The “Pendulum” bullet dodging technique – myths and truth. Legendary pendulum movements Swinging of the SMERSH pendulum

The swing of the pendulum probably became known among the people with the light hand of Bogomolov “In August 1944.” I only recently came across a more detailed description of what it is after flipping through A. Potapov’s book “Pistol shooting techniques. SMERSH practice.” Actually, the essence of this swing of the pendulum, described there in some detail, can be expressed by a quote from the book itself: “Working in the “pendulum” is a kind of tactical-acrobatic combination in which, like in an instant chess game, all factors that can play are taken into account and used. to the benefit: both the left-handed tactical rule, the inertia of the enemy in leashing the weapon behind the target, his training in the speed of disappearance in lower level followed by moving to a direction unexpected for the enemy, using distractions, and using cover."

The left-sided tactical rule is actually a shift to the left of oneself, outward (behind the back) from the enemy, as in the photo, which complicates his aiming, in contrast to a similar shift inward of the enemy. By the way, you need to take this step forward at an angle of 45 degrees, and not to the side or back. Stepping forward increases the angle of movement of the hand for retargeting, thus giving an additional fraction of a second. In fact, Gabe Suarez, one of the most sought-after instructors in the States, speaks about this principle in his video Advanced close-range gunfighting. Moreover, according to him, he learned this from one of the experts of Pekiti-Tirsia, that is, this is their female triangle.

The very swing of the pendulum, according to the description of the manner of movement and photographs of the positions, actually evoked in me persistent associations with the pencak silat style of Harimau, which is also characterized by somersaults, a sudden change in the directions of movements, as well as levels of movements from upper to lower and vice versa. In general, we need to think about how the gun could fit on this whole property.

The fact that swinging a pendulum is still a working thing has already been written, where you can actually see something similar in action in an absolutely unprepared person motivated by the fear of death.

Throwing knives

The essence of modern trends is always simplification and degradation, which is clearly seen in the example of Muay Thai. Its modern version, practiced in the ring, is a complete misery in its arsenal of techniques, not much different from kickboxing. Ancient Muay Thai (Muay Boran) is much more interesting - in addition to the striking arsenal, it included throws and creases and is strongly reminiscent of certain styles of Pencak Silat. I was even more convinced of this after watching a number of seminars by Colonel Amnat Pooksrisuk (they have names, however!). The way he uses the triangle is very similar to its use in Silat and Kali. There are also some other traceable general principles. As a result of additional viewing of videos on this topic, I discovered one with the pages of some book in which seated training of techniques in Muay Thai is given in the same way as it is practiced in a number of silat styles, such as Silek Tuo and Chimande - whoever saw it knows :). By the way, this colonel was the mentor of Tony Jaa, who starred in the film Ong-Bak and Tom Yum Goong, with whom the world's interest in traditional Muay Thai began. According to him, traditional principles and techniques are hidden in the dance (Khon), which, ironically, is performed in the ring in front of its primitive version.

I looked through a number of materials on physical training in this type of wrestling common in northern India and Pakistan. In form, Kushti is an ordinary freestyle wrestling, but the method of developing strength is very similar to that in Pakhlavan, an Iranian martial arts. The same rotations with clubs, dumbbells and other weights. The fight itself is carried out in an earthen pit, which is dug again every day for the purpose of preparation. I was especially impressed by the exercises on the pole; in fact, the pole is like a gymnastic apparatus on which, in addition to acrobatic exercises, they also perform yogic asanas. By the way, he does the same thing on a rope. In general, very original traditional training methods that women of a certain profession would envy.

For some reason, many practitioners say puffing when they hit, I don’t know if they are releasing some kind of energy this way, but it always made me laugh. It came from Dan Inosanto, so you can immediately identify his students by this puffy. For example, Inosanto’s daughter Diana is constantly squealing with her husband Ron Balicki.

It turns out that Hawaii also has its own wrestling called Lua. They were pleased interesting weapon- a small stake on a rope. The rope is tied to the hand so that the stake does not get lost, and it is also used as a sarong in silat for various strangulations, plus blockages of the body directly on this stake, plus you can use the stake separately as a short stick or knife.

I was recently asked a question about what I know about the “pendulum”. Let there be an answer here too.
It's a shame;)

About "pendulums"
I know something about the “pendulum”, but knowing and owning it are two different things. In addition, I am more familiar with the Eastern technique of evading throwing weapons followed by rapprochement and disarmament, which is similar in principle to the “pendulum”, but is based on slightly different principles. Although externally, IMHO, the difference is insignificant.
I’ll tell you a little about evasion and the “pendulum” - one and the other.
Straightaway I'll warn you, that I have not met people who were excellent at using the “pendulum” and I myself do not know how to “swing the pendulum”. But I:
1) met people who could “dodge” (more details later)
2) listened to the pros’ stories about the “pendulum” and evasion
3) saw videos and read books
Therefore, the opinion given here is mainly IMHO, but I would like to hope that it is quite reasonable.

I know about the following "pendulums".
The first is a coordination and motor exercise in shooting. It looks something like this: shot - movement - shot - movement - shot, etc. Or like this: shot - two steps to the right - shot - two steps to the left - shot - two steps to the right - shot - etc. until the ammo runs out.
I saw this exercise at the shooting range, in addition, in the video of “Russian Style” (Kadochnikov), he demonstrated it there Ospischev S.V.
There is another option:
Starting from the standard 25 m, you run towards the enemy, moving left and right in chaotic zigzags. The stance is low, the pistol is held with both hands, fire is conducted both while running and at the angular moments of the trajectory. The trick is that at the “corners” you take a rigid persistent stance with a pre-worked structure, from which you fire one or two fairly accurate shots. While running, you simply shoot in the direction of the enemy to prevent him from aiming normally.

Another “pendulum” is known more “popularly” - a certain technique available to the pros, with the help of which you can easily evade a shot (shots) at a short distance.

Let's go step by step.
"Pendulum" first - training(description above).
I don’t know what the need for it is in battle, I can only guess, but at the shooting range this “pendulum” was presented precisely as a training exercise for coordination and movement with a weapon.
IMHO, but the specified “pendulum” is precisely a training exercise with elements of a combat “pendulum”.

"Pendulum" second - combat.
At one time he was very popular. He was even mentioned in cheap action books, when the main character approached the enemy, and he shot at him from ten, five, three meters and could not hit him :)

In the book by P.A. Gordikov points out that the “pendulum” was developed even before the revolution by Russian officers. I believe that Gordikov means V.S. Oshchepkova.
Each time Vasily Sergeevich began work with an impressive demonstration of his art in performing self-defense and disarming techniques. This was his long and reliably proven coaching style. This time he took the stage in the hall of the Central House of the Red Army during a sports evening specially organized for the occasion. ... It took very little time to make sure that he was an excellent master and a brilliant demonstrator. Several “opponents” attacked him at the same time, attacked him with bare hands, chopped him with a saber, stabbed him with a bayonet, beat him with a stick, inflicted cutting blows with a dagger, and shot him point-blank with a pistol. And all this is not “demonstration”, but seriously: a combat bayonet, a sharpened knife and saber, and even a pistol were loaded with a cartridge case, from which the bullet and gunpowder were removed, but the primer was retained.
The inspector stood behind Oshchepkov and could tell for sure whether the demonstrator managed to hit the weapon before the “attacker” fired, since in this case he clearly saw a light flash of the primer in the barrel of the weapon moved to the side, which was no longer obscured by Oshchepkov’s figure.

It is difficult to draw an exact conclusion from the fragment, but IMHO, here Oshchepkov apparently demonstrated an evasion technique, most likely tai-sabaki, and not a “pendulum” in the modern sense.
There is information - unconfirmed by documents, but very similar to the truth - that the NKVD and subsequently SMERSH, based on the developments of tsarist officers (maybe Oshchepkov), created and used the “pendulum” more or less technologically and widely.
This is how the “pendulum” is described V. Bogomolov in the book “The Moment of Truth” (“In August 1944”)– about the actions of counterintelligence during WWII:
The swing of a pendulum is not only movement, it is interpreted more broadly than can be understood here from Tamantsev’s words. It should be defined as “the most rational actions and behavior during short-term fire contacts during forceful detention.” It includes instantly snatching a weapon, and the ability from the very first seconds to use the factor of distraction, the factor of nervousness, and, if possible, backlighting, and an instant, unmistakable reaction to any enemy actions, and proactive rapid movement under fire, and constant deceptive movements ( “feint game”), and sniper accuracy of hitting limbs when shooting in Macedonian style (“disabling limbs”), and continuous psychological pressure until the completion of the forceful detention. “Swinging the pendulum” achieves the capture alive of a strong, well-armed and actively resisting enemy. Judging by the description, Tamantsev “swings the pendulum” in the most difficult and effective execution – “staggering”.
And here is what one of the modern practitioners says about the “pendulum” SOUTH. Maslak:
Pendulum is a fairly broad concept. In general, as Bogomolov correctly formulates, this is “the most optimal behavior during a short-term fire contact,” which includes the rapid removal of weapons. bringing him to combat readiness, high-speed shooting "in sectors", movement on the battlefield, activation of "backlight", etc.
IN modern Russia Two people are seriously dealing with this problem - Potapov and your humble servant. The difference in the schools is as follows - Potapov strictly adheres to the methods of SMERSH during the Second World War, slightly forgetting about the realities of modern times. What does this mean? The Potapovskaya school provides active work body - bending, etc., while I don’t practice this. Why? For one simple reason: for a certain number of years, a mandatory piece of equipment for an operative, a special forces soldier, and indeed any military personnel in a combat situation is a bulletproof vest! Active work with the body in a bulletproof vest seems to me, to put it mildly, unrealistic;)
And practice confirms this!
By the way, in the film “August 1944,” based on this book, Tamantsev works at my school, and not at the SMERSH school of those years! It's a small thing, but it's nice...

IN Lately The topic of the “pendulum” is not raised like before, when in every second cheap action movie (book) the author described how the main character “swinging the pendulum” approached the enemy and easily disarmed him :)
IMHO, the “pendulum” has not been forgotten, it’s just being done by those who really need it (and who have enough time and money for it). According to reviews, in order to really “swing the pendulum” while dodging bullets, you need to constantly practice for quite a long time. By the way, in Y. Maslak’s training course(s) “pendulum” is given at the highest (third) level of shooting training, and the cost of this level is $3,000 8-o

And now a little about technology.
1. the names of the techniques are conditional - so that it is clear without demonstration, in addition, in different schools the same techniques are called differently
2. Let me remind you that I am talking more about eastern evasion and rapprochement with subsequent disarmament. I don’t know how similar it is to the “pendulum” of Maslak or Potopov. IMHO, physics and psychology should be the same, which means there is great similarity.

Before moving on to the possible "pendulum" technology, let's talk a little about " evasion", meaning dodging a projectile. The technique of dodging a flying projectile began to be developed almost at the same time when more or less technologically advanced projectiles appeared: arrows, darts, spears, etc. As in many other things, the greatest successes in Such techniques were achieved in the East, although there were also masters in the West.
The evasion technique consisted of several techniques, most of which also exist in hand-to-hand combat.
This is, for example, " drain" - when the projectile passes close to the body or even “rolls down” the body. In hand-to-hand combat, this is a soft block in the aikido style, when the blow is not repulsed or stopped, but is taken to the side or passed casually along the body.
There is also " chop" - when a projectile is hit with a hand, foot or an improvised object. In hand-to-hand combat these are hard karate blocks.
One more trick" capture" - dodging with the body while catching the projectile with the hand (or pinching the projectile in the bend of the knee, elbow, armpit, etc.). In hand-to-hand combat, such grabs are also present, often turning into throws and painful holds.
The "Grip" was very popular with many fighters as it allowed them to demonstrate their personal skill and reaction speed. And in some eastern schools, “capturing” was even included in the examination program. I'm talking, of course, about catching arrows with your bare hands.
After the advent of the crossbow, “grabs” for the most part went out of widespread use (in the West), since the speed of the bolt was much higher than the speed of the arrow and it was not so easy to catch it.
Most of these techniques are based, I think, well known to many, "Tai-Sabaki" principle- leaving the line of attack as a result of a 90 degree turn:
- heads,
- "triangle" - waist-shoulders
- or the whole body.

As the projectile became smaller and its speed increased, it became more and more difficult to evade. For example, a spear, javelin, and arrow are easier to dodge than a stone from a sling or a crossbow bolt.
Here came to the aid of the soldiers combat acrobatics: walks, jumps, somersaults, etc.
By the way, it’s not for nothing that acrobatics is what is taught first of all in any school or martial arts section. If you come to study biography, and they don’t teach you acrobatics, then run away from there as fast as you can - they won’t teach you anything good there.
So. Well, we are getting closer to modern weapons and the evasion technique itself, which, by the way, has not undergone significant changes, only a couple of nuances have been added to it related to the properties firearms. For example, I was told that you need to move away from the machine down and to the right (a side somersault or a low jump to the side), including because when fired, the recoil lifts the barrel up and to the right (from the evader it will be to the left). They also told me how to dodge a pistol, there seems to be a difference with dodging a machine gun, but I’m sorry - I forgot what it is :(

Actually evasion technology, or rather, what is needed for this.
First of all attention and "feeling of impact"(in this case, the feeling of a shot) - i.e. knowledge of the moment of impact/shot is on the verge of intuition. This is sometimes called "prediction." Attention is necessary in order to notice the movements of the eyes and the smallest muscles of the enemy - all this can suggest not only the moment of the shot, but also its direction.

Secondly, swing training, i.e. constant transfer of body weight and changes in levels and directions of movement. In general, in order to master the pendulum well, you need to train, train and train again.
The basis of the "pendulum"(by the way, contrary to the name) - these are non-rhythmic body movements that deceive the enemy shooter and force him to shoot at the place where you were a second (fraction of a second) ago or - as it seems to the shooter - you will be in the next second (fraction of a second). I repeat for emphasis - the pendulum of a clock moves rhythmically, and the basis of the “pendulum” in BI is precisely non-rhythmic deceptive movements.

The shooter's deception is associated with the imperfection of human vision and psychology.
For example, a person perceives O A greater danger is more obvious than a lesser one. Those. if a person stands up straight, legs spread wide, arms open in a wide grip (arms spread out as if for a hug), then for the enemy he looks more dangerous than a person, say, in a regular right-handed stance with elbows pressed to the body and head bent. For a shooter, a “full face” person also looks like a more attractive target than a “profile” person, since the latter is smaller (but there is one drawback for a modern warrior. As a rule, it is rare that a body armor vest (among the masses) provides protection from the sides)

Another property of vision- human eyes see better what is located above and to the right. This property of vision, by the way, has been used by advertisers for a long time - the most profitable (and usually the most filled important information) place (block) in self-respecting advertising - just at the top right.
Accordingly, the less profitable one - invisible - is at the bottom left.
Here you need to make a small remark and add another secret of vision- when you look down (an angle of approximately 45 degrees from the surface), the focus of vision blurs somewhat, but what is on the sides of the field of view becomes better visible (lateral vision improves). Those. you can see almost 180 degrees and see better than when the line of sight is directed straight ahead. This method of “seeing” is worth remembering when you are surrounded by opponents.
By the way: lately I’ve been watching films with Bruce Lee and noticed that when Bruce gets into a ring of opponents, he looks down ;)

Out of curiosity.
Also don't forget about "blind spot"- a place at the bottom of the eyeball where the “knot” of nerve endings is located.

I don’t remember the exact information, and I don’t have a book at hand, but roughly: when looking at a wall from a distance of 10 meters, the area of ​​a blind spot on the wall is about a meter in diameter.
Where is the "invisible" spot? If the same wall is divided into four equal parts, crossed out by horizontal and vertical lines, then the “invisible” spot will be located approximately in the area of ​​the lower right section of the wall.
Why don't we notice the blind spot?
Firstly, because our eyes are accustomed to thinking out and adding to most of the information. Analogy: it’s, you know, like at home when there’s a power outage - “I know that there’s a chair here” and my memory helpfully “draws” the image of the chair.
Secondly, when a person looks, it would seem, “at one point,” the pupil is in fact not motionless, but constantly makes a huge number of micromovements, imperceptible during external observation without special devices. And these micro-movements cover, among other things. blind spot area.
Thirdly, because we have two eyes and, due to their location, they see slightly differently (put 5 kopecks on the table, close your left eye and place a pen/pencil/finger between your eye and the coin so that your right eye does not see the coin, then close your right eye, and open the left one), then the blind spot area also overlaps.
But the blind spot area is not always and not always completely covered.
Of course, at the operating distance of the “pendulum” - the average real distance of fleeting combat contact is 5 meters - the “blind spot” is unlikely to play a significant role. So remember this information just for your information.

Another reason for deception is inertia and closed-mindedness of thinking.
A soldier “instructed to the point of tears,” for example, usually thinks in plan: point 1, 2, 3, etc.
The man moved to the right and the barrel turned to the right, but the man, it turns out, only indicated a movement to the right, and he himself went to the left. The barrel turns to the left, but the man has already gone to the right. Etc.
Those. The shooter in advance (remember that the count here is in fractions of a second!) determines for himself the point where, in his opinion, the enemy should appear and points the gun there. When the enemy changes direction of movement, the shooter needs some time to adjust the plan, cancel the planned task: “turn the hand with the pistol so that the barrel points to point A” and set a new task. This is the difference in time that a person dodging a shot or “swinging a pendulum” must keep within.
Those. The main role in mastering the “pendulum” is played not by physical training, but by knowledge of physiology, the psychology of thinking and behavioral psychology. IMHO, the main thing is to understand the principle, and the “physics” is already being developed and developed through exercises.
But it's quite detailed description of the "pendulum"(educational?) in the Israeli interpretation
“The notorious “pendulum” also belongs to the techniques of predominantly one-handed shooting. This is a system of movement under fire, based on some inertia of the shooting process. The fighter changes the speed and direction of movement before the enemy has time to squeeze trigger.
In a simplified form, the “swinging the pendulum” technique looks like this:
You are facing the enemy, weapon extended and lowered slightly downwards right hand. Sharply throw your body to the right - forward. The right leg is bent at the knee. the left leg is fully straightened. Move your body to the left, left leg bent at the knee, right leg fully straightened. “Point” the weapon at the enemy and fire a shot. Next, pull up your right leg and turn to your opponent with your right side. With your feet shoulder-width apart parallel to each other, you are in a stable static position. Fire a shot using sighting devices. Make a similar feint to the left and the process repeats - throw to the right, half-aimed “knock down” shot, take a stable position half-turned to the enemy, shoot with careful aiming, feint to the right, etc. At the same time, you move forward in a zigzag manner.
You will achieve success only if you perform this technique at a very fast pace (which is achieved by first practicing it until it is completely automatic) and in a “ragged” rhythm, avoiding monotonous movements. To escape from enemy fire, you can also use rolls in various directions. When rolling, the level and direction of body movement changes sharply, which makes it difficult for the enemy to fire. The roll is entered from a standing position or, more often, from a kneeling position.
When rolling, jumping, falling, etc., it is important to give the weapon a position that eliminates the possibility of hitting the fighter himself if he is fired accidentally. Usually the gun is pressed against right side heads with the trunk vertically upward. A less recommended position is when the weapon is pressed against the left collarbone with the barrel directed to the left - up at an angle of 45 degrees. It is unnecessary to remind you to remove your finger from trigger guard. The easiest way is to roll to the left. You fall on the base of the palm of your left hand (fingers should be pointing to the right - back) and roll to the left over your forearm, elbow, left shoulder, back. When doing this, remember to tuck your chin to your chest, otherwise you may hit the back of your head hard. Next, using the kinetic energy of movement, you move to a kneeling or standing position. You can use this technique if there is a need to eliminate delays in shooting under enemy fire."

Regarding “read and watch”.
I can’t recommend Ivanov-Katansky (“The Pendulum Step”), since I haven’t seen any positive reviews about either the author or the book—decide for yourself. But I think Y. Maslak and A. Potapov are quite suitable.
I also once saw a video with a demonstration of the “pendulum” (as far as I remember, it was demonstrated by Ivanov-Katansky).
From fiction: V. Bogomolov “Moment of Truth” (“In August 1944”) and the film of the same name. It's not worth taking a low-quality action movie IMHO;)

It is very difficult to surprise a modern person with anything. However, there are always individuals who are ready to run anywhere and spend any money to obtain “secret knowledge.” Secret techniques hand-to-hand combat Tibetan monks, secret techniques, secret techniques for going to the toilet of the New Zealand counterintelligence - it’s impossible to list everything. And most importantly, this, as a rule, has a very distant relation to reality. But the magic words “secret technique” do their job - immediately there are apologists for the new teaching, who, foaming at the mouth, begin to prove its truth, uniqueness and universality. Was no exception "Pendulum" technique, which is positioned as a unique development of SMERSH and is designed for dodging bullets and super accurate shooting. Let's look at this in a little more detail.

First, the bare facts. The “Pendulum” technique was first mentioned in the fiction novel “In August 1944” by Vladimir Bogomolov. in 1973. The author himself stated that most of the narrative is based on real events, since at that time he himself served in military intelligence. But in-depth studies of the biography of citizen Bogomolov, as well as checks of archives and memoirs of contemporaries, cast doubt on these words. So there is an alternative version that Bogomolov has nothing to do with SMERSH and everything he wrote is pure fiction. What is true and what is not is not for us to decide.

In the future about the secret t equipment "Pendulum", developed by SMERSH agents, was written by various authors, among whom are especially famous G. Potapov and S. Ivanov-Kamensky. In almost all cases, the technique was presented as unique martial arts, specially designed for training SMERSH employees during the years Great Patriotic War . They say the “Pendulum” allows you to almost evade a point-blank shot, maneuver under crossfire and at the same time effectively hit the enemy. And that later these techniques were classified only thanks to the efforts of the authors, who somehow obtained secret archives and communicated with SMERSH agents who agreed to teach them this unique art. Impressive, isn't it?

Let's talk about the facts again. “Pendulum” technique It is not in service with official special forces of any country in the world. The “Pendulum” technique is not used in the ideological successors of SMERSH - . Currently, all adherents of this unique fighting style are followers of Potapov and other authors. And how many of them are real military officers is a big question.

Now thoughts. A trained soldier is capable of producing service weapon up to 5 shots in a couple of seconds. The human reaction speed is within 200 ms in the most favorable case. The flight speed of a bullet from a Makarov pistol is 315 m/s. This means that in the 200 ms that a person needs to react to a shot, the bullet will travel about 60 meters. Is it possible to physically dodge this? No.

Go ahead. The basic principle "Pendulum" technique consists of rocking the body, constantly changing the direction of movement and the position of the limbs with the body, and shifting the center of mass. Is it possible to shoot accurately with such acrobatics? As practice has shown, yes, it is possible. Is it possible to shoot accurately if you are hit by enemy bullets? No.

Then what is the calculation? And the fact that the enemy will be disoriented by your behavior, which will give you precious fractions of seconds to hit him first. It seems logical, but you won’t confuse professional military personnel with such dances. Yes, the movement is difficult to predict, but they are not required to kill you with one shot - a bullet lodged in any part of the body seriously discourages the ability and desire to tumble further. With crossfire, everything is exactly the same, especially considering that your enemy’s reaction speed is no worse than yours and he is really ready to shoot at you to kill.

Go ahead. In addition to the movement itself, "Pendulum" technique there is a description of quickly snatching a weapon and shooting. And this is much more like the truth. For example, holsters have been developed that reduce the time it takes to prepare a service weapon for firing to a fraction of a second by automatically cocking the safety and reducing the number of hand movements. Methods of shooting from awkward positions, as well as in motion, have also been developed. And this is actually used by modern special forces. Was this a brilliant development by SMERSH? Maybe. Does it help you dodge a bullet? No, but it helps shoot earlier and more accurately.

Could they SMERSH agents in principle, have a special technique that allows them to dodge bullets and shoot with unprecedented accuracy? So, SMERSH was created in 1943, when the military actions of Nazi Germany had ceased to be a crushing offensive, so the enemy was forced to pay more attention sabotage and terrorist activities. Did SMERSH agents have time to develop, master and adapt any secret techniques?

There is a war in the country, the front line is constantly fluctuating, every day and every person counts. German saboteurs are well trained, so personnel turnover is very high. There is simply not enough time for special training for each agent. They are given basic knowledge and sent to act, because that is what is required of them in a war. Yes, unique shooting skills were present, but was this due to the training or personal characteristics of the agents? More likely the second. After all, no one shouts about the “unique training of Red Army snipers” based only on experience Vasily Zaitsev. The fact that during the years of severe pressure, SMERSH agents were able to effectively eliminate the enemy is the merit not of any special training, but of the extraordinary personal qualities of people who were ready to do anything for the good of their homeland.

So what is the phenomenon? "Pendulum" technique? And the fact is that people WANT TO BELIEVE that they have knowledge that will allow them to control a dangerous situation and emerge victorious from it. Yes, there is some logic in the recommended techniques and methods, but this does not make them a panacea. It is much easier to prevent the enemy from approaching a minimum distance than to effectively swing “pendulums” in front of him. It is much more convenient to force him to act rashly and give away his location than to try to take awkward poses in the crossfire. it is much more effective to “stir up” the situation, knock your opponent off balance than to rock a body that in a second will be stuffed with lead.

Perhaps the real “Pendulum” is precisely the ability to control the situation, to force the enemy to act exactly as the fighter needs? Who knows. Unfortunately, in war there is no single correct tactic that guarantees one hundred percent survival in combat conditions, no matter what the bearers of the “top-secret combat techniques of the world’s top-secret intelligence services” say.


Vladimir Bogomolov “Moment of Truth”

Already on this blog, I probably reviewed all the variations - but I remembered that I still missed the description of the most important method of the “Tamantsev Pendulum” described in Vladimir Bogomolov’s book “The Moment of Truth” - from which it all actually began... (By the way, I think I read it as- then this book in childhood, it was quite mediocre - drawn out and not much is clear. Most of all I remember the adventures of a fascist intelligence officer. With a pistol-pipe in his sleeve. How he rode a motorcycle, with a girl assistant, as far as I remember. And then there was such confusion, that you can’t immediately understand. Or it was some other book about counterintelligence agents - completely unmemorable works. Boring - not like, for example, Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes, or even Agatha Christie - but here the book was still completely unsuccessful , not memorable at all.)

But meanwhile, excerpts from Vladimir Bogomolov’s book “The Moment of Truth” about the legendary “Tamantsev Pendulum” - what got people so interested in this book, what kind of supernatural capabilities of its main character.

…. He woke up, hearing the voices of Alekhine and Tamantsev in the clearing, and looked around. Tamantsev approached the fire with a quick, elastic gait, as easily and cheerfully as if he had slept all day somewhere nearby and, having just woken up, hurried to dinner. Andrei thought that Tamantsev, now or after dinner, would definitely train for at least half an hour in forceful detention, in “swinging the pendulum,” in various jumps, feints and dashes, and would work out suples until the third sweat, and Andrei felt his inferiority with particular force... .

….. – There is also a very significant moral aspect here, which some simply do not know about, while others usually forget... But one should know and remember... In the event of a military operation, each of these thousands of those involved must be warned: this is not for you on the front line; even if they shoot at you, even if they kill you, you must take them alive!.. But such a warning is actually an order. Can this be demanded from army servicemen or even from border guards from units protecting the rear of the front? – turning to those sitting at the table, Yegorov asked. – I personally think that no, it’s impossible... This can only be demanded from those who know how to swing a pendulum, from cleaners! This is their privilege, their lot...

…. Tamantsev, who was ahead of him, with two revolvers in his hands raised to shoulder level, was already dancing in front of them - “swinging the pendulum,” rapidly moving away from the bushes to the left….

…. In some confusion, he hesitated, and during these seconds I managed to be away from him from the direction of the sun and, thus, turned on the backlight. To escalate him, to put pressure on his psyche, I immediately “tickled his ears”: I fired a single shot from both revolvers so that the bullets passed close to his head - this is impressive.

To make it difficult for him to aim, I constantly “swinged the pendulum”: I danced with my left shoulder forward, jerking my body from side to side and all the time moving myself - something similar, only simpler, is done by a boxer in the ring. For further psychological impact I held him at gunpoint and fixed him with my gaze, showing with all my appearance that I was about to shoot. ….

…. He fired two bullets at me, didn’t hit me, added another one after a second and missed again. I could teach both him and those who trained him in Germany how to “swing the pendulum”; besides, Pasha’s shots from the side undoubtedly got on his nerves, and the backlight significantly reduced his accuracy.

Nevertheless, he was an experienced, resourceful scab who immediately realized that I was more dangerous than others and that first of all he had to deal with me. And before that, I assessed him correctly: he acted intelligently, confidently, unlike the “lieutenant,” he shot skillfully, without rushing, and if it weren’t for the backlight and my skill in “swinging the pendulum,” he might have already knocked me down. ….

... Everything that Tamantsev did at these moments, he did countless times during more than three years of war. Each of his movements, both in the “swing of the pendulum” and in the forceful detention, was worked out not only by combat practice, but also constant training– from the moment he emerged from the bushes, without exaggeration, he acted with the precision and speed of an automatic machine. Blinov and the radio operator sergeant - both of them tried and now rushed to carry out his order - in comparison with him, they naturally moved more slowly and, with their lack of skill and, as it seemed to him, clumsiness, irritated him. ...

The swing of a pendulum is not only movement, it is interpreted more broadly than can be understood here from Tamantsev’s words. It should be defined as “the most rational actions and behavior during short-term fire contacts during forceful detention.” It includes instantly snatching a weapon, and the ability from the very first seconds to use the factor of distraction, the factor of nervousness, and, if possible, backlighting, and an instant, unmistakable reaction to any enemy actions, and proactive rapid movement under fire, and constant deceptive movements ( “feint game”), and sniper accuracy of hitting limbs when shooting in Macedonian style (“disabling limbs”), and continuous psychological pressure until the completion of the forceful detention. “Swinging the pendulum” achieves the capture alive of a strong, well-armed and actively resisting enemy. Judging by the description, Tamantsev “swings the pendulum” in the most difficult and effective execution – “staggering”.

This is actually all the information from the original source, on which martial arts lovers began to build their “pendulums”. This is what the “Tamantsev Pendulum” really is.

And another excerpt about shooting “Macedonian style”

- It will be useful! As Comrade Christ said: seek and you will find!.. You understand... - Tamantsev unexpectedly hugged Andrei and quickly whispered confidentially: - I will teach you shooting in Macedonian style, forceful detention... You will gain experience, operational acumen will appear - but there will be no price for you! .. Pasha and I will make a real cleaner out of you!.. Wolfhound!.. Yes, you can take any scab with your bare hands!..

The fact that Muscovites knew Tamantsev by sight did not surprise Andrei. He heard that in the spring Tamantsev went to Moscow and showed there his art in shooting in Macedonian style large group officers and generals. He shot so well that the head of the Main Directorate awarded him a personalized weapon - a pistol sent after him with a dedicatory engraving.

In February - May 1943 - senior teacher at the Berlin Abwehr intelligence school. He led seminars: “Basics of camouflage and conspiracy in the Soviet frontline zone”, “Crossing the front line when returning” and “Behavior during interrogations in the NKVD”, taught cadets shooting in Macedonian style. He appeared in classes only in dark glasses and a wig, with a mustache and beard.

47 - Macedonian shooting - shooting on the move from two pistols (or revolvers) at a moving target.

(also a rather mysterious thing, it’s interesting to see, maybe they are somehow related to each other “pendulum” and “shooting in Macedonian style” (and why “in Macedonian style”?). But the most interesting thing in the book is another rather mysterious Tamantsevo exercise, which due to stereotypes, it has completely passed the attention of entire generations of martial arts and it is called suples. And it is probably worth considering in more detail.)

And responses from readers' mail, Vladimir Bogomolov - this is what people thought back in 1974 - 1976 (Comments like this means they were sent by mail). Interestingly, martial arts lovers immediately noted new technology— and so they wrote directly to the writer to find out. (They didn’t even pay much attention to the fact that this work was nothing more than fiction.) So they were interested in martial arts. And this is not all the reviews, and not all interested people have written. After all, there were much more of them - if they are still arguing about how to do it to this day...

S. Vasiliev (Obninsk)

I learned from your book that during the war, “search operatives” were taught “Russian style.” From the book I read about suples, “swinging the pendulum,” forceful detention, as well as various jumps, feints and dashes, which Tamantsev did during his rest. I would like to know more about this... Nowadays almost everyone is interested in martial arts, but I would like to study the true “Russian style” of hand-to-hand combat.

We must not lose our traditions.

G. Pichugin, student of the Ministry of Internal Affairs school (Tashkent)

I’m standing as an orderly, 3 o’clock in the morning, reading your book again. There is a lot in it that is incomprehensible to me. You describe the life of Art. Lt. Tamantseva, figure - you can’t say anything, but here’s the question: has he never loved a girl in all his time, never drank alcohol? And the second question - is “shooting Macedonian style” carried out with two pistols simultaneously or alternately?.. From now on I will always follow the example of Tamantsev. I really want our school to teach “shooting the Macedonian style” and “swinging the pendulum.” Then not a single criminal will escape the chase.

L. Matveev, student of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Moscow)

I am writing on behalf of the entire sambo section of the institute. The guys are young, good, romantic and very brave warriors... The description of the “swing of the pendulum” caused heated debate, since the exact knowledge of the methods of defense against a pistol interested everyone. We want to learn this.

M. Pantyukhov (Zarinsk)

I admire Tamantsev’s ability to “swing the pendulum.” Although the book says it, it’s not enough. I beg you to tell me more about this; How did Tamantsev’s body, legs, pelvis, and head combine “when the pendulum was swinging?” where were his hands and what movements were they performing at that time?

And the interpretation of “Tamantsev’s Pendulum” in the film “In August 1944” is how the creators of this film understood the idea of ​​a “pendulum”.

And accordingly, you can download Vladimir Bogomolov’s book “The Moment of Truth” using the link from the Mail Ru Cloud. (TXT and PDF formats)

I receive many messages with the request “Tell me how to properly train and swing the “pendulum”.” Answering, I decided to publish the article again.

Legend claims that the pendulum originally appeared in the cavalry, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The so-called cavalry shooting appeared, and it was carried out as follows. With two hands, and one hand, as a rule, it was the left, was at the level of the hip or waist, and the other hand was extended at eye level, as when shooting accurately.

During a cavalry charge, a ledge (to the left, to the right) and approaching the enemy’s formations, similar shooting was carried out, at the same time body movements followed: swinging the body to the left and to the right to the maximum possible amplitude, in order to make it difficult to aim fire at the advancing cavalry formations, since predominantly troops were armed with rifles and pistols (machine guns were generally a luxury).

After dismounting, cavalrymen, due to wounds, etc. applied this practice and improved it. As a result, the whole art of swinging the pendulum appeared, which included a complex of preparing, aiming and firing a pistol while simultaneously tilting away from the enemy’s shooting direction. I can’t vouch for the accuracy 100%, but this is roughly what I heard from one instructor.

Subsequently, the pendulum was improved by SMERSH employees, after it was necessary to capture the spy alive; if he died during detention, then the SMERSH employee himself could receive disbat for the foiled operation. It was in order to fire not to kill, but to suppress the enemy, while quickly approaching him to capture him and not getting shot himself, and this technique was invented, which was later called the “pendulum”.

The entire tactics of the pendulum consisted of one, maximum two quick tackles to the enemy, to approach and suppress him with targeted shooting, so that the bullets landed as close as possible; in a separate case, a slight injury to the detainee was allowed. As a rule, this will work in case of shooting from a pistol, I'm afraid that when shooting from automatic weapons, no need to be a hero...

Below I will give a technique for training a pendulum, but for now I want to give the opinion of one of the current GRU special forces officers, with whom I agree 95%.

Here is his opinion: In general, the use of a pendulum by SMERSH employees is a rather controversial issue. For there are legends that all employees owned this; such a conclusion can be drawn by reading Potapov’s book. But there is also the opposite opinion! So you can argue endlessly. And the things shown in the film “In August 44” (based on Bogomolov’s book “The Moment of Truth”) - show an option for training a specific fighter...

In recent years, in the professional environment of special forces, a method of dodging bullets called “Pendulum” has become very popular. There are even publications under such headings. These books are bought, republished and bought again. There is probably nothing reprehensible in the fact that the people who write them want to make money. Potapov’s “secret” books are about how to swing in different directions. Everything is fine. Easy to read. There is a desire to try, even build a preparation plan based on what you read. And it’s nice to think about how wonderful it is that the pendulum technique has not sunk into oblivion. And what a great author he is for giving us this wonderful work.

The only thing that is not there is at least one scientific fact. You don't need much. We simply need to define this phenomenon from the standpoint of science: how a person dodges bullets. Even if these are pseudo-scientific, they are facts. I understand that you can tactically correctly meet fire contact, and you won’t get hit. That's one thing. This is pure tactics. But avoiding a shot is, sorry, completely different.

It was necessary, well, at least out of decency, to publish the composition of the group on which the practical part of this experiment was carried out, on the basis of which such things are written. I can go on for a very long time with the list of what is missing, although it should be there, based on even the minimum requirements for scientific works. I firmly know that there will be no facts. Never. Because everything that is written there is fiction.

Now why do I agree 95% and not 100% with the author of the interview.

There is a fully developed training method on how to catch an arrow in front of your chest-hand, fired at you from a sports bow, from 50m. This was all dreamed up during long cloudy evenings. Sitting in the kitchen, in the light of a lampshade. I do not at all want to say that the pendulum system does not exist, or to ridicule the people who believed in it. Not at all. All this is there, all this happened. The only difference between what the military security officers (SMERSH) did and what our contemporaries present to us is like between vodka and a machine gun. Both knock you down, but in different ways.

And here's what's strange. The only source that mentions the pendulum is Bogomolov’s novel “In August of forty-four...”. And then, the pendulum is described there in the form of an artistic narrative. Where is the source? You can ask questions endlessly. And in the end, we find out that the only source is Potapov and Company itself. That's all. Do whatever you want with it. Don't you think this is strange?

Not a single fire training instructor of the leading special forces of the FSB or the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs knows anything about the bullet dodging system. Not a single tactical-special training instructor knows either. Veterans who have passed all last wars, also shrug their shoulders. The special forces of the GRU, without which not a single good fight is complete, also know nothing. Moreover, not a single foreign method, not a single school or center, deals with such nonsense. Even the Israelis, who have an unconventional approach in fashion, do not know anything.

But you, who bought this book for two hundred rubles, know. That's funny. What’s even funnier is that many people are already doing this seriously. There are believers. Methodological manuals are being written.

People are busy, as it seems to them, with serious business. They get tired during training and share their successes with each other in the difficult task of dodging bullets. There are leaders who are already doing this. (Well, another year or two, and we’ll start dodging machine guns, and then, you see, why not swing at a machine gun.)

What the counterintelligence operation did during the war years could be called “Pendulum”. Yes, most likely it was so. Because you can't imagine anything better. Briefly, concisely and in one word defines actions. The pendulum is swinging. Now in one direction, then in the other. I do not insist on this word; it is a collective concept. For Bogomolov, this is a pendulum. I'm sure there are many more definitions. But it is very stupid to think that you need to swing your body. We need to shake up the situation. This is what it's all about.

All the answers to all the questions are here - they shake up the current situation. They swing from one extreme to the other. Military counterintelligence operatives (SMERSH) were not rocking a body from side to side, they were rocking a person. They played, forcing experienced scouts to make mistakes and reveal themselves.

Now I have to step away from the topic a little aside. Let's go back to the forties. We must understand who these people were. How did they manage to do this without filing cases or signals, without an investigation and the sanction of the prosecutor, without a court decision and sentence, when they met a person, if they suspected him of treason, they simply killed him. And who were the people who were hunted by SMERSH's wolfhounds? A few dry facts.

By the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars (Council of People's Commissars) of November 5, 1934, a special meeting was established under the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs. The special meeting had the right to exile without trial to labor camps persons recognized as socially dangerous. For up to five years. Just a five year zone general regime. Anyone who, for example, was late for work. And this to its citizens. This date is also considered by some experts to be the beginning of the great purge.

In 1937, the Special Meeting received the right to send people to camps for up to eight years.

On November 17, 1941, the Special Meeting received the right to pass any sentences, including the death penalty. Sentences to death were carried out immediately. According to the Decree of the USSR Central Executive Committee of December 1, 1934, court hearings were held without prosecutors and lawyers.

By order of the NKVD of the USSR dated May 27, 1935, regional NKVD troikas were created, which had the rights of a Special Meeting. The troikas included: the head of the local NKVD department or his deputy, the head of the police department and the head of the NKVD department who examined the case. All yours, as you can see. No frills.

A special meeting gave ten years in the camps for failure to comply with the order to hand over personal radios. Think about it - ten years for a radio receiver.

In 1943, the NKVD was again divided, and military counterintelligence was separated into an independent structure called SMERSH with direct subordination to Stalin as People's Commissar of Defense.

SMERSH had its own investigative unit:

1st department of SMERSH controlled the General Staff of the Red Army, the GRU and intelligence agencies of the fronts and armies.
2nd department was in charge of air defense, aviation and airborne forces.
3rd department- tank troops, artillery and guards mortars.
4th department led the intelligence and operational work of the fronts.
2nd department SMERSH was engaged in the fight against desertion, betrayal, crossbows and was in charge of the barrage service.
4th department was in charge of the editorial offices of military newspapers, tribunals and military ensembles and academies.
5th department SMERSH was responsible for quartermaster supplies, medicine, and transportation.
6th department was engaged in operational support of the NKVD troops.
7th department kept records of traitors to the Motherland, spies, saboteurs, terrorists, cowards, alarmists, deserters, self-shooters and anti-Soviet elements. (If you fell under one of the points, you were, naturally, shot.)

It was SMERSH that managed to emerge victorious from the battle between the two largest intelligence and counterintelligence services. The only one whom Stalin was able to oppose Beria was Abakumov, the head of SMERSH.

The Main Directorate of Counterintelligence of SMERSH worked as part of and together with the advancing army. Let's just say - on the front end.

I wrote this to make it clear that a SMERSH operative in those years was a demigod - half-man. They could not shoot from their service weapons. And the Smershevites, having met a suspect in reconnaissance and sabotage activities, could independently make a decision to detain or destroy, it doesn’t matter.

Did those people who were thrown into our rear know about this? They knew. They knew what awaited them if they failed and what methods they would use to fight them. And when these two met, it wasn’t even their lives that were at stake. Behind the saboteur was the ABWERH, a network of agents that took years to create. Behind SMERSHEV is the effectiveness of entire armies.

Both were well prepared. What did this preparation consist of? Stuffed kentos? No. Maybe a delivered kick (low kick)? Also no. Bogomolov would have written that Mishchenko had a low kick. Is it possible to talk here about the special shooting school of SMERSH?

What, having signed a decree dividing the NKVD into two people's commissariats and approving Merkulov as the head of the NKGB, and Abakumov as the head of the GUKR SMERSH, in 1943, Stalin also signed a decree on the creation of the SMERSH shooting school?! This is silly. Of course not. There was none of this. There were no secret techniques. Do you think they had time for shooting training?

The front line for them was completely different. The main fight waged by the Smershevites was not carried out with pistols and grenades. It was carried out with brains. And the fact that the methods of forceful detention were bestial, merciless in nature (I mean leg sweeps and other things that were described in Bogomolov’s novel) was dictated by the war. And there is nothing surprising in this.

I will say that, while pulling out spirits at addresses, a couple of years ago (while attempting fire resistance), we did something else. And we all know that the interrogation did not end with shooting over the ear; the “cold pressing” of information is a very multifaceted thing.

So why did our colleagues go out in August 1944 to take three seasoned saboteurs? Three for three. Did they know something that we couldn’t and didn’t know?

If, among other things, we discard war time, their powers, motivation, ideology, and leaving aside immediate needs, what is needed right now to complete a combat mission?

The ability to master initiative, self and information - this is what gave them the opportunity to fulfill their duty. All that is needed to swing a saboteur like a pendulum is to know the operational situation, feel the situation, understand psychological picture suspect, all the subtleties of the operational game. This is the secret that they are now trying to sell to us in the form of stupid body movements.

An operative rocks a saboteur, a saboteur shakes up an operative. Both do what they do best. Both want to live. First one takes the initiative, then the other. You can, of course, now say - why bother, you can just arrest the suspect and that’s it. It is possible, but time will be lost.

And if you remember, they gave only a day to liquidate the Neman group. If Captain Alyokhin had learned to shoot like a Macedonian and swing like a pendulum, he would never have taken the Neman group. He would not have been able to improve the situation. What kind of shooting are we talking about? What are the secret techniques? Why have a masquerade? Think about it.

The human body has more than a hundred degrees of freedom. There are laws of physics and chemistry. There is psychophysiology and biomechanics. There are ballistics, internal and external. There is also performance characteristics weapons and ammunition. And to digest all this, you also need a brain. There's nothing more

There are not and were not any closed shooting schools for SMERSH, in which only management personnel and “wolfhounds” were trained. If there were methods, that means there were people, that means there were documents. Where is all this? The authors of the books claim that they were lost, and now, after many years, they have finally managed to restore the pendulum system.

They were not lost. They simply weren't there. There was experience, rich experience in operational combat work. SMERSH recruited the best. And there was no shortage of people. Very hard natural selection: the one who made a mistake died. Add to this the experience of war, and here you have a “wolfhound”. The SMERSH operative could rock anyone. Read the memoirs of old SMERSH members, and you will understand everything. Even the rich language in which these books are written speaks volumes.

All these unscrupulous and provocative, largely inhuman and insidious methods of fighting were passed on from the more experienced to the younger. They worked, they were effective. Maybe they were called a pendulum, or maybe something else. It doesn't matter. It is important that they won, war is a very good teacher.

There were no training systems, much less documents. It's just a legend. Childishly naive. How do you imagine the loss of such documents in the NKGB-SMERSH-NKVD structure? This is simply impossible by definition. I know what I'm writing about. Even the most mediocre pieces of paper have been stored in archives since the time of Tsar Pea. What loss?

There is a situation. There is an operative who is in control of the situation. And, in addition to simply writing papers in the office, he must also take up arms in his hands and definitely take alive those whom he is developing. To rock, to pull apart, to force to reveal one’s essence. This is not an easy task. Knowing that there will be resistance. Interrupting fire contact was prohibited by internal instructions. Is this possible now? The answer is obvious.

For failure of an operation, officers were sent to a penal battalion for a period of two to six months. This was called cowardice. They haven't shot for it yet. But if the wording was, for example: connivance, negligence, cowardice, they were shot immediately. And a week later they could shoot all family members, including children over 14 years old. Therefore, it was preferable to die in battle. Then the family received rations and other valuables of that time.

A person, placed by life in such a situation, squeezed the maximum out of his body’s capabilities.

I will give an example from my experience of how a person placed on the brink of life and death can act. I have one favorite and fail-safe technique - grabbing. As soon as during physical contact I manage to move slightly to the left or right, from the frontal plane of the enemy, I grab the neck, followed by strangulation. After 3-8 seconds, depending on physical conditions, the enemy loses consciousness.

And now, having been using this technique for more than 25 years (not a single failure during this time), somehow I carry out a grab from behind (generally an ideal option), do a choke and wait for the enemy to switch off.

And suddenly I find myself on the asphalt with him, he has already left the chokehold. Then it turned out, when watching (filming was underway), that he did a back somersault, and my body served as a support for him. As it turned out, he was neither a special forces soldier, nor a karateka, not even a gymnast. In his youth he went in for sports (at the time of his arrest, he was 46 years old), graduated from a physical education technical school and simply did exercises in the morning.

Feeling that he was dying (according to him), already losing consciousness, purely reflexively, he did a back somersault. In his youth, he did somersaults, but not on the ground, but into the water from the shore or a stone.
He survived the fight. Gaining experience. Each time becoming a more dangerous enemy. He is his own special forces soldier, detective, investigator and judge. Such was the situation at that time.

The pendulum is the brainchild of SMERSH, but it died along with its parent. Moreover, they had one habitat - war. I have read “In August 1944...” more than once.

Yes, it really is written about technical actions, but it was performed by one, individual Tamantsev. Now, as then, every fighter with combat experience has his own favorite fighting techniques. Which help you win. Techniques that once saved his life. Your own program of action, for example, to roll out a grenade. Everyone has their own. Tamantsev danced like a boxer, and Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov carries an RShG-1 grenade with him.

So what now? In 80 years they will write about the secret that special forces had in 2000.? If the level of intelligence does not increase, then they will write.

Now I'll get back to dodging bullets. I myself can personally guarantee that at a distance of 20 meters or closer with a pistol I will hit you as many times as I need, no matter how you twitch.

Take a piece of paper and a pen and count how many muscles you need to contract to take a step to the side, multiply by two, because by contracting one muscle, the brain sends a signal to the antagonist muscle to relax. Then count the step with the slope.

And how much is needed to point the weapon at the aiming point and pull the trigger. That more? So much for evasion. Which way are you going to go? What if the distance is five meters and you shoot without moving to the aiming line, but from the chest?

Undoubtedly, in close combat, speed is one of the most important indicators. But there is one more criterion. The most accurate, fastest and most devastating shot will be the one made on time. A shot that is tied to a given situation. Knowing and understanding the situation you find yourself in will give you the ability to take that shot. This shot will never miss. The one who took the initiative into his own hands is the winner. The one who swings the pendulum of the situation makes the decision.

This is the pendulum system. Good investigators and opera are fluent in it. The brothers on their arrows swing the pendulum so that you sway. Only they call it “pumping a swing.” Prisoners who have served ten years in prison can get pretty good. There is a lot to learn from them too. Their lives, like those of the Smershevites, depended on it. In the zone this is called “divorce”.

In life, if you have books with this content on your shelf, it means that the authors of these books have also deceived you. The same laws apply in all the variety of life situations. What’s in the Shilovchesky Forest “In August 1944..”, what’s in the zone in August 2010.

Take my word for it when a grown-up kid tries to dance at a shooting range like a Smershevite and asks:

- “Well, how? What if it’s like this? Is it like that? Is it hard to aim?” - this is a terrible sight.

And if you consider that he has two children at home, he becomes infinitely ashamed of this sacrifice of the pendulum. I share the desire of the authors of secret books to believe in the best, that all bullets will fly by because we will dodge them. But we must face the harsh facts.

It is impossible to recreate what happened during the Great Patriotic War, before it, under Tsar Gorokh. For, I hope, obvious reasons. And frankly speaking, there is no need for this now. There are enough other problems in shooting now.

Today, almost always at competitions practical shooting civilians win. Both in the pistol category and in the carbine category. From which it is clear that the population shoots better than those who are called upon to protect this population from the enemy, external and internal. This is the opinion of an active combat officer.

Now I have my own, proven method of training the “pendulum”, but now with age and experience, I understand what we trained - a reaction.

In the army, we trained the pendulum in the following way (I want to warn you right away that these were independent exercises and were not included in any combat or physical training plans).

Two parallel lines were drawn at a distance of 1.5 meters and 10 - 12 meters in length - a “corridor”. They took balls to play tennis. One was moving without leaving the corridor, and the second was standing and throwing balls, aiming at the chest, to the one who was moving. From session to session, the throwing force increased. Then we moved on to small stones and pebbles. When “mastery in swinging the pendulum” appeared, they threw TT cartridges.

I should note that the “level of skill” increased quite significantly when we moved on to stones. Yes, a very important clarification, you need to train naked to the waist in order to “feel the bullet with your skin.”

Well, whoever wants it in great detail, with descriptions, diagrams, drawings, etc., I refer you to Potapov’s books.

Good luck and remember that it is better to hit your enemy in the leg or shoulder with a bullet than to swing the “pendulum” dodging his bullets.
