Combat exoskeletons of the Russian army. Russian-made military exoskeleton

Over the past decade, the military different countries have become literally obsessed with high technology. Today, US defense research agencies have many ambitious and promising projects. Our compatriots are also trying to keep up with them. At the Army 2018 forum, a passive army exoskeleton was presented. Most recently, his tests were caught on video.

Simplicity and reliability are the two traditionally attractive and most important postulates that domestic designers include in all types of weapons and equipment for army soldiers. Both are equally applicable to the main sensation of the last Army 2018 forum, where a passive exoskeleton for Russian soldiers was shown. The development appeared within the framework of the Fighter-21 project.

It is worth immediately noting that the passive exoskeleton does not have servomotors and sensors in its design, which makes it different from its Western counterparts. A version of the active exoskeleton is also being developed in Russia. However, the implementation of this technology is clearly not going to happen anytime soon. At the same time, a domestically developed passive suit for the military has already actually been introduced. A piece of equipment even passed field tests in Syria.

By the way, sappers managed to use the Russian exoskeleton in Syria. The suit greatly helped the specialists, as they were forced to carry a huge amount of equipment. The development of domestic scientists allows, in turn, to evenly distribute the wearable load throughout the body.

What are the possibilities of domestic development? Thanks to such an exoskeleton, the payload on a fighter can be safely increased from 30+ to 50+ kilograms. In this case, the soldier will not feel significant discomfort. It is important that the exoskeleton allows you to instantly get rid of additional load in extreme situation. To do this, the owner of the suit just needs to pull the special strap. You can put such a piece of equipment on your body in 20-30 seconds.

Need more fantastic technology? Then read about and are used by humans.

Exoskeleton prototype for the Russian military October 6th, 2017

No, well, it’s clear that they can deceive us with tablets and smartphones - they won’t do what they show to the president. They can even cheat with .

But the military is usually not deceived and they do what they were promised. But will they do this?

At the Army 2017 forum, a prototype of a new army exoskeleton called “Defender of the Future” was presented. It is reported that such an exoskeleton in the future will become equipment for soldiers, allowing them to improve the physical parameters of a soldier, his endurance and the quality of shooting. With the help of such an exoskeleton, military personnel will be reliably protected from bullets and shrapnel, in addition, they will be able to carry up to 150 kg of cargo

"Ratnik-3" includes a titanium exoskeleton that will increase physical strength and endurance, scaled body armor, camouflage uniforms that can adapt to weather, an armored helmet with a flashlight, a display and a night vision device, as well as shoes with explosive sensors.

The division of this equipment into generations is quite arbitrary. Rather than reflecting specific time-bound milestones, it reflects a general process of refinement and improvement. Considering that the service life of the "Warrior" is five years, at this interval we should expect an update, i.e. closer to 2020.

What will happen in "Ratnik-2" in the near future?

Firstly, a “friend or foe” recognition system for both combat vehicles and soldiers. This will allow you to avoid friendly fire on your own, and in general, better understand what is happening on the battlefield.

Secondly, perhaps by this time the production of the cardiovisors announced at the Army 2016 forum will be launched. This device allows you to take ECG readings, heart rate, respiratory movements, and temperature in real time. Based on this data, the commander can have an idea of ​​the physical and emotional state their soldiers.

Thirdly, the time of aramid fabrics is coming to an end and they are being replaced by more practical and durable high molecular weight polyethylene.

New modern technologies fill our lives with amazing inventions and gadgets. Every day we use Appliances, previously considered nothing more than science fiction. The Internet, smartphones, cars filled with sensors and autopilot are things and phenomena that are familiar to us and brighten up our lives. It turns out that the military industry is driving the technological progress of human evolution. For example, the microwave oven was first available to the military, and then the civilian population of the planet learned about it. Satellites, computers and much more have entered our lives. A military exoskeleton will soon become available to us.

What are we talking about?

After reading the last paragraph, many were surprised or even scared by the word “exoskeleton”. Don’t panic, let’s figure it out and decide what kind of “beast” this is and why it is needed.

The exoskeleton is the latest unique development of scientists in such a field of science as biomechanics. The technology is manufactured in the form of an external frame system that is designed to enhance the muscular strength of a human or android robot. This term was taken from biology. It refers to the superficial skeleton of invertebrate organisms. In the future, such technology will eliminate physical limitations in human life, as well as in the use of mechanisms. Military technology and its needs have once again exceeded all expectations. They say that in 5-6 years the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will have special-purpose equipment.

You have already understood and guessed that the development of exoskeletons is the area of ​​interest of the Ministry of Defense. After all, such a development will increase the capabilities and physical abilities of a soldier. In the future, they want to use these technologies on spacecraft, as well as in machines for diving to extreme depths for research.

How did it all begin?

The military exoskeleton has become commonplace in the fantasy world. We have seen such devices in video games, movies and cartoons, but these “suits” have only recently been developed. The very first one was introduced to the world by American military technologies in the 60s of the twentieth century. But it was so heavy and immobile that the possibility of its actual use had to be ruled out. General Electric and United States Military closed the project without achieving positive results. Samples that have been successfully used have appeared recently. The Russian-made exoskeleton has proven itself positively. Other countries are also developing costumes: the USA, Israel, Japan. What powers do you think are competing with each other in this development? The honor of bearing the name “military exoskeleton” has so far been awarded to the developments of the USA and the Russian Federation!

"Exosuit" today

An exoskeleton is found in various games: “Stalker”, “Warface”, “Starcraft”, “Crisis” and others. But in reality, these suits are just being developed. In our country, this new product is being developed by the Mechanics Research Institute of Moscow State University under the ExoAtlet logo. In America, two vehicles are being developed in parallel: the lightweight infantry “Hulk” from the Locked Martin company and the multi-purpose heavy “XOS-2” from the manufacturer Raytheon.

A large amount of information about developments is closed. But human biomechanics in our country wants to release the device for the open market. A skeleton for medical purposes will appear soon.

Medical exoskeleton

Russian-made systems are planned to be used in medicine. This will expand the capabilities of people confined to a wheelchair. Human biomechanics is trying to introduce such devices into the rehabilitation process. They will perform several functions simultaneously:

  • wheelchair substitute;
  • a simulator for people with musculoskeletal diseases;
  • a means of social and emotional rehabilitation.

The owner of such technology will be able to move independently and even get rid of the problem of looking “from the bottom up.”

Emergency rescue version of the suit

The military exoskeleton was designed to solve several problems:

  • carrying loads that are very heavy for humans over long distances;
  • demining the area;
  • participation in anti-terrorist operations;
  • liquidation of consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters;
  • analysis of collapses and rubble;
  • extinguishing fires when the supply of air in the rescuer’s breathing apparatus is limited, etc.

What is a modern superhero costume?

The Russian-made exoskeleton is made in the form of a frame located behind the owner’s back. There are also two supports for the arm and leg on one side of the body. The device has no limbs that act as a hand. Domestic development differs from its overseas counterpart. Our device is passive in nature. It is not equipped with servos, that is, the movement is carried out due to the muscle power of the owner of the device.

But global community believes that our development is much more promising than the American one in terms of mass application. “ExoAtlet” allows a fighter to carry a load weighing about one hundred kilograms. The whole point is that the weight on the frame is correctly distributed. Such a solution reduces the cost of producing exoskeletons by tens of times, which makes it possible to equip a larger number of fighters.

Overseas equivalent

Built into the American development a large number of electronics and batteries. In addition to the high cost, western design There is another problem - autonomy. Engineers ensured that the system operates for 72 hours. But soon the question arises of charging or replacing the power supply unit (battery), because in field conditions this is very problematic and sometimes impossible!

Critics saw another problem with the American HULK. What should a soldier do if the structure is discharged and there is no way to restore the energy resource? The designers claim that this situation is not a problem at all. These military robots can be easily folded, turning them into a kind of backpack. But such a robot weighs about 25 kg. So what should the defender do: abandon the expensive development or carry another 25 kg of excess weight, not counting those 100 kg of luggage?

HULC maintainability

In field conditions, the reliability and repairability of this equipment also raises a large number of questions. For military equipment, these parameters are very important. For example, it would be effective weapon, if it resists adverse factors, and the soldier can repair it with improvised means during operation. It is unknown how the unprotected electronics of the American counterpart will behave in frost or dust conditions. In order to disable a fighter with such a “thing,” it is enough to shoot a firearm at a structural, power or hydraulic element. As a result, the supersuit will turn into heavy ballast. It is not possible to repair such a thing in the field due to its increased technological complexity.

Russian exoskeleton

In the domestic version there are no problems with the power supply. Our “ExoAtlet” is limited only by the physical capabilities of the fighter. The device does not relieve the warrior of physical stress, but allows him to carry up to 100 kg of equipment and weapons. Our development does not carry a burden; it helps a person perform this function. Military developments are unique. Engineers have ensured that ExoAtlet weighs only 12 kg. This is one of its advantages. After all, in battle conditions, every gram counts. We must understand that excess weight slows down a fighter's performance. This negatively affects the warrior's effectiveness. And the ease of such a design is an obvious plus.

The military use of ExoAtlet is also due to the fact that hydraulics and electronics are absent. The device is a simple and lightweight metal structure. After all, the simpler the equipment, the less negative factors affect it, be it breakdown or severe climatic conditions. Repairs will also be much easier. Our developers have created a skeleton in which there is practically nothing to be damaged. And it is much easier to restore mechanics in battle than electronics. Due to these factors, domestic development is much more reliable than Western analogues.

Simply put, simple and cost-effective military robots will soon appear in our country's defense. Meanwhile, Western design engineers continue to scratch their heads. They have a long way to go to refine and improve their brainchild. Recently, HULC participated in army tests, but, unfortunately, the results were disappointing. Therefore, the military youth of the United States will not soon see an exosuit on their shoulders.

The history of the creation of "ExoAtlet"

  • 2011 - MSU scientists won the tender of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to develop the skeleton. In subsequent years, the team creates passive and active devices. The passive one was not afraid of fire, weighed 12 kg and tolerated weights up to 100 kg. Active allowed the fighter to lift weight up to 200 kg.
  • 2013 - a team of scientists separated to develop ExoAtleta for medical purposes. Their motto was that real people would walk around in exoskeletons.

  • 2014 - Moscow State University Research Institute receives Grand Prize from Startup Village. The team became a resident of Skolkovo, and also entered the top five finalists of the Generation S competition and competed at the Sochi Olympics in robotics. Next was the presentation of the development in Singapore and negotiations with the country's chief rehabilitator.
  • 2015 - first sales. The Arkhangelsk region purchased 6 suits for research and testing. In the same year, the first trip to the Middle East took place. At the X Venture Fair in Kazan, the team took first place in the high technology category.
  • 2016 - ExoAtlet crosses the Atlantic and conquers the American and Asian markets. Skeleton developers associate this year with a shot from a signal pistol. Sales of devices are starting in Russia, and serious clinical studies are also beginning.

"ExoAtlet" at home

Our “Athlete” is designed in such a way that it completely reproduces the gait of the owner. But this does not mean that the process will be carried out without the participation of the owner. This movement can be compared to riding a bicycle. A person will have to get used to the controls. With such equipment, you need to relearn how to maintain balance and take the first steps one after another. This process takes from several hours to several days. The procedure for learning to control the exoskeleton takes place in the clinic, where the device is adjusted to the personal parameters of the owner:

  • pelvis width;
  • back height;
  • length and proportion of legs.

Naturally, everything takes place under the supervision of a doctor, who conducts a complete check of the body before each workout. Next, the patient has the right to conduct training and rehabilitation at home, but again under supervision. The robot records telemetric data and transmits it to the monitoring center.

If the spinal cord was injured relatively recently, then there is a chance to avoid disability. But this “golden hour” does not last long. The sooner the patient gets back on his feet and takes the first step with the help of ExoAthlete, the greater his chances of restoring motor functions and returning to ordinary life. But it is important to remember that the rehabilitation process is different for everyone and depends on the vital resources of the injured person.

In case of complete loss of motor functions, ExoAtlet will become a partial replacement for a wheelchair. It should be understood that you will not be able to spend days in a suit, as this is a means of rehabilitation. Daily training in a suit will replace three physiotherapists at once, and will also fundamentally change the quality of life of paralyzed patients. The exoskeleton will help people start walking. Walking will significantly improve lung ventilation, blood pressure will return to normal, joint mobility will increase, urinary tract infections will go away, and nutrition will be restored. internal organs and muscles, and intestinal function will also improve. All this is a physiological effect.

The emotional and psychological aspects in the life of a disabled person are no less important. When using ExoAtlet, paralyzed people noticed that their mood and attitude towards the world around them improved. Their lives began to be filled with colors, positive impressions and emotions. They gain new strength. Now they are able to communicate on an equal basis with the people around them. Fire and interest in life appear in the eyes of ExoAtlet pilots. They say that behind them is not electronics and a battery, but a pair of technologically advanced wings.

Japanese HAL

In the country rising sun Human biomechanics does not stand still. Scientists at a Japanese experimental laboratory have developed a hybrid assistive limb. Today on the island it is used by people with disabilities. The development and improvement of this suit took place at the University of Tsukubina over 20 years! Today, the Japanese are actively introducing HAL technology in medicine. Cyberdyne (the owner of the rights to the exoskeleton) has leased more than three hundred copies. Back in 2013, the invention received a certificate for safety in use. This fact paved the way for the device to the world market and also confirmed its reliability.

The owner of the HAL-5 modification can lift and move things and objects exceeding five times the maximum load in natural conditions. This turn in the world of technology and robots greatly simplifies the work of rescuers and liquidators of various consequences. But this modification has not yet been implemented.


We've seen fantastic developments in cinema before. We’ve seen an exoskeleton in games (“Stalker”), but we couldn’t even imagine that such technologies would soon become available to the average person. In 2017, active tests are being carried out in the field of controlling the suit with the power of thought. Our scientists are now obliged to teach operating system instantly read the operator's thoughts. The problems of battery autonomy are gradually being resolved, as the Russian Ministry of Defense plans to begin purchasing such devices at the beginning of 2020. We can only wait for our bright heads at the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University.

Today in Russia there is no market for similar products. We have yet to create it. The question remains open as to whether engineers and designers will bring their brainchild to perfection. The domestic ExoAtlet team will have to solve a huge number of complex issues: synchronizing the pulse reading and equipment response, increasing the battery capacity, reducing its weight, and much more. This trend is gaining momentum in the world and becoming more and more popular. Competitors are also growing, conducting a huge number of tests. Experts have already estimated the European exoskeleton market at one and a half billion euros. Let's wish Russian developers good luck, creative success and further breakthroughs and discoveries on their difficult creative path!

The combat equipment of the future will differ significantly even from the existing complexes of individual fighter equipment. The “Ratnik” equipment set, which successfully confirmed all the implemented technological solutions in Syria, . Combat defense Generations of combat equipment are very relative. Experts say that conventions such as designations are important for understanding the differences between combat sets, but the main thing for a soldier in this regard will always remain the successful completion of the assigned task and the preservation of his own life and health. Only at first glance, the “Ratnik”, which entered experimental military service, can be characterized by the general term “equipment”. In terms of its structure and number of elements, it is rather a complex of protection, equipment and a communication and target designation device at the same time.

There are five key elements in the “Ratnik” kit: destruction system - weapons and ammunition, protection system - armored helmets and body armor, life support system - special equipment, a uniform made of special hard-to-damage materials, as well as a communication, control and target designation system. Personal armor protection in the case of the Ratnik KBE is worth mentioning separately, since it is thanks to them that a soldier or officer from any unit can carry out assigned tasks as safely as possible. The modularity of the system ensures the main thing - versatility of application. Interchangeable elements of ceramic armor protection can be rearranged in different sets of equipment. For each type of military force, its own set of combat equipment was thought out, designed and created taking into account all the features. Thus, motorized rifle and infantry units received their own “Ratnik”, and special forces received their own. Protection from small fragments flying at a speed of 500 m/sec was also thought out for other military personnel wearing Ratnik: both tankers and reconnaissance officers have the same level of protection. Only kits for sappers are especially protected, but this solution has a fairly simple explanation: the tasks of these specialists require not only special skills, but also special equipment.

Although the tests of the Ratnik nuclear power plant were carried out in accordance with all the rules and laws military science, however, many experts have long been interested in the real effectiveness of protective equipment. The long-awaited data will be announced at the press conference of the Army-2017 forum CEO TsNIITochmash Dmitry Semizorov. According to Semizorov, even when getting into scrapes, not a single penetration of armored elements was recorded. The bottom line is that this means that the specialists who carried the Ratnik in Syria will calmly complete their combat missions and return home. It is important to understand that protection from rifle bullets and shrapnel does not come with a little blood. In the case of most domestic and foreign body armor, wearing SIBZ (personal body armor) was accompanied by a multi-kilogram load on the human body. Some of these body armor, which provide safety only in the third class of protection, weighed ten or even 15 kg. The 6b45 body armor vest from the Ratnik KBE, without additional armor panels, protects the operator in class 5A and weighs only eight kilograms. If you want to make the armor more powerful, the operator will be able to use the same modular design and armor plates from more protected body armor, for example B643 with protection class 6A. Airstrike Controller Separately military scouts noted the communication and control system “Strelets”, which is part of the KBE “Ratnik”. Ground troops and divisions special purpose It was no coincidence that they were the first to receive these. Main feature electronics and surveillance and target designation equipment KRUS "Strelets" is the ability to quickly transmit coordinates from an observer to attack aircraft. Debugging the “marked-destroyed” process Russian specialists carried out with great success in Syria. The ability to send data with images of the area was largely provided by the PDU-4 multifunctional devices, which, in essence, are a kind of army multi-tool, combining binoculars, a laser rangefinder and a portable camera.

The high quality of transmitted data allows you to do the main thing - reduce the time for receiving/transmitting and confirming the target, and therefore speed up its destruction. Aircraft controllers with such devices, according to officers familiar with the system, can only watch as the attack on the marked objects begins, and then, after some time, send photographic confirmation of the hits to headquarters. Command tablets, from which officers can control a unit, are also protected from almost all troubles that can happen in combat conditions. Electronic computers are protected according to the IP68 standard. The first digit in this index means that the device is dust and dirt resistant, the second - that even at a depth of up to one meter it can work properly. However, officers from units that used electronic tablets for more than just marking electronic cards claim that the electronic device is much more resistant to external influences, than is commonly believed. “If we are talking about operation in conditions that are far from comfortable, then it is worth saying that the devices can withstand not only heavy rainfall and low temperatures, but also work correctly in severe heat conditions. The word “serious” means temperatures of +40 degrees in the shade,” the officers said.

Separately, special forces officers also note the “friend or foe” identification system, which alarms the operator and attracts attention with an alarm whenever an unidentified object appears in the designated sector. "Warrior" of the future Despite the success combat use KBE "Warrior", there are considerable prospects for growth within the framework of specialized R&D. The head of TsNIITochmash Dmitry Semizorov, at the Army-2017 forum, said that work is underway to shape the appearance of the equipment of the future, the Ratnik-3 CBE. Despite the fact that TsNIITochmash specialists plan to complete the study of this issue by the end of 2017, experts are already talking about some upcoming changes. According to experts, work within the framework of the Ratnik-3 development work will inevitably be carried out with an emphasis on reducing the element base of all wearable electronics, with the possibility of maximizing its efficiency. The armored helmet demonstrated by the developers at the Army 2017 forum deserves special mention in this matter. Of course, this is just a concept, but it is already clear that most sighting and navigation devices will move from the category of wearable electronics to integrated ones. Judging by the sample presented at the Army-2017 forum, the transport systems of the kit have already undergone a significant revision. Probably for carrying heavy weapons like anti-tank missile systems or other devices and loads. The exoskeleton, according to some estimates, will triple the weight of wearable equipment.

The developer does not say anything about the protection classes of the armored panels, but the director of TsNIItochmash, Dmitry Semizorov, has already revealed some details regarding the new armored helmet. According to Semizorov, the helmet will have an integrated aiming, control and communication system. In addition, he will be able to recognize objects on the battlefield in the “friend or foe” system. The helmet will be able to evaluate physical state fighter, and also serve as a gas mask and protect him from chemical and bacteriological attacks. The body of the armored helmet will be made of a modular design from new materials. The suit, in turn, will provide protection for the entire surface of the soldier’s body. It will include elements of the delivery system medical care in case of wounds, assessment of the physiological state, modular ballistic reinforcement is provided in the areas of projection of vital organs. The suit, which will be used during assault operations, will receive all-round armor, Semizorov added.

In 10-15 years, when the Ratnik-3 design and development work smoothly moves from sketches to prototypes, and then to production products, it will become clear how much the appearance of the Russian soldier of the future will change. Probably, by that time, all means of communication, navigation and data transmission will turn into a single device, and the circular armor of the suit itself will allow fighters to act as efficiently as possible.

What is the ExoAtlet exoskeleton and what is its price?

ExoAtlet (ExoAtlet) is a motorized exoskeleton suit (exoskeleton suit) that provides upright walking for people suffering from paraplegia. The ExoAtlet exoskeleton is available for individual use at home, at work or for other daily tasks.

This exoskeleton is intended for patients:

  • with consequences of a stroke
  • spinal cord injury
  • multiple sclerosis

Used in modern medicine The exoskeleton for the non-ambulatory is intended for the rehabilitation of people with limited physical capabilities as a result of spinal cord injuries and unsuccessful spinal surgeries.

Medical exoskeletons This is a big step in medicine and science. Today there is such an opportunity to buy an exoskeleton inexpensively! We present to you a review of the Russian-made ExoAtlet exoskeleton.

ExoAtlet is an exoskeleton for medical and social rehabilitation

Exorehabilitation is a unique method of neurorehabilitation that allows you to speed up recovery and improve the quality of life of patients with the consequences of a stroke, traumatic spinal cord disease, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and other nosologies.

In total, ExoAtlet “pilots” took more than 1,000,000 steps in 2015-2017.

The results of Russian clinical studies indicate that the use of the ExoAtlet exoskeleton in the rehabilitation process is safe and effective. Rehabilitation leads to increased tolerance and physical activity, increased muscle strength, increased stability when walking, reduced spasticity, normalization blood pressure, improving the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Positive changes are noted in the psychological status of patients, in particular, a decrease in the degree of severe depression. These conclusions were made based on the results of fourteen-day rehabilitation courses for patients with TBSM.

Production of exoskeletons

The production of exoskeletons in Russia and around the world is a big step towards meeting future technologies that help and make life easier for people who need it. More and more medical institutions are appearing that are equipped with modern, top-class rehabilitation equipment, which introduce new medical technologies into our lives and make them reality.

Training in exoskeletons is a key trend in the rehabilitation of patients with locomotor disorders around the world. The results are phenomenal! In 100% of patients with complete paralysis of the lower extremities, as a result of daily training for 2 years, motor function was partially restored.

Exoskeleton for disabled people and its capabilities:

  • Independent walking. Does not require crutches or other means of stabilization, while leaving your hands free.
  • A modern exoskeleton will help even people with complete spinal cord damage.
  • Due to the absence of the need to use crutches, the risk of possible injuries and sprains in the shoulder joint is eliminated.
  • The exoskeleton for the legs allows you to: stand up\sit down, turn around, walk backwards, stand on one leg, walk up the stairs, walk on various, even inclined surfaces.
  • It is very easy to control - all functions are activated using the joystick. An exoskeleton at home is simply irreplaceable.
  • You can use it all day thanks to the high-capacity removable battery.
  • With a light weight of only 23 kilograms, the ExoAtlet exoskeleton can support a user weighing up to 100 kilograms and with a height of 1.60 to 1.90 meters.
  • The convenient fixation system does not cause any discomfort even if you wear it all day.
  • Also, when you are not moving, but just standing, ExoAtlet does not waste battery power.
  • Access to buildings without ramps, thanks to the ability to walk up stairs without assistance.
  • Now you are not limited in your activities: meeting with friends, walking in the fresh air, cooking - your hands are now always free!
  • The real ExoAtlet exoskeleton is so stable that you can stand on one leg.
  • The exoskeleton in life provides the opportunity to walk with friends and family, work, paint, cook, clean, or cuddle with a loved one.

Method of application

The ExoAtlet exoskeleton is the latest tool for robotic mechanotherapy, providing joint interaction of movements in the exoskeleton with new technologies in the field of neurophysiology, for example, various types of electrical stimulation.

Basic motor tasks practiced with ExoAtlet:

  1. Rise from a sitting position from supports of different heights
  2. Sit down from a standing position
  3. Maintaining balance
  4. Walk in place at different speeds
  5. Walk upright at varying lengths, stride heights, and speeds
  6. Stop
  7. Turn on the floor and while walking
  8. Walking up and down stairs with a handrail on the right or left side

Contraindications for the ExoAtlet exoskeleton:

  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Risks of trophic changes in tissues
  • Bedsores, wounds in the area of ​​exoskeleton attachment
  • severe contractures of the joints of the lower extremities
  • Severe muscle hypertonicity (more than 2 points according to MAS)
  • Severe osteoporosis (T criterion > 2.5)
  • Phlebothrombosis of the lower extremities
  • Cardiac arrhythmia, heart disease in the stage of decompensation
  • Orthostatic hypotension, acute inflammatory syndrome
  • Severe cognitive and emotional impairments
  • Limitation of the ability to support the upper limbs
  • Weight > 100 kg.
  • 150 cm > height > 190 cm.

Rehabilitation medical equipment for rehabilitation centers and for the disabled

ExoAtlet rehabilitation suit:

The ExoAtlet rehabilitation exoskeleton suit is designed to allow a person in a wheelchair to stand and walk independently, without the help of crutches or walkers. Simply put, it is an exoskeleton of mechanical legs. The mobility of an exoskeleton suit offers significant potential benefits for people with disabilities, both in terms of health and quality of life. Moving in an exoskeleton can be compared to riding a motorcycle. To get used to the controls, relearn how to balance and take your first step, it will take from several hours to several days of training.

Key features of the Russian exoskeleton ExoAtlet:

1. 8 movement patterns;
2. Autonomy/battery operating time: at least four hours in walking mode (battery charging time from 0% to 100% - 5 hours);
3. Functions: holding upright, walking mode on a flat surface, walking in place, standing up and landing mode without assistance;
4. The exoskeleton suit gives precise alignment to human joints.
5. Permissible angle of inclination for walking on a horizontal surface: ±10°;
6. Leg plates provide stability and ease of movement on flat surfaces.
7. The ability to control walking from a “smart” crutch for the patient and from a tablet for the doctor;
8. Weight: without packaging 23 kg.
9. Automatic walking mode, in which the most natural pattern of human movement is repeated.
10. Adjustment of step parameters (length, height of leg lift and duration of support and swing phases) to ensure a comfortable pattern;
11. Initiation of walking from the force developed by the patient;
12. Silometric measurements to assess the patient’s rehabilitation success;
13. Built-in myostimulator;
14. Cloud service for storing/planning and managing patient training.

Positive health effects:

1. Reduction of adipose tissue.
2. Improving the functions of the cardiorespiratory system.
3. Blood pressure is normalized.
4. Lung ventilation improves.
5. Degeneration of muscle and bone tissue is prevented.
6. Increases joint mobility.
7. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.
8. Improving the functioning of the urinary system.
9. Walking is a very important condition for the proper functioning of human internal systems and organs. Thus, rehabilitation with the help of an exoskeleton also promotes improvements in the pelvic organs. Modern exoskeletons bring great benefits to disabled people.

Buy an exoskeleton in Moscow and other Russian cities!

It has now become possible to buy an exoskeleton for disabled people in Russia!
You can buy an exoskeleton in: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Ukraine, Kiev, Finland, Estonia, Riga, Latvia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Omsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Ufa, Voronezh, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Sochi, Barnaul, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Vologda, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl and other cities in Russia and nearby CIS countries.

The cost of the exoskeleton is 3,600,000 million rubles.

For any questions you may have:
How much does an exoskeleton cost? Where to buy an exoskeleton? Where to order an exoskeleton?
You can get answers to such questions after you write to us by email: [email protected]
After which an employee will contact you medical center and will advise.
