History of the cashier profession. The profession of a cashier, or an irreplaceable person in modern trade


The name of the profession comes from the Italian word “cassa” - box. It can be assumed that the profession of a cashier originated from the profession of a treasurer - a person who kept the treasury of boyars and princes.

At the end of the 19th century, American entrepreneurs the Ritt brothers invented a revenue accounting machine - the prototype of today's cash registers. One of the brothers was inspired to create it by a device that counted the revolutions of the shaft on a ship. Revenue at the Ritt brothers' cafe immediately increased because the waiters could no longer hide it, and some visitors placed orders just to see how the miracle machine worked.

Depending on the specifics of the work, there are bank tellers, currency tellers, cashier salespeople, ticket office workers, and cashier-accountants.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Cashier are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Cashiers.

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Description of activity

The work of a modern cashier is not only about counting cash and knocking out checks. Today he must be able to work with plastic cards and electronic money. The cashier knows the design and operating rules of cash registers and computer equipment, so he can quickly fix a small malfunction. The cashier must know the signs of genuine banknotes and be able to distinguish them from counterfeit ones, both using an ultraviolet detector and by eye.

Depending on where the cashier works, he can perform different functions. Employees of trade enterprises calculate the amount of goods purchased and make payments in cash or by plastic card. In entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters and museums, the cashier respectively sells tickets for events, screenings, performances and exhibitions. He can help the visitor choose a seat in the hall, tell about the plot of the production or the specifics of the exhibition.

In enterprises, the position of a cashier is usually combined with the position of an accountant. He accepts money for orders or services, issues salaries and bonuses to employees. Currency tellers exchange funds, and cashiers-operators in banks also work with securities.

Cashiers can also work at the cash desks of transport and insurance companies, bookmakers and gas stations.

The work of a cashier is mostly sedentary and monotonous. But at the same time, it is potentially dangerous, because it is cash register workers who are most often attacked by robbers.


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Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Cashier cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Cashier, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Cashier You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Cashier(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Cashier.

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Job responsibilities

Cashier serves customers at the cash register and guides cash documents. It accepts, maintains records, issues and stores funds and securities. Every day after the store closes, the cashier must reconcile the cash in the register with the entries in the cash book. If there is a discrepancy, he must find the error and correct it. The cashier compiles an inventory of invalid banknotes in order to transfer them to bank institutions for replacement with new ones. Most often, it is he who prepares and transfers money to collectors.

The cashier also monitors the presence of the cash register tape in the machine and other consumables.

The senior cashier is responsible for all cash registers. In the absence of the administration, he takes part in the resolution controversial issues with buyers.

Type of labor

Exclusively mental work

Profession Cashier refers to professions exclusively mental (creative or intellectual work). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Cashiers distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical warehouse mind.

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Features of career growth

High-quality performance of your work and advanced training special courses will provide career growth by category and level. The next level after the position of cashier is senior cashier.

If the cashier additionally performs the duties of a cash collector, accountant, or others, his salary increases.


A cashier is a specialist in charge of receiving and issuing money or securities, managing cash office or selling tickets. The word for the profession comes from the Italian “cassa” (box). The specifics of work vary among bank tellers and foreign exchange tellers, cashier salespeople and cashier-accountants, and ticket office workers.

The history of the Cashier profession How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

The tradition of appointing a person in a group who stores and, if necessary, issues funds, comes from time immemorial. For example, in Ancient Rus' The treasury of boyars, princes and other persons was kept by treasurers. The profession took on its modern form towards the end of the 19th century, when large cities and trade rapidly developed, and the first cash registers were invented.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status professions

It is impossible to imagine the modern sphere of trade and services without a cashier. Often he becomes the first person a person encounters in a store, bank, theater, and he, as it were, determines the appearance of the institution itself. Although today there are many terminals, electronic payment systems, and non-cash ones, most of the money exchange processes occur when using the labor of a cashier.

Features of the profession Cashier Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

Today in the labor market there is a great demand for cashier services. His responsibilities, in addition to working at the cash register, include maintaining cash documentation and maintaining order in the workplace. Given that quality work, it is possible to be promoted to the position of senior cashier, who is responsible for the smooth operation of all cash registers, reports on cash flows, and cooperates with cash collectors. Cashier pay can be average or above average. It depends on the level of the institution and the level of responsibility.

"Pitfalls" of the Cashier profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

To work as a cashier, you need to know the cash register and conveyor well, and be able to work on them. The cashier must know perfectly well how to distinguish a genuine banknote from a counterfeit one, and be able to check them with or without an ultraviolet detector. Since the work involves people, the cashier must be able to work in a team, be efficient, polite, neat, and sociable. You should be especially careful and attentive when working with money. The cashier must always be ready to emergency, know the security system of your enterprise.

Where and how to get the Cashier profession Where do they teach professions?

A higher education is not required to work as a cashier. You can simply take cashier courses or enroll in a vocational school. In many retail chains, cashier training takes place on the job.

You have probably seen more than once on the doors of a supermarket or in newspapers in the job offers sections of the advertisement “Cashier urgently required.” This is because these days the profession of a cashier is one of the most popular and necessary in the field of trade.

Cashier profession: introduction to the specialty

The reason that the cashier profession is so popular and in demand today is that trade and financial enterprises deal with daily cash flows, and therefore for any such company, in addition to economists and accountants, employees who will work both with money and accountants are also very necessary. and directly with people. That is, the cashier is required not only to have excellent knowledge cash register, but also a large share of patience, good manners and tact.

Labor responsibilities of a cashier

If you are very interested in this profession, and you want to find out in more detail what a cashier should be able to do, then you have come to the right place, now we will look point by point at what this specialization is.

  • The work of modern cashiers is far from just knocking out checks and counting cash. Today's cashier must also be able to work with plastic cards and even electronic money.
  • Each cashier must have excellent knowledge of the design of cash registers and other computer equipment, and, of course, the rules of their operation, so that in the event of any minor malfunction, they can quickly eliminate it.
  • In addition, the cashier needs to know by heart the signs of authenticity of banknotes in order to be able to distinguish them from counterfeit ones not only with the help of an ultraviolet detector, but also by eye.
  • The cashier must be an honest and responsible person and be very careful when maintaining records and documentation and when making monetary transactions.

Depending on the place of work, sometimes the duties of a cashier may include arranging and labeling goods, but this is mainly done by salespeople. But when taking inventory of goods, cashiers, as a rule, take part in this along with them.
As you understand, to work with a large number of people, a cashier needs to have considerable restraint, be polite, helpful and friendly. It must be said that few are able to withstand such stress and rhythm of work. This profession helps naturally shy women and girls to get rid of some of their complexes without realizing it.

Is the profession of a cashier in demand today?

As for choosing a place for future work, there is simply room for opportunity for cashiers. Cashiers can work:

  • in shops and supermarkets;
  • at enterprises;
  • in educational institutions;
  • in banks;
  • at gas stations;
  • in cinemas;
  • in restaurants;
  • and in other areas that have at least some contact with money.

This means cashiers can work literally anywhere. Only the work schedule, pay and career prospects vary. As you probably guessed, a cashier working in a bank will, of course, earn more compared to a cashier working in a small store or gas station.
His work schedule also entirely depends on the established management decisions of the organization that hired him. At the present time, due to the shortage of cashiers, retail enterprises are actively offering vacancies with a shifting schedule to fill the shortage of labor during peak hours.
Cashiers are most busy in the trade sector, and these are shops, shopping centers, supermarkets, etc. The list of responsibilities in them may differ, but, in principle, the cashier in general is required to have knowledge and confident use of a cash register, a port for bank cards, a scanner, and an ultraviolet detector that determines the authenticity of banknotes.
Depending on the chosen place of work, the cashier can perform various functions. Working in retail establishments, they calculate the amounts of purchased goods and make payments to customers in cash or by plastic card. In entertainment centers, theaters and museums or cinemas, the cashier sells tickets for sessions, screenings, events, performances and exhibitions. He can also help visitors choose a seat in the hall and give small announcements about the plots of productions or the specifics of exhibitions.

What is the prospect?

In general, this profession has many prospects, it all depends on your determination and desire to grow and learn. Good faith performance your work and completing advanced training courses will provide you with further career growth in ranks and categories. The next level of position is called “senior cashier”, and then comes the position of “supervisor” or “administrator”. If, in addition, the cashier also performs the duties of a collector, accountant, or any other duties, then his salary increases accordingly.
A higher education is not required to work as a cashier, but you must complete cashier courses or a technical school (college) in this specialty. People with an appropriate diploma and work experience of at least one year, as well as those who, in addition, have knowledge of the basics of accounting, have a greater chance of getting a job. Since it is not uncommon for accountants to work successfully in banks or enterprises as cashiers with further prospects for career growth.

Cashier salary

A newcomer to this field should not immediately count on a high salary, because in this profession great value has experience and work experience.
The average salary of cashiers in individual cities is:

  • in Moscow - from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • in Yekaterinburg - from 14 to 27 thousand rubles;
  • in Novosibirsk - from 12 to 22 thousand;
  • V Nizhny Novgorod- from 13,200 to 22,000;

On average in Russia, the salary of cashiers varies from 8,000 to 25,000 rubles.
What can be concluded? The profession of a cashier is interesting, there are opportunities for career growth, you are always surrounded by people, which develops in you the habit of taking care of yourself so that you always look good.

Since the time of our ancestors, there has been a tradition in a small circle of people to appoint a person who would be responsible for saving money. In Ancient Rus' there was such a position as a treasurer; he was entrusted with the treasury of boyars, princes, and private individuals. At the end of the nineteenth century, when cash registers appeared, the profession of cashier arose. It quickly began to spread, which was associated with the development of trade in large cities.

What is the importance of the profession in society?

Today, it is difficult to imagine the service and trade sectors without the cashier profession. A cashier is needed in a bank, theater, store, gas station, and circus.

The uniqueness and widespread nature of the cashier profession

Today on the job market you can find quite a lot of invitations for the position of cashier. After all, the cashier profession has many responsibilities; in addition to consulting clients, the cashier must carefully work with the cash register, maintain order in the workplace, and maintain cash register documentation. After all, if you perform your duties efficiently, then there is a chance to increase your career growth. Where the next step will be the position of senior cashier.

Personal experience

This is how I once started. Many years ago, I received secondary specialized education and came to the city to go to college. But in order to get higher education, I needed money for training. And I started looking for an interesting job. As a result of not very successful attempts, one fine day I went to a supermarket, where I was offered the position of cashier. I was taught to operate a cash register, I was taught to recognize real banknotes from counterfeit ones, I was polite and attentive. I learned to work in a team of specialists. Since I performed my duties efficiently, having worked in the supermarket for 3 years, I was promoted to senior cashier. I moved up a notch and I was very happy about it. Since I received new responsibilities and was responsible for all the supermarket cash registers, I had my own separate office in which I kept cash records and worked with bank collectors.

Thanks to the profession of a cashier, I have reached the highest level in life, despite being so young. The cashier profession gave me valuable experience in life for working not only with money, but also with the team, with documentation. Now I'm 28 years old. I already work as a chief accountant, I received a higher education, I worked as a cashier and studied distance learning.

But I started with a good profession as a cashier!

You might be interested.

Profession cashier

A cashier is a specialist who manages the receipt and issuance of money and securities, manages the cash register, and sells tickets. The name of the profession came to us from Western Europe, where, in turn, it originated from the Italian word cassa - “box”. Depending on the specifics of the work, there are bank tellers, currency tellers, cashier salespeople, ticket office workers, and cashier-accountants.

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition among a small group of people to appoint someone responsible for storing funds. In Ancient Rus' there was a position of treasurer - a person who kept the treasury of private individuals, boyars and princes. IN modern form The position of cashier appeared at the end of the 19th century with the invention of the first cash registers and quickly became widespread, which was associated with the development of large cities and trade.…

Without the profession of a cashier, it is difficult to imagine modern service and trade sectors. The cashier often becomes the first or last person with whom a person communicates in a theater, bank, or store, so it is he who determines the appearance of the entire establishment. Despite the abundance of terminals and other electronic payment systems, most of Money exchange processes still occur precisely thanks to the work of the cashier.

The demand for cashiers in the job market is currently very high. The responsibilities of a cashier are extensive - in addition to serving and advising clients, he must carefully work with the cash register, maintain order in the workplace, and maintain cash documentation. High-quality performance of duties increases the chances of career growth, where the next step is the position of senior cashier, responsible for all cash registers, cash flow reporting and collaborating with cash collectors. Wage The cashier, as a rule, corresponds to the level of the establishment and the level of responsibility for the cash register, and its level varies from average to above average.

To work as a cashier, you must be able to operate a cash register, and in retail outlets, also a conveyor; you must know the signs of the authenticity of banknotes, and be able to identify them both with and without an ultraviolet detector. A cashier works with a lot of people, so his essential qualities should be attentiveness, politeness, and communication skills. It is also important to be diligent, trainable and able to work in a team. The job of a cashier requires careful handling in cash and stress resistance. Cash register workers are potentially at risk from robbers, so they should always be prepared for extreme situations, know the enterprise security system.

To work as a cashier, you do not need a higher education - it is enough to take a cashier course or graduate from a vocational school. Many large retail chains themselves offer educational services, training cashiers directly at their future place of work.
