Homework senior group animals of hot countries. Open educational lesson “Animals of hot countries”

Quiz “Wild animals of hot countries” for children preparatory group preschool educational institution

Description: Final lesson on the topic “Wild Animals of Hot Countries” from my practice in the senior group. This material will be useful to teachers of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten.
Target: Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Animals of hot countries.”
1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals of hot countries: their appearance, habits, behavioral characteristics.
2. Activate the vocabulary on the topic “Wild animals of hot countries.” To develop the ability to write stories about wild animals of hot countries.
3. Develop the ability to read poetry expressively, with natural intonations, and participate in the reading of text in poetic form by role.
4. Foster a respectful, caring attitude towards wild animals.

Demo material:
1. Pictures with images of animals from hot countries.
2. Figures of animals from hot countries.
3. Exhibition of drawings and sculptures made of plasticine on the topic “Wild Animals of Hot Countries” (for classes I used the book by G. Shalaeva “Learning to Draw” and the book by R. Oren “Secrets of Plasticine”)
Preparatory work:
1. The teacher individually gives the children riddles about wild animals of hot countries to learn.
2. Children learn a lot about wild animals of hot countries and talk about them themselves.
3. Children sculpt and draw wild animals of hot countries.
4. Reading “Telephone” by K. Chukovsky, excerpts from which are told by role.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today we will conduct our lesson in the form of a game - a quiz. Topic: “Wild animals of hot countries.”
We will divide into 2 teams: “Znayki” and “Pochemuchki”. "Writer"
Educator: You are invited to portray a famous writer who came up with a story about an animal or bird from hot countries. Team “Knowledge” begins.
(The children learned this during two weeks of work on this topic and used it in their story.)
a lion- a strong, beautiful and dexterous animal, similar to a big cat. The lion has a mane. A lioness does not have a mane. The animal's fur is yellow, short and smooth. At the end of the tail there is a tuft of hair. The lion's legs are very strong, with wide paws; the claws are sharp, like those of a cat, and the habits of a lion are feline.
The lion sleeps during the day and goes hunting in the evening; It always lies in wait for its prey, unexpectedly rushes at it, strikes it with its powerful paw, tears it with its claws and sharp teeth. It also attacks livestock. Leo is a predator.
Lions live in the steppes and deserts of Africa and South Asia. Due to its yellowish color, the lion is hardly noticeable among stones and sand.
A lioness gives birth to 2-3 cubs - lion cubs, similar to large kittens.
Giraffes- the tallest living on earth. Their height can exceed 6 meters. They have long legs and a long neck, and a small head, topped with 2 (3-5 rarely) horns, sways importantly on the neck. Good people decorate your head Brown eyes and movable narrow ears. The coat is short, with dark spots of bizarre shape scattered across a light yellow background. A short brown mane grows on the neck. The legs have hooves. At the end of the tail there is a tuft of hair.
Giraffes feed only on tree leaves and young branches. Giraffes eat low-growing trees from above. They have a long tongue, up to half a meter, and tenacious lips. Favorite food is acacia. They, like experienced gardeners, trim the tree crowns.
Wild giraffes live in Africa, where there are plenty of trees. A newborn giraffe is about 2 meters tall, that is, the height of a tall adult.
Giraffes sleep standing up. They cannot run fast or much because of their small lungs, 2 times smaller than a horse’s lungs.
Kangaroo- animals that live only in Australia. Their height reaches height tall man. Animals move by jumping and at high speed. Kangaroos can jump over the heads of people standing at full height. They have long hind limb feet. The kangaroo moves on them. When males fight, they grab each other with their front paws and, leaning on their tail, hit the enemy with their hind paws. A kangaroo has a pocket on its belly. This is a marsupial. There is a baby kangaroo sitting in a pouch on the female’s belly.
They feed on leaves. In the circus or in the zoo you can see a medium-sized kangaroo - a wallaby.
Hippopotamus spends its entire life in water and leaves the reservoir to eat or sunbathe. His huge body, which would fit a monstrous pig, rests on the short legs of a pedestal. The body of hippopotamuses reaches 4 meters in length and 1.5 meters in height. The huge head is decorated with small ears and eyes, which are most often very kind. Dark brown thick skin is naked, short tail. Hippos start eating after sunset. They eat any grass. To get enough, hippos need 50 kg of grass.
A hippo's baby is born underwater weighing 40-50 kg. To take a sip of milk, he must dive and find his mother's nipples.
Now hippopotamuses are preserved only in Africa.
Tiger- the largest of all cats on Earth. Its long body is covered with red fur with black stripes and it is invisible among the reeds and forests. The tiger has small ears and long whiskers. Legs with large strong paws. They have long sharp claws.
Like a cat, a tiger cleans its fur and face with its paw and tongue, arching its back and playing with its tail.
The tiger hunts deer, wild pigs, attacks domestic animals and rarely humans. Like a cat and a lion, a tiger quietly creeps up to its prey, hides and suddenly jumps on it. Catches prey with its front paws. When the tiger is hungry, he eats frogs and lizards, and even berries.
Almost half of the tigers live in India, in our country - in the Far East.
Elephant the largest proboscis animal on land. Its gray thick skin is bare, only at the tip of its tail there is a tuft of hair. The short, massive body rests on thick, pillar-like legs with 5 toes each. The neck is very short and clumsy. Large ears hang on the head. Small eyes set deep. The nose, fused with the upper lip, is extended into a long trunk, at the end of which there are nostrils and a finger-like outgrowth that acts as an organ of touch. The trunk is very mobile. An elephant can lift large and small objects from the ground, tear off branches and bring them to its mouth, and tear out trees. Two tusks protrude from the elephant’s mouth, with which the elephant clears its way in the forest, defends itself from enemies, and digs up the roots of plants. Elephants have 24 molars in their jaws, but only 4 are active at a time, the rest are hidden.

People catch and tame elephants, force them to carry weights, and ride them.
Elephants' food is grass, branches, leaves, roots, fruits. An adult elephant eats 180 kg of greens and drinks about 100 liters of water. Elephants, breaking off branches, seriously damage the forest.
Elephants are found in the forests of Africa and Southeast Asia. Elephants give birth to one calf and for 3-5 years the elephant feeds it with her milk. A baby elephant grows up at 8-12 years of age.
Monkeys- the smallest and primitive monkeys. Weight up to 10 kg. The body structure of the monkey is adapted to life in the trees. Both pairs of limbs are similar to human hands: the fingers are covered not with claws, but with nails; palms and soles are free of hair. When climbing trees, they use all four limbs like hands; They walk on the ground on all fours. Monkeys deftly jump from branch to branch. Swing on them. Monkeys feed on buds and juicy fruits of trees, and in summer on bird eggs. In some places they raid gardens and vegetable gardens.
Monkeys live in herds in the forests of Asia and Africa. Marmosets are often kept in captivity. They are very sociable and imitate people's actions.
The female takes great care of her cubs, feeds them milk, and then brings them insects, berries, and bird eggs.
(One of the children comes out to applause and tells his story, showing a picture of an animal). "Riddles and guesses"
Educator: First, the “Whychek” team asks its riddle to the “Knowledgers,” and then the “Knowledgers” make a riddle to the “Whychechkam.”
Softly walks along the paths,
In appearance - like big cat,
Flexible, mustachioed,
The fur is striped.
At least he looks like a cat -
You won't go near him:
There is great strength in the paws -
Can kill a bull
There's no time to play with this beast,
Very dangerous... (tiger)
(S. Vasilyeva, V. Miryasova)
Looking into the mirror at dawn,
He was pleased with himself:
Intimidatingly beautiful
Graceful, yellow mane,
Paws are strong and powerful,
The roar rushes above the clouds.
In hot Africa.
(A lion)
(V. Miryasova)
Long neck and long legs,
This animal walks in anxiety,
Nibbles leaves. Noticeable to the enemy
He is afraid of being caught by a tiger and a lion.
Oh, why is he so beautiful?
If so timid and so fearful?
(V. Miryasova)
I am green, blue -
This is my favorite color.
And I was spinning at the mirror,
He even fell off a twig.
I pecked a little millet,
Suddenly from the cage I see a cat.
I tell her in the voice of the hostess:

“Do you want to eat, beggar?”
The cat looks and doesn’t understand
Who invites her to eat?
(V. Miryasova)
Thin neck, long legs,
A strange bird runs along the road
He flaps his wings, but cannot fly,
But a person cannot keep up with her.
That bird's run is very fast -
No, the man will not catch up with her.
And it’s not necessary, because he might kick -
She doesn't like it when people block her path.
These birds nest right in the grass,
Green eggs are stored in nests,
Male dads sit in bird nests,
The chicks are guarded, not drunk, not eaten.
There is no larger bird in the world than this one.
Who is this bird - come up with an answer.
(S. Vasilyeva)
The tusks turn white like snow,
The animal is the strongest.
Huge, gray, with a good disposition,
Walks majestically through the jungle
And with a long nose, like a hand,
He can raise you and me.
(V. Miryasova)
Someone is carrying matches in his bag,
Someone important things,
Someone a book and a game,
And the kids...(kangaroos).
It hides like a mask
Protective paint from everyone,
Marked as a transition
She's walking through Africa.
Magnificent plumage
This handsome guy is familiar to everyone,
He is rightfully proud of the decoration -
Rainbow colors with a shining tail.
(S. Vasilyeva)
Its beak has a big bag,
It catches fish like a net.
To the zoo from distant lands
Came to us... (pelican).
(S. Vasilyeva)
He is not an old man, but a hunchback,
Not a sheep - but a treasure of wool,
And strong and patient,
And he’s not picky about food,
He likes deserts
He lives there where the melons ripen.
(V. Miryasova)
There are a lot of needles - not a hedgehog,
Even though he looks like a hedgehog.
Its spines are longer
The white needles are sharp.
He lifts them high -
This is how this beast scares enemies.
The beast outside is thorny and formidable,
Eats fruits and leaves for dinner.
He only lives in hot countries,
And the zoo is waiting for us to visit.
(S. Vasilyeva)
I'm jumping through trees
I can do as well as a cat
And in our ancient jungles
I don't need tracks.
Will replace my swing -
Green vines,
If only they were in time
Favorite bananas.
(V. Miryasova)
There are quite a few horns
In the zoo and in the forest
Everyone has horns on their heads,
Only one has it on the nose.
(S. Vasilyeva)
Thick-skinned, thick-lipped,
And there are four teeth in the mouth.
If he opens his mouth
You might faint!
(S. Vasilyeva)

Outdoor game "Crocodile"

The driver in the role of a “crocodile” depicts a toothy mouth, stretching his arms forward one above the other. The “crocodile” dances to cheerful music, plays with the children, and then unexpectedly closes his hands. Whoever gets caught is the driver. The game is repeated several times. "Theatrical"
Educator: Both teams prepared role-play readings of excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone” (using masks and telephones).
- My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much should I send?
- Yes, about five pounds.
Or six:
He can't eat anymore
He's still small for me!
And then the Crocodile called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good one,
Send me galoshes
For me, my wife, and Totosha.
- Wait, isn't it for you?
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?
- Oh, the ones you sent
Last week,
We ate a long time ago
And we can’t wait,
When will you send again
For our dinner
A dozen
New and sweet galoshes! "Predators and Herbivores"
Educator: It is necessary to divide animal figures into 2 groups: “herbivores” and “predators”. The “Why Chek” team chooses “herbivores”, and the “Knowledge” team chooses “predators”.
Herbivores: kangaroo, camel, rhinoceros, zebra, hippopotamus, giraffe, porcupine, elephant, parrot, monkey, ostrich.
Predatory animals: lion, tiger, pelican, peacock.

Musical pause.

All children dance to the song “Chunga-Changa” (Words by Yu. Entin, music by V. Shainsky). "Questions and answers"
Educator: I will ask questions about wild animals of hot countries, and you try to answer them. Whoever knows the answer raises his hand.
1. Name the representatives of the cat family living in hot countries.
Answer: Lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, cheetah.
2. Which animal is the fastest on earth?
Answer: Leopard.
3. Which animals of hot countries have a long tail, which serves as their fifth hand and they can hang on it?
Answer: Monkeys.
4. Which animal in hot countries has needles attached to a special muscle and is easily separated from it? It plunges needles into the enemy's body with such force, as if they were arrows fired from a bow.
Answer: Porcupine.
5. The height of these animals sometimes reaches the height of a human; they are bipedal, like birds, move in leaps, like frogs or grasshoppers, and do they have a head like a deer? Who is this?
Answer: Kangaroo.
6. Which animal has the largest egg in the world?
Answer: An ostrich.
7. Which bird is the largest on earth?
Answer: Ostrich. Only she doesn't fly.
8. What parrots do you know? What are the advantages of each of them?
Answer: Cockatoo (with a tuft), Gray (famous talker), Macaw (very bright feathers), lovebirds (if one dies, the second will die of melancholy).
9. How many cubs does an elephant have?
Answer: One.
10. Which bird eats only fish and first collects it in a bag under its beak?
Answer: Pelican.
11. What is giraffe's favorite food?
Answer: Acacia.
12. What animals of hot countries are mentioned in K. Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone”?
Answer: Elephant, camel, crocodile, monkeys, kangaroo, rhinoceros, hippopotamus.
13. A camel can live without water for about 6 weeks. But at the first opportunity he will drink 5 or even 9 large buckets of water in one gulp. Where does a camel store its stored moisture?
Answer: A camel’s humps contain about 100 kg of fat, which serves as food and drink on the way. It’s not without reason that after long treks, both humps of a camel become so thin that they even hang over their sides like empty sacks.
14. Which animals have feet protected by calloused pads that are as elastic as rubber?
Answer: A camel. There are calluses on the knees and other parts of the camel’s body that come into contact with the hot soil when it lies down.
15. We believe that zebras are white and have black stripes, but Africans believe that zebras are black and have white stripes. Who is right?
Answer: Both. It must be said that zebras recognize each other by the pattern of their stripes, and each zebra has its own pattern.
16. What is the main attraction of rhinoceroses?
Answer: Indians have one horn, and Africans have two.
17. After elephants, which animal is the largest on Earth?
Answer: Rhinoceros.
18. What animal in hot countries spends half its life in water? The length of some of them reaches 16 meters. An animal's body temperature depends on temperature environment.
Answer: Crocodile.
19. Which animal has a huge body that rests on the short legs of a pedestal? He spends almost his entire life in the water and leaves the pond only to have breakfast or sunbathe.
Answer: Hippopotamus.
20. Let us remember “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky: “You have a telegram from a hippopotamus!” Who is a “hippopotamus”?
Answer: Hippopotamus. Educator: Our quiz is over. Both teams showed good knowledge of wild animals of hot countries. Well done!

Gulnara Chilimova
Open educational activity"Animals of hot countries"

Open educational lesson.

Subject: « Animals of hot countries»

Group: older

Target: expansion of ideas in older children preschool age O animals of hot countries.



Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about life animals of hot countries and their young.

To consolidate children’s ideas about the appearance, habitats, habits of these animals.

Establish connections between features of appearance and behavior animals and living conditions.

Strengthen the ability to change words depending on the number and gender of nouns


Develop mental and speech activity, curiosity, observation, attention.


Develop a positive attitude towards educational activities, cultivate cooperation skills.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Equipment and materials:

1) Presentation with image animals, living in warm countries;

2) Didactic game- presentation "Guess who?"

Preliminary work:

Organization of a developmental environment (introduction of thematic albums « Animals of hot countries» , illustrations and photographs depicting animals different countries for review);

Conversations about animals from different countries, inhabitants of Africa;

Making riddles about animals, reading poems;

Looking at paintings « Zoo animals» , "Lions" etc., compiling stories based on them;

Drawing and coloring animals from different countries in free activity.

OOD progress:

All the children gathered in a circle

So much joy around

We'll all join hands and

And let's smile at each other

Are you ready to play?

The meeting can begin.

Educator: Today I invite you to go on a journey. To go on a journey, close your eyes. And I will say magical words:

I spin the magic globe

I want to go to Africa.

Open your eyes.

On the multimedia board paintings: tropics, savanna, desert.

Guys, look, we are in Africa. What do you know about Africa? (child's story)

Child: Africa is big a country, there are tropics, savannas, deserts. Africa is home to a lot of diverse and interesting animals, which you will not meet in our country.

Educator: Africa is amazing land, and everyone can become a wizard there. Would you like me to show you a trick?

3 jars of clean water are placed in front of the children.

You, white water, you cold water, become like the African sky. Tell me what kind of sky? (children's answers). One two Three.

You, white water, you cold water, become like African sand. Tell me which one? (children's answers). One two Three.

You, white water, you are cold water, become like African jungle. Tell me which ones? (children's answers). One two Three.

You see how many interesting things we know about Africa. And now I want to check how well you know animals who live in Africa.

Please listen to the riddle.

It is the largest on land.

He has a big ears.

He has a wonderful hose-nose

He can pick coconuts from palm trees.

He makes a trumpet sound.

You've met him more than once

At the circus or zoo.

And he lives in hot countries

And on the island of Ceylon.

Answer this? (answer children: elephant)

Educator: Yes. This is an elephant. What can you tell us about the elephant?

A child's story: elephant - mighty, very strong animal. Even a lion can't handle him. The most amazing thing about an elephant is its trunk. What does an elephant do with its trunk? Collects leaves and fruits from trees, tears grass, drinks, and can carry trees. It uses its trunk to protect itself from enemies, washes itself by taking water into its trunk and pouring water on itself from above.

Well done, here's the next riddle.

IN walking in hot Africa,

The long neck surprises

It's tall, like a closet,

Yellow, spotted (answer children: giraffe)

Who wants to talk about the giraffe?

A child's story: giraffe is the tallest of all animals. Due to its long neck, it can become entangled in branches when feeding on tree leaves. The front legs are longer than the hind legs, and there are small horns on the head. The spots on the skin help camouflage among trees from predators. And the babies of a giraffe are called giraffes. The giraffe can also go without water for a long time during drought in the savannah.

We're tired, let's rest a little. Fizminutka

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.

(Pat themselves).

There is on the nose, on bellies, knees and toes.

(Show body parts).

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere,

(Pinch themselves).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There is on the nose, on bellies, knees and toes.

(Show body parts).

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.

(Make shaking movements).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There is on the nose, on bellies, knees and toes.

(Show body parts).

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere,

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.

(Show stripes).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There is on the nose, on bellies, knees and toes.

(Show body parts).

Look what a miracle

My paws are the tail and mane.

I’ll growl when I show my teeth!

Very menacing - I'm not kidding!

"King of beasts"- says the rumor.

You recognized me...

Educator: This? (answer children: a lion) What can you tell us about the lion?

A child's story: A lion has a large head and a fluffy mane, while a lioness has no mane. Leo is not afraid of anyone. When he goes hunting, he doesn’t hide, doesn’t attack his prey on the sly, but proudly warns: growls - I went hunting, beware of animals.

Let's continue our exciting lesson and find out who else lives in hot countries

IN he lives in hot countries,

Walks proudly through the sands.

Has humps on the back

He eats thorns and does not lose weight.

He doesn't ask others for food

Because he (children's answer)

Educator: What do you know about him?

A child's story: Camels have one or two humps - in which fat accumulates. This fat helps animal goes without water and food for a long time, which helps him when crossing the desert. In the desert, a camel eats camel thorn or grass if it can find it. The humps also serve as a kind of "roof" protecting the camel's back from the scorching sun.

And now I propose to play a little. But not just to play, but to check if you know African cubs animals.

Ball games "Adults and Cubs".

For example: The lioness has... a lion cub

The tigress has... a tiger cub

The elephant has... a baby elephant

The camel has... a baby camel

Well done! You correctly named the African babies animals. And now I want to check if everyone animals who live in Africa you know. Didactic game "Collect animals»

Guys, do you hear someone knocking? Who could it be...

Oh guys, who is this? (children's answers)

Monkey: Hello guys, I heard that you know a lot about Africa and its inhabitants. What do you know about me? (child's story)

A child's story: Outwardly, monkeys are similar to humans, they can stand up and walk on their feet, and sit like a person. They are very smart, they can even draw. Monkeys are equally dexterous in using both their arms and legs. A long tail, which not all monkeys have, helps them to jump from branch to branch.

Because you told me so well about me, I want to treat you to bananas.

IN: guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say magic together words:

I spin the magic globe

I want to get home quickly.

Educator: Did you enjoy the trip? What do you remember most? Tell me, what interesting and new things have you learned for yourself today that you would tell your parents about?

Thanks a lot for class!

Summary of familiarization with the outside world on the topic:« Animals of hot countries» V school preparatory group.

The goal is to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about animals of hot countries.

Clarify and broaden children’s horizons about life animals of hot countries;

Continue to learn to express your own judgments;

Develop interest in representatives wildlife;

Expand the pupils' vocabulary;

Cultivate interest in surrounding the world and the ability to talk about its objects with adults and peers, listen carefully and complement each other’s answers;

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: - It’s very early for us today

The monkey knocked.

And she shouted from the threshold:

“Here, take it! A package for you"

We opened the parcel

And they were terribly surprised!

The parcel has reached us from Africa

Come to Africa, Africa soon!

And take pictures of all our animals!

Educator: Yes, there is a camera here (takes out a camera from the package). Guys, do you like to travel? Do you want to go on a big trip with me? (Yes). We have a camera and which we we'll meet animals Let's take a photo. And we will appoint Camellia in charge, she will take photographs animals.

2. Main part. Educator: -Africa is the kingdom of the world’s hottest sun and hot sand.

Guess my riddles about animals who live there.


King of beasts - big cat

He growls a little out of anger,

He sleeps in the den, having eaten

He wears a mane and is menacing... (a lion)

Yes. This is a lion. What do you know about him?

Children's answers.


A lion is a predator, stalking its prey. A lion has a large head and a fluffy mane, while a lioness has no mane. Leo is not afraid of anyone. As a rule, lionesses go hunting. They are more mobile, dexterous, and more successful in hunting. Leos are heavy, unhurried, lazy. The meat obtained by the lionesses is first tasted by the owner. Therefore, he is always overweight, well-fed and does not hunt himself. When he goes hunting, he does not hide, does not attack his prey on the sly, but proudly warns: he growls - I’m out hunting, beware of the animals.


Nose - a giant hose

It washes like in the shower.

This is a resident hot countries

The largest on land.

Educator: - Yes. This is an elephant. What do you know about him?

Children's answers.

Educator: -Elephant – powerful, very strong animal. Even a lion can't handle him. The most amazing thing about an elephant is its trunk. What does an elephant do with its trunk?

Collects leaves and fruits from trees, tears grass, drinks, and can carry trees. It uses its trunk to protect itself from enemies, washes itself by taking water into its trunk and pouring water on itself from above.

Who can harm an elephant? (A mouse, when an elephant is sleeping, climbs into its trunk and gnaws everything; and an ant, while an elephant sleeps, gnaws the soles of its feet, and the elephant cannot walk).


There lives a fat man in Africa, he has a huge mouth,

In the heat he sits in the water all day, thinking only about food,

The insatiable one chews tons of grass... (hippopotamus)

Yes. This is a hippopotamus. What do you know about him?

Children's answers.

Educator: -Hippopotamus - huge and heavy animal. He spends more time in the water. The hippopotamus has huge teeth, but it feeds only on plants, tearing them off with its strong lips. Especially large fangs in the lower jaw. With this jaw he picks up algae from the bottom, like an excavator bucket. Although it seems that the hippopotamus is big and lazy, in fact it swims well and runs fast on land.

Educator: - Herbivore, about a meter tall.

You will meet me in the savannah.

Instead of a nose there is a horn or two -

He can barely hold his head up.

I can be black or white.

I swim in water skillfully.

If you see it on the road...

Right away you recognize... a rhinoceros.

Yes. This is a rhinoceros. What do you know about him?

Children's answers.

Educator: -The body of a rhinoceros is covered with thick dirty skin- gray. He has a very poor vision. The rhinoceros feeds mainly on plant foods and prefers grass. On the plains, where grass grows in large quantities, they prefer to eat small shrubs, pulling them out by the roots.


Here live crane,

Occupant hot countries.

From multi-story trunks

Tears both leaves and banana. (giraffe)

Yes. This is a giraffe. What do you know about him?

Children's answers.

The teacher’s story after the children’s answers:

Giraffe is the tallest of all animals. Due to its long neck, it can become entangled in branches when feeding on tree leaves. The front legs are longer than the hind legs, and there are small horns on the head. The spots on the skin help camouflage among trees from predators. And the babies of a giraffe are called giraffes. A giraffe, like a camel, can also go without water for a long time during drought in the savannah.

Educator: What other ones? animals We didn't mention Africa?

(Children list: monkey, camel, rhinoceros, antelope, etc.)

Educator: Well done! You told a lot of interesting things and learned about African animals. Now let's take a rest.

I suggest you depict the movements of the inhabitants of Africa:

In Africa, giraffes do this! Hands stretch up, on tiptoes.

Colored parrots with wings "byak-byak-byak". The arms are bent at the elbows and move up and down.

And the boas in the knot "clap-clap-clap". They clap their hands.

And the baby elephants are stomping "top-top-top". They stomp their feet.

And ears flapping "clap-clap-clap". They clap their hands.

Monkeys jumping "jump-jump-jump". Jumping in place. Hands on the belt.

And they kick their legs "drag-drag-dragged". Squats.

And now we are jumping together like monkeys. Jumping in place. Hands on the belt.

Now I'll check how you know the names of the cubs animals of hot countries. I call an adult animal, and you are the cub:

For example: A hippopotamus has... a hippopotamus

The lion has... a lion cub

The elephant has... a baby elephant

The camel has... a baby camel

The monkey has ... monkey

The giraffe has... a baby giraffe.

A game “Who are there many?”

And now I call an adult one animal, and you call cubs when there are many of them.

For example: A turtle has a lot of baby turtles.

The lion has a lot of... lion cubs

An elephant has a lot -... baby elephants

A camel has a lot - ... camels

The monkey has a lot of ... monkeys

The hippopotamus has a lot of... hippos

A giraffe has a lot of... giraffes.

A game "Who's so big".

I'll call animal, and you add the particle search to its name.

For example:

ostrich - ostrich,

1 lion – lion

2 elephant - elephant

3 giraffe – giraffe

4 zebra – zebra

5 crocodile – crocodile

6 rhinoceros – rhinoceros

7 hippopotamus - hippopotamus

8 camel – camel

Educator: Guys, you probably like to run and jump? Let's do some exercises with me.

What do you need to charge?

Toes apart and heels together.

Let's start with a trifle:

We reach up to the ceiling.

It doesn’t matter that we didn’t get it -

Straightened up. Higher than steel!

And we don't stand "Hands in your pants"-

Place your hands in front of your chest.

So that we are not scolded for laziness,

Let's repeat the hand jerks.

Hey, don't slouch, guys!

Retract your shoulder blades all the way.

Stop! Is there any support for your feet?

Hand up, the other to the side.

Are you familiar with the exercise?

It's called tilts.

We repeat left and right,

We bend ourselves and straighten ourselves.

Now lean forward.

Hands to the side. And so.

It seems to be spinning


We got up. Exhaled: "Oh,"

Inhale and exhale. Inhale again.

We caught our breath and all together

We'll jump on the spot.

The body was charged with force -

We didn’t forget about the smile.

Educator: -Guys, now I will give everyone signal cards: red and green, and I will say the following sentences, if you think that it is correct, we raise the green signal card, and if it is incorrect, then the red one, and I will see how attentive you were. So, let's start:

Today we traveled around Australia?

Is Leo afraid of anyone?

At the elephant's Long neck?

Can a giraffe go long without water?

Is the rhino's body covered with spotted skin?

Is Africa a kingdom of cold?

Do only lionesses go hunting?

Elephant is the smallest animal on earth?

Do you want to visit Africa again?

We will definitely repeat this trip; it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Let's cast a spell.

I'm twisting myself, twisting myself,

I want to go back (children do a spin around you) .

3. Reflection.

Educator: - And now we will all see together what animals photographed by Camellia. (children look at photographs). Who cares what animal Did you like it the most and why? (children's answers). Thanks everyone for your attention.

Summary of an integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group on familiarization with the outside world and speech development.

Goal: Give to children elementary representations about the features geographical location Africa.

Give children an idea of ​​the relationships between living organisms and their habitat: desert, savanna, tropics.

Clarify children's ideas about animals in a hot country: appearance, characteristic features.

Create a cheerful mood, bring children joy, new experiences, pleasure. Attune children to each other, create a positive background in the group.

Organizing time.- Guys, look, this morning the postman brought me a mysterious letter. It is addressed to your group. Let's read it:LetterYoung sailor in a sailor suitI went out to the river bank.He took off his sailor suit like a sailor,He took off his sea shoes,He undressed like a sailor,He sneezed like a sailor,Run like a sailorAnd... he dived like a soldier.Hello guys, you probably understand who is writing to you. I am a sea captain and I really love to travel, and I decided today to go to Africa. Do you want me to take you with me?- Tell me, what time of year is it now? (Spring)Yes, it’s spring outside, but frost, cold, snow, and today we’ll go with you to a very hot country and we will feel warm and cheerful.Guys, try to find Africa on the map yourself.(Children's show)What is this (a globe), let's see if Africa is on the globe? (There is)Look, what's that blue color around her? (Water)-How can we get to it? How can we go there? (on the ship)- That's right, here's our ship. LET'S TURN INTO SAILORS. Well, are you ready? Everyone aboard the ship.-Take your seats, stand three people in a row.-Listen to a good poem about Africa"Africa! Africa!Wonderland.Let's go to AfricaShe has been waiting for us for a long time.We'll see you in hot Africa,How do the animals live there...Let’s quickly go to Africa, the jungle is waiting for us!”- So we prepared for our journey.-Listen to our route:“Let's sail to Zanzibar,Let's get lost in the SaharaLet's see KilimanjaroLet's take a walk with Hippopo.And back along the Limpopo"-And so off we go.We swim to the song “Little Red Riding Hood” based on lyrics by A. Rybnikov /If it's long, long, long,If it's long along the path,If it's long along the pathStomp, ride and run,Then, perhaps, then, of course,That's probably true, true,It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,You can come to Africa.So we got to Africa.Let's leave our ship. We sit on the chairs.When depicting Africa on the map, they used a lot of yellow.What do you think the color yellow means?Africa is the kingdom of the world's hottest sun and hot sand.Africa is divided into desert, tropics, savannah,What do you think a desert is? (desert from the word empty, deserted)Let's take a short walk through the desert.- Look, what does the desert remind you of? Does it look like the sea?- these small hill-like hills are called dunes. Hot winds blow here, and the sand seems to flow from one place to another.-Let us now try to make a desert sea and see how the sand moves when the wind blows.- And guys, it hasn’t rained in the desert for years.Do you think plants can live in this place? (answers)Educator: It turns out they can. Low plants with small leaves grow in the desert.How do they survive without water? (answers)They have very long roots. If you climb a 15-story building, their roots will reach the ground.Why do plants have such long roots? (get water that is deep underground).It seems there can be no animals in the desert.But there is one very hardy animal that lives in the desert, listen to my riddle and guess it with your eyes?“I am a hunchbacked beast,The guys like me."Who is this? (camel, showing illustrations)The camel is called the ship of the desert.Why do you think? (movements are smooth, like a ship)Camels carry heavy loads and people. These are very strong and hardy animals.Why aren't they hot in the desert?(Long thick hair protects the camel's body from the scorching rays of the sun).When the wind raises sand, it becomes difficult to breathe; the nostrils can be closed with the help of special muscles. And the ears are designed in such a way that sand does not get into them. They are small and covered with hairs.It almost never rains here. It is very hot during the day, sometimes fierce winds blow, drying out everything around. But after sunset the temperature drops sharply and it becomes very cold.Let's go further.Get on the camels, let's go further. (imitation trip, audio recording)It's hot in the desert! It's so hot you could fry an egg on sun-baked stones. I really want to relax somewhere near the water, in the shade. And suddenly a small lake appears in front of us, along the banks of which date palms grow (show illustration).- Let's get off our camels.It is an oasis with fertile soil, where gardens grow around springs or along riversGuys, let's relax on the shore of the lake! (Yes)Let's take a swim (to relaxing music - swimming)- Well, did you rest? We get on the camels and move on.Guys, the desert is left behind.Ahead - African savannahWhat is the soil in the savannah covered with? (grass).It is always thick here: dry yellow when there is no rain and green juicy after the rains. They are growing here and there giant trees. They are called Baobabs.Let's take a walk through the savannah and observe its inhabitants.- Let's get off our camels and let them graze.Well, here we are in the savannah, a menacing roar was heard. (Audio recording)What kind of animal is roaring? (lion, showing illustration).This is the king of beasts - the lion.Guys, a lion can be invisible, the way it hides among the yellow dry grass.Why is it important for a lion to be invisible? (he is a predator, stalking prey)It is very difficult to hide in the savannah; there are no dense thickets there.How do animals escape from predators? For example zebras. (run fast)Riddle: “What kind of horses are they all wearing vests” (zebra).Here is a lioness hunting a zebra. The zebra runs away at high speed. However, the lioness is also a good runner and can catch up with the zebra.What's a zebra to do? (defend)Zebras' means of defense is to strike with their hooves. In flight, the zebra hits the enemy with its hind legs. Such a blow can greatly harm the predator.The zebra is very playful, a graceful animal, each is covered with stripes and they are not repeated.-Let's turn into zebras and draw a lot of stripes on ourselves?- Look who is coming to us?Educator:“Here comes in with his head upNot because the important countNot because of a proud dispositionBut because he ... (giraffe) (showing an illustration or figure of an animal).The tallest animal on earth lives in the savannah.Why does the giraffe look proud and important? (he has a long neck and legs).The height of the giraffe is 6 meters, it is as tall as a 2-story house.Why does he have such a neck? (easily reaches to the very tops tall trees, plucking leaves).- Do you want us to turn into giraffes? Look, he has an interesting color too.Africa lives the most large bird in the world. They say about her:“And he doesn’t singAnd it can’t fly...Why are peopleDoes he think he’s a bird?” (B. Zakhoder)Who is this? (ostrich)Why is it considered a bird? (the ostrich has wings, but they serve as decoration).And ostriches also have one interesting feature When he is afraid he hides his head in the sand.“There are a lot of stagsIn the zoo and in the forestEveryone has horns on their headsAnd it’s only on his nose” (rhino, show)The rhinoceros is huge, from two to four meters in length, weighing up to 4 tons. Its body is covered with thick, dirty gray skin.What's on his forehead? (horn)And here are the African giants.Did you recognize them? (elephants, show)Do you think a lion will dare to attack an elephant? (no, an elephant is a powerful, very strong animal, a lion cannot cope with it).The most amazing thing about an elephant is its trunk.What is the elephant doing to them? (with the help of its trunk, the elephant picks leaves from trees, tears grass, drinks).Guys, let's play the game "African Teremok"Each player is dealt cards with images of different African animal. One card for each participant. One of the players is appointed as the owner of a conditional little house (a rug or a children's house), and the others (or another) approach the little house and ask to join him in the house (using the example of fairy tales):- Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?- I am a lion. And who are you?- And I am a Giraffe. Let me into the mansion?- If you tell me how you are like me, then I’ll let you in.I also have a tail.ZebraRhinocerosElephantOstrichAnd what part of Africa have we not been to yet? We were in the desert, we were in the savannah,- That's right, the tropics. There are many monkeys in the tropics, why? (yes, that’s right, monkeys live in the tropics because there are a lot of trees, palm trees, coconuts, bananas, dates. Monkeys jump, climb, jump over trees from palm to palm, clinging to vines. They have a very interesting and fun life.And our journey continues.- Let's remember what was drawn on the map brown? (showing mountains)This is Kilimanjaro. (I show on the map). Translated from Swahili, this is the language of the peoples of Africa, sparkling mountain, and why do you think? IN sun rays she sparkles.Many African rivers originate here: the Nile, Congo, Zambezi, Limpopo.“And a log floats down the riverOh, and it's meanFor those who fell into the riverHe’ll bite off his nose...” (crocodile) (show)-IN African rivers there are a lot of crocodiles. They trim their prey in the water. When zebras and antelopes approach a watering hole, they pounce on them. Crocodiles are very strong animals.Lemon and orange trees, coconut palms, and bananas grow along the banks of the rivers.Well, why are you staying too long? Let's take a little rest?

I'm walking through Africa (walking in place),
I notice as I go
Like over a sea of ​​lush grass
Giraffe stretched out its neck

(hands up, stretching).
Over my head

(bends to the sides with raised arms)
The palm tree will rustle its leaves,
But you have to squat (squats),
To pick dates.
Here is Velvichia, a tourist

(arms are alternately extended forward):
Left sheet, right sheet (arms to the sides).
And a huge gray elephant (circle with arms)
Sends us a bow (bending forward).
We will complete the walk (walking in place)
And let’s hurry to our desks (sit down in their seats).

Oh, guys, while we were talking here. all the animals hid and left only their photographs as a souvenir.- So, apparently it’s time for us to return home to kindergarten?- We board our ship, take our seats and set off.- So we arrived at the kindergarten, goodbye guys, (goodbye)For example, a lion has a big mane, so what is it like? (big maned)And the ostrich has thin legs, so what is it like? (thin-legged).If an ostrich only eats grass, what kind of ostrich is it? (herbivorous)A crocodile swims in the water, so what is it like? (waterfowl)A giraffe has a long neck, so what is it like? (long-necked)An elephant has a long nose, so what is it like? (long-nosed)The crocodile dived into the water, and then out of the water... (surfaced)The ostrich buried its head in the sand, and then he dug it out..(dug)And everyone moves differently.How does a crocodile move? (swims, walks)And the rhinoceros? (walks)And the turtle? (crawls)

RESULT:Tell me, did you enjoy the trip?Guys, I’ll now give you signal cards: red and green. I will now say the following sentences. If you think it is correct, we raise a green signal card, and if it is incorrect, then a red one. So here we go:We traveled to Australia today.Africa is divided into 3 zones: desert, tropics, savannah.In Savana there are giant trees - baobabs.Africa is a kingdom of cold.
Well done guys!
This is where our journey ended. Goodbye! (say goodbye to guests)

Elena Cherdyntseva
Lesson summary “Animals of hot countries”


Generalizing children's knowledge about animals of hot countries.

Educational area "Cognition".



Consolidating ideas about animals of hot countries and their characteristics.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Animals of hot countries.”

Formation and acquisition of possessive adjectives.


Development of general motor skills, auditory attention, visual perception, creative imagination, verbal and logical thinking. Development of the ability to compare animals according to essential characteristics. Development of coherent speech (ability to write descriptions of animals)


Fostering interest in wildlife, cooperation skills, and activity. Cultivating positive motivation for exercise.

Equipment: Poster with the image of Africa, subject pictures depicting animals of hot countries, cut-out pictures, Panama hats, magnetic board.

Preliminary work: a story on the topic, reading poetry, watching TV shows about animals of hot countries, drawing animals of hot countries.

Conducting GCD:

Do you guys like to travel? (Children's answer). Today we will go on a journey to a distant, hot country called Africa. What kind of country do you think this is? (Children: it’s very hot there, there’s a lot of sand and it’s hot, there’s little water there, etc.) That’s right, Well done!

Look, I have Panama hats in my rivers. Why do you think we need them on our journey? (Children: to avoid sunstroke, so as not to get a hot head.) That's right, well done! Let's put them on now to go on our journey. Well, we are ready. But it’s just a matter of what or who we’ll go on the trip on, because it’ll be hard for us to walk. (children are shown a picture) (children: on a camel). Right. Do you know that a camel is a very hardy animal. It can go without water for a long time and feed on thorns. Camels are also called ships of the desert, since their movements are smooth, like ships. Let us sit with our backs straight and imagine how we are riding a camel, do not forget that the movements should be smooth. Well done. On our way we will meet various animals and complete tasks.

Exercise 1"Describe the animal"

The first animal we met was a giraffe. What do you know about the giraffe (Children: it has a long neck, long legs, it is spotted brown, etc.) Correct! The giraffe is also considered the tallest animal; it is as tall as a two-story building. Thanks to this growth, he can reach tree leaves from the very top of his head.

The second animal is a zebra. (Children: a zebra is striped, looks like a horse, lives in a pack, etc.) Well done. But thanks to this color, zebras are almost invisible in the thickets of grass. And zebras live in herds to feel safer.

The third animal is the elephant. (Children: It’s a big animal, it has big ears, a nose. It has big tusks, it’s gray, etc.) An elephant’s nose is called a trunk. With the help of its trunk, it can reach fruits, leaves and lift heavy trees. Also, to cool down, elephants take a shower, pouring water on themselves from their trunk. With the help of tusks he protects himself from enemies.

The fourth animal is a lion. (Children: this is the king of animals, he is strong, a predator, he has a large mane, etc.) Lions also do not live in packs. They live with their small family. Lions do not hunt alone, but unite. This way they can catch more prey. And if the hunt was unsuccessful, lions can take food from other animals.

The fifth animal is Hippopotamus. (He is big, kind, has small ears, a big mouth, etc.) Well done. But the hippopotamus is also called the hippopotamus. He can eat a large number of herbs. The hippopotamus is a thick-skinned animal.

Physical education minute “about animals”:

In Africa, giraffes do this! (stretch your neck and stand on your toes)

Colored parrots with their wings clack-bang-bang (we wave our hands up and down)

And the boas in a knot zhuh-zhukh-zhukh (we make a motor)

And the baby elephants stomp, stomp, stomp (we stomp our feet)

And our ears clap clap-clap-clap (clap our hands)

Task 2"Find out who's hiding"

Children are divided into 3-4 teams. At each table, for each team, they are given cut-out pictures, from which they need to assemble one whole image of the animal. Name which animal is hiding and describe it.

Task 3"Let's count the animals"

Now let's count the animals we saw in Africa. First we met:

Giraffe – one giraffe, two giraffes, five giraffes.

Zebra – one striped zebra, two striped zebras, five striped zebras.

Elephant – One huge elephant, two huge elephant, five huge elephants.

Lion – one predatory lion, two predatory lions, five predatory lions.

Hippopotamus – one hippopotamus, two hippopotamuses, five hippopotamuses.

Task 4"Funny riddles"

The teacher reads the riddles, the children guess and show where this animal is located on the poster.

1. When you see him, it’s immediately clear.

King of beasts - it’s dangerous to joke.

A menacing roar and a menacing look,

Didn't even trim his mane (lion)

2. He has big ears

He wears a long trunk.

Although strong, he is good-natured,

Because this is... (elephant)

3. This beast is somehow strange,

Neck like an arrow from a crane

To reach the herbs with your mouth

Fold in half (giraffe)

4. He loves to lie in the mud,

From huge to open.

Clumsy, thick-skinned,

Looks a little like a pig (hippopotamus)

5. Her dress is striped.

And it comes in handy for her:

So that the enemies don't see it.

Do you recognize this horse? (Zebra)


Well done! You have completed all our tasks. Our trip to Africa has come to an end. What animals did we meet today? What new things did we learn about them?

It was very interesting for me to travel with you. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.
