Air Force transcript. Air Force of the Russian Federation

| Types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | Aerospace Forces (VKS). Air Force

Armed forces Russian Federation

Aerospace Forces (VKS)

Air Force

From the history of creation

Aviation took its first steps without a sufficient scientific base, only thanks to enthusiasts. However, at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Theoretical and experimental research appeared in this area. The leading role in the development of aviation belongs to the Russian scientists N. E. Zhukovsky and S. A. Chaplygin. The first successful flight of the aircraft was carried out on December 17, 1903 by American mechanics brothers W. and O. Wright.

Subsequently, various types of aircraft were created in Russia and some other countries. Their speed then reached 90-120 km/h. The use of aviation during the First World War determined the significance of the aircraft as a new weapon, caused the division of aviation into fighter, bomber and reconnaissance.

In the warring countries, during the war years, the fleet of aircraft expanded and their characteristics improved. The speed of the fighters reached 200-220 km/h, and the ceiling increased from 2 to 7 km. From the mid-20s. XX century Duralumin began to be widely used in aircraft construction. In the 30s in the design of aircraft they switched from a biplane to a monoplane, which made it possible to increase the speed of fighters to 560-580 km/h.

The Second World War became a powerful impetus for the development of aviation. World War. After it, jet aviation and helicopter manufacturing began to develop rapidly. Supersonic aircraft appeared in the Air Force. In the 80s much attention was paid to the creation of short takeoff and landing aircraft, heavy lifting capacity, improving helicopters. Currently, some countries are working to create and improve orbital and aerospace aircraft.

Organizational structure of the Air Force

  • Air Force Command
  • Aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special);
  • Anti-aircraft missile forces
  • Radio technical troops
  • Special troops
  • units and institutions of the rear

Air Force - the most mobile and maneuverable branch of the Armed Forces, designed to protect the bodies of higher state and military administration, strategic nuclear forces, groupings of troops, important administrative-industrial centers and regions of the country from reconnaissance and air strikes, striking at enemy aviation, land and naval groups, its administrative-political, industrial-economic centers in order to disorganize state and military administration, disrupt the work of the rear and transport, as well as conducting aerial reconnaissance and air transport. They can perform these tasks under any weather conditions, at any time of day or year.

    The main tasks of the Air Force in modern conditions are:
  • revealing the beginning of an enemy air attack;
  • notifying the main headquarters of the Armed Forces, headquarters of military districts, fleets, and civil defense authorities about the beginning of an enemy air attack;
  • gaining and maintaining air supremacy;
  • covering troops and rear facilities from aerial reconnaissance, air and space strikes;
  • air support Ground Forces and Navy forces;
  • defeat of enemy military-economic potential facilities;
  • violation of enemy military and government control;
  • defeat of enemy nuclear missile, anti-aircraft and aviation groups and their reserves, as well as air and sea landings;
  • defeat of enemy naval groups at sea, ocean, naval bases, ports and bases;
  • the release of military equipment and the landing of troops;
  • air transportation of troops and military equipment;
  • conducting strategic, operational and tactical air reconnaissance;
  • control over the use of airspace in the border strip.
    The Air Force includes the following types of troops (Fig. 1):
  • aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special);
  • anti-aircraft missile forces;
  • radio technical troops;
  • special troops;
  • units and institutions of the rear.

The aviation units are armed with airplanes, seaplanes and helicopters. The basis of the Air Force's combat power is supersonic all-weather aircraft equipped with a variety of bomber, missile and small arms weapons.

The anti-aircraft missile and radio technical troops are armed with various anti-aircraft missile systems, short-range air defense systems, radar stations and other means of armed warfare.

IN Peaceful time The Air Force performs security missions state border Russia in airspace, notify about flights of foreign reconnaissance vehicles in the border zone.

Bomber aircraft has long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers in service various types. It is designed to defeat troop groups, destroy important military, energy facilities and communications centers primarily in the strategic and operational depths of enemy defenses. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as guided missiles air-to-surface class.

Attack aircraft designed for air support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects primarily at the front line, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as command of the fight against aircraft enemy in the air.
One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is high accuracy in hitting ground targets. Weapons: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aircraft air defense is the main maneuverable force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attack. She is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from defended objects.
Air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

Reconnaissance aircraft designed for conducting aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, and can destroy hidden enemy objects.
Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. For this purpose, they are specially equipped with day and night photographic equipment at various scales, high-resolution radio and radar stations, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, and magnetometers.
Reconnaissance aviation is divided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviation intended for transportation of troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, landing airborne assaults, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviation designed for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling aircraft in the air, conducting electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, control and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescuing crews in distress, evacuating the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile forces but are intended to protect the country’s most important facilities and troop groups from enemy air strikes.
They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system and are armed with anti-aircraft guns. missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, possessing great firepower and high accuracy in destroying enemy air attack weapons.

Radio technical troops- the main source of information about air enemy and are intended to guide him radar reconnaissance, monitoring the flights of its aviation and compliance by aircraft of all departments with the rules for the use of airspace.
They provide information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile forces and air defense aviation, as well as information for controlling formations, units and air defense units.
The radio technical troops are armed with radar stations and radar systems capable of detecting not only airborne but also surface targets at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference.

Communication units and subdivisions designed for deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Electronic warfare units and units designed to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation of enemy air attack systems.

Units and subdivisions of communications and radio engineering support designed to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Units and subdivisions engineering troops, as well as parts and units of radiation, chemical and biological protection are designed to perform the most complex tasks of engineering and chemical support, respectively.

The two most powerful powers in the world have the most powerful air fleets. These are Russia and the United States of America. Both countries are constantly improving them. New military personnel are released, if not annually, then every two to three years. Huge funds are allocated for development in this area.

If speak about strategic aviation Russia, then do not expect that you will be able to find accurate statistical data anywhere on the number of attack aircraft, fighters, etc. in service. Such information is considered top secret. Therefore, the information provided in this article may be subjective.

General overview of the Russian air fleet

It is included in the Aerospace Forces of our country. One of the important components of the WWF is aviation. It is divided for long-range, transport, operational-tactical and army. This includes attack aircraft, bombers, fighters, and transport aircraft.

How many military aircraft does Russia have? Approximate figure - 1614 units of military air equipment. These include 80 strategic bombers, 150 long-range bombers, 241 attack aircraft, etc.

For comparison, you can give how many passenger planes there are in Russia. Total 753. Of them 547 - main and 206 — regional. Since 2014, the demand for passenger flights began to fall, so the number of aircraft in use has also decreased. 72% of them- these are foreign models ( and ).

New aircraft in the Russian Air Force are improved models military equipment. Among them we can highlight Su-57. This 5th generation fighter with a wide range of functions. Until August 2017, it was developed under a different name - Tu-50. They began to create it as a replacement for the Su-27.

The first time he soared into the sky was still in 2010 year. Three years later it was put into small-scale production for testing. By 2018 Multi-batch deliveries will begin.

Another promising model is MiG-35. This is a light fighter whose characteristics are almost comparable with fifth generation aircraft. It was designed to deliver precise strikes against targets on land and water. Winter 2017 the first tests began. By 2020 The first deliveries are planned.

A-100 “Premier”- another new product from the Russian Air Force. Long-range radio navigation aircraft. It must replace outdated models - A50 and A50U.

From training machines you can bring Yak-152. It was developed for the selection of pilots at the first stage of training.

Among military transport models there are Il-112 and Il-214. The first of them is a light aircraft that should replace the An-26. The second was developed jointly with, but now they continue to design it, as a replacement for An-12.

Among helicopters, such new models are under development - Ka-60 and Mi-38. Ka-60 is a transport helicopter. It is designed to deliver ammunition and weapons to military conflict zones. Mi-38 is a multifunctional helicopter. It is financed directly by the state.

There is also a new item among passenger models. This is IL-114. Turboprop aircraft with two engines. It holds 64 passengers, but flies at a distance - up to 1500 km. It is being developed to replace An-24.

If we talk about Russian small aviation, the situation here is extremely deplorable. There are only 2-4 thousand planes and helicopters. And the number of amateur pilots is decreasing every year. This is due to the fact that for any aircraft you have to pay two taxes at once - transport and property.

Air fleets of Russia and the USA - comparative analysis

The total number of aircraft the US has is: that's 13,513 cars. Researchers note that of these - only 2000- fighters and bombers. The rest - 11,000- These are transport vehicles and those used by NATO, the US Navy and the National Guard.

Transport aircraft are extremely important to keep air bases operational and provide excellent logistics to America's troops. In this comparison, the US Air Force and the Russian Air Force clearly win the former.

The US Air Force has a large amount of equipment.

In terms of the pace of renewal of military air equipment, Russia is taking the lead. By 2020, it is planned to produce another 600 units. The real power gap between the two powers will be 10-15 % . It has already been noted that Russian S-27s are ahead of American F-25s.

If we talk about comparing the armed forces of Russia and the United States, the trump card of the former is the presence of particularly powerful air defense systems. They reliably protect Russian air latitudes. Modern Russian complexes The S-400 air defense systems have no analogues anywhere in the world.

Russian air defense is something like an “umbrella” protecting the skies of our country until 2020. By this milestone, it is planned to completely update almost all military equipment, including air equipment.

The Russian Air Force is second only to the US Air Force in terms of fleet size.

As of 2010, the number of personnel in the Russian Air Force is about 148,000. The Air Force operates more than 4,000 pieces of military equipment, as well as 833 in storage.

After the reform, the air regiments were consolidated into air bases, with a total of 60 air bases.

Tactical aviation consists of the following squadrons:

  • 38 fighter aircraft)
  • 14 bomber aircraft,
  • 14 assault ae,
  • 9 reconnaissance aircraft,
  • training and testing - 13 ae.

Location of tactical aviation air bases:

  • KOR - 2 AB
  • GVZ - 1 AB
  • ZVO - 6 AB
  • YuVO - 5 AB
  • CVO - 4 AB
  • VVO - 7 AB

At the end of 2003, Lieutenant General Viktor Nikolaevich Sokerin, having resigned from the post of Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet, described the situation in the Air Force at that time: “The Armed Forces are experiencing an uncontrollable collapse of their combat aviation.” “...The aviation regiments are staffed by officers who, over the course of five years of training, had only a few hours of training flight time, mostly with an instructor. Only 3 percent of 1st and 2nd class pilots are under 36 years of age, and only 1 percent of 1st class navigators of the Baltic Fleet Air Force are under 40 years of age. 60 percent of crew commanders are over 35 years old, half of them are over 40 years old.”

At the end of 2006, the average flight time in the Russian Air Force was 40 hours. The flight time depends on the type of aircraft. In military transport aviation it was 60 hours, while in fighter and front-line aviation it was 20-25 hours. For comparison, for the same year this figure in the USA was 189, France 180, Romania 120 hours. In 2007, as a result of improving the supply of aviation fuel and intensifying combat training, the average annual flight time increased: in Long-Range Aviation it amounted to 80-100 hours, in Air Defense Aviation - approximately 55 hours. Young pilots often have more than 100 hours of flight time.

In addition to the Air Force, there is military aviation and in other types and branches of troops Armed Forces Russia: Navy, Strategic Missile Forces. Air defense aviation and ground forces aviation are part of the Air Force. Aviation Missile Forces strategic purpose by April 1, 2011 it will be transferred to the Russian Air Force.

The plan to reduce the number of bases provides for a reduction to 33 air bases, and the decommissioning of about 1000 aircraft, up to 2000 aircraft.

Accurate quantitative and high-quality composition The Russian Air Force is classified information. The data below is collected from open sources and may contain significant inaccuracies.


MiG-31 - heavy high-speed interceptor

MiG-29 - light multi-role fighter

Su-35BM - heavy multi-role fighter of the 4++ generation

Tu-22M3 - medium missile-carrying bomber

Tu-160 - heavy strategic bomber-missile carrier and Su-27 - fighter-interceptor

Il-78 - air tanker and a pair of Su-24 - front-line bombers

Ka-50 - attack helicopter

Purpose, name Number in regular air force Number in Air Force Reserve Total Number of delivered vehicles
Strategic and long-range aviation: 204 90 294
Tu-22M3 124 90 214
Tu-95MS6/Tu-95MS16 32/32 64
Tu-160 16 16
Frontline aviation: 655 301 956 39
Su-25 / Su-25SM 241/40 100 381
Su-24 / Su-24M / Su-24M2 0/335/30 201/0/0 566 0
Su-34 9 9 23
Fighter aircraft: 782 600 1382 66
MiG-29 / MiG-29SMT/UBT 242/34 300 570
MiG-31 / MiG-31BM 178/10 200 388
Su-27 / Su-27SM / Su-27SM2/SM3 252/55/4 100 406 0/0/8
Su-30 / Su-30M2 5/4 9
Su-35S 0 0 48
Combat helicopters: 1328 1328 130
Ka-50 8 8 5
Ka-52 8 8 31
Mi-24P/Mi-24PN/Mi-24VP-M 592/28/0 620 0/0/22
Mi-28N 38 38 59
Mi-8/Mi-8AMTSh/Mi-8MTV-5 600/22/12 610 0/12/18
Mi-26 35 35
Ka-60 7 7
Reconnaissance aircraft: 150 150
Su-24MR 100 100
MiG-25RB 30 30
A-50/A-50U 11/1 8 20
Transport aircraft and tankers: 284 284 60
IL-76 210 210
An-22 12 12
An-72 20 20
An-70 0 60
An-124 22 22
IL-78 20 20
Anti-aircraft missile forces: 304 304 19
S-300PS 70 70
S-300PM 30 30
S-300V/S-300V4 200 PU 200 PU 0/?
S-400 4 4 48
Training and combat training aviation: >980 980 12
MiG-29UB/ MiG-29UBT ?/6
Su-25UB/ Su-25UBM 0/16
L-39 336 336
Yak-130 8 8 3
Ansat-U 15 15
Ka-226 0 6


In 2010, the Russian aviation industry supplied the Russian Ministry of Defense with 21 aircraft and 57 helicopters.

In 2011, the Russian Ministry of Defense will receive at least 28 aircraft and more than 100 helicopters from industry. Also this year, the modernization of the Su-25 attack aircraft fleet to the SM standard will continue.

As of May 2011, 8 production Ka-52 helicopters entered service. The plant can assemble up to 2 Ka-52s per month

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in 2011, 35 aircraft, 109 helicopters and 21 anti-aircraft missile systems will be purchased.

As of early 2011, 8 of 38 fighter aviation squadrons were re-equipped with new and modernized aircraft; attack aircraft - 3 out of 14 air units; bomber aviation - 2 out of 14 air forces. In the same year, one bomber aircraft at the Baltimore air base near Voronezh will be re-equipped with the Su-34.

It has become known that the Russian Ministry of Defense has ordered 100 Ka-60 helicopters with a start date for deliveries in 2015.

It became known that at the MAKS-2011 air show, it is planned to sign a contract for the supply of an additional batch of Yak-130 in the amount of 60 aircraft. A contract for the modernization of the MiG-31 into the MiG-31BM variant in the amount of 30 aircraft. A contract for the supply of MiG-29K in the amount of 24 aircraft for the Russian Navy Aviation.

Number of aircraft received by the Air Force during last years as part of the rearmament program:

Name Quantity
Fighter aircraft: 107
MiG-29SMT 28
MiG-29UBT 6
MiG-31BM 10
Su-27SM 55
Su-27SM3 4
Su-30M2 4
Attack/bomber aircraft: 87
Su-25SM 40
Su-25UBM 1
Su-24M2 30
Su-34 13
Training aircraft: 6
Yak-130 9
Helicopter aviation: 92
Ka-50 8
Ka-52 11
Mi-28N 38
Mi-8AMTSH 32
Mi-8MTV5 19
Ansat-U 15

Concluded contracts for the supply of aircraft for the Russian Air Force and Navy:

Name Quantity Reference
MiG-29K 24 it is planned to sign a contract for MAKS-2011
Su-27SM3 12 one third completed, the last 8 aircraft will arrive in 2011
Su-30M2 4 completed
Su-35S 48 the first two aircraft will arrive in 2011, completion date until 2015
Su-34 32 4 aircraft have been delivered, 6 more will arrive in 2011, then 10-12 aircraft annually
Su-25UBM 16
Ka-52 36 8 serial aircraft have been delivered, 10 more will arrive in 2011
Mi-28N 97 38 aircraft delivered, including 15 in 2010, 15 more will arrive in 2011
Mi-26T ? 4 by the end of 2011
Yak-130 62 9 serial aircraft have been delivered, 3 more will arrive in the summer
An-140-100 11 Will be delivered within 3 years
Ka-226 36 6 in 2011
Ka-60 100 deliveries from 2014-2015, part in ship version is possible

Unmanned aerial vehicles

The Russian Air Force has two UAV regiments, a research squadron and a Center combat use UAV in Yegoryevsk. At the same time, the development of UAVs in Russia lags significantly behind similar programs in NATO countries. In 2010, the Russian Defense Ministry ordered 3 types of reconnaissance unmanned aircraft from Israel for the needs of its army. The total number of devices is estimated at 63 units. It is planned to open a joint venture with Israel to produce UAVs in Russia.

Types of purchased UAVs:

  • IAI Bird-Eye 400
  • IAI I-View
  • IAI Searcher 2

The following domestic UAVs are known to be in service:

  • ZALA 421-08
  • Bee-1T
  • Fescue
  • Tu-243

Educational establishments

Educational institutions that train specialists for the Russian Air Force:

  • Air Force Academy named after prof. N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal Soviet Union G. K. Zhukova
  • Krasnodar branch of VUNTS Air Force "VVA"
  • Military Aviation Engineering University, Voronezh

On October 28, 1948, the first helicopter squadron was created in Serpukhov near Moscow. From this day began the history of a new type of troops in the USSR army, which continues in the Russian army.

Army aviation is usually called helicopter units that operate jointly with ground forces, solving operational-tactical and tactical tasks during army operations. Her tasks include:

Air support by fire: striking enemy ground targets in tactical and operational-tactical depth, both preventive and directly on the battlefield.

Delivery of various cargo and weapons to the troops, landing of troops and evacuation of the wounded.

Conducting reconnaissance.

Distinctive feature army aviation is that it is almost always located next to ground forces units, has a very high combat potential and a short response time to requests from ground forces.

The army aviation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation today includes attack, multi-purpose and military transport helicopters. Most of them were built during the USSR, and then transferred from Soviet army to Russian. These are the legendary attack helicopter-soldiers Mi-24, numerous transport and combat Mi-8, heavy transport Mi-26.

After 1991, a new attack helicopter, the Ka-50, was put into service, but the country’s economic difficulties at that time did not allow the construction of a large series of these helicopters. A radical change in equipping the material and technical base of the Russian Army Aviation occurred from the beginning of 2000 - outdated helicopters began to be modernized or replaced with newly built modifications of the previous ones and, most importantly, two new types of attack multi-purpose helicopters were adopted and put into serial production - Ka- 52 and Mi-28N. In the coming decades, they will become the basis of strike aircraft of the Russian Air Force.

With the advent of a new medium-lift military transport helicopter on this moment time is postponed for the medium term. The Ka-60 helicopter never found a response in the Ministry of Defense, and it was not very suitable as a main transport helicopter due to its lower carrying capacity and internal space dimensions. But the niche of a light helicopter for reconnaissance and forces special purpose he could borrow. This was facilitated by a number of features of its design - small but sufficient for effective highly specialized work, dimensions causing lower both visual and radar visibility, the presence of a tail rotor design based on the fenestron principle, which ensures greater safety in comparison with the classic tail rotor.

Pre-production sample of the military Ka-60

But since the Kamov Design Bureau, after the failure to put the Ka-60 into service, did not close this project, but switched to its civilian specialization, its appearance in the Russian army aviation is still possible. The story may repeat itself with the Mi-28, which, after losing the Ka-50 competition, was put into service almost ten years later, albeit in a modified version. This may also be facilitated by obvious problems with the production of the medium transport generation Mi-38, which, since the start of development in the late 80s, has still not left the stage of building several prototypes.

With the fleet of heavy transport helicopters, everything is very clear. There is no alternative to the giant Mi-26 helicopter. Promising developments, on helicopters of this class are of course underway, but for reasons that I will mention below in the question of a promising attack helicopter, the creation of any new models is a prospect in the near future. So, for the needs of Russian army aviation, both the modernization of existing Mi-26 helicopters and the construction of new modified machines are being carried out.

The question of a promising new generation attack helicopter is now, judging by many signs, relegated to the long term. This is facilitated by the presence in service of modern Ka-52 and Mi-28N helicopters, which are superior in their technical specifications models in service with countries of potential adversaries, and rather vague requirements for a promising attack helicopter. Moreover, this also applies to the state of affairs with similar machines in the leading helicopter-building powers, rather a power - today only the design and industrial complexes of Russia and the United States are capable of generating the next generation helicopter. The second reason for postponing the creation of a new one for the long term attack helicopter are high requirements for its combat and flight performance characteristics, which existing technologies and principles of helicopter engineering cannot yet implement even in prototypes.

The combat effectiveness of army aviation, built in the thick of the Afghan conflict back in Soviet times, remains high. Even during the difficult economic times of the 1990s, army helicopters flew. And these were for the most part not training flights - military operations in the Chechen Republic, various smaller-scale, but no less safe "hot spots" and participation in peacekeeping operations, the use of army aviation was required everywhere. Since the 2000s, there has been a decline in the intensity of military conflicts requiring the use of military aviation, but active rearmament has begun with new types of aircraft and regular exercises have again become the norm. The most extreme event, a real test of the combat effectiveness of the Russian army aviation, was the participation of military helicopters in the operation in Syria. Although, as in any armed conflict, there were losses, but it was demonstrated high level combat training and flying skill, I emphasize in the conditions of a real combat conflict, albeit not with a regular enemy army, but with the most difficult climatic conditions and with a qualitatively increased level of mobile air defense systems.


Mi-8 is a multi-purpose transport and combat helicopter.

Developed in the USSR at the Mil Design Bureau, performed its first flight on July 9, 1961. These helicopters are the most numerous aircraft in army aviation. The reliable and unpretentious Mi-8 is best suited for military functions - from a transport helicopter to specialized modifications for a narrow range of tasks. Currently, the number of Mi-8 of various modifications in the army aviation reaches over 320 helicopters - these are Mi-8T, Mi-8TV, Mi-8P, Mi-8PS, Mi-8MTV, Mi-8IV, Mi-8MB, Mi- 8PP, Mi-8MTI, Mi-8AMTSH.

Mi-8 - jammer, modification for electronic warfare.

Classic military transport Mi-8T, in the bottom photo with applied armor plates to protect the crew from small arms fire.

Early helicopters of the Mi-8 modification, for example such as Mi-8T, Mi-8TV, Mi-8P, Mi-8PS, are equipped with two TV2-117 engines with a take-off power of 1500 hp. pp., with a 10-stage compressor and starting from the one installed on each engine. Helicopters of later series (Mi-8MT, Mi-17, etc.) have been significantly modernized. The engines were replaced with more powerful ones (takeoff power - 2000 hp) TV3-117 with a 12-speed compressor. Also, helicopters of these modifications have more complex and advanced on-board radar equipment (avionics), which significantly increases both the combat and flight characteristics of the helicopters. In particular, the Mi-8 AMT modification is capable of flying at night and in difficult weather conditions.

Mi-8 AMT

Basic flight performance(performance characteristics) of Mi-8 helicopters:

Crew - 3 people Length with rotating propellers - 25.31 m

Height with rotating tail rotor - 5.54 m

Main rotor diameter - 21.3 m

Empty weight - 6800/7381 kg Normal take-off weight - 11,100 kg

Maximum take-off weight - 12,000/13,000 kg

Combat load: Landing - 24/27 people 4000 kg in the cabin or 3000 kg on external sling

Engines: 2 x GTE TV3-117 VM/TV3-117 VM, 2 x power 1500/2000 hp.

Maximum speed - 250 km/h Cruising speed - 230 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 4500/6000 m

Static ceiling, outside the influence of the earth - 800/3980

Practical range - 480/580 km

Range with PTB - 1300 km


Machine gun - 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm

On 6 external sling pylons there are small arms, cannons, unguided missiles and bombs.

Mi-24 is a fire support combat helicopter.

Developed in the USSR at Mil Design Bureau. Made its first flight on September 19, 1969. The Mi-24 is a landmark design in the history of military helicopter construction. Before its creation there was nothing like this in the world - huge firepower, excellent speed characteristics and security. His enemies were afraid of him and the pilots who flew him loved him; the names given to him - “Crocodile”, “Hell's Chariot”, speak for themselves.


But over time, even the most progressive design becomes outdated and requires modernization. One of weaknesses Mi-24 early modifications were poorly suited for use in adverse weather conditions and at night. This problem was solved by the release of a new modification of the Mi-35.

The helicopter received absolutely new complex Avionics and a navigation and electronic display complex with color multifunctional displays, an OPS-24N surveillance and sighting system with a gyro-stabilized optoelectronic station GOES-324, which includes a thermal imaging and television channel, a laser range finder and a direction finder. Updating the equipment allows not only to reduce the load on the crew and use guided and unguided weapons at any time of the day, but also to take off and land on unprepared and unequipped sites. Installed new machine skew. Main rotor hub with elastomeric bearings, composite main and X-shaped tail rotors from the Mi-28. Instead of GTD-117 engines with a power of 2200 hp. domestic modernized high-altitude turboshaft engines “Klimov” VK-2500-II with a power of 2700 hp are installed. The helicopter received a non-retractable landing gear, a shortened wing with two, instead of three, weapon suspension points. New small arms and cannon weapons were installed - a mobile cannon mount NPPU-23 with a double-barreled gun GSh-23L of 23 mm caliber. Currently, the number of Mi-24 and Mi-24P in the army aviation reaches over 220 helicopters, Mi-35 - about 50 units.

Main flight characteristics of Mi-24 (35) helicopters:

Crew - 2/3 (2) people

Fuselage length -17.51 ​​m

Length with rotating propellers - 18.8 m

Height with rotating tail rotor - 5.47 m

Main rotor diameter - 17.3 (17.2) m Wing span - 6.6 (4.7) m

Empty weight - 8570 (8090) kg Normal take-off weight - 11200 (10900) kg

Maximum take-off weight - 11500 (11500) kg

Combat load: Landing - 8 (8) people normal - 1500 kg, maximum 2400 kg on external sling - 2400 kg

Engines: 2 x GTE TVZ-117V/VK-2500-II, power 2 x 2200/2700 hp.

Maximum speed - 330 (300) km/h

Cruising speed - 270 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 4950 (5750) m

Static ceiling - 2000 (3000) m

Practical range - 450 km

Ferry range - 1000 km

Armament depending on modification:

12.7 mm 4-barrel machine gun, 30 mm 2-barrel gun (23 mm 2-barrel gun)

On 6 (4) external suspension pylons there are small arms, cannons, guided and unguided missiles and bombs.

Mi-26 is a heavy transport helicopter.

Developed in the USSR at the Mil Design Bureau, performed its first flight on December 14, 1977. Today it is the largest and most lifting mass-produced transport helicopter in the world. Designed to transport cargo, military equipment and personnel of combat units, as well as landing troops. The cabin dimensions and payload capacity of the Mi-26 helicopter provide the ability to transport 80-90% of the military equipment and cargo of a motorized rifle division. A modernized version of the Mi-26T2 has been developed and put into production. The number of Mi-26 helicopters in service with army aviation units is 32 helicopters, and deliveries of the modernized Mi-26T2 also continue.

Main flight characteristics of the Mi-26 helicopter:

Crew - 5-6 people Mi-26T2 - 2 (3) people

Fuselage length - 33.73 m Length with rotating propellers - 40.2 m

Main rotor height - 8.1 m

Main rotor diameter - 32 m

Empty weight - 28,200 kg

Normal take-off weight - 49,600 kg

Maximum take-off weight - 56,000 kg

Landing force - 82 people or cargo weighing - 20,000 kg on an external sling - up to 18,150 kg

Engines: 2 x GTD D-136, power 2 x 11,400 hp.

Maximum speed - 295 km/h

Cruising speed - 265 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 4600 m

Static ceiling - 1800 m

Practical range - 500-600 km

Ferry range - 2000 km

Mi-28N "Night Hunter" is a multi-role attack helicopter.

Its creation began in the USSR at the Mil Design Bureau, and performed its first flight on November 10, 1982. It was originally created as a helicopter for daytime use, then from the mid-90s it was developed as an all-weather helicopter for round-the-clock use. As a result, it was put into service in 2009-2013. The Mi-28N is designed to search for and destroy tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as low-speed air targets and enemy personnel in conditions of active counterfire and reconnaissance. In comparison with the previous generation Mi-24 attack helicopter, the armor protection of both the crew and the helicopter components has been strengthened, modern avionics have been installed, and operational characteristics have been improved. Participation of a helicopter in a military operation Russian troops in Syria must test all calculated characteristics in real combat conditions. The number of Mi-28Ns in the army aviation is now approximately 54 units. In total, the initial order planned to build 67 helicopters.

Main flight characteristics (flight characteristics) of Mi-28 helicopters:

Crew - 2 people

Fuselage length -17 m

Length with rotating propellers - 21.6 m

Height with rotating tail rotor - 4.7 m

Main rotor diameter - 17.2 m

Wingspan - 5.8 m

Empty weight - 8095 kg

Maximum take-off weight - 11,200 kg

Combat load: 2200 kg Engines: 2 x GTE TVZ-117M/VK-2500-II, power 2 x 2200/2700 hp

Maximum speed - 300 km/h Cruising speed - 270 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 5800 m

Static ceiling - 3600 m

Ferry range - 1087 km


30 mm gun 2A42

On 4 external sling pylons there are small arms, cannons, guided and unguided missiles and bombs.

Ka-52 "Alligator" is a multi-role attack helicopter.

The Ka-52 helicopter, created on the basis of the revolutionary design of the single-seat combat Ka-50, represents a further development of the concept of a coaxial attack helicopter. The two-seat Ka-52, originally conceived as a command helicopter for target designation and guidance of single-seat Ka-50s, eventually transformed into a multi-role combat helicopter for independent operations. Along with unique flight characteristics inaccessible to traditional helicopters, it has the most powerful on-board equipment, unique in a number of characteristics for combat helicopters, allowing to solve combat missions in almost any weather and climatic conditions. The Army Aviation now includes approximately 80 helicopters of this type. It is planned to increase the total number to 140 units.

Main flight characteristics of Ka-52 helicopters:

Crew - 2 people

Fuselage length -14.2 m

Length with rotating propellers - 16 m

Height - 5 m

Main rotor diameter - 14.5 m

Wingspan - 7.3 m

Empty weight - 7800 kg

Normal take-off weight - 10,400 kg

Maximum take-off weight - 11,300 kg

Engines: 2 x GTE VK-2500 or 2 x VK-2500P, power 2 x 2400 hp.

Maximum speed - 300 km/h

Cruising speed - 250 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 5500 m

Static ceiling - 4000 m

Practical range - 460 km

Ferry range - 1110 km


30 mm gun 2A42

On 6 external sling pylons there are small arms, cannons, guided and unguided missiles and bombs.

Ka-226 is a light multi-purpose helicopter.

The Ka-226 is a modernization of the well-proven Ka-26 helicopter. The first flight took place on September 4, 1997. A modification of the Ka-226.80 was developed for the Ministry of Defense in 2010. (Ka-226V). There are 19 units in service.

Main flight characteristics of Ka-226 helicopters:

Crew - 1(2) people

Fuselage length - 8.1 m

Height - 4.15 m

Main rotor diameter - 13 m

Maximum take-off weight - 3400 kg

Engines: 2 x TVLD Allison 250-C20R/2, power: 2 x 450 hp. With.

Maximum speed - 210 km/h

Cruising speed - 195 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 5700 m

Static ceiling - 2160 m

Practical range - 600 km

Ansat is a light multi-purpose helicopter.

"Ansat" is a light twin-engine gas turbine multi-purpose helicopter, developed by the design bureau at PJSC "Kazan Helicopter Plant" (KVZ). By order of the Ministry of Defense, a modification of the Ansat-U was developed, mainly for training purposes. About 30 helicopters have been delivered.

Main flight performance characteristics (flight characteristics) of Ansat helicopters:

Crew - 1(2) people

Fuselage length - 13.5 m Height - 3.56 m

Main rotor diameter - 11.5 m

Normal take-off weight - 3100 kg

Maximum take-off weight - 3300 kg

Engines: 2 × HP Pratt & Whitney РW-207K, power 2 × 630 hp. With.

Maximum speed - 280 km/h

Cruising speed - 240 km/h

Dynamic ceiling - 6000 m

Static ceiling - 2700 m

Practical range - 520 km

The Air Force (Air Force) is a branch of the Armed Forces designed to protect the bodies of higher state and military command, strategic nuclear forces, troop groups, important administrative and industrial centers and regions of the country from reconnaissance and air strikes, to gain air supremacy, fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy from the air, increasing mobility and supporting the actions of formations different types Armed Forces, conducting comprehensive reconnaissance and performing special tasks.

The Russian Air Force consists of associations, formations and military units and include types of aviation: long-range, military transport; front-line (it includes bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance aircraft), army, as well as military air defense forces: anti-aircraft missile forces, radio engineering troops.

Long-range aviation- the main strike force of the Air Force, capable of effectively hitting important targets of aviation groups and carrier ships cruise missiles sea-based(SLCM), energy facilities and facilities of higher military and government administration, nodes of railway, road and sea communications.

Military transport aviation- the main means of landing troops and military equipment in the interests of operations in continental and ocean theaters of war, it is the most mobile means of delivery to specified areas material resources, military equipment, food, units and units.

Front-line bomber and attack aircraft designed primarily to provide air support to the Ground Forces in all types of military operations.

Frontline reconnaissance aircraft designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of all types and branches of troops.

Frontline fighter aviation designed to destroy enemy air attack weapons when solving problems of covering groups, economic regions, administrative and political centers, military and other objects.

Army aviation designed for fire support of the Ground Forces. She is also entrusted with the tasks of combat and logistics support. During the battle, army aviation strikes at enemy troops, destroys his airborne assault forces, raiding, forward and outflanking detachments, provides landing and air support for its landing forces, fights enemy helicopters, destroys its nuclear missiles, tanks and other armored vehicles. .

Anti-aircraft missile forces designed to cover troops and facilities from enemy air attacks.

Radio technical troops are designed to detect enemy air attack weapons in the air, identify them, escort them, notify the command, troops and civil defense authorities about them, to monitor the flights of their aircraft.

Armament and military equipment of the Air Force

Strategic supersonic bomber with variable wing geometry Tu-160- designed to destroy the most important targets with nuclear and conventional weapons in remote military-geographical areas and deep behind the continental theaters of military operations.

Strategic missile carrier Tu-95MS- designed to solve strike missions to hit the most important targets in remote military-geographical areas and in the deep rear of continental theaters of military operations.

Heavy military transport aircraft An-22 (“Antey”)- designed for long-distance transportation of heavy and large-sized military equipment and troops, as well as for parachute and landing methods.

Heavy long-range military transport aircraft An-124 (“Ruslan”)- intended for the delivery of troops with standard military equipment and weapons from the deep rear of the country to theaters of military operations (theatres of war), transportation of troops between theaters of operations and inside rear zones, reinforcement of airborne assaults with heavy military equipment, delivery of cargo to fleet forces in ocean theaters, transportation of heavy and large-sized national economic cargo.

Front-line bomber with variable wing geometry Su-24M- Designed to destroy ground and surface targets in any weather conditions, day and night, in the tactical and immediate operational depths of enemy territory.

Su-25 attack aircraft- designed to destroy small-sized moving and stationary ground objects in conditions of visual visibility day and night, as well as low-speed air targets at the forefront in tactical and immediate operational depth.


  1. The Air Force consists of long-range and military transport aviation, front-line bomber and attack aviation, front-line reconnaissance aircraft, front-line fighter aviation, army aviation, anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops.
  2. The air force is designed to carry out air strikes against enemy groups, their rear and transport.
  3. The Air Force is leading aerial reconnaissance and organize air transportation.
  4. Military transport aviation of the Air Force is capable of landing and airborne troops, transporting troops and military equipment over long distances.


  1. What types of aviation are included in the Air Force?
  2. What types of anti-aircraft troops are part of the Air Force?
  3. What are the main aircraft in service with long-range aviation?
  4. In what type of front-line aviation did the legendary heroes of the Great Patriotic War serve? Patriotic War Alexander Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub?


  1. Prepare short message about the purpose of anti-aircraft troops and their weapons and military equipment.
  2. Prepare a report about the heroic exploits and records of the famous Russian pilot of the First World War, Pyotr Nesterov.
  3. Using historical literature, write an essay on the topic “Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov - Commander of the Air Force during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”
  4. Using special materials and the Internet, prepare a report about one of the modern military pilots.