The most popular professions for women. Popular professions for girls and women

It is very important that work brings not only decent income, but also a sense of self-satisfaction. Unfortunately, this does not happen often, and in most cases a woman receives neither one nor the other, so it is extremely important to initially choose relevant female professions that bring a stable and high income. Having carefully analyzed the incredibly huge labor market, from simple managers to doctors, we were able to select the most in-demand professions, suitable exclusively for the fairer sex.

A detailed list will be given in this article. We will also describe harmful professions that undermine our body, weaken nervous system and lead to irreversible consequences. So, first, let’s talk about the currently popular specialties:

Food sales manager;



HR specialist;

Medical worker;



The above-mentioned women's professions require attentiveness, non-conflict and the highest resistance to stress. All these qualities are mainly characteristic of girls, so there are very few men in this category. The most promising, non-standard and popular professions in Russia in 2012 are in the following areas:

Management and marketing;



Landscape, interior and web design;



These specializations are very popular among girls, the main reason being high pay. Due to great competition in these species labor activity Not everyone manages to occupy positions. To get a vacancy you will need knowledge and good experience; only in this case can you achieve good results in your career.

Over the past decades, female professions related to office activities have been in great demand: editor, secretary, office manager, clerk, translator. Many people don’t even realize that these positions can be harmful to health, but we’ll tell you exactly what kind.

Office workers are at risk of this disease, such as in the wrists. This is due to the incorrect placement of the hands at the desk. With constant tension, the middle nerve, which is responsible for the functioning of the middle and index finger. In addition, as a result of prolonged sitting, blood circulation is impaired, work musculoskeletal system, hemorrhoids, migraines appear and vision decreases.

To avoid negative consequences, you need to do simple physical warm-ups throughout the day, take short breaks and be sure to follow basic rules when working with a PC. According to doctors, teachers, teachers and announcers are most susceptible to stress and colds.

The fact is that these are professions of the conversational genre, as a result the ligaments become strained, the throat becomes dry, and as a result it is undermined. IN for preventive purposes The throat must be rinsed with anti-inflammatory drugs, the ligaments must be exercised and always carry non-carbonated water with you.

As for flight attendants, this is an extremely dangerous profession that requires special patience and endurance. Girls who choose this type of activity will find it difficult to keep and bear a child; due to stressful situations, pregnancy often ends in miscarriage. Therefore on early stages It would be more advisable not to fly.

All women's professions are needed and extremely important in this world, the main thing is not to forget about preventive actions. And in order to prevent the development of irreversible consequences, you should move more, go to the gym, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and, of course, avoid conflict and stressful situations if possible.

There are practically no exclusively male or female professions today. Girls can easily compete with men in many areas. The only exceptions would be those specialties that require a lot of physical strength and endurance. At the same time, there are many more female employees in beauty salons, kindergartens and schools, and stores.

Historically, a woman is associated with the home, housekeeping and raising children. For a long time, women were not allowed to participate in higher education and, accordingly, could not teach. Until the 19th century, girls were mainly trusted to look after small children. In the culinary business, men also occupied the leading roles for a long time. They were responsible for creating culinary masterpieces, and women could become cooks or assistants. The weaker sex was not favored in art either. For a long time, noble ladies did not work at all, and those who were poorer became servants.

Over the centuries, the situation has, of course, changed noticeably. Men may well find themselves in the service sector, and women can occupy high management positions.

Girls are defined by certain character traits that the stronger sex does not possess. They are more inclined to provide support and empathy, they find it easier to communicate with children and adults, which makes them good nurses and doctors, teachers and educators.

Women often have an innate sense of taste and style, which is why they make excellent stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, decorators, florists, designers, and fashion designers. Attractive ladies look good on camera, can advertise goods and services, and demonstrate clothes on the catwalk as models. Many businessmen want their clients to be greeted by beautiful ladies at the entrance to their offices. Therefore, the choice of popular professions for girls is large.

Russia is the leader in the number of women employed in secondary education. In schools, the number of teachers reaches almost 99% of all employees.

A similar situation is revealed by the US Department of Labor, although in American educational institutions representatives of the fairer sex are only 81%. Slightly fewer girls are employed in medicine. Basically, they play the role of nurses who, although they cannot make a diagnosis on their own, strictly monitor the implementation of the attending physician’s instructions, carry out procedures, and assist during operations. In America, the vast majority of nurses are female: more than 90%.

Although both sexes can practice accounting, women are more likely to choose this profession. As a survey conducted by the recruitment site HeadHunter showed, approximately half of female accountants, unlike men, are satisfied with their work and do not intend to change it. At the same time, the employees noted that their work requires great care, endurance and perseverance, and also called their work quite nervous.

Beautiful girls are always welcome on board the plane. The profession of a flight attendant has always been considered quite prestigious, because it allows you to see the whole world. However, flight attendants do not receive very much, and not everyone can endure long flights on their feet. At the same time, flight attendants retire quite early - at 45 years old.

Applicants are required to have basic knowledge foreign languages and the ability to find a common language with people, as well as certain external data.

The vast majority of workers in beauty salons are girls. We can generally say that the industry itself belongs to the fair sex. Women open manicure and hair styling studios, select staff and manage them. Constantly emerging new procedures for hair, nails, face and body care require advanced training, but they also bring more income.

Another popular profession for women is a call center operator. It does not require special education; it is enough to be able to speak competently, be polite and attentive. As practice shows, a female voice with a pleasant timbre inspires more confidence among clients. Many students begin their careers with this kind of work.

Another one good profession For starters, this is a consultant in a store. At the same time, a woman can choose the area in which she will feel confident - cosmetics, clothing, Jewelry. To be successful, employees need to not only inspire confidence in the buyer, but also have the gift of persuasion.

It would also be useful to get acquainted with psychology: sometimes the client lacks motivation or is hindered by complexes.

A slender and fit girl will make a good fitness instructor who can not only select a training program, but also inspire achievements by her example. Professionals generally have medical education or at least have basic knowledge in this area.

The highest paid professions for girls

Published Forbes list The 25 highest-paying professions for women in the United States rank CEOs at the top spot, earning an average of $1,900 per week. The second position is occupied by pharmacists, earning $1,811. Lawyers were in third position (1,717), followed by IT workers, engineers, managers and doctors.

The situation in Russia today is completely different. Late last year, the Ministry of Labor presented a list of the most profitable professions in the country. According to their data, captains of sea vessels and pilots of aircraft earn the most in Russia with a monthly income of 500 and 320 thousand rubles, respectively. The third place is occupied by a technologist in the gold mining industry (312 thousand), and fourth place by a hockey coach (300 thousand).

At the beginning of April, HeadHunter published its own report on the highest paid specialists in Russia for the first quarter of 2018. According to their data, programmers, business development managers, internal auditors, and system administrators earn the most.

The company's research also showed that professions such as real estate agent, production engineer, marketer, advertising specialist, economist and lawyer acquired lucrative status at the beginning of this year. In Moscow, employee salaries fluctuate at 70-80 thousand rubles per month, in St. Petersburg - 60-70 thousand, and in the regions 40-50. Cleaners, waitresses, and salespeople earn the least.

The lists of popular and profitable female professions in Russia differ somewhat. So, according to statistics from the website, on this moment An accountant receives on average from 27 to 52 thousand rubles per month. Flight attendants receive significantly more - 74-110 thousand rubles per month.

Moscow school teachers get 20-40 thousand a month. Nurses receive 39-52 thousand, and, for example, hairdressers - 48-72 thousand.

The situation on the labor market is constantly changing. In the late 90s, lawyers and economists were considered prestigious and successful; a little later, successful and motivated women began to occupy the positions of sales managers and lawyers. During the 2008 crisis, the professions of specialists in working with loans and debts were relevant. As statistics show, a lot of women have always been involved in the field of personnel selection and tourism.

Currently, the highest paid positions in Russia tend to be held by men, although the gap is narrowing and in the future women will be able to earn just as much.

Long gone are the days when a man was the breadwinner and a woman was the homemaker. Now in modern world a woman is on the same level as a man and exhibits such qualities as stability, determination, perseverance. All these parameters help her climb the ladder. career ladder, bringing a tangible monetary contribution to the family. Which path to choose and who to work with? – This should be decided at the initial stage of growth, namely after graduation. Therefore, the question arises, what are the best high-paying professions for girls in the world?

  • logistician,
  • merchant (area of ​​trade in goods or real estate),
  • psychologist,
  • accountant,
  • linguist,
  • stewardess,
  • designer,
  • salesman,
  • kindergartener,
  • nurse and doctor,
  • cashier,
  • teacher,
  • lawyer,
  • artist,
  • photographer,
  • visagiste,
  • nail service master,
  • stylist,
  • cosmetologist

Also, when choosing a profession, it is worth considering where you live. In big cities, a girl can find any job to her liking, be it a designer or a psychologist. Things are a little worse with such professions in small towns; greater demand is for blue-collar, non-creative professions: accountant or trade manager. Therefore, you should take your choice responsibly so that in the future you will love your job. Also, women often choose professions that are far from feminine, open their own businesses and work no worse than men. Therefore, to figure out which interesting specialties are right for you, let’s look at each in more detail.


One of the most popular professions for women. In order to become an assistant accountant, it is enough to take training courses, but to take a higher position, for example, chief accountant, so that you are entrusted with larger objects for supervision, you need a higher economic education. A woman accountant must have perseverance, be attentive and have a logical mind.

Not every girl has such qualities, but now this profession is one of the most promising, the work is stable and implies career growth. In this case, you should develop yourself, take additional courses, read textbooks.

Makeup artists and stylists

Working in the beauty industry is one of the favorite professions of many girls. After all, you are always surrounded by beautiful and well-groomed people. What are the prospects for stylists or makeup artists? In big cities, new beauty salons are constantly opening, requiring specialists in their field. To begin with, you can work with clients, in the future there is a prospect of growth into administrators or salon managers.

The work also involves constant increase craftsmanship, as fashion changes, the master must always follow the style. A woman who wants to work in the beauty industry must have good taste. If you have your own style, follow fashion and are ready to travel to other cities to take master classes or competitions, then this is the job for you.


One of the most. In order to become a dentist, you need to obtain a medical education. It is worth knowing that, like other doctors, dentistry is a very difficult profession that requires a long study and advancement of the subject. To become a qualified doctor, you need to study a lot and spend time reading books, and you also need a good knowledge of biology and chemistry. If you are not afraid of learning and love to learn new things, dentistry is your profession.

A dentist has prospects for growth, the main thing is determination and development. It’s easy to find a job in this specialty in any city; specialists are valued everywhere.


A female specialist must be positive and open-minded, have good imagination and taste, this is the only way there will be a demand for such a worker. In addition, such work still requires perseverance and determination; it will not tolerate laziness. The development of any advertising requires the ability to think one step ahead. Your salary depends on the demand for your work and how well you understand the customer’s thoughts.


One of the most romantic professions from the entire list of jobs. There are no difficulties in the work; you need to undergo special training and have a higher education. The profession also requires that the woman has a pleasant appearance. The salaries of flight attendants are high, and the big plus is that you can travel around the world for free. The disadvantages include the fact that such work requires constant flights, and the girl is at home very little.

The profession is suitable for brave women who decide to break away from their home and can be separated from their loved one for a long time.

Fitness instructor

The work of a fitness instructor is on the list of the most popular professions for women. Important for a fitness instructor physical training and an athletic, slender body, since the ideal instructor should show by example what to strive for. It is also very important to be able to communicate with people and present information. This will help to build a clientele, as a result - wage will always be high.


Photography is on the list and is a very lucrative business. Some people study this skill for a long time, pass special courses, travel to other countries, but for some it is given by nature and training as such is not required. If you are comfortable with a camera, know how to select beautiful angles and capture the beauty of nature, this specialty is for you.

This profession can be classified as a hobby, but many, even without having vocational training, earn good money.

Remember! Whatever profession you choose, if you decide to do something else, it is important that the work brings not only income, but also pleasure.

Representatives of the fair sex are increasingly choosing male professions. It is generally accepted that women’s destiny is only to take care of the family hearth, and work and career are not for them. More than half of female applicants can easily argue with this statement.

The portal “” conducted a small study of popular professions for girls. Data for statistics are taken from job and personnel search sites. All information is provided in the public domain and is current at the time of writing.

At the beginning of April 2013, employers opened more than 105,000 vacancies throughout Russia. About 82 professions are covered. By comparison, there are more than 120,000 vacancies for men in 80 professions. We can say that women are not much inferior to men in terms of demand.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the statistics do not include vacancies in which the gender of the applicants is not indicated at all.

It will be very difficult for girls to overcome the age limit. Girls aged 25 to 30 have a fairly good chance of finding a job. It turns out that girls have only 5 years to build a career and receive decent wages. Not much. Before and after this age, the number of vacancies is significantly less. And every year there are fewer and fewer of them.

The situation with work experience is even more interesting. It would seem that the more experienced the employee, the higher the demand for him. And no wonder. After all, a professional will be able to do the job better and, most importantly, faster than his young colleague.

But it was not there. The most sought-after specialists with 1 to 3 years of experience. This is about 37,000 vacancies. If you have worked for more than 3 years, then they offer 3 times fewer vacancies. And finally, with 6 years of work or more, you will be offered only 500 vacancies.

And this, unfortunately, is reality. Increasingly, applicants are rejected only because of their professionalism. Like, we only need a performer for routine work. And you are too experienced for this job.

List of the most popular professions for girls

This rating does not contain the names of specific positions, but rather directions. After all, there is now a need for site, corporate, and personnel selection managers. We use basic names of professions, namely accountant, manager, lawyer and others.

The first place in our ranking is occupied by the profession of manager. The likelihood of women finding work in this profession is very high. More than 20,000 specialists are required. At the same time, wages are generally decent. This is about 46,000 rubles on average in Russia.

Among managers, sales managers are especially needed (more than 12,000 vacancies). The average salary of these specialists is 48,000 rubles. Employers are also looking for HR managers, offering salaries much more modest than the average for managers. On average, only 37,000 rubles.

The second place of honor is occupied by an accountant with 8,435 vacancies. Most likely, most operating companies have already hired accountants or hire them under civil contracts to submit reports or calculate salaries. The average salary is 44,000 rubles.

A chief accountant is required in 2,124 companies. Employers value this specialist at an average of 61,000 rubles.

In the past 5 years, the marketing profession has been called one of the most popular for girls. Now she occupies the last line of the rating. In Russia as a whole, they are looking for only 400 female marketers with a salary of 53,000 rubles.

You might be interested.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Having read the biographies of business women, you are sometimes surprised by the fact that most of them either do not have higher education, or strive to get it later, at the peak of their career. There are many educated people, but not sociable, resourceful and hardworking people. Of course, we are not talking about doctors or lawyers.

But there are profitable professions, in which you can achieve heights without classical higher education.

We will consider below what are the most profitable professions for girls without higher education in Russia today:

  • Photographer. The list of profitable professions opens with a creative specialty. You notice that you are succeeding nice pictures, and not only on professional camera, but also on a cheap soap dish? Do you feel interested in your surroundings, their details, silent meaning? Perhaps you should try your hand at photography. But you shouldn’t get your hopes up about easy work. To make serious money from photography, you need to constantly work. It takes a lot of practice to develop skills or develop a personal style. You also need to read photography theory, attend master’s courses, and take an interest in the work of other photographers. You can build up a good customer base in a couple of years with the help of word of mouth, friends and a social network.
  • Hairdresser. Do you know a lot about fashion and have always enjoyed the trust of your friends when it comes to hairstyles? Can you spend hours studying new trends and always highlight what you need? Perhaps you should take a closer look at hairdressing. For this, there are hairdressing schools from well-known grooming brands like Wella or Loreal. The main feature of successful hairdressers is working for themselves. You shouldn’t force yourself into a beauty salon for a fixed fee. Instead, host your clientele at your home or theirs.

  • Specialist in nail and eyelash extensions. “Beauty” professions are always in demand, because women do not skimp on their appearance. However, it is not so easy to break into this area, because there is a lot of demand and, accordingly, a lot of competition. The “good for cheap” approach wins. As 21-year-old manicurist Veronica says, in a couple of years of work she was able to earn money for her own car, travel and rent a more expensive apartment. What do you need for this? First, complete special courses. Secondly, advertise yourself through friends and a social network.

  • Shop assistant. Do you feel like you love people and are ready to interact with strangers on a daily basis? Do you have many friends and do you easily find a common language with any people? You may be successful in a profession that does not require a college degree, such as a sales consultant. The best part is that you can choose the sales area that you like! For example, flowers, books, toys, clothes and much more. For a generous employer, it would be nice to have experience in sales or a certificate of completion of such courses. 24-year-old sales consultant Maria talks about her work in a large women's clothing chain: “The work is not easy, because we work in the mass market. The downside is that we close only at 22:00, there are more advantages. Cheerful team, a lot of acquaintances interesting people, promotion to store manager, weekly salary, flexible schedule. And, of course, many sellers receive discounts and gifts from the company.

  • Seamstress. Despite the popularity of mass tailoring, an individual approach will never lose its customer. A private seamstress at home earns approximately 29 thousand rubles. This profession requires initial investment. A room in the house is usually used as a workshop. But you will have to spend at least 50 thousand rubles on a good machine, cutting table and overlocker. Important qualities that will be required from you: the ability to understand the client, perseverance and concentration.

  • Waitress, bartender. Yes, service staff can earn good money. Especially if you have work experience, good English and a certificate from reputable courses. In this case, your chances of getting a place in a good restaurant with excellent working conditions and generous tips are very high. Benefits of work: flexible schedule. Disadvantages: annoying visitors, but in good bars these issues are resolved with the help of security. From you: charisma, honesty, activity, hard work.

  • Stewardess. This romantic profession without higher education is not as simple as they say. You can train to become a flight attendant through a free 3-year course from a major airline. Upon completion of these courses, students will be employed by the sponsoring company. Typically, the requirements for flight attendants are as follows: age up to 35 years, clothing size up to 46, height from 160 to 175, good knowledge of English, pretty appearance. After selection, the contestants undergo a medical examination to determine their state of health, mental stability and fear of heights. Approximate income from 40 thousand per month + the possibility of free travel.

  • Trader. If you are inclined to analyze and think well, you may like the most profitable profession in Russia - a trader. The purpose of the work is to buy and sell currencies and shares on the stock exchange. The process itself requires only a computer, perhaps courses and a small start-up capital. Those who have developed intuition, good organization of work and constantly monitor changes on the stock exchange have higher earnings.

  • Assistant manager. Friendly, efficient and responsible women have every chance to make a career in what would seem to be not the most profitable profession in Russia. Good secretaries with knowledge of English and accounting can earn a decent salary in this position. As assistant Olga says, it is important to find a brilliant boss who has something to learn from.

  • Stylist. A stylist's career must begin as a stylist's assistant. The essence of the job is to look after clothes, prepare models for filming, and put things in order after filming or shows. And after about 1.5 years of such work, you will be hired as a stylist. And then you will receive invitations to famous shows, a good salary, and career growth, for example, to become an editor or director of a magazine.