Methodology for compiling a digest - Fundamentals of information and analytical activities Library of Russian textbooks. Digest - what is it Distribution of modern digests

Exchange of experience

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DIGEST AS A PRODUCT OF INFORMATION ACTIVITY © Z.V. Vakhrameeva, I.V. Kurbangaleeva, 2008

Branch of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 630090, Novosibirsk, Akademika M.A. Ave. Lavrentieva, 6

The experience of the Department of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS in the preparation of the “Press Digest on the problems of Russian science” is described.

Key words: digest, State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS, information support.

Theoretical and methodological foundations for preparing digests

The most profound and well-reasoned history of the formation of the digest genre1 was shown by B.A. Lapshov in his article “The Digest Library is a tool of understanding for a man of business.” This is what he writes in this work:

1 Digest summary): 1) a type of journal that reprints materials from other publications in an abbreviated and, as a rule, simplified form; 2) a mass publication containing a brief adapted summary of popular works fiction(New encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Bolshaya ros. encycl. : RIPOL classic, 2004. - P. 308).

Digest - (English digest - summary) a periodical publication that reprints materials from other publications in an abbreviated form. Weekly d. || About a television or radio program that repeats the most interesting recordings with a common theme. Musical, sports school (Modern Dictionary Russian language / ch. ed. S. A. Kuznetsov. -SPb. : Norint, 2004. - P. 147).

Digest is a publication or its section, which concisely sets out the content of publications of many periodicals in order to give an idea of ​​all the most interesting things that have found a place in the press over a certain period (Library Encyclopedia / Russian State Library - M.: Pashkov house, 2007. - P. 337).

Digest summary is a method of compressed presentation of the source text, customized to the characteristics of an individual cognitive activity in order to increase its efficiency (Vershinina, G.N. Study of IFRS: digest summary: prep. / G.N. Vershinina, D.V. Vershinin, M.V. Lychagin. - Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS: SibUPK, 2005 - P. 6).

Digest - definitions on the Internet:

A publication that condenses the content of the most interesting publications for a certain period (;

1) a cheap book containing a brief, adapted summary of the text of any content; 2) a summary review of periodicals or other printed publications ( Lito-11 .htm), etc.

“Historically, the digest arose and was formed as an information genre of a utilitarian nature, the purpose of which was to extract from primary sources only such objective (from the reader’s point of view) information that was needed for a certain matter.

Suffice it to recall, for example, that one of the early Christian theologians, Tertullian, called the Gospel of Luke “Digestum Luke,” as if emphasizing that Luke was not an eyewitness, but only a companion of the apostles, who summarized the stories about Jesus to preach the teachings of Christ.

Another example is the “Digests” of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian - a collection of extracts from the works of famous Roman jurists who compiled his “Code”, which later formed the basis of European jurisprudence.

In the late Middle Ages, the digest genre was widely used by the church in compiling short versions lives of saints, various kinds of chronographs and other educational literature. Apparently, this is where the two main forms of scientific digest of the New Age arose - extracts and abstracts.

Extracts, that is, short summaries of the main facts and ideas of a source, were used primarily on an individual basis. Thus, it is known, for example, that Charles Darwin had a whole library of his own extracts from the books he read.

In the USSR, the original purpose of the digest was perhaps best met by the abstracts of foreign sources that became widely widespread among Soviet social scientists, largely replacing “Western” humanities literature, which was inaccessible to them due to the language barrier and ideological prohibitions.

With the advent of perestroika and Russia's subsequent transition to large-scale economic and political reform, the need for knowledge about the modern market and the practices of advanced democracies has increased sharply. ...The urgent need to receive, albeit secondary, but reliable information, so to speak, “first-hand,” could not help but revive the digest in its most ancient utilitarian form, originally intended for anyone who could read.”

B.A. Lapshov introduces the term “digest summary” (from the Latin “conspectus” - review, review, essay), calling it a new type of old information genre. What it has in common with the classic digest is, first of all, the utilitarian nature of its function - to convey to the reader only the main facts and ideas contained in the source. What is new for our time in the digest summary is that, unlike the annotation, “abstract” and scientific abstract, intended for a specialist, it is designed specifically for a non-specialist, for a reader who does not know special terminology and does not have the skill of reading thick “scientific” » books, but feeling the need to obtain information in one or another from a specific source special area knowledge.

Currently, the digest is considered as one of the forms of collapsing information, a type of its analytical and synthetic processing. In libraries, the digest is used in the field of factual services, and its function, like references, tables, articles in reference books and encyclopedias, abstracts, synopses, abstract reviews, is to orient information consumers in the information flow, the most accurate reflection of fact-conceptographic content primary documents.

Currently, there are a huge number of digests on the Internet intended for the widest target audience. First of all, these are various press digests focused on a specific topic: economic, political, cultural, sports, music, etc. There are many event digests that also have a thematic principle for selecting information. There are digests of documents, primarily regulatory and legislative. Digest newsletters appeared.

When compiling digests, the normalized folding technique is used, as a result of which the physical volume of the document changes, but its information content does not decrease. The main method used is extraction, i.e., extracting the most semantically valuable quotes from a document. The development of information technology has made it possible to create digests in electronic form.

The procedure for compiling digests can be described as a sequence of the following steps:

1. Mandatory clarification of the user request.

2. Its semantic deployment and presentation in the form of an open (i.e., complementable) local faceted (multi-aspect) rubricator.

3. Identification of information, during which this rubricator is used as a search prescription.

4. Selecting the roll depth. Depending on the significance of the material found, its relevance to the topic of the request, the completeness of its coverage of the problem of interest to the user, the digest may reflect both the text of the original source in full and its fragments, as well as an abstract or mention (link) of the source.

5. Extraction process (extracting text fragments).

6. Abstracting.

7. Grouping of material.

8. Compilation of auxiliary apparatus (table of contents, tables, etc.).

In its final form, the digest is a secondary document, built on the basis of numerous primary ones (a list of which is necessarily attached), but in the logic of the user, not the authors of the messages, and with a degree of detail corresponding to the needs of the reader.

Digest consumers can be:

1. Managers of all ranks. The higher the rank of a manager, the more versatile his information needs. Their formation is affected by the cultural and economic profile of the region and the administrative and official position of the leader. The manager, having a certain basic training, shows great professional interest in information in his specialty.

2. Specialists employed in various industries National economy, sciences, cultures, doctors, economists, teachers, agronomists, livestock specialists, etc.

3. Entrepreneurs. Each of them is interested in information about the market, pricing, taxes, duties, etc.

4. Students of higher and secondary special education educational institutions, students of vocational schools and secondary schools.

The process of preparing and presenting information to managers various levels The department of science and technology stands out as an independent and very important direction in the sphere of information services.

Despite the genre variety of digests (“Digest of Radio Schemes”, “Digest of Foreign and Russian Real Estate”, “Reader’s Digest”, “Farmer” digest magazine, “Technological Digest”, etc.), their structure fits within a certain framework. This primarily applies to digests published in printed form.

The digest structure is as follows:

1. Title page.

3. Preface (from the compiler).

4. The main text, usually divided into sections and subsections.

5. List of used literature.

6. Applications.

Experience in creating a press digest topical issues Russian science in the Department of State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS

The State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPNTL SB RAS) has experience in creating digests of various types. Thus, since 1993, the library has published the “Business Review” digest, intended for prompt information on current news in the field of business economic information. It was compiled on the basis of review, selection and analysis of a wide range of sources of scientific, technical, economic, market and commercial information and a significant repertoire of periodicals received by the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS. The digest was distributed by subscription to libraries, enterprises, organizations and individual subscribers.

Another digest - “Press Digest on Problems of Russian Science” - since 2000, by order of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has been published by the Department of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS. It is intended to inform members of the Presidium of the SB RAS, members of the SB RAS in Moscow, directors of institutes of the Novosibirsk scientific center, employees of the Presidium apparatus about publications in periodicals on scientific issues and related problems.

The main sections of the digest: science (general issues), SB RAS, education, Siberia, natural resources, energy, ecology, the economy of Siberia and Russia as a whole, foreign press about Russian science. At the end of the issue, tables of contents of general scientific Russian journals available in the collections of the State Public Library for Science and Technology are given, as they become available.

In the “Science” section. General Issues" contains publications on issues of academic, university, and industrial Russian science in general, with the exception of publications of the SB RAS. Articles about problems of foreign science can be selectively selected; information about the anniversaries of outstanding scientists is also included.

Articles about specific achievements and problems of branch sciences are placed in the corresponding subsections: physics, biology (genetics), space, computer technology, archeology, paleontology, etc., depending on the availability of material. The “Medicine” subsection provides information about new advanced treatment technologies, the creation of new drugs, interesting recommendations for the preservation and promotion of health.

"SB RAS". This is the main section of the digest, containing articles on all areas of scientific development and various aspects of the activities of scientific centers of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Here

publications of leading scientists of the SB RAS on current problems science in general and Siberian science in particular, articles about scientific achievements institutes of the Siberian branch, new discoveries and developments. It also provides information about the anniversaries of famous scientists of the SB RAS, published in central and local periodicals. Materials for the anniversaries of the founders of the SB RAS are allocated in a separate section and contain publications from all sources, including “Science in Siberia”. At the end of the section, the table of contents of the newspaper “Science in Siberia” for this period is given.

A special issue of the digest was prepared for the 50th anniversary of the SB RAS. It includes articles by outstanding scientists of the Siberian Branch for 1956-2007, reflecting the stages of formation and development of a unique scientific center (there is also an electronic version of this issue , as well as publications about the SB RAS in the electronic foreign press for 1998-2007.

"Education". Find information about issues here higher education, about the anniversaries of Siberian and leading capital universities, information about personalized scholarships, etc. The section also includes articles on global problems high school (new system education, new programs, interesting information about Akademgorodok schools).

"Siberia". This section contains publications on economic, scientific, technical, and demographic problems of cities included in the Siberian Federal District, as well as information on the work of the interregional association of economic interaction “Siberian Agreement”, the Council of the Siberian Federal District, reports on visits of Russian politicians and foreign delegations.

« Natural resources. Energy". This includes articles about all the resources of Siberia, global energy issues in Siberia and Russia as a whole.

The selection of material for the section “ Sustainable development. Ecology", which contains information about water problems in Siberia (rivers, lakes, drinking water), pollution environment, life safety.

The “Russia” section contains publications by leading scientists on economic and demographic problems of Russian development, social problems population.

The “Foreign Press” section includes articles from foreign (English- and French-language) publications devoted to the problems and achievements of modern Russian science, issues of international scientific cooperation, significant dates and historical events in scientific life Russia. Articles are given in the original language with a brief summary in Russian. Here is the room

The layout of the digest is prepared by employees of the State Public Library for Science and Technology (the technological process is presented in Appendix 1). Its average volume is 90-100 pages. The digest is published twice a month (the issue is timed to coincide with meetings of the Presidium of the SB RAS) and is distributed according to a list approved by the office of the Presidium.

To prepare the digest, a number of central and local newspapers are reviewed daily, with a total of about 40 titles (Appendix 2). To avoid duplication of publications from different newspapers on the same topic, selection is carried out based on the significance of the newspaper (preference for central publications) and authorship.

Returning to the contents of the digest, it should be mentioned that one of its sections - “Foreign Press” exists not only in printed form, but also in electronic form. Materials for it are selected from various English-language (since 2004 also from French-language) sources posted on the Internet. The search for information is carried out using keywords, associated with the concept of “Russian science”, for example “Russian scientists”, “Russian science”, “Russian researchers”, “scientifiques russes”, “Churcheurs russes”, etc. Special attention is devoted to current areas of science (physics, energy, space, biomedicine, ecology), as well as related advanced technologies. Materials are collected on the Internet on socio-political and scientific journals, newspapers, news agencies. Some of the materials are selected from the subscription to the newsletter from the English and French versions search engine Google.

After studying the websites of foreign news agencies, the most useful addresses and pages for preparing materials were identified. Specialized servers were found containing news in all areas of science and technology. Currently, the most interesting ones in terms of their capabilities and content of materials are Google News, EurekAlert, Alphagalileo, Innovations Report, Futura Science, PhysOrg, Cordis.

Information searches are also carried out directly on the websites of foreign newspapers: Washington Post, New York Times, Daily Telegraph, Jerusalem Post, Chicago Tribune, Le Monde, Libération. Registration on the newspaper's website is often required to conduct a search, and the search itself should be carried out regularly, since otherwise articles may no longer be provided for free. From this point of view, searching in databases is more convenient and requires less time.

It should be noted that replenishment information resources Internet is happening at a high

At such a pace, it can be difficult to find the necessary information in a huge information flow, but at the same time, this allows you to find more and more useful addresses.

The electronic version of the foreign part of the digest has been published on the website of the Branch of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS since February 1998 under the title “Russian Science and the World” http://www.prometeus.nsc. ru/science/scidig/. The electronic form is prepared simultaneously with the printed one, but is posted on the Department’s website once a month. As of December 2007, 119 issues in 197 files have been prepared. All material is divided by year and month. Each issue consists of a table of contents and articles, accompanied by a brief summary in Russian. The source of information and the date of publication of the article on the Internet are also indicated. On average there are 10-12 articles per issue.

Information technology capabilities - accessibility electronic documents, the comparative ease of scanning texts, as well as the skills of creating a database, combined with the accumulated experience of bibliography, made it possible to move from compiling a digest in traditional form to creating its electronic version. This work began in 2007.

Since sections of the Russian and foreign press have different sources of information (in the first case, these are primarily printed publications, and in the second, electronic resources on the Internet), the technology for their preparation is different. Materials for the foreign part of the digest are collected on the Internet and compiled in Word, after which they are printed for layout; The electronic version is created entirely in HTML format. The materials of the Russian part initially exist only in paper form (only recently they began to include materials from the Internet) and in a much larger volume, so the completed layout pages are scanned, processed in Adobe Photoshop and converted to .djvu format in the Djvu Solo 3.1 program (which allows you to reduce the size of the document in kilobytes, and subsequently make it easier to navigate the digest).

To summarize, we can say that the experience of creating a press digest by the Department of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS is positive - the digest has been consistently published for more than 10 years, during which time its volume and circulation have increased significantly, and its design has improved. The press digest has proven itself well as a form of DOR (differentiated management support), being an operational source of up-to-date information on the most important issues of modern science, and its further development and improvement is seen in this direction.


1. Lapshov, B. A. Digest library - a tool for understanding business for a person // Theory and practice of social science. information - 1990. - Issue. 10. - pp. 148-155.

2. Blumenau, D. I. Information and information service. - L.: Nauka, 1989. - P. 180.

3. Blumenau, D. I. Information analysis/synthesis for the formation of secondary documents. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2002. - pp. 26-28.

4. Minkina, V. A. Finding what is deserved: reference and bibliographic services using network information resources // Information and bibliographic services: history and current state. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - Issue. 1. -S. 113-114.

5. Vasilchik, L. R. Digest in the business information system // Patent and market information in the conditions of market formation. - Novosibirsk, 1995. -S. 190-198.

Annex 1

Technological process of preparing the layout of the “Press Digest on Problems of Russian Science”

1 Viewing newspapers and magazines, selecting materials, editing and systematizing the selected material

2 Photocopying

3 Creating an original layout

3.1 Trimming, prototyping, gluing

3.2 Working with Internet resources

3.2.1 Viewing and selection of materials

3.2.2 Creation of a short abstract of each article in Russian (translation from English and French) - for the section “Foreign Press”

3.2.3 Create a file and print in a specified format

3.2.4 Registration of the content of current issues of the newspaper “Science in Siberia” - file creation, formatting, printing

3.3 Final preparation of the issue for printing

3.3.1 Writing brief annotations of articles for the table of contents of the issue

3.3.2 Computer dialing of table of contents

3.3.3 Title page design

Appendix 2

List of newspapers and magazines reviewed to select publications for the digest (repertoire for 2007)

Arguments and Facts

Business for everyone


Gazette of the Novosibirsk Regional Council of Deputies

. Digest structure . The digest structure is as follows:

1. Title page

3. Preface (from the compiler)

4. The main text is, of course, divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs

5. List of used literature

6. Applications (illustrated material - tables, graphs, diagrams revealing the main text)

7 Glossary of basic terms (if necessary)

. Information conversion methods . The main method used is extraction, that is, removal from the document of the most semantically valuable quotes

Also, when compiling digests, the technique of normalized folding is used, as a result of which the physical volume of the document changes, but its information content does not decrease

Let's consider the main stages of compiling a digest (see Table 72):



Stage task

Basic operations, characteristics

Preparatory stage

1 Development of a prospectus plan

Plan prospectus is the main document that determines the directions of work on the digest. It outlines detailed content future digest This is a “thumbnail” of the main publication. The main task of this stage is to establish the target and readership.

Establish the target (for what) and reader (for whom) purpose of the future digest. Typically, age, general education and special training readers You can use professional dialogue on readers, their job status. The main groups of consumers of bibliographic information:

Managers of all ranks;

Specialists in various sectors of the national economy, science, culture (doctors, economists, teachers, etc.;


Students of universities, secondary and special educational institutions, students of vocational schools and schools

Select and study a topic

The title is studied from the point of view of novelty, relevance, reader interest in it, and the availability of literature. The topic can be considered from all or several sides, cover or not cover related branches of knowledge associations, consider the issue only in a theoretical, practical or historical aspect

Determine the type, type and genre

The prospectus plan should determine the types of publications that will be included. This could be books, magazine articles and other types of electronic and printed products.

Determine the volumes and timing of the compilation of the benefit

The compiler of the digest indicates in the prospectus the number of pages of the future publication and the time frame within which it will be prepared

Select designs

The method of printing the publication is selected - typographical or “in-house”, issues of external and internal design (cover, binding, interior design, illustrative material)

Main stage

2 Plan development

Plan - a list of sections and issues that should be reflected in the digest has been drawn up in a certain order

3 Identification of printed works and bibliographic search

The task of the stage is to establish the presence in the library of literature on this topic, as well as materials that are not available in this library

The compiler examines various sources: catalogues, card indexes, relevant sections of the fund, bibliographic publications, databases, reference and search systems, the Internet, handwritten materials, etc.

4 Study of printed sources

The task is to establish the correspondence of the identified works to the topic of the digest

Done by viewing

5 Bibliographic groupings

The task is to choose the optimal structure (construction), that is, the formation of a future digest

51 The unit of grouping is text fragments (or quotes) Each fragment removed from the text is accompanied by a link to the description of the document as a whole

52 Selection of the optimal construction of the main divisions - sections, subsections and smaller divisions, the order in which they appear one after another. Then - the design of headings for each, the order in which they follow. The group of material can be:


Chronological (temporal pattern);

Logical (internal pattern) - from particular to general or from general to particular Copies of document fragments are cut out, compiled (glued together) in the required order

The final stage

6 Preparing the text of the preface and other supporting elements

The task is to reveal to readers the author’s intention and to help them navigate the digest freely

61 Preface - here a description of the target and readership of the digest is given, data on the literature reflected in it is provided, and an explanation is given general principle constructing the digest, revise auxiliary pointers.

Stage task

Basic operations, characteristics

The relevance and modernity of the topic of the digest is assessed. The novelty is determined, i.e. the compilers introduced something new, previously unknown, into the topic being studied 62 Appendices - illustrative material: photographs, photocopies of covers or title pages of publications, portraits of figures in science, culture, art, etc., tables, graphs, maps in local history manuals

63 Glossary of basic terms (if necessary)

64 The digest may contain auxiliary pointers:

Pointer - a list of subject headings arranged in alphabetical order with links to the corresponding pages. The presence of a subject index significantly increases the information content of the publication; Name index - contains information about compilers, editors and other persons For example: “Stolyarov Yu, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, founder of Documentology”; Index of geographical names - practiced in local history digests. It is advisable to accompany the list of concepts with characteristics (sea, river, locality and etc.); List of accepted abbreviations - KPN - candidate of pedagogical sciences; UAN - Ukrainian Academy sciences; MONU - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, etc.

7 Editing the digest

Editing all texts

Elimination of mistakes and stylistic shortcomings

8 External design of the digest

The task is to make the final decision on the design of the digest

On the cover you can note only the title of the manual, and on the title page - the full name of the organization publishing the digest, the surname and initials of the compiler, the title of the digest, the place and year of publication

The text is printed at 1-1.5 point spacing - 12 Shores: right, bottom - 10 mm, left, top - 20 mm

Sections and subsections must have headings Subclauses, as a rule, do not have headings The distance between section titles and text is 2 spaces

Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals, the number is placed, as a rule, in the center of the bottom of the page without a dot. The title page is also included in the general page numbering; the page number is not placed on it. For typing various structural parts of the manual (preface, main text, auxiliary indexes, etc. .) fonts of different sizes can be used Different fonts are used for headings of sections, subsections and subparagraphs

Digest structure. The digest structure is as follows:

1. Title page.

3. Preface (from the compiler).

4. The main text is usually divided into sections, subsections, and paragraphs.

5. List of used literature.

6. Applications (illustrated material - tables, graphs, diagrams revealing the main text).

7. Glossary of basic terms (if necessary).

Methods for converting information. The main method used is extraction, i.e. removal from the document of the most semantically valuable quotations.

Also, when compiling digests, the technique of normalized folding is used, as a result of which the physical volume of the document changes, but its information content does not decrease.

Let's consider the main stages of compiling a digest (see Table 7.2):



Stage task

Basic operations, characteristics

Preparatory stage

1. Development of a prospectus plan

The prospectus plan is the main document that determines the directions of work on the digest. It sets out the detailed content of the future digest. This is a “thumbnail” of the main edition. The main task of the stage is to determine the target and readership.

Establish the target (for what) and reader (for whom) purpose of the future digest. Usually, the age, general education and special training of readers are taken into account. Can be used professional activity readers, their official status. Main groups of consumers of bibliographic information:

Managers of all ranks;

Specialists in various sectors of the national economy, science, culture (doctors, economists, teachers, etc.;


Students of universities, secondary and special educational institutions, students of vocational schools and schools

Select and study a topic

The topic is studied from the point of view of novelty, relevance, reader interest in it, and the availability of literature. The topic can be considered from all or several sides, include or not cover related areas of knowledge, consider the issue only in a theoretical, practical or historical aspect

Determine the type, type and genre

The prospectus plan should identify the types of publications that will be included. This may include books, magazine articles, and other types of printed and non-printed products.

Determine the volumes and timing of the compilation of the benefit

The compiler of the digest in the prospectus notes the number of pages of the future publication and the time frame within which it will be prepared

Select design

The method of printing the publication is selected - typographical or “in-house”, issues of external and internal design (cover, binding, interior design, illustrative material)

Main stage

2. Develop a plan

Plan - a list of sections and issues drawn up in a certain order that should be reflected in the digest

3. Identification of printed works and bibliographic search

The task of the stage is to establish the presence in the library of literature on this topic, as well as materials that are not available in this library

The compiler examines various sources: catalogues, card indexes, relevant sections of the fund, bibliographic publications, databases, reference and search systems, the Internet, handwritten materials, etc.

4. Study of printed sources

Tasks - establishing compliance of the identified works with the topic of the digest

This is done by viewing.

5. Bibliographic grouping

The task is to choose the optimal structure (construction), that is, the formation of a future digest

5.1. The unit of grouping is text fragments (or quotes). Each fragment removed from the text is accompanied by a link to the description of the document as a whole.

5.2. Choosing the optimal construction of the main divisions - sections, subsections and smaller divisions, the order in which they appear one after another. Then - the design of the headings for each, the order in which they appear. The grouping of material can be:


Chronological (temporal pattern);

Logical (internal pattern) - from particular to general or from general to particular. Copies of document fragments are cut out and assembled (glued) in the required order.

The final stage

6. Preparation of the text of the preface and other supporting elements

The task is to reveal to readers the author’s intention and to help them navigate the digest freely

6.1. Preface - here the characteristics of the target and readership of the digest are given, data on the literature reflected in it are given, the general principle of constructing the digest is explained, and auxiliary pointers are listed.

Stage task

Basic operations, characteristics.

The relevance and modernity of the digest's subject matter is assessed. Novelty is determined, i.e. what new, previously unknown, the compilers brought to the topic under study. 6.2. Applications - illustrative material: photographs, photocopies of covers or title pages of publications, portraits of figures of science, culture, art, etc., tables, graphs, maps in local history manuals

6.3. Glossary of basic terms (if necessary).

6.4. The digest may contain auxiliary pointers:

Subject index - a list of subject headings arranged in alphabetical order with links to the corresponding pages. The presence of a subject index significantly increases the information content of the publication; The name index contains information about the compilers, editors and other persons. For example: “Yu. Stolyarov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, founder of documentology”; Index of geographical names - practiced in local history digests. It is advisable to accompany the list of concepts with characteristics (sea, river, settlement, etc.); List of accepted abbreviations - Ph.D. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; UAN - Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; MES - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, etc.

7. Editing the digest

Editing all texts

Elimination of mistakes and stylistic shortcomings.

8. External design of the digest

The task is to make a final decision regarding the design of the digest

On the cover you can indicate only the title of the manual, and on the title page - the full name of the organization that issues the digest, the surname and initials of the compiler, the title of the digest, the place and year of publication

The text is printed at 1-1.5 intervals. Point size - 12. Banks: right, bottom - 10 mm, left, top - 20 mm.

Sections and subsections must have headings. Subparagraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. The distance between section titles and text is 2 spaces.

Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals; the number is usually placed in the center of the bottom of the page without a dot. The title page is also included in the general page numbering; the page number is not indicated on it. To set the various structural parts of the manual (preface, main text, auxiliary indexes, etc.), you can use fonts of different sizes. Different fonts are used for headings of sections, subsections and subparagraphs

In the review presented to your attention we will talk about the digest. What it is? In the age of the development of the Internet and information technology, many areas of activity are moving to an automated level. The media space is no exception. These days, there are many online commentators who release news segments on an hourly basis about one event or another. This means sites with political, sports, social, economic and other news. If we consider all these resources under the prism of “media fundamentals,” then they are all united by such a concept as a digest. What is it? Let's find out!

Digest - what is it? Definition and Features

Literally translated from in English“digest” is a summary (digest) or summary (the word digerere is translated from English as “to divide”). In Russian, the word “digest” is most often found in This concept implies any information product (selection, article or publication) that contains brief annotations on the topic under discussion. The digest, as a rule, contains the main provisions of articles that present the most interesting and relevant publications in short form(for a certain period of time). The popularity of this format is due to the fact that condensed information allows you to get acquainted with popular news, a separate topic or an entire study in the shortest possible time.

Digest - what is it? Format meaning and application

In the generalized concept of “digest” - excerpts (quotes, epigraphs, etc.) taken from several information sources. The output is a condensed form of a specific genre, topic, or summary. Following the example of this format, the online publication “” operates, which publishes brief news information from the magazine “Russian Language Abroad”. And on the chemical portal ChemPort there is an “organic digest”, which is based in the “News about Science” section. In general, the word “digest” includes the concept of reprinting other people’s materials in an abbreviated, systematized form. There are over a hundred more examples of popular online publishing houses that work on this principle. These include Reader's Digest, a famous American magazine that contains the most current political and news events over the past month.

History of the creation of the format

The principle of writing condensed thematic collections has been known since ancient times. The most notable example is the Digests, short summaries and excerpts from the writings of ancient Roman jurists who compiled the main provisions of Byzantine law. Later, the Digests were renamed the Code of Civil Law.

Ancient Slavic digests

So, digest. What is it and where did it appear? In the history of the ancient Slavic peoples there is also a place for the concept we are considering. Famous book“Zlatostruy” (written in Ancient Bulgaria) was created on the principle of a collection of condensed expositions. It contains all the moral teachings and works of John Chrysostom (in the expanded version there are about 136 writings).

“The Collection of Svyatoslav” is the third oldest (after the “Ostromir Gospel” and the “Novgorod Codex”) ancient Russian manuscript book, which presents the works of the church fathers in a brief and comprehensive form. In ancient times, this principle of compiling books was widespread and popular. This category also includes the book “Catechism”, which contains the basics of Christian teachings (the book is written in a question-and-answer format, which also falls under the concept of “digest”).

Based on these connotations, we can conclude that the modern media information platform (books, media, news portals, etc.) adopts most of the principles and formats from antiquity. There was no such thing as a “digest” back then. This formulation got its name in the modern world. Previously collections brief information and the writings were called “extract”, “note”, “excerpts”, etc.

Digests in Russia

What does a digest look like through the eyes of a Russian person? What is it and how was it used in Russia? The first digest formats in Russia appeared in the 17th century. However, even then there was no such word. All publications, magazines and collections that worked on the principle of information compression were called “chimes”. Now the word “chimes” is used as a historical term to designate Russian-language reviews of the European press in the late 17th - early 18th centuries. Later, in the mid-18th century, the word “extract” began to be used. The Collegium of Foreign Affairs was the first to do this. The definition of an extract meant not only reviews of the European press, but also condensed thematic summaries of other documents (in printed or handwritten form).

Where are “digests” used now?

And if we talk about modern Russia and the concept of "digest"? What is this in the current understanding? The word “digest” appeared in the vocabulary of the Russian-speaking population at the end of the 20th century. The organization “National Corpus of the Russian Language” first registered this term in 1993. However, this word was already used in the 80s. At the beginning of the 2000s, the concept of “digest” became incredibly fashionable, so it is very often used in various fields. Because of this, the meaning of the word has not been fully formed. New and new things are constantly being added to this concept. new meaning. For example, “Review Digest” is an already established concept on the popular video hosting site “YouTube”.

As mentioned above, many popular news portals operate on the principle of reprinting information from other sources in a brief form. However, the spread of “digests” does not end there. This principle has long been used in television programs, series, movies and cartoons, etc. For example, on the Russian television talk show “Let Them Talk” on Channel One, digests are often used. Before they start discussing anything in the studio, you will first be presented with a video clip about the topic of the program. Thus, you quickly understand the essence of the topic being discussed and continue watching the program from the middle. Similar video inserts (i.e. digests) are shown after advertising. Some TV shows also insert a digest before the commercial break. This is done in order to interest and retain the viewer after advertising (because most often, when advertising starts, the viewer switches to another channel). The most notable example is the Comedy Club digest. The best fragments from the humorous show are available to the viewer in a matter of seconds.

In modern sources the term "digest"" are defined differently:

1.« periodical, printing (usually in abbreviation) materials from other publications; a brief summary of a work of art"; “a short, condensed statement of any information, messages, etc.»;

2. Digest (from Latin digest -summary ) are fragments of texts of many documents (quotes, excerpts, summaries, less often abstracts), selected on a specific topic that is not covered by generalizing publications, and are in the sphere of interests of real or potential readers.

Main function of digestconvey to the reader only the main ideas and facts contained in the source. Digests can contain analytical reviews, statistical data, fragments of publication texts, official and regulatory documents selected on a specific topic, etc. Each fragment extracted from the text is accompanied by a link to a description of the document as a whole.

Digests are characterized by: narrowness of the topic, differences in aspects of the problem, discrepancy between the points of view of various authors, etc. When selecting material, both book and periodical publications and Internet publications are reviewed.

Form of presentation of material in the form of a digest timely and relevant. It allows you to get acquainted with both the latest innovations in the topic being studied and an array of documents with a minimum amount of time.

Purpose: Digests are created when new directions in research and development arise on current problems of science and social life, with increased and sustained interest of various user groups, but there is no generalizing work.

Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:

1.Familiarization with the contents of the primary document.

2. Identification of the main directions of the topic in the text of the document.

3.Selection in accordance with a given list of topics required for inclusion in the digest;

4. Compilation of a digest based on selected fragments from the text of the primary document.

Digest structure

The digest structure is as follows:

1. Title page.

3.Preface (from the compiler) or appeal (to the readers).

4.The main text, usually divided into sections and subsections.

5. List of used literature.

6. Applications.

In our case The digest structure looks like this:

Title of the book (including year of publication and a short history writing)

The key theme of the book and its main sections

Main ideas (thesis, provisions)

Brief summary of one of the chapters (paragraphs)

What new have you learned? (Factual material: numbers, data, experiments)

Possible practical applications

3.Appendices: Illustrative material

(optional), dictionary of basic terms (if necessary)

Information conversion methods

IN quality main method used extraction, those. extracting the most semantically valuable quotes from the document. Also, when compiling digests, the normalized folding technique is used, as a result of which the physical volume of the document changes, but its information content does not decrease.


Preparatory stage

1. Development of a prospectus plan

Prospect plan- the main document defining the directions of work on the digest. Prospect plan necessary to present the future edition clearly and clearly. See all mistakes in a timely manner and eliminate them. The prospectus outlines the detailed content of the future digest. Unlike a digest, information is presented briefly, following the sequence of the main publication. In it, as well as in the main edition, there are several stages. The prospectus plan is a miniature of the main publication. Helps organize future work effectively and efficiently.

The main task of the initial stage- establishing the target and readership. To do this, you must perform the following operations:

1.1. Set the target (for what) and reader (for whom) purpose of the future digest. There are different approaches to classifying readers. You can proceed from their age, general education or special training. Particularly interesting is the structure based on The professional activities of readers and their official status are determined.

Main groups of consumers of bibliographic information:

1.Managers of all ranks. The higher the rank of a manager, the more versatile his information needs. Their formation is affected by the cultural and economic profile of the region and the administrative position of the leader. The manager, having a certain basic training, shows great professional interest in information in his specialty.

2.Specialists employed in various sectors of the national economy, sciences, cultures, doctors, economists, teachers, agronomists, livestock specialists, etc.

3.Entrepreneurs. Each of them is interested in information about the market, pricing, taxes, duties, etc.

4.Students higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, students of vocational schools and secondary schools.

Target and reader address is formed quite specifically: one should avoid such vague definitions as “the manual is intended for a wide circle of readers”, “the manual will be useful to everyone who is interested in the past and present of their native land.” An attempt to prepare a manual that would simultaneously pursue the goal of helping science and “everyone interested in this problem” is erroneous.

In addition to the main one, other groups of readers are indicated who may benefit from the information contained in the manual.

1.2.Choose and study a topic. The topic is studied from the point of view of novelty, relevance, reader interest in it, and the availability of literature. It must be socially significant and meet the real and potential needs of library users. The writer needs to understand the main issue related to the topic. The topic can be considered from all or some angles, whether or not to include adjacent branches of knowledge, and the issue can be considered only from a theoretical, practical or historical perspective.
