Shows 3ji but the speed is small on android. Internet acceleration on Android

At present, each of the operators mobile communications Beeline, tele2, megaphone, mts, yota, phoenix, beltelecom, Rostelecom and so on offer access to the mobile Internet.

Operators compete prices, make restrictions and bonuses for customers. Unfortunately, despite the promotion of the offer and high speed (like 3g, 4g), there are still places in where the use of mobile Internet is difficult to access, because not everyone lives in Moscow.

Then, due to a weak signal, the Internet speed of mobile operators is low.

As a result, customers are not satisfied and this happens very often. Naturally, the question arises, how to make the speed of mobile Internet faster

NOTE: on the network you may come across a program to increase the speed of mobile Internet - do not believe it, there are no such programs.

What then is the way out? There is an easy way to change things.

Of course, you won’t achieve crazy speed of mobile Internet, but it’s quite possible to improve it a little.

Remove barriers - increase speed

At the very beginning, before making any changes, it is worth considering the situation, whether it is possible to improve the spectrum of the Internet - to remove barriers to its functioning.

If you use the Internet mainly at home, try to find a place with the best coverage.

Walking with a laptop in hand is not very comfortable, so I recommend using a smartphone, for example, on android and using it to check where the place with the best coverage is.

To start taking steps to increase the speed of mobile Internet, you definitely need to find out what you have now so that you have something to compare with.

If you have an Android smartphone, then it is best to determine using the SpeedTest program. ITS measurement is the most accurate.

The higher the signal, the better the speed. Therefore, if you have a two-story house, it is better to search on the second floor and not on the floor, but, for example, on the windows.

The reason for the weak signal can also be a wall, in particular a concrete slab. Another important thing you should be looking at is connecting the computer to the modem.

The best way turns out to be the most in a simple way, which is a direct connection of the modem to the computer.

Any kind of extension we use to put the modem on a shelf or windowsill means the signal is weaker.

Often, getting rid of such extensions in itself can significantly improve signal quality and mobile Internet speed.

As for the modem, you need to pay attention to the data transfer rate. Of course, the sooner the better.

The best way to increase signal strength to increase mobile internet speed

The best and easiest way is to use an external antenna. There should only be one condition: the modem must have access to it.

Antennas on the market can be divided into two main types: directional (eg HELICALL 12dBi) and non-directional (eg HUAWEI 11dBi).

The choice is quite simple. If you live in a place where you have access to only one transmitter (catch the signal from only one antenna), then you should use a directional one.

If a signal is reaching us from two or more transmitters the best choice will be non-directional.

What to look for when choosing an antenna to increase Internet speed

  • Compatibility - The antenna must support the same technology as the modem. This setting is inseparable. For example, if your modem supports HSDPA data transmission, then you need to select the appropriate antenna (at 2100MHz).
  • Gain - expressed in a dbi or dbm block, the more, the better and more efficiently the mobile Internet signal improves. In the case of directional antennas, it is not worth investing in an antenna gain less than 10 dBi. In the case of omnidirectional, 8 dBi and above is recommended.
  • Length - important for omnidirectional antennas. As a general rule, the longer the better. While for non-directional, there is no rule that shapes the length to get the best signal.
  • Mount - a convenient magnetic support, which in the case of an omnidirectional antenna is often part of it. Most of the directional ones are installed on the roof.
When purchasing an antenna, you should also pay attention to the contents of the kit - you do not have to waste time looking for missing elements.

It is very good if it includes a cable for connecting to a modem with sufficient length. Good luck.

Internet connection speeds that were satisfactory for us a few years ago are now too slow. That is why we are increasingly thinking about how to speed up the Internet on an android phone.

When the Internet became available on mobile phones more than a decade ago, I was thrilled with the possibilities of this solution.

Only the network connection was very slow, and it required a lot of patience to use it.

Internet comfort increased significantly with the advent of fast 3G networks, and then LTE or 4g, although new forms of connectivity improved the quality of network access, content on sites became heavier and it became necessary to implement more modern solutions.

Standard LTE networks now provide convenient browsing, listening to music, but they may be too weak to play videos in very high resolution, and this problem will increase as movies are streamed, including 360-degree animations using virtual reality are becoming more and more popular.

That is why it is worth starting to use the advanced technology of LTE, i.e. LTE band aggregation. This solution consists in the simultaneous use of several frequencies by the smartphone, which provides better coverage and greater connection bandwidth.

Who does not want to delve into the settings or simply does not know how to make changes to the system, I suggest a simplified version - use the program. .


You need to understand and pay attention to the promise in the network to increase the speed of the Internet several times. Everything primarily depends on the providers of beeline, mts, megaphone, fly and so on - you can’t jump above your head.

How to speed up 4g internet in your android phone

To use new technology LTE, you must have a smartphone that supports this technology and use the services of the appropriate operator.

What is important is not the fact that several bands are used, but their total width, defined in megahertz, and the phone must be in the range of at least two aggregated bands.

This allows you to get a data download speed of 498 Mbps. If your phone is using an outdated 3G network, try switching to the LTE network manually.

Also, remember to switch to your home Wi-Fi where possible, which has a relatively large capacity and no restrictions on the transmission used.

A final useful solution might be to use a program like Opera Max.

It can block specific applications or programs running in the background from downloading data, and thus makes it possible to use all the features of the link only in the way it chooses.

The first way to increase the speed of the Internet on android is to force a connection to 4G instead of 3G or 2G

If your phone or operator does not support band aggregation, then on the one hand, this means that you will not achieve light speed on it, but on the other hand, not everyone needs 300 Mbps - much less is enough for most.

This doesn't mean that you can't do anything, because there are at least a few ways to speed up internet on your android phone.

The first and main point is to force a 4G connection instead of 3G/2G. In recent phones this is more of a standard, but in older models you may find that 3G is the preferred network type.

I don't need to convince anyone that this has a measurable impact on your internet speed, and HSPA transmitters are still very popular.

To force a 4G connection on Android, go to "Settings" - "SIM card and network" and select "Preferred network type".

Depending on the smartphone you have, the names of the individual options in the menu may differ, but the effect can be the same.

The second way to increase the speed of the Internet on an android smartphone is to remove unused applications

Slow loading websites don't always mean your internet connection is bad. Sometimes applications that run in the background can use the spectrum you need and in some cases also generate additional data charges.

Therefore, the basis of fast internet for android phone is getting rid of all the applications that you do not use, and I bet each of you will find at least a few of them.

It is also worth getting rid of the so-called. bloatwere (similar to a virus, but not quite) or programs most often installed by the manufacturer (especially on Chinese phones) that you will never use anyway.

It's also worth looking at the widgets you have on your desktop, one weather forecast is enough - it doesn't just need to connect and update the data from time to time.

In this case, it is also worth setting a few rules for applications that have a particularly strong effect on the size of the transmitted data.

For example, we are talking about the Play Store, which should update applications only when there is a WiFi connection.

You must enter similar settings in applications that sync your files to the cloud, such as Dropbox, Onedrive or Google Drive.

This will allow you to avoid surprises associated with excessive use of the data packet.

The third way to improve the speed of the Internet in an Android smartphone is to optimize the browser

The next step is browser optimization. I'm not saying here to turn off image loading (which will surely speed up the internet) and use only text mode.

Only sometimes it is useful to enable compression of web pages in the browser. Chrome, which is used by over 90% of Android users, has this feature.

In chrome, go to "Settings" and to "Data Saver". Once activated, all http pages (not https) you visit will go through Google's servers and be provided to us in a compressed form, saving you up to 30% of the amount of data you receive.

Other browsers for mobile devices, such as Opera, for example, have a similar feature.

The fourth way to increase the speed of the Android Internet connection - use the Lite / Go version of the application

If you used Facebook or Messenger a few years ago, you are well aware of cluttered apps.

Not without reason, their Lite versions were created, which not only have lower requirements for smartphone performance, but also simply work faster.

Google probably noticed this too, because not so long ago it introduced a number of proprietary applications labeled Go, which should also be "lighter".

Therefore, they must work faster. I'm talking about YouTube Go, Google Maps Go and GMail Go and others.

Method five how to speed up the speed of the Internet on android - clear the application cache

If you have speed issues with a particular app, you can clear its cache.

Often, over time, a lot of unnecessary data is collected there, which only slows down its work. You can clear the cache from the Settings level in the Applications menu.

A small note here, remember that clearing the cache will log out most applications and you will need to log in again.

These were simple, affordable ways for everyone to increase the Internet on the phone, but if you understand at least a little about the structure of the system, I can offer you much more - increase the speed to the maximum - Good luck.

Communicators and smartphones have long been part of human life. The ability to access the "world wide web" from anywhere in the world is the advantage of a mobile device. But from time to time sites start to load slowly. Increasing the speed of the Internet on the phone will be discussed in the article.

The first step is to determine whether loading pages on the "global network" is really a problem that occurs due to low data transfer rates. It is recommended that you connect your device to a wireless network and check the internet speed on your smartphone. If the pages load quickly, there are no problems accessing sites, then the device itself provokes problems.

Mobile network speed

It is worth remembering that the mobile Internet “slows down” more often than with a wi-fi network.

The latest standard - 4G - supports the maximum allowable value for ideal conditions on mobile devices up to 100-130 Mbps. For example, on a wifi tablet, the value is lower than what is specified in the specification for 4G technology.

Ways to measure Internet speed on Android

Before you start accelerating the Internet on Android, you need to measure the data transfer performance of your phone. Specialized programs - Internet Speed ​​Test, Speed ​​Test - display the current values ​​when accessing servers in other countries.

Details on how to measure Internet speed for Android platforms are described in a separate article:.

Phone changes

To increase the speed of mobile Internet, you should start with the phone settings. First of all, check the browser used to work with the "world wide web":

  1. By default, the phone uses Google Chrome. Go to the settings, then - the item "Reducing traffic". Toggle the slider in the opposite direction to activate the specified mode. Now traffic will be compressed by Google servers, it will take less time to load pages on a smartphone. The lower part of the communicator screen will show the compression percentage.
  2. A popular browser from a Norwegian company is Opera Mini. It has the traffic compression function installed by default. Advantages: its small size, the necessary minimum of functions for comfortable surfing on the World Wide Web.

Another option to increase the speed of the Internet on your phone is to clear the browser cache. Go to browser settings, select the "Clear cache" option.

An alternative option is to use the smartphone cache clear menu for programs that constantly consume traffic from the external network. Enter the main menu of the phone, then - "Applications". Select required software. An additional menu will appear, followed by the Clear Cache button.

Removing unused applications

Some programs installed on the smartphone consume traffic from the external network in the background. To avoid overspending, at the same time increase the speed of the Internet on Android, turn off the background mode, or remove unnecessary programs located in the "Applications" option of the main menu. Log in and uninstall unused ones.

If the software is necessary, disable the "Force stop" option to prohibit consuming traffic in the background.

Turning off the display of pictures

When surfing on a mobile device, images are loaded that take up traffic due to their resolution and size. To speed up the Internet of a mobile phone, it is recommended to disable the download of pictures from the network. The option is disabled in the browser settings.

Changing network settings

Another option to increase the data transfer rate on the World Wide Web is to change the configuration of the used mobile network phone.

Application to speed up work

Another option is to use special programs, conditionally divided into two types: with and without administrator rights. The first includes applications that require the user to have Root rights on Android. The second programs, respectively, do not require additional permission for installation. They are available for download through the Google app store: Play Market. Let's consider some of them.

Having root rights

  • Most famous representative- Internet Speed ​​Master application. There are two modes of operation: with the presence of root-rights and without them.

It shows you how to increase your current internet speed with the click of a button. If the user has administrator rights on the phone, the application will provide advanced functionality.

For automatic optimization, click the Apply Patch button. Then the software will independently make the necessary changes in order to maximize the performance of the current connection. After the operation is completed, restart the smartphone.

If you do not have administrator rights, only the Improve Internet Connection feature will be available.

  • The second representative is the Internet Booster application. It works like the previous version. There is a built-in browser that allows you to check the current speed-connection, monitor the battery status of the device, automatic mode for most functions. Reboot your phone to apply the settings.

Lack of root rights

Unfortunately, most software is used to optimize the work in the "global network" on mobile devices and require administrator rights. The only exceptions are isolated cases, but the functions of such applications will be curtailed.


The article describes the main reasons that affect the decrease in the speed of the Internet connection. Solutions are proposed on how to increase the speed of the Internet: using standard methods and using specialized software.

Most modern mobile phones support various formats or have the function of connecting to a wireless network. However, the speed of the Internet often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many users are interested in the question of how to increase the speed of the Internet on the phone. The answer to this question directly depends on the type of Internet and the capabilities of the phone itself.

How can I increase the speed of the Internet on my phone using applications?

The most common system installed on smartphones and tablets is Android. First of all, it is worth considering the possibilities and ways to increase the speed of the Internet on Android. The most convenient method of connecting mobile devices to the Internet is considered to be a wireless Wi-Fi network, especially now many public institutions and work offices provide unhindered access.

If the speed of the Internet leaves much to be desired, then it will be most convenient to use a special application for the Android system. Among accelerator programs, the most popular application is Internet Speed ​​Master. The developers claim that this program optimizes and speeds up all categories modern internet connections - Wi-Fi, EDGE, 3G and 4G.

This program can be downloaded for free on the Google Play service. The main functions of this utility come down primarily to optimizing settings and replacing system file parameters in order to improve the quality and speed of the Internet on the phone. It is very convenient for users that the application is supported by various versions of Android. The program has two modes - the first is a free trial (demo version), it is offered to evaluate the operation of the application on a smartphone. In the future, the program requires paid root access. If the user does not have this access, you must click the "Improve Internet Connection" button, after which you need to restart the phone. However, this way to bypass paid services does not work on all mobile devices.

Another way to increase the speed of the Internet on an Android smartphone can be one of the updates of free applications called Internet Booster. This Internet accelerator has convenient functionality, an interface that is understandable even for beginners, and is easily installed on a smartphone. The application allows you to optimize the quality of the Internet - Wi-Fi and 3G. The utility quickly reached the top of applications for smartphones and tablets. While this application can be found in free access on services offering software for the Android system.

Of the latest developments for mobile devices, it is also worth noting the Sped-up-internet program. This application is still new and its advantage is the fact that it is supported to work with the most latest versions Android also optimizes the speed of the Internet in 4G and even 5G format, which is now actively developing.

When working with mobile devices should be considered and general tips how to increase internet speed on android phone.

Although the "Android systems" installed on smartphones and tablets are considered quite stable and in some ways even "advanced", they often have problems: the Internet connection is much slower than stated by the provider or mobile operator. This is where many owners of such devices have a legitimate question about how to increase the speed of the Internet on Android? There are several simple ways to solve the problem.

How to increase Internet speed on Android: possible connection options

Let's start with the very basics of connection. Indeed, in most cases free Internet on "Android" is associated with the restrictions of the provider or mobile operator on traffic settings.

Actually, based on this, we can conclude how the connection is made. As a rule, this is either a home virtual network or a Wi-Fi connection in public place, or connection through a mobile operator. The last paragraph applies only to cases where the operator provides such services (for example, a traffic limit allocated for a month). But the saddest thing is that it is impossible to change the speed of reception - data transfer and the connection itself using the system's own means. However, even in this situation, the issue of the Internet on a phone or tablet can be resolved with one standard method. This refers to the version or settings of the default browser.

Like on a phone or tablet with Android on board: basic methods

As for the methods used to increase the speed of connection, page loading or file downloading, among the main methods, three of the simplest are distinguished:

  • browser replacement or reconfiguration of its Internet access settings;
  • use of third-party software on devices with root rights;
  • connection optimization using special utilities without root rights.

Browser settings on the example of Google Chrome

Let's look at the browser first. If it becomes noticeable that it starts to slow down, you should clear the cache. If this does not help, it is better to update the browser to a more recent version or install another application.

However, this is not always the problem. Consider how to increase the speed of the Internet on Android using the example of the Google Chrome browser, which is included in the standard set of the system.

After launching it, you should enter the options menu and use the settings item. Here you need to go to the very last point of reducing traffic and "tap" on it. In the window that opens, simply move the activation slider to the on position. This allows you to load pages or download files much faster than it is provided in the system by default.

Acceleration with root rights

For those users who have received root rights on their devices, we can advise using more effective method. To do this, you need the Internet Speed ​​Master application.

After its installation and launch, several options will be offered. Here, you don’t really need to dig into the settings, select the button for adding a patch (Apply Patch), after which you will need to reboot the device. To return to the default settings later, use the Restore button.

Optimizing non-root devices

Not all users use the appropriate access rights, so the problem of how to increase the speed of the Internet on Android can be solved without it. The principle is somewhat different from what was described above. But, again, for optimization, you will need the Internet Speed ​​Master application and the Internet speed test program (on Android, you don’t need to install it initially, redirection will happen automatically).

And in the window of the first application after launch, select the Improve Internet Connection item in the form of the corresponding button, and then use the Restore button. After that, a message will appear stating that the speed is optimized to the best possible setting, and then you will be asked to check the connection speed. When you click on the test button and you will be redirected to the installation of the Speed ​​Checker application, which, if desired, you can install and conduct the appropriate test. As can be seen from the above, the problem of speeding up the Internet in all cases is solved quite simply.
