Horoscope of the ancient Aryans by date of birth. Slavic-Vedic (Aryan) astrology

DEER: 1906, 1938, 1970, 2002

RAM: 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003

MONGOOSE: 1908, 1940, 1972, 2004

WOLF: 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005

STORK: 1910, 1942, 1974, 2008

SPIDER: 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007

SNAKE 1912, 1944, 1976, 2008

BEAVER: 1913, 1945, 1977, 2009

TURTLE: 1914, 1946, 1978, 2010

MAGPIE: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011

SQUIRREL: 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012

CROW: 1917, 1949, 1981,2013

ROOSTER: 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014

TOUR(BULL): 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015

BADGER: 1920, 1952, 1984, 2016

CAMEL: 1921, 1953, 1985, 2017 EJ: 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018

DOE: 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019

ELEPHANT: 1924, 1956, 1988, 2020

HORSE: 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021

CHEETAH: 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022

PEACOCK: 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023

SWAN: 1928, 1960, 1992. 2024

LYNX OR NIGHTINGALE: 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025

DONKEY: 1930, 1962, 1994, 2026

POLAR BEAR: 1931, 1963, 1995, 2027

EAGLE: 1906, 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028

FOX: 1901, 1933, 1965, 1997

DOLPHIN: 1902, 1934, 1966, 1998

BOAR: 1903, 1935, 1967, 1999

OWL: 1904, 1936, 1968, 2000

FALCON: 1905, 1937, 1969, 2001

ZOROASTRIAN ASTROLOGICAL SYSTEM- the ancestor of all subsequent movements and directions in astrology. The calendar cycle is 32 years, each year has a specific symbol associated with one of the animals, a totem. Certain symbolism and properties are associated with it, which a person born in a given year must embody in himself. Each totem is opposed by its own antitotem, warning of the devilish temptations prepared for people of a given year of birth. The totem of the year of birth tells you what and how to do in order to become worthy of charisma, that is, marking, grace. Indulging in one's vices and shortcomings leads to the appearance of antitotem traits - this is the beginning of personality degradation. The closer a person is to the image of his totem, the greater the chance of finding the highest protection from manifestations of evil. In the Zoroastrian calendar, the year begins on March 21, when the Sun enters Aries. People born in February-March (before March 20) fall under the influence of the totem of the previous and subsequent year.

Aryan horoscope DEER: 1906, 1938, 1970, 2002
The deer is a symbol of ascension and a sign of higher power. People of this year have the gift of seeing through evil, making it obvious to everyone and putting barriers to all evil deeds. The Deer totem suggests impetuosity and pride, a feeling of being special and some loneliness, dissatisfaction with what has already been achieved, a desire to create something new and lead others. The less he doubts and looks around, the better. It is desirable that such a person be lean, long-legged, and in no case talkative.
Antitotem - warty Toad. If a person becomes ugly fat, bald, slippery, and his skin becomes covered with warts, then he is an antitotem. He suppresses others, is always dissatisfied with something, is arrogant, arrogant, loves to ascribe to himself other people's merits and craves power.
In the year of the Deer the following were born: Cyrano de Bergerac, Gluck, R. Schumann, P. Kropotkin, N. Roerich, Churchill, D. Shostakovich, D. Andreev, Luchino Visconti, Brezhnev, Chernomyrdin.

Aryan horoscope RAM: 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003
Children born this year are under special control their departed ancestors. The family is sacred and unshakable for them. People with the Ram totem do not imagine themselves outside of tribal, family or national traditions. For them, the most important thing is to involve large masses in their affairs, but inside they are calm and obedient. Without the energy of the team, they are pathetic lambs. Rams need guidance. They need to be connected to the earth, to sow reasonable, good, eternal things. People of this year are neither fat nor thin, they have curly hair, slightly protruding eyes and slightly protruding teeth.
An antitotem is a person without roots, without traditions, desecrating his family and ancestors, a marauder, a cosmopolitan, perceiving all the worst that is in his family. He believes that everyone around him is a flock of sheep and only he is worthy of veneration.
In the year of the Ram the following were born: V. Belinsky, Franz Liszt, Charles Dickens, T. Mann, M. Skobelev, R. Koch, A. Lunacharsky, Jack London, L. Landau.

Aryan horoscope MONGOOSE: 1908, 1940, 1972, 2004
A person born in this year must constantly support the highest creativity in yourself and in the people around you. He needs to be dexterous, agile, ready at any moment to fight evil and destroy any nastiness. The highest charisma associated with this year is immortal life, conquering death. Mongoose is a symbol of constancy, fidelity, speed, and the ability to instantly navigate in any situation. People associated with this totem must be able to quickly respond to any changes, must be unexpected and unpredictable in their behavior, but must be very frank. It is a favorable sign if a person born in this year has thin and mobile arms and legs, and his movements are slightly reminiscent of dancing.
If he is stupid, helpless and clumsy, and also cunning and deceitful, it means that the features of an antitotem have begun to appear in him.
In the year of the Mongoose the following were born: Bosch, Beranger, Herzen, I. Repin, Nietzsche, D. Tukhmanov, John Lennon, Andrei Mironov.

Aryan horoscope WOLF: 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005
This active person, who loves to fight in extreme conditions, is not afraid of any danger, a man of honor, a traveler who finds it difficult to sit still. The patron of the Year of the Wolf is Raman, the deity of the elemental forces of nature, associated with the cycle of life in the universe. Raman grants a person worthy of this the strength of a volcano and the fire of power, allowing him to fit into the powerful rhythms of elemental forces and rise on the crest of a giant wave. This is the charisma of victory over the forces of the elements, the ability to survive in extreme conditions. It is considered a favorable indicator if a person born in this year has a tightly built, athletic figure and a powerful neck.
The antitotem is associated with the need to break and destroy everything around and brazenly mock others, and such a person will also have enormous strength, but he will turn out to be incredibly cowardly and embittered.
In the year of the Wolf the following were born: Bosch, Catherine 1 Romanova, Herzen, Verlaine, Nietzsche, Burdenko, Plyatt, Andrei Mironov.

Aryan horoscope AIST: 1910, 1942, 1974, 2008
Storks are wanderers, but they are very attached to their family and friends. Despite the desire to move, they still return to their home. A person with the Stork totem is a silent loner, monogamous. He relies only on his own strength. Stork people bear the stamp of melancholy or misrecognition; it can be difficult for them to fit into society. The highest charisma of this year is an insight far beyond what is given to other people. The appearance of a person with the Stork totem is characterized by general thinness, thoughtfulness, he has a somewhat elongated face and long legs.
The antitotem manifests itself in florid speech littered with trashy words, impaired coordination of movements, abundance of love and disdain for home, to his pupils, in the habit of sowing discord and squabbles around himself. Such a person has short legs, wart-covered skin, and a blurry face.
The following people were born in the year of the Stork: Salieri, Paganini, Bakunin, Lermontov, Isadora Duncan, Einstein, Wrangel, Stalin, Reagan.

Aryan horoscope SPIDER: 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007
The spider is one of the symbols of the absolute. Its eight legs symbolize the eight cardinal directions, and the web serves as a symbol of the universe. The Year of the Spider is a year of finding harmony and higher meaning. People with the Spider totem are quiet and modest. They like to create some kind of associations, that is, to weave their own web. The Spider Totem is associated with knowledge, knowledge destroying Darkness, conquering ignorance. The spider is slow, purposeful, grasping, sensitive. Such a person must have long arms, tenacious fingers, he must be good at working with his hands - sewing, knitting, spinning, darning, patching... The spider manifests itself quietly, modestly, as if from the shadows. He can quietly stop any attempts by enemies to unite against him. They are often informal leaders.
A person with a manifested antitotem - “hook hands”, he behaves defiantly, and spends his energy on separating people.
The following people were born in the year of the Spider: Pascal, Bismarck, Petlyura, Trotsky, Georges Pompidou, Mark Bernes, Arkady Raikin, Robert de Niro.

Aryan horoscope SNAKE (UZH): 1912, 1944, 1976, 2008
The year is under the patronage of Apam-Napata, the deity of stormy streams of heaven, earth and groundwater. The highest charisma of this year is cleansing from karma, mastering the great secrets of world harmony. This year reminds us that everything is returning to normal - “The snake biting its own tail.” The year is associated with karmic retribution. This year, what was started a long time ago is often repeated. This year's totem gives a person variability, flexibility, a mystical mind, and intuition. Already devoted, faithful. The secret and hidden for them will always be more important than the external, obvious. A person with a manifested snake totem should be thin, flexible, agile and silent. He has deep-set eyes and the ability to “hold his gaze.”
Manifestation of the antitotem - loose, with darting, somewhat squinting eyes.
In the year of the Snake (Snake) the following were born: Omar Khayyam, Petrarch, Denis Davydov, Paul Gauguin, A. Green, Sasha Cherny, A. Bely, A. Blok, Anna Pavlova, Richard Nixon.

Aryan horoscope BEAVER: 1913, 1945, 1977, 2009
This is the year of beauty and harmony, love conquering hatred. This is the year of lawmaking. The totem of the year is the Beaver, the sacred animal of Advisura-Anahita, the Lady of the Heavenly Waters, the goddess of Nature. Character traits Beaver, hard work, accuracy, thrift, hospitality, firmness of conviction. Such a person always adheres to ritual and arranges his world in full accordance with the structure of the heavenly world, that is, beautifully and reliably. He never loses heart - he is always improving something, restoring or repairing something, making things with his own hands. A person with a manifested Beaver totem is of a dense build, with voluminous hips. He loves his family and has several children.
The antitotem makes a person a slob, he does not value family ties, abandons his own children and easily changes his life orientations.
The following people were born in the year of the Beaver: Aivazovsky, I. Pavlov, S. Kovalevskaya, Picasso, A. Kerensky, Franklin Roosevelt, A. Camus.

Aryan horoscope TURTLE: 1914, 1946, 1978, 2010
Turtles are always quite secretive, slow, self-confident, follow beaten paths, and feed a lot of hangers-on and hangers-on. Turtles have an excellent memory, they constantly return to the same thing - as if they are “pounding water in a mortar.” Such people always set a goal for themselves and try to slowly but steadily follow it. The highest charisma of this year is associated with wisdom and complete harmony in relationships with nature, knowledge of the structure of the world. It is considered a good sign if a person born in this year has very dense, thick skin and several alternating dark marks on the back.
The antitotem is manifested in the absence of a “turtle shell”. Such people are nervous, easily excited, trying to create an artificial “shell” for themselves, try to protect themselves with various masks, but easily become dependent on others.
The following people were born in the Year of the Turtle: Ivan IV the Terrible, Boyle, Louis XVI, Paul 1, Alexander II, Karl Marx.

Aryan horoscope SOROKA: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011
This is the year of gaining protection - many prayers come true, wishes come true. This year we cannot throw words to the wind. Those born in the year of Magpie should be fast, quick-tongued, and crafty; They fearlessly unravel machinations and intrigues, instantly understand what is happening and independently combine situations. This person must be able to do several things at once. They are resourceful, natural players. Although Magpies chatter incessantly, they cannot waste words. If a person is dexterous, agile, and has logical combinatorial thinking, it means that the Magpie totem has manifested itself. In addition, a person can change their hair color several times in their life.
The antitotem manifests itself in speech - such people are tongue-tied and do not pronounce many letters; they have a slow reaction to what is happening, it is impossible to trust them with any secret - they will immediately spill the beans.
The following were born in the year of Magpie: Cleopatra, Byron, Hasek, Schopenhauer, A. Zhelyabov, Kafka, Mussolini, Edith Piaf, S. Rotaru.

Aryan horoscope SQUIRREL: 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012
This year gives birth to crimes against the innocent; evil appears under the guise of good in this year. The more people fuss and rush around, the worse it is for them, the more what they wanted to run away from comes back to them ("the squirrel in the wheel"). This year we must beware of damage. A person with a manifested Squirrel totem is lively, smart, homely, agile, very efficient, and always strives to start a family. Squirrels have an uneven character, depression and recession are possible. However, they are not at all afraid of death - they perceive it as a transition to another world. In their affections and habits, Squirrels are very conservative. A person with a manifested Squirrel totem is agile, thin, with small facial features. His eyes are constantly moving.
The antitotem manifests itself in pettiness, slowness, and fear of death. He has a fat body and bulging eyes.
The following people were born in the year of Belka: Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, Descartes, Galileo, Mozart, Engels, Feuchtwanger, Modigliani, Leontiev (singer).

Aryan horoscope RAVEN: 1917, 1949, 1981,2013
The Year of the Raven is a year of injustice, rejection, persecution, and epidemics. People with the Raven totem appearing are serious, stern, and isolated. They do not like to command or obey and are able to shake off any guardianship and any oppression. He is able to predict events. The highest charisma of the Raven is the charisma of the prophet. People of this year of birth usually get married very late, or do not start a family at all. And even in marriage, they still remain lonely inside. The real Raven is very fastidious and clean. Raven never lives at someone else's expense.
If a person born in the year of the Raven begins to fawn, adapt, live on handouts and alms, it means that the traits of an antitotem have appeared in him. Such a person rarely gets out of debt, is always burdened with family problems, is a sycophant, a sycophant, and has a pale and frail appearance.
The following people were born in the year of the Crow: F. Cooper, Baudelaire, Pisemsky, Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Perovskaya, John Kennedy, I. Gandhi.

Aryan horoscope ROOSTER: 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014
This is the year of trial and revelations. The Year of the Rooster brings out all the evil spirits. Unlike the Rooster, known from “eastern horoscopes,” this is the Warrior Rooster, a reformer, who does not hide in the bushes. It can be difficult for him to complete the work he has begun, he abandons everything halfway, but the best Roosters will always find a grain of pearl in the heap. Roosters are knights, active and fearless. They cannot imagine themselves without a home and children. A person with the Rooster totem always displays ebullient energy, is full of plans, loves outfits (especially hats), loves to “show off” and often blushes. He has a moving face and lively facial expressions. He is frank and inclined to “burn bridges behind himself.”
The antitotem manifests itself on a person’s appearance as a pale and mask-like face. Such a person is cowardly, helpless and pitiful as a wet chicken. He hates all authority and is senselessly cruel.
Born in the year of the Rooster. Voltaire, Robespierre, Berne, S. Trubetskoy, O Wilde, N. Gumilyov, Chapaev, Galich, Solzhenitsyn

Aryan horoscope TOUR (BULL): 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015
This is the year of peace. This year we must try to pay off debts, work hard, and be able to obey. People born this year are a little passive. They have the soul of a child, they need guardianship, a shepherd, they need additional impulses for development. For selflessness, kindness, gentleness, the ability to endure, help others, heal people - for all this they will be rewarded. Tur is an idealist by nature, he is soft as wax, he has a very gentle, vulnerable soul, he is easy to insult and humiliate. However, he will fight to the death for his beliefs, for his loved ones, especially for his children. Outwardly, these are quite well-fed people; the women are distinguished by their magnificent busts.
The antitotem manifests itself as nervousness, lack of humility, aggressiveness and malice, obstinacy and the desire to insist on one’s own at any cost. These people are often distinguished by noticeable thinness.
In the year of Tours the following were born: Nostradamus, St. Seraphim of Sarov, N. Bestuzhev, Schiller, Vrubel, A. Makarenko.

Aryan horoscope BADGER: 1920, 1952, 1984, 2016
The Year of the Badger is associated with memories of the past, with storage facilities, funds, banks, warehouses, a heavy burden of memories. The year is considered strong and stable. A person with this totem must be a very zealous owner, thrifty and practical, efficient and quite secretive. He always has many decisions; it is impossible to judge what he does by his appearance and actions. He can keep the main business of his life a secret even from those closest to him. Such a person has a dense figure, prone to fullness, a pointed face, average height, elongated eyes. Badgers always live in memories and are very conservative. Their distinctive feature is the ability to logic and mathematics, the gift of a researcher and psychologist.
The antitotem is careless, lightweight, greedy, loose-lipped, unreliable and evil, he does not believe in anything and hates people.
In the year of the Badger, Buddha, Copernicus, Spinoza, N. Lobachevsky, Freud, Bekhterev, Makhno, Kozhedub, G. Yavlinsky were born

Aryan horoscope CAMEL: 1921, 1953, 1985, 2017
The Camel totem suggests asceticism, endurance, and the ability to be content with little. The Camel has practically nothing. He always carries everything he owns with him, and always distributes it very wisely and harmoniously. He is distrustful, always expects the worst, and can spit on everyone. By the way, the more the Camel loves a person, the more he ridicules him. He does not hide his attitude towards people, is harsh in his language, knows his own worth and tries to achieve everything on his own. These reliable and hard-working people, hiding extremely serious attitude to life. He is always ready to forgive a lot to his wife, his loved ones and children, whom he teaches early to be independent.
But if you see sweetness, endless lisp, lack of healthy cynicism, the desire to receive pleasure - this is a manifestation of anti-gotem.
In the year of the Camel, Catherine II, Pestel, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ch. Chaplin, Hitler, Akhmatova, A. Sakharov, Yu. Nikulin were born.

Aryan horoscope EJ: 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018
This is a year of grace, unpredictability and freedom. This year you may encounter unexpected phenomena. The hedgehog pierces the world of Darkness with its thorns and either defeats it or gives it a shake-up. A man with a Hedgehog totem strongly resembles a brownie from folk tales - just as unpredictable, rough-hewn, outwardly somewhat vain, even fussy. He tends to have a large head, tousled hair, a pointed nose, and a rather dull voice. Such people have excellent memory, especially visual memory, are very meticulous and love to “cling” to details and “prick” on little things. In friendship they are very faithful.
The antitotem manifests itself when a person becomes promiscuous in connections and contacts, is outwardly sleek and sleek, willingly puts up with lies and betrays friends. He is cowardly, nasty, loves to destroy everything and at the same time feels complete impunity.
In the year of the Hedgehog the following were born: Sergius of Radonezh, A. Suvorov, P. Chaadaev, Roosevelt, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Kashchenko, O. Mandelstam.

Aryan horoscope DOE: 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019
The year is associated with the search for higher meaning, with harmony, beauty, with the manifestation of the maternal principle. The year of Lani is the year of testing a person’s conscience. People with the Lani totem are distinguished by grace, elegance of figure, easy gait, aristocracy and refinement of manners. They are easily recognized by their divinely beautiful, glazed eyes. They are romantic by nature, artistic, capricious, sensitive and worried. They usually express themselves brightly in art. They lack intelligence and common sense.
The antitotem is associated with rudeness, great rationalism and a sedentary lifestyle. Such people use foul language, have short thick legs and a swollen face. However, they love to dress up in beautiful clothes, which only emphasize their ugliness. For women born in the year of Lani, the influence of totem and antitotem is especially noticeable.
The following people were born in the year of Lani: Genghis Khan, Swift, Beaumarchais, Washington, Ryleev, Conan Doyle, Chekhov, S. Prokofiev, M. Bulgakov

Aryan horoscope ELEPHANT: 1924, 1956, 1988, 2020
This year is associated with special strength, stability, and seriousness. Things started this year have long-term consequences. A person with a manifested Elephant totem has a large, massive torso and the same legs. He has a long nose and short ears. The elephant is balanced: it is difficult to anger him, but then it can be very difficult to stop. He has gigantic strength. Although he is conservative by nature, he is able to break any obstacles if he sees that it is necessary. The elephant is the keeper of foundations, traditions, the hearth, the head of the family and its support. He is slow but very persistent and values ​​cooperation with other people. Despite his powerful appearance. The elephant is suspicious and does not trust itself, which is why it misses many good opportunities.
When the antitotem manifests itself, the person is stunted, fussy, unreliable, talkative and deceitful, and unreliable in the family.
In the year of the Elephant the following were born: L. Tolstoy, I. Levitan, K. Paustovsky, M. Tsvetaeva, B. Okudzhava, J. Bush, Carter.

Aryan horoscope HORSE: 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021
Unlike the restive, selfish Horse eastern horoscope, The horse of the Zoroastrian calendar is the personification of endurance and justice. This year is associated with an oath and agreement, punishment for Injustice. A person with a manifested Horse totem is the smith of his own happiness. He is honest and brave, loves nature and space, travel and sports. Standing guard over order and justice, he can crush anyone who tries to break some formality. But, in achieving his goal, he can go against society. A horse shows strength only in mass. The Horse has a good athletic figure, proud posture, large teeth, coarse hair and large beautiful eyes.
If a person born in the year of the Horse is unnecessary, sluggish, cowardly, if he also has crooked, weak legs and rotten teeth, it means that the traits of an antitotem have manifested themselves in him.
The following people were born in the year of the Horse: Patriarch Nikon, A. Bestuzhev, Heine, Nansen, Mayakovsky.

Aryan horoscope CHEETAH: 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022
Wars and revelations often occur during these years. This year may mark the beginning of some new course. The cheetah runs quickly, instantly conquers large spaces, and knows how to live in extreme conditions. The cheetah always strives to predict any danger, calculates all moves and exits. He loves to fight, but in some cases he may retreat so that, having gained strength, he can attack again from the rear. Cheetah people are warlike, aggressive, with an indomitable temperament, fearless, and treacherous. They know how to play and turn things around. A man with a manifested Cheetah totem - fair man, a noble fighter, must be fit, lean, cat-like graceful, but very strong, with a firm gaze.
The antitotem is cowardly, weak, pathetic, and promiscuous.
In the year of the Cheetah, Delvig, P. Stolypin, K. Stanislavsky, V. Vernadsky, A. Dovzhenko, Marilyn Monroe, Fidel Castro, Madonna, Michael Jackson, K. Kinchev were born.

Aryan horoscope PEACOCK: 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023
This is a year of seduction, games, a year of terrible deceptions. During these years, evil disguises itself, dresses itself in white robes and deceives people. A person with a manifested Peacock totem is cheerful and multifaceted, unexpected, loves to play. He strives to maximize his creative potential and shines with all facets of his talent. More and more new features are constantly being revealed in him, he never stands still and not only never ceases to amaze those around him, but also never ceases to amaze himself. He does not cling to property and other earthly goods. A person born in the year of the Peacock is very often disliked because he shows off too much. He always has many plans, sometimes completely crazy, which he is not always able to bring to life.
The antitotem is a gray man, gloomy, withdrawn, angry.
In the year of the Peacock the following were born: Kulibin, Balzac, Pushkin, Yesenin, Lewis Carroll, Henry Ford, V. Obruchev, L. Utesov, M. Rostropovich, E. Ryazanov, M. Ulyanov, V. Tikhonov.

Aryan horoscope SWAN: 1928, 1960, 1992, 2024
The Year of the Swan is associated with the spiritual unification of people. In a material sense, these people are heavy. This year you cannot desecrate water. This year there may be miracles, in the worst case - manifestations of greed, deception, procurement intrigues, promises that are not fulfilled. A person with a manifested Swan totem is characterized by selflessness, pride, loyalty to high ideals, and a tendency toward self-absorption and meditation. He does not pay any attention to material lags. He is closed in his inner world and is somewhat cut off from the external world, but he is extremely affectionate to people dear to him and very faithful in love. He is very affectionate and can wither away without loved ones. A person with the Swan totem has a long, graceful neck.
The antitotem manifests itself as irrepressible greed, fixation on material problems, deceit, infidelity and unreliability.
Peter the Great, V. Bazhenov, Botkin, Fourier, Toulouse-Lautrec, G.K. Zhukov, K. Rokossovsky, Maradona were born in the year of the Swan

Aryan horoscope LYNX OR NIGHTINGALE: 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025
The Year of the Lynx is associated with trials and unexpected phenomena. Eyes are opened to true events, changes, disasters. Sometimes, when people deserve it, the Nightingale totem may appear. People with the Lynx totem have something of a cat in their appearance. Their behavior is unpredictable. Either peaceful and calm, then suddenly they show anger and hatred. Lynx is always a mess, a collapse, but she does not forgive others for this. People with this totem often seem loose, but they know how to instantly pull themselves together and mobilize. They are full of optimism and overflowing with ideas. They have the gift of prophecy. People with the Nightingale totem have a noble posture and a beautiful silvery voice. They have a strict disposition, they are peace-loving, with a sense of self-esteem. If a person is timid, prude, cowardly, helpful, ascetic, petty and boring - this is a manifestation of the antitotem. Per year
Lynx (Nightingale) were born: Galvani, Napoleon, Arakcheev, Dahl, Hugo, Nobel, Mendeleev, Kipling, Brecht, Shukshin. Aryan horoscope

The Slavic horoscope is based on the pagan beliefs of our ancestors, who believed that the period of birth of each person is characterized by the influence of certain forces, which subsequently influence his fate and character. The basis for compiling the horoscope was the Svarog Kolo - the solar cycle, divided into twenty periods of time, each of which corresponds to its own deity of the pagan pantheon or the force of nature.

For the people they patronize, these forces and gods play a very significant role, acting as conductors between their charges and the forces of the Universe, endowing them with positive and negative qualities, giving strength and largely predetermining them life path. Let's find out what cosmic forces promise to representatives of various signs of the ancient Slavic horoscope for 2018!

Find out which representative of the Svarog stake became your patron!

Yarilo (March 21 – April 20)

The bright god, who personified the gentle spring sun among the Slavs, endows his children with incredible reserves of energy and a passionate nature. People born at this time do not give in to difficulties and are ready to face any danger. They are mobile, inquisitive and proactive, never sit in one place and are always ready to test this world for strength.

In 2018, Yaril's children will work hard. However, unlike past years, when every effort was not so easy, now all the work will be fully rewarded. The period promises to be so successful that you simply won’t notice many obstacles, jumping over them in one jump. However, this does not mean that you can act impulsively, relying solely on fortune - any business project that you are trying to implement must be based on a clear plan and analytical calculations.

A period of peace and harmony will finally reign. Even the most unsociable representatives of this sign will be surrounded by such attention from the opposite sex that all that remains is to choose from a huge number of contenders for the heart. However, astrologers warn you to beware of thoughtlessly wasting the sexual energy generously released by your totem. Fleeting connections will not lead to good things, but they will easily lead to health problems.

Lada (April 21 – May 21)

The beautiful goddess of love and beauty generously gifted her charges. People born during this period almost always have an attractive appearance, excellent health, kindness and the ability to manage a household. Children of Lada know how to complete any undertaking, and do it without any visible effort. Their kind and open disposition attracts a huge number of people to them, so such individuals are never lonely, and their home is always filled with jokes, laughter and cheerful voices.

2018 will be filled with new acquaintances, long-distance business trips, fun travels and interesting events for the children of Lada. The main thing is to beware of less than honest individuals entering your circle. Your natural openness and naivety can play a cruel joke - scammers will try to extract a large sum of money from you.

In the cycle of affairs and events, do not forget about the need to rest. Sometimes it seems to you that internal energy has an endless supply, but thoughtless waste of energy will lead to nervous exhaustion and apathetic moods by the second part of the year. It is better to spend your vacation with a couple of close friends or in the company of a loved one - this way you will not only fully enjoy the trip, but also recharge yourself so much that you will end the year with ease and unambiguous financial success.

Lelya or Letnitsa (May 22 – June 2)

The gentle wife of the god of storm and thunder, Perun, endowed her charges with pronounced mental abilities, the ability to maneuver in dangerous situations and easily find a common language with people. Such individuals are distinguished by integrity and a clear understanding of life. They react sharply to any injustice, trying to take any offended person under their wing.

2018 will require you to rein in your natural restlessness. It's time to rethink your life values ​​and understand in which direction you want to move forward. Astrologers recommend taking a short break from a career in which you have already achieved significant results, and devoting more time to your personal life. This is especially true for Lelya’s children, who have not yet committed themselves. Dedicate this period of your life to creating a new unit of society and adding one more member to it.

From a business point of view, 2018 can be described as successful. Your ability to assess the consequences of any step will be beneficial - you will not only be able to save money, but also increase it. Especially if you decide to open a new direction and carefully monitor the situation with competitors. Try not to lend money to friends and relatives - or be prepared for the fact that you will not see this amount very soon.

Kostroma (June 3 – June 12)

In the pantheon of the ancient Slavs, this deity patronized the period of “flight”, that is, the first days of summer, which influence the productivity of all crops. Kostroma endowed his wards with a sensitive nature, eloquence and talent in the field of art. Such people rarely act on the basis of logic, but have a strong intuition, which makes it possible to avoid many troubles if they do not begin to be led by fatalistic sentiments.

In 2018, it is worth giving up the habit of blaming the machinations of evil forces for all failures. It's time to overcome all difficulties! Don’t worry that you won’t be able to cope with the assigned tasks – there are a lot of people who have rallied around you and will lend a shoulder in difficult times. IN professional activity It is better to give preference to team projects, but this does not mean that you need to sit in a corner - showing initiative and the ability to take responsibility will help you earn not just a good reputation, but also money.

In matters of relationships, refuse any frivolous actions. Do not make promises to friends and family that you cannot keep, so as not to provoke a scandal. Love relationships will require the ability to find compromise and make concessions. Your significant other has been carrying the load of household chores for too long while you were having fun with your friends. Conduct free time in your home environment and do not refuse your loved one help. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left broke at the end of the year.

Dodola or Share (June 13 – June 21)

A deity who was considered by the ancient Slavs to be the patron of all young men and women, helping them to realize their secret dreams and desires. Representatives of this sign are naive and inquisitive. It is about such people that even in old age they say that they are young at heart and bursting with youthful enthusiasm. At the same time, Dodola children do not like unnecessary activity and prefer a measured and understandable way of life, neglecting cranes in the sky if they already have a tit in their hands.

In 2018, you will need to show remarkable intelligence and high performance if you want to end this period with a positive result. Time is more favorable than ever for career aspirations and the development of your own business. Fortune will definitely be on your side if you set truly significant goals for yourself.

In the personal life of Dodola children, a period of stagnation awaits. If you have already found your soul mate, you should not wait for bright passions. The development of relationships will occur rather by inertia, but this does not mean that you will not be pleased with this state of affairs. Lonely representatives of the sign may not count on bright acquaintances, but among your usual social circle you can find a person who has long had romantic feelings for you.

Veles or Kolyada (June 22 – July 22)

Kolyada occupied one of the most significant places in the Slavic pantheon, because it was this god who was responsible for the movement of the entire world and ensured the appearance of the Sun and Moon in the sky. The children of Veles are truly mystical personalities who often choose for themselves the path of philosophers and literary figures. They are not particularly sociable, preferring to live in comfortable conditions your own small world, protected from the hustle and bustle and routine.

In 2018, astrologers predict good luck for all representatives of this sign, but scientists, writers and engineers will take advantage of the special arrangement of the heavenly bodies. A long period of painful research was left behind. Only bright thoughts and brilliant ideas will come into your head. The main thing is not to shelve them, but to put them into practice in order to feel not only moral satisfaction, but also to strengthen your financial condition.

In your personal life, you should abandon the practice of idealization. Most likely, the year will bring several disappointments in fairly close people. You should not erase a person from your life because of his momentary weakness. Try to understand that everyone can make mistakes, and be able to accept apologies for them, because you yourself are far from ideal.

Kupalo (July 7)

Only one day a year passes under the auspices of this deity, so we can safely say that the children of Kupala are unique and interesting personalities. They have a rich inner world, which attracts others to them. Representatives of this sign are easy to communicate, have huge reserves of tenderness, have a keen sense of natural forces and gravitate towards everything unusual and mysterious. The only thing that can create life difficulties for them is frequent mood swings.

In 2018, it is worth abandoning the usual practice of adventurous decisions. Especially when it comes to further promotion. Don't think that you will be able to solve cases at once. Astrologers say that only measuredness, analytical thinking and the ability to carefully weigh the pros and cons will help you overcome the next career step.

Remember that sudden mood swings have a negative impact on personal relationships. You have been searching for yourself for too long, forgetting about the needs of your other half. In 2018, it is worth giving to your loved one maximum amount attention if you don’t want a protracted conflict or breakup.

Dazhdbog or Vyshen (July 23 – August 23)

This deity among the Slavs was responsible for productivity, fertility and family well-being. The children of Dazhdbog fully possess inner strength and resistance to life’s storms, because they are proud, self-sufficient and exceptionally smart. In life, they often occupy the position of a clear leader, both in the family and in the team, so it is impossible to force them to follow anyone’s lead. Representatives of this sign never indulge in weaknesses and are able to swim where another person will certainly drown.

Despite all your natural prudence, in 2018 you may show surprising short-sightedness in your actions. Remember that people cannot work tirelessly for a long time, so it is worth moderating your demands on subordinates and colleagues with whom you work together. The desire to achieve your goals using openly authoritarian methods will lead to discord at work, up to the need to find a new place of employment.

But in personal life, perseverance and the ability to go to the end will play a positive role - lonely representatives of the sign will definitely achieve the reciprocity of a person who has long been the object of their sympathy. Do you already have a family? Pay attention to increasing the comfort level of the apartment. Most likely, the matter will concern minor but necessary repairs.

Maya or Seva (August 24 – September 8)

In the ancient Slavic pantheon this deity was responsible for good weather, rain and solar heat, ensuring the ripening of fruits. Individuals born under the auspices of Maya are pure in thoughts, do not tolerate hypocrisy and are distinguished by their pleasant appearance and manners. Children of Maya patronize people who need care and understanding, are extremely tactful and will never say a word that could cause offense. They easily master crafts, so they are successful in handicrafts.

In 2018, astrologers do not promise a calm and measured life. Events will change each other at the speed of pictures in a kaleidoscope, so you will have to give your best to maintain the appropriate pace. However, the busy year will bear fruit. New acquaintances can become patrons for you, and interesting projects- bring not only recognition, but also material encouragement.

In your personal life, everything will be exactly the opposite. Your family boat will sail on a smooth lake, devoid of even the slightest ripple, so you can enjoy a period of harmony. Seva's lonely children will look for a person who can share their sorrow and joy, however, most likely, the year will pass in fleeting hobbies without much prospects for continuing their acquaintance.

Women in labor (September 9 – September 11)

These deities rule for only a few days, so people born at this time are distinguished by unusual behavior and often attract attention. Women in labor were deities responsible for filling the world with animals, birds and fish, so it is not surprising that individuals born at this time love our smaller brothers. They are modest and shy, often more contemplative than active. The only exceptions are those things that really captivate them and give them pleasure.

In 2018, you will see new, unexplored horizons that promise tangible benefits. However, it will be possible to achieve these heights only if representatives of the Rozhanits sign are able to force themselves to do what they need, and not just what they want. If you are able to leave your personal comfort zone and show the proper initiative, you will be able to reach the next career stage.

It won't be difficult to do this. Your significant other will provide any support and assistance in these matters, demonstrating that you are truly a close-knit team that goes through life together and withstands adversity. In 2018, the heavenly bodies recommend learning to overcome natural shyness in personal relationships. Only in this way will those children of Rozhanitsy who still have not found a mate be able to win the person they like.

Mokosh (September 12 – September 27)

The only main female deity in the ancient Slavic pantheon, controlling nature and its forces. Mokosh, who is also the patroness of women's crafts, generously endowed her children with skills, so among them there are often singers, musicians, artists and simply talented craftsmen. They are not used to giving in to difficulties and take on any job with ease. No wonder they always argue!

In 2018, you will finally have the opportunity to take a break. IN last years Mokoshi’s children worked tirelessly, so they will gladly take the time-out offered by fate. This period is good to devote to self-improvement and hobbies - learn new languages, attend master classes, relax and absorb new knowledge and impressions. The reliable foundation laid earlier will allow you to relax your attention to work matters.

In matters of relationships, you should stop imposing your opinion on every issue, especially when you are not really asked for it. Do you want to help a loved one? Make a concrete effort and offer tangible support rather than reproach him for his mistakes. With your significant other, it is better to show maximum flexibility and the ability to compromise. A dominant communication style will lead to discord and scandals.

Svarozhich (September 28 – October 15)

God, who personified the fire that fell from heaven, endowed his charges with indomitable internal energy. The children of Svarozhich are real warriors who devote their whole lives to battles and battles, trying with all their might to achieve victory. These strong personalities are always surrounded by people in need of care and protection.

2018 does not promise the same global results as the last period of your life, but luck is still on the side of the children of Svarog. It is worth taking advantage of this smile of fortune to complete the work you have started and put a significant end to all projects. The career field will delight you with the ease with which you will step over several steps at once. Those representatives of this sign who work in the field of jurisprudence will be especially lucky - dizzying successes will force even your competitors to speak respectfully about you.

In your personal life, you will not be able to complain about a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Natural artistry and sense of humor will make more than one heart beat faster. However, if you don't want to spend the year alone, moderate your narcissism. Your significant other is tired of being in the shadow of such a brilliant person and may well exchange you for a slightly less dazzling, but more attentive person.

Morana, Morena or Mara (October 16 – November 1)

Mara is the gloomy goddess of withering and death, to which all living things on earth are subject. Personalities born during her reign stand firmly on their feet, are very resilient and completely uncompromising. They go straight through life, not allowing the slightest deviation from the goal. On the one hand, this is often accompanied by success, but on the other, it leads to the fact that Mara’s children are lonely and are rarely favorites in the company.

In 2018, the children of Mara need to learn to assess real danger. The tactic of moving ahead will be completely unwinnable. They may try to drag you into behind-the-scenes games that, frankly, you are not good at. Walk away from any conflicts with dignity and don’t fall for bait - they’re just trying to piss you off in order to denigrate you in the eyes of management.

As for personal relationships, the stars advise Mara’s children to moderate their jealousy, which they often show without the slightest reason from their partner. Otherwise, no troubles are expected. Moreover, representatives of this sign who have recently started a relationship may decide that fate has brought to them a person who is their soulmate for life. Couples will definitely be happy in this union, so don’t miss the chance to build a strong nest.

Semargl (November 2 – November 22)

This fiery deity guarded the hearth, patronized agriculture and animal husbandry, and provided offspring for animals and people. The children of Semargl are fair and honest individuals who always stand up for the offended and offended. Representatives of this sign know how to look into the very essence of things and often show a tendency towards clairvoyance, so do not be surprised if you hear from them a prediction that will soon come true.

The year 2018 will be marked by an increased risk of any financial transactions for the children of Semargl. If you deal with securities, are involved in investing, or trade on the stock exchange, think twice before taking any steps. Transactions that promise high profits may turn out to be just a gamble. Your motto for 2018: “The best is the enemy of the good!” Be satisfied with a small profit so as not to lose everything. In addition, the stars do not recommend chasing easy money on the Internet.

In the sphere of personal relationships, on the contrary, a completely harmonious period awaits you. Lonely representatives of this sign should not refuse business trips abroad. There are high chances of a promising acquaintance, which can result not just in finding a soul mate, but also in a change of place of residence. Family individuals can seriously think about procreation, because your family union will only benefit from this.

Skipper Beast (November 9 – November 22)

Simultaneously with Semargl, the Skipper Beast, a deity to whom all reptiles and dark forces obey, also enters the reign period. People born under his protection instantly sense danger and are able to recognize the darkest thoughts of people. Children of the Skipper-beast are individuals prone to traditionalism, reverence for origins and respect for family values.

After a period of high-profile achievements, you should lie low. Astrologers say that you just need to wait out 2018, avoiding dangers in time and not trying to overcome unfavorable circumstances. This is the only way you will protect all the savings of past years from loss and be able to maintain your won positions in the professional sphere. In your work, you should only take on team projects - even though the reward will be smaller, but responsibility for possible failures will be shared among all team members.

Your pride can play a cruel joke in personal relationships. In 2018, when there is nothing much to brag about, you may plunge into depressive moods, taking out your anger on your significant other. If you manage not to stoop to petty quibbles, preserve the love of your partner, who will provide you with any support in return. Best advice which astrologers give is to take due leave and go to a quiet, romantic place to recall all the emotions of the first months of love.

Winter (November 23 – November 30)

During the period when Winter rules the world, amazing people, characterized by curiosity, a thirst for knowledge and extraordinary intelligence. It is not surprising that children of Winter often find themselves in science and research, becoming famous scientists. The desire to understand the world is so dominant over the desire to acquire material values ​​that children of Winter can often work for the sake of work, forgetting to demand legitimate financial reward.

2018 should be a period of growing up for you, even if you are no longer a child. Unfortunately, you are so naive that you often become a victim of unscrupulous people. So this time, there will be a person in the work team who wants to rake the heat with your hands. If you fall for the sweet-voiced persuasion of this rogue, you will again fly past promotions and financial bonuses.

The sphere of personal relationships will suddenly be filled with exciting events. Lonely representatives of this sign will finally meet a person who will be ready to accept you with all your eccentricities and will reliably protect you from the storms of life. Try to at least sometimes emerge from your little world to take part in everyday affairs - your soul mate is ready to move mountains for you, but sometimes she simply does not have the strength to fight everything alone.

Vyrgon (December 1 – December 10)

A terrifying deity appearance similar to the Greek Medusa Gorgon. The individuals who were born during the reign of Vyrgoni are independent natures who hate any pressure and encroachment on their personal freedom. That is why it is very difficult for them to build relationships with other people. Despite their dislike for work, the children of Vyrgoni love to live for their own pleasure, so they try to earn money in all possible ways. Dexterity, cunning and developed imagination come to their aid in this.

2018 will require internal changes from you. Individuals who have not learned to live in proportion to their income may become completely entangled in lies and credit fraud, which can lead not only to the loss of friends and acquaintances, but even to the loss of personal freedom. Use your wits to organize own business. The stars say that the service sector can be a real goldmine for you.

The personal front will be characterized by a period of stagnation. For too long you have indulged in fleeting pleasures, not paying attention to the people who appreciate you with all your shortcomings. Family representatives of this sign will have to devote more time to their partner in 2018. Endless gatherings with friends will result in a series of stormy scandals.

Kitovras or Karachun (December 11 – December 23)

The deity, which is a combination of horse and man, has enormous wisdom, incredible strength and the ability to understand people. However, the tendency to immoderate alcohol consumption often awakens a violent temper in him. However, in relationships with close people, representatives of this sign are distinguished by incredible meekness and good nature. They will never refuse a request, often sacrificing their own interests for the good of their neighbor.

In 2018, astrologers predict a period full of incredible achievements for you. At this time, you can fully justify the nickname of fate's favorites. Individuals who are engaged in freelancing will be especially lucky. Your source of income can become full-flowing river, if you are able to consider several very promising areas for cooperation in a series of small orders.

In pursuit of big money, do not forget to devote time to health. It is best to engage in some kind of sport with your significant other. You disappear so often at work that you have completely stopped devoting time to it. Going to the gym or pool, or simple bike rides along the paths of the nearest park will help you regain your former warmth and closeness.

Perun, Indrik or Unicorn (December 24 – January 20)

One of the most revered deities of the pantheon generously showered his charges with strength, intelligence and courage. Among the representatives of this sign there are two diametrically opposed types of personalities - the best of them are models of justice and honesty, true altruists and lovers of humanity. The worst manifestation of Perun is embodied in people prone to immoderate pleasures, scandals and fights.

In 2018, the children of Perun will have to live through a difficult but interesting period. Most likely, you will want to dramatically change your life, which may result in a search for new job or even paperwork for those with a desire to settle there forever. If you are determined and not afraid to start from scratch, astrologers predict you will have the support of the stars in any endeavor.

In a relationship with a partner, you will need to learn to take responsibility for your words. Remember that a word spoken in the heat of a quarrel can very painfully injure someone dear to you. Don’t try to inject more painfully into weakness to confirm its dominant position. Tolerance for other people's shortcomings and the ability to empathize will help you improve your life and enter a new phase of relationships filled with harmony and happiness.

Stribog or Kryshen (January 21 – February 20)

The terrible Stribog was responsible for storms and winds in ancient Slavic beliefs. The individuals he patronizes are generously endowed with mental flexibility and intellectual abilities. These are true innovators who know how to approach problems from an unexpected angle. Stribog children are sociable, distinguished by their ability to conduct business and establish connections with a variety of people.

2018 promises to be a period in which you will have to show leadership qualities. The time when you could do any activity that brought you pleasure is over. Now you need to cool your hot head in order to emerge victorious from the career race. You are entrusted with the mission of the main inspirer of the team, capable of taking the company to a new level.

In the personal life of Kryshnya's children, a measured existence awaits, which will occasionally be disrupted by outbursts of romantic feelings. Take advantage of the respite from the intricacies of love to pay attention to close relatives. They will need your help in matters related to home improvement. It is quite possible that we are talking about repairs or improving the comfort of the dacha.

Rod (February 21 – March 20)

One of the gods most revered by the Slavs is the progenitor of all life on earth. Perhaps this is why people born during his reign feel very keenly any changes in natural processes. These are amazingly patient individuals towards other people’s shortcomings, who are distinguished by their friendliness, wisdom and ability to find compromise solutions.

2018 will bring long-awaited peace and tranquility into your life. The children of Rod worked long and fruitfully in past periods of life, so they will enjoy such a respite from worries and anxieties. However, this does not mean at all that you should indulge in doing nothing. People born under the auspices of Rod simply do not know how to sit idle. You may be able to take a hobby that was previously just for fun to the next level.

The ancient Slavic horoscope was created on the basis of the Svarog circle, which personified the firmament with constellations (the palace). Each of them strictly corresponded to its month, of which there were sixteen in a year. No wonder. After all, the ancient Slavs did not have the concept of “year”. It was customary for them to count their lives in years. There were nine days in a week, not seven as it is now. Time was also perceived differently: the Slavs equated the beginning of the night with the moment when the sun went into sunset on the day of the equinox. This happened at approximately 19:30. This hint can be used to identify your palace. Each constellation is assigned a patron god, an animal sign and sacred tree. A horoscope (Slavic calendar) was compiled according to date of birth.

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      • Virgo (August 30 - September 22)

        Individuals born at this time are protected by the Goddess Jiva and the apple tree. Virgos are practical, stubborn and have been focused on success since childhood. They have a special independence, which inevitably leads them to success.

        Virgos often go against fate, as if they know in advance that the final goal will be achieved. Among them are many lawyers, economists and electronics specialists.

        Vepr (September 23 - October 14)

        Those born on these days are protected by the god Ramhat and the pear tree. The main enemies of these individuals are considered to be laziness and apathy. But their patrons always give them motivation and strength to move forward. These are leaders who are accustomed to constant struggle.

        Boar people often have the talent of a lawyer or police officer. They tend to rely on their own strengths and have a keen sense of justice. Sometimes they are overtaken by a feeling of insecurity. But after some time they come to their senses and amaze others with their unconventional thinking.

        Pike (October 14 - November 6)

        The protector of these individuals is the goddess Rye and the plum tree. Pike have an amazing ability to adapt to any situation and society. They resemble chameleons who can fit into any environment and feel at home everywhere.

        Despite this, Pikes are distinguished by their mercy, sensitivity, empathy and inner harmony. They pay great attention to their home and loved ones. Women of this sign are endowed with extraordinary femininity, and men with strength and reliability.

        Swan (November 6 - November 27)

        These individuals are under the amulet of the goddess Makosh and the pine tree. Esotericists attribute to Swans natural pride, vanity and a desire to be in the center of attention. At the same time, they are characterized by such character qualities as prudence, calmness and concentration.

        Despite the fact that Swans love to revel in their victories for show, they are still recognized as patriots of their homeland. After all, their sense of duty comes first. It has been noticed that representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to unconscious prophecy.

        Serpent (November 27 -December 16)

        God Semargl and the linden tree act as protectors for individuals born during this period. Snake people are dynamic and easy-going. But they often succumb to flattery and are prone to selfishness. But this does not prevent them from possessing valuable qualities: honesty and readiness for dedication.

        Snakes are more amorous than other zodiac signs. Love rolls over them like a fiery avalanche, distorting reality and dulling the voice of reason. Snakes demand the same emotions from their partner. Despite the contradictions of character, people of this symbol are conservatives by nature, whose lives are lived under the motto: “Movement is life!”

        Raven (December 19 - January 10)

        The patron saint of this winter time is Kolyada. Totem tree - larch. Esotericists note that under this symbol a large number of healers are born who are capable of healing both physical and mental injuries.

        Crow people have a penchant for mystical teachings and do not like to sit in one place. There are many different plans in their heads. They are full of life and successfully alternate loneliness with fun. Crows have wisdom and often choose the sphere of mentoring.

        Busl (February 3 - February 28)

        These individuals live their lives under the protection of the god Rod and the willow tree. Storks are friendly and calm people who stand firmly on their feet. They are endowed with the ability to balance people's feelings, causing a feeling of peace and harmony.

        People of this constellation are monogamous. They strive to create a strong family, which they will provide financially, taking care of the emotional mood of their loved ones. Astrologers note that their character has an iron will and an inquisitive mind. Storks are incredibly hardworking and often create large families.

        Wolf (February 28 - March 25)

        The personalities of this symbol are protected by the god Veles and the poplar tree. Wolf people usually avoid people and do not always find a common language with them. Despite the fact that the representatives of this palace have few close friends, they will always find something to occupy themselves with. Wolves love to absorb various information and are able to find interesting things even in the simplest things. They are prone to adventurism. Therefore, those born during this period often choose to become a reporter, writer, scientist or lawyer.

        Wolves are belligerent and aggressive. They have a clear understanding of the value system and will not tolerate insults. Wisdom comes to them over the years. Wolves believe that everyone must be responsible for their own actions. Therefore, they are in no hurry to help the people around them. The Wolf man takes the choice of a life partner seriously. He will take a long time to choose his soul mate, whom he will subsequently love for the rest of his life.

        Fox (from March 28 - April 17)

        The goddess Madder and the hornbeam tree give protective powers to individuals born during this period. The totem beast Fox gives them cunning, resourcefulness and lightning-fast reactions. Representatives of this palace will find a way to overcome all obstacles in their path in order to get away with it.

        However, they periodically face serious financial problems. Most often, Foxes find their calling in working with people. They are excellent psychologists and know how to find an approach to each individual. They make excellent social workers and TV presenters.

        Tour (April 17 - May 9)

        Representatives of this constellation are protected by the god Roof and the aspen tree. It has been noted that all Turs have endurance and hard work. They are characterized by authority, mental alertness and perseverance. The combination of these personal qualities leads Tour to good results and allows him to occupy a solid niche in society.

        In personal relationships, representatives of this constellation are not picky. They value pliability, comfort and coziness in a life partner and strive to reach mutual agreement.

        Moose (May 9 -June 1)

        Individuals born in the last months of spring are under the amulet of the goddess Lada and the birch tree. They are distinguished by kindness and openness to the world around them. Some Moose are so gullible that they fall into scammers' networks more often than other signs.

        Representatives of this symbol give the impression of being “darlings of fate.” They often become owners of large winnings or a substantial inheritance. But they lack practicality and sober calculation. Therefore, he should connect his life with a pragmatic partner.

        Finist (June 1 - June 23)

        God Vyshen and the cherry tree are amulets for this symbol. The main character traits of finists flying in the sky are realism and a keen eye for real events. If they happen to be disappointed in something, they quickly recover from the shock and try to achieve what they were striving for.

        Finists are able to show flexibility in character. They try to avoid difficulties rather than overcome them. Therefore, they manage to keep their energy in balance and give the impression of those people for whom everything comes easy. The most successful season for them is summer.

        Horse (June 23 - July 16)

        Personalities born at this time are patronized by God Kupala and ferns. For most of their lives, horses exude cheerfulness and an optimistic attitude. These people are often in search of something new, sometimes extravagant. Horses prefer not to waste energy on ordinary matters.

        Sometimes this harms their reputation as they appear irresponsible in the eyes of many people. In fact, motivation is important for representatives of this symbol. If it exists, then Horses are capable of rapidly conquering unconquered peaks. In their personal lives, they are characterized by inconstancy and each time they plunge into another love with frantic force.

        Eagle (July 16 - August 7)

        Patron Perun awarded these people with belligerence, and the oak tree with endurance. The character of Orlov seems to be carved from red-hot iron. They are distinguished by determination, perseverance and versatility of nature.

        In society, they often attract attention due to their interesting appearance or eloquent manner of speaking. Eagles have a rich imagination and the ability to quickly find a common language with people.

        Race (August 7 - August 30)

        These people are helped by the god Tarkh and the ash tree. The Palace The race endows its representatives with good nature, pleasant disposition and prudence. They are able to find a balance between hard work and relaxation. Races are prone to deep analysis. They make excellent warriors, philosophers and politicians.

        Sometimes representatives of this sign exhibit excessive selfishness, which can turn many people against them. However, the Race man is smart enough to change his behavior in society in time. In addition, they have a special charm and desire to learn new things. Therefore, people are ready to show leniency towards their negative character traits.

        Compatibility of the halls

        Each of the ancient months was divided into astrological segments (halls). There are nine of them, which also endow their representatives with certain character qualities:

        • Homebody - ability for construction professions, teaching. Ability to skillfully manage daily life and household. Love for animals and flora.
        • Military valor - patriotism and love of truth. The birth of brave warriors, defenders of the country. A penchant for martial arts and foreign languages.
        • Creation is a creative gift. Distinctive features person: a penchant for charitable activities, a pronounced artistic taste.
        • Mercy is the birth of a personality with the makings of a healer.
        • Irination is a tendency towards mercy and self-sacrifice. Willingness to support in difficult times. Responsiveness to someone else's grief.
        • Wisdom and death - empathy, the ability to mystical teachings. Spirituality, supernatural abilities.
        • The makers of destinies are the birth of people with unique abilities. The gift of power over the elements.
        • The hall of fate is a difficult life path. Working off karma, purification and worthy completion.
        • Wisdom is the birth of the Vedas. Honoring the memory of your ancestors, new knowledge and discoveries.

        An ancient legend says that in each of these halls there are two benches. One is intended for 72 male souls, the other, in the same number, for female souls. The Vedas believe that the hall is necessary for the human spirit to pass the Svarog circle and end up on earth in a bodily shell, saturated with the power of a certain chamber. Sometimes a person is born on the border of two constellations. In this case, the character of a person is influenced by two houses.

        Decoding the Svarog circle

        In order to calculate the Slavic-Aryan horoscope, you must have certain knowledge. Otherwise, it is recommended to contact an experienced astrologer who has studied reading and writing in the Svarog circle. It contains 6 circles. In the first, the names of the constellations are scattered, in the second - the runes of time.

        The third circle contains runic signs corresponding to the palaces. The fourth circle is divided into nine segments according to the elements: earth, fire, sun, moon, god, stars, tree, ocean, heaven. Each element represents a specific day of the week and month of the year. Thanks to this circle, you can determine what the next year will be like.

        The penultimate circle characterizes the day of the week, the patron and the ruling planet. The sixth circle has a star symbol bordered by nine rays. Each of them symbolizes the energy center (chakra) of a person.

        In order to obtain an accurate description, it is necessary to study all the nuances of the Slavic-Aryan horoscope. In addition, the following data is required: the person’s date of birth, exact time and geographical location. As a result, you can get an individual forecast.

        Focusing on the ancient pagan horoscope, distant ancestors tried to characterize people and evaluate their compatibility according to their multifaceted system of signs. All this knowledge was gained through long study, observation and empirical experience. Experts believe that a tremendous amount of work was done to create the Slavic-Aryan horoscope. Since ancient times, sages and tribal elders turned to him in order to get an answer to a troubling question.

The mythology of the Zoroastrians influenced astrology and formed the basis for the creation of various horoscopes, including the Zoroastrian proper, associated with the thirty-two-year cycle. Since each year is assigned a patron - an animal or a bird - this horoscope is also called a totemic horoscope.

The peculiarity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that it gives the totem almost unlimited power over a person; the determining factor for success is that a person should try to be like his totem, and not try to change it weak sides or change behavior.

In addition, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes some external similarity between a person and his totem, which is also a favorable factor for future fate.

Every year gives birth to people, both good and bad; in the Zoroastrian horoscope we see, accordingly, a totem that bestows positive qualities, and antitotem, imparting negative qualities. Of course, traits of a totem and an antitotem can appear in one person; It is also possible to give birth to a personality with a neutral character.

The Zoroastrian calendar is one of the most ancient in the world. The beginning of the year is associated with the spring equinox, which should be remembered by people born in January, February and March when determining their sign.

1st year of the cycle (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002).

The totem of the year is a deer with golden antlers, a symbol of ascension, pride, grace, and higher power.

People of this year are often pioneers; they are usually characterized by a great sense of self-esteem, concentration on the main thing, impetuosity, determination, and clear thinking. The year is associated with treaties, but also (in the worst case) with lawlessness and violation of treaties. Manifestations of the antitotem are eternal dissatisfaction, the desire for power at any cost, arrogance, pouting, and arrogance.

2nd year of the cycle (1907, 1939, 1971, 2003).

Totem - Mountain sheep, mouflon, a symbol of connection with ancestors, great external activity with inner peace, uniting people (into a herd, into a team).

People of this year are distinguished by their integrity, a great sense of duty, commitment to traditions, to the land, they are good family men. Manifestations of the antitotem are alarmism, stupid stubbornness, obsession, desecration of the family, ancestors, traditions. The year is associated with karmic retribution, with the unification of people, with collective energies.

3rd year of the cycle (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004).

The totem is a mongoose, a symbol of dexterity, surprise, and the fight against all kinds of evil spirits.

People of this year are characterized by great creative activity, flexible thinking, the ability to quickly navigate difficult situations, switch from one thing to another, as well as great loyalty and devotion. The traits of the antitotem are chaos, cunning, deceit, deceit, stupidity, uncleanliness. The year is associated with adventures, with happy occasions, with retribution for the desecration of good creations (there may be explosions, fires).

4th year of the cycle (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005).

Totem - wolf, symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance.

People of this year are characterized by a sense of pack, high activity, especially in extreme conditions, struggle with the elements, they can survive in any circumstances, withstand any test. Manifestations of the antitotem are the need to break and destroy everything, to mock others, but at the same time there is terrible cowardice if there is a danger of punishment. The year is associated with magic, with elemental forces, with powerful cataclysms that upend the lives of huge masses of people, in the worst case - with riots and wars.

5th year of the cycle (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006).

The totem is a stork, a symbol of peace, the conquest of space, adherence to the established order, asceticism, and willingness to help.

People of this year are distinguished by a penchant for solitude, clarity and precision in actions, silence, fatalism, conservatism, and a gift for teaching. Features of the antitotem - fussiness in thoughts, poor coordination of movements, inadequate active gestures, incoherent speech, lack of commitment. The year is associated with maintaining order, cutting off extremes, giving birth and raising children, and strengthening the family.

6th year of the cycle (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007).

Totem is a cross spider (the one that weaves a web and catches flies), a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, exorcism, healing, a symbol of the well-being of the home.

People of this year are characterized by determination, tenacity, good instincts, creativity, and the ability to do a lot with their hands. Manifestations of the antitotem are permissiveness, mockery of sacred objects, the spread of diseases, theft. The year is associated with drastic changes, with the acquisition of harmony, but in the worst case - with the collapse of foundations, with the destruction of religion.

7th year of the cycle (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008).

Totem is a snake (the only snake in this calendar), a symbol of the wheel of incarnations, karmic rewards, the flow that carries people, hidden currents.

People of this year are distinguished by good intuition, flexibility, secrecy, striving for a high goal, a mystical mindset, and unpredictability. The traits of the antitotem are looseness, superficiality, lack of composure. The year is associated with the return of karmic debts, a return to the original state, strengthening of foundations, a clash of huge secret forces, and in the worst case, with the collapse of states and bloodshed.

8th year of the cycle (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009).

The totem is a beaver, a symbol of natural harmony, beauty and love, the inviolability of laws.

People of this year are characterized by thriftiness, hard work, reliability, thoroughness, desire to equip earthly world, your home, family life. Manifestations of the antitotem are dirt, greed, destruction of nature, strife, unrest, superstition. The year is associated with lawmaking, the formation of states, and in the worst case, with the release of enormous elemental forces of evil.

9th year of the cycle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010).

The totem is a turtle, a symbol of wisdom, consistency, modeling situations, caution.

People of this year are slow, secretive, conservative, always try to have reliable protection, have a good memory, and steadily strive for their intended goal. The traits of the antitotem are deceit, impudence, gluttony, fussiness. The year is associated with the discovery of the bowels of the Earth, the development of new lands, but also with earthquakes, with revenge, with stagnation, with the punishment of initiative.

10th year of the cycle (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011).

Totem - magpie, symbol of connection with higher world, as well as prayer, gaining protection, verbal magic, spreading the word.

People of this year are distinguished by the fact that they always have time everywhere, do not mince words, they are characterized by cunning, good logical thinking, the ability to do several things at the same time, and unraveling intrigues. Traits of the antitotem are tongue-tiedness, inhibition, undermining of roots. The year is associated with all sorts of small incidents, which then lead to major events, in the worst case - with deception and disappointment, damage and the evil eye.

11th year of the cycle (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012).

Totem is a squirrel, a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree, testing beliefs, identifying truth, searching for faith.

People of this year are characterized by a lively mind, clarity and speed in the performance of duty, homeliness, independence, sober realism, affection, and a tendency to repeat. The traits of the antitotem are grumpiness, senseless fantasy, chaos, disorder, stupid actions. The year is associated with repeating events, with the restoration of what was lost, with discoveries and inventions, in the worst case - with seduction, delusions, and renunciation of roots.

12th year of the cycle (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013).

Totem is a raven, a mediator between heaven and earth, a symbol of seriousness, severity, isolation, loneliness, cleansing from filth, inflexibility.

13th year of the cycle (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014).

Totem is a rooster, a fighter with the forces of darkness, a symbol of victory over demons, the manifestation of hidden evil spirits, the exposure of evil, the triumph of justice.

People of this year are characterized by cockiness, courage, determination, a penchant for reform, emotionality, love, an abundance of ideas and ebullient energy. Manifestations of the antitotem are selfishness, hatred, senseless anger, rebellion for selfish purposes. The year is associated with the activation and open manifestation of the forces of evil, with an active fight against them, in the worst case - with senseless bloody riots, murders, and strife.

14th year of the cycle (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015).

Totem - tour, bull, symbol of peace, prosperity, big hidden power, duty, dedication, self-sacrifice, but also vulnerability.

15th year of the cycle (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016).

Totem is a badger, a symbol of storing wealth, traditions, memories, frugality, gradualism, strengthening the material world.

People of this year are characterized by traditionalism, thriftiness, a heightened sense of justice, strict morals, high efficiency, insight, logical thinking, and isolation. Manifestations of the antitotem are lightness, a break with traditions, lack of internal foundations, hatred of others, the desire to interfere in the psyche of other people. The year is associated with memories, with the restoration of the past, the restoration of justice, with accumulation, with the end of wars, the collapse of unstable systems, in the worst case - with the suppression of people, the destruction of traditions.

16th year of the cycle (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017).

The totem is a camel, a symbol of skepticism, asceticism, humor and ridicule, perseverance.

People of this year are distrustful, critical, mocking, sarcastic, picky, meticulous, independent, cautious, always ready for the worst, but rejoice in the good, know their worth, and are loving. The traits of the antitotem are sweetness, pompousness, a diffuse personality, intolerance, the desire for pleasure at any cost, malice. The year is associated with revelations, noisy processes, the unification of people, the formation of parties, the reconciliation of enemies, in the worst case - with terror, covered by considerations of justice.

17th year of the cycle (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018).

Totem is a hedgehog, a symbol of grace, unpredictability, freedom, novelty, revolution.

People of this year are distinguished by prickliness, the ability to keep secrets, a tendency to experiment on themselves and others, unexpected actions, courage, a desire to expose, and corrosiveness. Manifestations of the antitotem are promiscuity in relationships, contacts, cowardice, looseness, rudeness. The year is associated with unexpected phenomena, with prophecies, changes in laws, reforms, in the worst case - with violent coups, with the manifestation of vulnerabilities.

18th year of the cycle (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019).

Totem is a doe, a symbol of the birth principle, harmony, beauty, restoration of righteousness.

People of this year are distinguished by grace, romance, aspiration for high goals, faith in ideals, elitism, artistry, refined emotionality, and vulnerability. The features of the antitotem are heaviness, excessive rationalism, lies, dirty language, atheism. The year is associated with the rewarding of defenders of justice, the flourishing of culture, with the exposure of vices, with a test of strength, in the worst case - with the manifestation of dishonesty, with the persecution of culture, with the confusion of the concepts of good and evil.

19th year of the cycle (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020).

The totem is an elephant, a symbol of stability, strength, seriousness, thoroughness, and balance.

People of this year are characterized by slowness, firmness, perseverance, great inner strength, suddenly manifested passion, love of freedom, distrust, balanced character, and the ability to lead. Manifestations of the antitotem are fussiness, talkativeness, unreliability, deceit, cowardice, meanness. The year is associated with construction, the development of new spaces, the drawing up of long-term plans, and in the worst case, with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and people’s self-delusion.

20th year of the cycle (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021).

Totem is a horse, a symbol of justice, contract, hard work, striving forward, leadership.

People of this year are distinguished by self-confidence, breadth of outlook, firmness, perseverance, endurance, commitment, and desire for a team. The traits of the antitotem are cowardice, opportunism, lack of performance, and optionality. The year is associated with the conclusion of contracts, with punishment for violation of contracts, with sudden changes, in the worst case - with the beginning civil wars, with splits and with excessive self-confidence.

21st year of the cycle (1926, 1958, 1990, 2022).

The totem is a cheetah, a symbol of the fight for a just cause, belligerence, unpredictability, and fearlessness.

People of this year are characterized by courage, indomitability, independence, great strength, sharpness, pressure, ability to play, foresight, surprise, nobility. The features of the antitotem are cruelty, sadism, actions from around the corner, deceit. The year is associated with the struggle against the forces of evil, the aggravation of problems, with revelations, with unexpected beginnings, in the worst case - with the outbreak of wars, revolution.

22nd year of the cycle (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023).

The totem is a peacock, a symbol of overcoming illusions, learning the true essence of things, but also games and disguises.

People of this year are distinguished by their brightness, penchant for play, theater, flirtatiousness, diversity and unexpectedness of manifestations, versatility, independence, dreaminess, sparklingness, and the ability to present themselves. Manifestations of the antitotem are isolation, dullness, dullness, the desire to merge with the crowd. The year is associated with seductions, illusions, deceptions, their exposure, and in the worst case, with the appearance of false prophets.

23rd year of the cycle (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024).

The totem is a swan, a symbol of purification, faith, mutual assistance, spirituality, hope.

People of this year are characterized by pride, idealism, attachment to loved ones, self-sufficiency, religiosity, selflessness, expectation of a miracle, and detachment from material problems. The features of the antitotem are greed, obsession with matter, infidelity, hatred of neighbors. The year is associated with the spiritual unification of people, with the restoration of lost integrity, with retribution for injustice, in the worst case - with the destruction of foundations, with greed and trade, with behind-the-scenes intrigues and impossible obligations.

24th year of the cycle (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025).

The totem is a lynx, a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun, surprise.

People of this year are distinguished by their softness, dull appearance, external calm, but also the ability to quickly concentrate and show frantic activity, a joyful perception of life, generosity, and love of freedom. Traits of the antitotem are drunkenness, dirt, rudeness, violence, clinginess. The year is associated with trials, with insight, the unexpected realization of hidden events, with the revelation of secrets, in the worst case - with revelry, intoxication, collapse, and disasters.

25th year of the cycle (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026).

Totem - donkey, symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance, search for the true path.

People of this year are characterized by peacefulness, balance, a solid inner core, endurance, lack of aggressiveness, they avoid extremes and sharp corners. Manifestations of the antitotem - cowardice, lust, scatteredness, uncontrollable emotions, mental disorders. The year is associated with the end of wars, stability, the beginning of a way out of dead ends, with a reward for honest work, in the worst case - the manifestation of uncontrollable instincts, manias, chaos and chaos.

26th year of the cycle (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027).

Totem - polar bear, a totem of the Aryan peoples, a symbol of the Aryan mission, healing, magic, unexpected upheavals, unpredictability, generosity, slow build-up and fast, sharp actions.

People of this year are distinguished by courage, missionaryism, chivalry, love of life, openness of nature, high efficiency, love of freedom, the ability to lead, breadth of soul, passion for the game, and a penchant for unexpected actions. Manifestations of the antitotem are ferocity, deceit, terrible crushing force, laziness, cowardice, tediousness, pettiness, sadism, senseless anger, disguised as good nature and sharp outbursts of rage. That is, all of these are those traits (good and bad) that have long been attributed to the Russian character. The year is associated with difficult trials, and above all for Russia, with sharp changes in plans, revolutions, with testing people's strength, with the crushing of illusions, with the laying of great events that will play out later, in the worst case - with fatal mistakes, with the destruction of foundations, with outbursts of causeless anger.

27th year of the cycle (1932, 1964, 1996, 2028).

Totem is an eagle, a symbol of royalty, power, statehood.

People of this year are characterized by aristocracy, pride, the ability to lead, isolation, striving for high ideals, a heightened sense of self-esteem, and the ability to behave in society. The traits of the antitotem are malignancy, intemperance, dirt, clinginess, gluttony. The year is associated with the creation of a system, with the founding and strengthening of empires, the unification of states, with the beginning of grandiose projects, with the fall of unrighteous kingdoms, and in the worst case, with the spread of epidemics.

28th year of the cycle (1933, 1965, 1997, 2029).

The totem is a fox, a symbol of cunning, lot, harmonious changes, restoration of balance.

People of this year are distinguished by dexterity, subtle intelligence, irony, humor, the ability to overcome force with cunning, good instincts, foresight, caution, and changeable fate. Manifestations of the antitotem are base instincts, gluttony, lust, cowardice, stupidity. The year is associated with accidents that decide everything, with a return to spiritual traditions, with the triumph of reason over blunt force, in the worst case - with behind-the-scenes intrigues, deceit and deceit.

29th year of the cycle (1934, 1966, 1998, 2030).

The totem is a dolphin, a symbol of knowledge of secrets, help, salvation, travel, good thoughts, guidance. People of this year are characterized by determination, courage, sharpness, honesty, the desire for active self-affirmation, primacy, and the ability to submit not only to force, but also to true power. The traits of the antitotem are rudeness, treachery, malice, resourcefulness, groveling before the powerful. The year is associated with the aggravation of contradictions, with the deployment of enormous forces, and in the worst case, with the outbreak of wars, which, however, often end in the death of their instigators.

31st year of the cycle (1936, 1968, 2000, 2032).

Totem - an owl or an owl, a symbol of mystery, the hidden essence of all things, the destruction of invisible evil spirits, the fight against the forces of darkness.

32nd year of the cycle (1937, 1969, 2001, 2033).

The totem is a falcon, a symbol of creative insight, transformation, fidelity, courage and consistency.

People of this year are characterized by courage, devotion, a tendency to revolution, attachment to home, determination, alternating periods of inactivity and great activity, excitement, orientation to the past, brightness. The features of the antitotem are collapse, lack of composure, cowardice. The year is associated with turning points, reforms, splits, the struggle for justice, breakthroughs into the unknown, in the worst case - with the outbreak of wars, with the active destruction of people, with the abandonment of the past.

And let us note once again that the character traits of a totem and antitotem do not appear in all people born in a given year, but only in those marked by light or dark forces, respectively. The same can be said about the similarity of a person’s external appearance to the image of a totem or antitotem. Here a lot depends on the choice of the person himself. In the same way, the manifestation of the event characteristics of the year depends on the choice of society and its rulers. Each year favors endeavors associated with its characteristics and discourages opposing endeavors or lays down a program to punish people who make poor choices.

Find out Slavic date of birth- indicate the day, month and year of birth according to the Gregorian calendar, as well as the time of birth (before or after 18:00), because according to Slavic time the day ends with sunset. And click the "Translate" button. Your birthday will appear by Slavic calendar: date, month, day of the week, Summer from, name of Summer, its symbol and Patron God.

Date of Birth

The Slavs paid very great attention to the significance of Halls, Halls, Lands, etc. at the moment of human birth, i.e. were birthday horoscope- what is given to man by Nature, what inclinations does he have, do he have negative trait character, i.e. what to pay attention to to help a person develop correctly.

There was a phrase: "Tell me when you were born and I will tell you who you are", i.e. They could tell a lot about a person by his date of birth, and even find out his future life. All this was studied on the subject.

Character by date of birth

The essence of a person is influenced by the energies that emit from the Earth (planets), Stars, Sun, and also the Moon (they obscure, refract, complement radiation), therefore each person is born with his own unique character, which is largely determined by the influence of celestial bodies, their radiation, i.e. what Nature gave you.

1 . - determines what qualities were given to you from birth, how many chakras you had open and how many energy flows they received at the moment of birth.

2 . – here you will find out the characteristics of the Krugolet year in which you were born and how it affected you.

3 . – you already know the day of the week of your birth, here you will find out who the Patron God of this day is. Those. Each person has his own pantheon of Patron Gods (Patron of the Hall, Summer, month, birthday).

4 . – here you will find out your House and its characteristics.

5 . – find out what knowledge you received at birth.
