When is recruitment into the Airborne Forces underway? How to get into special forces by conscription: tips

People enter the army not only by mobilization, but also by vocation. How many boys freeze in front of their TV screens when military exercises with the participation of troops are shown? airborne assault or Airborne Forces. Strength and agility, determination and resourcefulness distinguish the fighters of this renowned group of troops. Tall guys in camouflage and blue berets are the embodiment of the dreams of boys from school. “If you’re going to join the army, then only join the Airborne Forces,” say many future recruits. Who has a real chance of getting into the valiant Airborne Forces?

A little history about the creation of military landing forces

In our country and a number of countries, former union republics of the USSR, August 2 is celebrated Air Force. It is celebrated widely and on a grand scale, like no other holiday associated with military themes, not counting, of course, Victory Day. Why do paratroopers have such privileges?

These privileges are not conferred, but earned through suffering. Nothing brings people together more than difficulties. There are plenty of difficulties in the life of a paratrooper even in peaceful life, let alone war.

At the end of 1930, the first Soviet airborne unit was created near Voronezh. This event marked the beginning of the creation of the current Airborne Forces. True, the path was long, through the 2nd World War, through events in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, through Afghanistan and through another 1,000 events that remained in the memory of the paratroopers and united them until the end of their lives.

The Airborne Forces are a rapid reaction force, an airborne landing behind enemy lines, sabotage and subversive activities deep behind enemy lines.

And the first landing operation was held in 1929 in the city of Garm in Tajikistan. The landing force, delivered by airplane, defeated the Basmachi gangs carrying out raids from the neighboring state.

This is just a brief excursion into history; I think that there is no need to agitate anyone in the Airborne Forces. There are many more people who want to join these glorious troops than are needed in each draft. But desire alone is not enough.

Selection criteria for the Airborne Forces

How to get into the Airborne Forces by conscription? Let's try to shed some light on this issue.

  1. The verdict of the medical commission must be “absolutely healthy.” The slightest deviation from the norm in terms of health will make your dream unfulfilled. The loads on the fighters of these troops are too great.
  2. The applicant's height should be between 175 and 190 cm. Weight should be between 75-85 kg. Well, with growth everything is clear, as much as there is, there is as much, but it’s a shame not to lose weight, especially since it can be corrected. You just need to take care of this issue in advance.
  3. Physical fitness is very important. Sports categories are welcome, especially in athletics and martial arts. Applicants will have to demonstrate their endurance by completing fairly challenging tasks. Therefore, long before the call, you need to work on yourself to realize your dreams.
  4. An important point is the mental balance of the applicant. Recruits undergo a series of psychological tests, and the results of such testing can be disappointing. The ability to control oneself and speed of reaction are very important for a special forces soldier, and primarily influence the decision of the selection committee.
  5. Education must be at least secondary. Higher and secondary special education is welcome; you can be useful in these troops if you have special knowledge.

Here in general outline requirements for recruits in the Airborne Forces.

What must an applicant do to get into the Airborne Forces?

You can often read on forums that boys want to serve in special forces, go on reconnaissance missions, or jump with a parachute. Everything is wonderful, but desire alone is not enough. If you want to bring your dream closer, then you need:

  1. Submit a report to the military commissar at the place of conscription. And when you appear before the credentials committee, do not forget to once again make a statement about your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces.
  2. Once on collection point military registration and enlistment office, try to get in touch with the representative of the Airborne Forces who arrived for recruits. And in a personal conversation, try to attract attention to yourself and convince them of the seriousness of your intentions to serve in the Airborne Forces.
  3. Once you become a candidate for service in the Airborne Forces, you will have to pass physical fitness tests, which include cross-country, leg pull-ups, push-ups and a number of other exercises. To pass this test successfully, good physical preparation is necessary, and this should be thought about in advance and prepared long and hard.
  4. If you are accepted into these troops, you will have an interesting, but difficult service. Therefore, not only physical but also psychological preparation is necessary. Understanding this, you should be prepared for any difficulties and trials.

An alternative way to get into the Airborne Forces

We have figured out how you can get into the Airborne Forces by conscription. It turns out that this is not the only way to become a valiant warrior in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. You can still enroll in the Ryazan Airborne Forces School. To do this, before April 1, you need to submit a report on your desire to enter this school, provide a package of documents required for admission and pass physical fitness tests. You have to run a distance of 3 km; 100 m distance running; pull-ups and swimming. All tests are completed within 1 day. And then, based on the test results, admission.

As you can see, the dream is feasible, of course, in the absence of objective reasons preventing enrollment in the Airborne Forces.

Air - landing troops can rightfully be considered a model of valor and strength national army. It is difficult to imagine a soldier who dreams of serving in the army who would not want to try himself as a paratrooper.

Service in this branch of the military has several characteristic features, among which intense physical activity is the key. Because of this, the current legislation provides for a number of mandatory requirements that a conscript who wishes to serve in the ranks of the elite troops must meet.

How to get into the Airborne Forces by conscription is a question many conscripts ask themselves before visiting a medical commission. The answer is simple: it is important to meet all selection criteria and express your desire to the distribution committee to get into this particular branch of the military.

What is important to do

According to current legal norms, namely in accordance with paragraph “D” of the regulation “On military duty", recommendations on the distribution of conscript soldiers are provided by the head of the territorial military registration and enlistment office. As a rule, persons of military age are asked about their intentions regarding military service even during their initial registration. After passing the medical commission, the conscript goes to a meeting of the draft commission, where a preliminary decision will be made on which troops the young man will serve in (in the absence of contraindications for health reasons). Here it is important not to be shy and clearly indicate your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces.

It is very important to understand that airborne troops are not just romance, it is a very difficult and dangerous service. This branch of the military is not just considered the elite of the entire Russian army, this is practically the main reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, so the requirements for enrollment in this branch of the military are much more serious than anywhere else. Good health and impressive endurance are especially important if you want to serve in a special forces unit.

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Key criteria for selecting recruits

For ease of understanding, these requirements for conscript soldiers should be divided into several categories.

Physical health status

The intense stress to which an ordinary airborne force is exposed requires impeccable health. There should be no congenital or acquired pathologies. Based on the results of the examination, the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office must determine the fitness category A1, which must be recorded in the relevant documentation.

In addition, a conscript applying for service in the Airborne Forces should not have any predisposition to chronic inflammatory processes. The medical record from the clinic at the place of permanent registration should not contain evidence of surgical interventions as a result of injury or the development of internal pathology. Every day, paratroopers are exposed to heavy loads, which include:

  • grueling training to develop endurance;
  • constant parachute jumps;
  • regular exhaustion of the body as a result of long flights;
  • unbalanced nutrition during survival courses, etc.

All this can leave an indelible mark on a weakened body, so you should sensibly assess your health. If you have a deliberate desire to enter conscript service in the Airborne Forces, it is recommended to begin training as early as possible. Indeed, in addition to physically good health and the absence of pathological processes in the body, these are not all the requirements.

Mental health and emotional stability are also essential requirements for a soldier entering military service. military service as a paratrooper. The conscript will have to undergo a number of specialized tests, which cannot be deliberately cheated. They are developed by military psychologists and are quite successfully used in practice, weeding out unreliable applicants.

Physical data

There are certain anthropometric parameters that must be met in order to enlist in the Airborne Forces. The indicators are reasonable. Even a slight deviation from the specified height and weight requirements can be the main reason for refusal.

The height of a potential paratrooper should not be less than 175 cm and no more than 195 cm. Body weight can vary from 75 to 85 kg.

These indicators are natural in a physiological sense. Deviation from these parameters is indirect evidence of hidden health problems. In addition, non-compliance with these requirements may impede the accomplishment of the combat mission assigned to elite troops RF.

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The growth indicators were also not assigned by chance. Low people they definitely won’t be able to cope with strength training and other delights of life for a long time blue berets, but it's too tall people another problem. A long stay in the air, which is the norm for a paratrooper, is associated with intense atmospheric loads, which affects blood pressure. Tall people are more susceptible to hypotension (low blood pressure syndrome), which can also leave an imprint on a soldier’s health even after military service.

If height discrepancy is almost impossible to correct, then with weight things are different. You can gain muscle mass, or vice versa, get rid of excess weight in a relatively short time; it is important to take care of yourself in time.

Physical form

A conscript who wishes to serve in the Airborne Forces must meet physical fitness requirements. In the absence of medical and physiological contraindications, the soldier will be asked to pass the following physical standards:

  • 20 push-ups;
  • 20 pull-ups;
  • cross 3 km with equipment weighing 15 kg.

This will have to be demonstrated to the draft commission, otherwise, in a request for admission to the ranks Airborne conscript will be refused. It is important to understand that these requirements may not seem so complicated, but in reality this is far from the case. It will not be possible to meet these standards without targeted and lengthy preparation. In addition, to achieve such indicators, it is recommended to refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco products.


A potential paratrooper must not only meet all the previously mentioned requirements. An equally important factor is the availability of education. The general average will be quite enough. A good advantage there will be no C grades on the certificate.

Additional factors

There are several factors that can significantly increase your chances young man for successful enrollment in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. These include:

In order to find out how to get into the Airborne Forces, you need to understand what criteria are used to select for this unit. Only eligible young people can be enrolled there. Many people mistakenly believe that in order to become a paratrooper, you only need to declare your desire, but this is not so, so let's figure out what you need to do to get into the Airborne Forces.

How to get to serve in the Airborne Forces?

  1. So, let's start with the selection criteria. First, of course, you need to pass a medical examination. The fact is that the Airborne Forces are, in fact, a rapid response group, which, of course, implies that the paratrooper must be absolutely healthy, otherwise his body simply will not withstand the physical exertion that is given during or while performing a mission. If a person has flat feet or myopia, then it is simply not possible to pass a medical examination.
  2. Secondly, only those young people whose height is at least 175 cm and weigh at least 75 kg are accepted into this type of army. These are the minimum parameters that a future paratrooper must have. As for the maximum weight, today a person who wants to join the Airborne Forces should weigh no more than 85 kg with a height of 175 cm. If the height is higher, then, of course, the weight should be greater.
  3. Thirdly, a guy who was involved in sports before entering the service will most likely be able to become a paratrooper. For example, candidates who have been involved in boxing, freestyle wrestling, or in the gym will have an advantage when passing the commission. Thus, regular exercise is what you need to get into the Airborne Forces. This is the only way to “stand out” among others with your physical fitness.
What training will help you become a paratrooper?

In order to increase his chances, a young person can do the following:

It would not be amiss to contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence and get from them an official printout of the sports standards that paratroopers pass. The commissariat staff will be happy to provide such information. This way, the young man will be able to focus on specific numbers when planning his training.

If there is an opportunity to sign up for a parachute jump and master this art, then it is better to take advantage of it. The ability to perform such jumps will also be an advantage over other candidates, wishing to become paratroopers.

How to get into the Airborne Forces for military service?

If a young man meets the criteria described above, and he wants to become a paratrooper, then during the commission, he can make a request to be sent to serve in this particular branch of the military.

To do this, he needs to ask for a meeting with the head of the military commissariat immediately after receiving the summons and in a personal conversation tell him that you want to serve in the Airborne Forces. At the same time, it would not be amiss to note your sporting achievements, for example, to indicate that you were involved in wrestling or won school running championships. Remember that it is important to address your boss by rank, which you can find out in advance from the commissariat staff. This will show your willingness to follow military discipline and fulfill the requirements of command, which is necessary for a paratrooper.

Do you think all conscripts run away from the military registration and enlistment office, hide with distant relatives, don’t sign on summons, and invent illnesses? No! There are those who want to serve in the army. If earlier such people were told in jokes, today this is a pattern. The guys come to the military registration and enlistment office on summons or earlier, before the offensive, and ask how to get into this or that branch of the military. Many people are interested in the Marine Corps, airborne troops and, of course, special forces. So they ask: how to get into the special forces upon conscription. The military registration and enlistment office is not omnipotent, but it answers such questions.

Life time

Before we touch on the service itself, let's consider how its conditions have changed over the years. In the Soviet Union, since 1925, the Law on Compulsory Military Service has been adopted, and every man has the honorable obligation to serve 2 years in the army, and junior officers - 3 years. Before the start of World War II, the size of the army was about 5 million, by the end of the war - more than 11 million people in ground units alone. In 1948, post-war demobilization ended, the number decreased by almost four times. And in 1949 it comes out new law about service in ground units and aviation. Its duration is 3 years, in naval units- 4 years, with call-up once a year in winter. Please note that at that time conscript soldiers were actually trained to pilot an airplane and operate various complex equipment; the training was complete and varied. After Stalin's death, the size of the army was reduced, the length of service was reduced by one year, and spring conscription was introduced. Institute graduates had the right to serve only for a year.

In those days, a guy who asked how to get into the special forces by conscription could well end up in a situation where he was taken to an unknown place, on an unknown basis, brought to a tent where he was military unit, the street is dirty, and there was a clean checkered towel at the entrance. This was the first test, if the conscript did not understand the meaning of the towel, then his life became very difficult, if he understood, it was also difficult, but a little easier. Do not forget about the tough confrontation between the two poles of the world, the USA and the USSR. A lot of attention was paid to the training of soldiers.

In October 2007, the service was shortened to 18 months, and in January 2008 - to 12 months. It seems like we are serving less, we should be happy. But this system has some disadvantages. The period for training soldiers has been significantly reduced and it is now difficult and sometimes impossible to train them as specialists.

How to get into special forces

You won't be able to serve in the special forces - the real one - by conscription. Sorry, but that's how it is. The very name of the special forces lies its essence - it is a group that performs non-standard tasks, not general military ones. That is, carrying out sabotage is the task of reconnaissance groups, which are in every military formation, and special forces are specialists, masters of their craft, ready to complete the task in any conditions.

Everyone knows the Alpha group. Is it possible to get into special forces by conscription? Here are some brief conditions, and you will understand everything yourself. FSB special forces recruit warrant officers and officers; you must have a recommendation from current FSB employees or veterans. Your height must be at least 175 cm. This does not take into account psychological and physical tests.

FSB special forces standards

Physical standards do not look scary and are quite achievable for a sports man. This is 25 pull-ups, 90 push-ups, presses - 100 times, in the 100-meter dash you need to do it in 12.7 seconds, do 10 times bench press of your own weight, run 3 km in 11 minutes. Besides all this, it is necessary to hand-to-hand combat show your skills and perseverance.

In addition to close work with a psychologist, immediate family members will be checked for criminal records, and the candidate himself must undergo a polygraph test.

Airborne Forces

Before you think about how to get into airborne special forces, get into the Airborne Forces itself. Airborne troops are units with great history and traditions. Today, in order to get there, you need to have absolute health, athletic shape, otherwise you’ll be forced into forced marches, and desire.

Details such as smoking, alcohol, and heart disease should not be included in your personal file. Even if you have already quit or recovered, they will most likely take another candidate.

If your dream is special forces, then you need to be in air assault battalion. This is the best power unit that a conscript can get into; reconnaissance battalions already recruit only contract soldiers. It will be a plus if you have a rank or belt in some martial art. All that remains is to prove yourself in the DSB and, perhaps, you will receive an invitation to transfer to a contract in an intelligence or special forces unit.


This is the most multifunctional type of troops in the Russian army. Soldiers can land from water and air, act in isolation from the main forces, in naval operations, capture and hold positions. Although they have small physical requirements, it is believed that everything else will be instilled in the troops. Health requirements are similar to the Airborne Forces.

You're probably thinking, why write about different types troops, when there is a specific question: how to get into the special forces by conscription? The fact is that soldiers of the airborne assault units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps most often receive an invitation to join special forces with the condition of switching to a contract, since no one will spend money to educate and train a special forces soldier for a year, and then he will go to civilian life.

Intelligence service

Military registration and enlistment office

For a conscript who does not have an official deferment from the army, the military registration and enlistment office looks like a king and a god who can send him anywhere and give a certain recommendation. If you have decided for yourself, then it is better to immediately ask the commission how to get into conscription to serve in special forces. They will make a note about your desire and zeal, and perhaps give you practical advice. Most likely you will end up in the Airborne Forces or marines, this is entirely within the power of the military registration and enlistment office if you are physically fit, healthy and pass all the tests.

The military registration and enlistment office knows when and from which troops buyers are coming, and can send you to the assembly point at the right time and with necessary recommendations. The rest will depend on you, because the interview will be conducted by the buyer himself.

Preliminary preparation

Are you determined to qualify for special forces? Do you agree to contract service and the physical and psychological stress that you will have to overcome? And besides this, have time to study, learn new things, get military specialization? Great! People like this always make me happy.

In this case, you need to lead healthy image life, do not smoke, drink to a minimum or give up alcohol altogether. Playing sports and receiving sports awards is a must. Sports will teach you discipline and it will be easier in the army. Do exercises, take a shower cold water, boost your immunity. If you have a patriotic club in your city, start visiting it. Usually you can learn to shoot in them and learn basic army skills. If there is little time left before conscription, then also learn army battle, he is cruel, but he justifies himself in training large quantity people in a short time. If you have more than a year left before your draft, then you need to find a good martial arts trainer. Many people love martial arts, but it is better if it is closer to our mentality and better applicable in life.

The question of how to get into the Airborne Forces is of interest to men who are already being drafted into the army or are just beginning to think about choosing a military direction. Service in the airborne forces is prestigious and promising. This explains such a strong interest of conscripts in the airborne troops and the selection criteria for this unit.

People of military age who want to know how to get into the Airborne Forces should prepare well for the selection. Because great importance has physical fitness, then young people should exercise regularly. It is advisable to start doing this not after being drafted into the army, but several years earlier.

Following these recommendations will help increase your chances of entering the Airborne Forces:

  1. You need to pay attention to exercises on the horizontal bar and running. Ideally, a conscript should have awards for participation in combat sports. This will be a big plus for him.
  2. It is advisable to learn the theory of skydiving, and even better, do several training sessions.
  3. It is worth enrolling in a driving course.
  4. If there are military-patriotic clubs in the city, then, if possible, it is recommended to enroll in one of them.
  5. The conscript must take care of his own health in order to successfully pass the medical examination.

The conscript must be completely confident in the correct choice of unit. Airborne troops Russian Federation- This is not only a responsible, but also a very dangerous service. Due to the fact that they are considered the most elite in the army, special requirements are placed on young people, which are an order of magnitude higher than in other units. Airborne service Only those men who have a strong position and good physical fitness will be able to do it.

Key criteria for selecting recruits

You can join the airborne troops only if you have category A1 on your military ID.

Selection of conscripts for service in airborne troops carried out in several main categories. Young people must fully comply with them if they plan to join the airborne troops.

A special commission checks a conscript who wishes to enter such service. The recruit should answer questions asked of him honestly, while avoiding lies and concealment. important facts from his biography.

If a conscript has close relatives with a criminal record, then he is unlikely to be able to get into the Airborne Forces. Under such circumstances, the man will have to serve in other units.

Health status

The main condition for enlistment in the Airborne Forces is the presence of good health indicators. When passing a medical commission, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from doctors on suitability for the army. Only after this can you think about airborne troops.

The complex selection and the presence of a huge number of special requirements have a logical explanation. This is a kind of verification that those who entered the service in Airborne recruits can withstand heavy loads. Military personnel train for several hours every day, soldiers jump with a parachute. All this is a lot of stress. If a person is sick, then he will not be able to adequately fulfill the tasks assigned to him.

Even minor illnesses can affect a person’s ability to serve in the Airborne Forces. Therefore, you should not try to get here if you have acute or chronic pathologies.

One more serious factor is the mental health of the conscript. Only men who are characterized by balance and strong self-control can enter the Airborne Forces. All conscripts in mandatory undergo special tests, with the help of which experts identify certain mental characteristics in them. Based on the results of this testing, a decision is made on the suitability of the young man for such a responsible and complex service.

Physical data

To get into the airborne troops, you need to have excellent physical health

The physical characteristics of the conscript are also important. If the man does not meet certain standards, he will not be allowed to serve in the airborne forces. Such requirements for recruits are completely justified. Even with a slight deviation from the existing height and weight restrictions, a young man may have problems in the process of performing combat missions.

Recruits who are 175-195 cm tall are suitable for airborne service. Their weight should be in the range of 75-85 kg.

The parameters of a soldier are of significant importance. Soldiers with short stature are not able to fully withstand the loads that are placed on them while serving in the Airborne Forces. Men who are taller than normal also have their own difficulties. They usually concern the standards of performing a parachute jump.

For people whose height exceeds the permissible norms, the opportunity to pass military service limited in airborne troops. Men with inappropriate weight parameters who wish to enlist in military service face less serious difficulties. To meet the basic criteria, they only need to follow a diet to get into the right shape. An overweight recruit should think about losing weight in advance and start taking necessary measures. Then, by the time he is drafted, he will be ready to undergo selection for the Airborne Forces.

Physical training

A mandatory condition for a conscript upon entering military service is compliance with the standards physical training. The young man who coped with initial checks, must demonstrate his level in performing basic exercises. Eligible recruits are those who can cope with the following tasks:

  • Do 20 push-ups;
  • Perform 20 pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • Run a distance of 3 km with an additional load of 15 kg in a certain time.

For military personnel who enter under a contract, the same requirements are put forward.

The recruitment committee carefully checks the correctness of the exercises. If a conscript fails to complete any of them, he will not be allowed to serve.


Higher education not required for admission to the Airborne Forces

It is not so difficult to cope with the selection process according to this criterion. A conscript must have at least a secondary education in order to be suitable for service in a prestigious place. Any other diploma is welcomed by military commanders. Apply for education documents Special attention, if the knowledge acquired by the conscript during the training process can be useful to him in the service.

Additional factors

For any commander, it is preferable to take into his unit a soldier who has sports awards. It is customary in the army to hold various competitions, so such young people will always be in demand.

Men with different sporting achievements Those who are determined to serve in the Airborne Forces are recommended to provide management with confirmation of their successes during the draft board. It is also worth taking a document that indicates that the conscript has previously jumped with a parachute.

To get into the Airborne Forces, you must prove your suitability for such service. It is advisable to start preparing for selection in advance prestigious troops in order to meet all the basic criteria by the time of conscription.
