How to recognize your future husband by last name. Fortune telling in the name of the future husband - how to find out with whom to connect fate

Christmas Eve begins best time for divination, it will last until Epiphany (January 19). It is believed that these days all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to Earth, and girls begin to guess at fate, a successful marriage and future children.

If you are not yet married, then be sure to try one of these fortune-telling. Will it suddenly come true?

1. Divination by the book

No, this is not the fortune-telling where you need to guess the page number. It works a little more interesting.

What you need? A book, preferably fiction and about love.

What to do?

  • Open the book to a page equal to your birthday. Write down the letter that the page starts with.
  • Open the page equal to the number month of birth, and write down the first letter.
  • Open the page equal to your father's birth date and also write down the first letter on this page.

Do you have three letters? These are the initials of your future spouse's name.

2. With small papers

What you need? Paper, pen, bed, pillow.

What to do?

  • Rip Blank sheet into many small pieces of paper.
  • On each of the scraps, write one male name (there can be as many as you like, remember any names that you like, or the names of all your friends).
  • Roll up the papers carefully.
  • Put them under your pillow before bed.
  • When you wake up, take out one of the folded papers and you will see the name of your future husband.

3. With small papers and water

What you need? Container with water (basin), candle (cinder end), shell walnut, plasticine and pieces of paper with names (see point 2).

What to do?

  • Attach scraps of paper with names with plasticine to the sides of the water container from the inside.
  • Light the stump of the candle and place it in the nut shell.
  • Dip the shell into the water in the center of the pelvis.
  • The candle shell should stop near one of the pieces of paper glued on the side. Then you will know the name of your chosen one.

4. On apple peel

What you need? Apple, knife.

What to do?

  • Carefully remove the peel from the apple so that it does not tear and looks like a spiral.
  • Throw the peel over your left shoulder and then watch it fall. It is believed that in the position of the peel you can see the first letter of the name of the future husband.

5. With a frying pan

An interesting fortune-telling in which you will need the help of your mother. If you live separately, then go to visit her one of the Christmas days.

What you need? Pan.

What to do?

  • Put a frying pan under your mother's bed (there is one subtlety - she should not know about it).
  • Before you go to bed, say to yourself: "Betrothed, mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes." If a mother dreams that she feeds some young man with pancakes, then he will be the bridegroom of her daughter.

6. With wax

What you need? A candle and a dish of water.

What to do?

  • Light a candle and let it melt a little.
  • Tilt the candle over the saucer and start dripping the wax into the water.
  • After a few seconds, the wax will solidify on the surface of the water in the form of one or more letters. This will be a hint at the name of the future husband.

By the way, such fortune-telling is known in a different format. You ask a question that interests you, pour out the wax and see what happens. Usually the figure is the answer (an asterisk - good luck in work or study, many stripes - there will be many trips in the year, a flower - a happy meeting, etc.).

7. On bulbs

What do you need? Several bulbs.

What to do?

  • Write on the bulbs the names of men who care about you (or who you care about).
  • Put them in water. The bulb that sprouts first will mean your man of life.

8. With a needle

And we again need pieces of paper with male names.

What else is needed? Needle or Golden ring, silk thread.

What to do?

  • Thread a 15 cm long thread into a ring or needle.
  • Big and index fingers hold the thread and bring the needle/ring to each piece of paper with the name. Freeze.
  • If over any of the names the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or spin around itself, then this is the name of your betrothed.

9. With lock and water

What do you need? Basin with water, lock with a key.

What to do?

  • Take the lock and hold it above the water.
  • Lock it with a key, saying: "Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink." Whoever dreams, he will be the groom.

10. Piece by piece

This fortune-telling will help to find out the appearance of the betrothed.

What you need? Scraps of fabric of different colors (white, black, red, brown), box.

What to do?

  • Put the pieces in the box.
  • Ask the question: “What color hair will my betrothed have?”.
  • Pull out any piece. White means light hair, black means dark, red means red, brown means blond.

In the same way, you can find out the color of the eyes and other signs.

11. Using a comb

What you need? Comb, pillow, bed.

What to do?

  • Comb your hair with a comb before bed and place it under your pillow.
  • Say: "My betrothed, dream of me" and go to bed. In a dream, you should see your future husband.

12. At the mirror

The most terrible and difficult fortune-telling. At midnight, the fortuneteller should be alone in a dark room.

What you need? Two large mirrors, candles.

What to do?

  • Set one mirror opposite the other, arrange the candles. A “corridor” should appear in the mirrors.
  • Concentrate, look in the mirror intently and motionless, carefully peer into the "corridor". In the mirror you will see the face of the future husband.
  • Examine it and say a spell-amulet: "Keep away from this place!". After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and everything will end.

13. By the name of the first person you meet

Be careful with this divination: go out beautiful girl one on the street at night can be dangerous.

What to do?

Leave the house at midnight and ask the name of the first man you see. It is believed that the name of your betrothed will be the same.

Are you going to guess at Christmas time?

Every young girl wonders what her husband's name will be. To find out this information, young ladies are sometimes ready to spend a lot of money on the services of fortune-tellers, psychics, and clairvoyants.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

In fact, you can find out the name of your spouse on your own and completely free of charge. To do this, there are several truthful ways. The most popular esoteric methods are the following: by date of birth, by hand, on cards.

    By date of birth

    This is a very simple way to find out the name of the future husband. You will need to take into account the numbers of your own date of birth. All of them are added until a specific single-digit number is obtained as a result. To make it clearer, it is worth considering the method using a specific example. If the girl was born on May 21, 1992, then the calculation will be as follows: 2+1+5+1+9 +9+2=29. Further: 2+9=11. And finally: 1+1=2. This means that the resulting number 2 is the woman's personal numerological code. You should not expect that the clarified figure will tell the whole story. detailed information about the girl's future wife.

  1. 1. One corresponds to three letters-sounds at once. These are A, C and I. The name of the future husband of the girl, whose numerological code has become 1, will either begin with the letters listed, or they will simply be often used in it. WITH special attention in this case, it is worth considering the boyfriends Alexei, Artem, Igor, Svyatoslav, Sergey.
  2. 2. Two - letters B, T, Y. Boris, Bogdan, Tikhon, Timofey, Tamerlane can become a girl's husband.
  3. 3. Three - letters B, K, U. It is more often worth communicating with Vitaly, Valery, Vasily, Konstantin, Cyril, Usman.
  4. 4. Four - the letters G, F, E. You need to take a closer look at Gregory, George, Fedor, Emmanuel.
  5. 5. Five - the letters Z, R, Sh. Pay attention to Ruslanov, Romanov, Zakharov, Zabirov.
  6. 6. Six - the letters E, N, C, Y. These are the names of Jan, Yaroslav, Eugene, Elisha, Nikita, Nikolai.
  7. 7. Seven - the letters K, O, Ch. The list of male names includes Oleg, Konstantin, Kupriyan.
  8. 8. Eight - letters P, L, Zh, Sh. These are Shamil, Zhora, Leonid, Leopold, Peter, Pahom, Pavel.
  9. 9. Nine - letters M, D, X, Yu. Corresponds with the names Matvey, Yuri, Danila, Dmitry.

The list of names is indicative. It can be greatly expanded.

By hand

Palmistry will help a woman clarify the name of her future betrothed. This special divination system makes it possible to read the past, present and / or future of a person by some features of the structure of the palm. Irregularities, lines, tubercles of the hand are taken into account. People who are well versed in the science under discussion usually note that it will not be possible to determine exactly how the girl’s husband will be called by the hand. But you can try to determine what letter his name will begin with.

This will require an assistant:

  • The second person squeezes the woman's hand in a special way. It is necessary to cover her palm in two places with your hands at a distance of about 10–12 cm and begin to twist the skin in different directions. This should not be done too actively and intensively, otherwise the girl will feel pain.
  • During twisting, you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the hand. Wrinkles will form on it.
  • Among the “wrinkles” that have appeared, you need to try to find symbols that resemble letters in outline.

The found letter is considered the first in the name of the future husband. If there are several, then you need to pay attention to the clearest.

By cards

To find out the name of the betrothed, you can also refer to the cards. Correctly guessing at them if desired, any girl will succeed.

You need to use a new deck of cards. If only the old one was at hand, then she needs to spend three times around the doorknob.

Women dream of knowing everything about the future. Even in ancient times, fortune-telling for the betrothed was popular, and in modern world there are new ways to know your destiny. Numerological analysis of the date of birth is one of them.

Numbers play a huge role in our life. They help predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. Numerology is the study of numbers. It is she who gives us the opportunity to predict the future.

Destiny Number Calculation

The calculation of the number of fate is very simple. To do this, you will need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on 12/06/1995. In this case, 0+6+1+2+1+9+9+5=33. That's not all. You should get a number in the range from 1 to 9, because only with them numerology can work. Therefore, once again add our numbers: 3 + 3 = 6. For the date of birth December 6, 1995, the number of fate is 6.

Deciphering your destiny number

Unit. If your number is 1, then the name of your future husband will be short and sonorous. Most likely, the letters A, N will be present in his name. It could be Andrey, Anton, Nazar, Nikita.

Deuce. With such a fate number, most likely, a man with a long name will become your chosen one. His name will most likely contain the letters C and Z. The most possible names for you are: Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav.

Troika. The owners of such a number of fate will be lucky enough to meet their husband with a pretty unusual name, which will contain the letters I, Y, F. Wait fateful meetings with Philip, Innocent, Heraclius, Fedosey, Timothy, Porfiry.

Four. The number Four is a symbol of the fact that the name of your future husband with the most ordinary name or, conversely, with a very ancient and rare one, in which there will be an abundance of letters B and M. Pay attention to names such as Vladimir, Vadim, Miroslav, Matvey, Varlam.

Five. The letters P, T correspond to the five. Your husband can be a man whose name you may not like at all. It is possible that your future chosen one is Rostislav, Rustam, Timur, Trofim, Taras.

Six. The number 6 indicates that your future husband may have a name in which the letters E, X and M will occur. Evdokim, Emelyan, Efim, Mikhail, Khariton are the most likely options.

Seven. The number Seven is a messenger that you will choose a man with a very strong name, in which there will be letters G, O. Here are the most likely names for your future husband: Igor, Ignatius, Hilarion, Oleg.

Eight. This number of fate is obtained from those women whose future husbands are men with names in which there are letters D, C and L. Most likely, you will meet Dmitry, Denis, Leonid, Savely, Svyatoslav.

Nine. The number Nine is the number of those ladies who will meet a husband who has the letters C, E in his name. The most likely names of your future husband are Sergey, Semyon, Stepan, Evgeny.

Of the special cases, it is worth highlighting the dates of birth in which the day and month are the same or mirrored. The same day and month is evidence that the name of your future husband may be the same as that of your father, grandfather or brother. If you have already been married, then the name of the second husband may be the same as the name of the first. A mirror date like 01.10 or 21.12 is an indicator that you can meet a man with an unusual or non-Russian name, as well as with a non-standard view of the world. The character of a man in this case can fully correspond to his name.

There is another special case - this is when there are at least 4 identical digits in the date of birth. For example, 04/22/2002. Four identical numbers indicate that the name of your future husband can be paired with yours. If your name does not have a paired masculine name, then such a case is not important for you.

Take advantage of conspiracies and rituals for a happy marriage if you think that problems may await you on this front. In love, it is important to always do your best in order to achieve the best results. Good luck will be with you if you set yourself the right goals and stick to them. Numerology will help you with choosing the path.

How to find out the name of the husband (future)? This mystical question is asked by almost all girls who dream of finding family happiness as soon as possible. It should be especially noted that today there are quite a few fortune telling that will help you find out who your spouse will be. Someone in the process of rituals uses fire, water, fruits and other attributes, while someone relies on his palm.

Today we will present to your attention several options for how to find out the name of your husband (future). Their reliability is not one hundred percent, so you should not take funny girlish fortune-telling too seriously.

How to find out the name of the future husband by hand

Palmistry, i.e. divination by the palm of a person, is known to be the most popular way to find out your future. But with the help of palmistry, no one has yet been able to determine the name of the intended spouse. After all, the data that a specialist collects, looking at the hand of a girl or woman, are more general in nature. So, an experienced palmist can tell you about what kind of man you will marry (character traits, appearance etc.), how many children you will have, whether you will live with him all your life or your palm predicts another marriage.

If you are impatient to find out who will be your spouse, then you can use other types of prediction for this.

Divination by hand in the name of her husband

Palmists are powerless in this matter, but you can still find out by hand what letter the name of the spouse will begin with. Surely, everyone in childhood made the so-called "nettle" to their friends. For divination, we need the same scheme. You need to ask a friend to take your hand in the forearm and “twist” the skin in different directions as if you are squeezing laundry, and the distance between the palms should not be less than 10 centimeters. While your friend holds her forearm in this position, you should look at your skin. After the described steps inside your hand should form multiple folds. Looking at them, you can see various symbols. If a letter catches your eye, then it is with it that the name of your spouse will begin.

The first man I met

You can find out the name of the future husband as follows: in (immediately after the chiming clock) you need to go for a walk and ask the first man who comes across what his name is. This name will be the name of your future spouse.

On the peel of an apple

How to find out the name of the husband (future) using an ordinary apple? To do this, take one large fruit and peel it in a spiral, trying not to tear the ribbon of the peel. Next, you need to transfer it through right shoulder. The symbol that comes out of the peel will be the initial letter of your spouse's name.

By clover

How to find out the name of the husband (future) using an ordinary plant for this? To do this, you need to find a four-leaf clover and place it in the right shoe. The name of the first man with whom you will meet in the future will be similar to the name of your spouse. It is likely that this guy will make you a marriage proposal.

On paper

There is another proven method that can tell you what the name of your future spouse will be. For this in new year's eve you need to take a clean piece of paper and cut it into 20 equal squares. Next, on each scrap, write any male name. Roll up the papers, place them under your pillow, and go to bed without talking to anyone. The next morning, without getting out of bed, take out one piece, unfold it and find out what name your spouse will have. It should be especially noted that in this way you can make any wishes, but only on New Year or Christmas.

With water and nutshells

How to find out the name of your future husband during carols? For such fortune-telling, you will need a basin with cold water, half a walnut shell, a small candle (cinder end), matches or a lighter, plasticine, paper and a pen.

Before proceeding with the prediction, you should cut a blank sheet into several pieces, and then write any male name on each of them. Next, the papers need to be glued to the sides of the pelvis (in diameter), using plasticine for this. By the way, you must first pour into this container cold water. After that, you should take a nutshell, put it in it and light it. Having lowered a kind of boat into the center of the pelvis, it is necessary to wait and see which “shore” it will sail to. Your betrothed will be called exactly as it is written on the piece of paper to which the nutshell “moored”.

With a golden ring

As you know, the golden ring is a symbol of marriage, family and fidelity. It is this decoration that will help you find out who your betrothed is. Take a blank sheet, cut it into several small pieces and write any male names on each of them. Next, they need to be laid out in a chaotic manner on the table. Take a gold ring (it is undesirable to use someone else's wedding ring), thread an ordinary thread up to 15 centimeters long into it. Holding the thread with the index and thumb, the decoration must be brought to each piece and freeze for a few seconds. If the ring spontaneously swings over one of the pieces of paper or makes circular movements, then you should remember the name written on this piece of paper, because this is how your spouse will be called.

Christmas divination

If you want not only to know the name of your spouse (future), but also to see him, then the next one will suit you. On the night of Christmas, you should let your hair down and comb it well with a comb, sitting in front of a mirror by candlelight. Next, you need to place the comb under the pillow and immediately go to bed. Many lovers of such predictions claim that on this night in a dream their betrothed comes to them. If you didn’t dream of anyone, then this means that this year you will never meet your love. But do not be upset, because the next meeting will certainly happen!

Life becomes more interesting when some of its secrets are revealed. And one of the most intriguing secrets of fate is the name of the future husband: few girls refuse to find out this information. Divination in the name of the betrothed is quite easy. The only condition is that you need to believe in the power of the ritual being performed and really want to “get acquainted” with the groom in absentia.

When and how to find out the name of the future husband at home?

Rules of magical work

Divinatory practices are an art that can be studied all your life. Experienced practitioners literally know how to perform predictions on their knees, but novice witches are advised to adhere to a number of conditions that contribute to a more effective and reliable result.

There are many questions about the optimal time to get a prediction. It has been noted that some dates are better than others:

  • fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed at Christmas is successful for girls who are under the auspices of the Christian egregore (who feel sympathy for the forces of this religion and are ready to make deals with them);

  • the period from Christmas to Epiphany is ideal for all conjurers, since divination in the name of the betrothed for Christmas time has been performed for hundreds of years, and the rituals are well developed from an energy point of view. If the rite is performed correctly, then even the absolute beginner will discover the truth;

  • on your own birthday, it is easy to find out the name of the betrothed: fortune-telling is successful, since on this date the gates to thin world. Any predictions will be obtained, especially with an established connection with the tribal egregore (you can talk about it if the family honors the memory of deceased relatives, and the dead themselves sometimes communicate with the living through signs or dreams);

  • you can find out the name of your betrothed on the eve of the New or Old New Year. As in the case of Christmas time, these holidays have been worked out by many generations, and therefore allow you to access hidden information without much difficulty.

It is permissible to perform the ritual on a normal day, but it is better to confirm the results on a “special” date.

The rules of predictive rites are standard:

  • Do not tell anyone about the planned work.

  • Guessing alone.

  • Be confident and not be afraid. Fear burns a person's energy resources, making him magically helpless.

  • Believe in ritual. The rite must be chosen for yourself: if it does not cause rejection, then the chances of success increase significantly.

  • Keep calm and humor. A successful prediction assumes that the fortuneteller does not take the process too seriously and gives herself the right to make a mistake. In this state, all inner feelings are sharpened, and it is very easy to get an exact answer.

Divination in the name of the betrothed with a ring

The ring is a unique piece of jewelry. It is a closed circle, due to which the energy integrity of the product is ensured. This feature gives the jewelry such a powerful magical and predictive potential. To find out the name of your betrothed, you need to wait for the evening: when the sun hides behind the horizon, the world guards its secrets less carefully.

For the ritual you will need:

  • a simple ring without stone and thread (silver or copper);

  • thin wax candle;

  • strong thread;

  • a piece of paper with the alphabet written on it.

It is necessary to light the wick: if the first time does not work out, then fortune-telling should be stopped, since no answer will be received today. You need to carefully put the ring on the candle (it will lie on the table or catch on the candlestick) and say the plot:

“My betrothed-mummers wanders around the world, looking for a ring, looks at the ground, can’t find it in any way, remembers his little name and tells me. What is your name, mummer?"

When the candle burns out to the end, you should hang the ring on a thread. Get a kind of pendulum. It must be held over a sheet of paper - the ring, deviating, will point to the letters that will form the name of the betrothed.

How to find out the name of the future husband from the book

Working with text is very simple, since the answer will be unambiguous: the universe will not have to look for ways to give a fortuneteller a sign - it is enough for the girl to see the printed word. For the ceremony, you only need a book (preferably an art book, but a directory of names is also suitable). Technical literature is not relevant for obvious reasons: the probability of meeting a name there is low. You should put both palms on the book and, concentrating, pronounce the conspiracy:

“Where is my betrothed, dressed up, sent by fate, given by heaven, led by God, wandering along the paths, not knowing my name, waiting for a meeting with me. Let his name be revealed to me, let it catch my eye, let it not hide from my eyes, let it become known to me that she should wait for her betrothed, call by name.

Divination in the name of the betrothed on pieces of paper

You just need to make a request - and fate will give an answer. As in the case of the book, it is not difficult to find out the name of the future husband on paper: in a second of insight, the girl’s hand will independently draw out the right, true name.

You will need:

  • large clay pot;

  • as many pieces of paper as possible;

  • pen or pencil;

  • blue or black thick fabric.

The first thing you need to do is prepare. It is recommended to write a male name on each piece of paper: the more there are, the higher the chances that the fortuneteller will come across exactly “the same one”. One piece of paper is traditionally left blank; her falling out indicates that the prediction failed because the correct name was not available. All notes should be thrown into a pot, covered with a cloth and mixed. Next, you need to say the text three times:

“I cook, I cook, I heat the oven, I bake pancakes for my betrothed, but who should I call? How to contact the groom? You tell me, fate, destiny, tell me a sweet little name, do not conceal the truth from me, so that I call the groom for pancakes.

It is enough to put your hand into the bowl and pull out the first piece of paper that comes across. The name written on it belongs to the future spouse of the witch. If desired, after completing the fortune-telling, you can bake pancakes and put them on the windowsill, expressing gratitude to higher powers.

How to find out the name of the betrothed in a dream

The spirit of a sleeping person is partially freed from the "tyranny" of the body, and many hidden things become available for understanding. This should definitely be used. Not many attributes are needed:

  • a glass of clean water;

  • honey;

  • twig or wooden spoon.

It is necessary to sit in bed, pour more honey into the water and mix it well. The resulting liquid is drunk in one gulp, after which a conspiracy is pronounced:

“Outside the city there is a tall house, in that house an ancient old woman, brews honey brew, gives me water, dooms me to torment, you, betrothed, come to me, appear in a dream, save from the old woman and tell me your name, I will thank you, forever imechko I will remember yours."

Next, you need to go to bed. You should not pay attention to thirst: it will soon pass, replaced by an amazing dream. In it, the girl will be able to find out the name of her betrothed; it will be called by her, either by the young man himself drawn into the dream, or by some entity. The main thing is to record the received information somewhere immediately after waking up, since it very quickly disappears from memory.

The easiest way to find out the name of the betrothed

If there is no desire to carry out any ritual actions, you can use the easiest way to predict. All you need is determination and self-confidence. Focusing on the desire to know the name of the betrothed, they say:

“I appeal to fate, I want to know the name of my beloved, don’t hide the truth from me, as it is - tell me everything!”

Immediately after that, they go out into the street and ask the name of the first man they come across: the girl’s husband will wear exactly the same. If the stranger refuses to name himself, then the fortuneteller will either never marry, or this event is still very far away.

In fact, there is nothing easier than finding out the name of the betrothed. But such predictions have one danger: in the future, the conjurer may begin to reject all the guys who are called “wrongly”. Thus, she will make an irreparable mistake, depriving herself of the necessary experience determined by her fate.
