Morning frosts in August. The month of August

Martyr Seraphim, who suffered during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Hadrian (II). Martyr Theodotia and her three daughters (III). Martyr Callinicus (III-IV).

Common name:

Kalina, Kallinik, Komelnik, Kalinin day, Serafima, Fedotya.

Signs and customs

Morning frosts, which were not uncommon at that time, were popularly named after Saint Callinicus. The peasants were afraid of them, because there was still grain in the fields, but a frost would strike in the morning and destroy the entire harvest. Therefore, they prayed to Saint Callinicus, asking him to preserve the harvest. Frosts were especially feared in the northern regions, which is where the saying came from:

“Lord, sweep away Kallinikos with darkness (fog), and not with frost.”

From St. Callinicus, birds gather in flocks, preparing to fly to warmer climes.

If there are fogs in Kallinika, save your scythes (or bin) for oats and barley.

If ripe oats turn green for the second time, autumn will be stormy.

Callinic troubles are an unfavorable time for bees; in the dark the bee has no choice.

On Kallinika, fog means a good grain harvest.

Seraphim collects lightning in the field, and the reapers collect rye and wheat.

If there are a lot of berries and nuts, but few mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

Name day on August 11th is celebrated by:

Alexander, Basilisk, Benjamin, Virius, Kallinikos, Constantine, Kuzma, Mamant, Mikhail, Roman, Seraphima, Theodosius, Theodotia.

August received its name from the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. The Old Russian name is serpen (from the word sickle): bread is harvested this month. August was also called gustyrek, hospitable, papazihoy-sobiryusa, dawn (from the bright cold dawns), lenorast (flax is spread on dewy meadows). In the Ukrainian and Polish languages, August is called serpen, and in Belarusian - stubble, i.e. the month of harvest.

The length of the day in August is over 15 hours, the most heat- 37 °C (1938), the lowest monthly average is 12.4 °C (1884). The earliest frost in the air was August 11 (1939), on the ground - August 25 (1921). The average precipitation is 68 mm with variations from 1 mm (1938) to 151 mm (1918).

August summer ends. The first half of the month is hot summer, the second half is early autumn: unstable, although still warm weather- from 20 numbers average daily temperature will go below 15 °C.

August seasonal calendar

Folk proverbs and signs of August

Busiest month field work: You have to mow, and plow, and sow. They store bread for the whole year: “winter has a big mouth.”

  • In August, the sickles are warm and the water is cold.
  • August - thick-eater, thick-eater, pickle: plenty of everything.
  • Sweat pours out, but the reaper takes its toll.
  • The lingonberries are half ripe - the rye is whole.
  • Departure of birds: swifts, swallows, cuckoos, orioles, lapwings.
  • The month of August smells like apples.
  • In August, everything is in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather.
  • In August, before lunch it is summer, and after lunch it is autumn.
  • August is a month of cold dawns and abundant dew.
  • Rainbow from north to south - expect rain, from east to west - there will be rain good weather.
  • Honey mushrooms have appeared and summer is over.
  • Lots of berries - for a cold winter.
  • Swifts fly low and scream - to the rain and wind.
  • Ducks and geese splash heavily in the water - in case of rain, and become quiet - in case of a thunderstorm.

Detailed folk calendar for August

  • Look at autumn according to Makrida: Makrida is wet and autumn is wet, Makrida is dry and autumn is too.
  • Macrida equips autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​- winter.
  • If it’s wet on Makrida, then it’s bad weather. Bucket on Makrida - dry autumn.

August 2- Ilyin’s day. For Elijah's Day, the first kolob and crumpets from the new harvest were baked. They brought the first sheaf from the fields and placed it in the front corner.

  • The light is decreasing, and the night is increasing.
  • The prophet Elijah ends the summer - he reaps the harvest.
  • For Ilya, it’s summer before lunch, and autumn after lunch.
  • From Ilya's day the night is long and the water is cold.
  • On Ilya’s day, the deer wet its hoof - that’s the end of the bath.
  • On Elijah's day the stone vegetates (cold in the mornings).
  • Peter and Paul (July 12) shortened the day by an hour, and Elijah the prophet took two hours off.
  • Petrok will come and pluck a leaf, Ilya will come and pluck two. Ilya's summer is ending.
  • Ilya will come and bring shilya (rain).
  • After Elijah's day, the rains become harmful.
  • Before Ilyin’s day there is a pound of honey in the hay, after Ilyin’s day there is a pound of manure.
  • Before Ilya’s day it dries under the bush, but after Ilya’s day it doesn’t even dry on the bush.
  • Rains on Elijah's Day, on Maccove's Day (August 14) and on Exaltation (August 27) foreshadow a bountiful harvest for the next year.

August 13- Evdokimov’s conspiracy. The fast before the Assumption Fast, about which they said that the Assumption Fast is not a hungry one - there is a lot of everything at this time: new bread, and various harvests (vegetables), and fruits, and berries,

August 14- First Spas is honey. Farewell to summer. The beekeepers broke out the honeycombs in the hives. Bees stop carrying bribes. Swallows fly away: “swallows begin spring, they call for autumn.”

  • From the first Savior - cold dew.
  • Spas has everything in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather.
  • The first Savior was the first to sow, plow under the winter, this rye.
  • Before Peter's Day (July 12) to plow up (plow), before Ilyin (August 2) - to fence, on Spas - to sow.
  • Whatever the second (old style) number of August is, so is September.
  • Anton is interrogated by the whirlwinds about winter.
  • If the wind is whirlwind, expect a snowy winter.

August 17- Avdotya-senognoyka. On Avdotya-Senognoika they picked cucumbers, prepared tubs for pickling, and harvested garlic and onions.

  • It started raining. “The rain is blind. They tell him: go where they ask you, but he went while they were mowing hay. They tell him: go to where they are waiting for you, but he went where they are reaping.”

August 19- Second (middle) Spas - apple. The time has come to pick ripe apples. The weather is getting worse. “On the second Spas, take golitsy (mittens) in reserve.”

  • The carminative myrons drive dust along the road and moan through the red summer.

August 23- Laurentian day. On this day, at noon, they looked at the water in rivers and lakes: if it is calm, there is no disturbance - autumn promises to be quiet and winter without snowstorms.

  • Autumn and winter live well if the water is calm and there is rain on Laurentia.

August 27- Mikheev day. There are usually winds. Cold mornings begin. Last days Augusts are usually hotter than June and July.

  • Quiet winds blow on Micah - for a windy autumn; Micah with the storm - for stormy September.
  • Mikheev's day and Indian summer echo with storm and wind.
  • If the crane flies to the third Spas, then it will be frosty on Pokrov (October 14), but if not, it will be later.
  • You need to plow before the Dormition, and sow before and after. To plow until the Assumption - to press an extra hay. Sow this winter three days before the Assumption and three days after the Assumption.
  • If the young Indian summer is bad, expect bad weather in the old one.

The days are still hot, but you can feel the approach of autumn. The first morning performances after fresh nights with cold dew. Lingonberries and rowan berries are turning red in the forest, and black blackberries covered with a bluish coating are ripe along the banks of the rivers. The heather bloomed along the edge of the forest and in sandy areas. The hazelnuts are ripe.

From the second half of August until the last ten days of September, the yellowing of trees continues to intensify. The birch leaves turn yellow first; her fruits also begin to fall off. In the forest there is the tart sweetness of falling leaves.

In damp mossy forests, the club moss forms sioras on arrowhead spikelets; Moss moss spores are medicinal raw materials and are also used in pyrotechnics and in the casting (molding) of valuable metals. The oats have blossomed and plumped up, and have fallen off. Mass appearance of honey mushrooms on stumps and around stumps. Dandelions, daisies, popovnik, cornflowers, chicory, thistles, and tartar continue to bloom.

Animals are preparing for winter. Birds gather in flocks, many molt. The departure of some waders, nightingales, swifts, and orioles begins; tits begin to wander in small flocks. The snake lays its eggs in heaps of leaves, manure or garbage, while the lizards are still basking in the heat.

Grasshoppers jump and chirp in the grass; they have a massive production; on dry slopes, rattle fillies fly out from under your feet. A swallowtail will fly by, spurge hawkmoth; The second generation of the winter cutworm has hatched, the pine sawfly has appeared, and the caterpillars of the second generation of cabbage grass have appeared.

Fishing for pike perch and catfish using lines. Carp, roach, ide, and bream are good fish. Cold matinees begin at the end of the first ten days.

For amateur vegetable growers, the main job in August is caring for vegetables in the open ground: watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds, feeding the plants if necessary, continuing to fight pests and diseases, and hilling mid- and late-ripening varieties of cabbage. Third beet breaking, harvesting of bunched products. Cleaning and post-harvest processing of onion sets, turnips, and garlic. Planting bulbs of multi-tiered onions and winter garlic. Repeated sowing of early ripening green crops: lettuce, dill, spinach, onions for green feathers, mustard greens and others.

The apples are being filled and they are starting to collect the summer ripening fruits. Berry crops are ripening, black currants, gooseberries, and raspberries are being harvested. On the strawberry plantation, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied, the mustaches are trimmed, the rows are repaired, and strawberry seedlings are planted in the place of the attacks.

Used materials:

  • V. D. Groshev. Calendar of the Russian farmer (Folk signs)

“August is coming - a friend of gardens, the trees are bending with fruits”

On August 1st: If Mokrida is dry, autumn is dry; if it is wet, then autumn is wet - for next year's nut harvest. Mokrida shows what winter crops will be like if there is rain before winter. Observe the weather throughout the day.

On August 2: Weather signs: Ascension (05/28) - rain → Ilya (08/2) - thunderstorm → First Savior (08/14) - rain → Ascension (09/27) - rain → for a bountiful harvest next year. No rain - no harvest. Weather 2.08 on 27.09. If it’s dry on this day, then it’s dry for six weeks (until September 10), if it’s raining, it’s also six weeks until September 10. If it rains on Ilya, the potatoes will be born. Matinees begin. It rains on Elijah's day - winter rye needs to be sown later. Elijah the Prophet - time for mowing bread.

On August 6: Severe thunderstorms are common on this day. It's time to collect bird cherry. They don’t shy away from Boris-Gleb.

On August 7: What is the weather like before lunch, Anna, is the weather until December (12/14-13/01); what the afternoon is like - this is the weather after December (14.01-13.02). Bright and warm weather portends cold winter, and if it rains, the winter is snowy but warm. If there is a matinee on this day on August 7, then winter is expected to be cold and early. The weather of this day is different (7.08->16.08->23.08). On Anna, rain alternates with the Sun, this is a harbinger of a good rye harvest next year. Anna Kholodnitsa 7.08 on Anna Winter 22.12 promises weather.

On August 9: On this day, medicinal herbs and roots are collected. In the morning the cold starts.

On August 10: For Prokhory and Parmeny - don’t make any barter, you’ll be left without pants.

On August 11: Bring Kalinnik away with darkness (fog), not frost. “Kalinnik won’t harden, and Lupp (5.09) won’t harden either.” See the weather from 08/11/2010 to December 27, 2009.

On August 12: If the days are cloudy and cool at this time, then the rains will not come soon.

On August 14: Honey Savior. The beginning of cold weather, the first frosts, cold mornings. “The Savior has everything in stock: rain, wind, buckets, and different weather conditions.” There are no frosts on the First Spas, there will be no frosts until the Assumption (28.08). There was no frost on Spas - the bread would arrive well.

On August 15: As is Stepan Senoval, so is September (14.09.-13.10). Birds gather in flocks.

On August 16: Like Anton Vikhrevey, like October (14.10-13.11). Like Anton, like Nikola the Winter (12/19). There are already morning frosts. “It will swirl from all sides - it will be a furious winter with thick snow on the houses.”

As of August 17: As is Avdotya, so is November (14.11-13.12). It rains in broad daylight. If it rains, then for 7 days (until August 24).

On August 19: Spas Yablochny. What is the day on the Second Savior, such is the Intercession (14.10). Dry day - dry autumn, wet - wet autumn, clear - harsh winter. As is the Savior, so is January (14.01-13.02). We expected frost - the second Kalinnik. Saved the time of frequent changes in weather.

On August 21: There are strong winds on this day. Like Miron, like January (14.01.-13.02).

On August 23: Look at the water in the lakes at noon: there is no worry, the boats are standing calmly - the autumn will be quiet, and the winter will be without blizzards and evil snowstorms. If there is intense heat or heavy rain, then this will happen for a long time - all autumn. If it is quiet, autumn and winter live well (autumn is quiet and winter without snowstorms). From August 23, the trees stop growing, and at Midsummer on April 28, 2010 they begin to grow (121 days - the growing season in 2010).

On August 25: Early frost on this day means next year's harvest. If it is rainy on this day - Indian summer is short, the weather is warm and clear - expect a harvest of porcini mushrooms.

On August 27: There is usually wind and cold mornings. The winds are blowing - calm winds for a stormy autumn, Micah with a storm - for a stormy September. Old Indian Summer (14.09.-21.09) see according to Micah.

On August 28: If the weather is calm and clear on this day, then autumn will be the same. If there is no wind or rain on Assumption in the afternoon, then the whole autumn will be windy and quiet. Assumption frost see 6.05. From 28.08-11.09 - “Young” Indian summer.

On August 29: Third Spas Nut. If the cranes fly away to the Third Spas, then frosts will hit Pokrov (10/14), and if not, winter will come later. Third Kalinnik. If there is frost, autumn is long.

On August 31st: The beginning of frequent mornings turning into frosts means that there is nothing left until winter. Sowing winter grains is the last date.

August is the most generous and rich month of the year. And despite the fact that on August evenings you can already feel the breath of approaching autumn, the days are still hot and sunny. In August, they harvest and stock up on summer gifts of nature for the winter. It is August that determines whether the winter will be hungry or nourishing.

Signs for every day of August
August 1st - Macrida Day
People said that Makrid geared up for autumn, and Anna (August 7) ​​for winter, and they noted the weather: a good day foreshadowed dry autumn; if it rains, autumn will be wet and damp. This day is also important for the next year: it was believed that if it rains on this day, then the rye next year will be excellent and the harvest will be rich. Summer work in the field ends and autumn work begins.
Signs for August 1:
If it rains that day, there will be a good harvest of nuts.
The moon is pale and foggy - for rain.
Ants are hastily sealing the entrances to the anthill in the middle of the day; it will rain.
Spiders make nests - to the cold.
The web spreads over the plants - for warmth and clear autumn.

August 2 - Elijah's Day
Traditions. The patron saint of this day was considered a powerful and formidable manager of the most terrible and beneficial forces of nature. He sends lightning to the earth, thunders in the sky, driving around in his chariot, punishes the forces of hell, brings down rain to the fields and gives them fertility. From this day on, the year turns to autumn, although there will still be many hot and sunny days. The water in rivers and lakes is considered cold, so from this day on you can no longer swim. At this time, haymaking ends, the harvest begins, and the patron saint of this day is asked to bless the seeds of the next year.
Signs for August 2:
For Ilya it’s summer before lunch, autumn after lunch.
Before Ilya, even the priest will not pray for rain, but after Ilya, even the woman will catch up with an apron.
On Elijah’s day even the stone will vegetate.
The first Savior had an hour in reserve. Peter and Paul added two, and Elijah the Prophet dragged three.
August 3 - Onuphrius Day
On this day, the bins are put in order, repaired and removed - this is where the grain of the new harvest will be poured. All work on this day is done silently in memory of the patron saint of this day. They begin to collect apples that have fallen from the apple trees, from which they make compotes, put out kvass and homemade wine. It was believed that they could not be eaten raw, but could only be processed.
Signs for August 3:
Elijah the Prophet - with thunder, Onuphrius - with bows to the ground.
The thunder is continuous - there will be hail.
Good weather will continue if ground fog forms in low areas in the evening and at night, dissipating after sunrise.
August 4th - Day of Mary Magdalene
On this day, in the morning, before sunrise, the girls went out into the meadows and collected dew. But dew was also dangerous for plants - it was believed that sweet dew was harmful to garden crops - and for animals, so the cattle were left at home. The Maryins were especially wary of growing up where flax was grown and weaving was done. Prosperity in these matters was certainly associated with the name of Mary Magdalene. They said: “If there is strong dew on Mary, the flax will be gray and braids.”
Signs for August 4:
If there is a thunderstorm, there will be hay behind your eyes.
Thunder rumbles continuously - there will be hail.
Marya is a dewy window.

August 5 - Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Timothy's day of insomnia.
If the weather is good, people work in the fields and gardens almost around the clock, which is why this day got its name. On Timofey the insomniac they began to pick viburnum and raspberries.
August 6 - Martyrs of the blessed princes Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism of Roman and David.
The most severe threat to the ripened crop and hay that still remained in the meadows was thunderstorms - the fire destroyed everything and left both people and cattle on starvation rations. That's why this day got its name. For protection from obsessions, they turned to the holy princes Boris and Gleb, the patrons of this day.
August 7 - Anna summer
They said that “what is the weather on Anna before lunch, such is winter until December; what is the weather after lunch, such is the weather after December,” so this day was also called a winter indicator.
Signs for August 7:
If the matinee is cold, the winter is cold.
Ants are enlarging anthills - the winter will be cold.
A lot of acorns on an oak tree - for a warm winter.
If on Anna It is raining- It will be a snowy winter.
If frost falls on Anna, it means a cold winter.

August 8 - Ermolai Day
The people said: “Yermo-lay - pick up the grain” - and they tried to remove the compressed grain from the field as early as possible, especially since this day was most often warm and dry. Early apples began to be collected from Ermolai. It was still impossible to eat them, but they were used for homemade liqueurs, jams and other preparations, and dried. We continued digging early potatoes.
Signs for August 8:
Ermolai - tidy up the bread.
In the morning there is cold dew, and in the afternoon the skies thunder.

August 9 - Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
The patron saint of this day is known as the patron saint of all healers; it is to him that people turn to him with requests for a cure for a variety of diseases.
August 10 - Prolkhorov Day
On this day, blacksmiths were honored, who straightened the plowshares before plowing the land for winter crops, and adjusted the plows. The figure of the blacksmith has always stood apart in folk life - this man had power over iron, was responsible for the strength and sharpness of the tools with which the land was cultivated. We must remember that there was no more powerful amulet against the most diverse evil spirits than a sharpened sickle or ax. It was believed that on this day it was impossible to change anything, since the exchanged item would either break or get lost, in a word, it would not last long. This day was also considered unlucky for trading.
Signs for August 10:
On Prokhor, the sun is shining and the hay is happily drying.
August 11 - Kalinin Day
On this day, the first morning frosts occur, which are popularly called Kalliniki, and people say: “O Lord, sweep Kallinika away with darkness (fog), not frost.” They were afraid of these frosts - after all, the bread was often not yet completely harvested, and other crops were still in the field, apples were hanging on the branches. It was believed that from this day migratory birds begin to gather in flocks to prepare for departure.
Signs for August 11:
If it gets colder, matinees will be cold at the beginning of September.
If there is no frost on Kalinov day, then Luka (September 5) will not freeze.
In the evenings and at night, Kalinnik threatens with lightning and sends autumn thunderstorms.
If there are a lot of berries and nuts, but few mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
August 12 - Silin day
It was believed that this day was the best time for sowing winter crops, especially since the weather was most often cloudy and cool. If the stars twinkle strongly at dawn, there will be rain in the coming days, and if it is windy and drizzling during the day, then you have to wait for a long period of bad weather. It also happens. that on this day flies and mosquitoes especially pester people working in the fields and gardens, then we must wait for rain. It is believed that rye, and indeed all crops sown on this day, will produce especially well, and the patron saint of the day will help with hard work.

Signs for August 12:
Early plowing of the fields and sowing at Sila means a bountiful winter harvest.
If the rowan berries are red, next summer will be rainy.
Wind gusts - to calm weather.
Frequent thunderstorms in August mean a long autumn.
August 13 - Evdokimov Day
On this day, they bowed to the harrow - they thanked it for its help, put it in order, cleared it of earth and adhering debris, and placed it under a canopy. I definitely needed to talk to her and thank her for her help. They asked Saint Julitta for help in harrowing the fields. On this day, they began to collect the first turnip - the peasant's nurse, which they ate raw, dried, steamed, made kvass, cooked porridge and baked pies.
Signs for August 13:
If the web has flown, the sunny weather will last for a long time.
If there is a steamy (thick, white) fog over the forest, go pick some mushrooms.
August 14 - Honey saved. The beginning of the Assumption Fast.
Honey, or the first. Spas was often called wet, because, according to custom, on this day the water in rivers and lakes was blessed. After this, it was possible to swim in a river or lake - but only one, last time a year. On this day, traditionally, new honey, new harvest vegetables and seeds were brought to the temple to consecrate them. In some areas it was believed that a strong thunderstorm must thunder at night - this is the light forces uniting to destroy the evil spirits that roam the earth after Ivan Kupala.
Signs for August 14:
Rain is a blessing - there will be no fires.
Roses are fading, cold dew is falling.
August 15 - Stepanov (Stefanov) day
Saint Stephen was revered by the people as a protector and patron of horses, to whom people turned to with a request to protect and preserve these animals, to grant them strength and endurance. Without a horse in peasant farm there was no way around it, and the attitude towards this beast was special. On this day they were given silver water to drink - a silver coin was placed at the bottom of the tub, which passed from father to son, they were decorated, their tails and manes were combed, and they were braided. The horses did not work that day.
Signs for August 15:
If it rains on Stepanov Day, there will be few fires, and the potatoes will grow well.
As is Stepanov's day, so is September.
Good hay is in haylofts, not in the rain.
If spiders reduce the size of the trap nets, it may be windy weather.
August 16 - Isaac's Day
Signs for August 16:
What a vortex. so is October.
If the wind is whirlwind, expect a snowy winter.
August 17 - Avdotya Day
On this day, onions and garlic and the last cucumbers are harvested. It was believed that rains began to fall from Avdotya, which were harmful to the hay, so it had to be removed from the meadows as quickly as possible. The hay had to be dried very well, but even in heaps it can be spoiled by bad weather, which is why they said: “There is no money in debts, there is no hay in the heaps.” They said about the rain on Avdotya: “It doesn’t come where they ask, but it goes where they mow. It doesn’t come where they reap, but it goes where they wait.”
Signs August 17
Seven youths bring seven rains.
If there is a thunderstorm on Avdotya, there will be hay for your eyes.
If there is heavy dew on Avdotya, the flax will be sulfur and braids.
As is Avdotya, so is November.
August 18 - Evstignei Zhitnik
On this day they conjured the stubble. This was done so that evil spirits would not settle on them and the cattle would not escape from the pastures.
Signs for August 18:
As Evstigney is, so will December be.
August 19 - Apple Spas. Transfiguration.
This is the day of picking the first apples, which were eaten with honey and sugar. Before the Second Savior, eating any fruit was considered a sin, but on this day they broke their fast with blessed apples. Some people made a wish while eating the last piece of the Spassky apple: it was believed that what they had planned must definitely come true.
Signs for August 19:
As is the second Savior, so is January.
What is the day on the second Savior - such is the Intercession (October 14).
On the second day, the Savior and the beggar will eat an apple.
August 20 is Marina's day.
It was believed that if storks prepare to fly away on this day, autumn will be cold.
Signs for August 20:
If storks are preparing to fly away, autumn will be cold.
If the water in the river foams, it will rain.
Red dawn at sunrise means rain.
August 21 - Mironov day
It was believed that strong winds would blow on this day. In popular belief, the wind was often represented as a living creature. Sometimes it was believed that this was a spirit sitting at the edge of the sky on a chain. The winds were often used in conspiracies, especially love ones.
Signs for August 21:
As are the Mirons, so is January.
Quiet winds blow on Miron - for sunny autumn, on Miron a storm - for stormy September.
Intense heat or heavy rains - throughout the fall.
August 22 - St. Matthew's Day
On this day, St. Matthew, or Matthew, was revered by merchants and wealthy peasants, since from this day they began to prepare for the autumn fairs. People believed that Matvey gave guidance in trading and cooled haste and vanity, which only harmed the conclusion of transactions. It was believed that from this day the summer warmth would end, which is why this day was called Stormy Matvey.
Signs for August 22:
South wind with whirlwinds snowy winter.
Steep whirlwinds - for a cool winter.
August 23 - Lawrence Day
It was believed that the waters would freeze on Laurentia. Lavrentiy was considered by the people to be a healer of eye diseases; people pray to him for insight and deliverance from demons. On this day, fluctuations in the water are noticed at noon. If rivers, lakes and swamps are not disturbed by the wind, the boats are calm, then they expect that the autumn will be quiet and there will be no snowstorms in the winter.
Signs for August 23:
If there is extreme heat or heavy rain in Laurentia, this will happen throughout the fall.
Autumn and winter live well if the water is calm and there is rain on Laurentia.
August 24 - Fyodor and Vasily Day
On this day there is a belief about a white horse appearing in the swamps, galloping, looking for its rider. On the same day, by folk superstition, will-o'-the-wisps light up in swamps and cemeteries, the sight of which confuses superstitious people: it is believed that the souls of the dead and drowned are wandering.

Signs for August 24:
Saint Feodor grazes goats, Saint Basil gives wool to sheep.
Smoke without wind hits the ground - towards rain.
There are a lot of nuts, but few mushrooms - the winter will be snowy and frosty.
August 25th - Phocas day
It was a day of cleaning in poveti - this is a room under a canopy in a peasant yard for storing household equipment. It was necessary to sort things out so that there would be somewhere to put away the summer harness, plow, and harrow; it was impossible to allow “the devil to break his leg in the villages.”
August 26 - Maxim's Day
On this day, the barns and cellars were cleaned - everything should be ready for storing the new harvest. It was believed that Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, the patron saint of this day, was a helper in getting rid of all despondency. On this day, they walked around the house with the icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts,” also called “Passionate.”
Signs for August 26:
Summer builds winter: winter warmth- cold in summer, blizzards in winter - bad weather in summer, snowy winter - rainy summer, frosty winter - hot summer.
The winds blow quietly - it means sunny weather, but they blow through a storm - it will be rainy September.
August 27 - Mikheev Day
On this day leaf fall begins. The Assumption Fast ends and the autumn meat-eating season begins, during which pre-arranged weddings took place.
Signs for August 27:
Quiet wind in the garden - dry autumn in the forest.
Plow the field - press the extra hay.
Micah with the storm - for stormy September.
If the wind is calm on Micah, it means a warm, dry autumn, and if a storm sweeps through, it means bad weather in the fall.
August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dormition is an important holiday at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. The peasants dedicated this holiday to the end of the harvest and the welcoming of autumn; on this day they celebrated the farewell of summer and the end of the harvest - dozhinka.
Signs for August 28:
Winter this three days before the Assumption and three days after the Assumption.
If the young Indian summer is sunny, expect bad weather for the old one.
A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer mean a clear and cold winter.
On Assumption, pickle cucumbers, on Sergius (October 8), chop cabbage.
By the Day of the Assumption, the entire harvest (harvest, especially grain) is in time.
August 29 - Bread (nut) Spas
Bread day - the first loaf of new bread was baked. Following the holiday, they began to sow winter bread.
Signs for August 29:
The Third Savior saved bread.
The third Spas is good - in winter there will be kvass.
It’s good if the Savior is on the canvas, and the bread is on the threshing floor.
If on the third Spas the water is calm, then autumn will be quiet, and winter will pass without snowstorms.
Swallows fly away three times, three times the Savior.
August 30 - Myron's Day
This day is traditionally considered the beginning of leaf fall, and in Slavic mythology, Tausen is considered the god of autumn, the autumn sun, and leaf fall. He was Kolyada's older brother - ancient god cheerful feasts, whose name is derived from the word “kolo”, that is, “circle”. It was believed that Tausen paved the way for winter.
Signs for August 30:
If there is fog and dew on Miron in the morning, the weather will be good.
The golden color of dawn and the violet color of the horizon mean good weather.
Early frost at the end of August means a rich harvest next year.
August 31 - Frol and Laurus Day
This day is popularly considered the day of Frol and Laurus, patrons of horses, and horses were often depicted on icons next to the faces of these saints. On this day they do not work on the horses; in the morning they are cleaned, washed, their manes are braided, which are decorated with ribbons, and then they are taken to mass to be sprinkled with holy water. This, according to ancient beliefs, protects animals from diseases. A worldly treat was arranged for the herdsmen and horse shepherds, pies were baked for them, and young beer was treated to them. On this day, even signs in the form of horse hooves were placed on bread, and a special loaf was baked for the horses, which they were treated to with gratitude, and in general they tried to feed the horses with some kind of delicacy. From Frol and Lavr, women's evening "sit-ins" began - peasant women gathered to visit some widow in a spacious hut, with needlework, yarn and knitting.

In August the days are still hot, but it gets dark much earlier. In the Vladimir province, August was called “gustyr”, considering it a nourishing month. They also called him “the daycare worker.” In August, blueberries and lingonberries are picked and people go into the forest to pick mushrooms. “Honey mushrooms appear—summer is over.” Most medicinal herbs have not lost their medicinal properties. The water in ponds and rivers is getting colder. Swallows predict rainy weather: they swim in the water and constantly fly into the nest. Rain can be expected if “the leaves show their undersides” and “the frogs croak loudly during the day.”

August 1. Macrin's day. Mokrins
The women made it rain. Special rituals were common in which women born on August 1 took part.
It will rain on Mokrina - autumn will be damp and cool. “The mokrina is wet - and autumn is wet.”
Rain on Mokrina means a harvest of rye and nuts next year.
From this day onwards they began to collect boletuses.

August 2. Elijah's day
This holiday was dedicated to Elijah the prophet.
You can already feel the breath of autumn, although summer is still going on. “For Ilya, it’s summer before lunch, and autumn after lunch.”
In the villages they baked bread, which they treated all their neighbors to.
On this day they tried not to work in the field so as not to anger the prophet Elijah. The churches asked Elijah for the fertility of the grain.
On Elijah's day, cattle were not allowed into the meadow, because they believed that snakes evil spirits and predatory animals can offend and injure her.
It is believed that there will definitely be a thunderstorm on this day.
They believed that thunder drove out the evil spirits that had inhabited them from wild animals.
It was believed that after Elijah's day you should not swim in the river. “Ilya cooled the water.” “Before Ilya, the man bathes, but after Ilya he says goodbye to the river.”
What is the weather on this day, is the same on September 27th.

August 3rd. Onufry the Silent
They worked in silence that day.
The day is suitable for putting the outbuildings in order.
Heavy dew means a bad flax harvest.

August 4th. Maria Yagodnitsa
Women washed their face with dew in the morning to keep their skin white and clean.
On this day, jam and compotes are made.
“If there is a thunderstorm, there will be hay behind your eyes.”
Lightning was feared that day.

5th of August. Trofim Bessonnik
“Sleep too long and you won’t see any good.”
“Work is going on - I don’t feel like sleeping.”

August 6. Boris and Gleb
The memory of Saints Boris and Gleb is celebrated.
On this day, no one went to the fields, as it was believed that the August thunderstorms set the haystacks on fire. “Don’t rely on Gleb and Boris for bread.”
Bird cherry berries are collected.

August 7. Anna Letnyaya
Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, is honored.
This day defines winter. If the matinee is cold, then the winter will be frosty. “What is the weather before lunch, such is the winter until December. Whatever the weather is like in the afternoon, that’s what it’s like after December.” Rainy weather- to a warm and snowy winter, and on a clear day - a frosty winter is expected. Ants build large anthills - for the cold winter.
We cooked early potatoes.

8 August. Ermolaev day
In Rus', before the Apple Savior, apples were collected, but not eaten.
“Ermolai - tidy up the bread.”
Herbs on this day have healing powers. Traditional healers celebrated this day as a good day for collecting medicinal herbs.

August 9. Panteleimon the Healer, Panteleimon the Headed
In Rus' they prayed to the saint for healing. On this day, healers collected herbs and cast spells.
It was not recommended to work in the fields on this day, as thunderstorms were to be avoided.
In churches, ears of corn from the fields were illuminated. Then they were brought home and stored for a long time.
On this day they kept last year's cabbage and baked pies with it.

10th of August. Prokhory-Parmeni
Blacksmiths were celebrated. They were considered special people, possessing not only great physical strength, but also those who know how to tame metal.
This day is considered unlucky for all people involved in any type of trade. “Prokhory-Parmens - don’t start bartering.”
Dig up tulip bulbs.

11th August. Kalinnik
“If ripe oats turn green again, autumn will be stormy.”
Morning frosts and cold fogs occur.

12th of August. Silouan and Sila
The rye is ripening, its ears are bending towards the ground.
Even weak people on this day they feel strength. “The powerless hero lives.”
Cows were guarded on this day so that witches would not drink their milk.
The stars twinkle strongly at dawn - heavy rain will do.

August 13. Evdokimov day
Previously, on this day, the harrow was spoken of so that its teeth would not break.
Turnips were boiled and steamed for pies and porridges.

August 14. First Spas, Honey Spas, Poppy Spas, Spas on the Water
The Assumption Fast begins.
In some provinces the First Spas was called the Wet Spas. They swam in the blessed waters.
On this day, honeycombs were broken.
Beekeepers illuminated honey in churches.
They baked poppy seed buns on this day and treated their neighbors to them.
There was a belief that witches would not get into the house if at Poppy Spas the entrance to the hut was sprinkled with poppy seeds.
The fields were plowed for winter crops.

August 15. Stepan Senoval
The whole family collected flowers for Stepanov’s wreath. The wreath was hung in the hut in the red corner. When illness came to the house, they brewed a bunch of herbs and flowers so that the spirit of summer would help.
Families had a silver coin that fathers passed on to their sons. She was lowered into spring water, which the horses were given to drink. The coin was fed in a secret place in the stable. It was a very interesting and complex ritual, after which the horses became docile.
The weather on this day is indicative of the weather in early September.

August 16. Anton Vikhrovey
Strong wind, especially with whirlwinds - to a snowy and harsh winter.
“As Vikhrovey is, so is October.”
If it rains on this day, it will rain for a long time.

August 17. Avdotya Malinovka, Borage, Senognoika
It often rains on this day. They asked: “Don’t go where they mown, but go where they ask.” Or: “Don’t go where they reap, but go where they reap.”
This day indicated the weather in November.

August 18. Evstignei Zhitnik
It was believed that on this day it was beneficial to eat bread with raw onions and salt, and wash it down with kvass. Onion bundles and braids were hung in the rooms.
This day determined the weather for December.
At sunset they listened to the echo. Distant echo - to sunny day, close - to rainy weather the next day.

August 19. Second Savior. Apple Spas
In Rus', the Apple Savior was widely celebrated.
Before the Second Savior, apples (and grapes) were not eaten.
Apples were illuminated in churches on this day. Markets were set up where apples were sold from carts.
The nights are getting colder.
“The Second Saved a fur coat.”
The weather on this day indicated the weather in January.

August 21. Miron Vetrogon
Blackberries were collected in the forests. Its leaves were dried to brew for colds.
On this day the winds are raging.
Carminative clarifies the weather in January.
A calm, windless day means a clear and sunny autumn.
Frost - for a good harvest next year.

August 22. Matthew Snakesucker
Cows were protected from snakes so that they would not attach themselves to the udder. Milk was milked behind closed doors. It was believed that on this day it was easy to jinx cattle.
The autumn rains begin.

August 23. Laurentian day
At noon we looked at the water. Quiet and calm - for a windless autumn, a calm winter.
“Autumn and winter live well if the water is calm and it rains.”

24 August. Evpatiy Kolovrat
People were afraid of this day. According to legend, in a battle with the Tatars, Batu killed a hero on a white horse. Since then, his horse has been galloping through the swamps in search of a rider. At night, the horse tears apart graves, looking for its owner. The souls of dead warriors and drowned people wake up from his crying. All over the cemetery, will-o'-the-wisps light up.
On this day the sheep are sheared.

25-th of August. Fotya Povetenny
On this day, it is customary to restore order in utility rooms. Especially where horse utensils, plows and harrows are stored.
It is usually rainy.
Clear weather means an abundance of porcini mushrooms.

August, 26th. Tikhon Strastnoy
On this day, the cellars and barns were put in order.
Quiet winds mean good weather in the coming days. Strong wind - September is rainy.
If there are a lot of mushrooms, then next year will be fruitful. “If it’s mushroomy, it’s bready.”

August 27. Mikhei Tikhovey
Weddings take place, matchmakers come to the bride's parents.
On this day, masons are congratulated.
On this day, the wind is observed. Calm weather means sunny autumn; the wind is blowing - a stormy autumn is expected. Storm - a stormy September is expected.
The cranes are moving south like a wedge - the frost will hit in October. Birds do not take wing - autumn will be protracted.

August 28. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The beginning of the young Indian summer.
On this day, the peasants organized fundraisers. Wealthy people give food to the poor.
At the Assumption, cucumbers were pickled.

August 29. Third Savior. Walnut. Savior Not Made by Hands
On this day, the peasants prayed to God, then the men went to the field to sow grain.
They started selling linens and canvases. “In the First Spas they stand on the water, in the Second Spas they eat apples, in the Third Spas they sell canvases.”
We were cleaning wells.
If the cranes fly away by this time, it will be frosty on Pokrov (October 14).

August 30. Miron Vetrogon
On this day, widows and orphans were helped.
If there is dew and fog in the morning, then the weather will be good.

August 31. Flor and Laurus. Horse holiday
Flora and Lavra are revered in Rus' as patrons of horses.
On this day the horses were given rest. They were looked after and then sprinkled with holy water. They fed me treats.
Cookies are baked in the shape of a horseshoe.
They celebrated the end of sowing winter crops.
Women gathered in the evening with needlework in their hands. We discussed our lives.
The roots of wormwood were used to judge the harvest for the next year. Thick roots - the year will be fruitful.

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