Autumn mood: gold leaves and sunny silence. Autumn mood and health Description of autumn mood

It lost ground and autumn arrived with its gray weather. Unfortunately, for many people, it is in the fall that the mood drops to zero. Causeless sadness, apathy, and lethargy appear. There are signs of autumn depression, from which, according to WHO statistics, every fifth person on the planet suffers. As one of my readers wrote in a comment: “It’s sad - summer has flown by, but it seemed like it had just begun. How quickly time flies.” Therefore, it's time to talk about how to be positive so that autumn mood did not affect health.

The fact is that at this time of year, restructuring occurs in the body. The air temperature drops, daylight hours decrease, and if the rains “charge”, then the frequent weather changes characteristic of autumn will cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Particularly affected are older people who were busy in their haciendas during the summer and did not listen to the state of their health, and now, when the body reacts more acutely to increased humidity and cold, free time appeared to listen to my aggravated sores.

In the human body, the internal clock changes from summer to winter time. Even the need for food changes. If in the summer, as a rule, everyone prefers light food, now you want more fatty dishes. We are like bears in front of hibernation, in connection with the approaching cold weather, the body needs to produce additional calories. During the winter, for some, these reserves reach a critical level, so with the arrival of spring, a pressing question arises: how to lose weight.

But let’s not talk about sad things, because this time of year has many advantages, and the disadvantages can be avoided. What should be done to ensure that the autumn mood is good and does not affect your health? One of the causes of seasonal ailments is lack of light. But this minus can also be turned into a plus - go to bed earlier, but you will get up earlier. Getting a full eight hours of sleep will have a positive effect on your well-being. During the daytime, try not to use electric lighting. Don't forget to go outside during the day. If these are weekdays, then use lunch time outside the building effectively. Spend your weekends outdoors.

One of the sources of good health and mood, and not only in the autumn, is physical activity. Everyone knows the old truth: . Walk more often. If possible, replace a trip in public transport with a walk. Do exercises in the morning. Of course, if you are a lazy person like me, then go to the pool instead of exercising. In general, try to engage in the type of physical activity that gives you pleasure - fitness, dancing, gymnastics, etc.

For bathhouse lovers, you can combine business with pleasure if you take with you various scrubs, masks and do beauty treatments. After the steam room, don’t forget about a contrast shower, and then with special pleasure you can drink some herbal infusion, which is also good for health.

By the way, experts recommend that women start changing their image in the fall. This applies primarily to hairstyles and hair color. There is an old joke: to cheer up, a woman needs to change either her hairstyle, or her job, or her husband. In my opinion, the most “painless” option in the first case, at the same time surprise your loved one with your beauty. You could already read about the fact that skin after a hot summer requires special care in the previous article. Don’t forget about the benefits of nourishing masks and cream, which will help smooth out wrinkles caused by the summer sun.
The body needs vitamin nutrition all year round. Scientists have found that fruits and vegetables today contain fewer beneficial elements than 50 years ago. The amount of vitamin C, iron and calcium, that is, those microelements that are vital for the health of any woman, has especially decreased significantly. Therefore, supplement your diet vitamin complexes. The most important vitamins in the autumn are vitamins A and C.

What else can you do to cheer up? If it's raining outside, surround yourself with bright interior items. The color orange has a particularly positive effect. Wardrobe items or accessories – bags, gloves, scarves – can also be bright. If you are lucky and the autumn is golden, then admire the colorful decoration of the trees, and maybe Indian summer will suddenly decide to please you?

I hope everyone understands that autumn mood And health depend on ourselves. Watch the slide show with wonderful pictures autumn time, listen to the song “Autumn Blues”, and let your body undergo a restructuring only for health and positivity! And also do not forget that on the website “In Secret to the Whole World” there is a message that will help get rid of the blues and depression.

Autumn is early.
Leaves are falling.
Step carefully into the grass.
Each leaf is a fox's face...
This is the land on which I live.

Foxes quarrel, foxes are sad,
foxes celebrate, cry, sing,
and when they light their pipes,
It means the rain will come soon.

Burning runs through the trunks,
and the trunks disappear into the ditch.
Each trunk is the body of a deer...
This is the land on which I live.

Red oak with blue horns
waiting for an opponent from silence...
Be careful:
an ax underfoot!
And the roads back are burned!

But in the forest, at the pine entrance,
someone actually believes in him...
There's nothing you can do about it:
This is the land I live on
(B. Okudzhava)

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

F. I. Tyutchev

Autumn. Thicket of the forest.
Dry swamp moss.
Lake Beleso.
The sky is pale.
The water lilies have bloomed,
And the saffron bloomed.
The paths are broken,
The forest is both empty and bare.
Only you are beautiful
Although it has been dry for a long time,
In the hummocks by the bay
Old alder.
You look feminine
Into the water, half asleep -
And you'll turn silver
First of all, to spring.

(I. Bunin)

Autumn morning

The lovers' speeches are cut short,
The last starling flies away.
They fall from the maples all day long
Silhouettes of crimson hearts.
What have you done to us, autumn!
The earth freezes in red gold.
The flame of sorrow whistles underfoot,
Moving heaps of leaves.

N. Zabolotsky

And every autumn I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I feel love again for the habits of life:
One by one sleep flies away, one by one hunger comes;
The blood plays easily and joyfully in the heart,
Desires are boiling - I’m happy, young again,
I'm full of life again - that's my body
(Please forgive me the unnecessary prosaicism).

A.S. Pushkin

Indian summer

Indian summer has arrived -
Days of farewell warmth.
Warmed by the late sun,
In the crack the fly came to life.

Sun! What's more beautiful in the world
After a chilly day?..
Gossamer light yarn
Wrapped around a branch.

Tomorrow the rain will pour down quickly,
The sun is obscured by a cloud.
Silver cobwebs
There are two or three days left to live.

Have pity, autumn! Give us light!
Protect from winter darkness!
Have pity on us, Indian summer:
These cobwebs are us.

(D. Kedrin)

And again, like in the sweet years
melancholy, purity and miracles,
looks into the limp waters
ruddy thinning forest.

Simple as God's forgiveness
The transparent distance widens.
Ah, autumn, my delight,
my golden sadness!

It's fresh and the cobwebs are shining...
I rustle, I walk along the river,
through the branches and clusters of rowan
I look at the quiet sky.

And the wide vault turns blue,
and flocks of nomadic birds -
that timid children's lines
in the desert of ancient pages...

(V. Nabokov)

Golden autumn

Autumn. Fairytale palace
Open for everyone to review.
Clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes.

Like at a painting exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden gold hoop -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
The face of a birch tree - under a veil
Bridal and transparent.

Buried land
Under leaves in ditches, holes.
In the yellow maple outbuildings,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And the sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can't step into a ravine,
So that everyone doesn't know:
It's so raging that not a single step
There is a tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echo at a steep descent
And dawn cherry glue
Solidifies in the form of a clot.

Autumn. Ancient Corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flipping through the cold.

Secrets of a good autumn mood.

“Autumn - she won’t ask, autumn - she will come,

Autumn will freeze with a silent question in the blue eyes.

Autumn will fall with rain, sweep with leaves...

He will slowly wander along the empty beaches.”

Autumn, like all seasons, has its character traits. It is no longer so warm, the vegetation changes its color, the leaves gradually fall off, it becomes colder every day, the rains become familiar “guests”..... And a person becomes a little sad, remembering the warm, full solar heat and light, summer days. But, “nature has no bad weather..." Therefore, each season must be “accepted with grace.” There is no need to be sad, there is no need to whine (that it has become cold), it is worth living on and enjoying life! After all, a person’s mood and health are interdependent.

Some simple tips will help you overcome pessimism at this time.

Color therapy can be a good stimulus for a great mood. The influence of color on a person’s psychological state has long been proven. Some colors give us energy, while others lead us to a state of anxiety and despair.

Autumn is not only rainy weather, these are the bright colors of nature. Therefore, it is important to try to match the season. Bright warm colors and accents in the interior of an apartment (house) and the same bright clothes can please the eye of every person, while giving a charge of good mood.

Psychologists even have advice on this matter, where they recommend placing vases with oranges in different rooms to get rid of the autumn blues.

Bright light bulbs in lamps, light curtains instead of heavy curtains, or unusual blinds - such simple things can definitely lift the mood of every person.

Color mood.

Yellow color is the main engine of man. Yellow color has a positive effect on our emotions, giving us joy, fun, and love of life.

A lack of orange color manifests itself in decreased vitality, depressed mood, lethargy, doubts, self-doubt, self-flagellation, and self-blame. Therefore, if you are sad, lack communication, feel lethargic and insecure, add more orange to your interior.

Red energy gives a very important thing - the desire to live. Unconditional self-confidence, acceptance of yourself as you are, without judgment or reflection. But an excess of red in the interior can add aggression and anxiety, so it is best to wisely combine this color with others, or make bright color accents.

Colors that improve your mood should be used not only in decorating an apartment, but in choosing bedding and clothing. Of course, you don’t have to wear everything yellow or orange every day; it could be some toilet details or accessories.

How to cheer up in the fall?

If autumn is warm and the sun is shining, you can go for a walk, and if it rains, you can choose interesting and useful activities in a cozy apartment.

If you don’t want to go out in the evening (it’s cold?), arrange a romantic evening for yourself. To do this, all you need is a couple - three orange candles (or aroma candles), red wine (you can even make mulled wine) or aromatic hot tea, a warm blanket, next to you is your favorite person and a romantic film or comedy.

If this doesn't help, then:

Review your diet and include more colorful vegetables and fruits (it’s corny, but it’s effective).

Play sports - every day and regularly. After all, you won’t have to feel discouraged at all if cheerful music is playing nearby, and at the same time, your human figure will improve.

Creative living room

"Autumn mood"

Scenario of educational and entertainment event

for 5th grade students.

Subject : Depiction of autumn in painting and music


1. Educational: show the image of autumn by masters different types art, to develop skills of perception, interpretation, evaluation of classical works.

2. Developmental: develop emotional memory, attention, active creative, associative thinking; oral speech; the ability to analyze, compare, the ability to formulate one’s emotional and value judgments. Contribute to the development of language and communicative competence of students. To introduce children to the world of music, poetry, painting, and to develop a refined aesthetic taste.

3. Educational: to cultivate a love for everything beautiful, a feeling of love for nature, a thoughtful, caring attitude towards it, the ability to see beauty in modest corners native nature.

Formation of universal educational activities(UUD)

Personal UUD:

  • increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities;
  • development of aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with works of art;
  • spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special attitude towards nature - the source of beauty and inspiration.

Regulatory UUD:

  • develop the ability to accept and maintain a creative task, planning your actions in accordance with it;
  • develop the ability to distinguish between the method and result of an action;
  • set new creative and educational tasks.

Cognitive UUD:

  • develop the ability of semantic perception of music and works of art.
  • analyze objects, establish analogies.

Communication UUD:

  • adequately use communication (speech) means to solve various communication problems, master the dialogic form of communication;
  • ask significant questions, formulate your own opinion;
  • negotiate and come to general decision V joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;
  • adequately assess their role in collective creative activity.

Equipment:- multimedia projector, screen;

  • reproductions of paintings: I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, V.D. Polenov “Golden Autumn”, I.S. Ostroukhov “Autumn Landscape”, “Golden Autumn”;
  • audio recording of works by P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi, F. Chopin, G. Sviridov.
  • Brushes, paints, pencils

Leading homework: choose poems by classic Russian poets about autumn and prepare to read them expressively or recite them by heart.

Progress of the event:

The hall is decorated in the style of a modern living room: there are autumn paintings (children's work) on the walls. There is an armchair in the corner, and the hostess of the living room (host) is sitting in it, dressed in accordance with the theme. Nearby there is a small table, on it: a lamp, a dish with apples, a cup of tea. Music is playing. The participants of the living room enter and are seated in predetermined places.

Ved:Dear Guys! Today we have gathered in our cozy living room to enjoy the variety of colors, sounds, and shades that the Sorceress Autumn is so rich in. After all, autumn is an extraordinary time, it is no longer summer, but not yet winter. And I think you will agree with me that no other time of year, except autumn, can boast of such extraordinary beauty! Even poets sang the beauty of autumn in their poems.

And now I would love to listen to the wonderful poems that you have prepared for today’s meeting.

Music is playing. Against the background of music, children read poems about autumn


Ved:What is it like, autumn mood? With a slight sadness for the passing summer, for the bright colors and aromas, and perhaps for unfulfilled dreams.

Everyone has their own autumn mood. It lives in nature, in art and in people. In everyone who is able to understand and feel the beauty of autumn.

Poem "Sad time.."

Ved:Autumn… Golden time year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching to blurry-transparent halftones... Today our living room is decorated with beautiful masterpieces, and we can get acquainted with the brilliant creations of artists and composers. And music and fine arts teachers will help us with this.

Music teacher:

Music will tell us about everything in the world

About snow-white clouds, about the sun, and about summer.

About how a stormy river Rocky coast beats

As the mountains look down on you, the road winds like a ribbon.

The crane wedge flies away, and the snowflake on your hand melts.

About how the yellow leaf circles and the light burns in the window all night.

As the lights go out in the morning, the ships go to sea.

Like friends singing around a fire, and flowers blooming in the meadows.

How the pages of books rustle, how precious every moment in life is.

Art teacher:

No, it's not the landscape that attracts me

It’s not the colors that I’m trying to notice,

And what shines in the colors:

Love and joy of being.

It's spilled everywhere...

She is everywhere where beauty is...

Music teacher:

Music and painting, architecture and literature, poetry and theater are forms of art and each of them excites the hearts of people and awakens the best feelings in them. They all do it with their own language or, as we say, with their own means. Today we will talk about painting and music, about whether it is possible to “hear” a painting and “see” the music.

Music is one of the oldest species art. We do not always notice the beauty of the world around us, we see and hear the beauty of our native nature. And often artists help us with this, teach us to peer and listen to the world around us.

Art teacher:

All sounds and colors relationships,

And also ways of transposition

Any shades of color in notes, sounds.

Love and joy of being.

It's spilled everywhere...

She is everywhere where beauty is...

Presentation of paintings

Let’s turn to the time of “Golden Autumn” and talk about how Russian artists saw autumn.

  • Here is a reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

The painting was painted in the fall of 1895 - at a time when Levitan lived in the Gorka estate, located one and a half kilometers from the village of Ostrovno. The painting depicts the Syezha River flowing next to Ostrovno. This place was located just half a kilometer from the Gorka estate. Levitan loved to paint autumn landscapes - he had more than a hundred paintings associated with this time of year. Among them, the painting “Golden Autumn” is one of the artist’s most famous works. It depicts a small river surrounded by trees covered with yellow and red autumn leaves. In the distance you can see village houses, fields, and further, on the horizon - an autumn forest, painted in shades yellow color. The bright, major, optimistic colors of this painting are not characteristic of Levitan’s work - he usually used softer and more delicate tones. The painting is in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

  • What kind of autumn did the artist see?
  • What did you like about it?
  • What thoughts and feelings does the picture give rise to?

Consider a reproduction of Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov’s painting “Golden Autumn”;

“How I would like to show you our Oka,” Polenov wrote to Konstantin Korovin in 1914. “After all, you and I were the first to discover its beauty and choose a place to live.” Many years of living on the banks of the Oka did not disappoint the artist in its beauty. Polenov continued to tenderly love this nature and, above all, for the harmony diffused in it. He imprints Oka in different times years, in her various states, giving a real chronicle of her life, full of poetry and deep truth: “Early Snow”, “Summer on the Oka”, “Golden Autumn”, “Autumn on the Oka near Tarusa”.

“Golden Autumn” by Polenov is a symbol of Russian nature. Polenov managed to convey the beauty of autumn like no one else in Russian art.

A broad picture of nature opens up to the viewer's eyes. The majestic river calmly rolls its clear blue waters. Its high bank gives way to a slightly hilly plain that stretches to the horizon. The hills, outlined by smooth, flowing lines, gradually disappear and disappear into the blue distance. Only a small part of this plain falls into the artist’s field of vision - the hills, trees and river appear as if accidentally cut off by the frame of the picture. Thanks to this, the viewer can mentally continue the image, imagine the whole view as a whole and feel the vastness of the Oka meadows captured by the artist.

What words can you choose to describe the picture when talking about the landscape?

One of the many artists depicting the autumn landscape can be called

Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov. At the first glance at the picture, it is clear that I.S. Ostroukhov loved autumn. With such tenderness he drew the leaves, all different: both in color and shape. And this love is passed on to us. Here's what the author himself said:

“... I just want to walk along the golden carpet of autumn, collect colorful foliage, breathe in the coolness of the forest, in which you can feel the slight smell of dampness and mycelium, and remember the forest as solemn and bright. After all, very soon the trees will shed their dresses and fall asleep, enveloped in winter sleep...”

Consider the work “Autumn Landscape”

What mood does the painting evoke?

One of the autumn landscapes is the work “Golden Autumn”. Consider.

Listen to one of the schoolgirls describe her impressions of the painting.

I just want to walk along the golden carpet of autumn, collect colorful leaves, breathe in the coolness of the forest, in which you can feel the slight smell of dampness and mycelium, and remember the forest as solemn and bright. After all, very soon the trees will shed their dresses and fall asleep, enveloped in winter sleep.

  • You looked at reproductions of paintings where artists depicted autumn in their own way, with their own mood. Many artists, poets, and composers often sing about the wonderful pictures of nature. If, while reading books, looking at paintings, listening to music, we pay attention to everything connected with nature, we may even be surprised at how often and deeply nature penetrates into art, how closely they are connected with each other . That is why for any person, love for art and love for nature are very close and related feelings.

Ved:Sad October stretches out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of mists:

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches.

The autumn cold has blown in - the road is freezing,

...And the pond has already frozen...

Ved: We all call autumn differently: some call it cold and rainy. And someone is generous and golden, and no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - motherland always beautiful, attractive, charming! And even folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun!”

Music teacher:

Do you believe that the unique beauty of the autumn landscape can be conveyed through music? ?

Teacher's speech:
- Let's imagine that you are composers and you also want to depict autumn. What means of musical expression would you use?
Students are divided into pairs and given a few minutes to formulate a hypothesis according to the following scheme:
tempo, dynamics, registers, musical instruments.

What would you think the character of the piece, the mood would be, and why?
Their guesses are written down in notebooks and, if desired, voiced at the board.

Many composers depicted the mood of autumn in their works. The history of music knows four famous interpretations of the theme of the seasons. These works are called “Seasons”. This is a cycle of concerts by Vivaldi, an oratorio by Haydn (1801), a cycle of piano pieces by P. I. Tchaikovsky (1876), and a ballet by A. K. Glazunov (1899).
Today we will listen to fragments of works by P.I. Tchaikovsky and A. Vivaldi. While listening, note for yourself which of your assumptions coincided with the composer’s thoughts and which did not.

Students listen to "Autumn Song" by P.I. Tchaikovsky

When listening to music, pay attention to the rhythm, dynamics, timbre (sound color). Analysis of the work according to the diagram. Question: What did music add to the description of autumn? Whose assumptions coincided with Tchaikovsky's music?

- “Autumn Song” occupies a special place in the cycle. This is a dull landscape, the autumn dying of nature and sadness for the passing summer as a symbol of life. The melody is dominated by sad intonations - sighs. In the middle part there is a certain rise, trembling inspiration, as if hope for life flashed. But the third section, repeating the first, again returns to the initial sad “sighs”.

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

"The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most popular works of all time. For many, the very name "Vivaldi" is synonymous with "The Four Seasons" and vice versa (although he wrote a lot of other works). The composer prefaced each of the concerts with a sonnet - a kind of literary program. It is assumed that the author of the poems is Vivaldi himself. These are the lines that begin the sonnet "Autumn" (L"Autunno):

The peasant harvest festival is noisy.
Fun, laughter, lively songs ringing!..

Students listen to the concert “Autumn” by A. Vivaldi, part 1

Analysis of the work according to the diagram. Question: Whose assumptions coincided with Vivaldi’s music?

First part. “The dance and song of the peasants,” explains the author’s remark at the beginning of the part. The cheerful mood is conveyed by rhythm. The brightness of the images is given by the use of the echo effect, so beloved not only by Vivaldi, but also by all Baroque composers. This is played by the whole orchestra and the soloist along with it. This is the peculiarity of the baroque instrumental concert...

The conclusions are summarized. What do these pieces of music have in common? What is the difference?

Ved:It's raining again... It hits the keys cleanly.

I fell hopelessly in love with this music.

Undoubtedly he is the best of all pianists,

What you and I once heard.

On the cornice, as if on a black piano,

He plays Vivaldi's rainy "Autumn"

Unable to hold back my tears, and hardly ashamed of them,

And dropping them gently among the maples and pines.

Well, we enjoy the music of sadness,

We get lost in the notes high and low.

Something is rushing out: it will shrink, let go

The pianist’s playing is piercingly pure...

Ved:How pleasant it is to sit in a soft cozy chair on a rainy autumn evening with a cup of delicious tea. And if guests drop by for a quick visit, it’s doubly pleasant, you can laugh and talk with them. Well, for example, about music. What do you think about music?

Presentation of projects “What I think about music”

Ved:I want to see the music

I want to hear the music

What is this music?

You see, the maple leaf is spinning,

Quietly spinning to the music.

You see, the cloud is spinning in the sky -

There will be rain music.

Both the wind and the sun,

And the clouds and the rain,

And the little grain

Its own music too...

Art teacher:

Now let each of you create a musical palette. Let's translate the composers' experiences into color. (Students are given blanks in the form of a palette.) We compose an autumn palette in color.

Music will help you with this. When listening to music, pay attention to the rhythm, dynamics, timbre (sound color).
1) prepared paints, brushes, water.

So you and I captured the moment of the passing autumn. Let's show our work. The autumn turned out to be different, but for the most part you painted a bright, solemn autumn. But if there were no sadness and sadness, then we probably would not value the joyful and pleasant moments of life so much.

Ved:They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Today you and I realized exactly the opposite. Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives! We have visited the world of autumn beauty and harmony. Maybe one of you, when you grow up, will become a famous poet, artist, musician, composer or fashion designer, and our meetings in the creative living room will help him. We thank this AUTUMN for gathering us all in her living room. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... and then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! I hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Living Room will be lit for all of us in our school more than once. See you again!

Music sounds, the guys leave the hall.

A lot is written about autumn in poetry, which is justified. After all, it is the poem that is briefly but succinctly capable of conveying the charm of this time, the charm of the autumn landscape (“Forests dressed in crimson and gold...”, “Birch trees with yellow carvings / Shine in blue azure...”). It is the poem, with its lyricism, that is able to convey a special autumn mood, longing for summer, notes of sadness and anticipation of the coming spring. However, all the shades of autumn mood and the beauty of the landscape are also conveyed by the prose about autumn, especially performed by the classics who wrote “autumn” books,interest the public to this day.


A.S. Pushkin “Sad time! Eyes Charm!

Alexander Sergeevich is rightfully recognized as the most harmonious Russian poet. Describing autumn, Pushkin balances the melancholy with the beauty of the autumn landscape; a forest dressed in gold is adjacent to dark skies covered with haze. If you want to discover in autumn not only inclement weather and sadness, but the brightness of colors and freshness autumn wind, then you should re-read the poet’s poems.

I.A. Bunin "Falling Leaves"

The poem is very beautiful and very memorable. Nature is described vividly and richly, and amazing comparisons are chosen. If we talk about the mood conveyed in the poem, it is rather contemplative and joyful. Anyone who loves nature and who is not upset by the onset of autumn will be impressed by it.

B.L. Parsnip “Golden Autumn”

If you've ever read Doctor Zhivago, then you know how Pasternak knows how to describe nature, how he knows how to translate feelings into words. Pasternak is an amazingly lyrical poet. In his poem, he accurately conveys colors (“In the yellow maples of the outbuilding…”), light (“And the sunset on their bark / Leaves an amber trace…”), sounds. You can learn such a poem and recite it out loud with your eyes closed, imagining that you are in autumn forest, you see the colors of the sunset, hear the rustling of leaves under your feet. It will turn out very realistic.


I.A. Bunin "Antonov apples"

Wonderfully described species autumn garden, even the aroma of the foliage is conveyed. This memory story fits right into the nostalgic atmosphere of autumn. The autumn of life is also shown - the impoverishment of the noble class, the destruction of the “noble nests”.

M. M. Prishvin

Prishvin is a famous master of describing nature. His series of poetic miniatures in prose breathes the spirit autumn nature. The philosophical “Separation” talks about humility before the course of life.

Not only the classics wrote about autumn. "The Matter of Autumn"- fantasy novel E. Shumskoy, part of the humorous series “Family”. The hero of the book is Jaiko Tatsu, the head of the magical investigation. He is investigating the mysterious case of autumn.

Some readers may find the beginning of this book a little boring and drawn-out, but the plot picks up pace at the end.« Autumn covered Oya, as love once covers - completely and completely. And, like love for a person, it made the city incredibly beautiful,”- this is how this one begins book about autumn filled not only with intrigue, but also bright colors autumn landscape.
