Love horoscope for October 10th Libra. Love horoscope for Libra for October

Zodiac sign In October 2017, Libra will take a fairly confident and promising position, largely due to the favorable position of the Sun and Venus. At the same time, solar energy will clearly prevail here, and this is natural, because in the usual position the ruler of the firmament is quite aggressive towards Libra. However, all this is just a background; it makes sense for you personally to focus on practical aspects. In the work area, it is likely that difficult situations, which, however, will become a real incentive for you, which will allow you to achieve what you want and move on. This applies to both Libras who work for themselves and those who do not have their own business. Likewise, it will not make a significant difference whether you are single or “burdened” with a warm, affectionate and intimate relationship. Thanks to Venus (which will now help almost all signs, with rare exceptions), your diplomatic skills, your charisma and your ability to persuade will receive special “bonuses”, so it makes sense to concentrate on relevant opportunities. Just be careful, don’t flirt and don’t become narcissistic. This will strengthen the position of aggressive Mars, which, under the right circumstances, can quickly and confidently destroy all your plans.

The work front in October 2017 for Libra will be characterized by increased dynamics. Yes, now you will have to work hard, but the result, believe me, will exceed all your expectations. The main thing is to properly motivate yourself. If you have your own business, you should think about expanding; now is the time to implement daring projects. If necessary, ask for help from friends or even competitors. Remember that now diplomacy will work wonders, and in any case it is worth focusing on the communication aspect. At the same time, the second month of autumn will probably be the ideal stage for frank experimentation. Now you shouldn’t be afraid to make a mistake, because even under the most unfavorable set of circumstances, provided the motives are noble, the damage from the mistake will be minimal. For those who don't have own business, we will talk about initiatives that were probably shelved at one time. As has already been said, do not hesitate to ask for help, if, of course, you want to achieve what you want. But don’t be cunning, don’t make promises that you can’t keep. Any lie will strengthen the position of Mars and then circumstances will begin to develop not at all in your favor.

In the sphere of personal relationships, Libra will receive everything they need in October 2017. That is, already at the dawn of the first decade, something will turn out extremely well, so much so that you may well decide that you can do everything! In essence, this is so, just do not forget to look back in time and evaluate the path you have traveled. Your experience now can help not only, or rather, not so much you, so look at the world more broadly than you are used to. Be independent in your judgments; the stars recommend not taking any specific orientation, but acting according to the circumstances, so to speak, going with the flow. If you have an irresistible desire to gain the attention of a certain person, then you should act in the most active way, and now originality in any of its manifestations will play into your hands. If you don’t have such a need, then you should pay attention to your home. You can prevent several conflicts now if you are vigilant. There is nothing particularly heroic here, but you will be pleased, and besides, you will save yourself from unnecessary trouble. In general, this is an extremely positive, and, in general, frankly calm period. Only Mars can break the idyll. Don’t get angry and don’t let others get angry, act quickly and clearly, avoiding equivocation, otherwise everything will not turn out as positively as described above.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign Libra:

In October, most of Libra's attention will be directed to the sphere of work and business. At this time, you will want even more independence and power in this area.

In October, you need to pay important attention to your health. Excessive exhaustion can lead to illness. Therefore, do not forget about time to rest and do not test your body’s strength.

In the sphere of personal relationships, the horoscope predicts pleasant events. Friendship and love will literally follow you around.

The influence of Mars in this area may force you to take active action. You are ready to do great things for the sake of love. However, all that is really required is to show a little love to those close to you.

In October, your desire for justice will be intensified several times; try not to judge harshly those you love.

In the financial sector, the most active will be the end of the month. 26 and 27 there is a probability of significant events in money.

Throughout October 2017, the beliefs and views of the Libra man and woman will change dramatically. You will be able to look at life from a new angle, and these views will definitely help you in the future. This is a favorable month to become better and kinder.

Career horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

The career field promises unforeseen and unpredictable events. This field will require hard work and effort from you and you should not expect instant rewards. There will be rewards, but closer to the end of the month.

This month there is a possibility of business trips and travel for work. The most successful direction is north.

If you are an employee, there is a possibility of conflicts with co-workers and management. Therefore, do not interfere in controversial situations. Your job is to focus on your work.

In October, you should rely only on yourself and your abilities. Don't expect someone to come along who will solve all your problems.

Financial horoscope. The influence of Jupiter promises to make Libra's life carefree. There is a possibility of large influxes of money. We can say that this will be one of the most profitable months of the year.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

In the area of ​​personal relationships there is a possibility of some difficulties. This is a time when you will have to go through some changes in your relationships with your friends.

In love, the horoscope promises respect and romance. This area will bring deep emotions and experiences. But some of you won't need this.

If you already have a loved one, a larger event may occur. For example: pregnancy, marriage or divorce.

In October, couples united by the power of love will continue to enjoy their happiness, and weak unions may fall apart.

If you are single, you can meet your loved one in the professional field or study.

Health horoscope for October 2017

Until the 20th, your health will be fragile and weak, so you need to observe the principle of moderation in everything. Try to save your energy and not live at a dizzying pace.

In the field of love and relationships, radical changes are coming in October. Alas, not all of them will be desirable. The horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 recommends standing up for your positions and fighting for what you already have. It is important not to give up in difficult moments; problems will strengthen you and give you strength for new achievements. In October, only those who are already “on horseback” can expect peace agreements.

Many will despair because everything around them is collapsing like a house of cards. After a while, you will understand that the cataclysms of October led to.

The horoscope for October does not promise easy paths, but if you keep your spirits up, then luck will smile on you too. This month is not conducive to fantasies and illusions, it’s time to act!

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Aries

Love horoscope for October Aries woman predicts many obstacles on the path to a happy personal life. Your chosen one turned out to be completely different from what you imagined him to be. Where did that gentleness and participation go? Even if you constantly compromise first, it is still unlikely to change the situation. Aries needs to prioritize and decide whether to continue in a grueling relationship.

Love horoscope for October Aries man promises so much work that it will be difficult for him to find even a couple of hours for a date with his chosen one. Due to such busyness, you may get stuck love affair at work. Aries may resume long-standing love relationships that were interrupted on his initiative.

Aries family in October

The horoscope advises you to be especially attentive to your household. If one of them is sick, then you need to take care of them even more and help financially. Temporary rest from the hassle and everyday problems You can organize it together with your spouse. Aries will take a vacation and go on a trip. It doesn't have to be the sea and the beach, but interesting country, which you have long dreamed of visiting. In October, Aries will try to return the old romance and passion with the help of courtship, gifts and confessions. The main thing is to be sincere with your loved one.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Taurus

Love horoscope for October Taurus woman advises to show care and tenderness towards the chosen one. Don't try to change the man you love to suit you. In October, Taurus will have a pleasant journey with his chosen one. Quarrels may arise out of nowhere, but a wise decision should change everything.

Love horoscope for October Taurus man does not recommend demonstrating alienation and indifference towards the chosen one. Even if you had a fight, still be gentle and not too categorical. In October, it is better for Taurus to change anger to mercy, and not give free rein to jealousy at all.

Taurus family in October

The horoscope predicts a lot of troubles associated with close relatives. You will have to solve financial and everyday problems for them, but you will have enough strength for everything. Try to raise your children not with carrots and sticks, but with wiser methods. Don’t pamper them with money, but give them attention, then you will become a true friend to them. In October, Taurus and his spouse will find a common hobby that will unite and improve family relationships. It is necessary to rethink values, and to put in the foreground what was previously the most important thing - love, sincerity and trust.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Gemini

Love horoscope for October Gemini women does not advise losing your head because of feelings. Even if you sincerely love a man, you first need to get to know him well, and then make plans for the future. If work is most important to your partner, then it is better to postpone legal marriage. Gemini will often have to go out into society with their lover, so take care not only of yours, but also of his wardrobe.

Love horoscope for October Gemini men promises wonderful romantic evenings alone with your chosen one. You will finally understand that you have found the one you have been looking for in the human stream for a long time. In order not to ruin a beautiful connection in October, Gemini should remember romance and surprises.

Gemini family in October

The horoscope promises a difficult month when they will constantly quarrel and find fault with their spouse. Just don’t let it into yours family problems relatives, otherwise thunder will break out in broad daylight. In October, Gemini will want to retire for a while and take a break from troubles. If you have a country house, then go live close to nature. Don't be too selfish and stingy with your feelings. Financial difficulties will contribute to the relationship with a loved one.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Cancer

Love horoscope for October Cancer woman does not recommend rushing things in your personal life. Let everything go as usual, and not as you planned. Think less about how everything will collapse, and create more in love. In October, Cancer can go on a trip with a loved one. This will be an unforgettable time when feelings for each other will flare up with new passion. Love horoscope for October Cancer man predicts the month when he will fall under the influence of relatives. They don’t like your chosen one, which is the reason for constant disputes and conflicts. If in October Cancer follows the lead of others’ opinions, he will remain alone for a long time.

Cancer family in October

The horoscope promises a relationship on the side that the whole family can find out about. But you are unable to cope with the feelings that overtook you. It is advisable to take care of household chores and raising children in October. If a child has been asking for a dog for a long time, then in October Cancer will have to fulfill his dream. Go outdoors with your family more often, even if the weather is cool. Gatherings around the fire, songs with a guitar and the smell of autumn will inspire you with new emotions and give you a lot of impressions. Distant relatives may come to visit Cancer in October - with surprises and news.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Leo

Love horoscope for October Leo woman recommends cooling your ardor a little. Sometimes in love you want peace and stability. If Leo begins to force his opinion on his partner too actively, he is unlikely to put up with it. In October, frequent quarrels, showdowns and jealousy are possible. If there is a chance to remain friends with your loved one, then Leo should do so.

Love horoscope for October Leo man advises focusing on your own appearance. If you want to please and conquer your chosen one, then update your wardrobe, go to the hairdresser and lose excess weight. Leo himself will notice how he has transformed and attracts the eyes of women.

Leo family in October

The horoscope reminds that his home is a fortress, and close people are his support. Don’t spend all your time with friends and at work, then you can devote it to your spouse and children. They have been waiting for your participation in household chores for a long time and everyday issues. In October, Leo should not “growl” at his loved one and harass him with interrogations, such as “where were you and why didn’t you call?” You need to make tyrannical efforts to maintain peace and harmony in the family. But stubborn Leo will do everything possible for this - take time off, buy gifts and arrange romantic dinner by candlelight.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Virgo

Love horoscope for October Virgo woman promises not just a bright romance, but also an official proposal. A sea of ​​fans, going out, recognition and luxurious gifts - all this will be in autumn month. The main thing is to figure out for yourself what you expect and what you strive for in your personal life. In October, Virgo will have to seriously work on herself and the mistakes she has made. You should not present your chosen one with something of which he is absolutely not guilty.

Love horoscope for October Virgo man advises you to keep your temperament within the bounds of decency. Jealousy towards your partner is unfounded, and your nagging can lead to a break in the relationship. In October, it is better for Virgo to spend time on work and her favorite hobby than to debrief the “flights” of a love affair.

Virgo family in October

The horoscope promises a month when many plans are realized instantly and without unnecessary delays. Especially if you are planning a trip with the whole family, or decide to make cosmetic repairs. In all her endeavors, Virgo will be supported by her husband and children, and relatives will give wise advice on home improvement. In October, a desired pregnancy is possible. All pressing issues - domestic and financial - Virgo should be discussed at the family council. In this case, your relationship will be even stronger and more sincere. Don't forget about cultural events– theater, cinema and concerts.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Libra

Love horoscope for October Libra women predicts a lot of signs of attention from the opposite sex. There is a high probability that yours will start in October beautiful novel, which will make you forget all previous attachments. In October, a certain wealthy gentleman will shower Libra with gifts, surprises and offers.

Love horoscope for October Libra men advises to be more sociable and make contact with an open smile. Moreover, before this you were in a gloomy state and were depressed that your personal life would not improve. In October, everything, on the contrary, depends only on Libra. Any Lady will answer you “yes” if you look after her beautifully.

Libra family in October

The horoscope predicts an unexpected arrival of relatives who will constantly meddle in their lives and try to arrange everything according to their plan. The main thing is, don’t freak out and don’t conflict with them, otherwise all the negativity will affect your relationship with your spouse. October is not suitable for a long trip with the whole family. Therefore, Libra should limit themselves to forays into nature, to a cafe or to visit friends. At the end of the month, problems with the health of young children are possible. Find a good doctor or have your child examined at a clinic recommended by close friends.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Scorpio

Love horoscope for October Scorpio woman predicts Difficult choice between two gentlemen. Pass this test with dignity and try to behave tactfully. A friend will tell you her love secret in October. The chosen one will be constantly jealous of Scorpio for the fans crowding around the house with bouquets of roses. Well, what can you do if you are so attractive?

Love horoscope for October Scorpio man advises showing your companion your most strengths character. For example, determination, confidence and selflessness. Just don’t act like an owner towards your partner. Scorpio needs to respect the opinion and choice of the one he loves.

Scorpio family in October

The horoscope recommends being careful with affairs on the side. Of course, it will be difficult for you to resist those compliments and winks addressed to you, but try to remember that you are an exemplary family man. A sudden infatuation is temporary and unnecessary. In October, Scorpio will often have to argue with his spouse on various issues - from household to financial. If you cannot visit your parents often, then do not forget to at least call them. By the end of October, the crisis in the Scorpio family will subside, and relations with the marriage partner will normalize.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Sagittarius

Love horoscope for October Sagittarius woman advises you to become more diplomatic and a little cunning in order to win the favor of the man you like. Sometimes, you need to change not your life, but your attitude towards it in order to become happier. In October, Sagittarius will decide to return a past relationship, the breakdown of which was not her fault. Think a hundred times before stepping into the same river twice.

Love horoscope for October Sagittarius man recommends being less suspicious and pestering your partner with questions. Trust and openness are what you need to have a successful personal life. Many Sagittarius will want an open relationship, so they will start having affairs on the side.

Sagittarius family in October

The horoscope predicts a slight shake-up in their seemingly long-established and well-established life with their spouse. But sometimes such cataclysms are simply necessary to once again verify the sincerity of feelings. In October, Sagittarius will give warmth and care to all relatives. Many will even be amazed by such changes in your behavior, so do not disappoint your household. Children should not make promises that you cannot keep in October. At the end of the month, Sagittarius will have to resolve inheritance issues, and urgently.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Capricorn

Love horoscope for October Capricorn woman promises a lot of excitement and experiences in an amorous life. If you find an approach to your partner, then nothing will separate you. In October, Capricorn may be formally proposed to by a much younger man. In this case, remember the saying - all ages are submissive to love.

Love horoscope for October Capricorn man promises a romantic month, when there will be many fans and self-confidence will not let you down. It is better for Capricorn to exclude excessive pickiness and attacks of jealousy. Such an attitude in October can only ruin a love relationship.

Capricorn family in October

The horoscope predicts a lot of hassle and everyday problems that will have to be solved in an emergency. If you want to hear words of support, then turn to close relatives, not friends. Financial difficulties may arise in the family, but they will not be connected in any way with your laziness or lack of initiative. A harmonious environment in the family will rest entirely on the shoulders of Capricorn. You will not only take economic issues seriously, but also thoroughly engage in raising children. At the end of October, take care of the health of your elderly parents.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Aquarius

Love horoscope for October Aquarius woman recommends registering your relationship with your chosen ones and planning your wedding date. Especially if he has already formally proposed to you more than once. Some Aquarius, on the contrary, will painfully experience a break in the relationship. The reason for this may be mutual rejection of certain character traits in each other.

Love horoscope for October Aquarius man advises to arrange holidays for your beloved more often. This could be a regular party, a romantic dinner, or going to the theater. If Aquarius becomes for the chosen one not only a lover, but also a reliable friend, then this is the right path to marriage. A trip at the end of October will change a lot in the fate of Aquarius.

Aquarius family in October

The horoscope advises to establish relationships with relatives who Lately They interfere too much with your life. Although, if you talk, explain and resolve the situation, the family will become strong and harmonious again. Those Aquarians who got married a couple of months ago will be especially happy. You may have disagreements with your teenage children on many issues related to school and future profession. At the end of October, Aquarius will have to undergo a relationship test of strength. The outcome of this is up to you.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Pisces

Love horoscope for October Pisces women promises a romantic meeting that will not last long, but will leave a bright and deep mark on the soul. Many Pisces, on the contrary, will want to return the past and will call their former lover themselves. In October, you should take into account the opinion and desire of the man you love. Otherwise, he will consider you to be completely selfish, will be offended, and then retreat.

Love horoscope for October Pisces men does not advise making sacrifices for the sake of someone who is not at all worthy of it. Value yourself, and don’t artificially create difficulties in your personal life. If in October Pisces wants to radically change for the sake of the woman they love, then this act deserves special appreciation.

Pisces family in October

The horoscope promises a calm and smooth relationship with your spouse, interspersed with romance and passion. If you don’t forget to “turn on” your intuition at a certain moment, you will avoid many troubles in love. In October family Pisces You can organize a trip with the whole family. By the way, by your car or by train. It’s better not to get into an argument with your relatives, especially if they have already decided everything for you a long time ago. Conflicts will occur mainly on property grounds. But at the end of October they will still be resolved in favor of the wise and patient Pisces.


The zodiac horoscope for Libra develops as follows: it will seem that nothing is happening in a love relationship. Or, on the contrary, something mysterious is happening, inaccessible to the naked eye. Many obstacles that stand in the way of love well-being can even plunge representatives of this sign into depression. Do not despair! Everything is not as sad as it seems, and the love horoscope for Libra for October will help you sort out many circumstances.


These balanced individuals do not often appear in turmoil before others. Their confidence and calm are magically transferred to their partner, but in October the desire to fulfill the desires of the heart will prevail. Libra will face misunderstandings, and it will seem that their partner does not trust them. This condition will pass as soon as the patronizing planet leaves the twilight twelfth House of the zodiac.

Judging by the horoscope, it is better for women this month not to take the initiative, but to distract themselves from love affairs. An outside perspective can be very useful in some cases, and now is the right time for this. Believe me, a man will kindle the love fuse in you himself when the time comes.

The concentrated forces of the planets according to the horoscope sharpen your intuition and, with its correct interpretation, you can discover many new sides of yourself. In serene calm, you will experience love on a subtle level. In addition, everything that has been bothering Libra for a long time will suddenly be resolved and they will look at their fears and disappointments without fear.

In October, Libra women can qualitatively diversify their lives. Let your lover organize a joint cultural holiday himself. Let it be some kind of trip to the theater, gallery or an interesting exhibition. A great way to get distracted is also a trip or hike to unexplored places. And don’t forget to pay attention to your partner’s close relatives, he will definitely appreciate it!

Single Libra women will have the opportunity to make fruitful acquaintances in October. If you're lucky, they'll fall in love with you, with all the attendant circumstances. You will receive a sea of ​​impressions, gifts and surprises. However, you should not count on the duration of the relationship.

Married women will be preoccupied with household chores and problems with children. Even the simplest repairs or purchases will cause confusion and briefly throw them out of their usual rut. Don’t let everyday life ruin your relationship with your spouse, because in the heat of quarrels you can say a lot offensive words that undermine marriage.


Men of the Libra sign will not be able to avoid problems in their personal lives. This will especially affect non-free representatives. To minimize the loss of mental balance, you should listen to some advice from the horoscope:

  • in quarrels, do not use the experience of previous years and do not reproach your chosen one;
  • try to focus on what connects and unites you;
  • try to spend more time together outside the home.

A Virgo man courting his chosen one may realize that this is not “his woman.” A love union may seem feigned and without a worthy basis. In any case, you should use your own judgment and if you think you are right, stop courting.

The love horoscope for October Libra promises a good prospect for singles. They will be able to control a lot, due to the huge charge of energy. A single Libra man will rush to conquer all the pretty women who stand in his way. This may cause a negative reaction from certain female representatives.

The love horoscope advises using your inner and outer charm for a good purpose - creating lasting union. Moreover, if you prove yourself with the best side in front of your chosen one, she herself will take the initiative into her own hands, which will greatly facilitate your task. To do this, the horoscope advises taking a closer look at Capricorn and Sagittarius women.


It will seem to Libra that the whole world is against their decisions. How can loved ones know what is best and what is worst for you? Making a choice will become even more difficult this year. According to the horoscope, the wandering of Neptune in the constellation Libra affects the insight of the sign. In October, a window will open in honor of your month, and your mind will be clear . The horoscope for 2017 wants to focus on October; the most important issues are best resolved at this time.

The Libra love horoscope promises the appearance of long-awaited love feelings. Lonely signs are advised to treat new partners with care. The warmth and peace of mind received in October will become the basis for building a family. Libra will be able to merge with Aries and Leo especially closely.

The Libra man should become more talkative about his life with his potential lover. The horoscope is full of various misunderstandings between people of different sexes. Most quarrels can start because a man is secretive.

Venus will give a special charm to every woman of the Libra sign. In October, well-balanced emotions give an impression of you as a strong and successful person. Lions will certainly taste you. It’s worth checking out such men from your surroundings. Make a prediction in advance for Leo's date of birth. According to the horoscope, among them may be faithful companion life.

There is no point in guessing when Libra will have a little more money. In October, the horoscope prediction promises a solid flow of funds from outside. However, you should not expect joy; according to the horoscope, you will need it in November.


Wandering in your own dreams will have a bad effect on your love relationship. In October, it will become completely unclear to your loved ones what you really want. According to the horoscope, it is necessary not to abuse alcohol. There is a high chance of getting confused in your thoughts.

The right thing to do is to start taking care of your health. Accurate horoscope does not describe serious injuries. Self-motivation is required to continue working. Take water treatments to improve your well-being.

The horoscope for 2018 will be the main stage in career development. In October, it will happen that again there will be a choice between work and family. The stars recommend talking about this with your loved one for further mutual understanding.

“You should stop constantly weighing what is more important in life. At least for a while. October 2018 will not tolerate mistakes made to the detriment of the most sacred thing in Libra’s life - family. The sign will often feel like this is a big burden. However, they will soon realize the falsehood of the idea. The love of the family will remain even if Libra fails.”

Lonely Libras are better off focusing their efforts on improving their material condition. In October it is good to take advantage of the accumulated experience. Visit your parents instead of going to clubs and other entertainment venues.


Libra has a great opportunity to start life with clean slate. Mind control passes to the Sun. The determination to achieve goals is greater than ever. The love horoscope speaks of the greatest event: the silent nature of Libra will be rewarded.

The most important thing to do is to put things in order in your own thoughts. This will be easy to do in October, before summing up the year. In this way, Virgos will be able to better prepare for the coming year and create favorable conditions for it.

Unexpectedly, men and women of this sign will feel in October that someone has been watching them throughout the year. Virgo women will be able to detect invisible protection. The horoscope advises that if you are prudent, you can take control of the situation and try to find out the real intentions of the patron.

Instability of the financial situation, especially among men, will also affect the love sphere of Virgos. Try to spend your finances wisely and don't give false tinsel to your fans. There is a risk of being left without money at the most inopportune moment.

The intimate life of Virgos is reserved; in October there will be a desire to experiment with a new partner, but this will quickly pass, since you are not in the mood to follow through. This will affect married couples too. Close person will be surprised by the atypical behavior of Virgo’s spouse, which will instill some mistrust in the couple.

The horoscope for 2019 is especially favorable to lonely representatives of the sign. The patronizing planet will help you gain confidence and the desire to win. Those who are really tired of being single or single will take charge of themselves and try to take the first steps towards a relationship. Going on a trip will be the best decision. There is a high probability of finding a worthy partner.

Will Libra expect difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in October? How will their feelings and emotions influence the development of existing and new relationships? A lot of ready-made clues await you in the accurate love horoscope for Libra for October 2017.

Many Libras may feel dissatisfaction with their personal life in October. The lack of interesting events and previous failures in relationships can cause large quantity representatives of the sign of Libra desire to reconsider all their past decisions and plans regarding the love front. The love horoscope warns people born under the sign of Libra who are looking for their other half that drastic changes are not always beneficial to the creation of relationships, especially if they are not properly thought out.

The marital relationship of many Libras may suffer in October due to their desire to experience new emotions. Confusion and dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life can provoke long-term conflict situations in the family among people belonging to this zodiac sign and even cause a further break in marriage ties. Whether the desire to diversify your life is worth it, only Libra themselves can answer. The stars warn them that in October they should be more careful in their actions and statements, so as not to cause pain and grief to their loved one.

Love horoscope for Libra women for October 2017

The need to feel something new can take over single Libra girls. Their desire to radically change their own lives can lead to rash actions and unpleasant consequences. However, despite their oppressive loneliness, girls born under the constellation Libra will be very selective in choosing new acquaintances in October. Such girls do not intend to throw themselves on the neck of the first man who turns his attention to them. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity will still have to make sufficient efforts to arouse reciprocal interest among Libra girls.

Their chosen ones may cause dissatisfaction and reproaches among married Libra women. As a rule, representatives of this zodiac sign rarely consciously come into conflict with their other half, trying to soften grievances. However, in October 2017, many women born under the sign of Libra will not be too tactful in choosing words to their spouse. Irritation and frequent quarrels can cause such family relationships to the line beyond which there is only a gap. The love horoscope for Libra for October advises them not to get carried away with sorting out relationships and creating conflict situations. The emotions received during such showdowns will simmer inside both spouses for a long time, giving them no rest.

Love horoscope for Libra men for October 2017

Lonely Libra men in mid-autumn may consciously refuse new acquaintances and meetings in a friendly company. The reason for this may be internal emotional experiences that do not allow Libra to relax and pay attention to the beautiful girls around them. Against the background of these torments, single representatives of this zodiac sign may not take advantage of the opportunity in October to make promising acquaintances in terms of building relationships. Whims and hysterics do not make men look good, so single Libra should deal with their emotions in time in October.

In October, married representatives of the Libra sign can expect some disappointment in their own family life. Stability in communication with your loved one may seem like a routine, and a decrease in the number of bright manifestations of love can be a sign of cooling of your spouse’s feelings. Making undeserved claims against your significant other in Libra in October 2017 will rarely lead to good results. Therefore, married Libra men will need to think hard before voicing their grievances. After all, in the heat of a quarrel, it is so easy to offend a loved one and cross acceptable boundaries.
