What is a natal horoscope? Astrology


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"Vedic horoscope online" is unique project for Vedic astrologers and people interested in astrology (Jyotish). All features of the system are described here http://vedic-horo.ru/features.php, and with detailed instructions user can be found here http://vedic-horo.ru/manual.php

1. The project has broad capabilities for constructing and analyzing an astrological chart online, namely: displaying the map in both southern and northern styles, with a list of the main ayanamshas to choose from. The calculation of basic data on the map has been implemented - position in the house, sign, nakshatra, etc., plus functional beneficence, Karaka, Avastha, Gandanta, Mrityu Bhaga, Dig Bala, Marana Karaka Sthana, etc. are indicated. The calculation of the main fractional charts has been implemented. and annual chart (Varshaphala), yoga (over 200 combinations), special Lagnas, Ashtakavarga, Upagraha, Vimshottari dasha, Yogini dasha, Chara dasha Jaimini K.N. are also calculated. Rao, Narayana Dasha, a full section for the analysis and selection of Muhurta, analysis and search for Transits, Ashtakuta ( astrological compatibility) and other useful things.

2. System " Vedic horoscope online" includes decoding (interpretation) of the horoscope. Links that open interpretation texts when clicked are bluish in color and a hand sign appears when you hover over them. Using your birth chart, you can get a decoding based on the position of the planet in the house and the zodiac sign, the position of the ruler (owner) of the house in the house. In addition, the system provides general information about each planet - you can understand what it shows in the astrological chart, what strong and weak traits it has endowed you with. There are also transcripts for each astrological house - to see them, you need to click on the required house number in the natal chart itself. Vedic astrology has in its arsenal nakshatras, for each of which you can find the necessary information - first of all, pay attention to which nakshatra is occupied by the Ascendant, Moon and Sun. Plus, you can get a comprehensive interpretation of the zodiac signs - to do this, you need to click on the name of the zodiac sign in the natal chart. To understand what zodiac signs affect you highest value- just as in the case of nakshatras, look where the Ascendant, Moon and Sun are located, plus a cluster of planets.

3. At the project "Vedic horoscope online" There is a unique feature - storing a database of your own astrological charts online, and all conditions have been created for this. You can create sections and subsections of any nesting, forming a structure for storing cards. Cards can be loaded into the system by simply dragging them into the browser with the mouse from popular astrological programs: Jagannatha Hora, Parashara's Light or Grahas. You can also edit birth data, description and life events In addition, maps from the system can also be saved to a computer in one of the three previously announced astro program formats. Below are screenshots in star style(can be set in settings).

4. There is confidence that every astrologer is a researcher at heart, and therefore the system has implemented functionality with which you can find people by almost any astrological combination, as well as life events and categories. You can search both within the database of your own cards, and in the Astro-Databank database, the number of which exceeds 53,000 people, for each of which there is a reliability rating of time of birth (Rodden Rating), gender and life events and categories associated with the person, which can also be indicate when searching, and also in the search results there will be links to the Astro-Databank and Wikipedia website with biographical data of the person found. This functionality allows you not only to check the principles from classical works on Vedic (Indian) astrology, but also to identify patterns yourself - by tracing what these people have in common, how this or that combination manifested itself in life. In the search criteria you can indicate, for example, the Moon in Aries in the 9th house in D1 or Jupiter trine AK in D9, or both criteria at the same time and the system will find these people.

The natal chart is the basis of any individual horoscope. It is its decoding that helps you to know yourself, find out what events await you throughout your life, what dangers lie around the next corner and, accordingly, how these dangers can be avoided.

Drawing up a natal chart is not such a simple task, and if you are not well versed in astrology, then you can safely use special astrological programs. Those who are interested in getting to the bottom of everything themselves can try to master independent reading of the natal chart.

Houses in the natal chart: decoding

Houses determine the main events in life. They, like planets and other indicators, are in a certain zodiac sign, which, in fact, determines the development of events.

1st House – individual (character, enterprise, individualism).

2nd House – acquisitions (money, property, luck).

III House – exchange (communication, relatives).

IV House – home (home, family, inheritance).

Vth House – creation (children, love, pleasures).

VIth House – present (everyday life, work, health).

VIIth House – union (harmony, communication, relationships).

VIIIth House – detachment (passion, inheritance).

IX House – ideal (optimism, travel, escapism).

Xth House – independence (public life, social status).

XIth House – aspiration (plans, hopes, friendship).

XIIth House – achievement (willpower, mystery).

Planets in the natal chart: decoding

Planets in the natal chart show:

How you live, create, express yourself (Sun);

How do you feel, what do you expect from love (Moon);

In what direction and at what speed do you think (Mercury);

As you wish: material needs, sexual desires, happiness (Venus);

How you act: will, independence, activity, initiative (Mars);

How do you plan your affairs and set priorities (Jupiter);

How do you achieve your goals (Saturn);

How you accept something new and free yourself from the old (Uranus);

How you relax and also how you anticipate (Neptune);

How you give anything and also how you deal with losses (Pluto).

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart: decoding

In the natal chart, zodiac signs play the role of characteristics. Houses, planets, aspects, and other indicators appear to us through the prism of one or another zodiac sign. Hence the phrases: Sun in Leo, Xth House in Gemini or Saturn in Libra. It is the signs of the zodiac that “give” their traits to astrological indicators, which, accordingly, is reflected both in your character and in the events occurring in life.

Aspects are the individual relationship between the planets in the horoscope - nodes, squares and trigons, which form the ascending and descending planets. It is the aspects that show those nuances that make you a unique person. Aspects are arcs of a certain size that connect two elements of the horoscope. They are laid out along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun across the sky throughout the year) and are measured in degrees. In the natal chart, aspects are indicated by straight lines of different colors.

Aspects can be harmonious and intense, that is, planets (the qualities they impart and the events they provoke) can correspond to each other, complement each other or interfere, creating an imbalance in life and in the psychological sphere.

The aspects in your individual horoscope determine the events that await you at this or that stage of life, your reaction to these events, and the character traits and habits that you can acquire.

“Strange icons” in the natal chart: decoding

It is assumed that you know what the symbols of the zodiac signs and planets look like. But we will now look at the unfamiliar, strange icons located after the listing of the ten symbols of the planets.

Rahu-dharma denoted as an inverted Greek letter "Omega" and speaks of your destiny.

Rahu karma designated as “Omega” – Ω – in upright position and is “responsible” for obstacles, fears and suffering.

Black Moon(Lilith) in the natal chart looks like an icon of the month (waning moon), shaded in black and held on a cross. This is the apogee of the ordinary Moon, the point of the lunar orbit farthest from Earth. Lilith is “responsible” for mistakes, for everything dark that is in our soul, she shows what must be avoided in order to live life with dignity.

White moon(Selena) in the natal chart looks like an icon of the month (growing Moon), white, that is, unshaded. This Moon also seems to rest on the cross. Selena is also not an independent planet, but simply the point of the lunar orbit closest to Earth. Selena is “responsible” for your luck, for the opportunities that will be provided to you throughout your life, she tells you what you must not miss in order for life to turn out well.

Midheaven denoted as a circle with the letter “K” on it, and is responsible for your potential in career and social status.

Depth of Sky denoted by the Latin letter “N” and shows what kind of home and what kind of family you need for complete comfort.

Ascendant denoted as "As". This is your personality - the impression you yourself (and your actions) make on others.

Descendant is designated as “Mc” and is “responsible” for your relationships with other people. This icon tells you which partner you are able to create a harmonious and productive marriage or business union with.

A small letter "R" next to planets and other symbols indicates that the object was in a retrograde position at the time of your birth. And this must also be taken into account.

By the way, you can build and interpret a cosmogram ( natal chart) not only for drawing up an individual horoscope, but also in order to calculate what events await you or humanity in general on a particular day. To do this, simply when drawing up a natal chart, use the date you are interested in, and not the date of your birthday.

Astrology is a science with centuries-old history. Even in ancient times, while studying the stars, people noticed that a happy or unhappy fate is in some interaction with a certain position of the stars at the time of a person’s birth. These data began to be recorded and compared. This is how the predictions appeared.

It is better to know in advance the exact date of your birth, down to hours and minutes. Celestial bodies are in constant motion, so an incorrect date can cause a false prediction.

Traditionally, the emergence of the natal chart is associated with Ancient Egypt. It was the Egyptians who first began to pay attention to the stars and. Excavations carried out in Egypt have proven that the first natal charts were drawn on papyrus.

The essence of the natal chart

What can a natal chart tell you?

The natal chart is the most complete horoscope of all existing ones. Thanks to the drawn up diagram, you can find out what character traits a person will have, how he will communicate with others, what advantages and disadvantages he will have. In addition, the star chart will tell you about the positive and negative impact planets in your life will indicate favorable and dangerous dates. It is noteworthy that from this you can even determine which companion you need to look for happy marriage. If you already have a significant other, then an astrologer can compare your natal charts and make a prediction about your compatibility.

A natal chart is an approximate horoscope of a personality. You need to listen to him, but you shouldn’t believe in all the predictions. Especially if the data is calculated from approximate information about the time of your birth.

Using the natal chart, you can determine the characteristics of a person’s mentality, his preferences and areas of activity in which he will be successful. If, when drawing up a horoscope, an astrologer tells you information that is not very pleasant, then you should not react critically to it. If you find out your weaknesses in advance, then your life can be changed dramatically thanks to intensive work on yourself and your character.

Natal chart (horoscope) - this is an astrological chart of a person’s birth built on a specific date, a specific time and a specific geographical place of his birth.

At the moment of human birth, each of the eight planets solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and two luminaries (Sun moon) are in one or another zodiac sign in one of the twelve (sectors in the horoscope resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis). Between the elements of the horoscope there are angular relationships (measured in degrees) called. The angular relationships between the planets (luminaries) and their position in the zodiac signs and horoscope houses mainly form the character of a person, and also determine his destiny.

In a person’s natal chart (horoscope), the planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and luminaries (Sun, Moon) of the solar system are projected onto one plane, the center of rotation of which is the Earth (geocentric astrology). The Sun, Moon and personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are responsible for the personal subsystems of a person (ego, emotions, thinking, love + beauty, physical and sexual energy, respectively). The remaining planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are considered social and modify the influence of personal planets through aspects with them and their positions in the houses of the horoscope. All planets fall into certain zodiac signs and (sectors resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis). The influence of houses in astrology is associated with the influence environment and society on a person in the process of his growth, education and development (accordingly, these are not innate, but acquired characteristics). The influence of zodiac signs, unlike the influence of houses, is innate and gives a person’s character innate characteristics and a certain type of temperament. The houses are counted from Ascendant- horizon points at the moment of a person’s birth and the beginning of the 1st house of the horoscope. The Ascendant describes a person’s personality (how he wants to show himself to other people) and in terms of the power of influence on a person is equal to the power of influence of the Sun and Moon. Horoscope point opposite to the Ascendantcalled Descendant. She is the beginning of the 7th house of the horoscope, which is responsible for partnerships and marriage. Descendant and its ruler (planet sign manager zodiac in which the Descendant is located) describe the sphere of a person’s relationships with other people and the sphere of marriage. All planets have certain angular positions between themselves (aspects) and the energies of the planets are modified by these aspects.

So, we have luminaries and planets located in Zodiac signs and houses and having aspects to each other (tense and harmonious). All this interacts with each other in a complex way and describes the character and temperament of a person, as well as his fate. The strongest elements of the horoscope in terms of influence are the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. The Sun is responsible for a person’s internal sense of self (ego), the Moon for emotions, and the Ascendant for personality (from the Old Russian word lychina, i.e. mask), which a person wants to demonstrate to others. Essentially, the Ascendant is the outer shell of a person’s personality, and the Sun and Moon are its contents. This three is the basis of a person’s character. It is believed (and quite reasonably) that in the Moon-Sun pair, the Moon is more manifested for children and women, and the Sun for men. The ascendant is equally strong in both men and women. It is by considering the position of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon, as well as aspects to these elements of the horoscope, that one must first begin to decipher the natal chart. This is the basis of the horoscope, onto which everything else is then built upon when considering the natal chart.

Interpretation of all elements of the natal chart individually and the relationship with each other helps to recreate a complete picture of the personality, character and possible future of a person.
Using these two links you can read samples of analysis by a professional astrologer of the natal chart of an adult and a child: and.
In addition to describing temperament, character traits, talents, strengths and weaknesses personality, as well as life spheres to which they are involved Special attention the owner of the horoscope and in which he can achieve the greatest successes and achievements, long-term and short-term ones are made according to the natal chart. At this link you can read a sample astrological forecast on the topic

Decoding the symbols in the natal chart

In the outer circle of the natal chart there are 12 zodiac signs, the designations of which are as follows:

The inner and outer circle of the natal chart is divided into, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life (personality, material wealth, close contacts, family, love, etc.) The beginning of the first house coincides with the Ascendant of the natal chart As (the opposite point is Ds , Descendant). Another important point on the map is Midheaven MC (the opposite point is Ic). The As-Ds and Mc-Ic lines represent the main energy axes of the natal chart, are the beginning of the most important houses (1-person, 4-family, 7-marriage, 10-career) and are very important in its interpretation.

Natal chart, what is it and why is it needed?

Natal chart, what is it and why is it needed?

Let's start from afar, and pay attention to what psychology and astrology are, just a few paragraphs. So, psychology, according to Wikipedia, is a science that studies the processes and patterns of mental activity. Psychology is understandable and in demand. And what is astrology, according to the same source - it is a medieval teaching that helps predict the future. This is a very narrow definition, which shows that Wikipedia is not aware of what astrology is. I’ll try to fix this and make astrology understandable and in demand.

So, astrology is a science that studies the processes (including psychological) of a person’s interaction with himself, with another person, with society, based on a thousand-year study by astrologers of interaction celestial bodies and man. In astrology, the celestial body symbolically designates one or another part of the body, psychological structure, event in a person’s life and puts all this into his fate, while fate is not fatal.

In astrology, there are statistics that provide an understanding of how one or another psychological structure of a person creates his character and life events. This is exactly how predictions are made. Sometimes they remind me of the old cartoon “Vovka in the Far Away Kingdom,” where Vasilisa the Wise, before creating a miracle, needs to correctly calculate everything. Predictions are not made out of thin air; the astrologer must first have a good understanding of your psychology (according to the astro-aspects in your natal chart) in order to make this prediction. The most important thing that astrology gives is the ability to interact with nature, with its forces, energies, egregors. You take your path, feel it, fall into your flow, false beliefs about life and personality are removed, you feel comfortable! Here I always add that by “get on your path” - astrology does not mean flying into a psychedelic field, astrologers are down-to-earth individuals and our goal is to help you stand firmly on the ground, but interact with your higher principle.

Where does a consultation with an astrologer begin? From the construction and interpretation of an individual natal chart.

What is a natal chart and how is it made? To create a natal chart, you need the date of birth, place of birth and exact time of birth (up to several minutes). You tell the astrologer the time of birth, according to the tag, certificate (for those born abroad) or “as mom remembers,” and the astrologer already finds the most accurate time of birth. This is called rectification. If an astrologer does not rectify, then he will not give you an accurate forecast.

It is very difficult to find the exact minute; as a rule, the degree of birth is found (several minutes) - this is enough for a full astrological consultation. These data are included in the latest astrological program; the astrologer does not make a natal chart with his hands and using a compass, although, probably, there is something magical in this “medieval” format, but not in our time. The program displays your natal chart (personal horoscope). The natal chart is never interpreted electronically, only “manually”.

The map contains the position of celestial bodies, stars and other astrological symbolism in certain zodiac signs, degrees, houses, at the moment of your birth (the moment of the cry). This is what the astrologer interprets. The natal chart contains a large amount of information (in layers), it cannot be read at one time, so astrologers read their personal charts all their lives, and for people who come to us for consultation, we make annual forecasts or “predictions” on a specific topic , that is, we actually look at how your natal chart matures and grows with you. For us it is a living being.

What an astrologer can tell you during an initial consultation, that is, as a result of the interpretation of the natal chart.

The first thing an astrologer pays attention to– your psychological structure. For example, aspects that give generosity or spiritual arrogance can give power - a position of power or fame. Now I won’t go into why this is so; I describe these things in detail during written consultations. Here you just need to understand that character trait = place and event in life.

Accordingly, the first thing you get is your psychological portrait, built not on general psychological principles, but describing you specifically: from internal contradictions, temper, cruelty, gentleness, stubbornness, to such serious structures as bipolar disorder. TO psychological portrait, the astropsychologist gives recommendations on how to work with this or that character trait. When ordering a natal chart, you must take into account that it is impossible to consider your entire life at one time or solve all life problems in one consultation. Working with an astrologer is like working with a psychologist; you decide to take charge of yourself and your life - take time for it.

Your Natal Chart Reveals Complex Aspects of Your Personality. Yes, people feel them themselves, and, as a rule, they come to an astrologer precisely at the moment when they want to understand how to work with it. The map shows the resource aspects of your character and its problems. Let me give you an example: you have a square between Mars and the Sun. This gives a hot-tempered and pugnacious character. It seems like a small thing. But you can flare up over a trifle, and immediately “de-energize” yourself with this. In your personal horoscope, this pair of planets controls certain houses, spheres of life, and, therefore, when you, due to your temper, spend a lot of energy, the flow of energy into the spheres controlled by these planets is blocked. This can drag on for years! A person can ruin his career and personal life. Or maybe you just understand how to use the aspect for your own benefit. Square the Sun and Mars - this is an athlete! :)

The natal chart shows your path, the basic need in life. Its interpretation can be useful in situations when you are confused and do not understand which direction to move, and also when you need some confirmation that you are on the right path. At the same time, in my opinion (and according to experience), a person often changes direction during his life, but feels most comfortable in the area that is indicated in his map as the most favorable for his development. Therefore, I am surprised when a person says that a horoscope is stupid, he himself knows where to go even without “all sorts of horoscopes.” This is funny because it is the same as saying that you are stupid and a mistake of the universe, because the natal chart is your projection.

It is generally accepted that the natal chart is the starting conditions real life , you must definitely improve yourself in those areas that are expressed as the most difficult. It is recommended to “heal” these areas with life experiences, and then your next life will begin with a better start! Tempting, isn't it? This is not even occultism, in my opinion, it is logical. Born with a matriculation certificate past life and to get the best one in subsequent incarnations, you need to work a little. Yes, when contacting an astrologer, it is better to accept the fact that life is not alone.

You could say that the natal chart is a forecast for life. It will give an understanding of how life events will develop. For example, I recently had a consultation during which I wrote to the native (the card of the person I was considering) that he has the probability of living in two cities, two countries, and having two houses. And it was precisely these events that man tried to avoid, believing that he had to live in only one place.

The natal chart gives answers to questions about relationships with the opposite sex. What needs to be corrected in order to fix them, if necessary. Your partner (wife/husband) - you can see whether he is your nationality or not, what his income is, his character, where you can meet him, what awaits you. These questions can be answered quite accurately.

The map shows your financial situation. What resource you have to have a regular income determines your sources of income.

Gives instructions on whether you will live your life in the country where you were born or whether there is a resource for emigration?

Indicates what educational opportunities are available, in which area it is better to receive it - especially good for consultations on children.

Shows career "characteristics" and your personal talents, from which you can determine the most suitable profession that matches your horoscope and current reality.

You can see your abilities and capabilities for creating own business or a career in government agencies, or working from home is more suitable for you.

Natal chart does not answer the question about the number of children. But it can show that there will be one child, several or many children.

As a rule, when a person satisfies his social needs, he begins to be interested in more "advanced" work with the help of astrology. This is an adjustment of your destiny when you build your life according to internal needs and personal requests and use astrological aspects as energy that helps you build everything in the right flow. Because fate is not fatal and can be corrected.

What question does the natal chart answer? won't give an exact answer? To the question “when?”"When I get married?" “When will I have a baby?” “When will I buy a house?” - these questions are answered by forecasts for each year in the natal chart.

How else can you work with a natal chart? Using annual forecasts:

They help you build a direction, get used to yourself, understand yourself, and better feel the influence of planetary energies. In confusing and difficult situations they really help to feel comfortable in your life. There is also a very fun method of astrological correction of fate - this is meeting your birthday in a certain city, when the astrologer selects for you a place where you go and meet your new solarium (new birthday) there, in connection with which, some events in life change in positive side. Order a solar horoscope:

How long does it take to make a natal chart? I prefer to take a few days (up to three days) and do it slowly, as the information is revealed gradually. Also, the production time depends on the complexity of your chart and the state of the astrologer. It is very important. Astrology is still an occult thing, working with symbolism, with fate, albeit with the help the latest programs and astronomical data. Therefore, the astrologer must be in good health to work with you. Good mood of the astrologer and his positive outlook to the world - this is the key to a healthy interpretation of your natal chart!

Order a natal chart (personal horoscope)

Order a personal horoscope as a gift to your loved one:

Astrologer, astropsychologist Alla Krasnova
