LJ chronicle of astral travel. Digitall_angell Chronicles of Astral Travel

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Please keep in mind:
As you may have noticed, the blog often quotes letters from readers to discuss various cases. Anonymously, of course. If you do not wish your letters to be quoted, please mark them as "NOT FOR PUBLICATION"

Please keep your thoughts brief and to the point. I receive dozens of emails a day and I have to shelve or simply delete those that are difficult to read and full of unnecessary details.

Thank you for understanding

This magazine is a personal diary containing the author's private opinions. In accordance with Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, each person can have his own point of view regarding its text, graphic, audio and video content, as well as express it in any format. The magazine does not have a license from the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and is not a media outlet, and, therefore, the author does not guarantee the provision of reliable, unbiased and meaningful information. The information contained in this diary, as well as the comments of the author of this diary in other diaries, do not have any legal meaning.

In this blog, only the author’s private opinions are presented to your attention, or materials that coincide with his opinion, but in no way claim to be true, therefore:


-NO ONE HERE CLAIMS THE TRUTH. You should not take what is said here as 100% truth or falsehood, we are all human, no one is immune from mistakes.

If the stories described here do not appeal to you for personal reasons, try the media and other “official” versions - everything there is told truthfully and clearly by professional journalists, scientists and historians.

The information presented in thousands of times rewritten “historical” books is in no way “purer and more truthful” than that which can be obtained in altered states of consciousness; it is also comparable to the figment of someone’s imagination and is refutable.

If the information here causes you discomfort, irritation or outbursts of righteous anger, everything is very simple - do not read it, no one is forcing you to force your mind. Relax, take a deep breath, close this resource and never come back here again (or come back when you are ready for the next portion of worthless theories). Life will get better right away, you'll see)

Your opinion about everything is made up of what you yourself are filled with. It's either your fears or your love (c)

Modern science equates the inner voice with schizophrenia. If you talk to God, that's religion, but if God talks to you, that's crazy. You can't listen to yourself. You need to listen to the teacher, who listened to the professor, who read books that were written by readers of other books, copied from the books of philosophers and other schizophrenics, who listened to their inner voice. It’s possible, it’s true... (c)

If you think that what is shown in this, this and this collection is a product of our civilization and fits into official history, according to which man suddenly saw the light from a monkey a couple of hundred thousand years ago, came out of caves melted by the sun, and then erected megaliths with copper picks and stone shovels, which we are unable to repeat today with all our advancement, think about who and what you provokes one to think so.

the same is worth doing if you believe that in a universe consisting of billions of galaxies and trillions of star systems, we are the only, unique and sadly lonely crown of creation.

Any “facts” can be proven or disproved with sufficient desire and persistence. Nothing is absolute. Any opinion may be wrong from your point of view, because everyone has the right to their opinion. Face it, we live in a democracy where everyone has the right to vote, no matter how distorted and false that voice may seem to you and no matter how much you want to burn its owner at the stake. Times are changing, it's time for all of us to change. Develop tolerance, gentlemen, as well as respect and acceptance of other people's opinions.

Example: politics, history, media, religions and other sects : “only faith in ours is true..”.(insert correct word ). Everything that is outside our truth is heresy, diabolism, the machinations of provocateurs, enemies and liberals, which must be avoided and suppressed!
Thus, the truth of a democrat will be a blatant lie to a communist in the same way as the truth of a Muslim to a Christian. Operating with established patterns, we are unlikely to be able to get closer to the “truth”, which really does not exist, because everyone has their own and depends on the point of view left over from a broad outlook.

Is the picture flat or 3-dimensional, static or dynamic? Which of the TRUEs is closer to you - the logical understanding that the picture is two-dimensional and cannot move by definition, or the sensory perception of 3-dimensional movement by the brain?

Everything is extremely simple: in any situation and from any information, take your own and leave someone else’s, train your personal barometers of truth/falsehood, and do not rely solely on “authoritative sources.”

Another simple example of the relativity of things in multidimensionality:

The balls move in a circle... or in a straight line?!

Let's imagine that each ball is a separate reality. Together they move in a circle, but separately they only walk back and forth in a straight line. Which of the options is “true”?

Keep it simple, because in fact, EVERYTHING is a game, and we ourselves decide how to play it, and build our world to the extent of our depravity.

In the words of R. Bach: “Any being is free and capable of creating its own universe, which will never be 100% identical to the universe of another being. So-called "reality" is essentially a consensus of beliefs among beings about their own universes."

In any case, I hope that the information presented here will serve as nutritious soil or fertilizer for the growth and expansion of your consciousness

I also draw the reader's attention to the fact that I am NOT a "teacher, enlightened one, guru" or other prophet. I am just a guide, which anyone can become.

Sorry, but we do not search for missing people. No one is immune from mistakes, and only highly specialized specialists can take on such responsibility.

No army can stop an idea whose time has come (c)


In fact, we really live in the Matrix, and I can be compared to the cameraman from the film of the same name - I take those who want beyond it.

I do regressive and progressive hypnosis (past lives, contact with the higher self and guardians, astral travel, etc.). All articles published here are the result of the work done. Our services have been performing similar work for decades, but the ordinary population is lagging behind in understanding the world using similar methods:

Contrary to popular belief, a hypnologist is not a wizard in a blue helicopter, and he does not show movies. Also, a hypnologist is NOT a guru, a representative of higher intelligence on Earth, a prophet, or an “ascended teacher.” A hypnologist is a guide between different realities, an assistant and a partner. In many cases, a journalist.
Reading on the topic:

Prejudice and myths about hypnosis

Idea of this project is that it is absolutely NOT necessary to be a seer, “chosen one”, “enlightened”, “conscious”, “indigo” and other psychic in order to receive information from the “higher mind”. He is as “superior” as our parents and as playful as our children. And he expects from us not repentance with slavish devotion, but play and development according to the rules that a parent can provide to his children, taking into account their best interests.

All sessions were made by ordinary people: mechanics, photographers, journalists, doctors, engineers, accountants and other desperate housewives. They all stepped over the barrier of dogma and fear, and simply decided to try themselves in a new role as an astronomical scout.

All worlds and universes exist at one point. A time vector applied to a real point produces an illusory line. We call points on a line a one-dimensional world. Two time vectors applied by our mind to one point form the illusion of a plane, a two-dimensional world. Three time vectors form an unreal three-dimensional world. Physical world- just a fantasy of your Higher Self.

This implies:

  1. Man is not born into the world, but worlds are born in man.
  2. Each creature has its own time and its own space.
  3. We are all mothers, fathers, sons and daughters of each other at the same time.
  4. By changing yourself, you change the whole world.

All people have one Higher Self. This is God. The Creator separated Himself from Himself so that He could love and know Himself. A person needs to see God in himself and communicate with Him without intermediaries. Any intermediary, be it a church or a teacher, carries a distortion of information. You can realize God in yourself not through blind faith, but through knowledge. Faith is laziness. It's easy to do nothing and just believe. But to go check the information, find out “how it works, why it works this way,” and then do it yourself is very difficult. This requires enormous willpower. Will is when all desires, subordinate to one, merged into one big desire. Only one’s own experience makes information knowledge, and a person a Creator.

O. – Continuing to separate yourself from the world, you will not go far, but only in your efforts will you move into another cocoon of the game. Train on simple things, you will learn complex things. If you eat a sandwich, become the sandwich), become the process of eating, as involved as you can allow yourself to be. Just let it. Realize that there is no one who controls this process more than you yourself. You are used to looking outside yourself and running away from the process of observation and being within yourself, this is also a mistake - it’s a matter of the great balance of the TRINITY. You are at war with other cards as with players, not understanding or not fully aware that there is a Player on this field, and you are at war with your reflections as with other cards. You come to the field of play of more conscious players, like a piece, a pawn or a card, and you see your reflections nearby, and you think that you are fighting for the possession of greater powers and knowledge. But this is neither true nor true.

It is enough to see this, to see yourself as a card is the first step, to see your reflection as another card on the field is the second step, to see yourself as a process is the third step, to see the entire field of the game and everything that is done as a moment of attracting your consciousness . Everything is observable, watch while sitting on a chair or windowsill, smoking a cigarette and eating sandwiches. Everything is fractal, everything is similar. What is the war here, tell me?

You are at war with a cigarette, you are at war with smoke, you are at war with war! And walk in circles, why say that? Is it so difficult...If you are already accustomed to comparing and seeing, and can see your reflections in what is happening, is it really so difficult to become THIS and gain victory, first of all, over yourself, over your old and weak self - over old form your thinking and consciousness.

Play like children. Be the process of play, it is very ticklish (why is tickling – tickling is JOY? It is LAUGHTER), it is pleasant. Involvement in being by the process itself, this is a very exciting game, much higher levels of players, understand this. When you go higher and there are no obstacles to you in this, the speed of awareness is now such that all the portals are open, so just wish it, it is so easy and simple that you will be stunned when you experience it for the first time, and repeating it over and over again, you will expand more and expand. But know that all processes must occur symmetrically, thus expanding your awareness - do not forget to sometimes walk inside the processes, balancing.

Just as you expand your consciousness, realizing your mirrors in the world around you and realizing the process of interaction itself, as part of your consciousness and directing the vector of action, also do not forget to go inside yourself, in inner worlds, because everything is fractal and similar. And this will provide you with additional balancing so that you don’t fall while riding a bike or skating, so that you don’t lose your balance - go to the inner worlds, don’t be afraid of yourself and remove the masks and prohibitions imposed by other, more conscious players, to implement certain conditions of the game and the experience in which we agreed to participate when we came into this incarnation. If you want to hear, listen. If you want to see, watch. But look “quietly” because the very process of seeing and hearing is similar to leaving the body and taking a different position at the point of one’s assemblage.

Know how to leave your consciousness, merging with the consciousness of the being who has entered the field of your interaction. From one of the points of view imposed by the matrix programs, this looks like an invasion and attack, perhaps that too, but understand - as you expand, you will comprehend that everything is one and we are all one, absolutely all of us are one. United not only in the static position of rest and knowledge that I am, but also in the moment of movement, the direction of the vector of application of force.

There is a great teaching in this to be the Creator and the Creation at the same time. Create yourself and your body from the inside and outside and your consciousness - just like you go to gyms and work out. If you are unable to quickly and effectively achieve the desired result, ask for teachers and trainers, and be prepared to be offered trainers and gyms and teachers of different vibration levels of the game, and do not take this as an attack, but accept it with gratitude as any experience creation, which prepares you for the exit - the exit you so desire from the cocoon of illusions and dreams.

You yourself have reached such a level that you can and already know this - Create cocoons of illusions and programs for other less conscious players and more susceptible to outside influence. This is your right, this is your strength and no one can be condemned by this, there is no concept of sin and guilt in the sense in which they are accustomed to impose it on you in books and other sources - for everything is one, one single consciousness descending along the steps of creation and playing in various shapes games, and creating other levels of the game for self-discovery.

There is a saying: “ time to gather and time to scatter" From my own experience, I am constantly convinced that you need to destroy everything to the ground before you start creating something fundamentally new.

Destroy your usual perception of the world - that’s what I’m talking about. To loosen, move " assemblage point"(in terms of Toltec teachings). But here, apparently, there is not and cannot be any universal recipe. — There are millions of people in the world who have gone off the rails, but never started creating anything.
And here the conclusion suggests itself. - having destroyed, you need to lay a bridge to start building again, piece by piece, putting it back together into a whole. The main thing here is the design of this bridge.

It also helps a lot, in any matter, to sit down and realize yourself as a complete Nothing. Zero. Reset to zero. Suffer (a little, not for long, because time is precious) over this thought, grit your teeth and start acting.
But this is just one of a million ways to “let go” of your inflated Ego. There are plenty to choose from! Buddhism, Hinduism and many different other teachings rooted in antiquity offer many recipes for awareness and happiness, and the path to yourself always begins with this - let go of your ego.

A long time ago I discovered such a concept as the richness and intensity of life. Throughout my life, I’ve been learning to “pump up” as much as possible in several directions at the same time, I’m learning to see and take the chances that life constantly offers - “here, reach out and just don’t be afraid to take it, and try to hold on and increase it!”

People often ask me what/who inspires me to create, and they always try to judge by themselves. People in general, in principle, always judge by themselves. Because there is a subjective and objective picture of the world. Those who have such a narrow picture see in my paintings only beetles, owls and mechanical elements that are in no way connected with each other. Who " reality tunnel» wider - they build their own relationships and patterns. That's how it works.

Life experience + developed imagination - that’s always it main source inspiration. In my case, at a certain stage of this experience of various kinds it became so much in my head that I had to take the canvas and share. At first there was a kind of chaos, but gradually it was structured into more harmonious forms filled with internal geometry. — as I streamlined my life, in all its spheres, I harmonized my ways of living and my thinking. However, the fact is that There will always be billions of times more questions than answers.. And this is the lot of human life, which you just need to take for granted. After all, the very desire to ask these questions, to look for answers to them, in any way, is already Something, it shows that a person has an interest in the world, in life. And this is a priceless gift. After all Life always reciprocates love and interest in her.

You can also look for answers in books; this is one of the alternative worlds. The dominance of the Internet and YouTube videos deprives a person of the main thing - after all, this is ready-made, most conveniently packaged information that the brain does not need to work hard to digest. Books force the brain to work. They stimulate the imagination. We correlate our life experiences with the worlds from books, and upgrade our thinking even more.

I'm a book lover, that's obvious. I can easily prefer an evening with a good, good book to an equally good party in the company of people I like. It has always been this way. For several years now I have been forming my own library, carefully searching, selecting, and sometimes hunting for certain books that reflect and emphasize some facets of myself. And this is a real quest, no less interesting than in an quest room.

Therefore, create, build your life, using all the tools at hand for this. There is no need to be afraid of change, stress - these are all bridges to new turns, new pleasant surprises. The good thing is that these surprises are impossible to predict!

A tiny part of my library. One disadvantage of having so many books at home is that you need space for them (and here I personally had to sacrifice - leaving only the most important). In addition, if you often change your location, books are what suffer the most during transportation. Therefore, it is probably better to create a library when you already lead a more or less “sedentary” lifestyle.

I usually read several books at the same time. Depends on the mood. - according to the same principle as more than 20 playlists with different styles of music, for different mental states..

Session of a former Scientologist: Hubbard's astral battles and prison earth

This session was conducted on Friday, January 25th with a former Scientologist who wanted to know some details about the life of Ron Hubbard. In connection with the recent publication of the post “Architects of Change”, we have been taken much further than planned. The result is below, but please note that this is just one version and requires multifaceted verification. It is also important to note that the mentee had NOT read any posts about Architects prior to the session. I am posting to collect your specific questions on the material for future sessions.

Is it correct to say that there was an astral battle in 1956 that Hubbard (LRH) and his associates lost?

A- Yes, there was a battle in the astral space and LRH and his companions seemed to lose consciousness,

Q - Who is the battle with?

He has a personal enemy, an entity, but LRH was weaker, and this entity
owns the Earth, and LRH lost this battle. Entity, bad, dark.

B- Who is he, describe

O- A bald old man with a demonic face, thin, crooked, unhealthy, he used to be strong, now he’s not.

When did he give up his position?

O- Since the 80s

Q- Is it correct to understand that now the Earth is owned by 3 groups?

He entered them, but now they are all very weakened. He was above the planet
then he went down to the planet, it’s just a game, he’s not so bad. I
I found him strong, how he weakened, I don’t know. He sat above the planet
thousands years. But I may be confused. Now he is not a serious opponent.

LRH started a small battle with a specific entity, on a planetary level.
He found an opponent of his level and wanted to fight him, but he couldn’t
happened. He wanted to recruit warriors, but now I don’t see him, he doesn’t
current player. For him it was a defeat and, having lost the business that
he started it, he lost energy.)

2. Is the earth a prison? How everything works.

Q- Do I understand correctly that the statement that only losers end up on Earth is incorrect?

O- That's incorrect.

Q- Is it right that the Earth is a prison?

A- The earth is a prison, for different reasons for different people. This is the wrong word, these are just very difficult conditions.

Q- School?

It's not a school, it can't be a school, but there's no way out in prison, but here
just a wrong game that has lost its meaning because the players
this planet has no choice. The conditions of the game turned out to be hopeless for
players on this planet, it is impossible to get out of it. This is a dead end
branch, error, everyone was pushed onto the planet, but not given a chance to get out.
The universe is a game, the game has rules, when you are in some
situations you can act. It didn't work on Earth. The point is
that the conditions to get out of this game are unattainable.

Q- Why?

A- We are deprived of all opportunities to get out of this game. I look at the current moment on the planet. No chance at all.

Q- What chance could there be?

A- There is no freedom to change the conditions of existence.

Q- There is no influence of thought on matter?

Oh yeah. Nothing can be changed. Everything is so rigidly organized, strict, a nightmare, impossible in any way. More precisely, theoretically there is a way out,
everything in the energy sector. There must be groups of people united
according to energy. This might be a possibility after all.
manifested itself. If you look before, everyone was energetically connected, not
there were groups of people who wanted to get out. (It’s not entirely clear here)

Q- How to get out?

O- Change something. Everything is in the net, like flies are glued and the wings are torn off.

Q- Who controls the network, why can’t it be turned off?

Someone, it turns out, won this battle, it’s his decision, it’s not ours
level of decision making. All this happened by deception. Not all people are here
pushed by force, someone was lured by deception. A lot of people on their own
came without any idea why they came here.

Q- How is this? After all, many came to help?

That comes later. And initially they came because they did not understand the rules of the game.
The one who lured him also came down to Earth and lost his energy. (This is a first approximation)
I don’t see any Transition, unless you consider that the game failed and
everything needs to be redone. Above. The flies are left in the jar, they can’t get out,
and then if you change the game, you can let them get out, like an amnesty. ( It is very sad).
Those who got in don’t understand anything at all, but those who understand a little
there are so few of them that it doesn't change anything. Who accepts
the decision, I don’t know, it seems that it was decided not to slam it completely, but somehow
release. But the whole project is a failure, that’s understandable. The dark one
who defeated everyone, he was just playing, he had rivals among
light ones, and everyone was pushed here. The dark one got bored, he went to play
down, and it became clear to the curator that everyone needed to be pulled out.

Q - Why can’t you just turn off the lights?

Impossible. Everyone has a bad time with awareness, they will all disappear, nothing
understand. They all need to be dealt with, put in different places,
to bring awareness back.

Q- There was information that some kind of Grid would be activated on January 18-19, I don’t remember exactly.

I didn’t watch it, what will happen next, I won’t even watch it, somehow everyone
They will pull you out and put you in different places for rehabilitation. Very
everything turned out unsuccessfully, there are a lot of people to blame in this story, no matter how

Q- What do you mean there will be no Transition?

No, it seems to me that they will pull out little by little and for rehabilitation,
for us it will be a wonderful miracle, a wondrous miracle, because now it’s full
nightmare. Nobody understands anything. So few people who barely
understands, the level is the lowest. And all these aliens, ships - that's everything
attempts to revive, reanimate slightly.

Q- This is the essence of the experiment, complete amnesia.

No, it's not that simple. No need to talk about the experiment. It's all here
not so kindly. It’s not that people said “I want to experience”, that’s all
deceived, they did not know what they were agreeing to. It was such a game, you have to
there was a bunch of people taken out of the game, and with the words “it will be interesting there, so
here you can’t do it, but there you can do whatever you want.” AND
everyone flocked here like fools, all sorts of curious people (adventurers)
and they were all slammed. And now, because... they are immortal, they need to be
return the game, we need to pull them out. Why were energy supplies needed?
people, it’s unclear, but they’re probably needed for some reason.

They say that in higher worlds there is a dispute that the Earth is becoming obsolete as
productive platform of evolution, there is no progress here and must be curtailed
a bench.

This is a playground where everyone is a loser, it needs to be wound down. If
leaving someone behind would be very cruel. Everything here was very difficult
there is a lot of suffering, it’s all unfair. Games should initially be

Q-And instead they became cruel?

O- And those who allowed us to do whatever we wanted here, they themselves were very fallen (Also not very clear). All
beautiful words about free will are camouflage, this is an excuse for
that the game was allowed to go too far. Those who started this game
death has not passed, they do not understand this. I really don’t understand how it’s possible
was to create from all this food chain and eat each other and
persuade animals that it is their role to be eaten and persuade
people to devour and destroy each other. This is the wrong game

Q - Who invented it?

O- Very high level, and they are no smarter than us, because they had absolutely no idea what they were doing.

Q - Do you mean the fact of death?

Yes, when they created the 3rd-4th dimension. I do not understand the meaning of. Yes they
lowered the vibrations to the maximum permissible level, they became curious and
they understood nothing at all. But they've been playing these games for so long
It’s strange why they still don’t understand anything.

Q- Because they themselves did not incarnate?

O- Of course, they weren’t even close. They didn’t go below the 7th level, but no, higher everything, higher.

Q- What do these entities look like, in what area do you see them?

O- Glowing balls, they are bored. They live forever, they need to have fun . (Or maybe they got an assignment?)

Q - And they generate realities and populate them?

A- Yes, they all do it, but somehow it looks like our Universe has failed.I don't know the size of our Universe.

Well, here we are. The entire Universe is in the red zone here, I understand correctly

No, 3D is our gaming area. It's strange there, in the whole Universe. Very
there are a lot of lies, the goals are at odds with the means, the explanations do not correspond
nothing, absurdity upon absurdity, deception upon deception. We're not the only ones
who failed, our planet. Some kind of wrong game, a game of cat and mouse, and
no one has free will, not only us, but also on other planets
Same. Everything is regulated, only in different conditions, someone has it easier,
someone heavier.

Q- Well, there is no complete free will, there is relative free will.

A- No, this is how this Universe works.

Q- Why did the problems start in the first place?

A- Laws have been created that limit, at different levels there are different restrictions.

there are a lot of restrictions, deception, in fact there is a reduction in energy consumption
due to the fact that they remove the choice and you can only go there (to a certain place).
They tell you: “You are a very wonderful being, you have a very long life.”
interesting, there is a wonderful 3D game just for you, you can
look, then you can tell us.” Everyone operates in very tight
conditions and the game is on demotion. In this game, in this Universe, there is no way up, only down.

Well, hello, I was rising, leaving this Universe.

O- No, you didn’t move there, you’re still here. You could have looked, please, but you are pinned here. And this Universe goes ( hand gesture in a downward spiral).

O- Well, somehow all this will end, they’ll push us somewhere.

Let's see the beginning of this Universe - the Big Bang. What exactly
It happened? Are we really exhausted? This is called the breath of Brahma.

A- Yes, that's right, it was good. The fact that they created this particular Universe was very interesting. She was different than everyone else.

Q- How was she different?

O- It feels like joy, I don’t know about others, I feel it like joy. What a wonderful creation they launched!

Q- Is this her first breath?

Oh no.

So she's already done this many times? Comes out and shrinks back from
infinity to a point? And we are now on the exhale?

O- As you exhale.

Q- Is it correct to say that inhalation will begin in the near future?

Theoretically yes, but for some reason it seems that it was so unsuccessful
that it can be destroyed somehow simply - with one click. I didn't even understand
why it failed. Let me think. It was created (organized) essence of not very great intelligence, with disabilities (and experience), who did not know, generally speaking, what would come of it; the Lord God himself did not create it.

Q - So this means Logoi?

If the Lord God had created her, she would have remained joyful and bright, and
it is crooked and irregular. They even got it wrong at the physics level
thought it through.

Q - What did they come up with wrong?

O- It was made at random, like a toy. (No specifics, just feelings). She has there is no logic of development, this is key .

Is it correct to say that in this Universe there are agents from
The Creator who sent them in order to study the situation, evaluate
environment and decide whether to remove this Universe or give it
develop further?

I think so. But here it’s a little different. They feel sorry for us. We are really
below, and there is an idea to somehow fix it, to get us out. Because it's complete
annihilation is cruel and unfair. Someone did the wrong thing
the Universe, and we, as extreme ones, are already victims, so don’t
must disappear. There are some physical irregularities in this Universe

Q- Which ones will change now?

A- I don’t know, it was created incorrectly.

Q - But it can be changed from the inside? Correct the code?

O- I don’t understand this, I don’t see it. I don't even see any way to fix anything.

Look, the Universe consists of atoms, like pixels, you can
reprogram You just give another impulse, another wave, another
frequency, and you can do it. You mean the physical Universe,
after all, there are parallel Earths, times, or do you mean our
this moment?

A- If you take a closer look... No, this only applies to 3D.

Q- But we are not three-dimensional everywhere, we are more complex.

O- So the one who created the three-dimensional Universe was mistaken. Our 3D level is wrong, but I can’t say higher.

Q- So, it turns out that not the whole Universe, but only the 3D part of it is erroneous?

The error is obvious in 3D. Above, I don’t know how they got it all tied up there, she didn’t
may be correct. 3D is the development of dimensions. She's completely
it’s not necessary to explode, because I only watched 3D, we’re at a dead end
we sit, and if we look at other dimensions, rise high, then we can
reformat 3D, but I don’t know how.

Q - Well, we’re unlikely to do that anymore.

O- Unreal. From our point of view. You know, there's still some kind of terrible fundamental mistake here.

Q - What's the matter?

Lord, forgive me for criticizing you, something with these measurements. I
I kind of understand that they are lowering, condensing, at some level, where
?... Here's some information. Do you remember when they released the following
souls, 100 million years ago, here they are, i.e. we were put in a deliberate situation
losing circumstances. Those that are original, they are very good
live, and those released 100 million years ago were limited to
something, and development somehow went down . (Experimental subjects). You know, already
things are starting to come out from Scientology, although everything is very logical
it turns out. True, in Scientology I did not reach any
inhalations and exhalations, but here is our group of souls - we were weaker and we
sent to the wrong place (? HERE?). The game is absolutely ill-conceived, i.e.
we were struggling at the same level, then they created for us
sub-levels-sub-levels-sub-levels until it becomes pointless. And those,
whoever created us lives wonderfully up there. ( I understand that with
Logic is a little difficult, I swim myself, so this information is completely beyond
brackets - according to disability. Discuss Creation, and even more so
his shortcomings are very arrogant).

B- Try to leave the Universe, go up to the local Logos, ask permission to go up, see what’s next.

A- Well, what I see is energies shimmering in different colors. By permission, I enter the Universe of energies.

Q- Is there a central vortex there?

O- Yes, everything moves there, it’s unclear and I don’t need to understand it.

V-Okay. It started with a discussion: The Earth is a prison, then why are we told that it is Not jail?

It’s like it’s not quite a prison, it’s the end point where everything
we're confused, we can't get any lower. They tell us: “Get out, why are you there?
Are you sitting? You know, if you tear off the wings of a fly and say: “Fly, what are you
are you sitting here? This is something like this. That you're all stuck, you're all low,
base, worthless, get out, whoever is bothering you. They don't want to at all
understand us, but they can’t, because they are completely
other possibilities. They egg us on: “Come on guys, jump up and
fly, we admire you..." You see, those who tell us, they
victors over us, because we were the ones who were pushed here, and
They are there. And I don’t see much warm feeling there at all.

B- Well, how about it? eternal love, light of the Creator, etc.

A- Our level is not at all the same.

Q- And what does it have to do with us, and with them?

O- And they are also very low. Maybe they are bright in some ways, they love each other, but for them we are like ants, brainless insects . (Or maybe I’m wrong and everything is completely wrong?)

when a person wins, even not quite fairly, he tries to forget
the rules by which he won, and therefore now they are white and fluffy, and we
we sit in the dark and seem to have ourselves to blame.

Want to know who you really are? Why were you born here and at this time?

What does what is happening around you and your life in particular mean? What awaits you after this life? What is the essence of Reality? Here, for the first time on the RuNet, very interesting, global and sobering material is published, which can safely be called the most powerful package of knowledge on this moment. Before you is the Matrix as it is. Information
You can find information about this book in English on the original website. (Searching for the texts took me several days of furious correspondence. The books themselves can only be bought by ordering by mail. There are no torrents or pdfs, and that’s right: information is not “for everyone”)...

The material is called “The Matrix” and there are 5 books. It was from this material that the famous film trilogy of the Wachowski brothers got its start (and name). The first parts of these materials (published back in 1988) served as a source of inspiration for young directors (along with books by Baudrillard and other philosophers), who read the first books from the “Matrix” series while working on the first part of the film. These books were written different people, who have combined their efforts and materials together, and now all this is conducted by them as Leading Edge International Research Group. Its main authors include the famous researcher and head of the institute that bears his name, Robert Monroe, as well as Val Valerian (real name John Grace). (Google and wiki will tell you more about these people). The cosmogony of this book describes everything that the “insider” recently said in his “revelation”, and much, much more. Since I myself am now busy reading the original texts themselves (which I managed to obtain with great difficulty through third parties in Germany), I will write summaries of the main information as they are “shaken down” into a harmonious and concise structure.

Ocean of the Universe and Medusa-Logos

So, in order to describe what is happening around us,

Let's use another well-known metaphor: the Ocean of the Universe. Live in
this Ocean - beautiful creatures, woven from Mind (information) and
Energies, let’s call them “Jellyfish-Sub-Logos”. Oddly enough, those watching them
people (during astral exits) see them in an image very reminiscent
namely jellyfish. Although, there is nothing strange here, if you look at it.

Here it is, in front of you, admire it. This creature is actually a portrait

your Higher Self (Supreme Soul), of which you are now one of the incarnations
are, in this life, in a 3rd Density reality.

And above - you see an image made by the artist - co-author

materials from “Matrix V” based on descriptions of everything seen in the astral
exits. These are the Higher Souls (“Medusa-shaped-Sub-Logos”), which
undergo a Cycle of Gaining Experience in one of the 3rd Density realities.
You could say they are “feeding”. Their food is acquired and conscious
experience. And you personally are now one of the most subtle, most complex and
interesting “organs” of this Creature: its “tentacle”, which,
in fact, he collects the most valuable experience of self-awareness, plunging into
Density and passing through the “Games” of thought forms.

Take a closer look at this picture. Try to contemplate it. What internal response does she have?

calling you? Note that there is also a thread stretching upward from the “jellyfish” itself.

It leads transcendentally to higher, “larger” Collective
To the Logoi-souls, whose “tentacles” in turn are these Logoi,
but which these latter will subsequently become. (That's the point
transcendence - becoming, association of oneself, from small to large). AND
so on, right up to the Primary Logos itself - our One
Infinite Creator.

In principle, almost always when we pray to “God” - our prayer

directed to our Supreme Soul - our Guide and Sub-Logos.
Some prayers are directed to the very Center - to the One Infinite
The Creator (Almighty), present in Everything. Prayer is ours
communication with the Supreme Soul, as well as with the One.

When “feeding with experience” by “lowering” one’s tentacles-incarnations into

lower Densities, these Hyper-Medusas (Higher Souls) use one of two

The Path of Synchronous Incarnations (many incarnations at the same time, fast Cycle).

The Path of Singular Incarnations (only one incarnation, slow Cycle).
The Path of the Nature Spirit (various manifestations of the natural world, the Higher Self
planetary body of the Earth - is discussed only indirectly in the book “Matrix 5”)

The Higher Souls themselves are several densities higher than their

incarnations/embodiments. If you are now in 3rd density (and after dying
- you find yourself in the 4th, astral), then your Supreme Soul is most likely located
on the 5th.

Higher Souls begin collecting experience gradually, first incarnating into Spirit

Nature, then mastering successive incarnations, and only then, by
acquiring sufficient “basic experience”, some of them
venture into the cycle of Simultaneous incarnations. This cycle allows
collect experience many, many times faster. However, for this, again,
a certain maturity of the Supreme Soul is required, for not every one of them is under
the power of processing so many threads simultaneously.

The Path of Synchronous Incarnations is depicted schematically in the previous

picture. In it, Medusa-Logos (Supreme Soul) uses a lot of
“threads” - incarnations whose individuals live Synchronously (in parallel) in
different periods of planetary density.

That is, incarnations are scattered in time, but are present
parallel in all layers (since the linearity of time is illusory).
Time itself can be compared to a “spiral roll” or reel.
tape tape. During the Synchronous Cycle, Medusa-Logos launches immediately
there are many “tentacles” in all “sectors” of the rolled-up time coil, and, as it were,
“scans” the entire contents of the “spiral” at one time. As already said,
this is much more difficult, but gives a very quick result. You can cite
analogy with a CD: imagine that instead of one reader
The player has several thousand laser beams that can count
the entire disk in a few seconds. Not all Higher Souls immediately dare to
this way. Only experienced, brave (yes, that’s right) and once already
have tried the Sequential Reading Cycle (see its description below).

Individuals incarnating in the Synchronic Cycle usually do not remember their

“other” incarnations, and their task is to receive as much as possible
diverse experiences, balancing between Polarities. At the same time, some have experience
incarnations will be “low” (rough vibrations, prevalence of negativity,
service to oneself, etc.), and for others - “high” (high spiritual
vibrations, positive orientation, service to others, etc.). To gain
A sufficient amount of experience requires many thousands of incarnations. Whichever
Whatever path you choose in life, trust your Supreme Soul. She knows,
What kind of experience did you come for this time? Whatever incarnation you are
were, and whatever your path is, know that you will still end up
return to awareness of yourself as the Supreme Soul.

Incarnations of the Supreme Soul passing through the Synchronic Cycle are usually in

different eras of time. At the same time, the Final incarnation (which closes
cycle) is not necessarily in the 3rd Density End Game. For example,
one of the basic (gathering gross experience) incarnations may be in
The end of the game, and the final incarnation is somewhere in ancient Greece or
Babylon. But one way or another, information from one incarnation is transmitted
instantly to the rest, through the Supreme Soul. So now when you read
this text, all incarnations of your Supreme Soul, wherever they may be,
receive (mostly unconsciously) the same information. Hence the dreams
deja vu and other “through penetrations” of the signal.

In the Final stage (when the Game cycle comes to an end) it happens that

incarnations of the same Supreme Soul live at the same time.
Some people meet their incarnations without always realizing
who they see in front of them.

Humanity now is basically the incarnations of Supreme Souls,

passing through such Synchronous Cycles. They need everyone's experience! Can not be
“unnecessary” or “wasted” experience. In this sense, Medusa-Logos
“omnivorous.” Therefore, incarnations (people) essentially do not make “mistakes” -
just delays. But the experience is all for future use. Penultimate and Last
incarnations close the Cycle, and the Last Incarnation is already transcendental
identifies himself with the Higher Self (in fact, becomes Medusa-Logos).
Usually the Last Incarnations are enlightenment, going beyond the ordinary
understanding, gradual exit from the Game. Ending the Cycle, Medusa-Logos
rises to higher “Spheres of the Ocean” (octaves of Densities),
never seen by her before. Actually, right now they are just finishing up on Earth
its Cycle of Gaining Experience, many Logoi walking along Parallel
Cycle. The Great Transition 2012 is the end of the Cycle, and the transition of those who managed
“to fit” into it the Synchronous Logoi on the higher Octaves of the Ocean.
At the same time, the Singular (and those whom they manage to “knock off the Synchronous Path”)
will continue to play.

You all notice from your own experience that all sorts of intrigues are built by Synchronous in the Game. This is the essence of the Game.

To clarify “competition” we should now talk about the Singular
Cycle. With it, Medusa-Logos releases only one “thread”, and the experience
“read” by her for a long time (one incarnation at a time, singularly), along the way
gradual “unwinding” of the time-spiral, one incarnation at a time
once. In the picture you see an image of this mechanism with your eyes
an artist who contemplated these things during astral exits. Please note
that individuals who incarnate in this way are rarely born human. By
for the most part these are “alien” entities, or human prodigies,
born with phenomenal abilities, or memory of all previous
incarnations. We can say that these Higher Souls are relatively young, and
their ability to process information is not yet the same as that of adults,
experienced Higher Souls. That’s why they don’t like to “take risks” yet.

In fact, the essence of the Game that we see around us in this Density is

this is the “mutual acquisition” of experience by different Medusa-Logos with the help of their
“threads”-incarnations. In other words, here, in this Density, they “feed”
Medusa-Logos (Higher Souls) both Parallel and Sequential.
There are many, many times fewer synchronous Higher Souls than Singular Souls. (IN
due to the fact that Synchronous Reading requires a certain maturity, and
also courage). At the same time, their interaction is perceived by us in the 3rd
density as a paradox: Singular ones essentially HELP Synchronous ones
gain experience by PREVENTING them from completing the Cycle, and plotting all sorts of intrigues,
THANKS TO WHICH Synchronized ones gain experience faster. You catch everything
the irony of this paradox? In light of this “insider” word about the victim,
which they brought by introducing Negativity does not look so absurd.


2. Polarities

Here, however, Polarities play a big role, and how one operates

they are the Highest Souls of both “teams”. In short - extreme polarities, like
negative and positive, are beneficial only to Consecutive incarnations,
who survive in a swarm, en masse. Any tyrant dictator and any “worker”
lights" do the same effective work for Sequential,
swinging Polarities to extremes.

Simultaneous ones live by the “synthesis” of two polarities into a single Balance. However, Yin and Yang should not be confused with true Balance.

Now we can only say about the situation on Earth that all efforts to

“unification” of humanity into one global state with a single
rule, towards the creation of a One World Order - these are the efforts of the Singular
entities (which on Earth need a Swarm order, not an Individual one)
prevent Higher Souls from passing on Earth
Synchronous Experience Reading Cycle.

The only thing they don’t take into account is that it’s already too

late, and the Higher Souls passing through the Synchronous Path will soon finish
The game, moving to higher densities, leaving the Singulars to finish the game
its “long history”.

By the way, the notorious “insider” is a representative of precisely these alien Singular entities.

one “trick” in the Game. Very dangerous (especially now, before the Transition),
but also intended for our Study. The fact is that (judging by already
many sources), there are Singular entities (alien) with very
remarkable mental strength, who can do very well
Replications ("virtual" copies) of Densities and Matrices within the Octave.
Actually, we live in such a Matrix. (Remember how the first “insider”
said: “Are you sure that you live on the planet you think you live on?”)
It is designed according to the model of the real one, but in essence it is a fake. So
and instead of the Original, an astral traveler can be given a copy
(replica), for example, 4th Density, or even 5th. Up to the 12th.

Well, we all know the Bible stories about how the “evil one” is good at

imitate even “angelic” characteristics, with all the attendant
sensations for his chosen “goal”. Therefore, you should be extremely
careful. It's part of the Game, and part of learning in the making.
Supreme Soul. Replicators cannot create, but only copy. A
SubLogos - they know how to create. That’s why people are so often reminded now:
remember who you are.

The art of being Simultaneous

Translating the entire book “The Matrix 5” is quite a labor-intensive task, and

time is running out. It’s not even entirely possible to translate it in its entirety.
expedient: the book is a very chaotic collection of notes,
which can be grouped by main topics, and there will be 4-5 topics. IN
each of these topics has key information that is relevant to
direct practice of life. Therefore, I will publish a “squeeze” from
articles I have read, in which I will outline the practically important

FIRST: Who is this information for?
We usually measure the success of our lives by the degree to which we achieve success.

comfort and satisfaction of different needs. The book “The Matrix 5” has in the center
attention to another perspective and another gradation: the degree of development of your
embodiments (incarnations) on this planet. This is mainly expressed in
the extent to which physical aspects/values ​​prevail over spiritual ones, and
vice versa. According to (semi-conditional) gradation, the author divides people into incarnations
lower levels, middle levels, upper levels, and Final (as well as
Awakened Final) incarnation\embodiment.

How fascinated are you by the process of interacting with the outside world?

society? How important is the recognition of others to you, your position in
society, status? How fascinated are you by technological possibilities?
this world, including for creativity? How serious are you
do you perceive events in the visible world around you? Do you sometimes feel
(or often) that everything that happens is the essence of the Game? Does it happen that you
you feel a latent desire not to participate in the events of life, but only
watch them? By answering such questions to yourself (only honestly), you
you can roughly determine where you are in the perspective of incarnations.

The materials in the book “The Matrix 5” are mainly aimed at

Final incarnations. Usually these are people who feel (initially -
unconsciously) his deep growing desire to “step away” from the Game,
stop getting carried away by its various aspects. Over time, such people will all
they feel more acutely the “fakeness” of what is happening; although they have to
play, each time “plunging” into the next round of the Game, they internally
“they wince” from their heartfelt reluctance to deal with all this anymore.

Anyone who has read Selinger’s famous novel “The Catcher in the Rye”

remembers how he describes his perception main character, Holden Caulfield: he
secretly sees and feels how everything around only seems real, on
in fact, it is thoroughly saturated with falsehood, pretense and absurdity. This
typical signs of the Final Incarnation, preparation for leaving the Game:
all experience on 3rd density has already been collected and the Supreme Soul is preparing
finish the Game in order to move to much higher densities. IN
essence future life Holden Caulfield will certainly lead him to
insight, and his Higher Self will provide him with all the ways and levers for
self-awareness, followed by completion of the Game.

Middle and Lower Middle incarnations, reading this text, most likely

they will interpret everything incorrectly, be indignant, throw accusations and
criticism. This is fine. Therefore, if you are passionate about the Game, look for others
texts, allow yourself to live as your Higher Self now tells you.
In other words, don’t lead yourself astray if you firmly feel that it is
your Path. It is completely wrong to believe that the Lower and Middle incarnations
anything “worse” than the Highest or Last: these are equally important parts of one and
the same Supreme Being, and one way or another all “personifications”
exist simultaneously, and will eventually return to Their Home, becoming One
A creature!

The book contains keys that will help the Last Incarnations, how

completing the Cycle, overcome inhibitory barriers faster and not
fall into the traps of the Sequential….
