Pre-conscription training 10 11th grade paragraph 51 Vishnevsky. Special Forces experts on the problems of pre-conscription training

UDC 37

Pre-conscription training program for students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum"

On the pre-draft preparation program students MBOU "Lyceum"

Annotation: This article represents a program for pre-conscription training for students of the Lyceum Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution.

Annotation: This article presents a program of pre-conscription training of students MBOU "Lyceum".

Keywords: patriotic education, students, pre-conscription training

The keywords: patriotic education, students, pre-service training

Information card of the Program

Full name of the Program.

Program for pre-conscription training of students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum".

Timing of the Program implementation.


Legal address of the institution.

Nizhnevartovsk st. Dzerzhinsky 17A

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Lyceum"; contact number

Head of the Program.

Director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

Founders of the Program.

Administration of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum".

Logistical support for the implementation of the Program.

Effective use of the material and technical base of the Lyceum Municipal Budgetary Institution.

Participants of the Program.

Sources of financing.

Budgetary financing of an educational institution.

Program implementers.

Teacher-organizer of life safety and pre-conscription training

Asset of the Armed Forces of the club "Vityaz"

Students of grades 5-11 of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum".

Control over implementation


Control over the implementation of the Program rests with the administration of the Lyceum Municipal Budgetary Institution.

Target work program

Participation in the implementation of the Program for Patriotic Education of Students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum” for 2013-2018 “Be a Citizen”.

Main tasks of the work program

nurturing a sense of patriotism, developing in students of the Lyceum a sense of loyalty to the Motherland, readiness to serve the Fatherland and its armed defense;

preservation and development best traditions Russian military;

countering manifestations of political and religious extremism among young people, tolerant behavior of students.

physical development of students, increasing attractiveness healthy image life;

preparing young men for military service, popularizing work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the tax inspectorate, and the customs service;

strengthening the role of the family in raising full-fledged citizens of society.

Basic methods for implementing the work program

conducting theoretical and practical classes in the sections of the Allied Military Forces, civil defense, fire safety, security traffic, public and personal safety;

use of the material, technical and educational base of the MBOU Lyceum: life safety room, gyms and stadium, shooting range.


Pre-conscription training is organized and conducted with young men at the Lyceum Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution on the basis of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and military service", "About defense"

Goals of pre-conscription training— formation in young men:

Moral and psychological readiness for military service;

Knowledge, skills and fundamentals of the culture of military service necessary to master the duties of a defender of the Fatherland.

Health promotion, preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Objectives of pre-conscription training:

Expanding and deepening knowledge about the heroism and courage of our ancestors in defending the Fatherland;

Education of citizenship and patriotism, a sense of personal responsibility for fulfilling the constitutional duty to protect the Motherland;

Introduction to Defensive Personality Military doctrine Russia, the history and current state of the national Armed Forces, the main provisions of general military regulations, the procedure for military service, service in the reserve;

Fostering camaraderie, collectivism, mutual assistance, humanity, morality, the foundations of a culture of communication and statutory relationships;

Study of the rights, duties and responsibilities of a conscript;

Training in shooting from air and small-caliber rifles;

Throwing hand grenades;

Actions in extreme conditions;

Drilling techniques and movements without weapons;

Compliance with standards and exercises on the basics of military affairs.

Planning work on pre-conscription training.

Planning of work on pre-conscription training at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum" is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum. It is aimed at comprehensive and high-quality preparation of young men for service. 100 hours are allocated for pre-conscription training, carried out at the third stage of general secondary education in general educational institutions, of which 30 hours are spent on educational field fees.

Field training camps (5 days) with X-grade students are held on the basis of a general education institution upon completion school year, in the month of May.

The procedure for conducting field training in a general education institution is established by local education authorities in agreement with the city’s military commissariat and the Department of Education.

Organization of classes.

In order to ensure the organized conduct of classes in pre-conscription training and instill in students practical skills in fulfilling the requirements of general military regulations, all classes should be aimed at developing high moral and psychological qualities in students, nurturing a culture of communication, preparing young men to fulfill their duty to defend the Fatherland, developing their skills of behavior and action in accordance with the requirements of general military regulations. In pre-conscription training classes it is necessary to use various forms and teaching methods, arousing interest students to the material being studied, instilling in them a love of military affairs, ensuring conscious, lasting assimilation of the program, promoting the development of independent work skills and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

The content of all sections of pre-conscription training should include elements of the culture of military service. The material culture of the army is made up of the level of development of weapons and military equipment, and the uniform of military personnel. The basic elements of the spiritual culture of warriors include: combat traditions; military rituals; values, among which the national value for the people is the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War; a system of relationships between military personnel, the basis of which is statutory relationships, a culture of communication.


Introductory lesson

Heroism and courage

1. Protection of the Fatherland by our ancestors.

2. Days of military glory of Russia.

3. Local military conflicts.

4. Heroism and courage in times of peace

Field training camps

1. Wars and military conflicts

2. International humanitarian law in times of armed conflict

3. Military policy

4. Legislation on military issues

Pre-conscript and conscript

1. Registration for initial military registration and conscription for military service, service in reserve

2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of a conscript

Russian Armed Forces

1. History and modernity Russian army

2. Composition and structure of the Armed Forces

3. Armament and military equipment

4. Military educational institutions of Russia

Basics of military affairs

1. Tactical training

2. Fire training

3. Drill

4. Charters of the Russian Armed Forces

5. Radiation, chemical and biological protection of the population.

6. Military topography

7. Survival and activity in extreme conditions

8. Military medical training

9. Military applied physical training

10.Control classes


Requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” on compulsory and voluntary preparation of citizens for military service. Contents of the pre-conscription training program, learning objectives for each section. The procedure for conducting pre-conscription training classes. Responsibilities of students and rules of their behavior in the classroom.


Topic 1. Defense of the Fatherland by our ancestors. The courage of our ancestors in defending their land, their Fatherland. Battle on the Neva River, Battle of Kulikovo. Valor and glory of Russian regiments.

Topic 2. Warriors in the Great Patriotic War

The nationwide character of the rebuff given by the Soviet people to the fascists in the Great Patriotic War. Warriors and the heroic deeds they performed. Honors the memory of its heroes.

Topic 3. Partisans and underground fighters during the years of fascist occupation.

The reasons for the emergence of the partisan movement and the activities of the underground. Combat activities of partisans - people's avengers. The exploits of underground heroes in the occupied territory.

Topic 4. Heroism and courage in days of peace

The courage of sapper warriors. Loyalty to the military duty of internationalist warriors. Continuation of the tradition of courage and heroism. Homeland. Fatherland. Fatherland. Citizenship, patriotism. Orders and medals for courage and courage shown in defense of the Fatherland and its state interests, exemplary performance of military duty.


Topic 1. Wars and military conflicts

Lesson 1. Concept, types of wars and military conflicts. Classification of wars. Specificity and character modern wars. Transformation of the content of armed struggle in modern conditions.

Lesson 2. Information-psychological confrontation. Concept, history of psychological warfare. Goals and methods of conducting psychological warfare. Manipulation of consciousness, the specifics and nature of the impact of psychological warfare on a person.

Lesson 3. Forms and methods of manipulation of consciousness. Ways to counter psychological aggression. Counterpropaganda and the creation of an independent information space as a means of protection against psychological aggression. The ideology of the state as counteraction to psychological aggression and increasing national psychological stability.

Topic 2. International humanitarian law during armed conflicts

Concept, sources and principles of international humanitarian law. Prohibited methods, means of warfare and actions towards victims of war. Combatants and civilians, prisoners of war, their rights and obligations. Rules of conduct for military personnel in combat. International crimes. International tribunals.

Topic 3. Military policy

Military policy as component general policy of the state. Defensive nature of Military Doctrine. The concept of national security, vital interests of Russia in the military sphere.


Topic 1. Registration for initial military registration and conscription for military service, service in the reserve. Mandatory and voluntary preparation of citizens for military service.

Conscription commissions, their tasks and composition. Notifying conscripts about their appearance for conscription. Obligation to appear at the recruiting station on the basis of a summons. Medical examination. Granting deferments and exemption from conscription.

Topic 2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of a conscript.

Conscript's rights. Duties of a conscript. Administrative liability for failure to fulfill the duties of a conscript. Criminal liability for draft evasion.


Topic 1. History and modernity of the Russian army

Construction of the Armed Forces at a new historical stage.

Topic 2. Composition and structure of the Armed Forces

Composition and structure of the Armed Forces. Types of the Armed Forces. Type of troops. Special troops. Organizational structure of the Armed Forces.

Topic 3. Armament and military equipment

Lesson 1. Armament and military equipment Ground Forces.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-90 tank, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle, BMD-1 airborne combat vehicle, BTR-80 armored personnel carrier. Military equipment missile forces and artillery. Main types of small arms.

Lesson 2. Armament and military equipment Air Force and troops air defense. Main types of airplanes and helicopters, their purpose and performance characteristics. Anti-aircraft missile systems, their types and purpose.

Topic 4. Military educational institutions of Russia

Military Academy of Russia, faculties, procedure for training military personnel. Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Military faculties of civilian institutions providing higher education.

Courage and romance military profession. Requirements for the training and activities of officer personnel. Duration of training and procedure for admission to military educational institutions.


Topic 1. Tactical training

Lesson 1. Modern combined arms combat. Definition of combat. Characteristics of modern combined arms combat. Types of combat. Responsibilities of a soldier and squad leader in battle.

Lesson 2. Motorized rifle squad. Organization and weapons. Combat capabilities. Marching and combat order of a motorized rifle squad.

Lessons 3, 4. Practical. Engineering equipment of the department position. Self-entrenchment. Methods of camouflage on the battlefield. Actions of a soldier in defense. Lessons 5, 6. Practical. Movement of a soldier on the battlefield. Actions of a soldier on the offensive.

Lessons 7, 8. Practical. Actions of a soldier assigned as an observer or sentinel.

Lesson 9. Armed forces of foreign states (USA, Germany, UK, France). Tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment.

Topic 2. Fire training

Lesson 1. History of origin and development small arms. Safety requirements for handling weapons and explosives.

Lesson 2. Purpose, characteristics and general device

air rifle. Loading a rifle. Care and conservation. Purpose and combat properties of a small-caliber rifle. General device. Care and conservation.

Lesson 3. Basics of shooting. The phenomenon of a shot. starting speed bullets. Recoil. Trajectory elements. Direct shot. Covered, dead (undamaged) and targetable space.

Lesson 4. Shooting techniques. Ready for shooting.

Aiming. Pulling the trigger. Organization of breathing during a shot.

Lesson 5. Practical. Safety requirements for shooting. Lesson 6. Practical. Safety requirements for shooting. Lessons 7, 8. Practical. Safety requirements for shooting.

Lessons 9, 10. Practical. Safety requirements for shooting.

Lessons 11, 12. Purpose, tactical and technical characteristics of the AK-74 assault rifle. General structure and principle of operation.

Lesson 13. The procedure for partial disassembly and assembly of the machine. Care and conservation. Lesson 14. Hand fragmentation grenades. Purpose, combat properties and general design of RGD-5, F-1, RGO, RGN grenades. UZRGM and shock-remote fuses. The order of combat use of grenades.

Lessons 15, 16. Practical. Studying the techniques and rules of throwing hand grenades. Safety requirements when handling grenades.

Topic 3. Drill training

Lesson 1. Practical. Buildings and their elements. Formation control. Preliminary and executive commands. Responsibilities of military personnel before formation and in the ranks.

Lesson 2. Practical. Combat stand. Execution of the commands “Stand up!”, “Equal!”, “At attention!”, “At ease!”, “Refuel!”, “Leave aside!”.

Lesson 3. Practical. Turns in place.

Lesson 4. Practical. Movement at a marching and marching pace.

Lesson 5. Practical. Turns while moving.

Lesson 6. Practical. Failure and return to service. Approaching the boss and leaving him.

Lesson 7. Practical. Building a department into an expanded and marching formation. Reorganization of a squad from deployed formation to marching formation and back. Opening and closing the compartment.

Lesson 8. Practical. The movement of the squad is in marching and marching steps. Military greeting in the ranks. Reply to greetings and congratulations.

Topic 4. Charters of the Russian Armed Forces

Lesson 1. Purpose and general content of general military regulations. Military ranks and insignia. Uniform of military personnel. Appeal to superiors and elders.

Lesson 2. Military oath. Contents of the Military Oath. The procedure for taking the Military Oath.

Lesson 3. Battle Banner military unit - a symbol of military honor, valor and glory. Description, procedure for presenting and storing the Battle Banner of a military unit. Military rituals.

Lesson 4. General Responsibilities military personnel. Responsibilities of a soldier. Superiors and subordinates, senior and junior. The procedure for issuing and executing orders. Military greeting.

Lesson 5. Military discipline, its essence and significance. Incentives applied to soldiers, disciplinary sanctions imposed on soldiers.

Lesson 6. Moral principles and standards of behavior in the military team. Adaptation of a serviceman in a team.

Lesson 7. Rules for successful adaptation in a military team. Personal rating of a serviceman. Roles of team members, leadership in a team. Countering negative trends in relationships between team members.

Lesson 8. Daily company outfit. Purpose, composition, weapons of the daily squad. Responsibilities of a company orderly.

Lesson 9. Practical. Responsibilities of a company orderly.

Topic 5. Radiation, chemical and biological protection

Lesson 1. a brief description of weapons mass destruction foreign armies. Damaging factors nuclear explosion.

Lesson 2. Chemical weapons, classification of toxic substances according to their physiological effect on the body. Biological weapons, concept of quarantine and observation.

Lesson 3. Respiratory protection. Purpose and design of filter gas masks. Using a gas mask. Purpose, design and rules for using a respirator.

Lesson 4. Skin protection products. Purpose and general structure of the combined arms protective kit (OZK). The use of OZK in the form of “overalls”, “cloak with sleeves”, “capes”. Medical means of protection and prevention.

Lesson 5. Collective protective equipment. Refuge. Anti-radiation shelter. The gaps are open and closed.

Lessons 6, 7. Practical. Compliance with standards for the use of funds personal protection.

Lesson 8. Practical. Carrying out partial special treatment, decontamination and disinfection of clothing, shoes, personal protective equipment.

Topic 6. Military topography

Lesson 1. Orientation on the terrain without a map. Determining the sides of the horizon using a compass, the sun, the sun using a clock, celestial bodies, and signs of local objects. Determining your location. Features of orientation in different conditions(at night, in the forest, in winter).

Lesson 2. Magnetic azimuth and its definition. Movement along azimuths. Drawing up a route diagram or table for movement along azimuths.

Lesson 3. Topographic maps. Map scale. Conventional topographical signs. Measuring distances on a map. Orientation on the map.

Lesson 4. Practical. Orientation on the terrain without a map using a compass, celestial bodies, signs of local objects. Orientation on the map.

Lesson 5. Practical. Drawing up traffic patterns along azimuths and moving along azimuths.

Topic 7. Survival and activity in extreme conditions

Lesson 1. The concept of an extreme situation. Kinds extreme situations. Psychology of human behavior in extreme situations. Emotional-volitional preparation for actions in extreme situations. Human actions in an extreme situation. Survival in conditions of autonomous existence. Portable emergency reserve (NAZ).

Lesson 2. Psychological stress in extreme situations. Ways to overcome the negative impact of extreme situations. Increased mental stability.

Lesson 3. Extreme conditions in military activity. Combat activity. Combat training activities. Specifics of life and everyday life of conscripts.

Lessons 4-7. Practical. Making a march. Methods of transitions in various terrain conditions. Psychological preparation for the impact of extreme situations on the human psyche. Increased mental stability. Organization of the camp. Choosing a camp site taking into account the terrain and the availability of water sources. Procurement of fuel. Making fire. Making and maintaining a fire. Extraction, purification and disinfection of water. Procuring and preparing food.

Topic 8. Military medical training

Lesson 1. The concept of a wound. Classification of wounds. Types of bleeding and their characteristics. The concept of asepsis and antiseptics.

Lesson 2. Practical. The concept of dressing and bandaging. Rules for applying sterile dressings. Dressing. Design of an individual dressing package and rules for its use. Personal and public hygiene.

Lesson 3. Practical. First aid for bleeding. Methods for temporarily stopping bleeding. Points of finger pressure of arteries. Rules for applying a hemostatic tourniquet and twisting it using improvised means. First aid for cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. Methods and procedures for artificial ventilation of the lungs and indirect cardiac massage.

Lesson 4. Practical. First aid for bone fractures. Standard and available means of immobilization. First aid for bruises, dislocations, sprains. First aid for sunstroke, heatstroke, bites poisonous snakes, poisoning by poisonous plants and mushrooms. Methods of transporting the wounded (victim).

Topic 9. Military applied physical training

Lesson 1. Practical. Studying the technique of throwing grenades from a trench from a standing position. Studying the technique of overcoming obstacles: by jumping - a ditch 2.5 m wide; labyrinth passages; fence; vertical staircase; running - the beams of a destroyed bridge; three steps of a destroyed staircase with the ground touching between the steps; wall break; trenches; progress of the message.


The main questions of all covered topics are brought up for control classes. The main form of control at the field training camp is taking tests according to the standards.


Students should know:

The purpose and objectives of pre-conscription training;

Main milestones in the military history of our state;

The exploits of our ancestors, who showed courage and heroism in defense of the Fatherland;

Definition of wars and their classification;

features of modern wars;

Rights, duties and responsibilities of a conscript; - the procedure for registration at conscription stations and conscription for military service, service in the reserve;

The history of the creation of the Russian army; purpose, composition and structure of the Armed Forces, main types of weapons and military equipment;

Procedure for admission to military educational institutions of Russia;

Text of the Military Oath and procedure for its adoption;

Purpose of general military regulations, rules of military courtesy, military ranks;

The essence and significance of military discipline; incentives applied to soldiers; disciplinary sanctions imposed on soldiers;

Safety requirements when handling weapons;

Purpose, design and main characteristics of air and small-caliber rifles;

Purpose, combat properties, general design and operating principle of the AK-74 assault rifle;

Basics, techniques and rules of shooting;

Purpose, performance characteristics and general design of handheld fragmentation grenades; the procedure for the combat use of hand fragmentation grenades and safety requirements when handling them;

The actions of a soldier in defense and on the offensive;

Organization, weapons and order of battle of a motorized rifle squad;

The principle of recruitment and composition of the armed forces of foreign armies (USA, Germany, UK, France);

Brief description of weapons of mass destruction;

Individual protection means;

The procedure for navigating the terrain without a map and moving along azimuths; topographic map and topographical signs.

Students should be able to:

Fulfill the duties of a conscript, the established procedure for registration at conscription stations;

Follow the rules of military courtesy;

Follow the commands “Stand up!”, “Be equal!”, “At attention!”, “At ease!”; perform turns on the spot, move at a marching pace; fulfill drill techniques: leaving the ranks and returning to ranks, turns in motion, approaching the boss and leaving him;

Perform partial disassembly and assembly of the AK-74 assault rifle;

Shoot from air and small-caliber rifles, perform installed by the program shooting exercises;

Use personal protective equipment - a gas mask and a respirator;

Provide first aid for injuries, fractures, cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing;

Draw up a route diagram based on azimuths, move along azimuths, read a topographic map.


1. Manual on shooting. Basics of small arms shooting. 1989. - 336 p.

2. Rice, F. Psychology of adolescence and youth / F. Rice. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 624 p.

3. Varlamov, V. B. Pre-conscription training: textbook. allowance for 10-11 grades. IN.

4. Samygin, S. I. School of survival / S. I. Samygin. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 1996. - 640 p.

5. Fatin, S. V. Human behavior in extreme conditions and the basics of life safety. - Mogilev, 1996.

The current international situation poses serious challenges in the field of education and training of the new generation. The state needs healthy, courageous, courageous, proactive, disciplined, literate people who would be ready to study, work for its benefit and, if necessary, stand up for its defense. The current system of training citizens for military service in Russian Federation in many respects repeats the previous one, designed for a 2-year period of military service upon conscription and fundamentally different qualitative and quantitative parameters and structure of the military organization of the state. The transition from 2008 to a one-year period of conscription military service entailed a significant increase in the requirements for the quality of training of citizens for military service. The current situation in the field of preparing citizens for military service is characterized by a number of negative factors. This problem is especially acute when analyzing the civic-patriotic beliefs and values ​​of the younger generation. Studies of children's behavior show that the blurring of patriotic values ​​leads to a tendency to increase the potential of extremism, antisocial manifestations, and an increase in crime, violence and cruelty.

The “Pre-conscription training” program has a military-patriotic orientation and is designed to solve the problem of patriotic education, to promote the formation of socially significant orientations in students and readiness for military service.

The content of this program instills in adolescents respect and love for the Motherland, its heroic past, the traditions of the Armed Forces, contributes to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for training future defenders of the Fatherland, maintaining and promoting health, development social activity students, solving the problem of expanding the educational space.

All this makes the program meaningful and relevant.

This program was developed in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regarding issues of patriotic education, namely the Constitution of the Russian Federation, with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Defense”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”, “On Military Duty and military service", "On civil defense", "On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations natural and man-made nature”, with the State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation”. Supports the idea of ​​the target program “Patriotic Education of Children and Youth.” Concepts

federal system for training citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for the period until 2020

(as amended in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2012 No. 1742-r)

When compiling this program, teaching methods were used according to training programs for motorized rifle units, methods and techniques described in educational literature (on pedagogy, developmental physiology, psychology, etc.).

Purpose of the program- promote the patriotic education of students and orient them to serve in the army and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.


Give teenagers basic theoretical knowledge in the sections: “Military history”, “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, “Fire (small) training”, “Military topography”, “Hand-to-hand combat”, etc.

To instill practical skills in the chosen field of activity in conditions as close as possible to real ones;

Develop the physical abilities of adolescents;

Promote the preservation and promotion of adolescent health;

Contribute to the development of a sense of patriotism, collectivism, moral and volitional qualities of students;

Develop activity and independence, communication abilities of pupils;

Create the conditions necessary for faster adaptation to the army environment;

To guide members of the association towards choosing a profession related to the defense of the Fatherland;


Develop physical qualities (speed, agility, coordination, flexibility and endurance);

Develop communication and leadership skills of students;

Improve military-patriotic education and increase motivation for military service

Provide basic knowledge in the field of defense and training in the basics of military service


To cultivate respect for the Fatherland, a feeling of love for the Motherland, and a caring attitude towards the heroic past of our people;

Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Terms of sale

The program is designed for teenagers 14-17 years old. Everyone is welcome. Groups can be either the same age or different ages. Additional enrollment of students in the second and third years of study is allowed based on the results of the interview.






The age of the students is 14-17 years.

Duration of training - 3 years.

Saint Petersburg


Explanatory note

The educational program “Pre-conscription training” has a military-patriotic orientation.

The level of mastery is general cultural.

Relevance of the program

The current international situation poses serious challenges in the field of education and training of the new generation. The state needs healthy, courageous, courageous, proactive, disciplined, literate people who would be ready to study, work for its benefit and, if necessary, stand up for its defense. The current system of training citizens for military service in the Russian Federation during In many ways it repeats the previous one, designed for a 2-year period of conscription military service and has fundamentally different qualitative and quantitative parameters and structure of the military organization of the state. The transition from 2008 to a one-year period of conscription military service entailed a significant increase in the requirements for the quality of training of citizens for military service. The current situation in the field of preparing citizens for military service is characterized by a number of negative factors. This problem is especially acute when analyzing the civic-patriotic beliefs and values ​​of the younger generation. Studies of children's behavior show that the blurring of patriotic values ​​leads to a tendency to increase the potential of extremism, antisocial manifestations, and an increase in crime, violence and cruelty.

The “Pre-conscription training” program has a military-patriotic orientation and is designed to solve the problem of patriotic education, to promote the formation of socially significant orientations in students and readiness for military service.

The content of this program instills in adolescents respect and love for the Motherland, its heroic past, the traditions of the Armed Forces, contributes to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for training future defenders of the Fatherland, maintaining and promoting health, developing social activity of students, solving the problem of expanding educational space.

All this makes the program meaningful and relevant.

This program was developed in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regarding issues of patriotic education, namely the Constitution of the Russian Federation, with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Defense”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”, “On Military Duty and military service”, “On civil defense”, “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, with the State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation”. Supports the idea of ​​the target program “Patriotic Education of Children and Youth”; concept of the federal system of training citizens of the Russian Federation for military service for the period until 2020

(as amended in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2012 No. 1742-r); state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020”.

When compiling this program, teaching methods were used according to training programs for motorized rifle units, methods and techniques described in educational literature (on pedagogy, developmental physiology, psychology, etc.). Purpose of the program:

The goal of the program is to promote the patriotic education of students and orient them to serve in the army and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.



Give teenagers basic theoretical knowledge in the sections: “Military history”, “General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, “Fire (small) training”, “Military topography”, “Hand-to-hand combat”, etc.

Develop practical skills in the chosen field of activity in conditions as close as possible to real ones;

Develop the physical abilities of adolescents;

Promote the preservation and promotion of adolescent health;

Contribute to the development of a sense of patriotism, collectivism, moral and volitional qualities of students;

Develop activity and independence, communication abilities of pupils;

Create the conditions necessary for faster adaptation to the army environment;

To guide members of the association towards choosing a profession related to the defense of the Fatherland;


Develop physical qualities (speed, agility, coordination, flexibility and endurance);

Develop communication and leadership skills of students;

Improve military-patriotic education and increase motivation for military service

Provide basic knowledge in the field of defense and training in the basics of military service


To cultivate respect for the Fatherland, a feeling of love for the Motherland, and a caring attitude towards the heroic past of our people;

Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Terms of sale

The program is designed for teenagers 14-17 years old. Everyone is welcome. Groups can be either the same age or different ages. Additional enrollment of students in the second and third years of study is allowed based on the results of the interview

Implementation deadlines

Implementation deadlines

The duration of the program is 3 years.

The duration of the educational process is 792 hours.

1 year of study - 216 hours

2nd year of study - 288 hours

3rd year of study - 288 hours.

Lesson mode

1 year of study: 216 hours, 2 times a week for 3 hours or 3 times a week for 2 hours;

2nd year of study: 288 hours, 2 times a week for 3 hours and once for 2 hours or 4 times for 2 hours;

3rd year of study: 288 hours, 2 times a week for 3 hours and once for 2 hours or 4 times for 2 hours;

The duration of one academic hour is 45 minutes, with a 15-minute rest break between hours.

Study group occupancy by year of study

1 year-15 people

2 year - 12 people

3 year - 10 people.

Forms of classes

Lectures, conversations, role-playing games, discussions, practical exercises, sparring - classes, competitions, excursions, visits to museums, trips to military units, training camps, participation in conferences.

Expected Result

Expected Result

By the end of the first year of study, students:

Get acquainted with the composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

They will receive presentations on the main provisions of the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Gain knowledge of fire safety, first aid, rules of conduct in emergency situations;

They will gain knowledge and skills in tourist preparation and organizing trips;

They will learn techniques for shooting small arms and performing drill techniques;

Get to know military history and the development of the army from Ancient Rus' to modern Russia;

They will gain initial knowledge about the armies of a potential enemy;

Develop communication skills;

Develop endurance;

By the end of the second year of study, students:

Get acquainted with the organization of units of the Ground Forces and the Navy of the Russian Armed Forces;

Learn about the features of terrain orientation, basic topography;;

They will master the skills of using fire extinguishers, transporting victims, providing first aid for frostbite, and acting on Civil Defense signals;

They will develop skills of interaction in a group, emotional-volitional regulation;

Get acquainted with the basics of shooting theory;

They will become familiar with the basics of survival in unfamiliar terrain and the procedure for equipping shelters and engineering structures;

They will acquire skills in collecting, summarizing information, and analyzing the information received. ;

Join a healthy lifestyle;

Will take part in the competitions of Youth and Youth Sports Society "Zarnitsa"

By the end of the third year of study, students:

Get acquainted with the units and subunits of the Russian Armed Forces, their composition and main weapons

Get acquainted with the main military specialties of the RF Armed Forces;

Master the skills of first aid in case of accidents;

They will master the skills of behavior in case of man-made, natural and sociogenic disasters and the procedure for action in conditions of radiation, chemical and bacteriological contamination;

They will master the skills of hand-to-hand combat, assembling and disassembling an AK-74 assault rifle, and drill techniques;

They will master the skills of moving in formation, acquire the skills of single combat training,

Get acquainted with the tactics of motorized rifle units in defense and offensive

Get acquainted with the organization of the search movement in the Leningrad region;

Get acquainted with the history of military operations during the Second World War;

They will take part in volunteer activities, memorial watches, search teams, educational, research and project activities;

Develop communication and leadership skills;

Develop physical qualities (speed, agility, coordination of movements, flexibility and endurance);

They will receive knowledge and skills that contribute to instilling respect for the Fatherland, a feeling of love for the small and large Motherland, and respect for the heroic past of our people;

Will receive knowledge and skills that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

They will take part in pre-conscription military training competitions.

Forms and methods of checking the expected result

Teacher observations, oral and written survey, analysis of activity products, testing to determine the level of knowledge, passing standards, participation in competitions.

Forms for summing up the implementation of the educational program

The program involves entrance, intermediate and final certification of students.

Incoming inspection is carried out in September and is aimed at diagnostics entry level students' knowledge.

Intermediate control is carried out in January and allows you to identify the level of mastery of sections and topics of the educational program based on the results of testing, and the final results of participation in the stages of Youth Educational Institution “Zarnitsa”.

Final control is carried out in May and is aimed at identifying the level of program development for the year.

Methods for recording the results of an educational program.

The student’s portfolio, which includes: test and survey results, creative and research papers, a selection of materials on the topics of the educational program, completed by the student independently, the results of participation in competitions, hikes, expeditions,

Calendar educational and thematic plan


1 year of study




Theoretical classes

Practical lessons













Civil Defense and Chemical Safety Protection. ENGINEERING TRAINING.










(Mon. Wed. Fri.)

2nd year of study




Theoretical classes

Practical lessons













Civil Defense and Chemical Safety Protection. ENGINEERING TRAINING.


Civil Defense and Chemical Safety Protection. ENGINEERING TRAINING.



























Civil Defense and Chemical Safety Protection. ENGINEERING TRAINING







safety requirements

during pre-conscription training classes

(field fees)

1. General requirements

1.1. Students who have passed the full course theoretical training, who received positive assessments, passed a medical examination and have no restrictions on physical training.

1.2. Before the start of classes, the teacher is obliged to train students on safety measures when performing specific types of exercises with registration in the training log.

1.3. Safety during shooting and throwing hand grenades is ensured by their clear organization, knowledge and strict adherence to the order and rules established at the shooting range or shooting range, and high discipline of all shooting participants.

1.4. When choosing the direction of fire, throwing grenades, it is necessary to take into account that a shot from a rifle is dangerous at a distance of up to 200 m, when throwing grenades up to 50 m.

1.5. In order to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of both shooters and others at the shooting range and shooting range prohibited:

Fire from a faulty weapon even on the “Fire” command;

Pick up and load a weapon without the command of the shooting director;

Aim and point even unloaded weapons to the sides and rear, at targets if there are people or animals in their direction, as well as at people or animals;

Remove the loaded weapon from the firing line;

Leave a loaded weapon anywhere or transfer it to others without the command of the shooting director;

Be on the firing line for outsiders from the “Fire” command to the “Hangover” command.

1.6. When traveling independently to the training area, cross the roadway at pedestrian crossings, and if there are none, at intersections along the sidewalks and roadsides. If there is no crossing or intersection in sight, cross the road at right angles to its longitudinal axis in a section where the road is clearly visible in both directions, making sure that the crossing is safe.

2. Safety requirements before starting classes.

2.1. Check the serviceability of weapons, grenade models and other visual aids and devices.

2.2. Determine and mark the boundaries of the firing line.

2.3. If shooting is taking place at a shooting range, set up a cordon and assign observers to the target field.

3. Safety requirements during shooting from a small-caliber rifle and throwing dummy grenades.

3.1. When shooting, the shooter must:

Keep the weapon in the line of fire with the muzzle of the barrel only in the direction of fire at an angle of 45°-60°, regardless of whether it is loaded or not;

Leave a weapon or transfer it to another person only with permission at the command of the shooting director, having previously unloaded the weapon;

Load weapons only upon the supervisor’s command “Load weapons”;

Report to the manager on the execution of the command;

On the command “Fire”, independently load the weapon and fire until the end of the exercise;

Report to the supervisor about the end of the shooting, check that there is no bullet in the barrel, put the weapon on safety;

Put down the weapon, at the command “Inspect the targets”, approach the target, determine the number of holes (hits) and the amount of points.

3.3. Constantly monitor the fire zone, when a person or animal appears in it, immediately stop shooting (throwing grenades) and give the command “Stop shooting (throwing grenades), person (animal) in the fire zone."

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Methods of artificial respiration

Artificial respiration is carried out only in cases where the victim is not breathing or is breathing rarely, spasmodically, with sobbing. There are several methods of artificial respiration:

1) mouth to mouth - the person providing assistance exhales into the lungs through a tube or directly into the mouth or nose of the victim;

2) the victim is placed on his back and a cushion of clothing is placed under the lower edges of the shoulder blades. The person providing assistance kneels behind the victim’s head and, taking his hands closer to the elbows, lifts them up and pulls them behind his head until it stops, and after 2-3 seconds. returns them to their previous position. Rhythm 16-48 movements per minute.

4.2. Maintaining blood circulation with external cardiac massage

If there is no pulse and the pupils are dilated, the victim is given an indirect heart massage simultaneously with artificial respiration.

If two persons are involved in providing assistance, then one performs artificial respiration, the second, standing on the left side of the victim, places the palm of one hand on the lower third of the chest, and places the second hand on the first. Rhythmic pressing movements are performed with the base of the palm on the chest (frequency 60-70 r/min).

If one person provides assistance, then he massages the heart and performs artificial respiration alternately with 2-3 exhalations and 15-20 rhythmic pressures on the chest.

4.3. Procedure for providing first aid for wounds and bleeding:

Weak capillary bleeding is stopped by applying bandages;

For severe bleeding, for venous and arterial bleeding, a tourniquet or twist is used;

Blood from the neck is stopped by pressing the jaw artery, from the thigh - by the femoral artery.

A tourniquet or twist is applied for no more than 2 hours. In case of internal bleeding, ice is applied to the injury site.

4.4. First aid for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains

For a fracture, dislocation, etc. apply a transport splint (board, stick, etc.) to the damaged part of the body. In this case, it is necessary to exclude at least 2 joints from movement (above and below the fracture site). The fracture site must be covered with soft cotton wool or a bandage.

In case of deep fainting or respiratory arrest, the victim must be given artificial respiration.

After providing first aid, be sure to consult a doctor.

4.5. Sun and heatstroke

With sunstroke and heatstroke, the victim feels thirsty, feels tired, the face turns red and then turns pale, the temperature rises, convulsions and loss of consciousness may occur.

To provide first aid for sunstroke or heatstroke, it is necessary to move the victim to a cool place, take off his clothes, pour water on him, put cold water on his head and chest, and wipe his body with cold water. If there is no breathing, artificial respiration should be started.

Mathematical morphology.

Electronic mathematical and medical-biological journal. - T. 8. -

Vol. 3. - 2009. - URL:

UDC 355.211.5

The importance of pre-conscription training in modern conditions and the requirements for its content

Ó 2009 Filipchenkov R. N.

(filipchenkov. doc )

The need to increase the scale of pre-conscription training of citizens for military service is considered, as well as the issue of planning initial military training (IMT) for youth in secondary schools, secondary specialized educational institutions and vocational schools for classes in CVP.

Keywords : basic military training.

Against the backdrop of a reduction in terms of military service, there are not more young people suitable for it, but fewer. Over the past 20 years, their number has decreased by almost a third. Moreover, more than 40 percent of pre-conscription conscripts have health and level physical development do not meet the requirements of military service at all.

IN Soviet time mass, military-applied and technical sports, as well as the GTO complex, were an integral part of the life of the majority of our citizens. In sports public organizations, the largest of which was DOSAAF, involved people from 14 to 60 years old, and as a result, the conscript contingent at that time generally met the requirements of military service. Now most of public sports organizations do not solve this problem, since in their work they rely mainly on commercial sports or high-performance sports. Over the past 10 years, the number of young people who go in for sports in ROSTO, as the successor to DOSAAF, has decreased by almost 25 times. This is despite the fact that preparation for the army should begin long before arriving at the recruiting station and before entering college.

As a result, over the past 10 years, the main components of pre-conscription training for young people have been lost: mass (covering most of the youth from 14 to 27 years old) and systematicity (comprehensive development of all elements of pre-conscription training).

A key element of pre-conscription training is teaching young people the basics of military service and military specialties. Moreover, due to the reduction in terms of military service, there is not always enough time to train specialists directly in the army. Basic course school curriculum Today, only 70 hours are allotted for this. IN last years They are increasingly talking about the need to introduce contract service in the reserve, since maintaining a mobilization reserve on a contract basis is in any case cheaper than regular military formations. If until recently the main problem for military commissariats was to fulfill the plan for conscription and sending conscripts to the troops, now, due to the reduction in numbers military units and with the reduction of conscription service to 1 year, only every fourth citizen of the Russian Federation of military age is required to be sent to the regular troops. All this only increases the requirements for pre-conscription training, as one of the main components of the creation and accumulation of a multimillion-dollar military-trained reserve.

In the context of a financial crisis, it is not easy to deal with these problems, but there is nowhere to go. It is necessary to develop standards for material and technical equipment educational institutions who participate in pre-conscription training of young people, and include them in the federal educational standard of general education that exists in our country.

It is necessary to raise initial military training to a qualitatively higher level. Before being called up for active military service, young men of pre-conscription and conscription age must be provided with basic military training everywhere without interruption from production and study.

For initial military training (CMT) of youth in secondary schools, secondary specialized educational institutions and vocational schools, at least 140 hours of instructional time must be allocated for classes in PMT, including: in schools in the 9th and 11th grades, two hours per week; in secondary specialized educational institutions in senior years, 1-3 hours per week; in vocational schools 2-4 hours per week. It is also advisable to plan for 14-day field training sessions with a total duration of 70 hours, and thus allocate at least 210 hours to the CWP. Basic military training with students educational institutions carried out by full-time military leaders. Their selection is carried out by military commissariats in agreement with the directors of educational institutions. Conduct orientation sessions lasting one month with newly appointed military leaders, and five-day training sessions and monthly training sessions with all military leaders before the start of the school year. methodological lessons. Include pay for hours for teaching work in the official salaries of military leaders.

To carry out the initial military training in each educational institution, create an educational and material base, which should include: a military office; room for storing training weapons; shooting range; a training campus for tactical training and civil defense classes; a site for drill training; a platform for learning shooting techniques and rules; a place for practical study of the duties of an orderly and a sentry; a place to learn how to clean and lubricate weapons; space for physical training classes; museum, room (corner) of military and labor glory.

Today, the main task of pre-conscription training is to develop in young men moral, psychological and physical readiness for military service, providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a true defender of the Fatherland.

Pre-conscription training does not aim to make a ready soldier out of a young man. It is possible to prepare a soldier to the minimum, providing him with basic knowledge and skills in military affairs, in a few weeks. But weeks and even months cannot instill in him a sense of conscious readiness to faithfully serve the Motherland.

Pre-conscription training classes should not be conducted sporadically and not with a group of young people, but for 2-3 years weekly, planned, systematically. Pre-conscription training is a comprehensive, planned, pedagogically controlled educational process.

An approximate calculation of hours in pre-conscription training disciplines for secondary school students is presented in the table.



Section name

Total number of teaching hours

Introductory topic.


Fire training

Applied physical training.

Military medical training

Engineering training

Mobilization preparation

Fire training

Basics of ensuring the safety of military personnel during military service

Test classes

field output


*The field trip is planned at the expense of topics in the subjects of study, and the time for its implementation is not included in the total amount of hours.

Approximate requirements for the content of initial military training for pre-conscripts may be as follows:

1. Drill training.

Responsibilities of a serviceman before formation and in the ranks; drill techniques and movements without weapons (with weapons); assessment of a soldier's single combat training.

2. Fire training.

Safety requirements for handling weapons, hand grenades and ammunition; purpose, combat properties and design of the machine gun, its incomplete disassembly and assembly; machine care, storage and conservation; purpose and combat properties of manual offensive, defensive and anti-tank grenades; preparing hand grenades for use; basics and rules of shooting; occupying a firing position, moving in short dashes and crawling, covering each other with fire; throwing hand training and simulation offensive and defensive grenades.

3. Applied physical training.

Hand-to-hand combat techniques; overcoming obstacles.

4. Military medical training.

Registration equipment for personal medical equipment
composition and rules for using them; providing first aid for injuries
and bleeding; personal disease prevention measures.

5. Mobilization preparation.

Fundamentals of mobilization readiness; degrees of combat readiness: their essence, content and order of entry; methods of notification of mobilization;
content and procedure for supplementing units with mobilization human resources.

6. Fire safety training.

Instructions on fire safety requirements; responsibilities of military personnel to comply with fire safety requirements; actions of personnel in response to a fire alarm; general concepts on primary fire extinguishing agents.

7. Fundamentals of ensuring the safety of military personnel during their military service.

Security of military service and its maintenance; responsibilities of a military personnel to comply with safety requirements and measures to prevent diseases, injuries, poisonings and defeats; actions of military personnel in case of accidents, the procedure for providing first aid to victims.

Domestic and Foreign experience military construction convincingly proves that the military reforms being carried out in the state, including those related to the reduction in the size of the Armed Forces, require fundamental changes in the training and accumulation of military mobilization human resources. And if, due to objective reasons, and mainly economic ones, the latter cannot be implemented in practice in the coming years, then pre-conscription training of citizens for military service should be carried out on a large scale.


Filipchenkov R.N.

Considered the need of the increase scale doprizyvnoy of preparing the people for military service, as well as the question of the planning to initial military preparation (NVP) youth in general school, average special educational institutions and professional-technical school on occupations on NVP.

Key words: initial military preparation.

Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Textbook for 10-11 (11-12) grades of institutions providing general secondary education, with Belarusian and Russian languages ​​of instruction with 11-year and 12-year terms of study
Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Man has penetrated the secrets of intranuclear energy, entered outer space, and clones animal cells. The human mind conquered the Earth, but failed. reconcile humanity. The world has not yet learned to live in peace. And people entered the third millennium with the burden of dictatorship and violence, with local and global conflicts, with the presence of armies in almost all countries of the world.
Belarus is a peace-loving state. The Constitution of our country states that, “The Republic of Belarus in its external
politics is based on the principles of equality of states, non-use of force or threat of force.” But peacefulness alone in the modern situation does not guarantee security. One of the priority areas for ensuring the security of the Republic of Belarus is the creation of the necessary defense potential.
In recent years, changes have occurred in the theory and practice of preparing and waging war. Armed struggle today is no longer the only and main means of achieving the goals of war. Political, diplomatic, economic, informational and other forms of confrontation have come to the fore. The likelihood and outcome of war now increasingly depend on the unity and readiness of the entire people to defend the Fatherland. All this gave the country’s national security and the defense of the Fatherland a truly national character.
The content of the armed struggle has also transformed - non-contact actions have become a priority, special operations, actions of irregular troops, terrorist actions. Radical changes in the content of the armed struggle led to the need for deep reform of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. A need arose to organize a coherent system of territorial defense of the country, and pre-conscription training of citizens for military service became relevant.
The defense of the country is classified by Belarusian legislation as one of the most important functions of the state and is a universal matter, and the defense of the Republic of Belarus is defined by its Constitution as a duty and sacred duty of the citizens of the republic. From time immemorial, the armed defense of the Fatherland was the lot of men, their duty and a matter of honor. In Belarus, military service has been established, according to which citizens are subject to military registration, are trained and recruited for military service or service in the reserve of the Armed Forces or in other military formations of the republic, and are in reserve.
The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Military Duty and Military Service” provides for mandatory and voluntary preparation of citizens for military service. An important element of compulsory training is pre-conscription training, which is carried out in institutions that provide general secondary, vocational and secondary specialized education.
The purpose of pre-conscription training is to develop in young men moral, psychological and physical readiness for military service, providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to master the duties of a defender of the Fatherland.
During the training process, pre-conscripts and conscripts must learn the constitutional rights and responsibilities of citizens to protect the state, the purpose of the Armed Forces and other military formations Republic of Belarus, the procedure for military service by soldiers and sergeants, the basic requirements of the Military Oath and general military regulations; acquire practical skills, physical toughening and psychological stability in order to successfully master the entrusted weapons and military equipment when called up for military service.
The textbook outlines the content of all topics in pre-conscription training programs for secondary schools, vocational schools and secondary specialized educational institutions. At the same time, the sequence of presentation of the material differs somewhat from the placement of topics in the programs. Such a digression makes the textbook more harmonious, logically consistent and should not cause difficulties when studying the subject.
In the first section teaching aid contains theoretical material on the heroic historical past of our people, the origin, development and current state The Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, military legislation, specifies the issues of training and military service. The study of this material contributes to the education of citizenship and patriotism, and forms psychological readiness for the upcoming military service.
The second section presents mainly the practical component of pre-conscription training. Practical development of techniques, exercises and standards contributes to a more conscious perception of the questions of the first section, and also provides an opportunity to acquire initial skills that will help young soldiers quickly adapt to military service.
Studying the subject “Pre-conscription training” in a comprehensive system of ideological and military-patriotic education forms in young men the readiness to fulfill their constitutional duty to defend the Motherland, strengthens the morale of students, helps to increase their consciousness, responsibility, discipline, and work activity.
This publication takes into account changes in military development and the results of reforming the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus after 2001.

Of all the constitutional duties of citizens of Belarus, only one is defined as sacred - the defense of the Republic of Belarus. In order to fulfill military duty consciously and with dignity, you need to know your country, its past and present, have an idea about the army, be morally, psychologically and physically prepared for the upcoming military service and, if necessary, for the armed defense of the Fatherland - the Republic of Belarus.

Pages of courage and heroism of the Belarusian people
Those who live are obliged to the past and accountable to the future. What did we take from our ancestors, how did we use their heritage, what will we pass on to our descendants?
We cannot count the feats of arms performed on Belarusian soil, we cannot count the names of heroes who selflessly defended their Motherland.
In this chapter, we will remember not about battles, wars or historical events, but about the people who stood up to defend native land, his people, the Fatherland. Let us think, reflect and appreciate the courage, bravery and greatness of the spirit of our ancestors.
§ 1. Defense of the Fatherland by our ancestors
Armed struggle of the Eastern Slavs. History knows many examples when wars of extermination Entire tribes, peoples, and states ceased to exist. Since ancient times, the right to life and one’s further development had to be defended, and therefore issues of defense and armed struggle acquired paramount importance.
Our ancient ancestors- East Slavic tribes. They led sedentary image life, successfully developed agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts, and when the enemy attacked, they courageously and skillfully defended themselves.
During the period of the decomposition of the primitive communal system and the emergence of feudal relations among the Eastern Slavs, participation in military enterprises was not a privilege for some and a burden for others. Everyone who was capable of this took part in them, which means that preparing for military operations, acquiring the necessary skills and abilities was the business of everyone.
The closest neighbors of the Eastern Slavs in the south were the Huns and Avars wandering in the Black Sea steppes, and then the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy. During the next raids, they robbed, took away prisoners, devastated the East Slavic lands. All this forced us to pay great attention to armed defense. Along with rural settlements, the Eastern Slavs built large fortified settlements surrounded by earthen ramparts, ditches, and a log palisade. For self-defense and warfare, they improved their weapons, which was facilitated by the successful development of crafts.
The Eastern Slavs themselves made campaigns. Their troops repeatedly reached the walls of Constantinople, and the Byzantine author was forced to admit that the Slavs "learned to wage war better than the Romans." The chronicle mentions that in the army of the Kyiv prince Oleg in 907 Polotsk and Radimichi fought courageously against Byzantium, for which Polotsk received tribute from the defeated Greeks.
But more often it was necessary to defend ourselves, and success came when we acted together. During the next Polovtsian raid in 1168 Grand Duke Kiev Mstislav, having gathered all the appanage princes, addressed them with the words: “Friends and brothers! Let us leave civil strife; Let us look up to heaven, draw our sword, and, calling on the name of God, strike at our enemies. It’s nice, brothers, to seek honor in the field and the tracks laid there by our fathers and grandfathers.” The Polovtsians were defeated. Princes David of Polotsk, Mstislav of Grodno, Gleb of Turov, Yaroslav of Pinsk and others took part in joint campaigns against the nomads together with the Kyiv princes.
In 1240, having captured the mouth of the Neva and the city of Ladoga, the Swedes intended to block the Novgorodians' access to the Baltic Sea. The army of the Swede J. Birger marched along the Neva and camped near the Izhora River. Novgorod Prince Alexander Yaroslavich with a small detachment and a squad of Polotsk residents approached the Swedish camp and hand-to-hand combat completely defeated the enemy. The chronicler spoke highly of the Belarusian warrior Yakov Polochanin. According to him, he, “attacking the Swedish regiment with a sword, showed a lot of courage.” After the battle, Prince Alexander Nevsky personally thanked the brave warrior; an even more crushing defeat was inflicted on the Crusaders on Lake Peipus in 1242.
Battle of the Neva (on the left is Alexander Nevsky, on the right is N. Birger, in the foreground is Yakov Polochanin). Old Russian book miniature of the 16th century.
Battle of Kulikovo. A striking example of unification against a common enemy was the Battle of Kulikovo (1380), where, under the leadership of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy, Prince of Polotsk and Pskov Andrei, his brother Prince Dmitry Olgerdovich, Prince Dmitry Bobrok, and Prince Gleb of Drutsk fought with their troops. The combined forces dealt a severe blow to the Golden Horde, as a result of which it steadily went into decline.
The battle began with a duel between two heroes: the Russian Alexander Peresvet and the Mongolian Chelubey. Both died in mortal combat. Then the troops approached and the battle began. The chronicler in the famous “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev” describes the tenacity and fierceness of the Kulikovo battle as follows: “On that field, strong regiments came together, bloody dawns emerged from them from the radiance of swords, like lightning flashing. And there was the crackle of breaking spears and the blows of swords.”
Belarusians can be proud of the courage and courage of their ancestors - the warriors who came to the Kulikovo field to participate in a fair fight for the just cause of all fraternal East Slavic peoples.
Battle of Grunwald. Another example of a joint fight against the enemy is the famous Battle of Grunwald, in which Lithuanian, Polish, Belarusian and Russian heroes fought shoulder to shoulder against the Teutonic Order of the Crusaders.
The battle took place on July 15, 1410 near the village of Grunwald. It began with a bold attack by Vytautas’s cavalry. The attack was decisive and powerful, the riders were already crushing the German scorers and approached the knights, but were met by an avalanche of arrows from crossbowmen and archers. And then a wall of armored cavalry rushed into battle. The advanced Polish regiments also took part. The enemies clashed.
There was an incredible roar from war cries, screams, neighing horses, and the clanging of weapons. “The foot stepped on the foot, the armor hit the armor, and the lances were sent to the faces of the enemies ...” For a long time, the troops fought without any success. Vitovt, forgetting about fatigue and neglecting the dangers, appeared in one place or another in the battle, called and led his soldiers into battle.
A powerful blow was dealt by the Germans in the center, where the soldiers of the Smolensk, Orsha and Mstislav regiments stood. The Russians fought desperately, holding back an enemy several times superior to them. The Polish historian of the 15th century, Jan Dlugosh, wrote: “... Russian knights from the Smolensk land, built by three separate regiments, fought steadfastly with the enemies ... They deserved immortal glory for this.”
Master of the Teutonic Order Ulrich von Jungingen, sensing that the enemy’s forces were running out, stood at the head of his troops and went, as he believed, to defeat the enemy, but miscalculated. The Poles, on the one hand, and the Lithuanians, on the other, attacked Jungingen’s army. Hundreds of Prussians, followed by knights, abandoned their banners and weapons and began to surrender.
The order failed to shackle the Slavs in the shackles that were found by the victors after the battle in the Crusader camp. The courage and courage of our ancestors in their fight against the German invaders at Grunwald is a golden page of military valor and glory of the Belarusian people.
Valor and glory of the Belarusian regiments. The tsarist government did not give weapons to many peoples, but for the Belarusians there were never any restrictions. Moreover, entire regiments were formed from them.
Polotsk regiment. The highest achievement of military art at the end of the 18th century was the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail, impregnable at that time. Soldiers of the Belarusian Jaeger Corps and the Polotsk Infantry Regiment took part in the unprecedented assault under the command of A.V. Suvorov. At the critical moment of the assault, when the enemy was trying to throw off the attacking column regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Yasu led the Polotsk residents in a counterattack. Their decisive action forced the Turks to retreat, abandon their positions and flee. But the Polotsk residents also suffered losses; their courageous commander, Lieutenant Colonel Yasunsky, died the death of the brave. Then the regimental priest Trofim Kubinsky took his place. With a cross in his hand, he drew the soldiers along with him, the task assigned to the regiment was completed.
Polotsk residents fought courageously in the Battle of Borodino, defending the famous Raevsky battery, in the storming of Leipzig and during the capture of Paris, in the siege of Varna and the defense of Sevastopol.
Minsk regiment, on August 26, 1812, part of Marshal Junot’s corps and the regiments of Prince Yu. Poniatovsky sought to cut off the 1st Grenadier Division from Bagration’s main forces. The Minsk 54th Infantry Regiment as part of the division, having made a maneuver, suddenly counterattacked the French and Poles, scattered their battle formation and threw them back to their original positions. About his commander, Colonel
A. Krasavina, in the award sheet it is printed: He led the regiment entrusted to him with exemplary fearlessness and, being under strong cannon fire, acted excellently and set an example for his commander with his personal courage, and received a severe concussion in the leg from a cannonball.” Subsequently, the regiment smashed and drove the invaders in the direction of Maloyaroslavets, Smolensk, Logoisk, Radoshkovichi, Olypan, Grodno.
Dashing Belarusian hussars. Among the regiments named after Belarusian cities, the Belarusian 7th Hussar Regiment had the oldest and most eventful chronicle. Only during the assault on the fortresses of Silistria and Rushchuk during the war with Turkey, 82 enemy banners and 437 guns became their trophies.
The desperate grunts of the Grodno Hussars regiment under the command of Kulnev caused confusion and sowed panic among the French in 1812. On July 30, in the battle near Klyastitsy, Kulnev’s detachment thoroughly battered the units of Marshal Oudinot, capturing almost his entire convoy and 900 prisoners. Near the village of Boyarshchina, both of Kulneva’s legs were torn off by a direct hit from a French cannonball. Death occurred almost instantly. Yakov Petrovich Kulnev deserves eternal memory. Even in Finland, he left the kindest memories of himself as a warrior-knight towards the vanquished. This is how Kulnev entered Finnish national literature. In the Grodno Hussar Regiment he became a colonel, then a major general, and a Knight of St. George. The regiment was named after him.
