Proton decay in new generation weapons. Ultra-small-caliber weapons for firing atoms, beam weapons What is a beam weapon, what does it look like

A powerful beam of charged particles (electrons, protons, ions) or a beam of neutral atoms can also be used as a weapon. Research on beam weapons began with work on creating a naval combat station to combat anti-ship missiles(PCR). In this case, it was supposed to use a beam of charged particles that actively interact with air molecules, ionize and heat them. As heated air expands, it significantly reduces its density, which allows charged particles to spread further. A series of short pulses can form a kind of channel in the atmosphere, through which charged particles will spread almost unhindered (a UV laser beam can also be used to “pierce the channel”). A pulsed beam of electrons with a particle energy of about 1 GeV and a current of several thousand amperes, propagating through an atmospheric channel, can hit a rocket at a distance of 1-5 km. With a “shot” energy of 1-10 MJ, the rocket will suffer mechanical damage, with an energy of about 0.D MJ the warhead may explode, and with an energy of 0.01 MJ the electronic equipment of the rocket may be damaged.

However, the practical creation of space-based beam weapons encounters a number of unsolved (even at the theoretical level) problems associated with the large divergence of the beam due to Coulomb repulsive forces and the strong magnetic fields existing in space. The curvature of the trajectories of charged particles in these fields makes their use in beam weapon systems completely impossible. During naval combat this is imperceptible, but at distances of thousands of kilometers both effects become very significant. To create a space missile defense system, it is considered advisable to use beams of neutral atoms (hydrogen, deuterium), which in the form of ions are preliminarily accelerated in conventional accelerators.

A fast-flying hydrogen atom is a rather weakly bound system: it loses its electron upon collision with atoms on the surface of the target. But the fast proton formed in this case has great penetrating power: it can hit the electronic “stuffing” of a missile, and under certain conditions even melt the nuclear “stuffing” of a warhead (52, 203).

The accelerators, being developed at the Los Alamos Laboratory in the United States specifically for space-based missile defense systems, use negative ions of hydrogen and tritium, which are accelerated using electromagnetic fields to speeds close to the speed of light, and then “neutralized” by passing through a thin layer of gas. Such a beam of neutral hydrogen or tritium atoms, penetrating deep into a rocket or satellite, heats the metal and disables electronic systems. But the same gas clouds created around a rocket or satellite can, in turn, turn a neutral beam of atoms into a beam of charged particles, protection from which is not difficult. The use of so-called powerful “fast-burning” accelerators (boosters) to accelerate ICBMs, which shorten the acceleration phase, and the choice of flat missile flight trajectories makes the very idea of ​​​​using particle beams in missile defense systems very problematic.

Since beam weapons are basically associated with electromagnetic accelerators and concentrators electrical energy, it can be assumed that the recent discovery of high-temperature superconductors will speed up the development and improve the characteristics of these weapons (52, p. 204).

Acoustic emitters (emitters of mechanical vibrations: infrasonic, ultrasonic) pose the same danger to the human body.

An emitter is a technical device that converts one type of energy into a specific type of radiation.

Sound is mechanical vibrations propagating in elastic media - gases, liquids and solids. From a physical point of view, sound is alternating compression and rarefaction of the medium, spreading in all directions. Alternating compression and rarefaction in the air are called sound waves (51, pp. 13 - 15).

When a sound wave reaches a certain point. space, particles of matter that had not previously performed ordered movements begin to vibrate. Any moving body, including oscillating ones, is capable of... do work, that is, it has energy. Consequently, the propagation of a sound wave is accompanied by the propagation of energy.

The human hearing organs are capable of perceiving sounds with a frequency of 15-20 vibrations per second to 16-20 thousand. Accordingly, mechanical vibrations with the indicated frequencies are called sound, or acoustic (51, p. 16).

Basic physical characteristics of any oscillatory movement - the period and amplitude of the oscillation, and in relation to sound - the frequency and intensity of the oscillations.

The period of oscillation is the time during which one complete oscillation occurs, when, for example, a swinging pendulum moves from the extreme left position to the extreme right and returns to its original position.

Oscillation frequency is the number of complete oscillations (periods) per second. This quantity is called hertz (Hz) in the International System of Units. Frequency is one of the main characteristics by which we distinguish sounds. The higher the vibration frequency, the higher the sound we hear, that is, the sound has a higher pitch.

We humans have access to sounds limited to the following frequency limits: not lower than 15-20 hertz and not higher than 16-20 thousand hertz. Below this limit is infrasound (less than 15 hertz), and above it are ultrasound and hypersound, that is, 1.5-10 4--10 9 hertz and 10 9--10 13 hertz, respectively.

The human ear is most sensitive to sounds with a frequency of 2000 to 5000 hertz. The greatest hearing acuity is observed at the age of 15-20 years. Then the hearing gets worse. In a person under 40 years of age, the greatest sensitivity is in the region of 3000 hertz, from 40 to 60 years old - 2000 hertz, and over 60 years old - 1000 hertz. In the range of up to 500 hertz, a person distinguishes between an increase or decrease in frequency by only one hertz. At higher frequencies, people are less sensitive to such small changes in frequency. For example, at a frequency of more than 2000 hertz, the human ear is able to distinguish one sound from another only when the difference in frequency is at least 5 hertz. With a smaller difference, the sounds will be perceived as the same. However, there are no rules without exceptions. There are people who have unusually fine hearing. For example, a gifted musician can respond to change even to a fraction of one vibration (51, 21-22).

The concept of wavelength is associated with period and frequency. The sound wavelength is the distance between two successive condensations or rarefactions of the medium. In the example of waves propagating on the surface of water, this is the distance between two crests (or troughs).

The second main characteristic is the amplitude of oscillations. This is the greatest deviation from the equilibrium position during harmonic oscillations. In the example with a pendulum, the amplitude is its maximum deviation from the equilibrium position to the extreme right or left position. The amplitude of the vibrations, as well as the frequency, determines the intensity (strength) of the sound. As sound waves propagate, individual particles of the elastic medium are successively displaced. This displacement is transmitted from particle to particle with some delay, the magnitude of which depends on the inertial properties of the medium. The transfer of displacements from particle to particle is accompanied by a change in the distance between these particles, resulting in a change in pressure at each point of the medium. An acoustic wave carries a certain energy in the direction of its movement. Thanks to this, we hear the sound created by a source located at a certain distance from us. The more acoustic energy that reaches a person's ear, the louder the sound is heard. The power of sound, or its intensity, is determined by the amount of acoustic energy flowing in one second through an area of ​​one square centimeter. Consequently, the intensity of acoustic waves depends on the magnitude of the acoustic pressure created by the sound source in the medium, which, in turn, is determined by the magnitude of the displacement of particles of the medium caused by the source. In water, for example, even very small displacements create greater intensity of sound waves (51, pp. 22-23).

Observations of the health status of workers in noisy workshops showed that under the influence of noise, the dynamics of the central nervous system and the functions of the autonomic nervous system are disrupted. Simply put, noise can increase blood pressure, speed up or slow down the pulse, reduce the acidity of gastric juice and blood circulation in the brain, weaken memory, and reduce hearing acuity. Workers in noisy industries have a higher percentage of diseases of the nervous and vascular systems, and the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the reasons negative impact noise in that when we concentrate to hear better, our hearing aids work under great overload. A one-time overload is not terrible, but when we overexert ourselves day after day, year after year, it does not go away without a trace (51, p26).

Doctors persistently continue to study the effect of noise on human health. For example, they found that when noise increases, the release of adrenaline increases. Adrenaline, in turn, affects the functioning of the heart and, in particular, promotes the release of free fatty acids into the blood. To do this, it is enough for a person to be briefly exposed to noise with an intensity of 60-70 decibels. Noise of more than 90 decibels promotes a more active release of cortisone. And this, to a certain extent, weakens the liver’s ability to fight substances harmful to the body, including those that contribute to the occurrence of cancer.

It turned out that noise is also harmful to human vision. This conclusion was reached by a group of Bulgarian doctors who studied this problem (51, p. 27).

By their physical nature, audible sound and ultrasound are no different from each other. Yes, in fact, there is no sharp transition from audible sound to ultrasound: here the boundary fluctuates between “from” and “to” and depends on the capabilities of people’s hearing aids. For some, ultrasound begins at a threshold of 10 kilohertz, for others this threshold rises to 20 kilohertz. And some people can react to 40-50 kilohertz. True, they can no longer perceive such sounds by ear, but it has been noticed that if they are near an ultrasound source, their vision becomes sharper.

Therefore, the lower limit, beyond which the sound becomes ultrasound, depends on the hearing threshold of people, and since it is not the same for everyone, specialists had no choice but to agree on some “average” values. Usually this is 16-20 kilohertz (51, p.40).

Depending on the wavelength and frequency, ultrasound has specific characteristics of emission, reception, propagation and application, therefore the ultrasonic frequency range is conveniently divided into three subregions: low ultrasonic frequencies (1.5-104 - 105 hertz), medium (105--107 hertz) and high (107 - 109 hertz).

Ultrasonic waves are used both in scientific research when studying the structure and properties of matter, and for solving a wide variety of technical problems (51, p. 40).

Ultrasound differs from ordinary sounds in that it has significantly shorter wavelengths, which are easier to focus and, accordingly, receive narrower and more directional radiation, that is, concentrate all the ultrasound energy in the desired direction and concentrate it in a small volume. Many properties of ultrasonic rays are similar to those of light rays. But ultrasonic rays can also propagate in media that are opaque to light rays. This allows the use of ultrasonic beams to study optically opaque bodies (51, p. 41).

The power of ultrasound, in contrast to audible sounds, can be quite large. From artificial sources it can reach tens, hundreds of watts or even several kilowatts, and the intensity can be tens or hundreds of watts per square centimeter. Consequently, with ultrasound a very large energy of mechanical vibrations enters the material medium. The so-called vibrational sound pressure arises. Its value is directly related to the intensity of sound (51, p.42).

Modern methods of producing ultrasound are based on the use of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive effects.

In 1880, French scientists brothers Jacques and Pierre Curie discovered the piezoelectric effect. Its essence lies in the fact that if a quartz plate is deformed, then electric charges of opposite sign appear on its faces. Consequently, piezoelectricity is electricity resulting from mechanical action on a substance (“piezo” in Greek means “to press”) (51, p. 63).

Simplifying somewhat, we can say that a piezoelectric transducer is one or more individual piezoelectric elements with a flat or spherical surface connected in a certain way, glued to a common metal plate (51, p67). To obtain high radiation intensity, focusing piezoelectric transducers, or concentrators, are used, which can have the most various shapes(hemispheres, parts of hollow spheres, hollow cylinders, parts of hollow cylinders). Such transducers are used to produce powerful ultrasonic vibrations at high frequencies. In this case, the radiation intensity in the center of the focal spot is spherical:; transducers is 100--150 times higher than the average intensity on the emitting surface of the transducer (51, p. 68).

· Introduction – page 2

· Laser weapons - pp. 2-4

· Accelerator (beam weapon) - pp. 4-5

· Infrasonic weapons – p. 5-6

· Radio frequency weapons – pp. 6-7

· Geophysical weapons – pp. 7-10

· Gene weapons – pp. 10-12

· Annihilation weapon – pp. 12-13

· New species non-lethal weapons– pp. 13-15

· Means of information warfare – pp. 15-17

· Conclusion – page 18

· Literature – page 19


general characteristics weapons

on new physical principles

Along with the development of traditional types of weapons, many countries pay great attention to work on the creation of unconventional weapons or, as is more commonly said, weapons based on new physical principles.

There is the following definition of this weapon. Weapons based on new physical principles (WNPP) are a type of weapon based on qualitatively new or previously unused physical, biological and other principles of action and technical solutions based on achievements in new areas of knowledge and new technologies. GNFPs include:

Laser weapons

Laser weapons (LO) are a type of directed energy weapon based on the use of electromagnetic radiation from high-energy lasers. The damaging effect of laser beams is determined mainly by the thermomechanical and shock-pulse effects of the laser beam on the target.

Depending on the flux density of the laser radiation, these effects can lead to temporary blinding of a person or to the destruction of the body of a rocket, aircraft, etc. In the latter case, as a result of the thermal effect of the laser beam, the shell of the affected object melts or evaporates. At a sufficiently high energy density in the pulsed mode, along with the thermal one, a shock effect is carried out due to the appearance of plasma.

Of the variety of lasers, solid-state, chemical, free-electron lasers, nuclear-pumped X-ray lasers, etc. are considered the most acceptable for laser weapons. The solid-state laser (STL) is considered by US experts as one of the promising types of generators for aircraft-based laser weapon systems designed for solving problems of defeating ICBMs, SLBMs, operational tactical, cruise missiles and aircraft, suppressing optical electronic means Air defense, as well as to protect aircraft carrying nuclear weapons from guided missiles with any guidance systems. IN last years There has been significant progress associated with the transition from lamp pumping of active elements to pumping using laser diodes. In addition, the ability to generate radiation in TTL at several wavelengths makes it possible to use this type of laser not only in the power channel, but also in the information channel of the weapon system (for detecting, recognizing targets and accurately aiming the power laser beam at them).

Currently, work continues in the United States to create aviation complex laser weapons. Initially, it is planned to develop a demonstration model for the Boeing 747 transport aircraft and, after completing preliminary studies, move on to 2004. to the full-scale development stage.

The complex is based on an oxygen-iodide laser with an output power of several megawatts. According to experts, it will have a range of up to 400 km.

Research into the possibility of creating X-ray lasers continues. Such lasers are distinguished by their high X-ray energy (100–10,000 thousand times more than that of optical lasers) and the ability to penetrate significant thicknesses of various materials (unlike conventional lasers, whose beams are reflected from obstacles). It is known that a laser device pumped by X-ray radiation from a low-power nuclear explosion worked out during underground tests nuclear weapons. Such a laser operates in the X-ray range with a wavelength of 0.0014 μm and generates a radiation pulse with a duration of several nanoseconds. Unlike conventional lasers, in particular chemical lasers, when targets are hit by coherent beams due to thermal effects, an X-ray laser ensures target destruction due to shock pulse action, leading to evaporation of the target surface material and its subsequent spalling.

Laser weapons are distinguished by their stealth action (no flame, smoke, sound), high accuracy, and almost instantaneous action (delivery speed is equal to the speed of light). Its use is possible within line of sight. The damaging effect is reduced in fog, rain, snowfall, and in smoke and dusty atmospheres.

As of the mid-90s, tactical laser weapon, causing damage to optical-electronic devices and human visual organs.

Accelerator (beam) weapons

This weapon is based on the use of highly targeted beams of charged or neutral particles generated by various types accelerators both ground-based and space-based.

The damage to various objects and humans is determined by radiation (ionizing) and thermomechanical effects. Beam means can destroy shell shells aircraft, hit ballistic missiles and space objects by disabling on-board electronic equipment. It is assumed that with the help of a powerful flow of electrons it is possible to detonate ammunition with explosives and melt the nuclear charges of the ammunition warheads.

To impart high energies to the electrons generated by the accelerator, powerful electrical sources are created, and to increase their “range” it is proposed to deliver not single, but group impacts of 10–20 pulses each. The initial impulses will seem to punch a tunnel in the air, along which subsequent ones will reach the goal. Neutral hydrogen atoms are considered very promising particles for beam weapons, since beams of its particles will not bend in the geomagnetic field and be repelled within the beam itself, thereby not increasing the divergence angle.

Work on accelerator weapons using beams of charged particles (electrons) is being carried out in the interests of creating air defense systems for ships, as well as for mobile tactical ground installations.

Infrasonic weapons

Infrasonic weapons are one of the types of NFPP, based on the use of directed radiation of powerful infrasonic vibrations. Prototypes of such weapons already exist and have been repeatedly considered as a possible test object.

Of practical interest are oscillations with frequencies ranging from tenths and even hundredths to a few hertz. Infrasound is characterized by low absorption in various media, as a result of which infrasound waves in air, water and the earth’s crust can travel long distances and penetrate concrete and metal barriers.

According to studies conducted in some countries, infra sound vibrations may affect the central nervous system And digestive organs, causing paralysis, vomiting and spasms, leading to general malaise and pain in internal organs, and at higher levels at frequencies of a few hertz - to dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, and sometimes to blindness and even death. Infrasonic weapons can also cause people to panic, lose control of themselves and an irresistible desire to hide from the source of destruction. Certain frequencies can affect the middle ear, causing vibrations, which in turn cause sensations similar to those that occur with motion sickness or seasickness. Its range is determined by the emitted power, the value of the carrier frequency, the width of the radiation pattern and the conditions for the propagation of acoustic vibrations in a real environment.

According to press reports, work on the creation of infrasonic weapons is being completed in the United States. The conversion of electrical energy into low-frequency sound occurs using piezoelectric crystals, the shape of which changes under the influence of electric current. Prototypes of infrasound weapons have already been used in Yugoslavia. The so-called “acoustic bomb” produced sound vibrations of very low frequency.

Radio frequency weapons

In recent years, research into the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation has intensified. The main place in research is given to the effects on people of electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range from extremely low (f = 3-30 Hz) to ultra-high

(f = 3-30 GHz). The study of these frequency ranges of electromagnetic radiation can be the basis for the creation of a new type of EDFP - radio frequency weapons.

Radio frequency weapons in the ultrahigh frequency range are sometimes called microwave or microwave weapons. In this case, first of all, the effect of radiation on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems is studied, since they regulate the activity of all other organs and systems, determine the state of the psyche and behavior of a person. It has now been established that when acting on the central nervous system, the greatest biological effect is caused by radiation, which in its parameters corresponds to the electromagnetic fields of the brain and coordinates the activity of its centers. In this regard, a detailed study of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the centers of the human brain is being conducted and the possibility of developing means of inhibiting and stimulating their activity is being explored.

As a result of experiments conducted in the USA, it was determined that with a single exposure of a person to radiation with certain frequencies in the radio frequency range from 30 to 30,000 MHz (meter and decimeter waves) at an intensity of more than 10 MW/cm2, the following are observed: headache, weakness, depression, increased irritability, fear, impaired decision-making ability, memory impairment.

Exposure of the brain to radio waves in the frequency range 0.3–3 GHz (decimeter waves) at an intensity of up to 2 MW/cm2 causes a sensation of whistling, buzzing, buzzing, clicking, which disappears with appropriate shielding. It has also been established that powerful electromagnetic radiation can cause severe burns and blindness.

According to scientists, with the help of electromagnetic radiation it is possible to remotely and purposefully influence a person, which makes it possible to use radio frequency weapons to carry out psychological sabotage and disrupt the command and control of enemy troops. When applied to friendly troops, electromagnetic radiation can be used to increase resistance to stress arising during combat operations.

Using microwave weapons it will be possible to disrupt the operation of any electronic systems. Promising magnetrons and klystrons with a power of up to 1 GW using phased array antennas will make it possible to disrupt the functioning of airfields, missile launch sites, centers and control posts, and disable command and control systems for troops and weapons.

With the adoption of such means as powerful mobile microwave generators of all types into service by the armies of the opposing sides, it will be possible to block the weapon systems of the opposing side. This puts microwave weapons among the highest priority weapons of the future.

Geophysical weapons

Geophysical weapons mean weapons whose destructive effect is based on their use for military purposes. natural phenomena and processes caused artificially. Depending on the environment in which these processes occur, it is divided into atmospheric, lithospheric, hydrosphere, biosphere and ozone. The means by which geophysical factors are stimulated may be different, but the energy expended by these means is always significantly less than the energy released by the forces of nature as a result of the induced geophysical process.

Atmospheric (weather) weapons are the most studied type of geophysical weapon today. In relation to atmospheric weapons, their damaging factors are various types atmospheric processes and related weather and climatic conditions, on which life may depend, both in individual regions and on the entire planet. Today it has been established that many active reagents, for example, silver iodide, solid carbon dioxide and other substances, when dispersed in clouds, are capable of causing heavy rain over large areas. On the other hand, reagents such as propane, carbon dioxide, and lead iodide provide fog dispersion. Spraying of these substances can be carried out using ground-based generators and on-board devices installed on aircraft and missiles.

In areas where the moisture content of the air is high, the above method can cause heavy rains and thereby change water regime rivers, lakes, swamps, significantly worsen the passability of roads and terrain, and cause flooding in low-lying areas. On the other hand, if artificial precipitation is provided on the approaches to areas with a large moisture deficit, it is possible to remove a significant amount of moisture from the atmosphere and cause drought in these areas.

Lithospheric weapons are based on the use of the energy of the lithosphere, that is, the outer sphere of the “solid” earth, including the earth’s crust and upper layer mantle. In this case, the damaging effect manifests itself in the form of such catastrophic phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the movement of geological formations. The source of energy released in this case is tension in tectonically dangerous zones.

Experiments conducted by a number of researchers have shown that in some earthquake-prone areas of the Earth, using above-ground or underground nuclear explosions of relatively low power, earthquakes can be initiated, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Hydrospheric weapons are based on the use of hydrosphere energy for military purposes. The hydrosphere is the discontinuous water shell of the Earth, located between the atmosphere and the solid crust (lithosphere). It is a collection of oceans, seas and surface waters.

The use of hydrosphere energy for military purposes is possible when hydroresources (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes) and hydraulic structures are exposed not only to nuclear explosions, but also to large charges of conventional explosives. The damaging factors of hydrosphere weapons will be strong waves and flooding.

Biosphere weapons (ecological) are based on a catastrophic change in the biosphere. The biosphere covers part of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and top part lithosphere, which are interconnected by complex biochemical cycles of migration of substances and energy. Currently, there are chemical and biological agents, the use of which over large areas can destroy vegetation, surface fertile soil, food supplies, etc.

Artificially caused soil erosion, death of vegetation, irreparable damage to flora and fauna due to the use of various types of chemicals, incendiary weapons can lead to a catastrophic change in the biosphere and, as a consequence, mass destruction of people.

Ozone weapons are based on the use of ultraviolet radiation energy emitted by the Sun. The shielding ozone layer extends at an altitude of 10 to 50 km with a maximum concentration at an altitude of 20–25 km and a sharp decrease upward and downward. IN normal conditions A small part of the UVR reaches the Earth's surface with = 0.01-0.2 microns. The main part of it, passing through the atmosphere, is absorbed by ozone and scattered by air molecules and dust particles. Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents; it kills microorganisms and is poisonous. Its destruction is accelerated in the presence of a number of gaseous impurities, especially bromine, chlorine, fluorine and their compounds, which can be delivered to the ozone layer by rockets, aircraft and other means.

Partial destruction of the ozone layer over enemy territory, artificial creation of temporary “windows” in the protective ozone layer can lead to damage to the population, animals and flora in the planned area Globe due to exposure to large doses of hard UV radiation and other radiation of cosmic origin.

Despite the signing by most UN member countries of the 1978 Convention “On the Prohibition of Military and Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Influence on natural environment"and the availability of the ability of leading industrial states to carry out global monitoring of the physical parameters of the environment, a number of large corporations and industrial firms developed countries(primarily the USA, Japan and Great Britain) in recent years have significantly expanded the scope of research on the active impact on the human environment, as well as on processes that can have a significant impact on supporting space systems (intelligence, communications, navigation).

Thus, the analysis of research conducted in recent years in the field of geophysical impact on environment indicates the likelihood of the emergence in the 21st century of fundamentally new approaches to the technology of creating certain types of geophysical weapons.

Gene weapon

Scientific and technical achievements in the field of biotechnology in recent years have made it possible to enter a new direction in the development of this science, called evolutionary molecular (“gene”) engineering. It is based on the technology of reproducing in laboratory conditions the processes of adaptive evolution of genetic material. The use of this approach ensures the creation of flexible technologies for targeted selection and reliable production of proteins with desired properties. According to experts, genetic engineering creates the prerequisites for the development of fundamentally new methods of working with DNA and for obtaining a new generation of biotechnological products. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the use of the results of genetic research is not limited only to the possibility of obtaining modified or new types of microbes that best meet the requirements of biological warfare. According to foreign experts, means of damaging the human genetic apparatus or “gene weapons” can also be created. It is understood as substances of chemical or biological origin that can cause mutations (changes in the structure) of genes in the human body, accompanied by health problems or programmed behavior of people.

In recent years, in the field of biotechnology, it has already been possible to develop methods for obtaining a wide range of physiologically active proteins that affect pain sensitivity and psychosomatic reactions of mammals. Research on such bioregulators is at various stages, up to clinical trials in humans.

A special type of genetic weapon is the so-called ethnic weapon - a weapon with a selective genetic factor. It is designed to primarily target certain ethnic and racial groups of the population. The possibility of developing and subsequently using such weapons comes from the genetic differences of different races and ethnic groups of people.

Animals, plants, and soil microflora that are specific to a given region of the Earth and constitute an important condition for human existence in this region can also become targets of ethnic weapons.

As is known, in the organisms of certain groups of people there are genetically determined biochemical characteristics that depend on environmental factors and, above all, food and infectious agents. Under the influence of such regional environmental factors, various biological structures took shape, which were fixed hereditarily and passed on to subsequent generations of people. It is obvious that such intraspecific differences can be the direct object of targeted chemical or biological effects of ethnic weapons on human cells, tissues, organs, and systems. This can be a means of genocide and a weapon of sterilization (deprivation of the ability to bear children).

Homing particle accelerator. Bang! This thing will fry half the city.
Corporal Hicks, film "Aliens"

In science fiction literature and cinema, many types that do not yet exist are used. These include various blasters, lasers, rail guns, and much more. In some of these areas, work is currently underway in different laboratories, but no particular success has been observed yet, and the mass practical use of such samples will begin at least in a couple of decades.

Among other fantastic classes of weapons, the so-called. ion cannons. They are also sometimes called beam, atomic or partial (this term is used much less frequently due to its specific sound). The essence of this weapon is to accelerate any particles to near-light speeds and then direct them towards the target. Such a beam of atoms, possessing colossal energy, can cause serious damage to the enemy even kinetically, not to mention ionizing radiation and other factors. Looks tempting, doesn't it, military gentlemen?

As part of the work on the Strategic Defense Initiative in the United States, several concepts for intercepting enemy missiles were considered. Among others, the possibility of using ion weapons was studied. The first work on the topic began in 1982-83 at the Los Alamos National Laboratory at the ATS accelerator. Later, other accelerators began to be used, and then the Livermore National Laboratory was also involved in research. In addition to direct research into the prospects of ion weapons, both laboratories also tried to increase the energy of particles, naturally with an eye to the military future of the systems.

Despite the investment of time and effort, the Antigone beam weapon research project was withdrawn from the SDI program. On the one hand, this could be seen as a rejection of an unpromising direction, on the other hand, as a continuation of work on a project that has a future, regardless of the obviously provocative program. In addition, in the late 80s, Antigone was transferred from strategic missile defense to naval defense: the Pentagon did not specify why this was done.

In the course of research on the effects of beam and ion weapons on a target, it was found that a particle beam/laser beam with an energy of about 10 kilojoules is capable of burning anti-ship missile homing equipment. 100 kJ under appropriate conditions can already cause electrostatic detonation of a rocket charge, and a beam of 1 MJ literally turns a rocket into a nanosieve, which leads to the destruction of all electronics and detonation of the warhead. In the early 90s, an opinion emerged that ion cannons could still be used in strategic missile defense, but not as a means of destruction. It was proposed to shoot beams of particles with sufficient energy at a “cloud” consisting of warheads strategic missiles and false targets. As conceived by the authors of this concept, the ions were supposed to burn out the electronics of the warheads and deprive them of the ability to maneuver and aim at the target. Accordingly, based on the sharp change in the behavior of the mark on the radar after a salvo, it was possible to calculate warheads.

However, during the course of their work, the researchers faced a problem: the accelerators used could only accelerate charged particles. And this “small fry” has one inconvenient feature - they did not want to fly in a friendly bunch. Due to the charge of the same name, the particles were repelled and instead of an accurate powerful shot, many much weaker and scattered ones were obtained. Another problem associated with firing ions was the curvature of their trajectory under the influence of magnetic field Earth. Perhaps this is why ion cannons were not allowed into the strategic missile defense system - they required firing at long distances, where the curvature of trajectories interfered with normal operation. In turn, the use of “ionomets” in the atmosphere was hampered by the interaction of fired particles with air molecules.

The first problem, with accuracy, was solved by introducing a special reloading chamber into the gun, located after the accelerating block. In it, the ions returned to a neutral state and no longer repelled each other after leaving the “barrel”. At the same time, the interaction of bullet particles with air particles decreased slightly. Later, during experiments with electrons, it was found that in order to achieve the least energy dissipation and provide maximum range shooting, before firing you need to illuminate the target with a special laser. Thanks to this, an ionized channel is created in the atmosphere, through which electrons pass with less energy loss.

After the introduction of a reloading chamber into the gun, a slight increase in its combat qualities was noted. In this version of the gun, protons and deuterons (deuterium nuclei consisting of a proton and a neutron) were used as projectiles - in the recharging chamber they attached an electron to themselves and flew to the target in the form of hydrogen or deuterium atoms, respectively. When hitting a target, the atom loses an electron, dissipating the so-called. bremsstrahlung and continues to move inside the target in the form of a proton/deuteron. Also, under the influence of released electrons in a metal target, eddy currents can appear with all the consequences.

However, all the work of American scientists remained in the laboratories. Around 1993, preliminary designs for missile defense systems for ships were prepared, but things never went any further. Particle accelerators with acceptable combat use power were of such a size and required such an amount of electricity that a ship with a beam cannon had to be followed by a barge with a separate power plant. The reader familiar with physics can calculate for himself how many megawatts of electricity are required to impart at least 10 kJ to a proton. The American military could not afford such expenses. The Antigone program was suspended and then completely closed, although from time to time there are reports of varying degrees of reliability that talk about the resumption of work on the topic of ion weapons.

Soviet scientists did not lag behind in the field of particle acceleration, but for a long time they did not think about the military use of accelerators. For defense industry The USSR was characterized by constant consideration of the cost of weapons, so the ideas of combat accelerators were abandoned without starting work on them.

At the moment, there are several dozen different charged particle accelerators in the world, but among them there is not a single combat one suitable for practical use. The Los Alamos accelerator with a recharging chamber has lost the latter and is now used in other research. As for the prospects for ion weapons, the idea itself will have to be shelved for now. Until humanity has new, compact and super-powerful sources of energy.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Beam weapon- a type of space weapon based on the formation of a beam of particles (electrons, protons, ions or neutral atoms), accelerated to relativistic (near-light) speeds, and the use of the kinetic energy stored in them to destroy enemy objects. Along with laser and kinetic weapons, beam weapons were developed within the framework of SDI as a promising type of fundamentally new weapon.

Beam weapons have three damage factors: mechanical destruction, directed x-ray and gamma radiation and electromagnetic pulse. Scope of possible application: destruction of ballistic missiles, space and combined aerospace vehicles. The advantage of beam weapons is their speed, due to the movement of a beam of particles at near-light speed. The disadvantage of beam weapons when operating in the atmosphere is the loss of speed and kinetic energy of elementary particles due to interaction with gas atoms. Experts see a way out of this problem by creating a channel of rarefied air in the atmosphere, inside which beams of particles can move without loss of speed and kinetic energy.

In addition to space warfare, beam weapons were also supposed to be used to combat anti-ship missiles.

There is a project for an “ion” pistol, the Ion Ray Gun, powered by 8 AA batteries, causing damage at a distance of up to 7 meters.

Ion gun technologies can be used in civilian purposes for ion-beam treatment of track membrane surfaces.

Assessment of the possibility of creation and use


Beam weapons in culture

In fiction

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  1. Vladimir Belous(Russian) // Independent military review: newspaper. - 2006.
  2. Igor Kray// World of Fantasy: magazine. - 2007. - No. 46.
  3. Pronin, V. A.; Gornov, V. N.; Lipin, A. V.; Loboda, P. A.; Mchedlishvili, B.V.; Nechaev, A. N.; Sergeev, A. V.// Journal of Technical Physics. - 2001. - T. 71, No. 11.
  4. 1.2. Beam weapons // / Ed. Velikhova E. P., Sagdeeva R. Zh., Kokoshina A. A. - Mir, 1986. - 181 p.
  5. P. G. O"Shea." Proceedings of the Linear Accelerator Conference 1990, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  6. Nunz, G. J. (2001), , vol. 1: Project Summary, USA: Storming Media , .
  7. . Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Retrieved January 6, 2015.
  8. , With. 108.
  9. , With. 206.
  10. Konstantin Zakablukovsky// Best computer games: magazine. - 2005. - No. 10 (47).
  11. Alexander Dominguez// The best computer games: magazine. - 2006. - No. 8 (57).
  12. Dmitry Voronov// World of Fantasy: magazine. - 2005. - No. 20.


  • E. P. Velikhov, R. Zh. Sagdeev, A. A. Kokoshin. 1.2. Beam weapon // . - Mir, 1986. - 181 p.
  • Rodionov, B. I., Novichkov, N. N.. - Military. publishing house, 1987. - 214 p.
  • Smith, Bill; Nakabayashi, David; Vigil, Troy.// Star Wars. Weapons and military technologies. - OLMA Media Group, 2004. - 224 p. - ( Star Wars. Illustrated Encyclopedia). - ISBN 5949460510, 9785949460511.
  • Smith, Bill; Du Chang; Vigil, Troy.// Star Wars. Starships and vehicles. - OLMA Media Group, 2004. - 224 p. - (Star Wars. The Illustrated Encyclopedia). - ISBN 5949460928, 9785949460924.

An excerpt characterizing the beam weapon

Pierre, feeling out of place and idle, afraid to interfere with someone again, galloped after the adjutant.
- This is here, what? Can I come with you? - he asked.
“Now, now,” answered the adjutant and, galloping up to the fat colonel standing in the meadow, he handed him something and then turned to Pierre.
- Why did you come here, Count? - he told him with a smile. -Are you all curious?
“Yes, yes,” said Pierre. But the adjutant, turning his horse, rode on.
“Thank God here,” said the adjutant, “but on Bagration’s left flank there is a terrible heat going on.”
- Really? asked Pierre. - Where is this?
- Yes, come with me to the mound, we can see from us. “But our battery is still bearable,” said the adjutant. - Well, are you going?
“Yes, I’m with you,” said Pierre, looking around him and looking for his guard with his eyes. Here, only for the first time, Pierre saw the wounded, wandering on foot and carried on stretchers. In the same meadow with fragrant rows of hay through which he drove yesterday, across the rows, his head awkwardly turned, one soldier lay motionless with a fallen shako. - Why wasn’t this raised? - Pierre began; but, seeing the stern face of the adjutant, looking back in the same direction, he fell silent.
Pierre did not find his guard and, together with his adjutant, drove down the ravine to the Raevsky mound. Pierre's horse lagged behind the adjutant and shook him evenly.
“Apparently you’re not used to riding a horse, Count?” – asked the adjutant.
“No, nothing, but she’s jumping around a lot,” Pierre said in bewilderment.
“Eh!.. yes, she’s wounded,” said the adjutant, “right front, above the knee.” Must be a bullet. Congratulations, Count,” he said, “le bapteme de feu [baptism by fire].
Having driven through the smoke through the sixth corps, behind the artillery, which, pushed forward, was firing, deafening with its shots, they arrived at a small forest. The forest was cool, quiet and smelled of autumn. Pierre and the adjutant dismounted from their horses and entered the mountain on foot.
- Is the general here? – asked the adjutant, approaching the mound.
“We were there now, let’s go here,” they answered him, pointing to the right.
The adjutant looked back at Pierre, as if not knowing what to do with him now.
“Don’t worry,” said Pierre. – I’ll go to the mound, okay?
- Yes, go, you can see everything from there and it’s not so dangerous. And I'll pick you up.
Pierre went to the battery, and the adjutant went further. They did not see each other again, and much later Pierre learned that this adjutant’s arm was torn off that day.
The mound that Pierre entered was the famous one (later known among the Russians under the name of the kurgan battery, or Raevsky’s battery, and among the French under the name la grande redoute, la fatale redoute, la redoute du center [the great redoubt, the fatal redoubt, the central redoubt ] a place around which tens of thousands of people were positioned and which the French considered the most important point of the position.
This redoubt consisted of a mound on which ditches were dug on three sides. In a place dug in by ditches there were ten firing cannons, stuck out into the opening of the shafts.
There were cannons lined up with the mound on both sides, also firing incessantly. A little behind the guns stood the infantry troops. Entering this mound, Pierre did not think that this place, dug in with small ditches, on which several cannons stood and fired, was the most important place in battle.
To Pierre, on the contrary, it seemed that this place (precisely because he was on it) was one of the most insignificant places of the battle.
Entering the mound, Pierre sat down at the end of the ditch surrounding the battery, and with an unconsciously joyful smile looked at what was happening around him. From time to time, Pierre still stood up with the same smile and, trying not to disturb the soldiers who were loading and rolling guns, constantly running past him with bags and charges, walked around the battery. The guns from this battery fired continuously one after another, deafening with their sounds and covering the entire area with gunpowder smoke.
In contrast to the creepiness that was felt between the infantry soldiers of the cover, here, on the battery, where a small number of people busy with work are white limited, separated from others by a ditch - here one felt the same and common to everyone, as if a family revival.
The appearance of the non-military figure of Pierre in a white hat initially struck these people unpleasantly. The soldiers, passing by him, glanced sideways at his figure in surprise and even fear. The senior artillery officer, a tall, long-legged, pockmarked man, as if to watch the action of the last gun, approached Pierre and looked at him curiously.
A young, round-faced officer, still a complete child, apparently just released from the corps, very diligently disposing of the two guns entrusted to him, addressed Pierre sternly.
“Mister, let me ask you to leave the road,” he told him, “it’s not allowed here.”
The soldiers shook their heads disapprovingly, looking at Pierre. But when everyone was convinced that this man in a white hat not only did nothing wrong, but either sat quietly on the slope of the rampart, or with a timid smile, courteously avoiding the soldiers, walked along the battery under gunfire as calmly as along the boulevard, then Little by little, the feeling of hostile bewilderment towards him began to turn into affectionate and playful sympathy, similar to that which soldiers have for their animals: dogs, roosters, goats and in general animals living with military commands. These soldiers immediately mentally accepted Pierre into their family, appropriated them and gave him a nickname. “Our master” they nicknamed him and laughed affectionately about him among themselves.
One cannonball exploded into the ground two steps away from Pierre. He, cleaning the soil sprinkled with the cannonball from his dress, looked around him with a smile.
- And why aren’t you afraid, master, really! - the red-faced, broad soldier turned to Pierre, baring his strong white teeth.
-Are you afraid? asked Pierre.
- How then? - answered the soldier. - After all, she will not have mercy. She will smack and her guts will be out. “You can’t help but be afraid,” he said, laughing.
Several soldiers with cheerful and affectionate faces stopped next to Pierre. It was as if they did not expect him to speak like everyone else, and this discovery delighted them.
- Our business is soldierly. But master, it’s so amazing. That's it master!
- In places! - the young officer shouted at the soldiers gathered around Pierre. This young officer, apparently, was fulfilling his position for the first or second time and therefore treated both the soldiers and the commander with particular clarity and formality.
The rolling fire of cannons and rifles intensified throughout the entire field, especially to the left, where Bagration’s flashes were, but because of the smoke of the shots, it was impossible to see almost anything from the place where Pierre was. Moreover, observing the seemingly family (separated from all others) circle of people who were on the battery absorbed all of Pierre’s attention. His first unconscious joyful excitement, produced by the sight and sounds of the battlefield, was now replaced, especially after the sight of this lonely soldier lying in the meadow, by another feeling. Now sitting on the slope of the ditch, he observed the faces surrounding him.
By ten o'clock twenty people had already been carried away from the battery; two guns were broken, shells hit the battery more and more often, and long-range bullets flew in, buzzing and whistling. But the people who were at the battery did not seem to notice this; Cheerful talk and jokes were heard from all sides.
- Chinenka! - the soldier shouted at the approaching grenade flying with a whistle. - Not here! To the infantry! – another added with laughter, noticing that the grenade flew over and hit the covering ranks.
- What, friend? - another soldier laughed at the man who crouched under the flying cannonball.
Several soldiers gathered at the rampart, looking at what was happening ahead.
“And they took off the chain, you see, they went back,” they said, pointing across the shaft.
“Mind your job,” the old non-commissioned officer shouted at them. “We’ve gone back, so it’s time to go back.” - And the non-commissioned officer, taking one of the soldiers by the shoulder, pushed him with his knee. There was laughter.
- Roll towards the fifth gun! - they shouted from one side.
“At once, more amicably, in the burlatsky style,” the cheerful cries of those changing the gun were heard.
“Oh, I almost knocked off our master’s hat,” the red-faced joker laughed at Pierre, showing his teeth. “Eh, clumsy,” he added reproachfully to the cannonball that hit the wheel and the man’s leg.
- Come on, you foxes! - another laughed at the bending militiamen entering the battery behind the wounded man.
- Isn’t the porridge tasty? Oh, the crows, they slaughtered! - they shouted at the militia, who hesitated in front of the soldier with a severed leg.
“Something else, kid,” they mimicked the men. – They don’t like passion.
Pierre noticed how after each cannonball that hit, after each loss, the general revival flared up more and more.
As if from an approaching thundercloud, more and more often, lighter and brighter, lightning of a hidden, flaring fire flashed on the faces of all these people (as if in rebuff to what was happening).
Pierre did not look forward to the battlefield and was not interested in knowing what was happening there: he was completely absorbed in the contemplation of this increasingly flaring fire, which in the same way (he felt) was flaring up in his soul.
At ten o'clock the infantry soldiers who were in front of the battery in the bushes and along the Kamenka River retreated. From the battery it was visible how they ran back past it, carrying the wounded on their guns. Some general with his retinue entered the mound and, after talking with the colonel, looked angrily at Pierre, went down again, ordering the infantry cover stationed behind the battery to lie down so as to be less exposed to shots. Following this, a drum and command shouts were heard in the ranks of the infantry, to the right of the battery, and from the battery it was visible how the ranks of the infantry moved forward.
Pierre looked through the shaft. One face in particular caught his eye. It was an officer who, with a pale young face, walked backwards, carrying a lowered sword, and looked around uneasily.
The rows of infantry soldiers disappeared into the smoke, and their prolonged screams and frequent gunfire could be heard. A few minutes later, crowds of wounded and stretchers passed from there. Shells began to hit the battery even more often. Several people lay uncleaned. The soldiers moved more busily and more animatedly around the guns. Nobody paid attention to Pierre anymore. Once or twice they shouted at him angrily for being on the road. The senior officer, with a frowning face, moved with large, fast steps from one gun to another. The young officer, flushed even more, commanded the soldiers even more diligently. The soldiers fired, turned, loaded, and did their job with tense panache. They bounced as they walked, as if on springs.

The damaging factor of a beam weapon is a highly directed beam of charged or neutral particles of high energy - electrons, protons, neutral hydrogen atoms. A powerful flow of energy carried by particles can create intense thermal effects and mechanical shock loads in the target material, can destroy the molecular structure of the human body, and initiate x-ray radiation.

The damage to various objects and humans is determined by radiation (ionizing) and thermomechanical effects. Beam weapons can destroy the shells of aircraft bodies, hit ballistic missiles and space objects by disabling on-board electronic equipment. It is assumed that with the help of a powerful flow of electrons it is possible to detonate ammunition with explosives and melt the nuclear charges of the ammunition warheads.

To impart high energies to the electrons generated by the accelerator, powerful electrical sources are created, and to increase their “range” it is proposed to deliver not single, but group impacts of 10–20 pulses each. The initial impulses will seem to punch a tunnel in the air, along which subsequent ones will reach the goal. Neutral hydrogen atoms are considered to be very promising particles for beam weapons, since beams of its particles will not bend in the geomagnetic field and be repelled within the beam itself, thereby not increasing the divergence angle.

The use of beam weapons is distinguished by the instantaneousness and suddenness of the damaging effect. The limiting factor in the range of this weapon is the gas particles in the atmosphere, with the atoms of which accelerated particles interact, gradually losing their energy.

The most likely targets of beam weapons can be manpower, electronic equipment, various weapons systems and military equipment.

Work on accelerator weapons using beams of charged particles (electrons) is being carried out in the interests of creating air defense systems for ships, as well as for mobile tactical ground installations.

Beam weapon installations have large mass-dimensional characteristics; they can be placed stationary or on special mobile equipment with a large load-bearing capacity.

Western experts, in their plans to re-equip the armed forces in order to increase their power, mobility and expand combat capabilities, attach great importance to the creation of means of armed warfare based on electrodynamic mass accelerators or electric guns, the main feature of which is the achievement hypersonic speeds defeat, including without the use of special combat units. Expected improvement tactical and technical characteristics will be expressed in increasing the range of fire and getting ahead of the enemy in dueling situations, as well as in increasing the probability and accuracy of a hit when firing unguided and guided hyper-velocity ammunition, which should destroy the target with a direct hit. In addition, hyperspeed kinetic weapon systems, compared to conventional analogues, make it possible to reduce the number of crew or combat personnel (for example, for a tank crew - by half).

Acoustic (infrasonic) weapons.

Acoustic (infrasonic) weapons are based on the use of directed radiation of infrasonic vibrations with a frequency of several hertz (Hz), which can have a strong effect on the human body. The ability of infrasonic vibrations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers should be taken into account, which increases the interest of military specialists in these weapons. Its range is determined by the emitted power, the value of the carrier frequency, the width of the radiation pattern and the conditions for the propagation of acoustic vibrations in a real environment.

When considering the problem of creating and damaging effects of acoustic weapons, it should be taken into account that they cover three characteristic frequency ranges: infrasonic region - below 20 Hz, audible - from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ultrasonic - above 20 kHz. This gradation is determined by the characteristics of the impact of sound on the human body. It has been established that hearing thresholds, pain levels and other negative effects on the human body increase with decreasing sound frequency. Infrasonic vibrations can cause a state of anxiety and even horror in people. According to scientists, with significant radiation power, a sharp disruption in the functions of individual human organs can occur, damage to the cardiovascular system, and even death.

According to studies conducted in some countries, infrasonic vibrations can affect the central nervous system and digestive organs, causing paralysis, vomiting and spasms, leading to general malaise and pain in the internal organs, and at higher levels at frequencies in the hertz range - to dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, and sometimes blindness and even death. Infrasonic weapons can cause panic in people, loss of self-control and an irresistible desire to hide from the source of destruction. Certain frequencies can affect the middle ear, causing vibrations that cause sensations similar to those that occur with motion sickness or seasickness. By selecting a certain frequency of radiation, it is possible, for example, to provoke massive myocardial infarctions among military personnel and the enemy population.

According to press reports, work on the creation of infrasonic weapons is being completed in the United States. The conversion of electrical energy into low-frequency sound energy occurs using piezoelectric crystals, the shape of which changes under the influence of electric current. Prototypes of infrasound weapons have already been used in Yugoslavia. The so-called “acoustic bomb” produced sound vibrations of very low frequency.

In the United States, research is underway to create infrasound systems using large loudspeakers and powerful sound amplifiers. Infrasound emitters have been developed in the UK, which not only affect the human hearing system, but are also capable of causing resonance. internal organs, disrupt the functioning of the heart, up to fatal outcome. To defeat people in bunkers, shelters and combat vehicles, acoustic “bullets” of very low frequencies are tested, formed by the superposition of ultrasonic vibrations emitted by large antennas.

Electromagnetic weapons.

The impact of electromagnetic weapons on humans and various objects is based on the use of powerful electromagnetic pulse(AMY). The prospects for the development of these weapons are associated with the widespread use of electronic technology in the world, which solves very important problems, including in the field of security. For the first time, electromagnetic radiation capable of damaging various technical devices became known during nuclear weapons tests, when this new physical phenomenon was discovered. It soon became known that EMP is produced not only during a nuclear explosion. Already in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia, the principle of constructing a non-nuclear “electromagnetic bomb” was proposed, where, as a result of compression of the magnetic field of the solenoid by the explosion of a chemical explosive, a powerful EMP is formed.

At present, when the troops and infrastructure of many states are saturated with electronics to the limit, attention to the means of destroying them has become very relevant. Although electromagnetic weapons are characterized as non-lethal, experts classify them as strategic weapons, which can be used to disable objects of the state and military control system. Thermonuclear ammunition with increased EMP output has been developed, which will be used in the event of a nuclear war.

This is confirmed by the experience of the Gulf War in 1991, when the United States used cruise missiles"Tomahawk" with warheads for suppressing EMP of enemy radio-electronic equipment, especially air defense radars. At the very beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003, the explosion of one EMP bomb disabled the entire electronic system of the television center in Baghdad. Studies of the effects of EMR radiation on the human body have shown that even with low intensity, various disorders and changes occur in the body, especially in the cardiovascular system.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the development of stationary research generators that create high values magnetic field strength and maximum current. Such generators can serve as a prototype for an electromagnetic gun, the range of which can reach hundreds of meters or more. The existing level of technology allows a number of countries to adopt various modifications of EMP ammunition that can be successfully used during combat operations.
