Samuel Colt: biography and photos. Samuel Colt - inventor of the revolver God made everyone equal and Colt

Before Colt

Design small arms with drum loading was invented long before Colt, at least since the 17th century. But its first samples were not widely used due to the complexity of production and high cost. Reliability also left much to be desired. Revolution in production rapid fire weapons became possible only with the spread of the cap lock and machine production. In 1836, Samuel Colt proposed his model.

Texas Choice

Colt received a U.S. patent on February 25, 1836, and established production in Paterson, New Jersey, where he created his first masterpiece, the Colt Paterson revolver, also known as the "Colt Texas" due to its popularity among Wild West rangers. The first revolvers, as well as rifles and carbines of a similar design, were purchased by the US Army and the Republic of Texas. Standardization of parts made this weapon affordable; it could be purchased for $20. But it still had shortcomings, in particular, army customers complained about “too much ammo consumption” - a consequence of the high rate of fire. The number of customers decreased every year and in 1842 the company went bankrupt. The production of Colt revolvers resumed only in 1847. By this time, Samuel already had competitors on the market, with whom Colt entered into a difficult struggle for buyers.

Caliber and Marketing

Even before bankruptcy, in 1842, a group of Russian officers visited the plant in Paterson and got acquainted with the sensational weapon. This was the first official acquaintance of Russians with Colt products. By 1854, Russia had established small-scale production of Colt revolvers at three state factories: in Tula, Izhevsk and Helsingfors. The following models dominated: “saddle pistol” (Dragoon), “waist pistol” (Navi), “five-shot pocket pistol with a 6-inch barrel” (Pocket). They were recognized as fit and useful by the military department. Contrary to popular opinion, in Russian Empire they were already used during the Crimean War, but not everywhere, except perhaps by the guards naval crew and officers of the infantry regiment of the imperial family. Colts were not issued to ordinary soldiers, believing that they would not cope. But, as you know, the results of the Crimean War showed that modernization of the army is necessary. So, starting from the 1850s and until the first half of the 20th century, when the Smith-Wesson and Nagant revolver came into fashion, Colts were used everywhere.

Legendary "Peacemaker"

A symbol of the Wild West, the Colt Peacemaker revolver is still produced in small batches. The model was created in 1873 specifically for the American cavalry and was called the “Colt single action army” (Single action revolver). The weapon acquired its famous nickname later, thanks to the accessibility and ease of use of the revolver even for untrained shooters. Together with the famous “Winchester”, the “Peacemaker”, which fired similar cartridges, is one of the attributes of the “typical” cowboy, whose image has come down to us in numerous “Westerns”. By the way, despite the fact that the revolver had a six-shot capacity, they preferred to load it with only five cartridges - the design did not provide a safety lock, so the cartridge in the drum opposite the barrel could be fatal for the owner.

Most famous phrase

“God made people different, but Colonel Colt made them equal.” According to legend, this inscription is engraved on the tombstone of the famous gunsmith. In fact, there is nothing on it except the name and dates of life. A witty phrase appeared during the American Civil War and sounded like: “Abraham Lincoln gave the people freedom, and Colonel Colt equalized their chances.” True, Colt did not serve in the US Army and was not a colonel. He died in 1862 at the age of 47, being one of the richest and famous people in USA. His fortune was estimated at 15 million dollars, which corresponds to half a billion in modern money. During the Civil War, his company was the exclusive supplier to the US Army, which did not prevent it from selling weapons to the Confederate troops.

Present day

In 1848, near his birthplace in Hartford, Colt built a gun factory that remains in operation today, one of the largest in the industry. And the restored plant in Paterson switched to producing small-scale, personalized and one-piece models. Dozens of revolvers and pistols were produced under the Colt brand, including such famous models as the Colt 1911 pistol, which was in service with the US Army of the 20th century, and the compact Colt Detective Special revolver, the “star” of detective stories and films of the genre. Noir." In 2006, Samuel Colt was inducted into the US Inventors Hall of Fame.

July 19, 1814 was born Samuel Colt(Samuel Colt). The legendary American engineer Samuel Colt is known as the inventor of the most famous individual small arms, named after him, and the proverb that says: “God made men great and small, and Colonel Colt equalized their chances.” This is where the mistake of most ordinary people lies, believing that Mr. Colt was a military designer and even worked for the government (like our national pride, Mikhail Kalashnikov).

Russia is threatened with weapons

In reality, the American army and police forces did not immediately receive the automatic pistol invented by Colt. For a long time, Samuel was mistaken for an eccentric who invents things that no one needs, which seemed like toys to others. He would have been considered a city madman, but the guy was the son of the owner of a factory where fabrics were produced. However, the rich son did not grow up as a barchuk, but from the age of 9 he worked hard at his father’s enterprise, where he created his first four-barreled pistol, which fired four bullets simultaneously. A very heavy weapon with such strong recoil that when fired, it could cripple the shooter himself.

Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814 in the town of Hartford (Connecticut). For his birthday, 4-year-old Samuel was given a bronze toy pistol. The inquisitive kid stole a handful of gunpowder from his father’s hunting horn and the pistol exploded in his hands with a terrible roar, enveloping the child in clouds of black smoke. This was the first introduction to firearms, but far from the last experiment of the novice pyrotechnician. At the age of 15, Samuel entered Amhera University. Within the walls of his alma mater, the boy conducted an experiment with a sea mine, which turned into a loud explosion and the same loud scandal. The student was expelled. The future creator of the legendary revolver hired himself as a sailor on the merchant ship Corvo. Watching the operation of a capstan - a mechanism in the form of a large drum for selecting anchor or mooring ropes with sockets for a stopper - he was struck by the idea of ​​​​replacing the gun lock with a rotating drum. They say that Colt assembled the first wooden model of his revolver on board the ship.

It must be admitted that the very idea of ​​​​using a drum for charging was not new, but it was Colt who was the first to think of combining the operation of the trigger mechanism with the rotation of this drum, which led to the appearance of a capsule revolver. The ingenious invention not only made its way, but its inventor had the same penetration power as his weapon. On February 25, 1836, 22-year-old Samuel Colt received a patent for his first revolver.

A year earlier, with the help of his businessman uncle, he opened the Patent Arms Manufacturing Co. and weapons factory in Paterson, New Jersey. The first model of the 38 caliber revolver was named Colt Paterson. His 9 mm bullet from a distance of 20 yards (18.29 m) pierced 3 pine boards each one inch thick (762 mm). All five charges could be fired in 5 seconds, and the handle, carved from walnut wood, made the revolver easy to handle.

Even the famous Texas Rangers, who appreciated the advantages of the multi-shot revolver, could not save the father of the American pistol. A group of rangers led by Jack Hayes unexpectedly encountered Indians near the Pedernails River. Letting me in large group horsemen within shooting range, the Texas boys fired several continuous volleys at them, which demoralized the Comanche attackers. After several similar episodes, when small groups of rangers were completely defeated large hordes Redskins began to proudly call the Colt revolver "Texas".

However, the Colt product, which cost only $20, was sold in small quantities, and the US military department, having purchased 100 pieces for testing, refused to continue the deal, declaring this revolver “yesterday.” Five years later, the Patent Arms Manufacturing Co. plant was closed. There are only two thousand bucks left in the pocket of the self-taught engineer. Samuel Colt, commissioned by the American government, developed sea ​​mine with an electric fuse, together with his namesake Samuel Morse, he launched the production of underwater telephone cables. It’s not for nothing that it is said that to whom war belongs, to whom mother is dear! The war with Mexico showed the merits of the new weapon to the soldiers and officers of the US Army. In Texas, conquered by the Americans, Jack Hayes formed a regiment of rangers and ordered a thousand revolvers for them - two per brother! Another Texan, a certain Sam Walker, suggested that Colt make some changes to the design. Advice from an experienced soldier helped create a new revolver model Colt Walker.

Since 1847, by order of the government, industrial production of this type of firearm began. In 1848, near his native Hartford, Samuel Colt purchased a wasteland on which he built an arms factory, which is still in operation today. Colt's company "Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company" can be said to have armed all of America without a stretch. Already in the first year, the plant produced up to 150 "barrels" per day. The plant in Paterson switched to the production of expensive piece revolvers. The buyers of Colt's products were cowboys of the Wild Westerners and nouveau riche from the East Coast, terrorists, bandits and revolutionaries. thank you letter The inventor was sent by the Italian independence fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi.

The governor of Connecticut awarded Colt the title of colonel because a famous and wealthy businessman (his fortune was estimated at $15 million) supported him in the elections. Samuel Colt died on January 10, 1862, at the age of 47, having survived the Crimean War, the American Civil War between North and South, and numerous skirmishes and conflicts in which his lead-spewing creation was one of the protagonists.

On July 19, 1814, in the town of Hartford (Connecticut), the famous American engineer, gunsmith, inventor and industrialist, American legend, Samuel Colt ( Samuel Colt). He is best known as a reformer of revolver weapons: in 1835 he invented a capsule revolver, which quickly supplanted other systems and gave impetus to the creation of revolvers chambered for a unitary metal cartridge.

His father, Christopher Colt, who owned a fabric factory, was rich, but raised his heir in a Spartan manner - Samuel worked in the family business from the age of 9. It was there that he created his first pistol - a four-barreled one that fired four bullets simultaneously. His first creation was very heavy, and the recoil was so strong that it could cripple the shooter.

At the age of 15, Samuel entered Amhera University, but he did not study for long. Colt was expelled for a fire in a university building. He fled from his father's house to India. The future creator of the legendary revolver is hired as a sailor on the brig " Corvo", a merchant ship making voyages to India. Observing the construction of the ship's rudder, the inquisitive young man decided to use a similar mechanism to create a repeating pistol and during the voyage he made a wooden model of what later became known as a revolver. According to another version, the idea came to replace the gun lock with a rotating drum Sam came to mind when he observed the operation of a capstan - a mechanism for selecting anchor or mooring ropes. Be that as it may, the author of this revolutionary engineering solution was precisely Samuel Colt.

Upon returning, he took a course in chemistry and lectured on it in the United States and Canada. It was not easy for a new invention to make its way. But the inventor was persistent. In 1835, Sam visited Europe and received English and French patents for his invention - a drum for revolver charges. Upon returning to the US, he filed a patent application for a "drum gun" (" revolving gun"), which he received on February 25, 1836 (subsequently numbered 9430X). This patent, as well as Patent No. 1304 dated August 29, 1836, protected the basic principles of a weapon with a rotating breech, combined with a firing mechanism that became famous under the name "Colt Paterson".

A year earlier, with the help of his businessman uncle, he opened a company to produce revolvers." Patent Arms Manufacturing Co"and an arms factory in Paterson (New Jersey). That's why the first revolver model was called that - " Colt-Paterson". But he soon acquired the nickname “Texas” for his popularity among the residents of this state. Production began in 1836. The five-shot trigger mechanism of this model had a simple (single) action: the arrow had to pull the trigger back with your finger before each shot This is the first more or less reliable multi-shot small arms weapon.

Components of the Colt Paterson:
Action cover - protective cover
Arbor - axis
Bolt - kingpin
Bolt spring
Breach - breech
Breach Screw - trigger mechanism assembly
Cylinder - drum
Frame - frame
Hammer - trigger
Hand - lever
Hand spring - lever spring
Main spring - main spring
Sear - whispered
Trigger - trigger
Trigger spring - trigger spring
Wedge - barrel lock
Inset: position of springs in the body of the assembled revolver

Combined tool for “Paterson”: lever-ramrod, wrench for removing fire tubes, needle for cleaning fire tubes from powder deposits, screwdriver.

However, Colt's product was sold in very small quantities, rarely exceeding 100 pieces. The fact is that the American army refused to buy revolvers, declaring them “yesterday.” Five years later the plant was closed and in 1842" Patent Arms Manufacturing Co"was on the verge of bankruptcy. Revolvers were not produced for 5 years in a row and became very rare.
Trying to find funds to resume the production of revolvers, Colt began experiments on creating an underwater mine and soon developed a mine with an electric fuse, and together with Samuel Morse they launched the production of underwater telephone cables.

But in 1844, 2 years after the factory closed, an incident occurred that changed the attitude towards revolvers and apparently influenced the fate of Colt and his brainchild. 15 Texas Rangers under the command of John Coffey Hayes faced a superior force of Comanches (about 80 Indians). Armed with Colt Patersons, the Texans shot half of the attackers, and the rest fled. This is how revolvers demonstrated their advantage - this would not have been possible with a single-shot weapon.

John Coffee Hays

Assault on Chapultepec. Lithograph by A. J.-B. Baio based on a drawing by K. Nebel, 1851

In 1846, the Mexican-American War began, and Hayes's colleague, Ranger Sam Walker, wanted to arm his men with Colt revolvers, and went to New York in search of the inventor.

Samuel Hamilton Walker

Colt's gun factory reopened only in 1847, when the American army was preparing for war with Mexico, the government urgently ordered Colt a thousand new, modified revolvers. since it turned out that it was impossible to find anywhere a copy previously produced by the company. This order was the beginning of Colt's prosperity.

Under this government order, Colt and his companion Captain Walker are creating a new model of revolver." Colt Walker"After the new revolvers entered service with the army, the name Colt became known throughout America.

In 1852 he received a large government order for revolvers for naval officers.

Colt Navy (1851)

A small workshop in Withneyvilles was replaced by a large one in Hartford. That same year, Colt bought "Southern Meadows" - a wasteland near Hartford, and in 1855 built his own weapons factory, equipped with last word science and technology. From here, huge volumes of revolvers began to be sent annually to Russia and England.
He paid the workers well, set up a library for them and even an amateur theater in which he himself acted.

Colt's company, which changed its name to Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company, made Hartford famous, since the whole of America was armed with its products (already in the first year the plant produced up to 150 “guns” per day). And its head, who received the rank of colonel from the governor of Connecticut (for his support in the elections), soon became one of the ten most successful industrialists in America.

Colt Army (1860)

In 1861, the Civil War began between North and South. The time of Colt, who supplied both his “relatives” the Yankees and the Confederates with equal zeal. If in the conflict with Mexico the United States used 1000 revolvers, now the count was tens of thousands of guns. However, the man who gave the conflicting parties excellent weapons did not live to see the end of the war.

He died suddenly in his native Hartford, as the newspapers of the time wrote, “from natural causes” at the age of 47. The funeral was arranged at public expense. He left behind an estate estimated at $15 million, which equates to approximately $300 million in today's money. His business was inherited by his widow, Elizabeth Hart Jarvis, and her family. Colt's company came under the control of a group of investors in 1901.

Today the company Colt remains one of the leading firearms manufacturers. Among the hits of the brand are the army “long-liver”, the Colt 1911 45 caliber pistol and the famous assault rifle M16. Samuel Colt is a legend and symbol of the United States, and the word “Colt” has become one of the synonyms for revolver.

Exists famous expression, reflecting the significance of Samuel Colt's invention for the establishment of democracy in the United States: “God made people strong and weak. Samuel Colt made them equal." One version of this phrase: “Abraham Lincoln gave people freedom, and Colonel Colt equalized their chances.”

Colt Paterson (1836)

Colt's first revolver. The five-shot firing mechanism of this model was of a simple (single) action with a capsule ignition system: the shooter had to pull the trigger back with his finger before each shot. This is the first more or less reliable multi-shot small arms weapon.

The revolver frame is open, the trigger mechanism is single action. Trigger guard missing, hidden trigger. When cocking the hammer, the trigger comes out of the frame groove. Sights They are a front sight on the barrel and a rear sight made in the form of a slot on the trigger.

Colt Walker (1847)

Colt Walker 1847
It was named after the customer of a large batch of a thousand Colts of an improved design, captain of the Texas Rangers S. Walker. Production began in 1847, the first batch was made by order of the US Army, which was then participating in the Mexican-American War. The Colt Walker is a six-shot 44-caliber revolver with a total length of 390 mm with a barrel length of 230 mm and an improved trigger mechanism and trigger guard. It was the first Colt to be made from standard interchangeable parts. Clint Eastwood's favorite revolver.

Colt Model 1848 Percussion Army Revolver- .44 caliber revolver designed by Samuel Colt for mounted riflemen American army (U.S. Army's Mounted Rifles), also known as dragoons ( dragoons). This revolver was developed as a solution to numerous problems encountered in the model Walker. Although the revolver was introduced after the Mexican-American War, it became popular among civilians during the 1850s and '60s, and was also used during the American Civil War.

That same year, Colt released the Navy Colt 1848 (the 1851 was more popular), essentially a slightly smaller and slightly modernized copy of the Dragoon Colt. The barrel of a Navy Colt is usually slightly longer and octagonal in shape, while that of a Dragoon is round and shorter; The Navy Colt is slightly lighter than the Dragoon Colt; The dragoon one has a slightly more massive rear part of the ramrod, unlike the naval one. The only differences from the previous Colt Walker were that the Dragoon was lighter and had a ramrod lock.

Colt Navy (1851)

Colt Navy 1851
The model was intended to arm officers of the United States Navy. It was essentially a smaller version of the Colt Dragoon. On such revolvers one could find engravings in a nautical theme. Interestingly, the naval Colt did not have a front sight, supposedly at sea and on a ship there was no need to aim. The Navy Colt is relatively lighter and smaller, although it still had significant dimensions. It is difficult to visually distinguish a Navy Colt from a Dragoon Colt. Shot with 44 caliber bullets. The weapon was of considerable size. One of Colt's most popular revolvers in the 50s.
The revolver was extremely popular not only among military personnel at sea, but also among civilians on land. Wild Bill Hickok was armed with two of these 36-caliber revolvers.

Colt Army (1860)

Colt Army 1860
This was perhaps the most popular weapon in Civil War. This revolver was loaded from the front of the cylinder using a ramrod, so that the shooters had to carry paper cartridges. In order to avoid spontaneous firing, it was recommended to keep the drum chamber located opposite the barrel empty. Reloading was carried out by alternately placing charges, like any other percussion weapon. The revolver replaced the third “Dragoon” Colt (Colt Dragoon). It cost about $13, which was more expensive than other revolvers of the time. It was usually made in single action, although there were also conversions of this revolver into a “self-cocking” one.

Colt Model 1873, U.S. Artillery Model

Colt Single Action Army (Peacemaker) (1873)
The legendary revolver of the Wild West. Appearance remained unchanged since 1873. The Colt company stopped producing it twice, but resumed it due to great demand and is still producing it. A six-shot Colt with a manual cocking hammer, a single-action firing mechanism, although it could be fired quite rapidly by cocking the hammer with the left hand. Despite the presence of six chambers, the pistol was usually loaded with five cartridges - the chamber opposite the barrel was left empty to prevent the weapon from accidentally firing. It was produced for cartridges of more than 30 calibers, from 0.22 to 0.45, with different barrel lengths. Equipped with a side rod ejector. It also has 2 more names: Colt single action army(abbreviated Colt S.A.A.) or Colt 1873. “Peacemaker” is just a “nickname for a revolver,” because where it was used, peace quickly arose. It is considered one of the symbols of the “Wild West”, as almost everyone used it, as well as the legendary man Wyatt Earp.

Wyatt Earp

Double action revolvers
Colt Detective Special (1927)

All-frame, carbon steel, short-barreled, six-shot revolver with a double-action trigger mechanism. As the name suggests, weapons of this class are intended for concealed carrying and use primarily by police officers, dressed in civilian clothes - detectives and intelligence officers. First introduced in 1927, the revolver was not similar to other types of concealed small arms on the market at that time, which had a breaking frame and could fire low-power cartridges or were larger than revolvers with a shortened barrel and handle.

Colt Cobra (1950)

Colt Cobra .38 Special first production series

Start of production 1950. The Colt Cobra revolver is based on the D-frame found throughout the Detective Spec family, but is made from a lighter aluminum alloy. The revolver, like the main Detective Spec., was produced to fire the .32 Colt NP, .38 Colt NP and .38 Spl., as well as .22LR cartridges. The version chambered for the .38Spl cartridge was produced in versions with a barrel length of 2, 3 and 4 inches, the version chambered for the .22LR cartridge was produced only with a three-inch barrel.
Since 1973 (the beginning of the production of the second series of Cobra is associated with it), revolvers were produced only under the .38Spl cartridge, and an extractor rod holder was added to the lower part of the revolver barrel. Production ceased in 1981.

Colt Python (1955)

A six-shot, double-action trigger revolver chambered in .357 Magnum, the Colt Python is one of the most beautiful and charismatic of American revolvers and handguns in general, as well as one of the most famous revolvers ever produced by Colt's Manufacturing Company. Reloading is carried out by tilting the drum to the left (the latch is located at the rear of the frame). Sights consist of a front sight with a brightly colored plastic insert and a rear sight equipped with interchangeable plates with various slot options. The rear sight can be adjusted in two planes using screws. The revolver is equipped with an automatic safety that will prevent the hammer from hitting the firing pin until the trigger is fully pulled. Also features of this series of revolvers can be considered a “ventilated rib” above the barrel and an elongated extractor rod casing, which goes under the barrel all the way to the muzzle. Usually made with wooden cheeks of the handle, with finishing of metal parts in the form of bluing or polishing for standard series models; “elite” models are chrome-plated and have cheeks made of valuable wood.
The Colt Python was General Patton's personal weapon.

Colt Mk. III Trooper Lawman (1969)

Revolvers of the American company Colt mk series. III were first released in 1969, and represented a significant improvement over the company's earlier revolvers, which had remained virtually unchanged in design since the early 1900s. All revolvers of the mk. III had a double-action trigger mechanism and a 6-round drum that folded to the left.

Colt Anaconda (1990)

Revolver chambered for .44 Magnum or .45 Colt. with a double action trigger mechanism. It was produced en masse in 1990-1999, and on order until 2001. Mainly used for hunting and sport shooting.

Colt M1900

First self-loading pistol Colt company. Like most of the company's other pistols, it was created by designer John Moses Browning. Caliber 9 mm (.38 ACP), development began in 1895, in production from 1900 until the beginning of 1903, a total of 4,274 units were manufactured. It was tested in the US Army: in 1898 (even before the start of mass production), and in 1900. In both competitions, Colt's competitors were German Mauser C-96 and the Austrian Steyr-Mannlicher M1894, compared with which the M1900 showed slightly better results.
Used during the Philippine-American War.

Colt M1902 (1902)
Based on the test results and combat use, The M1900 was slightly modified: the magazine capacity increased by one cartridge (from 7 to 8), and a bolt stop appeared. The resulting model went into production from 1902, production ended in 1928, with approximately 18,068 units produced. There was also a sports version - Model 1902 Sporting, in which the magazine capacity corresponded to the M1900 (7 rounds), and instead of a vertical notch at the rear of the bolt, there was a cross notch in the front. The M1902 Sporting was produced from 1902 to 1907, with a total of approximately 6,927 units.

Colt M1903 Pocket Hammer (1903)

The M1903 appeared after the M1902 model, but was based on the design of the M1900, differing from it only in its shorter length. Just like the M1900, it had a 7-round magazine and no bolt stop. In order not to confuse it with another Colt model, which also had the M1903 index, it received the prefix “Pocket Hammer” in its name. The M1903 far outlived its “big brother” M1900, being in production until 1927.

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless (1903)

This model was fully consistent with the one produced in Belgium Browning M1903, but differed from it in caliber and smaller dimensions. The cartridges used were 7.65 mm (.32 ACP) and 9 mm (.380 ACP). In production from 1903 to 1945, approximately 570,000 examples were produced in five slightly different variants. To distinguish it from the M1903 caliber .38 ACP, it had the prefix “Pocket Hammerless” (“pocket hammerless”).

M1903 Pocket Hammerless was popular with US Army generals. In particular, it was owned by George Smith Patton, Dwight David Eisenhower, George Marshall and Omar Bradley.

Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket (1908)

Pocket pistol for self-defense, an American analogue of the Belgian Browning M1906. Produced from 1908 to 1948, a total of 420,705 units.

Colt M1911 (1909)

The 1911 Colt was designed by John Browning in 1909. During World War I, it proved to be a reliable weapon for American army officers. Soon the original version was redesigned and in 1926 the Colt M1911A1 appeared. This version turned out to be more reliable, and served in the American army until Operation Desert Storm.

Colt Double Eagle (1990)

Colt Double Eagle has a double action trigger mechanism. Produced since 1990. The design of this pistol was made entirely of stainless steel. The pistol was produced in two modifications: Commander (with a shortened barrel and bolt) and Officers Model (with a shortened barrel and bolt, and a smaller handle). Compared to its contemporaries, Double Eagle was too heavy. Perhaps that is why it was not particularly popular, as a result of which its production was completely discontinued in 1997.

Samuel Colt made enormous contributions to world history and the history of firearms. Being he achieved everything absolutely on his own, except for the intelligence and entrepreneurial spirit that was genetically inherited to him. Over the 47 years of his life, Colt accomplished a lot, went through a lot and left a lot behind. There is a well-known expression that perfectly characterizes his invention: “God created people different, strong and weak, and Samuel Colt made them equal.”

The birth of passion

Colt Samuel was born in 1814 in Hartford, into a quite prosperous aristocratic family; his father was a successful owner of a textile factory. On his fourth birthday, the future “great equalizer” received a bronze toy pistol as a gift. This gift became fateful, awakening in the baby an unshakable love for weapons. The next day the boy had already obtained some gunpowder somewhere. And after a small explosion, the parents realized: this is forever, nothing can suppress the passion for mechanisms and firearms in their child.

Samuel Colt was full of not only a desire to deal with weapons, but also new ideas. So, at the age of 14, he had already designed a four-barreled pistol and made it at his father’s factory. Tests of this model did not bring the young gunsmith the expected results, but he did not stop there, continuing his path to creating the ideal weapon. As a result of one of the experiments, Colt met mechanic Elisha Root; this meeting would later play an important role in his biography.

Formation of character

S. Colt, at the request of his father, was sent to study at a university in another city. Perhaps this desire was due to fear for his factory (after all, Samuel was constantly breaking and exploding something), or perhaps the man wanted the best for his son, so that he would receive a good education. Be that as it may, his studies did not work out for him, since, having gained access to the university laboratory, he, of course, blew up something there.

Samuel spends the next stage of his life as a sailor on a merchant ship. There he not only enjoyed the delights of freedom and the sea wind in his face, but studied ship mechanisms. They inspired Colt to create the first locking cylinder, the basis of every revolver in existence today. S. Colt's innovation also included cylindrical bullets. He, despite the fact that his friends did not believe in the invention, patented it, insisting on his own.

First patent and company

Samuel Colt invented the revolver and patented it in 1836 in America and in 1835 in France. A very important quality of this person was the ability to continue to pursue his dream under any circumstances. Only those who believed in themselves and their invention could obtain a patent. Thus, faith in what he was doing became the most important distinguishing quality of S. Colt, which allowed his biography to now look this way and not otherwise.

A little later, Colt founded his own weapons company called Patent Arms Manufacturing in Paterson. This is where the Colt Paterson appeared - the first revolver to be tested in combat. The company existed exactly until it went bankrupt.

Fateful meeting

Sometimes, for fate to show us a sharp turn, perseverance and diligence in work is not enough, and we need to meet a certain person. Such a person in Colt's life was Samuel Walker, an officer in the Texas Ranger Corps. He tested it in a battle with the Indians and ordered a batch of a thousand pieces for the government. In 1846, Colt and Walker became colleagues, jointly releasing the newest model of the Colt-Walker revolver. It was at this time that the production of weapons under the leadership of Colt acquired an industrial scale.


A newly established business required investment. Samuel Colt understood the urgent need to expand. And in 1852, he bought land in the outskirts of Hartford, spending a huge amount on it. But it was still necessary to build an arms factory on this land that would meet all the requirements for the production of ideal revolvers.

It took three years to build the ultra-modern plant, equipped with the latest technology, and the Colt company is still located there. Colt Samuel (the inventor) made this investment of time and money, and for good reason. Subsequently, they all paid off. This speaks of his gift not only as an inventor, but also as a businessman and entrepreneur. Over 150 years, this plant produced more than 30 million revolvers, proudly bearing the Colt engraving.

Marked as "spam"

It would seem that the concept of spam appeared only after the advent of the Internet. In fact, Samuel Colt had already begun to do something similar - sending out samples of his revolvers. He did good advertising for himself on tours with a popular science show with “laughing gas”, and also sold various inventions. Colt did not shy away from gifts: he personally presented beautifully and richly decorated copies of his revolvers to heads of state, which caused a huge surge in orders. Samuel Colt, whose biography is rich and interesting, also paid people to write stories about his weapons.

Already at that time, he understood that business needed to be promoted not only by producing a quality product, but also by constantly telling people about it. And even if you pass for a spammer, they will find out about you and, perhaps, become interested.

I will build my own factory...

Strict rules reigned at the Colt factory. Although he himself did not mind knocking back a glass or two, the workers had to be like glass. People were suspended from work for being late, and the day at the plant began at 7 am. In production, Colt was guided by some innovative principles.

First, there is the principle of specialization: on one machine, a worker performed one operation, for example, cutting or drilling.

Secondly, the principle of interchangeability: to speed up production, weapon parts must be as universal as possible. This made it possible to assemble a sample very quickly from any parts.

Thirdly, this is machine production. Of course, human resources were used (for example, Colt invited the same E. Ruth, then considered one of the best mechanics in the country, to work as a manager), but the main role in production was given to automatic machines.

All these principles were a big novelty at that time, so guests and journalists often came to the plant just to admire the “giant iron monsters.”

Elizabeth - the inventor's beloved wife

Samuel's wife Elizabeth was the daughter of a priest, born in Connecticut in October 1826. They met Samuel Colt in 1851 in Rhode Island and married 5 years later. They had four children, but all died, some earlier, some later. When Samuel died, Elizabeth inherited the plant. She managed not only not to ruin her husband’s enterprise, but also to ensure his successful work.

The company exists to this day, continuing to produce a wide range of high-end firearms. Thus, Colt was destined to become successful only in his work, leaving no heir except the Colt revolver.

Gone but not forgotten

Samuel Colt died from complications related to gout. Without exaggeration, he became a legend: myths and fables are written about him, he is remembered, and his compatriots are proud of him. This man bears the rank of colonel, although he never served a day in the army; he received it for his services and assistance to the state. We saw off Samuel Colt in last way the entire city, along with the governor, the mayor and the 12th Infantry Regiment. They saw him off according to the life he had lived - with a grand salvo from the guns he had made.

  • Samuel Colt, whose photo, or rather portrait, you see in the article, visited Russia three times and even presented a beautiful revolver to Nicholas I.
  • He was expelled from school for trying to show his friends fireworks.
  • His name appears in one of the episodes of the TV series Supernatural.
  • In 2006 he was inducted into the US Inventors Hall of Fame.
  • S. Colt was self-taught.

An American proverb says: “The Lord God created men, Abraham Lincoln gave them freedom, but it was Colonel Samuel Colt who finally made them equal.” Indeed, with the advent of mass handguns, society has changed. But it underwent no less changes thanks to other achievements of Samuel Colt.

In 1851, Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, organized the Great Exhibition in London, which was supposed to demonstrate the technical achievements of the British Empire to the world. Millions of visitors wandered through the fantastic Crystal Palace, which was erected in Hyde Park especially for the event. In the American department, crowds of onlookers surrounded a noisy, temperamental gentleman who praised a revolutionary new product - a pistol from which you could fire not once or twice in a row, but as many as six! But this was not what amazed the public much more. In those days, when any product of precision mechanics was made by hand, and all parts were adjusted individually, the assembly of a working pistol right in front of the public from parts randomly taken out of several boxes standing on the table (the parts in each were absolutely interchangeable thanks to very precise processing on metal-cutting machines ), looked like a real miracle. The name of the American who entertained the public is now known to almost everyone. It was Samuel Colt.

Colt Patterson 1836. .36 caliber five-shot capsule revolver

Pyrotechnician and navigator

Samuel Colt was born in 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut. When Sam was two years old, his mother died, and a couple of years later his father remarried. At the age of ten, the boy began working on a nearby farm. Soon he was sent to private school in Amherst (Massachusetts), where he developed a keen interest in chemistry. However, he did not stay there even two years - his training ended when one of the pyrotechnic experiments with which he amazed his classmates suddenly got out of control. At age 15, Sam began working in a textile mill in Ware, Massachusetts, where his father worked as a sales agent. But he still had a love for pyrotechnics, and on the eve of Independence Day, July 4, 1829, he posted handwritten flyers around the area announcing that “Sam Colt will show how a raft floating in a city pond can be thrown into the sky by an explosion.” According to the legend, the young designer made a slight mistake in his calculations and all the spectators were doused with water. An angry crowd almost threw the experimenter into a pond, but a young mechanic, Elisha Root, saved him from death. The pyrotechnic experiment impressed him. Two decades later, he would play an important role in Colt's adventurous life.

Contrary to popular belief, Samuel Colt was not the inventor of the revolver. But he turned out to be a brilliant entrepreneur who was able to appreciate the potential of this invention and use all the achievements of technological progress to build his industrial empire.

The following year, Colt persuaded his father to place him as a sailor on the cargo brig Corvo, sailing from Boston to Calcutta with a call at London. It was on this journey that he was captured new idea, born as a result of observations of the ratchet on the anchor capstan, or, according to another version, the ratchet of the steering wheel. It also seems quite likely that Colt saw in England one of the pistols with a rotating breech - a flintlock model, which was developed in 1813 by Boston gunsmith Elisha Collier (40,000 of these pistols were sent to India to arm British troops). To keep himself busy during the four-month voyage, 16-year-old Sam carved a rough model of a revolver out of wood. own design. The idea of ​​a revolver did not leave him until the end of his life, and the model became a relic in the history of firearms.

Walker Colt 1847 and its improved version Colt Dragon 1948. .44 caliber six-shot capsule revolver


After returning from the voyage, Colt decided to turn the idea into metal. He was a good draftsman, but had no desire to master the profession of a gunsmith. Instead, he persuaded his father to give him money and hired a professional mechanic. The result was minimal: both samples made by the gunsmith were no good. One did not fire at all, and the second exploded during testing.

Eh, once again...

At the beginning of the 18th century, when using firearms, a very troublesome reloading process was required after each shot, which turned into a deadly weakness on the battlefield. Gunsmith designers have been experimenting with multi-barreled weapons since the very first days of the use of gunpowder in warfare, but such weapons were heavy and inconvenient. In Collier's Model 1813 revolver, it was not the barrels that rotated, but only the breech (it had to be turned manually before each shot), but by design, the gunpowder in each chamber was ignited by a flintlock, which created a spark by striking the flint on the iron.
The weapons revolution began in 1799, when the British chemist Edward Howard discovered that mercury fulminate (“mercuric fulminate”) was an excellent initiating explosive, and in 1805, the Scottish priest Alexander John Forsyth first used mercury fulminate balls to ignite gunpowder at trigger strike. In 1814, mercury fulminate began to be placed in steel, and in 1818 - in copper capsule caps, which were placed on fire tubes that conducted fire to gunpowder. New system quickly replaced the old flint structures.
Colt's percussion revolver used a cylinder with five or six powder chambers. A powder charge and a bullet were inserted into each of them, and primers were inserted into the ignition holes of each chamber. The chambers were reloaded from the front, for which a small cleaning rod was used, which was traditionally attached directly to the pistol under the barrel. What was new was that when cocking the hammer, a special pawl rotated the drum until the charging chamber completely coincided with the barrel, and in this position the drum was fixed. When the shooter pulled the trigger, under the action of a spring, the trigger hit the primer, which ignited the powder charge, the gases from which pushed the bullet. The next time the hammer was cocked, a new charging chamber was brought to the barrel, and the revolver was ready for the next shot. Five (or six) bullets could be fired in a matter of seconds, providing a significant advantage when facing multiple opponents.

He didn’t want to return to a sailor’s life, and Colt started selling laughing gas, which he learned to produce from a chemist in Ware. For three years he toured the United States and Canada under the name “Dr. Coult of New York, London and Calcutta,” pushing a handcart in front of him and showing audiences the effects of nitrous oxide. Earnings reached $10 a day, which was not bad for the 1830s. However, Colt did not forget about his idea. With the money he earned, he hired a gunsmith from Baltimore, John Pearson, who brought the design of the revolver to perfection.

In 1835, Samuel, borrowing a thousand dollars from his father, went to Europe and patented a revolver in England and France, and in 1836 received an American patent number 138, after which he persuaded his cousin Dudley Selden and several other investors from New York to invest $200 000 to his Patent Arms Manufacturing Company in Patterson, New Jersey, which soon began producing five-shot, single-action, thumb-cocked Patterson Model .36 revolvers. Colt himself began selling and advertising his weapons. Realizing that government patronage would be the key to success, he rushed to Washington to make contacts at the federal level. He was confident that hospitable parties and bribes to the right people would quickly open the eyes of the authorities to the merits of his invention. Cousin Dudley, looking at the liquor bills, grumbled: “I doubt the old Madeira will improve the performance of the new weapon.”

.44 caliber six-shot capsule revolver


However, it turned out that the military was hopelessly conservative. In addition, tests showed that the invention was still very “raw”: sensitive capsules created the danger of an accidental shot (or even shots) simply when hitting the gun hard. Powder deposits or fragments of primers could cause the delicate mechanism to jam. The entire drum could be torn apart if the shooter poured too much gunpowder into it.

Good wine and bribes were not enough to attract government dollars. In 1837, Colt managed to sell a hundred revolving rifles to arm federal troops in operations against the Seminole Indian tribe in Florida, and three years later he managed to sell the army another hundred at $50 apiece, but this was not enough to keep the enterprise afloat, and in 1842 the company went bankrupt.

Six-shot .36 caliber capsule revolver

Bankrupt again

Failure and loss of money did not discourage Colt. He moved to New York and returned to his childhood pastime - underwater mines controlled from shore using electricity. Such mines lying at the bottom of a canal or strait could sink enemy ships. “This is protection from all the fleets of Europe,” he praised his invention, “which will not require risking the lives of our compatriots.” Interested American Navy allocated $6,000 for further research, and Colt conducted several spectacular tests, sinking a couple of schooners in front of the commission. But no further funding was forthcoming. Another Colt development, waterproof cartridges, turned out to be more successful: in 1845, the army purchased them for $50,000.

Six-shot revolver chambered for a unitary .45 caliber cartridge

Colt, who organized his workshop at New York University, met Samuel Morse, whose laboratory was located next door. Inventors eagerly exchanged their ideas. Colt suggested that Morse establish a telegraph connection between Washington and Baltimore by laying a 40-mile cable. In 1846, the New York and Offing Magnetic Telegraph Association was established, which was supposed to connect Manhattan with Long Island and New Jersey by submarine cables. But due to contradictions between investors and Colt's inattention, the company soon went bankrupt. At 32, Sam found himself poor again.


However, all this time, Colt's weapons were gradually gaining their way into life. Shortly before the first bankruptcy, the inventor sold a small batch of Patterson revolvers to a group of Texas Rangers - militiamen who defended the Republic of Texas from Mexicans and Indians. Bands of resourceful Indians managed to break through the barrage, rushing at the soldiers while they reloaded their muskets. Colt's invention allowed riflemen to neutralize Indian tactics. Samuel Walker, a Ranger captain, sent Colt a letter of thanks praising his pistols. “If we improve them a little more,” he wrote, “then they will become the most perfect weapon in the world". According to Walker's account, a unit of 15 soldiers armed with revolvers dealt with a band of 80 Comanches.

1. Barrel. 2. Drum. 3. Trigger. 4. Frame. 5. Trigger. 6. Spring. 7. Handle. 8. Handle pads. 9. Charging lever plunger. 10. Charging lever. 11. Trigger guard.

In 1846, the US war with Mexico became inevitable, and Walker decided to arm his dragoons with new revolvers. Discussing his plans with Colt, he suggested several important improvements. Colt simplified the mechanism, made it easier to reload, and increased the caliber of the model, named after the customer, Walker, from .36 to .44. With a nine-inch (225 mm) barrel, this massive six-shot revolver weighed almost 2 kg, that is, two one more time more than modern. Colt received an order for 1,000 revolvers at a price of $25 each. If the war continued, the order was to be repeated. Colt is back in the gun business.

Upgraded pistols Walker needed them as soon as possible. However, although Colt remained the owner of the revolver patent, he no longer had his own manufacturing base. He agreed with Eli Whitney, the owner of a musket factory located in Connecticut, to produce a batch of weapons. Six months later, the order was completed, and Captain Walker, who was constantly rushing Colt, received a pair of revolvers named after him four days before his death in battle.


The reputation of this weapon, gained in Mexico, as well as good feedback from owners in Florida and Texas outweighed concerns about novelty and unreliability. The government ordered another thousand copies, and in 1847 Colt, borrowing money from a banker relative, hired workers and opened his own small production facility in Hartford, capable of producing up to 5,000 pistols a year.

In 1849, Colt made the best personnel decision of his life. He lured Elisha Root, who was considered the most experienced engineer in New England, from another company. By the end of the year, the plant, built under the leadership of Ruth, was already producing a hundred pistols a week.

When Colt went to exhibit in London in 1851, he was an international celebrity. Its Hartford plant employed 300 people and produced approximately 20,000 pistols per year. The extremely popular .31 caliber pocket pistol was added to the line of models, the demand for which was so great that the plant could barely cope with production. Colt traveled around European capitals in search of new buyers for his pistols. In 1852, he founded a factory in London, becoming the first American entrepreneur to open a branch of his production overseas.

.45 caliber semi-automatic pistol

As the owner of the largest privately owned gun manufacturing company in the world, Colt managed to extend the life of some key patents and maintained a monopoly in the field, and the events that unfolded over the next decade were simply a gunsmith's dream come true. The US victory over Mexico opened the way to the southwest. In those wild places, complete anarchy reigned, which created a huge demand for revolvers. Gold rushes in California and Australia added new crowds of buyers. Sales also increased due to the Crimean War of 1853-1856.


During a visit to the British World's Fair, Colt received an invitation to speak to members of the famous English Institute of Civil Engineers. He took this opportunity to further promote his pistols on the European market, but also spoke in his speech about what later became known as the “American system of production.” Colt did not invent this system, but he was one of the first to put it into practice.

Revolver with double action trigger caliber .357 Magnum

Traditionally firearms made by skilled artisans. The weapons were produced in small batches, all parts were made by hand, and then customized “on site.” State factories have established a unified line of models and templates that are mandatory for manufacturers. The arsenals required their contractors to use the same techniques, and as a result the Connecticut River Valley became the vanguard of technological revolution, like Silicon Valley in California today.

Colt understood how important issues of standardization and interchangeability were for government customers. In addition, the automated technological process also opened the way to lower costs (the price of $50 dropped to $19 by 1859 due to large production volumes).

Although narrow specialization was not yet very typical at that time, at the Colt plant, on each of the machines a worker performed one operation - for example, drilling a barrel or making a thread. All work on manufacturing the pistol was divided into 450 separate operations. The grandiose plant in Hartford became a tourist attraction; tourists were taken there, showing them “a jungle inhabited by strange iron monsters” that powered five steam engines. “Fragile girls with graceful hands do the work here that is done by hefty, smoky blacksmiths in other gunsmith shops,” wrote a journalist who visited Colt’s London factory in 1852.

1. Barrel. 2. Drum. 3. Trigger. 4. Frame. 5. Trigger. 6. Spring. 7. Handle. 8.9. Handle pads. 10. Trigger guard. 11. Drummer. 12. Ejector. 13. Charging window.


The new production system established at the Colt plant quickly spread beyond the arms industry. The system was based on almost military discipline: one had to be at the workplace at 7.00, when the steam engines were started, and if the worker was late, he was no longer allowed into the workshop. Absolute sobriety was strictly required from the staff. Narrow specialization and a hierarchical management system became the rules.

Samuel Colt's Mistake

Despite his talent, Colt missed one of the most critical moments in the development of small arms - the transition to a unitary cartridge. Until the 1850s, firearms were percussion cap guns. The weapon was loaded through the muzzle, pouring gunpowder into the breech, and then rolling the bullet. Colt's pistol was the same traditional design, but only in the version with several powder chambers.
In 1855, gunsmith Rollin White developed a revolver in which the powder chamber was not a closed cavity with a ignition hole, but a through hole drilled in the cylinder. The shooter inserted a copper cartridge (French patent of Jacques Flaubert 1846) into this hole from the back, consisting of a cartridge case with a powder charge, a bullet and a primer. The metal bottom of the cartridge served as the back wall of the powder chamber. Reloading became much faster than in capsule revolvers. According to legend, White first proposed his idea to Colt, but was rejected by him. Because of this mistake by Colt, White's design was bought by Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson, who released the Smith & Wesson Model 1 revolver in 1857 - the first revolver with a metal unitary cartridge. When White's patent expired in 1869, all pistol manufacturers switched to this system, and capsule revolvers fell into oblivion.

Soon the British government, despite the resistance of the gunsmith shops, borrowed the American system for a new arms factory in Enfield. Colt felt that the new principles would change the very way of life of the working class, and sought to somehow avoid such phenomena as poverty and degradation that the Industrial Revolution had brought to some regions of Europe. His solution to the problem was Coltsville, a compact area of ​​Hartford where, in addition to the plant, there were residential areas for workers, parks and even a club. Baseball teams and choir clubs were organized, and salaries were paid more than generously for those times.


Colt never served a day in the U.S. Army, but for his many years of service to the Democratic Party and the support of Connecticut Governor Thomas Seymour, he was promoted to the rank of colonel in the 1850s. In 1856, Colt married Elizabeth Jarvis, the daughter of a minister. The young people built a large house in Hartford and fit into the city's high society. They had four children, but only one son lived to adulthood. Colt was acutely worried about the death of his children, he himself began to have serious health problems, and on January 10, 1862, at the age of 47, he died, leaving behind a capital of $15 million and one of the largest and most advanced enterprises in the country. The funeral was like the final act of a grand opera: Colt was seen off by the entire city, led by Mayor Deming and State Governor Seymour, and the 12th Infantry Regiment stood on the honor guard.

Today it is clear that Colt's main legacy is not the design of the revolver, but his innovative approach to the problems of mass production and marketing. The technological solutions that Colt introduced into the production of weapons were later used in the production of typewriters, sewing machines, and bicycles. Now almost everything is made in full accordance with the principles that became the life's work of Samuel Colt, the first of the great gunsmiths of America.
