American branch of self-propelled guns world tanks. American tank destroyers: now with a turret! German artillery branch

Hi all! I want to present you with an article that is not quite typical, however, which many may find interesting, namely: an opinion about the thread that was followed. It will be interesting primarily for those who are deciding what to download next, even if there are no special preferences. What will you see below? A brief description of each of the nine cars, highlighting the bright pros and cons, and of course the subjective feelings from passing it, which is also very important, because many people are unlikely to want to go through an entire branch, wasting a lot of time, knowing that only “cacti” await you ahead, even if at the tenth level the wait is very good tank. However, I would like to immediately warn you that it is quite difficult to say anything about the first levels, because after playing only 10 battles, the sensations remain rather faded and inexpressive. However, this is unlikely to be a big hindrance for anyone, because low-level machines are completed quickly, and many people only start playing at level five.
So, we will talk about the branch of American turret-based ATs. Well, let's get started.

We start with T18. Even at this level, a pleasant surprise awaits us: this PT is capable of bending very well. We have excellent for the second level frontal armor– 51 mm, good speed – up to 48 km/h, and a good selection of guns, among which we can highlight the 75 mm Howitzer M1A1 – a high-explosive weapon with 175 average damage, which practically guarantees “one-shots” of same-level opponents. Overall, it’s a very pleasant car, and the only negative may be that it goes through too quickly, after all, the second level. However, no one bothers you to leave it just for fun. T18 can be safely called the thunder of the sandbox; playing it is a real pleasure.

Next comes T82. It is also quite an interesting vehicle, which also has good mobility - the same 48 km/h, but, unfortunately, unlike its predecessor, it does not differ in armor. However, the armor is completely redeemed by excellent weapons: there is a landmine with crazy damage, capable of killing even targets larger than one with one shot. high level, or an accurate and very penetrating 57mm cannon. It will be much more difficult to play on this PT than on the T18, but if you use it correctly, you will be guaranteed to bend. And killing a KV-1 with two hits on a third-level tank is more than pleasant.

Next comes the M8A1 - not so flexible, but still a pretty good AT. It is from this point that PTs with a tower begin, and continue like this until the very end of the branch. The M8A1 is no longer as remarkable as its predecessors: it does not have a high explosive shell or excellent armor. However, adding up all its advantages, of which there are many (excellent speed of 58 km/h, a rotating turret, and a gun with a good combination of armor penetration, accuracy and damage per minute), you can understand that in the right hands this tank can easily drag out battles. Moreover, in the coming levels you should get used to exactly this kind of gameplay: a cardboard PT with a good tool and a tower.

Having finished with M8A1, we find ourselves in the world of bending. The next vehicle, the T49, has everything you need to destroy the enemy, and is most likely the most atypical of all the tanks in the game. She looks much more like a firefly - maximum speed 61 km/h, low silhouette, except that the visibility is let down - only 350 meters, but with optics, and at such a speed, in some cases it is possible to highlight it. And don’t forget about the rotating (albeit extremely slowly) turret, and a good selection of guns, among which you can choose either a gun with higher damage, or a more accurate one with excellent damage per minute. The only thing that greatly distinguishes us from the firefly is that it is very difficult to spin someone due to the too slow rotation of the tower, but it completely pays off excellent choice guns

Next comes the well-known M18 Hellcat, which is considered by many to be almost the best tank in the game. And, although it is just as atypical for the PT class as the M8A1, it has more than enough advantages, and there is something to love it for. We still don’t have armor, moreover, it’s even less than that of the M8A1, but there’s no big difference in that, both are always penetrated anyway, but in the case of the M18, there is at least a small probability of not penetrating the turret - in forehead 76 mm. With mobility, everything here is not as good as before, but not bad either. Although the maximum speed is indicated as 72 km/h, in reality we will drive around 50 km/h, which is also very good. It is also worth taking into account the good visibility - 370 meters, and excellent aiming angles -10....+20. And of course, we can’t help but mention an excellent weapon - 160 mm of penetration and 240 one-time damage, coupled with excellent accuracy, make for an excellent weapon. Adding up all the advantages (and this PT is practically the only one that has them), we get an excellent machine; after playing it a couple of times, it immediately becomes clear why everyone loves it so much.

Next comes T25/2. It’s also a very good AT, but the M18 is still a little inferior (with a discount on the battle levels, of course). The first thing that catches your eye is its significantly increased size, that is, now you shouldn’t count on not being noticed right away. However, everything else is the same. Staying true to tradition, we don’t have armor, but at least landmines won’t hit us in the forehead, and we can generally rely on the gun mantlet – it can quite often reflect shells from not very serious guns. The speed is no longer so high - the maximum speed is 56 km/h, but in reality, as always, the average speed will be much lower, but still, we are quite capable of driving with the ST. With everything else, everything is the same as before - the turret barely turns, the aiming angles are still good, and the gun as a whole is not bad, except that penetration is disappointing - only 170, which does not go well when playing with ten levels. However, it all depends on the playing style, and perhaps someone might like the T25/2. This PT is no longer as challenging as the ones that came before it, but it is not difficult to master, and passing it will not be a problem, and even some fun is guaranteed.

And with this we move on to the most delicious and interesting - levels 8, 9, and 10.
At the eighth level we have the T28 prototype, and it really stands out from the crowd. After the previous machines, it will be quite difficult to play on it, it is very different from them. We get the long-awaited, and by the way, very good armor, but we pay for it with speed. And how we pay... Playing on this T28 prot, you will envy even the owners of British PTs, even they will overtake you. So, maximum speed *drum roll*... 18 kilometers per hour. Yeah, after the previous PTs with their speed, this will be a real torment. However, if you are patient, it becomes clear that the T28 prot. very good: the frontal armor perfectly protects against enemy shells (of course, until they switch to gold), and the gun distributes damage perfectly. Plus, the tower also rotates, though not completely, but most often it’s enough. It’s worth mentioning about the gun separately: we have average accuracy, but excellent penetration (248) and good damage (400), and even a good rate of fire, so our gun is excellent. By the way, about the reservation: it is only good in the frontal projection, in the sides, stern and roof, we will even suffer from landmines, let alone artillery. As a conclusion to this machine, we can say that it is very unique, and you will have to exert a lot of self-control to pass it, but just like in the case of the T25/2, it has quite pronounced advantages that do not allow the game on it to fall into crap . Yes, there is also a transition from it to an alternative branch of American PT, although in this case you will have to endure this speed for another 2 cars.

Having skated the painfully slow T28 prot., we get the long-awaited T30 - a very interesting, and in skillful hands, a very bendable machine. Opening it, we return to our roots - we have no armor again. To understand this, just look at him appearance- but outwardly it is almost indistinguishable from T34 and T29, and their armor is also the same, and T29 even breaks through at the seventh level quite often, let alone 9 and 10 - there our 102 mm do not save even from fireflies. And given our not very high mobility - the maximum is 35, but in the game it’s around 25-30 and the lack of armor, as well as the presence of powerful artillery at high levels, it is clear that we must choose a position extremely carefully. But if in the case of the hull, we have nothing to show, then our turret holds the damage as it should - they can only penetrate the commander’s turret, but it is very difficult to hit it. And our most important advantage is our weapon. In terms of numbers, it is almost similar to the gun of object 704, and that is exactly what it is - absolutely crazy numbers: 276 penetration and 750 units of one-time damage, although the accuracy is 0.39 and charging is about 16-17 seconds, which forces you to carefully aim and choose the moment to shoot. Given these advantages, by “tanking with a turret” or moving out from behind cover to exchange shots, we can deal crazy damage per game. The T30 is a great car, but, as always, it has its advantages and disadvantages. With the right choice of position, she can very well land powerful blows on her opponents. After completing it, you are left with a pleasant feeling and a desire to leave the T30 in the hangar for pleasure.

And now we finally get what we have been looking for for so long - a tank destroyer with armor and heavy mobility, a turret and an excellent weapon. And the T110E4 does not disappoint - indeed, everything is so, in terms of speed, we are of course a little behind the same T110E5, but this is not critical. The turret only rotates 180 degrees, so what, we’re a PT, we shouldn’t have a turret at all! And the armor is also pleasing, the numbers seem to be small, however, exposing the hull as a diamond and dancing, it is often quite difficult to penetrate the T110E4, but she does not have such a problem - after all, three hundred penetration and 850 average damage can surprise anyone. And don’t forget about the solid safety margin – 2000 hp. The only thing that disappoints is the same long reload time of the gun (16 seconds), and rather mediocre accuracy; it’s quite easy to miss with this gun. But considering all the other advantages, this is the least we can pay. And again, you can play it like a typical heavyweight, with an eye to the long reload time, which brings its share of pleasure to the gameplay. The T110E4 is a very pleasant machine to use, which is worth finishing this thread, especially since this passage itself also brings mostly exclusively positive emotions.

Well, in the end I would like to say something like a conclusion about the thread itself: for me personally, absolutely all the cars were nice in their own way, and there wasn’t a single one that I really didn’t like playing. From the second to the tenth level, it was interesting to play, and I didn’t want to give up leveling, as sometimes happens in other cases. Overall, this is probably one of the best balanced branches in the game, and if you don’t know what to download next, I could recommend it.

Good day! This article completes the series dedicated to changes in game mechanics in patch 0.8.6. First of all, I offer my deepest apologies for the unfortunate mistake I made in the article about the Soviet development branch. In fact, the SU-122A self-propelled gun is at level V (as can be seen from the gluing of the development branch), and not at IV, as was written when detailed description characteristics of this art. As for the mechanics changes, in 0.8.6 test2 compared to 0.8.6 test1. With the exception of fixes for various bugs and the introduction of an assist for knocking down tracks, the art was affected by only two changes: 1) the absorption of anti-fragmentation lining has been increased, which is now 20, 25, 30 and 50%, for light, medium, heavy and super-heavy types of lining, respectively ; 2) the profitability of level 8,9 and 10 self-propelled guns has been reduced by 10-15%.
Now about the American branch itself. The following changes were made to the branch: M7 Priest and M37 were swapped, now M7 is level III, and M37 is level IV; added level IV M44 self-propelled gun; M12 and M40/M43 became levels VII and VIII, respectively; added level IX self-propelled gun M53/M55; At level X there is a T92 self-propelled gun.
The ability to upgrade the M7 Priest with the M3 Lee has been removed, and the ability to upgrade the M44 with Chaffee has been added. After rearranging the M7 and M37 self-propelled guns, they are now more correctly located on the timeline. The top guns for both self-propelled guns are almost identical, but the M37 has a slightly faster and more accurate gun.

American branch of ART SPG.

Level II – T57 (140 experience 3,300 credits)
Level III – M7 Priest (1,130 experience 47,000 credits)
Level IV – M37 (3,150 experience 130,000 credits)\
Level V – M41 (13,150 experience 405,000 credits)
Level VI – M44 (33,800 experience 920,000 credits)
Level VII – M 12 (59,400 experience 1,400,000 credits)
Level VIII – M40/M43 (116,500 experience, 2,700,000 credits)
Level IX – M53/M55 (200,000 experience 3,550,000 credits)
Level X – T92 (271,000 experience 6,100,000 credits)

New cars:

Sau at the base light tank M41. Mass-produced in 1953-54.
Case – 12/12/12
Durability 280
The chassis turning speed is 20-22 degrees/sec.
Horizontal aiming speed – 10 degrees/sec.
Viewing range – 360m
Communication range – 500-750m


Crew: 5 people

M44 – stock with 155 mm Howitzer M1

M44 – top with 155 mm Howitzer M45

M44 is a slightly thicker (in terms of strength) twin brother of M41. As can be seen from the table above, the top gun differs from the stock one (which is the only one available for the M41) by only a meager increase in rate of fire and accuracy. The guns have the lowest penetration, one-time damage and accuracy at the level (only the SU-122A has worse accuracy), which they tried to compensate for by a high rate of fire and less aiming time (6 seconds versus 7 seconds for all other “classmates”). It should also be noted that this vehicle has rather mediocre mobility and maneuverability. In general, the self-propelled gun turned out to be somewhat dull and does not evoke practically any emotions, there is very little penetration for bending, as a result of which very often quite ridiculous damage comes out, the rather low accuracy does not allow effective shooting with cumulative bullets, all this is to some extent compensated for by one single plus – rate of fire.


SAU based on Patton. M53 is a self-propelled gun with a 155mm M47 howitzer, M55 is a self-propelled gun with a 203.2mm M48 howitzer. Were in service with the corps Marine Corps. They took part in hostilities in Vietnam.

Housing – 12/25/12
Tower – 12/12/12
Durability 450
The chassis turning speed is 22-24 degrees/sec.
The turret rotation speed is 10 degrees/sec.
View range – 30m5
Communication range – 500-750m


M53 – stock with 155mm Gun M46

M55 – top with 8-inch Howitzer M48

Unlike its dull brother, the M53/M55 is perhaps one of the best Tier IX self-propelled guns in the game. Wonderful weapons, both stock and top-end, allow you to confidently damage Tier X vehicles. Thanks to the presence of a fully armored tower, improved ventilation can be installed. The tower rotates by +30º..-30º, which allows you to control more than 50% of the map space if you choose the right location. In addition to the above advantages, the car is also quite mobile. I haven't found any annoying flaws yet.
Regarding the T92. The top American art remained virtually unchanged, still just as scary and terrible! Those. it still takes a terribly long time to converge and shoots terribly inaccurately. After M53/M55, the difference in gameplay simply drives you into a stupor. But this, as they say, is a matter of habit.
That's all. Good luck in your battles! Madspider.

On this moment in the World of Tanks game there are five full-fledged artillery branches. They include vehicles from the second to the tenth level. The USSR, Germany, USA, France and Great Britain have branches of artillery. China and Japan do not have them, although the developers plan to correct this shortcoming in the distant future. However, a newcomer to World of Tanks is unlikely to be ready to upgrade all the currently existing five (and even more in the future) artillery branches just to find out which one is the best.

Which branch of artillery or which nation from those available in World of Tanks is right for you, what are the criteria for choosing vehicles for upgrade, and finally, which branch of artillery should you prefer? These questions are answered in this guide.

Artillery in World of Tanks - which branch to choose?

In the Soviet branch of vehicles, it is first worth mentioning the SU-26 (third level), which has a 360-degree rotating wheelhouse. It was once an extremely popular car, but after a series of nerfs it turned into a solid middling one. Next comes the SU-5, which does not have a wheelhouse or any acceptable firing range, but has a very steep trajectory, which allows it to throw shells over obstacles.

At the fifth and sixth levels there are fairly ordinary cars without noticeable pros and cons. But the situation changes radically at the seventh level, at which the USSR has two self-propelled guns (one opens with the KV-2). They are equipped with an extremely powerful weapon for their level, with a 102 mm penetration by a high-explosive projectile and a one-time damage of 1850 units. A direct hit on the roof can send heavy tank even a higher level straight into the hangar.

Soviet vehicles rarely shoot, often miss, but when they hit, they cause enormous damage.

Soviet artillery World of Tanks deals huge damage, but takes a long time to recharge. Source: wikimedia

But the price you pay for this is terrible accuracy and a reload time that lasts about 50 seconds. At the eighth and ninth levels, the weapon remains the same, only the characteristics are slightly improved. But the top branch (Vol. 261) represents a serious change in concept. Damage of 1700 units with a penetration of 102 mm is already difficult to surprise anyone, these are weak indicators for the tenth level, but we are pleased with the good aiming speed (6.5 seconds), and the accuracy is one of the best. And good mobility allows you to quickly change position, which cannot be said about the previous machines in the branch.

In general, the Soviet branch cannot be called monotonous. But most time you will have to play on slow machines that shoot extremely rarely, often miss, but when direct hit cause huge damage. At the same time, mediocre horizontal aiming angles with long aiming forces you to spend a lot of time on aiming, and a long reload greatly increases the cost of each miss.

German artillery branch

The German artillery branch cannot be called monotonous either. For example, the horizontal aiming angles are constantly changing, they are best at the seventh level, this machine is generally distinguished by good accuracy and an acceptable rate of fire. But this is compensated by the average damage (1200 units) and penetration (88 mm) of a high-explosive projectile. But good mobility allows you to keep up with your allies and stay at the optimal distance from the enemy.

German vehicles are characterized by a good balance between accuracy and rate of fire, but are distinguished by their enormous size and terrible dynamics.

In general, up to the seventh level inclusive, German vehicles are comfortable to play and have a good balance between accuracy, damage and rate of fire. At the eighth level, the damage increases significantly (up to 2000 units for a high-explosive projectile), and penetration is 105 mm. A similar weapon is installed on vehicles of the ninth and tenth levels. But you have to pay for this simply with its huge size and terrible dynamics. Moving from flank to flank can take several minutes, often during this time the battle simply ends without your participation. However, for passive play when you are standing somewhere near the base, German artillery high levels are ideal.

American artillery branch

As for the American branch of vehicles, the top of the branch (T92) immediately catches your eye, which has a maximum damage of 2250 units (!) for a high-explosive projectile with a penetration of 120 mm. But the accuracy is also one of the worst in the game, the spread is 0.92. However, even a splash can remove 500 or more HP from weakly armored targets. But the rest of the machines in the branch are seriously different in concept.

High-level American cars are almost identical to representatives of the Soviet branch

Only vehicles of the eighth and ninth levels have significant one-time damage; here they are almost identical to the representatives of the Soviet branch. The vehicles that preceded them are solid averages, they are fairly balanced in terms of damage, reload speed and aiming, but, on the other hand, they are devoid of bright advantages, so you are unlikely to remember playing them. But, for example, American self-propelled gun level eight is considered one of the best precisely because of the comfort of playing on it.

French artillery branch

Branch French self-propelled guns differs in that almost all the machines in it are made within the framework of a single concept. There are no sudden transitions, so it’s unlikely that you’ll have to completely relearn when you level up. But it is important to note that the top branch has a loading drum for 4 shells, this is a unique case in World of Tanks; there is no other artillery with a loading drum.

French technology is distinguished by good accuracy and fast convergence, as well as excellent dynamics, allowing you to quickly change position

But the drum takes a long 80 (!) seconds to recharge, during which your team can easily lose. Or win, nothing depends on you during these 80 seconds. Also saddening is the lowest one-time damage among tier ten SPGs (1250 units) with mediocre penetration (95 mm), but you can shoot four times in 18 seconds. All other vehicles in the loading drum branch do not have a loading drum, but low one-time damage compared to other same-level self-propelled guns is characteristic of almost all French artillery.

This is compensated by both good accuracy and fast mixing. Add here also excellent dynamics, for example, the top line is capable of reaching a speed of 62 km/h, this allows you to change position extremely quickly. At all French artillery involves active gameplay, as far as possible on self-propelled guns. You need to change your position more often in order to shoot your opponents on the side or even the stern. This will have to be done, because low penetration and one-time damage do not allow you to seriously damage most opponents when hit head-on.

British artillery

Finally, the British artillery branch is characterized by the steepest trajectory in World of Tanks, which allows you to throw landmines even over relatively high obstacles. But this is where the similarity between the cars of the entire branch ends. At low levels there are self-propelled guns, which do not stand out in anything remarkable; they are strong middle peasants. But on the sixth level it is located famous FV304, perhaps the most unusual self-propelled gun in the game.

British vehicles are miniature and quick-firing, but single-shot damage and penetration are low. As the level increases, the damage increases, but the hit accuracy remains relatively low.

It has good dynamics, miniature dimensions (like a light tank) and an extremely weak but fast-firing gun. It fires approximately every 13 seconds, but the one-time damage (450) and penetration (57 mm) of a high-explosive shell are extremely small. Moreover, the shooting range is so limited that you have to constantly move behind allied tanks to deal damage. But the trajectory of the projectile is such that it allows you to “smoke out” opponents from positions beyond which other artillery cannot reach them.

The seventh level car is a strong average car, its only striking feature is its greater speed backwards than forwards, but you get used to it after a couple of battles. And vehicles from the eighth to the tenth level are distinguished by high one-time damage with mediocre accuracy. The top branch in terms of one-time damage (2200 units) and penetration (117 mm) of a high-explosive projectile is slightly behind the T92, and its accuracy is even worse (the spread is as much as 1.1). Probably, such terrible accuracy also compensates for the steep trajectory, which allows you to throw shells even behind houses.

Your choice?..

So, which branch of artillery should you upgrade? It’s difficult to answer; a lot depends on personal preferences. If you are just starting to play World of Tanks, then, perhaps, the German and Soviet branches are most suitable, they are the most “classic”, and I can recommend American branch, although the top is quite specific due to its terrible accuracy.

Start with the “classics” - German or Soviet branches tanks and artillery. But later go to French branch artillery.

If you have been playing World of Tanks for a long time and understand the game mechanics well, then you can recommend the French, they are the least dependent on FBR, and excellent dynamics allow you to quickly change position, which, with a good knowledge of the maps, allows you to take comfortable positions. The British, in general, are quite specific; the steep trajectory, of course, allows you to throw shells behind high covers, but its downside is the most big time projectile flight, it is not easy to shoot with anticipation.

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