Awards family and personal life of kobzon. Iosif Kobzon died: biography and personal life of the singer

Being the wife of a popular artist today is a whole profession. Behind the backs of accomplished men are often women who patiently endure years of success and difficult periods. Nelli Mikhailovna Kobzon is one of the friends of life who managed to carry the warmth of the family hearth and reverent feelings for her husband through the decades. The couple lived together for over 40 years and was considered one of the strongest in secular society.

Childhood and youth

Nelli Drizina, a widow, was born in the winter of 1950 in Leningrad, in the family of a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn. Gave her unusual name, unusual for the Soviet era. The birth certificate contained the "allowed" name Ninel, the reverse of "Lenin". But in the documents she put the name given by her parents.

At the end of the war, Nelly's father went to work in a knitwear shop. At the age of three, together with her family, the baby moved to a large three-room apartment. The joy of a blissful existence was short-lived - his father was arrested three years later. The property was confiscated.

The financial hardships faced by the family after the loss of the breadwinner helped to solve the library of rare books collected by the father. In difficult times, Nelly's mother sold expensive publications and received money for food for children. This helped out in difficult times.

The daughter grew up as a pretty girl, and when it was time to go to school, she showed miracles of attractiveness. She always looked neat and endeared herself to those around her, teachers and peers. At school, she was given the nickname Dolly.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the girl entered the technical school of public catering. The choice was obvious: in those days, the profession of a cook made it possible to feed a family. A carefully thought-out plan could provide Nelly with a prosperous life and a chance to help her family.

Student time was marked by the first love. But the romance did not take place, and Nelly's dreams of marriage collapsed. The love story was not allowed to come true by the mother, who did not approve of the girl's choice. From childhood, accustomed to obey her parents, young Drizina went on about her mother and left her lover. She preferred to remain humble, so she did not dare to go against the mandate of the family.


The specialty of the cook did not please the young beauty, and Nelly decided to change her area of ​​\u200b\u200binterest. By the age of 24, she chose a different direction of activity. The girl was trained at the All-Union Workshop of Variety Art. Her paths became the conversational genre.

By coincidence, Nelly did not try herself in the professions that she chose in her youth. Marriage with Joseph Kobzon made me reconsider my priorities. The woman decided to help her husband in creative activities and was there during the years when the singer began to realize himself in business and politics.

In 2015, Nelli Mikhailovna received the title of Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation. She up last days took her husband's life Active participation in his pop and political life.

Personal life

Two bright personalities, Nelly and Joseph met in the capital. The girl visited Moscow, visiting a family friend. The husband of her mother's friend worked as an entertainer at the Mosconcert and got acquainted with the artists. Once Nelly was invited to visit with her family, with whom she stopped to stay.

Thus began her first acquaintance with Muscovites. Among the guests of the event was Joseph Kobzon. The young beauty struck the artist, and his charm did not allow the girl to resist. The age difference between the future spouses was 13 years. But this was not a barrier for them.

Thoughts about the wedding were initially pragmatic. The future wife of Kobzon understood that the feelings were not so strong. A woman knew love for her husband after a while. As it turned out, the marriage was not an accident. At first, the newlyweds did not live separately. Nelly moved to the house where Kobzon's mother and his sister lived. Women well received the Russian beauty.

Wedding Nelly and Joseph Kobzon

They became friends and found a real kinship. After their honeymoon in the Baltic States, Nelly and Joseph returned to Moscow, and his wife became his costume designer at the Mosconcert. At that time, the young family did not have their own housing. Kobzons had to live either with their mother-in-law or in the ward of the city hospital, which they were given. Thinking about children has become difficult.

The first-born Andrey appeared in 1973, in 1975 the daughter Natalya was born. Nelly Mikhailovna left her job as a costume designer and, taking advantage of the necessary education, acted as a host at her husband's concerts, but more often took the role of a caring wife and mother, on whose shoulders the whole house rests. She gave the family warm hearth and comfort, on which well-being and strong relationships.

Nelly Kobzon with family

According to Iosif Kobzon, despite the presence of two marriages preceding the meeting with Nelly, he saw her as his life partner. The woman devoted herself to her husband and supported his undertakings, position and interests. This story is similar to those described in novels.

Nelli Kobzon now

In the biography of Nelly Kobzon, marriage with a famous artist became the main event. During their life together in stellar circles, there were no questions about infidelity and possible infidelity of her husband. Nelli Mikhailovna takes care of her appearance and looks fresh and young without the use of plastic surgery. The woman glows with happiness, and this is conveyed by every photo posted on Instagram. Articles in the press and interviews confirm that Nelly Kobzon's personal life has developed in the best possible way.

Every appearance of a woman in public causes discussion. Journalists comment on her appearance without makeup, comparing it with her appearance in her youth, discussing what fur coat Kobzon's wife came out in and the upcoming anniversary.

Iosif Davydovich since 2005 fought with cancer. The deterioration of the singer's health in the summer of 2018 made his wife and his fans worry. At the end of July, the artist was connected to a ventilator.

August 30 . The farewell ceremony for the artists and the funeral took place on September 2, 2018. Iosif Davydovich bequeathed to bury himself at the Vostryakovsky cemetery next to his mother.

Name: Joseph Kobzon
Date of Birth: September 11, 1937
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Age: 80 years old
Date of death: August 30, 2018
Place of Birth: Chasov Yar (Donetsk region)
Activity: pop singer, deputy
Education: Russian Academy music RAM them. Gnesins
Family status: Married to Ninel Kobzon

Biography of Joseph Kobzon

Iosif Kobzon - Pop singer, performer of the most popular Soviet hits, People's Artist of Russia and an active public figure. His work is the heritage of the country. Songs from his repertoire are part of Soviet and Russian culture. Not a single event in the political and cultural life of the country leaves Joseph Davydovich indifferent. He has a habit of expressing his categorical opinion on every topical issue. The biography and personal life of this bright and multifaceted personality has been of interest to journalists for several decades.


Star biography Soviet stage started in a small town in the Donetsk region. The future artist was born in Chasov Yar, Donetsk region. However, he lived here for only four years. In 1941, Joseph Davydovich's father went to the front. Mother with three children went to the evacuation. The family spent several years away from native land, twenty kilometers from the capital of Uzbekistan.

When the war ended, the family returned to Ukraine and settled in Kramatorsk. In this city, the school years of the future artist passed. In childhood and adolescence, Joseph did not even think about musical creativity. In the singing lesson, as in other school disciplines, he achieved brilliant results. But above all, Joseph was interested in sports during this period.

After graduating from school, Kobzon entered the mining college. He did not leave sports during these years. However, the future celebrity had to leave the boxing ring, as a serious injury was received at the Ukrainian championship. Perhaps it was this event that predetermined the fate of Joseph Davydovich. After graduating from a technical school, he was drafted into the army, where, thanks to his participation in a musical ensemble, the head of the choir drew attention to his rare vocal abilities. It was while serving in the army that the young man first thought about a musical career.

Musical career

In 1958, Iosif Kobzon entered the Gnessin Institute. Then he worked for a short time in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Participation in the program "Cuba - my love" can be called the beginning of the work of this artist. However, fame in the biography of the singer came to the young performer thanks to solo performances. Already in 1962, the performer went on his first creative business trip. In the same year, a disc was released with songs that brought the artist wide popularity.

His career developed quite smoothly. Kobzon not only performed regularly at music festivals in socialist countries, but became a regular participant in Ogonyok, the most important New Year's program of the Soviet period.

In 1966, Joseph Davydovich received his first awards in his career. He has won several prestigious competitions. The songs that he began to perform during this period turned into hits almost immediately. Many of them have become classics of the genre. The singer's repertoire includes over fifty albums.

In the early eighties, Kobzon, being a laureate of prestigious awards, did not stop there and took up teaching activities. At the Gnessin Institute, he created the faculty of pop vocals.

In 1997, Iosif Kobzon celebrated his anniversary with a ten-hour concert held at the Rossiya Concert Hall. The concert activity of the artist was completed fifteen years later. In 2012, the last performance of the vocalist took place.

Political activity

Kobzon has been taking an active public position since the beginning of the seventies. IN Soviet period his political activity expressed mainly in speeches at Komsomol construction sites. In addition, Joseph Davydovich was repeatedly a member of official delegations abroad. He failed to join the party. First of all, this was prevented by the notorious fifth item in the questionnaire. In the eighties, the artist performed for military personnel in Afghanistan and participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In 1990, Joseph Davydovich became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since then, on television, he began to appear more and more often not as a musical performer, as in the role public figure. He was engaged in charity work, took an active part in the development of modern pop culture. Iosif Kobzon was one of the first who managed to negotiate with the Chechen terrorists who took hostages in the Dubrovka concert hall.

The coup d'état in Ukraine, which took place in 2014, of course, also did not go unnoticed by Joseph Davydovich. The artist perceived the annexation of Crimea as a completely natural and legitimate phenomenon. He expressed his point of view in numerous official interviews, which was perceived rather negatively in the West. The result of such a civil position was the sanctions and deprivation of the title of "honorary citizen" in a number of Ukrainian cities. Kobzon was also banned from entering Latvia and Ukraine. Nevertheless, the artist has repeatedly visited his small homeland. In Donetsk, he gave concerts and organized the collection and shipment humanitarian aid.

Since 2015, Iosif Davydovich has been on the black list of persons who, according to EU representatives, are directly or indirectly related to the destabilization of the situation in eastern Ukraine.

Personal life

The third marriage of Joseph Kobzon was truly significant. Much is known about his family and personal life. The third wife of the famous artist, unlike her predecessors, never had anything to do with the pop world. To the conclusion that perfect wife there should be an ordinary woman - not an actress, and not a singer - the artist came thanks to his bad experience.

The first wife of Joseph Davidovich was a popular singer. The second is Lyudmila Gurchenko. Both in the first and in the second marriage, incessant quarrels, jealousy and scandals reigned.

After the second divorce, Kobzon decided that he should make the next choice in favor of ordinary girl from a good family. And when soon he accidentally met a young woman from Leningrad at a festive feast, he did not miss the opportunity to realize the dream of a happy family life. Today, the couple has two children and seven grandchildren.

On April 30, 2016, Vladimir Putin presented Iosif Kobzon with the star of the Hero of Labor, another important award in the biography of a talented artist.


On August 30, 2018, after a long illness, the talented singer died at the age of 81.

Joseph Davydovich is a rich man. If only because he was born in big family: he shared all the hardships and joys with his parents and brothers. Over the years, his family grew larger: two children, seven grandchildren ... We remember those who gave life to Kobzon and continue to give love in the most difficult days for the artist.

Iosif Kobzon with his wife, mother-in-law and children. Photo:

“Mom has always been a god to me”

“God, ideal, faith. All the best that happened in life, ”the singer speaks of his mother with unchanging admiration in his voice and always wonders where the woman drew strength from big family. Ida Isaevna Shoikhet has been used to taking care of herself and her family since childhood: having lost her father at the age of 13, she went to work. She worked on a tobacco plantation, then at a woodworking factory. After graduating from law school, she became a people's judge - shortly before the birth of her son Joseph in 1937.

Mother of Joseph Kobzon. Photo:

The Great Patriotic War found the family in Lvov: having escorted her husband and brothers to the front line, Ida Isaevna was evacuated with difficulty along with her three sons from the city. As Kobzon admitted, war time he, being a four-year-old boy, remembered from the first days. He remembered how horrified he felt when his mother at the station got off the freight train that was saving them to get water, and ... lagged behind the train: “It was a tragedy! Mom is our breadwinner, we couldn’t do anything without her. And when she caught up with our train two days later and entered the car, we all cried. And she was crying." The memories of Joseph Davydovich, connected with the main woman in life, do not dry out. In numerous interviews, the singer and deputy recalls how, during a hungry time, he tried to bring his mother a “cake” - black bread with a sugar pillow - but could not resist and ate his sweet part; how he bought her a reticule for her first scholarship, in which he invested the ruble he earned; how he received a broom from his mother when he got a tattoo “I will not forget my mother”; how Ida Isaevna went to her neighbors to see her son performing on stage on TV; how she immediately accepted his life partner, the third wife Ninel.

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Ida Shoikhet-Kobzon died in 1991. But the memory of her, a cultured, energetic, tactful and principled woman, and the maternal precepts that Joseph Davydovich always followed always remained forever:

“Wherever I went, I always consulted with my mother. Mom always told me: “Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not feel sorry for anything for others, because goodness will definitely return.” My mother was a very wise woman. This is my god, my religion"

The father did not return to his wife and children

About his own father, David Kobzon, the artist recalls briefly. The man worked in the district executive committee, then as the director of a confectionery factory. When the war began, he immediately went to the front, and after him - Joseph's uncles. Kobzon with his mother and brothers moved near Tashkent, where they lived in a large Uzbek family that sheltered them. In 1944 they returned to their native Ukraine, met the long-awaited May 9 in Slavyansk.

None of the men came to visit relatives from the war. The brothers of Ida Isaevna, Yakov and Mikhail, died. David Kunovich in the 43rd, after being wounded and shell-shocked, ended up in a Moscow hospital, where he fell in love with a nurse - the man never returned to his wife and sons. Later, of course, he met with adult children, kept in touch - but Joseph Davydovich held a grudge against his parent for a long time. “David Kunovich somehow came to Dnepropetrovsk on a business trip and came to visit us,” recalls Kobzon’s sister. But Joseph didn't come. Then he met with David Kunovic separately. And he said: “Dad, I am ready to talk with you on any topic - but not about mom.”

Joseph Davydovich knew practically nothing about the parents of his mother and father:

“I don’t remember my grandfather. I remember my grandmother on my mother's side. During the war, when we were evacuated in Uzbekistan, she was hit by a train and died. On my father’s side, I don’t know either my grandfather or my grandmother at all.”

Stepfather who became a father

Pope Joseph Davydovich called another man - the second husband of his mother. When the family lived in Kramatorsk, Ida Isaevna met the front-line widower Moses Rappoport - his wife died during the war. In 1946, Rappoport began to live with Kobzon's mother: this is how the future artist had a father, as well as two half-brothers. The man did not divide children into his own and others' and worked hard to feed everyone. Compared to his strict mother, Moses Moiseevich was an understanding teacher. For example, he allowed his son to smoke (while forbidding lying and hiding) when he first saw him with a cigarette - after instructive conversations, of course. “Once my father caught me in the bathroom with a cigarette. The next day, after a long conversation about the dangers of tobacco, my father gave me twenty kopecks, saying that, they say, if you can’t quit, then smoke openly, don’t hide. I don’t know how he persuaded my mother ... "

“For me, my stepfather was a very dear and beloved person. He was handsome, honest, fair…” – recalled the artist. Moses Rappoport died in 1970.

Moses Rappoport with his family. Photo:

Five brothers, seven grandchildren

Five sons were brought up in the family of the future artist (Isaac, Joseph, Immanuel - the children of the Kobzon couple, two more - from Rappoport's first marriage) and one girl - Gelena became the common daughter of Ida Isaevna and Moisei Moiseevich. Many are no longer alive: not so long ago, four years ago, the middle brother of the singer passed away. Immanuel Davydovich and his wife lived in Israel, but kept in touch with a famous relative. According to some recollections, it was Immanuel who first believed in his brother's singing talent and gave away all his savings when Joseph was going to Moscow. Kobzon Jr. repaid the debt: he sent money if necessary, paid for the apartment, and later for the funeral. Of course, relations were not limited to material matters: the brothers were close despite the distance between them.

Now the support of the artist is his sister, Gelena Moiseevna Kandel. Sometimes she has to clarify questions, but it is much more interesting to listen to a woman's memories of her youth with her brother. For example, about how Joseph Davydovich forbade his younger and dearly beloved sister to paint, and also arranged a tough “casting” among her suitors: “Joseph did not allow me to line my eyes. He thought that at the age of 17 it looks immodest. The courtship of young people was strictly controlled, and Joseph was not very pleased with my first marriage. Gelena Moiseevna never used her brother's famous surname, having worked as a simple teacher for more than 35 years, and yet Kobzon's fame saved her life. When, at the age of 23, a woman needed a complex operation, the artist, thanks to acquaintances, was able to secure a place for her in the clinic. Because Kandel Kobzon considers a "guardian angel" - as well as a beloved brother and best friend.

Iosif Kobzon with his sister and brothers. Photo:

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Kobzon's wealth (in addition to his creative heritage) is his wife, two children and. Seven grandchildren! Three are the heirs of Andrei Kobzon, four are the descendants of the daughter of Natalia Rappoport-Kobzon. The youngest grandson was born in 2010 in London and received a name in honor of the great grandfather - Joseph.

“I can easily go to another world, they have everything. Both children and grandchildren: all are wealthy, all are educated. The daughter graduated from MGIMO, the son graduated from the Law University. Two granddaughters became students this year: one, Polina, is now studying at Moscow State University, the second, Edel, at a university in London. The rest are growing. They love my country, the songs that their grandfather sings,” the artist says with a smile about the most beloved people.

Iosif Kobzon with his wife, children and grandchildren in 2009. Photo: personal archive (

Iosif Davydovich Kobzon is a famous Soviet and Russian pop performer, who has the title of People's Artist of the USSR. His voice can be recognized from the very first sound due to its specific and noble timbre. Over the years of his musical career the singer has received many titles and awards in the field of art. Apart from creative work, Kobzon is engaged social activities and since 1995 has been a member of the State Duma. His biography is very rich.

The beginning of the creative path

Kobzon's birthday is September 11th. He was born in the Donetsk region in Soviet Ukraine. Already at the age of 9, the future pop artist, whose nationality is Jewish, managed to show his vocal abilities. At such a young age, Joseph Kobzon won the music competition, which was held in Donetsk. After that, he went to perform at other competitions and festivals, which led him to perform in the Kremlin. There a little boy sang for Joseph Stalin. After 2 years, Joseph again spoke for his great namesake. Subsequently, it became a tradition - the singer was invited to perform for each leader of the USSR, and after the Russian Federation.
The Kobzon family in the forties moved to a permanent place of residence in Dnepropetrovsk. There, for about 10 years, they lived in a rented room, which was rented to them by a retired colonel. Iosif Kobzon became a student of the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College. It was there that he proved himself as a vocalist, demonstrating his magnificent baritone on the stage of the assembly hall.

Road to success

When Kobzon entered the army, he was immediately accepted into the song and dance ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District. When the guy was fired into the reserve, he studied vocals with Leonid Tereshchenko, who was the leader of the choir at the Dnepropetrovsk Palace of Students. It was he who prepared Joseph for the exams to become a student at the Odessa Conservatory. According to Tereshchenko, during the rehearsal of his colleague, Joseph strained his throat, which could cause his voice to drop. Before you put the vocals correctly, you can’t strain the vocal cords. But Kobzon managed, his baritone sounded better and he refused pop singing. Subsequently, the talented guy managed to become a student at the Gnesins State Musical and Pedagogical Institute.
From 1962 to 1989 he worked as a soloist of the Mosconcert. The performance of Arkady Ostrovsky’s song “And in Our Yard”, which later became popular among the people and was performed as a drinking one, brought wide popularity and fame to the singer - after all, everyone already knew the text by heart.

In the 60s, Iosif Kobzon had already taken his niche in the music world. He fascinated the audience with a special performing style in the bel canto technique, was attentive to the words of the songs he performed, and had a poetic intonation. He definitely found an audience that adored listening to him.
The singer has repeatedly won numerous awards for participating in national and international competitions, and in 1964 he not only became a laureate All-Russian competition variety artists, but also received the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. Starting from the age of 71, Kobzon each time becomes a finalist of the Song of the Year festival. By the way, it was Iosif Davydovich who opened the first concert "Song of the Year", which took place for the first time. He sang "The Ballad of Colors". At the celebrations of Victory Day, Kobzon was an obligatory participant in concerts.

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High earnings

For his performances at concerts, the singer received the highest fees among other celebrities. And it was justified. He worked very hard, never refused to speak, like a true patriot of his country with an active civic position, Kobzon traveled to shock Komsomol construction sites, where he raised the spirit of builders with his speeches, was for world peace, went to various events and conferences as part of international delegations, and during the war in Afghanistan regularly went to maintain morale Soviet soldiers. Iosif Kobzon has the unspoken title of the godfather of the modern Russian show business. His friends are such stage masters as Grigory Leps and Alexander Rosenbaum.

Since 1984, he has been teaching and teaching pop vocals to students at the Gnessin Institute. His students were such celebrities as the singer Valeria, Irina Ageeva, Valentina Legkostupova. Two years later, Joseph Davydovich received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. The artist's repertoire included many songs of different genres. He sang both lyrical compositions and comic songs, opera and operetta arias, delighted the audience with the performance of classical romances. He sang both in Russian and in Jewish and Ukrainian. He also performed Kobzon and bard songs. The artist boasts a repertoire of 3,000 songs.


From the 90th year, Kobzon became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He performed peacekeeping missions under Chechen separatism, participated in negotiations with the Baraev gang and the invaders of the theater center on Dubrovka. Due to suspicion of involvement in the mafia, Kobzon was banned from entering the United States back in 1995 and to this day. On this moment in the political sphere, Kobzon is a State Duma deputy from the party United Russia, and also holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Culture. He is also a member of the Nation's Health League, and is also a member of the board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the country.
When Crimea was annexed to Russia, Putin received a letter from Kobzon in which the singer expressed his joy about this. Since the age of 14, Kobzon has been banned from entering Latvia because of his "assistance in undermining the sovereignty of Ukraine." From the age of 15, the European Union banned Kobzon from entering the territory of the Commonwealth countries, in the 16th year, the singer received citizenship of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic. In Kyiv, now the singer is also an unwanted guest.


In 2002, Iosif Kobzon was diagnosed with a disease - prostate cancer, after an operation to remove it, the singer fell into a coma, and was in this state for 2 weeks. After 3 years, he had to lie down on the operating table again, because he was seriously ill. It happened in Germany. Due to weakened immunity, the artist also caught pneumonia, but he managed to survive. 5 days after the operation, he already performed on the stage of Jurmala and sang live at the same time, although many predicted his death. In 2010 there were bad news: during a speech in Astana, Kobzon became ill and fainted. Cancer has resurfaced. Singer last years does not leave the house without a wig. August 30, 2018 Joseph Kobzon died.

How old was Kobzon when he died:

Iosif Davydovich Kobzon died at the age of 80. Before that, the singer spent a day in a coma.

Personal life

In the first marriage, the singer was only 2 years old. His first wife was Veronika Kruglova, soloist of the orchestra. The wife had to leave the team due to the fact that she became pregnant from Joseph Kobzon and decided to have a baby. They lived in an apartment in one of the districts of Moscow, the relationship did not develop too well. As a result, the couple broke up, especially since nothing connected them, since the child died at birth. After the divorce, Joseph Kobzon was lucky enough to become the husband of Lyudmila Gurchenko.

They got married, and Kobzon began to raise Gurchenko's daughter from a previous marriage. But great actress there was a depression due to stagnation in a career. Against the background of this relationship with her husband began to deteriorate and they parted. There is also a version that the divorce happened due to Gurchenko's unwillingness to have children again. For the third time, Kobzon married Nelli Drizina. The wife gave birth to the singer's son named Andrey, and later a daughter named Natalya was born. Now Iosif Davydovich has children and seven grandchildren, and each granddaughter and grandson is his treasure.

Watch the video interview with Joseph Kobzon:

Iosif Davydovich Kobzon. Born September 11, 1937 in Chasov Yar, Donetsk region - died August 30, 2018 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian pop singer (baritone), musical and public figure, teacher. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation II-VI convocations. National artist USSR (1987). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1984), prizes Lenin Komsomol(1976), Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation (2011).

Iosif Kobzon was born on September 11, 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar, Donetsk region, to a Jewish family.

Father - David Kunovich Kobzon.

Mother - Ida Isaevna Shoikhet-Kobzon (1907-1991). Born in the Podolsk province, she lost her father early and from the age of 13 had to earn money by growing tobacco. In her youth, she worked at a woodworking factory, at the age of 22 she joined the CPSU (b). Since 1930 she worked as a people's judge. The singer repeatedly admitted that his mother played a key role in his life, was a moral guide.

Stepfather - Moses Moiseevich Rappoport.

Brothers - Isaak Davydovich, Immanuel Davydovich and Lev Davydovich.

Sister - Gelena Moiseevna Kandel. Her husband was the Soviet neurosurgeon Eduard Kandel.

Just before the war, the Kobzon family moved to Lvov. From there, my father went to the front as a political instructor, and my mother, with three children, a grandmother and a disabled brother, went to evacuate to Uzbekistan. Their final destination was the city of Yangiyul, near Tashkent.

In 1943, the father of Joseph Kobzon was severely shell-shocked and demobilized after treatment. However, he did not return to his family. Having met another woman, he married her and remained forever in Moscow.

In 1944, Joseph Kobzon and his family returned to Ukraine, to the city of Kramatorsk. There he went to first grade. high school No. 6. In 1946, Joseph Kobzon's mother remarried former front-line soldier Moisei Moiseevich Rappoport. So Joseph had two more half-brothers (besides them, he had two more siblings) and a sister.

In the late 1940s, the Kobzon family moved to Dnepropetrovsk, where until 1957 they rented a room from retired colonel in a one-story house on Dimitrova Street, 16. In the house book, the name of Joseph was written through the letter "p": Kopzon. The letter "b" appeared in it when he received his passport.

For two years, until the 8th grade, Kobzon studied at school number 48, where he was an excellent student.

In 1956 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College. His first public performance took place on the stage of the technical school, he performed songs in a duet with the future champion of the Ukrainian SSR in badminton Boris Barshak. During his studies, he became interested in boxing, won the championship of Dnepropetrovsk among youths, then the championship of Ukraine, but gave up the sport after he was knocked out. He studied at the Kobzon technical school, mainly for fours and received a significant scholarship for those times - 180 rubles.

From 1956 to 1959 he served in the army, where he was invited to the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District. Leonid Tereshchenko, head of the choir of the Dnepropetrovsk Palace of Students, became his singing teacher after being discharged from the army. He prepared him for entering the Odessa Conservatory.

To help the student, Tereshchenko arranged for him to wipe gas masks with alcohol in the bomb shelter of the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology, with a salary of 50 rubles. There the singer worked until his departure to Moscow.

Since 1958, Kobzon worked at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in the program of Mark Mestechkin "Cuba - my love", where he performed the song of the same name by A. Pakhmutova.

In 1959-1962 he was the soloist of the All-Union Radio, in 1962-1965 he was the soloist-vocalist of the Rosconcert, in 1965-1989 he was the soloist-vocalist of the Mosconcert.

IN Soviet times performed lyrical and patriotic songs. In 1964, after Arkady Ostrovsky's song "And in our yard" appeared on the air, all-Union popularity came to him.

In 1965 Kobzon took part in international competition"Friendship", which took place in six socialist countries, and won first place in Warsaw, Berlin and Budapest.

Since the early 1970s, Kobzon has been leading a solo career. The very first issue of "Song of the Year" (1971) opens with the song "Ballad of Colors" by O. Feltsman and R. Rozhdestvensky, performed by Iosif Kobzon.

In 1973 he graduated from the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins in vocal class.

Member of the CPSU since 1973.

In 1975 he graduated from the University of Marxism-Leninism of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU.

In the 1980s, Iosif Kobzon recorded on gramophone records and returned to listeners a large number of lyrical and comic songs of the 1930s from the repertoire of V. Kozin, K. Sokolsky, A. Pogodin, G. Vinogradov.

Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR since 1990. Widely known for his peacekeeping activities during the suppression of Chechen separatism in the 1990s, as well as during the neutralization of Baraev's gang, with whom he negotiated, on October 23-26, 2002 in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka (Moscow). Does charity work.

Kobzon was elected several times to the State Duma from the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

In 1997, he was first elected to the State Duma. He was one of the deputies not included in the registered deputy associations, was elected deputy chairman of the culture committee.

On September 11, 1997, in honor of the 60th anniversary of his birth, he gave an anniversary concert "I gave everything to the song" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", which lasted more than 10 hours.

In 1999, he was again elected to the State Duma, became a member of the deputy group "Regions of Russia (Union of Independent Deputies)", was elected deputy chairman of the committee on culture and tourism. In 2001, he signed a letter in defense of the NTV channel.

On October 24-25, 2002, during the seizure of the Theater Center on Dubrovka, the terrorists, according to Iosif Davydovich himself, named Kobzon, G. Yavlinsky, I. Khakamada and B. Nemtsov among the politicians with whom they agree to negotiate. Khakamada replied that she was ready and, in order to rescue the hostages, went with Kobzon to the Theater Center to meet with the terrorists. As a result of the negotiations, Kobzon was able to take a woman and three children out of the hall seized by the terrorists.

In 2003 he was re-elected to the State Duma, joined the United Russia faction. Elected Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the State Duma.

In May 2003, by decision of the Minister of the Interior of Latvia, Maris Gulbis, Kobzon was included in the list of persons who are prohibited from entering the country, and he was denied an entry visa. The ban was justified by the "threat state security and public order" and was filmed by the new Interior Minister Eriks Jekabsons on June 21, 2004. In September 2007, he joined the United Russia party.

On September 11, 2007, he celebrated his 70th birthday at the State Kremlin Palace, which was preceded by a series of anniversary concerts in all the capitals of the republics of the former USSR.

In 2007 he was elected to the State Duma as part of federal list candidate nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia" (Zabaikalsky Krai), became a member of the "United Russia" faction, was elected deputy chairman of the committee on information policy, information technologies and communications.

In 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation from the Trans-Baikal Territory from the United Russia party, a member of the United Russia faction, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture. In July 2015, the media reported that Kobzon no longer intended to be re-elected to the State Duma.

Iosif Kobzon - Member of the Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, member of the Presidium of the All-Russian public organization National Health League.

In 2012, Iosif Kobzon announced that he would end his concert activity on the day of his 75th birthday on September 11, 2012 with a solo concert at the State Kremlin Palace.

The singer's repertoire includes the most famous songs - patriotic, civil Soviet and Komsomol songs, telling about the labor and military exploits of the people; songs dedicated to the Great Patriotic war, classical romances, some opera and operetta arias and ariosos. Kobzon's repertoire includes Russian, Ukrainian and Jewish folk songs.

Kobzon performed Okudzhava's bardic songs "About the Blue Trolleybus", "Francois Villon's Prayer", "A Song about the Arbat", Vysotsky's "He Didn't Return from the Battle", Dolsky's "Lord Officers" and others.

The repertoire of Iosif Kobzon includes songs created by I. Dunaevsky, M. Blanter, the Pokrass brothers, A. Novikov, V. Solovyov-Sedym, M. Fradkin, O. Feltsman, S. Tulikov, A. Pakhmutova, D. Tukhmanov and other Soviet composers.

The repertoire of Joseph Kobzon has more than three thousand songs.

Socio-political position of Joseph Kobzon

Since 1995, Kobzon has been banned from entering the United States due to suspicions of links with organized crime. Repeated attempts to obtain an American visa, including through diplomatic channels, did not lead to success.

After the change of power in Ukraine in 2014 and the ensuing annexation of Crimea to Russia, on March 11, 2014, Iosif Kobzon signed an appeal by cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of the President of the Russian Federation on Ukraine and Crimea.

In July 2014, Latvia banned Kobzon from entering the country. Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics explained the ban by “facilitating the undermining territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

On October 26, 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine announced that Iosif Kobzon was included in the list of several hundred Russian cultural figures who were banned from entering Ukraine because of their political position. Kobzon himself said that he "doesn't care what they came up with drunken eyes", and he will go to his homeland in the Donbass. The next day, he visited Donetsk and Lugansk, where he gave humanitarian aid to fellow countrymen and gave concerts. Kobzon was accompanied by the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In 2014, Iosif Kobzon was deprived of the title of "honorary citizen" of a number of cities in Ukraine: in March - Kobelyak, in September - Dnepropetrovsk, in November - Poltava. The city council of Dnepropetrovsk also decided that it should not perform the official anthem of the city "Dnepropetrovsk is my home". In January 2015, the city council of Kramatorsk, under pressure from activists, deprived Kobzon of the title of honorary citizen of Kramatorsk.

"Let them deprive. For me, there is no Ukraine in which there is a fascist regime. Therefore, I do not want to be an honorary citizen"- said Joseph Kobzon.

Since November 28, 2014 Joseph Kobzon has been honorary consul Donetsk People's Republic in Russia. He takes an active part in organizing, collecting and sending humanitarian aid to the humanitarian crisis zone in eastern Ukraine.

In February 2015, he was included in the list of individuals and companies that the EU considers responsible for destabilizing the situation in eastern Ukraine. Those on the sanctions list are banned from entering the EU, and their assets in its territory, if any, are frozen.

In August 2015, the SBU included Kobzon in the list of cultural figures whose actions pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine.

Illness and death of Joseph Kobzon

In June 2002, Kobzon began to have health problems. After the operation, Kobzon began general sepsis and on June 15 the singer fell into a coma, in which he was 15 days.

In 2005, the singer underwent a complex operation to remove a tumor in a clinic in Germany. However surgical intervention led to a sharp weakening of the immune system, the formation of a blood clot in the pulmonary vessels, inflammation of the lungs and tissue inflammation in the kidneys.

In 2009, Kobzon was operated on for the second time in a German clinic. The famous singer said: “He has such strength of character, such willpower and such a zest for life that he has outsmarted everything. He outwitted death. Five days after the most difficult operation, he arrives in Jurmala, goes on stage, unlike many of our "stars" he sings live ".

In October 2010, speaking at the World Forum of Spiritual Culture in Astana, he felt ill and fainted twice. Doctors on stage assisted him by doing artificial respiration. According to experts, the cancer led to anemia, which, in turn, caused loss of consciousness.

In an interview, the singer frankly admitted that many years ago, doctors diagnosed him with a disappointing diagnosis - prostate cancer.

Iosif Kobzon - Alone with everyone

The growth of Joseph Kobzon: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Joseph Kobzon:

Was married three times.

"Lucy went to the shooting and left her closest friend to look after Masha. Bestaeva was insanely beautiful, with satin skin. And we went to Ruza, to the House of Composers, to celebrate New Year. They sent Masha to their parents, and they themselves left. When Lucy returned, her friends told her about us ... When Lucy was told about me, I was on tour. She called - and mat-remat: such and such. I hung up. She gives me a telegram: “The grave will fix the humpbacked one. Bone." I called her Kostochka. I answered her: “As I was, so I will remain. Hunchbacked. And that's it, we got divorced," the singer admitted.

At the same time, Kobzon noted, he did not feel his guilt. "What does it have to do with it - not guilty? The way of life was like this, 8 - 9 months a year on tour. Well, how could it be without it? Young, healthy ... There were always hobbies. Sometimes they forgive, sometimes not, "Iosif Davydovich explained, adding that he did not ask for forgiveness for his betrayal from Lyudmila Markovna.
