Psychologist's advice on how not to worry. Relaxation and stress relief techniques

Some people are constantly in a state of anxiety and worry. Such individuals, as a rule, worry about and without it. As soon as one problem is solved, a new one is formed in its place, and so on ad infinitum. If you are this type of person, you need to get rid of this habit.

How to stop worrying and calm down

Take a break for something

  1. Such a move will help overcome emotional tension if there is no other way out and there is nothing else you can do. As a rule, you start to boil, for example, when talking with your boss or in any similar situation.
  2. Therefore, there is only one way out - to be distracted by extraneous things. Do not wind yourself up on trifles, direct your mental channel into positive dreams. You can also be distracted by a colleague and look at his clothes. Think about where he dresses and whether you like his style in general.

Leave the zone of irritation

  1. If you get upset for any reason in a crowded place or on the Internet, you should take appropriate action. Delete the community you're in. Blacklist the offender. It is worth stopping often to sit at the computer and start living in real life. Such experiences are meaningless.
  2. If disappointment occurs, for example, at a holiday, find a reason to leave the company and tell your friend that you need to leave. Try to move away from the unfavorable zone as quickly as possible. Hurry to a cozy house and watch a funny movie, an interesting action movie.

drink water

  1. Experts around the world say that to cope with anxiety and nerves, you need to drink a glass of water. Carry out the manipulation slowly, enjoy the moment. The fluid will help restart the mechanisms in the body.
  2. In most cases, a person begins to feel bad due to hysteria and dehydration. You may not feel this lack of fluid. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor how much water you consume per day.

Take a break with something interesting

  1. It is recommended to resort to this method when the rest turned out to be useless. You need to redirect your attention to something interesting and unobtrusive. Read a story, play a video game.
  2. Try to come up with a unique game. Go for a walk, run, ride a bike. Start a dialogue with a stranger. Find general theme for discussion and have an interesting conversation.

Get Physically Active

  1. This is a fairly common method that is familiar to almost everyone. You need to drop everything and engage in physical activity. Thus, you can overcome pressing problems.
  2. If it's summer, visit a pond and have a calm swim. Do a general house cleaning. Finally, get rid of old things and rubbish. Have sex with your loved one. Dance, work on the dacha.
  3. Physical fatigue will do its job, you can completely relax. Urgent problems will fade into the background. You simply won't have time to worry. Don't resort to bad habits, alcohol and tobacco exacerbate everything. Take care of your health.

Practice the breathing technique

  1. Effective breathing exercises have long been proven to help stabilize the psycho-emotional background of a person. If you pay attention, you can see that in different stressful situations, breathing changes.
  2. To put yourself in order and calm down, it is important to start breathing correctly. Take control of your breath. It is not difficult if you periodically resort to this method. Regular procedures help to significantly strengthen the nerves.
  3. To begin the practice, straighten your back. Take deep breaths and exhale slowly. The main thing in this matter is not to rush. Try to stretch your exercises. After a full exhalation, take a short pause.
  4. The concentration of attention and the calming of the nerves occurs precisely on a long exhalation. To increase the tone of the body, it is recommended to pay more attention to inhalation. Exercise also should not be done for too long. You can feel an unpleasant feeling out of habit.

How to stop being nervous about every occasion

  1. Analyze your life and remember what events made you nervous. Perhaps because of difficulties at work, when passing exams or an unpleasant conversation.
  2. Now appreciate how important these things are. Are they worth your nerves? How important are skirmishes in public transport, in a store or at work? If all this is petty, hammer it.
  3. There are many more things to worry about. This is the health of loved ones and their own, the upbringing of children, material well-being. This is where you should be focusing.
  4. Remember the interesting expression: “A cat doesn’t care what mice whisper behind her back.” If you often suffer from someone else's opinion, forget it and enjoy life.
  5. Make it a habit to do things so that nothing can hurt you in the future. Try to quickly abstract from the negative, concentrate only on really important things.
  6. Never trade, do not let the little things shake your psycho-emotional environment. If you worry for any reason, there will be no strength and patience for important things.

  1. Very often people start to panic when an important event is on the nose. It can be a celebration, passing an exam, speaking in public, serious conversation And so on.
  2. In this case, take on board breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth. At this time, close your eyes and concentrate on the movement of the diaphragm.
  3. If you are going to perform in public, prepare carefully for it. Learn speech so that it flies off your teeth. Rehearse in front of a mirror, then call your friends to evaluate the work done.
  4. In order not to be nervous before a responsible meeting, choose the right wardrobe. You should not be distracted by uncomfortable trousers or jewelry ringing on your arm. Think about the answers to possible questions in advance.
  5. Motivate yourself! It is important to understand that this event promises great prospects for the future. If you want to achieve heights, you will have to overcome anxiety and go out to your opponents in full combat readiness.
  6. Don't turn everything into a drama. Your performance or speech will not lead to death, failure is not the end, do not be afraid of it. Do everything to concentrate on the main thing, look fear in the face.
  7. If your palms are sweating at an important event or you don’t know where to put your hands, take small object(match, ring, key chain, etc.). Move it in your hands throughout the event, but so that no one sees.
  8. Be sure to give yourself a mental briefing before the start of the event. Repeat like a mantra: “I am calm”, “I will succeed”, “I am not nervous”. Relax your body, straighten your back, do not keep your hands on your chest. Forward to new achievements!

  1. Even if you feel bad, pretend to be calm. Do not fiddle with clothes and hair, speak in a monotone and relatively calmly. Don't scream, don't twitch. Show yourself as a professional in this field. Demonstrate equanimity, do not let emotions come up at the most inopportune moment.
  2. It is necessary to be calm on the outside in order to achieve the same effect on the inside. In addition, you will mislead your opponents. Surely many of them expect you to fail. Do not think about it, memorize the speech, prepare well for possible questions and unforeseen circumstances.
  3. Watch your facial expressions, do not bulge your eyes, keep your lips closed or only slightly parted. Do not cross your arms over your chest, even if the time to talk has not yet come. Do not gesticulate too intensely, follow the movements, they should be clear and collected.
  4. Take your time, haste has never brought anyone to success. If you are constantly nervous, your opponents will think that you are out of your mind. Do not rush, even if the meeting is about to come, and you are still stuck in traffic. Advise you will be late in a calm voice, then enter the room as a serious person. Also, don't let others rush you.
  5. Eliminate all aspects that characterize your nervousness. How do you behave under stress? Now do the exact opposite. Watch your behavior and body, be open to dialogue, do not step from foot to foot and do not fidget in your chair.
  6. Analyze how you look from the outside. Principle feedback always works! In itself, the feeling that you are watching your own "I" will make you collect yourself and stop being nervous. Think what will happen if this is not done? That's right, the whole environment and business partners will see your shifty eyes or nervous crossing of fingers. Do not allow such an outcome of events, so as not to humiliate yourself in the eyes of the interlocutors.

Each person runs the risk of facing nervousness if a responsible event is on the nose. In such situations, the main thing is to remain calm. To achieve this, resort to breathing exercises. Remember not to focus on failure. You will succeed, believe in yourself! If necessary, ask loved ones to evaluate your behavior from the outside.

Video: how to quickly calm down and stop worrying

Fear, stress, nervous tension accompany a person throughout his life. How to deal with these unwanted guests?

Nerves to the limit

Each person has a moment when the fallen load of problems presses with unprecedented force. It seems that everything is bad, there is nowhere to wait for help, and negative thoughts overload the brain. What to do in such cases? How to pull yourself together and calm down?

Release your fears

Often people themselves find reasons for concern. Internal fears, doubts, negative emotions haunt, not wanting to let go of the exhausted body. How more people trying to stop being nervous, the more he withdraws into himself. At the same time, anger and insecurity begin to accumulate. How to pull yourself together? The answer is simple. You need to let go of your fears, that is, accept yourself as you are, namely your nature: impressionable and subtle, which reacts sharply to the world.

Enjoy today. Learn to see something beautiful in everyday gray everyday life. Every day is unique. Everything depends only on you. Is there anything else that worries you? Nervous? Can't calm down? Asking yourself how to stop being afraid every day? remember, that positive sides can be seen in these emotions. They confirm the fact that you are alive, and everything else is fixable. Don't hide your fears. Don't let your emotions rule you. By acknowledging them, you will stop dwelling on the negative things that bother the mind, and, accordingly, stop being nervous. Freed from fears, you will gain harmony in your soul and learn to see something pleasant in every day. And this is already an achievement!

Gotta pull myself together

There are several ways to keep yourself in control while in stressful condition. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

First, find and eliminate the cause of the anxiety. To understand it is to half solve it. But there are some things that are often very difficult to deal with, such as a crisis, for example. Therefore, they can only be experienced.

Secondly, change the attitude to the problem. This method really works, there would be a desire for a person to correct the situation in better side.

Thirdly, stop being annoyed and do nothing. In this case, for a start, think about where this can lead you?

Moral unloading

First of all, you should take yourself in hand. The following ways to answer the question "how can you calm down quickly" will help:

Ways to protect yourself from stress

Stress arises from overexertion of the nervous system. It is necessary to get rid of it. Below we will describe the ways by which you can protect yourself, distract from the negative, they will also tell you how to pull yourself together.

  1. Sports activities will distract from stress, and the increased physical activity that accompanies them will benefit your health and correct your figure, which will give you more self-confidence. Go in for sports until exhaustion. Sports spirit will distract from depression.
  2. Hard physical labor can also soothe frayed nerves. For example, get a job as a cleaner of office premises and start working "for wear and tear" so that, except for rest, no more thoughts arise in your head.
  3. Eye charger. A simple exercise aimed at the result. Move your eyes very quickly, as if you were shooting lightning. Such high-speed movement will help to relax and distract from negative thoughts.

Getting rid of anger

Stress is often the result of relationships between people. Anger begins to accumulate in a person from unpleasant communication with a negative personality, irritation grows. To get rid of them, you must follow the recommendations described below:

  1. Choose a room for privacy. Close the door. Take a pillow and place it in the corner of the sofa. And start hitting her hard, spitting out anger. Think about the person who hurt you. You will certainly feel relief after beating the pillow, stress will fade into the background, and the person who offended you, although not really, will be punished.
  2. Retire in the room in which the mirror is located. Start a dialogue with your reflection, saying everything that you have accumulated to the person with whom you are very angry. You can even yell at him and threaten him. Just don't break the mirror. This is a bad omen.
  3. Contact with water will help to cool quickly. Wash away all negativity. You can simply wash your hands with cool water, rinse your face, take a shower, and it is best to lie down in a warm relaxing bath.

Get rid of doubts, fears, insecurities and anger. Smile more, love yourself and the world around you. We hope you have found answers to your questions about how to pull yourself together and calm down after the stress. Take care of yourself and your nerves!

Update: October 2018

Nervousness, irritability, internal tension, irritable weakness, anxiety, sleep disturbances, reduced efficiency - these are flowers that almost every one of us encounters at different intervals.

Berries in the form of chronic diseases of the nervous system, internal organs and the psyche, the narrowing of social contacts or isolation is not for everyone, but they still exist. And all this vinaigrette seasoned with a light crazy flair modern life, today it is customary to blame it on chronic stress. Let's try to figure out what it really is, what it is eaten with and how to get rid of it effectively and painlessly.

When love leaves, the blues remains

  • In the days of the ancient Greeks and other Hippocrates and Galens, all behavioral characteristics of a person were explained by the predominance of one of the four bodily fluids that determined the type of temperament. There is a lot of lymph in a person - he is slow and calm, bile predominates - he is aggressive and hysterical if it is yellow or gloomy and gloomy if it is black. And only blood makes its owner cheerful and mobile.
  • Later, everyone suffered from spleen and blues interspersed with hysterical fits. From them they went to the waters, shot, went to the active army and drowned themselves. What the serfs, the guilds of Europe and the Indians of America did at that time in cases of life difficulties is not known for certain. It seems that they drank bitter and smoked in their free time from excessive plowing.
  • A little later, the enterprising psychiatrists Freud and Jung explained everything by the suppression of the ego by a ruthless environment and public opinion and undertook the emancipation of the suffering I, one at a high cost, and the second at a very high cost, having successfully covered the whole of Europe with their psychoanalysis.
  • The subsequent world wars, however, proved that, compared with the world revolution, female hysteria is complete nonsense, and led scientists to a more detailed study of the theory of stress, since the representative sample of those who came from the war fields was very decent for a whole century.

What is it that they have nerves for bitches, and why we don’t have these nerves

The theory of stress tells us that from any external factor that we perceive as an irritant and violator of the constancy of our internal environment, the body defends itself by mobilizing all regulatory systems. Since it is vital, first of all, to avoid death, the system of catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) and cortisol is activated, working within the framework of the “hit-and-run” paradigm. It is responsible for the rise in blood pressure, increased heart rate, and respiration.

The meaning of stress is to allow the body to adapt to the changed outside world and to maintain the constancy of the internal environment, even against the background of infection or injury, even against the background of negative emotional impact from the outside. Whether you get the flu or get yelled at by your boss at work, your body needs to mobilize some potential to restore balance. That is, stress is not just emotional excitement or irritation, but an adaptive mechanism.

Chronic stress leads to the depletion of the adaptive capacity of the body. The system starts to crash. Instead of an adequate prompt response, paradoxical reactions appear:

  • heartbeat at rest from bad thoughts
  • or shortness of breath from a heavy foreboding,
  • cardiac arrhythmias,
  • sweating,
  • fear of death,
  • pallor skin from the usual load,
  • muscle tension at rest
  • dry mouth
  • spasms in the stomach and intestines.

The main thing here is not to miss the signs of real diseases, which are practically indistinguishable from vegetative storms without additional diagnostic methods. But if everything has already been checked more than once, and the suspicion of illness does not leave everyone, with a high probability there is an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The effects of stress

  • subjective (anxiety, aggression, weakness, fatigue, low self-esteem, bad mood),
  • physiological (increase in blood sugar, blood pressure, dilated pupils, feeling hot or cold),
  • behavioral (accident risk, alcoholism, emotional outbursts, substance abuse, smoking, overeating),
  • cognitive (weakening of attention, a drop in mental performance).

The mechanisms of stress development, adaptation to it and disruption of adaptive capabilities are almost identical for all people.

Only the threshold of perception is different. What is an ordinary trifle for one person is a whole tragedy for another.

Variants of group stress are also possible, when groups of people fall into unfavorable similar conditions. At the same time, the higher the load to achieve adaptability to difficult conditions, the more likely people react to it.

The study of the stress resistance of different population groups and individuals allows for predictive diagnostics, identifying those who, under stress, are likely to respond inadequately or atypically and who are not shown types of work with high requirements for stress resistance.

More than half of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation constantly live in stress. Up to 80% of them get chronic fatigue syndrome and feel bad in the morning, have problems falling asleep and sleeping at night, and do not cope well with physical and mental stress during the day

Physical manifestations of stress

  • Decreased ability to concentrate.
  • Irritability, bad mood.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Growing appetite.
  • Deterioration of organizational abilities (fussiness, absent-mindedness).
  • Lethargy, apathy, fatigue.
  • Sexual disorders.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Feeling of an insurmountable obstacle or crisis.
  • Feeling of loss of control.
  • Feeling unwell (muscle pain, headache heartburn, increased blood pressure).

If the body screams that getting up at six in the morning is unrealistic, try to understand it: perhaps it is your adrenal glands that produce cortisol not at 4-5 in the morning, like a person who easily jumps up at half past six, but a couple of hours late. This is very common in those receiving glucocorticosteroid therapy.

Lack of sleep for only one hour a day in the short term reduces the ability to concentrate and remember information. In the long term, it threatens with problems with cerebral circulation, the cardiovascular system, diabetes, immune failures (see).

In 2007, a University of California study was published on the effects of sleep deprivation on emotionality. The results were disappointing: the emotional centers of the brains of sleep deprived subjects reacted 60% more actively to the negative images displayed. That is, lack of sleep leads to an irrational emotional response to the world around us.

Go to bed before 24 hours

It is known for certain that people suffering from neurosis (and especially) feel worse in the evening and at night. If you are accustomed to suspiciousness without objective reasons, night terrors, episodes of self-pity and chronic resentment towards others, go to bed as early as possible. In addition, neurophysiologists say that falling asleep before midnight allows the brain to rest better.

The habit of falling asleep early will also relieve the addiction to seize your negativity at night with sweet and fat.

Physical activity

  • Walk daily for at least an hour on foot (see).
  • Sleep in a ventilated area. Oxygen starvation of the brain is a poor helper in the regulation of emotions.
  • The paths of healthy lifestyles and sports diverge at a certain stage. Sport should be rather physical education with a metered load without stimulants, hormones and diuretics (see).
  • Sex is a good option to relieve stress, if it is not a long-distance race and does not give additional reasons to be nervous and worried.

About nutrition

  • Don't Skip Iodized Foods(milk, salt), if you live in areas where there is little of this element in the water. Lack of iodine leads to decreased thyroid function. The result of this can be weakness, lethargy, decreased ability to work, fatigue, depressed emotional background, bad mood.
  • Don't overeat. Eating behavior control is not starvation and not mono-diets, but a balanced three-four meals a day in small portions.
  • Foods that strengthen the nerves- this is lean meat, beef liver, fish and seafood, unpolished cereals, cottage cheese, bananas, greens, citrus fruits, asparagus.
  • Synthetic vitamins Today they have a very narrow range of applications for laboratory-proven hypovitaminosis. In addition to vitamin D northern latitudes, V preventive purposes. Vitamins that strengthen the nervous system are group B, ascorbic acid, PP and vitamin D3.

Physical anti-stress barrier

Water procedures

They are able to normalize the tone of the nervous system due to thermal and reflex mechanical effects. Even at home today it is quite possible to take advantage of a relaxing bath, hydromassage or contrast shower. It is traditionally believed that the bath relaxes, and the shower tones the nervous system.

  • In everyday life, baths are shown with a water temperature of 35-37 degrees Celsius. It makes sense to add solutions or decoctions of plant sedatives (valerian, motherwort) to the water. The duration of the bath is from 15 minutes to half an hour.
  • Among the physiotherapeutic variations of baths, pearl baths are known (with hydromassage, creating the effect of many bubbles). The massage effect can be achieved due to the flow of water or air, which allows you to eliminate muscle tightness and not worry about trifles.
  • In depressed states, and a tendency to, starting with the French neurologist Charcot, a contrast shower is used in different options. Its purpose is to stimulate and relax with a water jet. different temperatures certain areas of the skin, training the vessels and nerves to adequately respond to stressful needs.


This is not just an antediluvian variation of thermal stimulation of the skin, but also a whole ritual that allows a person to tune in to cleanse the soul and body and get rid of everyday negative emotions (see). Combines physiotherapy and meditation.


This is a stressful variant of temperature exposure. It teaches the body to adequately respond to cold stress. mobilizing all possibilities. With prolonged practice, it leads to a paradoxical vascular response: instead of spasm, the vessels respond to cold by expanding their lumen. it is necessary to gradually, for a start, abandoning home shoes. Gradually moving on to dousing with cool water and exercising in the fresh air. Terminal options for hardening: dousing with ice water in the cold, swimming in an ice hole and walking barefoot in the snow.

Physiological methods of struggle

Breathing exercises

This is the simplest and effective method control of vegetative reactions. Gives good results.

The most popular and well-known system of breathing exercises is the Buteyko method, whose adherents claim that they managed to get rid of even bronchial asthma and use forced breathing for any reason. In general, any exercise to delay the exhalation can reflexively slow down the heart rate due to inhibition of the sympathetic division of the nervous system. Also, slower or deeper breathing can calm and strengthen the nerves. To do this, you need to alternate a short breath with an extended exhalation and pauses after it.

  • The formula of relaxing breathing, where the first digit is the duration of inspiration in seconds, with the “+” sign is the length of expiration, and in parentheses is the pause between breaths: ), 8+10(3), 9+10(4), 10+10(5).
  • It is useful to make several exhalations through tightly compressed lips or long exhalations with an open mouth for a combination: “ho” or “he”.
  • Rhythmic walking will also help set the right breathing rhythm. For four steps you need to take a full breath, for the next two - hold your breath, for the next four - fully exhale.
  • You can also perform gymnastics while lying down or in a sitting position against a wall with a straight back.
  • Lie on the floor, put your hands extended along the body with palms down. Breathe relaxed for a minute, then take a maximum breath and hold your breath for 4 seconds, then pull the breath out as much as possible, trying to push all the air out of the lungs. Do five sets.


Relaxing massage is preferable, including stroking, rubbing, very light kneading of the extensors of the limbs. Therapeutic massage for the spine and vibrating for the chest. In addition to professional general or therapeutic massage, self-massage is shown. With muscle spasm, you can use shaking of the limbs (with or without holding on to the fingers). Fine vibration allows the muscles to successfully relax.

Relaxation practices may include:

  • listening to your favorite music
  • aromatherapy,
  • yoga practice,
  • swimming pool, etc.

Psychological help

Since we have found out that anything can trigger anxiety and nervousness, and some of those suffering from neurasthenia generally independently adjust external factors to their needs, then psychological training should move in two ways.

  • Take control of circumstances.
  • Soften the perception of traumatic factors, reduce their significance.

So the first step is to admit to yourself that there is a problem. And it’s not that in childhood, dad was sweeping with a belt, and mom was unhappy with academic performance, that they weren’t appreciated at work, and the loved one turned out to be a petty creature. There are many circumstances and they are everywhere, and the neurotic personality is ready to respond to any message from waiting for the end of the world to rumbling in the stomach.

Since childhood is over the horizon, you will have to take responsibility for your life on yourself, without dumping it on your parents, spouses, loved ones, young offspring or random people around you. With such a perception, they cannot be to blame for all the misfortunes that happen to us. Just a little, which we will also control.

  • As soon as possible, we will stop communicating with everyone who is unpleasant to us. Or let's reduce this communication to the necessary minimum in the most correct and neutral form: “Yes. No. Thank you. Sorry". And this will be our spacesuit from unpleasant people and they won't be able to get through.
  • Assertive behavior is polite firmness. It allows you to correctly defend your interests and adhere to your line of behavior even under the pressure of external circumstances.
  • Solving problems as they come up. We will stop waiting for something to happen at any moment that will justify our hopes for some nasty gift of fate. And we will solve problems as they arise. Now and today. The past will have to wave the pen and stop digging into it. Plans for the future should be plans, and not an attempt to find one more reason to get excited.
  • Present the worst case scenario. If we start to worry, it’s worth going all the way and thinking about the worst possible scenario. Then think about whether it is so scary and what can really be done to prevent this from happening.
  • Learn to set goals and objectives. "What I want?" and “How to get it?”- quite reasonable questions to yourself that will help develop a plan of action and reduce the degree of neuroticism from not understanding what to do in the future.
  • To stop worrying about health, go through a check-up and repeat the study no earlier than the doctor recommends. By adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you will reduce the risks of developing serious pathologies, and frivolous ones are treated or go away on their own.
  • Write down everything that worries you on paper and for each item, make a plan of real actions that will help get rid of the problem. It will immediately be seen where it really exists, and where an elephant has been blown out of a fly.
  • Keep yourself busy favorite, bringing pleasure - a hobby. An enthusiastic person has no time to delve into himself. He's just busy. Remember dopamine peaks, plateaus and declines. Give yourself a rest and switch.
  • Try to evaluate things and events correctly. Try to approach your assessments objectively. Many values ​​eventually cease to be such. Is it worth killing nerves for yourself and others for them?
  • Accept yourself. If only the most intelligent, beautiful and successful actually reproduced, the problem of overpopulation would not threaten the Earth. Nature came up with everything much more cunningly than we thought. We are ruled by hormones and transmitters that are triggered for any reason, almost like our anxiety.
  • Get rid of guilt. You are not required to be responsible for other adults and independent. Let them solve their own problems.
  • Lower the importance of episodes that disturb you. Don't get hung up. Switch your attention.
  • Do not expect much from others and do not be afraid of their opinion.
  • If no self-guided activities work at all, see a professional health psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist.



One of the most effective calming techniques anyone can master would be desire. Meditation is focused contemplation that comes from Hinduism. More often it is a spiritual or health practice with elements of immersion in oneself in order to achieve perfection or at least peace of mind.

It involves detachment from external stimuli by adopting a certain position of the body, listening to relaxing sound stimulants or music that helps control concentration on sensations or internal visual images. IN in general terms- this is detached contemplation, which allows you to lower the significance of external stimuli, stop being nervous and become calm.


In difficult life situations, turning to faith often helps a person get support in a situation where secular methods do not work. The Church provides an opportunity not only to find solace and the opportunity to cope with psychotrauma, but also offers socialization, which in a secular society is quite difficult for certain categories of people.


This is a set of exercises for the formation of positive attitudes. Self-hypnosis, aimed at relieving mental and physical stress without outside help. Combined with muscle relaxation techniques. For example, with breathing exercises. At the initial stages, the patient is invited to learn the state of warmth in the limbs, heaviness in the legs, achieving them independently by repeating certain speech settings. In the future, it is proposed to learn how to evoke bright visual images or a contemplative state with closed eyes. The technique is aimed at the formation of a supportive state or a decrease in the significance of irritating factors.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This is a psychotherapeutic practice aimed at getting rid of the stereotypical perception of reality and psycho-traumatic factors. Here it is important that the work is carried out by the psychotherapist and the patient, whose Active participation Necessarily. During therapy, it turns out what circumstances provoke the appearance of a problem, which provokes uncontrollable thoughts. How does this affect the patient in terms of ideas, experiences and behavior. At the same time, situations and provocateurs that trigger the alarm are gradually fixed. The psychotherapist proposes a program of work on correction. Most often, it includes specific exercises that should be performed in a traumatic situation, and are aimed at consolidating new skills to deal with anxiety. The goal of therapy is to change stereotypes of behavior and emotional state.


Do not neglect the advice to seek help from pets. First of all, it concerns aquarium fish. Watching them works better than any methods of psychorelaxation.

All the techniques presented in the article can be considered both in combination and separately, depending on the existing contraindications or preferences. Mankind has accumulated vast experience in the fight against nervousness, which you can only use in your particular case.

Stress is haunting modern man literally at every step, which is why it is important to learn how to remain calm and composure in any situation. It is not always easy to pull yourself together and calm down without the help of sedatives, but if you wish, with the help of special exercises recommended by psychologists and regular practice, you can strengthen the nervous system and bring the body into a stable state.

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    Why does stress occur?

    In anticipation of important events, a person has a feeling of anxiety, nervousness increases, and as a result, he experiences stress. Most often, discomfort is preceded by the following situations:

    • problems at work;
    • family troubles;
    • impending responsible events, such as an exam, public performance and so on.

    Nervousness has both psychological and physiological causes. Physiology is associated with nervous system, and from the side of psychology, a person may suffer from a feeling of self-doubt, have a tendency to experiences of a different nature, and excitement for the expected result also sometimes affects.

    Some people are constantly in a state of anxiety: as soon as a difficult situation improves, they will certainly have another cause for concern. The whole life takes place in incessant stress, which negatively affects the mood, physical condition and self-esteem.

    A person who is able to get annoyed for any reason does not know how to control and control emotions, this spoils relationships at home, in a team at work, etc.

    Anxiety can arise even for no apparent reason. Nervousness usually appears in situations that a person considers dangerous or significant for himself. IN Everyday life the main cause of stress is the fear of failure and the fear of appearing in front of others in an unsightly light. To calm down and pull yourself together, you need to determine the cause of nervousness, and only then proceed to eliminate it.

    The most effective ways to deal with anxiety

    Effective recommendations of specialists in the field of psychology will help you stop being nervous, find peace in your soul and start living calmly. It is important to understand that the tendency to nervousness is not a natural reaction of the body to a stressful situation, but a banal habit that can be eliminated.

    Proven ways to take your mind off things:

    Psychologists' advice

    Guide to action

    Analyze your own fears

    The cause of most fears is self-doubt. To begin to change life for the better, you should carefully analyze all the fears and acknowledge their existence.

    It is recommended to make a list of problems. On the left, write situations that can be changed, on the right - unsolvable. This approach will allow you to calm down, because there is no point in worrying and fearing everything in vain if you cannot change anything. It's also pointless to worry if the problem is solvable.

    Think back to childhood

    Many of the problems present in adulthood are rooted in deep childhood. If the parents set the child as an example of the neighboring children and did not notice his merits, in 99 cases out of 100 people grow up unsure of themselves.

    In such a situation, you need to understand that all people are different. Each has its own merits and demerits. It is necessary to accept yourself with all imperfections and sincerely love

    Good rest

    A day of rest and maximum relaxation will help stop driving, freaking out and worrying about trifles. The fast pace of life makes it impossible to take a break. The result is constant stress.

    You need to temporarily disconnect from duties and arrange a day off: read a book, watch TV shows, take a walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, get up, not on an alarm clock, but when you want, take a bath with aromatic oils and soothing herbs, pamper yourself with sweets. On this day, it is recommended to do what you love, for which there is not enough time in the normal rhythm of life, and just enjoy life.

    Cook or order your favorite dish

    Food is a powerful source of pleasure. Delicious food is a great way to stop worrying and worrying over trifles. The main thing is not to overdo it so that excess weight does not add to the existing problem.

    To watch a movie

    Watching films - good way have a great time alone or with friends, allowing you to temporarily abstract from pressing problems

    Get rid of the source of stress

    Not always a person can afford a whole day of good rest. This recommendation will help you become calm in the short term. To overcome negative thoughts, stop getting angry and annoyed, you need to take a break for a few minutes and just do nothing during this time.

    Speak the problem out loud

    Sometimes a person just needs to be heard. In this case the best way out the situation will become a discussion of a disturbing situation with a loved one

    To walk outside

    Fresh air saturates the body with oxygen and serves as an excellent panacea for anxiety and stress. During lunch break or after work, it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air. You can get a couple of stops to your house and walk

    Engage in physical exercise

    Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Scientists have proven that a person who is actively involved in sports is able to withstand stress and control their own emotions.

    A morning jog, 20-minute exercise, dancing or yoga can do wonders for mood and self-esteem. Even if you are too lazy to go in for sports, initially you just need to force yourself, then it will become a habit

    sleep well

    Sleep is the best medicine for all diseases. Chronic lack of sleep becomes a source of ongoing stress. A person needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day

    Learning to live and respond in a new way is quite possible if you constantly practice resting properly. It takes 21 days for a person to master new skills, then the discomfort will disappear, and the habit will become a part of everyday life.

    How to calm down before an exam

    During the exam, many people worry too much, which negatively affects the future mark. The human brain is focused not on the correct answer, but on the fear of failure. Fear of failure prevents action, paralyzes.

    The following tips will help you stay in control:

    1. 1. Stop thinking about failure as the end of the world. You need to pass the exam, but life will not end, and the world will not collapse if the teacher does not count the answer.
    2. 2. It is recommended to draw up a plan for preparing for the exam in advance and strictly follow it, then the probability of failure will be minimal. Careful preparation will add self-confidence, so that anxiety during the process will be much less.
    3. 3. In the evening before the exam, you should refresh all the information in your memory by briefly going over the main theses. It is better to go to bed a little earlier to rest and gain strength before the crucial stage.
    4. 4. Distract from obsessive thoughts and stop plunging into a stressful situation will help leisure, sports and physical work. Even a small charge can switch thoughts in a different direction and give the brain the opportunity to rest.
    5. 5. It is recommended to take a shower before leaving the house. The sound and feel of flowing water is great for relieving tension and helping to cool emotions.

    Express help: how to quickly pull yourself together in a stressful situation

    When sad thoughts, fear of the future and other negative emotions overcome, you can use the following techniques:



    If irritation, anger, anger, fear overcome or you are very nervous in the middle of the day, it is recommended to use the following technique: turn on the tap and just watch how the jet flows.

    A glass of water, drunk slowly, works better than the strongest antidepressants and brings you to life

    Special breathing technique

    Breathing in a certain rhythm allows you to quickly recover and calm down. You need to breathe as follows: inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 2 counts and exhale smoothly for 4 counts. Only you need to breathe not with your chest, but with a diaphragm, that is, with your stomach

    This method is especially good when you want to throw out anger and other negative emotions on another person. In this case, you need to take a breath and mentally count to ten.

    Write a letter

    Most effective method to overcome stress and release negative emotions - write a letter. After all the troubles are imprinted on a sheet, you should tear it into small pieces and burn it, imagining how all real problems are burned along with paper


    Negative emotions just need an outlet. Sometimes you don't have to hold back tears to calm down. Crying will help to quickly and effectively relieve stress and remove from the body. toxic substances

    How to stay calm during an important meeting

    If neither the emotional mood, nor the breathing practices, nor other methods work, and the excitement is still present when talking with an important person or people, one should depict external calmness and equanimity.

    Demonstration of outer peace helps to find inner harmony and relax during an important meeting. Not only well-being determines facial expressions, this rule works flawlessly in the opposite direction. It is recommended to smile, follow gestures and avoid closed poses - this will allow you to position the interlocutor towards you and tune in with him on the same wavelength.

    Folk recipes

    If the above methods did not give the desired effect, they will come to the rescue folk remedies. Herbal preparations will help calm the nerves at home - they do not affect health negative impact as opposed to drugs.

    Herbal preparations are considered stronger, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared independently. This will require the following ingredients:

    • valerian root;
    • sweet clover;
    • dried hawthorn flowers;
    • peppermint leaves;
    • hop cones;
    • motherwort.

    A spoonful of the mixture should be poured with 0.4 liters of boiling water and let it brew. It is recommended to drink tea before going to bed.

    However, medicinal herbs can be used not only in the form of tea, another effective remedy against stress is fragrant sachet pads. It is recommended to place them anywhere at home, and if necessary, take them with you to work or carry them in a car.

    A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey will also help to calm down in the middle of the day.
