Which part of the Airborne Forces is the best? Structure of the Russian Airborne Forces

On August 2, Russia celebrates Airborne Forces Day. As always, groups in vests and blue berets will try to find a common language with the police and will go swimming in the fountains. A religious procession and a festive concert are planned in Moscow.

Paratroopers are often called the elite of the army. On the criteria of elitism in general, applicable to Soviet and Russian army, and the airborne troops in particular are discussed by experts interviewed by Radio Liberty.

Military observer Alexander Golts considers the definition “ elite troops"purely subjective:

Eliteness is determined, first of all, by the severity of selection into the troops and the skills possessed by the serviceman of these troops. By definition, elite troops cannot be massive. An example is marines. For Russia, where there are only a few marine brigades, these are, of course, elite troops.
The Soviet Union also, of course, had elite troops. This applied to the above-mentioned intelligence units, marines, airborne troops and special forces brigades of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Many films were made about the airborne troops in the Soviet Union, which made many boys want to serve in the Airborne Forces. However Chief Editor website "Agentura.ru" Andrei Soldatov says that the real elite had no direct connection to the landing:

IN Soviet time there was a big difference between special forces and airborne forces. And even if special forces officers were trained at the Ryazan Airborne School, it was still a separate course. It has always been cultivated among paratroopers physical strength- all these broken bricks, big biceps, vests. And the special forces always looked down on this somewhat. The special forces mainly recruited people short stature and quite fragile ones who treated the flaunting of physical power not only with contempt, but with a smile. The special forces valued intelligence, the ability to plan some daring actions, and not brute physical strength. And the formation of the famous 45th Special Forces Regiment in as part of the Airborne Forces- this is a new phenomenon that has appeared in the Russian army.

Artem Sheinin, a television journalist working in a senior position in one of the largest Russian television companies, talks about his paratrooper past. In the mid-80s, he was drafted into the Airborne Forces, ended up in Afghanistan, and fought in an airborne assault battalion. In the Armed Forces of the USSR, Artem Sheinin, wearers of blue vests and berets were truly the elite, including due to the fact that they were looked after in advance:

On a national scale, there was a system of pre-conscription, pre-army training of people for service in the Airborne Forces. This was a widespread practice. WITH for the most part We met those people with whom I was later in Fergana back in February 1984. I was drafted in April 1984, and in February 1984 we jumped at the Volosov airfield in the Moscow region.

Everything that is happening to the Russian army now does not correspond to my idea of ​​a combat-ready army. It is difficult for me to judge the state of aviation and the Missile Forces strategic purpose, but I know for sure that in a year of service it is impossible to raise a normal Airborne Forces fighter, even if during this year, as they say, he will not be engaged in kitchen orders and household work. I know quite a lot of people from big cities who are for Lately served in the army and were drafted into the Airborne Forces. But I have not heard anything about how now, as in Soviet times, military registration and enlistment offices would organize the mass transportation of those conscripted into the Airborne Forces for training jumps.

Nevertheless, Artem Sheinin is confident that the landing force still remains the elite of the Russian army, if only because of the tasks for which these units are prepared. Artem says this with the hope that in real life the order to carry out such tasks will never come.

Many people have heard the expression “elite troops” in Russia, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what this expression actually means. There are no clear criteria that would help classify this or that special unit as more prestigious. As a rule, such a title is usually earned by troops that are in full combat readiness every minute and have the greatest combat capability. Troops can also earn an honorary title among the people for displaying heroism and high professionalism in combat operations. IN elite Russian troops list, which are located below, included the most prestigious divisions based on the surveys conducted.


Opens a list of elite Russian troops. The main task special unit anti-terrorist measures are taken. The detachments are engaged in the release of hostages, eliminate riots, and also eliminate illegal armed groups. Also, the competence of the National Guard Troops includes the neutralization and detention of criminals who pose a particular danger to society. The special forces of this detachment celebrate their official day on March 27th.


Belongs to the most prestigious troops of the fatherland. The creation of the Armed Forces took place in 1992 of the 20th century. The main function of the special unit is to protect the territory of the country and its integrity. The aircraft has one of the largest reserves military equipment, as well as weapons mass destruction, including nuclear. As of 2017, the number of special forces military personnel was just over a million people, and the mobilization resource was over 60 million. Recruitment of the Armed Forces occurs in two ways - conscription through the army and contract service. The state spends more than 3 trillion rubles annually on the development of the Armed Forces.


rightfully belongs to the most prestigious troops Russian Federation. He stands guard over the country, protecting it from attacks outside the land zone. The Navy is designed to conduct combat operations on water spaces. Navy For more than three hundred years, it has been guarding our state. In addition to the main tasks, the competence of the special unit includes ensuring the safety of maritime activities in the vastness of the World Ocean. The Navy has high firepower and a long range, which allows it to destroy the enemy at a great distance - up to several thousand meters.


The FSSP of Russia certainly belongs to the elite troops of the Russian Federation. It includes rapid response units, which mandatory pass special training. The FSSP is armed with automatic weapons and ensures the security of the courts, and also personally protects the leadership of the Federal Bailiff Service.


Included in the list of the country's elite troops. The main tasks of the special forces are to detect and eliminate terrorist groups. Other goals of the troops include carrying out special events on enemy territory.


They are considered one of the most elite troops of the Russian state. Airborne troops are engaged in special activities behind enemy lines. Also, the tasks of the special forces include capturing enemy targets and capturing the enemy. Selection for the landing force is strict in all respects. The future paratrooper must have not only good physical characteristics, but also have a stable psycho-emotional background, since Airborne Forces servicemen you have to perform quite complex tasks. The official creation of the special forces occurred in 1992. Airborne Forces actively participated in the Afghan war, Chechen war, and also took part in hostilities with Georgia.


is an elite special forces unit in service with the Russian state. Refers to troops that are in constant and full combat readiness. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles with warheads. The formation of the special forces occurred in the middle of the last century. Today, the missile forces include 3 armies, which include 12 missile divisions. Rocket Forces For strategic purposes, more than three hundred complexes of various types are in service.


Unlocks the top three most elite troops of the Russian Federation. The armed forces are designed to conduct naval operations, which include combat operations with the capture of the enemy’s coastline. In addition, the special unit also carries out other operations, including the protection of coastal areas. The main tasks of the Marine Corps are to conquer coastal territories and hold them until the main forces arrive. The special unit is part of the Russian Navy.


The elite without any doubt includes, whose main tasks are the defense of the state in the aerospace field, the detection and complete destruction of the enemy, as well as repelling military operations from ballistic missiles. Also, the competence of the Aerospace Forces includes identifying possible combat missile attacks and being in full combat readiness. The Russian Space Forces are part of the Aerospace Forces. The main tasks of the latter special unit are monitoring objects in space, as well as timely detection and combat defeat of space threats.

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Every future conscript, before joining the army, asks himself two questions: where is the best place to serve in the army and how to get into the right unit. To answer this question, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve when going to serve in the army. It is worth deciding on the presence of some specific skills and acquired knowledge in civilian life.

When going through the draft board, each conscript will be asked where the conscript would like to serve. The military registration and enlistment office will make a note about the conscript’s preferences, where it is best to send him, taking into account his medical characteristics and abilities.

True, often this mark does not play a special role. Distribution at the recruiting station occurs according to the needs of the “buyers” who came for young recruits. However, in some cases the wishes of the conscript are taken into account, and the region in which the conscript lives is also taken into account. In some cases, he may be left to serve close to home if there are certain reasons for this. Then, the conscript should take care of this issue in advance and choose for service those troops that are located in his home region.

Types of troops

What kind of troops are there and what skills do you need to have in order to join these troops? All troops can be divided into three types: ground, navy, aviation. It is impossible to classify any type of troops as elite. Each type of troops performs specific tasks and has its own goals. Therefore, it is better to worry in advance and decide where it is better to go to serve in the army.


  • Tank forces. They are the main attacking force ground forces. Defensive and offensive tasks in battle are carried out. For these troops, conscripts are selected who are no more than 174 centimeters tall, preferably of strong build, and who do not have significant vision problems.

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  • Motorized rifle. They have versatility and the ability to perform any combat missions in any weather and in any location. There is no special selection for these troops. Health category goes from A1 to B4. The troops include many units, so everyone will be assigned to serve.
  • Railway troops. Participation in hostilities carried out with the participation of trains, as well as eliminating the consequences natural Disasters on the railway tracks. A conscript who is not in very good health has every chance of ending up in this type of army.
  • Special Forces. Performing special tasks that no one else can do military unit. Recruitment for this unit is made from candidates who have already served in military service. The strictest selection and testing is carried out.


  • Airborne troops. Conducting special operations on enemy territory. Organization of sabotage activities and disruption of control and communications, as well as the capture of enemy targets. A candidate for these troops must meet very high requirements. Health category not lower than A1, physical endurance and psychological stability.

  • Aerospace Forces (VKS, Strategic Missile Forces, Air Defense). Protection and control of the aerospace space of the Russian Federation and repelling enemy attacks from the air. Conscripts with technical and engineering specialties have a better chance of getting into these units. During selection, emphasis is placed on psychological qualities and mental capacity conscript


  • Navy. Carrying out combat missions in sea and ocean waters, repelling enemy attacks on the water and conducting offensive operations from the sea. Includes surface and submarine forces, as well as naval aviation and marines. In order to be called up for military service in the Navy, you must be at least 180 centimeters tall, have a health category of at least A3 and have good mental stability.

Where to go

If one or another branch of the military is considered prestigious, then this issue is very controversial. Every army has its own elite units, such as intelligence and special forces. It is honorable and prestigious to serve in such units, but you will also have to work hard. Getting into such units is not an easy task. To serve in these units, some conscripts initially only need to be in good physical shape and mental stability. In such a platoon, there is a high probability of learning useful skills such as hand-to-hand combat, weapon handling and other types of special skills.

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But at the same time, as practice shows, the selection of recruits occurs without the knowledge of the conscript. At the recruiting station, “buyers” usually say that the best troops are exactly where they came from, and their task is to take the best with them. If a recruit goes to the recruiting station with certain knowledge, then there will be fewer problems with him in the combat unit. But after the oath is taken, re-distribution is carried out. At this moment, in most cases, attention is paid to what advantages the young soldier has. In accordance with his skills, the unit is distributed among units.

In order to get into good troops, before going to serve in the army, you must take the following actions:

  1. Increase physical activity. Good physical shape is valued everywhere.
  2. To increase organization and independence, you need to learn self-discipline.
  3. Get a profession. Soldiers with any skills are in demand in the army.

Pre-conscription training

It is worth mentioning the pre-conscription training of a conscript, because it is advisable to think in advance about where to go to serve. If you have a strong desire to serve as a driver or airborne brigade, it would be a good idea to take care of this in advance. In Russia, in every major city there are DOSAAF branches that deal with pre-conscription training. Through this training system, you can not only get a license, but also increase your chances of serving behind the wheel of any military equipment.

Almost every army has units or troops special purpose. Russian special forces Airborne Forces is a special Airborne Forces regiment, designed to perform various specific operations, part of the Russian Airborne Forces. 45th Regiment airborne special forces in 2015 it was renamed 45th separate brigade Airborne special forces.

The history of the emergence of airborne special forces

During the Soviet era, there were not only no special forces, but also no specialized units. The first Russian special forces unit appeared only in 1994. Although there were many legends about special forces in Soviet times, in fact, dangerous missions were carried out by airborne troops, and secret missions were carried out mainly by intelligence officers and secret agents.

The 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment was formed in February 1994, specifically to eliminate gangs in Chechnya. In 1995, when the entire regiment was withdrawn from Chechnya, it had already demonstrated its effectiveness in battle.

In 1997, the 45th Special Forces Regiment received Active participation in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, for which he received Battle Banner and a certificate of the Order of Kutuzov. With the resumption of hostilities in Chechnya from 1999 to 2006, detachments of the regiment actively participated in many military operations against terrorists and bandits.

Although the history of the Airborne Special Forces Regiment begins in 1994, it has already managed to cover itself with glory, since many of its soldiers and officers are Heroes of the Russian Federation.

Weapons and equipment of airborne special forces

Since the special forces of the Airborne Forces solve very specific and complex tasks, their weapons and equipment are of higher quality and more diverse than the standard weapons of the Airborne Forces units (which is already one of the best in the Russian army). Such weapons require enormous funding. Airborne special forces fighters often use types of weapons that are practically inaccessible to other types of rifle troops.

Weapons most often used by airborne special forces:

  • SVD is a famous sniper rifle. Although this weapon is not something outstanding, many airborne special forces veterans are accustomed to using this particular model sniper rifle. With this rifle, some skilled snipers even managed to shoot down planes, hitting their pilot;
  • Currently, the SVD rifle is being replaced by the Vintorez, which is a silent model of a sniper rifle. A powerful “sniper” not only allows you to hit targets that are located at significant distances from the shooter, but is also capable of penetrating a modern steel helmet at a distance of up to 400 meters. First combat applications Vintorez sniper rifles were recorded in the first Chechen company. This weapon is in service only with airborne special forces units; other types of troops do not have access to this weapon;
  • The Steyr automatic rifle is also used by airborne special forces. Although this weapon has a high price, its scope is quite wide. The Steyr rifle has the ability to be installed and used underbarrel grenade launcher, which is often necessary when performing special tasks. The use of such combined weapons makes it possible to do without a standard grenade launcher, which can significantly reduce the mobility of an airborne special forces group performing a special mission. Although the Steyr rifle only recently appeared among the standard weapons of the Airborne Special Forces, the soldiers rightfully appreciated its reliability and versatility;
  • The AS Val silent assault rifle entered service back in Soviet times. At the end of the 80s, they were recommended for use by special forces when performing various sabotage missions requiring silence and stealth. AS "Val" is equipped with a sniper and night sight, and its transportation is most often carried out in a compact case. The time required to assemble and prepare the AS “Val” for firing takes no more than 1 minute;
  • The main assault rifle of the Russian army, the AK, is also used by airborne special forces. True, these are not ordinary modifications that are used in the Russian army, but export models of the hundredth series. Most often, airborne special forces use the AK-103, which, in addition to being better built, uses a caliber of 7.62x39 mm;
  • For sudden operations, for which it is impossible to take large models of weapons, they most often take the AK-74M, which has a folding stock, the ability to use a sight and an under-barrel grenade launcher. In some cases, special forces soldiers use a shortened model from the line small arms Kalashnikov - AKS-74. At close ranges, this model is practically not inferior in performance to standard Kalashnikov assault rifles;
  • Naturally, the most popular machine gun, both for the entire Russian army and for the airborne special forces, is the Kalashnikov machine gun. Developed back in the 60s of the 20th century, it has not yet lost its popularity. There are many variants of PCs that are used both for infantry and for installation on combat vehicles. Airborne special forces use the latest modification of the Kalashnikov machine gun - PKM, which is lighter in weight and easier to use. There is also a “night” version of the modernized Kalashnikov machine gun, which is called PKMN;
  • A more modern model of a machine gun, which is in service with the Airborne Special Forces, is the Pecheneg machine gun. This model is not just a modification of PCM, but really new model, the basis for the creation of which was PCM. This machine gun is suitable not only for shooting at enemy personnel, but also for hitting transport and even air targets. The Pecheneg machine gun is exported to the CIS and Eastern countries;
  • For operations to free hostages, they use the AN-95 Abdukan assault rifle, which in appearance resembles a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Its main difference from the Kalash is the incredible accuracy and accuracy of shots. At a distance of 100 meters, an experienced sniper is able to hit the same point with two shots. In hostage rescue operations, lives often depend on the accuracy of the fighters who participate in their rescue. The AN-95 “Abdukan” assault rifle is capable of significantly reducing the mortality rate of hostages in such operations, since several accurate shots can quickly eliminate terrorists;
  • In addition to small arms, airborne special forces often use grenades. The most common is the RPG-26. This type of rocket-propelled grenades, which were developed back in the mid-80s, has still not lost its relevance and is an effective means of destroying enemy equipment and fortifications. Since the range of applications for these grenades is very wide, they are used different types troops of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the above weapon models, airborne special forces also receive the latest designs equipment that is developed taking into account the specifics of special forces combat missions.

Specifics of special forces

Since the implementation of special tasks assigned to the airborne special forces requires specialized weapons, equipment and equipment, the funding allocated for the needs of the special forces differs significantly. The training of personnel is particularly thorough, and specialists are trained only in the best training centers, under the guidance of veteran instructors. In addition, joint international exercises are being carried out, in which special forces different countries exchanges combat experience.

Service in the airborne special forces is carried out, as a rule, under a contract, which is concluded for at least 3 years. This is explained by the fact that almost every special forces soldier is a highly qualified specialist in some field, and a huge amount of money is invested in him during training, and the departure of such a soldier can disrupt the entire established structure in the detachment, where each soldier clearly performs his tasks. For example, having lost a mining specialist, the squad will spend much more time penetrating the militants’ hideout, which can cost the life of the entire squad, as it will give the bandits the opportunity to prepare for an attack.

Tasks that airborne special forces must solve

The main task of special forces is to completely demoralize the enemy. Suddenly appearing behind enemy lines, experienced fighters who have excellent training are capable of causing significant damage to the enemy in a matter of minutes. Seeing how a small detachment can easily cope with many times superior forces, the enemy loses faith in victory and easily turns into panic. The task of the regular troops at this moment is to support the special forces and occupy captured positions.

In addition, airborne special forces are capable of carrying out sabotage activities behind enemy lines, organizing resistance units and “luring” civilians to their side. For this purpose, airborne special forces units not only undergo special psychological training, but also have mobile television stations capable of providing broadcasting within a radius of about 10 kilometers.

IN Peaceful time There is also a lot of work for airborne special forces fighters. In addition, Russian special forces annually take part in competitions that take place among special forces of the leading countries of the world. Russian special forces constantly take first place, beating both the famous Green Berets and British special forces.

The training of airborne special forces is still at its best, but every year it becomes more and more difficult to recruit recruits. There are plenty of people willing, but it is quite difficult to choose the worthy ones among them. If previously each applicant had a sports rank (often even in several sports), now such conscripts are quite rare.

How to get into the airborne special forces

Those applicants who want to join the airborne special forces must have already served military service and have high health indicators, which are required for future special forces. After passing the medical examination, applicants are subjected to a variety of tests that are designed to determine mental health and readiness for service in special forces.

The most calm and balanced applicants are taken as snipers or sappers, the rest are assigned to military professions according to their temperament and psychological stability. Those applicants who do not pass the tests are offered service in other parts of the Russian army.

After selection, training begins, which no more than 40 percent of applicants pass. If after the exercise there are too few people left, the empty seats are filled by the best airborne soldiers who have proven themselves to be excellent during their military service. Such a strict selection leads to the fact that after a year of training, fighters are already experts in using various types weapons and special devices. The best airborne special forces fighters are real universal soldiers, although almost every one of them owns some military profession better than others.

In the short time that the Airborne Special Forces have existed, its officers and soldiers have managed to take part in all the military conflicts in which Russia was drawn. Until now, airborne special forces fighters are the most elite warriors of the army of the Russian Federation. Numerous medals and orders awarded to soldiers and officers of the Airborne Special Forces serve as clear proof of this.

Airborne Forces - airborne troops- these are some of the most prestigious troops Russian Federation. Having heard that a serviceman is serving in the airborne forces, great respect immediately, automatically grows for this person. After all, if you delve into the very essence of the profession, you can safely say that these people are the real defenders and patriots of their state.

It is the paratroopers who are the first to be sent by air to fight the enemy in his rear. Besides, Airborne Forces Rapid reaction troops can form the basis of mobile forces. Suffice it to remember that Airborne troops originated during the Great Patriotic War, made an overwhelming contribution to the victory, and it will immediately become clear why they are so prestigious and respected.

If a young man decides to connect his life with the army, then the choice is in favor airborne troops deserves great respect. Today, the most famous and famous educational institution for training excellent paratrooper specialists is the world-famous Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces. This is a higher institution that produces real officers.

Also, there is a “242 training center”, which is currently located in the cities of Omsk and Ishim. It also specializes in training quality professionals in their field.

Airborne Forces are a complex science

What are future officers taught in these military institutions? Of course, we will not list all the disciplines; we will focus on the most important skills that young people acquire. Some of the key subjects are: tactics and strategy of combat, shooting, military equipment.

Cadets are taught not only theory, but also practice. Field trips to exercises are a mandatory training process. Of course, cadets learn to jump from a parachute, learn to survive in difficult conditions, fight in rural and urban areas, master the skills of combat with edged weapons, and learn the basics of controlling air force equipment. In addition to combat, they are trained to repair military equipment, so that in any situation the military can prepare and activate any combat unit, from a tank to a fighter. Great attention is paid physical training cadets. No wonder the fighters from airborne troops are associated among civilians with powerful and strong people, that's what they are.

One American general in the second half of the 20th century said: - "give me the company Russian paratroopers and we will take over the whole world!

It's not just strength that matters here.

In addition to military disciplines, great attention is paid to standard humanitarian and mathematical disciplines, foreign languages and computer classes. The cadets are even taught ballroom dancing, etiquette, and manners. Therefore, the officers come out comprehensively developed people and are well versed not only in military tactics and military equipment, but they are also cultured and well-read people.

Based on this, we can safely say that the officers Airborne Forces– these are truly people who should inspire awe and respect from everyone.

Blue berets only on the front line

U " winged infantry“There is a day in the calendar - this is August 2, the day when colleagues and classmates meet and remember their service and training. And there is something to remember, because how many bright and unforgettable pages were included landing troops to our glorious history and how many more of these pages will be written by them!

The Blue Berets are always at the forefront, ahead of the rest. They are where the most great danger where strength and courage are required. These are people who command respect from both pensioners and veterans, as well as young people.
