Bmp 3 technical. Sighting system "Vityaz"

The machine, designed a quarter of a century ago, has become the basis for the latest developments

When implementing new programs to improve the technical equipment of the Armed Forces, infantry fighting vehicles are given Special attention. The appearance of new infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers on the Kurganets-25 platform and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles on the Armata platform will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the new look of the Russian Ground Forces. At the same time, new generation equipment is being created on the basis of already proven models, in particular the BMP-3.

The BMP-3, adopted by the Soviet Army in 1987, became a revolutionary vehicle for its time. It was distinguished by increased maneuverability and firepower, as well as the ability to fire from water. The military attaches of NATO countries, who first saw the new infantry fighting vehicle in 1990, were unpleasantly surprised - at that time this vehicle could rightfully be considered the best in the world.

Nimble "Vityaz"

Despite the fact that more than 25 years have passed since the creation of the original design, the BMP-3 is still considered by Western military experts as one of the best in its class. Analysts from the American research corporation RAND included it in the list of the four most powerful and widespread infantry fighting vehicles in the world. In a recent RAND report on modern weapons, experts especially noted the increased firepower, maneuverability, buoyancy and power density BMP-3.

The Tractor Plants concern, which includes the largest Russian manufacturer of infantry fighting vehicles Kurganmashzavod, pays attention not only to the new family of armored vehicles on the Kurganets-25 platform. Currently, extensive work is underway to modernize the BMP-3 and create on its basis a whole family of combat vehicles with a variety of weapons. In this area, 2015 became quite fruitful, as the concern presented three new modifications of the BMP-3.

At the Army-2015 exhibition, the BMP-3 Vityaz was demonstrated for the first time, which received a fire control system of the same name developed by NTC Elins CJSC. Thanks to the installation of this noise-immune control system, it was possible to reduce the preparation time for a shot and implement the principle of “earlier detected, fired earlier”, increase the survivability of the vehicle by duplicating functions at the commander’s and gunner’s workplaces, and thanks to the unification of workplaces, provide the ability to remotely control weapons and fire from closed positions and hitting low-flying targets.

The vehicle retained its armament, consisting of a 100-mm 2A70 cannon-launcher, a coaxial 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun. There are two more PKTM machine guns in the vehicle's body. The conveyor of the loading mechanism of the 2A70 cannon contains 22 combat-ready rounds, the ammunition load of the 2A72 cannon is 500 shells. The control system allows you to operate in automatic tracking mode for ground and air targets. At the same time, it is possible to automatically record system operating parameters and crew actions. The BMP-3 "Vityaz" is equipped with a set of optoelectronic equipment, which includes a PPB-2 gunner's sight, a commander's day-night panoramic sight "Krechet" with television, thermal imaging and rangefinder channels, an anti-tank control channel unit guided missiles(ATGM) “Rassvet”, digital two-plane stabilizer with automatic drift compensation and built-in ballistic computer, built-in automatic target tracking (ATS). The use of ASC makes it possible to significantly - almost eight times compared to manual guidance - increase the accuracy of hitting targets and ensure electronic stabilization of the image displayed on the screens of workstations.

A special feature of the Vityaz is the ability to install a remote weapon remote control (URP), thanks to which remote targeting of the target is carried out in real time.

The chassis has also undergone certain changes. The BMP-3 "Vityaz" received a four-stroke multi-fuel engine UTD-29T with a power of 500 horsepower, which provides a combat vehicle with a total weight of 18.7 tons with a specific power of 25 hp/t. average speed“Vityaz” on a dirt road is about 45 kilometers per hour, and the maximum highway speed is 70. The car has retained the buoyancy of the base model and can move through water at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour.

In general, the combat effectiveness of the Vityaz has been significantly increased compared to the base model. Basically, the firepower characteristics have been improved - the integration into the design of the new fire control system increases its capabilities, and the installation of the HPDU represents another step towards remotely controlled (or completely unmanned) combat vehicles.

Plump "Dragoon"

At the international exhibition Russia Arms Expo-2015, held in Nizhny Tagil from September 9 to 12, the Tractor Plants concern presented two more modifications of the BMP-3, which received symbols"Derivation" and "Dragoon".

The main difference between the Dragoon was a significant change in the layout of the combat vehicle. The engine is moved forward, which significantly increases the protection of the crew and troops, increases the volume of the troop compartment and makes it easier for soldiers to leave the vehicle. Instead of standard seats, seats with pallets are installed, providing increased protection in the event of mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Additional fuel tanks are located outside the hull, which reduces the fire hazard. Two PKTM machine guns have been removed from the body of the combat vehicle. A folding ramp with an additional door is installed in the rear of the troop compartment, as a result of which the troops can disembark from the vehicle faster.

One of the main innovations of the Dragoon was the turret module developed by Kurganmashzavod, which retained the standard weapons of the BMP-3. It is expected that on its basis a remote-controlled combat module (RCCM) with cannon armament will be developed, which will significantly increase the protection of the crew. The Dragoon combat module is interfaced with the Vityaz fire control system. The use of an unmanned module will allow the combat crew to control it when leaving the vehicle.

The range of hitting a target with high-explosive fragmentation shells 3UOF17 and 3UOF19 is 7000 and 4000 meters, respectively. As with the basic BMP-3, it is expected to defeat enemy armored vehicles with 3UBK10-3 and 3UBK23-3 ATGMs at distances of 4000 and 5500 meters (up to eight ATGM units are allowed in the ammunition load). The 30-mm twin 2A72 cannon is capable of hitting enemy personnel and lightly armored targets. The Dragoon is also equipped with a PKTM machine gun coaxial with the main armament. This modification of the combat vehicle is not equipped with course machine guns. Compared to the basic BMP-3, its hull shape has been partially changed. Dragoon retained the optoelectronic equipment of the Vityaz. The gunner received the main (Krechet) and backup (PPB-2) sights, and the commander received the main sight (Krechet). The machine is also equipped with HPDU.

The weight of the Dragoon increased to 21 tons. However, it is equipped with a multi-fuel supercharged gas turbine engine UTD-32, the test bench power of which reaches 816 horsepower. As a result, specific power increased to 38 hp/t. According to this indicator, the Dragoon is superior to all foreign infantry fighting vehicles. For comparison: the specific power of the American M2A3 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle is 19.74 hp/t, the newest German Puma is 25.5–34.59 hp/t, the French VBCI – 18.6 hp/t, British FV510 “Warrior” – 23.5 hp/t. Also, unlike the overwhelming number of foreign infantry fighting vehicles, the Dragoon retained the buoyancy of the BMP-3 and the ability to cross water obstacles. Maximum speed“Draguna” on the highway and on the water remained the same - 70 and 10 kilometers per hour, respectively.

Universal “Derivation”

At RAE 2015, a modification of the BMP-3 was also presented, which received the designation “Derivation”. Her distinctive feature was the installation of an unmanned combat module AU-220M with a 57 mm automatic cannon. In February 2015, Rosoboronexport and the UAE company Emirates Defense Technology (EDT) signed a memorandum of understanding. This document provides the opportunity for bilateral cooperation to equip the Emirati armored combat vehicle Enigma with the AU-220M combat module.

The 57 mm caliber gun has an increased effective aimed firing range, which reaches eight thousand meters. The maximum rate of fire is 80–100 rpm. The horizontal guidance angle ranges from -5 to + 60 degrees. The PKTM acts as a paired weapon. On this moment The module is not equipped with an ATGM, but according to representatives of the Burevestnik Central Research Institute, where the AU-220M module was created, work on adapting the ATGM is already underway. The newest Kornet-D is being considered as one of the proposed options. The 57-mm cannon's ammunition capacity is 200 rounds (including 80 units prepared for firing). It can fire at ground, sea, and air targets (including UAVs). The power of a 57-mm anti-tank projectile is quite sufficient to effectively destroy almost all modern types of armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles.

The Derivations control system includes the commander's and gunner's sights, a central computing system (CVS), a video image transmission complex with a fiber-optic communication channel, topographic and navigation complexes, communications and data transmission, mechanism control and firing systems. The BMP commander received a panoramic sight with television and thermal imaging channels, as well as an integrated laser rangefinder. The gunner's sight is similar to the commander's, although it does not have an overview thermal imaging and television channels. The DVC also functions as a ballistic computer and video image processing device. There is no information about the installation of the HPDU.

“Derivation” received a four-stroke multi-fuel naturally aspirated UTD-29 engine with a power of 500 horsepower as the main component of the power plant. It provides a combat vehicle weighing 19.3 tons with a specific power of 25.9 hp/t, which generally corresponds to the level of foreign combat vehicles. The layout has remained virtually unchanged compared to the BMP-3. For a more optimal location of the module’s remote control equipment, two PKTM course machine guns have been dismantled. The crew of the vehicle is two people, the landing force is 10 people. “Derivation” retained the speed characteristics of the BMP-3: on a dry dirt road – 45 kilometers per hour, maximum on a highway – 70. The vehicle is capable of moving on water and crossing water obstacles at a speed of up to 10 kilometers per hour. The cruising range on the highway is 600 kilometers; the car can travel on a dirt road without refueling for at least 12 hours. "Derivation" can be used in various climatic conditions and at a temperature range from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius, in mountainous areas at an altitude of up to three thousand meters above sea level, with relative humidity up to 98 percent at an ambient temperature of +25 degrees Celsius. As a result, this modification of the BMP-3 can be in demand in almost all climatic zones, including in the sands of the Middle East, in the jungles of South and Southeast Asia. These characteristics make Derivation very competitive. One of the main opponents in the Middle East is the Enigma armored fighting vehicle, which is also expected to be equipped with the AU-220M.

The BMP-3 is in service with several countries in the region; its design has been repeatedly tested in the sands at high temperatures and has proven its effectiveness.

“Pumped up” BMP-3M

"Tractor factories" offer potential customers and a modification of the BMP-3, designated BMP-3M. It is distinguished by the installed new Sodema sighting system with a thermal imaging camera and automatic target tracking, the TKN-AI commander's observation device (a PKP-K panoramic sight can be installed instead), and an upgraded ATGM loading mechanism (reduces loading time to 10 seconds). New OFS 3UOF19, ATGM 9M117M1, and 30-mm armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile have been introduced into the range of ammunition. As a result, the firepower of the vehicle is significantly increased. The 3UOF19/3UOF19-1 projectile provides more effective destruction of enemy personnel at a distance of up to 7000 meters. The 9M117M1 ATGM destroys enemy armored vehicles (including main battle tanks) at distances of up to 5000–5500 meters. An armor-piercing sabot projectile has 80 percent more armor penetration compared to a standard tracer.

The BMP-3M can be equipped with an APP-688 automatic gearshift and a TVK-1B driver's day-night device, which significantly increases maneuverability and ease of use. It is possible to equip the BMP-3 with the IUSSH-688 chassis information and control system. It allows you to collect complete information about the operation of the car and display it on the driver’s display. IUSSH-688 is capable of generating voice messages and notifying about any problems or malfunctions, warning about failure important elements chassis. The BMP-3 can be equipped with a KBM-3M2E air conditioner, providing the crew and troops with more comfortable conditions, including in hot climates. The installation of a diesel power unit provides power to the electrical devices of the combat vehicle when the engine is turned off.

The level of security of the BMP-3M has been significantly increased compared to the base model. Additional multi-layer armor, a complex of dynamic protection (DZ), armor screens and lattice armor can be installed (which protects the vehicle from 50–55 percent anti-tank grenades type PG-7VL, fired from an RPG-7 grenade launcher).

"Sprut-SDM1" - a universal soldier

Tractor Plants continue to develop self-propelled anti-tank guns. Sample 2S25M "Sprut-SDM1" is a deep modification of SPTP 2S25 "Sprut-SD".

A distinctive characteristic of the Sprut-SDM1 SPTP is the installation of a 2A75M cannon, combat characteristics which practically correspond to the characteristics of the tank 2A46M5. All types of shells intended for T-72 and T-90 MBTs are allowed. The 2A75M ammunition load is 40 rounds, of which 22 are mechanized and 18 are additional. Standard ammunition includes 20 OFS, 14 armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles with a finned core, 6 ATGMs (can be replaced with 6 cumulative projectiles). A PKTM machine gun coaxial with the cannon is installed as an additional weapon. It is planned to install a DBM with a similar machine gun on the roof fighting compartment. Sprut-SDM1 is also equipped with six 902V Tucha smoke grenade launchers. The gunner is equipped with the main Sosna-U sighting system and a backup PDT sight.

The total weight of the new SPTP will be 18 tons. The Sprut-SDM1 chassis, based on the BMD-4M design, will be equipped with an information and control system. The vehicle is equipped with a UTD-29 engine with a power of 500 horsepower. The maximum speed of the SPTP is 70 kilometers per hour, the average speed on a dry dirt road is 45–50, the maximum speed afloat in calm water is seven kilometers per hour. One of the main features of the Sprut-SDM1 is the ability to fire while afloat, which significantly increases combat effectiveness. The range reaches 500 kilometers on the highway and 350 on dry ground. When afloat, the vehicle can travel without refueling for at least seven hours.

SPTP is transported by military aviation aircraft and landing ships, landed by landing and parachute with the crew inside the vehicle, overcomes water obstacles with sea state up to three points without preparation, and is loaded under its own power into landing ships after completing assigned tasks. Unique maneuverability allows Sprut-SDM1 to be widely used in the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, and units operating in mountainous areas with low temperatures. At the same time, the firepower of the SPTP is at the level of the T-90AM/T-90MS tanks, which allows it to effectively destroy enemy armored vehicles (including MBTs) at a considerable distance (when using ATGMs - up to 5000 m, when firing direct fire - at a distance of 2000–2500 m). SPTP significantly increases the combat effectiveness of the units to which it is assigned.

Modular alternative

At RAE 2015, a promising modular concept for the development of combat vehicles of the BMP-3 family was presented for the first time. The basis was the BMP-3 Dragoon chassis with the engine and transmission elements moved forward. At the request of the customer, it can be equipped with one of three DBMs - the standard Dragoon module with 2A70 and 2A72 guns, AU-220M, or the fighting compartment from the Sprut-SDM1. The modules received the designations BM 100+30, BM 57 and BM 125, respectively. It is noteworthy that they are all remote-controlled, which is another step towards the creation of a robotic infantry fighting vehicle. Of particular interest is the possibility of installing the BM 125 on the Dragoon chassis. As a result, in the combat formations of a motorized rifle unit, an SPTP can be deployed on the BMP-3, capable of effectively destroying armored vehicles with anti-tank shells. In the future, a self-propelled vehicle may be created on the basis of the Dragoon. artillery piece caliber 120 millimeters, similar to the 2S35 “Vienna”.

The concern also demonstrated at the exhibition the fighting compartment for vehicles of the BMP-3 family, which can be offered for installation instead of the Bakhcha module developed by the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. It retains the standard weapons of the BMP-3. The fighting compartment provides all-round protection exceeding the 4th level of the NATO standard STANAG 4569 (protection against 14.5 mm bullets fired from a distance of 200 m), and frontal protection in the range of 120 degrees - according to the 6th level (protection from 30- mm sub-caliber shells fired from a distance of 500 m). ATGM loading time has been reduced to 12 seconds. It is possible to install an electronic gunner's assistant, which collects and stores information about the current state of the fighting compartment and its equipment, emergency situations, and firing from 2A70 and 2A72 guns. The assistant allows you to prevent the launch of an ATGM if the equipment is faulty or if the range is measured incorrectly.

The RAE 2015 exhibition clearly showed that the design of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles is not outdated. This technique can still be considered one of the world's most effective models of the infantry fighting vehicle class. Equipping the BMP-3 with new modules meets global trends and allows you to successfully perform any mission on the modern battlefield. The implementation of the principle of remote control of weapons is gradually bringing closer the creation of robotic combat vehicles. Therefore, the BMP-3 will remain in demand for a long time by the armed forces, both Russian and foreign.

BMD-3 The BMD-3 tracked amphibious combat vehicle was put into service Soviet army in 1990. Its development was carried out at SKB VgTZ to replace the BMD-1 and BMD-2 vehicles. The design of the new vehicle allows it to be dropped together with the combat crew deployed in it by parachute and landing methods from military transport aircraft and by landing method from helicopters. The vehicle has an original chassis and a turret with a weapon system unified with the BMP-2. Side view of 1 30 mm cannon with a cannon with a two-belt separate feed mechanism, 2 Grenade launcher, 3 Observation device, 4 Trunnions, 5 Double steel turret, 6 Sighting device, 7 Antenna, 8 Running device, 9 Mounting parts for landing equipment, 10 Power plant, 11 Ejector cooling system, 12 Fan wheel, 13 Aft side jet propulsors, 14 Balancers, 15 Track rollers. 16 Armchairs for landing. 17 Workplaces for combat crew members, 18 19 Driver's seat suspended from the top of the hull, 20 Housing, 21 Internal clip, 22 Wave-reflector shield with drive, general description The bow part of the hull from below is made of three transverse sheets connected to each other, located in the longitudinal section at different angles to the horizon, forming a broken convex outer line passing from above to below acute angle into a broken concave outer line made of two sheets located in the longitudinal section at small and large angles, respectively, to the horizon; In the fighting compartment, a cannon with a coaxial machine gun is installed in a double turret - the commander and gunner are located to the left and right of the cannon, and it is equipped with a fire control system from the commander's and gunner's workstations, providing commander's target designation; Firepower For observation, the gunner-operator uses three daytime prism devices TNPO-170A and a device with large viewing angles in the vertical and horizontal planes TNPT-1, and when firing a binocular periscope combined sight BPK-2-42. Day system This device has a field of view of 10 degrees with a magnification factor of at least x6; for the night system, these parameters are respectively 6.6 degrees and 5.5 times. The commander has, in addition to the already mentioned combined periscope device TKN-3MB, two prism devices TNPO-170A, a periscope device TNPT-1 and a monocular periscope day sight 1PZ-3 with magnifications x1.2 and x4 and field of view angles of 49 and 14 degrees, designed for searching for air targets and aiming a cannon at them (when firing from a standstill), searching for ground targets and aiming a cannon and coaxial machine gun at them when firing from a standstill and on the move. The cannon and coaxial machine gun are aimed at the target from the control panels of the gunner-operator and commander. The vehicle uses an electromechanical two-plane weapon stabilizer 2E36-4. The minimum stabilized guidance speed (in “automatic” mode) is 0.07 degrees/s, the maximum is 6.0 degrees/s. Transfer speeds in the horizontal plane 30, in the vertical plane 35 degrees/s. The commander's target designation is provided from the button of the TKN-3MB device installed in the commander's cupola. Along with the electromechanical one, there is a manual control drive. When working with a manual drive, a declination angle of 5 degrees and an elevation angle of 75 degrees are provided. When operating in automatic and semi-automatic modes, these angles are 4 and 75 degrees, respectively. When firing from the AGS-17 course grenade launcher, the grenade launcher uses a PPB-2-2 periscope sight with a field of view of at least 25.5 degrees. For observation, he has a TNPO-170A prism device. To observe and fire from the RPKS-74 machine gun, the machine gunner uses the TNPP-220A periscope device with one and one and a half times magnification and the TNPO-170A prism device. The airborne combat vehicle is equipped with a fire control system, which uses the same individual fire control panels for the commander and gunner, providing operational comprehensive command target designation and duplicate firing from a cannon and coaxial machine gun, and which has a device for automatically encircling a dangerous zone with a cannon, for example, one installed on the hull a radio antenna machine, containing a limit switch mounted on the machine body, and a copier connected to the tower, the signals from the interaction of which are sent to the gun guidance mechanism; The vehicle's ammunition capacity has been significantly increased and amounts to 500 rounds and 350 rounds in additional stowage. To combat tanks, there is an installation for firing ATGMs from inside the vehicle. Ammunition - 6 shots. In the front part of the body of the airborne combat vehicle, a 30 mm caliber forward grenade launcher with a gear mechanism for vertical guidance and with the possibility of horizontal manual guidance is installed in a ball joint connected through the shell to the body of the vehicle, which has a stopper pivotally connected to the body of the vehicle in the non-working position. The grenade launcher has 290 rounds of ammunition.
Installation diagram of the fighting compartment in the vehicle Installation of a grenade launcher. 21 - internal clip, 23 - cover, 24 - shell, 25 - spent tape outlet, 26 - stopper, 27 - support for attaching the vertical guidance mechanism of the grenade launcher. To combat tanks and other hard targets, the vehicle is equipped with a 9K113(M) guided weapon system. The 9M113 “Konkurs” (or 9M113M “Konkurs-M”) anti-tank missile has a semi-automatic control system. The launcher provides a horizontal guidance angle by rotating the turret (360 degrees), an elevation angle of 15 and a declination of 5 degrees. The firing range of ATGMs is from 75 to 4000 m. An automatic double-action PPO system is designed to fight fires. It contains 2 cylinders with fire extinguishing agent (“Freon 114B2”), 4 temperature sensors, control and switching equipment. There are also 2 manual fire extinguishers OU-2. There are 3 smoke grenade launchers of the 902B system installed on the sides of the turret. The smoke grenade launcher is located at the gunner-operator. When 6 smoke grenades are launched, a curtain with a width of at least 80 m is formed. Protection To ensure differential armor in thickness, the bow part of the hull from below is made of interconnected three transverse sheets of different thicknesses, located in the longitudinal section at different angles to the horizon ay a2, Iz, forming a broken line a convex outer line, passing from above at a sharp angle into a broken concave outer line, made of two sheets of different thicknesses located in the longitudinal section at angles respectively to the horizon. The angle was chosen to improve the ricocheting of shots. The angle skhb is set based on the location of the grenade launcher. Landing and its deployment The airborne combat vehicle is equipped with seven universal associated top part hull seats with a tethered system for airborne landing of combat crews inside the vehicle, having a working position and a landing position and located in the hull in the control compartment and at the rear near the engine partition of the hull; In the middle of the vehicle is the fighting compartment, which occupies the turret and turret space. At the rear it is limited by a partition behind which the engine and transmission compartment is located. The main armament of the vehicle is installed in the fighting compartment and there are workstations for the commander (to the right of the gun) and the gunner-operator (to the left). Their seats are mounted on the rotating floor of the tower. Near the engine bulkhead, 3 paratroopers are seated on universal individual seats. Each of them has an embrasure with a ball mount for firing from machine guns (one on the side and one in the roof of the aft hatch. The latter is designed for dismounting shooters and getting them into the vehicle. In total, the vehicle has 7 universal seats: 4 in the front and 3 in the combat compartments. These seats are designed for landing members of the combat crew with the vehicle. In operation, 4 seats are usually used. The driver's seat is suspended from the top of the body. 56 - steering wheel, 57 - instrument panel, 58 - axles, 59 - bolts, 60 - bracket, 61 - rod, 62 - bracket, 63 - stops, 64 - stop bracket, 65 - seat bracket. Communication equipment The vehicle uses a transceiver ultra-short wave telephone radio station R-173 with frequency modulation, a simplex and ultra-short wave radio receiver R-173P with frequency modulation, as well as intercom equipment R-174, telephone with electromagnetic laryngophones for 6 subscribers. Mobility Having a high specific power (32 hp/t), the machine has high mobility indicators. Its average speed on a dry dirt road is 47-49 km/h, the car overcomes a rise of 35 and a roll of 25 degrees, a ditch up to one and a half meters wide, it can enter the water from the shore with a steepness of 30, and exit from the water onto the shore with a steepness of 25 degrees. The vehicle is equipped with a four-stroke multi-fuel diesel engine 2V-06-2 with gas turbine supercharging and intercooling of charge air, with opposed cylinders. Its power ranges from 400 to 450 hp. The air supply system uses a two-stage air cleaner with automatic ejection removal of dust from the dust collector. Its first stage is a cyclone unit, the second stage is oiled cassettes. The engine cooling system is liquid, high-temperature, closed type with forced circulation of coolant and ejection air suction through the radiators. A nozzle heater with a fire tube boiler and heat exchanger provides engine preheating in cold weather. Typically, the engine is started with compressed air, with an additional starting system using an electric starter. The machine's transmission consists of a gear and rotation mechanism (GRM), final drives, stopping brakes and control drives. The MPP is hydromechanical with frictional engagement of 2, 3, 4 and 5 gears, with constant mesh gears and a differential rotation mechanism with hydrostatic transmission. It provides 5 forward and reverse gears and continuously variable turning radius control. Stopping brakes are disc, double-acting. Final drives are coaxial, planetary with floating elements. The transmission control drives are electrohydraulic with an electronic automation unit and hydraulic actuators. There is also a manual drive with mechanical and hydraulic actuators. The caterpillar drive has rear drive wheels and front guide wheels. Drive wheels with removable gear rims, welded guide wheels, with rubber-coated rims. The support rollers (5 per side) are single-pitch, with massive rubber tires; the support rollers (4 per side) are also rubber-coated single-pitch. The vehicle can use two types of tracks - basic (high-speed) and widened (snow and swamp-going). The first - lantern gearing with sequential rubber-metal hinges; the second - with successive open metal hinges and articulated double tracks mounted on elongated fingers. The track width is, respectively, 380 and 600 mm. The track tensioning mechanism is hydraulic with adjustable tension degree. The car's suspension is individual pneumatic. It consists of 10 air springs that act as hydraulic shock absorbers and power cylinders to change the ground clearance. The minimum vehicle clearance is 130, working – 450, maximum – 530 mm.

Mobility Features

Common data
Combat weight, t 13,2
Combat crew, people
Ground pressure, kgf/cm² 0,53
Engine power, hp
Specific power, hp/t 34,5
Main dimensions, mm:
Length with gun forward
Body length
Height at working clearance
Ground clearance, mm
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h
Average speed on dry dirt road, km/h 45-50
Maximum speed afloat, km/h
Fuel range:
along the highway, km
on a dirt road, km
afloat, h
30 mm automatic cannon, brand 2A42
7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, brand PCT
30 mm automatic grenade launcher, brand AGS - 17
ATGM launcher
Cartridges for the gun (in two belts), pcs.
Cartridges for a machine gun (in a single strip), pcs.
Shots for a grenade launcher (in ten strips), pcs.

DATA FOR 2013 (standard update)

BMP-3 / object 688M "Fable"

floating fighting machine infantry with anti-tank systems. Developed by SKB Kurgan Machine-Building Plant, chief designer - A. Nikonov according to some data and A. A. Blagonravov according to others. Development of the 2K23 weapons complex - Instrument Design Bureau (Tula), chief designer of weapons systems - A.G. Shipunov. The BMP was created on the basis of the experimental BMP "object 688" "Fable" (in development since 1978) using elements of the chassis of the experimental light amphibious tank "object 685" (1975). In 1980, the KBM was proposed for the Basnya BMP new complex 2K23 weapons with a 100 mm 2A70 cannon-launcher and a coaxial 30 mm 2A72 cannon. In 1981, a new experimental infantry fighting vehicle "object 688M" with a 2K23 weapon system was created. Tests of the BMP began in 1982. In 1985, state and military tests of the BMP-3 began and in May 1987 the vehicle was accepted into service with the USSR Armed Forces. Serially produced at the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant since the end of 1987 in parallel with the BMP-2. A total of 339 units were produced until 1994.

BMP-3 ( general form)

BMP-3 (front view)

BMP-3 (general view)

BMP-3 (fig. from Karpenko A.V. Review of domestic armored vehicles(1905-1995). St. Petersburg, Nevsky Bastion, 1996)

BMP-3 rear view (fig from Karpenko A.V. Review of domestic armored vehicles (1905-1995). St. Petersburg, Nevsky Bastion, 1996)

Development of the BMP-3 family (according to Karpenko A.V. Review of domestic armored vehicles (1905-1995). St. Petersburg, Nevsky Bastion, 1996)

Crew- 3 people + 7 landing people

Engine- diesel UTD-29 with a power of 450-500 hp. (4-stroke liquid cooled)

Specific power - 20.1 hp/t

Water propulsion - single-stage water jet


Length with gun - 7200 mm

Case length - 7140 mm

Width - 3230 mm

Height - 2300-2450 mm

Ground clearance - 450 mm

Reservation - bulletproof

Combat weight - 18700 +2% kg

Specific ground pressure - 0.6 kg/

Maximum speed - 70-72 km/h

Speed in reverse- 20 km/h

Speed ​​on water - 10 km/h

Power reserve - 600 km

Armament: during the creation process, armament options were considered with a 73 mm gun with active-reactive rounds (with the BMP-1), a 76 mm rifled gun, 45 mm and 57 mm machine guns.

Weapon complex BMP-3 - 2K23 / 9K116-3:

100-mm rifled gun 2A70 with two-plane stabilizer 2E52-2

Ammunition - 40 rounds. + 8 ATGMs

Horizontal pointing angles - 360 degrees

Vertical guidance angles - from -6 to +60 degrees

Rate of fire - 10 rounds/min

Firing range - 4000 m

Barrel ATGM 9M117 in a 3UBK10-3 shot (shot using a 2A70 gun as a launcher). The ATGM is aimed with a 1K13-2 sight-guidance device using a 1V539 ballistic computer and a 1D14 laser rangefinder. The upgraded 9M117M Arkan ATGM is equipped with a tandem cumulative warhead and uses the 9M117 ATGM control system. Used in vestrel 3UBK23-3.

Ammunition - 8 ATGM 9M117
Shot weight - 24.5 kg (3UBK23-3)
- 4000 m (9M117)
- 5500 m (9M117M)
Armor penetration - 750 mm (9M117M, equivalent to homogeneous armor with dynamic protection)

From top to bottom: 9M117 ATGM, 3UBK10-3 shot with ATGM, 9M117M "Arkan" ATGM device, 3UBK23-3 shot with 9M117M "Arkan" ATGM.

30 mm twin gun 2A72 (modification of the 2A42 gun)


750 shots

500 rounds (according to other data) - incl. 305 pieces of ZUOR-6 and ZUOF-8 (fragmentation-tracer and high-explosive fragmentation-incendiary) and 195 pieces of armor-piercing tracer ZUBR-6.

Rate of fire - 500-550 rounds/min (maximum), 200-300 rounds/min (other mode)

Firing range - 4000 m

Sighting range - 2600 m

Ceiling when used against air targets - 2000 m

Ammunition - 6000 rounds

The body has 5 embrasures for small arms landing.

Main armament of the BMP-3

ATGM sighting device 1K13-2
Sight PPB-1
Sight 1PV-2
Laser rangefinder-target designator 1D14
Ballistic computer 1V539
IR illuminator OU-5 or OU-3GA-2
Radio stations R-173 or R-173P.

BMP-3 with a laser rangefinder on the water.

The BMP uses a stationary smoke screen device TDA and 6 mortars of 82 mm smoke grenade launchers 902V "Tucha" (2 x 3 packs on the sides of the turret). The range of the grenade launchers is 200-350 m.

A curtain 100 m long and 8 m high is displayed

As of 2008, the Shtora-1 optical-electronic countermeasures complex and the Arena active protection complex, as well as a mounted dynamic protection complex (research work of the 38th Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense) were tested as additional means of protection on the BMP-3. .

BMP-3 with the optical-electronic countermeasures system "Shtora-1" ("Military Parade" No. 3 / 2009)

BMP-3 with the "Arena" active protection complex ("Military Parade" No. 3 / 2009)

BMP-3 with a complex of mounted dynamic protection


- Object 688 "Fable"
(1978) - BMP-3 prototype.

Prototype "object 688" (Fedoseev S., On the prospects for the development of infantry fighting vehicles. // Equipment and weapons. No. 7 / 2002)

- Object 688M "Fable"(1981) - prototype of the BMP-3 with the 2K23 weapon system.

- BMP-3
(1987) - serial infantry fighting vehicle.

- BMP-3K- command version of the BMP-3 (in series and in service by 1995), the resumption of serial production was planned by the state order for 2006.

- BMP-3MICV- export modification of the BMP-3 with a Tompson-CSF thermal imager (France) and other imported equipment. It has been offered for export to the UAE and other countries since at least 1998.

- BMP-3M- a modernized version of the BMP-3. supply contract for 2008-2010 for the Russian Armed Forces, the BMP-3M was signed by the Russian Ministry of Defense and KMZ in April 2007. It was supposed to deliver 150 BMP-3M within the specified time frame, but, probably, there were either no deliveries at all or they were sporadic. In April 2010, it was announced that in the interests of the Russian Armed Forces, only modernized models of equipment like the BMP-3M would be purchased.

- BMP-3F ("naval")
- modification of BMP-3 for Marine Corps, enters service with the 155th Marine Brigade of the Pacific Fleet in 2010 (deliveries are planned to be completed by the end of the year). The BMP is equipped with a removable air duct to ensure engine operation in rough sea conditions.

Based on BMP-3 created:
- BREM-4 "Runaway" - a combat repair and recovery vehicle, created on the basis of the BMP-3, the production of vehicles was supposed to be a state order for 2006.

BRM-3 "Lynx" (object 501) - a combat reconnaissance vehicle, created on the basis of the BMP-3 at the Rubtsovsky Machine-Building Plant design bureau. Adopted into service in the early 1990s.

Projections of the BMP-3 (Karpenko A.V. Review of domestic armored vehicles (1905-1995). St. Petersburg, Nevsky Bastion, 1996)

Organizationally as of 2011, in motorized rifle units, 10 BMP-3s are part of one company, three companies are part of a battalion, and a regular motorized rifle brigade includes three battalions (a total of 90 BMP-3s as part of a complete brigade).


Russia (USSR):

1987 - 12 BMP-3 were produced at the Kurgan MZ.

1990 - BMP-3 was first shown to the public at a parade in Moscow.

1993 - by the end of the year from the start of mass production, the total production of BMP-3 was 339 units.

1994 - The Russian Defense Ministry stopped purchasing BMP-3.

1995 - KMZ produced 250 BMP-3 and vehicles on the BMP-3 chassis per year for export, this is the maximum figure in the 1990s.

2000 - by the end of the year, a total of 1035 BMP-3 and equipment on the BMP-3 chassis were exported.

2005 - at the beginning of the year it was announced that 24 BMP-3s would enter the army during 2005. In fact, 3 BMP-3 BMPs were purchased from previously built ones.

In 2006, it was planned to produce and deliver 40 BMP-3 to the Russian Armed Forces.

2007 - a battalion set of BMP-3 was delivered to the troops - 30 BMP-3 and 1 BMP-3K, it was planned to supply 60 BMP-3 and 2 BMP-3K.

190 pcs per ground forces;

150 units in the Marine Corps (together with BMP-2)

April 2007 - an agreement worth 7 billion rubles was signed for the production of BMP-3M and for the repair of the BMP-3 fleet for the Russian Armed Forces. Implementation period: 2008-2010. According to estimates, the production volume of BMP-3M was planned at the level of 150 units until 2010 inclusive (if deliveries were made, they were sporadic).

2008 - The Russian Armed Forces received 41 units from industry during the year.

2009 - as of at the end of the year in the Russian Armed Forces(adjustments 2010-2011):

Military unit Military district Qty Note
No Far Eastern 0
No Leningradsky 0
9th separate motorized rifle brigade ( Nizhny Novgorod) Moscow 120
4th Separate Guards tank brigade(Naro-Fominsk) Moscow 49
No Privolzhsko-Uralsky 0
19th separate Voronezh-Shumlinskaya Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Red Banner of Labor motorized rifle brigade (Sputnik village, Vladikavkaz) North Caucasian 0 in 2009, plans were announced to re-equip the brigade with the BMP-3. 90 BMP-3 in 2011 (3 battalions of 3 companies of 10 BMP-3 each)
20th Separate Guards Carpathian-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Motorized Rifle Brigade (Volgograd) North Caucasian 120 90 BMP-3 in 2011 (3 battalions of 3 companies of 10 BMP-3 each)
36th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade (Borzya village) Siberian 120 former 131st Guards Motorized Rifle Division
74th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade (Yurga village, Kemerovo region) Siberian 120
155th Marine Brigade Pacific Fleet 50 ? 05/05/2010 plans for rearmament during 2010 were announced.
TOTAL in the Russian Armed Forces 529 Data may not be accurate. In our opinion - overpriced.

- April 2010 - according to the statement of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia V. Popovkin, in 2010 it is planned to fulfill the plans for the purchase of equipment announced in 2009, i.e. 50 pcs BMP-3.

2010 May 05 - plans were announced to re-equip the 155th Marine Brigade of the Pacific Fleet with BMP-3F during 2010.

2010 - in one of the speeches of representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, it was announced that the purchase of BMP-3 for the Russian Armed Forces would cease from 2010.

March 2011 - The media report that the 2010 procurement plan for 151 BMP-3 units was only half fulfilled due to the fault of industry.

2012 March 21 - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia A. Sukhorukov told the media that the implementation of the 2010 state defense order in the amount of 3 billion rubles for the supply of BMP-3 to the armed forces was disrupted by Kurganmashzavod OJSC.

2013 September 24 - Media report that Kurganmashzavod will supply the Russian Ministry of Defense with BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, the order for which the department suspended in 2010.


Azerbaijan - 2007 - 1 piece in the armed forces;

Algeria - 2007 - 100 units in the armed forces;

Armenia - presumably in the 1990-2000s there are a number of them in service.

- 2009 - Russia provided an export loan for the purchase of 92 T-72B1 tanks and other equipment.
- 2010 October 15 - the Russian Prime Minister announced the possible supply of tanks and other equipment in the near future, an export loan in the amount of more than 4 billion USD was signed.
- May 2011 - a batch of T-72B1 tanks was received from Russia by sea, in addition, as of the end of the month, the first 16 BMP-3 had already been received in the same way.
- 2012 - The Venezuelan Marine Corps plans to receive the BMP-3 into service within a year.

2008 - 420 units ordered;

2009 June 22 - the final stage of the contract was announced.
- 2011 January 28 - information appeared in the media that the contract for the supply of 420 BMP-3s would not be concluded in 2011 for financial reasons (financial crisis in Greece). The contract amount is more than 1.2 billion euros. Contract negotiations will continue. Some of the messages also indicate that possible reason The refusal could have been a statement by Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia V. Popovkin that “no one wants to go in this “coffin”. We need to make another car.”

- September 2007 - an agreement was concluded on the supply of equipment worth 1 billion USD - within the framework of the agreement, 20 pieces were ordered, it is possible to purchase another 100 pieces.
- 2010 November 27-28 - the first batch of BMP-3F in the amount of 17 pieces was received. Incl. 10 units for the First Infantry Brigade (Surobaya), the remaining vehicles for the Second Infantry Brigade (Jakarta). The delivery of another batch of BMP-3F is expected under the 2007 agreement.
- 2011 - delivery of 17 BMP-3F under the 2007 contract was completed.

- 2012 January 27 - information appeared in the media that the Indonesian Marine Corps plans to receive an additional 54 BMP-3F in the near future. Including 34 BMP-3Fs will enter service in 2012, and the rest - later.
- 2012 January 31 - it is reported that on February 10, 2012 more precise parameters of the deal will be determined, but in general it is planned to deliver 60 BMP-3F in 2 years, incl. 20 BMP-3F by the end of 2012. This was reported by the Izvestia newspaper, citing a source in the Russian military-industrial complex.
- 2012 April - it is planned to sign a contract for the supply of 37 BMP-3F worth more than 100 million USD. - 2009 November 12 - The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) of Russia for the first time officially confirmed the fact of negotiations with Saudi Arabia on supplies military equipment. At the same time, The Financial Times newspaper reported in October, citing an unnamed source in diplomatic circles, that Saudi Arabia will buy weapons from Russia in exchange for Russia’s refusal to supply S-300 air defense systems to Iran.

- 2006 - in service with the ground army (several dozen - no exact data).

Ukraine - 2007 - 4 units in the armed forces;


Angelsky R.D. Domestic anti-tank systems. M., "Astrel", AST, 2002
Barabanov M. Kurgan Machine-Building Plant. // Export of weapons. November-December 2008
Armed forces of foreign countries. // Foreign military review. No. 1 / 1998
Armed forces of foreign countries. // Foreign Military Review. No. 7 / 2007

The Deputy Minister of Defense spoke about the results of the implementation of the State Defense Order 2011. Website, 2012
Karpenko A.V. Review of domestic armored vehicles (1905-1995). St. Petersburg, Nevsky Bastion, 1996

Another sensational novelty at the X International Exhibition of Arms, Military Equipment and Ammunition Russia Arms EXPO 2015 in Nizhny Tagil was the newest modification of the BMP-3, called "Dragoon". By and large, this is a completely new vehicle that allows Russia to maintain its leadership in international arms markets, based on the BMP-3 chassis. It differs from the latter, first of all, in its layout - the engine and transmission compartment is located in the front, and the landing compartment is located in the rear. This “classic” MTO arrangement for most infantry fighting vehicles significantly increases the protection of personnel from conventional enemy weapons, and also improves the conditions for dismounting and loading troops when the vehicle is moving at speeds of up to 5 km/h due to the rear location of the ramp. The full combat crew of the new infantry fighting vehicle is 11 people.

Another significant difference from the serial BMP-3 is the new unmanned combat module with the same armament composition of the 100-mm 2A70 semi-automatic gun, 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannon and 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun. The loading mechanism conveyor contains 22 100-mm rounds (including those launched through the ATGM barrel), plus another 18 rounds in the non-mechanized stowage. The automatic cannon's ammunition capacity is 500 30-mm rounds ready to fire, plus 250 stowed.

Since the turret is uninhabited, the commander and gunner-operator are located in the same habitable chassis compartment inside the hull as the rest of the personnel. Thus, the protection of the combat crew has increased significantly.

The vehicle is equipped with one of the modifications of the UTD-32 engine with a power of 816 hp. Engine - four-stroke, direct fuel injection, liquid-cooled, multi-fuel, dry sump, turbocharged. It allows the 21-tonne machine to have outstanding power-to-weight ratios of up to 38 hp. by 1 ton of weight, which no infantry fighting vehicle in the world has yet achieved. The maximum speed on the highway is more than 70 km/h and up to 10 km/h afloat.

BMP-3M "Dragoon" is equipped the latest system fire control, which, according to military experts, is currently considered one of the best in the world. The digital complex monitors how the infantry fighting vehicle is controlled, moves, its weapons and the actions of the crew, recording operating parameters. The fire control system is 24/7, noise-proof, with the ability to automatically track ground and air targets, and allows firing from closed positions. It provides network integration of infantry fighting vehicles into a single combat system, reduces the time to prepare a shot and allows you to implement the principle of “seen first, shot first.”

The crew's capabilities are enhanced by duplicating functions at work stations, since the commander and gunner have unified panoramic all-day sights of the Krechet type. They are well protected from interference, have independent field of view stabilization, as well as television, thermal imaging and laser rangefinder channels. Built-in target tracking machines are 8 times more efficient compared to human work. With their help, electronic stabilization of the image displayed on workplace monitors is ensured.

Main technical characteristics

Full combat mass, T

Crew, people

Troops, people


Four-stroke diesel, direct injection, liquid cooled, multi-fuel, dry sump, turbocharged

Power, hp

Maximum speed, km/h

On the highway


Weapons (ammunition)

100 mm semi-automatic gun

30 mm automatic cannon

7.62 mm machine gun

Below is a photo review and photo detailing of the BMP-3M Dragoon, first demonstrated at the Russia Arms EXPO 2015 exhibition, held September 9-12 in Nizhny Tagil.


Photo © Denis Peredrienko

BMP-3 (Infantry Fighting Vehicle-3) is a Soviet and Russian armored combat tracked vehicle designed to transport personnel to the front line, increase their mobility, armament and security on the battlefield in conditions of the use of nuclear weapons and joint actions with tanks in battle . Developed by the Kurgan Special Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. BMP-3 is produced at OJSC Kurganmashzavod. It was first publicly demonstrated in 1990 at the Parade in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In 1997, the PRC acquired a license to produce the BMP-3 fighting compartment, which was subsequently armed with the Chinese Type 97 infantry fighting vehicles.

Development of the BMP-3 (“Object 688M”) began in 1977. In 1983-1986, tests were carried out and in 1987 it was adopted by the Soviet Army. During state tests in the Cape Opuk area, 2 BMP-3 prototypes were supposed to fire at coastal targets from a 30-mm automatic cannon while afloat at a distance of up to 1,500 m. The target was the T-55 tank, as a result the sight and observation devices of the tank were disabled, the 100-mm cannon was pierced in 4 places, and kinks and cracks appeared on the upper frontal part. 111 inventions and patents of specialists from the Special Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau were introduced into the design of the BMP-3. The BMP-3 won the tender and entered service with the UAE Army in the amount of more than 600 vehicles. These vehicles were equipped with a French-made thermal imaging sight - the same sight is used on the main battle tank UAE Army - Leclerc Tropic. The armored vehicle was also purchased by a number of other countries.


  • The BMP-3K is a command infantry fighting vehicle, developed on the basis of the BMP-3 and intended for operations as part of a unit, battle control, communication with other units and with higher command levels. Basic performance characteristics and weapons are similar to the BMP-3. The vehicle is equipped with navigation equipment, two radio stations, a receiver, intercom equipment for seven subscribers, an autonomous generator and a radar transponder. Radio station R-173, communication range up to 40 km.
  • BMP-3F is a combat vehicle of the Marine Corps, created on the basis of the BMP-3 and is intended for combat operations by Marine Corps units, border and coastal troops in the coastal zone, on the coast and during amphibious landings. It differs from the BMP-3 in the increased buoyancy and stability of the vehicle, the equipment for self-entrenchment has been eliminated, a telescopic air intake pipe and a lightweight water-reflective shield have been installed, and water-reflective shields have been introduced on the turret. It has high maneuverability afloat, can move and fire with the required accuracy in water waves of up to 3 and 2 points, respectively. With the engine running, it can stay in the water for up to 7 hours and move at speeds of up to 10 km/h. Capable of going ashore in breaking waves and towing a similar product. The vehicle is equipped with a new main sight "SOZH" with a built-in laser rangefinder and an ATGM control channel.
  • BMP-3M is an improved modification of the BMP-3. It surpasses the basic version in mobility and firepower thanks to the installation of a new turbocharged engine UTD-32T with a power of 660 hp. and an improved fire control system, which allows you to recognize targets and conduct targeted shooting at long ranges and speeds. It is distinguished by increased security due to the installation of additional armor screens and the Arena-E active protection complex, which protects the vehicle from enemy guided and unguided anti-tank missiles and grenades. The fire control system allows you to automatically recognize, track and attack targets in motion. The recognition range for a tank-type target is 4,500 m. Installed side screens protect against damage from armor-piercing bullets of 12.7 mm caliber, and also reduce the impact of a cumulative jet. The landing of soldiers is carried out through the aft hatch, which is somewhat complicated by the need to crawl through the engine.


Combat weight, t 18,7
Case length, mm 6700
Length with gun forward, mm 7200
Case width, mm 3300
Height, mm 2300
Armor type rolled aluminum spaced with steel screens. Frontal projection protection from 30 mm BT/2A42 with D=300 m
Body forehead (top), mm/deg. 18
Body forehead (middle), mm/deg. 10+12+60
Body forehead (bottom), mm/deg. 10+60
Bottom, mm 10
Housing roof, mm 15
Turret front, mm/deg. 16+50
Tower feed, mm/deg. 43
Active protection "Arena" and TShU-2 "Shtora-1" on BMP-3M
Caliber and brand of gun 100 mm 2A70
Gun type 100 mm rifled semi-automatic gun-launcher
Gun ammunition 40 × 100 mm

