a person easily manipulated, and also lead to the use of public interests for personal gain.

D. Rudhyar says: “In the eleventh house, the power of society, a collective or a group is released through the individual, more precisely, through the activity of this individual in society - a nation, a social class, a religious denomination, a club, a professional group to which it belongs. By participating in the life of the community, an individual can act with creativity and receive satisfaction from his work. The experience gained in the tenth house allows him in the eleventh house to set new social and professional goals, as well as relieve tension in the circle of friends and like-minded people. If the experience of the tenth house is important in natal chart and a person goes through it, awakening real strength and responding to the needs arising from each problem, he develops a new vision of the world, new ideals and concrete plans for the improvement of social and professional life. If in the tenth house a person has proven his ability to cope with social functions with dignity, in the eleventh house he must demonstrate to himself and his friends what this success has brought to his holistic personality, his way of life and his ability to act within the social environment.

In the event of failure, a person must prove that he has the courage, resilience and patience necessary to learn from the incident and overcome its consequences.

The main experience of the eleventh house is to realize a person's ideals together with people who share these ideals. These people become his allies, friends in a common cause or in struggle.”

L. Winkler

11th house Masculine, spiritual, subordinate to Uranus, relationships, friends, desires, hopes, protection.

In contrast to the fifth house, from which one can learn about the native's own love experience, the eleventh house concerns connections with other people, in a broad sense, more or less stable friendships, social relations, and intellectual community of interests.

In general, it is a symbol of the desires and hopes that a person has and, accordingly, what he expects from life. Whether these expectations will be fulfilled depends on the opposite house 5, and the answer to this can be found there.

Here again we are talking about an intermediate house from which accurate additional information about happiness and success is partially obtained, namely, about the general environment.

Statistical observations of the position of stars in this house ultimately give much more gain with negatively acting planets than with positively acting ones. Thus, Neptune in the eleventh house in most cases was a clear reference to unreliable, even incorrect or treacherous friends who harm the owner of the horoscope more than benefit him, or even intrigue against him.

Esoterics. T. II

11th house Bonus demon, Agatodaimon, Bonus genius, Amici (Friends).

Meaning. The house is subsequent, relating to good fortune, fulfillment of desires, protection and friends.

Meaning in an individual horoscope

1st third. Personal friends, patronage, advisers, income from patronage and friends, religiosity of the first sibling, fifth sibling, death of the father, obvious enemies of children, spouses of children, disputes of children, allies of children, long trips of siblings, stepchildren stepdaughters.

2nd third. Hopes, desires, attitude towards joint stock companies, income from one’s own efforts, connections in the second third of life.

3rd third. Hopes and desires of the spiritual plane, hostile influences on personal destiny.

Meaning in the Mundane horoscope. Parliament, deputies, legislation, joint-stock companies, the wealth of the head of state.

Meaning in the horary horoscope. Fulfillment of the desires of the asker. Otherwise, as in an individual horoscope.

11th house, Aquarius, Uranus and Saturn, Mercury in exaltation.

Shows creative expression in a group as opposed to creative self-expression in the 5th house. The house, the planets in it, the sign at the tip, aspects with the owner and to the planets speak about the relationship of a person in a team, about friendship, the exchange of thoughts and ideas of universal interest. Exchange of thoughts and mental abilities for these purposes (exaltation of Mercury), loyalty, mutual responsibility, willingness to work for common goals (second lord Saturn). The 11th house is associated with friendship, humanism, and gives freedom of spiritual expression. Personal self-expression of the 5th house served emotional narcissism, its goal - direct or indirect - sex. And creative collective self-expression in the 11th house occurs at a higher level, it is intuitive, free from emotions, and therefore gives the individual more real freedom. The 11th house is impersonal, since the high spiritual principles of Mercury, Saturn and Uranus have to do with impersonal truth, and not with emphasizing the self.

F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

In the present era, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the 11th house. This is the house of conscious creativity. Creativity of the 5th house is spontaneous, impulsive, and generally comes from excess vitality and is colored by instinctive-biological, emotional needs. There is no hint of calculation; there is no time to think about the results, much less about the long-term consequences.

In the 11th house, everything is completely different: the priority is the role of the mind, and a mature mind, capable of assessing consequences, i.e. to a long-term forecast.

It is the home of forecasting, programming and self-programming. In the 11th house, a person writes the plot of his life, draws his path to the future. Here is life planning, dreams, aspirations, ideals. This house paints pictures of the desired world order, ideal society, to which humanity will someday come. The house shows a person’s attitude towards projects with a universal sound.

The formal responsibilities imposed by a certain role in the structures of the 10th house are overcome here: a person freely asserts himself as a member of society and even as a citizen of the Earth, focusing on his intellectual preferences. There are clubs of similar interests, groups involved in scientific problems, sports teams, and any informal unions of like-minded people.

Social networks, virtual communication mediated by computer and other means of communication (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.) are a very important attribute of the 11th house. We are used to repeating that the 11th house describes friends, but we forget to clarify that it describes friends, rather, as a kind of integrity, as a socio-culturally and ideologically close community of people. The 11th house is a certain cross-section of society in which we creatively realize our social temperament. When we are talking about very close, personal, emotional relationships with a specific person, it comes to the fore (and sometimes even). Indeed, the 11th house, which has the qualities of detachment, brings primarily intellectual rather than sensory contact. On the other hand, if you believe life observations among new generations, the role of the 11th house in “personal life” is growing. It is group activity and network activity that become the field of disappointment for meaningful partnerships. It must also be remembered that the 11th house is directly related to how a person perceives the attention, sympathy and love of another person. It is from the 11th house that one can judge which ways to express acceptance, which methods of courtship will cause a positive response in a given individual.

In the 11th house we often receive dividends from the efforts spent in the 10th house. This is the house of happiness and good luck, but not personal, but public. All privileges, awards, especially international ones, for example, Nobel Prize, it is impossible to get without a strong 11th house.

Let's get acquainted with what influences and what astrological significance the XI house of the horoscope has. In the classical view, it is the house of freedom. But what is freedom? And why is the XI house ruled by the same planets as the X house, the planets of freedom and lack of freedom - Uranus and Saturn? The answer to the question about the esoteric meaning of any house is always contained in the symbol of the sign associated with this house. The symbolic image of Aquarius is two parallel wavy lines, meaning two streams of time, a clear division of good and evil, human existence on two levels - material and energetic. This symbol is clearly associated with the two rulers of the sign and house, Uranus and Saturn.

We have already talked about subjective and objective time management. In the XI house, the main ruler is Uranus, it is associated with the subjective perception of time, objective time is more associated with Saturn and the X house. People of the 11th house of the horoscope focus more on subjective time, which is why it changes sharply and unsynchronously for them. That is, a person of the 11th house has his own rhythms, his own position, his own view and his own ideas about the continuity of times.

Through the 11th house there is a perception of something fundamentally new, something that is not inherent in a person at the moment of birth. This perception, as well as the ability to look ahead or go ahead of time, is associated with Uranus - the planet of deviations from the generally accepted, the planet of reforms, restructuring, mutations, the planet thanks to which a qualitative leap to another level can occur. And any leap is associated with movement in a spiral, this is a new turn that is associated with deep transformation, it makes it possible to move to a higher level. high level, but with a different, new meaning.

Any transformation is associated with Pluto, and he is in the fall in the 11th house. Both planets are associated with revolution and reform. Pluto gives rise to group solidarity, discontent, the desire to remake, transform, Uranus is a revolutionary release of Pluto’s energy, which accumulates for a long time. At the heart of any transformation or restructuring is the need to revive what once died, to transform what is doomed to die, to give a new round of development to oneself and others.

In the graphic image, Aquarius pours water from two jugs - in one there is dead water, in the other there is living water. Both waters are associated with resurrection. That is, the purpose of the 11th house is resurrection. Dead water acts as a unification of lost harmony - this is its highest goal, and its lowest is to kill. Living water in a lower sense, it dissolves life in a single stream, levels the personality, that is, dissolves it in society. In the highest sense, living water gives new life. They act only together, just as Uranus and Saturn rule the 11th house together.

Internal hard necessity and Dead Water - on the one hand, freedom and Living Water - on the other. How to combine these two categories – freedom and predestination – in one person? The answer to this question can be obtained if you solve the problem of duality and choice - these are the main problems of the 11th house, but by solving them, you can come to the highest goal of the 11th house - Freedom.

In the X house, a person achieved his goal, for which he fought stubbornly and persistently, he satisfied his ambitions and was awarded fame, prestige, and social success. But life didn't end there. Achievements of the X house provide an opportunity to define new professional and social goals. Where can they be applied, what will a person do with his successes and failures?

This question is answered by the 11th house, where everything of yesterday can be transformed into a “new tomorrow”. And a person must choose, must determine this “tomorrow” for himself. But in order to make the right choice, you need to reevaluate all life values, realize and determine your place in life. The XI house of the horoscope is the penultimate step of this incarnation, it is the last point, the culmination of the result of activity, and it is always associated with choice.

The 12th house is already the result of a choice, it shows what the outcome of the path is, it contains the grain of future Karma. But before the final destination, one more choice needs to be made: either the person remains at the top or goes down. Life does not end with the X house, the top of the mountain (the mountain is the symbol of Capricorn), you still need to force yourself to voluntarily give away what you have achieved. So there is also the problem of recoil.

The esoteric name of the house is "Evil Genius", the ancients considered this house a house of trials. Sufi astrology places in the 11th house the demon of death, Azrael, with scales in his hands, who comes and demands that a person pay all debts. In contrast to the 5th house, which indicates the receipt of gifts and pleasures, the 11th house speaks of the need to give gifts and give pleasure to others, that is, to give.

Providence does not hinder man; he is free in his choice. He has the opportunity to freely choose like-minded people, friends, social circle, but after the choice a person no longer remains absolutely free, since within any group, collective, social structure its own rules, laws and requirements, which are determined by the second ruler of the 11th house, Saturn.

In addition, to be truly free, you need to know where your freedom lies and where you are limited. A person must realize that he is free in everything that concerns the problems of the world in general. Freedom is not anarchy, not impunity and permissiveness, but the ability to wisely use the opportunities that Fate provides, but again within the framework of Fate itself.

Control is established by Saturn; it personifies objective time, independent of the perception of a person and his individual rhythms. Objective rhythms strictly require that a person fit into them. In addition, Saturn is the core, the internal law, so a person cannot allow himself freedom in what concerns himself. The path of the 11th house requires the acquisition of inner Freedom, but it can only be achieved by realizing one’s highest duty.

So, a person is free to choose:

1) how to apply your achievements;

2) what to give;

3) social circle, like-minded people, friends.

But what guides each of us when choosing like-minded people? First of all, ideals. “Creative energy in the heart gives birth to love and desires, and in the mind – dreams and ideals,” says M. B. Levin. Ideals are formed by Neptune, he is in the 11th house in exaltation. If there is an ideal, a person always strives for it.

In astrology, the 11th House is not popular with kilometer values. They write about him briefly: friends, like-minded people, teams, hopes. But often in reality everything looks completely different. A person with a cluster of planets in XI may not be sociable, he has no friends, and he is completely allergic to groups.

When faced with this, astrologists often shrug their shoulders. From the series: the truth of heaven is not always accessible to mere mortals. But now we will decisively refute this idea. From this article you will learn the main meanings of the 11th House in astrology, as well as how to use it.

Are you ready to break these laws?

Behind the decorations of the coiffed values ​​of XI there are many levels hidden that you are not even aware of. To understand them Let's turn to the main symbols of the 11th House in astrology - Aquarius Saturn and Uranus.

Aquarius- an air sign responsible for streams of consciousness (An angel pours water from a bowl).

The Sun in Aquarius is expelled - it is quite difficult to reveal your individuality in the crowd. Any association of people public opinion from the series: not for oneself, but for the sake of the country, the people, the Motherland.

Modern archetype— an endless number of programs on television according to the principle: people come with their problems, which the whole room actively discusses. The talk show “Let Them Talk” very accurately reflects Aquarius, especially in the name.

Saturn— creates boundaries, rules. framework. It personifies social norms, rules of behavior that are very difficult not to comply with. Agree, it is psychologically difficult to come and get a job in shorts and flip-flops. This violates public perceptions. This also includes such inventing societies as:

  • grandmothers at the entrance, judging your appearance
  • phrases from the series:“what will people think/say?”, “somehow it’s not convenient...”, “normal relationships, a mythical normal man”
  • faceless "everything". Everyone buys it, everyone wears it, everyone does it. Advertising actively uses this rule - 83.9% of women buy this shampoo. Implying that if you do not buy this shampoo, you are a loser, breaking away from the team represented by 83.9 percent. Marketers call this “Social Proof.”

Fashion is one of the brightest manifestations of the 11th House in astrology. The main principle is that I join the crowd. This is again an unspoken law. Brands ask a lot of money for the opportunity to join the team. Many fashion designers and fashion trendsetters have a strong XI in their chart.

Tools 11 Houses in Astrology- shame, fear of public accusation, disgrace. Remember the Soviet legacy: are you the smartest? Don't show off! Everyone's children are like children, and you! Do like everyone else. The party has spoken!

If you go out on the street now in 17th century clothes, people will look at you askance. You need to have a very strong Sun to decide on this.

Do you feel the pressure of Saturn behind these phrases? And most importantly, how often do you do something in obedience to the social trend? Sometimes even to the detriment of your desires. This is one of the key, killer principles of the 11th House in astrology.

By the way, have you ever wondered why Saturn rules Aquarius? The Aquarius archetype is the night sky, consisting of billions of stars, among which our Sun no longer seems so unusual. As a person who is unique in himself. But in the crowd he is only one of thousands of the same.

Common truth XI - instead of a thousand words!

Uranus- the highest symbol of the 11th House in astrology. I'm going against everyone. I am my own moral. Rebels, revolutionaries, geniuses with unconventional thinking, homeless people. All those for whom the rules of the crowd do not apply. How do we treat such people?

Deep down, we are afraid of them or try to stay away from them. They don't fit into the usual patterns. We don't know what to expect from them.

For the law to exist, there needs to be those who will break it. Otherwise, any rule loses its original meaning.

An image of a high idea. A striking example is almost 70 years of Soviet power. The eternal construction of communism in the name of a bright future. Slogans: let's complete the five-year plan in four years; we will win, we will build, we will do. Pay attention to the plural form of verbs.

At a low level 11th House in astrology:

  1. I'm just part of the system, society
  2. To express myself, I use ready-made social attributes: fashion, opinions, unspoken boundaries. I am caught in the grip of society (symbol of Saturn)

On high:

  1. I myself influence society
  2. I express myself the way I want. Setting a new trend
  3. Free schedule, lifestyle (symbol of Uranus)

In astrology, the 11th House is no less dangerous and destructive than the XII. If you weak person, XI will eat you with its faceless, formless public opinion.

How to use all this in practice?

Now let’s list the everyday meanings of the 11th House in astrology, that actually work and make practical sense.

Meanings of 11th House in astrology:

  • Society, groups, public opinion (what will people think?), crowd, flash mobs
  • Social unspoken laws, norms, cliches (how it is customary to behave in public). Trends, trends, fashion
  • Imitation of idols, ideals
  • Internet, social media, publics, groups
  • Fame, popularity, influence on the masses, politics, social activity
  • Science, future, forecasts, astrology, logical esoterics
  • Construction, planning, bringing an idea or drawing to life
  • Freelancing, free schedule, going beyond social ideas about how it should be
  • Freebies, luck, everything that falls on us from the sky
  • Subtle reality: I am constantly in expectations, hopes, dreams. The result is laziness, vegetation, faith in miracles. Inability to live in the present.

Friendship, friends- too abstract, vague interpretations that have not the slightest relation to reality. Friendship involves one-on-one contact with a specific person. This is rule VII. In XI we are dealing with a faceless mass of people. But if I gather people around me, motivating them with some idea, that’s XI.

In astrology, the 11th House is responsible for exact sciences, calculations (remember the significators Saturn and Uranus). A popular method is now popular among astrologers: I shoot sparrows with a grenade launcher with optical sight, maybe I’ll get there. This applies more to the XII.

Everything related to the Internet is also considered to be the 11th House in astrology. There is a huge risk of making a mistake here. Internet on XI:

  • communication, subscriber bases of your website or group
  • blogs, instagram, social networks
  • webinars, videos, training courses
  • creating web applications (as an idea, but not execution)

If I am creating websites, writing code - this is the theme of Mars, Aries, partly the VIth. According to XI, you don’t need to deal with technical details, understand how the code works. The Internet is here as a tool.

How to become famous?

Let's move from theory to practice. Let's look at the basic formulas of the 11th House in astrology, as well as ways to use it.

Main formulas of the 11th House in astrology:

Moon or its dispositor in XI - strong influence of social norms. The phrase: “what will people think” has a sacred meaning for you. In public, when everyone is watching, I feel like a fish out of water. Often such characters in public places are completely different personalities than in the family or at work. From the series: At home I am a dictator. In public he is an ideal citizen, kind, sympathetic, polite. Or vice versa. Depending on the card indicators.

Doc from the movie "Back to the Future", inventor of the time machine. Bright hero of the 11th

Connection I and XI— freelance, I realize myself as a public figure, politician, activist. A strong indication of working with the masses.

Recognition, fame, popularity. The more people know you, the more opportunities there are. The more creative I am, the more I break out of social norms and ideas, the more successful my implementation is.

The space creates events where you are the organizer, the leader of the movement.

On the low- laziness. I live with expectations and dreams. I am a victim of public morality. Other people actively use me.

Please note that friendship belongs to the 7th House. If you have a strong XI, this does not mean at all that you have +100500 friends. Also: society does not accept you, does not understand you.

Connection II and XI- income from activities in large organizations where many people are involved. Freelancing, flexible schedule. Business via the Internet, communication, organizing something. information. If there are no additional instructions, then the standard approach: school - work - pension cannot be implemented. Profit from science, esotericism, astrology. Fate gives a lot of freebies in the form of gifts and bonuses.

Symbolizes the zodiac sign Aquarius, natural ruler - Uranus

Meaning of the eleventh house of the natal chart: relationships with society and connections with friends, goals and hopes

The eleventh house in astrology is known as the house of hopes, goals and aspirations. It symbolizes the desire to become better than we are and the ability to see new possibilities.

Unlike the opposite fifth house, where we engage in creativity for our own pleasure, the eleventh house of the horoscope requires combining the desire for self-expression with the need to coordinate our efforts with society. The eleventh house symbolizes the goals we achieve with the support of the group and society as a whole.

Characteristics of the eleventh house

The eleventh house in astrology is associated with Aquarius and the planet Uranus. It symbolizes the desire to embrace our individuality and become something more than we are. One way to do this is to identify with something or someone larger, such as a circle of friends, a group, a belief system, or an ideology.

The eleventh house of the horoscope reflects the interconnectedness and interdependence of planets and events in our lives. Our thoughts and actions affect not only our lives, but also the lives of other people. Signs and planets in the eleventh house show how we act in a group, whether our goals can be put on a par with the goals of the group or system. Belonging to a group, be it social, political or religious, gives a broader sense of self. On a spiritual level, we strive to feel part of the whole and interact with the world. Perceiving yourself as part of something larger allows you to transcend the boundaries of your own personality and understand by what laws we interact with other people. From this understanding arises a sense of belonging to all humanity that goes beyond personal and family ties.

Social responsibility and involvement in the evolution of humanity depends on the position of the planets and signs in the eleventh house of the horoscope. The strong influence of this house manifests itself as participation in the activities of social and political groups with the aim of bringing about social change. By the position of the planets one can determine what kind of social activities will attract. For example, if Neptune is located in the eleventh house, the person will be interested in participating in religious groups; if Venus is located in the eleventh house, the person will be attracted to the activities of groups related to the arts.

Friendship and relationships with friends are also under the purview of the eleventh house. Friendship develops our ideas and interests, makes us look at things in a new way. The eleventh house of the natal chart shows what we like to do in company, what kind of people we are attracted to.

The 11th house is helpers and well-wishers and patrons: will such people meet on life path. The 11th house is also responsible for friends, acquaintances, like-minded people and for joint affairs with them. Will a person be lucky with friends and like-minded people: will they be loyal and reliable to him, or will he become prey for cunning, selfish and mercantile individuals. Will the person himself be decent and grateful to his assistants and well-wishers for their help, or will his behavior begin to destroy the friendships around him and the sympathy that has arisen for him, completely killing the desire to help him, including responding with black ingratitude.

Planets in the 11th house

Sun in 11th house, or in sextile, trine to its cusp, determines the leader of the group, the leader. Such a person is a leader in a company of friends and like-minded people.

Mercury in the 11th house, or in a sextile, a trine with its cusp emphasizes high sociability, the ability to easily win over your interlocutor. Indicates activity in finding friends, ease of making acquaintances, and also (if Mercury is not located in Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and does not have a conjunction, square, opposition, half or sesquisquare with Neptune and especially Pluto) skill sincerely and sincerely strengthen and maintain established acquaintances.

Venus or Jupiter in the 11th house or in a sextile, a trine with its cusp portends happiness in love and friendship, complete mutual understanding, respect and popularity, faithful and devoted friends. Support, assistance and patronage from influential people, protection of interests. Protection of rights and interests, assistance and support are, in principle, ensured by the presence of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron in the 11th house.

And the information contained in the 11th house is as follows:

  1. Friends. Relationships with friends. Attitude towards friendship, readiness or unwillingness to participate in, help friends. The presence or absence of friends.
  2. Belonging to a group of people with a common interest (youth movement, circle, social movement), relationships with like-minded people in such a group. Circle of friends.
  3. Social tasks and projects, activities for the benefit of society or the absence of such acts.
  4. Help and support provided in life, in business, or lack of help. Patrons. Presence or absence of patronage.
  5. Interests, hobbies, hobbies.

The 11th house is associated with the sign of Aquarius and therefore corresponds to Saturn. And here the question arises: how can Saturn be a dispositor over a prosperous field of like-minded people, patrons, helpers and friends? Over those situations that bring luck and fortune, joy and happiness, prosperity and prospects? After all, this is contrary to his nature. But the disposition of Saturn over the 11th house is that it is Saturn that forms the ethical scale of values, the basis of being. Saturn here acts as a prescription: what good deeds should be done, to whom and with what to help, what to give.

Thus, Saturn becomes bestowal (which is essentially also Uranus, the second dispositor of the 11th house), it forces one to do good. And help and support, protection and patronage become a response to this. That is, a person himself must initially show complicity towards another, be ready to selflessly help him in everything, lend a strong shoulder in time, become a devoted and reliable friend. In this case, he deserves the right to be someone’s friend and count on his loyalty and devotion, help and support. Either he should disinterestedly, patiently and without thinking about rewards deal with solving acute problems. social problems or creativity, enriching and developing culture. And then he will be noted, and those who consider his activities important will provide him with help in it.

It has been noticed that when negative traits of Saturn’s nature predominate in a person’s character, such as coldness, arrogance, insensitivity, selfishness, cunning and careerism, this already in adolescence causes, if not outright antipathy towards him, then reciprocal restraint and ignorance. It is difficult to feel sympathy for such a person, and few people are capable of this (unless, of course, the person himself changes or hides the negative traits of his nature behind a mask of sociability and friendliness). And this leads to a complete lack of friends and loneliness. Which confirms the disposition of Saturn over the 11th house.

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Chiron in the 11th house or in square to its cusp - while being in decline or exile, or having squares, oppositions, sex and sesquiquadrates portend deception and betrayal on the part of false friends and acquaintances.
