S. A

One or more planets are RETROGRADE.

From an astronomical point of view RETROGRADE Planet can be explained as follows: when it seems to an observer from the Earth that the Planet began to move back, in the opposite direction. In fact, of course, this does not happen - the Planets always move in the same direction, it's just that at some point the speed of the Planet slows down and a feeling of reverse movement is created.

To make it clearer RETRO movement of the planets can be compared to two moving objects - a car and a bicycle. The speed of the car, of course, is greater than the speed of the cyclist. Therefore, when a car overtakes and overtakes a cyclist - it seems to a passenger sitting in a car that the cyclist is moving backwards - although he is also riding, it’s just that his speed is much less speed car. Same with the planets.

This RETRO movement of the planet fixed in natal chart at the time of a person's birth, will have a very big influence on him - on his psychology and on the events during his life on the topic of this Planet.

RETROGRADE there are all planets except for the Sun and Moon.

For those who are not at all familiar with the symbols of Astrology, I will explain - in the natal chart RETROGRADE Planets are indicated by the Latin letter R, which stands next to the icon planets.

So what does a RETROGRADE Planet mean for those who have it in?

1. First, this means obsession person in the same area, on the same problem. For example, if your card:

  • , then you are fixated on the topic of relationships, on the topic of love, on the topic of money,
  • means you are fixated on ,
  • can give fixation on the topic of its authority, high social status, teaching activities, on the theme of travel.

2. Secondly, RETROGRADE Planet means the need for multiple repetitions the same situation (“repetition is the mother of learning”). For example:

  • makes a person study, study and study again. Repeat and repeat. A person with needs to explain the studied material several times. Such a person will not always hear you the first time. So don't be surprised if your child (or another close person) must be repeated 10 times. It's most likely on his map. With such people, you need to be much more patient, you need to explain the same topic to them more than once.
  • a person with will constantly come across the same types of partners - all alcoholics, all athletes, all brunettes with blue eyes, all much older or much younger. All relationships can develop according to the same scenario. It's like a vicious circle in which you walk for many, many years.
  • RETRO Neptune- in the worst case, a repetition of the topic of alcoholism, mental disorders. At best, it repeats the theme of psychology, spirituality, artistic and musical creativity (it can go to study these professions several times, quit and return to these activities several times, constantly rewrite musical works, redraw your paintings, achieving the best result).

3. RETRO Planet may indicate personal mistakes in past lives and mistakes of ancestors on the topic of the Planet. Therefore, in this life they give obstacles in achieving anything. For example:

  • mistakes in relations with brothers, sisters give - it is difficult to establish contact with them,
  • mistakes in love give - therefore it is difficult to love and be loved, it is difficult to achieve harmony in relationships with partners,
  • mistakes in the topic of a career give - therefore, in this life there will be obstacles in career ladder, obstacles with government agencies,
  • if you made mistakes abroad, in teaching, in achieving high social status, then your map will have - therefore, there will be difficulties in being a teacher, obstacles in achieving a high social status, difficulties in relations with foreigners,
  • etc.

4. RETRO Planet in its properties it is similar to Ketu (the Setting Node). It means that Planet karmically overloaded- this means that you have already gained quite a lot of experience on the topic of this planets in their past incarnations. Therefore, in this life you need to “slow down” in this topic. It is necessary to switch to other areas of life, to do those things that are indicated by ordinary direct messages. planets.

But, if you still show great activity on the topic RETRO Planets, then you will have more obstacles and restrictions. There will be a stupor that will not let you move on. Think - if there is a certain wall in your life that you cannot "break through" - maybe you shouldn't do it? Maybe you just RETRO Planet in a card that directly says: "you can not be active here." Then you just need to move away from this topic and come to terms with what is - then there is a chance to get what you want, only a little later. For example:

  • if you - in past incarnations you were too active and assertive in achieving your goals - therefore now you need to pacify this activity,
  • if you have - let go of the topic of partnerships, do not be active in love, in making money,
  • if you have - you already had a lot of experience in your career, so do not try to build it too actively,
  • if you have RETRO Uranus- you had a lot of friends, you were a very freedom-loving and independent person, so the topic of friendship and freedom has already been worked out, switch to other areas.

5. On this topic RETRO Planets one must "go with the flow without oars." If the life situation is something offers - take it, no - do not persist. For example:

  • if a person is offered to get acquainted with, to establish partnerships, it means “you need to take it”, if not, you don’t need to persist in this matter,
  • if a person with is offered travel, then it means “you must take it”, I invite everyone with RETRO Jupiter to free trips ,
  • if a person with is offered a promotion up the career ladder, it means “you must take it”. If they do not offer - do not persist, do not go ahead.

6. RETRO Planet does not mean a ban on manifestation in her area. It only says that according to the functions of this planets personal initiative of a person should be reduced to zero. Gotta be "number two" in this area. For example:

  • says that it is better not to take the initiative on the topic of love. Wait for someone to come up to you and show interest. In partnerships (personal and business), it is better to give the initiative to your partner.
  • - offers to wait until you are asked to teach, when you are invited on some foreign trip when you are offered a promotion.

7. RETRO Planet doesn't say it will never happen. She just tells us what's going on Retro Planet will be late in our life - we must be patient, wait and not relax ahead of time. For example:

  • a person with may start learning late,
  • too late to become a teacher will start traveling ,
  • RETRO Neptune will begin to master the profession of a psychologist at a conscious age.

8. RETRO Planet tells us that the theme of this Planet is necessary let go, do not bother, do not demand everything from her at once - then the situation itself will take you to the right place.

  • for example, you can’t bother with the topic - the situation will turn out the way it should (with the right behavior).

9. And RETRO Planet can be a positive foundation from our ancestors with the least amount of effort. For example:

  • in a person with RETRO Uranus one of the ancestors could be an Astrologer, so he will receive the invisible support of the family in this profession,
  • in a person with RETRO Pluto there will be support of ancestors in all professions associated with the risk to life.

All of the above factors need to be considered not only on the topic RETRO Planets, but also which House she manages. For example:

  • if the Ruler of the 1st House - RETRO, then all of the above will refer to the topic of self-development and appearance,
  • If RETROGRADEN Ruler of the 2nd House - to the topic of money,
  • RETROGRADE Ruler from the House - to the topic of contacts, study, car,
  • if Ruler of the 4th House RETRO, then it will be related to the topic of ancestors, place of residence,
  • RETRO Ruler of the 5th House - will indicate the theme of children and creativity,
  • if the Ruler of the 6th House RETRO- the topic of work, health will be relevant,
  • 7 Houses - the theme of marriage, courts,
  • 8 Houses - the theme of sex, risk, crises,
  • 9 At home - the theme of travel, abroad, teaching,
  • 10 House - career,
  • 11 Home is the theme of friends,
  • 12 Home is the theme of spiritual searches, solitude.

Important! I am often asked “What do Retrograde Nodes mean and how to act on them”? I draw your attention to the fact that knots it's the other way around... Retro phase for Nodes is their normal movement. Knots show what evolutionary task has already been completed (according to South Node) and what needs to be done in this life (according to North Node ). Much worse if Nodes Direct. If in your horoscope Nodes in Direct Phase- this means that in past incarnations you did not fully fulfill your evolutionary task of South Node. So now you need to do TWO evolutionary tasks - both on the South and on the North Node.

In the comments below you can write - what Planet you in RETROGRADE And how did it play out in your life?

If you also have Retro Planets and you still cannot interpret them yourself, but you want to find out specifically for yourself:

  • what are the functions Retro Planet You overspent in past incarnations,
  • what issues did you pay too much attention to in past incarnations,
  • in what areas of life do you get a restriction,
  • in which areas of life you should not show your initiative, should not be active,
  • where complete external passivity is needed,
  • what exactly Retro Planets mean to you
  • how should you behave with Retro Planets, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • what illnesses and unpleasant situations in life will make you understand that you are not behaving correctly Retro Planet.

you can order this Astrological consultation

A whole library has already been written about the retrograde motion of the planets. Even a person far from astrology has heard about a certain retro Mercury, during which nothing can be done. A huge number of fables and fiction revolves around this topic. From this article, you will learn what retro planets are, and how to turn their influence to your advantage.

What do retro planets mean in natal astrology

IN natal astrology the retro movement endows the planet with the feminine, passive nature of the introvert. The planet, as it were, withdraws into itself, it is difficult for it to manifest itself openly. But in peace and quiet, when you don’t have to run anywhere, the retro planet has no equal.

By itself, retrograde means a return, a repetition. Therefore, the retro planet may not be realized the first time. Such a planet needs more time to show itself.

For example, it will be difficult for the owner of retro Mercury to absorb information the first time, he needs to know all the subtleties and details. At the same time, the quality of Mercury itself does not deteriorate. That is, retro Mercury cannot be called stupid. Yes, he does not always have time to grab information on the fly, but he does it with high quality.

For whom will retro planets be especially important?

Retrograde movement is especially important for personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Sun and Moon are always moving forward and cannot enter the retro phase. A backward personal planet shows some feature of character or personality.

For example, retro Mars - the native is not aggressive by nature, but if he had already brought it, he would break through the walls with his forehead.

The backward movement of social and higher planets more influences on the event level and is not reflected in any way on the psychology of the individual.

If the ruler of the House is retrograde, then this means that the affairs of this House will not work immediately and require more time to be implemented.

The retrograde of a planet is its phase, its state. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to consider retrograde as a defeat.

And now I will analyze personal retro planets in more detail.

Mercury Retrograde

Introvert, passive thinking. Slowly but qualitatively learns, it is difficult to perceive something new. Thinking conservative. A person thinks a lot about the past, it is difficult for him to look into the future. Such people have an effect when brilliant thoughts come a little late. Good figurative memory, but forgetfulness of facts.

Mercury Retrograde does not speak at all about the defeat of speech! This in the chart will be indicated by tense aspects from pests and Saturn.

Retro Mercury works well with writing, working alone, or in complete silence.

Retrograde Venus

Difficulty sorting out your feelings. At the event level, it often gives a return to past relationships. Difficulty opening up and trusting a partner. A lot of memories of the past from the series “before the world was kinder”.

For men, relationships can have the effect of a broken record, then the union breaks, then again everyone loves each other.

A retro Venus woman may not accept for a long time or be afraid to reveal her feminine nature.

Retro Venus often gives the ability to perceive art and creativity in a particularly subtle way.

Retrograde Mars

A difficult situation, since the retro phase contradicts the explosive and active energy of Mars. Difficulty getting started. A native can prepare for a very long time, prepare, prepare ... and never start. But if it starts, then for a long time. Therefore, people with retro Mars are great performers, but bad initiators.

It is often difficult for a person with retro Mars to prove himself, to defend his opinion. A lot of suppressed aggression, self-destruction and self-flagellation.

A woman with retro Mars can build her life for a very long time, from the series "I'm going on a hundred and first date with my beloved." Relationships with a man can develop slowly, but here you need to look at additional indications of the card (Sun, VII House).


Don't be afraid of your retrograde planets learn to work with them. A well-designed and correctly directed retro planet always brings very large and unusual results.

And if you want to work your retro planets well, plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, responsible for our thinking, speech, mind, information that we perceive and express to the world, both in writing (books, writing) and orally. Also, one of its traditional meanings is our brothers / sisters.
Mercury is the symbolic ruler of the 3rd house.
Today we will talk about retrograde Mercury in the natal chart.

Since I myself am the "happy" owner of Mercury, moving backwards, and having studied quite well, from the point of view of an astrologer, all its pluses and minuses, I will share my experience with you. Mercury is in the retrograde phase of movement for about 1/3 of the entire time, so there should be a lot of people who "understand" me and become interested - WHAT IS THE REALLY CRACK HERE :)))

Mercury retrograde in your natal chart can most likely mean a "delay" in thinking. How to understand? You can think for a very long time about something that others seem to comprehend much faster. For example, the solution of the same mathematical problem. Here we are not talking about the abilities of this or that person in mathematics, but how this person represents the conditions of the problem. With retrograde Mercury in the radix, in this case, a person will sit, starting from the very beginning, for a long time sorting out each thought and thinking HOW IT WAS SO, in fact, everything happened and, as a result, will come to the result later than others. In common people, you can be called a "brake" .. (I know from myself);)) Roughly speaking, this or that information reaches you for a long time. And that doesn't mean you're stupid, quite the contrary. We just have a non-standard perception of information from the outside.

I would even call people with backward Mercury talented, since the way of thinking is really unusual, and such people can most often only be envied, because they know how to form/express/show their thoughts in a more interesting way. (Well, this is from my point of view and my own experience).

Any retrograde planet in the radix forces its owner to work on the theme of the planet and the house in which it stands during his life, although such a planet shows that the native can successfully realize himself precisely in the area of ​​the meaning of the retro planet.
Such planets “retreat back”, and even from the point of view of karmic astrology, they force you to “go back”, correct the “unfinished” task in this life, in this incarnation, which you may not have done in past life.
Oddly enough, people with such a "Mercury problem" in the natal chart are most eager to show themselves as speakers, writers, poets, translators, journalists. They try to show themselves in the Mercurian regions. This is the right way - after all, a retro planet needs to be worked out, although much more difficulties may arise than for people with the same planet in direct (direct) movement.
For example, with a very problematic retro-Mercury in my natal chart (in Aries, in the 1st house), back in my school years, I participated in all kinds of poetry reading competitions, oratory competitions (and, oddly enough, won first places). Now I work and live by what I write, teach, work with my voice and will continue to do this, since my Mercury and I are already nowhere without each other))))

Retrograde Mercury is a feature of thinking, a non-standard worldview.

Another problem with the owners of retrograde Mercury is that when we start to think, write, or say something - very often we try to put everything on the shelves (thinking that it will turn out better) ... and no matter how we try, nevertheless it doesn't work. Starting to talk about one thing, we can drift away to a completely different topic, forget what we actually started talking about and eventually end the whole thing in a completely different area))
It's even funny, but in real life it interferes unrealistically.

Disharmonious Mercury (and even if it is retrograde) - can make it difficult to study foreign languages; deceit; talkativeness; speech problems (such as stuttering) or memory problems. Or, for example, I know from my own experience, you can start talking, and then, as if abruptly in the middle of a sentence, you forget what you were talking about, and you are overtaken by some "stupor")) funny.
* True, deceit / talkativeness rather gives the aspect of Jupiter-Mercury. (Jupiter magnification of Mercury speech).

Here is what I took away for myself from this, and shared with you the most striking examples. If you have a retrograde "Lord of the Mind" in your natal chart, then I would advise you to develop your speech, thinking, oratory or writing skills, even if your work, for example, is not connected with this in any way. For myself. Speech therapist, tongue twisters, writing poetry and much more, everything that you personally like. The main thing is not to stand still and develop.

P.S. - As always, I look forward to your questions on the topic in the comments!) Have a good mood!)

retrograde- this is a special type of planetary movement, when for an earthly observer, the planet moves backwards - “backs away”. This effect occurs due to different speeds movement. Think about when you are on a train and you see another train through the window that is moving in the same direction, but at a slower pace. It seems to you that another train is going back.

All planets are retrograde except the Sun and Moon. The most powerful influence on our earthly affairs is exerted by the backward movement of Mercury and Venus.

When Mercury is retrograde, it works in an unusual way. It turns out that the accuracy and correctness of our decisions are in doubt, often we cannot correctly perceive the information. For example, when buying a house or a car on retrograde Mercury, we do not notice the defects that will be revealed to us over time.

Going on a trip, or settling in new job, we are subsequently surprised that the conditions turn out to be completely different from what was presented. Many agreements concluded during this period are not implemented properly.

Therefore, the time of Mercury retrograde is a rather difficult period for business. All proposals received at this time should be considered very carefully.

If you are planning your vacation, check Mercury retrograde period. Many "surprises" await you if the date of the trip fell on this period. The hotel was not the one you booked. You wanted to visit the Dali Museum. It is closed on that very day. Even worse if you go on vacation by car.

In a retrograde period, it becomes more difficult to express and convey your idea. The work of communication facilities is deteriorating, equipment breaks down and fails more often.

  • Work with old connections and contacts.
  • Deal with unfinished and existing projects and documents.
  • It is good to put things in order, throw away all unnecessary papers and other media.
  • Retire from work.
  • Get a seasonal job.
  • Creative people should expect inspiration - you can think about new projects, ideas, plans.
  • Work with your mental attitudes. Pay attention to how thoughts shape our destiny, our attitude to the world and to ourselves.
  • It is good to work with your complexes, subconscious programs, psychological blocks and clamps.
  • The period is good for working with a psychotherapist or for psychoanalysis.
  • There is an increased chance to deal with many of your internal problems, to realize them, to bring them out.
  • Meditate, clear and calm your mind.
  • Repair broken equipment.
  • Meet old friends and relatives.
  • Drivers should special attention follow the road.
  • Try not to make long trips.
  • This good time to retake exams.
  • Love relationships that begin at this time will not last.
  • It's good to rekindle old friendships.
  • Good for hard mental work.

It's Mercury Retrograde...

What does it mean? How might this affect us? And how can we use this time to our advantage?

In astrology, the concept of "retrograde" means a change in the direction of the planet. When any planet begins to move backwards, its energy rushes inward and begins to act in a slightly different way. Mercury is the only planet whose retrograde effect is felt by most people. It is believed that during the period of retrograde Mercury has a detrimental effect on people, but if you use this situation correctly, then this period can be used to your advantage.

Mercury is the planet of contacts, contracts, information, intellectual activity, commerce and trade. It is associated with travel and transport, negotiating, training, signing documents. Mercury is responsible for memory, speech, oratory, logic and intelligence.

If you want something new to happen in your life, make room for it, get things done before you move forward. Think about how many things you need to finish, delegate or get rid of them before you can move on and bring new relationships, abundance and wealth into your life?

Deal with unfinished and running projects, documents. You can finish the article, finish the book. It is good to put things in order, throw away all unnecessary papers, archives, information carriers.

You can quit your old job.

Creative people during the period of retro Mercury are often visited by inspiration. New projects, ideas, plans are born. In the retro phase, it is better to think over them carefully, analyze them, and it is better to start working on the implementation when Mercury returns to direct (direct) movement.

Work with old connections and contacts. Meet friends and relatives whom you haven't seen for a long time.

Work with your mental attitudes. Pay attention to how thoughts shape our destiny, our attitude to the world and to ourselves.

Meditate, clear and calm your mind, read mantras, prayers and affirmations.

In all these matters you will be lucky.

During periods of retrograde, all Mercury affairs develop slowly, confusion often arises, and the risk of errors increases. New projects are slowing down, there are failures in the work of transport, courier services and mail, it is more difficult to study and engage in intellectual work, to negotiate. During such periods, smart equipment breaks down more often, there are malfunctions in the work of telecom operators.

Therefore, take note of what is still better not to do during this period in order to avoid trouble:

Make purchases, especially if you don't make any significant purchases. later you may be disappointed, hidden defects will be revealed.

Sign contracts, make deals, open a business, a project, because the probability of errors is very high.

Going to work for the first time, because subsequently you may not be satisfied with the conditions, it will open Additional Information that you didn't know; sign contracts.

Start new business, because. most likely they will be reversible.

To decide something finally, because. then your decision, your view of the problem, will change.

Start training in courses, because. study will be given with great difficulty or the knowledge gained will not be useful to you in practical activities.

Buy equipment. It will not be useful, in the future it will be unnecessary or will break.

Borrow money or lend it yourself. It will be almost impossible to return them.

Make new friends. They won't last long and they won't get serious.

Move, buy an apartment, rent out. There will be delays and obstacles.

Use the period of Mercury retrograde to your advantage and at the end of this period, proceed with pleasure to all the pending cases!

What gives Mercury retrograde in various houses of the horoscope

Mercury retrograde in 1st house: Mercury is slowly moving backwards here. This can slow down a person's thinking and reactions. They find it difficult to make quick decisions. Projects that have been started are often not completed. They need to learn to think first, and then speak, learn to complete the work they have begun to the end, and also work for the good of society.

Mercury retrograde in 2nd house e: A person of mood, his values ​​​​change from his mood, a spender, in the past he paid a lot of attention material values. He needs to learn to distinguish real values ​​without focusing on the external and material aspects.

Retrograde Mercury in the 3rd house: In the past, man discriminated against people in communication. He preferred to communicate with smart and influential personalities. In this life, they need to learn to treat everyone equally and understand communication - this is not only to receive information, but also to give. Bad relations with brothers, neighbors.

Retrograde Mercury in the 4th house: Man in the past created disharmony around him. He was short-tempered, nervous and behaved in a boorish way in conversations with those who were close to him. In this life, you need to learn to pull yourself together and treat others kindly.

Retrograde Mercury in the 5th house: In a past life, a person was imprudent, unfaithful in love relationships. He led a frivolous life and did not take responsibility for raising children. In this life, they need to be serious in love relationships and learn to take life seriously and put more emphasis on raising children.

Retrograde Mercury in the 6th house: The man did not think about the welfare of society. He did not respect and treated with contempt towards his colleagues at work. Here the lesson is that a person should be responsible for public needs without expecting a reward, respecting his colleagues.

Mercury retrograde in 7th house e: This man was selfish, unfaithful, unreliable towards his partners. In this life, they need to think well before entering into any partnership (marriage, business) and behave responsibly towards them.

Mercury retrograde in 8th house: The man had low moral values, he wanted to find the truth superficially, in an easy way. He had failures in relationships, in his career because of his mischievous nature. Perhaps he was a false preacher. In this life, a person needs to be rational in the search for truth and not follow the path of black magic. One must be honest and pass on the knowledge gained to others.

Retrograde Mercury in the 9th house: Perhaps in a past life it was a tumbleweed man. He lived first in one place, then in another, without any purpose in life. It is also possible that he was a religious fanatic who did not tolerate other people's opinions and did not respect other religions. He had superficial knowledge, and the knowledge that he had, he did not use in real life. He communicated with obscene people with whom he committed illegal acts. The lesson is to sincerely seek knowledge, apply it to your life, and pass that knowledge on to others. A person should lead a simple life and respect other religions, even if they contradict his religion.

Retrograde Mercury in the 10th house: In a past life, he was not decisive, lazy, irresponsible and negligent towards work and he could not win the soul of his superiors and gain respect and career growth. He could not get success in any field he chose. Perhaps he was Mrs. employee and abused his official position. In this life he can achieve success if he works responsibly under his guidance. This good position for business.

Retrograde Mercury in the 11th house: The person was in a bad, depraved society, was fond of women and material comfort. Such a person is not respected in higher circles and therefore, looking for a bad company where he can be in the spotlight, where he will be accepted as a "hero". From bad friends, he will not take anything good and will become a superficial person. The lesson is to learn how to find noble decent friends and be honest with them. You also need to learn how to feel comfortable in any society and communicate with people of different levels.

Retrograde Mercury in the 12th house: This is a person who did not work off the previous karma in a past life. They have nervous impulsive speech. Their wrong decisions bring disappointment, failure, secret enemies. They need to watch their conversations and decisions. A person makes quick decisions, conclusions and assessments under the influence of Retro Mercury. They need to understand what their karmic lesson is and work it out.

Mahesh Darmadas

Many people are concerned about the development and harmonization of Mercury, because it is a very influential planet. No wonder in ancient myths Mercury is known as the messenger of the gods.

The topics for which Mercury is responsible have firmly entered your life.

These are speech and communication, ideas and calculations, mediation and entrepreneurship, the transfer of information and means of communication.

It is possible and even necessary to harmonize and work out Mercury. After all, it is he who is responsible for your thinking, the way you make decisions, and even for your money!

Also, a weak or afflicted Mercury can easily confuse you.

Under its influence, delays, errors and "losses" often occur. Moreover, you can lose not only the thread of reasoning, but also important documents, papers or letters.

That is why a clear algorithm is needed to help work out Mercury in the horoscope.

Mercury in astrology

Why is so much attention paid to the harmonization and development of Mercury? The fact is that he is responsible for one of the most important topics of your life - communication with other people, the ability to easily engage in a conversation. And also for thinking in general, ideas, mediation and means of communication.

Life is unthinkable without knowledge, ideas and communication, which is why it is so important to work out Mercury in the horoscope.

Without the ability to easily and clearly express one's thoughts, get acquainted and communicate, generate good ideas and calculate them, in all spheres of life it will be hard.

More about Mercury's influence on your life

Depending on what exactly the problem with Mercury is in your horoscope, its influence can manifest itself on several levels and in different areas of your life.

An unworked Mercury can lead to the following:

  • It is difficult to meet and engage in dialogue with strangers.
  • It's scary to speak in public. Stiffness, it is difficult to formulate one's thoughts, it is difficult to improvise.
  • Problems with remembering information. At inopportune moments, memory can fail.
  • It is difficult to observe the measure in communication. A person can spend a lot of time in in social networks postponing everything else for later. May cause addiction to computer games.
  • Difficult relationships with siblings. Problematic neighbors or unpleasant situations that arise with neighbors.
  • It is difficult to concentrate, plan, come up with something new, generate interesting, creative ideas.
  • It is not easy to learn languages, including foreign ones.
  • Difficulties in the business area, mainly if this area is related to communicating with people, creating texts, attracting clients or negotiating.
  • Problems in the monetary sphere, since Mercury symbolizes paper money, which is a universal medium of exchange. Namely, Mercury is responsible for mediation and exchange.
  • If you drive a car, then an undeveloped Mercury can provoke minor accidents and troubles on the road.
  • An inharmonious Mercury can lead to problems with appliances at home and at work.
  • Diseases and ailments associated with nervous system. Insomnia, neurosis, neuralgia, a feeling of anxiety, when it is difficult to get thoughts out of the head.

Precisely because Mercury is in charge of such serious and significant issues, the topic of its harmonization and elaboration is so important.

Common Mistakes When Studying Mercury

Unfortunately, our society is not very supportive of diversity and individuality. This is especially clearly seen in the example of schooling, when strict standards are set, how quickly and in what way it is necessary to give, for example, answers to questions.

An attempt to "fix" one's memory, speech, or thinking by following general recommendations from books, usually does not give the expected results.

From the point of view of astrology, each person is unique. And properly using your strengths and weak sides, following exactly your own path, you can achieve a good result.

Trying to "remake yourself" you can only harm yourself. And more importantly: do not rush to strengthen Mercury without figuring out whether it is worth doing. After all, if Mercury is evil in your horoscope, you first need to work it out. Otherwise, unfortunately, you will only get more trouble.

Step 1. Find out what your Mercury is talking about in your horoscope

Depending on which sign of the zodiac Mercury is in, it can manifest its character in different ways.

Mercury reveals its best qualities in the following signs:

  • Virgo- this sign is considered the abode (house) of Mercury, as well as a sign of its exaltation. Mercury feels like a very significant and important planet in the sign of Virgo. This is his strong point.
  • Twins- this sign is also considered the abode (home) of Mercury, and here he feels at home, that is, calm, harmonious and confident.

Mercury will manifest itself as an evil planet in the following signs:

  • Fish- a sign of the exile and fall of Mercury. It is very difficult for Mercury to manifest its nature in this sign. Clarity of thought and concentration are sometimes too strongly influenced by emotions.
  • Sagittarius- a sign of the exile of Mercury. In ancient texts, exile was called "the place of envy of the planet." Here, the weakness of Mercury can manifest itself in this way: too many words, too many ideas and it is difficult to focus on anything specific.

In other signs of the zodiac, Mercury will behave depending on the nature of this sign, and other features of the horoscope.

Note: even in the signs of Virgo and Gemini, Mercury can behave like an evil planet if, for example, it is in inharmonious aspect with a malefic planet or a weak house of the horoscope.

Step 2. choose a way to work out Mercury

Depending on which zodiac sign your Mercury is in, you should choose the appropriate way to harmonize and work it out:

  • Mercury in Aries- this is often a debater, a fighter prone to verbal skirmish. There may be a tendency to monologue and rash decisions. To work through this position of Mercury, set yourself challenging goals and tight deadlines. For example, read five books before the end of the week, learn ten new words in a foreign language in a day, etc. It is also beneficial to constantly learn something new.
  • To support Mercury in Gemini, and this position is strong, you need to read more, and on a variety of topics, and not just, for example, professional literature. It is desirable to meet people more often, communicate, negotiate or just study more. Many popular journalists and presenters have Mercury in this sign.
  • If your Mercury in Cancer then it gives you figurative and associative thinking, but at the same time - difficulties with remembering facts. To harmonize this position of Mercury, study poetry, collect and write down facts from your life, the life of your relatives. In addition, take care of a comfortable and cozy workplace and the support of loved ones.
  • For Mercury in Leo it is very important to be the center of attention. The disadvantage of this position is that a person does not tolerate being criticized, and this can interfere with business relations. . To work through this position of Mercury, find an area where you can express yourself vividly. For example, sign up for an oratory or acting studio, start blogging on social networks.
  • WITH Mercury in Virgo sometimes difficult, although this is a strong position of Mercury. Excessive criticality, attention to detail and incredulity can bring a lot of problems. To harmonize this position of Mercury, direct the excess of its energy in the right direction. For example, prepare action plans for yourself and help others make such plans. Develop schemes, phased projects for the implementation of something in life.
  • Mercury in Libra gives the talent to easily negotiate with people, the ability to find a compromise. However, sometimes the desire to take care of everyone and take into account their interests will negatively affect your life. To correct the negative manifestation of Mercury in Libra, try to get involved in projects where you need to interact with other people. Study something together with friends, for example, you can organize a club of book lovers.
  • Mercury in Scorpio gives a penetrating and critical mind. However, it can also give excessive secrecy, distrust and suspicion, the ability to very hard pry the interlocutor, which does not add fans and friends. To harmonize such a Mercury, divert its energy to other things. For example, read detective literature, play investigation games, as well as those that require criticality, causticity and resourcefulness, such as KVN.
  • Mercury in Sagittarius can give a desire to embrace the immensity, see globally, inspire and ignite. However, it also gives confusion, the inability to focus on one thing, cut off the unnecessary. To harmonize this position of Mercury, try to start or continue the study of foreign languages, foreign culture. It is also favorable for you to communicate with foreigners.
  • Mercury in Capricorn- quite an interesting position, which gives the ability to set specific goals and think clearly. In a negative manifestation - it is difficult to communicate, express oneself, conservatism and detachment. To harmonize this position of Mercury, try to express yourself more at work, in society. You definitely need to set clear, measurable goals and achieve them.
  • Mercury in Aquarius gives unusual, creative thinking, original ideas which sometimes surprise and discourage others. Among the shortcomings - impulsiveness, dislike for routine, sometimes - wandering in the clouds. To work out this position of Mercury, develop creative thinking, come up with something new, study new technologies, surround yourself with the latest technology.
  • Mercury in Pisces- this is susceptibility, the ability to absorb information like a sponge. At the same time, depending on the mood, information can be remembered and assimilated either better or worse. Emotions can sometimes get in the way of thinking and acting logically. In order to work out the negative manifestations of this position of Mercury, it is advisable, for example, to read science fiction, write poetry or fiction, study esotericism.

Step 3. What other secrets can mercury hide?

Mercury in your horoscope can be, for example, in burning. This is the name of the position when the planet is in conjunction with the Sun at a fairly close distance from it. It, like the situation of retrograde Mercury, should be considered separately.

In addition to Mercury in the horoscope, one should not forget about the actual position of Mercury. Especially taking into account the periods of its retrograde, when the planet moves in the opposite direction, unusual for itself usually.

If, after reading this article, you realize that your Mercury needs to be worked out, this is already the first step towards harmonizing the influence of this planet in your horoscope. Apply the recommendations, act!

So, to summarize all the main points of the study of Mercury:

  • If you feel difficulties in communication, problems in remembering information, meeting new people, anxiety and other signs of a weak Mercury in the horoscope, you should understand in more detail how to work out and harmonize the influence of this planet.
  • Determine which zodiac sign Mercury is in in your horoscope, this will help determine the potential for certain problems.
  • Even in a strong position, the sign of Gemini and Virgo, Mercury can manifest itself negatively if it is in a weak house of the horoscope or in aspect with an evil planet.
  • Choose a way to work out Mercury depending on the sign of the zodiac.
  • Remember that there are other secrets your Mercury may be hiding, such as retrograde or burning.
  • Keep in mind the actual position of Mercury, especially the special periods of its retrograde motion. Adjust your plans accordingly.
  • Even if Mercury in your horoscope is weak or not working properly, don't worry. After working out, the qualities of this planet will manifest themselves favorably and become your new opportunities.

Pick up optimal solution for your situation, you can at a consultation, read more about which you.

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