Little melee tricks. AK belts

Even with the advent of the first long muskets, it became clear that carrying a weapon in your hands was very inconvenient. And then weapon belts were invented - strips of leather that were attached in a special way to the musket and fixed its position. Much has changed since then - the belts have become different, made of durable polymer materials and a more comfortable design.

This device helps to quickly bring a machine gun, machine gun or rifle into battle. It is worth noting that sometimes a delay of even half a second can become fatal. Take, for example, airsoft, where one moment sometimes decides the outcome of the game. Therefore, a correctly configured and correctly used belt becomes a good helper player.

Sometimes you have to travel long distances. Anyone who has experienced this will confirm that carrying a weapon on a belt is much easier. After all, it can be hung on your shoulder, over your shoulder or even behind your back. At the same time, your hands remain free and do not get tired.


These systems have long become one of the parts of hunting and sports equipment, and military uniforms. Belts are attached to the weapon in one, two or three places. In accordance with this, they are divided into three types, which are discussed below.

OR - otherwise, single-point belts

Gun owners small size(up to a meter long) prefer to buy this type of belts. This simple device can be in the form of a ribbon or a loop. There are also products whose shape is V-shaped and Y-shaped. For attachment to weapons, they are all equipped with one carbine.

The attachment point is the stock neck or the back of the barrel box. Less commonly, the belt is attached close to the butt plate.

After all, the suspension is not very tight, so you should try to place the suspension point higher (on the neck of the butt).

By the way, with this arrangement, the shift between the suspension point and the belt is also reduced when the weapon is thrown onto the other shoulder.

The looped belt is closed by a ring. It is designed to be worn on the shoulder and neck. A straight belt is a piece of sling (sometimes rope) with a carabiner at the end. It is attached to the RPS, unloading or backpack strap. The V-shaped strap attaches to two shoulder straps and allows you to hang the weapon on your back. The Y-shaped belt is similar to the previous one and is equipped with an additional piece of sling (with its help, the height of the suspension can be changed).

To improve the convenience of using belts, there are additional devices:

  • So that, if necessary, you can instantly detach (drop) the weapon, a quick release system was invented. It’s easy to implement – ​​use a special buckle with three teeth, which snaps and releases at high speed. It is called fastex.
  • The shock absorber is an elastic band in a braided or woven cover.
  • Function of quick adjustment of the length of the main part of the belt.

The main disadvantage of a belt that is attached at one point is that you have to constantly monitor the weapon. Let's say the owner of the machine runs and automatically lowers it down. He immediately begins to “revenge” - hitting the legs and torso, getting tangled in the legs. By crouching, you can accidentally lower the trunk, which will bury itself in the ground, becoming clogged with debris. To prevent such incidents from happening, use one of these methods:

  1. On the right, where the weapon is worn (for left-handers, respectively, on the left), a clamp is attached to the belt or on clothing in the abdomen area using Velcro.
  2. A weapon catcher is fixed in the same place. This way you can instantly attach the weapon to the front swivel.
  3. Hunters often use the "waistband holster" method. A low butt pocket made of hard material is attached to the belt. To simplify the design, the pocket can be replaced with a metal hook.

DR - otherwise, point-to-point

This is the most vintage look tactical belts. For example, the classic canvas belt for a Kalashnikov assault rifle is precisely two-point. It hooks onto two swivels.

Alas, with such a device you cannot instantly transfer the weapon to a combat position. You can open fire more or less quickly only if the machine gun or rifle is hanging on one shoulder. But walking for so long is very tiring. So two-point models are gradually going out of use. But not always. For example, for left-handed people the single-point option is inconvenient to use, and the three-point option closes important elements controls or a window where empty cartridges are thrown out.

Two-point slings have two carabiners that attach to the weapon. The front suspension of the PP is made higher on the left, but not very far in front. The classic is the attachment of the rear suspension to the swivel located on the butt. This is convenient when the weapon is carried on one shoulder. However, in Lately many began to wear two-point shoulder straps. In this case, it is better to place the rear suspension high, near the butt plate (so that the machine does not tip over).

Additional features and elements:

  • The shoulder strap (hard or soft padded) can be either removable or part of the belt. It often covers knots and loose ends.
  • Quick release is carried out by a fastex located near the rear carabiner.
  • Quick adjustment of the belt length is made at the front end and is designed for one-handed adjustment.
  • The possibility of converting to a single-point belt can be done in several ways: by inserting a half-ring, a ring, a double-slit buckle.

TR - otherwise, three-point

This type of tactical belts is the most popular. Of course, they are free of all the shortcomings of previous models and are suitable for all types of weapons. Such a belt not only secures tightly while crossing terrain, but also allows you to instantly open fire. In this case, the weapon can be easily moved to the other shoulder. And from such a belt you can quickly create a single-point or two-point belt.

It is very convenient to use three-point models with a long rifle, especially if you need to walk with it for a long time.

However, the guide strap prevents the use of three-point harnesses with some weapons. For example, owners of pump-action shotguns cannot use them, since with them, due to the presence of a sling, it is inconvenient to distort the fore-end. The sling also interferes with left-handed people.

A special feature of these models is the presence of a third point for attaching the belt to the weapon. Its position can change (relative to the front and rear swivel):

  • It can be rigidly fixed with a fastex at the front - then when the fastex is opened, it will reset to the rear position.
  • Or this point is slightly fixed in the middle, in the most convenient place. It can be changed.

As for additional elements and devices, this type of belt usually does not have them - it is already convenient. The only thing that is available on almost all models is the quick reset function.

To protect fingers from possible pinching by mechanisms, as well as from the appearance of calluses, they are used. Among other things, they are able to provide the most reliable and comfortable grip.

The operating principle of a smoke grenade for airsoft, composition, design and application can be found out. Review of all types of airsoft grenades.

Tactical belts Debt - a Russian invention

Vladimir Kharlampov, who is one of the founders of the Tactical Solutions company, has developed a reliable system for carrying weapons. He named his three-point tactical belt “Duty.” Note that both models in our review (Dolg M2 and Debt M3) are patented.

Debt M2

This belt is used in conjunction with automatic machines, and smoothbore weapons semi-automatic type. It is fundamentally different from classic three-point belts - because it does not have a sling. Instead, there are two parts: a pull-up band and a main girth, connected into a ring and covering the shooter's body. It has a three-slit buckle - a pull-up tape attached to the front swivel passes through it. The end of the tape protruding from the buckle serves to move the suspension point.

Detailed video review of the capabilities and installation of the tactical weapon belt Dolg M2 from the creator himself:

There are two positions for carrying weapons: under the arm and on the chest. The belt fits like a glove, but the weapon does not move anywhere. It’s just that the ribbon from the buckle hangs down, which doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing. And some users complain that it gets caught on branches and other objects. And one more thing: the main girth loop is made of two parts connected by fastex (for quick release). This detail, coupled with several double-slot buckles, ends up at the back and prevents you from wearing the belt behind your back - it’s inconvenient.

However, these shortcomings are not so significant. But this system gives the weapon owner complete freedom and comfort, and the speed of all actions is simply impressive. However, there is an even more “advanced” model from the same manufacturer.

Debt M3

This is the same three-point belt, only improved. All the advantages of the previous model remained, but the developer decided to eliminate the shortcomings. Judging by the reviews, he succeeded quite well. The scope of the Debt M3 model is very extensive. It can be carried with smooth-bore and pump-action weapons, submachine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, and machine guns.

The video shows the use of the tactical belt Dolg M3 on different types weapons:

Features of the Debt M3 model and its differences from the Debt M2 model:

  1. By slightly changing the design of the main belt part, V. Kharlampov made his product universal. Now it can easily be converted into an adjustable two-point or biathlon (worn behind the back) belt.
  2. A soft, wide shoulder strap has appeared that can be quickly removed and put on.
  3. The number of double-slot buckles has been significantly reduced.
  4. The standard kit includes a low-noise lining, as well as a “Riga” carabiner.

Kalashnikov assault rifle
you need to be able to use it. The most common disadvantage is the inability to carry a weapon. Wearing it incorrectly does not allow you to quickly prepare a machine gun for battle in case of acute situations. In battle, even fractions of a second matter. In the Chechen campaign, there were more than once or twice cases when soldiers, and even officers who had standard weapons, were not prepared for sudden meetings with the enemy. They simply did not have time to use their weapons. Meanwhile, there are several good ways carrying standard weapons, although not prescribed in general military regulations. The main thing that unites them is that the weapon is located conveniently, while their hands remain free. And these methods allow you to quickly make a machine gun for battle and open fire on the enemy.

The first method: wearing a machine gun on your chest. The belt is thrown over the neck, the machine gun hangs with the barrel down. This position of the machine gun does not interfere with hand-to-hand combat and makes it possible to strike with both feet and hands. It allows you to grab, fall and roll. Naturally, weapons can be quickly manufactured for battle. In addition, with a machine gun you can block enemy blows and deliver strong blows with the butt. The gun belt of the machine gun is released strongly so that the butt is slightly below the right shoulder. In the cinema, this method is shown in the film "In the Zone" special attention"during the forced march of the paratroopers.

Second way. Carrying a machine gun on the left shoulder. Old partisan and hunting method carrying weapons. But to prevent the machine from slipping, it is necessary to properly fit the weapon belt. With this method, the weapon is quickly prepared for battle, but in hand-to-hand combat, this position of the machine gun is only a hindrance. The machine gun will have to be thrown from the shoulder to the ground.

Third way. When performing guard and post duty. Sooner or later, the partisans will still take control of the territory or join the regular army. We will have to perform the duties that are now performed by military personnel and police officers at checkpoints, checkpoints, and traffic police posts. And the nature of the service at these facilities is specific. Staying at the post for a long time, and your hands must be free - to check documents, give signals, search people, check cars. The weapon must be carried in such a way that it can be quickly used, and, at the same time, those being tested must not be able to block it. You can often see how traffic police guards (during events under the “Siren”, “Interception” plans, etc.) carry a machine gun on their right side. But from this position the machine gun cannot be raised to the shoulder and fired accurately - the fire is fired from the waist and not aimed. Well, about winter conditions and there is nothing to say. In a sheepskin coat, a guard wears a machine gun or a weight on the side, it makes no difference.

For a more convenient location of the machine gun, you need to unhook the belt from the receiver swivel and hook its carbine to the butt swivel, forming a loop. This loop is customizable and fits over the shoulder and back. The machine gun with the butt folded down is located under the right shoulder and can be easily thrown with one hand. When conducting a check, it is better to put your left foot forward half a step, turning your body with your left side forward so that the machine gun is furthest away from those being tested and they cannot grab it.


The technical rate of fire of the AK-74 is very high. A thirty-round magazine is fired in one burst in just three seconds, a 45-round magazine in four and a half, respectively. Therefore, experienced shooters in battle put the safety on for single fire and shoot with frequent shots, refining the aim after each shot. However, such shooting requires endurance and composure. The rate of fire remains quite high, and the accuracy becomes much higher compared to burst fire. The disadvantage of shooting in long bursts can be illustrated with this example.

January 1995. City Grozniy. The 81st Motorized Rifle Regiment was partially surrounded. The soldiers took up defensive positions in the station building. Chechen fighters, who were shelling the station, ran up to the building and jumped into the window openings. Having let them out into the building, standing on the windowsill, they fired a store in one burst, jumped back onto the street, changed the store, and again, jumping out of the window, shot inside the building without much harm to the defenders. Our soldiers fired intensely at these jack-in-the-boxes, but also without much success.

However, in some situations, shooting in long bursts is preferable. When in front of the scout close range Several armed opponents appear at once; single shots will not help. You need to hit in long bursts. So, one of our reconnaissance groups conducted a search in the area of ​​​​the village of Chechen-Aul. One of the fighters of the forward reconnaissance patrol unexpectedly came out from the rear into a trench in which there were 4 militants. The militants had not yet seen the scout, but could turn around at any moment. The scout crossed out the trench with a burst, releasing the entire magazine and hitting all the militants. In such cases, there is no time to aim. But you can roughly aim along the barrel of the machine gun, and not at the front and rear sights. The AK-74 assault rifle points to the right and up when firing in bursts. Therefore, it is advisable to start shelling from the closest left target.

When conducting combat operations in populated areas, in mountainous and wooded areas there is always a high probability of meeting the enemy at close range. In this case, the fighter may need to retreat to the main group or to cover, and there is no one to cover him at this moment. It is inconvenient to run backwards while firing at the enemy, and there is no shooting accuracy whatsoever.

What if the target appears at ultra-short distances (one or two steps)? Suppose a patrolman or patrolman came close to one militant? This is where skills can help. hand-to-hand combat or a knife. What if there is one enemy in front of you and his hands have already grabbed your machine gun, and behind him there are 2 - 3 more militants standing one or two steps away? For such cases, it is necessary to have an auxiliary melee weapon (pistol).

If a shooter armed with a machine gun also has a pistol, he can quickly move on to using it. You just need to carry the gun so that it is not conspicuous. Two examples from cases that occurred in the Republic of Tajikistan.

In the first case, at night, an officer, accompanied by one soldier, returned to a strong point after checking the posts. Both were armed with machine guns (the officer had the machine gun hanging on his chest, the soldier had it on his shoulder). The officer, in addition, had a pistol with a cartridge chambered in the barrel, with the safety on, which he put in with right side under the “belt A” (in the army this belt is also called a bib or bra).

Already upon approaching the strong point, two Islamist militants armed with machine guns came out to meet our servicemen. One militant stood opposite the officer and started a conversation on the topic: “Where are you coming from, why did you go?” The second one moved to the side and ended up on the side. At this time, the soldier also moved to the side, as if hiding behind the officer, and prepared his machine gun for battle. The militant, who was standing to the side, removed the safety of his machine gun (a characteristic click was heard), and another militant rushed to the officer and tried to grab his machine gun. The officer shot him directly through his breastplate, and with a second shot (almost simultaneously with his soldier, who also opened fire), he hit another militant, who was just raising his machine gun to his shoulder. (Well, these Islamists are eagles, there’s nothing to say. - Ed.)

In the second case, two special forces officers entered a small store. They were armed with pistols, which hung openly on their belts in holsters. While the officers were examining the counter, seven gunmen entered the store, one of them with a machine gun. One militant ordered to raise his hands up. An attempt to get a weapon with such a location could not go unnoticed and was immediately stopped by a machine gun burst overhead. The militants disarmed the officers, disabled one with a blow to the head with a rifle butt, and jumped out of the store and drove away in their cars. In the first case, carrying a concealed weapon helped destroy the enemy. In the second case, open carrying provoked criminals to seize weapons and did not allow them to successfully use pistols,

Quite often in hot spots you can see “cool” fighters whose machine guns are equipped with magazines tied in pairs. One should be warned against this method of carrying stores. When shooting, fighters often rest the magazine of the machine gun on the ground. In this case, the lower magazine feeder becomes clogged with dirt, and this causes delays when firing. In a combat situation, you can pay for such a delay with your life.

To everyone who has ever shot from military weapons, the command “UNLOAD, WEAPON IS FOR INSPECTION!” is familiar! But how to discharge a weapon if, say, a reconnaissance group went to the location of its troops after completing a task? The scouts did not sleep or eat for several days, their fingers were swollen and did not bend, and were frostbitten. And there is no way to line up in one line, to point the weapon in a safe direction, because there are people and equipment around.

In this case, the so-called combat discharge is used. Scouts stand in a circle (to control each other). The machine guns are raised with their barrels up so that the bolts are at eye level. The magazine is detached and placed in the pouch, and the soldiers jerk the bolt 5 times in a row. If someone forgets to remove the magazine, it will be immediately noticeable, because the bolt will begin to eject cartridges, and they will hit one of the neighbors. If an accidental shot occurs in this position, the bullet will go vertically upward without causing harm. After such a check, each fighter performs an independent control release and puts the weapon on safety. The magazine is not connected to the weapon, since in a combat situation one quickly develops the habit of connecting the magazine and immediately sending a cartridge into the chamber.

The basic rule in war is to never part with your weapon. As soon as you leave the protected area, do not let go of the weapon, always keep it where it is easy to take it from, so that you are always ready for battle. And in a protected area you should always have a weapon at hand. Rely on the sentry, but don't make a mistake yourself. In addition to the fact that the commander must have one or two magazines with tracer cartridges, it is desirable that each fighter also have one such magazine. This is a store intended as a last resort, to indicate your location or for target designation.

The Kalashnikov magazine mount is inconvenient for quick reloading. It is impossible to detach an empty magazine while simultaneously holding a loaded one with the same hand. Therefore, in a tense battle, do not expect the store to be completely empty. If the magazine is partially empty and there is a pause in the battle, change the magazine, and the partially used one should be left in reserve. In order not to waste time juggling the bolt when loading, when starting to load the magazine, insert three tracer cartridges first. Then, when you shoot and notice that the tracer bullet has gone through, you will know that there are only two cartridges left. You can shoot again and, having disconnected the empty magazine, replace it with a full one. Since the last cartridge has already been chambered, there is no need to jerk the bolt. An empty magazine is usually thrown on the ground in battle so that it does not interfere and so as not to be confused with full magazines. If necessary, an empty magazine can be thrown at the enemy, simulating a grenade throw to cover reloading. In hand-to-hand combat, you can also throw an empty magazine, aiming at the enemy's face. With a little practice, you can learn to throw a magazine so that its prong hits the enemy’s forehead or temple. If the throw is strong, then the hit can incapacitate the enemy.

It is advisable to divide the personnel of the unit not into pairs, but into combat trios, adding one more person to the crews of machine guns, RPGs, and AGS. It’s easier for three fighters to interact: if one gets wounded, it’s easier to pull him out from under fire together. If someone has a delay in shooting (due to a malfunction or while reloading), it is easier to cover him with two people. (In this case, the signal “Cover” is given; the covering person must answer “Hold”).

During the fighting in Grozny, we often had to inspect attics, basements and other rooms. Often it was necessary to work in the dark. Domestic night devices, operating on the principle of enhancing the natural illumination of the area, are not suitable for indoor use. During the Great Patriotic War soviet soldiers used this method. An ordinary electric torch was packaged in a piece of rubber cut from car tire. When inspecting dark rooms or during a battle in a basement, sewer network, tunnel, etc., the fighters turned on these “shockproof” flashlights and threw them towards the expected location of the enemy. Thus, they illuminated the target and were able to conduct aimed fire.

A few words about the NSPU-1 and 2 night sights. It must be taken into account that these devices do not start working immediately after switching on; cold weather they require 1 to 2 minutes to warm up. But immediately after turning on, the eyepiece of these devices begins to give off a greenish light reflection, giving the shooter away to enemy observers and snipers. Therefore, after turning on the device or taking your eye away from the eyepiece, immediately cover the eyepiece with your palm or make a special shutter for this.

These devices are easily illuminated by open light sources. There was a case when, in the area of ​​​​the village of Komsomolskoye in Chechnya, a reconnaissance group was monitoring a fire near which militants were sitting. The scouts watched for a long time using night instruments, but were unable to discern that behind the fire there was an entire stronghold with fortifications, firing points, significant forces and firepower. The light from the fire illuminated the instrument screens, interfering with observation. As a result, the group opened fire and came under return fire from superior enemy forces.

There are little tricks when shooting from underbarrel grenade launcher GP-25. Press the trigger GP-25 right hand It's inconvenient, it's located too far away. To make it more convenient to shoot from a grenade launcher, you should rest the pistol grip of the machine gun rather than the butt on your shoulder. This position of the weapon is especially convenient when shooting while lying down. When shooting with mounted fire, the butt of the machine gun should be rested on the ground. In this case, an assistant must insert grenades into the barrel of the GP-25, and the shooter fixes the position of the machine gun, remembers it, and depending on where the flash from the previous shot was, changing the tilt of the barrel, makes adjustments to the shooting. (When fighting in the city, do not forget that the GP-25 grenade is cocked 10-20 meters into the flight after the shot. When shooting at the windows of buildings at a shorter distance, the grenades may not explode.)

When moving on the battlefield or at the shooting range, shooters usually hold the machine gun at stomach level, pointing the barrel forward. To quickly prepare for shooting and not waste time raising the machine gun to your shoulder, you should move without lifting the butt from your shoulder, while lowering the barrel slightly down. From this position, the shooter is quickly prepared for combat and aimed shooting.

Of course, you can fire from the stomach, but then you can hit the target with the first shots only at very short ranges (5 - 10 meters). Good shooters, having specially trained in shooting from the stomach, can hit a tall target with their first shots at a distance of 20 - 50 meters. If the target is located further away, then it can be hit from the stomach only with a significant number of shots (5 - 10) and then only if the fire is adjusted along the paths or splashes of the soil.

Rules of interaction in battle.

In battle, you should act in combat twos, or even better and more reliably - in threes, covering each other. If possible, you should use hand and under-barrel grenades more. The fire of all available firepower should be concentrated on any center of resistance. If there are three people running away in front of you full height enemy and only one is lying behind cover and shooting, then first of all you need to destroy the one who is shooting, without being tempted by an easier and larger target.

To hide from someone who fell nearby hand grenade, you need to fall face down, head towards the grenade, cover your head (if you don’t have a helmet) with your palms, open your mouth (so that your eardrums are not damaged by the blast wave). The first one to see the grenade gives the signal: “Grenade on the right (left, front, back).”
(To the question that comes up in the comments: Why do you need to lay your head on a grenade? I’ll explain.
The specifics of detonating a grenade imply the scattering of fragments along a curved trajectory, and closer to the grenade the fragments go upward, and not parallel to the ground, and there is a chance that the head will hit the dead zone and will not be wounded, but only deafened by the wave. + the bones of the skull are stronger than the soft tissues of the hips and back, it is better to suffer a concussion than to bleed to death cut by shrapnel in places... hard to reach. The scattering of fragments from the explosion of a hand grenade is from 50 to 200 meters according to the technical characteristics, according to personal experience danger zone up to 50 meters.
Never try to throw or push away a grenade (your 50/50 chance of staying alive then comes down to 1/100, especially in a field battle... most often when fighting in a field or on the ground, grenades are thrown from afar, so the fuse takes a while to operate the incoming grenade will be running out.
Indoors, you need to take into account the enemy; if they are special forces, and not simple infantry, then the specialists usually throw grenades with minimal delay.
In the event of a sudden enemy attack, you should fall behind the nearest cover, while simultaneously preparing for battle. Experience shows that fighters do not do this. Some begin to shoot, remaining in place and being a good target for the enemy. Others fall behind cover, forgetting to remove the machine gun from their shoulder, and then begin to fumble, trying to get the weapon that is in an awkward position, and not being able to fire. There are those who fall into a state of tremor (fear, severe trembling, lack of reaction to the situation and commands).

Therefore, soldiers should be trained in such a way that, if they come under massive fire, they do not get lost. Self-control and the right actions can save lives in any situation, even the most hopeless at first glance.

Shooting tactics

Nowadays, when, in the monotony of everyday life, our one-eyed friend TV will help with adrenaline doping, the influence of the television screen on the stereotypes of people’s consciousness and behavior is becoming more and more noticeable.

Almost every day you can watch 2-3 action films by switching channels. Thus, by the age of 18 - 20, every young man acquires “experience” of television fights, which real life will lead to death in battle due to his own stupidity.

World War I statistics say that the consumption of ammunition per killed soldier was up to 25,000 pieces. By the end of the 20th century, these numbers increased several times. What kind of misfortune? The soldiers didn't know how to shoot? And this is only part of the truth of the battle...

To teach a person to shoot, you need to spend 300-500 to 1500 rounds of ammunition. But shooting at a shooting range or shooting range is not combat, it is an imitation. Even a good shooter, running several tens of meters, falling to the ground 2-3 times, hiding from the fire of a “probable enemy,” will miss. After all, my breathing is out of breath, my chest is shaking, my hands are trembling.

There are several techniques to increase shooting accuracy:

Shoot only after exhaling; the more energetic the exhalation, the more stable the pause. This effect is especially noticeable after a run. Exhale only through the nose.

When shooting while standing, on the move: “watering” from the hip is possible, but not necessary. 3 to 5 seconds of continuous fire and the magazine is empty.

Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger in Last Action Hero? Only in the movies the magazines don't run out of ammunition. It is best to hold the machine gun at your shoulder, the pistol at arm's length. "Brother 2" - an invasion of a restaurant - a classic. The target itself falls on target.

When shooting prone, you need a support. The famous MP-38 (for some reason we call it “Schmeisser”, although Hugo Schmeisser has absolutely nothing to do with it) had special bulges under the barrel to rest against the edge of the armor of the German Sd.kfz.251 armored personnel carrier - such a nice coffin without a lid on tracks at the back and wheels at the front.

An AK can be held by the forend, but not by the magazine. The magazine cannot be pressed into the ground at all; the machine will definitely fall over when firing.

It’s a very good idea to put your hand under the machine belt, wrapping it around it like a vine near the front swivel. But still only hold it by the forend.

The course of the rifling in the barrel bore is upward to the right. When shooting from the right shoulder, the play of the hinges in the joints of the left hand holding the machine gun will always be more to the right than to the left. After all, the joint capsule is stretched (we end up with a dislocation), and it will stretch to the right.

Therefore, if there is no large target at a distance of closer than 150-200 m - a truck full of soldiers, a group of 5-6 people at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from each other, closer than 50 m - shooting in long bursts is NOT EFFECTIVE.

If you run into a group of enemies nearby, shoot from left to right, aiming the machine gun down the barrel. When shooting in long bursts, you still won’t see anything through the scope after you start shooting.

Famous real case during the 1st Chechen campaign.

January 1995, motorized riflemen held the defense of the station in Grozny. The Chechens jumped onto the window sills of the broken windows of the station, shot the store with a fan from the stomach in 3 seconds and, without killing anyone, jumped back into the street. Having changed the magazine, they jumped out the window and repeated their circus act with the same success, until the supply of equipped magazines was completely used up.

It is easier and more reliable to hit the enemy with a series of single shots, adjusting the shooting according to splashes of soil.

There is a right hand rule. It must be taken into account.

When shooting from a prone position, to change the place of cover or dash, you must stand up holding the machine gun in your right hand. The center of gravity shifted to the right, we took a step to the right to level out. And they got shot. Knowing that you would be moving to the right of the main fire director (from your side), the experienced enemy shifted his aim to the left (from his enemy side). And you yourself stumbled upon a bullet.

Shooting to the left of the obstacle behind which the enemy is hiding is the poke method. The enemy lay behind a tree or a stone. You don't break through this barrier. Move the sight to the left of this stone, you catch the beginning of movement, some kind of movement - shoot. In 9 cases out of 10 you will get there.

It’s only in the movies that the hero clamps the frame. In fact, the dynamic blow when wounded is enormous - it is impossible to resist. This was the reason for the appearance of the PM pistol in service. The wonderful TT machine worked honestly throughout the war, but the 7.62mm caliber caused more through and through wounds. And the size is too big, inconvenient when pulling it out of the holster. And a 9mm blunt PM bullet at a distance of 10m knocks down a running enemy, and at a distance of 2-3m it throws him back 2m. Here is such an “expander” of space - just hit it.

The energy of a machine gun bullet for an AK is 4-6 times higher than a pistol bullet.

You have to get there - shock is guaranteed. Do you remember with what recklessness American movie heroes empty their magazines at the moment of combat contact, not allowing the enemy to lean out from behind cover? But we are not talking about language capture. Let's compare the situation in the film with "The Moment of Truth" by V. Bogomolov. There, the “cleaner” Tamantsev shot so that the distance from the flying bullet to the ear was minimal. When a bullet whistles after being fired from a short distance, a person reflexively shrinks, recoils, and presses himself to the ground. 1.5-2 seconds - 5-7 meters of distance won. But you need to be able to do this. And how close to Tamantsev is the hero of Bruce Willis: he changed the tier of the battle, lying on the floor in the opening between the tables, he fired a burst from his Heckler - he smashed the enemy’s legs. He finished it off with the second burst - anyway, a man with a broken bone is not a fighter.

Again about the right hand. Take aim, resting the butt of the machine gun on your right shoulder. Try to “shoot” the horizon line to the left and right of the central directrix. To the left everything works out well, because we just bend left hand at the elbow, and by turning the body at the lumbar joints, we will fire at our left flank, and even part of our rear.

Also on the left, of course. (In this case we represent shooting from a standing position). And when shelling the “right” sectors, the left hand is “not enough” to change the direction of fire. We need to help with our body, we need to turn around, step on our feet - otherwise we won’t even fire at our right flank (not to mention the rear).

What if not standing, but lying down?! There will be some hassle.

Let's imagine a combat clash between patrols in the forest. 2 on 2. We saw each other, lay down behind the trees, and fired a couple of bursts. Small caliber 5.45 mm - will not cut wood. Whoever stood up first died.

Crawl away? The right fighter of the “blues” gives a long burst, not allowing the “greens” to lean out from behind the trees. The left fighter of the “blues”, under the cover of this line, went to cover the right flank of the “greens”. The "greens" saw the threat, but try turning the machine gun to the right when you are down!

Firstly, you need to turn around with your whole body, and the “blue” lying behind the tree is just waiting for this. Let's remember Bruce Willis!!!

Secondly, at a short distance from each other, only the “green” one that lies on the right flank can stop this threat. The left flank "green" will shoot to his right over the head of his comrade. Too dangerous. You can get hooked.

Therefore, the rule of the right hand will always be against the latecomer.

Conclusion: we need to train in joint actions.

A two-man combat team is not 2 times more effective than a single fighter, but 10 times more effective. If people are trained. If you have psychological stability.

It is achieved through exercise. Including on sports equipment, on an obstacle course, an assault course, in a fight with fire. If you can overcome yourself, extinguish the “intoxication in battle” so beloved by poets, then you will correctly assess the situation and take the right step. And training: calculating for typical situations, and then bringing everything to automaticity.

During the Patriotic War, our soldiers began to train in an offensive behind a barrage of fire.

Classic: we hammer artillery at the enemy - he left the trenches for dugouts or lay down. We don’t advance - they will cut us with fragments of our shells. The artillery fell silent - we went on the attack, the enemy crawled out of cover and met us with fire hand weapons. And if the artillery continues to fire, but transfers the fire deep into the adversary’s defense, then, following 200 m from the shell explosions (the fragments do not hit us, they do not reach us), we came within grenade throw distance to the enemy.

Hence the conclusion: in wars like the Chechen ones, dushmans will strive to get closer to the enemy closer than 200 m. This means the main weapons are hand-held, machine gun, grenade launcher, machine gun.

Once again the need for training and coordination arises. At school, in physical education classes, they used to teach how to throw a grenade at a distance. But the standard UZRGM fuse is 3.5 - 4.2 seconds before the explosion. Throw a simulator at the target (a tennis ball, a can of condensed milk - there is a wide choice), and a friend will time the time using a stopwatch. Learn to accurately throw at a distance of 25 - 30 m maximum. It is impossible to throw a grenade further from a standstill without a running start. Someone may throw the blank further away, but a live grenade will explode in an area of ​​20 to 30 m. therefore, practice throwing a grenade using the bounce from the ground, train for the grenade to explode in the air - very good for hitting the enemy in the window above. Finally, grenades are pocket artillery. Organize your fire barrage. Offensive grenades are practically safe beyond 25 m from the explosion. This technique needs to be carefully practiced, but it is worth it.

Finally, I would like to cite a real-life incident told to me by an eyewitness.

During the war in Afghanistan, a platoon of our soldiers was ambushed at the exit from the village. Armored personnel carriers were set on fire and several people were injured. Our people retreated to the village. Pulling into a long street fenced with duvals (solid clay fences), the soldiers carried the wounded on themselves. A large gang of 150 - 200 bayonets was rushing across the fields. The forces are unequal. It was necessary to gain a foothold somewhere and wait for help. Suddenly, a 14.5 mm DShK “spoke” from the window of a 2-story building. The distance is a little more than 100m. Yes, it will even penetrate an armored personnel carrier at such a distance, not like a bulletproof vest.

I need to lie down.

But in 2-3 minutes the gang will be here. You can’t jump over the duvals in bulletproof vests; they are taller than human height. And again, wounded...

The platoon commander made the only right decision: the 1st squad with the wounded forward 20 m. Run - march! 2nd and 3rd squad machine gun fire!

So, in dashes, with concentrated fire, 10 machine guns, covering each other, approached within grenade throw distance and suppressed the machine gun.

When the gang burst into the street, they were met with fire from the same DShK, taking up a perimeter defense in this house. But no one was allowed to get closer.

One of the grenade launchers (RPG-7) was wounded. They forgot about the other one, and he himself did not show psychological stability in this battle.

The dushman had even less stability. The impact of the bullets on the machine gun shield did not give him the opportunity to take the right aim.

Military affairs is work, very hard and thankless work. But without mastering this virgin land, you will die.

about carrying a machine gun.

A serious drawback is the inability to properly carry a weapon and quickly prepare it for battle. The usual way of carrying a machine gun is ineffective. In a combat situation, the following methods are recommended:

1. hunting. on the left shoulder, the belt is fitted short. in case of danger, it is easy to grab the machine gun with your right hand, throwing it off your shoulder, and turn it towards the enemy.

2. on the chest. belt around the neck, very low (machine gun in the stomach area), butt to the right. This position is also convenient during hand-to-hand combat, in which a low-hanging machine gun is convenient to use.

3. during inspection (especially cars). machine gun on the right side. The belt is thrown over the left shoulder and back. in this case, the front carabiner of the belt should be unhooked from the front swivel (on receiver) and attach it to the rear swivel (on the butt) by forming a loop from the belt and adjusting it to size. Thus, the machine gun is located under the right shoulder and hangs with the barrel down (that is, it can be held with the safety removed and a cartridge in the chamber) and it can be easily thrown up with one hand. When checking, it is recommended to put your left leg forward, turning your body so that the machine gun is as far away from those being checked as possible. in addition, by fastening the machine gun in this way, it is convenient to carry it in transport (car, armored car, helicopter: on the one hand, it is easy to manipulate in your hands, on the other hand, the weapon remains on the belt and will not be lost when jumping out and there is less chance of getting caught in comparison with the traditional way of wearing.

about the store and loading.

It is not recommended to pair magazines with a jack, since when shooting you often have to rest the magazine on the ground. In this case, the lower magazine feeder becomes clogged with dirt and, when changing magazines, this can lead to clogging of the machine gun mechanism and delays in shooting. It is recommended to pair magazines with feeders in one direction (upwards), wrapping them with electrical tape and placing a sliver of wood between the magazines.

It is recommended to keep a handful of cartridges “on hand” so that it is convenient to get them with one hand, but at the same time they do not ring when shooting.
When given the command “get ready for battle,” you need to release the safety and fire the cartridge into the chamber. at the same time, if the situation allows, you can change the magazine (to the one that is paired with the inserted one), so that there are not 30 but 31 cartridges in the queue (along with the remaining one in the chamber). Insert the cartridge into the removed magazine (which is paired with the newly inserted one) with your right hand into the place remaining in the chamber.
if possible combat situation and there is a pause in the battle, then the partially empty magazine should be replaced without waiting for it to be completely empty. when replacing a magazine in a dual-fire magazine, if the situation allows (for example, when shooting from a stationary position), you can, having changed the magazine, load cartridges into the partially empty magazine paired with it with your right hand, while observing the area. To do this, you need to point the machine gun in the direction of the possible appearance of the enemy, holding it by the fore-end or magazine with your left hand, press the butt to your shoulder, and with your right hand take out a handful of cartridges and, despite them, a. keeping an eye on the area, load them into a magazine paired with the one inserted into the machine gun. when an enemy appears, throw the remaining cartridges in your hand, without wasting time hiding them in your pocket, and open fire on the enemy.
also, when reloading in close combat, an empty magazine can be thrown towards the enemy, simulating a grenade throw, or, if the enemy is close, in his face (while changing position).
When loading the magazine, it is recommended to load tracer cartridges with the second and third cartridges in the clip. If, when shooting, you see that one or two tracer bullets have fired, then you understand that you have 2 or 1 cartridge left in the magazine, respectively. then you can immediately stop shooting and replace the magazine. in this case, you can avoid wasting valuable time in battle on sending a cartridge into the chamber, but immediately continue shooting, since the last or penultimate cartridge from the previous magazine remains in the chamber.
It is recommended that the squad leader have two clips, fully loaded, or if there are not enough, one after another, with tracer cartridges. In battle, communication is often lost, and the commander can give instructions this way. if the commander fires with tracer bursts at some target or direction, this means that the entire squad must concentrate fire on this target. the commander can also issue other pre-agreed commands in tracer bursts. Tracer bursts can also be used by scouts sent ahead to detect some camouflaged target or object. Having detected a target (for example, a sniper's hideout), they can use tracer fire to indicate the location of the detected target to the rest of the unit.

firing from an under-barrel grenade launcher.

To make it more convenient to shoot directly from an under-barrel grenade launcher (especially in a prone position), your shoulder should be rested not on the butt, but on the pistol grip of the machine gun.
When shooting along a high (mounted) trajectory, the butt of the machine gun should be rested on the ground. in this case, an assistant must insert new grenades into the grenade launcher, and the shooter fixes the machine gun with both hands and remembers where the previous flash was, while changing the tilt of the barrel, making adjustments to the shooting.

The most common disadvantage is the inability to carry a weapon. Wearing it incorrectly does not allow you to quickly prepare a machine gun for battle in case of acute situations. In battle, even fractions of a second matter. In the Chechen campaign, there were more than once or twice cases when soldiers, and even officers who had standard weapons, were not prepared for sudden meetings with the enemy. They simply did not have time to use their weapons.

Meanwhile, there are several good ways to carry standard weapons, although not prescribed in general military regulations. The main thing that unites them is that the weapon is located conveniently, while their hands remain free. And these methods allow you to quickly make a machine gun for battle and open fire on the enemy.

The first method: wearing a machine gun on your chest. The belt is thrown over the neck, the machine gun hangs with the barrel down. This position of the machine gun does not interfere with hand-to-hand combat and makes it possible to strike with both feet and hands. It allows you to grab, fall and roll. Naturally, weapons can be quickly manufactured for battle. In addition, with a machine gun you can block enemy blows and deliver strong blows with the butt. The gun belt of the machine gun is released strongly so that the butt is slightly below the right shoulder. In the cinema, this method is shown in the film “In the Zone of Special Attention” during the forced march of paratroopers.

Second way. Carrying a machine gun on the left shoulder. An old guerrilla and hunting way of carrying weapons. But to prevent the machine from slipping, it is necessary to properly fit the weapon belt. With this method, the weapon is quickly prepared for battle, but in hand-to-hand combat, this position of the machine gun is only a hindrance. The machine gun will have to be thrown from the shoulder to the ground.

Third way. When performing guard and post duty. Sooner or later, the partisans will still take control of the territory or join the regular army. We will have to perform the duties that are now performed by military personnel and police officers at checkpoints, checkpoints, and traffic police posts. Group "special forces tactics" And the nature of the service at these facilities is specific. Staying at the post for a long time, and your hands must be free - to check documents, give signals, search people, check cars. The weapon must be carried in such a way that it can be quickly used, and, at the same time, those being tested must not be able to block it. You can often see how traffic police guards (during events under the “Siren”, “Interception” plans, etc.) carry a machine gun on their right side. But from this position the machine gun cannot be raised to the shoulder and fired accurately - the fire is fired from the waist and not aimed. Well, there’s nothing to say about winter conditions. In a sheepskin coat, a guard wears a machine gun or a weight on the side, it makes no difference.

For a more convenient location of the machine gun, you need to unhook the belt from the receiver swivel and hook its carbine to the butt swivel, forming a loop. This loop is customizable and fits over the shoulder and back. The machine gun with the butt folded down is located under the right shoulder and can be easily thrown with one hand. When conducting a check, it is better to put your left foot forward half a step, turning your body with your left side forward so that the machine gun is furthest away from those being tested and they cannot grab it.

To the question How to properly carry and hold (and other actions) a machine gun? They asked for Dpu. They asked for Dpu. given by the author Andrew Michaels the best answer is 1. On the left shoulder - this is an old hunting method. To prevent the machine from slipping, it is necessary to properly fit the weapon belt. This method allows you to quickly prepare for battle, but if the enemy is close and a hand-to-hand fight awaits, this position of the weapon interferes. In this case, you should remove the belt from your shoulder and drop the machine gun on the ground.
2. On the chest - the belt is thrown over the neck, the machine gun hangs with the barrel down. This method is more convenient and allows you to quickly prepare for battle. This position of the machine gun does not interfere with hand-to-hand combat, it makes it possible to freely strike with hands and feet, grapple, fall and roll.
In addition, machine guns can block enemy blows and deliver strong blows with the butt and magazine. With this method of carrying the machine gun, the gun belt should be released quite strongly so that the butt is slightly below the right shoulder.
3. When marching in armored vehicles, the landing force is usually located on top of the armor. Typically, paratroopers sit with one leg down in the open hatch, and the other kept on top of the armor. From this position it is easy to “go” down the hatch if shelling starts, and it is easy to jump from the vehicle to the ground if the vehicle is blown up by a mine or hit anti-tank grenade. In this case, the weapon is usually held in the hands, and the machine gun greatly interferes when diving into a hatch, and is also easily lost if the paratroopers are thrown off the armor by an explosion or sudden braking. To prevent this from happening, you should loosen the gun belt and put it over your head; the machine gun is located on the body with the barrel up. At the same time, the machine gun is located quite conveniently, does not interfere with jumping from the car and is quickly aimed at. target"
4. Both military personnel and police officers often have to serve at checkpoints, checkpoints, and traffic police posts. The nature of the service at these facilities requires a long stay at the post, and it is necessary to have free hands to give signals and to check documents, inspect cars and search people. The weapon must be in a position that allows its rapid use, and at the same time, the people being tested must not be able to block the use of the weapon. Typically, traffic police officers place the machine gun on the right side. Machine guns cannot be thrown to the shoulder from this position; you can only shoot from the belt and without aiming. And if the guard is dressed in winter clothes, then the machine gun becomes an extra weight that hinders movement. For a more convenient location of the machine gun, you should unhook the belt from the receiver swivel and hook its carbine to the butt swivel, forming a loop. This loop is customizable and fits over the shoulder and back. The machine gun with the butt folded down is located under the right shoulder and can be easily thrown with one hand. When conducting a check, I recommend putting your left foot forward half a step, turning your body with your left side forward so that the machine gun is furthest away from those being tested and they cannot grab it.

Answer from Andrey Drobot[active]
A machine gun “on the chest” is when the machine gun hangs on the chest with the barrel up diagonally - the compensator is at the top of the left shoulder, the butt, accordingly, is on the right near the belt. The belt is on the left shoulder.
A machine gun “on the belt” is when the machine gun is behind your back on the right shoulder with the barrel up (with a folding butt - the barrel down). The belt is on the right shoulder. The position is unstable, the belt constantly tries to slip off, therefore, according to the regulations, you are supposed to hold it with your right hand.
A machine gun “behind the back” is when the machine gun is located behind the back, with the barrel up (with a folding butt - the muzzle down). The barrel is at the top of the left shoulder, the butt, respectively, at the bottom right.
The drill regulations DO NOT ALLOW any other options.
And now you constantly see two of some Pindos variants.
The first is a machine gun on the chest with the barrel down. This, to be honest, is not clear to me. If you have to shoot, the soldier will lose time, feeling for the handle with his right hand. If you constantly hold it half-bent on the handle, it will quickly get tired. Plus, there is a good chance of getting hit in the teeth or ear with the butt of your own machine gun. Or shoot the neighbor on the left in the leg. But the strangest thing is when the machine gun is held on the chest in the arms, like a child. A heavy piece of hardware, an assault rifle with a loaded magazine and grenade launcher, weighs over 5 kg. Your hands will get tired of holding it like this.
This whole thing started with “polite people.” Before that, they were still worn according to the regulations.
