The teacher insulted the student what to do. Why do university teachers humiliate students and find fault? The right to respect for human dignity at school


We will talk about the boorish behavior of a student of one of the universities in relation to the teacher of the technical discipline "Engineering Graphics".

And the following happened. From the beginning of the semester to the present, according to the curriculum in the specialty in which the student is studying, 9 training sessions were held (lesson 1 pair - 1 hour 20 minutes). Of this number, this student was in the classroom only three times.

On the day when a conflict situation arose, a student trying to complete an assignment on an individual card offered his work to the teacher for verification. The teacher, seeing an incorrectly designed assignment, began to correctly explain the student's mistakes, explaining that this was not a personal requirement, but GOST instructions for the design of graphic design documents. To which the student replied: "What difference does it make to you?"

The teacher once again correctly explained the requirements of the standard, but the same phrase followed in response: "What difference does it make to you?"

The teacher then explained to the student that this topic was already completed and he had to independently study the knowledge and skills consolidated in this lesson, he suggested that he familiarize himself with the rules in the normative document and the textbook.

In response to this, the student began to insult the teacher in an undertone, uttering obscene speeches to his desk mate, so much so that the whole speech was perfectly audible to other students in the audience. This offended the teacher not only as a specialist, but also as a citizen, a person!

The teacher calmly offered the student to shut up or leave the classroom and calm down. To which the student again responded with rudeness and insult, uttering his speeches at the top of his voice. The teacher again suggested that the student leave the classroom and think about his behavior. But in response - again refusal and rudeness.

The situation is not pleasant! What to do when one is rude, and everyone is waiting for a reaction and an "interesting" continuation? And, taking into account all the horror of the undeserved insults received in his address, the teacher approached the student and tried to lift the student by the shoulders (the student turned out to be twice as tall as the teacher). But he began to balk. And at that moment one of the conscious students grabbed the bully by the arms and led him out of the audience. Of course, what kind of occupation is there then ... It's good that after 10 minutes the couple ended.

And now a request: please explain, given that everything has already happened (of course, the teacher should not even touch the student who was openly rude to him, but who in such a difficult moment will begin to think about the impossibility of protecting himself and protecting himself from such a scoundrel) and nothing change, the teacher wrote a memorandum, there is no response from the management yet, what to do next? And is there any possibility of legal punishment of such a student?

Thank you in advance.


Hello! Of course, the resolution of the case within the educational institution largely depends on the attitude of the leadership towards this problem. You can look at the Charter of this educational institution, whether there is a clause on the respectful attitude of students towards the teacher. For violation of the Charter, various measures of influence can be applied to the student, up to expulsion from the educational institution.

If there is no reaction from the management and from this student, or you are not satisfied with the way this issue is resolved, then it is possible to apply to the court to initiate a criminal case of private prosecution (insult, slander) with a demand for compensation for moral harm and bringing public apologies, etc.

In this case, since publicly violated the norms of morality, it is possible to apply to the police to initiate an appropriate criminal case or a case on administrative offense(hooliganism).

Could you call the security, which is in every university? It is better to have their phone at hand to call the head of security. He also has the right to write memos on incidents at the university. They would stop this situation.

In my opinion, it is completely unacceptable to turn a blind eye to such behavior of students, so the teacher must at least write a statement (which he has already done, according to him) and personally convey this information to the dean's office. The students are already completely crazy, they don’t see boundaries, some kind of moral decay. The attitude of other students to the teacher depends on how this issue is resolved in the future, who either feel permissiveness, or vice versa, calm down. To punish the offender is a matter of principle.


I can advise the following:

1. See the Charter of this university, there, among other things, disciplinary measures against students should be indicated. The teacher needs to apply with a statement to the leadership of the university to consider this situation and apply disciplinary measures against the violator (and this can be up to expulsion)

2. In many universities there are student courts of honor, where the students themselves consider the behavior of the guys and make a decision.

3. You can write a statement to the police (hooliganism, insult).

As a teacher myself, I understand the complexity of the whole situation and agree that the feedback from the management is important (so that they don’t let go, as they say, on the brakes). My opinion is to stop once and for all, so that this does not happen again NEVER.

And for students to analyze this situation - why they didn’t stop him right away, but waited for the continuation of the “show” And what needs to be done to stop doing this anymore.

They are also right that this student should not have been touched, but at that moment the emotions from such immoral behavior were higher and stronger.

Do you have any questions? Ask, the answer will follow immediately!

Teaching is a difficult profession. It requires a great deal of professionalism and, most importantly, endurance. Some do not have enough patience, and they break down on the students, insulting them, humiliating their dignity. If you are faced with a situation where a teacher at a school or in any other educational institution systematically insults your child, publicly criticizes, ridicules, thus demonstrating a prejudiced attitude, you, as loving parent simply have to respond.

Rights and obligations of participants in the educational process

According to Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", each student has the right to have others respect his dignity. The same applies to protection from various forms physical, psychological violence, insults, health and life protection.

Another article of the same law deals with the duties of a teacher. They include compliance with legal, moral, ethical standards. He must fully comply with the requirements of professional ethics, respect students, namely their honor and dignity. Other participants in the educational process are no exception.

Attention! Shouting, raising a hand against children, insulting their dignity, publicly humiliating, punishing, using inhumane methods - the teacher has no right to all this. If there is a disciplinary violation, then the teacher should be guided in making decisions by the Charter of the school. Such issues are resolved with parents, the administration of the educational institution.

What should be the actions of a parent whose child has been abused?

One of the main ways to protect the interests of their own children is to send their parents an official appeal to the authorities that control the work educational institution, it can also be a dispute resolution committee. Parents have the right to request detailed disciplinary proceedings against the educator. Based on its results, an employee of an educational institution can be held disciplinary liable and even dismissed. It is envisaged that the injured party may apply to the court with a demand to compensate for moral damage, in which case it would not be superfluous to contact a lawyer.

Any parent has the right to demand to stop actions on the part of the teacher that violate the rights of the child. What measures will be taken depends on the personal characteristics of the teacher, director and the general situation in the educational institution. Of no small importance is the extent to which it will be possible to prove the fact of the implementation of humiliating actions, statements that insult the personality of the student.

What can be done?

  1. Do not ignore your child's complaints that the teacher offends him. If the offender is ready for dialogue, you can try to solve the problem peacefully, limiting yourself to a personal conversation. Try to convey to the employee of the educational institution that your child is not used to such treatment. It is necessary to focus on the fact that such actions on the part of the teacher are simply unacceptable.
  2. If a personal conversation did not give results, you can proceed to the second way to influence the situation - write a statement addressed to the director. It can be done individually or collectively. In your appeal, be sure to list the facts, circumstances that, in your opinion, violate the legal rights of the child in respect of his honor and dignity. Be sure to ask for appropriate action, in some situations it is appropriate to discipline a teacher for insulting a student.
  3. You can send an application to the Commission for the settlement of conflicts between participants in the educational process. The initiators of the appeal can be both parents and students themselves. But! Parents must be part of the committee. To prevent the complaint from being perceived as a slander, if possible, involve other parents from your class - the director simply cannot ignore such a statement.
  4. The most extreme measure is to file a lawsuit, law enforcement, the prosecutor's office or the inspectorate that controls the education process. This is where the help of an experienced lawyer comes in handy.

Important! If none of the methods described above succeeded in correcting the situation, then it is worth thinking about transferring the student to another class or school. You need to be guided by the Charter of a general educational institution, it clearly describes the procedure for transferring a child to another school.

Consequences of violation for the teacher

Provided that the facts of unprofessional and unethical behavior are nevertheless established, the teacher is brought to disciplinary responsibility, and in some situations even dismissed. If you competently approach the solution of this problem, namely, contact a professional lawyer, then you can bring the offender not only to administrative, but also to criminal liability. Violation of the rights of the child for the teacher can result in an imposition administrative fine in the amount of 1-3 thousand rubles. When applying to the court, you can achieve compensation for moral damages.

If you are faced with the fact that your child is offended at school, and even the teacher, you do not need to be silent about it. If the problem is not corrected immediately, other children may suffer. When contacting the prosecutor's office, which is done in the most extreme case, a statement is written, which indicates the maximum detailed information about the offense, be prepared for the fact that you will be questioned on the case. Based on the results of the preliminary check, a decision may be made to open an administrative case. The next stage is the implementation of a more detailed investigation by the prosecutor's office, this can last about a year (deadline). When evidence base collected, the case is sent to the court so that no mistakes are made, it is recommended to contact a lawyer. If everything is done correctly, the case will be considered in one meeting, and the verdict will satisfy you as a plaintiff.

These are the personal photo albums of our graduates, and such stories about themselves.

I am pleased to present a graduate of the 8th company in 1970 Pronko Valentin Adamovich - an autobiography and.

Two words about myself.

Born on July 23 in the village of Gurovshchina, Kyiv region, Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district (Ukraine), which is 18 km west of Kyiv (Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway).
After graduation high school entered the Kiev Higher Military Combined Arms Command School. M.V. Frunze.
Veteran of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.
Service life - 32 calendar years.
Since the end of summer 1998 - Vice-Rector of the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law.
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work V high school- more than 32 years.
Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, academic title - senior researcher.
Professor Russian Academy natural sciences.
Active member of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society.
Full member and professor of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems of the Russian Federation.
Grand PhD and full professor at the World Information and Distribution University (Belgium).
Since June 2004 - Doctor of Economics, Professor (VACC).
The topic of the Ph.D. Patriotic War».
The topic of the doctoral dissertation is "Military-economic problems of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and ways to solve them."
Member of the Council of the Association of Historians of the Second World War of the Russian Federation (in the period 1999 - 2004).
From 1990 to 2000 he was a member of two dissertation councils (closed and open) at the Institute military history Ministry of Defense of the USSR (RF).
Author of a rationalization invention (weapon system of an infantry fighting vehicle).
Author of a scientific discovery in the field of military history (1997).
Member of the Union of Journalists of Moscow.
Author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 13 monographs, the total volume of which is over 300 author's sheets. Some of the works have been published abroad (USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Ukraine, etc.).
Scientific and literary editor of 12 major scientific and memoir-historical works.
Laureate of the first prize of the Government of Moscow for 2000 in the nomination: new publications about the Great Patriotic War, prepared by modern authors.
I have about 30 awards, of which: 10 state (USSR, Russian Federation, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and Kyrgyz Republic); breastplate "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; 12 orders, medals and badges of other departments, public organizations, associations and associations of Russia, international associations and the World Federation of Veterans.
Cavalier of the silver medal of Academician P. Kapitza (for scientific discovery in the field of national history).
Married only once. Father of two children. Granddaughter Anya is growing up January 20, 2013 will be 5 years old.
His wife is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Due to the nature of my work (I supervise the network of branches of the university where I work), I visit many regions and cities of Russia every year: Dagestan (Derbent, Makhachkala, Buynaksk, Kaspiysk), Norilsk, Orenburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Mineral water, Sochi, Novosibirsk, Penza. I visit the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Tiraspol), Moldova, Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek, Karakol, Osh). Until recently, he repeatedly visited Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand).

Working with me at MIPP is a two-time Olympic heavyweight champion in weightlifting, a multiple champion and record holder of the world, Europe, the USSR and Ukraine, the team’s standard bearer Soviet Union at the closing of the XVIII, at the opening and closing of the XIX Olympic Games, Honored Master of Sports, laureate of the Komsomol Prize, Honorary President of the Weightlifting Federation of the Russian Federation, Honorary Citizen of the cities of Zaporozhye and Suez Leonid Ivanovich Zhabotinsky.
At his request, he wrote a book for several years - “At the top of Olympus: notes of a double Olympic champion in weightlifting." In this work, I positioned myself as a scientific and literary editor.

I do not forget my native Kyiv. Every year here, sometimes a couple of times (train or car). Mom is still alive, God bless her. Brother Victor lives in the capital of Ukraine, brother Leonid lives in Kapitanovka, in the village. Lesnoye is Lyudmila's sister, who works in Kyiv (next to the zoo) in the field of medicine (ophthalmology). Here is the grave of his father, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Nephews, relatives.

Driving past the school, I remember my youth and years of study in this wonderful forge of military personnel. Very pulling to set foot on the territory.

Questions and answers on student rights.

  1. What are human rights?
    1. Simply put, this term means duties of power to ensure human dignity. This is a special group of moral and legal norms that apply only to "vertical" relations: man-power. This is a very narrow area of ​​relationships. Any other relationship is not governed by human rights law; there are other regulators for this: law, morality, etc. The representative of power in these relationships is not protected by human rights, despite the fact that he is a person. It is protected by other regulations; moreover, the rules of law give it great "weight". A person who is not vested with power can violate numerous norms of law or morality, but cannot be a violator of human rights, because. they provide only a narrow range of obligations of the authorities.
    2. The universally recognized human rights and freedoms include: the right to life, the right to a fair trial, the right to participate in government, the right to health care, the right to education, freedom from torture, freedom from arbitrary deprivation of liberty, freedom from invasion of privacy, freedom of thought, speech, assembly, religion, press, freedom of movement.
    3. Who can violate the rights of a student at a university (institute), university, college?

- Anyone who has power over you in the current situation can violate your rights. A teacher, a doctor, a security guard, a librarian, a health worker, etc. may have power over you.

  1. How do I know if my rights are being violated?
    1. If you understand that a person in power is doing an act against you that he should not do, most likely you are facing a violation of your rights. For example, you are offered to pay some money for the exam or provide other material values, behind good mark, there is a violation of both your rights and criminal law.
    2. Ultimately, the offense is contrary to common sense and law.
  2. What should I do if my rights are violated?
    1. Perhaps the easiest option is to accept and not oppose the violation of your rights. As a "bonus" you get savings of your strength, which can be spent on defending your rights. The downside is that humility provokes a repetition of the situation. From here we go further:
    2. A solution to the problem is required. This is not the elimination of consequences, but, namely, finding the cause of the conflict-problem situation, and its elimination.
    3. The university itself has enough big number decision makers: head of the department, dean, deputy dean, library director, vice-rector and, finally, the rector. To solve most problems, it is enough to contact the head of the employee who violated your rights. In other, more complex situations, the intervention of other persons or departments (the prosecutor's office, the court, etc.) may be required. We'll look at some situations below.
    4. If possible, it is necessary to record the facts of violation of your rights (ensure the presence of a witness, audio recording, video recording).
  3. Insulting teacher.
    1. The first option is to approach the teacher himself and directly report that now he is degrading your human dignity. But this option may be suitable only for a small number of situations when you are sure that you can achieve a result in this way. It is also desirable to fix the act of humiliation of your dignity or something in audio or video format. Thus, you will receive evidence of the teacher's guilt. If not only you are offended, it is advisable to find like-minded people from your group or other groups. Thus, you can achieve more.
    2. We act according to a logical pattern (it will not work further). If the first option doesn't work, move on. We turn to a higher official. This could be the dean of your faculty or the assistant dean for academic work. We explain the situation and ask him to talk to the teacher. As a rule, such a private conversation between the dean or deputy dean and the teacher is sufficient.
    3. Also, like many other decisions, these involve actions within the university.
  4. Can't do without a "gift"?
    1. The first option is to approach the teacher himself and directly report that he is now violating your right to education and is committing a criminal offense. But this option may be suitable only for a small number of situations when you are sure that you can achieve a result in this way. It is also desirable to record the act of demanding a bribe in audio or video format. However, it is desirable to find like-minded people from your group or other groups.
    2. Next step. We turn to a higher official. This may be the dean of your faculty or the assistant dean for academic affairs. We explain the situation and ask him to talk to the teacher. As a rule, such a private conversation between the dean or deputy dean and the teacher is sufficient.
    3. If not, we go higher. Stage 3. We send information through the university website or we are looking for a vice-rector for academic work. We repeat the same. In most cases, you won't have to go further than this.
    4. Note that all these options do not imply taking the problem out of the university.
    5. If the problem is not solved within the walls of the university (for example, you feel that there is mutual responsibility), you can contact the police (taking a bribe is a crime), the prosecutor's office, the Commissioner for Human Rights. In Perm, contact information can be obtained at:
  5. The teacher often comes drunk.
    1. If teaching, in general, suits you, you can contact the teacher himself (preferably in writing, so as not to provoke a conflict), stating that teaching while intoxicated violates your right to education. Perhaps this will be enough.
    2. You can record the fact of the presence of a teacher in a drunken state in video format. The recording can be used either as evidence of your claims. Or you can post it on the Internet (this is an extreme case, because the record can be seen by relatives, which can lead to severe mental suffering).
    3. You can contact the decision maker. This may be the dean of your faculty or the assistant dean for academic affairs. As a rule, a private conversation between the dean and the teacher is sufficient. An appeal to an official may also lead to the adoption of administrative measures, up to the dismissal of a teacher (according to labor law, appearing drunk at the workplace is a sufficient reason for dismissal).
  6. Whom should I contact if the first-aid post fails to get the appropriate help for the situation (for example, for any appeal, “give activated charcoal”)?
    1. It is advisable to record the fact of denial of medical care in audio or video format.
    2. You can go to another medical institution where you can get medical assistance and a certificate about certain health problems.
    3. Apply to the Vice-Rector for AChE (with attached medical certificate).
    4. However, you can get advice from lawyers who provide free help patients. In Perm, see the site (according to the assurances of the site's creators, consultations are free).
  7. In the library, when issuing textbooks, every semester, they do not give the necessary and sufficiently modern literature, but instead they give everyone something different - “what is”, for example, the 80s edition.
    1. Try to explain directly to the librarian that this textbook does not meet the requirements of the teacher (reference to the decision maker).
    2. If this is not the case, we turn to the head of the library or the director of the library. Preferably in writing. Here you need to understand that the absence of a textbook will seriously complicate your learning activities what needs to be communicated to the decision maker.
    3. Another option is to contact the deputy dean for academic affairs.
  8. Poisoned in the student canteen.
    1. Get a certificate of poisoning from the medical institution you applied to and inform the Vice-Rector for AChE, provide him with a copy of the certificate.
    2. If this does not work, contact the SES in the area where the university is located. So that they have already initiated a check of the dining room or buffet.
  9. What should I do if the teacher is biased and unreasonably lowers the grade?
    1. To begin with, it is better to ask the teacher the criteria and grounds for grading (do not exclude the option that you do not understand why the grade is being reduced).
    2. If you think that the matter is in interpersonal relationships, you can directly communicate that you do not like his attitude towards you. Ask to explain the situation and try to find solutions to the situation. (The main thing is that no other violation occurs)
    3. If this does not help, you can contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Sometimes, groups have their own facilitators who can also help solve this problem.
  10. Naughty (insulted) the guard, the watchman.
    1. Best option if you have witnesses. One of them can turn to the dean (deputy dean) for help. Often, even the phrase that now someone will go to the dean (deputy dean) is enough to resolve the situation. If not, it makes sense for the victim of the violation to contact a person with more power and involve him in solving the problem.
    2. If the situation repeats itself from time to time, it is best to fix it on a photo, video or audio and also go to the decision maker (perhaps this is the head of security, vice-rector for AChE, etc.).
  11. The commandant of the hostel forbids visiting students living in it, justifying this with quarantine.
    1. You should find a document regulating the work of the hostel (Regulations, Regulations, Rules, etc.). Perhaps it is available on the university website, perhaps at the dean's office, perhaps at the commandant's office (if you cannot find it, you should officially contact the rector's reception with a request to provide a document). We are looking for clauses in the regulatory document that stipulate the rules for admission to the hostel of persons who do not live in it. We are also looking for rules related to quarantine. If we find in the paragraphs a contradiction with the existing situation, then we write an appeal addressed to the commandant of the hostel and describe the situation. At the same time, we appeal to the vice-rector for AChE with a similar statement (hereinafter, you can contact the rector).
    2. If the actions of the commandant comply with the established rules, but you and your comrades seem unfair - unite, collect signatures under a statement to the rector about the need to change the rules (your demands must be justified), seek a meeting with the rector, defend your position.
  12. What should I do if there is no hot water in the hostel for a long time?
    1. You should find a document regulating the work of the hostel (from the commandant, on the website, in the rector's office, etc.). In the regulatory document, we are looking for items regulating consumer services in the hostel. A good regulatory document should spell out all the terms and conditions. If we find there a contradiction with the existing situation, then we turn to the name of the commandant of the hostel and describe the situation (referring to the approved norms). At the same time, we appeal to the Vice-Rector for AChE with a similar statement.
    2. If the situation fits into the existing norms, but seems abnormal to you, formulate your proposals for changing the rules (they must be legitimate and reasonable), unite and lag behind your position.

First of all, remember what is the purpose of learning. Roughly speaking, the goallearning is to teach, that is, to form, in our case, students certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

A teacher is a person who should transfer this knowledge to students. INconnection with this, he is endowed with a certain power over students, he canuse at your own discretion various methods to reach the goal, to teach students.

Its power is further enhanced by the fact that the function control acquisition of knowledge, skillsand skill is also contained in his hands. That is, he takes the exam and the test,as you know, if you wish, you can fill up anyone, and if failing an exam or credits can be expelled from the university, which of course scares students andgives weight to the teacher.

Power, as you know, can negatively affect its owner, whichexpressed in the abuse of power. Because humiliationthe dignity of students is contrary to the principles of pedagogy, however, this, toUnfortunately, this happens just because the teacher has power and abuses her. He simply overestimates the power given to him, becauseno one gave him the right to humiliate other people.

What are the ways to solve the problem?

Second: remember that the teacher's goal is to teach, and make the assumption that,mocking, finding fault with you, he abuses his power only for the purposemake you study properly, master the subject, gain knowledge.

Each teacher has ideas about how, ideally, he should leadthe student himself in the process of learning, leading to the successful mastering of the subject inas a result. If you behave somehow wrong, in the opinion of the teacher, then he maysignal this with their mockery, nit-picking. Your businessanalyze your behavior, draw conclusions, change something in it andlook at the result.

How, in the opinion of most teachers, should an ideal teacher lead you? student?

Observe generally accepted rules of polite communication.

stick to the river business communication, observe subordination, respectfully treat the teacher, do not express your assessment of professional,personal qualities of the teacher, his appearance, etc.

Comply with the rules and regulations of the training sessions(don't skip class)for disrespectful reasons, do not be late, do not talk, do not sit inphone, listen to lectures carefully, with interest, take notes, toprepare for practical classes and seminars and actively work on them,submit papers on time, do not write off during the exam, etc.).

Fulfill the requirements of a particular teacher for students with regard to educational process (the teacher usually voices them at the first lesson, oryou can ask students senior courses who studied with him, whichrequirements, and what he finds fault with the most).

Here are perhaps the basic rules that a student must follow duringeducational process. You will probably object by saying something like: "There is nosuch ideal students, no one meets these requirements matches, and the teacher finds fault with me!" You're right. It's just that everyonethe teacher has his own "fad", his own principles: one ridicules the student forthat he is constantly late, the other will not attach much importance to this.Think about what exactly is the subject of your teacher's mockery: whatyou are constantly sitting on the phone on a couple and do not listen to him when he explainsnew material or something else? The teacher must have repeated repeatedly that does not suit him, just remember and focusprecisely on the subject of his nit-picking. Negate what annoys him so thathe had nothing to complain about, but if this does not help, there is no longer any patienceforces, it is worth considering the option of resorting to extreme measures (complain abouthim and seek replacement).

Anyway, good luck and successful studies!

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How to pass exams if you are dumb?
