Alexander Ustyugov: “Probably, this is what is called a midlife crisis - the desire to prove that you are still alive. Divorced, married, divorced again

New Year"Lieutenant Colonel Shilov" met in the company with a bottle of whiskey.

New Year "lieutenant colonel Shilov" met in the company with a bottle of whiskey

Actor Alexander USTYUGOV now literally does not leave the screens. Two high-profile film premieres with his participation, "28 Panfilov's Men" and "Viking", had just died down, and all winter holidays the NTV channel repeated the best episodes of "Cop Wars" (in this criminal television epic, Ustyugov played the head of the "killer" department Roman Shilov). Meanwhile, an important event occurred in the personal life of a popular artist: Alexander broke up with his next wife.

In the fall of 2014, Express Gazeta announced major changes in life Ustyugov. Alexander broke up with his wife Yanina Sokolovskaya, with whom he had been together since his studies at the Shchukin school. The couple played together on the stage of the Russian Youth Theater and, together with their daughter Zhenechka, starred in the Cop Wars. But the idyll collapsed like a house of cards. Alexander left the theater and moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and Yanina and Zhenya disappeared from the popular series.

Discord in acting family happened because of Ustyugov's adultery with a charming brunette Anna Ozar, daughter of the CEO of Sukhoi Aviation Holding Igor Ozar. A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Anya worked for some time as a correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel in Spain, and then she mastered the profession of a director and screenwriter.

Once Alexander invited a girl to shoot a video for his musical group“Ekibastuz” (after all, he also sings well, and named his musical group after the city in Kazakhstan, where he was born and raised). On the set, this romance began to spin, and in September 2015, the lovers went to the registry office. Inspired by Eros, Anya immediately began to sign in all social networks with the name of the chosen one and filled up her friends with romantic photos from honeymoon trip across France.

Surrounded by the couple, they were sure that the daughters of the newlyweds from their previous relationship - Zhenya and Kira (this is the name of Anina, a 7-year-old girl) will soon have a brother or sister. However, instead, alarm bells began to reach Express Gazeta. Among the numerous fans of Ustyugov, rumors spread that in his young family, to put it mildly, not everything was going smoothly.

And at the end of last year, it turned out that Anna, who recently did not hide her happiness, cleaned up social networks. She returned her maiden name, removed all joint photos with Alexander and even excluded him from her friends.

Ustyugov’s page also looked dull: he again regained the status of “free”, and in fresh pictures on right hand the actor is no longer seen wedding ring. Particularly inquisitive fans of Sasha suggested that he could return to his first wife and daughter. But in our conversation with Yanina Sokolovskaya, it turned out that this is not so.

But I don’t feel like an abandoned woman raising her daughter alone, ”Yanina admitted. - Despite the fact that Sasha moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, he often sees Zhenya. She is very similar to her dad. She is engaged in dancing, goes to a theater studio and vocals. In addition, the daughter made her debut on the RAMT stage. A new year holidays we spent at home - together with my parents and neighbor friends. So we are all good.

But Ustyugov, as it turned out, celebrated the New Year in splendid isolation:

On December 31, I had a job in Moscow, after which I jumped on the train and went to St. Petersburg, home. There he opened a bottle of whiskey, turned on the TV, met 2017 very quietly and calmly. The next day I woke up quite late, because for the first time I did not need to run anywhere. Finally slept! I even turned off my phone so no one bothered me.

- Did you drink whiskey alone? - I was surprised . - But what about the beautiful wife?

Oh, let's not talk about it, - Alexander sighed. - I was alone and had a great time.

So that such a luxurious man would listen to Vladimir Vladimirovich alone under the Christmas tree with a bottle of whiskey! Do you believe, dear readers? Me not!

I will keep you informed.


Ustyugov enjoys boxing, photography and motorcycles. In his youth, he raced Java, and now he allows himself to order expensive bikes from the USA. On his "iron horses" the actor drives long distances. Once I hit the road from Moscow to the Crimea and back, winding up 5 thousand km as a result.

Where did Jackson go?

Rumors that Major Evgeny Ivanov, or simply "Jackson", will no longer appear in "Cop Wars" have been circulating the Web for a long time. It was rumored that the colorful 47-year-old actor Dmitry Bykovsky-Romashov fell out of the cage due to a stroke - allegedly he had some problems with speech, and doctors recommended not to overload himself with work.

Why did I leave Cop Wars? - Either tired, or just in a sad voice, Dmitry asked again when we got through to him with questions. - Just tired. Directors change endlessly, the script has become uninteresting. In short, I shot halfway through the tenth season and decided it was time to end this story. I want other projects. In the meantime, I enjoy communicating with my family - I spent all the holidays with my wife and children.


Namesake - Russian hero

A popular actor is often confused with a skier Sergei Ustyugov and ask if they are brothers. We answer: not brothers, although Alexander's namesake is a no less outstanding personality. This season, 24-year-old Sergei is tearing everyone up. In early January, he became the winner of the prestigious Tour de Ski and set a tournament record - he won five races in a row! Sochi Olympic Champion Alexander Legkov compared the success of Ustyugov with the feat of the Russian hero.

A native of the village of Mezhdurechensky Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in 2013 he became the bronze medalist of the World Championship in the relay. He has a girlfriend Elena Soboleva, which is also a member of the Russian cross-country skiing team. By the way, at the end of the season, mutual friends of the two Ustyugovs promised to arrange a personal meeting for them.

Sergey USTYUGOV shows phenomenal results. Photo: RIA Novosti

One year ago double Olympic champion in biathlon Evgeny Ustyugov retired. He left at the age of 29 when he realized that something had stalled in the sport. He acted extremely honestly in relation to the fans, the national team, and most importantly, to himself. Although I could run for some time, albeit not very successfully, and get good money for it. Now Ustyugov works as deputy head of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Dynamo society. He is not going to return to sports - neither as an athlete, nor as a coach. But he is aware of everything that happens in Russian biathlon.

Wouldn't jump higher

- Eugene, after the dynamics and drive that were in biathlon, doesn't your current job seem a bit boring?

- I will say that it is difficult to imagine a softer transition. I was not overwhelmed with papers, I do not sit all the time in the office - new people, new communication. There were many proposals, but the work at Dynamo turned out to be the closest in spirit. I'm not interested in coming to something ready. I liked the task of raising the Dynamo society and returning it to its former glory. For a year I got used to a new role. Satisfied with everything. So far I don’t miss biathlon, but I am always in touch with the athletes, so I am aware of everything.

- When, after the end of your career, did you feel that the burden of responsibility fell from your shoulders?

- Only six months after he announced his retirement. I suddenly realized that there is no need to rush somewhere. I used to come home for four days, and I had to do everything: spend time with my family, solve household chores. It took me six months to get used to this new life.

- Do you have a feeling that you could achieve more in sports?

- No. In Russia today there is no two-time Olympic biathlon champion who still runs and performs. In our wonderful team there are winners of the main games of the four years, they won the relay race together. But I've only won twice. I will sincerely rejoice in their further victories. But on this moment I have the most Olympic gold medals. And then I was simply neither psychologically nor physically ready to continue my career. I didn't want it. In my opinion, I overfulfilled my plan - I would not have jumped higher. Therefore, I decided that it was time to give way to the young. Sitting in a team and taking 6-8 places is not for me.

Incomprehensible meetings

- You have repeatedly admitted that after the Olympics in Vancouver, you allegedly trained only to 70 percent of your capabilities. But I came across another wording: one of the sports websites claimed that after Vancouver you simply endured, you no longer enjoyed biathlon.

- That's the most appropriate wording. The victory has two sides of the coin: actually sports, but also social, which obliges to various meetings. Now I'm used to it - I meet with kids, officials, other people. And then for me it was a curiosity, and I spent a lot of strength and energy on meetings. Two months after the Olympics, because of all these events, I lost another five kilograms, given that my weight is already small. When I arrived at the first training camp, I did not look very good. a healthy person. And, probably, my training then was seventy percent - if I had charged to the fullest, then I would not have lived to Sochi as an athlete. And only the last training camp before the 2011 World Cup was held in full force. And from June to December, I trained at seventy percent. But he performed, of course, one hundred percent - he did everything he could. It wasn't the most pleasant moment. But where to go? Moreover, we were preparing for the World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk, which was regarded as a test start before the Olympics in Sochi. I can’t say that the team performed well, nevertheless we brought two silver medals: in the relay and I in the personal race. It was a difficult year, but we passed this test, if not on the top five, then on the four for sure.

- Could these meetings be cancelled?

- I think yes. I just didn't know how to behave in this situation. At that Olympics, we won only three golds: the women's relay, my personal medal and the medal in the ski race with Nikita Kryukov. Therefore, all these events fell on us. I know that Nikita also had a hard time going through this period.

- Were such meetings an initiative of the leadership of the RRF?

- No, everything happened in Krasnoyarsk. May and June I was at home: my wife was in a position, I looked after her, and at the same time I was doing repairs in the apartment. There were some generally incomprehensible meetings, I don’t even know why they were arranged. But I was young. Now, of course, everything is different: somewhere I can afford to refuse, but somewhere I can insist and come.

- You joined the national team at the same time as the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov. Actually, they left at the same time, but that's not the point. The former coach of the men's team, Vladimir Alikin, admitted that, along with the abundance that came then, more and more talk about cars and apartments began to appear in the team. And if the athletes didn’t like something, they directly turned to the leadership, which always supported them.

- Some collections had not very good relations with Vladimir Alexandrovich Alikin. And they could afford to step over the coach - go complain to Sergei Valentinovich Kushchenko. And he was always on the side of the athletes. And still supports us. We are with him now good relations, just recently called up. There are no claims to him, as well as to Alikin. To be honest, there was such a period, 2011-2012, when the conversations were no longer about training, but about topics not related to biathlon. But, on the other hand, because life does not end with sports, you need to be able to switch. But I can’t go in cycles completely on skiing - I, too, as a person, want to live, I want to drive a car. Twofold situation. Alikin got into the team at such a moment.

- Not only Alikin said that the athletes allowed themselves too much, because there was support from the leadership.

- Yes, but then this practice was stopped. I, as the captain of the team, did not allow the athletes to directly contact the leaders. They could call, but before that they consulted with me. I was in charge of the team and talked to Sergey Valentinovich myself. Only then did he make a decision.

Traitors Pichler and Capello

- It seems that biathletes have everything: talented athletes, stable support. Why are we still not the best in the world?

- I do not want to speak badly about the coaches, but, in my opinion, we have serious personnel problems. Most of the coaches are already old, they are of the old school, they train according to the same principles that were in the USSR. Anton Shipulin took a different path and found a younger coach who knows physiology, anatomy, knows which exercises work on which muscles. Let them not take offense at me, but most Russian mentors have no idea about banal things in human physiology. There are a small number of young coaches with higher education, supplemented with courses that help to delve into the details. Very important details. No last names, but I asked the coaches many times: why are we doing this particular workout? And never got an answer. There is only one exception - Alikin, I have him once again and did not ask, because this is a guru coach who knows biathlon thoroughly. The rest of the coaches of the national team did not answer any of my questions.

- Maybe it is worth attracting foreign specialists?

- I'm still a patriot. Let such a coach be better than a foreign one. And then, inviting foreigners, we pay them more than our own. Wouldn't it be better to use this money to send our specialists abroad to study and return with new knowledge? We have a great school, and it is absurd to invite foreigners! And besides, good foreign specialists are involved in their countries, and most of the coaches who came to us are either not needed at home, or they are not patriots. Can they be trusted if they betray their country and leave preferring money?

- You just threw a stone into the garden of Capello and Pichler.

I don't see anything offensive in that. This is my personal opinion, and I can tell them the same. (Laughs.)

- You said that you keep in touch with the guys on the team. Are these non-committal conversations or maybe the guys are asking for advice?

- There were moments when they asked for advice when difficulties arose. For example, the situation with a letter in which they expressed no confidence in the head coach of the national team Alexander Kasperovich. I will not go into details, we maintain relations. Recently, Anton Shipulin had a wedding. For various reasons, I could not visit it, but I am aware of everything: I know who was there, how the wedding went. (Laughs.) With the guys, we scooped with a spoon from the same bowl, they are like brothers to me. I will always help them and always support them.

real pleasure

- You have an Akita Inu dog - like in the movie "Hachiko". Does she act the same?

- Yes. The dog was very bored when I left. The first three days after my departure, as my wife said, I just lay there. He didn’t drink, didn’t eat, even went for a walk with reluctance. It took a long time for him to come to his senses. And on a nervous basis, he periodically fell ill. Now always next to me - like a ponytail, does not move a single step. Sleeps only with me, listens only to me. True, just like in the movie. The only thing I regret is that I got a dog during my sports career. It was necessary to wait, so that she would not experience painful experiences, would not know what the departure of the owner was.

- You have two children. Two daughters. To be continued?

- There is a desire, the wife also has already appeared. (Laughs.) For now, we are thinking.

- What really brings you joy in life?

- See how children grow. During my career, I was deprived of this. I didn’t see how my eldest daughter grew up, her first steps, didn’t hear her first words - I looked at her only on Skype. And now I see the development of my youngest daughter with my own eyes. Watching children grow up is the most wonderful, wonderful feeling!

Zhenya Ustyugov is 30 years old. Such an age, yes, to run and run more.

I remember very well that conversation after Sochi, a couple of days before the Race of Champions. Zhenya called late and immediately:

- Mash, well, everything, I decided to finish ..

I even got bored. He hinted at the thought of finishing a couple of times, back in the Olympic season, but somehow he couldn’t believe everything.

- Zhenya, well, think again, - I say, - Age allows, there are conditions, even though you are a two-time Olympic champion, there is still room to grow then ..

“I won’t be the same as in Vancouver. The further, the less chance. And when you know what real success is, there is no desire or meaning to be anyone. And then the further, the more difficult it will be in ordinary life adapt... And most importantly, I want to see a family.

The parting clip was edited anyway, of course. Because she hoped with her head, but with her heart she understood that Zhenya had already taken the most important step.

Ustyugov is always and in all situations so resolute. I don’t remember a single story when he changed his mind about something really important. Therefore, it was strange to read the coach's comments that Zhenya would think and return. Nevermind. He already had his own path drawn at that moment.

I know that there are characters pushing themes that Zhenya got stuck, that he blew his talent .. These people are amazing to me. Yes, at the Sochi Games in his best personal race he was only 5th in the pursuit, 12 seconds off the podium..

But I will never forget how Ustyugov flew into the last climb in the Vancouver mass start; how desperately he was pursuing this first individual men's Olympic gold in nearly two decades; how two years later he ran to the finish line in Holmenkollen, leaving behind Bjoerndalen and Swensen; how he finished in pre-Olympic Sochi with a flag; as the last rower in that luxurious gold Olympic relay in Sochi 2014.

Zhenya Ustyugov, a two-time Olympic champion, was able to give us pieces of happiness that will always warm our hearts. And thanks to him for that.

And from me, a huge personal one - for the fact that he knows how to choose the path himself, and not wait until life / circumstances / conditions choose something for him.

And yes. Zhenya Ustyugov feels great now - he works as deputy chairman of Dynamo in Krasnoyarsk, spends a lot of time in the house he built with his wife and two wonderful daughters, wants more children, and does not regret anything.

Two-time Olympic champion Evgeny Ustyugov announced his retirement from biathlon. He is now only 28. When Magdalena Neuner left, the entire biathlon space was seething, putting forward one version of such an early departure outlandish than the other. In the case of Ustyugov, columnist Evgeny Slyusarenko was surprised only by the way he left, but not by the fact itself. Speaking directly, Evgeny Ustyugov finished biathlon four years ago - after winning in Vancouver. The rest of the years he endured rather than enjoyed. It must be said right away that Ustyugov made a great career. There are very few of our people who have won the Olympics more than once. If we remove those who won only relay races, Nikolai Kruglov Sr., Anatoly Alyabyev and Sergey Chepikov will remain. And if those who did it are not within the same Olympics, then only Chepikov.

In other words, we, contemporaries of Evgeny Ustyugov, saw with our own eyes one of the coolest characters in the history of our biathlon. This is a mathematical fact. And in response to any o (b) judgment, this character may well use the famous meme "What did you achieve, boy?". And, in general, like no one else will have every right to do so.

Another thing is that Evgeny Ustyugov could achieve more. Much more. “When we got him, I thought that now Bjoerndalen and all Norwegians will have serious problems for many years. His last lap- this is something unique, "said Vladimir Alikin, senior men's coach national team Russia in 2006-2010. As a result, in addition to two Olympic victories, Ustyugov has two silver medals. championship peace-2011 and three individual wins racing at the World Cup. This is all. IN World Cup he debuted as recently as January 2009. Some five years later he spent his last race.

This story, meanwhile, is not only about Ustyugov. This is the story of a whole generation of Russian biathletes - coincidentally, came at the time of the leadership SBR oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov and his team. This is the story of those who grew up on Doshirak and second-class carriages, and then suddenly got into the world of business class flights, team managers with handkerchiefs at the ready and generous prize money, when for success in one race can pay in several places at the same time. This is the story of those who - like all our athletes - were afraid of coaches like fire, and then got the opportunity to resolve all issues directly with top management. One call - and the famous coach turned into nothing decisive servants.

There is such a famous "caisson disease" - with a sharp rise from depth to the surface, divers must take precautions. In biathlon, they did not know the limits, and most of them could not stand the ascent to the top. Well, as they could not stand it, they simply became different.

From some point on, the guys have changed a lot, - Alikin recalled. - We sit at the training camp, until Olympics- three months. I hear conversations: they are discussing what repairs to do in the house, whom to hire and what car to buy. If something is not to their liking, they began to call the authorities. It has always taken their side. This is the end for the coach.

I understand everything, but we need to stop the practice of solving problems at the top, and not within the team, - at a recent coaching council, even the cautious Nikolay Lopukhov, head coach of the men's team in 2012-2014, could not stand it. - I had no leverage on my athletes. The same Yevgeny Ustyugov did no more than 70 percent of the work that was needed. And there was nothing I could do about it.

The fact that Ustyugov, after Vancouver, did not give himself up to the profession to the end, was said by all those involved in the process - first on the sidelines, then without hiding. The athlete himself denied this, but results spoke for themselves: not a single personal victory in these four years. Most likely, the real purpose was simply not enough. After all, what a thing: when sport becomes only a means to change life for the better, this is a good motivation, but temporary. She leaves quickly.

Two-time Olympic champion Evgeny Ustyugov announced his retirement from biathlon. He is now only 28. When Magdalena Neuner left, the entire biathlon space was seething, putting forward one version of such an early departure outlandish than the other. And she couldn't say much less. In the case of Ustyugov, columnist Evgeny Slyusarenko was surprised only by the way he left, but not by the fact itself. Speaking directly, Evgeny Ustyugov finished biathlon four years ago - after winning in Vancouver. The rest of the years he endured rather than enjoyed.

It must be said right away that Ustyugov made a great career. There are very few of our people who have won the Olympics more than once. Alexander Tikhonov (four times in four Games from 1968 to 1980), Viktor Mamatov (twice - in 1968 and 1972), Ivan Byakov (twice - in 1972 and 1976), Nikolai Kruglov Sr. (twice in 1976), Anatoly Alyabyev (twice in 1980), Dmitry Vasiliev (twice - in 1984 and 1988) and Sergei Chepikov (twice - in 1988 and 1994). If we remove those who won only in relay races, Kruglov Sr., Alyabyev and Chepikov will remain. And if those who did it not within the framework of one Olympics, then only Chepikov.

In other words, we, contemporaries of Evgeny Ustyugov, saw with our own eyes one of the coolest characters in the history of our biathlon. This is a mathematical fact. And in response to any o (b) judgment, this character may well use the famous meme "What did you achieve, boy?". And, in general, like no one else will have every right to do so.

Another thing is that Evgeny Ustyugov could achieve more. Much more. “When we got him, I thought that now Bjoerndalen and all Norwegians will have serious problems for many years. His last lap is something unique,” ​​said Vladimir Alikin, head coach of the Russian men's team in 2006-2010. As a result, in addition to two Olympic victories, Ustyugov has two silver medals at the 2011 World Championship and three victories in personal races at the World Cup. This is all. He made his debut in the World Cup quite recently, in January 2009. After some five years, he spent the last race there.

This story, meanwhile, is not only about Ustyugov. This is the story of a whole generation of Russian biathletes - coincidentally, came at the time of the leadership of the SBR by the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov and his team. This is the story of those who grew up on Doshirak and second-class carriages, and then suddenly fell into the world of business class flights, team managers with handkerchiefs at the ready and generous prize money, when success in one race can be paid for in several places at the same time. This is the story of those who - like all our athletes - were afraid of coaches like fire, and then got the opportunity to resolve all issues directly with top management. One call - and the famous coach turned into nothing decisive servants.

There is such a famous "caisson disease" - with a sharp rise from depth to the surface, divers must take precautions. In biathlon, they did not know the limits, and most of them could not stand the ascent to the top. Well, as they could not stand it, they simply became different.

From some point on, the guys have changed a lot, - Alikin recalled. - We are sitting at the training camp, before the Olympics - three months. I hear conversations: they are discussing what repairs to do in the house, whom to hire and what car to buy. If something is not to their liking, they began to call the authorities. It has always taken their side. This is the end for the coach.

I understand everything, but we need to stop the practice of solving problems at the top, and not within the team, - even the cautious Nikolai Lopukhov, head coach of the men's team in 2012-2014, could not stand it at a recent coaching council. - I had no leverage on my athletes. The same Yevgeny Ustyugov did no more than 70 percent of the work that was needed. And there was nothing I could do about it.

The fact that Ustyugov, after Vancouver, did not give himself up to the profession to the end, was said by all those involved in the process - first on the sidelines, then without hiding. The athlete himself denied this, but the results spoke for themselves: not a single personal victory in this four years. Most likely, the real purpose was simply not enough. After all, what a thing: when sport becomes only a means to change life for the better, this is a good motivation, but temporary. She leaves quickly.

In this sense, Evgeny Ustyugov acted as honestly as possible. I could have collected payments and grants for the Olympic success of Sochi for at least another season, without particularly bothering, and then left. A lot of people do that, you'll see. He decided not to participate.

The only pity is that the problems of "Bjoerndalen and all the Norwegians" were so short.

