8 which modern states had the status of wards. Trust Territories

International organizations are created to solve specific political problems in accordance with the provisions of international law and on the basis of an agreement between the participants. Their most important tasks are to ensure collective security member countries, preventing the development of conflict situations, influencing the integrated solution of political, economic and social issues.

characteristic of the second half of the 20th century. the growth of regional interstate organizations and turning them into international ones due to the entry of countries located in other regions. A special place among international organizations occupied by the United Nations (UN).

United Nations was established on October 24, 1945 by the 51st country in order to preserve peace, development international cooperation, ensuring collective security (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46. ​​UN Headquarters in New York (USA)

As of January 1, 2012, the UN included 193 independent states, including Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga that joined in 1999, Tuvalu and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 2000, Switzerland and East Timor in 2002, Montenegro in 2006, and South Sudan in 2011 (Fig. 45).

When joining the UN, a state assumes the obligations set forth in the Charter, which reflects the principles international relations and the main goals of the UN:

  • maintain international peace and security;
  • develop friendly relations between nations;
  • to carry out international cooperation in solving international problems;
  • to encourage respect for human rights and to be a center for the concerted action of nations in the pursuit of these common goals.

If the state does not fulfill its obligations, then it is recognized as illegitimate (i.e. illegal) and can be excluded from the UN. For example, Taiwan until 1971 represented China in the UN, and the PRC itself was actually outside the UN for more than 20 years from the date of its formation. In 1971, at the request of the PRC, Taiwan was expelled from the UN, although it has all the attributes of an independent state.

For the policy of apartheid, South Africa in 1974 lost the right to participate in the meetings of the General Assembly and was restored to its rights only in 1994.

The United Nations is not world government and does not pass laws, however, it has powerful levers for resolving political conflicts: troops, financial resources generated from contributions from participating countries.

According to the UN Charter, member countries that are in arrears in the payment of monetary contributions are deprived of the right to vote in the General Assembly.

The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice.

General Assembly. All members of the UN are represented in it, each state has one vote. Decisions on important issues such as maintenance international peace and security, the admission of new members or the approval of the UN budget, including the budgets for peacekeeping operations, are adopted by a 2/3 majority vote. Decisions on other issues are taken by a simple majority of votes. The Assembly's recommendations are a reflection of world public opinion.

Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security and can be convened at any time when a threat to peace arises.

The Council consists of 15 members. Five of them are China, Russian Federation, UK, USA and France are permanent members. The remaining 10 members of the Council are elected by the General Assembly for two years according to regional quotas - five seats for Asia and Africa, one for Eastern Europe, two for Latin America, two - for Western Europe. Decisions of the Council are considered adopted when the votes of nine of its members are cast in favor of them. However, a decision cannot be made even if one of the permanent members votes against, i.e., uses his veto. Council decisions are binding on all Member States.

In the event of a war, the Council makes efforts to end it, it can also send a peacekeeping mission. The Council can impose economic sanctions, impose an arms embargo, and even organize joint military action.

Career. International law

    Knowledge of the features of the formation of the political map of the world, the history of the emergence of territorial disputes is especially important for those who have chosen international law as their specialty.

    Specialists in the field of international law are in demand today more than ever. They must, in addition to being fluent in English and French know international law, specifics of legislation different countries in public and private law, maritime law, must have experience of participating in processes related to the settlement of territorial disputes and claims.

    Specialists in international law can work as government bodies, as well as in international organizations and private firms.

    You can get an education at the law faculties of leading universities - MGIMO, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Russian University Friendship between nations.

UN peacekeeping mission on the border of Libya and Chad

    The Aozu strip - the northern outskirts of Chad, was occupied by Libya in 1973. The protocol on the delimitation of the borders between Libya and the French colonies served as the basis for the capture. The treaty was concluded between France and Italy, which owned respectively the modern territories of Chad and Libya, in 1935. The current border was established in 1898 by convention between Great Britain and France.

    The justification for the seizure of this desert territory is the uranium ore reserves available here, which Libya needs. Military operations between Libya and Chad and the impossibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict required the presence of a group of UN observers in this territory.

Rice. 47. Disputed territory on the border of Libya and Chad - Aozu strip

Economic and Social Council coordinates the activities of the UN and its agencies in the economic and social areas, in the field of international cooperation. Five regional commissions promote economic development and strengthening economic relations in their regions.

Guardian Council was established to provide international surveillance of the Trust Territories administered by seven Member States. By 1995, all of the Trust Territories had become self-governing or independent, either as independent states or by joining neighboring independent states. The work of the Council has been largely completed to date, it is planned to transform the Trusteeship Council into a forum for the protection environment planets.

international Court is the main judicial organ of the UN and deals with the settlement of disputes between states.

Secretariat carries out the operational and administrative work of the UN in accordance with the instructions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and other bodies. It is headed by the Secretary General, who recruits the staff necessary for the operation of the organization and provides general administrative direction.

The Secretariat consists of nine departments and a number of offices, employing 8,700 people from nearly 160 countries.

peacekeeping missions. One of the main tasks of the UN is to maintain world peace. According to the Charter, Member States must resolve international disputes by peaceful means and refrain from resorting to military force against other states. However, there are still many such conflicts.

For many years the UN has played important role in the prevention of international crises and in the settlement of protracted conflicts, carrying out operations to establish and maintain peace and provide humanitarian assistance.

Peacekeeping operations can last from several months to several years. For example, the UN operation deployed along the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan in the state of Jammu and Kashmir has been going on since 1949, and UN peacekeepers have been in Cyprus since 1964. At the same time, the operation in the Aozu strip between Libya and Chad in 1994 was completed within a month (Fig. 47).

Since 1948, the UN has carried out about 50 peacekeeping operations, in which military personnel from more than 100 countries participated (Fig. 48).

Rice. 48. UN peacekeepers

Career. UN peacekeeper

    IN peacekeeping operations The UN employs both the famous "blue helmets" - military personnel provided directly to the United Nations by Member States, and civilian personnel performing a wide range of tasks: from monitoring human rights to managing human and material resources. Peacekeeping missions require specialists in areas such as politics, law, human rights, elections, humanitarian aid, public information, general management services, procurement, logistics, civil engineering and electronic data processing.

    Candidates must be in excellent health and be prepared to work in challenging and sometimes hazardous conditions. Requirements for candidates for work in missions are the presence of a scientific degree not lower than a master's degree, four years of work experience in the specialty and fluency in English and (or) French.

Main ideas of the section

  • Monarchies (absolute, constitutional, theocratic) and republics (presidential and parliamentary) have the status of independent states.
  • The Commonwealth states recognize the Queen of Great Britain as head of state.
  • According to the form of government, unitary states and federations are distinguished.
  • Unrecognized (self-proclaimed) states appear, as a rule, in the areas of operation of separatist movements in multinational countries or as a result of a change state borders, "cut" the areas of residence of ethnic groups.
  • Right of Use international territories and water areas belong to the entire world community.
  • Territories with an undetermined status include neutral, leased, occupied territories.
  • The development and colonization of territories in the New World by Europeans led to the emergence of dependent (non-self-governing) territories. These are colonies, protectorates, dominions, condominiums, mandated and trust territories, associated states.
  • Decolonization began in the 18th century. During the 19th century gained independence most of colonies in Latin America, the countries of Asia became independent mainly after the Second World War, Africa - after 1960.
  • The number of Non-Self-Governing Territories in the world continues to decline.
  • International organizations are created to solve specific political problems, ensure the collective security of member countries, and prevent the development of conflict situations.
  • The most important international organization is the UN, which includes 193 member countries.

Review questions

  1. In what part of the world is the most big number monarchies, federal republics, non-self-governing territories? Why?
  2. Why was the Commonwealth (British) created? Which countries are its members? On what grounds were some (give examples - what?) countries excluded from the Commonwealth?
  3. What is the difference between federal and unitary states?
  4. Why do self-proclaimed states appear on the political map of the world? Give examples.
  5. Which territories are international and what is their status?
  6. What international rivers, straits, canals do you know? What territories do they connect?
  7. What territories are neutral, leased and occupied? Why are they called territories of uncertain status?
  8. Which modern states had the status of wards? When and in connection with what events did these territories change their "masters" and status?
  9. Which non-self-governing territories exist in early XXI where are they located, what metropolises do they belong to?
  10. What changes have occurred on the political map of the world in the last decade of the 20th century; at the beginning of the 21st century?
  11. What interstate conflicts are the most relevant today?
  12. Name the states that do not exist on the political map of the mmra. What factors are associated with their appearance? What are the main functions of the UN? What organizations are part of the UN system?
  13. What current UN operations have you heard about on television and radio or read in the newspapers during the past month?


  • Leased territories
  • Associated States
  • States within the Commonwealth
  • Decolonization
  • Dominions
  • overseas departments
  • overseas territories
  • Colonization
  • Colonies
  • Condominiums
  • Confederation
  • International territories
  • Monarchies (absolute, constitutional, theocratic)
  • Neutral territories
  • Occupied territories
  • Mandatory (trust) territories
  • Protectorates
  • Republic
  • self-proclaimed states
  • Freely associated states
  • Territorial administrative units with a special status
  • Unitary States of the Federation

TRUST TERRITORIES TRUST TERRITORIES - territories included as a result of the Second World War in international system Trusteeship of the United Nations as provided for in the Charter of the United Nations. Basically, they turned out to be former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies, primarily Germany and its allies, in Africa (Cameroon, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Tanzania, South-West Africa) and islands in pacific ocean(Western Samoa, Nauru, New Guinea, Mariana, Marshall and Caroline) with a population of about 20 million people. Their management, by agreement with the UN and under the control of its Trusteeship Council, was given to the former colonial powers - Great Britain, Belgium, France, and also, by decision of the UN, Italy (over Somalia). In addition, the UN Security Council in 1947 transferred the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands as a "strategic area" under US control. By 1997, all P.T. gained independence.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what "Trust Territories" is in other dictionaries:

    TRUST TERRITORIES- Territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System provided for by the UN Charter (Art. 75 91). Basically, they turned out to be the former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies, primarily Germany and its ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

    Dependent territories, the administration of which was transferred by the UN to any state (see also International Trusteeship) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The United Nations Trust Territory is the legal successor to the League of Nations Mandate Territory after its abolition in 1946. All Trust Territories were administered through the UN Trusteeship Council by Trustee countries. Requirements prohibiting trade also remained ... ... Wikipedia

    Dependent territories, the administration of which was transferred by the UN to any state (see also International Trusteeship). * * * TRUST TERRITORIES TRUST TERRITORIES, dependent territories, the administration of which was transferred to the UN (see UN) to which ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System provided for by the UN Charters (Art. 75-91). Basically, they turned out to be the former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies, primarily Germany and its ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    Territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System, provided for by the UN Charter (Art. 75-91). Mostly they turned out to be former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies. above all Germany and its allies, ... ... Law Encyclopedia

    trust territories- Territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System, provided for by the UN Charter. Basically, they turned out to be the former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies, primarily Germany and its allies, in Africa ... ... Big Law Dictionary

countries placed under the care of the UN. Founded after the 2nd World War, the international. The guardianship system replaced the mandate system introduced by the League of Nations. Main principles of the international system. guardianships are included in the UN Charter, adopted at the San Francisco Conference of 1945. At this conference, Sov. The delegation demanded that an indication be made to the charter that one of the main the purpose of guardianship is to prepare the ward territories, with active participation their populations to self-government, self-determination and independence. Owls. the proposal was not accepted in full, but the provision on the need to promote the progressive development of the peoples of Palestine in the direction of self-government or independence was included in the corresponding article (Article 76) of the UN Charter. In the system of international the guardianships included territories that had previously been under a mandate, as well as a number of territories seized from the countries of the fascist bloc as a result of World War II.

According to the trusteeship agreements approved (with the exception of the agreement on P. t. Pacific Islands) Gen. The UN Assembly, under the control of a number of countries, included 11 P. t. (the total population is about 20 million people, the area is about 2.5 million km 2). Tanganyika, part of Cameroon (former British Cameroon), part of Togo (former British Togo) were transferred under British control; part of Cameroon (former French Cameroon) and part of Togo (former French Togo) - France; Ruanda-Urundi - Belgium; New Guinea - Australia; Zap. Samoa - New Zealand (trusteeship agreements over the listed territories were approved in 1946). The Marshall, Mariana, and Caroline Islands, under the general name of the Pacific Islands, were transferred to the United States of America (this Pacific Islands was recognized as a strategic district; the trusteeship agreement over it was approved in 1947 by the Security Council). In 1947, joint work was approved. management of England, Australia and New Zealand by the island of Nauru (Australia manages it on behalf of the 3 named states); in 1949, an agreement was approved on the trusteeship of the UN over Somalia under the control of Italy (the decision of the UN General Assembly provided that in 10 years this territory would gain independence). The UN Trusteeship Council has been established to oversee the fulfillment of the terms of guardianship.

Wide scope nat.-liberate. struggle after the 2nd World War led to the collapse of the columns. the system of imperialism and contributed to the independence of the majority of the Petrograds. The peoples of a number of the Petrograds actively advocated independence and freedom. To the beginning Jan. 1968 only 3 P. tons remained (New Guinea, the Pacific Islands, Nauru). Their us. is approx. 1.7 million people

On P. t., the governors of the state are pursuing, albeit in a disguised form, a policy of colonies. exploitation of the indigenous population. The predominant part of the inhabitants of P. t. is essentially devoid of political. right, their standard of living is very low. Contrary to the trusteeship agreement, which obliges the administering authority to take care of protecting the health of the population of P. t., the United States conducted atomic weapons tests on the Pacific Islands.

The USSR and other socialist states, young Afro-Asian countries vigorously oppose the use of the system international guardianship for colonial purposes. enslavement of peoples, for the right of the population of P. t. to self-determination and freedom.

Publication: Charter of the United Nations and the statute of the International. court, (M.), 1945, ch. 12-13.

Lit .: Stakh G., Zaitsev K., Guardianship or colonialism?, M., 1960; Stein B.V., The system of international guardianship, M., 1948; Malakhovskiy K.V., The guardianship system is a kind of colonialism, M., 1963.

  • - - creation on some area of ​​logistical and / or aesthetic amenities for the life, work or leisure of people ...

    Human ecology. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • - ensuring safe and sustainable development territory, life and health of the population living on it in the conditions of possible external and internal threats ...

    Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • - "..., - adult capable persons in respect of whom guardianship in the form of patronage has been established ..." Source: LAW of Moscow dated 04.06 ...

    Official terminology

  • - territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System, provided for by the UN Charters ...
  • - ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - liquidation on the basis of between "...

    Law Encyclopedia

  • - Territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System, provided for by the UN Charter. Basically, they turned out to be former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies ...

    Law Encyclopedia

  • Big Law Dictionary

  • - liquidation based on international treaty military fortifications and structures certain territory, as well as the prohibition to maintain military bases and troops on it ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - the existing or projected division of the territory of a certain national economic zone by type of use - balance per territory - struktura využití území...

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  • - areas of tropical, subtropical, warm-temperate arid, semi-arid and seasonal sub-humid climates ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - liquidation on the basis of an international treaty or an internal act of military fortifications and installations in a certain territory, a ban on maintaining military bases and armed forces on it ...

    Glossary of legal terms

  • - Territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System, provided for by the UN Charter. Basically, they turned out to be the former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies, primarily ...

    Glossary of legal terms

  • - dependent territories, the management of which is transferred by the United Nations to any state. See Art. Guardianship international...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - dependent territories, the management of which was transferred by the UN to any state ...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Zharg. they say At home. BSRG, 586...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

"Trust Territories" in books

Vietnamization of the territory

From the book The Middle Ages have already begun by Eco Umberto

Vietnamization of the Territory Thus, the game of independent private interests begins, whose representatives reach compromises and maintain mutual balance through the services of private and hired police, and also have their own fortified centers for gathering forces and

3.1.2. Territories

From the book Soviet biological weapons: history, ecology, politics author Fedorov Lev Alexandrovich

3.1.2. Territories Unfortunately, the games of the military were extremely risky not only for experimental people, but also for unsuspecting residents. In addition, weapons samples created in IHO-NIHI-BIHI-BON-BITI-STI required field testing. In the Soviet Union

Territories of horror

From the book Occult Secrets of Criminal Russia author Tsykunov Igor

Territories of Horror Once our friend, Pasha, rented an apartment. He was very pleased: the owners did not bargain and asked for a very modest price. The housewarming party took place quite in the spirit of Pasha's restless nature: with noise, uproar and a rich feast. They drank to the success of a lucky tenant,

outlying territories

From book Individual entrepreneur[Registration, accounting and reporting, taxation] author Anishchenko Alexander Vladimirovich

Remote areas In addition to the specific types of activities for which a benefit is granted, the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation. They have the right to draw up a list of remote or hard-to-reach areas in their

Territory map

From the book Involve and Conquer. Game thinking in the service of business author Werbach Kevin

Mapping the Territory Involve and Conquer reveals the principles needed to successfully implement gamification in any type of organization. Like many games, in this book you have to go through several levels. Once you master one principle, you can do


From the book Gods, Heroes, Men. Archetypes of masculinity author Bednenko Galina Borisovna

DETERMINATION OF THE TERRITORY The formation of Poseidon in classical mythology begins with the definition of his territory, possession and inheritance. From that moment on, he becomes part of the sea, the sea itself. In the life of people-Poseidons, such a choice also occurs. They cease to be "sons"

Clearing the territory

From the book The Great Civil War 1939-1945 author Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Cleansing the territory If one empire seizes territory from another, this does not mean repression for the population. All inhabitants of the Smolensk land after its inclusion in Muscovy and Russian empire retained their property and position in society. Smolensk nobility

Chapter VII. Patron and his wards

From the book Great Caesars author Petryakov Alexander Mikhailovich

Chapter VII. The philanthropist and his wards Augustus, having finally buried the republic, with perseverance and perseverance sought to revive precisely the old republican virtues: valor, loyalty, piety, and so on. Lost in the period civil wars during the late

24 The Novgorodian Askold was the first to sit on the princely throne in Kiev and was defeated by the Byzantine emperor Michael the drunkard, who loved to admire how his wards extinguished candles, emitting gases from their intestines due to the abundant food they consumed.

From the book How grandmother Ladoga and father Veliky Novgorod forced the Khazar girl Kyiv to be the mother of Russian cities author Averkov Stanislav Ivanovich

24 The Novgorodian Askold was the first to sit on the princely throne in Kiev and was defeated by the Byzantine emperor Michael the drunkard, who loved to admire how his wards extinguished candles, emitting gases from their intestines due to the abundant food they consumed So

1. The Novgorodian Askold was the first Novgorodian who sat on the princely throne in Kiev and was defeated by the Byzantine emperor Michael the Drunkard, who loved to admire how his wards extinguished candles, emitting gases from their intestines due to the abundant food they consumed

From the author's book

1. Novgorodian Askold was the first Novgorodian who sat on the princely throne in Kiev and was defeated by the Byzantine emperor Michael the Drunkard, who loved to admire how his wards extinguished candles, emitting gases from their intestines due to the abundantly consumed


From the book Unknown Separatism. In the service of the SD and Abwehr author Sotskov Lev Filippovich

COUNT VIDO'S GUARDS Simon Sekniashvili from the village of Velistsikhe, in the Gurjaani region of Georgia, could not even imagine that two Italian counts would deal with his modest person at once. It's in Rome. And in Moscow, which he did not even suspect, his actions and

Trust Territories

From the book Encyclopedia of a Lawyer author author unknown

Trust Territories TRUST TERRITORIES - territories included as a result of the Second World War in the UN International Trusteeship System, provided for by the UN Charter (Art. 75-91). Basically, they turned out to be the former mandated territories of the League of Nations or colonies, primarily

Trust Territories

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(PO) author TSB

From the book Family Code of the Russian Federation. Text with amendments and additions as of October 1, 2009 author author unknown

Article 159. Invalidity of a marriage entered into on the territory of the Russian Federation or outside the territory of the Russian Federation


From the author's book

Territories - I, comrade chief, to Kolyma - only with an escort. "Don't tell a bad joke," said Filippov. Six years later I was brought with an escort to Kolyma and stayed there for 17 years. Varlam Shalamov. "Vishera" We came here young, we gave our best years to this region and

Legal status of the ward

As for the rights of children under guardianship (guardianship), they are regulated in Art. 148 RF IC. It should be noted that they include all the rights that children brought up in a family have. In particular, this is the child’s right to communicate with parents and other relatives (Article 55 of the IC of the Russian Federation), the right to protect their rights and legitimate interests (Article 56 of the IC of the Russian Federation), the right to express their opinion when resolving any issue in the family that affects their interests, and also to be heard in the course of any judicial or administrative proceedings (Article 57 of the IC of the Russian Federation).

In addition, they have a number of rights arising from their status as wards. These rights are directly enshrined in Art. 148 of the RF IC, include the right to:

Education in the family of a guardian (custodian), care by the guardian (trustee), living together with him, except in cases where, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 36 of the Civil Code, separation of a trustee from a ward who has reached sixteen years of age is allowed with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authority, provided that this does not adversely affect the upbringing and protection of the rights and interests of the ward;

Providing them with conditions for maintenance, upbringing, education, comprehensive development and respect for their human dignity;

Alimony, pensions, allowances and other social payments due to them;

Retention of the right of ownership to a dwelling or the right to use a dwelling, and in the absence of a dwelling, they have the right to receive a dwelling in accordance with housing legislation (according to paragraph 2 of article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, out of turn, living quarters under social tenancy agreements are provided to orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care upon termination of guardianship (guardianship)) Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated 29 .12.2004 No. 188-FZ (as amended on 12/29/2014) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 01/03/2005, No. 1 (part 1), art. 14. .

Protection from abuse by the guardian (custodian).

In addition, according to paragraph 3 of Art. 148 of the RF IC, children under guardianship or guardianship have the right to maintenance, cash for which they are paid monthly in the manner and in the amount established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases where guardians or trustees are appointed at the request of parents in the manner specified in Part 1 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law "On guardianship and guardianship". These funds are spent by guardians or trustees in the manner prescribed by Art. 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, unlike parents and adoptive parents, guardians and trustees are not required to support their ward.

Children left without parental care may be placed in special (correctional) educational institutions(including in a special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior) in cases of deviation from the norms or public dangerous behavior including the commission of an offence. At the same time, they are subject to the norms of material support provided for by federal legislation for children left without parental care.

In those regions of the Russian Federation where there are no educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, orphans and children left without parental care can be admitted to a boarding school.

Guardians (custodians) are not appointed to children who are in full state care in the relevant educational institutions, medical institutions, institutions social protection population and other similar institutions (hereinafter - educational institutions). Full state care means that the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minor children, their material support, upbringing, education takes over the state in the face of the relevant institution. In such cases, the duties of guardians (trustees) are assigned to these institutions Kozlov S.S., Mitchina L.A. Forms and methods of placement of children left without parental care // Family and housing law. 2011. No. 3. P. 14 - 19..

The United Nations (UN) occupies a special place among international organizations.

General Assembly. All members of the UN are represented in it, each state has one vote. Decisions on important matters, such as the maintenance of international peace and security, the admission of new members, or the approval of the UN budget, including budgets for peacekeeping operations, are taken by a 2/3 majority vote. Decisions on other issues are taken by a simple majority of votes. The Assembly's recommendations are a reflection of world public opinion.

Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security and can be convened at any time when a threat to peace arises.

The Council consists of 15 members. Five of them - China, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States and France - are permanent members. The remaining 10 members of the Council are elected by the General Assembly for two years according to regional quotas - five seats for Asia and Africa, one for Eastern Europe, two for Latin America, two for Western Europe. Decisions of the Council are considered adopted when the votes of nine of its members are cast in favor of them. However, a decision cannot be taken even if one of the permanent members votes against, i.e., uses his veto. Council decisions are binding on all Member States.

In the event of a war, the Council makes efforts to end it, it can also send a peacekeeping mission. The Council can impose economic sanctions, impose an arms embargo, and even organize joint military action.

Economic and Social Council coordinates the activities of the UN and its agencies in the economic and social fields, in the field of international cooperation. Five regional commissions promote economic development and strengthening of economic relations in their regions.

International Court is the main judicial organ of the UN and deals with the settlement of disputes between states.

Secretariat carries out the operational and administrative work of the UN in accordance with the instructions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and other bodies. It is headed by the Secretary-General, who recruits the staff necessary for the operation of the Organization and provides general administrative direction.

In 2007, the Secretariat consisted of nine departments and a number of offices, employing 8,700 people from almost 160 countries.

Peacekeeping operations can last from several months to several years. For example, the UN operation deployed along the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan in the state of Jammu and Kashmir has been going on since 1949, and UN peacekeepers have been in Cyprus since 1964. At the same time, the operation in the Aozu strip between Libya and Chad in 1994 was completed within a month. Since 1948, the UN has carried out about 50 peacekeeping operations, in which military personnel from more than 100 countries participated.
