Old Slavic signs and customs. Slavic beliefs and signs about the house

In ancient times, many peoples attached mystical significance to hair. It was long curls that were a symbol life force in women and men. Mentions of the power of hair can be seen even in the Old Testament, which tells of the treacherous Delilah, who dared to cut Samson's hair so that his enemies could defeat him. Having lost his hair, the hero lost his invincibility and was captured.

In ancient Germany, men also did not cut their hair and beards until they had killed their first enemy. The French heirs to the throne did not have the right to cut their hair, such an action on their part was considered as a renunciation of the crown.

In Rus', there were many different beliefs and signs associated with hair. Many of them have survived to our times. How do you need to handle this mysterious part of yourself, so as not to harm, but on the contrary, to avoid negative consequences to bring love and happiness into the house?

Beliefs associated with combing hair

Combing hair with a natural wood comb was considered one of the most sacred actions in Rus'. This ritual was given special importance, because it was at these moments that a woman could fully feel the mystical connection between the energies of heaven and earth. Until the girl got married, only her parents or close relatives could comb her hair. After marriage, this procedure was entrusted to the spouse. It was believed that if a husband combs his wife's hair, then love and fidelity will forever arrive in such a family, and no adversity will be terrible for her.

Girls, combing their long curls and braiding them, often sang simple songs that looked like conspiracies:

I will braid my hair, I will braid my hair,

I weave, weave, I weave - I say:

You grow my braid, grow girlish beauty,

Well done look, take immediately down the aisle.

Hair was combed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Evening ritual helped women get rid of day cares and troubles, to clear the mind and heart of everything bad, while the morning combing tuned in to positive thoughts. If a husband helped his wife comb her hair in the morning, then this action filled him with energy to accomplish new things and protected him from the evil eye and diseases.

The magical effect was valid only on the condition that the comb was made of natural wood. Often the men carved themselves. Trees that grew nearby were selected. The most solid were considered juniper, oak or birch.

It was necessary to carry out through the hair at least 40 times. The scallop, which the woman constantly used, became a real talisman for the family. Previously, it never occurred to anyone to use someone else's comb, as she keeps the energy of her mistress in herself. For love spells and divination were often used.

It was bad luck to comb your hair before sunrise and after sunset. In order for the scallop to be filled with feminine energy, it was placed at night on the windowsill, where there is access to moonlight. This was done on the growing moon, and after the full moon, the comb was removed from the window.

Dissolve or braid?

The main advantage of a girl in Rus' was considered a beautiful and thick braid. This indicated that the girl was healthy and strong. But not everyone was lucky with their hair, sometimes a marriageable girl resorted to a little trick: she wove strands of horsehair into her curls to make her braid look rich.

Little girls and unmarried girls wore one braid, woven from three strands. But as soon as the groom appeared, who received a blessing for marriage from his parents, one braid was divided into two. It was an external signal that the beauty had already decided on her betrothed, or was already married. To pay close attention to a girl with two braids was considered indecent and was strictly condemned by society.

Before the wedding, the bridesmaids unraveled the bride's braid and braided it in a new way - two braids were laid up and covered with a headdress. Closed hair served as an indisputable "document" that a woman was married. From that moment on, only her husband could see all the beauty of her hair. Often the chosen one cut out a new one with his own hands hair comb as a gift to his wife.

Unleashed hair among girls of marriageable age was allowed only on solemn occasions, such as great holidays, or communion in the church. Didn't fall under general rules only witches (witches), whose hair was constantly loose.

How does hair cutting affect your life?

In the old days, they believed that cutting your hair meant changing your destiny. They cut their hair only when there was trouble. Cutting curls was considered a rite that helped alleviate suffering and pain. People believed that cut hair would take grief and sadness with them.

Pregnant women were also not supposed to cut their hair, so as not to cut off the invisible connection with the child in any way and not harm him. Babies born were sheared only after he began to walk on his own. The first lock of the child was cut off at the age of seven months and carefully stored in case he became seriously ill. Then this curl was placed in an amulet and hung around the patient's neck and prayers were read.

Only close relatives could cut the ends of girls' hair. In no case was it possible to do this on your own, so as not to "shave off the mind." To make hair grow faster, they ended up cutting it on the growing moon.

Currently, there are also signs about cutting hair. For example, it is believed that if you cut your hair before taking exams, you can fail or pass worse than expected. Esotericists are also advised to carefully select a hairdresser for themselves. This person should be cheerful and impress you in terms of character. If you lack worldly wisdom, find yourself a master with experience and interesting life. This will help answer some questions.

If you do not want quarrels and disagreements in your family, do not cut your own husband or wife. This Bad sign. It is better to throw the cut hair into the toilet immediately so that it is carried away by water. There is a belief that if the hairs are blown away by the wind and a bird picks them up to make a nest, a person will suffer from headaches until the bird breeds.

Even according to dream books - to see hair in a dream portends changes in life, especially if your strands have changed color in your dreams.

On our site you can from natural wood of beech, cedar, juniper and other species.

From the history of the superstitions of the ancient Slavs

Our ancestors - the Slavs - like other peoples in antiquity, gave great importance objects and living beings around them. They deified nature and everything they saw around, thinking to find protection and support for themselves in a complex and harsh world. This is how the pagan faith was born, which, in essence, is superstition.

We do not have material evidence of Slavic paganism sufficient to build a complete picture of beliefs, that is, superstitions, since wood was the material for the construction of temples, statues, palaces and other buildings, and they simply perished over the centuries. For example, it is known that the most revered goddess of the Slavs was Mokosh, the patroness and protector of all life on earth. Her luxurious huge statue of gilded wood stood in Kyiv, among other statues of the pantheon of Prince Vladimir. Naturally, they could not survive until the foreseeable time. As well as many idols, which were sometimes in places inaccessible to Christian servants, who sought to destroy them on the orders of the Christian princes. These idols eventually rotted in the forests and swamps by themselves.

The existence of many superstitions and signs among our ancient ancestors can only be learned from oral folk art, so the searches and findings of scientists in this area are extremely valuable. It was folklorists and linguists who made and are making many discoveries about past life Slavic peoples, in particular, about their beliefs and superstitions.

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I recently wrote an article for my ritual blog about. First of all, I was interested in the opinion churches . But when I was selecting the material, I noticed that our traditional rituals coming from the depths of centuries, two types of culture equally strongly influenced - paganism and Christianity. The funeral ceremony was no exception. It is explained by both Old Slavonic and church beliefs.

pagan feast

Slavic funeral rites in the old days were called the Great Trizna. At first, in the most ancient times, it was celebrated on the day of the funeral of the deceased, whose body was solemnly burned on the third day after death. It was believed that on this day the soul flies from Yavi to Nav, and relatives should say goodbye to her properly. On this day, the body of the deceased was washed, dressed for a long journey and burned on a funeral pyre. At the place of burning they made a hill - a grave. Around her, according to the rite, on this day it was necessary to sing, dance, feast and compete in various martial arts in honor of the deceased. Our ancestors believed that it was necessary to see off the soul cheerfully and solemnly, then it would reach the world of the dead safely and become a good patron of the family.

Later, feasts in honor of the deceased began to be held 2 more times: a week after death (and a week for the ancients Slavs was equal to 9 days) and a month later (i.e. 40 days). After all, 6 days after the first 3, according to the pagan views of our ancestors, the soul travels to those places where he has been and which were dear to the dead during his lifetime. And on the 9th day, his journey to another world begins, which ends just on the 40th day after his death.

Therefore, the weekly feast was, as it were, a farewell feast. It was supposed to mean seeing the deceased on a long and dangerous journey. Usually on this day, after copious libations at the grave, the Slavs competed in horse racing and fisticuffs.

And on the forties they celebrated the end of the difficult journey of the soul to Nav. It was the most cheerful and solemn feast, which began at the place of burial, and ended in the house of the deceased.

Old Slavic funeral customs and signs

The very word "are explained in different ways. One of the options for its interpretation is a memorable gift. Why is it so? The fact is that from the most ancient times it was customary to bury the dead together with various things which should be useful to him in the afterlife. Therefore, weapons, clothes, all utensils and decorations, that is, all kinds of commemoration . And later, already under Christianity, the whole ceremony of honoring the deceased began to be called this word, replacing the pagan concept of “trizna” with it.

By the way, in our times, the custom has been preserved to put various items . For example, coins or some things he loved during his lifetime (glasses, watches, a book, toys for children). One of my acquaintances was buried not so long ago along with his favorite chess. And recently, a friend told me that a laptop was placed in the grave of his tragically deceased nephew, with which he practically never parted. Moreover, sometimes some things for the recently deceased are “transferred” along with other newly deceased, putting them in his coffin (with the permission of relatives, of course).

A variety of pagan signs associated with the funeral and subsequent commemoration have survived to this day.

Similar pagan signs accompanying funeral rituals , so many. They are, as they say, territorial: each locality has its own. These customs are strictly observed, because death for the living is a frightening sacrament. It was like that in the times of paganism, it remained terrible for Christians. Until now, among us there are the most amazingly intertwined Christian and Old Slavonic rites associated with funerals and commemoration.


Signs, beliefs and superstitions surround a person from birth to death. All peoples of the world have many signs and beliefs, some of which are common to many countries. Slavic peoples remain very superstitious. For all occasions and phenomena of life there are signs. Our ancestors attached great importance to the phenomena of the world (signs), noted all the events, and signs and beliefs grew on this basis. For many centuries, our people added new signs to their list, borrowed them from neighboring peoples. And by now, the entire list of Slavic signs has become huge. But, unfortunately, many signs have remained superstitions, some have lost their meaning. And of course I would like to figure out which sign carries meaning and which is superstition.

* They carry a baby to the church to be baptized on a casing - so that he is rich.

* Fern flower brings wealth if you find it on the night of Ivan Kupala.

* A pregnant woman should not borrow if she wants her child to be rich.

* You can sweep the floor with only one broom. There should not be two brooms in the house at the same time.

* You can’t whistle in the house - there will be no money.

* Find a coin - to wealth. But if in the morning and on an empty stomach - to poverty.

* In the evening, debts are not returned.

* On Monday there should be no settlements - neither pay nor take.

* Chipped coins bring good luck, these should always be kept in your wallet.

* If they give a handkerchief, you have to pay a ransom, at least a pretty penny.

* An empty bottle is not kept on the table - there will be no money.

* If you borrowed dishes, you must return them full, otherwise your dishes will always be empty.

* Having sold the first thing, touch the money to the rest of the things that are intended for sale - then they will be bought quickly.

* First in new house included an old man:
Belief primarily reflects respect for elders. But it also has a mystical meaning. It is connected with the fact that the beginning of a new business, a new stage of life requires sacrifice. The role of the victim was taken on by the old man, since it was believed that the one who was the first to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it would be the first to die.

* The cat is the first to be admitted into a new house:
In essence, this custom is based on the same as the previous one. But one more interpretation is added to it: the cat is able to find the healthiest, most comfortable place in the home. The house is entered after the cat settles down in this place. Usually they put a bed there for the young, and after the birth of a child - a cradle.

* On the first night in a new house, you need to lock up the rooster:
It is clear that the reason for this belief is the same as the previous ones. The main thing is to make a sacrifice, and it is desirable that it be as less "bloody" as possible, not human. In addition, in Slavic mythology, the ability to disperse evil spirits was attributed to the rooster (three times the rooster crowed, announcing the dawn, and the devils fled). A rooster is also allowed into the house for the reason that it was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Consequently, his stay in the new hut provided the new settlers with the appearance of children and wealth.

* On Fedora, do not take out of the hut copy:
In each hut there is a “grandfather”, a “owner” - a brownie. He lives where he wants to - behind the stove, or in the closet, or under the threshold. His favorite item in the house is a broom. On Fedorin’s day, the brownie doesn’t come out from under the broom, so the hostess must be careful not to throw out the “grandfather” with the garbage, otherwise he will be offended and start playing dirty tricks.

* When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you:
This belief, like the previous one, is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, the people have developed a difficult attitude towards the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches that fly on them, and shake off the dew with them, and induce damage, send diseases (thrown a broom after or threw it under the threshold - and you're done!). On the other hand, since with the help of a broom they get rid of dirt, they also attribute to it the ability to get rid of evil spirits (they sweep their way in front of the newlyweds, etc.). If the straw on which the deceased was washed was swept with a broom, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to transfer the brownie; secondly, so that the thrown broom is not stepped on and thus does not cause trouble to the owners.

* Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money. You can’t whistle in the house, otherwise it will be empty:
People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is the entertainment of loafers. In addition, whistling sharply, you can scare a child, a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money, goodness out of the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will call misfortune on everyone, including yourself.

* Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is the same as washing, sweeping it out of the house:
A belief, the essence of which is in the mystical perception of a person and “traces from him”. The person left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remains, as well as a certain “spiritual trace” from the food on the dishes from which they just ate. It is not necessary to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the "traces" of the enemy).

* Forgetting something in someone else's house - to return there soon:
It seems that here, even without any mysticism, it is clear: if you have already forgotten something, then, willy-nilly, you will have to return. And since they usually carry the things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a phone book, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will have to return as soon as possible.

* A brick fell out of the oven - do not expect good:
This is due to the attitude to the stove as one of the most important symbols of the house (not to mention the domestic danger of such damage). The oven in the minds of the people is not only warm and hot food, but also a place through which the house is connected with outside world(we remember stories about witches flying out of the chimney). Previously, they also slept on the stove, so dreams and the image of the stove were also combined. The fallen brick violates the integrity of the furnace as the boundary between the house and the open world. Through the resulting hole, evil spirits, the soul of the deceased, illness, sent damage, etc. can enter the house. Some beliefs associate the fallen brick with the penetration of the mythical fire serpent into the house. It seems that everyday meaning is also hidden in this, since we are talking about the increasing possibility of a fire.

* Say hello and say goodbye on the doorstep - to a quarrel:
The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (as well as the furnace) - the mystical boundary between the outside world and the dwelling (which we have already spoken about). But the everyday meaning is clear enough: it is not good to start greetings before inviting a person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest is already leaving. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency, politeness.

* The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves from the evil eye:
The broom is perceived not only as an item for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and the broom was in constant contact with garbage. Broom - and one of the haunts of the brownie. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broomstick), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, by means of a broom left somewhere by a negligent hostess, you can cause damage, send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using its protective function, namely, calling for help from the brownie and showing the enemies of the house that you are ready to take them out. In fact, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And, finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which this custom prompts implicitly.

* Store broken dishes - unfortunately:
Broken dishes symbolize inferiority, incompleteness (we can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride is losing her virginity). Therefore, storing broken dishes in the house can lead to discord, disagreement. From a household point of view, broken dishes are simply dangerous - you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing the shards, but to get rid of them. It is not in vain that the old belief has been preserved: “Dishes break - fortunately.” Everyone has already forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and they repeat, just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.

* The doors began to creak - unfortunately:
This belief can be explained in the same way as beliefs about the stove or threshold. The door is not only a real protection from outsiders, but also a symbolic obstacle to evil spirits. Naturally, her creak is perceived as a kind of warning. In reality, the creaking of the door inflates the situation more than any of its mystical interpretations. And the longer the door remains unlubricated, the more likely mutual claims and a possible quarrel, which is one of the manifestations of “unhappiness”.

Fern flower brings wealth if you find it on the night of Ivan Kupala.

A pregnant woman should not borrow if she wants her child to be rich.

You can sweep the floor with only one broom. There should not be two brooms in the house at the same time.

You can't whistle in the house - there will be no money.

Find a coin - to wealth. But if in the morning and on an empty stomach - to poverty.

In the evening, debts are not returned.

On Monday there should be no calculations - neither pay nor take.

Chipped coins bring good luck, these should always be kept in a wallet.

If you give a handkerchief, you have to pay a ransom, even a penny.

They don’t keep an empty bottle on the table - there will be no money.

If you borrowed dishes, you must return them full, otherwise your dishes will always be empty.

Having sold the first thing, touch the rest of the things that are intended for sale with money - then they will be bought quickly.
* The old man enters the new house first:
Belief primarily reflects respect for elders. But it also has a mystical meaning. It is connected with the fact that the beginning of a new business, a new stage of life requires sacrifice. The role of the victim was taken on by the old man, since it was believed that the one who was the first to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it would be the first to die.

* The cat is the first to be admitted into a new house:
In essence, this custom is based on the same as the previous one. But one more interpretation is added to it: the cat is able to find the healthiest, most comfortable place in the home. The house is entered after the cat settles down in this place. Usually they put a bed for the young, and after the birth of a child - a cradle.

* On the first night in a new house, you need to lock up the rooster:
It is clear that the reason for this belief is the same as the previous ones. The main thing is to make a sacrifice, and it is desirable that it be as less "bloody" as possible, not human. In addition, in Slavic mythology, the ability to disperse evil spirits was attributed to the rooster (three times the rooster crowed, announcing the dawn, and the devils fled). A rooster is also allowed into the house for the reason that it was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Consequently, his stay in the new hut provided the new settlers with the appearance of children and wealth.

* On Fedora, do not take out of the hut copy:
In each hut there is a "grandfather", "owner" - brownie. He lives where he wants to - behind the stove, or in the closet, or under the threshold. His favorite item in the house is a broom. On Fedorin’s day, the brownie does not come out from under the broom, so the hostess must be careful not to throw out the “grandfather” with the garbage, otherwise he will be offended and start to dirty tricks.

* When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you:
This belief, like the previous one, is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, the people have developed a difficult attitude towards the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches that fly on them, and shake off the dew with them, and induce damage, send diseases (thrown a broom after or threw it under the threshold - and you're done!). On the other hand, since with the help of a broom they get rid of dirt, they also attribute to it the ability to get rid of evil spirits (they sweep their way in front of the newlyweds, etc.). If the straw on which the deceased was washed was swept with a broom, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to move the brownie; secondly, so that the thrown broom is not stepped on and thus does not cause trouble to the owners.

* Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money. You can’t whistle in the house, otherwise it will be empty:
People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is the entertainment of loafers. In addition, whistling sharply, you can scare a child, a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money, goodness out of the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will call misfortune on everyone, including yourself.

* Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is like washing, sweeping it out of the house:
Belief, the essence of which is in the mystical perception of a person and "traces from him." The person left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remains, as does a certain “spiritual trace” from the food on the dishes from which they just ate. It is not necessary to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the "traces" of the enemy).

* To forget any thing in a strange house - to return there soon:
It seems that here, even without any mysticism, it is clear: if you have already forgotten something, then, willy-nilly, you will have to return. And since they usually carry the things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a phone book, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will have to return as soon as possible.

* A brick fell out of the oven - do not expect good:
This is due to the attitude to the stove as one of the most important symbols of the house (not to mention the domestic danger of such damage). The stove in the minds of the people is not only warmth and hot food, but also a place through which the house is connected to the outside world (we remember stories about witches flying out of the chimney). Previously, they also slept on the stove, so dreams and the image of the stove were also combined. The fallen brick violates the integrity of the furnace as the boundary between the house and the open world. Through the resulting hole, evil spirits, the soul of the deceased, illness, sent damage, etc. can enter the house. Some beliefs associate the fallen brick with the penetration of the mythical fire serpent into the house. It seems that everyday meaning is also hidden in this, since we are talking about the increasing possibility of a fire.

* Say hello and say goodbye on the threshold - to a quarrel:
The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (as well as the stove) - the mystical boundary between the outside world and the dwelling (which we have already spoken about). But the everyday meaning is clear enough: it is not good to start greetings before inviting a person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest is already leaving. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency, politeness.

* The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves from the evil eye:
The broom is perceived not only as an item for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and the broom was in constant contact with garbage. Broom - and one of the haunts of the brownie. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broomstick), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, by means of a broom left somewhere by a negligent hostess, you can cause damage, send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using its protective function, namely, calling for help from the brownie and showing the enemies of the house that you are ready to take them out. In fact, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And, finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which this custom prompts implicitly.

* Store broken dishes - unfortunately:
Broken dishes symbolize inferiority, incompleteness (we can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride is losing her virginity). Therefore, storing broken dishes in the house can lead to discord, disagreement. From a household point of view, broken dishes are simply dangerous - you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing the shards, but to get rid of them. It is not in vain that the old belief has been preserved: "Dishes break - fortunately." Everyone has already forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and they repeat, just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.

* The doors began to creak - unfortunately:
This belief can be explained in the same way as beliefs about the stove or threshold. The door is not only a real protection from outsiders, but also a symbolic obstacle to evil spirits. Naturally, her creak is perceived as a kind of warning. In reality, the creaking of the door inflates the situation more than any of its mystical interpretations. And the longer the door remains unoiled, the greater the likelihood of mutual claims and a possible quarrel, which is one of the manifestations of “unhappiness”.
