Kusnirovich Mikhail Ernestovich Bosko. Ekaterina Moiseeva: “I don’t think it’s more difficult for a woman

-What did you want to become?

EAT.: I was brought quite by accident to the University of Chemical Technology. We didn’t have a chemistry teacher in high school, and my mother, a doctor, wanted me to follow in her footsteps and go to medical school. I absolutely didn't want this. But at that time I was an obedient daughter and went to study at the chemistry school at the institute. Over the course of two years, I realized that I didn’t want to be a doctor after all.

- Saving people is not your thing?

EAT.: Then I thought that this was definitely not for me. Over the years, I realized that I would probably be a good doctor - this profession is interesting to me. At that time, it seemed to me that I should go somewhere in a light genre: musical comedy, operetta. I wanted something so musically enchanting. But when I graduated from school, there was no enrollment for comedy. Apparently, so many artists were not needed. But I told my mom and dad that I definitely wouldn’t go to medical school. Dad replied: “Okay, then become an engineer.” Because dad is an engineer. Not a doctor, but an engineer - that was clear.

- Did you learn easily?

EAT.: It was easy because I was disciplined. In general, I entered this Chemical Technology Institute with absolutely no intention of being a chemist. I thought that now I’ll last a year here, and then I’ll go to Gnesinsky. Of course, my parents constantly said that being an artist was not a serious profession.

And we met my future husband Mikhail Ernestovich Kusnirovich. He was, as they said, the main one: he led the trade union committee, the third-year propaganda team, sat on some committee, knew everyone. We, young students, came to show him the number.

And here stood mine future husband, leaning on the piano, such a simple Nemirovich-Danchenko.

We say: “Help us. Please look at the number." And he, leaning against the piano, which was actually a broken piano, says: “Well, okay, so be it.” I had a pink dress, Czechoslovakian, with tucks and puffed sleeves. And here I was in this dress and with a guitar - rehearsing. I thought I was fabulously good! This is how he saw me. I've always loved dressing up in retro style. I remember my grandmother gave me a fox, a real one, with a muzzle. And I made a coat, flared, with a waist and with a fox. This made an indelible impression on potential fans. Then there was such a weighty argument for the gentleman as a braid. Invoice. Also grandma's. From time to time I caught this braid. It used to be that on the first date he would wear a braid, and on the second, you would already think, with it or without it, maybe it was because of the braid that he fell in love with me. After this first meeting, the elders took us into their turn. Then we got to know each other better. Then I was called to a large propaganda team. I played the role of pioneer Petya! Actually, that’s how I became a chemist: I studied vigorously all these years and even received an invitation to graduate school.

But then it fell apart Soviet Union, my scientific supervisor, the famous professor Kruglikov, left, for experiments we collected mayonnaise jars, because there were no chemical utensils. In general, doing science required real fanaticism, which I did not have. And then the first cooperative cafes appeared. “Kropotkinskaya, 36”, for example.

- Restaurant "Sirena"?

EAT.: No, Siren dear! In the cafe on Kropotkinskaya they didn’t tell you: “There are many of you here, but I’m alone,” “There’s no chicken.” Apparently, then Mikhail Ernestovich had an idea: we understand what service is, we want to do it so that people are pleasant and interested, no matter what. And then Mikhail Ernestovich organized the first enterprise. He and his partner drove tour groups. Then he organized cultural exchanges. And we went as an amateur art group. Mikhail Ernestovich is a director, I am an actress. I was with him Orlova, and he is my Alexandrov. They performed in Italian villages, sang Russian folk songs and gypsy songs. I was a huge success among hydraulics.

- Wasn’t Mikhail Ernestovich afraid that the Italians would kidnap him to Orlov?

EAT.: He was very literate. Even then I had absolutely nowhere to go. I realized that he was my destiny at a crucial moment for the country, when the White House was stormed: I didn’t go to the barricades, I was worried at home, but Ernestovich went. And that’s it, I called and said: “Ernestovich, come back from the barricades, let’s go to the registry office.” And he says: “I can’t do it on Monday, let’s go on Tuesday.”

- Were the carousels already spinning then?

EAT.: These weren't carousels yet. There was tourism, then we went to Belgium at the invitation of the casino owner, who dreamed of opening a casino in Moscow and was looking for a partner. Kusnirovich always looked respectable and inspired people’s trust, so they accepted us at high level. We even tried roulette and won a whole thousand dollars! This, thank God, is the end of our story with the casino.

One day, an acquaintance came to see Ernestovich and suggested: “Let’s try to sell knitwear.” In order to keep me busy and so that I would not go somewhere else, Ernestovich entrusted this matter to me. This is how my trading career began. One fine day we opened a men's knitwear section in Petrovsky Passage.

- So you didn’t go to the market, where at that moment almost the whole country was?

EAT.: I had a very intelligent partner Arina Nikolaevna (Zhukova-Polyanskaya, daughter of People’s Artist of the USSR Nikolai Zhukov. - Forbes Woman.), art critic, - what a market there is! Arina Nikolaevna said: “Katechka, we will now do merchandising in accordance with the transition from cold to warm colors.” At that time, I only knew how to distinguish a saturated solution of copper sulfate from a weak solution by color. I still remember the grand opening of our section.

Mikhail Ernestovich came, brought some small TV and announced: “We’ll create an atmosphere now,” Pavarotti was singing there.

And on the first day we sold our sweaters so famously, from cold to warm colors. Everything is sold! He says: “Well, go to Italy, pick it up from the warehouse.” At that time, our section employed professionals who had graduated from the Plekhanov Institute. These girls, now many of them grandmothers, still work with us, and I remember how together we learned to smile at the client.

- Did you think that this was a stage, you would pass it and do something else?

EAT.: At least at first it seemed so to Mikhail Ernestovich, until he saw the results of these sales, saw that this was an interesting thing, that it could be developed. I didn’t feel anything at that moment, but Ernestovich is a strategist, he understands and feels the moment in time, knows where to develop. And I can enjoy any process. When we began to develop, we began to buy some serious brands. And interacting with these brands taught me a lot. When we opened the first Mara in 1997, it was a huge learning experience for me. Thank God, by that time I already understood Italian quite well. I even asked to go to the Max Mara store in Italy.

Was the process of developing new brands similar to the Age of Discovery, with adventures and conquests?

EAT.: The companies themselves wanted to enter the Russian market, because they felt, whatever one may say, that this was the Klondike. Nina Ricci, which we opened in 1993, sold like that - I just can’t tell you! A factory for the production of sheepskin coats worked especially for us.

- One of you is unlikely to give the other anything from Etro. How is the issue of gifts resolved in the family?

EAT.: The best gift, as you know, is a book. IN different times Kusnirovich not only gave gifts, but sometimes gave me something to read. He has been involved in my education since my youth, he believes. At first he often bought me clothes. He always stood firm on his choice: “No, wear that pink fur coat!” And it was easier to agree.

- Does Mikhail Ernestovich’s directorial talent affect intra-family holidays?

EAT.: Our whole life is a holiday! And performance. No family business just goes away like that. For example, we went to Suzdal for New Year family. We were invited close friend. Any woman will think: there is no need to prepare the table, we will come, feed you, go to bed, take a walk. We arrived, everything was fine, we came to visit. Kusnirovich immediately disappeared somewhere. I went to another house where we were supposed to celebrate the New Year. But it turns out that before that he sent an entire Gazelle there with props. The Christmas tree he likes, Soviet toys. God forbid, where we were invited, there won’t be a Christmas tree that Mikhail Ernestovich likes! Gifts prepared for 50 people of different ages - we don’t know who will be there. Sweets, these boxes of ours, tangerines, a bunch of all kinds of food, two waiters, a cook. And plus costumes - Goats, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and so on. In principle, I don’t mind, but he spent the whole New Year running around in an apron and chasing the cook with the waiters.

- The Chereshnevy Les festival was supposed to prove to Edita Iosifovna (Mikhail Kusnirovich’s mother. - Forbes Woman. ) that you haven’t become sellers at all?

EAT.: Mikhail Ernestovich always had a need for connection with art. That is, to some extent, this is an excuse that not everything is consumption: I earned money and went and bought a plane. Her recognition of Mikhail Ernestovich, his merits, that he was able to earn money in order to be close to art, has great importance. And Edita Iosifovna is now actively involved in this, it gives her strength and the need to look good. She has a business, she has a social circle - and what a social circle thanks to this festival!

How did you decide to create your own clothes?

EAT.: We made uniforms for the Olympic movement and have continued to do so for 14 years. I was thrown into developing a collection because I had a good understanding of what would sell best. The task was to create a shape that would be comfortable, practical and easy to wear. And after some time we realized that our client, to whom we were accustomed, was not satisfied with this simple patriotic design. This is how Bosco Fresh was born - clothing for a normal life with some sporty twist.

- What strategic moves have been made in the current situation?

EAT.: The situation is not easy, and it is impossible to say that we did not feel anything, this is not true. There is a decline in sales compared to last year, and there is a decline in client interest. We are smart about planning and purchasing budget for the next season, we have changed the loyalty system. Given the high exchange rate, we reduced the initial markup percentage. To keep our profit margins as low as possible, discounts had to be cut. We will create new structures for clients, new offers. Of course, we will somehow increase the efficiency of the existing business, that is, we will retain only those projects that work well. At the same time, we will still develop. Now we have to Special attention focus on quality of service. It's time for perfectionism.

- Does the exceptional proximity of GUM to the Kremlin confuse you?

EAT.: It doesn’t confuse me at all, on the contrary, in some cases it inspires me. For example, when creating patriotic collections “Bosco Sport” for our Olympians.

How did you feel when, because of a rally in support of Navalny, the flower festival, which was supposed to be held on Red Square, had to be canceled?

EAT.: I thought that we could focus on some other problems, the solution of which depends on us.

Kusnirovich Mikhail Ernestovich - President of CJSC MMD "East and West", Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company Bosco di Ciliegi (owns 50.2% of shares), Chairman of the Board of Directors of GUM.


The main projects of Mikhail Kusnirovich are concentrated:

  • in the field of trade (MMD East and West CJSC, Bosco di Ciliegi).




1989 - graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology (MHTI) named after M.I. Mendeleev (now the Russian University of Chemical Technology) with a degree in Chemical Technologist.


1989 - created the company CJSC MMD "East and West".

1989 - 1991 - worked at the publishing house “IMA-Press”.

1991 - founded the Bosco di Ciliegi group of companies.

1991 - co-owner, first CEO, then president of MMD East and West CJSC and chairman of the supervisory board of Bosco di Ciliegi.

Business secrets: Mikhail Kusnirovich

Mikhail Kusnirovich: about business


October 12, 2006 - Order of Honored Commander of the Italian Republic (the highest Italian award).

April 6, 2009 - laureate of the Italian Leonardo Prize for significant contribution to strengthening and promoting the image of Italy in the world.

February 28, 2011 - winner of the “Person of the Year 2011” award in the category “Head of Retail Business”.

Awarded a State Certificate of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation.


Since 2001, he has been the organizer of the “Cherry Forest” arts festival, during which every year stars of theater, cinema, television, artists, sports and business plant cherry trees.


Married, two children.

  • Wife - Ekaterina Moiseeva.
  • Son - Ilya Kusnirovich.


  1. Mikhail Kusnirovich. "Bosco" and catchy
  2. The richest businessmen Russia - 2011
  3. Mikhail Kusnirovich, head of BOSCO DI CILIEGI, became a laureate of the Italian Leonardo Prize
  4. The most significant people of 2011 were awarded
  5. Mikhail Kusnirovich: The cherry forest will grow for a long time if we take care of it

Russian entrepreneur, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Bosco di Ciliegi group of companies. Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Public Chamber. Kusnirovich manages more than 200 mono-brand and multi-brand boutiques, as well as the Moscow GUM. In addition to Bosco di Ciliegi, Kusnirovich established the Chereshnevy Les art festival and skating rinks on Palace Square in St. Petersburg and Red Square in Moscow. Since 2006 he has been Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.


Mikhail Kusnirovich was born on October 3, 1966 in Moscow into a Jewish family. Mother Edith is a chemist, father Ernest (died in 2006) is a civil engineer who survived the siege of Leningrad. As a child, Mikhail wanted to become a film director.





Tatyana Tarasova: I dropped out of the race forever

Today, according to Tatyana Anatolyevna, began with a call from former first lady Naina Yeltsina. She said: “Tanya, remember the state of happiness that you will have on your birthday, and go through life with it.” Fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev and businessman Mikhail Kusnirovich, who every year fills a skating rink near GUM, congratulated the honored coach. And it was Tarasova who suggested this idea to him at one time.

Bosco will no longer dress Olympians

For 15 years, Mikhail Kusnirovich’s company Bosco di Ciliegi has been developing and supplying sportswear for the Russian Olympic team. About 120.0 million US dollars were spent on this. This contract expired in January of this year. It was decided not to renew it and the place of Bosco di Ciliegi was taken by another structure - ZA Sport. In the near future, final legal formalization of relations with this company is planned. However, the main contender for concluding a contract with the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) for outfitting Olympic athletes as recently as last week was the Forward group of companies. This structure has vast experience - it has been producing clothing for almost 200 teams in 60 sports for 15 years. Moreover, the company was the official supplier of sports uniforms for the Russian team in the “Great Races” show and the 2013 Universiade. There were other proposals that were considered by the Olympic Committee.

Mikhail Kusnirovich called the conditions of the Olympic Committee inadequate

For the right to equip Russian athletes, the Olympic Committee requested 650 million rubles from the Bosco di Ciliegi group. in year. The head of Bosco di Ciliegi, Mikhail Kusnirovich, spoke about this in an interview with Kommersant. His group was a constant supplier Olympic Committee Russia (ROC) for the last 15 years, but, as it became known on Thursday, February 2, the Olympians now have a new partner - ZA Sport.

“Yes, I doubted whether to go with a proposal that was not adequate either to the situation, or to our interests, or to anything at all. I didn’t want to go recklessly - and I didn’t go. I don't know the contracted figure with the new supplier. But the expectations expressed to us by OCD were unreasonable and inadequate,” said Kusnirovich.

Mikhail Kusnirovich is out of shape

Mikhail Kusnirovich's Bosco di Ciliegi group will no longer supply clothing for Russian Olympians, which it has been doing for the last 15 years. New contract until 2024, the ZA Sport company will receive designer Anastasia Zadorina, the daughter of the head of the FSB support service and the president of the Dynamo sports club, Mikhail Shekin. In 2014, Ms. Zadorina became famous for her campaign of distributing patriotic T-shirts with the words “Sanctions? Don’t make my Iskanders laugh.”

Kusnirovich: Bosco invested $100 million in Russian national teams

The total sponsorship contribution of Bosco to the Russian Olympic and Paralympic teams is equivalent to $100 million, said Mikhail Kusnirovich, CEO of Bosco di Ciliegi. “All costumes are provided free of charge. We are the general sponsor of the Russian national team.

The owner of GUM dragged a chest the size of a Mausoleum to Red Square through the Kremlin

So what is this order? It turns out that the application must be submitted to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. There you need to describe the idea itself, without taking into account any details and nuances. This is exactly what, according to our data, the chairman of the GUM Strategic Development Committee, Mikhail Kusnirovich, did. This application is then sent to management domestic policy. For your information, this is a fairly young division and is engaged in various projects. Management specialists analyze the proposal from the point of view of its political correctness, patriotism, etc. This particular project with the suitcase did not arouse any suspicion among anyone. It simply said that all this was part of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of GUM. The suitcase is an original move, essentially a mobile museum with a historical exhibition inside. Well, who, tell me, will speak out against such creativity?

Mikhail Kusnirovich: “Either Ukraine will come up with an offer, then Croatia”

Mikhail Kusnirovich, in his words, strives to do a business that “will live for centuries.” What it’s like and what you have to be distracted by, he told Vedomosti

Create a new identity for Moscow

As befits an investment banker, I would have to evaluate all projects solely with financial point vision. In 2005, we, the founders of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, together with McKinsey, calculated a financial model for the future business school, including, among other things, the construction of a building.

Kusnirovich climbs into all holes

This company appeared on the Olympic horizon four years ago. The agreement with the ROC was concluded for three Olympics and provided for the equipment of all members of the delegation, from athletes and team leaders to massage therapists, servicemen and - scary to think! — journalists accredited to the Games through the Olympic Committee. So, in any case, ROC President Leonid Tyagachev assured us in Athens.

Business secrets with Oleg Tinkov. Mikhail Kusnirovich.

Mikhail Kusnirovich: until now we have been waiting for the right moment

One of the leaders of Russian clothing retail, the company Bosco di Ciliegi, has entered the Ukrainian market. Last Monday she opened a flagship Bosco Sport boutique in Kyiv, where she will sell sportswear. Founder of Bosco di Ciliegi MIKHAIL KUSNIROVICH told Kommersant correspondent OLGA SUSHKO about further plans for the development of a chain of stores in Ukraine.

Mikhail Kusnirovich wants to earn millions from other people's victories

At the end of December, BoscoSport’s contract with the Russian Olympic Committee for the right to equip the national team at the Quadrennial Games expires. Mikhail Kusnirovich expects to win the new Olympic tender, the price of which has increased to $80–100 million. However, sports officials are alarmed by the overzealous desire of the owner of GUM to make money on Russian sports.

Mikhail Kusnirovich drove depression into the basement

Last Saturday, GUM hosted the New Year's Bosco Ball by Sublime, entitled “A Little Depression.” The global financial crisis brought the owner of the Bosco group of companies, Mikhail Kusnirovich, to a complete abandonment of nostalgia for the Soviet style. This time the celebration looked like the most private bootleg party of the Great Depression era. However, Mr. Kusnirovich’s friends continued to demand the performance of the song “ solar circle", although unsuccessfully

Master of Brands Mikhail Kusnirovich on creativity in business and sports interest

Mikhail Kusnirovich: “Giving is an incomparable pleasure”

SOCHI, May 17. /Corr. ITAR-TASS KUBAN Tatyana Polinyuk/. On May 14, the countdown of 1000 days to the opening ceremony began Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi. Preparing for this grand event means not only the construction of facilities; the resort has received unprecedented opportunities for development. They are also noted by representatives of big business. 1000 days before the Olympics in Sochi, a new business space was opened, initiated by the Bosco group of companies. About what plans he has for Sochi famous brand, V exclusive interview Mikhail Kusnirovich, head of the Bosco group of companies, told an ITAR-TASS correspondent.

Oligarch Mikhail Kusnirovich: ‘The cherry orchard has turned into a forest’

MOSCOW ‘Never have Italy and Russia resembled and complemented each other as much as they do now. Both need to regain the harmony and culture that made Rome and Moscow unique cities. We hope for the Renaissance, you - for strong and ambitious allies. This is the secret of success.’

From his office overlooking Red Square, Mikhail Kusnirovich looks at St. Basil's Cathedral covered with snow. The owner of the ancient GUM department store and the most elegant shopping centers of the capital, after the collapse of the USSR, he decided to turn to Italy as a country that could “restore the sense of beauty to my devastated homeland.” He brought great fashion designers and Italian luxury (from furniture to kitchens) to Russia, and exports new, post-Soviet products to Italy. Having become the general sponsor of the Olympic team, Kusnirovich dressed them in things under the brand name ‘Bosco di Ciliegi’. In a few days he will open the 'Russian House' in Turin, a giant concentrate of Tolstoy's homeland, created for Olympic guests.

Mikhail Kusnirovich gave birth to a son

Famous businessman Mikhail Kusnirovich became a father for the second time. The wife of the head of the Bosco di Ciliegi group of companies gave birth to a son on Friday. Along with snowfalls, a maternity boom hit Moscow. On Friday, the owner of a controlling stake in Bosco, 43-year-old Mikhail Kusnirovich, gave birth to a son in the capital. The baby's height is 52 centimeters, and his weight is 3 kilograms 900 grams. As befits the wife of an oligarch, Ekaterina Moiseeva gave birth under the supervision of the best Moscow doctors in an elite maternity center. While waiting for the baby to be born, the expectant mother did not have to be bored alone: ​​in the ward next door, Polina Dibrova, with whom she had long been on friendly terms, was recovering from childbirth.

“I won’t do much at all for money. For love, yes.”

About roots

As a child, I was terribly afraid of the idiotic question: “Who do you love more?” Especially now, when only my mother can read the interview... Dad has been gone for almost 7 years, and every day I feel how much I am my father’s son. And, of course, my mother’s - everyone around me also knows this and feels it very much. Dad is a civil engineer, mother is a chemical technologist. One grandfather is from Sevastopol. He was a sailor, then they found out that his dad was a hatmaker, Mikhail Kusnirovich, and he had to go to the Institute of Water Transport Engineers. The second grandfather is from Odessa - a serious economist and financier. He was called the “vitamin grandfather”: he brought me not candies, but oranges and apples. He went through the entire war, and then served in Stalin’s camps from 1949 to 1956. He came out, lived with honor and dignity, worked and taught me how to live. I genetically took a lot from my parents and grandparents. Now sometimes I go up to the mirror - especially when my beard has turned gray - and I see how my dad is looking from there...

I chose my profession in my mother’s footsteps. In those years, with my last name, it was a natural path. My only uncomfortable... stupid state is connected with this. It’s not that I’m ashamed of being a “person of Jewish nationality.” But... the fact is that “according to my passport” I am Russian. Well, yes, that's how it happened. My grandfather, Mark Mikhailovich Kusnirovich, who is from Sevastopol, was the grandson of a Nikolaev soldier - a “cantonist” who served 25 years in the tsarist army. Apparently he had a lisp, because the correct last name, of course, is Kushnirovich. He was baptized, did not have to settle in the Pale of Settlement, and was registered as Russian. Well, then everyone was registered as Russian - both my grandfather and my father. When the time came for me to receive a Soviet passport and in the fifth column it was necessary to write down my nationality, then, having a choice from the metrics where my father was Russian, my mother was Jewish, I cowardly chose “Russian”. The explanations could be different - the fact that I had to go to college in six months, and the fact that the Soviet boy, of course, was saturated with Russian culture and literature, and the fact that I still didn’t know for sure that they were hitting me in the face, and not on my passport. . Although, I must admit that no one really hit me in the face like that. But my mother was very upset with me. Apparently so far. And there is a reason for it.

About childhood

I was brought up kindly and “demandingly.” Mom is deep and principled, dad is eclectic-impulsive-outgoing-bright. Grandmother, a graduate of the Leningrad Academy of Arts, is the director of the Palace of Pioneers of the Baumansky district of Moscow. I think that explains something. I was the only child in a prosperous family of technical intellectuals.

What was I really worried about? For example, I was very embarrassed that I was burring and that I couldn’t sing. But despite our family nature, I didn’t tell my parents anything.

I remember, I was five years old, I was sick, and my mother read me a book about the white-sided magpie. And I ask her: tell me, but your grandmother, was she already the daughter of a monkey? I don’t remember the answer, but my mother, a Darwinist, probably said with humor that a generation ago there were great-grandmothers, not monkeys.

I remember when I consulted with my dad, last time- shortly before he passed away. It was important decision— we were preparing to become the largest shareholder of GUM. Dad said: “Live now. Don’t wait,” I obeyed, and my childhood ended.

About teaching

I loved school, and college too, and even kindergarten. I was cheerful, charming, I was a leader. I didn't blow the teachers' ass. “Didn’t blow your ass” means “didn’t fawn.” Studied in a regular high school N 890 on the outskirts of the capital, and my parents often said that I should be transferred to a special mathematics department. But I won Olympiads, went to clubs, played football and never wanted to leave our school. I was never an excellent student, but there were almost no C grades: the responsibility weighed on me - what “Princess Marya Alekseevna” - Edith Iosifovna - would say. It wasn’t that I was afraid of my mother, but rather worried. They didn’t scold me, they just said: you will be a janitor. By the way, I was a janitor for 3 years while studying at my beloved Moscow Art Institute named after. Mendeleev. The first entry in the work book is as a janitor at the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. I really wanted to drive Grand Theatre the girl I was courting is now my wife. But I didn’t have time to work in my specialty - the country has changed completely. And chemical process engineers became unclaimed. I'm sure it's temporary. So by education I am a chemist (almost a physicist), but at heart I am rather a lyricist. An entrepreneur, in a word.

About friendship

My friends are very different - they are such an organic patchwork quilt, but the most important thing is that they are all very human. They of different ages, different social and professional status. Eat famous people, and there are completely non-public ones. Of the famous ones, I can say that Galina Borisovna Volchek is a very close person to me, and Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky, who died untimely, too... And also... here I have in my head and soul a list of 100-120 members big family, whose phone numbers I remember by heart and can use this at any time of the day or night. I call some numbers several times a day, others several times a year. But it always turns out easy and mutual. I feel good with these people. Thank you very much everyone. Whether my friends betrayed me is unknown to me. I always look for excuses, I am tolerant and patient with the weaknesses of others. To our own - no. Friendship is a sophisticated state of love.

About love

Moiseeva and I have known each other since I was 19 years old and since she was 17 – we have had a long mutual life... I fell in love at first sight, and then I “suffered” and looked after her for 6 young winters and years. At first there was a period of interested observation, then, apparently, I turned out to be too boring... What prompted her to turn to me was that for a couple of days I became a “hero” - I defended the young democracy during the putsch. Worn to White House cutlets and gas masks. On the eve of the fateful night, I stopped by to see her for half an hour, like “to say goodbye,” and a day later, early in the morning, when it was all grotesquely over, she called and proposed getting married. He says: “If you insist so much, we can go to the registry office tomorrow.” Well, here I “gave my mother” a little - yes... I gave Edith Iosifovna, that is, I paused and said: “Tomorrow is Monday, a hard day, let’s do the day after tomorrow.” And now we have been living together for 21 years, and the happiness is that we are both interested in this life, the life of our sons and parents. They lie that being in one business is destructive for the family. You just need to take yourself a little less seriously. Although I don't idealize anything. We can have a fight. She is a leader, and I am a leader too. And how my mother accepted Katya! And Katya’s mother is absolutely terrifying! I just lowered my ears, my God, where did I end up! Mom is also a leader, concentrated. In some ways she is stronger than me - she didn’t change her nationality in her passport... But today Katya and her mother, on the highest cosmic level, found a magical middle ground in good neighborliness and cooperation (here I don’t sense any sin in myself - I didn’t succumb to any neither in the other direction: both mother’s son and wife’s husband).

About success

For me, success is measured not by money, but by being in demand. And if I manage to interest people, loved ones, those who are important to me, this is a great success. Maybe I have enemies, but I don’t know them and I don’t want to know them. It seems to me that I did not deliberately do harm to anyone. In business it’s like with toys: if you take away a child’s toy, he cries. Is this a matter of life and death? No. But if I lose a toy, it’s my own fault. It’s not the boy who took it, the stronger one, it’s me who’s weak. And I must do my best to prevent this from happening, I have a responsibility to those who are with me. And before those who come after me. Therefore, I must be so trained, well, or so lucky, that this does not happen.

About the main thing

What is most important to me? I love to love. I want to please - I get great pleasure from this myself. I don’t like humiliation at all, that’s all I don’t like. I cannot rise by humiliating others. What else? Money cannot be considered the main thing - I won’t do much for money at all. For love - yes. I am ready to lose money for love and do this regularly. Yes, love can be bought. But it's also sincere. I don’t want to buy pleasure, namely love. I have no illusions that they love me only for my Brown eyes. But I don’t worry about this: for money, not for money - it’s just a form. They treat you well, they feel included - that’s great. That's where the money came in handy. What do you think, people just come to my work and try? Of course, there is a money component to this. Well, that is, money too.

About freedom

I am a dependent person, I am certainly not free from all those strings that come from other people. Moreover, being at the top of the corporate ladder, I am the most dependent of all. This burden of responsibility limits such... recklessness. In this sense, I am certainly free. I realize my need for people and their need for me.

If we talk about what is happening today in connection with freedom, this is a reactive mechanism. Both in power and in the opposition. Reactive, not proactive, not independent. Well, the anniversary of the surge of this... non-civic activity - infantilism. What else can you call it? The irresponsible infantilism of a bunch of capricious people. They good people, maybe talented, but uncreative. It happens that a child wakes up and cries for no reason. There are different mothers: one will calm you down quietly, and he will start to sleep; the other one hits him in the butt, and he cries even more. But both are mothers, and you don’t choose your mother. And the state, if it is the Motherland, is also a mother. And on both sides we now have an unconscious reflex, in fact, an unprepared, uncreative one. This makes me sad. I'm really worried. There is something to work on. And to the Motherland, and to the boys and girls.

In my opinion, these “leaders” on Bolotnaya are provocateurs. The fact that my son Ilya went there, I respect him for that. And even more so for the fact that he stopped walking. And I’ll say this about freedom of speech: if you eat out of the palm of the state’s hand, don’t you dare vilify it. Create. The theory of small affairs in practice. If you want to write whatever you want in a magazine, buy a magazine and write there. My employee can't say that Max Mara is crap. Quit and say what you want. But as long as you receive my salary, be loyal.

I am human. And from childhood I remembered that it sounds proud. This is not the case in religion. When I still had neither a wife nor a son, if I was tempted to do something wrong, I said and say to myself: what will I tell my son then? And that’s it, I didn’t do anything like that. It’s not so much faith, it’s a certain technique. Now I admit that there is a Higher unknown meaning. It turns out that I am an agnostic. At the same time, I continue to be afraid of infinity; it is inaccessible to my consciousness. Maybe I'm too rational. Romantic but rational. I admit that for many, faith is the path of knowledge. I don't want to talk about the church. I attribute the institution of the church not to faith, but to a form of social state structure that embodies certain interests. No more, no less. Apparently, I’m still young - I believe in people. What matters is not what, but who.

About fear

Like everyone, I am afraid of the unknown. This “what will happen when I’m gone?” Well, I guess I'm afraid of pain. When I have pain, when it’s already here, I’m not afraid, but when I have loved one the wound is scary. I'm afraid to look at blood or a syringe in movies. Do you know how you can lose weight? Run a lot and don't eat. Or you can go to the doctor and have some kind of operation - bandage the stomach. And this, of course, is what I’m afraid of. And I'm not going. Although it’s not like I started running because of it...

About money

Money is only a means. Why did entrepreneurs build hospitals, theaters, and libraries? Yes, because they were not loved because they entangled the country with kilometers of railways and wove their fabric for kilometers. And for the hospital, at least a little, they loved me. Let them nationalize it later, but first they loved it. They don’t like us, the restless ones. One of the people on the above list, Franco Zeffirelli, told me: “People with glasses are not liked.” And people with glasses want love. People with a certain amount of money and subordinates also want love. Unfortunately, the wealth qualification makes people seriously complex... On both sides of the qualification. I don’t like that some smart, talented people don’t want to earn money, but want to get everything and share it. I don’t like it even more when people who are not very smart and not at all talented want to grab it and leave.

About children

I try to teach children what is good and what is bad. These are all normal commandments, these are “call your grandmother” and “answer your mother.” Perhaps my expectations are disturbing my eldest son. He feels that his mother and I have very high hopes for him. He is a genetically responsible person. He is pressed by his predetermined position, he simply craves independence. I expect him to overcome laziness and at the same time the desire to develop in spite of himself.

I don’t think I learned any lessons from raising my eldest son; it seems to me that I did everything right. But Ilya probably doesn’t. He has already grown up - let him try to learn his lessons. I'm confident in him.

Now it’s the turn to raise the youngest, Mark Mikhailovich. He is not even 3 years old yet, but he is already so wonderful. A wonderful chance.

What am I? Tall - lean - blond! This is what it is. I think I'm normal. True, I am humanly normal. And in three words: I want, I can, I love. I live.

Kusnirovich Mikhail Ernestovich


Mikhail Kusnirovich born October 3, 1966 in Moscow. Mother is a chemical technologist, father is a civil engineer. In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology with a degree in chemical engineering. While studying at the university, he was actively involved in Komsomol work, and after graduation he worked at the IMA-Press publishing house, the youth division of the Novosti press agency.

In the early 1990s, Kusnirovich, together with fellow students Sergei Evteev, Evgeny Balakin and Mikhail Vlasov, went into business: the partners founded the Moscow International House East and West company, and in March 1992 they opened the first store in Petrovsky Passage. In 1993, the company Bosco di Ciliegi was founded (Kusnirovich serves as its president).

In 2001, Kusnirovich's major cultural project debuted - the annual arts festival "Cherry Forest", with Oleg Yankovsky then becoming the chairman of the board of trustees. In 2002, the Russian Olympic team began competing at the Olympics wearing clothes from Bosco di Ciliegi.

In 2004, Kusnirovich became a tenant of the Moscow GUM.

He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic and has repeatedly won various business awards.

Married. Wife, Ekaterina Moiseeva, member of the board of directors of Bosco di Ciliegi. The couple have two children: the eldest, Ilya, born in 1993, is a musician; the youngest, Mark, was born in 2010.

Pros and cons

He is a truly big and bright person, and all his projects are just as grandiose and colorful. Only he could organize a skating rink on Red Square, which both young and old were happy about, only he could change the image of our Olympic team by dressing the athletes in beautiful, stylish uniforms. His motto is “Pleasure is in the details.” It is the nuances that bring into our lives that uniqueness and brightness that is characteristic of Mikhail Ernestovich.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Troika Dialog group of companies Ruben Vardanyan


We try to fulfill all sponsors' requirements. But they seem to demand the impossible from us: that athletes walk, train, and almost eat and sleep in their clothes. But this is nonsense. Why does the same skier, who has to walk a couple of meters from the bus to the start, change clothes twice - first go to Bosco, and then put on a training suit and change into special shoes. In the end, why did our athletes come to Turin - to promote Bosco or to win medals?

Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee Vladimir Loginov

Ekaterina Moiseeva, the wife of the famous billionaire Mikhail Kusnirovich, shared revelations in our interview and opened the door to her life.

Ekaterina Moiseeva, you studied at the University of Chemical Technology. How did you get there?

It was a matter of chance. At our school, there was no one to teach chemistry to high school students. And since my mother, a doctor by vocation, prophesied the same future for me, I had to resign myself and go to study at a chemistry school attached to the university. I must say that I had absolutely no desire to become a doctor, but since I was an obedient daughter, I did not offend my parents. True, after 2 years of study, I finally realized that the medical profession is absolutely not my element.

Do you consider saving people's lives an uninteresting activity?

Yes. It definitely didn't interest me at the time. Although over time, I realized that if I had gone to study, I would have made a good doctor, because now I consider it an exciting profession. In those years, I wanted something musical, fairy-tale, so I thought it was necessary to study a light genre, for example, operetta or musical comedy. But at the time of my graduation, students were not recruited for comedy. Nevertheless, I told my parents that I would not become a doctor at any price. Then dad took matters into his own hands and said that I would be an engineer. There was no choice as to what to answer here: either a doctor or an engineer.

Was studying easy?

Yes, but thanks to my discipline. I still went to the Chemical-Technological Institute, but they decided to use a trick: study for a year and then enter Gnesinsky. My parents tried to dissuade me in every possible way, saying that the acting profession is not serious.

Fate brought me together with Mikhail Kusnirovich, who later became my husband. He knew absolutely everyone, sat on the committee, was the head of the trade union committee. In a word, he was a positive person. So we came to him to show our number. My future husband stood near the piano (as it turned out later, it was just a broken piano), leaning on it. We rushed to him with words of help and a request to look at the room. Without changing his position, he agreed.

I must say that I am student years she loved to dress up, and even chose a “retro” style for herself. I was wearing a pink dress made in Czechoslovakia with puffed sleeves and pin tucks. It was in this form that I appeared to Misha’s gaze and considered myself very beautiful. Granny also presented me with a fox skin with a muzzle. I made myself a flared coat with a waist and decorated it with that same fox. The result was stunning, especially for men. I also had a braid. True, it's a waste. And again, grandma's. A luxurious attribute to conquer a man's heart. I wore it often then.

Having learned about this meeting, the elders took matters into their own hands and Kusnirovich and I got to know each other better. Then I got into the propaganda team. This, in fact, is how I got the profession of a chemist. I was an excellent student and was even invited to graduate school. But then the collapse of the USSR occurred and my supervisor left. To study and conduct scientific experiments we had to collect mayonnaise jars due to the complete lack of chemicals. dishes and be absolute fanatics of their craft. But I didn’t have such a passion for science... And at that time cooperative cafes began to open. For example, the first of them was “Kropotkinskaya, 36”.

And the Sirena restaurant?

Well, this restaurant is quite expensive. In “Kropotkinskaya” everything was much simpler. And besides, the service there was different. They didn’t even dare say there was no chicken. But the staff didn’t complain, saying: “I’m alone here, but there are many of you.” Perhaps it was the desire to provide excellent service, to interest and delight people, regardless of the type of activity of the company, that played a role, as a result of which Mikhail organized a tourism enterprise. At first, he and his partner simply transported groups of tourists, and then began to conduct cultural exchanges. As a result, we organized art group, where I was an actress, he was a director, and we traveled through the villages of Italy, performing gypsy and Russian folk songs. And quite successfully.

Was your future husband afraid that the Italians might lure you away?

He would be very smart. Yes, and I couldn’t live without him. I realized that he was very important to me during the storming of the White House, where Mikhail went. I stayed at home. It was then that I realized that he was everything to me and immediately called him and said: “Come back home, we’ll go to the registry office.” To which he replied: “Let's go on Tuesday. Otherwise it doesn’t work out on Monday.”

Were there carousels already at that time?

No, it was not. At first we were simply engaged in tourism, then we were invited to Belgium by the owner of one of the casinos, who was looking for a partner to open a gaming house in Moscow. We were received at the highest level, since Mikhail’s solidity always aroused the trust of those around him. By the way, while in Belgium we decided to try our hand at roulette, and we even got lucky in the form of 1 thousand dollars. But we didn’t try our luck anymore.

Once, an acquaintance visited Mikhail with an offer to sell knitwear. My husband brought me into this business to occupy my leisure time. As a result, after some time we opened a knitwear section for men in Petrovsky Passage.

That is, while everyone was trying to earn something on the market, you didn’t try your luck there?

Come on, what are you talking about?! My business partner was Arina Nikolaevna Zhukova-Polyanskaya, a most intelligent lady, so the market was closed to us. Our tandem was very unusual: Arina Nikolaevna had an excellent understanding of the business, famously carrying out merchandising of goods. I was still in the world of retorts, volumetric flasks and multi-colored solutions.

I remember well with what triumph we opened our first section. Misha came to the opening, brought some kind of TV with him and turned on Pavarotti. We sold all the sweaters we had on the first day, and Misha sent us to Italy to the warehouse to buy the goods. Our staff was not just any kind, but directly came from the Plekhanov Institute. Some of them have been babysitting their grandchildren for a long time, but still work for us.

Did you think that this episode of life would soon pass and you would discover something new?

I didn’t, but Mikhail thought so at first. But as soon as he saw how profitable it was and there was an opportunity to develop further, he changed his mind. My husband is a strategist: he clearly defines the time and path on which the business needs to be directed. I just enjoy the work I do. We began to develop our business and even acquired some of our first brands. It was working with these brands that gave me a lot of new knowledge. The opening of the first Mara store in 1997 gave a special impetus to my development. By that time, I had a good command of Italian and even wanted to try my hand at the Italian store Max Mara.

Tell me, didn’t the introduction of new brands seem like the opening of new horizons, something of an adventure?

It must be said that the companies working with us themselves wanted to settle in Russia, because they understood perfectly well that there was a “golden mine” here. I remember how in 1993 we launched Nina Ricci on the Russian market. The brand was sold on Ura. In addition, we had an agreement with a factory that sewed sheepskin coats especially for us.

Ekaterina, tell me, how do you resolve the issue with gifts, since you won’t give each other something from Etro?

From time immemorial it is known that the best gift is a book. In addition, Mikhail always advised that it was best to rest. You can say that he was involved in my education. At first he just bought me the right clothes and then just controlled my outfits. Sometimes he would tell me to put on a pink fur coat. And try to disagree here - arguing is useless.

Mikhail Ernestovich has directorial talent. Does this somehow affect your family holidays?

Yes, our whole life is a continuous holiday. Simply put, we can’t celebrate any holiday. Once they invited us to visit Suzdal for the New Year. Is it bad? You won't have to cook. Let's go, they'll treat us to all sorts of dishes, we'll take a walk and go to bed. But it was not there. As soon as we arrived, Misha immediately disappeared. It turned out that the day before he had sent everything necessary for the celebration to the neighboring house, including a gorgeous Christmas tree, costumes for the Snow Maiden, the symbol of the next year and, of course, Father Frost, as well as a cook and waiters. True, I’m not against this arrangement, but my husband had to run around the whole holiday, controlling order.

The Chereshnevy Les festival was able to prove to Mikhail’s mother that your occupation did not turn you into simple sellers?

Misha constantly needed a tandem with art. In a way, this is a justification, showing that profit is not only a waste of money, but also an opportunity to be closer to art. On this moment Edita Iosifovna fully recognized Mikhail’s merits and is actively involved in art. In addition to all this, she now has a wonderful social circle, and this forces my mother to take care of herself and look great.

What made you decide to create your own clothes?

We created uniforms for the Olympic movement, which is what we have been doing for the last 14 years. Since I knew well what was best sold in clothing, I was sent to develop new collection. My goal was to create a uniform that would not only wear well, but would also be practical and comfortable. But after a while it became clear that the client for whom everything was created was not fully satisfied with our design. This is what gave impetus to the creation of Bosco Fresh, which produces clothes with a slight sports bias.

How are you coping with the current economic situation? Are there any strategies?

The situation is very delicate. This is not to say that this did not affect us in any way. Naturally, products are not sold as much as they were last year, but we are taking measures: we have changed the loyalty system somewhat, we are planning the purchasing budget wisely, we have reduced the markup due to the high exchange rate, and we have reduced discounts to maintain marginal income. Despite all this, we plan to come up with new offers for our customers and develop new structures, as well as increase business productivity, leaving only well-functioning projects. We are now focused on quality service our customers.

Doesn't it bother you that GUM is located very close to the Kremlin?

Doesn't bother me at all. Moreover, sometimes it even brings inspiration, as, for example, in the case of the creation of the Bosco Sport line for Olympians.

How did you feel about the cancellation of the Flower Festival on Red Square as a result of the rally held in support of Navalny?

It was a chance to focus on something else, those problems that are entirely up to us.
