Professor Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich - biography, inventions, drugs. Neumyvakin useful tips for health Where does Professor Neumyvakin conduct an appointment?

Ivan Neumyvakin - professor, doctor of medical sciences, laureate of the State Prize, one of the founders of space medicine, author of unique healing methods. His name is well known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. For more than a year now, Kirov residents have had a unique opportunity to experience the effectiveness of the professor’s methodology by undergoing a healing procedure at the unique Neumyvakin Development Center. At the beginning of September, the famous doctor came to our city again.

“We don’t treat anyone, we make them healthy,” Ivan Pavlovich likes to repeat. And there is no guile in these words, since Neumyvakin’s technique is an absolutely drug-free way to regain lost health. Moreover, the professor is sure that there are absolutely no incurable diseases, there are conditions that prevent this from being done.

For 30 years, Neumyvakin created a hospital for astronauts, so the system he developed was truly tested in practice. “Manned flights have been conducted for more than 50 years, and the astronauts have had virtually no health problems,” says Ivan Pavlovich. - But in fact, my whole life was aimed at looking for the best simple means and ways to prevent a person from getting sick, and if this happened, then how to restore him and make him healthy again. I did not practice disease medicine, which is widespread today. Its essence comes down to the fact that the doctor starts from the disease and selects medications for it that will eliminate the symptoms, and they believe that the person has been cured. But not a single person has ever become healthy this way.”

What, then, is Neumyvakin’s idea? Everything is quite simple: cleansing the body, a healthy lifestyle and a few simple rules: at least 1.5 liters of water per day, physical activity and a number of generally simple health procedures. Too easy? Perhaps, but, as the famous doctor assures, taking care of your health should not be complicated, but systematic. Moreover, in the Neumyvakin method important role is given not so much to the doctor as to the patient.

“All my life I have been searching for where this point is on which human health depends, it turns out, consciousness. For example, in our center the word “disease” is not even uttered. But after 3 weeks, patients who previously suffered from “chronic hypertension”, “insurmountable excess weight”, “permanent osteochondrosis” and other “incurable” diseases emerge practically healthy and with the understanding that from their consciousness, their attitude towards the target task “It all depends on being healthy,” says Professor Neumyvakin. - We really make a healthy person out of a sick person, but through his understanding. He must understand what happened to him and what he must do in order to say goodbye to this illness and be healthy. Of course, if you are not ready to follow the recommendations in ordinary life, then let him go to the doctors and fight the symptoms of the disease.”

As Ivan Pavlovich assures, 2-3 weeks of treatment at the Center are enough to tune in to recovery; if the problem is very serious and the result is not achieved in one course, then the treatment must be repeated after 2-3 months.

Hearth of health

Many books have been written about Professor Neumyvakin’s method. His health tips are published in many Russian publications. Nevertheless, Ivan Pavlovich is not ready to stop there. That is why he has been working for many years to create health centers like the Kirov one.

“It’s nonsense to me that people die at 60. Unfortunately, official medicine does not set the goal of making a person healthy. I set such a problem, solved it for space, now I want to implement all this in civil society, - the professor shares his plans. - Nothing supernatural is required. One small center, where there are several nurses, a doctor who knows the technology, and a sister-hostess, can treat 30 people in three weeks. And to such centers of health in Russian Federation there were no funds, but in the Kirov region, with the support of a State Duma deputy, we were able to accomplish this. So this same health center has been operating in Kirov for a year now. After 3 weeks, all our patients stop taking medications, of course, with rare exceptions like type 2 diabetes and others, or switch to minimal consumption. People leave us with such self-awareness that they understand perfectly well that if they don’t do for themselves what we recommended to them, they will definitely go to the doctors, where they will be put on medication again. And we must not forget that not only are modern medications getting worse and worse, they also literally bind a person to themselves. That is why the medicine of illness has long ceased to exist for me. For me, health medicine is the future, what doctors should do. And bonuses should be not for the number of sick people, but for the number of healthy people.”

Space medicine - terrestrial

Currently, the Professor Neumyvakin Health Center is ready to accept only 16 patients per month. But in October the situation should change. Not only will another building with 30 seats be completed, the Health Center will turn into a real international health center for space technologies. Because all the best that has been done for space will be collected here.

For example, the Center will provide various types of massages according to indications - acupuncture and, finally, special hydrowave baths will be used for healing.

“We passed many pilgrimage places where thousands of people come to take a dip in the water, which heals. The miracle of healing was subjected to scientific analysis, and it was then that special electromagnetic fields were discovered that “charge” the water. We learned to take this characteristic of geomagnetic fields and use it in baths,” says Ivan Pavlovich. - It will not be necessary to go to Tibet, France, China or Kabardino-Balkaria to plunge into the miraculous spring. These conditions will be recreated in Kirov on the basis of our Center. This will allow you to deal with many ailments on the spot. For example, in France, diabetes is treated using similar technologies. In addition, we are seriously planning to address the problems of childbirth. I can officially declare that 80% of the problem of infertility can be solved without any in vitro fertilization.”

To get to the Professor Neumyvakin Center, you do not need to undergo lengthy diagnostic tests; you just need to call and arrange an appointment. The necessary diagnostics and prescription of a treatment course take place directly here. “I myself periodically come to the Center not only to monitor the healing process, but also, as they say, to cleanse myself. I am sure that you need to devote time to your own health, so the course should be carried out with complete shutdown. And I not only talk about this, but also do it. By the way, it is believed that the first part of life is spent on achieving material well-being mainly at the expense of one’s health, and the second half of life is spent on well-being to get rid of diseases. But I don’t recommend following this approach. Remember that health is the same important work and even more important than everything you do in life. 15-30 minutes of using the method I developed a day, and you will have material wealth in youth, health and satisfaction from life in old age,” Neumyvakin is sure.

A few secrets from Ivan Neumyvakin

  • Drink more water. Moreover, tea, coffee, compote are not water, but a modified energy liquid. Our body secretes 1.5 liters of processed fluid per day. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink more than this amount.
  • Food must be drunk, that is, chewed so much that it is almost liquid. But you should not drink during or immediately after a meal, this reduces the concentration of gastric juice and reduces the body’s strength to process food.
  • It is necessary to maintain the acid-base balance and ensure that an alkaline environment is created in the body. In our mouth we have an alkaline reaction pH 7.6-7.9, in the stomach the environment is acidic - pH 0.5-0.1, duodenum - 7.8-8.8 (alkaline environment), in the small intestine it is even more . PH 7.4 is an indicator of acidity in blood plasma. As soon as it decreases, acidification of the body occurs (99% of people suffer from this). And in an acidified environment, any pathogenic organisms, including cancer cells, are activated. If the pH of the plasma is less than 7, then cancer is guaranteed, but if these cells are placed in an alkaline environment of 7.4, the cancer cells die. Baking soda will help increase the level of alkali in the body. Start drinking with a teaspoon per glass of hot water - drink on an empty stomach. Use baking soda (you can add a drop of peroxide) to clean your teeth.

Are you familiar with the system developed by Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin? His technique, which seems to many to be a real miracle, receives negative and positive reviews. Let's try to figure it out and take a closer look at this system related to alternative medicine.

History of creation

Ivan Neumyvakin’s system allows every person to become healthy. And this is in spite of pollution environment and many other negative factors. Using this system, you can regain and maintain your health without drugs, surgeries or large financial investments.

Doctor Ivan Neumyvakin began his labor activity having reached the position of head of the department involved in the development of a system for providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations. To implement the program for improving the health of people of such an unusual profession, the best doctors and scientists of the Soviet Union were involved in the work.

Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, USSR, supplemented the power of Soviet medicine with his own inventions. Under his leadership, a unique health improvement system was created, using which our cosmonauts are protected from all diseases.

The essence of the method

What is the main meaning of the idea of ​​Ivan Neumyvakin, the founder of space medicine? There is nothing complicated in his system. It requires a correct lifestyle and the implementation of a few very simple rules, consisting of:

Drinking 1.5 liters of water daily;
- regular physical activity;
- performing simple health procedures.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. This is what pushes some ignorant people to leave negative reviews about the method developed by Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. However, the famous doctor assures that taking care of your own health should not be too difficult at all. It just needs to be done systematically.

Ivan Pavlovich is in constant search more and more new and improved treatment methods, as well as preventive measures aimed at preventing various types of pathologies. At the same time, he uses nonspecific methods of influencing the body. The professor believes that this approach is the basis of the medicine of the future. It will unite the invaluable experience that has been accumulated by both traditional and official medicine, and will connect it with spiritual and physical worlds person.

Professor Neumyvakin is convinced that a contaminated body cannot be healthy. Moreover, it must be constantly freed from toxins. This requires, as Neumyvakin claims, cleansing of the liver and kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and all systems, which will allow them to maintain their internal condition at the proper level. The basic principles of the system of the founder of space medicine are the firm conviction that:

A person is a bioenergetic system with strict internal relationships, capable of self-reproduction and self-regulation, and the safety margin of this living mechanism always exceeds the strength of the influence of negative environmental factors;
- the presence of toxins in the body disrupts the functioning of the immune system and shifts the bioenergy balance, which causes various pathologies; eliminating all this without the use of chemical drugs allows you to get rid of the disease.

Health Center

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin opened his “space” hospital on Earth, which has no analogues in the whole world. It is located in the Kirov region, in the village of Borovitsa.

The wellness center of the famous doctor is quite small. However, its staff consists of experienced and qualified specialists. Despite its small scale, this “space” hospital is capable of putting 30 people on their feet in three weeks. Just twenty-one days - and patients practically stop taking medications. They leave the center knowing that they must regularly implement the recommendations they receive. Otherwise, they will again be forced to take chemicals.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich monitors the Health Center periodically. He observes the processes taking place there.

Methods used at the I. P. Neumyvakin Health Center

Upon admission to the “space” hospital, the patient undergoes computer iridology, which gives an assessment of the condition of his body. Such studies are carried out on the iris of the eye. At the initial stage, the dowsing method is also used, based on reading the information contained in a person’s biofield shell (his aura).

Next, the process of cleansing the body of accumulated toxins occurs. In this case, colon hydrotherapy is used. This technique is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient and using a variety of physiological methods. One of them is the use of one of the most powerful antioxidants that can destroy pathogenic microflora, namely atomic oxygen. At the same time, oxygen starvation of the body, which underlies any pathology, including cancer, is eliminated.

The Neumyvakin Health Center uses proprietary methods to strengthen the immune system and activate bioenergetic processes. Moreover, these methods of restoring health have no analogues throughout the world.

The patient undergoes spinal correction through shock wave massage. This original procedure is also the author's technique. Just one or two sessions of such a massage can restore the broken relationships of the vertebrae, thereby restoring the health of the entire body.

After colon hydrotherapy, patients undergo lymphatic drainage. Cleansing this interstitial fluid, which is responsible for removing waste from the body, contributes to the overall cleansing of the body.

Another technique used at the I.P. Wellness Center Neumyvakina, - correction of the biofield structure. The clinic’s medical workers will help the patient understand the situation that has developed at work, in the family, and suggest solutions to eliminate the problem. In addition, they will learn to independently resist negative psychological influences in the future.

In addition, the Center uses special products called magnetotrons, which have no analogues in the whole world. These are biocorrectors such as funnels and bracelets, the structure of which exactly matches magnetic field Earth. These products feed a person with the missing energy, restoring his biofield structure.

In addition to the methods described above, the Professor Neumyvakin Wellness Center conducts:
- treatment using hydrogen peroxide;
- ultraviolet irradiation of blood using the Helios-1 apparatus;
- treatment with such healing natural deposits as sapropel.

What is important to know for those who have used the services of the Wellness Center

At the end of the course, the patient is given recommendations that take into account his individual characteristics and the nature of his existing diseases. Further, everything will depend on the person himself who visited the Health Center, which was opened by Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. Will the client leave negative or positive reviews about this unique method? Everything will depend on the person's choice. Will he follow the path of health or will he turn to the path of vegetating in illness and disease? Of course, you will need constant work on yourself. But health is worth it.

Secrets from Professor Neumyvakin

The recommendations that the founder of space medicine gives to his patients are surprisingly simple and accessible. Nevertheless, Ivan Neumyvakin’s advice will allow a person to improve his emotional background, health and well-being, while getting rid of chronic diseases that torment him.

The professor is of the opinion that diseases are only the improper functioning of biochemical processes in our body. By aligning them, you can get rid of ailments. Ivan Neumyvakin proposes to eliminate such serious diseases as stroke, heart attack, gangrene, atherosclerosis, etc. using ordinary hydrogen peroxide. When split, this substance releases atomic oxygen, which kills all pathogenic microflora present in the body, including cancer cells. Hydrogen peroxide can also protect a person from many viruses, which will allow him not to get sick during a flu epidemic.

Another valuable piece of advice from the famous professor is proper breathing. This will save our body from many problems. For example, inhaling carbon dioxide from plastic bag will eliminate the pain syndrome.

Neumyvakin attaches particular importance to water. It is the No. 1 food for our body and a powerful energy information system. You need to drink up to one and a half liters of water daily. Moreover, coffee, tea or compote cannot be considered water. These products are modified energy liquid.

The professor's next advice concerns the food we eat. In his opinion, products must be chewed very thoroughly, bringing them almost to a liquid state. But the scientist does not recommend drinking before and immediately after meals. The liquid will reduce the concentration of gastric juice and reduce the body's strength necessary to process food.

An important factor for the health of the body is maintaining the acid-base balance. The body must not be allowed to become acidic. Human health suffers from this. And in order to increase the level of alkali, Neumyvakin advises drinking soda dissolved in warm water on an empty stomach. The same product is good for brushing your teeth.

The author of numerous works is Ivan Neumyvakin. Books written by the famous professor (“Diabetes. Myths and Reality”, “Reserve Capabilities of the Body. Breathing. Consciousness” and others) give recommendations on the healing method he developed. Anyone who is interested in this alternative way of eliminating diseases will find extensive and very useful information in these publications.

Treatment of joints

According to Neumyvakin, arthrosis, like other ailments, occurs when metabolic processes in the body are disrupted. At the same time, the scientist claims that it is possible to get rid of this formidable pathology without drugs.

How does Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich treat joints? To eliminate the disease, he uses hydrogen peroxide. This drug can be found in almost every home medicine cabinet, but most of us simply do not know about its miraculous properties. Dr. Neumyvakin uses this remedy in his practice, achieving excellent results. Explaining the miraculous properties of ordinary hydrogen peroxide, the professor points out that this substance is involved in many metabolic processes of the human body. In particular, it helps transport sugar in the blood. Hydrogen peroxide saturates every cell of the body, helps strengthen the immune system and destroys foci of infections and inflammation.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich suggests treating joints in one of two ways:

Using hydrogen peroxide internally (by injection or orally);
- using the drug externally in the form of compresses, which are especially useful for pain.

What are the dosages of hydrogen peroxide? Reception begins with one drop, previously dissolved in 30-50 milliliters of water. This volume is taken three times during the day, thirty minutes before meals. Gradually the number of drops of hydrogen peroxide is increased to ten. After a short break (2-3 days), administration is resumed. Then the course of treatment is continued. The same volume (10 drops dissolved in water) is consumed three times a day for two to three months.
The injection solution is prepared from 2 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of pharmaceutical solution. For a compress, mix 2 tsp. drug with 50 ml of water.

The scheme that Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin developed for the treatment of joints can receive negative reviews only from people suffering from certain gastrointestinal diseases. They should use hydrogen peroxide with caution.

Cancer treatment

The “space” technique allows you to cure even oncological diseases. Ivan Neumyvakin is firmly convinced of this. Cancer, according to him, is treated with the same hydrogen peroxide. Of course, such a statement does not find support among oncologists. However, in the early twentieth century, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in the treatment of diseases such as asthma and tuberculosis, typhoid and cholera.

Neumyvakin considers the use of this drug to rid patients of cancer to be completely justified. His belief is based on conclusions drawn from numerous studies.

According to the method of the famous professor, to treat cancer you need to prepare a solution consisting of one drop of 3% peroxide diluted in 50 ml of water. On the first day of the course, this remedy is taken three times. Then the dosage is gradually increased. Every day, add one drop more to the peroxide solution. On the tenth day of the course of treatment, the patient should take a solution with 10 drops of the medicinal drug in one dose. A break follows. After five days, treatment continues further.

For many years now, Professor Neumyvakin has been ridding his patients of cancer using the method he developed. At the same time, he advises not to interrupt the course of treatment even if side effects appear. For such patients, the scientist recommends reducing the dosage of the drug.

Treatment with soda

We all know this white powder, indispensable in everyday life and cooking. However, not everyone knows about his amazing healing properties. What does Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin say about this? Soda, in his opinion, is a miraculous powder that can help us out in almost all life situations. Natural substance will bring invaluable benefits for acute respiratory infections and poisoning, and will also restore immunity. Baking soda is the best medicine for seasickness. In addition, it neutralizes the effect of any poisons in the human body.

Neumyvakin, in his lectures and speeches, tells listeners that soda helps thin the blood. Already 15 minutes after administration white powder the acid-base environment is in balance, the imbalance of which is the main cause of serious diseases and ailments. In addition, soda helps cleanse the body and restore the normal functioning of its environments and systems.

Regular intake of healing powder cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, dissolves stones in various organs, rejuvenates tissue cells and strengthens immune forces. Under the influence of soda, even cancer diseases recede.


Soda is the strongest natural laxative. But do not rush to get results and exceed the permissible initial dosage. The result of such rash actions will be diarrhea, as the body will strive to get rid of the substance foreign to it.

Ivan Neumyvakin recommends starting treatment with soda with a minimum dose, taking it on the tip of a spoon. And only after the body gets used to it (after a couple of days), the amount of healing powder can be slightly increased. Gradually, the dosage should be increased to the desired level, that is, equal to half or one teaspoon of soda dissolved in a glass warm water. The medicinal drug should be taken on an empty stomach three times a day.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is such an extraordinary person that his advice on treatment, or rather, lifestyle, has been popular for many years, starting from Soviet times. Neumyvakin’s books are still read today. A huge number of people are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his many years of work, for his intelligence, responsiveness, and kindness. For his persistent character, ability to cure without pills and operations. However, Neumyvakin is sure that there are no diseases. Ivan Pavlovich calls all the clinical symptoms that some patients like to list “conditions.”

About food

About medicine

When something hurts, we go to the doctor. The doctor prescribes numerous examinations, medications, and pills that temporarily improve the situation and enrich the pharmaceutical industry. We are used to being treated because that is what most people do. Some don't depend on public opinion. They don’t want to be treated, but they don’t want to get sick either. Then the invaluable advice of I. P. Neumyvakin comes to the rescue. Video:

From the biography of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

It is interesting that Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin was born in 1928. At 86 years old, he not only looks great, but is also the founder of a health center. He is active and happily talks about his experiences and how you can stay pain-free without buying expensive medications with numerous side effects.

I.P. Neumyvakin is a doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, who was entrusted with the creation of space medicine, which he successfully accomplished for about 30 years. Observing, studying, drawing conclusions... Ivan Pavlovich wrote many books, scientific works. Some of Neumyvakin’s conclusions are very unsympathetic to official medicine. It’s no secret that big money is made from people’s illnesses, and Ivan Pavlovich teaches how to be healthy without taking money to the pharmacy.

About hydrogen peroxide

Contraindication for treatment with peroxide is hemophilia. Everything else can be treated, that is, restored. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant produced inside the intestines, provided they are healthy and functioning properly. If there are problems here, clean and restore. Hydrogen peroxide can be taken orally.

For example, quite recently there was a horror story about swine flu. Professor Neumyvakin claims that there is no such flu. Accordingly, no vaccines are needed against it. It is enough to take ¼ glass of water and drop a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into it. Instill this solution into the nose 2–3 times a day if an epidemic has begun. Not only will there be no swine flu, but there will be no flu at all.

About water

Neumyvakin recommends preparing water as follows: first let it sit overnight so that the chlorine comes out. Then bring almost to a boil, but do not boil. So to speak, to white bubbles. This way the prepared water will be structured for 3 hours. It is during this time that you need to drink it in order for it to benefit the body. You should drink either 15 - 20 minutes before meals, or 2 hours after. In order not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for thorough digestion of food. It is advisable to drink one and a half to two liters of water per day. Tea, jelly, and compote are no substitute for healthy water. Only clean structured water penetrates the cell, maintaining its vitality.


The video says that Neumyvakin’s stepdaughter (more precisely, an adopted daughter from another marriage) sued him for his only apartment and evicted the professor from it. The fact is that Neumyvakina’s wife, Irina Pavlovna, wrote a will before her death, in which she assigned the existing apartment to her daughter.

His stepdaughter, Elena Alekseevna Pappas, who managed all his affairs, registered all open medical centers in her name. In the end, she announced to Neumyvakin that she was the owner of everything, and the professor himself owned nothing.

At the same time, Ivan Pavlovich’s wife unexpectedly falls ill and soon dies under strange circumstances. Immediately after her death (literally on the second day), she was cremated and her ashes were scattered. This was done on the instructions of the same stepdaughter. Apparently this was also last will deceased.

Doctor Neumyvakin himself suffered severe stress, as a result of which he lost his sight (before that he had 1 group of visual disability). And it’s not surprising: the death of his wife was announced to him a few weeks after the tragic incident!

In addition, he suffered a hip fracture due to an accident and underwent two operations to repair the broken bone.

As a result, immediately after his recovery, Neumyvakin was given a condition that he must vacate the apartment that did not belong to him.

Currently, Ivan Pavlovich lives in an apartment that entrepreneurs he knows have signed up for him on credit. The loan is interest-free, but Neumyvakin himself must repay it. At least with voluntarily donated funds. The professor lives on funds raised by volunteers. Despite the suffering he endured, he continues to work, write books and scientific articles, and believes in the best.

Appeal to the courts did not yield anything. From a legal point of view, the professor himself agreed to allow his stepdaughter Elena Alekseevna Pappas to handle all his affairs, and there is no corpus delicti in her actions. They did not open a criminal case against her.

What is Neumyvakin famous for?

Professor Ivan Neumyvakin - Doctor of Medical Sciences, laureate of the USSR State Prize, creator of his own unique healing system based on healing and cleansing procedures, regular physical activity, proper lifestyle and taking a certain amount of water per day.

According to Ivan Pavlovich, caring for human health should not be difficult. The main thing is to implement the recommendations he proposed systematically. The health system was created back in Soviet times for the needs of astronauts, to provide them medical care during long flights. The best doctors and scientists of the USSR participated in the creation of the system.

Dr. Neumyvakin also opened his own health center, a space hospital in the village of Borovitsa, Kirov region. The hospital is small, with 30 patients, but their recovery process takes three weeks, 21 days. After recovery, patients can continue to live without taking any medications, simply following Ivan Pavlovich’s recommendations.

The space hospital widely uses the most modern methods of diagnosing the body:

  • computer iridology (examination of the iris);
  • dowsing method of reading information from a person’s aura.
  1. Colon hydrotherapy is a method of destroying pathogenic microflora using atomic oxygen.
  2. Correction of the spine through shock wave massage. Just a few sessions of this massage allow individual vertebrae to restore broken relationships and help improve overall immunity.
  3. Lymphatic drainage is the cleaning of interstitial fluid, contributing to the overall cleansing of the body.
  4. Correction of the biofield structure, very similar to psychotherapeutic assistance, training in ways to counter negative psychological influences.
  5. Treatment with magnetrons - funnels and bracelets with magnetic tips, restoring the human biofield structure.

According to all patients of the space hospital, treatment gives real positive results, the consolidation of which depends only on the systematic implementation of individual recommendations given to each discharged patient.

Ivan Pavlovich and the first female cosmonaut

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is familiar to many who study the topic of health and traditional medicine. The professor is known primarily as a popularizer of alkalization of the body through the use of hydrogen peroxide and soda.

His biography also includes developments in the field of space medicine: he formed the program and direct medical and biological support for the world’s second group space flight of two spacecraft “Vostok-5” and “Vostok-6” in 1963, during which a woman made the flight for the first time in the world -cosmonaut V.V. Tereshkova.

However, it will not be possible to find information about this scientist in the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia editors have been clearing the professor’s biography for several years now, deleting articles about him, and even banning the creation of articles with his name. (Do not confuse with Viktor Sergeevich Neumyvakin).

Biography of Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

Date of birth and death, how old

Neumyvakin cosmonaut team

Lefty. He spent his childhood and youth in the mountainous regions of the Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. According to his own testimony, “until the age of 7, I almost didn’t know the Russian language.”

Since 1959, he has been involved in space medicine for 30 years and was at its origins in the USSR. After retiring in 1989, he became deeply involved in traditional folk medicine.

Author of many wellness techniques and books on health, especially on the use of hydrogen peroxide and soda. He is one of the leading folk healers in Russia. According to the statistics of queries in Yandex, Ivan Pavlovich is 3 times more popular than.

The glossy magazine “Marie Claire” calls Neumyvakin a guru healthy image life. At one of the meetings in the Kremlin, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov publicly called I.P. Neumyvakin his savior.

Education and career

Graduated from Kyrgyz medical school(1951). He was drafted into the army, where he took up aviation medicine and served in the Far East for 8 years.

In 1959, he was enrolled in the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine of the USSR Ministry of Defense, then worked at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health. In 1964, he was entrusted with the development of methods and means of providing medical assistance to astronauts during flights of various durations, including to other planets. I. P. Neumyvakin reached the position of head of the relevant department.

In 1989, he retired and took up folk healing. He headed his own Treatment and Prevention Center in Moscow and the Kirov region.

Health center Neumyvakina in Crimea

In the fall of 2017, the Neumyvakin health center was opened in Crimea. After the situation with the seizure of the network of his centers by the adopted daughter of a professor, this institution is positioned as the only one directly cooperating with the professor.

At the Center, each guest undergoes an individual cleansing and healing program, receives a charge of vigor and positivity, and restores health and inner harmony.

The cleansing and healing program includes:

  • professional consultations with doctors and health specialists
  • medical diagnostics
  • therapeutic fasting under medical supervision
  • wellness treatments using hydrogen peroxide and soda
  • Nordic walking and hiking
  • individual and group exercise therapy classes
  • healing with herbal teas and vitamin drinks
  • all types of therapeutic massage
  • hydrotherapy
  • additional procedures (cosmetology, SPA)


The scientific supervisor of the candidate's dissertation defended by I. P. Neumyvakin in 1965 was Academician B. E. Votchal.

I. P. Neumyvakin’s doctoral dissertation “Principles, methods and means of providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations (including to other planets)” was completed in the form of a report and defended by him in 1982. For more than 15 years he has been studying breathing issues.


Neumyvakin's wife Lyudmila Stepanovna is also a doctor and co-author of many books.

Lyudmila Stepanovna Neumyvakina - master traditional medicine, academician of the European Academy natural sciences- for 24 years she combined the work of a radiologist and a therapist, and was an ardent follower of the dogmas of official medicine until official medicine was unable to cure her. With the help of traditional medicine, Lyudmila Stepanovna was cured in a few days, after which she began to show interest in it: she mastered various ways diagnostics (iridology, dowsing, including from photographs, phantoms, telephones, etc.), manual therapy, ways to cleanse the body of toxins, became a bioenergetic therapist, an international class psychic instructor. With her life experience, Lyudmila Stepanovna confirmed that only by rethinking the causes of diseases, the roots of which lie in violation of the laws of Nature, and first of all the spiritual essence, by changing nutrition and other factors, can a sick person be cured, regardless of what he is sick with.

Based on a set of works carried out jointly with leading specialists in various fields of science, they developed a system of human health, which is based on the following principles:

  • a person is a self-regulating, self-reproducing bioenergy system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the margin of safety is always greater than the impact of damaging factors;
  • any disease has common functional signs and is primarily caused by a violation of the bioenergy balance and the state of the immune system, slagging of connective tissue structures (body fluid, bones, joints, muscles), which can be restored practically without chemicals medicines, the disease can be eliminated. Only this requires the patient’s own efforts and the implementation of the recommendations given in the book.

Son Pavel from his first marriage (b. 1962), daughter Elena Alekseevna. Son Pavel was the chairman of the board of CB Uniastrum Bank and in 2007 was awarded the title “Best Banker of Russia,” which I. P. Neumyvakin himself mentioned in one of his interviews.

Among Ivan Pavlovich’s friends is the host of the TV program “In the Animal World,” the famous scientist and traveler Nikolai Drozdov.

The situation with the adopted daughter and deteriorating health

Lyudmila Stepanovna's daughter, Elena Alekseevna Pappas, disliked her stepfather, but did not show it until a certain time. The professor did not know about this rejection of his stepdaughter and transferred to her the rights to manage all his affairs. Elena rewrote everyone's property rights medical centers in your name.

The stepdaughter is the owner of a patent for a method of detoxification and rejuvenation of the body. 3 herbal mixtures are named after Ivan, Lyudmila and Elena: There are others scientific publications her authorship.

At the beginning of 2017, Ivan Neumyvakin turned to the public for help. As it became known from his words, his stepdaughter, with the death of his wife, deprived him of all his property.

The professor's troubles do not end there. Soon, under very strange circumstances, his beloved wife dies. According to her hastily drawn up will, Lyudmila asks that her ashes be scattered to the wind, and that the apartment be left to her daughter. Elena immediately evicts the elderly Neumyvakin from the apartment “on free bread.” It was lucky that Ivan had some small connections - they helped him get an apartment on credit and gave him some money so that he could pay off the mortgage.

Due to extreme stress, the scientist went blind, but continued to work until April 22, 2018, when he died of cardiac arrest.

Awards and titles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, retired colonel of the medical service.

Honored Inventor of Russia. Laureate of the State Prize of the Latvian SSR - for creation.

  • He has the title “Best Traditional Healer of Russia” and was awarded the highest award in this field - the amber “Master’s Star”.
  • In 2005, I. P. Neumyvakin was awarded the International Prize “Profession - Life” for his personal contribution to the development of traditional folk medicine. In 2010, I. P. Neumyvakin was a member of the organizing committee of this award.
  • For his contribution to patriotic service, charitable activities and restoration of Orthodox shrines, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II awarded I. P. Neumyvakin the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree.
  • In 2006 he was awarded the honorary title “Person of Russia”.
  • Honorary participant (since 2014) public association « International Association“Generals of the World - for Peace” (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek), in 2016 for active peacekeeping activities was awarded a medal by this association.


Ivan Neumyvakin is the author and co-author of many publications and books on health. Among them:

  • "Pills" from the animal world
  • Apostle of health. Instructive stories and recipes for healing with the gifts of nature
  • Reserve capabilities of the body. Breath. Consciousness
  • Endoecology of health.
  • Universe. Earth. Human
  • Book series “Myths and Reality”:
    • “Bath. Therapeutic effect: myths and reality"
    • "Bioenergetic essence of man"
    • "Diabetes"
    • "Cedar oil"
    • "Lemon"
    • "Linseed oil"
    • "Mummy"
    • "Honey"
    • "Hydrogen peroxide"
    • "Propolis"
    • "Kombucha - a natural healer"
  • The series “On Guard of Health” includes
    • "Sage"

Why does Wikipedia not like Ivan Neumyvakin?

The reasons for the 21st century inquisition were “Lack of encyclopedic significance”, “Dubious significance” and “Suspicion of advertising”.

Treatment with soda, peroxide and other methods proposed by Ivan Neumyvakin can be treated differently. But the truth is that for many people they have proven to be significant in improving their health, studying traditional folk medicine, and ultimately leading to a more responsible attitude towards their health.

And there is evidence of the effectiveness of these methods in thousands of Western scientific studies:

Research positive influence hydrogen peroxide

Thousands of studies on sodium bicarbonate (soda):

Update: Only after the death of the professor and the appearance of this article, Wikipedia again returned the article about Ivan Neumyvakin. How long she will last this time is unknown.

Comparative encyclopedic significance

Wikipedia has no doubt about the importance of the swindler

For comparison: the personality of the swindler and swindler Sergei Mavrodi, who deceived many millions of people in the early 1990s, has a higher significance for Wikipedia than Neumyvakin, whom cosmonaut Alexei Leonov publicly called him his savior. As they say, feel the difference.
