Alex May how to prolong sexual intercourse. Alex May

How to prolong sexual intercourse and get rid of it forever
from the problem of premature ejaculation?

You can quickly, easily, without drugs and without any side effects, get rid of this problem forever and get complete control over the duration of your sexual intercourse.

My name is Alex May and I am the most experienced specialist in the field of sex, helping solve problems, including premature ejaculation, for thousands of people every year.

Who am I and why do I have the right to talk about it?
and even more so help others?

Since my first sexual encounter, the problem of premature ejaculation relentlessly and constantly haunted me.

At that time, my sexual intercourse lasted 35-40 seconds ( including foreplay!) and over time the situation became even worse: I began to cum even before I inserted my penis into the vagina.

Compounding my then shyness and general lack of self-confidence, this problem became more than serious.

Worse, she left the purely intimate sphere and began to have an extremely negative influence on other sides of my life.

Later, while studying to become a sexologist, I learned that good sex is the very cornerstone on which a healthy human psyche is based and success in life in general, including material, career and everything else...

Of course, it's hard for me to stand up now your place and feel what you are experiencing, but I remember well my daily pain and anxiety in those years when premature ejaculation was my waking nightmare, and I just didn’t know what to do about it or how to help myself.

You probably understand that to get rid of premature ejaculation you will need some consistent work on yourself. Looking ahead, I will say that there is specific a step-by-step system that will forever rid you of premature ejaculation, and guaranteed!

Returning to my story...

Even before I found any solution, I was very desperate situations.

Thoughts about the problem were constantly spinning in my head, causing melancholy, anger and powerlessness.

This internal pain was the constant background of my entire existence at that time.

Exactly existence, not life, because it’s hard to name full life that stay between despair and fear in which month after month passed.

I really wanted to meet girls, relationships and intimacy, but I immediately cut myself off, afraid of embarrassing myself when it came to bed.

It was a whole mixture, some kind of salad of fears: from the fear of being humiliated by her look or word to the fear that she would tell others or, worse than that, will begin to feel sorry for me.

I can tell you from experience: this state is quite disgusting - “ not being a man enough».

Immediately I had a hope that maybe next time the shame would not happen, but after a second this hope faded, as I realized that I could not and did not know what to do with this situation and, apparently, “this” was forever.

I was torn between desire and fear.

As a result, instead of meeting, flirting, and enjoying intimate relationships with women, I became cynical, sarcastic, and unconsciously tried to distance myself from them.

Not a day went by when I didn’t remember my problem.

This went on for several years, until finally one of the girls, with whom I once again had an “embarrassment,” didn't make fun of me publicly for my “sprint speed” and complete illiteracy in bed.

That day became a turning point for me. I swore to myself that this would never happen again and I would best lover, whom women have ever met.

Through trial and error, through long experiments, studying a lot of literature, communicating with experts, all the time inventing something on my own, over the course of several years I finally found a solution.

My sexual intercourse began to last longer FOR HOURS, until I myself got tired and decided that it was finally “time.”

There was no Internet back then, and my search for a solution took years.

And of course, what happened to me seriously influenced the subsequent choice of what I want to do in life.

Fast forward to today...

I live in Amsterdam. Clients come to me from all over the world...

I'm one of the most sought after experts on the market on everything related to sex. Including SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF PREMATURE EMISSION.

I have summarized all the knowledge and experience that I acquired while looking for a solution to the problem of premature ejaculation into a clear, concise, understandable to everyone and reliably working SYSTEM.

I revealed this system entirely in my 3-hour training video course:

Why did I sign up for this course? The reason is simple.

The problem of premature ejaculation is one of those things
about which it is not customary to talk.

The percentage of people who consulted doctors insignificant small

According to statistics, less than one in ten men suffering from premature ejaculation goes and asks for help from a doctor.

According to the same statistics, premature ejaculation - in general, one of the most common in the world of sexual problems in men.

According to surveys, 75% men would like to be able to last longer in bed.

Some of these people do not know that the problem can be solved, and it is within their power, and some are simply afraid to admit such a problem to anyone.

My goal is to make the solution to the problem of premature ejaculation accessible TO EVERY MAN.

What is this program and what is it based on?

The program meets three important requirements that I developed for myself many years ago when starting to create it.

1) It solves the problem FOREVER, the problem will never come back.

2) The decision will not in any way affect the amazing sensations that having sex gives us.

3) The decision will not contain any “chemistry”, but will depend only on you. After all, if you base treatment on medications, ointments and other artificial things, then you just have to stop taking them, and the problem will immediately return. And often even more serious than it was.

I initially set myself super task- achieve complete healing without using any external “crutches”.

This system is for everything 100% meets this requirement.

In general, one of the global advantages of the program is that it contains step-by-step algorithm.

It allows any man suffering from premature ejaculation to completely get rid of this problem,

have sex as much as he wants, even if before that he suffered from this all his life and ended, like I once did, without having time to bring his penis to the vagina.

This system is already helped a lot of people who said “no” to drugs, gels and other pharmaceutical “crutches”.

Our body already has enough worries to protect us from bad ecology. He doesn't need extra chemotherapy and visits to doctors.

I have at my disposal testimonies of people who were generally considered “hopeless cases” from the point of view of drugs and medicine until they came to me. Now they are calm, full of confidence and looking forward to the night. Their sex lasts as long as they wish.

Are you probably already eager to find out what awaits you inside the course?

    Here is just a small part, the “tip of the iceberg” so to speak:

  • You'll get clear, concise, accessible to each, step by step instructions: How to put an end to premature ejaculation.
  • Speed: The program is designed so that you as quickly as possible passed all levels of problem solving. (Even a minimum of diligence will ensure the maximum possible progress in this case!)
  • For the laziest and most impatient:

  • 5 simple and reliable techniques that will help you this evening. It doesn't matter what stage of the problem you were at before.
  • How can I set this program to run? full autopilot. Let her take care of you herself. Integrate it into your day so that no one will ever know you're doing it.
  • You will learn about the 4 components of long-lasting sex. You have to master them in a matter of days, while the effect is permanent and will stay with you for life.
  • One simple secret that has allowed many of my clients to... TRIPLE the duration of your sexual intercourse.
  • You will learn how, using one simple principle, you can stop impending ejaculation any strength.
  • You will learn the truth about female sexuality and the female orgasm. From now on, you will ALWAYS be able to satisfy your girlfriend, even if you reluctant to use penis.
  • You will learn 3 best kept secret those who are able to have sex without interruption for HOURS, and what needs to be done to become one of them.
  • Phrase, with the help of which you will, without ejaculating, ride the wave of pleasure as much as you want.
  • Powerful exercise, an anti-ejaculation product that is very easy to integrate into any part of your day. No need for a gym.
  • For the extremely busy! How easy it is to find time for this program, even if your day is scheduled minute by minute and you work 70 hours a week.
  • And many many others…

The most important thing and this is confirmed both my own experience and the experience of many of my clients, this system in the shortest possible time and without the use of drugs eliminates the problem of premature ejaculation and gives you the helm of control over everything that happens in bed.

From now on you can have sex for as long as you wish. This program will completely, once and for all, solve the issue of premature ejaculation for you.

You no longer need tear between exorbitantly expensive or suspiciously cheap offers from pharmaceutical companies or unscrupulous doctors.

Now about the cost of this program...

The external crutches that I talked about in the form of ointments, tablets and other “temporary” solutions that can be found on the Internet cost from several hundred to several thousand rubles.

And you will have to buy them more than once, not to mention possible harm which they can bring to health.

How much would you pay for a solution that would solve this problem? FOREVER?

2000 rubles

In general, I quite deliberately set such a low bar, because from my own experience I know what it’s like to live with the problem of premature ejaculation.

I believe that this information, this program, this system should be available to people with ANY income level.

Like good healthcare, self-healing programs like this should be available every man.

To place an order, enter your details in the form by clicking on the “Place an order” button. An email with access to the course will be sent to the address you specified. email automatically immediately after the payment is credited.

Just like ALL of my seminars and individual sessions with clients, this program is subject to...

100% money back guarantee

Calmly order the program and start implementing it. If after you complete it, nothing changes for you and the duration of your act does not increase many times, write to me at [email protected], and I will refund you the cost of the paid course in full.

The only thing I ask you is to write to me what you did and what exactly didn’t work.

Don't get me wrong, you will be the first person to ever ask for their money back and I would love to hear your story from you.

Maybe I can help you in some other way.

This 100% guarantee essentially means you can watch the entire course
free if you want.

Alex May.

This is your insurance against any risk! But I want to warn you:

Hurry up!

My marketer insists that the program costs much more, and that even the poorest man in the CIS will be more than happy to invest in his health and complete healing from such a painful and self-esteem-destroying problem much larger amount of money.

His argument:

How much would a person give for his health if, in a moment of need, he had the opportunity to buy it? We are giving away the product for practically nothing, and this cannot continue for long.

One way or another, I want the first wave of my Internet clients to receive this product as I have already stated low price. At least the first...

You understand that after we started receiving first results marketing research my product, it became more and more difficult for me to convince my marketer to keep the price so low.

In fact, it’s not even a matter of time: in the near future I will meet with him to decide exactly how much the program will become more expensive.

So, while the price is still that ridiculous 2000 rubles, place an order, receive the product and start your journey to complete control over the duration of your sexual intercourse.

Remember, you are fully insured 100% money back guarantee.

Just click on the “Place an order” button and fill out the order form.

If you have read the text up to this point, then it is quite obvious that you are now in a very difficult situation.

I was there.

This is not a situation in which it is possible to remain for long.

This situation is actually intolerable For normal person.

And from here the path either lies back - to fear and self-doubt, where all those suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation reside...

…or, if you are determined enough, I invite you to take that final step and walk through the door called “healing and fulfilling sex.”

To a world where Problems premature ejaculation for you no longer exists.

I offer you my help. Just place your order and start following the system.

She won't disappoint you. I promise you.

Remember, you have no obligation to receive this program. If you want, I will return all your money.

This is what I am trying so hard to convince you of. I want you to try this program, this course.

I am 100% sure that this solution will help you and is quite possible will completely change your life.

If you value the intimate side of your life, give it the opportunity to be as beautiful and rich as possible and LONG

Attention! This site contains information for adults. Persons under the age of majority are prohibited from viewing the site. Close this page if you are under 18 years old!

Any information, advice, information contained on this resource, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical or psychological advice. If you require any practical assistance in an area of ​​knowledge similar to the information being disseminated, you must contact a certified specialist in the prescribed manner. Otherwise, you can use the information received only at your own peril and risk. The distributor of this information does not confirm and does not bear any responsibility for its accuracy, safety and reliability.

Are you satisfied with the duration of your sexual intercourse? Do you want to have sex as long as the actors in adult films? This is surely impossible for common man, you say.
I will tell you that now it has become possible for anyone! If various pills and magic remedies pop up in your head that promise to prolong sexual intercourse, forget about it!

Now you have the opportunity to have sex for as long as you want.

Now you will become the king of time, deciding when to end sexual intercourse, and when to prolong it until you are finally satisfied.

Sounds tempting, right?

Hello! I'm Alex May. For two decades now, I have been solving various sexual problems of boys, girls and married couples.

Check out what Alex May says about his course:

Yes, I am a sexologist and there are hundreds of people on my list whom I have helped during my work. Now I help people solve their problems, but before the situation was completely different...

My sex life was like that of most guys, that is, I could have sex for no more than a minute, and this despite the fact that before that there was a wonderful foreplay.

Like any other guy, I was very upset. No one could help me, since I lived during the Soviet era, and many people know that there was no sex there.

There was only one solution - to move to live abroad, and there find answers to your questions and, in addition, improve your skills.

The amount of information I received there simply amazed me! But there was a small factor that upset me. I used the information I learned over and over again and had to throw away more than 90 percent of it.

What was left required processing and finishing. It's just like the story of the diamond in the rough. Not forgetting that theory and practice are two completely different things.

When I finally finalized the information, I ended up with a system that was incredibly effective and was tried by my colleagues and friends.

I say without a twinge of conscience - this will radically change your life!

First of all, I want to talk about common remedies that promise to prolong coitus.

1. Classical medicine and its medicines. Healers from all over globe They offer clients various medications that seem to help get rid of the problem of short sexual intercourse in the shortest possible time.

The effect from them all is the same - dependence on the drug and terrible side effects.

There will be side effects even when you stop taking the drugs! Horror!

2. Alternative medicine. She is increasingly popular in modern world, but is it really that effective? The quality of the methods is questionable, and the likelihood of killing your “fighter” or ending up in a coffin yourself is incredibly high.

3. Methods proposed by sexologists. Similar things are suggested by people who have had sex in last time a bunch of years ago. These are systems they themselves developed and they claim that they are all incredibly effective!

The problem with all systems is one: dry theory without practice, and this is nothing! According to statistics, all these techniques are useless.

I offer you a system that is based on My Personal Experience! I created it for myself, but now you have a chance to buy it for yourself and become a master of sex.

The superiority of my system over others:

You don't have to go to the doctor;
- you do everything at home;
- you do not put yourself in frames and limitations;
- you will not suffer from side effects.

The entire system fit into three hours of video footage!

I will start my course by destroying all the myths that sit in the heads of every man! It is because of these myths that you cannot get over yourself and start working. The information will surprise you, I'm sure.

Then I will help you look at existing problems from a different angle, thereby solving them all.

Five techniques that can be applied this evening. The stage of your problem doesn't matter!

How to run a program on autopilot. Make the program work automatically, thereby improving you almost imperceptibly;

Four main criteria for prolonged sexual intercourse. It will take several days to master them, but the effect will last forever!

I'll tell you one little secret that will triple your sexual performance;

You will learn how the mechanism of female orgasm works. From this day on, you will forever be able to bring your girlfriend to orgasm. Even without using a penis!

With one simple principle you can stop ejaculation;

Three techniques that protect like the apple of your eye! It is thanks to them that some people can have sex as much as they want;

One phrase will help you enjoy unlimited time;

Incredible effective exercise, using which you will teach yourself not to cum quickly;

My last tip is for busy people. If your schedule is very busy and you don’t even have a minute, this advice is for you.

And there are also incredibly many useful tips.

The school is made for ordinary guys, there are no professional terms, any special techniques and other nonsense that only distracts and takes up time.

My clients say that as soon as they used the first technique, the duration of their sexual intercourse increased by ten minutes, and each sexual intercourse lasted longer!

Follow simple instructions and become a master of love!

Now you will have complete control over your ejaculation!

I am completely confident in the effectiveness of my techniques and provide you with guarantees:

The disc may be damaged during delivery. Don’t worry, we will send another disk with the school at our own expense;

If the school did not help you, write to me at my email address and I will return all funds to you;

Complete anonymity, no one will know what is on the disk, since the packaging is not transparent.

Start now and become a master of intercourse! Don't waste time!

Sincerely, Alex May


To view you must be a registered member.

Attention! Alex May started pestering me to remove all his materials from this site (he even sent me a copy of his passport, although all this has been in public for a long time and does not bother anyone).

Therefore, who needs his materials - fuck off to google, any torrent is full of his materials!

Torrent files (without registration) from Alex May (to download a torrent, just click on the title of the video course you need from the list below!).

!!! Who doesn't know how to download torrent files,

Name : Secrets of the G-spot

Author : Alex May
Year of manufacture: 2012
Price: 2000 rub.
Description :
Here's just a small part of what you'll learn:
- Where is the G-spot, and what is it? After watching this part of the course, you will be able to confidently tell your partner: “I know your body better than you.”
- Step-by-step algorithm of pleasure: a clear and precise sequence of actions with which you lead a woman to orgasm of the G-spot.
- How the mechanism of female arousal works. 99% of men have no idea about this, believing that a woman is excited, just like themselves. This is absolutely wrong and leads to the fact that their partners remain unsatisfied for years, giving rise to endless quarrels, betrayals and other problems in the relationship.
- How exactly does this unique and amazing orgasm occur?
- Important Rules, which must be remembered so that her G-spot orgasm is guaranteed to occur.
- Why so many people, including specialists, cannot find this mythical point. You will be one man out of a thousand who knows how to properly search, find and give. women have these amazing orgasms.
- What to do with difficult cases when a woman does not experience orgasm? From now on, you will have an easy and reliable way to help her experience it.
- What should be followed in order not to give a woman unpleasant sensations during search and stimulation?
- What sexual positions make the stimulation of the G-spot as easy as possible, and how to work as efficiently as possible with a penis so as not to get tired quickly, and at the same time give your partner maximum pleasure.
- All the details about the 11 types of female orgasm. Most people on this planet cannot name even half of this list. I’ll say right away that we are not talking about any tantric or esoteric practices. Most of these orgasms can be experienced by any woman.
And many many others...

Title: How to organize sex with two girls

Alex May
Year: 2011
Price: no
Website: no
Exclusive recording!


What does the Kama Sutra hide? Secrets to sexual positions that will make your girlfriend moan with pleasure, screaming your name in ecstasy! One of the biggest myths in sex is that you need to master a lot of positions to be a good lover. In fact, it is not so important how many hundreds of positions you know - what matters is how effectively you apply them.
What is this training program?

  • Ease. You don't have to spend long hours doing any kind of training. Everything is very simple - I looked it up, tried it that same evening, got the result.
  • Visibility. For your convenience, I specially invited my good friend, famous model, together with which we consider all the correct, as well as erroneous, positions in sex.
  • Step by step. After watching the course, you will clearly know what and how to do in bed with a woman. You will never again have a question about what exactly she needs at this moment.
  • Versatility. Regardless of your age, penis size, presence or absence of experience in sex, you will still get amazing results. Women will literally demand sex from you again and again!
  • Detail. You will learn not only effective practice, but also a detailed theory of what lies behind incredible, mind-blowing sex
  • Quality: DVDRip
  • Format: MP4
  • Video codec: AVC
  • Audio codec: AAC-LC
  • Video: MPEG4 Video, 720x400 (16:9), 1200 kbps, 25 fps
  • Audio: AAC-LC, 2ch, 44.1 KHz, 128 Kbps


How to prolong sexual intercourse and get rid of the problem of premature ejaculation forever? Did you know that up to 40% of men experience premature ejaculation? 75% of men want to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. And only 10% of men seek help from a doctor. It's all due to uncertainty, embarrassment and the usual

fear of recognition. But this problem will not disappear on its own, but will only get worse.
What would you say if you don’t need to see a doctor? Because the world's legendary sexologist Alex May himself is already confidentially contacting you. He developed a unique step-by-step system “How to prolong sexual intercourse?”, which has already created a real sexual revolution throughout the world.
Alex May has proven that you can increase the duration of EACH sexual intercourse to several hours. Moreover, in a week you can at least TRIPLE this duration.
No stimulants or drugs. And a clear step-by-step system that will teach you to fully control your ejaculation in a short time. Just imagine - you will have sex as much as you want. You will become the lover every woman dreams of.
Alex May's step-by-step system "How to Prolong Sexual Intercourse" was developed in accordance with three requirements:
You can solve the problem FOREVER. The problem will never return again.
The decision will not in any way affect the amazing sensations that having sex gives you.
The solution will not contain any “chemistry”. You will not need medications, ointments, gels or other crutches. You can solve the problem yourself and gain full control over the duration of your sexual intercourse.

  • Quality: DVDRip
  • Format: avi
  • Video codec: Xvid
  • Audio codec: AC3
  • Video: Xvid, 720x480 (3:2), 25fps 754 kbps
  • Audio: AC3, 44.1 kHz, 2 ch, 128 kbps


Country Russia
Year of manufacture: 2012
Duration: 11:54:08
Translation: Not required
Russian subtitles: No
Description : First stage: HACKING STEREOTYPES
What neither sexologists, nor psychologists, nor relationship specialists will ever tell you Why a woman, when it comes to sex, is forced to deny a man (and herself!) many things and how to become a man to whom they always say “YES”. How to communicate with women correctly so that they reveal their deepest sexual fantasies to you 2 most important secrets sexual relations that will allow you to retain even the most demanding woman. What qualities of men do absolutely all women react very strongly sexually to? (Hint: it's not beauty, it's not money, it's not power). How to remove psychological blocks (fears, insecurities) when it comes to sex? What mistakes that forever repel all women without exception are made by 99.99% of men in bed? How to be guaranteed to protect yourself from cooling relationships in bed and possible betrayals on the part of your woman. What should you tell women to make sex with you easy, pleasant and natural? (even on the first date) And much, much more...
Second stage: 10 PLATINUM RULES
10 rules for a man’s life that women follow in droves. How to make sure a woman always tells the truth in sex, even if she fakes an orgasm with all the other men. Sex through the eyes of a woman: what is truly important and what can be easily ignored. How a woman chooses who she will go to bed with today. Secrets of the female brain. And many many others…
Third stage: SYSTEM
A step-by-step algorithm of actions from the moment the bedroom door closed behind you until the moment she fell asleep in your arms. Secrets of how to create the right atmosphere and environment for mind-blowing sex, wherever you are. What phrase, said before sex, will instantly make you a great lover in the eyes of any woman. How to kiss correctly? Kissing techniques that drive women crazy. How to touch a woman correctly? 5 types of touches. How to find erogenous zones on her body, the existence of which even she herself never suspected. How to properly undress a woman and in what order this should be done in order to arouse her as much as possible. And many many others...
Fourth stage: APEROBATICS
Cunnilingus - all the secrets of mastery. No one gives or does this. All about the G-spot. How to find her correctly and lead a girl to the most unforgettable orgasm of her life. 11 (!) types of orgasm and how to give them to a woman. “Breakfast” positions in sex and what the master pays attention to when using them. The most important accessories and toys for sex. And also where to find them. What to do if a woman does not have an orgasm. A simple solution that will allow you to give her this amazing gift. And many many others...
Video quality: CamRip
Video format: MP4
Video: H264 - MPEG-4 AVC, 640x360, 30 fps, 779-848 kbps
Audio: MPEG AAC Audio, 2 ch, 44100 Hz, 62 kbps


Country Russia
Year of manufacture: 2012
Duration: 11:50:21
Translation: Not required
Russian language
Russian subtitles: No
Description: Its main value is that you will see the male world and yourself
through the eyes of a man.
Moreover, I have spent many years communicating with many hundreds of men to
get out of their subconscious all those secrets that they have never shared with anyone
they don’t share and don’t even realize they are there.
Without knowing all these points, your relationship is doomed.
You will learn to create powerful emotional anchors, and your partner will simply
will be forced to think only about you, even when surrounded by very
attractive women.
This is not NLP or hypnosis! This is the result of truly knowing what is really
happens in the male brain, how he sees sex and relationships, and how as a result
This is why he reacts to you.
You will go through 4 stages of training, each of which will open and shape in you
the most important qualities of the very Queen who lurks inside you.

Find out Alex May's new technique for increasing the time of SEXUAL INTERCESS by 10 minutes or more!!!

Are you satisfied with the duration of your sexual intercourse? Do you want to have sex as long as the actors in adult films? This is probably impossible for an ordinary person, you say.

I will tell you that now it has become possible for anyone! If various pills and magic remedies pop up in your head that promise to prolong sexual intercourse, forget about it!

Now you have the opportunity to have sex for as long as you want.

Now you will become the king of time, deciding when to end sexual intercourse, and when to prolong it until you are finally satisfied.

Sounds tempting, right?

Hello! I'm Alex May. For two decades now I have been involved in solving problems for girls and married couples.

Check out what Alex May says about his course:

And on my list there are hundreds of people whom I have helped during my work. Now I help people solve their problems, but before the situation was completely different...

My sex life was like that of most guys, that is, I could have sex for no more than a minute, and this despite the fact that before that there was a wonderful foreplay.

Like any other guy, I was very upset. No one could help me, since I lived during the Soviet era, and many people know that there was no sex there.

There was only one solution - to move to live abroad, and there find answers to your questions and, in addition, improve your skills.

The amount of information I received there simply amazed me! But there was a small factor that upset me. I used the information I learned over and over again and had to throw away more than 90 percent of it.

What was left required processing and finishing. It's just like the story of the diamond in the rough. Not forgetting that theory and practice are two completely different things.

When I finally finalized the information, I ended up with a system that was incredibly effective and was tried by my colleagues and friends.

I say without a twinge of conscience - this will radically change your life!

First of all, I want to talk about common remedies that promise to prolong coitus.

1. Classical medicine and its medicines. Doctors from all over the globe offer clients various medications that seem to help get rid of the problem of short sexual intercourse in the shortest possible time.

The effect from them all is the same - dependence on the drug and terrible side effects.

There will be side effects even when you stop taking the drugs! Horror!

2. Alternative medicine. It is increasingly popular in the modern world, but is it really that effective? The quality of the methods is questionable, and the likelihood of killing your “fighter” or ending up in a coffin yourself is incredibly high.

3. Methods proposed by sexologists. People who last had sex a bunch of years ago offer something similar. These are systems they themselves developed and they claim that they are all incredibly effective!

The problem with all systems is one: dry theory without practice, and this is nothing! According to statistics, all these techniques are useless.


I offer you a system that is based on My Personal Experience! I created it for myself, but now you have a chance to buy it for yourself and become a master of sex.

The superiority of my system over others:

- you should not go to the doctor;
- you do everything at home;
- you do not put yourself in frames and limitations;
- you will not suffer from side effects.

The entire system fit into three hours of video footage!

I will start my course by destroying all the myths that sit in the heads of every man! It is because of these myths that you cannot get over yourself and start working. The information will surprise you, I'm sure.

Then I will help you look at existing problems from a different angle, thereby solving them all.

- five techniques that can be applied this evening. The stage of your problem doesn't matter!

- how to run a program on autopilot. Make the program work automatically, thereby improving you almost imperceptibly;

- four . It will take several days to master them, but the effect will last forever!

- I’ll tell you one little secret that will triple sexual intercourse;

— you will learn how the mechanism of female orgasm works. From this day on, you will forever be able to bring your girlfriend to orgasm. Even without using a penis!

- thanks to one simple principle you can stop ejaculation;

— three techniques that protect like the apple of your eye! It is thanks to them that some people can have sex as much as they want;

- One phrase will help you enjoy unlimited time;

- an incredibly effective exercise, using which you will teach yourself not to cum quickly;

— my last piece of advice is for busy people. If your schedule is very busy and you don’t even have a minute, this advice is for you.

And there are also incredibly many useful tips.


The school is made for ordinary guys, there are no professional terms, any special techniques and other nonsense that only distracts and takes up time.

My clients say that as soon as they used the first technique, the duration of their sexual intercourse increased by ten minutes, and each sexual intercourse lasted longer!

Follow the simple instructions and become a master of love!

Now you will have complete control over your ejaculation!

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Start now and become a master of intercourse! Don't waste time!

90 out of 100% who decided to read this article became interested in it because they understood that it would be about male potency. And it is right. There is a need to look at the problem from a preventive angle. Are there criteria that determine the norm, what needs to be done to preserve this important male function, and how potency changes with age. Let's discuss these and other issues that are important to men.

What is potency - a general concept

The word "potency" is of Latin origin. Translated, it means “opportunity” or the presence of strength, ability to perform actions. To give the opposite meaning to the word, the Latins added the prefix “im.” The result was the word “impotence”, that is, impossibility.

Having understood the terms - potency, what it is, let's finish the excursion into etymology. Let's get down to business, more precisely the body, even more precisely to the male body and its sexual capabilities.

Male potency

How normal potency manifests itself in men is the ability to perform full sexual intercourse, which includes:

  • sexual desire - ;
  • sexual arousal;
  • erection;
  • friction;
  • ejaculation.

The development of potency occurs in adolescence, when a boy turns into a man. It means:

  • development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • manifestation of libido;
  • involuntary.

What does male strength depend on?

If we are not talking about diseases of the penis: Peyronie’s disease, oncology or the consequences of injury, then the list of what potency depends on looks like this:

  • psychological state of the man;
  • the condition of the vessels of the penis, ensuring good blood flow;
  • the condition of the muscles responsible for “locking” blood in the cavernous bodies;
  • state lumbar region spinal cord, which affects the arousal and sensitivity of the genitals.

A logical question is: what about the level of the main male hormone testosterone? This is a very important hormone, but more so for sexual desire, for the desire, and not the ability, to have sex. The ones who should worry about increasing testosterone are those men who are beginning to lose interest in opposite sex- he can, but he doesn’t want to.

You can suspect a decrease in testosterone by simply measuring your waist circumference. The critical figure for men is 102 cm. If this is your size, it’s time for you to get rid of extra pounds.

How do different factors affect potency in men?

Positive Negative
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Physical education minutes at sedentary work;
  • Outdoor walks;
  • Healthy sex with a regular partner;
  • Periodic examination by a urologist;
  • smoking and drugs;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol, including beer;
  • physical inactivity, sedentary work;
  • irregular sex;
  • poor nutrition, passion for fast food, fatty fried foods, simple carbohydrates;
  • chronic fatigue and stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • psychology of relationships with a partner;
  • associated diseases (atherosclerosis, diabetes, thyroid disease);
  • taking certain medications (antihistamines, antidiabetics, statins and others);
  • old age.

Potency in men over 50

A decrease in sexual activity depending on age is a natural physiological process.

  • If before the age of 30 a man has 5-7 sexual intercourse a week, then after 50 for many the desire for sex with a woman arises once.
  • After 40 years, testosterone levels begin to decline, problems with benign prostatic hyperplasia appear, and some are threatened with its removal due to prostate adenoma.
  • The quality of potency suffers. Sometimes, the only condition for sexual intercourse is to increase erection by taking a pill or using a spray.

A neglectful attitude towards one’s health in youth is expressed in old age:

  • metabolic syndrome with atherosclerosis,
  • diabetes type 2,
  • obesity and other somatic diseases.

Strengthen Negative influence on potency will be the treatment of these diseases with drugs with negative impact for an erection.

Pharmacological and folk remedies

The pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of drugs for potency: tablets, sprays, injections. Medicines are divided into pharmacological groups:

  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Viagra and its generics, Levitra);
  • NO synthase activators (Impaza);
  • alpha-blockers (yohimbine);
  • antispasmodics for injection into the penis (papaverine, no-shpa).
  1. Some are taken in a single dose immediately before intercourse and do not affect libido. This is a group of PDE inhibitors that have greatest number contraindications and side effects.
  2. Impaza is taken in a course, has a mild effect, and is suitable for the treatment of impotence in older patients due to the absence of contraindications. Increases libido. Impaza is a drug related to homeopathy.
  3. Dietary supplements are a separate group - they are not medications. High-quality supplements have a preventive effect, saturating the body with natural vitamins and minerals.

Folk remedies for treating sexual impotence appeared much later than sexual impotence itself. According to legend, the first patient with erectile dysfunction was King David. He was punished by God for having sex with his warrior's wife. For a long time it was believed that this misfortune was caused by witches, for which they were mercilessly burned at the stake, reading prayers and conspiracies.

The peoples of the world have solved the question of how to increase male potency in different ways:

  • The Indians prepared the drink Chocolatl: cocoa beans, wine, water, pepper, vanilla. It was available only to the upper caste.
  • The Chinese resorted to ginseng and acupuncture.
  • African tribes used the herb Zalloukh or Vuka-Vuka, which translates as “Get up, get up,” to increase potency. With the drug sold in pharmacies there is only one common feature- Name.
  • In Rus', healthy sleep, a Russian bath, sunbathing, salads from vegetables and root vegetables, abstinence from alcohol, contrast baths, and the application of crushed ice were offered.

Modern options are not very different from the practices of our ancestors:

  • chocolate is a good aphrodisiac;
  • acupuncture and qigong gymnastics are good at preventing reproductive disorders;
  • healthy foods improve both erection and libido:
    • ginger;
    • ginseng;
    • celery;
    • parsley;
    • walnuts with honey;
    • Oak bark.

What is more important: preventing impotence or maintaining potency?

It is easier to prevent any health problem than to treat it. All men, regardless of age and sexual capabilities, are currently offered two complementary options that have proven their effectiveness.

They are also significant for the treatment of ED:

  • exercises for potency;
  • diet for potency;

Physical education and exercise therapy

  • Using a set of individual exercises or complexes physical therapy it is possible to achieve improved blood supply to the pelvic organs, pelvic muscles, pubococcygeus muscle. The result comes with regular exercise and dosed exercise, which increases the overall tone of the body.
  • An undoubted advantage is that you can practice at home, and some exercises can be performed at work, in transport, anywhere.
  • Get to know the Kegel and Norbekov complexes, the technique of Dr. Bubnovsky, and the experience of Yuri Aleksin.
  • Fans of oriental medicine can use qigong gymnastics.
  • There are special asanas for those who are passionate about yoga.

List of useful products

You can advise eating truffles as one of the powerful aphrodisiacs, but this is not very realistic. But the set of 10 food products that Casanova himself consumed is not without relevance:

  • tuna, in our version fish and seafood;
  • venison, a lean meat for us;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • pomegranate;
  • avocado;
  • red grapes.

What do the doctor's say

  • The criterion for the norm or number of erections over a certain time is quite individual and depends on temperament, previous abstinence, and hormone levels. In the practice of sex therapists, there are cases of seeking treatment for impotence due to the fact that previously a man could do 8 times a night, but now only 3.
  • The choice of treatment depends on the form of potency disorder - psychological or organic.

  • In the treatment of the first, the female reaction to failures in bed is of great importance. Psychologists recommend separate and joint psychotherapy and sex therapy. Its essence is that the woman uses elements of striptease, and the man “contemplates” the seductive poses of his partner without touching her until a certain time.

How men react


Modern medicine treats almost any form of erectile dysfunction, including surgical correction. Prevention of male impotence gives a chance that the possibilities will always coincide with your desires.

Doctor Evdokimenko about real and imagined men's problems
