Who are the sedentary birds? Sedentary birds photos with names

bird migration, bird migration map
Under migration, or birds migrating imply the movement or resettlement of birds associated with changes in environmental or feeding conditions, or breeding characteristics. The ability of birds to migrate is facilitated by their high mobility, which is inaccessible to most other species of land animals.

  • 1 Types of migrations
  • 2 Resident birds
  • 3 Nomadic birds
  • 4 Migratory birds
    • 4.1 Route forms
  • 5 Flight destinations
  • 6 See also
  • 7 Literature

Types of migrations

Based on the nature of seasonal migrations, birds are divided into sedentary, nomadic, or migratory. In addition, under certain conditions, birds, like other animals, can be evicted from any territory without returning back, or invade (invade) regions outside their permanent habitat; such relocations are not directly related to migration. Eviction or introduction may be associated with natural changes in the landscape - forest fires, deforestation, drainage of swamps, etc., or with overpopulation of a particular species in a limited area. Under such conditions, birds are forced to look for a new place, and such movement has nothing to do with their lifestyle or seasons. Introductions are also often referred to as introductions - the deliberate relocation of species to regions where they have never lived before. The latter, for example, includes the common starling. Very often it is impossible to say unequivocally that this type birds are strictly sedentary, nomadic or migratory: different populations of the same species, and even birds of the same population can behave differently. For example, the wren in most of its range, including almost all of Europe and the subpolar Commander and Aleutian Islands, lives sedentary, in Canada and the northern USA it wanders over short distances, and in the north-west of Russia, Scandinavia and the Far East is migratory. In the case of the common starling or blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata), a situation is possible when in the same territory some of the birds winter time moves to the south, some arrive from the north, and some live sedentary.

Resident birds

Birds that stick to a certain small territory and do not move outside of it are called sedentary. The vast majority of species of such birds live in conditions where seasonal changes do not affect the availability of feed - tropical and subtropical climate. There are few such birds in the temperate and northern zones; These in particular include synanthropes - birds that live near humans and depend on them: the rock pigeon, house sparrow, hoodie, jackdaw and some others. Some sedentary birds, which are also called semi-sedentary, move short distances from their nesting grounds outside the breeding season - in the territory Russian Federation Such birds include wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, some magpies and the common bunting.. Sedentary birds of central Russia include:

  1. Mallard (Partially migratory) - Anas platyrhynchos
  2. Goshawk - Accipiter gentilis
  3. Gyrfalcon - Falco rusticolus
  4. Peregrine falcon - Falco peregrinus
  5. Hazel grouse - Bonasa bonasia
  6. Black grouse - Lyrurus tetrix
  7. Capercaillie - Tetrao urogallus
  8. Ptarmigan - Lagopus lagopus
  9. Gray partridge - Perdix perdix
  10. Little Gull - Larus minutus
  11. Rock Pigeon - Columba livia
  12. Eagle owl - Bubo bubo
  13. Snowy owl - Nyctea scandiaca
  14. Great Gray Owl - Strix nebulosa
  15. Great-tailed owl - Strix uralensis
  16. Gray owl - Strix aluco
  17. Long-eared owl - Asio otus
  18. Great-footed owl - Aegolius funereus
  19. Little Owl - Athene noctua
  20. Great Sparrow Owl - Glaucidium passerinum
  21. Zhelna - Dryocopus martius
  22. Gray Woodpecker - Picus canus
  23. Green woodpecker - Picus viridis
  24. Three-toed woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus
  25. Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
  26. White-backed Woodpecker - Dendrocopos leucotos
  27. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos minor
  28. Gray Shrike - Lanius excubitor
  29. Common waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus
  30. Raven - Corvus corax
  31. Hoodie - Corvus (corone) cornix
  32. Common jackdaw - Corvus monedula
  33. Nutcracker - Nucifraga caryocatactes
  34. Kuksha - Perisoreus infaustus
  35. Jay - Garrulus glandarius
  36. Magpie - Pica pica
  37. Common dipper - Cinclus cinclus
  38. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris
  39. Blackbird - Turdus merula
  40. Podlovnik - Aegithalos caudatus
  41. Yellow-headed Kinglet - Regulus regulus
  42. Great tit - Parus major
  43. Blue Tit - Cyanistes caeruleus
  44. Blue Tit - Cyanistes cyanus
  45. Moskovka - Parus ater
  46. Powderwing - Parus montanus
  47. Black-headed Chickadee - Parus palustris
  48. Grey-headed Chickadee - Parus cinctus
  49. Tufted tit - Parus cristatus
  50. Common nuthatch - Sitta europaea
  51. Common pika - Certhia familiaris
  52. Finch - Fringilla montifringilla
  53. Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
  54. Common greenfinch - Carduelis chloris
  55. Siskin - Carduelis spinus
  56. Common Redpoll - Carduelis flammea
  57. Linnet - Carduelis cannabina
  58. Schur - Pinicola enucleator
  59. Spruce crossbill - Loxia curvirostra
  60. Pine crossbill - Loxia pytyopsittacus
  61. White-winged Crossbill - Loxia leucoptera
  62. Common bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula
  63. Common Grosbeak - Coccothraustes coccothraustes
  64. Tree Sparrow - Passer montanus
  65. House sparrow - Passer domesticus
  66. Lapland plantain - Calcarius lapponicus
  67. Bunting - Plectrophenax nivalis

Nomadic birds

Nomadic birds are birds that, outside the breeding season, constantly move from place to place in search of food. Such movements have nothing to do with cyclicity and depend entirely on the availability of food.

On the territory of Russia, nomadic birds include the tit, nuthatch, jay, crossbill, shura, siskin, bullfinch, waxwing, etc.

Migratory birds

Migratory birds make regular seasonal movements between nesting sites and wintering sites. Relocations can take place both close and long distances. According to ornithologists, average speed the flight speed for small birds is about 30 km/h, and for large birds about 80 km/h. Often takes place in several stages with stops for rest and feeding. The smaller the bird, the shorter the distance that they are able to cover at one time: small birds are able to fly continuously for 70-90 hours, while covering a distance of up to 4000 km.

TO migratory birds central Russia (main types of forest zone) include:

  1. Great Great Grebe - Podiceps cristatus
  2. White stork - Ciconia ciconia
  3. Black stork - Ciconia nigra
  4. Great bittern - Botaurus stellaris
  5. Gray Heron - Ardea cinerea
  6. Buzzard - Buteo buteo
  7. Harrier - Circus cyaneus
  8. Hobby - Falco subbuteo
  9. Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
  10. Quail - Coturnix coturnix
  11. Crake - Crex crex
  12. Coot - Fulica atra
  13. Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus
  14. Ringed beetle - Charadrius hiaticula
  15. Blackling - Tringa ochropus
  16. Woodcock - Skolopax rusticola
  17. Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus
  18. Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
  19. Klintukh - Columbia oenas
  20. Common cuckoo - Cuculus canorus
  21. Common nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus
  22. Black swift - Apus apus
  23. Torquilla - Junx torquilla
  24. Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
  25. City swallow - Delichon urbica
  26. Shoreline - Riparia riparia
  27. Sky lark - Alauda arvensis
  28. Forest Pipit - Anthus trivialis
  29. White wagtail - Motacilla alba
  30. Common Shrike - Lanius collurio
  31. Common oriole - Oreolus oreolus
  32. Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes
  33. Wood Accentor - Prunella modularis
  34. Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris
  35. Deryaba - Turdus viscivorus
  36. White-browed - Turdus iliacus
  37. Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos
  38. Blackbird - Turdus merula
  39. Meadow stonechat - Saxicola rubetra
  40. Common redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus
  41. Robin - Erithacus rubecula
  42. Common Nightingale - Luscinia luscinia
  43. Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica
  44. Garden warbler - Sylvia borin
  45. Common Warbler - Sylvia communis
  46. Common Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca
  47. Black-headed Warbler - Sylvia atricapilla
  48. Willow warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus
  49. Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collibita
  50. Warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix
  51. Green warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides
  52. Marsh Warbler - Acrocephalus palustris
  53. Garden warbler - Acrocephalus dumetorum
  54. Badger Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
  55. Common cricket - Locustella naevia
  56. River cricket - Locustella fluviatilis
  57. Gray Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata
  58. Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca
  59. Lesser Flycatcher - Ficedula parva
  60. Finch - Fringila coelebs
  61. Common lentil - Carpodacus erythrinus
  62. Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniculus
  63. Rook - Corvus frugilegus

Route forms

  • Separation migration.
  • Migration by riffles.
  • Circular migration. During circular migration, spring and autumn routes do not coincide with each other.

Migrations can be either horizontally directed (from one region to another while maintaining the familiar landscape) or vertically directed (to the mountains and back).

Flight Destinations

The directions of migration of birds are very diverse. For birds of the northern hemisphere, a typical flight is from the north (where the birds nest) to the south (where they winter), and back. This movement is typical for temperate and arctic latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The basis for such relocation is a complex of reasons, the main one of which lies in energy costs - in the summer in northern latitudes the length of daylight hours increases, which gives the presenters daytime look life, birds have more opportunity to feed their offspring: compared to tropical species birds lay their eggs higher. In autumn, when the length of daylight hours decreases, birds move to warmer regions, where food base less subject to seasonal fluctuations.

see also

  • International Migratory Bird Day


  1. 1 2 Bogolyubov A. S., Zhdanova O. V., Kravchenko M. V. “Handbook of ornithology. Bird migrations" Moscow, "Ecosystem", 2006 online
  2. Introduced species Encyclopedia Britannica. Read 2008-09-02
  3. Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, David A. Christie “Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 10: Cuckoo-Shrikes to Thrushes" Lynx Editions. 2005. ISBN 84-87334-72-5
  4. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Migration of Birds. Geographic Patterns of Migration. Read 2007-09-02
  5. Wintering birds of central Russia
  6. 1 2 Berthold, P. 1993. Bird migration: a general survey. Oxford University Press, New York, New York, USA.
  7. 1 2 Thomas Alerstam "Bird Migration" Cambridge University Press
  8. Bird migration Universitetet i Oslo. Read 2007-09-02
  9. This table includes 58 species of birds found in the forest zone of central Russia mainly during the nesting period (from May to August). The order of species in the list corresponds to their systematic position.

bird migration, bird migration map

Bird Migration Information About

In the middle zone of forests of Siberia, Sakhalin and in all forests of the European part of the country, sedentary jay birds live - the indigenous inhabitants of the forest. They are wary of humans and only severe hunger sometimes makes them fly to forest cordons or to the outskirts of large cities.

Among the monotonous black or gray plumage of its relatives - rooks, jackdaws and magpies - the jay stands out for the beauty and brightness of its plumage. Its general tone is brownish-brown, almost red, the tips of the wings and tail are black, the base of the tail and throat are white, and there are blue spots on the sides of the wings that form a stripe when sitting.

The jay is slightly smaller in size than the jackdaw. Jays live in any forest in upper parts trees, but also descend to the ground. They make nests from branches and wool and hatch 5-8 chicks. Jays feed on insects; after leaf fall, they descend to the ground and collect insect pupae and acorns in the fallen leaves. They also feed on various berries, hawthorn, rowan, but also attack the nests of small birds, drink eggs and kill chicks.

The jay is the main disperser of oak. While scattering oak seeds, she often loses them in flight, so oak seedlings and young trees can be found several kilometers from fruit-bearing trees.

“Feathered forester” is the name given to a forest bird – the nutcracker, or nutcracker, which is widespread in the forests of Siberia and northern forests Western Urals. Nutcrackers are sedentary birds of the crow type, the size of a jay. Its main plumage is black, its back and belly are strewn with white spots, and the ends of its tail feathers are also white.

Cedar trees are the only distributors of cedar. The pine cone is massive, the nut is heavy, neither wind, nor rain, nor small birds can carry it far. And at the same time, somewhere off to the side, sometimes in a burnt area, many kilometers from the cedar forest, cedar seedlings are discovered.

When the cones ripen, hundreds of nutcrackers knock them down and peel them, stuff the crops with nuts and drag them in all directions to hide them in secluded corners. By creating a supply of nuts in various places, nutcrackers eat only part of them. Another part of the reserves is for many taiga inhabitants, primarily for the sable.

Every forester must remember that nutcrackers bring great benefits to forestry and must be protected.

Blackbirds are numerous in all forests. They settle in any place and hatch chicks 2-3 times a year. The nest of these birds is massive, the inside is coated with clay. Blackbirds collect insects on the forest floor and feed on berries and seeds of forest shrubs.

Woodpeckers have fully adapted to life in the forest. These sedentary birds migrate in winter, but never fly out of the forest. There are 13 species of woodpeckers living in our forests. Short wings do not allow them to make long flights.

When a woodpecker sits on a tree, it rests on its hard tail feathers. Woodpeckers have a long, pointed beak, which they use to chisel wood. The woodpecker's tongue is an important weapon for obtaining food. The tongue of this bird can protrude up to 15 cm. Having made a hole in the bark or wood with its beak and reaching the passage of the bark beetle or longhorned beetle, the woodpecker sticks its tongue into all the cracks under the bark, looking for insect larvae. Having found the larva, he pricks it on the sharp, hard tip of his tongue. The prey will not slip off such a tongue - the end is lined with sharp teeth directed backwards.

By exterminating forest pests, woodpeckers are very beneficial. They are also useful because every year they hollow out new hollows for nesting, and hollow nesters use last year’s ones.

There are numerous species of tits in our forests. They nest in hollows and artificial nesting boxes, hatch chicks twice a summer, and there can be up to 15 chicks in a brood. Each species of tit has its own favorite places habitat: blue tit sticks deciduous forests, tufted tit – conifers, great tit nests everywhere.

Tits feed on insects and their eggs. With their strong beaks, birds crush spider web nests and select caterpillars wintering in them. In summer, tits are exterminated a large number of silkworm caterpillars, which are not eaten by other birds except the rook, starling and cuckoo.

On average, a pair of birds flies to the nest up to 500 times per day, bringing about a thousand eggs during this time. different insects. Tits are the most common sedentary birds in our forests.

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All birds lead different lifestyles. The main characteristic by which they are divided into several species is migration. Scientists name 3 species: sedentary birds - live in the same territory, migratory birds - fly to warmer regions when it gets cold, nomadic birds - move from place to place depending on the amount of provisions. We will focus on the latter.

Let's figure it out!

So, which birds are nomadic? These birds, regardless of the egg-laying season, constantly fly from one place to another in search of food.

Birds fly short distances and take different routes each time. The time between flights depends entirely on the amount of food in the new place.

Good to know

Thanks to its characteristic biological feature nomadic birds populate all forests, and they are also the first inhabitants of new plantations. They consider the area where they breed to be their homeland. From year to year they try to return to continue their offspring to the place where they hatched and grew up. Nomadic birds do not correspond to the well-known phrase: “The bird will build its nest wherever it wants.”

Such adherence to principles in nesting is very appropriate for forest rangers. After all, they are terribly gluttonous and are in constant search new food. Thus, the number of pests that are in the forest where they live is reduced. In addition to protecting the forest, nomadic birds take care of the harvest Agriculture. In winter, they eat weeds and their seeds in the fields.

Nomadic birds. List:

Birds flying to warmer climes

With the onset of autumn, we see flocks in the sky that fly away to warmer climes for the winter. These are migratory birds; every year they leave their nests, but with the onset of spring they return to them again. Their number is one third of the total number of all birds.

As for the specific answer to the question of which birds are migratory, we can name the following: swallow, thrush, duck, crane, lapwing, oriole, finch and others. Frost-resistant ones remain for the winter: crow, pigeon, sparrow, tit. The reason for their migrations is quite simple - due to cold weather, the amount of food decreases sharply, and the birds are at risk of extinction. If they want to survive, they fly south to winter. Despite the long and difficult flight, their instinct tells them that more of them will survive this way than after a cold winter.

Important Note

Flight times are always different and are regulated by the weather. The direction and air temperature are taken into account more. Birds flying to warmer climes are well oriented by the stars and the sun, so they fly with ease.

Most of them return after winter to their original place to their nest. This was proven by scientists who banded birds and observed them for several years.

A little conclusion

It is very interesting to watch the flights of birds, because their bodies exhibit unique properties. Migratory and nomadic birds show their endurance during flights, and their internal organs work to the maximum. Now you know how various birds behave in different time year, and what is the purpose of their flights.

In the feathered world, migratory birds constitute a special category. These creatures lead a tense and irregular lifestyle due to climatic features that they have to face. They are inextricably linked with seasonal migrations, requiring great effort and endurance from birds. In this article we will talk about the intricacies of such life and about the birds that seasonally live in our country.

Birds are considered the most mobile creatures in the world. This is due to the structural features of their body, in particular, the presence of wings. Of course, the statement about mobility does not apply to all species of birds. (Think penguins and poultry).

All birds are divided into two large categories: sedentary and migratory. Species belonging to the first group do not need to migrate, since they live year-round in comfortable conditions. We are talking about warm countries where sources of food and warmth are abundant.

Another thing is the inhabitants of countries whose climate is favorable for birds for only a few months. Our country is among them. That is why, year after year, we observe how, with the onset of autumn, birds gather in flocks and leave their homes. To return with the first warmth, marking the onset of the long-awaited spring.

Traveling tribes

Migratory birds live in two countries. They are forced to do this by searching for a comfortable place to winter. Depending on the species, birds migrate at different times. So, before anyone else, namely in August, nightingales, swifts, and orioles leave their homeland. Waterfowl (ducks and swans) fly away only after the first frost.

The complete list of names of migratory birds whose homeland is our country is very wide.

Among them are urban:

  • swallows;
  • nightingales;
  • swifts;
  • wagtails;
  • larks;
  • robins.
  • swans;
  • wild ducks;
  • flycatchers;
  • herons;
  • finches;
  • orioles;
  • lapwings;
  • fieldfare and others.

It is noteworthy that during the wintering all traveling birds wait to return home without creating families. And only in their homeland do they form pairs and have offspring.

Migratory and nomadic

There are fundamental differences between migratory species and nomadic species. First group in mandatory with the onset of cold weather he will leave his homeland. As for nomadic flocks, they always have a choice whether to fly away or stay. It depends on the comfort level of the season, weather conditions and food. In warm winters, rooks, jackdaws, siskins, bullfinches, nuthatches and other nomads remain in their homes.

As for rooks, swans, nightingales, ducks, larks, they have no choice and therefore are classified as migratory. For this reason, you will never see them during the cold months, even if the winter is mild.

Wintering places chosen by Russian birds: Southern regions of Asia, Africa, as well as the warm regions of the European continent.

Types of nomads

Nomadic birds are divided into three types: insectivores, granivores and weather-eaters. It is these factors that shape the tendency to leave one’s homeland at one time or another. Birds whose diet is dominated by insects fly away earlier as soon as they sense that daylight hours have noticeably shortened. The weather group is birds whose diet includes insects and grain foods. When weather conditions worsen, they leave their homeland, but, as a rule, do not migrate too far.

Interestingly, the bunting acquired the status of a migratory bird quite recently. If earlier she wintered comfortably in the countryside (in hay in the stables), now, with the decline of the villages, she moved to winter in warm countries. As for ducks, the situation with them is the opposite. Now many ducks spend the winter in city water bodies, where people provide them with food.

Reasons for returning

Scientists cannot unanimously answer the question of what prompts birds to return to their homeland. But there are several hypotheses on this matter.

First: migratory birds feel discomfort as daylight hours shorten and return to their homeland, where spring begins at this time of year.

Third: in tropical forests It is impossible for birds of middle latitudes to find their usual nesting place.

Resident birds of our homeland

During the winter, these birds remain with us. Their full list impressive and has about 70 species. Among them are the familiar city sparrows, pigeons, tits, magpies, goldfinches, and crows. Forest owls, eagle owls, black grouse, wrens, jays, and bullfinches.

These birds live in winter on food such as winter berries, small rodents, grains cereal crops, left in the fields and the remains of human food. As for frosts, wintering birds can tolerate them relatively easily, unlike their heat-loving counterparts.

Distinctive features

By external signs migratory birds do not differ from domestic (sedentary) birds. Neither their plumage, nor the type of wings or the structure of their head will tell you this. The only exceptions are flightless and domesticated birds (chickens, domestic ducks, turkeys).

Traveling individuals differ in the type of food they eat and their sensitivity to reduced daylight hours. Feeling the discomfort associated with negative changes in these factors, the birds form flocks and go to the continent where the opposite trend occurs at this time of year.

These birds are also distinguished by the ability to accurately navigate in space and endurance during long periods of flight. For example, sparrows, well-known sedentary birds, cannot stay in the air for more than 15 minutes. As for travelers, they are not afraid of exhausting flights that last for days.

Basic principles of the flight

Many people are interested in how birds navigate during a long journey and how their internal navigator works. In this they are helped by interaction with the northern magnetic field of our planet. It points the birds to their homeland and helps them accurately determine their location on one or another part of their journey.

There are two types of flight: active (flapping) in swifts and swallows. And passive (soaring) in swans and storks.

Packs are formed according to a number of principles developed at the genetic level.

The strategic flight characteristics of different bird species differ depending on the size of the individuals, their weight and body structure. In particular, small birds (starling or quail) develop about 90% of their total speed from the first seconds of flight. Large birds increase speed by hitting the desired wind currents.

Swallows are brave travelers

Birds are forced to leave their nests due to lack of food, since they feed exclusively on insects.

These birds, despite their modest size and apparent fragility, are very hardy and strong.

It is worth noting that physical structure The swallow has an impeccable shape, which is created for flight: a streamlined body, a long forked tail, pointed wings and good navigation. In addition, birds quickly get used to weather changes and adapt to its conditions.

They make their flights to warm countries twice a year, each time covering enormous distances. This process involves a lot of risk. Many individuals, never reaching their destination, die from exhaustion, hunger and temperature changes. In case of unfavorable weather conditions Sometimes entire flocks of these migratory birds die. Even more information in the article

About migratory birds for children

When telling kids about the nature of migratory birds, mention the names of the most common species. Children easily remember swallows, which they associate with spring, wild ducks, flying with an even and correct key. Think of swans, storks and herons, whose majestic wings in flight are impossible not to recognize.

It is interesting for children to know where migratory birds live while it snows in our latitudes. Tell them about sunny and hot Asia, Africa, Greece, Turkey, India.

Mention that traveling birds only have chicks in their home country. And the trills and chants of these creatures are especially pronounced at home, since the creation of a family is preceded by the search for a mate. Males sing and chirp. In this way they attract the attention of a potential partner.

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