How much investment do you need to open sports nutrition. Sports nutrition: description, composition, consumer groups

Let's talk about how to start your own sports nutrition business. This way of earning is really available to everyone, but it will be especially interesting for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly train in the gym or on the turnstile sites.

We will earn with the help of an affiliate program of the SWPRO sports nutrition online store. The store is under development public organization StreetWorkout, which promotes a healthy lifestyle around the world. Among the organizers are famous people like Denis Minin (workout world champion) and Oleg Bazilevich (12-time bench press world champion).

The company's products are shipped all over the world. Centers and production are located in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Great Britain. The product range is wide and is intended primarily for those involved in Workout, bodybuilding, fitness, etc. A small list of SWPRO sports nutrition assortment: amino acids, proteins, pre-workout complexes, post-workout complexes, vitamins, cereal bars, etc. Also, the assortment includes probiotics, dietary supplements, food gels, Street Workout paraphernalia.

How to earn? Conventionally, there are two ways to make money with Street Workout Pro sports nutrition - active And passive.

Active way of earning implies the purchase of goods at a special partner price and the sale of goods with their own markup. You can sell both to your friends and with the help of online tools. For example, through message boards, or your own online store. As a variant of the engine for an online store, you can use Simpla CMS. You can buy a licensed Simpla CMS, as well as purchase templates for your online store. There you can also learn how to connect third-party modules to expand the functionality of your online store.

Passive way of earning is to build your team (attracting customers and partners). That is, after registering on the website of the Street Workout Pro online store, you will receive a referral link. If someone makes a purchase using your referral link, you get a percentage of the sales. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 1 c.u. Pay on the card. At the same time, if the buyer paid for the goods, for example, in dollars, you receive a payment, also in dollars.

The percentage of sales depends on your partner status. The higher the partner status, the more benefits you get. In addition to the percentage of sales directly, you receive a number of additional bonuses (starting bonus, achievement bonus, stability bonus, etc.). I will not consider bonuses in detail, at the end of the article there will be a video that discusses the bonus accrual system.

You can start a partnership from the rank "Partner" or rank "Manager". The rank of "Manager" provides a number of advantages. For example, "Partner" receives 5% from the sale, "Manager" - 25%. "Partner" receives payments only from referrals of the 1st level, "Manager" - from 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels. To get the rank of "Partner" you need to purchase products for 45 points. You can always upgrade your rank to "Manager". To do this, you need to purchase products for 200 points or more within a month.

Points are a kind of internal indicator of your status in the system. Points are accumulated by your entire team. That is, you do not have to purchase products for the required number of points, the main thing is that the total points of your entire team reach 45 points or 200 points per month.

Let's take a closer look at the process of registering a partner in the system.

We go to the website of the online store and go through registration. At the second step, you will be asked to choose a point of entry into the business - "Partner" (45 points), "Manager" (200 points). I chose "Partner".

After you fill in all the required fields, the manager will contact you and give you access to the partner account. Further, in the "Products" section, we see the company's products available for purchase.

Next to the price of each product, you see the number of points that will be credited to you upon purchase. To obtain the rank of "Partner" we need to purchase products for 45 points. You can choose the products you need, or you can purchase products in the "Promo Offers" section.

I chose the “Family Care” pack, which includes such drugs as Antiage (an antioxidant that stabilizes cell membranes), Probiozy (restores the intestinal microflora and improves the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), Aminov (a complex of amino acids and vitamins).

After ordering products, you will receive payment details to your e-mail. After paying for the products, you get the rank of "Partner" and you can start earning in any way possible - either attract customers to the website of the online store, or open your own online store, or sell goods through bulletin boards.

Decent earnings for you.


Sports nutrition is a fairly popular product. opens today a large number of fitness clubs, people purchase subscriptions, more and more often they begin to seriously engage in sports. Thanks to this, the sports nutrition market is expanding by approximately 20 percent annually, in the capital by 10 percent.

Business prospects for the sale of sports nutrition

In our state, there are very few sports nutrition stores, and in cities with a population of less than a million people, such stores are often absent at all, but if there are, then these are small outlets with a minimized assortment. Most athletes order sports nutrition via the Internet from foreign companies directly, after which they can sometimes wait for an order for a whole month. Accordingly, this does not suit many. Therefore, the business idea of ​​​​opening a food store is quite attractive.

Popularization of sports nutrition artificially is one of the favorable criteria:

  • Experienced athletes understand the effectiveness of such nutrition. They treat training responsibly, so they are ready to purchase sports nutrition (creatine, protein, other supplements) as much as necessary. Approximately this category of people monthly allocates up to 30,000 rubles for this food.
  • Most fitness club owners are in partnership with sports nutrition dealers. They actively advertise canned protein among the visitors of their training halls. Most often, beginners listen to their advice.
  • Last year, online entrepreneurs entered the market and actively offer protein on the Internet. Millions of people who until that time were not interested in sports at all learned about this nutrition. Of course, many will buy protein all the time, but it is safer and easier for them to buy it in a special store located close to their home or sports center than to buy it on the Internet.

The business of selling such food in our country has a drawback. We have not yet established the production of a high-quality sports product, so we mainly have to trade in foreign-made food. The main suppliers are American, German manufacturing companies.

The purchase price is tied to the exchange rate. Another collapse of the ruble can lead to significant losses.

Investment in opening a sports nutrition store

How to open a food store, build your own business on it?

  • The first step is to decide on the method of opening a point - it will be a franchise store or created independently. To organize a franchise business, you need to have about 150,000 rubles, but this option greatly simplifies opening a shop.
  • How much money should be allocated for the first purchase of goods? In order to establish business partnerships with reliable wholesalers, the first transaction must be at least 200,000 rubles.
  • Room rental. Depending on the location area, a room for a point can cost 30–40,000 rubles. In the city center, of course, rent is much more expensive, but it is not necessary to create a store here.
  • The salary of a hired seller is on average 20–25,000 rubles. It depends on the region where the store is located. But, at the initial stage of launching a point, you can work as a seller yourself.
  • Business requires advertising costs, which will depend primarily on the region where the store is located, the chosen methods of promoting the product: printed publications, leaflets, business cards, placing ads on information boards around the city, on Internet sites, etc.
  • When drawing up a business plan, calculating costly funds, it is imperative to provide for a reserve item of expenses.

Approximately, to create a business selling such food, you will need 500,000 rubles.

How profitable is the sports nutrition business?

  • When purchasing a product directly from a foreign manufacturer, distributors, an extra charge of 40–60 percent is possible.
  • In a small town with virtually no competitors, customers will appear quickly. In big cities, competition is stronger, so it is recommended to locate a store selling this food, if possible, near fitness centers.
  • If you agree to supply your own goods to fitness clubs equipped with a mini-bar for the sale of sports nutrition, then the mark-up of the goods can be up to 130 percent.

It should also be understood that a large margin on products sold is not a guarantee of a large profit. The business of selling sports nutrition is largely based on regular customers. Therefore, it is necessary to consistently monitor the quality of the proposed product, its range.

  • The average profitability of a sports nutrition store is 20 percent. For example, if you reach a turnover of 500,000 rubles / month, then the profit will be 100,000 rubles.
  • A sports nutrition business pays off in at least six months, but it can pay off in only two years.

Gradual opening of a sports nutrition store

Registration of IP (LLC)

In both registration options entrepreneurial activity has its own pros and cons. But experts recommend using the IP form to open a sports nutrition store. In this case, all profits can be freely disposed of, without paying attention to tax issues. If you do not hire working staff, but engage in sales on your own, then this option of entrepreneurial activity is the most impeccable.


For small businesses, there is a simplified taxation system:

  • one tax instead of three;
  • no paperwork;
  • the ability to choose the optimal tax rate

The standard taxation system at the initial stage of a small business is very inconvenient, unprofitable due to too high deductions, a large amount of document flow.

Main activities for opening a store

  • Registration of IP in the IFTS.
  • Obtaining a permit for trading activities from a government agency fire safety, district administration, SES.


For a sports nutrition store, it is quite enough to rent a room with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. The product is quite compact, so there is no need to maintain a separate storage room, and several dozen additional jars of food can be kept at home. The main product can be freely placed on the trading floor. To significantly save money, you can purchase used counters and racks for placing goods.

  • shopping mall;
  • a large sports equipment store;
  • the building in which the fitness club is located or nearby;
  • sports complex.

Important Points

The quality of the products offered.
Each athlete who consumes this nutrition first of all checks the quality of the product. In this regard, you will not pass them. You can forever lose a potential buyer even because of a torn protective film. This is immediately anti-advertising for the store among familiar athletes.

The target audience of the sports pit shop:

  • men aged 20–28. The majority are students who want to short period to catch up with muscle mass, as well as former athletes who follow their own form. This category makes up 70 percent of all buyers;
  • men from 25 to 28 years old, whose average income is 35,000 rubles;
  • professional athletes over 30 years old. If they like the quality of the product, the service of the store, then they will become regular customers and will bring about 15,000 rubles to the store every month.

Women buy such food infrequently.

After some time, the sports nutrition store should become a type of club. Potential buyers will come to the store on the advice of regular customers.

The range of the store must include training programs, thematic literature. To effectively promote the products of the point, it is recommended to create your own website on the Internet, communities in social networks. As a result, many willing athletes will be able to order the product directly on the site. It remains only to arrange courier delivery.

Conclusions: a niche for creating a business selling such food is promising. You can count on a monthly profit from one store up to 80,000 rubles.

Engage in the trade of this food better themes who go in for sports, former athletes. Without understanding the work of sports supplements, the basics of building the texture of the body, it will be quite difficult to find the necessary assortment of goods that would fully satisfy the needs of athletes.

How to open a sports nutrition store? Features of the fitness business

Every person deep in the subconscious wants to become financially independent and this is natural. No one wants to work for their boss for the rest of their lives, live paycheck to paycheck and die leaving nothing to their loved ones.

That is why all people at least once throughout their lives think about creating own business. Some still try to create something of their own, some even succeed, others fail, others stop only at thinking about their life situation.

So, if you do not know where to start, then you need to read this article to the end. In this article, we will talk about how to open your own sports nutrition store.

Today in our country powerlifting has become much more popular, more and more more people trying to keep their physical state at a height and every day girls try to look as slim as possible.

This is what will ensure your income, because not one professional powerlifter can do without sports nutrition, but simple people use it to quickly pump up or become slimmer.

sports nutrition business good for beginner businessmen and the fact that there will be no special difficulties with it. Competition for this moment in the sale of sports nutrition is negligible, this will simplify the process and, of course, have a positive effect on income.

With the choice of premises and staff, there will also be no difficulties, we will talk about this later. The cost of running a sports nutrition business is not very high compared to other industries. But, despite all this, the profitability of this enterprise depends on many factors and ranges from 25% to 35%. For those who are not very versed in this matter, 25-35% is a sufficient payback.

Do not neglect the planning of this business. In order for anyone private business become successful requires a clear business plan. It can be compiled by professionals, or independently.

The second option is much more effective, because you must clearly understand the business plan, otherwise it will be of little use. You will also need a financial plan if you do not want to spend everything at once and a plan for developing your own business. Some may think that all these plans are useless.

This is the mistake of many aspiring entrepreneurs, any rich businessman will answer the question: “Do I need to plan my business?” Something like this: “It is better to act according to a bad plan than to act without one at all.”

Let's move on to the financial side of the issue. As with any other business activity, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur in Russia is now 800 rubles (if you do everything yourself). In the future, it will be necessary to coordinate the premises, this process will cost you approximately 50 thousand rubles. Also, do not forget about renting the site, now the cost per square meter ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles (basement).

After all this, you should purchase equipment (showcases, stands and other commercial equipment), the price of equipment directly depends on its quality and appearance, the cheapest will cost you 100 thousand rubles. It remains to purchase the goods, be sure to buy the goods in bulk (from 20 thousand rubles) and allocate money for the salary of the sales assistant - 10-15 thousand per month and the cleaner - 7-10 thousand per month (depending on which city you are in going to open a store.

Please note that you must also have a cash reserve for 6 months of salary and rent. As a result, it will take at least 500 thousand rubles to open a store with sports nutrition.

Dealt with funding now it is worth noting how to make sure that your activity is completely legal and does not attract too much attention from the tax authorities.

First, in without fail do not delay registration of IP. This is quite tedious, however, this process is indispensable. There is a lot of information on how to register an individual entrepreneur now, do not be too lazy to learn in detail about all the pitfalls and possible difficulties in registering an individual entrepreneur.

Secondly, all sanitary standards must be observed in the store premises. Thirdly, it is also necessary to put a fire extinguisher and a fire escape plan in it, even if the size of the store is 25-40 square meters.

Compliance with the above taxation rules, sanitary inspection and fire inspection will help to avoid all sorts of problems. One more piece of advice, so it’s better to consult a friend or a private lawyer about it, then there will certainly be no questions and misunderstandings.

The space itself for your store does not really matter, much more important is its location. It is best to sell sports nutrition near gyms, fitness clubs and sports schools. That's where the target audience is. Almost any building is suitable for a start, the most profitable option is a basement area.

Make sure that the temperature in your store is at room temperature. New buyers can stay in it for a long time, choosing a product. Make sure that the appearance is friendly enough, it is not necessary to make European-quality repairs, but do not neglect ordinary cleanliness.

Your main product will be various dietary supplements. It will be necessary to purchase goods for sale in bulk from various suppliers. Finding such suppliers will not be a problem; for this, use various media: the Internet, newspapers and television, look for advertisements for the wholesale distribution of sports nutrition.

Consider a couple of options and choose the one you need, two options are possible, it all depends on which list of products you wish to sell. To competently compile a list of sports nutrition products for sale, consult with trainers. Do not forget that you can only sell certified goods: few people want to buy anything, and it is unlikely that the tax office will like illegal trade.

To sell sports nutrition, you will need various commercial equipment. Of course, lockers, stands and showcases will be needed, because all the goods must be stored somewhere. You will also need a scale, some sports nutrition is sold by weight. Fortunately, this product is not so demanding on its storage and the shelf life for its use is simply huge (before opening the package, of course).

As regards the staff, at first, one sales assistant and a cleaning lady will be needed. Of course, you can arrange with the seller to clean the premises for an additional fee, but it is better to hire a cleaner. Everything else you can do personally if you do not want to spend extra money.

In the future, in order to automate the process, you will need: an accountant, a manager and a marketer. Why you need an accountant is clear, the manager will be engaged in bulk purchases and deliveries of goods to the shelves, and the marketer will think about advertising the store.

The better your employees are and the better they can imagine understanding what is required of them, the greater the profit from the business. Remember: "Business should bring money without your participation, and if you participate in the extraction of money, this is work."

You need to attract customers with the help of the media. First place free ads on the Internet. After the first income appears, it is necessary to order paid advertisements in magazines related to a healthy lifestyle.

It is also acceptable to order advertising on TV, but this is an expensive pleasure. Do not forget about advertising booklets and signs. In the future, you will need to hire a couple of promoters so that they distribute or scatter your advertising in mailboxes.

Remember that everything should be handled by professionals, advertising is no exception. You should never spare money on advertising, of course, only if you have it!

You can open a sports nutrition store without a lot of money. In this case, there are three ways: take a loan from a bank (you now have a reliable job, and there is no need to completely switch to business), take a loan from a private company (you need to be careful with this), or find a potential investor. It is best to find an investor, discuss everything with him in detail, negotiate the conditions and finally go about your business. But the first business is best to open at your own expense.

The business idea of ​​​​opening your own sports nutrition store ends here. In conclusion, I would like to say: “Do not be afraid to do something new for yourself, because this will bring you only good things in the future: experience, learning opportunities and just good impressions from the work done.”

The Russian market of sports nutrition began to develop actively just a few years ago. Actually, the fashion for such nutrition, along with bodybuilding, came from Western countries. Athletes, wanting to increase muscle mass and burn excess fat, began to use the so-called sports nutrition, which can significantly speed up metabolic processes and accelerate muscle growth.

At present, sports nutrition is presented on the Russian market in a fairly wide range. You can buy it not only in gyms, but also in specialized stores. A fairly large volume of this product is also sold through online stores.

Way of doing business

To place a sports nutrition store, it is better to choose areas near sports clubs, gyms and fitness centers. A pretty good place is a department or a separate room at a sporting goods store. Of course, before opening, you need to inquire about the presence of nearby competitors.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can be recommended to combine the opening of their own store with the activities of selling sports nutrition online. To create an online store, you need to develop a detailed catalog of goods, as well as provide a simple purchase algorithm and prompt delivery of goods.


Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of focusing only on weight loss and muscle building supplements and ignoring supplements such as proteins, keratins, and other vitamins.

When forming the assortment, you should pay attention to products that help strengthen bones, muscles and ligaments. They are necessary for both training athletes and children whose growing body needs a large amount of minerals.

The basis of the assortment of the store should include:

  1. fat burners;
  2. Milk mixtures;
  3. Post-workout complexes;
  4. Gainers;
  5. Energy juices;
  6. Proteins.

It is worth noting that for the most part people come to the sports nutrition store for a very specific product. However, even beginners can look into the store, so it is advisable to include discs with a description of diet and training regimes, as well as specialized literature in the assortment. Near the showcases, you can place informational posters with a description of popular goods.

Supplier selection

A fairly large number of entrepreneurs involved in the sale of sports nutrition note that cooperation with regional suppliers is completely unprofitable. The most optimal option seems to be the conclusion of food supply agreements with well-known distributors. It is worth noting that many of them, with long-term cooperation, provide a good discount. In the future, with the expansion of the business, it is possible to arrange the supply of food from abroad.


A sports nutrition store should have a salesperson who is able to convey to the buyer the basics of molecular medicine, since the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsports nutrition is based on it. A sales consultant must be able to distinguish between additives, know their compositions, properties, and be able to give understandable examples. In addition to the seller, you need to hire a part-time accountant. Cleaning the premises can be assigned to.


Cooperation with official distributors of sports nutrition allows you to make a margin of about 50-70%, which is a fairly good indicator, especially given the lack of high competition. However, despite this fact, the sports nutrition business can bring significant profit only with high turnover. It is worth noting that most of Such shops survive mainly due to regular customers.

About 350 thousand rubles are needed to open a store:

  1. Repair of the premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of commercial equipment - 50 thousand rubles;
  3. Purchase of the first batch of sports nutrition - 200 thousand rubles;
  4. Website development - 30-50 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses include:

  1. Room rental - 25 thousand rubles;
  2. Staff salary - 70 thousand rubles;
  3. Site support - 5 thousand rubles;
  4. Services of a cleaning company - 4 thousand rubles.

Total: 104 thousand rubles. Taking into account the relatively small initial investment, the payback period for the business will be about 6-12 months.

The Russian market of sports nutrition is still in the development stage, which indicates its prospects. However, we must not forget that the target audience in this business is extremely limited, so you should not expect too high profits from a sports nutrition store.

Sports nutrition as a business is fashionable and interesting. We will describe the profitability of such a project and the feedback from entrepreneurs involved in the sale of special products for professionals.

Today, a healthy lifestyle and fitness clubs have become very popular, as people want to take care of their body and beauty. appearance. Thousands of men and women are trying to eat well, and those who visit sports facilities know the benefits of special nutritional supplements. Therefore, building a business on such a hobby is a very promising idea.


The relevance of opening your own store for the sale of sports nutrition is confirmed by the following facts:

  1. Every year in our country the demand for such food additives only increases.
  2. The main consumers are young people aged 25-40, mostly men involved in sports on professional level.
  3. For most of them, it is not necessary to explain and prove the benefits of sports nutrition, as fitness club visitors know this.
  4. Most often, this business is carried out by people with some experience in taking these drugs and they have a good idea of ​​​​the product range.

In the cities of Russia, every year the demand for sports nutrition and its use increases by 10%, which gives certain prospects for a novice businessman.


To open a sports nutrition store, you need to register your activity. To do this, choose one of the forms:

  • Sole proprietorship is an individual entrepreneurship, it is distinguished by small financial investments, simple accounting and ease of organization, but at the same time a person is responsible with all his property.
  • OOO - entity, involving the maintenance of complex accounting and tax reporting, is a large investment, but such a company will have more confidence on the part of suppliers and buyers.

It is up to you which form of business to choose. Each of the options has its pros and cons, but much depends on the expected scale of activity, sales volumes and the number of founders.

In addition to registration with the tax service, you must also obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate. When buying a product, it is important to always monitor the availability of quality certificates for each type of product. If your clients are professional athletes, then you additionally need to be tested by the World Anti-Doping Organization.

Store Format

There are two ways to start selling sports nutrition:

  1. Via the Internet - by creating a website that contains the entire range of goods offered with detailed description. You can make delivery on your own within the region, using courier services or postal forwarding. This method helps to significantly save on the rent of premises, its repair and wages to employees.
  2. An ordinary outlet involves convenient placement of goods in front of the client and ample opportunities for its implementation, but only within the city.

Entrepreneurial businessmen combine both directions and get an increase in profits in a short time.

Shop space

In order to arrange the entire range of products do not need large areas. Set up multiple racks for easy product placement, and provide a counter for the salesperson and cash register. A separate storage warehouse is also not required, because sports nutrition has a limited shelf life. It is better to buy it in small batches and immediately lay it out on the trading floor.

As such, equipment or complex repairs to the premises are not needed. But what you should pay special attention to is the location of the store. Of course, you can open it on a busy city street, rent a part of a shopping center, etc. But the best solution is to place it next to fitness clubs or even on their territory.

In order to save money, you can try to rent a small area in a sporting goods store or simply sell products through them. It also makes sense to cooperate with fitness trainers, gyms, professional athletes directly.

Product range

The production of sports nutrition today offers a wide variety of specialized products. The main food additives in this area are:

  • Proteins, that is, proteins, are the most demanded group of products that help to gain muscle mass.
  • Vitamin complexes- designed to replenish the body with essential trace elements, especially needed when following a diet during weight loss.
  • Creatine - is responsible for the endurance of the body, helps to make training more intense and rewarding.
  • Amino acids - restore muscles at the cellular level after exercise.
  • Fat burners - contribute to the breakdown of fats and the release of the necessary energy for exercise.
  • Substances that improve the condition of ligaments and joints, their strengthening and proper functioning.

In addition, there are also various energy bars, drinks, cocktails, combination mixes and other products. It is important to be able to choose the right combination of goods for each client, depending on his needs, health status and goals.

Do not try to buy large volumes of goods at once, because it cannot be kept on the shelves for a long time, but it must be used for its intended purpose in a short time. Therefore, focus on the most popular and sought-after varieties, and offer rare nutritional supplements in the form of an individual order from the catalog.

The technology of their production is quite complex and is tested for quality and composition in specialized laboratories. You need to sell products only certified, complying with all standards and passed anti-doping control. Pay attention to what supplements are made of, whether they have a natural or synthetic base, etc. This often worries buyers when choosing a particular brand.

It is worth noting that professional athletes prefer expensive, but proven and popular foreign brands. Domestic manufacturers are distinguished by a low price, but also a slightly worse quality of the composition of additives. Therefore, they are purchased only by beginners or amateurs.

Supplier search

Please note that purchasing products through wholesalers or distributors is not the most the best option. Because their conditions will not give you the opportunity to establish a favorable price for the goods. It is advisable to cooperate directly with sports nutrition manufacturers and make a markup of 70%. Then the product will not seem too expensive for the buyer, and the store owner will be able to earn.


Special attention take the search for consultants for the store. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have personal experience use of sports nutritional supplements and have a good understanding of the entire range of products offered.
  2. Be sociable and pay attention to each visitor, politely answer questions, help to choose the right product depending on the needs of the buyer.
  3. To have a pleasant attractive appearance of a sporty type. It should be clear from the person that he belongs to the same group of people as the main customers of the store.

Download for free as a sample.

Marketing strategy

Since this business is closely related to in a healthy way life, then advertising should be aimed, respectively, at sports, weight loss, and maintaining health. Post ads in fitness clubs, on forums where athletes gather, register in relevant communities and groups, and establish contacts with coaches.

Today, promotions such as free goods for placing a post on the page, various bonuses, discounts for holidays, discount cards for regular customers are very popular. In order to attract a client, it is possible to offer additional products in the form of catalogs, training courses, etc. to sports nutrition sets.

Do not be too lazy to design your website, where you can study in a relaxed atmosphere information about the composition and action of the proposed products, place an order online or by phone.

Another effective marketing move is to become a sponsor of any sports competitions. You will present souvenirs to the participants, certificates for the purchase of goods to the winners, and at the same time you will get a large audience of potential buyers.

Financial part

In order to decide whether it is profitable or not to start a project for the sale of sports nutrition, it is advisable to draw up a store business plan with calculations in advance. This will give visual information about the profitability and rate of return on investment.

If you hire staff for trading, then you will have to add to the costs every month wages. The level of profit is influenced by many factors - the number of customers, the proposed assortment, pricing policy, the cost of purchasing goods from suppliers, etc.

According to average estimates, the full payback of the business comes within six months, but with a competent approach and a good location of the store, you can count on a shorter time. The level of profitability in any case does not fall below 25-30%.

Video: how is sports nutrition produced in Europe?
