On a dark night. Shooting pendulum SMERSH What does it mean to swing a pendulum

I was recently asked a question about what I know about the “pendulum”. Let there be an answer here too.
It's a shame ;)

About "pendulums"
I know something about the “pendulum”, but knowing and owning it are two different things. In addition, I am more familiar with the Eastern technique of evading throwing weapons followed by rapprochement and disarmament, which is similar in principle to the “pendulum”, but is based on slightly different principles. Although externally, IMHO, the difference is insignificant.
I’ll tell you a little about evasion and the “pendulum” - one and the other.
Straightaway I'll warn you, that I have not met people who were excellent at using the “pendulum” and I myself do not know how to “swing the pendulum”. But I:
1) met people who could “dodge” (more details later)
2) listened to the pros’ stories about the “pendulum” and evasion
3) saw videos and read books
Therefore, the opinion given here is mainly IMHO, but I would like to hope that it is quite reasonable.

I know about the following "pendulums".
The first is a coordination and motor exercise in shooting. It looks something like this: shot - movement - shot - movement - shot, etc. Or like this: shot - two steps to the right - shot - two steps to the left - shot - two steps to the right - shot - etc. until the ammo runs out.
I saw this exercise at the shooting range, in addition, in the video of “Russian Style” (Kadochnikov), he demonstrated it there Ospischev S.V.
There is another option:
Starting from the standard 25 m, you run towards the enemy, moving left and right in chaotic zigzags. The stance is low, the pistol is held with both hands, fire is conducted both while running and at the angular moments of the trajectory. The trick is that at the “corners” you take a rigid persistent stance with a pre-worked structure, from which you fire one or two fairly accurate shots. While running, you simply shoot in the direction of the enemy to prevent him from aiming normally.

Another “pendulum” is known more “popularly” - a certain technique available to the pros, with the help of which you can easily evade a shot (shots) at a short distance.

Let's go step by step.
"Pendulum" first - training(description above).
I don’t know what the need for it is in battle, I can only guess, but at the shooting range this “pendulum” was presented precisely as a training exercise for coordination and movement with a weapon.
IMHO, but the specified “pendulum” is precisely a training exercise with elements of a combat “pendulum”.

"Pendulum" second - combat.
At one time he was very popular. He was even mentioned in cheap action books, when the main character approached the enemy, and he shot at him from ten, five, three meters and could not hit him :)

In the book by P.A. Gordikov points out that the “pendulum” was developed even before the revolution by Russian officers. I believe that Gordikov means V.S. Oshchepkova.
Each time Vasily Sergeevich began work with an impressive demonstration of his art in performing self-defense and disarming techniques. This was his long and reliably proven coaching style. This time he took the stage in the hall of the Central House of the Red Army during a sports evening specially organized for the occasion. ... It took very little time to make sure that he was an excellent master and a brilliant demonstrator. Several “opponents” attacked him at the same time, attacked him with bare hands, chopped him with a saber, stabbed him with a bayonet, beat him with a stick, inflicted cutting blows with a dagger, and shot him point-blank with a pistol. And all this is not “demonstration”, but seriously: a combat bayonet, a sharpened knife and saber, and even a pistol were loaded with a cartridge case, from which the bullet and gunpowder were removed, but the primer was retained.
The inspector stood behind Oshchepkov and could tell for sure whether the demonstrator managed to hit the weapon before the “attacker” fired, since in this case he clearly saw a light flash of the primer in the barrel of the weapon moved to the side, which was no longer obscured by Oshchepkov’s figure.

It is difficult to draw an exact conclusion from the fragment, but IMHO, here Oshchepkov apparently demonstrated an evasion technique, most likely tai-sabaki, and not a “pendulum” in the modern sense.
There is information - unconfirmed by documents, but very similar to the truth - that the NKVD and subsequently SMERSH, based on the developments of tsarist officers (maybe Oshchepkov), created and used the “pendulum” more or less technologically and widely.
This is how the “pendulum” is described V. Bogomolov in the book “The Moment of Truth” (“In August 1944”)– about the actions of counterintelligence during WWII:
The swing of a pendulum is not only movement, it is interpreted more broadly than can be understood here from Tamantsev’s words. It should be defined as “the most rational actions and behavior during short-term fire contacts during forceful detention.” It includes instantly snatching a weapon, and the ability from the very first seconds to use the factor of distraction, the factor of nervousness, and, if possible, illumination, and an instant, unmistakable reaction to any enemy actions, and proactive rapid movement under fire, and constant deceptive movements ( “feint game”), and sniper accuracy of hitting limbs when shooting in Macedonian style (“disabling limbs”), and continuous psychological pressure until the completion of the forceful detention. “Swinging the pendulum” achieves the capture alive of a strong, well-armed and actively resisting enemy. Judging by the description, Tamantsev “swings the pendulum” in the most difficult and effective execution – “staggering”.
And here is what one of the modern practitioners says about the “pendulum” SOUTH. Maslak:
Pendulum is a fairly broad concept. In general, as Bogomolov correctly formulates, this is “the most optimal behavior during a short-term fire contact,” which includes the rapid removal of weapons. bringing him to combat readiness, high-speed shooting "in sectors", movement on the battlefield, activation of "backlight", etc.
IN modern Russia Two people are seriously dealing with this problem - Potapov and your humble servant. The difference in the schools is as follows - Potapov strictly adheres to the methods of SMERSH during the Second World War, slightly forgetting about the realities of modern times. What does this mean? The Potapovskaya school provides active work body - bending, etc., while I don’t practice this. Why? For one simple reason: for a certain number of years, a mandatory piece of equipment for an operative, a special forces soldier, and indeed any military personnel in a combat situation is a bulletproof vest! Active work with the body in a bulletproof vest seems to me, to put it mildly, unrealistic;)
And practice confirms this!
By the way, in the film “August 1944,” based on this book, Tamantsev works at my school, and not at the SMERSH school of those years! It's a small thing, but it's nice...

IN Lately The topic of the “pendulum” is not raised like before, when in every second cheap action movie (book) the author described how the main character “swinging the pendulum” approached the enemy and easily disarmed him :)
IMHO, the “pendulum” has not been forgotten, it’s just being done by those who really need it (and who have enough time and money for it). According to reviews, in order to really “swing the pendulum” while dodging bullets, you need to constantly practice for quite a long time. By the way, in Y. Maslak’s training course(s) “pendulum” is given at the highest (third) level of shooting training, and the cost of this level is $3,000 8-o

And now a little about technology.
1. the names of the techniques are conditional - so that it is clear without demonstration, in addition, in different schools the same techniques are called differently
2. Let me remind you that I am talking more about eastern evasion and rapprochement with subsequent disarmament. I don’t know how similar it is to the “pendulum” of Maslak or Potopov. IMHO, physics and psychology should be the same, which means there is great similarity.

Before moving on to the possible "pendulum" technology, let's talk a little about " evasion", meaning dodging a projectile. The technique of dodging a flying projectile began to be developed almost at the same time when more or less technologically advanced projectiles appeared: arrows, darts, spears, etc. As in many other things, the greatest successes in Such techniques were achieved in the East, although there were also masters in the West.
The evasion technique consisted of several techniques, most of which exist in hand-to-hand combat.
This is, for example, " drain" - when the projectile passes close to the body or even “rolls down” the body. In hand-to-hand combat, this is a soft block in the aikido style, when the blow is not repulsed or stopped, but is taken to the side or passed casually along the body.
There is also " chop" - when a projectile is hit with a hand, foot or an improvised object. In hand-to-hand combat these are hard karate blocks.
One more trick" capture" - dodging with the body while catching the projectile with the hand (or pinching the projectile in the bend of the knee, elbow, armpit, etc.). In hand-to-hand combat, such grabs are also present, often turning into throws and painful holds.
The "Grip" was very popular with many fighters as it allowed them to demonstrate their personal skill and reaction speed. And in some eastern schools, “capturing” was even included in the examination program. I'm talking, of course, about catching arrows with your bare hands.
After the advent of the crossbow, “grabs” for the most part went out of widespread use (in the West), since the speed of the bolt was much higher than the speed of the arrow and it was not so easy to catch it.
Most of these techniques are based, I think, well known to many, "Tai-Sabaki" principle- leaving the line of attack as a result of a 90 degree turn:
- heads,
- "triangle" - waist-shoulders
- or the whole body.

As the projectile became smaller and its speed increased, it became more and more difficult to evade. For example, a spear, javelin, and arrow are easier to dodge than a stone from a sling or a crossbow bolt.
Here came to the aid of the soldiers combat acrobatics: walks, jumps, somersaults, etc.
By the way, it’s not for nothing that acrobatics is what is taught first of all in any school or martial arts section. If you come to study biography, and they don’t teach you acrobatics, then run away from there as fast as you can - they won’t teach you anything good there.
So. Well we're getting closer to modern weapons and the evasion technique itself, which, by the way, has not undergone significant changes, only a couple of nuances related to the properties have been added to it firearms. For example, I was told that you need to move away from the machine down and to the right (a side somersault or a low jump to the side), including because when fired, the recoil lifts the barrel up and to the right (from the evader it will be to the left). They also told me how to dodge a pistol, there seems to be a difference with dodging a machine gun, but I’m sorry - I forgot what it is :(

Actually evasion technology, or rather, what is needed for this.
First of all attention and "feeling of impact"(in this case, the feeling of a shot) - i.e. knowledge of the moment of impact/shot is on the verge of intuition. This is sometimes called "prediction." Attention is necessary in order to notice the movements of the eyes and the smallest muscles of the enemy - all this can suggest not only the moment of the shot, but also its direction.

Secondly, swing training, i.e. constant transfer of body weight and changes in levels and directions of movement. In general, in order to master the pendulum well, you need to train, train and train again.
The basis of the "pendulum"(by the way, contrary to the name) - these are non-rhythmic body movements that deceive the enemy shooter and force him to shoot at the place where you were a second (fraction of a second) ago or - as it seems to the shooter - you will be in the next second (fraction of a second). I repeat for emphasis - the pendulum of a clock moves rhythmically, and the basis of the “pendulum” in BI is precisely non-rhythmic deceptive movements.

The shooter's deception is associated with the imperfection of human vision and psychology.
For example, a person perceives O A greater danger is more obvious than a lesser one. Those. if a person stands up straight, legs spread wide, arms open in a wide grip (arms spread out as if for a hug), then for the enemy he looks more dangerous than a person, say, in a regular right-handed stance with elbows pressed to the body and head bent. For a shooter, a “full face” person also looks like a more attractive target than a “profile” person, since the latter is smaller (but there is one drawback for a modern warrior. As a rule, it is rare that a body armor vest (among the masses) provides protection from the sides)

Another property of vision- human eyes see better what is located above and to the right. This property of vision, by the way, has been used by advertisers for a long time - the most profitable (and usually the most filled important information) place (block) in self-respecting advertising - just at the top right.
Accordingly, the less profitable one - invisible - is at the bottom left.
Here you need to make a small remark and add another secret of vision- when you look down (an angle of approximately 45 degrees from the surface), the focus of vision blurs somewhat, but what is on the sides of the field of view becomes better visible (lateral vision improves). Those. you can see almost 180 degrees and see better than when the line of sight is directed straight ahead. This method of “seeing” is worth remembering when you are surrounded by opponents.
By the way: lately I’ve been watching films with Bruce Lee and noticed that when Bruce gets into a ring of opponents, he looks down ;)

Out of curiosity.
Also don't forget about "blind spot"- a place at the bottom of the eyeball where the “knot” of nerve endings is located.

I don’t remember the exact information, and I don’t have a book at hand, but roughly: when looking at a wall from a distance of 10 meters, the area of ​​a blind spot on the wall is about a meter in diameter.
Where is the "invisible" spot? If the same wall is divided into four equal parts, crossed out by horizontal and vertical lines, then the “invisible” spot will be located approximately in the area of ​​the lower right section of the wall.
Why don't we notice the blind spot?
Firstly, because our eyes are used to most think out information, add information. Analogy: it’s, you know, like at home when there’s a power outage - “I know that there’s a chair here” and my memory helpfully “draws” the image of the chair.
Secondly, when a person looks, it would seem, “at one point,” the pupil is in fact not motionless, but constantly makes a huge number of micromovements, imperceptible during external observation without special devices. And these micro-movements cover, among other things. blind spot area.
Thirdly, because we have two eyes and, due to their location, they see slightly differently (put 5 kopecks on the table, close your left eye and place a pen/pencil/finger between your eye and the coin so that your right eye does not see the coin, then close your right eye, and open the left one), then the blind spot area also overlaps.
But the blind spot area is not always and not always completely covered.
Of course, at the operating distance of the “pendulum” - the average real distance of fleeting combat contact is 5 meters - the “blind spot” is unlikely to play a significant role. So remember this information just for your information.

Another reason for deception is inertia and closed-mindedness of thinking.
A soldier “instructed to the point of tears,” for example, usually thinks in plan: point 1, 2, 3, etc.
The man moved to the right and the barrel turned to the right, but the man, it turns out, only indicated a movement to the right, and he himself went to the left. The barrel turns to the left, but the man has already gone to the right. Etc.
Those. The shooter in advance (remember that the count here is in fractions of a second!) determines for himself the point where, in his opinion, the enemy should appear and points the gun there. When the enemy changes direction of movement, the shooter needs some time to adjust the plan, cancel the planned task: “turn the hand with the pistol so that the barrel points to point A” and set a new task. This is the difference in time that a person dodging a shot or “swinging a pendulum” must keep within.
Those. The main role in mastering the “pendulum” is played not by physical training, but by knowledge of physiology, the psychology of thinking and behavioral psychology. IMHO, the main thing is to understand the principle, and the “physics” is already being developed and developed through exercises.
But it's quite detailed description of the "pendulum"(educational?) in the Israeli interpretation
“The notorious “pendulum” also belongs to the techniques of predominantly one-handed shooting. This is a system of movement under fire, based on some inertia of the shooting process. The fighter changes the speed and direction of movement before the enemy has time to squeeze trigger.
In a simplified form, the “swinging the pendulum” technique looks like this:
You are facing the enemy, the weapon is in your right hand extended and lowered slightly. Sharply throw your body to the right - forward. The right leg is bent at the knee. the left leg is fully straightened. Move your body to the left, left leg bent at the knee, right leg fully straightened. “Point” the weapon at the enemy and fire a shot. Next, pull up your right leg and turn to your opponent with your right side. With your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other, you are in a stable, static position. Fire a shot using sighting devices. Make a similar feint to the left and the process repeats - throw to the right, half-aimed “knock down” shot, take a stable position half-turned to the enemy, shoot with careful aiming, feint to the right, etc. At the same time, you move forward in a zigzag manner.
You will achieve success only if you perform this technique at a very fast pace (which is achieved by first practicing it until it is completely automatic) and in a “ragged” rhythm, avoiding monotonous movements. To escape from enemy fire, you can also use rolls in various directions. When rolling, the level and direction of body movement changes sharply, which makes it difficult for the enemy to fire. The roll is entered from a standing position or, more often, from a kneeling position.
When rolling, jumping, falling, etc., it is important to give the weapon a position that eliminates the possibility of hitting the fighter himself if he is fired accidentally. Usually the gun is pressed against right side heads with the trunk vertically upward. A less recommended position is when the weapon is pressed against the left collarbone with the barrel directed to the left - up at an angle of 45 degrees. It is unnecessary to remind you to remove your finger from trigger guard. The easiest way is to roll to the left. You fall on the base of the palm of your left hand (fingers should be pointing to the right - back) and roll to the left over your forearm, elbow, left shoulder, back. When doing this, remember to tuck your chin to your chest, otherwise you may hit the back of your head hard. Next, using the kinetic energy of movement, you move to a kneeling or standing position. You can use this technique if there is a need to eliminate delays in shooting under enemy fire."

Regarding “read and watch”.
I can’t recommend Ivanov-Katansky (“The Pendulum Step”), since I haven’t seen any positive reviews about either the author or the book—decide for yourself. But I think Y. Maslak and A. Potapov are quite suitable.
I also once saw a video with a demonstration of the “pendulum” (as far as I remember, it was demonstrated by Ivanov-Katansky).
From fiction: V. Bogomolov “Moment of Truth” (“In August 1944”) and the film of the same name. It's not worth taking a low-quality action movie IMHO;)

I suggest this thought experiment. Imagine a table and a musical metronome on it. Before us is a fulcrum and a certain lever moving in a single-plane space relative to the central axis. Quite rightly, this periodically moving structure can be called a “pendulum”.

Further, suppose that this table with a “pendulum” is located in the cabin of a liner making a transatlantic crossing. Now our pendulum has a more complex trajectory of movement. Go ahead. Atlantic Ocean, by cat

Or the liner is sailing, located on planet Earth, rotating around its axis and rushing at cosmic speed around the Sun. What is the dynamics of our pendulum now? It seems that now it is much more difficult to describe it, and even more

It’s not easy to put in either. I brought this entire long introduction in order to remind you of the dynamics of the world around us, which, when analyzed, can be decomposed into a simple pendulum. Simple, but not simple.

There is no static in our world; everything is in motion, from our Universe to the vibrations of molecules in living and inanimate matter.

This principle of movement is clearly demonstrated by the Foucault pendulum, with the help of which the daily rotation of the Earth was recorded. The plane of its oscillations slowly rotates relative to earth's surface in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the Earth.

The word “pendulum” was invented by M. Lomonosov (the same one), forming it from the Russian “pendulum”. Before this, in Europe the pendulum was called a perpendicular.

“A pendulum is a rigid body that, under the influence of applied forces, oscillates around a fixed point or around an axis,” the Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary tells us.”

The oscillations of a pendulum form waves. And they, in turn, superimposed on the translational and rotational movements of the Earth, turn into spirals - ideal trajectories of movement of any body.

What pendulums do we know? Named above, metronome, spring pendulum, Foucault pendulum, Newtonian pendulum... but in fact there are countless of them. You may have heard about the “pendulums” of the legendary SMERSH. This topic is controversial, but in short, the essence of such pendulums is to work with the body, allowing you to avoid someone else’s shot in the “pendulum” using reflex automatism. These are somersaults, changing levels at a certain pace and rhythm. Because of its rhythm, this tactic was called “pendulum.”

So, a pendulum is a system capable of oscillating around an equilibrium position. Let's try to project this definition onto a person. To do this, I will give several key provisions from biomechanics.

The human body is a biomechanical chain, where joints are inertial nodes, and the bones of the limbs and spine are links in this chain.

Dividing the human body into links allows us to imagine these links as mechanical levers and pendulums, since all these links have connection points that can be considered either as fulcrum points (for a lever) or as plumb points (for a pendulum).

Since the human body performs its movements in three-dimensional space, its links are characterized by degrees of freedom, i.e. the ability to perform translational and rotational movements in all dimensions. If a link is fixed at one point and is capable of performing rotational movements, then we can say that it has three degrees of freedom.

Since a person’s arms and legs can perform oscillatory movements, the same formulas apply to the mechanics of their movement as for simple mechanical pendulums. The main conclusions from them are that the natural frequency of oscillations does not depend on the mass of the swinging body, but depends on its length (as the length increases, the oscillation frequency decreases). Example: To maintain the same walking speed, more low man it is necessary to increase the step frequency compared to high.

Now talk about such a concept as balance. So, the balance of the human body is the ability to maintain such a spatial arrangement of the joint elements of the musculoskeletal system in which with minimal energy consumption The balance of the musculoskeletal system is maintained in a vertical position.

The 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae provide balance to the musculoskeletal system; they are also the main vertebrae of gravity, the place of reverse pendulum movement. There is a so-called inverted pendulum in the human body, that is, a pendulum with a center of mass above its fulcrum, attached to the end of a rigid rod. So this vertebra is a pendulum, with balance on the talus (foot bone).

In addition to the pendulums of the musculoskeletal system, each person also has his own internal pendulum. This is not some esoteric concept, but a very real mechanism inherent in any living creature. The rhythm of the heartbeat, blood pulsation, your daily biological rhythm, tone pendulum and mood pendulum - all these are pendulums. Moreover, the frequency of each of them is individual. An example of internal rhythm is walking or running. Try to completely relax, take a few breaths and exhale and start running lightly, gradually increasing the pace until you get into your rhythm, while running becomes neither easy nor hard. You seem to be on the verge of pleasure, maintaining the dynamic balance of your body. This means that the frequency of your steps has approached the resonant frequency (i.e., the natural frequency of vibration of the arm or leg), while achieving minimal energy consumption by the body. Thus, by catching one’s rhythm, a person can significantly increase performance.

But in order to better feel your inner pendulum, I suggest starting with slow static balance exercises.

The goal of the “Pendulum” exercise is to feel how the relaxed body, with a slight deviation, returns to its original position without the participation of our will, and due to inertia, gives a swing in the opposite direction. This dynamic state of the antagonist muscles (muscle of opposite action, such as extensor to flexor muscle), where F flexor = F extensor, is called the optimal physiological position and uses only up to 30% of our energy in any activity. Here it is necessary to introduce the principle of alertness, that is, relaxed flexibility or intuitive correctness of movements. This principle ensures the inclusion of the energy of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imaginative thinking and the subconscious.


The exercises of the “Pendulum” group include their main types connecting them: “Large Pendulums”, two versions of the pendulum “Clock”, “Knapsack”, “Spring” and “Inner Pendulum” - “Pendulums” can be performed individually and in pairs. At the beginning of the study, it is preferable to work in pairs. The most important thing is to learn to distinguish when you use volitional force to move, and when the process is carried out due to internal flexibility, that is, the interaction of internal tensions. If you work correctly, then you will immediately feel a feeling of comfort in your body, the movements will be pleasant to you.

It is very important before each movement to first perform it mentally, imagine the image of the movement, feel the pleasure of performing the movement, its rhythm. This practice is called ideomotor. The term itself consists of two parts: “ideo” (mental) and “motility” (movement), that is, literally “mental movement”. An ideomotor act is an involuntary movement that occurs during the mental execution of a motor action. Despite its simplicity and seeming absurdity, the technique gives phenomenal results.

A simple example of ideomotor skills: hold any pendulum tied to a thread in your outstretched hand. The hand must be motionless, therefore the pendulum will be motionless. But we just have to imagine that the pendulum will now begin to move clockwise and after a short period this will happen, while the hand remains motionless. This is explained by the fact that ideomotor movements are invisible to the inexperienced eye. Thus, ideomotor training, complementing the usual ones, significantly contributes to achieving ideal movements (strikes, escapes, reaction speed, agility, technicality, etc.).

Exercise "Clock"

There are two options: “Metronome” and “Scarecrow”

Methodology for performing the “Metronome” exercise

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms down, “Suspended” state. Let's mentally imagine that the Earth is at the level of the hip joints. The fulcrum of the pendulum is the pelvis. Short breath, let's move away top part bodies to the right, very slightly. We try to feel the internal tension that has arisen on the opposite side. Using this tension, we release the body to swing to the left. We carry out subsequent oscillations in exactly the same way, without pauses. A stimulant for the free pendulum movements there should be only breathing. Inhale to the right, exhale to the left, or vice versa, as desired. This operating principle is valid for all types of “pendulums”.

The paired version of this exercise is called “Vanka-Vstanka”. The partner gives a gentle push to the shoulder in the direction of the given movement (right-left or back-and-forth). When the “pendulum” fades, we also push, supporting the partner’s oscillations.

Method of performing the exercise “SCARECROW”

The direction of movement of the “pendulum” changes: oscillations occur around the central axis.

The paired version of the exercise is called the “Grinding Wheel”. The partner pushes the shoulder in the anterior-posterior direction, launching the “pendulum” of the handhold. This is the easiest of the “pendulum” exercises to master.

Exercise “Big Pendulum”

This exercise is performed left and right and back and forth.

Execution method

Stand straight, legs almost together, arms hanging freely. The fulcrum of the “pendulum” coincides with the natural support of the body – the earth and is located in the middle, between the feet. The swaying is carried out entirely, with the whole body. Use the image " big shoulder» frame construction. Oscillations are also stimulated by breathing.

The combined version of the “Big Pendulum” is “Mortar”. This exercise combines the previous two. The body will draw a volumetric cone in space, where the top of the cone is the point between the feet, and the base - an ellipse - is formed by the trajectory of the head and shoulders. Movements are carried out clockwise and counterclockwise. Ideomotorically, I would like you to be able to create within yourself the sensation of the rope rotating. The feeling that it is not you who are spinning it, but that it is spinning you. Small addition. At Mortar, pay special attention to the tables. If they work correctly, they should “come to life”.

Exercise "Knapsack"

The exercise is performed individually and in pairs (the latter is preferable), in three variations: right-left, forward-backward and the combined version “Spindle”.

This exercise eliminates congestion in the lumbar region. This most unpleasant phenomenon is observed in many people, since the current sedentary lifestyle does not provide the opportunity to move correctly and to the required extent. Stagnation of energy in the lumbar region leads to poor circulation and pathological changes in this part of the spine. All this gives rise to a whole range of diseases: from impotence and kidney failure to inflammation of the sciatic nerve and hemorrhoids.

Execution method

So, the mental image of this exercise, as always, is in the name. Let's imagine a wall, a nail is driven into it, and a knapsack hangs on it. Swing it, and you have a pendulum. This very nail is “driven” into the space between the eyebrows, and that same bag-knapsack is your pelvis. The paired option is much preferable. Unfortunately, as experience in group classes shows, few people are able to master this “pendulum” on their own. The reason for this phenomenon is a huge number of problems in the lumbar region. With a partner, “Kotomka” is much easier and faster to master. To do this, it is necessary that the partner gives impulses with his hand to the hip joint in a given direction.

Execution method

Starting option. Stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulders, feet parallel. Repeat “Knapsack” several times to the right and left and back and forth, feel the state of the “pendulum”, only after that, easily, without straining, begin to rotate the “spindle” around the central axis.

Try to achieve a feeling of initiation of rotation from the outside. This will help avoid “jumping” into trivial, unhelpful, and often harmful rotation of the pelvis. Unlike the “Pendulum”, where actions are carried out due to internal energy tension, simple rotation of the pelvis only increases the friction of the articular surfaces, hastening their physiological wear.

And a few more instructions for performing the “Spindle”.

Working with your arms down. Try to organize your breathing as follows: half a turn of the “Spindle” - inhale, half a turn - exhale. As you inhale, slow down a little, as you exhale, speed up and seem to spring down, this gives a charge for a new revolution - a kind of prototype of a “perpetual motion machine.” This approach will make it possible to quickly achieve the feeling of initiation of rotation from the outside. Once you “catch” the Spindle Pendulum, trust us, you can’t go wrong. A voice will sound inside you: “This is it!!!”

“Pendulums” are a very pleasant exercise to perform, so we do not specify the number of repetitions. Act according to intuition, that is, inner sensations. Learn to listen to your true self. “Pendulums”, with small amplitudes, can be performed anywhere, which, in fact, many people do subconsciously: rocking, swinging their legs, rotating their fingers. They provide the body with constant energy recharge, just like in a car: the movement of the car constantly recharges the battery.

Finally, let's look at three moves to instantly relieve muscle tension. At first, perhaps, such tension will manifest itself, but with experience it will sink into oblivion.


From straight position tilt the body slightly to the right, “hang” right shoulder and relax your right hand. Then, by oscillating the body, set the pendulum “Knapsack” in motion for the right hand. Rock it a little. As soon as the blood weighs down your fingers, raise your hand up and, lowering it, shake it several times, as if you were putting mercury in a thermometer. Do the same with your left hand. Then “suspend” both shoulders and imagine that instead of your hands you have two ropes with weights at the ends dangling. And again, using the Scarecrow pendulum, transfer wave-like vibrations to your hands. The shoulder girdle is relaxed.


Stand straight, pull your right hip joint up so that your right leg becomes “shorter” and hangs in the air, its foot parallel to the spore. Let your leg swing freely. Do the same with your left leg. This relieves tension from the lumbar region.


An exercise that relaxes the whole body, you just need to understand it and perform it correctly. Imagine yourself as a wet shirt that is about to be dried after washing. The hostess takes you by the shoulders and lifts you, first slightly up and then forward through the fence. You are hanging on the fence, bent in half at the level of your chest pockets, that is, your diaphragm, not your belt. Avoid this mistake. It is also important that the neck is completely relaxed. As you inhale, create a mental image of a barrier in front of you - a “fence” - at chest level, raise your arms up, and completely relax.

As you exhale, “throw” yourself onto this “wattle fence.” Head, arms, chest - on one side; pelvis, legs, stomach - on the other. Go limp, sag on this narrow support. Now swing your upper body in one direction and your lower body in the other at the same time. The result is a “pendulum” oscillatory system similar to a flywheel.

Materials used in preparing this article:
Vladislav Meshalkin, Evgeniy Barantsevich, Konstantin Tyutelov “Slavic Health”

The swing of the pendulum probably became known among the people with the light hand of Bogomolov “In August 1944.” I only recently came across a more detailed description of what it is after flipping through A. Potapov’s book “Pistol shooting techniques. SMERSH practice.” Actually, the essence of this swing of the pendulum, described there in some detail, can be expressed by a quote from the book itself: “Working in the “pendulum” is a kind of tactical-acrobatic combination in which, like in an instant chess game, all factors that can play are taken into account and used. to the benefit: both the left-handed tactical rule, the inertia of the enemy in leashing the weapon behind the target, his training in the speed of disappearance in lower level followed by moving to a direction unexpected for the enemy, using distractions, and using cover."

The left-sided tactical rule is actually a shift to the left of oneself, outward (behind the back) from the enemy, as in the photo, which complicates his aiming, in contrast to a similar shift inward of the enemy. By the way, you need to take this step forward at an angle of 45 degrees, and not to the side or back. Stepping forward increases the angle of movement of the hand for retargeting, thus giving an additional fraction of a second. In fact, Gabe Suarez, one of the most sought-after instructors in the States, speaks about this principle in his video Advanced close-range gunfighting. Moreover, according to him, he learned this from one of the experts of Pekiti-Tirsia, that is, this is their female triangle.

The very swing of the pendulum, according to the description of the manner of movement and photographs of the positions, actually evoked in me persistent associations with the pencak silat style of Harimau, which is also characterized by somersaults, a sudden change in the directions of movements, as well as levels of movements from upper to lower and vice versa. In general, we need to think about how the gun could fit on this whole property.

The fact that swinging a pendulum is still a working thing has already been written, where you can actually see something similar in action in an absolutely unprepared person motivated by the fear of death.

Throwing knives

The essence of modern trends is always simplification and degradation, which is clearly seen in the example of Muay Thai. Its modern version, practiced in the ring, is a complete misery in its arsenal of techniques, not much different from kickboxing. Ancient Muay Thai (Muay Boran) is much more interesting - in addition to the striking arsenal, it included throws and creases and is strongly reminiscent of certain styles of Pencak Silat. I was even more convinced of this after watching a number of seminars by Colonel Amnat Pooksrisuk (they have names, however!). The way he uses the triangle is very similar to its use in Silat and Kali. There are also some other traceable general principles. As a result of additional viewing of videos on this topic, I discovered one with the pages of some book in which seated training of techniques in Muay Thai is given in the same way as it is practiced in a number of silat styles, such as Silek Tuo and Chimande - whoever saw it knows :). By the way, this colonel was the mentor of Tony Jaa, who starred in the film Ong-Bak and Tom Yum Goong, with whom the world's interest in traditional Muay Thai began. According to him, traditional principles and techniques are hidden in the dance (Khon), which, ironically, is performed in the ring in front of its primitive version.

I looked through a number of materials on physical training in this type of wrestling, common in northern India and Pakistan. In form, Kushti is an ordinary freestyle wrestling, but the method of developing strength is very similar to that in Pakhlavan, an Iranian martial arts. The same rotations with clubs, dumbbells and other weights. The fight itself is carried out in an earthen pit, which is dug again every day for the purpose of preparation. I was especially impressed by the exercises on the pole; in fact, the pole is like a gymnastic apparatus on which, in addition to acrobatic exercises, they also perform yogic asanas. By the way, he does the same thing on a rope. In general, very original traditional training methods that women of a certain profession would envy.

For some reason, many practitioners say puffing when they hit, I don’t know if they are releasing some kind of energy this way, but it always made me laugh. It came from Dan Inosanto, so you can immediately identify his students by this puffy. For example, Inosanto’s daughter Diana is constantly squealing with her husband Ron Balicki.

It turns out that Hawaii also has its own wrestling called Lua. They were pleased interesting weapon- a small stake on a rope. The rope is tied to the hand so that the stake does not get lost, and it is also used as a sarong in silat for various strangulations, plus blockages of the body directly on this stake, plus you can use the stake separately as a short stick or knife.

What do arrows show in movement? practical shooting, goes against the grain from the point of view of use in a real combat situation. Thoughts out loud from a sambist and systems specialist.

“To make it difficult for him to aim, I constantly “swinged the pendulum”: I danced with my left shoulder forward, jerking my body from side to side and all the time moving myself - something similar, only simpler, is done by a boxer in the ring.” IN. Bogomolov. "In August '44."

And the sambo wrestler’s opinion will be like this. What practical shooting arrows demonstrate in motion goes against the grain from the point of view of use in a real combat situation.

I will explain this thesis from a systemic point of view, that is, consider all possible relations of the subject of research with the extra-system environment, and all intra-system relations of system elements among themselves. The model of such relations will be what is called the combat training system. The internal system elements of combat training are its disciplines - physical, shooting, mental. Physical, in turn, consists of general physical and special, which includes striking and wrestling techniques. Shooting training also includes several techniques depending on the weapon used. External systems analysis determines the purpose and purpose of the system. It is obvious that combat training is aimed, on the one hand, at inflicting physical damage on the enemy with varying degrees of severity - from destruction to capture, with minimal injuries, with the absolute priority of preserving the life of the fighter and those around him. In this way, the first stage of system analysis is performed - the classification of objects, connections and relationships, their names and definitions. Then the actual relationship model is built. Beneficial relationships are involved in the development of the system. Harmful ones, called contradictions, slow down development or even destroy it. After this, the analysis itself is made, a conclusion about the subject of study.

Let's get started.

Combat training has existed since human individuals began to gather in organized, controlled groups for the purpose of obtaining food, robbing less organized or weak relatives, or, conversely, protecting themselves from stronger ones. With the development of scientific and technological progress and the emergence of new weapons, combat training began to be divided into disciplines, which is how wrestling and boxing, fencing, driving a horse or a tank appeared.

Over time, regular classes and practicing techniques became a separate system, which was called sport. Unlike combat, it has completely different goals - Physical Culture, health, entertainment, striving for excellence, business. Accordingly, other external and internal connections and relationships. Since sport came out of utilitarian practice and turned into an object of mass culture, it lost some of its applied qualities and acquired others that add entertainment and aesthetics.

For example, fights in martial arts are broken down and training and competitions are held according to the weight categories of the athletes. Needless to say, in life you don’t have to choose the weight category of the opponent who attacked you. A similar example can be given from any sport. For example, the Weaver stance from shooting training is needed like the Kiba-dachi karate stance in a street fight. Therefore, from sports training you can take only elements for applied purposes and supplement them with those specifics that do not exist in sports, but can be encountered in life.

Let's return to the main topic - moving while shooting. In the epigraph I gave a literary description of the “pendulum” from the work of V. Bogomolov. Pay attention to the clarification - “something similar, only simpler, is done by a boxer in the ring.” Remember Muhammad Ali's famous expression - “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Pendulum is the fighter’s ability to move in space during a fight, and not the ability to hit a target with a weapon. First of all, it is produced in outdoor sports, where it is necessary to maintain balance in unexpected situations - in boxing, wrestling and even in football. If you start developing “pendulum” skills immediately with a pistol in a firing position, then nothing will work. Best view martial arts, which brings the fighter’s body to the state of a pendulum, in my opinion, is sambo, complemented by striking techniques from boxing and choking techniques from judo. I won’t explain why exactly these types and why I don’t talk about “combat sambo”, it’s long and not in line with the profile of the article.

In sambo, unlike martial arts, it is not customary to “rest” during training. Even during a break between a series of throws, listening to the coach’s instructions, you cannot sit down or even just stand still, the body must be in constant motion.

The athlete seems to be constantly dancing along; in fact, energetic group dancing is an emotional development of the elements of combat training.
If you start moving from a static stance, in response to an external threat, you will need to lose energy to accelerate, overcome the inertia of the body, and lose time. In the state of a pendulum, a reflex is developed - the body’s reaction to the external situation, which may not be a threat, but the signal to change the stance has already passed. An experienced goalkeeper can determine by the swing of the opponent’s stick which corner of the goal the puck will fly, and only an even more experienced goalkeeper will determine that it is about to swing and will begin to move in the right direction. Wrestling and boxing are a competition between two sets of reflexes. The brain does not have time to process the changing situation, but by a barely noticeable swing or even by the tension of a certain group of muscles of the opponent, the body of a trained athlete already begins its counterplay to evade a blow or reception, and for the highest masters to carry out a counter strike or reception. The development of such tactics is superbly staged in sambo, wrestling and boxing. The body of a trained fighter must work in exactly the same way during fire contact using bladed or firearms. The hero of Bogomolov's novel, Tamantsev, is fluent in this art. Due to the pendulum, he dodges shots from a pistol, reflexively determining the moment and direction of the shot.

“The barrel of the Browning again followed my movements - from right to left and back, and I felt, I knew that in the next second a shot would be fired again.”

Besides perfect physical training in the pendulum important role The analytical component also plays a role. An experienced fighter or athlete is constantly in creative search. Mentally he works out various techniques that may be encountered in a given situation. For example, while moving down the street, he evaluates the men and possibly women he meets for an unexpected attack on their part and the choice of countermeasures on his own. Here you need to correctly assess the weight, build, supporting leg, whether he is left-handed or right-handed, and even the mental portrait of a possible opponent.

Evading danger, a fatal blow, a throw, and a throw can also be fatal, a shot from a weapon, an injection or a cut with a knife - this is all the apotheosis of a fight, which can be preceded by a variety of situations.

It is necessary to clearly understand that the basis of combat training is the pendulum - reflex control of the body for various life situations, the end of which should be the physical neutralization of the enemy, including physical destruction with any weapon from a fist or a bullet to a porcelain plate (according to Pikul), and not just the ability to shoot in the Macedonian style .

Can the introduction of techniques and methods of practical shooting in combat training give something useful for the development of a fighter? The indisputable advantage of practical shooting is its technique of high-speed hitting of targets, high culture of handling weapons and an excellent system for ensuring safety during shooting. Obviously, all these useful qualities can be used, but the skills of moving, turning, and handling weapons, which can be firmly established in a fighter at the level of reflex performance, can lead to irreparable consequences.

As already mentioned, in practical shooting the targets do not shoot at the athlete. He is completely focused on hitting targets with speed. What comes first in fire contact, which is practiced in combat training? This is leaving the line of oncoming fire. It is necessary to determine the danger, its type and direction, and perform an evasive maneuver while simultaneously drawing your weapon and hitting the enemy. Performing an evasive or blocking maneuver is one of the main conditions in combat training, but this reduces the rate of fire, which is the main thing in sports shooting, that is, we have a systemic contradiction.

“Shots from the TT started firing on the left, and, glancing there, I saw that the “lieutenant” was turning around and shooting at the Kid, and he, as I taught him, dodged as he ran, not very deftly, but overall competently. »

Let's look at what causes cognitive dissonance in a sambist when he sees practicing athletes moving during shooting. First, a little wrestling physics - the body falls if the projection of the center of gravity goes beyond the body’s support area. The athlete’s task is to maintain an optimal combination of a larger support area with minimal energy expenditure and maximum mobility. "Don't cross your legs!" - this was the first advice I received. when he first came out on the mat and the last one who gave himself leaving the mat twenty years later, while dropping an opponent weighing 140 kg with his own 72. All movements in the pendulum are only with an additional step! At practical shooting competitions one can often observe such a picture.

On smooth sports fields, this can and does help to conduct targeted, high-speed fire at targets without worrying about what is under your feet. But life slips twigs and pebbles in there at the wrong moment, this is its specificity. Even a child can knock down an opponent with crossed legs. A sambist will not suffer in this case, since fall protection is the first thing he learns on the mat, but an inexperienced athlete can break his neck, since both hands are holding the gun and IPSC does not explain how to act in this case.

Let me give you another example. Move to the ground, or take a prone shooting position. Two approaches are recommended - dropping to your knees or resting on your free hand, followed by tossing the loin with straightening your legs.

Now let's compare it with the Soviet approach. The fighter takes a prone position, taking a step forward and slightly to the side. Such a movement is less energy-consuming than throwing the body into the air, and shifting the body to the side reduces the likelihood of being hit by the enemy, that is, an evasive maneuver is simultaneously performed.

Let's think about reflexes. Let's say a fighter faces a threat from the left side. By moving to the ground with a step with his right foot, he still has the opportunity to turn towards the threat. The task in combat training is to develop the reflexive skill of lowering to the ground with a step with the foot opposite to the direction of the threat while simultaneously turning the body in its direction.

Of course, the matter is not limited to crossing legs or moving to the ground. From the point of view of the pendulum, practicing shooters make mistakes during straight movements, turns, reversals, and changing magazines. The placement of the holster and the manipulation of the weapon when drawing it from it, and even simply holding the weapon, are not always optimal for a combat maneuver duel. There are questions about weapons and targets. For example, a swinging target is easy to read at the phase of maximum deflection, when its speed is minimal, but I didn’t see any suddenly appearing targets.

The systematic nature of combat training lies in the fact that the disciplines studied must complement each other. Contradictions here are unacceptable, because their result will be the loss of the most valuable thing a person has.

V.O. Bogomolov, “In August 1944.”
V. Zhukovsky, S. Kovalev, I. Petrov, Pistol in close combat. Anatomy of shooting. Psychology of shooting.
V.S. Pikul, “I have the honor.”
V.P.Volkov, “Course of self-defense without weapons SAMBO.” Only for NKVD employees.
A.A. Kharlampiev, SAMBO wrestling.
A.A. Kharlampiev, Sambo wrestling tactics.
E. Chumakov, “Tactics of a sambo wrestler.”
Practical shooting pendulum. Article in the magazine "KALASHNIKOV"
