How to structure a conversation with your boss correctly. How to build a relationship with your boss - be smarter than the tyrant boss

Talk to your boss's manager. If the problem has really gotten out of control, then it would be best to discuss everything with the person above your boss in the company hierarchy. If you have already tried everything, but nothing has helped, then the wisest decision would be to report the problem to higher-level managers. Talk to your boss's manager about the problem. Make it clear that you are ready to work for the benefit of the company, but, alas, you are not able to work with such a boss. Be as calm as possible, behave with the dignity of a professional, even if you feel autumn in your soul.

  • Focus on productivity rather than emotional issues. Instead of complaining about how your boss is a jerk, focus on what's relevant to the job—for example, how your boss's communication problems are disrupting work plans.
  • Of course, you shouldn’t talk badly about your boss in the presence of a more senior manager. high level. When talking about current problems, you should be as tactful as possible. Don't say that your boss is “completely crazy” - say that your boss constantly changes goals or is not flexible enough. Remember, you must conduct yourself in such a way that no one doubts your ability to work with other people.
  • Find yourself another mentor. Your manager is hardly the only person under whose wing you can work. If you want to keep your job, but know that you won't get along with your boss, then try to find someone in your company with whom you could work. Having found such a person, work with him, learn from him, take his example.

    • If you and your mentor really work together, then perhaps he can give you some advice on how to still establish a more or less decent working relationship with your superiors. Of course, you shouldn't badmouth your boss to get advice on how to fix things. It is likely that your mentor has worked at the company longer than you, and therefore knows your boss better - so take advantage of this knowledge!
  • Ask to be transferred to another department. Another way to solve the problem of a boss with whom you do not work well could be to transfer to another department or department. If you want to stay with the company, then discuss everything with the leaders of the company and ask if a more suitable place can be found for you. Perhaps you will have a chance to start working in a new team under the leadership of a more understanding boss.

    • If you had no complaints about this topic before, and only your current boss turned out to be a person with whom you could not work well, then do not worry - this will not have a bad effect on you. Moreover, if you decide to take the initiative into your own hands and improve the situation for the better, then this will only be a plus for you.
  • If you are being discriminated against, take stronger action. If you are a victim of discrimination, contact any workers' rights service in your country. You see, some conflicts in the workplace sometimes cross the line of the law. Those who report violations of one kind or another are entitled to legal protection, and they also have the opportunity to seek justice, bypassing what is called the “vertical of power.”

    • If the conflict is based on financial fraud, then special legal rules may come into force, requiring special actions from whistleblowers, and so on. Read your country's laws on this topic.
  • Consider whether you should quit. If everything has gone so far that your only option is to quit, then look inside yourself and think about whether you are doing the right thing if you quit. If the work environment is affecting your health, self-esteem and dignity, if there is no way to improve the situation or transfer to another department, then, of course, quitting is a healthy move. However, do not forget about what to find new job can be very, very difficult, especially these days. Be sure to think about whether to quit.

    • Of course, there is nothing stopping you from starting to look for a job while you haven't quit yet. This is, in fact, what many people do. This, by the way, is only to your benefit - if you work, you have a clearer idea of ​​the current market situation, which increases your chances of finding a job.
    • However, if the situation is very difficult, then even a difficult economic situation should not become a reason for you to stay at work and endure it all. Watch your patience, and when the last straw falls... you know what to do.
  • Do your research before changing jobs. Some people are so eager to be freed from the oppression of a despot boss that they are ready to take on any job that is offered to them. However, this is how you can get out of the frying pan and into the fire! When getting a job, talk with your future colleagues, with your future manager and try to understand - are you trading for soap? Even if you are eager to quit as soon as possible, you will not help yourself if, when you quit, you are faced with exactly the same problems.

    • When starting a new job, putting aside any misgivings about your new boss is the first step toward building a healthy, productive work environment.
  • Or something in between: sometimes the conversation just doesn’t go well. Thinking through the conversation in advance is not the best option, but it’s also not a good idea to enter into a conversation without having a rough list of common topics at hand. If you have ever tried to move away from impromptu and went through topics for conversation in your mind (and in the end everything, as usual, came down to discussing the weather), then our recommendations will be useful to you.

    Here are tips for those times when you need to start a conversation at work.

    With the founder of the company or its head

    You:"Hello! How is your week going?

    Management:"Not bad. Many affairs! How are you?

    You:"Great. I’m really excited to be working on [the most important part of the project for you].”

    IN large companies a lot of people work, so there is nothing wrong with inserting information about yourself during a conversation with the head or owner of the company. If you are not sure that your boss knows your name, it’s time to extend your hand to him and say, “It seems like we don’t know each other. My name is [your name].”

    With a newbie

    You:"Hello. You came [this week, last Friday], right? I'm [your name] from Team [X]. Well, how have you settled into your new place? Have you been to [a popular cafe nearby] yet?”

    Newbie:“Yes, I’m fine, thank you. Of course, there is still a lot to learn, but I like everything. How long have you been working here?”

    You:“Since [time you started working]. I still can’t believe that [here is some memorable event from the life of the company that you caught].”

    Your job is to start a conversation and make the newbie feel relaxed. No, of course, you can look away when you see a new person, mutter “hello” to him and run on to make your coffee, but you are capable of more, right? Friendly relationships with colleagues are worth it.

    Remember, being a newbie is always difficult. If you care about the company and your role in it, respect its culture and development - for starters, don't ignore newcomers, thinking that someone else should befriend them.

    With a colleague who has been working here for a hundred years (and whom you are afraid of)

    You:“I’m wondering where to go for lunch. I don’t know these places well yet, but you’ve been working here for a long time. Can you tell me where there are good places?”

    Colleague:"What are you exactly interested in?"

    This opening opens up many conversation options. This, of course, is not a situation where you need to quickly strike up a conversation, but since you are so afraid of talking to this person, then it is worth getting over yourself and saying more than just “Hello. How are you doing?".

    It won't be reckless to start a conversation about work, but it will be easier if you have at least some understanding of what exactly your colleague is working on. Try to point out his or her experience (in this case, knowing where to eat). It is quite possible that this kindest people, and you have the wrong idea about him. The only way to find out is to boldly start a conversation.

    With the event organizer

    You:"Perfect place. Thank you for arranging all this for us. Do you plan to do this often?”

    Organizer:“You know, of course I plan, because in my company...”

    You've probably heard that most people like to talk about themselves? So take advantage of this. This approach is especially useful if you have no idea what to talk about with someone you've just met, or are afraid that you won't have anything interesting to say.

    If you start a conversation with the organizer in this manner, it is unlikely that you will have to answer anything. You will only need to periodically insert a few phrases in order to maintain the conversation and make a good impression.

    With a VIP

    You:"Hello. My name is [your name]. I know you’re very busy, but I realized that I would regret it the rest of my life if I didn’t come and tell you that your app is simply brilliant.”

    Chances are, the most the celebrity will do is thank you, and that gratitude shouldn't be taken personally. Compliment - always a good start for conversation. If you have something good to say about that person's company, program, or product, why not start the conversation there and see where it goes from there?

    With the former boss

    You:"Glad to see you! How are things going at [company name]? I read that you have expanded [department or production]. Surely you are happy about this development.”

    Former boss:“Yes, I'm glad. Everything is a little chaotic now, but it’s interesting to work. I like having something to focus on.”

    No matter the circumstances under which you left the company, you still don't have to pretend you don't see your former boss at the snack table. Be polite to him. This will demonstrate your character and professionalism. This isn't the first time you've encountered someone you don't want to talk to, but as they say, skill comes with experience.

    Even if your former boss angry at you after you leave, he is unlikely to be able to ignore your kindness.

    With an employee from an unfamiliar department

    You:“So, how is your week going? Are you busy with projects?

    Interlocutor:“We’re busier than usual because we’re currently working on [the team’s main project].”

    You:“Oh, interesting. I didn't know you were doing this too. What exactly are you doing?

    This vague start to the conversation makes it clear that you don’t know what exactly this employee does (don’t worry, he probably doesn’t know what you do either). But, nevertheless, this way you can start a conversation about his affairs and the work of his team.

    If your interlocutor turns out to be talkative, perhaps he will describe in detail what his department does, and you will have something to talk about the next time you meet. If he is uncommunicative, then you can talk about your work.

    With your boss's significant other

    You:“It’s so good that you were able to come. It's great to finally meet the person I've heard so much about. Susan said that you like to cook together. What dish did you do best?”

    Companion:"Hard to tell. Probably chicken in the oven...”

    This way of starting the conversation implies that you will remember something that you heard from your boss about his “other half.” If nothing comes to mind, try to find out about it in a more popular way by asking: “I wonder what things we distracted you from with our event?” or “What else interesting happened to you this week (besides this meeting!)?”

    When talking with your boss’s “other half,” you shouldn’t act too relaxed and as if you’ve known each other for a long time. But you shouldn’t treat her like a stranger. As with a seemingly unfriendly co-worker, try not to become nervous. If you already have a good working relationship with your boss, then communicating with his “other half” will only improve it.

    With an intern

    You:“How was the weekend? Are you watching or reading anything interesting right now?”

    Trainee:"Great. I'm now hooked on [series one] and [series two]. Are you watching them?

    You:“Oh, I heard [the first series] was cool, but I haven’t watched it yet. But I'm watching [the second series]. I love the actor who plays dad.”

    Once you start a conversation with a topic about TV series, books or films, you are unlikely to have problems continuing the conversation. Unless, of course, the intern lives in a cave and doesn’t know what’s going on in the world. Find some common interests or discuss something you strongly disagree with. Do you like "The Americans" and does he like "House of Cards"? Forward. Good way move the conversation beyond the standard “Hi. How was your weekend?”, “Okay, how are you?”

    Of course, these are all exemplary situations. It is impossible to predict exactly how your interlocutor will answer you. But that doesn't matter. If you learn how to approach people and start a conversation, you will easily cope in any situation. Be yourself, be authentic, and understand that starting and maintaining a conversation requires some effort for most people.

    How to Become an Indispensable Employee Craig Donald

    4.1. We are negotiating with the boss

    The most difficult issues to discuss with your superiors are requests for a salary increase, a promotion, or an explanation for your absence from work. It happens that in an organization it is not easy to get leave, not just extraordinary, but even legal.

    First, always communicate with your manager calmly, politely, and confidently. Even if your boss allows familiarity, you are not recommended to do so. Listen to your boss carefully, do not interrupt. Try to understand his point of view. Perhaps he has more information than you and knows better.

    If you are going to discuss an important issue with management, think through all your reasons and arguments in advance. Calculate what objections there might be.

    A mistake many employees make is allowing their manager to make derogatory remarks about them. You can't let go of rudeness. Don't feel obligated to your boss for paying you regularly. You are not a galley slave, but do your job honestly.

    Deciding to ask for a raise or a bonus, a promotion, an extraordinary vacation is the most difficult thing. It’s somehow inconvenient, even scary. But sometimes it is necessary.

    Pick a good time. The boss should be in a good mood, but do not talk about this at corporate events, in an informal setting. Any boss has the right to forget what they talked about over a bottle of wine.

    Remember that negotiations may not go according to your scenario. You may be offered alternative options. For example, postpone your vacation for some time or, instead of getting a promotion, move to a higher-paying job in another branch of the company. Prepare for the fact that you will have to make some compromises. Sometimes you shouldn’t agree right away, take time to think about it. By the way, your boss can, when you express your request, say that he will think about it. Therefore, when addressing your boss, radiate positivity, be sure that you are right, then your boss will most likely think in the same direction.

    Do you need to miss a few days of work, but your boss won’t let you? Sick leave is a way out of the situation. If you cannot get it at the district clinic, contact a private one. Here you can legally buy sick leave. The range of paid private medical services medical organizations includes paid sick leave. True, it wouldn’t hurt to get sick while doing this, otherwise this method can no longer be called legal.

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    Negotiations Negotiating is one of the key skills in life and business. They determine the nature of relationships between people. In the work of a manager, negotiations are constantly present: with the manager, subordinates, customers, contractors, business partners,

    There are certain norms, the observance of which will help to better build relationships in the team. This is especially true for relationships with management.

    Acceptable forms of addressing superiors

    Depending on the degree of subordination, there are different standards of communication with management. If you can communicate with your boss face to face by name, in the presence of other employees, do not forget to address your boss by his first name and patronymic in a respectful manner. Whatever your relationship may be in an informal atmosphere, formalized norms remain at work that require mandatory compliance.
    You can only address your boss on a first-name basis if he personally asked you to call him by name. Typically, this rule does not apply to newcomers and newcomers to the company. However, during business negotiations It is strictly forbidden to show your informal relationship with the manager; the format of such meetings is always strict and official, even if the relationship is actually friendly and confidential. This should remain a purely personal factor.
    The use of pseudonyms and affectionate diminutive words is not allowed in the office. Each employee, including the boss, has his own name and patronymic. Equivalents will be perceived as an act of disrespect.
    Modern companies use the practice of addressing colleagues and management by name, but using “You.” Familiarity has never been welcomed in business circles.

    What should you ask your manager when applying for a job?

    Don't forget to develop your intellect and control your emotionality. Main quality good employee- this is diligence and responsibility. Try to reduce the level of initiative shown and focus on discipline and the results of the tasks you complete. No matter how brilliant your ideas are, an employee with an excellent reputation and high performance will be listened to. Complete tasks on time and even ahead of schedule, this will be an undeniable advantage in comparison with your colleagues. Even if you don’t have time, you shouldn’t panic and despair ahead of time. Calm down, formulate the reasons for failures and solve them effectively. If the situation requires it, contact your superiors with a request to give you additional time and resources to overcome problems. If you have questions while performing your work, do not be afraid to approach and ask your superiors for the necessary clarifying information. In this way, you will show that you want to better understand the essence of the issue and are ready for an open two-way dialogue for the most accurate result.

    Be optimistic and friendly, communicate seriously with management, but do not frown or show your negative attitude towards the situation.
    There is always a certain atmosphere in the team. If it is inappropriate, aggressive and destructive, your task is to abstract yourself from the general background of behavior in the office and focus on your work.
    All of the above methods will help not only achieve positive trends in the development of relations with your manager, but will also affect your career growth.

    The leader's behavior influences the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. In some teams, specialists idolize their leaders, while in others they feel fear when entering the office for the next meeting. Some departments work like good clockwork, even when the manager is absent from the workplace. While employees of other departments drink coffee and discuss personal news. Let's figure out which management skills of heads of departments and services influence the organization of effective work teams, and which ones actively ruin them.

    Rules for communication between a manager and subordinates

    Communication with subordinates is an art that needs to be learned. By managing an organization's most valuable resource—its employees—you can either achieve outstanding results or fail to perform simple work tasks well.

    The most effective managers are able to communicate with their subordinates in such a way that employees are enthusiastic and interested in their work and value the achievements of the entire team.

    The basic rules of communication for such leaders are based on several basic principles:

    • Self-respect and respect of subordinates.
    • Targeted impact on employees.
    • Assessment of achievements.
    • Providing feedback.
    • Regular monitoring of task completion.

    Both managers and subordinates, when gaining work experience, acquire a lot of stereotypes along with it:

    • bosses believe that their employees are not much different from everyone else;
    • Employees often expect criticism rather than praise.

    It’s bad that a manager can afford to tell a subordinate that he has not lived up to his trust and is not much different from others. Such phrases greatly reduce employee motivation.

    It is important to carefully study the results achieved and use constructive criticism aimed exclusively at work or tasks performed incorrectly, and not at your attitude towards mistakes in general.

    It should be remembered that any unfounded generalization leads to a deterioration in mutual understanding between the boss and the subordinate.

    Let's get into the situation

    One of the mistakes managers make is considering the work situation as a typical one, which was once already in their experience. From here it appears a large number of stereotypical decisions, instructions and orders that are distributed to subordinates.

    As a result, there is not a single leader who would not say at least once in his career: “How did I miss... Why didn’t you tell me...”. This happens because the situation is assessed inattentively, without taking into account the nuances and influence of new conditions.

    Therefore, in order to form effective ones, it is important study the situation before taking action or motivating employees to take action.

    We weigh decisions

    Solving a problem quickly is often considered a necessary skill. But in fact, high speed does not always guarantee the most positive effect. This is especially true for decisions related to punishing subordinates for failure to complete or poor performance of assigned tasks.

    If emotions run high, then there is a high probability that the chosen punishment will be unnecessarily harsh.

    Therefore, before making a decision, you need to calm down and check for yourself whether what is supposed to be a punishment is adequate for the offense.

    We give feedback

    Feedback and the ability to provide it is one of the most important skills of any leader. The responsible employee is interested in receiving an assessment of his actions - both right and wrong. Understand how satisfied the company is with his work.

    Feedback allows

    • analyze the results of work together with a subordinate;
    • understand the reasons for failures;
    • praise for high performance;
    • create motivation for change and development;
    • correct the employee's actions.

    Basic principles of feedback transmission

    1. Timeliness. The assessment should be provided soon after the event or task is completed, not a week or month later.
    2. Specificity. It is necessary to discuss specific actions, and not the entire work experience of the specialist.
    3. Feedback is a dialogue between a subordinate and a manager, and not a monologue from a boss. It is necessary to ask the subordinate’s opinion about what happened, his vision of the situation, and the solutions that he himself could propose to correct it.
    4. Prohibition on discussing the personality of a subordinate. Only a specific action or fact can be discussed, but not the person himself and his professionalism as a whole.
    5. Focus on obtaining a specific result, and not on the process of discussing the situation itself.
    6. With the doors closed. Communication must be strictly individual, without the presence of third parties. If criticism is made during the delivery of feedback, the presence of strangers will sharply reduce the subordinate's motivation to change behavior.

    Clear position of the leader

    The manager’s inability to adhere to his point of view and constant changes in attitude towards work situations worsen relationships with subordinates.

    Employees consider such a boss to be inconsistent, unsure of himself and his decisions.

    If, for some reason, the manager has not yet formed an opinion, then it is better to first understand the situation, and only then voice his point of view to employees.

    Team management is not only about setting tasks and monitoring their implementation. Not all employees have sufficient experience to complete the task efficiently. Taking this into account, you need to be ready to help the employee with advice and give additional time. In some cases, temporarily assign a more experienced employee.

    We set specific goals

    A clear statement of the goal is the key to obtaining a quality result. Aimless work gives rise to the feeling of useless work without end and beginning, going to work for the sake of the process, not the result.

    To increase employee motivation, it is important that goals helped the professional development of specialists. Showed how employees work allows the company to solve ambitious problems.

    If completing a task involves achieving several goals, you need to prioritize, showing which ones are the most important.

    Assessing the consequences

    When making any management decision, the manager is obliged to assess how it will affect not only the overall production process, but also the further interaction of subordinates with each other. This is especially true for rewarding and punishing employees, resolving situations and internal contradictions in the team.

    It is also important to assess the influence of the leader’s behavior and his management style on general climate in the department: Does the boss add enthusiasm and motivation to work, or discourages the desire to complete tasks?.

    We control the results

    Lack of control over task completion breeds irresponsibility. Each employee must know that the task assigned to him will be checked. Any result, even the most ineffective, can be regarded as satisfactory if there is no control.

    But even if the deadlines for completing a task are determined, and in the end there is no control on the part of the boss, then employees get used to the fact that their work is not checked. The department will show poor performance in the future.

    We evaluate ourselves soberly

    At some point in time individual managers an illusion of permissiveness appears, since only the result is important, and the people performing the tasks are a variable quantity.

    There is only one cure in this situation - healthy self-criticism. And subordinates will quickly signal to such a leader that he is going beyond what is permitted: more complaints from employees arise against the boss, refusals to obey orders appear, specialists openly declare that they deserve respect, and not constant prodding and criticism addressed to them.

    Effective managers always define their development horizons and strive to learn new technologies for personnel management and production processes.

    By following the basic principles of business communication, a manager will be able to achieve high results in the work of the department, and employees will be happy to come to work and complete assigned tasks.
