What kind of speech do parents give at graduation? Parents' last call speech

The sky sparkles with festive fireworks, and the halls of schools and universities are filled with food and loud music. Graduation is booming in the city. On this occasion, Steppe has prepared a list of the best speeches that have ever been read to graduates around the world. Find inspiration in words and experiences." powerful of the world this."

1. Jim Carrey to Maharishi University of Management graduates, 2014

The famous comedian talks about serious things so casually and cheerfully that you inevitably begin to believe him: everything was, is and will be good as long as we are “here” and catch the “now”.

The most important lesson is that we will always have time to screw up something we don’t like. So why not try to do what we like so much first?

2. Neil Gaiman to Philadelphia University of the Arts graduates, 2012

The author of Stardust, an English science fiction writer, winner of the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, the Bram Stoker Award and the Newbery Medal, gave a speech “Make good art”\ “Create” to future artists, musicians and writers, which was later released separately a book.

I imagined that the place where I wanted to be, where I could be a writer, make up stories, create good books, comics and living off your words is a mountain. Distant mountain. My goal. And I knew: as long as I went to the mountain, everything would be fine. And if at any moment I was not sure that I was doing the right thing, I could stop and think: am I getting closer to the mountain or moving away from it?

Full text at English language and in Russian.

3. John F. Kennedy to American University graduates, 1963

Our problems are man-made, therefore they can be solved by man. And a person can achieve anything he wants. Nothing in a person’s destiny is inaccessible to him. The human mind and spirit have often solved problems that seemed insoluble.

4. JK Rowling to Harvard University graduates, 2008

The writer who gave the world real magic and magic spoke about the power of imagination. About how important it is to exercise and educate him in order to go beyond the comfortable boundaries of his own experience.

I am not so naive as to assume that youth, talent and education will save you from difficulties or broken heart. Intelligence and abilities cannot protect you from the vagaries of fate.

Speech in Russian and English – follow the link.

5. Ellen DeGeneres to Tulane University graduates, 2009

American television star, winner of 11 Emmy awards and host of two Oscar ceremonies. She came to New Orleans, to give a speech for a course whose students began their studies just two days before Hurricane Katrina.

The most important thing in your life is the ability to live it with a sense of integrity, without succumbing to peer pressure. Live as an honest and compassionate person, making a contribution.

The full text in English can be read.

6. Joseph Brodsky to graduates of the University of Michigan, 1988

Everyone should know this speech. For a long time it was not published in the original language of the speech, that is, in English, because they saw inconvenient and objectionable things in it. But the poet, like his words, have always been and will be outside of time and space.

“Try to expand your vocabulary and treat it the way you treat yours.” bank account. Pay a lot of attention to it and try to increase your dividends. The goal is to enable you to express yourself as fully and accurately as possible; in a word, the goal is your balance. For the accumulation of unspoken, unspoken things can lead to neurosis.

Try not to rely too much on politicians - not so much because they are unintelligent or dishonest, as is often the case, but because the scale of their work is too large even for the best among them. They can best case scenario somewhat reduce social evil, but not eradicate it.

In the light of this - or rather in the darkness, you must rely on your own home cooking, that is, manage the world yourself, at least that part of it that is available to you and is within your reach.

7. Sheryl Sandberg to Harvard Business School graduates, 2012

Entrepreneur, COO at Facebook, and since June 2012, a member of the company's board of directors, formerly vice president of global sales and operations at Google. She knows exactly what she's talking about when she advises you to work for a company whose values ​​you share. When it reminds you to say yes to opportunities.

When you are offered a place in spaceship, don't ask what place. Just get on the ship!

8. Steve Jobs to Stanford University graduates, 2013

The famous speech of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple and Pixar animation, about the importance of doing what you love. About the fact that you will never know how and what exactly will be useful, but you will definitely find out in the end.

Work will take up a lot of space in your life, and therefore the only way to be truly satisfied with life is to do something that you consider great. The only way to do great things is to love what you do.

Full text in English.

9. Oprah Winfrey to Stanford University graduates, 2008

The main woman of American television, through jokes and sketches from everyday life, advises not to forget that receiving a diploma is not the end of education. There are still many lessons and difficulties ahead, and the secret to overcoming them lies in openness.

When you don't know what to do, just stop and wait until you figure out what exactly to do. And when you stop and allow your inner voice to become your navigator, you will not only be able to improve your love life, but you will also receive undeniable benefits. competitive advantage in this world.

The full text in English can be read.

And finally

Beautiful words that are mistakenly attributed to Kurt Vonnegut - a note from a journalist, now Pulitzer Prize winner, Mary Schmich. IN 2009 year, these tips spread across the RuNet thanks to radio host Alex Dubas and singer Yolka. Together they performed on the air of “Silver Rain” with the composition "On the benefits of sunscreen", where Alex read excerpts from this note to the choruses of Yolka. Later, a nice video was added to the track.

Maybe you will get married, maybe not. Maybe you will have children, maybe not. Maybe you'll get divorced at forty, or maybe you'll do the little duckling dance on your seventy-fifth wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't praise yourself too much, but don't criticize yourself either. Your choice, like everyone else’s, is half at the mercy of chance.

Photo: wowfacts.cc

Response from 11th grade graduates of 2014

Props: soap, PLATES, photo

Beating for KVN

Ved.: Our dear teachers, parents. We decided that we shouldn't be sad on the last day of school. I would like to give you and myself a holiday and see the smiles shining on your faces. And if we talk about school today, it’s fun how we can do it. Therefore, we invite you to the show “WE DO NOT GO TO UNIVERSITY!” (slide 1 )

1. Are you going to university? ?

2. Exams passed. The roads to universities are not yet open. Therefore, whether to go to a university or a university... what difference does it make, the main thing is that we don’t fool around.

3. And I really want to blow (takes out and shows soap bubbles)

1. Why do you carry soap bubbles with you?

2. So what's wrong with that? What do you think? Blow it if you want!

3. (blows) Like in childhood... in elementary school...

2. I want it too (takes out bubbles)

Ved.:. What are we, redheads?! (take out bubbles together with the presenter and blow and have a conversation,lyrical music sounds)

4. Guys, where did you get this?

Ved.: Max, well, as always...

Yes, it was great in elementary school. True, only then did we realize that it was in vain that we wanted to quickly leave kindergarten for school, because we didn’t have to sleep there.

    Exactly! But really, that’s what elementary school is for you?

    This is when you are still walking hand in hand with your mother, and the school corridors seem so huge!

3. This is when you don’t want to leave home from school yet, because you can play in after school.

Ved.: I know, this is when parents come to school almost every day and ask the teacher how you are doing.

1. This is when the most delicious thing in the canteen is black bread, and you always take a piece with you

2...and who is 4.

Ved.: Max, why are you silent?

4. Yes, I don’t know.. I need to think.

3.I know... Primary School- this is when you still write carefully in your notebooks and are upset that the letter has crawled out of the line.

1. or...you raise your hand in class to be praised by your parents, but you stand up but don’t say anything?

Ved.: this is when the teacher buttons your pants because the button is tight, and you don’t feel any embarrassment, because she’s practically a mother to you (applause).

Thanks to our teachers primary classes Alevtina Pavlovna and Valentina Nikolaevna, Lyudmila Pavlovna, Valentina Nikolaevna for their boundless patience and enormous work. ( applause)



Ved.: Everyone in life has moments when we part with very expensive (pause) things.

For the scene (background)

Well, that's it, school is over, I handed in my textbooks, I need to throw away my notebooks

Don't throw me out!

Who is speaking? A notebook or what?

Yes, it's me, your notebook. I'll still be useful!

To me? Will you come in handy?

I will be useful to others. To good people.

There seems to be nothing to write off here.

You're thinking corny. Don't just write off.

Why else?

And look at the end of me. What do you see?

Nothing. Empty.

Wow. What you need will be useful to Tamara Anatolyevna and Natalya Vladimirovna, Tatyana Aleksandrovna and, I really hope, Olga Pavlovna.

Yes! It is the sacred duty of every graduate to take care of the younger generations and help the teacher.

Ved.: Dear our teachers of Russian language and literature! We tried our best here and here we are ( hand out beautifully packaged packs of leaves)...from the bottom of my heart, with words of gratitude..... blank leaves from our old notebooks. You will need them. And we are glad that we can return at least a small part of what you invested in us! (gifts are given)



Ved.: And our next number... (Maxim comes out)

4.Andrey, I was thinking. I know what elementary school is...

Ved: What are you doing, Maxim, I’m already announcing the next number... That’s it, let’s go...

4.Well, I also want to say...You said it.

Ved.: Okay, let’s hurry up, what do you have there?

4. Primary school is when the most terrible word is “principal”, and you have no idea that he can also joke... and you can also love him.

Irina Borisovna. You are so passionate about your work and love it! You are a spectacular woman! We decided to give you a dance of love and passion. ( Announces) For you, with respect, graduates of 2014!



Ved.: And our next issue is Muzhoper. The Duke's Song from the opera Rigaletto by Giuseppe Verdi

Sounds for Elena Vadimovna, Nina Valentinovna, Svetlana Yuventinovna, Tatyana Vladimirovna. Performed by the honored artist Maximegliano and the outstanding tenor Nei Dmitry Titov.

Presentation2 slide

There is always a place for that in the hearts of beauties,

What is closely connected with beauty?

Lipsticks, outfits, other things

Only our beauties are different

Feelings for different sciences

This sympathy is instilled in us.

And it doesn’t fit in our heads:

How does everything fit into their hearts:

Smart beauties are rare

We admire you today.

And we express our approval

By your persistent teaching us

If beautiful woman asks

We will teach, even if we don’t…want to

But it doesn’t fit in our heads:

How does everything fit into your hearts?

History, society, economics, law.



Ved.: We are pleased that the hall so actively supports our artists. Well, now, I think, you will also actively support our viewers with thunderous applause. We invite the incomparable chemistry teacher Olga Borisovna, physics teacher Nina Ivanovna and computer science teacher Zoya Mikhailovna to the stage.


Dear ladies! Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you for your work, for being with us for many years, patiently giving us knowledge! Thank you (applause). Well, we would like to fulfill your wish. But since the truth says: everyone is the creator of their own happiness, then we give you the opportunity to cast a net into the sea (they throw a net, the swaying fabric represents the sea)

Music (sea) + (added when they start throwing the net) music for the scene

They threw a net into the sea... for the first time. The net arrived...empty

They threw the net into the sea for the second time... the net came with only one....

They cast the net for the third time. A seine came with only one fish.

A difficult fish, a golden one.

Fish: I know, I know your desire

So that children can learn better,

So that they don’t even write off

So that they completely forget about “copying off”!

Well, I will fulfill your wish, don’t stand here, go with God.

They returned to their classes,

Look, their guys are sitting in front of them

And they don’t even try to write it off!

Music for the scene

Guys come out wearing “anti-cheating devices”

We give you these devices with wishes of success in your work


Ved.: You know how great it is when people, in a fit of feelings, do something pleasant and kind. Inspired by your applause in a fit of emotion, they are on stage again... This time for geography teachers Lyudmila Ivanovna and Tatyana Petrovna.

The Duke's Song from the opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi - The Heart of a Beauty

The map of Russia is prone to treason

And to change like the sun in May

We rode across the border to the sea

It took us a long time to get to Crimea.

Well, now everything has become simple

They called it Russian Crimea-peninsula.

Completed the map of Russia

Crimea turned out to be white-red-blue

Hooray! Hooray! Our peninsula!



Well, we continue. It’s time to say words of gratitude to our foreign language teachers Lyudmila Ivanovna and Nina Dmitrievna. You can’t imagine how fun it is to sing along to familiar words at discos, pretending that you speak a foreign language perfectly. At the cost of enormous efforts, you still managed to teach us something. So, let's look... "Lekha at the disco."

Back street boys - Everybody

Ved.: Dear friends! Now that the World Cup is taking place, we could not ignore the topic of sports. We know that there are real sports fans and athletes in our hall, and we are happy to invite you to the stage outstanding figure sports of Mikhail Valentinovich Chistyakov, and with him those who love, appreciate, support sports, real men Nikolai Valentinovich, Evgeniy Sergeevich and Sergei Nikolaevich.

Come on friends... (they put sports bibs on them)

Well, the main presenter of our mega sports show appears on stage

Do it with us. Music

ADI: Hello, dear friends.

I'm with you again, Adi. GDR television program “Do with us, do as we do. Do better than us!”

And today we have a team of teachers playing to compete

(Beating )

And today the school teachers team is playing to compete

Yourapples. This is a team of children playing against you.

This is Yulia, Palya and Vitala

Julia, Pavel and Vitavel

Ok Pavel, Vitaly and Yuliy

And today we have the first... are you ready, right? First, exchange pleasantries.. you really need to make friends! exchange of torches eee pennants ( fanfare graduates present the pennant “You are the best! Photos of teachers") The team of teachers was not prepared. The score was one zero for the children.

Do it with us. Music

So. The first competition is sports and erudite. Please forgive my Russian erudite.. plates A, B, C by answer options

Question: what year (8-2, 8-3,8-4) the GDR rowing team won the world championship

Wrong, I didn’t win any of these years.

Question to the children's team:

(they hesitate. They discuss, they accidentally raise all the signs) This is the correct answer! All categories can be managed vehicle. Claps.

Do it with us. Music

Does anyone think that this is a setup? Now we will ask a question as difficult as the teachers...

Which year the GDR rowing team won the world championship.


Another competition is now to break out in front of the ball throwing the first to kick the goal team of children. Attention 3.2.. ok. you hit 3 times!!! Now watch the team of teachers. We take the ball out. 3.2. started... the team is not to score in the goal... it’s not fair... the score is 3 - zero, the children benefit.

Who thinks that general competition the team of children won, who believes that the team of teachers won the general competition... this is not entirely true... the GDR team in rowing fishing won in 1985! Thank you. Let me shake your hands! ( And all the guys run up and shake hands)

Ved.: We see off our valiant teachers. Know that we will not forget you!


Yes, it is important to meet a soul in life

Ready to understand, forgive,

Notice everyone's anxiety

And survive someone else's pain!

Dedicated to our class teacher Irina Nikolaevna.

I'll give you

1. Dear teacher, today again

We would like to say “thank you” to you

We would like to give you at least something,

Thank you for your concern!

2. We will give you a miracle - album SLIDE 3

And no matter how many photos there are in it,

And no matter how the years change us all

You always remain young in it. SLIDE 4

3. We will give you an evening by candlelight,

We will celebrate this Dawn together,

Let's lower the candles into the Neya River

You will make your dream

4.(parents sing)
And we will give you something to take home

To make it even more comfortable in it

You knew how to give kindness and warmth.

We would like to thank you sincerely

5.We will give you a thousand roses, slide 5
So that you understand that we love you seriously
A thousand roses instead of a thousand phrases,
All we ask in return is: Remember us!

I wish I could become a wizard or a sorcerer
Your dreams would turn into reality.

Well, for now we give you our heart

All piece by piece, accept it!

Years will pass, but we promise
Don't forget the kindness of your eyes,
Your care that surrounded us,
Your love that warmed us all


Ved: Dear friends, there is another person who devoted 11 years of his life to us, unnoticed

surrounding us with his care. We couldn't have done it without you for 11 years! Yes Yes. This is our humble worker of the library fund, friendly Olga Vadimovna. Thank you, our dear librarian!

Chop Applause flowers, candy

We dedicated the next issue to our closest and dearest people. Dads! We want to say that we love you and appreciate you very much. You will understand and forgive us.

PRESENTATION “Moms” to the song

Ural dumplings – Moms

Dads, we ask you not to be offended.

But we really wanted to give

A song to the most beloved women.
And, of course, these are our mothers...
I wish we could go back to childhood now,
Plunge into that mother’s care,
When your finger gets pinched by something,
You kissed and it passed...
We burned everything on the tablets,
They drew crookedly on the postcards,
While working, bending over my desk,
Inscription MAME for March 8th

Those tablets are still kept
On which words are burned
Which made mom smile
This was the best gift ever

Our dear mothers, mothers, mothers
Some are young, some are already grannies...

Oh how I want to hug you
After all, you are the only one with us...
From sons and daughters
I bow to you to the ground

Verse 2:
Now we've become big
And like dads we now have a mustache
Do you understand these changes?
But for you we will always be CHILDREN
And there is nothing more expensive yet...
Our call to our mothers...
And there is nothing more precious to us
Mom's happy eyes

Verse 3:
While there are no children of my own,
We don't understand the drama
How very strong
Moms miss us

Handing over letters


Ved: We know that you Dear Parents, also prepared a performance. Over to you!

Parents' speech



Ved: Our show is coming to an end. We are glad that today, like all school years, you are with us, and we had the opportunity to say thank you very much for this.

    We will be happy if we were able to please you, but if something goes wrong, forgive us.

    I would like to wish you from the bottom of my heart good health, many joyful and happy moments in life.

    let your students pleasantly surprise you and be better than us. Thank you)))

They took part in our show “We Don’t Go to University” (UNDER CONTINUOUS APPLAUSE

Our dear director, whose sense of humor we know firsthand, Irina Borisovna and the pride of school sports Maxim Sokolov!

- Our beloved class teacher Irina Nikolaevna and our clever girl, kind Sofia Volchunovich

The man who lived through the longest and most difficult first 4 years with us at school Alevtina Pavlovna and the modest Evgeniy Popov.

- A wonderful primary school teacher Lyudmila Pavlovna and now an outstanding graduate Volchunovich Stepan

- Kind, attentive teacher Valentina Nikolaevna. Thank you for coming and absolutely

mature, creatively gifted Dmitry Titov

- Our glorious Russian language teachers Tamara Anatolyevna, Tatyana Aleksanrovna and their grateful graduates Valeria Ismailova and Anna Sokolova!

- Our happy math teacher Natalya Vladimirovna and still don’t believe in my success Vadim Korolev

- A man to whom we also owe a lot Olga Pavlovna and grateful Alexey Korovin

- Charming as always, but very demanding teacher of history and society Elena Vadimovna and Anna Chernova, who wants to be like her teacher.

- Great worker, tireless head teacher, law teacher Nina Valentinovna and her grateful graduate, charming and fragile Yulia Podlineva.

Optimistic, cheerful economics teacher Svetlana Yuventinovna and our permanent organizer Ekaterina Smirnova

Unique, witty chemistry teacher Olga Borisovna and modest, executive Victoria Maslova

- Our teacher is a wonderful person physicists Nina Ivanovna and jack of all trades Pavel Bushuev

Always cheerful, optimistic geography teacher Lyudmila Ivanovna and the soul of the class Pavel Gavrilov

Our dear, charming geography teacher, but most importantly, our former and much-loved class teacher Tatyana Petrovna

- Very patient and helpful teachers foreign languages Lyudmila Ivanovna and Nina Dmitrievna and practically polyglots Dmitry Bryantsev and Alexey Dvoryanchikov.

Energetic computer science teacher Zoya Mikhailovna and Abdul Abdulkirimov.

Physical education teacher, very respected Mikhail Valentinovich and winner of the Physical Education Olympiad Yulia Shoronova

Our wonderful automotive teachers Nikolai Valentinovich and Evgeniy Sergeevich, as well as

our local Schumacher Konstantin Shkabarov and the charming Juliania Yankovskaya.

- And finally, the screenwriter, director and producer of our show, Natalya Alexandrovna, and the unpredictable, artistic Vitaly Adamovich.



« Scarlet Sails» graduate song

Last call farewell
The last lesson is sad,
Both joyful and anxious,
Our hearts are beating
We are standing on the threshold
And the roads ahead
And full of worries and anxiety,
My father's view.

The school has become too crowded for us,
And a noisy cheerful crowd,
Our childhood is gone forever, forever,
Our sail will be caught by the wind,
Moscow is shining with lights,
Leads on a distant journey.

Verse 2:
Warm June wind
The vault is so high and bright,
But why does mom
Tears shine in the eyes,
The faces of friends are so close
And we're all ready to take risks
And the stars in the dark sky,
They will shine for us.

Chorus 2 times

Verse 3:
When the fireworks lights
Moscow will be painted from above,
I'll squeeze it tighter in my palms,
Friends with your palm,
And to believe in friendship,
We don't need any words,
There will be light for us on the road,
School friendship fire.

Congratulations graduation party, last call, farewell to school and the end of the school year.

The Last Bell holiday is colored for graduates, on the one hand, with joy - they are finishing school and ahead new life, full of all kinds of surprises and discoveries, and on the other hand, sadness: after all, from this day they begin their report last days where graduates live normal life, communicate with their school friends and teachers who have already become family.

In this article we offer some preparations and recommendations for holding this celebration. We understand that different schools have different capabilities, so coming up with one universal holiday scheme is quite difficult. But we tried to embrace the immensity and hope that our recommendations will help make your holiday an extraordinary, memorable and bright event.

The holiday begins with a ceremonial assembly, at which the school principal, class teachers and some teachers congratulate the graduates.

Dear Guys! Today is a very solemn day in your life, because all roads are opening before you. From this day on, you are considered adults, and this is very responsible. You will have to make your own decisions, and your future life. You are the young generation that is replacing us, and the life of the entire society will depend on how you build your life. From today on you are responsible for the future. We want to wish you a smooth road in life, good friends, good luck and the easiest challenges! Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Good luck again and be happy!

Today is your first prom, there will be others ahead, but this one is the most important and expensive. Remember it. We would like to wish you that your further studies become an interesting journey along the river of knowledge, that you receive only good grades, and that new subjects captivate you into the world of knowledge! As you cross this threshold, believe that the most interesting things await you ahead! Good luck to you!

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and success - and now you are on the threshold of serious, responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open to you. Your school years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of various sciences, loyalty of friends, first love and first disappointments. But your teachers also studied with you, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And may only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and may today be the start of a new adult and interesting life filled with events.

So it sounded last call, passed the last exams. And he came up prom. You are finishing 9th grade. Some of you will remain in school; for them, the main graduation is still ahead. Well, for those who wanted to get a profession in another institution, this evening will be a farewell to school and to friends and classmates. And classmates. I heartily congratulate all ninth-graders on graduating from school. This event is one of the most significant for every person. Your graduation day will remain etched in your memory forever. It is exciting for you, your teachers and parents. You are entering adult life. Behind us are childhood and school years, filled not only with educational worries and problems, but also with the joy of learning about the world and making friends. Ahead is the choice of the future path, making important and responsible decisions. Never lose your youthful enthusiasm, do not allow yourself to be stopped by difficulties and under no circumstances stop learning - replenish your luggage with new achievements. Remember: only thorough knowledge will help you adequately meet the challenges of our demanding times. Independent life, which you are entering today, will teach you in its own way, but after closing the doors of the school, take in life path the wisdom of your teachers, the shoulder of your classmates and that optimism. I would like to advise graduates, after leaving the school, not to stop improving, not to rest on what has been achieved, and not to get by in life without luck. May you be lucky to have smart, worthy colleagues and true friends! I would like to wish that you always, wherever and whatever you do, be confident in yourself and your knowledge. I wish you success, once again Congratulations on the end of the school year. Good luck to you! Be happy!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, you led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, invested knowledge, a piece of your heart into each of them, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, sympathetic and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And low bow to you.

After this, the floor is given to the students. Not only graduates, but also primary school students can perform. Each speech can be ended with a short poem - congratulations.

Congratulations to graduates - It does not necessarily have to be of a solemn nature; humorous wishes and congratulations will add some touch of fun and defuse the tension and excitement that is obligatory on this holiday. The so-called remade songs are a lot of fun in schools. Here are a few examples of this type of congratulations:

Congratulations to primary school students
(to the tune of a ditty)

We came to you today,
Prick up your ears
Clap your hands louder
We'll sing ditties.

You are now graduates
And we are first-graders,
Let's turn back the days
We'll tell you about your life.

In the first class there is beauty,
Just great!
Just learn to write - This is a must!

Well, in the second class
Sheer torment!
Everyone remembers it like a bad dream
Multiplication table.

The backpacks are getting heavy,
There are more textbooks
In the third grade all the kids
They study diligently.

In the fifth grade - that's the problem,
Problems started:
Everyone sits and waits for
Change will come.

A year has passed, and sixth grade
Running around school
All teachers suffer
From such grief.

Seventh grade and physics:
They introduced a new science.
According to the laws of acceleration
The class runs to the cafeteria.

Eighth grade. No time for studying -
Everyone around is falling in love!
Nothing, no matter how you teach,
Not memorable.

In the ninth grade we grew wiser,
We taught for a whole year,
How did the exams go?
They immediately forgot everything.

In the tenth grade - what a misfortune!
Everyone changes their image.
You might faint
How will you see schoolchildren?

The last class is graduation,
Parting soon.
We wish you not to forget
Your own school!

Congratulations from tenth graders
(sing to the tune of the song “Song about a Good Mood”)

In a year we will stand in your place,
We will worry the same way we do now.
We wish you good luck from the bottom of our hearts
And please listen to our advice.

And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly it touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

If you get a lousy ticket,
Even if you are not ready at all
You still take the ticket with a smile,
You will still go home with a mark.

If someone is immediately caught with a spur,
For this action, you will be punished with a bad mark.
Remember how many good teachers there are,
And hope for leniency at this moment.

To the school director
(to the tune of any march:)

Aty-baty, we have arrived
Everything is like a parade
And, of course, our director
We're terribly happy.
Dear Ivan Ivanovich!
We must admit
What to students and school
We really need you.
He is always busy with business and worries
In the morning...
To our director
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Teacher of Russian language and literature
(to the tune of the song “Electric Train” by A. Alina)

To improve your culture,
Let's go to literature again,
Pushkin, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky... Alas,
You gave us back our lessons,
But we didn’t read, we didn’t read,
What should we do, since we must answer?

How can we write an essay now?
Hands are shaking more and more with excitement,
It's just terrible, what a torment,
Maybe I’ll suddenly be able to write it off?
How can I remember what I forgot and don’t know?
Maybe I'll get lucky and guess the plot,
What kind of literature is this!
No luck... So it's a bad mark again!

Math teacher
(to the tune of the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”)

Here I am again standing in the classroom at the blackboard,
In grief and sadness, I cry from melancholy.

How will I solve the equation, oh!
How can I find this cunning X?
I understand: I need to learn formulas,
Only reluctantly. What should I do now?
Where can a boy get stronger teeth?

Where can a boy get stronger teeth?
To chew on science - mathematics.

Physical education teacher
(to the tune of the song “For Four Seas” by the group “Brilliant”, girls sing)

Remember, you promised “five”,
I just don’t have the strength to run anymore,
We will never forget the gym
And the words that you told us:

You have to run fast
You have to jump higher
And then we can win the competition,
Dexterity and skill
Will and patience...
And now everywhere we repeat like a spell:
You have to run fast
You have to jump higher
Don't moan, don't whine, and then victory awaits us!
We will always remember
We are your lessons
Dear teacher, we wish you a sea of ​​happiness!

To the history teacher
(to the tune of the song “What You Were...” From the film “Kuban Cossacks”)

Everyone knows how hard you tried
History to teach us
And we tried to teach history,
But they tried to forget everything.
Don't be offended by us,
The lessons were not in vain!
Always be beautiful and kind!
We wish you with all our hearts!

Chemistry teacher
(to the tune of the song “If you don’t have an aunt” from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”)

If you have an apartment,
Then she may not be,
If you mix the reagents
And blow everything up, and blow everything up,
And blow everything up.
If you don't have soap,
Then you can cook it,
And to know the components,
I need chemistry, I need chemistry,
Chemistry must be taught.

The orchestra thunders in bass,
Chemistry, then, to be.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself,
To teach or not to teach,
To teach or not to teach!

Physics teacher
(to the tune of Alsou’s song “Sometimes”)

Where was this seen, who invented it,
That you definitely need to learn physics,
To know at least a little the laws of existence.
What is saved? How does it accelerate?
For some reason I can’t remember
I completely froze to absolute zero.

Sometimes I wait for her
Sometimes I love her
And then it seems to me
That the test can be solved.
Sometimes I suffer
Sometimes I get confused
You know, with this physics
It's not easy to live at all.

Geography teacher
(to the tune of "Little Red Riding Hood's Song")

If it's long, long, long
Explore the seas and mountains,
Rivers, countries, continents
And state capitals,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
Then, of course, then of course,
You can become the smartest!

Ahh, let’s sing a song about geography,
Ah, we teach her both night and day.
Ahh, we say “thank you” to you,
Ah, our dear teacher,
Ah, our dear teacher!

Foreign language teacher
(to the tune of V. Marsin’s song “I See a Shadow Diagonally”)

If our life is like a film
Scroll back ten years
Let's remember how we learned English
Every day ten times in a row.
Every student is used to
Express yourself in English.
Foreign difficult language
I became almost family and friends.

We have given just a few examples of humorous congratulations to teachers by graduates. Beautiful congratulations for the teacher can always be changed or supplemented. But in any case, it is necessary to end the holiday on a solemn note. Perhaps this will be the school's anthem or, if the school does not have one, it may be an appropriate song for the occasion. It is best to perform it all together - schoolchildren and teachers. And, of course, it’s up to you to decide when the last bell will ring before or after the song. They will help add solemnity to the moment Balloons, which graduates will finally release into the sky. This ending to the holiday is very beautiful.

We wish you an unforgettable celebration.

Speech by the director at the graduation party of 9th grade students 2016

Our dear and most wonderful graduates!

There are so many beautiful words in our great and mighty Russian language to express the feelings that we experience on this festive and exciting day. Of course, I am happy for each of you, I am glad that you have passed the state final certification with dignity, and today I want to name the best answers of our graduates, which are included in the State Examination Protocol:

You are graduating from school in a year filled with fateful events for our country, when Russia declared itself in the world as a winner in various fields of activity.

So your destiny is to be the best. I am convinced that your talented generation will change this world, make it kinder, the palette of colors and colors will be brighter. We believe in you, we want to be proud of you, you are our hope, our future! Let your business card in life they will become – maturity of thinking, broad outlook, respect for people, humanity and justice.

Take care of the warmth of your father’s house and remember: there are houses in the world to which people come without an invitation in moments of joy and sadness. The doors of our Bolshevyazemsk gymnasium are always open for you.

Allow me, as a parting word, to tell you 8 short rules of life that will undoubtedly help you become successful in your profession and simply in life.

Have a good journey, happiness, fulfillment of your dreams!

Our gymnasium is strong in traditions, many of which were born thanks to the ideas of our graduates.But among them, I would like to highlight another tradition that was born quite recently - this is the holding of the Assembly and the awarding of the title “Pride of the Gymnasium” to those students who brought the most awards to the general treasury of the gymnasium’s achievements.

Allow me to name the names of the most purposeful, hardworking and erudite graduates of the basic school: In this academic year The title “Pride of the Gymnasium 2016” is awarded to the following students:

    Kononko Elizaveta, 9 b

    Kravets Anna, 9 in

Elizaveta Kononenko graduates from basic school with a special certificate, and Anna Kravets’ certificate contains only A’s.

Today we are also announcing the names of the most athletic, courageous, courageous and resilient students of the gymnasium, who brought many certificates, diplomas and cups to the general treasury of sports awards of the gymnasium.

Nomination "The most athletic student of the year 2016"

The winners of the school competition “The most athletic class of the year” and

The following are invited to be awarded gymnasium medals in the nomination “The most athletic student of 2010”:

    Antonov Vladimir, 9a

    Koshelev Dmitry, 9 b

Dear guys, I congratulate all the awardees and thank you for your willingness to support the authority of the gymnasium, I wish you new creative and sporting victories and achievements.

To all of you, dear guys, I wish you to bear with honor the title of graduate of the Bolshevyazemsk Gymnasium, I sincerely hope that each of you will become a good man, about whom people will speak only kind and grateful words, a worthy citizen of your country Russia, I believe that you will keep warm memories of our gymnasium and cherish the warmth of your parental hearth.

Close your eyes, imagine comfort,

Imagine a place where they will always understand

Where there is no evil and no sadness,

Where you are always missed

You say there is no such place

No, there is a parent's heart!

Take care of your parents, guys, value family and parental care and boundless love to you, because no matter what heights you reach, no matter how old you become, for your parents you will always remain children!

Presentation of certificates class teachers

My dear colleagues!

Nanuli Alexandrovna, Irina Yuryevna, Nadezhda Vasilievna!

All these years you have been close to your students, sharing with them the joy of victories and the bitterness of disappointments. Your activity can be compared to the experienced work of breeders. How many wonderful qualities you instilled in your students, how painstakingly you protected the sprouts of talent and abilities of each of them.

Thank you completely for everything:

For experience, soul, inspiration!

For the thoughts of the highest celebration

For their earthly incarnation!


My words of gratitude to the parents for whom you guys have always been and remain the smartest, most talented, most beautiful and most beloved! They, like true amateur flower growers, have raised you all these years and today presented the fruits of their labor. We teachers say thank you for the charming girls and noble boys. We expressed our gratitude in letters of gratitude.

But there are special families in the hall today with whom we have walked this path from the very beginning to the graduation party. From the 1st grade, the teaching staff acquired like-minded people in their person, ready to support any of our initiatives and proposals, always come to the rescue, be there in difficult times, they were active in the parent committee of the class and the school:

Congratulations to all parents, I wish your families well-being and happiness. Let our children receive a decent education, a favorite profession, be in demand in society and be appreciated. Let your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter become a person with a capital letter!


I sincerely congratulate the entire team on this significant event. From issue to issue, you give away not only your experience and knowledge, but also human wisdom. Special words of gratitude to my deputies: selfless workers who are always ready to defend the interests of children. Teachers are people with a special light of soul, the joy of inspiration, creative quests filled with love for the world and children! They can safely be called professionals.

I wish all my colleagues health and creative longevity! May your personal and professional happiness be complete! Let those around you appreciate you for the burden of responsibility that you carry on your fragile shoulders.

Speakerclub offers you 2 options for a graduate speech

Option #1


  • Remember how it all began, how and why you decided to study at this university
  • What people and events influenced your decision in choosing a profession?
  • Intrigue: what you didn't know at the time.

Main part:

  • How have you enriched and changed your life?
  • Bright events that you will never forget
  • Difficulties that you have successfully overcome.


  • Words of gratitude to the curator, teachers, parents, classmates
  • Please note how important their help and support was to you.
  • Wishes of success and perseverance in achieving goals


“Graduation from university is a big holiday for us. Five years ago, I could not imagine how much my life would change, how much the profession of a journalist would captivate me. Communication, meeting people, passion for everything new and unknown have always been in the first place for me and for most people in this room. Therefore, I didn’t have to think about choosing a profession.

During our studies, we understood the taste of the work of a journalist, we know where the camera turns on and how to look into it, we know how to get any passerby to talk in order to record an interview with him, we know how with the help of words you can change the world. We will remember the crazy periods of the sessions. We know how to stay awake for 24 hours, read tons of literature, get worried, forget everything and suddenly pass with an “A”. We know how to gather courage and write a thesis in a week. And how nice it is to then see pride in the eyes of your leader. We became one friendly family, helped each other out more than once and always had fun.

We are sincerely grateful to our beloved curator and teachers who taught us to cope with difficulties, be leaders, and helped with advice. Your warmth and dedication to your work make you admired and followed by example. Today I congratulate the people closest to us - our parents. You have always been with us, giving your support and care. We are grateful to you for your valuable advice and wise instructions.

Dear classmates! I wish each of you to find yourself in life. Let the obstacles on your way strengthen you and help you move forward towards your dreams. Happy holiday!”

Option No. 2


  • Who am I and why am I addressing you now?
  • Why are we gathered here?

Main part:

  • How different we were in origin, how we have become better.
  • The shared experiences and knowledge that helped us develop and how they will influence our future.
  • How knowledge shaped our minds and life wisdom so that we can adequately answer the complex questions of life.


  • The experience and knowledge gained together made the personality of each of us stronger.
  • Words of gratitude to the teachers and parents who provided support during difficult period training and development.


“Today the wonderful times come to an end for us. student years. The decision to choose the profession of a psychologist has become the meaning of life for each of us. And now that I have this diploma in my hands, I know exactly what I want to become, what kind of work I will devote myself to.

Studying at the university will remain one of the brightest pages in our lives. We came to this university from different parts of the country and found friends here. They say that it is during student years that the strongest friendships are born. We learned to overcome difficulties together, helped each other with advice and deeds, developed and became better. The valuable experience gained at the university will become a support for us. You and I have mastered one of the most exciting professions and are now ready to make our contribution to the prosperity and development of society.

On behalf of all graduates, I want to thank our teachers, who not only put knowledge into our heads, but also instilled a love for psychology. We promise to follow your example and cope with any life challenges with dignity. I want to say thank you to our parents who raised us, supported and took care of us all these years.

Finally, I want to congratulate my classmates and thank them for being there and for making sure we had a great time as students.”

The experience of communication at our public speaking courses in Moscow will allow you to create the most successful version of a speech that will be adequately appreciated by any audience.
