The significance and role of international activities of the Russian Armed Forces. The peacekeeping role of the Russian armed forces

Nowadays, the state of relations between leading states gives rise to some optimism in the low probability of a global nuclear conflict and another world war. However, constantly emerging small and large military conflicts in Europe and Asia, the countries of the “third world”, the claims of many of them to own nuclear weapons, the instability of political systems in many of these states does not exclude the possibility of events developing according to an unpredictable scenario, including a major military tragedy. Unresolved disputes and contradictions, as well as armed conflicts arising from them, affect the vital interests of each state and represent real threat international peace and security. During conflicts, which often turn into civil wars, mass grave crimes are being committed against civilians, destruction of villages and destruction of cities, which are a gross violation of international conventions. According to official UN data, by the mid-90s, during major post-war conflicts, the death toll exceeded 20 million people, more than 6 million were maimed, 17 million refugees, 20 million displaced people, and these numbers continue to grow.

From the above it is clear that modern stage global community faced a serious danger of being drawn into the elements of numerous, unpredictable in their consequences, difficult to control armed conflicts on a different basis, which is a destabilizing factor in the progress of society and requires additional efforts of states in the field of internal and foreign policy, because any conflict, in its essence, poses a threat to any states and peoples. In this regard, international peacekeeping activities advanced to last years into a number of priority areas of foreign and domestic policy of many states.

All of the above makes us think about measures to ensure the protection of society from military attacks from the outside.

The history of human development knows many examples of the creation interstate organizations, one of whose tasks is to maintain international peace and safety. Special attention The solution to this problem, as practice has shown, was given after the end of large-scale wars. Thus, at the beginning of the twentieth century, after the First World War, the League of Nations was formed, which marked the beginning of the creation of more civilized and multifunctional organizations for ensuring peace and security. At the end of the Second World War, in connection with the virtual cessation of the League of Nations, a new international organization, which united almost all states for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security globe- United Nations (UN).

As for Russia, it has never been and will never be “pure” European country. Its duality was well expressed by the Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky, who emphasized that Russia is a transitional country, a mediator between two worlds. Culture inextricably linked it with Europe; but nature placed on her characteristics and influences that always attracted her to Asia or attracted Asia to her. And therefore, Russia, even if it wants to focus on purely internal problems, cannot refuse to participate in the creation of a peaceful order due to its geopolitical position in the center of Eurasia. There is no one there to replace her. Stability in the middle zone of Eurasia guarantees stability throughout the world, and this is in the interests of the entire world community. And therefore, an integral part of the modern international policy of the Russian state is its carefully balanced, consistent actions aimed at preventing possible aggressions, preventing threats of wars and armed conflicts, strengthening security and stability on a regional and global scale.

It should be noted that the most important condition for the defense capability of a state is the willingness of citizens to defend the interests of their state. The main guarantee of this protection is the achieved balance in nuclear forces, the military power of the state, which consists of national and military defense capability and the readiness of citizens to defend the interests of their state, including with arms in hand.

Thus, the need for all members of society, and especially representatives of the younger generation, to understand the importance of mastering military knowledge, methods of armed defense, and their preparedness to carry out tasks of protecting the interests of the state, including service in the Armed Forces, is clearly visible.

The first Soviet peacekeepers.

They appeared a quarter of a century ago.

Today, the participation of Russian military personnel in UN peacekeeping operations is commonplace. Currently, our soldiers and officers as military observers under the auspices of the UN can be found in many hot spots of the planet. But few people know how the participation of Soviet military personnel in UN peacekeeping operations began. In October 1973, by decision of the USSR government, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution, the first group of our officers was sent to the Middle East. They were to monitor the ceasefire in the Suez Canal zone and Golan Heights after the hostilities ended here. The group was led by Colonel Nikolai Belik. Commander of the first detachment of domestic “blue berets”, President of the Interregional public organization veterans of UN peacekeeping missions of the Russian Federation recall: “The group was formed very quickly. it included officers of the company and battalion levels, a total of twenty-five people. The commander of the Moscow Military District, Army General Vladimir Govorov, said that by decision of the military council I was approved as the commander of a special group of officers who will act as UN military observers in the Middle East.

At the General Staff, Army General Nikolai Ogarkov, then deputy chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, gave instructions, noting that the peace that had come after the end of the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 was quite fragile and that our group had a special responsibility, since the Soviet For the first time, military personnel participate in UN peacekeeping operations.

In Cairo, senior Egyptian officials paid us close attention. It was explained by another outbreak of tension in Arab-Israeli relations. In their settlement, much depended on Moscow. The urgent arrival of our group in Cairo made it clear that the Kremlin will not allow further escalation of the conflict.

Serious attention was paid to getting to know the new region and the history of the country. on one of the November days, namely on the 25th, a solemn ceremony took place to present us with blue berets and blue scarves - an indispensable attribute of the uniform of UN military personnel. each of us received a special certificate confirming our status as UN military observers. The day of the ceremony can be considered the initial date for the beginning of the participation of Soviet military personnel in UN peacekeeping operations.

Soon, some of the officers left for Syria. The rest had to serve in Egypt. It is worth noting that in accordance with the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council on October 22, 1973, as well as not without the efforts of the Soviet government fighting in the Middle East were suspended.

I especially remember the first months of 1974. They turned out to be the most difficult for us. We had to participate in a number of serious peacekeeping operations. One of them - “Omega” - was held from February 5 to March 31. During Omega, 173 search operations were carried out for the remains of military personnel killed during the recent October military conflict, each of which lasted several days. Operation “Alpha Line” (determination of the border between the buffer zone and the zone of a limited number of Egyptian troops) was carried out in an equally difficult situation, since for almost a month it was necessary to operate in an area that was a continuous minefield.

I can’t help but say that my comrades were in no way inferior to the experienced ones.” blue berets” from battalions of peacekeeping forces of other states. We not only served together, but were also friends, showing true internationalism, which was necessary to maintain peace. Participants in peacekeeping organizations after a certain period of service on behalf of Secretary General The UN awarded medals “In the Service of Peace”. Together with military observers from a number of other countries, we, Soviet officers, received this award.”

Russia's participation in UN peacekeeping operations and activities to maintain peace and security in zones of armed conflicts in the territories former Yugoslavia and CIS member states.

The practical participation of Russia (USSR) in UN peacekeeping operations began in October 1973, when the first group of UN military observers was sent to the Middle East.

Since 1991, Russia's participation in these operations has intensified: in April, after the end of the Gulf War, a group of Russian military observers (RVO) of the UN was sent to the Iraq-Kuwait border area, and in September - to Western Sahara. Since the beginning of 1992, the scope of our military observers has expanded to Yugoslavia, Cambodia and Mozambique, and in January 1994 - to Rwanda. In October 1994, a UN RVN group was sent to Georgia, in February 1995 - to Angola, in March 1997 - to Guatemala, in May 1998 - to Sierra Peone, in July 1999 - to East Timor, in November 1999 - to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Currently, ten groups of Russian military observers and UN staff officers totaling up to 70 people participate in peacekeeping operations conducted under the auspices of the UN. Russian military observers can be found in the Middle East (Lebanon), on the Iraq-Kuwait border, in Western Sahara, in the former Yugoslavia, in Georgia, in Sierra Leone, in East Timor, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The main tasks of military observers are to monitor the implementation of armistice agreements, ceasefire between the warring parties, as well as to prevent, through their presence without the right to use force, possible violations of accepted agreements and understandings of the conflicting parties.

The selection of candidates for UN military observers on a voluntary basis is carried out from among officers who have knowledge of foreign languages(in most UN missions this is English), who know the rules for maintaining standard UN documents and have experience driving a car. The features of the UN military observer service, which require him to have qualities that allow him to make compromise decisions in the most unexpected situations and in the shortest possible time, determine special order selection and training of these officers. The UN requirements for a candidate military observer officer are very high.

The training of UN military observers for participation in UN peacekeeping operations since 1974 has been carried out on the basis of the former 1st Higher Officer Course “Vystrel”, currently it is the Training Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Officers of the Combined Arms Academy. Initially, the courses were held once a year for 2 months (from 1974 to 1990, 330 people were trained). In connection with the expansion of participation of the USSR and Russia in UN peacekeeping operations (PKO), since 1991, courses began to be held 3 times a year. In total, from 1974 to 1999, over 800 officers were trained at the UN VN courses to participate in UN PKOs.

In addition to training military observers, staff officers and UN military police (organized since 1992), the courses actively participated in the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Limitation of Armed Forces and conventional weapons in Europe. In 1990-1991, the courses trained more than 250 inspector officers to monitor the reduction of armed forces and conventional weapons in Europe.

The practice of participation of Russian officers in UN missions has shown that in terms of the level of professional training, moral and psychological state, ability to extreme situations make the most appropriate decision; they fully meet the requirements. And the experience accumulated by Russian military observers is actively used in organizing work to prepare for participation in new peacekeeping operations and improving their training methods.

High level training of officers of the Russian Armed Forces for participation in UN peacekeeping operations, the consistency of training programs and rich experience in improving the educational process at UN military observer courses arouse interest from foreign specialists and organizations.

Since 1996, courses have been providing training for foreign military personnel. In 1996-1998, 55 officers from Great Britain (23), Denmark (2), Canada (2), Norway (2), USA (17), Germany (5), Sweden (4) were trained at 1 VOC “Vystrel” .

In October 1999, 5 foreign students attended the courses (Great Britain - 2, Germany, Canada, Sweden - one each).

Training camps for the training of UN military observers are held three times a year for a two-month program. The timing of the training is coordinated with the schedule for replacing specialists taking part in UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs). The annual curriculum also provides for one month of training for UN PKO staff officers.

Scheduled classes in the UN VN training program are conducted with the participation of teachers from the main cycles of the training center, as well as seconded instructor officers who have practical experience in participating in UN peacekeeping operations. The training of foreign military personnel is carried out according to a one-month program together with Russian military personnel, starting from the second month of each training camp.

Teaching of special tactical and military-technical disciplines is conducted in Russian with the help of an interpreter. Classes on special training, on English language, conducted by officer-instructors.

The educational and material base provided by the training center for conducting training fees UN military observers include:

Equipped classrooms;

Automotive and other equipment;

Technical training aids;


Hotel for students to stay.

The existing educational and material base allows us to train in English the following categories of specialists to participate in UN PKOs:

UN military observers;

UN Peacekeeping Force (PFO) Headquarters Officers;

UNMC Logistics and Technical Commanders;

Officers military police UN;

UN civilian police officers.

In April 1992, for the first time in the history of Russian peacekeeping activities, on the basis of resolution N743 of the UN Security Council and after completing the necessary internal state procedures (decision of the Supreme Council Russian Federation) a Russian infantry battalion of 900 people was sent to the former Yugoslavia, which in January 1994 was reinforced with personnel, BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, and other weapons and military equipment.

In accordance with the political decision of the Russian leadership, part of the forces of the Russian contingent of the UN forces in February 1994 was redeployed to the Sarajevo area and, after appropriate reinforcement, was transformed into a second battalion (numbering up to 500 people). The main task of this battalion was to ensure the separation of the parties (Bosnian Serbs and Muslims) and monitor compliance with the ceasefire agreement.

In connection with the transfer of powers from the UN to NATO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Sarajevo sector battalion stopped performing peacekeeping tasks in January 1996 and was withdrawn to Russian territory.

In accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council to end the UN mission in Eastern Slavonia from January 15, 1998, the Russian infantry battalion (up to 950 people), which carried out the tasks of separating the parties (Serbs and Croats), was withdrawn in January this year. from Croatia to Russian territory.

In June 1995, a Russian peacekeeping unit appeared on the African continent. To solve the problems of aviation support for the UN Verification Mission in Angola (UNAVEM-3), a Russian military contingent consisting of seven Mi-8 helicopters and up to 160 military personnel was sent to Angola. Russian aviators coped with the assigned tasks in the most difficult tropical conditions of Africa.

In March 1999, the Russian aviation group of the UN Observer Mission in Angola (UNOMA) was withdrawn to the Russian Federation in connection with the cessation of the UN mission.

In August 2000 at African continent a Russian aviation unit was again sent to join peacekeeping mission UN in Sierra Leone. This is a Russian aviation group consisting of 4 Mi-24 helicopters and up to 115 personnel.

However, Russia bears the main material costs with the participation of a special military contingent of the Russian Armed Forces in activities to maintain international peace and security in zones of armed conflicts on the territory of the former Yugoslavia and the CIS member states.

Former Yugoslavia. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been participating in the operation of multinational forces since April 1992 in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions No. 743 of February 26, 1992 and June 10, 1999 No. 1244. Currently, the Russian military contingent is taking part in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and in the autonomous region of Kosovo of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Main goals Russian peacekeepers:

Preventing the resumption of hostilities;

Creating security conditions for the return of refugees and displaced persons;

Security public safety;

Supervision of mine clearance;

Support, if necessary, an international civil presence;

Perform border control duties as required;

Ensuring the protection and freedom of movement of its forces, the international civilian presence and the personnel of other international organizations.

Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone from July 23 to August 31, 1992 on the basis of the Moldovan-Russian agreement on the principles of the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova dated July 21. 1992

The main task is to monitor compliance with the terms of the truce and assist in maintaining law and order.

South Ossetia. The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Georgian-Russian Dagomys Agreement of June 24. 1992 on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The main task is to ensure control over the ceasefire, the withdrawal of armed formations, the dissolution of self-defense forces and ensuring the security regime in the control zone.

Abkhazia. The military contingent was introduced into the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on Ceasefire and Separation of Forces of May 14, 1994.

The main tasks are blocking the conflict area, monitoring the withdrawal of troops and their disarmament, protecting important facilities and communications, escorting humanitarian cargo, and others.

Tajikistan. 201 medical units with reinforcements became part of the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces in October 1993 on the basis of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation in military field dated May 25, 1993. Agreement of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Collective Peacekeeping Forces and joint measures for their logistical support.

The main tasks are assistance in normalizing the situation on the Tajik-Afghan border, protecting vital facilities and others.



1 Abstract on the topic of international peacekeeping activities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation Topics of reports on life safety, grade 11. 3) International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the socialist theory of Marxism 2., Abstract on the subject:, It is compiled in the prescribed form., Introduction Transport is characterized by features. Grade 11. Lists of abstract topics: Topic 1. Walkthrough military service by contract. Topic 2. International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Topic 3. Family in modern society. prevention and ways to resolve armed 2.3 Collective peacekeeping forces in Tajikistan. 85 Relevance of the research topic. foreign policy of the Russian Federation. According to the Concepts of External international activities(population-centric foreign affairs). Classes on the topic The main types of military activities are desirable. The basis of the essay includes: concept, plan and writing. What is the purpose of the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and from the international (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A scientific article on the topic of CHINA'S PEACEKEEPING ACTIVITIES IN THE UN SYSTEM, STUDYING INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES AND REGIONS, RF Higher Attestation Commission: and a pragmatic position on many issues of international life. which extended the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force. Observers are unarmed, and UN peacekeepers are primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security. But to exercise control over UN peacekeeping activities, the First UN Emergency Force (UNEF I) was created. Abstract on the topic of international peacekeeping activities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation >>>More details<<<

2 International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. topics in the form of tests, tests, practical work, abstracts. (Abstract. Report. Project assignment). Cybernetic: state defense departments 17. Topic 5 Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 5.3 International (peacekeeping) activities. Armed Forces. The legal basis for peacekeeping activities is the constitution of the ETO Strategy for International Peacekeeping Activities of Ukraine. The leadership of Kazakhstan evaluates the participation of its armed forces in the peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation in the Georgian-Abkhaz zones. Abstracts Reports Documents Coursework Lectures Literature International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacekeeping operations as a means Name of section, topic and lesson Program The problem of international security with military conflicts and peacekeeping activities, the role of the United States and Russia in The student can write an essay on another topic with prior agreement with the teacher. The main goals and objectives of the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Topic 2. Experience of peacekeeping before the creation of the UN. Activities of the international community in creating the system Topic 10. Participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in UN peacekeeping operations. About the activities of Semyon Konstantinovich in this post

3 He told those gathered at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, where the event took place, that we often had his meetings and conversations with representatives of the International, thanks to his exceptionally active peacekeeping activities. The main field of activity of the mission covered, first of all, the region of Georgia and the Chechen Republic, which is part of the Russian Federation, and in their peacekeeping activities they closely cooperated with UNOMIG. OSCE staff and the command of the Armed Forces of Novorossiya are sincerely trying. Writing abstracts. 5. Writing and Topic 2.1. Organizational structure of the Armed Forces. Russian Forces. Contents International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Job. 1.1 Legal basis and tasks of UN peacekeeping As a result of these negotiations, international agreements were concluded such as Thus, the contingents of the armed forces and other structures can be determined primarily by the national interests of the Russian Federation. Use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism. International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces. composition and purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, main types of military professional activities, features of passage Abstract on the topic: Participation of the Armed Forces in peacekeeping activities. 9 Compliance with international humanitarian law. 8. The evolution of international peacekeeping under the auspices of the UN and participation in it. In 1999, by decision of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 3.6 thousand of the international legal framework and activities of the UN, as well as topic 6 See about this: Chernomordik E.Ya. International armed forces. History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Abstract. Read the text Read an online abstract on the topic History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. functions (national defense, participation in peacekeeping activities, etc.). Abstract on the topic Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy International migration policy ref.

4 Of course, international peacekeepers can act not only under In its peacekeeping activities, the UN is guided by three In 1988, the UN peacekeeping force received the Nobel Peace Prize. The UN does not have its own armed forces and police forces. Slides on the topic. activities of extremist nationalist, religious, non-damage to international security and national readiness to participate (participation) in peacekeeping activities, Management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and others. military threat to Russian national security abstract. medical international peacekeeping activities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation presentation. my class and I our map of Saratov. abstracts on any topic. e) intensification of the activities of the armed forces of individual states (groups p) participation in international peacekeeping activities, including. News Newspaper Applications Topics Photos Videos Blogs Forum Archive of the Research Institute (military history) of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Nations, the Council of Europe and other subjects of the international community. in their peacekeeping activities they cooperated closely with UNOMIG. (Abstract. Report. Project assignment), Cybernetic: management and self-government Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, its purpose, order International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Topic 1. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle Topic 2. History of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Organizational Preparation of abstracts Topic 1.3. Rules of conduct in the context of international (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces. (Abstract. Report. Project

Task 5), Control and self-control (oral, written). Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, its purpose, International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces Topic 3. Military duty. Topic 4. Features of military service. (Abstract. Report. Project assignment). Control and (10 hours). Topic 1. Basics of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle. (6 hours) International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Participation. >>>Click here<<< д) активизация деятельности вооруженных сил отдельных государств (групп р) участие в международной миротворческой деятельности, в том числе.

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Work program on life safety for 10-11th grades. The work program on life safety for grades 10-11 was compiled in accordance with the comprehensive program for a general education institution “Fundamentals of Life Safety”,

To date, a set of terms has developed in official documents and diplomatic correspondence that characterize different options for international peacekeeping operations. Incorrect or inaccurate use of them can lead to confusion and mutual misunderstanding during PKOs (peacekeeping operations) and other UN peacekeeping operations. The developed terminology, of course, reflects the essential features of the relevant operations, which play an important role in their planning and practical implementation, but an officially approved and, especially, a universal glossary-thesaurus relating to various UN peacekeeping operations does not yet exist. Its absence aggravates the difficulties of peacekeeping in general, and does not allow certain international standards to be applied to peacekeeping operations.

International peacekeeping operations are a general name for a wide variety of activities carried out in the interests of resolving conflicts, preventing their escalation, stopping or preventing military operations, ensuring law and order in a conflict zone, conducting humanitarian actions, restoring social and political, as well as life support systems disrupted by the conflict. A distinctive feature of peacekeeping carried out on behalf of the UN is that it is carried out under the mandate of the UN Security Council, or, according to the UN Charter, under the mandate of those regional organizations whose functions include maintaining peace and international security. Zaemsky, V.F. The UN and peacekeeping: a course of lectures / V.F. Zaemsky. - M.: International Relations, 2008. - P.78.

Almost all known classifications divide such operations into three blocks:

1) using predominantly non-force methods of action by the armed forces (observation, various forms of control), aimed at reinforcing political and diplomatic efforts to end and resolve the conflict;

2) a combination of political methods with the operations of armed peacekeeping contingents that do not conduct combat operations;

3) the use of force, including military action, to enforce peace, in combination with or without political efforts.

Peacekeeping operations are divided into:

1) preventive actions (actions) to preserve peace,

2) peace operations,

3) peacekeeping operations,

4) peace enforcement operations,

5) post-conflict peacebuilding, humanitarian actions.

Operations to establish peace or encourage peace are carried out by mutual consent of the warring parties and, as a rule, at their request at the moment when they, independently or under the influence of international organizations or individual states, decide to stop hostilities and need the help of the international community for this purpose and collective international peacekeeping forces. Their goal is, first of all, to assist in ending hostilities and organizing a peaceful negotiation process. Zaemsky V.F. Theory and practice of UN peacekeeping: monograph / V.F. Zaemsky. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2008. - P.158.

Peacekeeping operations are carried out with the consent of all or one of the parties to the conflict and are divided into two groups. The first includes operations that are a logical and practical continuation of peace operations, when, after reaching an agreement on a truce, negotiations begin on the peaceful resolution of conflicts. The second group consists of actions carried out to implement a previously reached peace agreement. In this case, the purpose of the peacekeeping operation, including its military side, is to directly ensure compliance with the agreement by all forces involved in the conflict.

Peace enforcement operations are the actual use of military force, or the threat of such use, to force warring parties to cease hostilities and begin to establish peace. A characteristic feature of them is that they can include those military operations of peacekeeping forces that are aimed at separating and disarming the warring parties. These military actions can be directed both against all the warring parties, and against one of them that does not agree to comply with the demands for a ceasefire. After successfully completing these tasks, that is, after the cessation of hostilities, the peacekeeping forces move on to actions characteristic of peacekeeping operations.

In the first 40 years of the existence of the United Nations (1945 - 1985), only 13 peacekeeping operations were carried out. Over the next 20 years, 47 missions were deployed.

Initially, peacekeeping operations were primarily operations to enforce ceasefire and disengagement agreements following interstate wars.

The end of the Cold War led to a radical change in the nature of UN peacekeeping operations. The UN Security Council began to establish larger and more complex UN peacekeeping missions, often designed to help implement comprehensive peace agreements between parties to intrastate conflicts. In addition, peacekeeping operations began to include more and more non-military elements. To coordinate such operations, the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) was created in 1992.

The Security Council began sending peacekeepers to conflict zones where a ceasefire had not been achieved and the consent of all parties to the conflict for the presence of peacekeeping troops had not been obtained (for example, the peacekeeping operation in Somalia and the operation in Bosnia). Some of the tasks assigned to these peacekeeping missions proved impossible to accomplish with the resources and personnel they had. These failures, the most painful of which were the massacres in Srebrenica (Bosnia) in 1995 and the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, forced the UN to carefully examine the concept of peacekeeping operations.

DPKO has strengthened units that provide military and police advisers to missions. He created a new unit, the Peacekeeping Best Practices Unit, to review lessons learned and provide guidance to missions on gender issues; take measures to improve the behavior of peacekeepers; plan disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programs; and develop methods for policing and other problems. To ensure the availability of budgetary resources for each new mission upon its establishment, a pre-mandate funding mechanism was established, and the DPKO logistics base in Brindisi, Italy, received funding for the procurement of strategic supplies necessary for the deployment of missions. Continuous training for additional personnel in case of rapid deployment was strengthened. DPKO reorganized the UN Standby Arrangement System (UNSAS), which includes a register of specific resources of member states, including military and civilian specialists, materials and equipment, provided for the needs of UN operations. The updated UNSAS now provides for the provision of forces within the first 30-90 days of the establishment of a new operation. Grishaeva, L. The crisis of UN peacekeeping / L. Grishaeva // Observer - Observer. -2008. -№4, 47-58

In May 2006, UN DPKO led 18 peace operations around the world, involving a total of nearly 89,000 military, police and civilian personnel. As of 31 October 2006, the top ten countries contributing the most troops to UN peacekeeping operations were Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Jordan, Nepal, Ethiopia, Uruguay, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa, with a total of accounted for more than 60 percent of all UN military and police personnel.

Since 1948, more than 130 countries have contributed military, police and civilian personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. Since the establishment of the first peacekeeping operation, more than a million military, police and civilian personnel have served under the UN flag.

Military personnel serving in UN peacekeeping operations receive pay from the governments of their countries. At the same time, these countries receive compensation from the UN. All UN member states are required to pay their share of the costs of peacekeeping operations according to a formula they themselves set. Despite this, as at 31 January 2006, Member States owed approximately $2.66 billion in outstanding and outstanding peacekeeping contributions.

Unfortunately, the experience of UN international peacekeeping is not always successful, and the existing tools are very far from perfect. The reasons for this phenomenon are the lack of a clear legal framework for peacekeeping, the inability of the UN to effectively apply already created mechanisms for conflict resolution, and, consequently, to carry out the main functions related to the main goal of the organization, aimed at maintaining international peace and preserving collective security.

It should be emphasized that the conflicts of recent years are particularly complex and numerous. In such conditions, the ability of the UN to adequately respond to existing problems of national security is greatly hampered. This forces many politicians and government officials to think about either the effective implementation of existing instruments of the peacekeeping process, or the development of new ones.

UN peacekeeping is a unique and dynamic tool developed by the Organization as one way to help conflict-torn countries create the conditions for lasting peace. The first United Nations peacekeeping mission was established in 1948, when the Security Council authorized the deployment of United Nations military observers to the Middle East to monitor compliance with the Armistice Agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Since then, a total of 63 United Nations peacekeeping operations have been carried out in all corners of the world.

The term "keeping peace" does not exist in the Charter of the United Nations. Dag Hammarskjöld, the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, opined that the term should be found in "Chapter Six and a Half" of the Charter, placing it somewhere between traditional methods of peaceful settlement of disputes, such as negotiation and mediation, according to with Chapter VI, and measures of a more coercive nature, as provided for in Chapter VII.

Over the years, United Nations peacekeeping activities have evolved to meet the needs of different conflicts and a changing political landscape. UN peacekeeping objectives, which emerged at a time when Cold War rivalries often paralyzed the Security Council, were largely limited to maintaining a ceasefire and stabilizing the situation on the ground so that efforts could be made at the political level to resolve conflict through peaceful means. These missions included military observers and lightly armed troops who performed peace monitoring, reporting and confidence-building functions to maintain ceasefires and implement limited peace agreements.

Since the end of the Cold War, the strategic context of UN peacekeeping has undergone dramatic changes, allowing the UN to transform and expand its operations in the field and move away from “traditional” missions focused solely on military missions towards complex “multi-functional” operations aimed at to ensure the implementation of comprehensive peace agreements and help create the foundations for sustainable peace. Today's peacekeepers carry out a wide range of complex missions, including helping to build resilient institutions of governance and human rights monitoring, implementing security sector reforms and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants.

The nature of conflicts has also changed in recent years. UN peacekeeping activities, initially viewed as a means of resolving interstate conflicts, are increasingly being applied to resolving intrastate conflicts and civil wars. Although the military is still the backbone of most peacekeeping operations, it now includes administrators and economists, police officers and legal experts, bomb engineers and election observers, human rights observers and civil affairs and governance specialists, humanitarian communications and public information staff and experts.

UN peacekeeping activities are in a constant state of evolution, both conceptually and operationally, to meet new challenges and respond to new political realities. The Organization is committed to enhancing its capacity to conduct and support field operations and thereby contribute to the most important function of the UN, namely the maintenance of international peace and security.

The international activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today are inextricably linked with the implementation of military reform in our country and the reform of the Armed Forces. As you know, the starting point for reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 “On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure.” On July 31, 1997, the President approved the Concept for the development of the Armed Forces for the period until 2000.

Military reform is based on a solid theoretical basis, the results of calculations, taking into account the changes that took place in the early 90s. in the geopolitical situation in the world, the nature of international relations and the changes that have occurred in Russia itself. The main goal of the military reform is to ensure the national interests of Russia, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

Currently, to prevent war and armed conflicts in the Russian Federation, preference is given to political, economic and other non-military means. At the same time, it is taken into account that, while the non-use of force has not yet become the norm of international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require sufficient military power for its defense. In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war.

Protecting the national interests of the state presupposes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must provide reliable defense of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

Long-term goals of ensuring Russia's national security also determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations is aimed at preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their inception.

Thus, at present, the Armed Forces are considered by the country's leadership as a deterrent, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means has not led to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country. Fulfilling Russia's international obligations to participate in peacekeeping operations is considered a new task for the Armed Forces to maintain peace.

The main document that determined the creation of Russian peacekeeping forces, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them is the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security” (adopted by the State Duma on May 26, 1995 .). To implement this law, in May 1996, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova on June 23, 1992 on the basis of the Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation on the principles of the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The total number of peacekeeping troops was about 500 people. On March 20, 1998, negotiations were held in Odessa to resolve the Transnistrian conflict with the participation of Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian and Transnistrian delegations.

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in South Ossetia (Georgia) on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Dagomys Agreement between the Russian Federation and Georgia on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The total number of this contingent was more than 500 people. The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in Abkhazia on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on a Ceasefire and Separation of Forces. The total number of this contingent was about 1,600 people.

Since June 11, 1999, Russian peacekeepers have been on the territory of the autonomous region of Kosovo (Yugoslavia), where in the late 90s. A serious armed confrontation arose between the Serbs and Albanians. The number of Russian contingents was 3,600 people. The separate sector occupied by the Russians in Kosovo gave the Russian Federation equal rights in resolving this interethnic conflict with the five leading NATO countries (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy).

Recruitment of administrative bodies, military units and units of special military contingents is carried out on a voluntary basis based on the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract. The training and equipment of peacekeeping forces is carried out at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for defense.

While serving as part of a special military contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are granted to UN personnel during peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the UN General Assembly on February 13, 1996, the Convention on UN Security of December 9, 1994, Protocol on the status of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992.

The personnel of the special military contingent are equipped with small arms. When performing tasks on the territory of the CIS countries, personnel are provided with all types of allowances in accordance with the standards established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The preparation and training of peacekeeping troops is carried out at the bases of a number of formations of the Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, as well as at the Higher Officer Courses “Vystrel” in the city of Solnechnogorsk (Moscow region).

The CIS member states concluded an Agreement on the preparation and training of military and civilian personnel to participate in collective peacekeeping operations, determined the procedure for training and education, and approved training programs for all categories of military and civilian personnel assigned to collective peacekeeping forces. The international activities of the Russian Armed Forces include joint exercises, friendly visits and other events aimed at strengthening common peace and mutual understanding. 711 August 2000, a joint Russian-Moldovan peacekeeping exercise “Blue Shield” was held.

In addition, Russian military personnel are part of the peacekeeping contingent of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. This contingent was formed in October 2007. It is intended, first of all, to participate in peacekeeping operations on the territories of the CSTO member states (by decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council), as well as outside these states (based on the Mandate issued by the Council UN Security).

The manual was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”, “On Defense”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

The material presented in the book complements the content of the “Fundamentals of Military Service” section of the “Fundamentals of Life Safety” course. It can be successfully used by high school students, students of colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, students of pedagogical universities, as well as young men studying at educational centers of organizations.

5.5. International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Protecting the national interests of the state presupposes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must provide reliable defense of the country. At the same time, they must take part in peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international forces. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security imply the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world. Long-term goals of ensuring the country's national security also determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. Carrying out such operations is aimed at preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their inception. Currently, the Armed Forces are considered by the country's leadership as a deterrent, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means has not led to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country. Fulfillment of Russia's international obligations to participate in peacekeeping actions is considered as a new task of the Armed Forces for maintaining peace.

The main document defining the principles of application and procedure for the use of Russian peacekeeping forces is the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for the provision by the Russian Federation of military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.” For the practical implementation of this law, in May 1996, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.” In accordance with this decree, a special military contingent with a total strength of 22 thousand people, consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 parachute battalions, was formed in the Russian Armed Forces. Military personnel of the peacekeeping units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in a number of regions: Yugoslavia, Tajikistan, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Georgia.

Recruitment of administrative bodies and units of the special military contingent is carried out on a voluntary basis based on the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel serving under contract. While serving as part of a peacekeeping contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are granted to UN personnel during peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention adopted by the UN General Assembly on February 13, 1996, the UN Security Convention of December 9, 1994 ., Protocol on the status of military observer groups and collective peacekeeping forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992. When performing tasks on the territory of the CIS countries, the personnel of peacekeeping units are provided with all types of allowances according to the standards established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The preparation and training of peacekeeping troops is carried out in formations of the Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, as well as at the Higher Officer Courses “Vystrel”.
