In which natural zone is the Altai Nature Reserve located? Altai Natural Biosphere Reserve

At first glance, the nature of Altai seems harsh and strict. In fact, it has quite favorable and comfortable climatic conditions, and in connection with this, magnificent landscapes. These regions are a great place to spend your holidays. Here you can take a leisurely stroll, admiring the rich picturesque landscapes, as well as take more extreme and active walks along more difficult routes.

It is not for nothing that the Altai State nature reserve. Slaven Altai region with its unique natural attractions. The wealth of flora and fauna is amazing and delightful. The pine forests growing on sandy soils along the river banks are unique here. Salt lakes with healing water are a real pearl of the region.

About where the Altai Nature Reserve is located and what natural resources it contains, you can find out by reading the information presented in the article.

History of the creation of the reserve

The Altai Nature Reserve was founded in 1932, and the current borders were drawn only in 1968. Location - Chulyshman River basin. This state-protected zone is included in the top ten largest nature reserves in Russia. The territory covers an area of ​​more than 881,000 hectares, 13 thousand of which are in water bodies and more than 247 thousand in forest zones. It is part of Altai. Protection of the unique natural Siberian complex and further study of the region’s ecosystems is the goal of creating the reserve. This zone occupies 9.4% of the territory of the Altai Republic.

The central estate of the reserve (Turochaksky and Ulagansky districts, northeastern part Gorny Altai) is located in the village of Yaylyu. The main office is located in Gorno-Altaisk ( administrative center republics). The reserve is part of the Golden Mountains of Altai site (under the protection of UNESCO).


The territory of the Altai Nature Reserve is a protected zone, the boundaries of which are delineated by the high ridges of the Altai Mountains: the northern border is the Torot ridge, the southern is the spurs of the Chikhachev ridge (height 3021 meters), the northeastern is the Abakan ridge (height 2890 m), the eastern is the Shapshal ridge (height 3507 m). The western borders run along the Chulyshman River and along the shores and waters of Lake Teletskoye, which is a real pearl of the Altai Mountains. They call it “little Baikal” Western Siberia.

This unique conservation site contains in its territories a diverse flora and fauna of the water area and the shores of the beautiful Lake Teletskoye, cedar forests, populations of rare animals, as well as endemic plants.


Mountain and continental climate. The first predominates in the region of the Altai ridges, and the second is due to the fact that the protected zone is located in the central part of the continent, where to a greater extent weather influenced by Asian anticyclones and Arctic air masses.

The formation of climate conditions also depends on the landscape features of individual zones of the reserve. In the southern part there are the valleys of Lake Teletskoye and the Chulyshman River, so this area is characterized by mild winters and cool short summer. There is practically no snow here, the total annual precipitation is approximately 500 mm. Where the mid-mountain taiga zone is located (the northern part of the reserve), on the contrary, winters are mostly cold. At the end of October, snow already falls. Summer temperatures reach +30 °C. The annual precipitation is approximately 900 mm.

Landscape features

The Altai Nature Reserve amazes with its diversity of landscapes. There was a place here for tundra, taiga forests, meadows and steppes. To Lake Teletskoye with a water area of ​​223 sq. km. The waters of 70 rivers and streams flow in, among which the largest is Chulyshman. 150 waterfalls adorn the coast of this beautiful body of water.

Most of The reserve is located within 1450-1650 meters above sea level. The height of the ridges themselves reaches 3-3.5 thousand meters. Mountains are characterized by pronounced altitudinal zonation. Coniferous taiga gives way to open forest. A little higher are alpine meadows and tundra, dominated by low shrubs and lichens. The mountain regions are rich in lakes and springs (the entire water area is 15 thousand square meters).

Animals of the Altai Nature Reserve

Due to the presence of abundant and varied vegetation in these places, favorable conditions have been created for the life of many animals. More than 66 species of mammals, 3 species of reptiles, about 19 species of fish, and 86 amphibians live here.

Thanks to the creation of the reserve, the sable population has been restored ( valuable representative family mustelidae). Also, predators such as wolves, bears, wolverines and lynxes are found here in large numbers. There are otters and badgers, as well as stoats. The animals of the Altai Nature Reserve are represented by 8 species of artiodactyls. These are musk deer, elk, deer, Siberian roe deer, mountain sheep, wild boar, reindeer and Capricorn. There are a lot of squirrels in the reserve, and in the forests near Lake Teletskoye you can find several species rare representatives bats: brown long-eared bat, mustachioed night bat, red-headed noctule, Brandt's bat and others, living only in the landscapes of the reserve and listed in the Red Book of Altai.


In total, the Altai Biosphere Reserve is home to 343 species of avifauna. Nutcrackers (or nutcrackers) live in forests, feeding on pine nuts. Due to the fact that they bury them in the ground for future use, the number of young seedlings increases. The reserve is home to the motley hazel grouse, which is almost invisible due to its pockmarked camouflage plumage.

Quails and gray partridges fly over the valley of the Chulyshman River. They fly to the lakes migratory birds (different types waders), and ducks (16 species) also nest. For example, in the area of ​​swamps and lakes of the Chulyshman Highlands there are nests of teal (small duck). I fell in love with the Shapshalsky ridge rare bird Altai Ular.


Among the 18 species of fish that live in the lakes and rivers of the reserve, the most valuable are grayling, taimen, dace, perch, Teletska sprat, lenok, char and sculpin.

Grayling, taimen, osman and Siberian char, which are found in Chulyshman, rise to Dzhulukul (high mountain lake) to spawn. This reservoir is considered the most “fishy” reservoir in Russia. Burbot, perch, pike, whitefish Pravdina, lenok, dace, sculpin and local Teletskoye sprat are found in Lake Teletskoye, which is not particularly distinguished by the variety of food.


The Altai Nature Reserve, in its vast territories, contains mountains and alpine meadows, coniferous forests and mountain tundra, wild rivers and clear alpine lakes. These regions are also rich in diverse vegetation. Among the tree species, the most common are Siberian cedars, larches, fir, pine, spruce and dwarf birch. The pride of the reserve is the high-mountain cedar forests. The diameter of the trunks of some of the oldest specimens (age from 300 to 400 years) reaches two meters.

Other representatives flora: 1500 species of higher vascular plants, 136 species of fungi, 668 species of various algae and 272 species of lichens. Herbs grow under the trees gigantic size, impassable places are rich in thickets of raspberries, currants, bird cherry, viburnum and rowan. The more rocky mountain slopes are favored by wild gooseberry bushes and evergreen maral bushes. Among the plants there are also relict ones (more than 20 species), including woodruff, European ungulate, circe, black crow, etc.

Red Book

Of the 1.5 thousand varieties of vascular plants in the Altai Nature Reserve, 22 are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and 49 in the local Red Book. Among the plants listed in the Red Book of Russia, feather grass and Zaleski feather grass, Altai rhubarb, 3 varieties of Lady's slipper, Siberian toothwort, etc. grow here.

Two species out of 68 mammals in the reserve are listed in the International Red Book. This is the Altai mountain sheep and snow leopard. The Red Book of Russia includes reindeer and some rare species insects

22 bird species out of 343 are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Among them are the black stork, bar-headed goose, common flamingo, white-tailed eagle, steppe eagle, etc. The International Red Book includes 12 species, including steppe harrier, Dalmatian Pelican, Imperial Eagle, White-eyed Pochard, Long-tailed and White-tailed Eagles, Black Vulture, Bustard, etc.


The Altai Nature Reserve allows you to conduct Scientific research and observations of changes in natural natural processes. The goal is to assess changes in the flora, fauna and seismic state of the entire region, as well as study the ecosystems of Altai.

It is prohibited to enter protected areas without a special pass. Only excursions by tourist groups are possible, the routes of which are designed to get acquainted with the nature of the area, environmental features and preserved historical monuments, represented by mounds, stone tombs and ancient sculptures of the Turkic peoples. Most popular routes:

  • Inaccessible waterfall;
  • Orchard and Belinskaya terrace;
  • the Chulcha River and the Uchar Waterfall;
  • Bascon waterfall;
  • Chichelgansky zigzag;
  • Kokshi cordon;
  • Minor pass and Yailyu village.

There are also observation platforms accessible to tourists at the foot of the Kishte and Korbu waterfalls.

Altai Republic, Turachaksky district

Founding history
The Altai Nature Reserve has existed since 1932, and has a very turbulent history. So, its area changed several times, it was liquidated twice, and then restored. Currently, one of the largest reserves in Southern Siberia has an area of ​​more than 880 thousand hectares (the original area was 1.3 million hectares), and with an average latitude of about 35 km, it extends from north to south for 250 km.
The originality and uniqueness of this territory have also received international recognition: together with the quiet zone of the Ukok plateau, Lake Teletskoye and the lakeside taiga, the Altai Nature Reserve is included in the World Heritage Site natural heritage"Golden Mountains of Altai".

Physiographical features
Along the boundaries of the reserve there are high ridges: in the north - Abakansky, in the south - Chikhacheva, in the east - Shapshalsky. From the west, the territory is limited by the valleys of the rivers Chulyshman, Karakem and Lake Teletskoye. Several separate mountain ranges are located in the center of the reserve; the highest mountain here is Bogoyash (3143 meters).
Numerous rivers of the reserve are very picturesque - with powerful rapids, rifts, quiet reaches and waterfalls. On the Chulcha River there is the largest waterfall in Altai - “Inaccessible”, its height is 150 meters. In the middle and lower reaches of the river there are steep slopes covered with forest, their beds are cluttered with stones, the flow speed reaches 2-5 meters per second!
There are 1190 lakes in the reserve, the largest and most famous of them are Dzhulukul, located at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level, and Teletskoye, or Altyn-Kolyu - Golden Lake. Due to its great depth, this lake contains a huge amount of excellent fresh, oxygenated, clean water.
Relief features and transfer conditions air masses give rise to a significant variety of climatic conditions with a general continental climate. The northern part is characterized by warm and humid summers, snowy and relatively mild winters. In the southern part of the reserve the climate is more severe; in winter frosts reach –30ºС.

Diversity of flora and fauna
The reserve's vegetation is represented by forests, alpine tundra, meadows, swamps and steppes. Forests occupy more than 45% of the reserve's area and are represented by fir, mixed, cedar forests, and there are small spruce and pine forests. Some specimens of cedar reach an age of 600 years. The flora of the Altai Nature Reserve includes about 1,500 species of plants, many endemics and relicts: dendranthema notamata-leaved, cynophyte, Siberian kandyk, loose sedge.
The diversity of the animal world is determined by the complex natural-historical development of the region. Here you can meet both inhabitants of high latitudes (reindeer, white partridge) and inhabitants of the Mongolian steppes ( gray marmot), and many typical "taiga people". Predators presented brown bear, trot, wolverine, sable.
Birds include: capercaillie, hazel grouse, ptarmigan, golden eagle and black stork. Lake Teletskoye and its tributaries are home to grayling, taimen, and lenok.

What to watch
You can only get to the reserve via Lake Teletskoye, so you will definitely get to know and appreciate Altyn-Kolya. Russian name The lake was given to the pioneer Cossacks who appeared here in the 17th century; it comes from the name of the Altai tribe Teles, who lived on the shores of the lake.
The reserve has several interesting routes, including to the Korbu ridge, Kishte, Korbu, Inaccessible waterfalls, and Lake Kholodnoe.
The Korbu waterfall, 12.5 meters high, is one of the most beautiful in the reserve. It is located in the middle part of Lake Teletskoye and has a well-equipped observation deck and information stands.

Based on materials from and

The reserve, created in 1932, is located in the northeastern part of the Altai Republic. This is a specially protected natural area. The protective zone was created to preserve the landscapes of Lake Teletskoye, protect forests and endangered animals, and study the nature of the region. In terms of biodiversity, the Altai Nature Reserve is one of the five best in Russia. Together with the Katunsky Nature Reserve and the Ukok Plateau, it forms the UNESCO site “Golden Mountains of Altai”.

Animals and plants of the Altai Nature Reserve

The Altai Nature Reserve presents a rich diversity of flora and fauna. The large species composition is determined by different climatic conditions on the complex high-mountain terrain of the reserve.


There are 1,500 species of plants, 136 species of fungi, 272 species of lichen, and about 700 species of algae. Vegetation is represented by the following species:

  • Forests: small-leaved, mixed, there are separate tracts of pine forests. You can see cedar forests almost throughout the entire territory; the reserve is rightfully proud of these areas with especially clean air. The age of cedars reaches 450 years.
  • Tundra with marshy soil: occupies a large area of ​​the reserve. The dominant species is round-leaved birch.
  • Meadows: distinguished by a large number of cereals and grass height of about 60 cm. Beautiful flowering plant species can be found in subalpine meadows next to snowfields and glaciers.
  • Swamps: present in a small part of the reserve and characterized by a cover of green moss.
  • Steppes: make up about 2% of the territory, dominated by wormwood and turf grasses.

In general, the most common species in the protected area are: cedar, fir, larch, spruce, pine, and birch. Among all the plant diversity there are 22 species from the Red Book of Russia.


Diversity natural conditions determines the richness of the animal world. The species composition in the reserve is represented by the following classes of animals:

  • Invertebrates: Their diversity has not yet been fully studied.
  • Fish: Most of the 19 species living in the reserve are found in Lake Teletskoye. Other water bodies are characterized by grayling.
  • Reptiles: represented by 6 species (lizards and snakes).
  • Amphibians: there are only 2 species in the reserve - sharp-faced frog and gray toad.
  • Birds: 337 species were discovered, 177 of which create nests in the reserve.
  • Mammals: Of the 70 species, the most numerous in the protected area are sable, deer, musk deer, and bear. The snow leopard, Altai mountain sheep, and Siberian musk deer are included in the International Red Book.


Initially, the expedition sent to Altai studied natural spaces to create a huge reserve. It was planned that the protective zone would occupy more than 2,000,000 hectares with Lake Teletskoye in the middle. This project was not approved, but later the boundaries of the reserve were still determined with an area of ​​​​about 1 million hectares.

During the study of the territory of the future reserve, it was found that fishing activity greatly reduced the number of animals, despite the fact that settlements were far from the security zone. Therefore, the organization of the reserve was considered timely and necessary.

During its history, the Altai Nature Reserve was disbanded several times, but each time a second decision was made to restore it.

Description of the reserve territory

High ridges are located along the boundaries of the reserve, and in the west there are river valleys and Lake Teletskoye. Towards the southeast, the height of the protected area increases. The nature reserve occupies a huge, diverse area with mountains, forests, alpine meadows, tundras, rivers and lakes. The natural attractions of the reserve are Lake Teletskoye, waterfalls Uchar, Baskon, Kokshi and Korbu, the Karagay tract, interesting eco-routes - “Chichelgansky Zigzag” and “Belinskaya Terrace”.

Territory of the Altai Nature Reserve:

Area - 871,206 hectares.

Length - 230 km.

Change in altitude - from 400 to 3500 m above sea level.

The administration of the reserve and the Altai Ail visitor center are located in the village of Yailyu, where tourists can learn about the original culture of the indigenous Tubalar people. Those wishing to come to the reserve as volunteers are asked to fill out a form on the website.

Lakes of the protected area

There are high-mountain lakes on the watershed plateaus of the reserve. The water in them is emerald blue and transparent. The beauty of the lakes is also due to the picturesque shores. Among the lakes in the reserve, the largest is Julukul at an altitude of 2200 meters, which is 10 km in length. Many birds live and nest here, spawn valuable species fish

The largest lake in Altai, Teletskoye, is partially included within the boundaries of the reserve. Located at an altitude of 436 meters, the lake is the largest fresh water reservoir in Siberia.

Cost of visit

To visit the Altai Nature Reserve you must obtain a pass. To do this, 30 days before the visit you need to fill out an online application on the reserve’s website. It contains information about visitors, travel dates, and the route chosen for the walk. Filling out the form will take no more than 10 minutes.

One day visit to ecological form transport (bicycle, kayak, canoe) and for hikers - free.

By car you can get to the village of Yailyu, located on the territory of the reserve. A dirt road leads to it through Biyka. The total distance from Gorno-Altaisk to Yailya via Biyka (bypassing Artybash) is 190 km.

In the summer season, carriers organize travel to the village of Yailyu by boats, motor ships, and motor boats.

Panorama of the Altai Nature Reserve from Lake Teletskoye:

Video about the reserve:

Altai State Nature Reserve

The Altai State Nature Reserve is a unique specially protected natural area of ​​Russia, a UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage site, which includes part of the water area - the pearl of the Altai Mountains, the “little Baikal” of Western Siberia. It occupies one of the first places among Russian nature reserves in terms of biological diversity.

Footprint: 881,238 hectares, including the water area of ​​Lake Teletskoye - 11,757 hectares. Main ecosystems: Siberian taiga, lakes, taiga midlands and lowlands, subalpine and alpine midmountains and highlands, tundra-steppe highlands, tundra midmountains and highlands, glacial-nival highlands.

Location: The reserve is located in the northeastern part of the Altai Republic, on the territory of the Turachak and Ulagansky districts. The central estate of the reserve is located in the village of Yailyu, the main office is in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, the capital of the Altai Republic.

The main goal of creating the reserve is to preserve the most valuable and rare beauty of Lake Teletskoye, its landscapes, protect cedar forests, save the most important hunting and commercial animals that were on the verge of extinction - sable, elk, deer and others, as well as constant stationary study of the nature of the region as a whole. The Altai Nature Reserve also provides conservation and study natural course natural processes and phenomena, genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

According to geomorphological zoning, the entire territory of the reserve belongs to the Altai province of the country “Mountains of Southern Siberia”. Along the boundaries of the reserve there are high ridges: in the north - Abakansky (2890 m above sea level), in the south - Chikhacheva (3021 m above sea level), in the East - Shapshalsky (3507 m above sea level), with in the west, the territory is limited by the river valleys, Karakem and Lake Teletskoye.

The Altai Nature Reserve is located in the center of the Altai-Sayan mountainous country. A vast territory with mountains, coniferous forests, alpine meadows and mountain tundras, wild rivers and lakes stretches for 230 kilometers. The territory of the reserve gradually rises in the southeast direction.

Everywhere in the mountains there are springs, streams with the purest, most delicious and cold water. Alpine lakes are common on watershed plateaus. The largest of them is more than 10 kilometers long; it is located at the source of Chulyshman, at an altitude of 2200 meters.

Lake Dzhulukol is a unique reservoir of the Altai Nature Reserve, a habitat, nesting grounds for various representatives of the bird world, and a spawning site the most valuable breeds fish of the Altai Mountains. All the high-mountain lakes of the Altai Nature Reserve (occupying a total area of ​​15 thousand km2) are very beautiful, with emerald-blue transparent water and picturesque shores.


Most common tree species in the Altai Nature Reserve are: cedar, fir, larch, spruce, pine, birch.

In general, the rich and diverse flora of the reserve includes 1,500 species of higher vascular plants, 111 species of fungi and 272 species of lichens. There are 668 species of algae known in the reserve; seven species of lichens are included in the Red Book of Russia: laboratory pulmonata, laboratory reticulate, stykta fringed, etc.

The species composition of plants and animals is interesting for its diversity. The complex terrain with altitudes up to 3500 m, various climatic and natural-historical conditions create a significant diversity of vegetation cover of the Altai Nature Reserve. Of the 1,500 species of vascular plants known in the reserve, there are relicts and endemics.

A significant area of ​​the Altai Nature Reserve is located at the junction of the mountain systems of Altai, Sayan, and Tuva; the complexity of natural-historical development and biogeographical boundaries, the diversity of natural conditions determine the exceptional richness of the animal world of the reserve.


Sable is one of the main species living in the Altai taiga. The distribution of sable across the territory is closely related to the distribution of pine, the nuts of which occupy a significant place in its diet, regardless of the abundance of other food, primarily small mammals.

Among the ungulates live the deer, Siberian goat, reindeer, mountain sheep, Siberian roe deer and musk deer. Maral, a large mountain taiga deer, is the most numerous species. Like many other deer (for example, sika deer, which also lives on the territory of the reserve), it sheds its antlers every spring. New ones grow to replace them. Young horns, cartilaginous, filled with blood and covered with velvety skin, are called antlers; they are of great value as medicinal raw materials.

The Siberian musk deer is common in the forest. It does not have horns, but it has strongly developed fangs on the upper gum, reaching a length of 10-12 cm. This graceful deer lives in inaccessible rocks and in the near-Teletsky taiga. The musk gland of male musk deer can be used to make high-quality perfume.

In the mountain ranges you can find the Siberian mountain goat. In the southern part of the reserve and on adjacent territory Altai live mountain sheep(argali). There are only a few dozen of them left as a result of predatory extermination in the adjacent territory. This species, like the snow leopard (irbis), is listed in the Red Book.

About 35 years ago, a wild boar entered the reserve from Tuva. Currently, it has spread quite widely throughout the territory, successfully reproducing and increasing its numbers. From large predators- bear, wolf, lynx and wolverine.

The bear is distributed throughout the Altai Mountains. This large animal is distinguished by exceptional mobility and speed when running. The bear is omnivorous and by the time it enters the den it has gained a large number of fat, which is considered healing. In spring, bears can be seen on the southern slopes of the mountains covered with fresh greenery, where they, having left their den, graze in the mornings and evenings, eating young shoots, mainly bear bunches.

In summer, along the shores of Lake Teletskoye you can see numerous waterfalls of extraordinary beauty, carrying their waters into the lake. Most of the waterfalls are inaccessible to visitors, with the exception of the main waterfall of Lake Teletskoye - “Korbu”, which annually attracts several tens of thousands of tourists at its foot during the summer season. At the visitor center of the Altai Nature Reserve "Altai Ail" in the village of Yailyu you can get acquainted with traditional culture indigenous small people tubalarov.

Structure of the reserve

Currently, the Altai Nature Reserve has four departments:

Science Department;
- environmental education department;
- security department;
- maintenance department.

The security department performs one of the most important functions of the reserve. For control and protection, the territory of the Altai Nature Reserve is divided into 4 forest districts: Yaylinskoye (the most visited), Belinskoye (the largest), Chodrinskoye (the most inaccessible), Yazulinskoye (the most remote) forest districts.

The territory of the reserve is inspected along certain routes, all observations are recorded in a special Diary, and if poaching is detected, inspectors draw up protocols. The protocols become the basis for administrative liability or are transferred to the police department for initiating criminal liability. Patrol groups of the reserve's security department work together with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Okhotnadzor of the Altai Republic (in 2007 agreements on interaction and cooperation were signed with them).

The main task of the scientific department is to study the natural course of processes in the natural complexes of the Altai Nature Reserve. One of the main results of the activities of the department’s employees is the annual “Chronicle of Nature”, containing a complete set of observations of all processes in nature; has been carried out in the Altai Nature Reserve since 1940.
The scientific department conducts research in various areas, including jointly with research institutes.
Today, in the Altai Nature Reserve, the scientific department is conducting work on studying musk deer, snow leopard, argali, reptiles, and monitoring biodiversity in specially protected natural areas.

The environmental education department of the reserve is designed to formulate among the general public Russian society understanding of problems of nature conservation and environmental safety, the role of the reserve in solving these problems. As part of this task, the department conducts various events with the population and visitors to the reserve.

Children's clubs of Friends of the Altai Reserve have been created and work in support of the reserve, and all supporters of the Altai Reserve and conservation wildlife It was decided to unite Gorny Altai in a common movement - "Trace of the Bear" . Another important area of ​​environmental education work is constant coverage of the activities of the Altai Nature Reserve in the media, posting information on Internet sites, and producing video and radio reports.

History of the creation of the Reserve

In 1958, on May 24, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR gave Order No. 2943-r, among a number of reserves, to restore the Altai Nature Reserve, with an area of ​​914,777 hectares. In the summer of 1961, the Altai Nature Reserve was again disbanded.

In 1965-1967 The scientific community of Siberia and mainly the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Altai department of the Geographical Society of the USSR, the Altai Regional Society for Nature Conservation raises the question of the advisability of organizing the Altai Nature Reserve within the territorial framework of the previously existing Altai Nature Reserve.

In 1967, on March 24, the Executive Committee of the Altai Regional Council of Workers' Deputies made a decision on the organization of the Altai Nature Reserve, which states that in order to preserve the unique natural complex Lake Teletskoye and the Priteletskaya taiga, as well as taking into account the petitions of the regional society for nature conservation and the Main Directorate of Hunting and Nature Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Executive Committee of the regional Council of Workers' Deputies decided to organize the Altai State Nature Reserve and ask the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to resolve the issue of organizing the Altai state reserve. In the same year, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decided to organize the Altai State Nature Reserve.

Altai Nature Reserve on the Internet

Currently, there are more and more people who learn news from the Internet and actively communicate in its virtual space. One of the goals of environmental education activities of reserves and national parks is to ensure support for conservation ideas among broad sections of the population. And in this, Internet resources and modern Internet technologies can be a good help.

In 2008, the first own Internet site of the Altai Nature Reserve began operating. The reserve currently has two websites:

The most complete and reliable information about the Altai Biosphere Reserve and its activities is posted here. Any Internet user by visiting these sites will be able to find answers to the main questions about the specially protected natural area.

Since 2009, the work of communities and blogs of the Altai Nature Reserve began in the virtual space. The first to be created was the Internet community of Friends of the Altai Nature Reserve - "Trace of the Bear"- represents and unites friends, like-minded people, supporters of the Altai Nature Reserve, allows you to communicate on common topics people living thousands of kilometers apart.

The photo website of the Altai Nature Reserve contains photo reports that are not included in the photo section of the official website and talks about various interesting and unusual events that occurred in the reserve.

Blog of the Altai Nature Reserve in Livejournal “Zapoved’ Without Borders”. The blog is constantly posting last news reserve and various Interesting Facts about the world protected nature, people working in the reserve and much more.
The Internet community "Yaylu-Reserve Village" was created specifically to post information about the life of the central estate of the Altai Nature Reserve - the village. Yaylyu. These blogs allow anyone to read and comment on the news and ask questions.

IN Lately The reserve's pages appeared on FACEBOOK, "", and on Twitter. Located on YouTube video blog of the Altai Nature Reserve .

News from the Altai Nature Reserve can also be read in Internet communities:

WWF , ecotourism in Altai , Greenpeace Russia, community of protected areas of Russia

Multi-day routes:

Pos. Yailyu - Minor pass, 40 km;

Cordon Karatash - village. Yailyu, 30 km;

Cordon Kokshi - Korbu ridge, 12 km;

Cordon Chelyush - Lake Kholodnoe, 12 km;

Cordon Chiri - Lake Chiri, 15 km.
