How does smt stand for? Guidelines for the therapeutic use of amplipulse devices

  1. Laser exposure.
  2. Ultrasound intervention.
  3. Treatment using a magnetic field.
  4. Electric currents.

Most popular procedures

It should be noted that all methods are hypoallergenic in nature, but there is one exception - electrophoresis with the use of medications and inhalations, including herbs. Hydrotherapy should be used with caution in children.

The method involves the use of low-frequency electrical impulses to normalize the functioning of nerves, muscles and restore the normal level of tone. When using the technology, nerve endings are restored and body weight is reduced.

The procedure triggers an immune reaction, fights microbes, and is used to treat ailments of the skin, skeleton, and organs respiratory system and diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Indications: bronchitis, arthritis, neuritis, pneumonia, etc. It can also be used for jaundice, caries, rickets, vitamin D and calcium deficiency and fragile vascular syndrome. Read about inexpensive calcium tablets here.

This is necessary to irritate the receptors on the skin and mucous membranes. Application: ENT diseases of a pathological nature, skin diseases and dental diseases.

Inductothermy or ultrasound treatment - no earlier than 3 years. The procedure activates the metabolic process in tissues and muscle fibers. This is necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system and increasing the level of the immune response of people with weakened ones.

For therapeutic purposes, the use of such methods is completely justified and the positive effect of this has been scientifically proven. With the help of physiotherapy, you can promote the recovery of patients with almost any internal disease.

Of course, there are contraindications, so engaging in any treatment is strictly contraindicated. All manipulations must be carried out with the recommendation and permission of a doctor, and especially complex ones must be performed under the supervision of a competent specialist.

What is SMT therapy?

Another name for this method is amplipulse therapy. This is a natural effect on the human body using electric current that matches the biological impulses of a person. It is especially often used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Operating principle of the device

The device used for treatment is capable of emitting a field of electrical nature tuned to medium frequencies. The amplitude of the waves ranges from 10 to 150 Hz.

Thanks to this modulation, they can easily pass through human skin, while affecting muscles and nerve endings. Electric current has an exciting effect on cell membranes and maintains its effect uniformly throughout the procedure.

Modulated sinusoidal currents

  1. Ailments associated with diseases of the spine and joints - such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, muscle atrophy.
  2. Diseases of the vegetative-vascular system of the body.
  3. Neurological diseases of a pathological course - neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia and cryxitis.
  4. Impaired blood supply due to problems with the functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
  5. Diseases related to the genitourinary system and urology - decreased tone in the prostate gland, prostatitis, formation of kidney stones and urinary ducts, enuresis, cystitis, pyelonephritis.
  6. Gynecological diseases, including possible inflammatory processes occurring within the body.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system - colitis and pathological decrease in intestinal motility, biliary dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, constipation.
  8. Blood thickening, swelling and other problems of the venous system.
  9. Necrosis of various origins, bedsores - many trophic processes.
  10. Infectious and other lesions of the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis and inflammation of the gums at any stage.
  11. Diseases of the central nervous system - meningoencephalitis, head and brain injuries, cerebral palsy, brain strokes.
  12. Diseases aimed at degeneration and inflammation of the organs of vision.
  13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - myelopathy, atherosclerosis of the extremities, disruptions in the blood supply to the spinal cord and brain, hypertension, migraines and Raynaud's disease.
  14. From the respiratory system - pneumonia, bronchial-type asthma, the occurrence of bronchitis.

The effects of SMT therapy are divided into two types:

  1. Stimulating metabolism in human tissues and organs.
  2. Relieving swelling, ischemia and problems with congestion in the veins.

Therapy for children is carried out strictly in clinics and hospitals, in compliance with all safety and hygiene rules.

SMT is directly affected by electric current:

  1. Muscles and fibers.
  2. Nerve endings and the nervous system as a whole.


For some diseases, it is prohibited to use such treatment methods due to the risk of worsening the patient’s condition:

  • Infection with tuberculosis bacillus (in the active stage).
  • The appearance of neoplasms – tumors, especially if cancer is suspected.
  • Lack of blood circulation in the 3rd degree.
  • Purulent discharge and processes accompanied by them.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Fractures or cracks in the bone.
  • Feverish states.
  • Pregnancy at any stage.
  • For skin irritations and eczema.
  • Thrombophlebitis disease.
  • Gallstones or kidney stones, provided that the procedure is to be performed in that area.
  • If you have a pacemaker or other electronic device.
  • Fractures without the ability to fix bone fragments and the damaged area.
  • Torn ligaments and muscle tissue.
  • Recently acquired hematomas.
  • Coagulation disorders.
  • Elevated body temperature.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

There are situations when moving for a patient is a lot of trouble and requires a lot of effort. It is difficult for such a person to regularly visit a clinic or hospital.

In such cases, therapy at home is prescribed. Stimulation is carried out using analogs of hospital devices, configured to the required parameters, of a compact and mobile type. The procedure can be performed either without outside help or with it.

They treat patients in serious condition after myocardial infarction, ailments coronary disease heart victims with impaired motor ability that occurred as a result of a stroke or injury. Read what a spinal cord infarction is here.

How is treatment carried out at the clinic?

  1. Depending on the affected area, the patient either lies down on the bed, stands or sits.
  2. The doctor fixes a special electrode on the sore spot using elastic bandages and suction cups. The choice of electrode depends on the disease and the degree of its impact on the body. It must completely cover the affected area. There are also devices for carrying out the procedure inside a person, this is especially true for gynecological problems. They can be lubricated with Vaseline.
  3. During therapy, the patient usually does not feel anything, although in some cases a pleasant tingling sensation is noted.
  4. The whole process takes from 10 minutes to an hour.
  5. The number of procedures and their duration are selected by the attending physician. In total, you may need to combine several methods alternating with each other.

The device operates in several modes, so you need to choose the right type or use alternating pulses of different frequencies.

Side effects from SMT

The therapy itself does not cause complications.

However, in some cases they may appear:

  1. If the technology for using the device is not followed.
  2. If, despite contraindications, treatment using this technology was prescribed.
  3. In cases where the device is used to enhance the speed and degree of penetration medicines into the human body. Then the side effects are determined by the action and properties of the drug.
  4. Allergic reactions that occur due to intolerance to the effects of electric current.

Advantages of using technology

  1. Quick first results and improved well-being. Sometimes even after the first use the patient begins to notice the effect of the procedure. This happens because current fluctuations have a direct effect on the affected area and its nerve endings. The result of the impact is stable and noticeable.
  2. High degree of process safety. The power and fluctuations of current waves are close to natural values, which eliminates the possibility of causing any damage. In view of this parameter, SMT therapy is readily prescribed even to children and the elderly, if they do not have contraindications.
  3. A big advantage is the low percentage of side effects if the procedure was approved by the attending physician and there were no obstacles to this.
  4. Eliminating the strong pain immediately after the session.
  5. Can be used for respiratory system disorders.


CMT therapy has many positive effects on human health:

  1. Relief of pain syndrome of any etiology.
  2. Relieving spasms, excessive muscle activity and tension - muscle relaxation.
  3. Stimulates correct blood supply and outflow of lymphatic fluid.
  4. Improves metabolism of the whole body.
  5. Has a general strengthening effect.
  6. Helps metabolism in liver cells.
  7. Increases the secretory capacity of the pancreas and adrenal glands.
  8. Psychosomatic relaxation session.

Therapy in childhood

The child's body is less resistant to all kinds of methods, especially at the time of illness.

  • The device can be used no earlier than 5–6 months after the birth of the baby.
  • Straightened type of therapy can be used from 2-3 years of age due to the irritating effect.
  • The mechanism of the procedure remains similar to adult use, but the duration of the session is reduced by ½ or 1/3 of that for an adult.
  • Electrodes should not be attached, but wrapped with a bandage for greater fixation,
  • The elements of the device for children are smaller.
  • During and after the procedure, you should ask the child about sensations, improvements and discomfort. This way you can find out whether therapy is suitable or not.


I used it on my daughter. She had severe bronchitis. The cough was literally choking. I couldn’t sleep at night, I was “choked” by angina pectoris at night and that’s all. Then the doctor’s sister advised me and he referred me for SMT diagnostics.

At first I didn’t believe in the effect, but after the first session, when my daughter felt better, there was no doubt. I carried out the procedures once a day for a week, after which my health improved, I am very satisfied and now I recommend it to everyone.

In terms of carrying out the SMT procedure, this is my 2nd attempt. And again successfully.

  1. There is no need to spoil the body with countless chemical drugs that are already harmful.
  2. Heals faster.
  3. Qualitatively.

It is intended to stimulate the affected area of ​​the patient, which in turn relieves pain and prevents the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

The device itself is miniature and easy to operate. It looks like a box with a lot of lights and buttons. Two wires extend from it at the ends, to which electrodes are attached.

After 10 days of therapy, my back has healed and I feel younger.

Hello. My job is hard - I'm a truck driver. Most I spend time in the car sitting in the same position, occasionally interrupting for personal matters. All this contributed to the decision to purchase a portable SMT.

My back hurt badly, sometimes so much that it was difficult to control the pain. I went to see a doctor, he referred me to a neurologist, who referred me for physiotherapy. The treatment period was 1 month, after which 2 weeks later the course was repeated. Since then, back pain has not bothered me, and my work is a pleasure.

A year ago I was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. I don’t know exactly when the development of the disease began, but over time I began to notice a sharp change in mood, apathy, and rapid fatigue. It became completely scary when I began to forget obvious things and become “stupid.”

Panicked by these results, I went to the clinic to see a local specialist. After the tests, I was diagnosed, prescribed medications and treatment with the Amplipulse device. After the first session I literally came to life. They applied electrodes to my collar area.

There were only 10 procedures, but they helped me cope with the disease. The spasms in the thyroid gland area disappeared, the appetite returned, the black flies before the eyes and apathy disappeared, the appetite was restored and the world was once again painted in the colors of the rainbow. But the most important thing is that my memory and ability to think returned. I am very grateful to the device and its creators.

I want to write that there are no hopeless situations.

I have been treating arthrosis for a long time. various methods. I tried all sorts of medications, but they didn’t help much. The district clinic referred me for treatment with a SMT device. The first time was scary.

I felt a slight electric shock and I jumped in surprise, but the structure did not move. Gradually I got used to it. The feeling is very pleasant and relaxing. Modes 3 and 4 on the device have a massage effect.

In combination with the tablets, the therapy had a positive effect and the pain no longer bothered me. I really liked it.

I recently had an injury - a dislocated shin. Which of these procedures can help me restore the ligaments and muscles of my leg?

It should be understood that physical therapy can continue for a very, very long time until any serious changes are visible. A friend of mine once had his legs give out after a car accident, so he then underwent rehabilitation with the help of physiotherapy for more than six months.

Now I’m limping on one leg and I really regret that I missed such an important treatment - physical therapy! About 3 months ago I sprained a ligament in my right knee in the gym. They applied a splint, prescribed pills, dietary supplements, physical therapy and sent me to rest. But since I couldn’t move (it took a long time to travel by transport to physio), I decided that these procedures were not very important. Now I'm afraid I made a big mistake. Do you think it is possible to start treatment with the device now, despite such a long rehabilitation period?

Wow! Fractures and cracks in the bone are contraindications. I wonder why I was prescribed UHF physiotherapy for a fracture? Probably only made it worse ((

Does this procedure have any side effects? Physiotherapy has a high efficiency and no harm.

Physiotherapy for back pain is also prescribed in conjunction with the course manual therapy. In any case, only a neurologist can prescribe. You shouldn’t do it yourself or through friends.

I wonder how often this procedure can be done for osteochondrosis if there is mastopathy in the breast, isn’t it harmful?

I was undergoing rehabilitation after a broken leg and physiotherapy was one of the stages. I went to a course consisting of a two-week visit. The knee didn’t bother me after that, but the doctors advised repeating the course in a month, which wasn’t unnecessary.

Terrible torment headache of a shooting nature, as it later turned out - trigeminal neuralgia. Please tell me how many days will I need to undergo darsonvalization procedures (in combination with medications) to see results?

I've heard a lot of good things about this device. It wouldn't be a bad idea to try its effect on yourself.

Physiotherapy is very useful, but it must be borne in mind that if there is an exacerbation, it is better to wait. Is it possible to perform these procedures with thrombocytopenia?

I don’t really understand, but what does the amplitude of the waves of the device depend on? Isn’t such radiation harmful?

Hello. Please tell me, is physiotherapy really effective for osteochondrosis? I’m already tired of being treated, I’ve tried a bunch of remedies, but nothing helps.

My husband had pain in his joint for a long time. right hand, prescribed physical therapy. Ten sessions - and the pain was gone.

There are signs of osteochondrosis, is it possible to use Darsonval at home? After all, he doesn’t have any side effects? Or is it better to go to the clinic in the physical office?

Interesting, I didn’t know that UHF is contraindicated for fractures. After a fracture of the patella, during the recovery stage, I went to these procedures for a long time. Does it apply to any specific cases?

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What is SMT physical therapy and how is it performed?

In most cases, physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of treating a particular disease. However, in the initial stages of the disease, this method can be used as an independent method. Physiological procedures are also an excellent preventive measure. large quantity pathologies.

These procedures help activate the body's reserve capabilities, improve the immune system, shorten the duration of treatment and activate important biochemical processes, as a result of which inflammation and wounds heal quickly. And SMT physiotherapy is one of the techniques based on the work of sinusoidal modulated currents.

What is SMT physical therapy?

SMT stands for Sinusoidal Modulated Currents. This therapy involves treatment with amplipulsterapy. The SMT procedure is an effect on the patient’s body through an electric current that is generated through a special device.

The device for carrying out the SMT procedure is a rather complex device that includes the following components:

  • current generator;
  • remote control;
  • electrodes that transmit impulses to the patient's body.

The most popular devices for carrying out the procedure in institutions are the following:

Also, many other European-made devices are used for physiotherapy.

The operating principle is as follows:

  • sinusoidal current directly affects nerve endings;
  • the impact occurs with a given frequency and in a certain rhythm;
  • The key purpose of such procedures is to alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

Compared to hardware treatment methods using dynamic current, SMT procedures have a gentle effect; such physiotherapy has virtually no contraindications. Amplipulse therapy can be used to treat neurological diseases that occur against the background of cardiac dysfunction. Such procedures promote deep penetration into the structures of the body, this stimulates skeletal muscles, as well as large blood vessels and smooth muscles of internal organs.

Results of physiotherapy through SMT

After the SMT procedure, the results may be as follows:

  • elimination of pain of various types;
  • development of muscle relaxation - hypertonicity and muscle tension against the background of spasms are relieved;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • stimulates metabolism in the liver;
  • improves the secretory function of the adrenal glands and pancreas;
  • relaxation of a psychosomatic nature.

Physical therapy through SMT is best done in a clinical setting under the guidance of a physician. It is necessary to take into account the human anatomy, know all the details of the disease (nature and stage), so that the electrodes can be placed in a particular area. The procedure will be effective only with repeated course use.

Indications for the use of SMT physiotherapy

The scope of application of SMT is very wide:

  • neuralgia, neuropathy, plexitis, radiculitis, neuromyositis and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and joints, such as deforming arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis, periarthritis, ankylosing spondylosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, bruises, fractures, muscle atrophy;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, indigestion, constipation, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis);
  • urological diseases - impotence, enuresis, prostatitis, cystitis and much more;
  • heart diseases - hypertension, migraines, atherosclerosis and much more;
  • dystrophic and inflammatory eye diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Physiotherapy for SMT in gynecology

Quite often, physiotherapy relieves long-standing illnesses that are not amenable to traditional methods of treatment. SMT is used for chronic inflammation that lasts more than 5 years. SMT procedures in the rectified mode are practiced for zinc electrophoresis. The electrophoresis procedure using SMT currents is combined with salicylate, novocaine and magnesium when inflammation is combined with endometriosis.

How is the SMT procedure performed?

The procedure for exposing the patient to sinusoidal currents is carried out without special preparation. It is carried out in a lying position, less often in a standing or sitting position. Current is supplied to the body through electrodes, and hydrophilic pads are also used. They are fixed with weights and elastic bandages. The best effect can be achieved by relaxing the muscles.

The size of the electrodes should preferably match the area of ​​the impact zone. You can practice intracavitary use - these are sterilized electrodes that are washed off with Vaseline and introduced into the body.

Devices for SMT physiotherapy are equipped with several operating modes. They differ in current exposure time and frequency. The principle of operation of the device is to alternate pulses and pauses. The patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure; slight tingling and vibration are allowed in the area of ​​treatment.

The peculiarity of the procedure is as follows:

  • one session lasts from 10 minutes to an hour;
  • procedures are carried out every day for 7-10 days;
  • if necessary, the course of physiotherapy is repeated every other week;
  • physiotherapy can be combined with magnetotherapy, ultrasound and mud therapy;
  • SMT procedures are also combined with physical therapy, acupuncture, professional massage.

Is it possible to do CMT physical therapy at home?

Devices for carrying out SMT procedures can be used not only in special rooms, but also in regular hospitals and at home. Moreover, such devices have small sizes. In particular, the Amplipulse-6 device is used to treat the following diseases:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • severe stages of coronary heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • impairment of motor functions after various types of injuries.

SMT has virtually no side effects. An allergic reaction may occur due to intolerance to electric current.

SMT physiotherapy has many advantages compared to other treatment methods. It is used according to indications, taking into account the characteristics and stage of the disease, the patient’s age and other factors.

Possible contraindications

The SMT procedure cannot be prescribed in the following cases:

  • acute infections and purulent processes;
  • inflammation and fever;
  • oncological diseases;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • open wounds and hematomas;
  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • unfixed fractures, ruptures of muscle tissue and ligaments;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The procedure is prescribed with extreme caution in case of epilepsy and other nervous diseases, as well as in the presence of a pacemaker and other devices on the body.

SMT therapy is carried out taking into account safety precautions in specially equipped rooms.

Treatment using sinusoidal modulated currents - amplipulse

Physiotherapy is successfully used to treat many diseases as a primary or secondary method. It is especially effective against pathology of the musculoskeletal system, as well as diseases for which medications do not have the required effect. One of the types of physiotherapeutic effects is the use of amplipulse.

What is amplipulse therapy

Amplipulse therapy is an effect on the human body with therapeutic purpose sinusoidal modular low-frequency currents. For electrotherapy, the Amplipulse device and its variations Amplipulse 4,5,6,7,8, El Aesculapius MedTeCo, AFT SI-01-MicroMed are used. There are portable devices that can be used at home.

During the procedure, an alternating current amplipulse with a frequency of 2–5 Hz and an amplitude of 10–150 Hz gently affects tissue, causing muscle contractions, and the patient does not feel discomfort. The possibility of carrying out this type of physiotherapy and the level of impact is determined taking into account the nature of the pathological process, the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant anomalies and general condition.

Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect of sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC) is due to interval exposure to electric current. In the intervals between the application of tension, muscle relaxation occurs. Each subsequent impact has a greater current strength, but does not exceed the permissible values. Due to its gentle effect and deep penetration into tissue, this physiotherapy technique can be used in children from 6 months. Sinusoidal modular currents have the following effects on the body:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • anti-edema effect;
  • elimination of muscle atrophy;
  • anesthesia;
  • normalization blood pressure;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • improvement of tissue trophism.

Indications for use

The use of sinusoidal modular currents is the most gentle technique among all types of electrotherapy; consultation with a doctor is required before starting treatment. Amplipulse therapy has indications and contraindications.

Indications for amplipulse therapy:

  • gynecological diseases: endometriosis, inflammatory diseases;
  • lesions of the peripheral nervous system with severe pain: neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system: urolithiasis, glomeluronephritis, cystitis, prostatitis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system: bronchial asthma of mild and moderate severity, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis without exacerbation;
  • lesions of the gastrointestinal tract: gastric and duodenal ulcers in remission, chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, reflux esophagitis, hypo- and atonic disorders, colitis, biliary dyskinesia;

diseases of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension of I and II degrees, atherosclerosis;

  • pathologies of the spine and joints: ankylosing spondylosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia;
  • recovery from injuries and surgeries;
  • rehabilitation from a stroke;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory and dystrophic eye lesions;
  • closed bone fractures;
  • amyotrophy;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • venous circulation insufficiency: swelling, blood stagnation;
  • trophic disorders in tissues: bedsores, necrosis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • lymph stagnation;
  • ENT diseases.
  • Most often, amplipulse therapy is used to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar, and sacral spine. SMT successfully relieves the symptoms of this disease: pain, stiffness of movement. Deep penetration of currents reduces salt deposits and restores the structure of cartilage tissue. However, for the best effect, this method of therapy must be combined with taking medications, physical therapy and the use of local drugs.

    In addition, SMTs affect adipose tissue, reducing cell size. This helps reduce excess weight. Sometimes, to improve the effect in certain diseases, sinusoidal modular currents are used simultaneously with medications (for example, magnesium sulfate).

    Contraindications for carrying out

    Amplipulse therapy has a wide range of indications and can be used to treat patients of all ages. Despite the mild effect, amplipulse therapy has contraindications:

    • purulent inflammation of the skin;
    • predisposition to bleeding and thrombosis;
    • neoplasms;
    • heart rhythm disturbances, arterial hypertension above stage II;
    • open and intra-articular bone fractures;
    • pregnancy;
    • the patient has a pacemaker;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • open wounds;
    • damage to tendons and muscles;
    • generalized eczema;
    • tuberculosis;
    • psychosis;
    • epilepsy;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • intolerance to electric current.

    It is necessary to refuse the procedure if there is an increase in body temperature, general poor health, and the use of sinus modular currents cannot be combined with alcohol intake. Most often, doctors do not recommend using physiotherapy during menstrual bleeding, but exposure to sinusoidal modular currents during menstruation can be carried out if the discharge is not very heavy.


    Special preparation for treatment such as amplipulse therapy is not required, but there are several basic rules:

    • Do not take medications during the day, except for vital ones (for long-term treatment, you can take medications starting from the 3rd procedure);
    • eliminate the use of products that increase gas formation;
    • There should be a meal several hours before the procedure;
    • take a shower before the session.

    The patient's position during amplipulse therapy depends on the location of the pathological process. Most often, the patient sits or lies during the session. In rare cases, for example to remove a stone from the bladder, the patient stands.

    The doctor working with the device tells the patient about the procedure, checks how he is feeling, then connects the device to the network and sets the necessary parameters. Electrode sizes should be selected taking into account the affected area. Using palpation, the healthcare professional determines the painful area. Electrodes are attached to the patient's skin in the lesions. One plate should be located at the site of projection of painful sensations, the second - transverse to the first on the other side of the body or parallel on the same side. Rectangular electrodes are secured with a rubber band, round ones nurse holds during the procedure.

    After pressing the “patient on” button, the physical therapy session begins. The current level during the procedure is set to the required value, and the patient should not experience pain. For several minutes, the patient feels a slight vibration - under the influence of current, muscle fibers contract. At the end of the session, the device is turned off and the electrodes are removed.

    The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes, sometimes up to 40 minutes. Sessions are held daily or every other day. In some cases, it is necessary to use amplipulse therapy twice a day with a break of 5 hours. The average course duration is 10–15 procedures.

    Safety precautions when using amplipulse

    To exclude the occurrence emergency situations Strict adherence to safety rules is necessary when working with the amplipulse at home, as well as in a clinic or hospital.

    Before turning on the device, you need to check the integrity of the insulation and the condition of the electrodes. The potentiometer knob should be at zero. If it is necessary to change the voltage level during the procedure, the patient is disconnected from the current. Particular attention to safety precautions when working with the amplipulse should be paid when treating patients with localized pathological processes in the face and neck. In this case, the minimum current should be used.

    Electrodes must be attached to dry skin. Before starting the procedure, an examination is required - treatment with sinusoidal modular currents is excluded if there is inflammation on the skin. The electrodes must be correctly placed on the body and secured. They can be moved only after the current level has dropped to zero. The increase in voltage is carried out gradually and is accompanied by monitoring the patient’s condition. If the patient experiences discomfort, the current strength should be reduced. The first session is carried out at the minimum power of the device, subsequently it is brought to the required level.

    Amplipulse therapy has positive reviews from both doctors and patients. If necessary, therapy is prescribed to infants: after a course of physical treatment, the child begins to roll over and sit up faster, and foot deformities are corrected. SMTs have proven themselves excellent in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis and joint diseases, and for back pain of various etiologies. However, treatment with an amplipulse is a very responsible undertaking; contraindications must be taken into account and the doctor’s recommendations must be followed.

    Update: October 2018

    Amplipulse therapy is a common method of physiotherapeutic treatment in which the body is exposed to sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC). First held in 1963. Refers to electrotherapy and is used as a therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive technique. One of the most effective types of electrotherapy for diseases of bones and joints.

    Let's talk about the indications and contraindications of the amplipulse, consider popular techniques and features of carrying out procedures at home.

    Amplipulse therapy: the essence of the technique and positive effects

    What is this procedure? The action of SMT is based on the same principles as treatment with diadynamic currents:

    • the rhythmic effect of SMT on nerve and muscle tissue through spinal mechanisms leads to the elimination of pain;
    • rhythmic contraction of muscle fibers leads to improved peripheral blood circulation and lymph flow, the formation of vascular collaterals and improved tissue trophism.
    • The procedures help relieve inflammatory processes and resolve infiltrates, eliminate edema, activate regenerative processes, improve metabolism, prevent atrophy and increase muscle tone.
    • Amplipulse activates the vasomotor center, has a vasodilating effect and helps relieve vascular spasm.
    • In addition to the stimulating effect on skeletal muscles, sinusoidal currents increase the tone of the biliary tract, ureters, bladder, intestines, stimulate the secretion of the pancreas, stomach, adrenal glands, and activate hepatic metabolism.
    • SMT relieves bronchospasm, enhances the function of external respiration and ventilation of the lungs, and improves sputum drainage.

    The difference between SMT and diadynamic currents is that it has a milder effect, which allows the method to be used in acute neuritis with significant vegetative-vascular disorders and in other pathological processes even in the acute phase (see indications).

    Thanks to deep penetration into tissues, smooth muscles can also be affected. The analgesic effect after a single exposure is higher in diadynamic currents; in the case of SMT, this effect manifests itself after a course of procedures. The neuromyostimulating effect of SMT depends on the depth and frequency of current modulation - it is stronger than when exposed to direct currents, but weaker than that of fluctuating currents and DCT.


    Indications for amplipulse for everyone age groups, including children, are as follows:

    • neuroses and neurosis-like conditions of various origins;
    • pathologies of the peripheral nervous system: neuritis, neuralgia, plexitis, which occur with significant autonomic-vascular disorders;
    • paresis and paralysis;
    • dysfunction of the autonomic part of the nervous system;
    • migraine;
    • diseases of the joints and spine of a degenerative-dystrophic nature: osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis, periarthritis, spondyloarthrosis and other arthrosis;
    • lesions of the nerve roots;
    • intervertebral hernia;
    • closed bone fractures;
    • scoliosis;
    • reflex-tonic pain syndrome;
    • muscle wasting after prolonged immobility of the patient due to injuries or operations;
    • occlusive diseases of peripheral arteries;
    • vascular atherosclerosis;
    • lymphostasis;
    • chronic gastritis with severe insufficiency of secretory function;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • dyskinesia of the intestines and gallbladder (but only if there are no stones);
    • reflux esophagitis;
    • chronic colitis;
    • dysfunction of the female reproductive system;
    • inflammatory gynecological diseases;
    • bladder atony;
    • prostate atony;
    • impotence;
    • chronic prostatitis;
    • stage I hypertension;
    • obesity;
    • diabetes;
    • chronic bronchitis and pneumonia;
    • bronchiectasis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • inflammation of internal organs (kidneys, lungs, etc.);
    • urolithiasis (including the acute period of renal colic);
    • eye diseases.

    Is it possible to do an amplipulse with a combination of several diagnoses? Yes, but not in parallel, but in courses with breaks, which are prescribed by the doctor.


    Contraindications to the amplipulse are absolute and must be taken into account when prescribing treatment:

    • individual intolerance;
    • epilepsy;
    • tuberculosis;
    • presence of an implanted pacemaker;
    • heart rhythm disturbances and cardiovascular diseases (stage II and III hypertension, sinus bradycardia);
    • phlebeurysm;
    • the presence of a metal implanted joint;
    • systemic blood diseases;
    • purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • bleeding and tendency to it;
    • malignant tumors;
    • open fractures;
    • elevated temperature;
    • alcohol, drug intoxication.

    Amplipulse is most often prescribed for osteochondrosis and rheumatic diseases, to relieve pain, improve the trophism of cartilage tissue, muscle tone and normalize metabolic processes.

    Amplipulse therapy can be combined with mud therapy, ultrasound, cryotherapy and magnetotherapy.

    Equipment used for amplipulse therapy

    Today the following devices of various modifications are used:

    • "Amplipulse" (models 4, 5, 6, 7, 8),
    • "Amplidin"
    • "AFT SI-01-MicroMed",
    • "El Aesculapius MedTeCo".

    The most commonly used devices are modifications 4 and 5. "Amplipulse-7" can be used for amplipulse therapy and electrophoresis, since it works in two modes.

    Each device is equipped with electrodes for different parts of the body with a set of fasteners. The current strength, pulse duration, and procedure duration are regulated by switches on the main unit.

    To carry out the procedures, plate electrodes for percutaneous application and electrodes for abdominal application (rectal, vaginal, urethral, ​​intragastric) are used, which can be single or reusable. Round electrodes on a hand holder are also available.

    For external use, hydrophilic pads are used. The size of the electrode should correspond to the area of ​​the painful area.

    How is the treatment carried out?


    No special preparation is required for percutaneous exposure. The patient must appear for the procedure at the appointed time. Before proceeding with the placement of electrodes, the nurse checks the condition skin in the affected area: there should be no scratches, rashes, ulcers, wounds.

    If intracavitary stimulation of the stomach is planned, the procedure is performed on an empty stomach.


    The patient is on the couch in a lying, sitting or standing position, depending on the planned area of ​​treatment. The nurse attaches the electrodes according to the diagram. Then the device is turned on and configured for a certain mode and type of work. The current strength is set manually and is gradually increased until vibration appears under the electrodes: the parameter most often increases with each subsequent procedure to the maximum possible according to the method.

    The treatment is carried out while relaxing the muscles, which depends on the patient: you should not tense up or worry.

    Percutaneous exposure

    A hydrophilic bandage is applied to the area of ​​skin corresponding to the pathological focus, an electrode is placed on top and secured with an elastic bandage or sand bags so that it does not move during the session. The second one is nearby, at a distance corresponding to the transverse size of the 1st electrode or on the opposite side, and is fixed in a similar way. If electrodes on holders are used, the nurse fixes them with his hands.

    Intracavitary exposure

    Intracavitary electrodes must be sterile. They are lubricated with Vaseline or a special gel and carefully inserted into the cavity. The use of an amplipulse is permissible only in operating mode I: a sinusoidal current shape is used, which is dosed according to the readings of a milliammeter. Therefore, before turning on the device, you need to make sure that operating mode is set to I. The use of mode II is strictly prohibited, since electrolysis products can cause chemical burns to tissues.

    During intracavitary treatment, the current strength is increased until slight vibration occurs under the electrodes, and when performing electrical stimulation, until contractions of muscle tissue are visible visually.

    Average procedure time: 5-10 minutes per area, total duration of exposure – 60 minutes, daily, per course – 10-15 procedures.

    Operating modes of Amplipulse devices

    It is based on the use of alternating sinusoidal current (5 kHz), amplitude modulated with a frequency of 10-150 Hz. Alternating current of the specified parameters penetrates the tissue without significant irritation of skin receptors, so there is no burning sensation under the electrodes. To achieve increased excitatory effects on nerve and muscle tissues, intero- and proprioceptors, the frequency of 5 kHz is modulated with a depth of 25-100% in amplitude by a low frequency.

    Devices for amplipulse therapy have 2 operating modes, each of them, in turn, has 4 types of operation.

    I mode - sinusoidal current. Types of work:

    • Type of work I: PM or constant modulation. Carrier frequency - 5 kHz, frequency fluctuations from 10 to 150 Hz. Tissue adaptation to such current develops quickly, so the current strength increases every 20-30 seconds. Current is used to obtain a ganglion-blocking effect.
    • Type of work II: PP or parcel - pause. Carrier frequency - 5 kHz, frequency fluctuations from 10 to 150 Hz. Unlike a PC, current generation is carried out in intermittent mode, the duration of bursts and pauses is 1-6 seconds. It is used for electrical stimulation of skeletal muscles at a modulation frequency of 50-70 Hz, and for influencing smooth muscle tissue at a modulation frequency of 10-30 Hz.
    • Genus works III: NP or carrier frequency – sending. The sinusoidal currents of the carrier frequency of 5 kHz are followed by currents modulated by frequency fluctuations of 10-150 Hz. The duration of unmodulated and modulated current transmissions is in the range of 1-6 seconds. Has a slight stimulating effect on the neuromuscular system. It is used for acute pain syndrome, and also as preparation before the fourth type of work.
    • Type of work IV: IF or intermittent frequency. Sends of sinusoidal current, modulated by oscillations of the selected frequency, are replaced by a current modulated at a fixed frequency of 150 Hz. The duration of current pulses with these modulation frequencies is regulated separately in the range of 1-6 seconds. Most often used to obtain an anesthetic effect or as an effect on trophic processes. By selecting the modulation frequency and the duration of the bursts, you can select combinations that resemble diadynamic currents, modulated by long or short periods.

    II operating mode - rectified current. In this mode there are also 4 types of half-sinusoidal modulated current, the modes are similar to diadynamic therapy. It has an irritating effect on peripheral nerve receptors of the skin. It can be used to introduce drugs into the body.

    Basic impact scheme

    The basic scheme of action, which is used for osteochondrosis and other processes with severe pain, is performed as follows:

    1. In alternating mode, type of work III, at a frequency of 100 Hz with a modulation depth of 75%, sending messages for 2-3 seconds. within 3-5 minutes;
    2. Then they switch to the V type of work, at a frequency of 70 Hz with a modulation depth of 75-100%, and a burst duration of 3 seconds. within 3-5 minutes.

    When treating pain syndromes, the approach is as follows:

    • severe pain: electrodes are installed transversely relative to the source of pain or the length of the peripheral nerve;
    • large area of ​​the site: divide the zone into several fields and act on them alternately;
    • procedures can be performed twice a day, at least 3 hours apart;
    • the stronger the pain, the greater the frequency and the shallower the depth of modulation.

    For electrical stimulation of muscle tissue, the second type of work is used, and the location of the electrodes is determined by the type of paresis/paralysis. When treating peripheral paresis, electrodes are installed in the area of ​​motor points of the affected muscle and nervous tissue. For central paresis, antagonists of spastic muscles stimulate. Frequency, amplitude, depth, modulation, duration of bursts/pauses are set individually by a physiotherapist!

    Procedures depending on the pathology

    Here are the most popular amplipulse techniques used in physiotherapy.

    Effect on the central nervous system

    An electrode measuring 6 by 2 cm with a gasket is placed above the eyebrow area, a second one of the same size is placed on the back of the head and secured with an elastic bandage.


    • operating mode I, type IV;
    • sedative effect - frequency modulation range 100-150 Hz, stimulation of the opioid system of the brain and analgesic effect - 70 Hz;
    • modulation depth - 100% with a burst duration of 2-3 seconds;
    • current strength – 3-5 mA, until slight vibration is felt under the electrodes;
    • duration - 15 minutes daily, course - 10 procedures.

    Impact on the collar area (treatment of cervical osteochondrosis)

    One electrode is placed in the lower part of the occipital region, covering the projection zone of the CIV-Thn segments, the second - in the zone from the IX thoracic to the I lumbar vertebra.


    • operating mode I, type I and IV;
    • modulation frequency -100 Hz;
    • modulation depth – 50-75% with a burst duration of 2 seconds;
    • current strength – 10-15 mA;
    • duration - 3-5 minutes in each type, daily, course - 10 -15 procedures.

    Impact on the neuromuscular system of the eye

    A hollow round electrode with a gasket is placed in the orbit of the diseased eye, the second electrode is fixed on the back of the head and wrapped in elastic bandages.


    • modulation frequency - 50 Hz;
    • modulation depth - 100% with a burst/pause duration of 1-2 seconds;
    • current strength - 4-5 mA;
    • duration - 15-20 minutes daily, course - 10 -15 procedures, repeated courses are acceptable.

    Impact on the sciatic nerve (treatment of vertebrogenic lumbar ischialgia in acute and subacute periods)

    Perform 2-3 installations on the following areas:

    • paravertebral-gluteal or paravertebral lumbosacral;
    • popliteal-subgluteal;
    • the anterior outer surface of the lower leg and the back of the foot.


    • work mode I, work type III and IV;
    • frequency 70 Hz;
    • modulation depth 50-100% with a burst duration of 1-3 seconds;
    • current 10-15 mA;
    • duration – 3-4 minutes for each area, daily, course – 8-10 procedures.

    Impact on the stomach (treatment of hypomotor dyskinesia in the postoperative rehabilitation period)

    The probe electrode is inserted into the stomach, the second flattened electrode is located outside, in the epigastric region.


    • work mode I, work type II;
    • frequency 10-30 Hz;
    • modulation depth 75-100% with a duration of pauses/sends of 5 seconds;
    • current strength is 5-10 mA, until you feel a slight vibration in the stomach;
    • duration – 15 minutes daily, course – 5 procedures. After completing the course, a transverse percutaneous amplipulse is performed with the same current parameters.

    Effects on the stomach and duodenum (treatment of gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcers)

    The goal is an analgesic effect and stimulation of trophism. 2 electrodes measuring 200 cm 2 are placed in the following order: one - in the pyloroduodenal zone, the second - in the projection of the V-IX thoracic vertebrae on the back.


    • operating mode I, type III and IV;
    • frequency 70-100 Hz;
    • modulation depth 50-75% with a burst duration of 2-3 seconds;
    • current strength - 15-20 mA, until pronounced vibration occurs in the area where the electrodes are applied;
    • duration – 3-5 minutes for each type of work, daily, course – 10-15 procedures.

    Effects on the prostate

    The rectal technique requires the use of a special electrode. The patient is on his side, his legs are bent and brought to his stomach. One special electrode is inserted into the rectum 5-7 cm, the second is fixed above the pubic symphysis.


    • operating mode I, type II;
    • frequency 10-30 Hz;
    • modulation depth 100% with duration of pauses/sends 5 seconds;
    • current strength - 15-15 mA, until pronounced vibration occurs in the area where the electrodes are applied;
    • duration – 15 minutes, daily/every other day, course – 10-12 procedures.

    Features of treatment in childhood

    Amplipulse is used for small children only in alternating mode; treatment is allowed from 5-6 months of age (Amplipulse devices).

    The straightened mode is prescribed to children from 2-3 years of age.

    Treatment methods and techniques are similar to those for adults, with the only difference being that the intensity and duration of the procedures are reduced by half or a third. The area of ​​the electrodes must correspond to the size of the pathological focus, so it is smaller than in adults. The electrodes are secured exclusively by bandaging, ensuring a tight fit. The electrode end of the wire is fixed together with the electrodes to prevent burns.

    Current dosage according to density: for children under 2 years old - 0.015-0.03 mA/cm2, 3-7 years old - 0.04-0.08 mA/cm2. Be sure to monitor your condition throughout the entire procedure.

    After the amplipulse, the skin should be lubricated with glycerin, half diluted with boiled water, to avoid irritation and peeling.

    Amplipulse therapy at home

    Home amplipulse allows you to carry out treatment without visiting a medical facility.

    The mobile device is “Amplipulse-7”. This is a multifunctional medical device for treatment with sinusoidal low-frequency modulated currents in two modes: constant and alternating. The device has an electropuncture mode, which allows you to act on biological active points. Can be used in medical institutions, sports medicine and at home.

    It has trophic, stimulating, analgesic, vasodilating, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, and resolving effects in various pathological conditions.

    Sold in a briefcase-type case made of insulating material. The top cover is removable and provides Free access to the device. The kit includes a set of disposable electrodes. Working position – horizontal. The device has 4 independent channels that allow you to influence 4 procedural fields. Operating modes and electrode application patterns depend on the indications for the procedure and are described in detail in the instructions for the therapeutic use of the amplipulse. There is an indicator showing the time until the end of the effect, within 30 seconds. When finished, a beep sounds.

    Amplipulse at home is only permissible after a doctor’s prescription!

    Safety during the procedure

    All devices belong to protection class II, do not require grounding and can be used in the physiotherapy department, as well as in other hospital departments, as well as at home. Low-frequency currents are not dangerous to humans, but using a device that is out of order or has defects or malfunctions is prohibited!

    The medical specialist is obliged to observe safety precautions when installing electrodes and performing the procedure, and to visually monitor the patient’s condition.

    Connecting the device to the network, selecting directions and types of SMT are performed with the adjustment knob in the zero position. If during the procedure it is necessary to move the electrodes to another part of the body, the current value must also be reduced to zero.

    It is forbidden to wipe the housing and control panel, or replace parts while the device is turned on. If the device malfunctions, you should immediately disconnect it, including from the power supply.

    Answers to popular questions from readers

    How do you feel during the procedure?

    The procedure is painless. During the session, the patient feels slight vibration in the area where the electrodes are located and muscle contraction. For some people this may seem unusual and unpleasant, but it is definitely not painful.

    How many sessions of amplipulse therapy will be needed to treat osteochondrosis?

    Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that can only be cured at the first stage. To stop degenerative-dystrophic processes, relieve pain and prevent exacerbations, you will need about 10 sessions.

    Is the procedure safe?

    When they talk about physiotherapy, they mean one of the popular forms of treatment, the essence of which is not a chemical effect, as with tablets, but a physical one with the help of special devices and devices designed specifically for such purposes.

    Types of physiotherapy:

    1. Laser exposure.
    2. Ultrasound intervention.
    3. Treatment using a magnetic field.
    4. Electric currents.

    Most popular procedures

    It should be noted that all methods are hypoallergenic in nature, but there is one exception - electrophoresis with the use of medications and inhalations, including herbs. Hydrotherapy should be used with caution in children.

    What is SMT therapy?

    Another name for this method is amplipulse therapy. This is a natural effect on the human body using electric current that matches the biological impulses of a person. It is especially often used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

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    “I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times have I gone to clinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

    And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

    Operating principle of the device

    The device used for treatment is capable of emitting a field of electrical nature tuned to medium frequencies. The amplitude of the waves ranges from 10 to 150 Hz.

    Thanks to this modulation, they can easily pass through human skin, while affecting muscles and nerve endings. Electric current has an exciting effect on cell membranes and maintains its effect uniformly throughout the procedure.

    Modulated sinusoidal currents


    1. Ailments associated with diseases of the spine and joints– such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, muscle atrophy.
    2. Diseases of the vegetative-vascular system body.
    3. Neurological diseases of pathological course– neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia and crying.
    4. Impaired blood supply against the background of problems with the functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
    5. Diseases related to the genitourinary system and urology– decreased tone in the prostate gland, prostatitis, formation of kidney stones and urinary ducts, enuresis, cystitis, pyelonephritis.
    6. Gynecological diseases, including possible inflammatory processes occurring within the body.
    7. Digestive system diseases– colitis and pathological decrease in intestinal motility, biliary dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, constipation.
    8. Blood thickening, swelling and other problems of the venous system.
    9. Necrosis of various origins, bedsores – many trophic processes.
    10. Infectious and other lesions of the oral cavity– gingivitis, stomatitis and gum inflammation at any stage.
    11. Central nervous system diseases– meningoencephalitis, head and brain injuries, cerebral palsy, brain strokes.
    12. Diseases aimed at dystrophy and inflammation of the organs of vision.
    13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system– atherosclerosis of the extremities, disruptions in the blood supply to the spinal cord and brain, hypertension, migraines and Raynaud’s disease.
    14. From the respiratory system– pneumonia, bronchial-type asthma, the occurrence of bronchitis.

    The effects of SMT therapy are divided into two types:

    1. Metabolism stimulation in human tissues and organs.
    2. Removing puffiness ischemia and problems with congestion in the veins.


    • Darsonvalization.
    • Amplipulse.

    Therapy for children is carried out strictly in clinics and hospitals, in compliance with all safety and hygiene rules.

    SMT is directly affected by electric current:

    1. Muscles and fibers.
    2. Nerve endings and the nervous system as a whole.

    If so, read here.


    For some diseases, it is prohibited to use such treatment methods due to the risk of worsening the patient’s condition:

    • Infection with tuberculosis bacillus (in the active stage).
    • The appearance of neoplasms – tumors, especially if cancer is suspected.
    • Lack of blood circulation in the 3rd degree.
    • Purulent discharge and processes accompanied by them.
    • Parkinson's disease.
    • Chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system.
    • Fractures or cracks in the bone.
    • Feverish states.
    • Pregnancy at any stage.
    • For skin irritations and eczema.
    • Thrombophlebitis disease.
    • Gallstones or kidney stones, provided that the procedure is to be performed in that area.
    • If you have a pacemaker or other electronic device.
    • Fractures without the ability to fix bone fragments and the damaged area.
    • Torn ligaments and muscle tissue.
    • Recently acquired hematomas.
    • Coagulation disorders.
    • Elevated body temperature.

    Pain and crunching in the back can lead to dire consequences over time - local or complete limitation of movements, even disability.

    People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedies recommended by orthopedists to cure their backs and joints...

    How to carry out the procedure at home?

    There are situations when moving for a patient is a lot of trouble and requires a lot of effort. It is difficult for such a person to regularly visit a clinic or hospital.

    In such cases, therapy at home is prescribed. Stimulation is carried out using analogs of hospital devices, configured to the required parameters, of a compact and mobile type. The procedure can be performed either without outside help or with it.

    It is worth noting that devices that provide amplipulse therapy have a high degree of protection, level 2. For example, the small-sized device “Amplipulse – 6” is intended for use both in a hospital and in mobile conditions.

    It is used to treat patients in serious condition after myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, and victims with impaired mobility that occurred as a result of a stroke or injury. read here.

    Read about it here.

    How is treatment carried out at the clinic?


    1. Depending on the affected area, the patient either lies down on the bed, stands or sits.
    2. The doctor fixes a special electrode on the sore spot using elastic bandages and suction cups. The choice of electrode depends on the disease and the degree of its impact on the body. It must completely cover the affected area. There are also devices for carrying out the procedure inside a person, this is especially true for gynecological problems. They can be lubricated with Vaseline.
    3. During therapy, the patient usually does not feel anything, although in some cases there is a pleasant tingling sensation.
    4. The whole process takes from 10 minutes to an hour.
    5. The number of procedures and their duration are selected by the attending physician. In total, you may need to combine several methods alternating with each other.

    The device operates in several modes, so you need to choose the right type or use alternating pulses of different frequencies.

    Side effects from SMT

    The therapy itself does not cause complications.

    However, in some cases they may appear:

    1. If the technology for using the device is not followed.
    2. If, despite contraindications, treatment using this technology was prescribed.
    3. In cases where the device is used to enhance the speed and degree of penetration of drugs into the human body. Then the side effects are determined by the action and properties of the drug.
    4. Allergic reactions that occur due to intolerance to the effects of electric current.

    Advantages of using technology

    Let's list them:

    1. Quick first results and improved well-being. Sometimes even after the first use the patient begins to notice the effect of the procedure. This happens because current fluctuations have a direct effect on the affected area and its nerve endings. The result of the impact is stable and noticeable.
    2. High degree of process safety. The power and fluctuations of current waves are close to natural values, which eliminates the possibility of causing any damage. In view of this parameter, SMT therapy is readily prescribed even to children and the elderly, if they do not have contraindications.
    3. The big advantage is the low percentage of side effects, if the procedure was authorized by the attending physician and there were no obstacles to this.
    4. Elimination of severe pain immediately after the session.
    5. Can be used for respiratory system disorders.


    CMT therapy has many positive effects on human health:

    1. Relief of pain syndrome of any etiology.
    2. Relieving spasms, excessive muscle activity and tension - muscle relaxation.
    3. Stimulates correct blood supply and outflow of lymphatic fluid.
    4. Improves metabolism of the whole body.
    5. Has a general strengthening effect.
    6. Helps metabolism in liver cells.
    7. Increases the secretory capacity of the pancreas and adrenal glands.
    8. Psychosomatic relaxation session.

    Therapy in childhood

    The child's body is less resistant to all kinds of methods, especially at the time of illness.

    Features of treatment:

    • The device can be used no earlier than 5–6 months after the birth of the baby.
    • Straightened type of therapy can be used from 2-3 years due to its irritating effect.
    • The mechanism of the procedure remains similar to adult use, but the duration of the session is reduced by ½ or 1/3 of that of an adult.
    • Electrodes should not be attached and wrap it with a bandage for greater fixation,
    • The elements of the device for children are smaller.
    • During and after the procedure, you should ask the child about the sensations improvements and discomfort. This way you can find out whether therapy is suitable or not.
    1. Laser exposure.
    2. Ultrasound intervention.
    3. Treatment using a magnetic field.
    4. Electric currents.

    Most popular procedures

    It should be noted that all methods are hypoallergenic in nature, but there is one exception - electrophoresis with the use of medications and inhalations, including herbs. Hydrotherapy should be used with caution in children.

    The method involves the use of low-frequency electrical impulses to normalize the functioning of nerves, muscles and restore the normal level of tone. When using the technology, nerve endings are restored and body weight is reduced.

    The procedure triggers an immune reaction, fights microbes, and is used to treat ailments of the skin, skeleton, respiratory system and peripheral nervous system diseases.

    Indications: bronchitis, arthritis, neuritis, pneumonia, etc. It can also be used for jaundice, caries, rickets, vitamin D and calcium deficiency and fragile vascular syndrome. Read about inexpensive calcium tablets here.

    This is necessary to irritate the receptors on the skin and mucous membranes. Application: ENT diseases of a pathological nature, skin diseases and dental diseases.

    Inductothermy or ultrasound treatment - no earlier than 3 years. The procedure activates the metabolic process in tissues and muscle fibers. This is necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system and increasing the level of the immune response of people with weakened ones.

    For therapeutic purposes, the use of such methods is completely justified and the positive effect of this has been scientifically proven. With the help of physiotherapy, you can promote the recovery of patients with almost any internal disease.

    Of course, there are contraindications, so engaging in any treatment is strictly contraindicated. All manipulations must be carried out with the recommendation and permission of a doctor, and especially complex ones must be performed under the supervision of a competent specialist.

    What is SMT therapy?

    Another name for this method is amplipulse therapy. This is a natural effect on the human body using electric current that matches the biological impulses of a person. It is especially often used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Operating principle of the device

    The device used for treatment is capable of emitting a field of electrical nature tuned to medium frequencies. The amplitude of the waves ranges from 10 to 150 Hz.

    Thanks to this modulation, they can easily pass through human skin, while affecting muscles and nerve endings. Electric current has an exciting effect on cell membranes and maintains its effect uniformly throughout the procedure.

    Modulated sinusoidal currents

    1. Ailments associated with diseases of the spine and joints - such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, muscle atrophy.
    2. Diseases of the vegetative-vascular system of the body.
    3. Neurological diseases of a pathological course - neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia and cryxitis.
    4. Impaired blood supply due to problems with the functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
    5. Diseases related to the genitourinary system and urology - decreased tone in the prostate gland, prostatitis, formation of kidney stones and urinary ducts, enuresis, cystitis, pyelonephritis.
    6. Gynecological diseases, including possible inflammatory processes occurring within the body.
    7. Diseases of the digestive system - colitis and pathological decrease in intestinal motility, biliary dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, constipation.
    8. Blood thickening, swelling and other problems of the venous system.
    9. Necrosis of various origins, bedsores - many trophic processes.
    10. Infectious and other lesions of the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis and inflammation of the gums at any stage.
    11. Diseases of the central nervous system - meningoencephalitis, head and brain injuries, cerebral palsy, brain strokes.
    12. Diseases aimed at degeneration and inflammation of the organs of vision.
    13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - myelopathy, atherosclerosis of the extremities, disruptions in the blood supply to the spinal cord and brain, hypertension, migraines and Raynaud's disease.
    14. From the respiratory system - pneumonia, bronchial-type asthma, the occurrence of bronchitis.

    The effects of SMT therapy are divided into two types:

    1. Stimulating metabolism in human tissues and organs.
    2. Relieving swelling, ischemia and problems with congestion in the veins.

    Therapy for children is carried out strictly in clinics and hospitals, in compliance with all safety and hygiene rules.

    SMT is directly affected by electric current:

    1. Muscles and fibers.
    2. Nerve endings and the nervous system as a whole.


    For some diseases, it is prohibited to use such treatment methods due to the risk of worsening the patient’s condition:

    • Infection with tuberculosis bacillus (in the active stage).
    • The appearance of neoplasms – tumors, especially if cancer is suspected.
    • Lack of blood circulation in the 3rd degree.
    • Purulent discharge and processes accompanied by them.
    • Parkinson's disease.
    • Chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system.
    • Fractures or cracks in the bone.
    • Feverish states.
    • Pregnancy at any stage.
    • For skin irritations and eczema.
    • Thrombophlebitis disease.
    • Gallstones or kidney stones, provided that the procedure is to be performed in that area.
    • If you have a pacemaker or other electronic device.
    • Fractures without the ability to fix bone fragments and the damaged area.
    • Torn ligaments and muscle tissue.
    • Recently acquired hematomas.
    • Coagulation disorders.
    • Elevated body temperature.

    How to carry out the procedure at home?

    There are situations when moving for a patient is a lot of trouble and requires a lot of effort. It is difficult for such a person to regularly visit a clinic or hospital.

    In such cases, therapy at home is prescribed. Stimulation is carried out using analogs of hospital devices, configured to the required parameters, of a compact and mobile type. The procedure can be performed either without outside help or with it.

    It is used to treat patients in serious condition after myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, and victims with impaired mobility that occurred as a result of a stroke or injury. Read what a spinal cord infarction is here.

    How is treatment carried out at the clinic?

    1. Depending on the affected area, the patient either lies down on the bed, stands or sits.
    2. The doctor fixes a special electrode on the sore spot using elastic bandages and suction cups. The choice of electrode depends on the disease and the degree of its impact on the body. It must completely cover the affected area. There are also devices for carrying out the procedure inside a person, this is especially true for gynecological problems. They can be lubricated with Vaseline.
    3. During therapy, the patient usually does not feel anything, although in some cases a pleasant tingling sensation is noted.
    4. The whole process takes from 10 minutes to an hour.
    5. The number of procedures and their duration are selected by the attending physician. In total, you may need to combine several methods alternating with each other.

    The device operates in several modes, so you need to choose the right type or use alternating pulses of different frequencies.

    Side effects from SMT

    The therapy itself does not cause complications.

    However, in some cases they may appear:

    1. If the technology for using the device is not followed.
    2. If, despite contraindications, treatment using this technology was prescribed.
    3. In cases where the device is used to enhance the speed and degree of penetration of drugs into the human body. Then the side effects are determined by the action and properties of the drug.
    4. Allergic reactions that occur due to intolerance to the effects of electric current.

    Advantages of using technology

    1. Quick first results and improved well-being. Sometimes even after the first use the patient begins to notice the effect of the procedure. This happens because current fluctuations have a direct effect on the affected area and its nerve endings. The result of the impact is stable and noticeable.
    2. High degree of process safety. The power and fluctuations of current waves are close to natural values, which eliminates the possibility of causing any damage. In view of this parameter, SMT therapy is readily prescribed even to children and the elderly, if they do not have contraindications.
    3. A big advantage is the low percentage of side effects if the procedure was approved by the attending physician and there were no obstacles to this.
    4. Elimination of severe pain immediately after the session.
    5. Can be used for respiratory system disorders.


    CMT therapy has many positive effects on human health:

    1. Relief of pain syndrome of any etiology.
    2. Relieving spasms, excessive muscle activity and tension - muscle relaxation.
    3. Stimulates correct blood supply and outflow of lymphatic fluid.
    4. Improves metabolism of the whole body.
    5. Has a general strengthening effect.
    6. Helps metabolism in liver cells.
    7. Increases the secretory capacity of the pancreas and adrenal glands.
    8. Psychosomatic relaxation session.

    Therapy in childhood

    The child's body is less resistant to all kinds of methods, especially at the time of illness.

    • The device can be used no earlier than 5–6 months after the birth of the baby.
    • Straightened type of therapy can be used from 2-3 years of age due to the irritating effect.
    • The mechanism of the procedure remains similar to adult use, but the duration of the session is reduced by ½ or 1/3 of that for an adult.
    • Electrodes should not be attached, but wrapped with a bandage for greater fixation,
    • The elements of the device for children are smaller.
    • During and after the procedure, you should ask the child about sensations, improvements and discomfort. This way you can find out whether therapy is suitable or not.


    I used it on my daughter. She had severe bronchitis. The cough was literally choking. I couldn’t sleep at night, I was “choked” by angina pectoris at night and that’s all. Then the doctor’s sister advised me and he referred me for SMT diagnostics.

    At first I didn’t believe in the effect, but after the first session, when my daughter felt better, there was no doubt. I carried out the procedures once a day for a week, after which my health improved, I am very satisfied and now I recommend it to everyone.

    In terms of carrying out the SMT procedure, this is my 2nd attempt. And again successfully.

    1. There is no need to spoil the body with countless chemical drugs that are already harmful.
    2. Heals faster.
    3. Qualitatively.

    It is intended to stimulate the affected area of ​​the patient, which in turn relieves pain and prevents the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

    The device itself is miniature and easy to operate. It looks like a box with a lot of lights and buttons. Two wires extend from it at the ends, to which electrodes are attached.

    After 10 days of therapy, my back has healed and I feel younger.

    Hello. My job is hard - I'm a truck driver. I spend most of my time in the car sitting in the same position, occasionally interrupting for personal matters. All this contributed to the decision to purchase a portable SMT.

    My back hurt badly, sometimes so much that it was difficult to control the pain. I went to see a doctor, he referred me to a neurologist, who referred me for physiotherapy. The treatment period was 1 month, after which 2 weeks later the course was repeated. Since then, back pain has not bothered me, and my work is a pleasure.

    A year ago I was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. I don’t know exactly when the development of the disease began, but over time I began to notice a sharp change in mood, apathy, and rapid fatigue. It became completely scary when I began to forget obvious things and become “stupid.”

    Panicked by these results, I went to the clinic to see a local specialist. After the tests, I was diagnosed, prescribed medications and treatment with the Amplipulse device. After the first session I literally came to life. They applied electrodes to my collar area.

    There were only 10 procedures, but they helped me cope with the disease. The spasms in the thyroid gland area disappeared, the appetite returned, the black flies before the eyes and apathy disappeared, the appetite was restored and the world was once again painted in the colors of the rainbow. But the most important thing is that my memory and ability to think returned. I am very grateful to the device and its creators.

    I want to write that there are no hopeless situations.

    For a long time I treated arthrosis with various methods. I tried all sorts of medications, but they didn’t help much. The district clinic referred me for treatment with a SMT device. The first time was scary.

    I felt a slight electric shock and I jumped in surprise, but the structure did not move. Gradually I got used to it. The feeling is very pleasant and relaxing. Modes 3 and 4 on the device have a massage effect.

    In combination with the tablets, the therapy had a positive effect and the pain no longer bothered me. I really liked it.

    What is SMT physical therapy and how is it performed?

    In most cases, physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of treating a particular disease. However, in the initial stages of the disease, this method can be used as an independent method. Also, physiological procedures are an excellent prevention of a large number of pathologies.

    What is SMT physical therapy?

    • current generator;
    • remote control;

    The operating principle is as follows:

    Compared to hardware treatment methods using dynamic current, SMT procedures have a gentle effect; such physiotherapy has virtually no contraindications. Amplipulse therapy can be used to treat neurological diseases that occur against the background of cardiac dysfunction. Such procedures promote deep penetration into the structures of the body, this stimulates skeletal muscles, as well as large blood vessels and smooth muscles of internal organs.

    Physical therapy through SMT is best done in a clinical setting under the guidance of a physician. It is necessary to take into account the human anatomy, know all the details of the disease (nature and stage), so that the electrodes can be placed in a particular area. The procedure will be effective only with repeated course use.

    • ENT diseases;
    • diseases of the nervous system.

    Quite often, physiotherapy relieves long-standing illnesses that are not amenable to traditional methods of treatment. SMT is used for chronic inflammation that lasts more than 5 years. SMT procedures in the rectified mode are practiced for zinc electrophoresis. The electrophoresis procedure using SMT currents is combined with salicylate, novocaine and magnesium when inflammation is combined with endometriosis.

    How is the SMT procedure performed?

    The procedure for exposing the patient to sinusoidal currents is carried out without special preparation. It is carried out in a lying position, less often in a standing or sitting position. Current is supplied to the body through electrodes, and hydrophilic pads are also used. They are fixed with weights and elastic bandages. The best effect can be achieved by relaxing the muscles.

    Devices for SMT physiotherapy are equipped with several operating modes. They differ in current exposure time and frequency. The principle of operation of the device is to alternate pulses and pauses. The patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure; slight tingling and vibration are allowed in the area of ​​treatment.

    The peculiarity of the procedure is as follows:

    • myocardial infarction;
    • stroke;

    Possible contraindications

    • oncological diseases;
    • active tuberculosis;
    • blood diseases;
    • open wounds and hematomas;
    • dermatitis and eczema;
    • pregnancy;
    • hypertension;

    What is SMT physical therapy and how is it performed?

    When it comes to physiotherapy, it usually means one of the most common forms of treatment, and its essence lies not in the influence of chemicals, such as pills, but in physical influence, using special devices and apparatus that are designed specifically for this.

    Types of physiotherapeutic procedures

    There are the following types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • laser exposure;
    • exposure to ultrasound;
    • magnetic field treatment;
    • electric currents.

    Most popular procedures

    It should be noted right away that all methods are hypoallergenic, however, there is also a fly in the ointment - electrophoresis, in which medications from chemical components and herbs are used for inhalation.

    This type of hydrotherapy should be used with caution.

    SMT is a sinusoidal effect of modal current waves on a muscle fiber. It is allowed to be used starting from 6 months.

    This method involves the use of low frequency electrical impulses to improve the functional component of muscles, nerves and restore the optimal level of tone. While the SMT procedure is used, the nerve endings are restored and body weight is reduced.

    UHF – ultra-high frequency currents. They can be used even for newborns. The method is based on an inductothermal effect on tissue, which helps to warm up muscle tissue, activates blood circulation and relieves swelling, spasms, inflammation, and also relieves pain.

    Thanks to the procedure, the immune reaction is triggered and fights microbes, and is also used to treat skin ailments, diseases of the respiratory system, skeleton and NSPT (peripheral nervous system).

    UV and IR as well as UHF can be used from birth. Ultraviolet/infrared rays penetrate several centimeters into the fabric. This helps stimulate tissue regeneration, relieve spasm and pain, and also establish material metabolism within tissues.

    Indications: neuritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, arthritis, etc. It can also be used for caries, rickets, jaundice, lack of calcium and vitamin D and fragile blood vessels.

    Darsonvalization - this method can be used when the child turns two years old. To expose the human body to current with high voltage and frequency, the Darsonval apparatus is used.

    This is necessary to cause irritation of receptors on the mucous membrane and skin.

    Used for: pathological ENT diseases, as well as dental and skin diseases.

    Ultrasound treatment or inductometry - no earlier than 3 years old. This procedure activates metabolism in muscle fibers and tissues. This is required for the stability of the nervous system and improving the level of the immune system for those who have a weakened system.

    For therapeutic purposes, these methods are completely justified and the positive effect of their use has already been scientifically proven. With the help of SMT physiotherapeutic procedures, it is possible to promote recovery from almost all internal diseases.

    Of course, there are contraindications, so choosing any method without prior consultation is extremely unwise.

    What is CMT physiotherapy?

    The second name of this technique is amplipulse therapy. This is a natural type of exposure to the human body with electric current, which coincides with the biological impulses of the person himself.

    Quite often it is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    The principle of operation and operation of the device

    The device used for treatment can emit an electric field that is tuned to an average frequency. The wave amplitude ranges from 10 to 150 Hz.

    Due to this modulation, currents pass perfectly through the skin, having a wonderful effect on nerve endings and muscles. Due to the fact that electric current is used, cell membranes are activated, and the effect of the procedure lasts the entire time it is carried out.

    Sinusoidal currents with modulated type - indications for use:

    1. Diseases that are associated with pain in the spine and joints. These include arthrosis, spondyloarthrosis, muscle atrophy, ankylosing spondylitis, and osteochondrosis.
    2. Diseases of the vegetative-vascular system of the human body.
    3. Pathological processes of the neuralgic direction - neuritis, crying, neuralgia, neurosis.
    4. Impaired blood supply against the background of problematic functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
    5. Diseases of urology and the genitourinary system - the tone in the prostate gland decreases, kidney stones form, as well as prostatitis, enuresis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.
    6. Diseases in the field of gynecology, this also includes inflammatory processes occurring inside the body.
    7. Diseases digestive system– decreased intestinal motility in a pathological manner, colitis, constipation, biliary dyskinesia, gastric ulcer.
    8. Swelling, blood thickening, and other problems of the venous system.
    9. Necrosis of various origins, bedsores - almost all trophic processes.
    10. Lesions of the oral cavity of various types (including infectious) - stomatitis, gingivitis, inflammation of the gums at any stage.
    11. Diseases of the central nervous system - brain and head injuries, brain stroke, cerebral palsy, meningoencephalitis.
    12. Diseases associated with dystrophy and inflammation of the organs of vision.
    13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - failure of blood supply to the back and brain, migraine, hypertension, Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis of the limbs, myelopathy.
    14. Diseases of the respiratory system - bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.
    1. Stimulation of material metabolism in human organs and tissues.
    2. Removal of swelling, congestive vein problems and ischemia.

    For small children, therapy is carried out only in clinics and hospitals in compliance with all safety and hygiene rules.

    SMT operates directly using electric current:

    • Fibers and muscles.
    • The nervous system as a whole and nerve endings.

    Contraindications with SMT physiotherapy

    There are a number of diseases for which the use of SMT is strictly prohibited, because it can only worsen the patient’s already disappointing situation:

    • Tuberculous infection with a bacillus.
    • The appearance of tumors that may be suspected of cancer.
    • Insufficient blood circulation III degree.
    • Purulent discharge and the processes that accompany them.
    • Parkinson's disease.
    • Bone fractures/cracks.
    • Chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system.
    • Conditions of fever.
    • Pregnancy at any stage.
    • Thrombophlebitis diseases.
    • Gallbladder/kidney stones, if the procedure must be performed in this area.
    • Skin irritations, eczema.
    • If a person has a pacemaker or other electronic device.
    • Fractures without the possibility of fixing bone fragments and the damaged area.
    • Ligament and muscle tissue ruptures.
    • Fresh hematomas.
    • Impaired blood clotting.
    • Increased body temperature.

    How to do CMT physical therapy at home

    In life, it also happens that for a banal trip to the hospital, a person will suffer more harm from this than from the procedure performed. It is quite difficult for such people to attend the necessary procedures every day.

    In this case, therapy is prescribed at home. Stimulation is carried out using analogues of hospital devices, which are already configured to certain parameters, and they are very small (compared to the units installed in the hospital). You can even carry out the procedure yourself!

    It should be noted that devices that provide amplipulse therapy have a fairly high degree of protection, even category II. Let's say the small-sized "Amplipulse - 6" was created so that it could be used both in a hospital and at home.

    It is used to treat patients in extremely severe conditions, for example, after a myocardial infarction, or after impaired motor ability, after coronary heart disease, or after injury/stroke.

    How is treatment carried out at the clinic?

    1. Depending on which area is affected, the patient either sits down or lies down on the couch.
    2. The doctor takes a special electrode and fixes it on the affected area using bandages and suction cups. The electrode itself is selected depending on what ailment the person has and the desired degree of impact on the affected area. There are also devices that are needed to carry out the procedure inside the body, which is especially important for gynecological diseases. Such devices can be lubricated with Vaseline for easier entry.
    3. During the procedure, the patient does not feel anything, although sometimes it happens that a person feels a slight tingling sensation.
    4. The procedure can take from 10 to 60 minutes.
    5. The duration and number of procedures are chosen by the doctor. In total, several specific methods may be needed, which need to be alternated with each other.

    The device can operate in different modes, so first you need to choose the right type of influence or use the function of alternately switching on pulses of different frequencies.

    Side effects of SMT physiotherapy

    In general, the therapy does not cause complications, but in some cases they may arise if:

    1. The technology for using the device was not followed.
    2. If the treatment was prohibited due to contraindications, but, nevertheless, it was still used.
    3. In cases where the device was used as a means to accelerate the penetration of drugs into the human body. In this case, side effects will be due to the effect of the drug.
    4. An allergy that occurs due to intolerance to the effects of current.

    Advantages of this technology

    Let's list the main ones:

    • Quick results and improved well-being. Sometimes it happens that even after the first use the patient already sees the effect of the procedure. This is due to the fact that vibrations have direct influence on the affected area and nerve endings. The result remains long-lasting, stable and noticeable.
    • The safest process. Since the power and wave vibrations are as close as possible to biological indicators, the likelihood of causing damage is eliminated. Thanks to this, SMT therapy is prescribed even to the elderly and young children, if they have no contraindications.
    • A low percentage of side effects if the procedure was officially prescribed by a doctor and there were no contraindications.
    • Elimination of severe pain even after the first session.
    • It is used even for respiratory system disorders.

    Beneficial features

    CMT therapy provides a huge number of positive health effects:

    • Relieves any pain syndromes of various etiologies.
    • Relieves spasms, tension and excessive muscle activity - muscle relaxation.
    • Stimulates the outflow of lymph fluid and corrects blood supply.
    • Helps to establish material metabolism throughout the body.
    • Has a strengthening effect.
    • Promotes metabolism in liver cells.
    • The session is psychosomatically relaxing.

    Therapy for children

    As you know, children’s bodies are not so resistant to all methods, especially during periods of illness.

    • The device can be used only after the child reaches 6 months.
    • This type of straightening therapy can only be used from 3 years of age, as there is an irritating effect.
    • The mechanism of the procedure is similar to the method for adults, but the duration of the session is reduced by ½ or 1/3 of the adult procedure.
    • The electrodes are not attached, but wrapped in bandages for secure fixation.
    • The elements on the device for children's procedures are smaller.
    • During and after the procedure, it is imperative to ask the child about his well-being, discomfort and improvements. This way you can find out whether therapy is right for him or not.

    SMT physiotherapy – an effect that provides relief from pain

    SMT physiotherapy gets its name from the sinusoidal modulated currents used in the procedure. This type of physiotherapy is also called amplipulstherapy. In this case, the body is exposed to a sinusoidal current with a frequency of five thousand Hertz, modulated by an amplitude that fluctuates at a low frequency (LF) - from ten to one hundred and fifty Hertz.

    The NPs used correspond to the frequencies of fluctuations in the biocurrents of our body, which arise during the work of muscles, brain and nerves. Their synchronization with the used SMTs allows high-frequency current to penetrate deep tissues without irritating skin receptors, and low-frequency currents have a stimulating effect on the nervous, vascular and muscular systems. SMT is well tolerated by patients, so pediatric practice, when it is necessary to influence the child’s mucous membranes, gives preference to amplipulse therapy.

    To maximize the effectiveness of treatment and expand the range of tissues excited, physiotherapy alternates between two different modulated frequencies: 150 Hz, which remains unchanged, and adjustable in a given low-frequency range. The duration of both frequencies is also adjusted differently - ranging from one to five seconds. The result of this effect is a rhythmic contraction of muscles, a decrease in tissue swelling due to the outflow of metabolic products from the source of pathology. Along with swelling, peripheral pain goes away, which, in turn, causes a decrease in spasm of blood vessels. And the dilated vessels already provide normal nutrition to the affected tissues and restore their impaired performance.

    Application of SMT therapy

    The range of indications for the use of SMT is very wide. SMT physiotherapy helps patients:

    • with impaired peripheral circulation,
    • with functional disorders of the neuromuscular system,
    • with tissue trophism (for example, bedsores in patients with damaged spinal cord);
    • for chronic inflammatory processes (radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia),
    • for gynecological diseases,
    • for diseases of the oral mucosa.

    It is also used to stimulate muscles (especially striated muscles), for breathing problems, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    SMT is a panacea for diseases of the spine and joints

    The ability of a series of low-frequency pulses to physiologically rhythmically affect tissue allows you to quickly get rid of the dominant pain, which is especially important for pathologies of the spine and joints. Rhythmic muscle contraction during the procedure and monotonous stimulation of pain receptors allows for temporary insensitivity to pain. At the same time, the swelling that has formed around the nerve, which also causes pain, resolves. Improving blood and lymph circulation restores normal tissue functioning.

    The ability to engage a large number of different muscles can replace an hour-long workout at a sports club. This circumstance is used in the treatment of overweight patients.

    Physiotherapy SMT - reviews, for children, contraindications

    Physiotherapeutic treatments are often used as an adjuvant during the main treatment process.

    • awakening the body’s own hidden reserves;
    • qualitative improvement of the immune system;
    • reducing treatment time;
    • activation of the most important biochemical processes;
    • faster healing of wounds and inflammation.

    SMT physiotherapy, as one of these methods, is based on the action of Sinusoidally Modulated Currents.

    The domestic method of electrical treatment is amplipulse therapy SMT - electrical stimulation with alternating currents in the form of amplitude pulsation.

    Back in the first half of the last, twentieth century, a special medical device “Amplympulse” was developed and put into practice, intended for physiotherapeutic therapy.

    Today, devices of the same name are used under modification numbers 4-8.

    The devices “Neuroimpulse”, “Stimulus 1” and “Stimulus 2” have been used in SMT therapy.

    Sinusoidally modulated currents have a number of positive parameters:

    • simulation of metabolic processes in tissues and organs of the body;
    • reduce tissue swelling, ischemia, and venous stagnation.

    CMT physiotherapy has a direct impact on:

    Amplipulse therapy activates the vessels of the respiratory and motor centers, which leads to: an increase in the outflow of venous blood and the influx of arterial blood; the tone of blood vessels improves; breathing and heart rate calms down and becomes less frequent.

    Application of SMT physiotherapy

    • diseases of the central nervous system (meningoencephalitis, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, cerebral stroke);
    • diseases of the ENT system (pharyngitis, vasomotor rhinitis);
    • dystrophic and inflammatory eye diseases;
    • cardiovascular diseases (myelopathy, parkinsonism, post-stroke condition, atherosclerosis of the limbs and blood vessels, circulatory disorders of the spinal cord and brain, migraine, Raynaud's disease, hypertension);
    • urological diseases (stones in the ureters, enuresis, impotence, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis); gastrointestinal diseases (dyskinesia, constipation, gastric disorders, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer);
    • pulmonology (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis);
    • injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal and joint systems (bone fractures and bruises, muscle atrophy, spogdylosis, osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, periarthritis, deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis);
    • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuromyositis, radiculitis, plexitis, neuropathy, neuralgia).

    Electrotherapy for children

    Children's electrotherapy is carried out by a physiotherapist, according to the recommendations of children's doctors (ENT doctors, orthopedists, neurologists, pediatricians).

    Treatment includes the main methods of SMT physiotherapy:

    Electrotherapy for children is carried out in a special physiotherapy department of the clinic.

    The procedures are carried out by nurses and doctors with special medical training.

    In the children's department of the clinic, safety regulations and the necessary conditions of sanitary hygiene are observed.


    SMT physiotherapy is contraindicated for:

    • thrombophlebitis;
    • fractures with unfixed bone fragments;
    • ruptures of muscle ligaments and muscles;
    • fresh tissue hematomas;
    • blood clotting disorders;
    • high body temperatures;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis (active form);
    • presence or suspicion of malignant tumors;
    • acute purulent and inflammatory processes.


    Are there any mothers here whose children were prescribed electropulse therapy?

    Somehow I doubt its effectiveness.

    My baby was not prescribed anything other than inhalations.

    But I myself can boast that with the help of physiotherapy I got rid of an ovarian cyst and became pregnant!

    By the way, I had an electrophoresis procedure with copper.

    How does the light therapy procedure occur and why is it prescribed?

    In my opinion, light therapy is prescribed for severe postpartum jaundice.

    And they do it like this: they put the child under a special lamp, put special goggles on him (like swimming goggles), and leave him there.

    Well, mine is unlikely to allow glasses to be pulled on him and then left to lie quietly.

    He doesn’t care what kind of goggles he has, swimming or television.

    Yes, the fact of the matter is that I have the same son.

    He will never allow anyone to commit violence against himself.

    Unfortunately, we have a lot of different indications and directions.

    Moreover, from a neurologist!

    You have to go through, otherwise you will get confused in the queues.

    This is not how electrotherapy is done at all!

    The child simply lies down in a comfortable position, is given an interesting toy and is moved with a light sensor along the lower back, chest, back and shoulders.

    Just like an adult ultrasound.

    Let me jump in...

    I don’t know about anyone, but in my opinion, physiotherapy is an amazing procedure.

    There are many cases when a child, after a physical procedure, begins to sit down, stand up, walk, run, and even wipe his own snot.

    In the first year of her life, my daughter was successively given electrophoresis and muscle electrical stimulation (the back muscles were rather weak).

    The effect of the procedure was obvious to everyone.

    Physiotherapy SMT: what is it?

    The SMT procedure and the features of such physical therapy, how it is performed

    In most cases, physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of treating a particular disease.

    However, in the initial stages of the disease, this method can be used as an independent method.

    Also, physiological procedures are an excellent prevention of a large number of pathologies.

    These procedures help activate the body's reserve capabilities, improve the immune system, shorten the duration of treatment and activate important biochemical processes, as a result of which inflammation and wounds heal quickly. And SMT physiotherapy is one of the techniques based on the work of sinusoidal modulated currents.

    What is SMT physical therapy?

    SMT stands for Sinusoidal Modulated Currents. This therapy involves treatment with amplipulsterapy. The SMT procedure is an effect on the patient’s body through an electric current that is generated through a special device.

    The device for carrying out the SMT procedure is a rather complex device that includes the following components:

    • current generator;
    • remote control;
    • electrodes that transmit impulses to the patient's body.

    The most popular devices for carrying out the procedure in institutions are the following:

    Also, many other European-made devices are used for physiotherapy.

    The operating principle is as follows:

    • sinusoidal current directly affects nerve endings;
    • the impact occurs with a given frequency and in a certain rhythm;
    • The key purpose of such procedures is to alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

    Compared to hardware treatment methods using dynamic current, SMT procedures have a gentle effect; such physiotherapy has virtually no contraindications.

    Amplipulse therapy can be used to treat neurological diseases that occur against the background of cardiac dysfunction.

    Such procedures promote deep penetration into the structures of the body, this stimulates skeletal muscles, as well as large blood vessels and smooth muscles of internal organs.

    Results of physiotherapy through SMT

    After the SMT procedure, the results may be as follows:

    • elimination of pain of various types;
    • development of muscle relaxation - hypertonicity and muscle tension against the background of spasms are relieved;
    • blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated;
    • metabolic processes are normalized;
    • has a general strengthening effect;
    • stimulates metabolism in the liver;
    • improves the secretory function of the adrenal glands and pancreas;
    • relaxation of a psychosomatic nature.

    Physical therapy through SMT is best done in a clinical setting under the guidance of a physician.

    It is necessary to take into account the human anatomy, know all the details of the disease (nature and stage), so that the electrodes can be placed in a particular area.

    The procedure will be effective only with repeated course use.

    Indications for the use of SMT physiotherapy

    The scope of application of SMT is very wide:

    • neuralgia, neuropathy, plexitis, radiculitis, neuromyositis and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
    • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and joints, such as deforming arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis, periarthritis, ankylosing spondylosis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, bruises, fractures, muscle atrophy;
    • pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, indigestion, constipation, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis);
    • urological diseases - impotence, enuresis, prostatitis, cystitis and much more;
    • heart diseases - hypertension, migraines, atherosclerosis and much more;
    • dystrophic and inflammatory eye diseases;
    • ENT diseases;
    • diseases of the nervous system.

    Physiotherapy for SMT in gynecology

    Quite often, physiotherapy relieves long-standing illnesses that are not amenable to traditional methods of treatment. SMT is used for chronic inflammation that lasts more than 5 years.

    SMT procedures in the rectified mode are practiced for zinc electrophoresis. The electrophoresis procedure using SMT currents is combined with salicylate, novocaine and magnesium when inflammation is combined with endometriosis.

    How is the SMT procedure performed?

    The procedure for exposing the patient to sinusoidal currents is carried out without special preparation. It is carried out in a lying position, less often in a standing or sitting position.

    Current is supplied to the body through electrodes, and hydrophilic pads are also used. They are fixed with weights and elastic bandages.

    The best effect can be achieved by relaxing the muscles.

    The size of the electrodes should preferably match the area of ​​the impact zone. You can practice intracavitary use - these are sterilized electrodes that are washed off with Vaseline and introduced into the body.

    Devices for SMT physiotherapy are equipped with several operating modes. They differ in current exposure time and frequency.

    The principle of operation of the device is to alternate pulses and pauses.

    The patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure; slight tingling and vibration are allowed in the area of ​​treatment.

    The peculiarity of the procedure is as follows:

    • one session lasts from 10 minutes to an hour;
    • procedures are carried out every day for 7-10 days;
    • if necessary, the course of physiotherapy is repeated every other week;
    • physiotherapy can be combined with magnetotherapy, ultrasound and mud therapy;
    • SMT procedures are also combined with physical therapy, acupuncture, and professional massage.

    Is it possible to do CMT physical therapy at home?

    Devices for carrying out SMT procedures can be used not only in special rooms, but also in regular hospitals and at home. Moreover, such devices are small in size. In particular, the Amplipulse-6 device is used to treat the following diseases:

    • myocardial infarction;
    • severe stages of coronary heart disease;
    • stroke;
    • impairment of motor functions after various types of injuries.

    SMT has virtually no side effects. An allergic reaction may occur due to intolerance to electric current.

    SMT physiotherapy has many advantages compared to other treatment methods. It is used according to indications, taking into account the characteristics and stage of the disease, the patient’s age and other factors.

    Possible contraindications

    The SMT procedure cannot be prescribed in the following cases:

    • acute infections and purulent processes;
    • inflammation and fever;
    • oncological diseases;
    • active tuberculosis;
    • blood diseases;
    • open wounds and hematomas;
    • dermatitis and eczema;
    • unfixed fractures, ruptures of muscle tissue and ligaments;
    • pregnancy;
    • hypertension;
    • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

    The procedure is prescribed with extreme caution in case of epilepsy and other nervous diseases, as well as in the presence of a pacemaker and other devices on the body.

    SMT therapy is carried out taking into account safety precautions in specially equipped rooms.

    SMT - physiotherapy. apparatus for physiotherapy. SMT physiotherapy - what is it?

    Physiotherapy is understood as one of the methods of treatment in which not chemical factors (medicines) are used, but physical ones.

    These include, for example, laser, ultrasound, magnetic field, currents, etc. During the procedures, special physiotherapy devices are used.

    Indications for use include almost all pathologies of internal organs. Contraindications are individual in nature.

    Benefits of therapeutic interventions

    Thanks to this effect, the time to get rid of many pathologies is significantly reduced, relapses and complications of diseases are prevented.

    Physiotherapy does not cause the side effects associated with drug treatment.

    During the procedures, there is an increase in the effect of the medications taken, which in turn significantly reduces their dosage and duration of use, and in some cases makes it possible to completely abandon pharmacological agents.

    Physiotherapy methods. Treatment using electric current

    Electrotherapy involves the use of direct or pulsed current. Exposure to electromagnetic fields of different frequencies is also used. Treatment methods using electricity vary. Each of them is characterized by certain features.

    Galvanization is a procedure during which exposure to continuous electric current of low voltage (from 30 to 60 V), low strength (up to 50 mA), constant amplitude and direction occurs.

    Indications include a number of chronic inflammatory diseases and circulatory disorders.

    By means of a direct electric current, medications are administered through the mucous membranes and skin. Drug electrophoresis, therefore, involves the action of two factors: a specific medication and galvanic current.

    Pulse impact

    During procedures, the effect of current can be inhibitory (painkiller, for example) or exciting (muscle stimulation).

    This depends on the pulse shape (it can be rectangular, half-sine or sinusoidal), frequency and duration. Diadynamic therapy involves the use of direct currents with a half-sinusoidal shape.

    Frequency – 50 and 100 Hz. Combinations of impulses can also be used during procedures.

    If we consider the general nature of the effect, diadynamic therapy has few differences from galvanization.

    However, the pulsed nature of direct current in the first case ensures deeper penetration into muscle tissue.

    In this regard, during the exposure process, an analgesic effect appears.

    Electrosleep is a neurotropic pulsed electrotherapy. The impact is carried out on subcortical brain structures.

    Due to the synchronization of impulses and biorhythms in the central nervous system, inhibition processes are activated and sleep occurs.

    This method is used in the treatment of children with night sleep disorders, mental and nervous pathologies. Indications include enuresis and atopic dermatitis.

    Treatment using low frequencies. Physiotherapy SMT

    What kind of impact is this? This type treatment involves the use of modulated sinusoidal current of audio frequency. Pulse series for which the modulation frequency, pause and duration can be changed are called sinusoidal modulated current.

    SMT in medicine is used to facilitate deep penetration into tissues. During the exposure process, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases. CMT physiotherapy is especially effective for children.

    Physiotherapy is understood as one of the methods of treatment in which not chemical factors (medicines) are used, but physical ones. These include, for example, laser, ultrasound, magnetic field, currents, etc. During the procedures, special physiotherapy devices are used. Indications for use include almost all pathologies of internal organs. Contraindications are individual in nature.

    Benefits of therapeutic interventions

    Thanks to this effect, the time to get rid of many pathologies is significantly reduced, relapses and complications of diseases are prevented. Physiotherapy does not cause the side effects associated with drug treatment. During the procedures, there is an increase in the effect of the medications taken, which in turn significantly reduces their dosage and duration of use, and in some cases makes it possible to completely abandon pharmacological agents.

    Physiotherapy methods. Treatment using electric current

    Electrotherapy involves the use of direct or pulsed current. Exposure to electromagnetic fields of different frequencies is also used. Treatment methods using electricity vary. Each of them is characterized by certain features.

    Galvanization is a procedure during which exposure to continuous electric current of low voltage (from 30 to 60 V), low strength (up to 50 mA), constant amplitude and direction occurs. It is recommended for lesions and pathologies of the peripheral and central nervous systems, for injuries, and disorders of the digestive system. Indications include a number of chronic inflammatory diseases and circulatory disorders.

    By means of a direct electric current, medications are administered through the mucous membranes and skin. thus, it involves the action of two factors: a specific medication and galvanic current.

    Pulse impact

    During procedures, the effect of the current can be inhibitory (pain-relieving, for example) or exciting. This depends on the shape of the pulse (it can be rectangular, half-sinusoidal or sinusoidal), frequency and duration. Diadynamic therapy involves the use of direct currents with a half-sinusoidal shape. Frequency - 50 and 100 Hz. Combinations of impulses can also be used during procedures.

    If we consider the general nature of the effect, diadynamic therapy has few differences from galvanization. However, the pulsed nature of direct current in the first case ensures deeper penetration into muscle tissue. In this regard, during the exposure process, an analgesic effect appears.

    Electrosleep is a neurotropic pulsed electrotherapy. The impact is carried out on subcortical brain structures. Due to the synchronization of impulses and biorhythms in the central nervous system, inhibition processes are activated and sleep occurs. This method is used in the treatment of children with night sleep disorders, mental and nervous pathologies. Indications include enuresis and atopic dermatitis.

    Treatment using Physiotherapy SMT

    What kind of impact is this? This involves the use of modulated audio frequency. Pulse series for which the modulation frequency, pause and duration can be changed are called sinusoidal modulated current.

    SMT in medicine is used to facilitate deep penetration into tissues. During the exposure process, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases. CMT physiotherapy is especially effective for children. Reviews from many parents indicate not only the high effectiveness of this treatment, but also its safety. Within a relatively short period, manifestations of a number of pathologies of the respiratory system, character dysfunction, and enuresis are eliminated.

    Myoelectric stimulation is SMT physiotherapy used for correction functional state nerves and muscles. One example is the implantation of a miniature pacemaker, which provides rhythmic impulses to the heart against the background of a blockade of its conduction pathways. In addition, this method of treatment is used for pathologies of muscles and nerves.

    Fluctuarization and interference therapy

    SMT physiotherapy using an alternating sinusoidal current of low voltage and strength with a chaotic frequency and amplitude is recommended for diseases of the nervous system (peripheral) accompanied by pain. Indications also include inflammatory pathologies of the superficial type (occurring on the skin).

    Interference therapy is the complex effect of two electrical currents with the same amplitude and average different frequencies. Pulses are supplied through two or more pairs of electrodes so that they interfere (overlap and amplify) within the tissue. This treatment is recommended for patients with injuries and pathologies of bones and muscles (damage to ligaments, for example), the central nervous system, enuresis, and pain syndromes.

    Treatment using medium frequency current

    Darsonvalization is an impact on specific areas of the body using low frequency, high voltage, low force and impulsive nature. The active factor is corona discharge (a type of gas discharge). It occurs between a special electrode and the surface of the body. With a small air gap, the corona discharge is quiet, with a large one - a spark discharge. Both of these types are used in the treatment of a fairly large number of pathologies. In particular, indications include neuralgia, varicose veins, neuritis affecting the auditory nerve, and hypertension. Recommended treatment for migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, prostatitis, and persistent wounds.

    Ultratonotherapy is SMT physiotherapy using low-intensity current and frequency. The active factor, as with darsonvalization, is corona discharge. However, with ultratonotherapy, the effect causes pain of less intensity.

    Dynamic electrical neurostimulation is the effect of current pulses, the shape of which is set in accordance with the values ​​of the absolute electrical resistance of the skin surface under the electrode. During the procedure, a local effect occurs. However, the influence can spread over a wide area. DENS is recommended for patients with various neuralgia, movement disorders, osteochondrosis, and traumatic injuries.

    Ultrahigh frequency treatment

    This effect on the body is carried out mainly using electromagnetic field ultra-high frequency with a wavelength from 1 to 10 m. The active factor in this case is an alternating field that can penetrate to great depths. The impact is accompanied by the release of heat in the tissues. This is due to vibrations of charged particles.

    In addition, an oscillatory effect appears, which is an orientational displacement of dipole molecules - glycolipids, water-soluble proteins, phospholipids, glycoproteins. This, in turn, contributes to changes in their physical and chemical properties, affects enzymatic and free radical reactions in tissues. UHF is prescribed for chronic and acute inflammatory pathologies of internal and ENT organs, urinary, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems.

    Physiotherapy devices

    These devices are used to provide therapeutic effects using laser radiation, magnetic field, electric current, heat and other things. The Darsonval device has been used since the end of the 19th century. One of the characteristic effects when using the equipment is a vegetative-vascular reaction. It develops according to the principle of the axon reflex and is accompanied by an increase in microcirculation, expansion of capillaries and arterioles.

    In addition, there is a decrease in blood pressure, vascular spasms are eliminated, and the permeability of the vascular walls changes. It should be noted that the antispasmodic effect is observed not only in the areas exposed to the effect, but also in segmentally associated areas and in internal organs. In case of cardiac pathologies, the use of the device improves myocardial nutrition, dilates the coronary vessels, and normalizes the rhythm against the background of tachycardia in patients with moderate coronary artery disease.

    Device "Amplipulse"

    This is a universal multifunctional SMT treatment device used in clinics. The device has 4 independent channels. This allows you to act on several procedural fields simultaneously. The main types of therapeutic effects include analgesia, vasodilator, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, there is an anti-edematous, trophic-stimulating, absorbable effect.


    The procedures are recommended for patients with severe pain, vascular disorders, and exudative inflammatory processes. Indications include degenerative-dystrophic processes and hypotrophy phenomena. The device also has an electropuncture mode. This allows you to influence biopoints with sinusoidal simulated currents (SMT physiotherapy). Feedback from patients indicates the high effectiveness of the treatment. They note a significant improvement in their condition. According to many patients, SMT physiotherapy does not cause side effects characteristic of pharmacological drugs. Exposure to simulated currents is tolerated satisfactorily by patients of all ages.

    Contraindications to treatment using electric current

    All procedures are carried out in accordance with the established diagnosis. For a number of pathologies, electrotherapy is not prescribed. Such diseases, in particular, include malignant tumors, cardiac arrhythmias, and severe circulatory disorders. Among the contraindications, it should be noted diseases accompanied by high temperature body, acute inflammatory processes. This type of treatment is not prescribed to patients with a predisposition to thrombosis.
